niki nicolas grigoriou's presentation from the healthcare denmark ambassador summit

Copyright Intelligent Systems A/S 28 oktober 2014 Niki Nicolas Grigoriou http://repos-server.intelligentsystems.lan/doc-repos/internal/products/intelligent-hospital-logistics/presentations/healthcare-denmark-ambassador-event-20141028/intelligentsystems-healthcare-denmark-20141028.pptx Intelligent Hospital Logis/cs (IHL) Intelligent and fully automated transport and storage solu/on for the future hospitals Healthcare Denmark Ambassador Summit 2014 Børsen, Copenhagen, 28 October 2014

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Niki Nicolas Grigoriou’s presentation on Intelligent Hospital Logistics at the Healthcare DENMARK Ambassador Summit 2014 in Copenhagen.


Page 1: Niki Nicolas Grigoriou's presentation from the Healthcare DENMARK Ambassador Summit

Copyright Intelligent Systems A/S 28 oktober 2014 Niki Nicolas Grigoriou http://repos-server.intelligentsystems.lan/doc-repos/internal/products/intelligent-hospital-logistics/presentations/healthcare-denmark-ambassador-event-20141028/intelligentsystems-healthcare-denmark-20141028.pptx

Intelligent  Hospital  Logis/cs  (IHL)  Intelligent  and  fully  automated  transport  and  storage  solu/on  for  the  future  hospitals  

Healthcare  Denmark  Ambassador  Summit  2014  Børsen,  Copenhagen,  28  October  2014  

Page 2: Niki Nicolas Grigoriou's presentation from the Healthcare DENMARK Ambassador Summit


1.  Short presentation of Intelligent Systems

2.  What is Intelligent Hospital Logistics (IHL)?

3.  What problems does IHL solve?

4.  How is IHL different?

5.  Why should you care?

2 Copyright Intelligent Systems A/S 28 oktober 2014

Page 3: Niki Nicolas Grigoriou's presentation from the Healthcare DENMARK Ambassador Summit

Copyright Intelligent Systems A/S 2013 28 oktober 2014 http://repos-server.intelligentsystems.lan/doc-repos/internal/company/presentations/intelligentsystems-presentation_en.pptx Niki Nicolas Grigoriou

Experts in software development for automated logistics

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Intelligent Systems

Intelligent Systems are experts in software development for automated logistics solutions, e.g. for:

•  Baggage handling in airports

•  Fully automated warehouse and distribution centers

•  Intelligent logistics for hospitals

Hospital solutions include:

•  Automated solutions for central sterile supply departments (CSSD)

•  Intelligent monitoring and automated handling and sortation of samples via “The Intelligent Transport Box”

•  Intelligent Hospital Logistics (IHL)

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5 Copyright Intelligent Systems A/S 28 oktober 2014

Field of competence

Information and communication technology (ICT)

Automation and robot


Logistics, automated material

handling and resource optimization

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We provide international project capabilities

•  Intelligent Systems has completed assignments for its customers in the following countries:

Denmark Norway Sweden Finland

Germany England Ireland

Belgium France Spain

Poland Ukraine Turkey Israel Qatar

Russia Australia

South Africa Canada


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Intelligent Hospital Logistics

•  IHL is a new innovative solution concept for an intelligent and fully automated transport and storage solution that radically changes internal supply logistics in the future hospitals

•  IHL works from the users

perspective similar to a pneumatic tube system, but it has a much larger transport capacity, and it has a build-in decentralized storage capability that can be used as a virtual central storage – and it is intelligent

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Elements of IHL •  An IHL solution consist the following

elements: •  Transport boxes are used as transport

container. Internal dimensions match ISO/EURO/DIN standards (60 x 40 x 30 cm).

•  Vertical transport and storage – Qubiqa miniload as lift and storage shaft

•  Horizontal transport and storage – AutoStore grid + mini transport robots

•  Systemport – is the front-end access point to the system from clinical departments

•  Specialized infeed and outfeed stations at supply centers (back-end access)

•  Intelligent and integrated control system and mobile user interfaces – systemport screen, smartphones and tablets and any device with a modern web browser like laptops, PC’s, Macs, patient infotainment system

•  Open data exchange and integration interfaces

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Credit: Barco

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Vertical transport and storage

Transport boxes

User interfaces

Specialized infeed and outfeed stations at supply centers

Horizontal transport and storage

Systemport Intelligent and integrated control system

Elements of IHL

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Material flow

Red arrows indicate unclean material flow. Green arrows indicate clean material flow.

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Supply types supported by IHL

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Participants & partners

IHL is being developed in a project that involves 17 Danish organizations including 5 hospitals and 10 private companies

Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital

Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation

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Test & demonstration system

An IHL test and demonstration system is running at Hvidovre Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark

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User-driven and co-creation

•  User-centered development in close cooperation with involved hospitals resulting in services-centered design that can support the future hospital processes and needs

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Plans for New Odense University Hospital (OUH)

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Princip diagram for miniload locations from earlier plans for New OUH

Miniload supply positions at New OUH

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What problems does IHL solve? •  IHL makes supplies available throughout the hospital from any

department when they are needed •  IHL can be used for almost all types of supplies and materials that can fit

in the transport box. This allows one transport and storage system to be used in stead of several.

•  IHL reduces time spent finding, ordering, transporting and handling supplies by automating logistics – allowing clinical staff to focus on patients needs and saves personnel resources

•  IHL reduces stock by making the complete storage contents accessible from any connected department allowing supplies to be shared between departments

•  IHL reduces storage space needed by utilizing the full building and floor high for storage

•  IHL reduces waste by providing an always up-to-date inventory of all stored supplies and allowing older supplies to be used before they reach their expiration date

•  IHL improves working environment due less manual lifting and handling of supplies

•  IHL is reliable, redundant and has robust design that supports hospital operations and emergency procedures

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How is IHL different? •  Fast, lean and efficient – speeds that are more than twice that of AGV

transports. Supplies are available within a few seconds or minutes. •  Fully automated and integrated transport and storage that is

available 24/7 •  Full traceability by design – history of all movements and operations in

the system are kept allowing analysis and optimization of operations •  Build on existing technology used in industry, applied in a new setup

to fulfill the needs of the future the hospitals •  Unique hygiene concept that prevents spread of infections and

diseases and build to support hospital hygiene standards and best practices

•  Flexible, scalable, modular and extendable – solution can be tailored to the needs of the hospital and is easy to install and extend. IHL can even by build into exiting buildings.

•  Developed with user and for user (user-centered development) in a unique public-private cooperation – between public hospitals and private companies

•  Truly intelligent

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Why should you care? •  IHL business cases indicate return on investment (ROI) of a few years –

this means more health for the money •  IHL’s unique hygiene concept is beyond what is seen in any other

automated transport system – this will reduce infection risks and spread of diseases at the hospitals

•  Higher level of quality and possibility of new patient-orientet services – faster reaction time, better services and improved patient care

•  Working environment improvements meet new standards •  IHL has raised international attention – and we are looking

international partners

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Copyright Intelligent Systems A/S 28 oktober 2014 Niki Nicolas Grigoriou http://repos-server.intelligentsystems.lan/doc-repos/internal/products/intelligent-hospital-logistics/presentations/healthcare-denmark-ambassador-event-20141028/intelligentsystems-healthcare-denmark-20141028.pptx

Further  informa/on:  web:      


web:    email:  [email protected]    

tel:  +45  7020  2275