nightcall early

NIGHTCALL Written by Alex Mroz Based on the One Act, Nightcall written by Alex Mroz 1021 Harwood street 604-996-5512

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NIGHTCALLWritten byAlex MrozBased on the One Act, Nightcall written by Alex Mroz1021 Harwood street604-996-5512FADE IN:INT. AMYS ROOM-NIGHT The room in small and plain looking there is a feel of melancholy in room. AMY, a dark haired Caucasian girl (17)is sitting at her desk. She is writing in her journal.AMY (V.O.)Tomorrow. Its funny how an eight letter word can leave you with such uncertainty. Whats going to happen tomorrow? Is it going to be a good day? Is tomorrow going to be a bad day? We dont know. Ive had a lot of bad tomorrows, more then I can remember and tomorrow is the last first day of high school. Amy stands up and looks out the window.AMY I have a feeling that more bad tomorrows are yet to come.INT. SCHOOL CLASSROOM-DAYThe classroom has a very plain and unimpressive look to it. The date September 3rd 2013 is written on the white board. The room Looks just like a basic classroom. The wall on the other side of the classroom has a windows that go across it and the room has a slight warm feel to it.There are twelve desks accompanied by one chair each. In the chairs are twelve classmates. JOHN, a (17) average sized brown haired Caucasian boy, stands up and walks over to KEVIN, a (17) Caucasian boy with average length brown hair. John puts his hand down on Kevins desk. Kevin jumps a bit in surprise.JOHNSo whats your problem?Kevin looks confused.KEVINUm, what?JOHNYour problem, everyone has a problem in this town.Kevin looks away.KEVINI dont have a problem.There is a pause.JOHNOkay, well, I see your not in the talking mood. But if you ever wanna talk about anything like, your problem. My desk is just right over there in the back.John starts to walk away. He sits back down at his desk and Kevin turns his head back to the front. KYLEHey sorry about that, John can seem a little off the first time you meet him. But hell grow on you though.Kevin nods his head and takes out his note book.KYLE (CONTD)My names kyle by the way, whats your name?Kevin looks up at KYLE, a red haired (17) Caucasian boy, he has glasses.KEVINUm, its Kevin.The school bell rings and the teacher walks in.KYLEWell it was nice talking to you Kevin, oh hey how about at lunch you let me introduce you to the rest of the class?KEVINUm, well I dont know.Kyle cuts Kevin off at well. 2.KYLEOkay sweet talk to you at lunch. Kevin shows a faint smile.INT. SCHOOL CLASSROOM-DAY/LUNCHKyle is by the garbage can throwing away the rest of his lunch. He walks over to Kevins desk. Other classmates are sitting down eating or standing up talking in pairs. KYLEOkay Kevin so you ready to meet the class?KEVINSure.Kevin stands up and walks with Kyle. KYLE Who should we go to first?Kyle looks around and sees MIKE, a black haired (17) Caucasian boy is sitting playing a game on his phone. KYLE (CONTD)Oh I know, come on Kevin.Kyle walks over to Mikes desk with Kevin following.KYLE (CONTD)Okay so this Mike.MIKEHelloKYLEMike is kind of a computer nerd. MIKEHey! Just because I know a lot about computers doesnt make me a nerd. KYLEIts a compliment Mike.MIKEBullshit it is. 3.Mike looks at Kevin. KEVINHi Im Kevin, its nice to meet you. MIKEYeah nice to meet you too.KYLEOh look theres John come on Kevin lets go say hi. KEVINOh Okay.MIKEAh wait see yeah Kevin. Kevin and Kyle walk up to John who is by Avas a (17) long blonde haired Caucasian girl, desk.KYLEHey John.JOHN Oh so you your hanging out with the new kid I see.KYLEYup, his name is Kevin by the way.JOHNOh I see you two have gotten pretty close, on a first name bases now.John comes closer to Kyle.JOHN (CONTD)Say has Kevin told you his problem yet.KYLEJohn, shut up.JOHNOkay, Okay, Kevin its nice to meet you.John puts his hand out and Kevin slowly goes to shack it. John grabs his hand and starts to shack it then he pulls Kevin closer, rests his arm on Kevins shoulder.4.JOHN (CONTD)Kevin I have a great idea why dont Kyle and I introduce you to the rest of the class.KYLEThats what I was already doing, idiotJOHNReally well thanks for the invite, Dick.KYLEAnyway Kevin this AvaAva looks at Kevin.AVAHiKEVINHelloKYLEAva is. (John cuts in)JOHNHere let me take this one youve done enough.John pushes kyle out of the way he then walks back to Kevin.JOHN (CONTD)Ava is... Hmmm how do I put this... psychotic.There is a awkward silence Ava looks shocked. Kyle walks up to John.KYLEIs that why youve had a crush on here ever since the 10th grade. John and Ava both get a shocked and embarrassed look on there face. JOHNMoving on.John looks around.JOHN (CONTD)Who else is there, Oh.5.John turns to Kevin.JOHN (CONTD)You see that girl sitting by the window staring out of it?KEVINYes.JOHNThats Amy. Kevin, Kyle and John all stare at her. KEVINArent we going over to say hi?JOHNUmm no. Amy is the Kind of girl that keeps to herself. To be honest I dont think I have ever seen her talk to someone before. KYLEYeah, no one really talks to her. Shes not a bad person shes just shy I guess.John look at Kyle.KYLE (CONTD)I dont shes a mystery. Kevin continues to look at Amy. JOHNWhat is it Kevin? Do you like mysteries?KEVINI just dont see any harm in going over to say hi. JOHNTell me how it goes detective.John gives Kevin a little push and him and Kyle watch while Kevin walks up to Amy. KEVINUm, hi, Im Kevin.Amy turns and looks at Kevin while sitting at her desk.6.AMYI know. KEVINOh okay, so um what were you looking at.AMYWhat do you mean.KEVINWell, you were looking out the window.AMYI was looking at the clouds.There is a pause.AMY (CONTD)When did you move here.KEVINAbout a week ago.Amy looks out the window.AMYEver since you moved here the clouds have gotten darker. KEVINOh really, I didnt notice.AMYHow could you? You just got here.KEVINYeah, your right; I dont know why I said that.AMYIts because youre nervous.KEVINYeah, Youre right.AMYAccording to you Im right a lot.KEVINYeah, Well, it was nice meeting you.7.Kevin starts to walk away. Amy looks at him.AMYMy name is Amy.Kevin turns to face her with a smile.KEVINI know.Kevin turns back around and continues to walk towards Kyle and John. JOHNWhat the hell was that?KEVINIts hard talking to her.John laughsJOHNYou think? Your like the first person ever to talk to her, like ever. Even Ava tried to but halfway she got scared. Shes psychotic like that. KEVINIs that why you like her.JOHNYou know what? I like this guy!John puts his hand on Kevins shoulder.JOHN (CONTD)Mike and Kyle are coming over after school, you should come.Mike walks up to them.KEVINI cant, Sorry.MIKEWhy not?JOHNShut up Mike. But he does make a good point.8.KYLETheres no need to be pushy guys, hell just hangout next time, right.KEVINYeah, Next time.Kevin walks back to his desk. Mike and Kyle walk to Mikes desk, John stares at Kevin. JOHNI think I know what his problem is. INT. KEVINS ROOM-AFTERNOONKevin walks into his room it is empty with nothing but a bed and a desk that holds his computer.Kevin takes his backpack off and puts in next to his desk. He sits down, takes out his journal from his desk and starts to write.INT. JOHNS BASEMENT-AFTERNOONThe basement is like a second house with a kitchen that has a white fridge and a old broken white stove. There is a small desk used for the computer. On the computer is Mike. Next to the computer is a L shaped couch with Kyle and john sitting on it watching Television. The place is relatively clean.JOHNIm just saying Kyle you can go around telling everyone that I like Ava. That shit is between you and me.MIKEAnd me, right John?JOHNWhat? Oh! Mike I didnt know you were still here, probably because youve been on my stupid computer ever since you got here!9.MIKEYeah, well its better then listening to your guys pointless conversations about psychotic girls your into.JOHNWho invited you?MIKEYou Invited me John!JOHNDont question what I say!KYLEOkay lets not fight. Oh and by the way Mike, I wouldnt be caught dead with any of the girls at our school.John turns to look at Kyle and makes a fist with his hands.JOHNYour damn right, because if I ever saw you outside of school with Ava Id kill you.KYLEOkay thats enough of this lets just get back to the conversation. JOHNWhich one? The one about psychotic girls, or trying to figure out who invited Mike? KYLEYou know what; why dont we start a new conversation.MIKEHow about that new kid Kevin.JOHNOh yeah that guys fucking weird. I mean, I cant believe he went up and talked to Amy. No normal person would do that.KYLEYeah, what really shocked me is the fact that she talked to him.10.JOHNThat was pretty shocking.MIKEIts to bad he couldnt come over. JOHNI think it was more like he didnt want to come over. KYLEI agree, I take it you have an idea of what his problem is. Kyle and Mike turn to look at John.JOHNOh yeah, I think that Kevin is dealing with the same problem as me.KYLEOh really? John nods his head.KYLE (CONTD)Damn so the guy has no one.John stands up.JOHNYes, which is why we are going to befriend Kevin and have him join our circle of friendship motherfuckers.KYLEI dont know if hell wanna be friends with us.JOHNSure he will, I bet in a week after we talk to him a bit hell be begging to hangout with us. I mean who can resist us?MIKEAva.JOHNThats it get out.John points to the door.11.MIKEBut I dont wanna leave.JOHNWell I cant look at you right now so Im going to the bathroom. Dont break anything idiots, and by idiots I mean Mike.John walks to the bathroom and closes the door.MIKEDamn John is in rare form today. KYLEIts probably because we keep teasing him about Ava.MIKEWell that makes sense. Hes such a baby when it comes to stuff like that, why doesnt he just ask her out already?John walks out of the bathroom.JOHNMike, Im going to ignore everything you just said because I just remembered I forgot to tell you guys some great news.MIKEYou remembered this while you were in the bathroom.JOHNKeep it up Mike and you be replaced by Kevin.MIKE Wait what?JOHNAnyway. So this morning I was checking my E-mail and I got a message from Calebs doctor saying that hes doing better.KYLEOh, thats great man, hopefully he gets well enough to leave the hospital.12.MIKEYeah great news John!JOHNShut up Mike.INT. AMYS ROOM-NIGHTAmy is lying on her bed look at the wall in front of her.AMYHe talked to me. No one ever talks to me.Amy turns onto her back and looks at the ceiling.AMY (CONTD)Why did he talk to me?INT. SCHOOL CLASSROOM-DAYThe date is written on the white board it reads September 17. John is talking to Kevin at his desk. Mike and Kyle standing by Mikes desk. John turns and starts to walk over to them.JOHNOh, this is the shits Kyle this is the shits.KYLEI take it he said no again.JOHNAh, I just dont get it. Why is it taking him so long to come out of his shell?MIKEAnd werent you the one that said you had him all figured out and that he would warm up to us in a week.JOHNSee this is what Im talking about. We need to get Kevin out of his shell so I never have to talk to this fucker again.MIKEOh what ever you know that youll miss me to much not to talk to me.13.JOHNBullshit Ill miss you. Whats there to miss? MIKEOh you want a list?JOHNNo I dont.MIKEWhy not?JOHNBecause I dont care enough to read it.KYLEWell it may never happen. Mike and John stop arguing and look at Kyle. John sees that Kyle is looking at Kevin he turns to look at Kevin and then back at Kyle.JOHNOh, Kevin dont worry I give it one more week. KYLENo I dont think so man, I think we might be wrong about Kevins problem.JOHNReally? Do have another guess.Kyle turns to look at John and Mike.KYLEI think Kevin could be an example of the hedgehogs dilemma.JOHNOh, the hedgehogs dilemma, yeah thats what I was thinking.KYLEReally?JOHNNo, what the does that even meanMIKEWhat it means is.14.JOHNI wasnt asking you Mike.KYLEWell, fuck how do I put it into words. Okay its like, well lets say there are these two hedgehogs and they are cold. Now they would get closer together to warm themselves up with there body heat, yes. But they cant because they will risk the chance of hurting each other with their pelts.John has a confused look on his face.JOHNKyle, what the hell are you talking about. KYLEAll Im trying to say is that maybe Kevin is afraid to get close to anyone because hes afraid that hell get hurt. JOHNSo hes the complete opposite of me.KYLEYeah, pretty much. JOHNShit. Ava walks in to the with her school bag and holding a text book. She walks up to John.AVAHey John did you do the homework?John reacts in shock.JOHNOh shit, I totally forgot. Can I copy yours.Ava smiles and nods her head.JOHN (CONTD)Thank god. Your a life saver.15.John and Ava walk to there desks. Mike sits down at his desk and Kyle walks to sit at his desk next to Kevin. He looks at Kevin who is looking at Amy in the back of the class. Amy is looking out the window. Kevin notices that she has bandages all over her hand The bell rings and the class begins.INT. SCHOOL CLASSROOM-DAY/LUNCHMike, John, Kyle and Ava are in a group together around Johns desk. Kevin, sitting at his desk gets up and walks over to Amy. Amy is looking out the window.KEVINUm, hi Amy.Amy says nothing and continues looking out the window.KEVIN (CONTD)So how is your day going.Amy turns and looks at Kevin.AMYWhy do you talk to me. KEVINUm, well Im not sure to be honest. Amy turns to look at the window again. Kevin sits down in the desk in front of her and looks down at the ground. KEVIN (CONTD)I guess its because Im curious why you never talk to anyone.Amy turns and looks at Kevin.CUT TO:Ava taps Johns arm.AVALook, Kevin is talking to Amy again.JOHNMan I am legitimately confused about that guy. He barely says one word to us but makes the effort to talk to Amy.16.AVAI think its great that hes talking to her. We should go over and join there conversation.JOHNMother of god no.AVAWhy not?KYLEWell to be honest I think that Kevin isnt ready to hangout with a group of people maybe he needs to warm up to one person before he starts to warm up to everyone.JOHNHoly shit! You just blew my mind. Kind of reminds me of you Ava.Ava starts to blush.AVAShut up John!Mike all of the sudden starts to freak out like a little girl.MIKEAhh! Kevins walking this way.Kevin walks up to them. Everyone looks in anticipation to hear what he is going to say.KEVINHi.Kevin continues walking back to his desk. Ava, John, Mike and Kyle are still.JOHNWell holy fuck lady and gentlemen Kevin has shown improvement.As Kevin sits at his desk Amy continues to look at him.INT. AMYS ROOM-AFTERNOONAmy walks into her room and puts her bag on the ground. She then sits down at her table, takes out her journal and starts to write in it.17.INT. KEVINS ROOM-AFTERNOONKevin is laying on his bed with his headphones in his ears listening to music.KEVINAmy, why is she always alone?INT. SCHOOL CLASSROOM-DAYKevin, Mike, Kyle, Ava and John are by Avas desk. Kevin is talking to John. JOHNDo I know anything more about Amy? Well uh let me think.Mike is talking to Kyle.MIKEThis is weird. Is Kevin opening up to us.KYLEWho knows but I agree when you said this is weird.JOHNOh you know what I remember something about Amy being a good soccer player at one point but that was before my time. KEVINSoccer. JOHNYeah man I dont know much about her. Its like we said shes a mystery. Just like you. Kevin turns to look at Amy sitting at her desk.KEVINLike me.Kevin turns back to look at John. KEVIN (CONTD)Well thanks John.18.JOHNYeah no problem always here to help. Oh by the way the guys are coming over after school. You wanna come?KEVINUm no not today, sorry.Kevin starts to walk back to his desk.JOHNDamnit Im so confused I really thought he would say yes this time.Kevin stops and turns back KEVINUm Okay.JOHNOkay? Okay what?KEVINIll come over.KYLEReally thats great.KEVINYeah should be fun.Kevin walks back to his desk. John has an excited look on his face.MIKEOh my god, did that just happen?AVAI cant believe he agreed to come over.JOHNI am just so happy right now. Ill be back I have to go to the bathroom and cry. Excuse me.KYLEKevin you are one hell of a mystery.19.INT. JOHNS BASEMENT-AFTERNOON (CONTD) (CONTD)20.21.