njdep technical deficiency 7.12.13

State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division o f Land Use Regulation pplicant/Agent: Cranford Development Associates, LLC Date: July 12, 2013 Address: c/o Pete Hekemian The S. Hekemian Group 45 Eisenhower Drive Paramus, NJ 07652 NJDEP File Number: 2003-08-0006.1 FHA110001-2 Applicant: Cranford Development Associates, LLC Date Received: December 19, 2011 Dear Applicant: The Department is in receipt of your application for a flood hazard area individual permit. Upon review of this application, the Department has determined that all necessary information required by N.J.A.C. 7:13-9.2 for a complete application has not been provided and/or one or more submitted items are deficie nt as noted below. Please address the missing material and/or address any deficiencies and submit the requested information along with the original LURP-2 application form within 30 days from the date of this letter so that the Department may commence processing this application. If the requested information is not provided within 60 calendar days from the date of this letter, the Department will cancel the application. If yo u have any questions, please cont act the Departmen t at (609) 777-0454. Note: If you applied for multiple applications on your origin al LURP-2 form, and some of these applications have been accepted as complete while others have been rejected, a n ew LURP-2 form must be provided with an y resubmitted applications. The new LURP-2 form should indicate only those applications that are being resubmitted for review. Postal Mailing Address: Street Address (For courier service and hand deliveries only): NJDEP Division of Land Use Regulatio n Mail Code 501-02A NJDEP Division of Land Use Regulation 501 East State Street, Station Plaza Five, 2"d Floor Trenton, NJ 08625-0420 . 0. Box420 Trenton, NJ 08625-0420 Please make sure the requested infc;>rrnation is submitted to the attention of: Valda Opara - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EJ 1. 811 . 2. One completed copy o f the individual permit checklist has not been provided (see attached). Three copies of an apP-lication report, as described at N.J.A.C. 7:13-15.3, have not been provided. Please provide 1 1 1 2 ~ ~ copies of an application report which include items a through g below. The submitted copies of the application report do not include one or more of the items checked below. Please revise each copy of the report to include the incomplete information as follows: f ] l a. A complete written description of the projec t and all proposed activities. ~ b . ~ c . ~ d . fJI e. !Ill f. ~ g. One completed LURP-2 application form (with original signatures on at least one copy). One copy of a USGS quad map with the site clea rly outlined to scale. One copy of a municipal tax map with the site cle arly outlined to scale. One copy of a Department flood hazard area map or FEMA flood insurance rate map with the site clearly outlined to scale, if such mapping exists. One copy of each previous approval received from NJDEP concerning the site, if such approvals exist. One set of color photographs depicting the entire project area. The submitted photographs have not been mounted on 8 ~ -inch by 11-inch paper. ~ The submitted photographs have not been accompanied by a map showing the location and direction from which each photograph was taken. fJI 3. f1l The submitted photographs do not show all sections of channel or riparian zone that will be disturbed. Detailed engineering calculations are required in order to determine whether the proposed activity complies with this chapter. However, the required engineering report, as described at N.J.A.C. 7:13-15.4, has not been provided. Please provide one copy of the engineering report which includes ite ms a through g below. ~ The submitted engineering report does not include one or more of the items checked below. Please revise the engineering report to include the incomplete information as follows. E) a. The signature and seal of an engineer.

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7/27/2019 NJDEP Technical Deficiency 7.12.13

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State of New JerseyDepartment of Environmental Protection

Division of Land Use Regulation •pplicant/Agent: Cranford Development Associates, LLC Date: July 12, 2013

Address: c/o Pete HekemianThe S. Hekemian Group45 Eisenhower Drive

Paramus, NJ 07652NJDEP File Number: 2003-08-0006.1 FHA110001-2

Applicant: Cranford Development Associates, LLC

Date Received: December 19, 2011

Dear Applicant: The Department is in receipt of your application for a flood hazard area individual permit. Upon review othis application, the Department has determined that all necessary information required by N.J.A.C. 7:13-9.2 for acomplete application has not been provided and/or one or more submitted items are deficient as noted below. Pleaseaddress the missing material and/or address any deficiencies and submit the requested information along with the originaLURP-2 application form within 30 days from the date of this letter so that the Department may commence processing thiapplication. If the requested information is not provided within 60 calendar days from the date of this letter, theDepartment will cancel the application. If you have any questions, please contact the Department at (609) 777-0454.

Note: If you applied for multiple applications on your original LURP-2 form, and some of these applications have been

accepted as complete while othershave

been rejected, a new LURP-2 form must be provided with any resubmittedapplications. The new LURP-2 form should indicate only those applications that are being resubmitted for review.

Postal Mailing Address: Street Address (For courier service and hand deliveries only):NJDEP Division of Land Use RegulationMail Code 501-02A

NJDEP Division of Land Use Regulation501 East State Street, Station Plaza Five, 2"d FloorTrenton, NJ 08625-0420. 0. Box420

Trenton, NJ 08625-0420

Please make sure the requested infc;>rrnation is submitted to the attention of: Valda Opara- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -EJ 1.

811 . 2.

One completed copy of the individual permit checklist has not been provided (see attached).

Three copies of an apP-lication report, as described at N.J.A.C. 7:13-15.3, have not been provided.Please provide 1 1 1 2 ~ ~ copies of an application report which include items a through g below.

The submitted copies of the application report do not include one or more of the items checked below. Pleaserevise each copy of the report to include the incomplete information as follows:

f]l a. A complete written description of the project and all proposed activities.

~ b .~ c .~ d .fJI e.

!Ill f.

~ g.

One completed LURP-2 application form (with original signatures on at least one copy).

One copy of a USGS quad map with the site clearly outlined to scale.

One copy of a municipal tax map with the site clearly outlined to scale.

One copy of a Department flood hazard area map or FEMA flood insurance rate map with the site clearlyoutlined to scale, if such mapping exists.

One copy of each previous approval received from NJDEP concerning the site, if such approvals exist.

One set of color photographs depicting the entire project area.The submitted photographs have not been mounted on 8 ~ -inch by 11-inch paper.

~ The submitted photographs have not been accompanied by a map showing the location and direction fromwhich each photograph was taken.

fJI 3.

f1l The submitted photographs do not show all sections of channel or riparian zone that will be disturbed.

Detailed engineering calculations are required in order to determine whether the proposed activity complies withthis chapter. However, the required engineering report, as described at N.J.A.C. 7:13-15.4, has not beenprovided. Please provide one copy of the engineering report which includes items a through g below.

~ The submitted engineering report does not include one or more of the items checked below. Please revise theengineering report to include the incomplete information as follows.

E) a. The signature and seal of an engineer.

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~ b .~ c.

The name, mailing address and telephone number of the engineer, as well as any other person designatedby the engineer to answer questions about the report.

All supporting hydrologic, hydraulic, flood storage volume, stormwater and structural calculations, which arenecessary to demonstrate that the proposed application meets the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:13.Specifically, the engineering report does not contain the following necessary calculations:

~ H y d r o l o g i c ~ Hydraulic Flood Storage ~ Stormwater ~ Structural ~ Stability Analysis

~ d .~ e .

A narrative that explains the submitted calculations and describes why each particular calculation ormethodology was used.

All maps, references and other supporting materials that were used to prepare the submitted calculations.

The total area of mpervious surface proposed and the total land area that will be disturbed.f.

Ill! g. If stormwater management is required pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:13-11.2, the following information whereapplicable:

~ 4.

~ (i) An explanation of how nonstructural stormwater management strategiel? have been maximized on siteas required at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.3.

Ill! (ii) A demonstration of how the project meets the groundwater recharge standards at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.4(a)2

(iii) A table which compares existing and proposed stormwater discharges for the two-year, 10-year and100-year storm in order to demonstrate compliance with the runoff quantity standards at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.4(a)3.

~ (iv) An explanation of how the project meets the water quality standards at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.5.

Three copies of an environmental report, as described at N.J.A.C. 7:13-15.5, have not been provided.Please provide: 1 ~ ~ copies of an environmental report which include items a through d below.

~ The submitted copies of the environmental report do not include one or more of the items checked below.Please revise the engineering report to include the incomplete information.

~ a .~ b.

~ c.

A narrative that describes the proposed design and the construction techniques that will be used.

Maps (such as freshwater wetlands maps and USDA soil surveys) which provide an environmentalinventory of the site.

An analysis of any potential adverse impacts to the following resources and a detailed description of howpotential adverse impacts shall be minimized. This analysis shall include all temporary and permanentadverse impacts of each proposed activity, whether onsite or offsite, as follows:

~ (i) Channels: compliance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:13-10.1, as well as any anticipated effectson the size, shape and characteristics of existing channels, including low-flow aquatic passage, shallbe addressed.

~ (ii)

~ (iii)

~ (iv)

~ (v)

Riparian zones: compliance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:13-10.2 shall be addressed.

Fishery resources: compliance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:13-10.5 shall be addressed.

Threatened or endangered species: if a survey for threatened or endangered species is required undeN.J.A.C. 7:13-10.6{e), it shall meet the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:13-15.5(c).

Regulated waters: the effects on water quality due to stormwater runoff, exposure of acid producingsoils, and potential for erosion and turbidity shall be addressed.

EJ d. If a proposed project is likely to cause an adverse impact to any resource listed in 4c above, theenvironmental report shall also include the following:

~ (i) A justification for the project, including an explanation of why the proposed structures and theirlocations are the most appropriate for the site and how the proposed design minimizes environmental

~ (ii)

~ (iii)

~ (iv)


An analysis of alternatives to the proposed activity, including the no-build alternative.

A description of all measures to be taken to reduce temporary and permanent detrimental impacts toeach resource listed atN.J.A.C. 7:13-15.5(a)3, whether onsite or offsite.

A plan to mitigate the effects of all unavoidable adverse impacts.

EJ 5. Documentation that the public notice requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:13-16 are met has not been provided.

~ Documentation for public notice has been provided but some notices are missing. Please provide proof of noticeto the following:

~ a. Three copies to the municipal clerk in each municipality in which the site is located.

O b. Three copies to the municipal clerk in any municipality located within one mile of the site.

c. One copy to the county clerk in each county in which the site is located.

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uEl d.e.

One copy to the local Soil Conservation District if the project will disturb at least 5,000 ft2of land.

One copy to each owner of property located within 200 feet of the property boundary of the site.

0 The application includes a request for a hardship exception under N.J.A.C. 7:13-9.8. However, the letter requiredwith the public notice did not include the following information:

0 6

0 7.


0 f.

0 g.

0 h.

A statement that a hardship exception is being requested;

The nature of the hardship; and

The citation and subject matter of each requirement in this chapter for which the hardship exception isbeing requested.

The correct application fee required under N.J.A.C. 7:13-17 has not been provided. Please submit the followingadditional amount: $ (See the following fee breakdown):

Six sets of drawings have not been provided. Please provide 10 20

3D41Z] sO 60 sets of

drawings which include items a through g below.

The submitted drawings have not been signed and sealed by an engineer, land surveyor or architect.

0 The submitted drawings do not include one or more of the items as checked below. Please revise each set toinclude the incomplete information.

0 a. All proposed regulated activities (including the size, location and all construction details for each}.

D b.

0 c.

0 d.

0 e.

[] f.


D g.


The limit of any riparian zone onsite.

Existing and proposed topography if fill or grading is proposed, unless the Department determines thattopography is not necessary to determine compliance with this chapter. All topography shall referenceNGVD, or include the appropriate conversion factor to NGVD, unless the applicant demonstrates that suchreference is not necessary.

The limit of the flood hazard area and floodway onsite if present. If proposed fill, construction and/or gradingwill affect these limits, then both existing and proposed flood hazard area and floodway limits shall beincluded on all drawings. ·

Details of proposed soil erosion and sediment control measures.

If construction is proposed in a regulated water, the drawings shall also include the following:

(i) An explanation of the exact method of proposed construction.

(ii) A timetable for the construction.

(iii) All proposed trenching, diversionary channels and temporary piping of the regulated water.

If construction is proposed in a riparian zone, the drawings shall also include the following:

(i) All locations where vegetation will be cleared, cut or removed.

(ii) Details of any replanting pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:13-10.2.

0 8. Please provide a copy of an NJDEP, Office of Natural Lands Management, Natural Heritage Database datarequest response for endangered or threatened species of flora or fauna, including a Landscape map report.

Please see www.nj.gov/dep/parksandforests/natural /heritage for details on how to apply.

0 9. This application proposes activities in a regulated area known or suspected to contain acid producing soils.Therefore, please provide the following:

0 a. A comprehensive evaluation of the potential environmental risks caused by exposure of the acid soils.

[] b. A plan to minimize any such risks.

O 10. This application proposes the use of fill credits to balance fill on a site in the Central Passaic Basin, as described

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at N.J.A.C. 7:13-10.4(s) and (t). Therefore, please provide documentation that fill credits have been purchasedby the applicant.

[:J 11. This application proposes to construct a dry flood-proofed building. Therefore, please provide the followingmaterial, signed and sealed by an architect or engineer:

D a.

D b.

D c.

Drawings that clearly show the proposed dry flood-proofing measures.

Calculations that demonstrate that the structure meets the requirements for flood resistance at N.J.A.C.7:13-11.4(b).

A dry flood-proofing certification, listing each applicable dry flood-proofing requirement at N.J.A.C. 7:13-11.5(q), and stating how the building meets each requirement.

D 12. A survey for threatened or endangered species under N.J.A.C. 7:13-10.6(e) is required. The survey shall beperformed by a person with education and experience in wildlife biology, zoology and/or botany, as appropriate,and shall include the following:

D a.

D b.

D c.

C3 d.

D e.

D f.

D g.

D h.

The name, mailing address and qualifications of all persons participating in the survey.

The acreage of the surveyed area.

A USGS quad map with the surveyed area for each habitat outlined.

A description of each habitat and cover type onsite including vegetation, hydrology, soils and naturalcommunities. These habitats shall be assessed for suitability and compatibility to the life history of thespecies being investigated. If no threatened or endangered species are observed, a discussion of the site'ssuitability for such species shall be provided.

The date and time of the investigation (including total number of hours spent by each individual for species

observation).The number of observers present on the site at any one time, including their location on the site relative toone another.

Site conditions during the survey, such as precipitation, temperature, wind speed and direction, artificial ornatural noise, and nearest onsite or offsite human activity or development. and

If the survey reveals the prE;:lsence or evidence of a threatened or endangered species, detailed informationregarding each sighting, including:

D (i) Whether the subject was sighted directly or identified by call, track, scat; remains or other indirectevidence of presence.

D (ii) The date{s) and time(s) of each such sighting or discovery of evidence.

[ ]

D[ ]




The relative age and condition of any indirect evidence observed and it s ocation on the property.

A description of the techniques and methodologies employed by the observer during the investigation.

If an animal species is observed directly, the number of each species observed, likely age, observedactivity, gender, location on or near the site, and proximity to the observer at each sighting.

[] (vi) If a plant species is observed directly, the number of each species observed and its location on or neathe site.

D In addition to any incomplete items noted above, the following deficiencies must also be addressed:

• On the cross-section location plan, between Birchwood Avenue and Richfield Avenue, provide additiona

topographic information. This additional topographic information is required for a complete application. In addition

a narrative addressing the results of the hydraulic analysis between the aforementioned roadways must b


As noted above, should you have any questions, please contact Valda Opara at (609-633-6563).

Project Engineer: Valda Opara------------------------ Signature:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

cc: Agent