night legacy chapter 4


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Post on 21-Aug-2015



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Welcome back to the Night Legacy! In the last chapter, Orion grew into a teen, Celestia grew up

into a toddler and a child, and Luna left for college! In this chapter, we are finishing up

generation 1 before we go off to college!

As you can see, Reg is greeting Jess when she comes home from work.

“Welcome home, Mom!” Who’s that guy?

“Thank you, kiddo!”

It had been a while and I felt like there had been some hard feelings, so I had Lila invite

Benjamin over.

Also, that guy playing with Celestia is Sanjay Ramaswami. He came home with Jess after work.

“Benji! It’s so good to see you!”

“You too, Lila! Wow, you look great!”

“So do you!”

Okay, so far, so good...

“So, I heard this joke the other day.”

“Oh, do tell!”

And he immediately starts telling a dirty joke. Looks like any hard feelings he might have are

long gone.

That doesn’t mean he’s not entirely not-creepy. He stood in the doorway of the kid’s bedroom

and stared at Reg a little bit.

“You could have been my kid.”

Then, he went outside.



And he stared at Orion and Celestia some, especially Celestia.


Ben, you’re creepy.

“John, feed the baby!”

“I don’t wanna feed the baby, Mary! You feed the baby!”

“I fed the baby last time! You feed it!”

“Well, somebody has to feed it!”

“Playing dollhouse, kids?”

“Yes, Mama!”

“Carry On.”

My Wayward Son

Spying runs in the family and it wasn’t long before Orion discovered it.


This family.

Also, for some reason, Jessica has a feud going with Charlie Tang. I’m not entirely sure why,

except that Jess likes acting like a jerk. They were getting along just fine a minute ago.

“Haha! Big nose!”

“My nose is not that big!”

“It’s huge!”

Jess, what kind of example are you setting for the children?

“Insulting others is funny!”

Celestia...Celestia, no!



Bad doggie! Leave Celestia alone! She’s a potential heir! Bad!

Um...well, um...I was going to send Orion to do his homework, but it seems that a dog is literally

eating it!


Yeah, I got nothin’.

“Good dog!”

Shut up, Orion.

“Mommy, you’re home!”

“Hi, sweetie! What did you do today?”

“I made a dog eat Orion’s homework!”

“What?! That wasn’t very nice!”

“I was trying to get it to eat mine!”

“Oh...Well, maybe next time!”


Oh, hey, it’s Townie with a Cowboy Hat and Blonde Pigtails! She’s part of my other legacy that

I haven’t written up to yet (spoiler-ish). There, she’s named Marion; here, she’s named Nerissa. I

like her name better here.

“Be sure to get my good side!”

Don’t worry, Nerissa. I got it.

“Damn, my wife is hot!”

I’m sure you’re very proud. I had Jessica paint a portrait of Lila. Now, I have a portrait for both

my founders!

Except that I wasn’t happy with Jess’s, so I put Orion to work again.


Hey! Don’t you jut your hip out at me!

“If only I could figure out how to open doors!”

Now, this is something I’ve never seen in the game. Usually, wolves disappear before the sun

comes up. Clearly, this wolf is terrible at its job.

“Maybe if I place this lamp here and sneak away in BROAD DAYLIGHT, no one will notice.”

Sims-logic, people.

But anyway, yay, a genie-lamp! I will save this for later!

“Luna! It’s so good to see you!”

“Hi, Mama!”

I missed Luna, so I invited her over.

“Are you sure you’re eating enough at college? You look so thin!”

“*sigh* Of course I do, Mama! You don’t have to worry! There’s a cafeteria worker in the dorm

who does nothing but cook!”

“Then, why do you look so skinny?”


Don’t worry, Luna. It just means she cares.


“Hey, sis! Good to see ya!”

“Good to see you too, bro! Your swing’s gotten better! Now, en garde!”

“So, Luna, let me tell you what me and your mom did last night—”

“Okay, Mama! I’m gonna go back to the dorm now! See you later!”

“I was just going to say we made grilled cheese...”

Bye, Luna! It was good seeing you again!

I decided to try to get the kids into private school one last time, so I invited the headmaster over

and Celestia went to greet him and give him a tour.

...And this picture is kind of creepy in hindsight.

The tour and food went over well, for once, so I had Jessica do the schmoozing.

I was worried that we hadn’t done it, but towards the end, the headmaster finally let the three

youngest Night children into private school!

“Third time’s the charm, Mrs. Night! We’d love to have your children attend our school!”

“A wise decision.”

Ah. Yep. I thought so. I took the picture for the portrait just as her eyes glitched. Well, it’s still a

better portrait than the first one, just creepier...

“She’s staring into my soul...”

Just finish painting.

Here’s Orion in his new uniform. He doesn’t look too bad.

“I make this look good.”

Yes, yes, move along.

Little Celestia, all prim and proper.

“I don’t know if I like the color.”

Can’t do much about it, hun.

And finally, little Regulus, coat and tie.

“I don’t wanna go to school...”


Time for a birthday! Regulus is ready to become a teenager!

Spin and sparkles and...

“Wow! Bigger hands!”

We have ourselves a teenager!

Regulus Night: Knowledge/Grilled Cheese Sim with a lifetime want of becoming a World Class

Ballet Dancer.

“My soul needs to dance!”

He’s not bad-looking at all. Though, he needs a makeover.

Much better! Now, he looks like a good little Link!

“Oh, come on, I look ridiculous!”

Quiet, you! I tried to get him the hat, but all the hairstyles I found were blond and I don’t know

how to recolor at the moment, so I had to pass on that. Still, it’s a good look for him.



“Reg may be a teenager now, but I’m still hot!”

Yeah....’bout that...

Since Regulus is now a teenager, he can now serve as designated babysitter and Orion is no

longer needed. So, off to college with you!

Bye, Orion! You became far more useful than I ever could have imagined!

After Orion left for college, Regulus struck up a conversation with Remington.

“Wow, that neckline really plunges.”

“You love it.”

Don’t give me ideas, you two!

In an attempt to get the scholarship, I had Reg go out and summon some aliens.

“Oh, crap.”

Maybe they just want to talk.

Or not.

“I curse Zoidberg!”

Thankfully, they brought him back a few hours later. His parents and a random passerby came to

greet him.

Lila was horrified.

“My poor baby!”

The random townie was just kind of annoyed.

“Stupid aliens, making too much noise!”

And Jessica seemed to find it funny.

“Ha! Loser.”

Jess, that’s your son.

You okay, Reg?

“I don’t wanna talk about it.”

Apparently, getting abducted by aliens made Regulus a jerk because when Celestia tried to show

him a trick and failed, he booed and laughed.

“You suck!”

Not cool, Reg.

“So, Celestia, I heard you got an A+ report card at school. Good job!”

“Thanks, Jess!”

“Oh, you’ll congratulate her for a report card, but when I get abducted, you just laugh!”

“You want me to congratulate you too?”

“No! Just forget it!”

Jess isn’t the world’s greatest parent.

“Oh, Plumbob, I think that salad made me a little gassy!”

Wrong! Time for a birthday!

Sparkles and...!

...Wow, them boobs are saggy...


One makeover later, Lila’s looking like a very vampiric Matron of the Night.

...And I just noticed, but her forehead is really big...

I found this really funny, but usually, when Sims shoo people from the bathroom, they do it

aggressively. But not Celestia! She shoos them very daintily and elegantly.

“Vacate the lavatory, if you please. I am in need of the vacilities.”

She’s so proper.

Time for another birthday! In the bathroom! Let’s see what we’ve got!

Jess doesn’t even get sparkles, just a bad back.

“I hate life.”

One change of clothes later and Jess looks like one cool old lady.

“Damn straight.”

“So, I heard that aliens have big black eyes and no hair!”

“Yeah, that’s probably what my dad looks like.”


“So, do you like grilled cheese, Red?”


“We can’t be friends.”

“Aw, c’mon, Reg!”

No time for protests, red-headed teen. It’s time for Celestia’s birthday!

Let’s spin up some sparkles and...!

“Oh, yeah, I’m hot!”

You sure are! Let’s give you a makeover, though.

Oh, she’s gorgeous. I just wish she had the ears.

Celestia is a Family/Popularity Sim with a lifetime want of becoming a Media Magnate.

With our last kid a teen, it’s time to send Reg off to college. He’s put in some good money with

his scholarships.

Bye, Reg! You’ve been fun! Not as useful as Orion was or as fun as Luna was, but you were the

only one abducted by aliens, and that means something!

Right after he left, Celestia left for college as well. Won’t get to see her as a teen, but I’m ready

to move on to the next generation.

Wearing her quirky outerwear, she gets into the cab. See you soon, Celestia!

Time for the heir poll! We have two, amazing choices!

Our first choice is the eldest Night child, Luna!

Luna Night


Lifetime Want to Become a Mad Scientist

Cancer 8/2/6/8/7

Pros: Skintone 4, elf ears, custom eyes, awesome Lifetime Want, fun personality

Cons: Face is a little generic

And our second choice, the youngest Night child, Celestia!

Celestia Night


Lifetime Want to Become a Media Magnate

Sagittarius 1/6/10/8/10

Pros: Interesting face, custom eyes, good Lifetime Want, she’s a prim and proper slob

Cons: Not skintone 4 and no elf ears

Here are our two lovely potential heirs! The poll will be posted on Boolprop.

Happy voting!