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NM-WG Specification Adoption in perfSONAR Aaron Brown, Internet2, University of Delaware Martin Swany University of Delaware, Internet2

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Page 1: NM-WG Specification Adoption in perfSONAR · PDF fileNM-WG Specification Adoption in perfSONAR Aaron Brown, Internet2, University of Delaware Martin Swany University of Delaware, Internet2

NM-WG Specification Adoption in perfSONAR

Aaron Brown, Internet2, University of Delaware

Martin Swany University of Delaware, Internet2

Page 2: NM-WG Specification Adoption in perfSONAR · PDF fileNM-WG Specification Adoption in perfSONAR Aaron Brown, Internet2, University of Delaware Martin Swany University of Delaware, Internet2

What is perfSONAR •  A collaboration

•  Production network operators focused on designing and building tools that they will deploy and use on their networks to provide monitoring and diagnostic capabilites to themselves and their user comunities.

•  An architecture & a set of protocols •  Web Services Architecture •  Protocols based on the Open Grid Forum Network

Measurement Working Group (NM-WG) Schemas •  Emerging standards in the Network Markup Language WG

(NML-WG) •  Several interoperable software implementations

•  Java & Perl •  A Deployed Measurement infrastructure

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perfSONAR Goals

•  Increase network awareness •  Set user expectations accurately

•  Reduce diagnostic costs •  Performance problems noticed early •  Performance problems addressed efficiently •  Network engineers can see & act outside their “turf”

•  Transform application design •  Incorporate network intuition into application behavior

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Vision: Network Performance Information is … •  Available

•  People can find it (Discovery) •  “Community of trust” allows access across administrative

domain boundaries •  Ubiquitous

•  Widely deployed (Paths of interest covered) •  Reliable (Consistently configured correctly)

•  Valuable •  Actionable (Analysis suggests course of action) •  Automatable (Applications act on data)

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perfSONAR Collaborators • GRNET • HEAnet • Internet2 • ISTF • POZNAN • UNINETT • University of Delaware • Renater • RedIRIS • SLAC • SWITCH • SURFnet


And anybody else we missed

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perfSONAR Architecture •  Interoperable network measurement middleware:

•  Modular •  Web services-based •  Decentralized •  Locally controlled

•  Integrates: •  Network measurement tools •  Network measurement archives •  Discovery •  Authentication and authorization •  Data manipulation •  Resource protection •  Topology

•  Based on: •  Open Grid Forum Network Measurement Working Group


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perfSONAR: System Description

• Domains represented by a set of services • Each domain can deploy services important to the domain • Analysis clients interact with service across multiple domains

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perfSONAR: Services (1) •  Lookup Service

•  Allows the client to discover the existing services and other LS services.

•  Dynamic: services registration themselves to the LS and mention their capabilities, they can also leave or be removed if a service gets down.

•  AuthN/Z Service •  Internet2 Middleware Group, GN2-JRA5

(eduGAIN) •  Authorization functionality for the framework •  Users can have several roles, the authorisation is

done based on the user role. •  Trust relationships defined between users affiliated

with different administrative domains.

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perfSONAR Services (2) •  Transformation Service

•  Transform the data (aggregation, concatenation, correlation, translation, etc).

•  Topology Service •  Make the network topology information available

to the framework. •  Find the closest MP, provide topology information

for visualisation tools •  Resource protector

•  Arbitrate the consumption of limited resources between multiple services.

Page 10: NM-WG Specification Adoption in perfSONAR · PDF fileNM-WG Specification Adoption in perfSONAR Aaron Brown, Internet2, University of Delaware Martin Swany University of Delaware, Internet2

Here is who I am, I’d like to access MA B

Where Link utilisation along - Path a,b,c,d,e,f? a,b,c: Network A – LS A, c,d,e,f : Network B, MA B, AA B

Inter-domain perfSONAR example interaction


Network A Network B



a b c d

e f

Where Link utilisation along - Path a,b,c? a,b,c : Network A, MA A, AA A Token MB Here is who I am, I’d like to access MA A Get link utilisation c,d,e,f Here you go

Token MA

Get Link utilisation a,b,c Here you go

Useful graph

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Schema •  Key Goals: Extensibility, Normalization,

Readability •  Break representation of performance

measurements down into basic elements • Data and Metadata • Measurement Data • A set of of measurement events that have

some value or values at a particular time • Measurement Metadata • The details about the set of measurement data

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Schema Normalization

• Can simply the database representation for many types of measurement data • While optimizations are certainly possible,

many measurement types can be viewed as one value over time

•  Assists Combination/Concatenation of metrics • Creating derived metrics

• Normalization helps with inferring relationships between types of metrics

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Schema Basic Elements - Metadata

•  Subject • The measured/tested entity

•  EventType (Verb) • What type of measurement, value, or event

occurred • Characteristic, tool output, or generic event

•  Parameters (Adjectives and Adverbs) • How, or under what conditions, did this event


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Schema Basic Elements - Data

•  Some sort of value - Datum • Existence of an event might point to the case

where there no additional value • As in “Link up/down” or threshold events

•  Time • Must be extensible since even agreement

about the right structure is not easy • E.g. UNIX timestamp vs NTP time

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A Message Message Message



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An Object Store Store



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A Data is Linked to a Metadata Metadata



<metadataIdRef> someId </metadataIdRef>

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A Metadata may be linked to another



Metadata <id>someOtherId</id>

<metadataIdRef> someId </metadataIdRef>

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Schema Namespaces

•  All measurements have some sort of Data and Time

•  All measurements can be described by the Metadata identifying who, what and how

•  The specific structures of the Data and Metadata elements depend on the measurement

•  Approach: Consistently use Data and Metadata elements and vary the namespaces of the specific elements

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Schema Namespaces - 2

•  We encode the measurement/event type in the namespace •  And as a standalone element

•  Some components of the system can pass Data and Metadata elements through without understanding their specific structure

•  Allows and implementation to decide whether it supports a particular type of data or not

•  Allows validation based on extended (namespace-specific) schemata

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Schema Namespaces and Extensibility

• One key to extensibility is the use of hierarchy with delegation • Similar to OIDs in the IETF management

world •  The NM-WG has a hierarchy of network

characteristics • Good starting point

• However, not all tools are cleanly mapped onto the Characteristic space • Often a matter of some debate

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Schema Namespaces and Extensibility - 2

• Organization-rooted tools namespace addresses this

•  Some top-level tools • ping, traceroute

•  Easy to add new tools in organization-specific namespaces

•  Performance Event Repository • Add a schema and get a URI • Add Java classes

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perfSONAR-PS Motivation

•  Create separate implementation of perfSONAR standard •  Use same protocol/standards

•  Proof of interoperability (strengthens the standard) •  Targeted for NOC deployments

•  Lightweight

•  Easy to deploy/manage

•  (We were unable to convince our primary users to deploy Java services due to the complexity of dependencies)

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perfSONAR-PS Beta Release (0.06) (1/21/08) •  Focus on development of major perfSONAR components

•  LS - perfSONAR_PS::Services::LS::LS •  SNMP MA - perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::SNMP •  Status MA - perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::Status •  CircuitStatus MA - perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::CircuitStatus •  Topology MA - perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::Topology •  PingER (SLAC) *

•  Not yet released •  OWAMP/BWCTL archive (perfSONARBUOY)

•  Not released via CPAN

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SNMP Measurement Archive

•  Provide access to network performance data •  Utilization •  Errors •  Discards

•  Numerous tools exist to collect passive measurements (via SNMP): •  MRTG •  Cacti •  Cricket

•  Expose archives from RRD files

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SNMP Measurement Archive

•  Current Deployment: •  Internet2 Network •  ESnet •  Georgia Tech/SOX •  Fermilab

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Pinger Based MP/MA

•  Joint effort between Fermi Lab and SLAC • Present views of historic Pinger data • Expose interface to schedule live tests

•  Built with perfSONAR-PS infrastructure

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Link Status Measurement Archive

•  Provide access to up/down status information about layer2 links •  Data stored in a SQL database •  Database schema allows for storing time ranges during

which a link had a certain status •  Minimizes storage costs for rarely changing links

•  Communication/Configuration via XML •  Target audience is network operators and users

interested in obtaining the status of the links over which their data flows

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Link Status Measurement Archive

•  Collector •  Allows for the periodic collection of the status of

one or more links •  Can use SNMP, Scripts or simply Constants •  Can store results directly into a database or into

a remote Measurement Archive •  Future Plans: TL1 Collection

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Link Status Measurement Archive

•  Visualization •  A perfSONAR-UI Plugin is available that can display a

network and the status of its links •  Current Deployment

•  Internet2 Network •  HOPI (in2p3 circuit)

•  Planned Deployment •  SLAC

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Circuit Status Measurement Archive

•  An e2emon-compatible service •  Integrates with the Link Status MA to provide the

information stored in MAs •  Can work with local MAs directly or with remote MAs

•  Can use the Topology MA to obtain necessary information about nodes

•  Can use a Lookup Service to lookup the MA containing information on each link

•  Target audience is administrators who want to publish circuit status information to e2emon clients

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Circuit Status Measurement Archive

•  Visualization •  Any tool that is compatible with e2emon will

work with this service •  Current Deployment •  Internet2 Network •  HOPI (in2p3 circuit)

•  Planned Deployment •  SLAC

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Topology Service

•  Provides a queryable repository for obtaining topology information about a domain • Can obtain the entire network •  Xquery interface allows the construction of

complex queries about the network •  Topology is specified according to the

schema in development in the OGF

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Topology Service

•  Current Deployments •  Internet2 • SLAC (PingER Topology Information)

•  Planned Deployments • DICE Dynamic Circuit Service Sites • ESnet

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perfSONAR Lookup Service

•  Directory service of perfSONAR deployments •  Accept service registrations •  Handles queries for service location and capabilities

and location of available data •  Manage the lifetimes of data and services to keep

information up to date •  Web Service interface to XML Database

•  Sleepycat XML Database •  Service Info/Data kept in native formats

•  Draw away the complex query tasks from otherwise 'busy' services

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Lookup Service

•  Also XML based configuration/protocol •  Native storage/query mechanisms [Xpath/XQuery] •  Message format to exchange the data

•  Targeted at single domain deployment •  Single instance to manage multiple services

•  Client components and applications use the LS to find services •  perfSONAR-UI •  perfAdmin

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Lookup Service

•  Current Deployment: •  Internet2 (Ann Arbor)‏ •  University of Delaware

•  Planned Deployment: •  IU for Internet2 network and regionals •  DICE Dynamic Circuit Network sites •  International Partners

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Distributed Lookup Service

•  Federation of individual LS instances into a global system

•  “Meta”-lookup phase allows a query to find the specific LS that has relevant information •  Or perhaps the relevant LSes that have said info

•  The specific query is sent directly to the LS in question

•  Recent active design and development

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Distributed Lookup Service •  Service and measurement metadata is

“summarized” for propagation to distant domains •  IP addresses in service and measurement

metadata are compressed into network/netmask pairs in the same way that routes are advertised (CIDR-style)

•  These summarized metadata elements are advertised to external “scopes” •  A “scope” is a set of LSes that are related by e.g.

being in the same administrative domain (although multiple scopes within a single domain are possible)

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Weather Maps - Internet2

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Gmaps from SLAC

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CNM from DFN

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CNM from DFN

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perfSONARUI from acad.bg

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PerfsonarUI 1

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PerfsonarUI 2

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PerfsonarUI 3

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Oscars Circuit plugin - Internet2

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Oscars circuit plugin

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E2Emon - Monitoring Circuits

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E2Emon: Status of E2E link CERN-LHCOPN-FNAL-001

E2Emon generated view of the data for one OPN link [E2EMON]

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Traceroute Visualizer •  Forward direction bandwidth utilization on application path from

LBNL to INFN-Frascati (Italy) •  traffic shown as bars on those network device interfaces that have an associated

MP services (the first 4 graphs are normalized to 2000 Mb/s, the last to 500 Mb/s)

1 ir1000gw ( 2 er1kgw 3 lbl2-ge-lbnl.es.net

4 slacmr1-sdn-lblmr1.es.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 5 snv2mr1-slacmr1.es.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 6 snv2sdn1-snv2mr1.es.net

7 chislsdn1-oc192-snv2sdn1.es.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 8 chiccr1-chislsdn1.es.net

9 aofacr1-chicsdn1.es.net (GRAPH OMITTED)

10 esnet.rt1.nyc.us.geant2.net (NO DATA) 11 so-7-0-0.rt1.ams.nl.geant2.net (NO DATA) 12 so-6-2-0.rt1.fra.de.geant2.net (NO DATA) 13 so-6-2-0.rt1.gen.ch.geant2.net (NO DATA) 14 so-2-0-0.rt1.mil.it.geant2.net (NO DATA) 15 garr-gw.rt1.mil.it.geant2.net (NO DATA) 16 rt1-mi1-rt-mi2.mi2.garr.net

17 rt-mi2-rt-rm2.rm2.garr.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 18 rt-rm2-rc-fra.fra.garr.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 19 rc-fra-ru-lnf.fra.garr.net (GRAPH OMITTED)

20 21 www6.lnf.infn.it ( 189.908 ms 189.596 ms 189.684 ms

link capacity is also provided

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