nikki mitchell - her health

HerHealth Mums to be, learn how to stay healthy before and after having your baby Weight Watchers vs Special K Diet EASY TEN MINUTE WORK OUTS first edition only £2.50 June 2011 to help you get a bikini body Inside: tasty recipies to help you lose weight A snacking revolution

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A snacking revolution first edition only £2.50 Inside: tasty recipies to help you lose weight to help you get a bikini body Mums to be, learn how to stay healthy before and after having your baby June 2011


Page 1: Nikki Mitchell - Her Health


Mums to be, learn how to stay healthy before and after having your baby

Weight Watchers vs Special K Diet


first edition only


June 2011

to help you get a bikini body

Inside: tasty recipies to help you lose weight

A snacking revolution

Page 2: Nikki Mitchell - Her Health
Page 3: Nikki Mitchell - Her Health

ContentsOn the front page

A word from the Editor

Welcome to HerHealth. We are a new monthly magazine about health and fitness for the every day woman, not atheletes. Our aim is to use real women as our models. In each edition we will be giving you advice on how to live a healthy lifestyle. There will be tips on how to keep fit and lose weight. As well as articles on general well-being. We’ll try and test new fitness products, diets and foods to help you make the right choices to living a .

Nikki Mitchell, Editor.

Page 4 - 5

The importance of staying healthy during and after your pregnancy

Page 6 - 7

A snacking revolution: Nikki Mitchell tries and reviews her first Graze box

Page 8 - 9

Part 1 of Weight Watchers vs Special K:Special K diet food diary and profile

Page 10 - 11

Part 2 of Weight Watchers vs Special K:Weight Watchers food diary and profile

Page 12 - 13

Less than 400 calorie leek and mushroom risotto recipe

Page 14 - 15

A ten minute work out to help get you slimmer

HerHealth Magazine. Women’s Health. Fitness. Weight Loss. Well-being.

Page 3

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The importance of being healthy during and after your pregnancy

It has been said that pregnant women should not be eating for two as always thought but they should aim to eat for about one and a half, but is this really true?by Nikki Mitchell With Britain’s obesity rate growing and a debate on how much pregnant women should eat, we spoke to three women; a midwife, a pregnant woman and a first time mum, to see what think is best to do when you are expecting Midwife at York District Hospital, Kelly Swan, said: “If you’re obese before getting pregnant it can cause problems. The healthier you are the better.” Mum to be, Emma Beetham, at 20 weeks pregnant, said she had a gastric band three years ago, losing 15 stone and dropping seven dress sizes. “I know if I hadn’t lost 15 stone, I wouldn’t have tried to get pregnant. I would have had major health problems. My body wouldn’t have coped with it. I would have probably been really ill during pregnancy. “I couldn’t have been the size I was and pregnant, I wouldn’t have felt healthy. I wouldn’t have felt healthy after having the baby either, because you need to run around,” she added. Kelly said if you are expecting a baby and overweight it is safe to lose weight for the first few months. She added that when she was pregnant she went to Slimming World for the first 30 weeks. Emma said she has lost 9 pounds since getting pregnant. Kelly added doctors and nurses like women when they are pregnant to have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of under 30. She said if someone’s BMI is over 30 they are at a higher risk. First time mum, Izzy Howard-Mawer, said: “I think it is rubbish about eating for two. I ate three meals a day, rarely snacking. I just increased my calorie intake by about two hundred a day, which was recommended.

I am a stone heavier than than before I was pregnant.” “Kelly said she doesn’t agree with eating for two or for one a half when you are expecting a baby. She said if you feel the need to eat you should eat but make the right choices. “Some people think I’m going to get fat, so I may as well enjoy it and eat what I want. But then after the baby they may have put on three or four stone. An increased weight by two stone or more is considered normal, anything over that could be unhealthy.” Emma said: “The importance of eating healthy during pregnancy is more important for me because I can’t eat much, only small portions, so I have to make sure it is the right stuff. I need to eat in between meals, such as raisins, to keep my blood sugar levels up.”

“You don’t think your going to be that tired when you’re pregnant, everyone told me I’d be easily tired and I didn’t believe, it

but you are. It’s important to take your rest when you need it,” she added. Izzy said: I drank a lot of water, about six to eight pints a day. It was definitely worth it because it helps with constipation, clears skin and prevents headaches and dizziness. It also prevented me from getting cystitis, which is very common in pregnant women. “To help me through morning sickness, I drank water and herbal tea but only decaff through pregnancy, and ate Starburts, oddly they helped me.” Izzy said tuna is excellent for the essential oils for babies and for growth of their eyes and brain. She added: “Definately take Pregnacare or Sanatogen. I took Pregnacare from three weeks pregnant and Ameilia was born with a perfectly clear, fantastic

complextion.” Kelly said you can exercise when you are having a baby but not to exceed your level of fitness. She recommended swimming. Izzy said for exercises while expecting a baby, she would suggest walking, some swimming and in the yoga in the early stages to help strengthen bladder muscles for later on in pregnancy and birth. She added, however, she was really allowed to do much exercise because she was bleeding until 21 to 22 weeks pregnant with her daughter, Ameilia. “Don’t let people help you up off

the sofa, do it yourself. It really helps with upper arm strength, which you need when you are carrying a baby around all day,” Ameilia’s mum said.

Emma said she goes to pregnancy yoga and aqua aerobics, which she has cut down to once every two weeks from two or three a week, before expecting her son. Izzy said: “After pregnancy keep up with your food, don’t go over the top, just eat healthy. You can’t really diet. Continue to drink lots of water because it helps you keep alert for night feeds and to keep your breast milk going.” Kelly said: “Breast feeding can help you to be healthier after birth because you can actually burn 500 calories more a day when you’re breast feeding. “Most women do lose the best part of a stone after giving birth because a lot of it isn’t actual fat.” For exercises after having a baby Izzy recommended pelvic floor exercises and brisk walks. “I do weights because you need to keep your arm strength up when you’re carrying over ten pounds all the time.” If you are expecting a baby or are trying to get pregnant and are worried about your weight consult your doctor before you diet.

HerHealth Magazine. June 2011. Page 4

“If you’re overweight and expecting a baby it is safe to lose


”Don’t let people help you up off the sofa, do it yourself. It really helps with upper arm strength

Page 5: Nikki Mitchell - Her Health

Izzy with her daughter, Ameilia, at six weeks old. Photo taken by Nikki Mitchell Page 5

Page 6: Nikki Mitchell - Her Health

All you little pickers, don’t need to wear big knickers There’s a new way of snacking called grazing and Nikki Mitchell reviews her first graze box.

I try to live a healthy lifestyle, eating well and exercising often, making good choices for my breakfast, lunch and dinner but its snacks I struggle with. I need to eat little and often during the day, to keep myself going but I often find myself craving unhealthy food, such as a chocolate. I’d heard of a different healthier way of snacking called Graze. I’d even been on their website but for some reason had never bought anything from them. So when I received a voucher from a friend for a free box I decided it was time I tried one. Graze is a selection of healthy snacks you order from the Internet, that come to your door. Priced at £3.49 each, there are five different boxes to choose from to suit your needs. These are the four-box detox, the nibble box, which gives you the most selection of food from the company. For a boost pick the he energy box, which contains low glycemic index foods to keep you going for longer. Their eat well box gives you the healthiest foods, with the occasional treat or choose their strictest plan, the well-being box, where the punnets contain immunity nutrients, such as Vitamin C. For my first delivery I chose a nibble box because I wanted to have the most choice. Inside the box you get four punnets of healthy, tasty treats. On the Graze website you rate the food, whether you like it, love it, are willing to try it or want to bin it so that you will never receive that punnet. That way you will only be delivered the food you like. There is a range of snacks to choose from, including nuts, seeds, dried fruit, flapjacks, foccicia bread, crackers and olives. And best of all, no biscuits, just good nutritious food. You can request ‘sends soon’ if you want a particular punnet to appear in your next distribution from the company. I was excited for days about getting my first delivery from Graze. I love receiving packages through the post, especially when its food. The four punnets in my box were a honeycomb flapjack, cracked black pepper cashew nuts, honey bee good (honey cashews, peanuts and pecans) and Copacabana (brazil nuts with dark and milk chocolate buttons). Flapjacks and chocolate buttons didn’t sound like health food for me and they definitely didn’t taste like it. I often raid the cupboards for biscuits and chocolate because I associate eating well with dry, cardboard, tasteless food, but it isn’t always. Food that

HerHealth Magazine. June 2011. Page 6 Page 7

What Graze Said We asked, Clare, a spokesperson from Graze, a few questions about the company, to give you more information about graze boxes and help you decide whether or not you would like to try one. This is what she had to say:

HerHealth: What was the reason behind Graze being set up?

Graze: “The idea was to help people eat better wherever they are, the inspiration, our unwholesome lifestyles. “Stuck at our desks for long periods of time forced us to grab food when we could, we'd become disconnected with the food we ate, mindlessly inhaling food whilst reading documents and replying to emails. We often ate on the spur of the moment making unhealthy choices based on convenience.

“When grabbing food on the go we always went for the quick fixes which are generally unhealthy and not fit for purpose. Eating like this gave us the energy we needed but not for long and we soon had that mid afternoon sleepy feeling all over again. “We became fed up of eating poorly and feeling rubbish, so the graze box was born. The idea of a little box of wholesome, natural food sitting on our desks that we could

pick at keeping our blood sugar level stable and our energy levels consistent was very

“We’d become disconnected with the food we ate, mindlessly inhaling


by Nikki Mitchell

“We became fed up eating poorly and feeling rubbish, so the graze box

was born.”

tastes nice can be good for you. I enjoyed every single punnet from my little box of treats. The cracked black pepper cashews were particularly yummy. On the days where I ate something from my Graze box, in the morning or afternoon, I found myself being sustained until lunch or dinner. Often if I had a biscuit as a snack I would find myself wanting another or if I bought a chocolate bar, I’d want a packet of crisps after. But with the containers of healthy, tasty little snacks, my blood sugar levels evened out and I didn’t get that dip in energy, which would usually lead me to wanting and ultimately eating unhealthy food. What is great about the company is you can order as many or as little boxes you wish. You can just have a one off or set up a weekly delivery. If you want cancel them at any time there is an option for you to do so, as well as being able to push dispatch dates forwards and backwards. Although, the food in the boxes are better for you than cakes or cookies, things like nuts can be fairly high in calories. Also, dried fruit contains more sugar than fresh. However, the punnets you receive from Graze are not huge portions, like baby bear’s porridge, they’re just right. And a handful of nuts is still better for you than a handful of chocolate because they will give you a slow release of energy, whereas the candy bar will give you a quick fix and leave you wanting more later. I am hooked on the little boxes now. So far I have had three so far and my next delivery is booked. I have to say have become a bit of an addict but being addicted to healthy food is better than being addicted to chocolate. I find them really easy to stick in my bag or have in the cupboard and now instead of reaching for the biscuit tin or diving into the shop for sweets, I grab my graze box. I would recommend people try them at least once and see if they help you keep your fingers out of the cookie jar. To find out more information about Graze and the food they offer visit and to claim you free box enter the code 6RB77LFA at the checkout when you purchase one.

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HerHealth Magazine. June 2011. Page 6 Page 7

“We recently had an email from a bride that

was using graze boxes to get to her ideal weight for

the big day.”

appealing. Not only would it stop us making impulse purchases like chocolate and sweets (around 3pm everyday) but it would help us perform better too.

HH: Can Graze help people to lose


G: “It has helped many grazers. We're currently in the WeightWatchers magazine and it's been really popular with them. “The wellbeing box is particularly useful for

grazers looking to lose weight, and we recently had an email from a bride that was using graze boxes to get to her ideal weight for the big day. “Graze is fantastic for making healthy eating easier and therefore losing weight.”

HH: Can Graze help people to eat healither?

G: “All Graze foods are better than those you'd find in the average office, stuffed full of tempting biccies and choccies. So it definitely does help grazers to eat more healthily.”

HH: What are the benefits for people who are eating punnets from a graze box?

G: “Graze encourages people to eat healthyat home and in the office, as well as introducing them to new foods that are great for them.”

Above: Nikki’s first graze box. Photo by Nikki Mitchell.

Below: The contents of Nikki’s first graze box. Photo by Nikki Mitchell.

Page 8: Nikki Mitchell - Her Health

Day 1Breakfast: 2 weetabix, 1 banana, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkMorning Snack: 1/2 medium carrot cut into sticks, 1 celery cut into sticksLunch: 40g bran flakes with berries, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkAfternoon snack:1 celery cut into sticksDinner:Vegetable stirfry; 1 medium carrot, 1 medium pepper, 1 medium onion, 1 portion of noodles, half a pack of sweet and sour sauceExercise: Swimming

“Today, I went swimming with a friend, as it keeps me motivated.

We did 64 lengths, which is a mile. I think the hardest part is figuring out whether you’re doing enough

exercise to lose weight.”

Best part (of the day): Swimming a mileHardest part (of the day): Resisting food

The Crash Diet: A Special K inspired dietOn a Special K inspired diet is Emily Milsom. She said: “I’m trying my own version of The Special K two week diet. This means I eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast and another for lunch, with a light dinner and healthy snacks in between.”

Day 2Breakfast:2 weetabix, 1 banana, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkMorning Snack:1/2 medium carrot cut into sticks, 1 celery cut into sticksLunch:40g bran flakes with berries, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkAfternoon snack:1/2 medium carrot cut into sticksDinner: 1 can Heinz chunky vegetable soupExercise: Cycling

“I find saying “no” to everything unhealthy is easier because I need to stop saying “yes” to food that is bad for me. It’s a difficult balance. I did 10 miles on my exercise bike today. I decided to buy my own about a

month ago, as I’m not really a gym goer. It means I can pop onto my

bike whenever I want. Also, I realised watching TV whilst excercising makes

it goes faster.”

Best Part: Realising TV can be helpful not Hardest part: Not eating McDonalds after my friend insisted I take her there

Crash Diet VS Diet Club

Day 3Breakfast:2 weetabix, 1 banana, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkMorning Snack:1/2 medium carrot cut into sticks1 celery cut into sticksLunch:40g bran flakes with berries, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkAfternoon Snack:1/2 medium carrot cut into sticks Dinner: Homemade leek and potato soup; 2 leeks, 250g potato, 2 slices wholegrain bread with 4 teaspoons butter

“Today was really hard. I felt hungry a lot. I’m using the tactic of drinking

water, whenever I feel especially hungry, which seems to be helping. I took the day off from exercising as I’ve been feeling quite tired,

possibility due to having low energy.”

Best part: Having a lovely bowl of soup for teaHardest Part: Only buying a few essentials at the supermarket

HerHealth took two women wanting to lose weight, on two very different diets. We asked them to write down everything they ate for two weeks, to compare weight loss and the food they were able to eat on the plan. We also asked them to rate their diet. Below, check out their food diaries for one week.

HerHealth Magazine. June 2011. Page 8 Page 9

Emily before the tw

o week diet com

parison. Photo supllied by Emily M


Emily before the tw

o week diet com

parison. Photo supllied by Emily M


Page 9: Nikki Mitchell - Her Health

Day 4Breakfast:2 weetabix, 1 banana, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkMorning Snack:1 celery cut into sticksLunch:40g bran flakes with berries, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkAfternoon snack:1/2 medium carrot cut into sticks, 1 celery cut into sticksDinner: 100g white pasta, 1/2 jar Dolmio sauce

“I’m surprised at how well it’s going. I suspect it’s to do with me being at work, because I can’t see

anyone eating anything yummy. Took another day off exercising, it’s hard

to get motivated sometimes.”

Best part: Not thinking about food very muchHardest part: Not exercisingDay 4Breakfast:2 Weetabix, 1 banana, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkMorning Snack:1 celery cut into sticksLunch:40g bran flakes with berries, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkAfternoon snack:1/2 medium carrot cut into sticks, 1 celery cut into sticksDinner: 250g jacket potato (weighed when raw), 3 tablespoons cottage cheeseEvening Snack: Carrot sticks

“I drank lots of water today to keep the hunger pains away. I’m often

popping to the shops for vegetables, as I’m going through them fast.

There’s much more temptation to eat unhealthily, when I’m in the

supermaket. I watched a film with friends tonight, who were eating

popcorn. I was a little sad but they’d bought a box of carrot sticks for me.

Its great having friends show you support, it would be difficult without


Best part: Having supportive friendsHardest part: Not eating a handful or two of popcorn and just having carrot sticks

Day 6Breakfast:2 weetabix, 1 banana, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkMorning Snack:1 medium carrot cut into sticksLunch:1 can Heinz minestrone soupAfternoon snack:1/2 medium carrot cut into sticksDinner: 2 Quorn Burgers, 2 white bread buns, 1/4 iceberg lettuce, 1 pepper cut into slicesExcerise: Cycling 10 miles

“I woke up an hour early to go on my exercise bike. It’s getting easier. Lunchtime was bad, I completely

forgot I was on the diet and cooked myself some soup, but it’s the not the worst thing I could’ve eaten. I went to a barbeque in the evening, making better choices, like having

plenty of salad.”

Best Part: Actually waking up to do exercise.Hardest part: Not eating loads of unhealthy food at the barbeque

Day 7Breakfast:2 weetabix, 1 banana, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkLunch:40g bran flakes with berries, 1/3 pint semi-skimmed milkAfternoon snack:1/2 medium carrot cut into sticks, 1 celery cut into sticksDinner: 230g jacket potato (weighed when raw), 3 tablespoons cottage cheese, 1/4 lettuce, 1 green pepper sliced Exercise: Cycling 10 miles

“Lying in definately affects my diet, as I end up eating breakfast a lot

later and therefore eating tea later. So, I missed out my morning snack. I cycled another 10 miles, 30 in total this week. I turned up the resistance another point, which felt

great. A little burn on the thighs but nothing

I couldn’t handle. I went to the cinema and had carrot sticks as my snack. It was exciting having the strength to eat carrot sticks, whilst everyone around me

was gorging on sweets, popcorn, pizza and


Best Part: Turning up my resistance and completing 30 miles on my excerise bikeHardest part: Not eating any unhealthy food at cinema, and having carrot sticks instead.

Emily said: “Since coming off the diet I’ve actually put on two pounds and am now 14 stone 7 pounds, but I think it is fair considering I’ve upped my food intake. The diet was a great kickstart to shedding a few pounds.”

HerHealth Magazine. June 2011. Page 8 Page 9

Start Weight: 14 stone 12.5 poundsWeight loss after one week on the diet (shown in the food diary): 3.5 poundsWeight loss after 2 weeks: 4 pounds End Weight: 14 stone five poundsTotal loss after 2 weeks on the diet: 8.5lbs Emily gave her Special K inspired diet:Ease: 9/10Flexability: 2/10Liveability: 7/10Enjoyment: 5/10No hunger pangs: 2/10

Emily now

after coming off the diet. Photo by N

ikki Miitchell.

Q & A of a crash dieter

What made you want to go on a diet? Was it health or appearance reasons?

I decided to go on a diet because I recently put quite a bit of weight on and started to feel very uncomfortable with my size. So, mainly it was

an appearance reason but now that I’ve started being healthy I’ve come to appreciate the health factor as well.

What made you choose a crash diet over a diet club?I chose a crash diet because I really needed to lose some weight quickly to help me get

started on losing more weight. I feel wuite unmotivated when it comes off slowly and then am more likely to quit or lose inspiration.

What made you choose the Special K diet?I chose this diet, as I’d seen the advert and its very easy to follow. which make my life easier.

Have you ever been on a crash diet before?Yes, I’ve been on The Special K diet before.

Did it work for you? Were you able to maintain your weight loss after coming off it?Yes, The Special K diet helped me lose a certain amount of weight before an important event. I

managed to keep the weight off for a good few months. However, over the Christmas period and winter months, I put weight back on because I wasn’t keeping check of what I was eating.

Have you ever been to a diet club before?I have never been to a diet club, as I don’t feel as though I could afford them. Also,

because I want to change my life around and make this as something I will do for the rest of my life. Whereas, I think if I went to a club then I’d have to go to it for the rest of

my life.Is being on the crash diet the only thing you are doing to improve your

health ad weight loss?No, I’ve dramatically increased my exercise. I have started to go

swimming every week. I also purchased an exercise bike, so that I can exercise at home. Weight loss is different for everybody

but I think exercising is the best way to lose weight. Then you can still eat because exercising makes

you healthy and lose weight.

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The Diet Club: Weight WatchersNikki Mitchell is a member of Weight Watchers and said: “As a part of the diet club I get a daily food allowance, based on my height, weight and age. As well as, a weekly allowance, which is the same for every Weight Watchers member. Food is calculated into a points system called ProPoints. I’m allowed to eat anything I want as long as I don’t exceed my daily or weekly points. However, I can gain extra activity ProPoints from undertaking exercise. “Once you get your head around working out the ProPoints, it’s great. I love it. Especially as fruit and veg have a zero ProPoints value. Therefore, I can eat as much as I feel the need to.”

Crash Diet VS Diet ClubDay 1Breakfast: 2 Weetabix, 1/4 pint skimmed milk, 1 pot Asda Double Trouble strawberry and vanilla yogurtLunch: West Cornwall Pasty Company Cheese, Tomato and Basil Pasty, 500ml bottle Diet CokeAfternoon snack:Watchers Mini Victoria Sponge Cake, 1 mug Cadbury’s Highlights hot chocolateDinner:Stirfry; 120g Quorn Chicken Style Pieces, 1 nest Sharwood’s fine egg noodles, 4 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 green pepper, 2 small carrots, 1 medium onion, 1 medium courgette. Weight Watchers Beligan Chocolate and Vanilla MouseEvening Snack:2 Slices Hovis Wholemeal Bread (25g each), 40g Cathedral City Grated Mature Lighter Cheddar Cheese, 1 tablespoon Heinz Ketchup,1 pint Strongbow Cider with blackcurrant, 25ml vodka with 250ml Diet Coke, 25ml Tequila shot, 25ml Sambuca Shot, 1 bottle Smirnoff Ice, 1 glass of Peach Daiquriri cocktail

“Tonight, I went out drinking and played pub golf with friends. It was great to have my weekly ProPoints

to use on alcohol beacuse it meant I could still drink and not ruin my diet.”

Best part (of the day): Being able to go out drinking with my friends Hardest part (of the day): Feeling guilty about it

Day 2Breakfast: 1 Slice Hovis Wholemeal Bread (25g), 1 teaspoon Flora LightLunch: 1/2 130g tin tuna in brine, 2 Weight Watchers Thick Sliced Wholemeal Bread (27g each), 1 tablespoon extra light mayonnaise, 25g bag Walkers Sour Cream and Cracked Black Pepper SunbitesAfternoon snack:Weight Watchers Mini Victoria Sponge CakeDinner:100g Quorn Chicken Style Pieces, 1/3 jar Patak’s Balti Sauce, 200g sweet potato, 1 red pepper, 2 medium carrots, 1 medium courgette, 1 medium onion.Evening Snack:37g bag Maltesers, 1/4 pint skimmed milkExercise: 4 mile walk

“It was hard to diet after drinking the night before because all I wanted to do was eat. I saved a few ProPoints to have chocolate in the evening. I

find if I treat myself little and often it stops me from binge eating.”

Best part: Eating MaltesersHardest part: Sticking to my daylies

Day 3Breakfast: 2 Weetabix, 1/4 pint skimmed milkLunch: 1/2 130g tin tuna in brine, 1 tablespoon extra light mayonnaise, 1 tiger bread roll, Mullerlight cherry yogurtAfternoon snack:1/2 400g pack melons and grapesDinner:2 tortilla wraps, 100g steak style strips, 1/2 red pepper, 1 small carrot, 2 small tomatoes, 1/2 medium onion, teaspoon lime juice mixed with tablespoon extra light mayonnaise, 1/2 teaspoon reduced fat humous Evening Snack:150g strawberries, 2 slices Weight Watchers Thick Wholemeal Bread, teaspoon Flora Light, 1 bananaExercise: 4 mile walk

“Today was a pretty good day, I didn’t feel too hungry because I used the remaining three weekly ProPoints

I had left, to have a little extra at dinner time.”

Best part: Eating lots of fruit, which made me feel healthyHardest part: Deciding whether to use my remaining weekly ProPoints or not

Nikki before the tw

o week diet com

parison. Photo by Nikki M


HerHealth Magazine. June 2011. Page 10 Page 11N

ikki after the two w

eek diet comparison. Photo by N

ikki Mitchell.

Page 11: Nikki Mitchell - Her Health

Start Weight: 10 stone 10.5 pounds Weight loss after one week on the diet (shown in the food diary): 3 pounds Weight loss after two weeks: 2.5 poundsEnd Weight: 10 stone 5 poundsTotal loss after two weeks on the diet: 5.5 pounds

Nikki said: “In almost a year, I’ve lost 25 pounds with Weight Watchers. I’m maintaing my weight now, as I have a healthy body mass index.”

Day 4Breakfast: 2 Weetabix, 1/4 pint skimmed milkLunch: 1/2 130g tin tuna in brine, 1 tablespoon extra light mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons sweetcorn, 1 tiger bread roll, Weight Watchers Double Chocolate Brownie Frozen DessertAfternoon snack:150g Strawberries, 1 bananaDinner:Stirfry; 100g Quorn Steak Style Strips, 1 Onion, 1 medium carrot, 1 red pepper, 1 nest Sharwood’s Fine Egg Noodles, 1/4 jar Sharwood’s Sweet and Sour SauceEvening Snack:1/2 170g bag Galaxy MinstrelsExcerise: 5.5 mile walk

“I went for a long walk in a country park in Wales with my boyfriend. Even thought it was rainy, it was

really good to get out and do something active together and not sit around watching TV all day long. Plus

it meant I earnt activity ProPoints, which I used on some chocolate.”

Best part: Earning activity points to eat chocolateHardest part: My legs hurting when walking up a steep flight of stairs when in Wales

Day 5Breakfast: 2 medium eggs scrambled, 2 slices Weight Watchers Thick Wholemeal Bread, teaspoon Flora Light, 1/2 teaspoon saltLunch: Youngs Cod Steak in Butter Sauce, 120g potatoes (weighed when raw), 1/4 lettuce, 1 red pepper, 2 medium carrots, 1 medium onion, 8 cherry tomatoesAfternoon snack:Mullerlight Cherry Yogurt, 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 pearDinner:75g white pasta (weighed when dried), 1/2 130g tin tuna, 1/2 tin chopped tomatoes, 1/2 medium onion, 30g Cathedral City Grated Mature Lighter CheeseEvening Snack: Weight Watchers Double Chocolate Brownie Frozen Dessert

“It was fairly easy to stick to my daily ProPointa allowance because didn’t have too many hunger pangs today. My friends came round for dinner

and I made a nice healthy tuna pasta bake.”

Best part: Having friends around for tea and making healthy food we could all eatHardest part: Resiting the urge to top the pasta bake with lots of cheese

Day 6Breakfast: 2 Weetabix, 1/4 pint skimmed milkLunch: 2 slices Weight Watchers Thick Wholemeal Bread, 1 medium egg scrambled, 200g Heinz Beans Snap Pot, 1 bananaAfternoon snack:Weight Watchers Mini Victoria Sponge CakeDinner:150g Quorn Mince, 1 tin chopped tomatoes, 6 mushrooms, 1 medium carrot, 80g green beans, 1 medium onion, 200g potatoes (weighed when raw)Evening Snack:Weight Watchers Belgian Chocolate and Vanilla Mouse, 1 mug Cadbury’s Highlights Hot Chocolate, 1 pear, 1 banana

“I went for a walk today, making the choice not to use my activity

ProPoints and stick to my daylies, to make the extra effort to lose weight.”

Best part: Having the will to resist using my activty ProPointsHardest part: Wanting to use my activity ProPointsDay 7Breakfast: 2 Weetabix, 1/4 pint skimmed milkLunch: 1 slice Warburton’s Crusty White Loaf, 1 tablespoon sweetcorn, 1 nest Sharwood’s Fine Egg Noodles, 1/4 jar Sharwood’s Sweet and Sour Sauce, 400g pineapple,Afternoon snack:Weight Watchers Double Chocolate Brownie Frozen DessertDinner:Weight Watchers Salmon and Brocolli Wedge Melt, Weight Watchers Double Chocolate Brownie Frozen Dessert Excerise: 1 hour spin class

“I went to a spin class for the first time this evening. It was hard but I enjoyed it. The instructor said she

didn’t feel the need to ask me how I was because I was do so well. Plus,

a woman at the class said she wished she’d been as good as me on her first class.”

Best part: Surviving my first spin classHardest part: Not eating all my activity points

Q & A of a diet clubber

What made you want to go on a diet? Was it health or appearance reasons?

Initially I wanted to lose weight before I went on holiday, so I would look good in a bikini. But, the longer I have been on Weight Watchers, the more I have considered

the health aspects. I wanted to get my BMI (Body Mass Index) under 25, to be considered healthy, which I have now done.

What made you choose a diet club over a crash diet?I chose a diet club over a crash diet because I need structure. I need a regimented plan that I can stick to, otherwise I won’t stick to losing weight and will eat whatever I can get my hands on. I like that on

Weight Watchers I can treat myself occasionally, with nice foods, such as chocolate or going for dinner, and know that if I stick to my ProPoints I will still lose weight.

What made you choose Weight Watchers?I chose to go to Weight Watchers because its flexiable and liveable. I can still go out for a meal or a few drinks

or even have a takeaway and know that I am still going to see a loss when I step on the scales.Have you ever been to a diet club before?

Yes, I went to Weight Watchers when I was fifteen and lost around two stone. Did it work for you? Were you able to maintain your weight loss after coming off it?

It did work for me yes, and I kept the weight off for a number of years until I was eighteen, when I got glandular fever. My health took a turn for the worst and after recovering from glandular fever, I had a large allergic reaction and ended up with eczema head to toe. Subseqently, I was required by the doctors to take three doses of oral steriods, which made me put on a lot of weight. Also, I became depressed during this

period and comfort ate.Have you ever been on a crash diet?

I’ve tried many crash diets. I’ve cut out carbs, I did a soup and salad diet, where I’d only eat soup or salad for lunch and dinner. I’ve done the Special K diet, but only lasted a couple of days, because

cereal for lunch wouldn’t sustain me. I’d eat a bowl and then an hour later, would be hungry again and ended up making something else, like soup. Ultimately I got bored with crash

diets I tried and old bad habits crept back in.Is going to a diet club the only thing you are doing to improve your

health and weight loss?I strive to do at least one hours good workout a week. Whether

that be going to the gym, for a jog or for a swim or doing an exercise class, like pilates or


HerHealth Magazine. June 2011. Page 10 Page 11

Nikki Gave Weight Watchers:Ease: 8/10Flexability: 9/10Liveability: 9/10Enjoyment: 9/10No hunger pangs: 8/10




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Below: Nikki

before joining

the diet club

Page 12: Nikki Mitchell - Her Health

Leek and chestnut mushroom risottoA quick and easy fourty minute recipe that’s made in the microwave, for women who want to eat healthy but don’t have the time to spend hours slaving over an oven cooking.This recipe serves four people.


25g/1oz butter1 tablespoon olive oil1 leek, cut into thin slices1/2 onion, finely chopped1 garlic clove, crushed300g/10oz risotto rice850ml/1 1/2 pints hot vegetable stock250g/9oz chestnut mushrooms, sliced50g/2oz parmesan, gratedGreen salad, to serve


1) Put the butter, oil, leek and garlic into a large bowl.

2) Cover the bowl with cling film and cook in microwave on High for five minutes.

3) Stir the rice into the hot leeks, then stir in the stock and season.

4) Cook, uncovered on High for 15 minutes.

5) Mix in half the parmesan and leave the risotto to stand for five min-utes.

6) Sprinkle the remaining parmesean on top of the risotto and serve with a green salad.

HerHealth Magazine. June 2011. Page 12

Nutritional Information (per serving):

Calories: 397Protein: 13gCarbohydrate: 60gFat: 13gSaturated Fat: 6gFibre: 3gAdded Sugar: NoneSalt: 1.2g

Tip: Why not try adding a grilled fillet of salmon or a chicken breat to the risotto to make a bigger meal?

Page 13: Nikki Mitchell - Her Health

Leek and chestnut mushroom risotto. Photo by Nikki Mitchell. Page 13

Page 14: Nikki Mitchell - Her Health

Ten Minute Work the gym

Personal Trainer for Fitness First gyms, Martin Fell, said: “My thinking is that the cooler and more comfortable you feel when working out the harder you will work and therefore the better results will be. I encourage people to wear the minimum amount of clothing possible when working out. “If you are limited to a ten minute workout it is best to concentrate on the larger muscle groups, so the energy expenditure is at a maximum. I would go for the following.”

Two reps of 12 squatswith a fitness ball

Sit Up Step 2

Squat Step 1 Squat Step 2

Two reps of 12 dumb-bell flies

Sit Up Step 1

Two reps of 12 sit ups with a fitness ball

Dumb-Bell Fly Step 1

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Dumb-Bell Fly Step 2

Lunge Step 1 Lunge Step 2

Two reps of 12 pull downs on a latpulldown machine

Pull Down Step 2

Two reps of 12 lunges with dumbbells on both legs

Pull Down Step 1

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