nina williams

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  • 8/12/2019 nina williams


    VERY Advanced Guide to Playing Ninaversion 1By Reverend C. (K.C. Ma)e-mail me at: [email protected]

    ****************** Legal Things: ******************

    Tekken and all the characters in Tekken are copyrighted by Namco. Thisguide is written by me, but if you want to distribute it or print it orwhatever, feel free to do so as long as you don't alter the content. Ifyou have to alter the content, to be included in your web site, or pub-lication, or whatever because my grammar sucks and I can't spell, juste-mail me. If you want to make a profit out of this FAQ... e-mail mefor my written consent, but if you don't, I probably will not find outabout it, but if I find out, I don't know, we'll find out when that hap-pens. But if I see a crappy version of my guide being passed aroundweb (because you have some lame comments or technique, and you want toadd it to my work) I will not be very happy about it.

    ********************** Table of Content: **********************

    Why Nina?IntroductionMovelistMovelist In-DepthStrategies

    -Kicking Ass-Custom Strings-Countering-Okizeme-Juggle-Throw-Chicken

    -Defending-Interupting-Blocking or Sidestep-Reversal & Parry-Getting up-Chicken-Attack!!

    Juggles/Combos-Juggles-Garanteed Juggles-Stun Combos-Escapeable Juggles

    VS. Human Strategy -coming in the next revision

    Having FunConclusionCredits

    ************** Why Nina? **************

  • 8/12/2019 nina williams


    Before we start any further, I will discuss why I play Nina, andAnna (Her FAQ will be coming soon after I'm done writing this one). Onething is... they are the best looking human beings in the game. Well,that's why I started playing Nina back in Tekken Three Anyway. Backthen, I didn't know anything about this game, I just picked Nina becauseshe's cute, and I tried to Blonde Bomb my way through the game. Thatdidn't work too well, so you won't see that in any of my strategies...But besides the obvious, Nina and Anna are the most powerful characterin Tekken without any doubt. Their offensive power is beyond everyoneelse (ok, maybe not Heihachi). Their Defense is second to none. IfEither Nina or Anna decides to stay in your face, in capable hands, theywill stay in your face. On the other hand, If they want to keep youaway, they will keep you away. Then there's the okizeme game. If aNina/Anna master knock you down, you probably won't ever get up unlessyou're really good, too. Now, since this is the Nina FAQ, I will saywhy I think Nina is better. First, Nina has more damaging juggles, notto mention her Devine Cannon must be the best juggle starter in Tekken(ok, maybe not as good as Wind God Fist). Then there are Nina's multi-throws, she has more cool looking multi-throws (but personally, I almostnever use them since they aren't too hard to break or reverse). Lastbut not least, Nina is much better at dealing out damage quickly if youare in the mood for that. That's one reason why I pick Nina over Annasometimes. Now to Nina's weakness................... There you haveit, that's all of Nina's weakness I can think of. She has no real flaws

    like other characters. She doesn't deal out Paul's Deathfist kind ofdamage in one single blow, she can't get her Devine Cannon to connectas often as Heihachi's Wind God Fist, she doesn't have as many throwsas King, and she can't stay as up close as Anna, but that doesn't meanNina suck at them. Sometimes, it's not too bad to be ranked number twoat everything. Enought of this, if you're reading this FAQ, you knowwhy you want to play Nina.

    ****************** Introduction: ******************

    This FAQ will be very different from other people's FAQs. Any ofthe FAQs I write for Tekken will be different from other peoplej's FAQs.This FAQ is written for people who already know everymove in the game,can bock every ten-hit combos (are those stupid and annoying) in thegame. This is not really meant to teach you how to play, it more likea reference for people who misses an different way of play Nina, orwant to know how other Nina masters play Nina that makes her soooooooopowerful. Maybe you have been poking every one at your arcade to deathand no one can even touch you, but let's face it, poking isn't all thatglamorous, and you want do throws and juggles. Or maybe, you can takeanyone out with two juggles, but against other masters, you have a hardtime setting them up for juggles. Or maybe you want a psychological

    edge that you don't have now, and that's where my FAQs come it. Ormaybe one are one of those Asian guys, and you do the same 3 or 4 movesand ten-hit combos over and over, and you think you're really cool, butsomeone just blocked and reversed every one of your deathfist and ten-hit combos (if you live in Orange County, that guy is probably me).And you finally want to move up and become a real Tekken player, beatyour friends (you know who you are). This isn't really a how to playNina FAQ, it's how I play Nina, and by comparing your own style to mine,hopefully this guide will make you a better Tekken player.

  • 8/12/2019 nina williams


    ************** Move List **************


    h-high WC-while cruching FS-fall over stunm-mid WS-while standing CF-crumble fallM-mid&grounded WR-while running SH-staggers when hitl-low c-counter only BS-low block staggerL-low and grounded JG-juggles KS-knee drop stung-grounded GS-gut stun GB-guard Bread?-I am not sure......



    Command Place Name Escape

    1+3 front Arm Grab Flip 12+4 front Lifting Toss 2

    =1,2,1 front Shoulder Buster n/a =2,1,3 front Arm Lockn/auf+1+2 [~5] front Neck Throw [Tag]1+2 #1df, df+1 front Embracing Elbow Strike 1+2QCT+1+2~5 front Palm Strike~Tag 2 #21+3_2+4 left #3 Rolling Triangle Lock 11+3_2+4[~5] right #3 Swinging Toss[Tag] 21+3_2+4 back #3 Triangle Hold n/a

    #1 Can be reversed by Lei#2 Only work with Anna as your partner

    #3 Can Tag while doing side/back throw by using 2+5 instead

    Multi-part Throws:

    Command Name Escape

    WR_f,f,f+3 Leaping Heel Hold 2 #1 =1,3,2+4,3+4,1+2 Achilles Tendon Lock 1+2 =3,1,2,2+4 Knee Cross Lock 1QCT+3+4 Crab Claw 1 =3+4,3,4,1+2 Commando Arm Lock 1 =3+4,4,2,1+2 Heel Hold 2 =3,1,4,2+4 Knee Cross Lock 1

    =1,3,2+4,3+4,1+2 Achilles Tendon Lock 2QCT+1+2 Palm Grab 2 =3,4,3,1+2 Arm Bar 1+2 =2,3,4,2,2 Double Snap 2 =1,3+4,1,2,1+2 Neck Crusher 1 =1,2,4,3,1+2+3 Gale Tech Strech 1+2 =1,3,2,1 Standing Reverse Arm Lock 1 =3,1,4,1+2,1+2 Rear Gale Tech Falcon Wing 1+2 =2,1,3,4,1+2 Falling Reverse Arm Lock 2QCB+1+4 Betrayer n/a

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    =1,3,2,1 Standing Reverse Arm Lock 1 =3,1,4,1+2,1+2 Rear Gale Tech Falcon Wing 1+2 =2,1,3,4,1+2 Falling Reverse Arm Lock 2 =2,1,1+2,1+2+3 Twisted Nightmare 2 =1,3+4,1,2,1+2 Neck Crusher 1 =1,2,4,3,1+2+3 Gale Tech Strech 1+2WS+3~1~2 Palm Grab 2 =Any of Palm Grab's follow up throws

    #1 Only work on counter

    Punch/Kick Combos:

    Command Name Hit-Range Properties

    df+1_1,2 Double Punch M_h,h =4 Bermuda Triangle h =f+1+2 Blonde Bomb M =1,4 Biting Snake h,l =3,4 Head Ringer h,l ? =d+3,4 Jail Crusher Kick l,h =d+3,2 [~5] Jail Crusher Upper [tag] l,d JG =1,2,f+1+2 Punch Rush, Blonde Bomb h,h,m

    =3 Kick h =3,3 Spike Combo m,l =2 [~5] Upper [tag] mJG =4 High Kick h =d+4 Shin Kick lFC_d+1,N+4 Low Jab, Rising Kick m #12,1,4 Twin Jab, Low Kick h,h,l2,3,4 Jab, Head Ringer h,h,l ?2,3,3 Jab, Spike Combo h,m,l=2 [~5] Upper [tag] m

    JG =4 High Kick h

    =d+4 Shin Kick l3,3 Spike Combo m,l =2[~5] Upper [tag] mJG =4 High Kick h =d+4 Shin Kick l2,d+3,2 [~5] Jab, Jail Crusher, Upper [tag]h,l,m JG2,d+3,4 Jab, Jail Crusher, Roundhouse h,l,h2,4 Jab, Roundhouse h,hFC_d+2,N+4 Low Jab, Toe Kick m,m#1FC_d+3,2 [~5] Low Spin Kick, Upper [tag] l,m JGFC_d+3,N+4 Low Spin Kick, High Kick h

    FC_d+3,d+4 Low Spin Kick, Shin Kick ldf+3,2 [U_D] Creeping Snake [Side Step] m,m #2 =4 Roundhouse h =d+3 Low Spin Kick l =2 [~5] Upper [tag] mJG =4 Shin Kick l =3,3 Spike Combo m,l =2[~5] Upper [tag] mJG

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    =4 High Kick h =d+4 Shin Kick l =3,4 Head Ringer h,h =1,4 Biting Snake h,ldf+3,1,2,f+1+2 Assult, Blonde Bomb m,h,h,mdf+3,3,3 Flash Kick m,m,m =3 Low Kick l =4 Roundhouse h =1,2,f+1+2 Assult, Blonde Bomb h,h,mdf+3,4 Mid Kick, Roundhouse m,hFC_d+4,1[~U_~D] Shin Kick, Spin Punch

    [Side-Step] l,h#24,3 Blonde Attack h,h =2[~5] Upper [tag] mJG =4 High Kick h =d+4 Shin Kick l

    #1 Special mid can be block high or low, and low parried#2 Can only be linked into SS+1 and its follow ups

    Special Techniques

    Command Name Hit-Range Properties

    b+1 Killing Blade m CF #1d/b+1 Helping Hand mf,f+1 Assasin's Dagger hSS+1 Snake Shot h =~F Crouch Dash n/a#2 =~B Sway n/a#2SS+1,2 Double Shot h,hd/f+1+2 Cross Blade h? GS,FSc

    WS_f+1+2 Blonde Bomb mSS+1+2 Spiral Explosion m #1 #3b+2,2 Double Slap h,h#4d/b+2 Backhand Body Blow m FSf,f+2 Quick Panther Claw h SHf,F+2 Panher Claw hSHSS+2 Lift Shot mGB JGcd,df+2 Shut Up m JG3,4 Head Ringer h,hQCT_f,f+3 Bad Habbit m

    GS DScWR_f,f,f+3 Leaping Slash Kick m #5d/b+3+4_d,d/b+3 [~5] Devine Cannon [tag] m JGd_df+3+4 Twisted Mind L #6WS+3 Spider Knee mJGc =~1~2 Palm Grab n/a #7SS+4 Heel Slicer lBS KS #1

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    QCT_f,f+4 Flip Heel Kick M #8FC,df+4 Wipe the Floor L BSuf+4 Hop Kick mJG =3,4 Can Opener l,md/b+4 Slicer, FCD l#9 =,3 [~5] Slicer, Devine Cannon [tag] l,m JG

    #1 Side-step before executing this move#2 Link into any Crouch Dash/Sway move, including multi-throws#3 Can be delayed#4 Can be reversed by females by hitting 2#5 On Counter, this move becomes Leaping Heel Hold and link into any of its follow ups#6 Hit people on the ground and rolling, but can only be executed when the other person's on the ground#7 Link into any of Palm Grab's multi-throw follow ups#8 If Nina hit nothing, Nina will recieve some damage herself#9 FCD is face down, feet toward enemy position

    Defensive Techniques

    Command Name

    b+(1+3_2+4) High_Mid Attact Reversald_df+(1+3_2+4) Low Parryu,u/b Evasive Back Flip


    Command Name

    d/b+1+2 Hunting Swan =u,u CancelQCT~D/B+2+3 Evil Mist

    *********************** Move List In-Depth ***********************

    In this section, I'll discuss each move, its purpose, how I use them,how I think they should be used, how useful I think they are on a oneto five scale, when to use it, etc. The punch and kick combos will becovered in strategy section because they are not really moves, but morelike poking techniques.

    b+1 Killing Blade m CF


    Nina does a small side-steps, then extends her left forearm for a chopthat stuns on counter. The side-step and stun make this an awesome, butthis move starts slow. I am not sure if this move can be reversed, butany moron can see it and block it. If you can anticipate a slow movecoming out, like death fst, use this. You'll hit them before they willhit you, and because it will be a counter, they will be stunned, and youcan follow it up with juggles. If this move speeds up a little bit, itwill be awesome. Use this sparingly if you can anticipate it, but I try

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    not to use it since if I can anticipate it, I usually go for Devine Can-non. Not saying this is completely useless because sometimes I run intomachines that I just can find the diagnal (Nickel! Nickel! 5 Cents Gamesin Lake Forest, CA), and Killing Blade becomes an awesome option. It'lldo more damage then uppercuts, and you can do pretty much the same jug-gles after the counter.

    d/b+1 Helping Hand m**

    Nina swipe her left hand upward for small (and I do mean SMALL) damage.It doesn't have any special properties, and you can't really do muchafter this either. Speed isn't all that great... But there's one tinybit of redeeming value, it recovers fast, and it has a small bit of for-ward momentum. What does that all mean? You can stick it in your cus-tom strings every now and then, or stick it in your juggles (there aremuch better alternatives though) It's fairly safe, and moves you for-ward a little bit. Other then that, this move is pretty much useless,and I almost never use this. It's a move you can do without, but itdoesn't hurt to stick one in every now and then.

    f,f+1 Assasin's Dagger h*

    Nina takes a step forward, and punch the other person's face with herleft fist. Sounds pretty cool, but it hits high, can be reversed,slow on execution, not exactly fast on recovery. What does this alllead to? A pretty bad move... The only reason this move did not geta one start from me is because if it's blocked, Nina will recover abit faster. Then again, that doesn't mean much since that can be saidabout a lot of other Nina moves, and that's why after reading this FAQover couple times, I decide to give this one star.

    SS+1 [~F_~B] Snake Shot h****Nina side steps, then does a little jab. Sounds pathetic, but noooooo,this is one of Nina's none juggleing move! If you can side step some-

    one, use this! This jab doesn't do much, and should be buffered witha chicken (f+1+3). That alone make this a great move because chickenis final, does damage, and leaves you with initiative. If you alwaysbuffer your jab with chicken, this move deserves a five stars, but Iknow even the best of Tekken players don't always buffer chickens (Idon't). What make this move even more awesome is the fact that youcan link it to the QCT crouch dash or QCB sway! If they are blockingcrouch dash and you will have the choice of bad habbit or and of Nina'sQCT multi-throws. You can use her QCT+4 flip kick, but why? If youare playing someone agreesive, and always go after you (other Nina/Annaplayers...), sway! Sway avoids high and auto block low. That leavesyou pretty safe. Only mid-attacts you hit you, but wait. Nina willhave swayed far enough to avoid small mid attacks, and Nina will hit

    anyone who try to counter with big attacks, like deathfist first, witheither jabs or QCB+1+4 throw! Use this whenever you use you side-stepand are still fairly close to you enemy.

    SS+1,2 Double Shot h,h**Snake shot plus another weak jab. Fairly useless, I use this when Iknow ~F and ~B link aren't fast enough and I want hit someone elsebefore they hit me. Since right jab is fast, it gets the job done,but nothing fancy after this.

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    df+1+2 Cross Blade h? GS, FSc ***Nina cross her arms then swing it out. Af first a seemling uselessmove, but then I realized that it's not that bad. I did it couple oftimes by accidents (damn machines with bad diagnals!). If its blocked(I don't know if it can be duck or not...), it'll leave you with theinitiative. If it counters, it'll stun. A mediocore move in everyway, not too fast, not too damaging, not too quick, use sparingly, butif I find out that this hits high as I suspect, then I'll reduce itdown to two stars.

    WS_f+1+2 Blonde Bomb m****Imagine Nina takes a step forward, and do a Houdoken. Think Paul'sDeathfist, with a bit less damage. Great way to punish slow recoveringmoves. Excellent way to hit Eddys and Lings who think they can avoideverything staying low, bad way to counter another attack though sinceit comes out fairly slow. Also bad in finishing juggles, although itdoes look pretty cool, but I see no reason why this should be used whenyou have bad habbit. I see many great Nina players who never use this,and they should. Don't be afraid to deal out big damages and charge atyour enemy. Sometimes I stay very close the whole time and keep thepressure on them, but sometimes it's not a bad idea to dish out BlondeBomb and finish the round quickly. Specially when you play your poking

    game to perfection all night. Then out of no where, throw in a BlondeBomb. By the time they realize that you're pulling a slower move andtry to hit you out of it, it's too late... Blonde Bomb will have morepriority over anything they throw in your face. Another reason you'lluse this rather then something else is because it track so well. Youdon't have to be facing them for this to connect, and Blonde Bomb isextremely hard to side step. One important thing about using BlondeBomb though, you must buffer in chicken. Since there is not much youcan do after Blonde Bomb, it's simply unexcusable to not buffer in thechicken! I would talk about chicken more, but since I'll have a wholesection about this later, I'll just talk about this later.

    SS+1+2 Spiral Explosion m

    ****Pretty much like Blonde Bomb, except she takes a side-step before it.The animation is cooler, she puts her hands together and blow the enemyaway. It's really not as good as the regular Blonde Bomb, and shouldnot be used as often, but still very handy to do one every now and thenbecause it does decent damage, and it knocks your opponent down. Onegood thing about this move is that it can be delayed. Not too much, butenough to fool most people. I'd rather use SS+1 linked into either thecrouch dash, or back sway.

    b+2,2 Double Slap h,h**Nina swings her arm around and slap twice. Well, number one, very slow

    on both execution and recovery. Number two, can be reversed by any fe-male character. Number Three, it hits high, it can be ducked. Everytime I think about this move, I think about the juggle I'll get afterJin knocks me up with his WS+2 juggle starter, ouch! Just don't usethis, except when you're playing some incompetent fool, and you'd liketo slap that person around (not literally of course). It doesn't geta one star, because I do use this move in juggles, and it work well.If you play someone who doesn't quick recover after being juggled, usethis. Devine Cannon Combo, Double Slap, Shin Kick, Spin Punch, dash,another Shin Kick, Spin Punch, Bad habbit kick. Nine hits, in my opi-

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    nion the most impressive and not to mention most damaging juggle, butremember there's a lag time after Double Slap, and the other person'llactually bounce of the floor a little bit before you can kick thatperson with shin kick. That little bounce is enough to do a quickrecover and avoid the rest of the juggle.

    d/b+2 Backhand Body Blow m FS**?Nina lift her arm for a blow. It stuns, and isn't all that slow, butwherever this move can be use, there are better alternatives, and Idon't remember the last time I used this, except on crappy machineswith bad diagnal, and it came out by accidents. If you find a way touse this, e-mail me, I'll give you all the credit, and update thisFAQ.

    f,f+2+f,F_2 Panther Claw h SH*Pretty much like Assasin's Dagger, except it'll turn your opponentside way, forget about side-throws, no one will fall for that, but iffor some reason you must use this, buffer the chicken.

    SS+2 Lift Shot mJGc ***Nina takes a side step, raise her arm, and will juggle on counter. A

    decent move, and the uppercut will lead to good juggles, but this movelacks range. It will not connect unless you're right next to your op-ponent. I used this a lot in Tekken 3, but with all the new options,I don't really use this anymore.

    d,df+2 Shut Up m JG ***This is pretty much Lift Shot without the side step, not much to sayabout this move.

    3,4 Head Ringer h,h*Two high kick, both can be reversed, and ducked. What more do I haveto say to convince you this move suck? By the way, it's slow too. I

    thought f,f+1 and f,f+2 are the worst moves Nina has, but that's nottrue, this is. Maybe you can trick someone into taking the second hitsince there's a small delay between them, but why try that? You willbe better off just leave this move alone.

    QCT+3_f,f+3 Bad Habbit m GS DSc*****Nina takes a step forward and kick someone rolling on the ground, orsomeone standing in the crotch. If block, there's a block stun, and ona counter, it stuns. This is THE juggle finisher. I never seen thismove reversed before, but if you want to be sure, buffer in chicken.This is the move that you can abuse. Do it again and again, until theother person try something funny, then go for juggles. Not to mention

    it's so cool when she kick Paul in the balls, and he falls down grabbinghis balls, hahahahhhhaaaaaahahaaaaaaa!

    WR_f,f,f+3 Leaping Slash Kick m***Nina jumps and kick, on counter, Nina jumps, grab your opponent with herlegs (those lucky bastards...) and does Heel Hold throw that can be link-ed into Knee Cross Lock or Achilles tendon Lock. You want this to count-er. Leaping slash kick works, but there are much you can to afterward.You can dash in and try to kick them as they try to get up, but you will

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    have to get up first. On the other hand, if this counters, flashy multi-throws, more damage, and you get up first to start kick them and knockingthem back down the floor. One problem though, don't use it if you knowsomeone will reverse your throw, or knows how to break them, and don'ttry to kick someone out of high priority moves, like death fist and windgod fist. Leaping Slash Kick is not meant for that.

    d/b+3+4_d,d/b+3 Devine Cannon m JG *****This without a doubt, the second best juggle starter in Tekken, right be-hind Heihachi's Wind God Fist! Nina will lower her body and lift herleft leg and kick your opponent into the air! It's fast, it recoversfast. It hit's mid, and it's hard to reverse. I don't try to reversethis move at all if I know that I'm playing someone who can do the samejuggles that I do to them. Ouch, if I miss the reversal, I'll be in aworld of pain, ouch. You should abuse this move, and you definitely donot want to be predictable with this. Mediocore Nina always do thismove. As hard as it is to reverse, it can be done when you become pre-dictable with this move. I try to buffer chickens into my Devine Can-non, but I usually don't. You'll get plenty of chances to do this movewhen you're playing with mediocore players as they tend to leave them-selves open more often, but against poking experts, be careful when youdecide to use this move. You must know what to do after Devine Cannonconnects though. If you get this to connect twice on the same person,and they are still alive, you should kick yourself. Juggles aren't as

    powerful as Heihachi's juggle, but Nina's are easier to do. Know whento use this, and know what to do after.

    d_df+3+4 Twisted Mind L***Nina steps on someone and grind. Cool looking move. Great way to adda little bit more damage after knock down or throws. It'll catching arolling opponent, but can only be executed when that person is still onthe ground. Personally, I don't really use this because I rather dosomething else instead, like d+4, 1 for example.

    WS+3~1~2 Spider Knee mJGc ****

    Nina lifts her knee to attack. This is a new Tekken Tag Tournament movethat's not in Tekken 3. This is an awesome move, the only problem ithas is that it has small range, but it's not suppose to have too muchrange. Against an expert, it might be hard to pull this move off, butagainst 98% of the people, there should be no problem. On counter, itjuggles, but this is one case you don't want to counter. If you everpull this move out, make sure you hit 1 and 2 really fast. It'll leadto Palm Grab throws. Easy way to deal out lots of damage fast. Sinceit has little range though, only use it to counter ducked high attacks,and since it's a knee, it can't be reversed!

    SS+4 Heel Slicer lBS KS ****

    Nina takes a side step, then turns around and does a very fast low kick.It leaves you with initiative blocked or not. If your SS+1 [~F_~B] doesnot work, do this. It trips them long enough for you to start your nastycustom strings. Or if you're on the defensive, it completely shifts themomentum to your favor. Another move to be abused (very hard to parry).

    QCT_f,f+4 Flip Hel Kick M**Nina flips a round and kick. Hits mid, and grounded people. Not a badmove, just don't use it too often. A good time to use this is right af-

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    ter your juggle. Do this for added damage, it'll hit them grounded ornot.

    FC,df+4 Wipe the Floor l BS ****Nina pivoted her whole body around her arm, and kick. Awesomem movethat surprises everyone if used properly. It has amazing reach, so ifyou distance yourself right, you'll be safe from any retaliation. IFyou distance yourself properly... If it connects, you'll trip your op-ponent a little bit, for not much damage, but it adds up.

    uf+4,3,4 Can Opener mlmJG **Nina does a triple kick. Actually it's more of two kicks after a hopkick. The hop kick juggles, but it's a horrible juggles. I never seethis work on an expert player, Castel made a Nina juggle movie, and oneof the juggles started with hop kick, but forget it, Nina has betterjuggle starters. Can Opener brings you close to your opponent very fast.Not saying you need this move to close your distance. Nina doesn't needthis, but this is not completely useless. When the match is about over,or maybe both of you are about to die, pull this out since not many peo-ple block low after the hop kick, but only use this like couple of timesa day, or it won't work. It only surprise once, or maybe twice (Assumingyou're not play with some dumb Asian dude who does nothing but ten-hitcombos, against those, forget this FAQ and just reverse every one of the

    ten-hit combos, they are easiest to beat once you know how).

    d/b+4,3 Slicer, Devine Canon l,m JG **Certainly not as powerful as it use to be... Slicer hits low, and Iusually stop there. In FCD position, you can trip your opponent, andstart a juggle from there, but avoid this. If slicer is blocked, youwill trip a little bit and get up, Devine Canon won't even comeout. Iguess this is Namco's way to encourage low blocking. If Slicer doesconnect, however, don't hesitate to go into Devine Cannon, but REMEMBERto buffer chicken.

    d/b+1+2 Hunting Swan ! **Thanks to the new tag system, this move isn't completely useless like it

    used to be in Tekken 3. If you can anticipate a tagging. Do this beforethe other person actually tags. If that other person already taggedthen it's too late. Time it right, and you'll hit them as they enter.

    QCT,D/B+2+3 Evil Mist !****This is pretty much like Yoshimitsu's bad breath. This in itself does nodamage, but it stuns for good juggles, very useful. Use this as part ofyour QCT mix-ups, mainly between bad habbit, palm grab, and this move.

    FC_d+4,1 Shin Kick, Jab l,h*****FC_d+3,2 Low Kick, Upper l,m

    *****FC_d+1,4 Low Jab, Rising Kick m,m*****These three are actually part of punch and kick combos that should be inthe next section, but I can't help it because these are the reasons whyNina is so feared! It's not the juggles or multi-throws that kills, it'sthese three incredibly simple and effective moves! Low Kick will kicklow, and grounded people. Shin Kick hits low, and rolling people. Lowjab hits special mid, easy to block, but it can interupt any move thatexists in Tekken (ok, maybe with a few exception like Ling's knife hand).

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    Most people will fall for the Rising kick, even expert who can parry andreverse every ten-hit combo in the game gets hit by it, I do. On counter,it floats a little bit, just enough for a Blonde Bomb or Bad Habbit toconnect. On a clean hit, Rising Kick Stuns enough to give you initiative,but I don't know if Blonde Bombs are garanteed. They usually work for methough. Shin Kick, Jab, and Low Kick, Upper, are just... I can not des-cribe it. All I can say is that if you fully understand the nature orthese three little combos, and know exactly when to use them, these areall you need to win. There are many nights I win countless fights usingnothing more than these three moves (ok, that's not completely true, morelike these move made up 90% of everything I did). Most Nina players donot use this enough... Playing Nina isn't really about setting up DevineCannon or multi-throws. Even King and Jin can't just rely on juggles andthrows. Juggles starters can be reversed, and throws can be either bro-ken or worse, reversed. But these little pokes just chips away the otherperson's life, a little bit at a time until they're out of life. By theway, you probably guessed it, I'm going to tell you to buffer chicken forthe high attacks. If you do this couple of times, better players willstart to try to reverse you. In a way, you are tricking them into moredamages since chickens are final.


    * Custom Strings *******************

    Poking your opponent to death isn't glamorus, it's not suppose tobe, but it'll win you games. It's nice to juggle after Devine Cannonevery once in a while, it's even better to connect a multi-throw, sinceit'll do lots of damage if you're allowed to complete the multi-throw.To win, however, you have to poke, and poke, and poke, and poke. Youwill have to constantly attack whoever you're playing with attacks thatstring one after another so the other person won't have a chance to doanything. If they ever try to hit you out of your string, you'll beatthem out, and possibly a chance for big juggle. The punch and kickcombo section is very self explainatory, and I really think every Nina

    player should create their own strings. All it takes is a little bitof experiment to find out what works. But here are some combos that Ihave to point out because you should base your strings around thesecombos:

    Command Hit-Range

    FC_d+1,N+4 m,m

    This is perhaps the most import combo in the game, especially for thefemale characters. The low jab is incredibly fast, and the rising kickcome right after the jab. There are two ways to use this, dash in, andstick this in, or you can use this to hit somebody out of their slow

    moves, like deathfist. The trick to this move is that you can't stickthis out when you see deathfist right at your face, you have to startthis as soon as you see Paul brings his arm back for deathfist. You'llhit him out of his motion, but if you're a little bit late, you'll eata death fist in your face, and get slapped with a counter for abouttwo third of your life bar, and prepare to roll out of the way Paul ischarging at you, but chance is you'll probably be stepped on. I guessthis is what seperates the beginners from the scrubby players from OKplayers from good players from experts. The beginners will never usethis. The scrubby players are too busy practicing their stupid ten-

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    hit combos that only work on beginner, other scrubby players, and thepoor ok and good players. Ok players will experiment with this, butafter eating couple deathfists abandon this move. Good players knowto use this, except they too eat deathfists all the time, except theykeep using it, and some of them eventually become experts who kick ass.

    FC_d+4,1 l,h

    Don't think this is a useless move, I used to think that way, but man,do I hated myself once I understand how powerful this simple combo is.One great thing about this combo is that it has forward momentum. Asyou poke and poke and poke, you'll push your opponent away from you,and that's where little combos with forward momentum come in. As Ninakick and slap, she also takes a step forward. This is very importantin your strings, because it allow you to stay in your opponent's face.An even more important reason to use this is okizeme, knocking flooredopponent back to the floor while their trying to get up. If you usethis while their grounded, it'll wiff, and your okizeme attempt ispretty much over. However, time it right, or wait for movements, andthe kick will lift them off the ground as they roll. You can eitherfinish this little juggle, or more okizeme. If you are quick enoughand your opponent isn't that good, then bad habbit to finish the jug-gle, and okizeme. This is a miracle move only Nina and Anna have, andin my opinion, this is definitely one of the best move in the whole

    entire game.

    FC_d+3,2 l,m

    I use this move as much as I use d+4,1 combo, and I must say, thislittle combo never seize to amaze me. It's not as great in okizemeattempts, since if they stay still, low kick will connect but upper-cut will wiff. I only use this on grounded opponents when I knowthey'll move, or I see movements, but even when your opponent rolls,uppercut misses sometimes. I'm not saying you shouldn't use thison grounded opponents because sometimes you have to (ie. when some-one refuses to get back up, or Lei playing dead, and Twisted Mindtakes too long to recover for your situation). Where this move

    really kick ass is when you stick it in your strings. If you trainyour opponent to block low and duck high (d+4,1), stick this in,they will keep blocking low, but uppercut will juggle for big damagehere. Mix this up with d+4, 1 to be unpredictable. As always, youshould buffer chicken in case someone try to reverse your uppercut.But even if your jabs and uppercuts get reversed, it's not reallythat bad since these two moves alone don't do much damage.

    Like I said earlier, I really think every Nina/Anna playersshould develop their own strings. For one thing, it's your string,it's unique. For another, I don't want to see a whole bunch peopledoing the same strings over and over and over... That's as lame as

    ten-hit combos. I'll give you examples of strings I use myself, butI vary my strings all the time, and I change them on the run (and Ido it good enough to be very unpredictable, and that's probably whyI'm probably better than just about everyone out there). If I seeanyone doing nothing but these following strings over and over andover, I'll personally pop in 15 cents (in Nickel Nickel) or 50 cents(everywhere else) to kick you butt (by the way, I'll tell you in theconclusion section how to identify me for other people pretending tobe me). Then again, I just might let you beat me on purpose and tellyou how good you are, and let someone else kick your butt... haha...

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    My Custom Strings:






    As you can probably see, these strings aren't setted up fortricking people into Devine Cannons. If you want that figure itout for yourself. These strings are all setted up to trick peopleinto countering you. At the end of every string, there should bea big move that if blocked will push your opponent away and leaveyou safe. You can chain together many small jabs and kicks, butan expert will know how to counter them. The last one finishes inBackhand Body Blow, if counter, will leave you opponent stunned fora very long time.


    d+1,N+4->d+4,1~U_~D->1~F,1+2->Palm Grab

    d+1,N+4->d+4,1~U_~D->1~B,1+4->Betrayer Grab


    These are three of the strings I use to set up throw andreversal. The first one work well, because the Neck Throw hasmore range than other throws, not to mention you can tag out ofthis throw. More damage than normal throws, harder to escape (1+2),extra damage from the tag throw, and tag Nina into safety to recover.

    A small problem in the jab though, because you're dashing (f,f), andyou jab (1), sometimes f,f+1 will come out instead, and you mightnot recover fast enough to continue. The second one and the thirdone are examples of the new strings that you can do with Nina nowthanks to all the extra moves that link into side-step, and the SS+1that link into Crouch dash or sway. Against turtles, I use thesecond string to grab them, and against the super aggressivepeople,I use the third one. A small problem, this cancelling doesn't alwayswork, and I don't know why, if I find out, I'll update this section.

    Most of you should know how to poke, and already have your ownstrings. This section is for those of you who want fresh ideas, orthose of you trying Nina out after Paul and/or Law became too boring

    (you know who you are). Or maybe some of you haven't play Nina toher fullest extent and relied on Devine Cannon juggles to win fightslike I used to. You get the point... Poking isn't rocket science,but it's one of those things that take some thinking, planning, andanticipating. if you know that your d+4,1 will both get blocked orducked, stick in d+3,2. Chance is they won't recover fast enoughto avoid juggle. If you know your uppercut in d+3,2 will get rever-sed, do a d+4 shin kick instead, or better, buffer a chicken. Ifyou become repetitive, and predictable, that just killed the wholepurpose of poking. If a string work, do it again, but if not, then

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    pretend to do it and change our string on the run. Remember, it'snot the throws and juggles that win you games, it's the contantpressure you put on your opponent with poking that eventually breakthem down.

    *************** Countering ***************

    Countering... Those of you who play Paul, or Heihachi can skipthis section. You're probably a master of countering, just try outdifferent moves, like Blonde Bomb (wink, wink), any uppercuts, d+1,N+4(wink, wink), etc. When you counter, the moves will do more damage.What you want is minor counter, I know, some of you guys will disagreewith me here. Minor counter will allow some moves that would otherwisebe pretty useless to start a juggle, ie. SS+2. It's not as good asmajor counter, but a lot safer. I go for major counter, but I don'tdo it but sticking Bandhand Body Blow (d/b+2) in Paul's face when hedoes deathfist. Chance is I'll eat that deathfist and lose two thirdof my life bar, ouch. Major counter should be setted up, constant pok-ing, and a somewhat slow, but not too slow move to induce deathfist,or other powermoves. At this time your stun move should already be-

    gun, and you'll hit them for major counter. My point is, don't tryto major counter when you see a move coming. Plan it out, and trickpeople into doing a big, slow move and have a stun move ready andwaiting. If your Bandhand Body Blow ever stuns, throw! Against de-cent players I go for multi-throws, but that almost never get anychance to be finished against experts, so I go for df,df+1, EmbracingElbow Strike.

    ************ Okizeme ************

    This must be my favorite part of play Tekken. Well, actually myfavorite part is doing long, painful, juggles, but this is close, anddepending on who I'm playing with and my mood, I actually like this bettersometimes. Okizeme is some weird Japanese word someone came up with, andI'm just using it for the lack of better way to describe it. You playTekken, you should know what this is, and I expect people who read thisFAQ to know about okizeme. I'm just going to elaborate on how mean Ninacan be when she plays good okizeme. All characters can hit groundedopponents. All characters have the jumping ground punch (u+2_U+2) thathit grounded opponent for extra damage if you managed to knock someonedone. Nina and Anna are special in that not only do they knock you down,they will keep you grounded by repeatingly knocking you back on the floor

    until you lost just about all of your life bar. What make Nina so goodat this is her d+4,1 and d+3,2 combo. If you see movement, as they tryto roll, d+4,1, and it will lift them in the air long enough for a smallfloat. Then, they will fall back on the ground, back to exactly wherethey started, except with a smaller life bar. The damage inflicted inhere are all that amazing, but the cool thing is that they can't get up.Every time they try, you beat the crap out of them. If they constantlytry to get up, mix it up with d+3,2 and they'll never get up. Thereare many occasions when I play some Asians doing nothing but ten-hitcombos (you know who you are), and they think they are really cool, and

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    they were doing what seem to me a ten-hit combo competition, you know,the better ten-hit comber win. I just can't bare to watch it anymore,so I drop my nickels (I love Nickel! Nickel!), block the first nine hitof Paul's 1321421421 combo, reversed the last hit (could've reversedbefore that, but I decided to block the first nine hit just to show Ican block them). Then on to the fun part, d+4,1, f,f+3, d+3,2,d+4,1,d+4,1,f,f+3, FC,df+4, f,F+1+2, dash, d+1,N+4, dash, d+4,1,f,f+3, f,F+1+2, QCT+4, 3, d+4,1, and he died. I was like man, I'm not done yet.Then his friend challenged me. This guy is even better, he keep try-ing to get up, and the d+4,1 keep hitting him, and he doesn't knowwhat to do, so he keep tapping his left punch, and I just d+4,1, d+4,1,d+4,1, d+4,1, d+4,1, d+4,1 him to death. Of course they gave me thestandard, I'm cheap crap and left. Of course, they are THE BEST Tekkenplayer in the world because they have couple of ten-hit combos down toperfection, and everyone else who beat them without ten-hit combos arejust cheap. Anyways, below is a list of moves to do in Okizeme, andagainst experts, you have every reason to use it, even though it doesnot work as well on them because they learned their "how to get updepending on what you're doing" trick, but this one place to get freehits on them, and you'll need everyone of them. Here are the moves,hopefully you will find some cool new moves that you never tried inyour Okizeme tactic.



    ************ Juggles ************

    Now here is why you should play Nina. Nina has incredibly, pain-fully, long juggles. Heihachi has better juggles, but they are harderto perform. Jin has equally good juggles, but they are not as damaging.Kazuya is Kazuya, Kazuya kick ass! Well, Heihachi is actuaaly better(in my not too humble opinion anyway) thanks to his new b+1 and WS+2stun that side-steps a little bit, but we are not here to talk about

    the Mishima family (my favorite characters outside of the Williams sis-ters). I am here to write the section on Nina's awesome juggles. Thereason I love Nina's juggle so much is because one, they are painful.Two, they are long, if properly combined with good okizeme, your oppo-nent will die before ever have a chance to do anything. Three, theylook awesome. I hate little juggles that's stuffed with a whole bunchof jabs. Not Nina's juggles. Nina's juggles are made of cool punchesand kicks. Nina's juggle will be listed in a later section, but I'mgoing to talk about how to set up juggles here. To juggle, you needto start the juggle with a juggle starter. For Nina, this means one

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    of the following three, uppercut, Devine Cannon, and other starters.

    Devine Cannon:This is the jack pot. This is what you want to land, but un-

    fortunately, you won't land too many of these against experts. Oneway to get this is by doing it at the same time the other person ex-cutes his/her move, and you beat him out for major counter (not re-commanded). The second way is to minor counter by doing this whilethe other person recovers. The third way I have yet to confirm, butin Tekken 3, if the slicer, d/b+4 counters, Devine Cannon follow upwill be garanteed. This seem to be the case, but I'm not sure yet.The fourth, and last way is after a low parry. Like the third way,I'm not 100% sure if Devine Cannon is garanteed after parry like itused to be in Tekken 3, but I don't recall and occasion where I De-vine Cannoned after parry, and it did not work. If you can get De-vine Cannon, great, a couple of this and your opponent will be dead,but if you don't get it, it's no big deal since Nina does not relyon Devine Cannon to win fights (but your strategy should lead tothis attact since Devine Cannon should be the move you center youstrategy with).

    Uppercuts:This is the juggle starter you'll get about 90% of the time.

    This will lead to less impressive and damaging juggle, but this iswhat win the fight for you, a whole bunch of juggles started by theuppercut setted up by your poking. Most of the time, you will pro-bably get this after a d+3 kick in d+3,2 or any combos that lead tod+3,2. This will probably be part of your poking string, except injuggle, the damage is garanteed (except the ones that you can quickrecover from). What make this different from Devine Cannon is thefact that the uppercuts and juggles are all part of the long stringthat started with poking, then juggle, then okizeme, then poking,then more juggle, and more okizeme, etc. After the juggle, don'tlet your guard down, don't get lazy, dash in and start okizeme im-mediately and don't let your opponent get up. If they got up, thentsart poking!

    Other Juggle Starters:Mainly SS+2, WS+3, and uf+4. The first two only work when

    you counter. Besides that there aren't any real difference betweenthese two and the uppercut, so you can just treat them like youruppercut. uf+4 hop kick is different though. It takes forever tocome out, it takes forever to recover, and it's just not as good.The only time you use this is when your opponent is doing his/hermoves from too far away, and your other juggle starters can't reachthem. juggle them while they're recovering to teach them not to dothat again.

    *********** Throws ***********

    Personally, I hate throws. I hate it when people walk up to you,and throw you. Throws can be broken, and I shouldn't whine so much, butbecause I never walk up and throw someone, I'm not all that good whenit comes to breaking throws. Setting up for a throw, though, is totallydifferent. By setting up throws, I mean use stun to set up throw, or

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    trick people into walking into your throws. Nina should never rely onthrows to win fights. It's just a nice little bonus that you get oncein a while to make your life easy. Front throws are made of basic 1+3_2+4 throws that everyone has and command throws, but you already knowthis, and I'm not going into great details about what they are or howto perform them. How to setup throws is discussed in poking section.Although I rarely use throws, there are times when throws work betterthan anything else. An example, you side-stepped Paul's deathfist, andyou are behind him now, back throw. Another example, Paul is doing hisslow WS+2, juggle starter, uf+1+2, and then maybe tag. Throws are justthrows, and I really don't think there's much to talk about... If youare reading this FAQ, you should know how to do them.

    ************ Chicken ************

    This is the counter to reversals, but since the announcer alwayssay, "Chicken!" I call it chicken. People, USE THIS!!!!!! I can'temphesize this enough. If you don't see any reason to do this, can'tyou do this for the sake of showing off? People always go, "woo," and"ahhh" when they see Paul's deathfist, and unblockable last chance at-

    tempt get reversed by me, but when they see me counter Paul's reversalattempt on my Blonde Bomb, they just go totally nuts! That's not thereason why you should counter those reverse though, you should do itbecause one, it stops any momentum they have and turn the tide againstthem. Two, chicken is final, they can't do anything about it. Three,it does some nice added damage. Fourth, it's really not much trouble.It's not like you'll have to do this lightening fast like some peoplebelieve... All you have to do is buffer in your chicken in moves thatwill probably get reversed. Last but not least, after three or fourchickens, 99% of the people will never reverse again except theexperts (like me) who look at your hand to make sure you don't havea chicken buffered, and you can abuse your mid-level juggle starterslike uppercuts and Devine Cannon like crazy!

    My Personal Little Story:There is this one time, I see this guy playing Paul (surprise,

    surprise), and he racked a 9 game winning streak by reversing everyoneto death (or until time run out, which happen very often in TekkenTag Tournament). I hear all these whispering, "dude, this guy is sogood," or "forget it, no way anyone can beat him," or "that guy pro-bably wrote a whole bunch of FAQs, and beaten everyone else in tour-naments." I was watching and thinking, "man, this retard is juststanding there and trying to reverse everything, and he's not evengood at blocking, LOSER!" And then I heard this guy talking to theguy playing with him trying to be helpful teacher, "you have to learnto reverse, if you can reverse, no one can beat you because everything

    they do will be reverse by you, I know because I'm William Knight, theguy who wrote that FAQ for Jin." What do you know, a FAQ writer im-poster (which brings me to another point, you people out there, pleaseDON'T try to pretend to be a FAQ writer, not even if you're actuallybetter than that person, it's just wrong). Right, Can't beat you,I dropped my two quarters, picked my favorite characters Nina, andAnna (I wish they change the format to King of Fighter where you canpick four characters, and I can pick Heihachi, and either Kazuya,Julia, Michelle, Jun, Bryan, Hworang, Paul, or King just for the coolMulti-throws). I do a Blond Bomb, got reversed, shaked my head.

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    Then I do d+3,2, low kick hit, but uppercut got reversed, shake myhead again. Dash back and forth, side-step, and then Spiral Explosion,got got that reversed again. Shaked my head, and the crowd gets louder.Hehehe, here's where the fun began. Blonde Bomb, buffered with reversalcounter of course, Chicken! That guy couldn't believe it, Blonde Bombagain (with counter of course), Chicken again! This guy looked soconfused, I don't think he ever seen a chicken in his whole entire life.Well, after a while, I chickened away half of Paul's life bar, and heswtiched Jin in. I said, "Hey AOI, your FAQ is great, I must have readthat thing 500 times." Jin ate the uppercut coming in, of course Icontinue on with the obligatory d+4,1->f,f+3 juggle. He tried to getup, so I had to do my obligatory d+3,2->d+4,1 okizeme. Then the timeran out, and I lost. On with the second round, I Blonde Bombed himto death all on counters, and Okizeme, that was fun. Then comes thethird round. He ate the Devine Cannon, on with uf+4, d+4,1, f,f+3juggle. As soon as we both landed, I counted on him quick recovering,not because he seem like the player who would, but just because, hewas panicking and taping 1 very rapidly. I was right, and my d+4,1lifted him up a little bit, then he quick recovered again, anotherd+4,1, then I went on and d+4,1 him to death and he never had a chanceto even got up. The point of all this is, I didn't see another re-versal from him during that match. And I didn't see another reversalfrom him all night. The arcade closed after while, of coursce, hehad to give me his obligatory complaint about my okizeme being cheap.

    Whatever, William Knight wannabe. That was a fun night...

    ***************** Interrupting *****************

    Why is interrupting important? Most people don't interrupt otherpeople's offensive effort becuase they fear eating a deathfist, I guessthis make sense to some people. Why take the risk of eating a deathfistjust to hit Paul with a low jab, and maybe a rising kick. Because youwill probably never beat an expert if you never interrupt their attack.In a way it kind of suck because the better your opponent, the better

    offensive strings they'll use, which means it'll be harder for you tointerrupt. But the better your opponent is, the less likely you'll beable to sit back block and win a match. By interrupting, you gain ini-tiative, you get a chance to start your string, and you can get somedistance between you and your super aggressive opponent if you spaceto breath. Think, you interrupt with a simple d+1,N+4, follow it witha short df+3,2,d+3 string, follow that with a quick d+3,d+4, low kicksand trick them with a F+1+2 Blonde Bolmb. You just turned the wholetide in your favor! Start your okizeme, let them get up so you canset them up for a Devine Cannon juggle. Before you know it you won.Of course it's not as simple as that, and the art of interrupting willtake a lot of experience and practicing. Watch for delayable moves,for example, if Jin does b,f+2,1, and he delayed, the rule of thumb is

    to wait a little bit, because the last d+2, or 2, can be delayed tobeat your interruption. Below is a list of good Nina moves to use tointerrupt, and here's some good news, Nina has more interrupt movesthan anyone else (maybe besides Anna, and Ling). Then come in alldifferent ranges, and are extremely quick, and recovers fast.

    Movelist for Interrupting:

    d+1,N+4 (use this!)df+1,2

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    d+2df+2 JGd,df+2 JGc

    3 Hf,f+3 DScd+3,d+4d+3,2d+3,WS+4df+3->most of the things following df+3 work well

    d+4d+4,1d+4,d+1FC,df+4f,f+4 (be VERY careful if you want to use this!)

    ************************** Blocking or Side-Step *


    To block or to side-step, the question that troubled me for thelongest time. I always debated with myself which one is better, and Ifinally figure that that are equally important. It's kind of like isit more important to attact or block, you have to do both. Sometimesthere are things that you just can't side-step, Bryan's f,f+3 kick forexample. But if you manage to side-step an attack, either side throwand the back throw are both very rewarding, and you can follow Nina'sside and back throws with mean okizeme.

    Even though you're playing the defensive side, you still have toremain unpredictable. If you only block or side-step, your opponentswill eventually figure that out and capticalize on your predictability

    and you'll be very sorry. Either alter between side-step and blockingor when you think your opponent is catching on to either your blockingor side-step pattern, trick them.

    Nina has the best side-step game in Tekken with out any doubt.Anna and Jin are close but they are quick like Nina, and they don'thave as many different options. Below are lists of things to do afteryou side-step:

    2 JG4 BS KS1~F_~BSide Throws

    Nina has more options than that, but these are the only ones that havepractical use. Uppercut juggles on counter, if you anticipated death-fist, and side-steped it, juggle! The damage you will inflict willrival that of a side-throw, but leave you with more choice (if that'snot good enough for you, it look better and kill some time at the endof the round). 4 is my choice of move if I can't get a counter, it'sextremely fast, comes out of nowhere, and hit's low. As long as youdon't abuse this, it'll almost always work. If it's block, you reallydon't have anything to lose, but if it connects, Nina will stun youropponent long enough to follow with a Blonde Bomb or Devine Cannon (I

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    am quite sure it's not garanteed, but it usually works). The jab isin my opinion the best new addition to Nina's arsenal. The jab alonedoesn't really do any damage since it'll probably be blocked, unlessyou counter, but the ~F and ~B follow up makes Nina's side-step gameunpredictable. If you decide to crouch dash, you have bad habbit,flip heel kick, and Palm Grab available to you, or you can wait untilthe end of crouch dash to do an uppercut or WS+1+2 Blonde Bomb. Ifthat's not enough choice, sway back, you'll duck high, block low, andcontinue with a jab to interrupt your aggressive opponent, or better,just grab them out of whatever their doing with QCB+1+4 grab. Whichbrings me to my next point. Besides blocking and side-stepping, Ninais blessed with sway, use it!

    ******************** Reverse & Parry ********************

    Blocking the first nine hit of Paul's 1231421421 ten-hit combo andthen reverse the last deathfist must be one of the coolest thing to doin Tekken. Almost as cool as Buffering a chicken and counter that re-verse and hear the crowd go nuts! My point is, reverse is cool, and itcan change the tide of the fight, but a reverse can be counter. Parry,on the other hand, is final. Although by itself does no damage, it will

    give you initiative and possibly juggles and okizemes that add up to alot of damage. In Tekken 3, some moves are garanteed, Devine Cannon wasone of them after Nina parries a low kick. I don't know if Tekken TagTournament still has this, but uppercuts and Devine Cannon almost alwaysconnects after I parry a low kick (I say almost always because there areoccasions that it got blocked, maybe my timing was off, I don't know, ifyou do, e-mail me, I'll be sure to include you in the credit). If thisdoesn't sound practical to you, at least use it to break someone's lowattack in a long string/combo. Why risk getting your reverse counteredwhen you can parry? If you must reverse though, here is an advice foryou. Try to catch your opponent's finger in the corner of your eye. Iknow it's not easy, but you'll get used to it (I did). If you don't seea counter being buffer, reverse! Most of the time, you don't even have

    to worry about this, reverse people all you want since very few peoplebother with chicken, but if you get a chicken in one fight, watch it!By the way, I want to clear a confusion regarding to other characters'low parry. Most of them have d/f low parry. Some people believe thatyou have to catch a low attack because it cannot be initiated from thecrouching position. This is FALSE!! WRONG!! If you're already block-ing low, Gunjack's low punches for example, all you have to do is eitherroll your joystick to the d/f position or move it to d/f position quick-ly. I find this much more useful than trying to catch a low attack withthe diagnal. I mean, every machine has a different diagnal, and thismade low parry much less useful then they were in Tekken 3. It doesn'tmatter though, Nina has the d+1+3_d+2+4 low parry! This is soooo muchbetter than Anna's d/f low parry! Personally, I almost never try to

    catch a low attack with d/f! Are you crazy, with all the differentdiagnals out there! You want me to walk into Heihachi's Hell Sweepbecause d/f is suppose to parry, yeah right.

    *************** Getting Up ***************

    Getting up in itself deserves a FAQ of its own. You have so many

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    options available, and you're opponents have so many options to knockyou back down. The best advice I can give you on how to get up wouldbe learn to play mean okizeme, only then will you understand when andhow to get up. Assuming you know how to get up already, here are a fewthings you should do while getting up with Nina. If you can quick re-cover, do so, it will save you a lot of pain especially if you're play-ing with a very good Nina/Heihachi. If you are grounded, always lookbefore you choose an action. Don't roll into d+4,1 or d+3,2. Don'troll into Blonde Bomb. Don't roll into Bad Habbit. If you're gettingup with either 3 or 4, alter them, or you'll get your low kick parriedand high kick reversed all the time.

    Getting up is another thing Nina's good at. You can always do aquick d+1 to interrupt whatever comes in your way, but why stay on de-fense. Nina can kick ass getting up too. If you are in the face downand head away position, a 3 (low kick) will lift your opponent in theair for a quick juggle. If the distance would allow it, do f,F+1+2flying chop! Every descent Tekken player knows that this will stun,but very few knows that you can juggle after. After the chop, you canjuggle with d+4,1 as it will pick them up. This will work because thechop will stun them long enough just so they can't block a really fastattack, ie d+1 and d+4,1


    * Chicken ************

    Chicken is so useful in so many ways. It's too bad they are sodamn hard to do, and I guess that a difference between experts and themerely good players. If you buffer chickens to prevent reversals, youare probably pretty good. Not only is chicken a great offensive tool,it's an awesome defensive manuever. You're opponent is playing a verymean Nina and you have no room to breath, what do you do? Well, I us-ually play stupid, act dumb, stick out a stupid slow as hell mid kicksor Blonde Bomb, and buffer the chicken. While the guy's still talkingabout how his wonderful strings have finally tricked you into panicing(if they don't say that, that would be what they're thinking). You've

    grabbed them and counter with an elbow.

    *********** Attack ***********

    What better way to defend yourself than kill your enemy? If youkill your enemy, then you don't have to worry about all that parrying,blocking, and side-stepping. Bad Habbit Kick, any quick combos thatend in uppercut, Blonde Bomb, Side Step Jab, Side Step Shin Kick, andthrows all work well in attacking your opponent while your opponent isattacking you. Another reason why Nina is so great, even when she's

    defending, she still kick ass!

    ************ Juggles ************

    Garanteed Juggles:

    WS+2, d/f+2, uf+4, or Uppercut Height Juggle Starters:

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    d+4,1, f,f+3d+4,1, 1, F+1+21, 1,2,1,2,F+1+21, d+4,1, f,f+3df+3,2,1, f,f+3df+3,2,1,4df+3,2,1, F+1+2

    db+4,3 Devine Cannon:

    uf+4, d+4,1, f,f+3uf+3, d+4,1, f,f+3uf+4, d+4,1, F+1+2uf+3, d+4,1, F+1+2d+4,1, 1,2,1,2,F+1+21,2, d+4,1, f,f+3f,f+2, d+4,1, f,f+3

    Stun Combos:

    db+2 Backhand Body Blow (counter):


    uf+1+2 [tag]1, d+4,1 f,f+3

    f,f+3 Bad Habbit (counter):

    f,f+3d+1,N+4, F+1+2df+4,3d+4,1, f,f+3

    b+1 Killing Blade (counter):

    d+4,1, f,f+3

    d+3,2 [tag]

    QCT~db+2+3 Evil Mist:

    f, db+4, any Devine Cannon Combos

    Juggles That Can be Tech Rolled:

    Devine Cannon:

    b+2,2, d+4,1, f,f+3

    Dash after any d+4,1, and do another d+4,1

    These are not all of Nina's juggles, it's what I usually do. Theyare fairly long, and all does good damage. You can certainly makemore juggles, but these are what I find to be the best balanced jug-gles (they really aren't any more damaging juggles).

    *************** Having Fun ***************

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    This section is about how to have fun playing Tekken, well, it'swhat I do to make Tekken more fun. If I discover any new fun thingsto do, I'll be sure to update this FAQ. Catlord's Tekken Psychologyis pretty good, and my favorite thing to do is mixing a whole bunchof mid and low attacks, and create what seem to be infinitely longstrings. As the scrub playing with me slowly dies, I teach him howto block, high, high, low, high, high, low, low, high, etc. As soonas that person gets a hang of it, I say low, and do Devine Cannon,continue with the juggle, then apologize, "I'm sorry, did the wrongmove..." Then laugh my ass off. Note, don't do this to a master,you'll get your ass handed to you and make an ass out of yourself.Masters deserve respect because they'll kick your ass so bad, you'llbe so embarassed you might never go back to that arcade again. An-other thing I do is when I see Eddys and Hwoarang and Baek peoplesmashing button like crazy, I grip the joystick with a deathgrip,and cover all five buttons with my right hand, then I go nuts on themachine, smashing the buttons and rotate the joystick non-stop (becareful with the joystick, you don't want to breat it!). Then Islowly start to shake my head up and down faster and faster, untilI'm totally look like an ass. After I lost that match (on purposeof course, winning isn't all of the fun), I shake hand with thewinner, and say, "Wow, that's fun man, so exhilirating, well, I amjust not as good a buttom smasher like you are. Can you teach me

    to do that combo you killed me with?" or "No fair! You can do allthose cool combos! You're mean, I'm just a beginner!" Anyway, ifyou know any fun thing to do in the arcade, e-mail me!

    *************** Conclusion ***************

    If you live in Orange County area, you can find me in eitherLake Forrest or Huntington Beach Nickel Nickel. They have Tekken TagTournament for 15 cents, that 3 nickels, cheaper than most of the pla-ces' Tekken 3 game. I always wear the same Fila shirt with Black and

    Red, or all white outfit, and I have a big burn scar on my left armand a tongue stud. You can identify me fairly easily, and I alwaysgo with my girlfriend, Nancy. She always wear jeans and tank tops,except every now and then she would go as naked as they would allowher to be. If you see us please challenge me to a game of Tekken, orNancy to a game of Marvel vs. Capcom (she'll kick your ass with hercheap air demon Chun-Li combos). Once again, at Nickel Nickel, theyhave 15 cent Tekken Tag Tournament, so please stop going anywherethat charges you 50 cents a game even if the continue is only a quar-ter. By the way, I'll be writing FAQ for Heihachi, Kazuya, and Annanext. Depending on what happens after that, I'might write more FAQsfor Julia, Jun, Jin, Michelle, Bryan, Hwoarang, Paul, and Wang (Thatright, I play just about every character there is), but Kazuya will

    probably come first, since I played him for the very first time acouple of days ago (I never played Tekken 2), and I must say I'm to-tally hooked on his WS+2 stunning gut punch, that punch must be themost awesome move in Tekken (right there with Wind God Fist, funnyhow Mishima, Kazama, and William families got all the good stuff).I'm getting off the subject, anyway, if you want to meet me to playa mean game of Tekken (or lame if I feel like screwing around) juste-mail me!

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    ************ Credits ************

    Here are the list of FAQs and Web Sites I refered to while writingthis FAQ:

    Catloard's Movelist {[email protected])Tekken Zaibatsu ( Ozols's Tekken 3 Nina FAQ ([email protected])M Kaufmann's Nina FAQ