nlm roman missal design proposal


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for the ENGLISH EDITION of the


Shawn Tribe

Page 2: NLM Roman Missal Design Proposal


This is a draft, non-commercial, academic

exercise intended to discuss and make

proposals around the production and design

of the Roman Missal of the Ordinary Form

It is not intended for liturgical use, and may

not be put into liturgical use

The texts are Copyright 2010, International

Commission for English in the Liturgy (ICEL)

Produced by

Page 3: NLM Roman Missal Design Proposal

he following intends to look at two pages of two sections of Roman Missal,

using as its basis the new revised English translation of the Roman Missal which

is being put into practice in the English speaking world as of Advent 2011, and

for which many printing efforts have been undertaken. The two sections which

we shall look at for demonstrative purposes are from the “Roman Canon” (Eucharistic

Prayer I) and from the Proprium de Tempore (Proper of Time).

The focus of this particular exercise is on the internal textual and artistic layout of the

Missal. The design takes its inspiration from the traditional layout of our Latin rite

Missals, applied now to the liturgical books of the Ordinary Form of the Roman rite. In

that regard, one could say that "continuity" with that Missal tradition is a defining intent

of the design, but so too is the pursuit of beauty more generally..

This proposal also has the benefit of seeing a more economic use of the printed page,

thereby also requiring less printed pages (which thereby also makes it more “green”

environmentally), and, on a practical liturgical level, would additionally require less page

turning on the part of the priest during the course of the celebration of the Mass.

What is shown and proposed here in terms of design and layout should be understood as

being reflected throughout the entirety of the Missal.

I. A Word about the Art

The art used within this is simply demonstrative of the type of art that might work well

within this context. I am grateful to the artist Leonard Porter ( for

permission to use his Crucifixion painting for demonstrative purposes. The other artwork

shown is taken from historical editions of the Roman Missal.

In addition to the demonstration pages shown, I believe it would also be desirable for

each major section (the Order of Mass, the Proper of Saints, etc.) and for major feast

days to also employ artwork as a way of both emphasizing these sections and also

beautifying the missal. This could be manifest either through full page illustrations, or by

illustrations similar to that used in the Proper of Time in this exercise.

With regard to full page art plates particularly, but also artwork more generally, I believe

an important printing consideration is that these be printed in such a way that sees them

consistent and integrated with the rest of the Missal – rather than, for example, printed as

glossy page inserts distinct from the other pages of the Missal. I would once again point

back to our Missal printing and design tradition in this regard noting as well that I have

seen this successfully done using both coloured and non-coloured artworks.


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Drop Capitals

Drop capitals of varying sizes that indicate major or minor breaks are an important aspect

of this design, both as a visual queue and also from an ornamental perspective. More

ornate drop-capitals could also be used as appropriate (as for example at the beginning of

the Eucharistic Prayers, or to mark the Entrance Antiphons of the Sundays and

Solemnities). However the simplest possible manifestation has been given here.

II. Page Borders

Borders for the pages have been included which further contribute to the visual integrity

of the printed page. The only place where these would not be found in this design are on

pages where there are full page illustrations such as the crucifixion image opposite the

beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer(s).

III. Double Column

The use of the double column is a particularly important aspect of this proposal, making,

again, for visible continuity with our Latin rite Missal printing tradition, better utilizing

the printed page, requiring less printed pages, and requiring less page turning by the

Priest at the altar. As already noted this not only has a certain visual and practical appeal,

but further an environmental one.

IV. Possible Future Revisions / Additions

Beyond the approved texts and titling, there are other aspects which I think would bear

some consideration on the part of the same ecclesiastical bodies/authorities, and in view

of the principle of reform/development in continuity within the scope of the present

edition of the Roman Missal:

i. Continuity and Brevity in Titling

The section titling as it presently stands includes such things as, “Prayer after

Communion”, “Prayer over the Offerings”, “Communion Antiphon.” While not a

significant point, our ecclesiastical authorities may wish to consider reverting back

to the terms employed in the 1962 Missale Romanum, both as a point of unity and

continuity, and also for reason of brevity and simplicity from a layout perspective.

These would be manifest as “Post Communion”, “Offertory”, “Communion”

respectively. (The issue of “Entrance Antiphon” vs. the “Introit” presents a

complexity since the former as found in the modern Roman Missal does not

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always align to the latter as found in the Graduale Romanum. This is a deeper

issue that is in need of future resolution, but it will be included here nonetheless.)

An example of how this might be manifest if the revisions were to be made by the

appropriate ecclesial authorities is as follows:

ii. Inclusion of the Latin Ordo Missae

A more significant point is the matter of the accessibility of the ordinary Latin

texts of the Missal. While entirely Latin or vernacular editions of the Ordinary

form Roman Missal have been printed, and in some instances historically a Latin

supplement placed in the back of the vernacular edition of the Missal, it would

certainly seem recommendable either to:

(a) utilize the double column in the Order of Mass section of the Missal to present

the texts and rubrics of the Mass in parallel Latin-English


(b) take advantage of the smaller number of pages required by this proposed

formatting to at least include both the English Order of Mass and Latin Ordo

Missae within the Missal, preferably in such a way that they are found in the

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same general vicinity within the Missal. This could be manifest either by

having entirely English on the one page and Latin on the facing page, or it

could be manifest as two successive sections, with the entire Order of Mass in

English in the one section, followed by the Latin Ordo Missae in the second

successive section.

This would not only allow for better use of both the Latin and vernacular

Missal texts interchangeably within the context of Mass, it would also be

simpler and more noble than requiring inserts or additional books on the altar

for those communities that wished to make use of some of the Latin texts.

Concluding Remarks

Evidently the formatting changes which have been proposed here would ultimately

require approval from the appropriate ecclesiastical bodies if they are to be effected by


My hope is that by producing this layout using the new English texts of the Roman

Missal -- whatever else may come of the suggestions made in section V -- it may help to

realistically show the possibilities, the potentialities and the benefits for possible future or

additional printings of the English edition of the Roman Missal.

I offer it for what is worth.

Shawn R. Tribe

October 2011

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We begin with the decorative page which would face opposite

the “Te igitur” of Eucharistic Prayer I.

(Crucifixion by Leonard Porter, courtesy of Segnatura Fine

Arts, all rights reserved. Used with permission for

demonstrative purposes.)

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84. Then the Priest begins the

Eucharistic Prayer. Extending his

hands, he says:

o you, therefore, most

merciful Father, we

make humble prayer

and petition through

Jesus Christ, your Son,

our Lord: (He joins his

hands and says:) that you accept (He

makes the Sign of the Cross once over

the bread and chalice together,

saying:) and bless these gifts,

these offerings, these holy and

unblemished sacrifices, (With hands

extended, he continues:) which we

offer you firstly for your holy catholic

Church. Be pleased to grant her

peace, to guard, unite and govern her

throughout the whole world, together

with your servant N. our Pope and N.

our Bishop,* and all those who,

holding to the truth, hand on the

catholic and apostolic faith.

85. Commemoration of the Living.

emember, Lord, your servants N.

and N. (The Priest joins his

hands and prays briefly for those for

whom he intends to pray. Then, with

hands extended, he continues:) and all

gathered here, whose faith and

devotion are known to you. For them,

we offer you this sacrifice of praise or

they offer it for themselves and all who are dear to them: for the redemption

of their souls, in hope of health and well-

being, and paying their homage to you,

the eternal God, living and true.

86. Within the Action.

n communion with those whose

memory we venerate, especially

the glorious ever-Virgin Mary,

Mother of our God and Lord, Jesus

Christ, and blessed Joseph, her

Spouse, your blessed Apostles and

Martyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew,

(James, John, Thomas, James, Philip,

Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon and

Jude; Linus, Cletus, Clement, Sixtus,

Cornelius, Cyprian, Lawrence,

Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas

and Damian) and all your Saints; we

ask that through their merits and

prayers, in all things we may be

defended by your protecting help.

(Through Christ our Lord. Amen.)




* Mention may be made here of the Coadjutor Bishop, or Auxiliary

Bishops, as noted in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, no. 149.

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Sample Two Page Layouts:

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We begin with the first page of the Proper of Time which

illustrates one method of using art to illuminate these pages, as

well as gives a consideration for how the successive pages might

be arranged.

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Entrance Antiphon Cf. Ps. 25(24): 1-3

o you, I lift up my soul, O

my God. In you I have

trusted. Let me not be put to

shame. Nor let my enemies

exult over me, and let none who hope

in you be put to shame.

The Gloria in excelsis (Glory to God

in the highest) is not said.

Collect rant your faithful, we pray,

almighty God, the resolve to run

forth to meet your Christ with

righteous deeds at his coming, so that,

gathered at his right hand, they may

be worthy to possess the heavenly

kingdom. Through our Lord Jesus

Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns

with you in the unity of the Holy

Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

The Creed is said.

Prayer Over the Offerings ccept, we pray, O Lord, these

offerings we make, gathered

from among your gifts to us, and may

what you grant us to celebrate

devoutly here below, gain for us the

prize of eternal redemption. Through

Christ our Lord.

Preface I of Advent, p. ###

Communion Antiphon Cf. Ps 85(84): 13

he Lord will bestow his bounty,

and our earth shall yield its






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Prayer after Communion

ay these mysteries, O Lord,

in which we have participated,

profit us, we pray, for even now, as

we walk amid passing things, you

teach us by them to love the things of

heaven and hold fast to what endures.

Through Christ our Lord.

A formula of Solemn Blessing, p.

###, may be used.


Entrance Antiphon Cf. Jer. 31:10, Is. 35:4

ear the word of the Lord, O

nations, declare it to distant

lands: Behold, our Savior

will come; you need no longer fear.

Collect eep us alert, we pray, O Lord our

God,as we await the advent of

Christ your Son, so that, when he

comes and knocks, he may find us

watchful in prayer and exultant in his

praise. Who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one

God, for ever and ever.

Prayer over the Offerings ccept, we pray, O Lord, these

offerings we make, gathered from

among your gifts to us, and may what

you grant us to celebrate devoutly

here below gain for us the prize of

eternal redemption. Through Christ

our Lord.

Preface I of Advent, p. ###.

Communion Antiphon Cf. Ps 106 (105): 4-5; Is 38: 3

ome, O Lord, visit us in peace,

that we may rejoice before you

with a blameless heart.

Prayer after Communion ay these mysteries, O Lord, in

which we have participated,

profit us, we pray, for even now, as

we walk amid passing things, you

teach us by them to love the things of

heaven and hold fast to what endures.

Through Christ our Lord.


Entrance Antiphon Cf. Zec 14:

5, 7

ehold, the Lord will come, and

all his holy ones with him; and

on that day there will be a

great light.


ook with favor, Lord God, on our

petitions, and in our trials grant us

your compassionate help, that,

consoled by the presence of your Son,

whose coming we now await, we may

be tainted no longer by the corruption

of former ways. Through our Lord

Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and

reigns with you in the unity of the

Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and










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Sample Two Page Layout: