nigeria observer 02 10 2013

1 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2013 THE NIGERIAN INDEPENDENCE CELEBRATION: Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, Governor of Edo State, with his Deputy, Dr. Pius Egberanmwen Odubu and wife, Deaconess (Mrs.) Endurance Odubu, during the Independence Day Celebration at Sam Ogbemudia Stadium yesterday. Photo: CHARITY OZIGBO-ESERE. PUBLISHED SINCE MAY 29, 1968 • Vol. 38 NO.323 •WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2013 . N100.00 ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS Page 18 Comedy, Comedians And Nigeria’s Rebirth NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL MEDICINE MEDICINE MEDICINE MEDICINE MEDICINE Page 19 Do Plants Have Feelings? The Nigerian National dialogue at Last! 53rd Independence Continues on page 2 Independence: FG holds special change of guard Continues on page 2 Democracy has stabilized Nigeria - Ebenezer Babatope Continues on page 2 Oshiomhole calls for industrial policies Gov eulogises Oba Erediauwa . Jonathan constitutes advisory C’ttee . ACF not opposed to dialogue - Spokesperson . NLC commends FG Continues on page 2 Continues on page 2 By CLIFFORD AGBAJOR BENIN CITY – As the nation marks its 53 rd Independence Anniversary, Edo State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole has paid glowing tribute to the Benin Monarch Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Oba Erediauwa for being a father to all, particularly in the state. Oshiomhole made the remark at a reception held in Benin City to mark the 53 rd Independence Anniversary of the country. The reception had the State Deputy Governor, Dr Pius Egberamwan Odubu and his wife, Deaconess Endurance in attendance. Comrade Oshiomhole appreciated the Benin Monarch for his fatherly role, describing him as a unifying figure in the state. Meanwhile, Nigerians from all walks of life who converged the Samuel Ogbemudia Stadium Benin City earlier in the day to mark the 53 rd independence anniversary of the nation expressed divergent views on the nations 53 rd independent anniversary. Those who spoke with the Nigerian Observer on the state of the nation appreciated God that the country “is still standing as one, in By ADAMS OYIBOKE/ OYENMWEN OMOROGBE BENIN CITY – Edo State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole has urged leaders in the three tiers of government to formulate industrial policies that would encourage production rather than importation as a panacea to youth unemployment. The governor in his address to mark Nigerians’ 53 rd Independence Anniversary yesterday in Benin City said unemployment has become a global problem which government at all levels must devise ways and means to tackle. The event was attended by the Deputy Governor, Dr. Pius Egberanmwen, his wife, Endurance, state legislators and judiciary staff as well as members of the state exco. Oshiomhole said the difference is that in all those countries, national leaders and local leaders take into account the extent of unemployment and formulate industrial policy that would encourage production rather than importation. “I think on this occasion, all of us in government must renew our commitment to our people that our primary YENAGOA - Former Transport Minister, Chief Ebenezer Babatope, on Tuesday, said democracy has stabilised Nigeria. Babatope said in Yenagoa that the positive impact of democratic rule in governance had helped the country to stabilise the ABUJA - President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday constituted an advisory committee to set up modalities for national dialogue or conference. The President, who constituted the committee in his 53rd Independence Day’ national broadcast, said the committee would establish modalities for a national conference aimed at resolving issues that currently caused friction in the polity. He said that the committee would have Dr. Femi Okurounmu as its Chairperson and Dr. Akilu Indabawa as Secretary. The committee, according to the president, is expected to complete its assignment within one month. “Fellow Nigerians, our administration has taken cognizance of suggestions over the years by well-meaning Nigerians on the need for a national dialogue on the future of our beloved country. “When there are issues that constantly stoke tension and bring about friction, it makes perfect sense for the interested parties to come together to discuss. “In demonstration of my avowed belief in the positive power of dialogue in charting the way forward, I have decided to set up an advisory committee whose mandate is to establish the modalities ABUJA - The Federal Government yesterday marked the 53rd independence anniversary celebrations with a special presidential change of guard and signpost ceremony at the fore-court of the Presidential Villa, Abuja. The parade replaces the flamboyant anniversary which usually hold at the Eagle Square before 2011. Newsmen reports that the ceremony was conducted by 136 officers and men of the Nigerian Army under the command of Brig.-Gen. Emmanuel Atewe. The ceremony, which lasted for about an hour, began with the arrival of President Goodluck Jonathan. The President, on

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Page 1: Nigeria observer 02 10 2013


INDEPENDENCE CELEBRATION: Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, Governor of Edo State, with his Deputy, Dr. Pius EgberanmwenOdubu and wife, Deaconess (Mrs.) Endurance Odubu, during the Independence Day Celebration at Sam Ogbemudia Stadiumyesterday. Photo: CHARITY OZIGBO-ESERE.

PUBLISHED SINCE MAY 29, 1968 • Vol. 38 NO.323 •WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2013 . N100.00



And Nigeria’sRebirth


Page 19

Do PlantsHave


The Nigerian

National dialogue at Last!53rd Independence

Continues on page 2

Independence: FG holds specialchange of guard

Continues on page 2

Democracy has stabilizedNigeria - Ebenezer Babatope

Continues on page 2

Oshiomhole calls for industrialpolicies

Gov eulogisesOba Erediauwa

. Jonathan constitutes advisory C’ttee

. ACF not opposed to dialogue - Spokesperson

. NLC commends FG Continues on page 2

Continues on page 2


BENIN CITY – As thenation marks its 53rd

I n d e p e n d e n c eAnniversary, Edo StateGovernor, ComradeAdams Oshiomhole haspaid glowing tribute to theBenin Monarch OmoN’Oba N’Edo UkuAkpolokpolo, ObaErediauwa for being afather to all, particularly inthe state.

Oshiomhole madethe remark at a receptionheld in Benin City to markthe 53rd IndependenceAnniversary of thecountry.

The reception had theState Deputy Governor,Dr Pius EgberamwanOdubu and his wife,Deaconess Endurance inattendance.

Comrade Oshiomholeappreciated the BeninMonarch for his fatherly

role, describing him as aunifying figure in thestate.

Meanwhile, Nigeriansfrom all walks of life whoconverged the SamuelOgbemudia StadiumBenin City earlier in theday to mark the 53rd

i n d e p e n d e n c eanniversary of the nationexpressed divergentviews on the nations 53rd

independent anniversary. Those who spoke

with the NigerianObserver on the state ofthe nation appreciatedGod that the country “isstill standing as one, in


BENIN CITY – EdoState Governor, ComradeAdams Oshiomhole hasurged leaders in the threetiers of government to

formulate industrialpolicies that wouldencourage productionrather than importationas a panacea to youthunemployment.

The governor in hisaddress to mark

Nigerians’ 53rd

I n d e p e n d e n c eAnniversary yesterday inBenin City said

unemployment hasbecome a globalproblem whichgovernment at all levelsmust devise ways andmeans to tackle.

The event wasattended by the DeputyGovernor, Dr. PiusEgberanmwen, his wife,Endurance, statelegislators and judiciarystaff as well as members

of the state exco. Oshiomhole said the

difference is that in allthose countries, nationalleaders and local leaderstake into account theextent of unemploymentand formulate industrialpolicy that wouldencourage productionrather than importation.

“I think on thisoccasion, all of us ingovernment must renewour commitment to ourpeople that our primary

YENAGOA - FormerTransport Minister, ChiefEbenezer Babatope, on

Tuesday, said democracyhas stabilised Nigeria.

Babatope said in

Yenagoa that thepositive impact ofdemocratic rule in

governance had helpedthe country to stabilise the

ABUJA - President Goodluck Jonathanyesterday constituted an advisory committee toset up modalities for national dialogue orconference.

The President, whoconstituted thecommittee in his 53rdIndependence Day’national broadcast, saidthe committee wouldestablish modalities for anational conferenceaimed at resolving issuesthat currently causedfriction in the polity.

He said that thecommittee would haveDr. Femi Okurounmu asits Chairperson and Dr.Akilu Indabawa asSecretary.

The committee,according to thepresident, is expected tocomplete its assignmentwithin one month.

“Fellow Nigerians, ouradministration has takencognizance ofsuggestions over theyears by well-meaningNigerians on the need fora national dialogue on thefuture of our beloved

country.“When there are issues

that constantly stoketension and bring aboutfriction, it makes perfectsense for the interested

parties to come togetherto discuss.

“In demonstration ofmy avowed belief in thepositive power ofdialogue in charting the

way forward, I havedecided to set up anadvisory committeewhose mandate is toestablish the modalities

ABUJA - The FederalGovernment yesterdaymarked the 53rdi n d e p e n d e n c eanniversary celebrationswith a special presidentialchange of guard andsignpost ceremony at the

fore-court of thePresidential Villa, Abuja.

The parade replaces theflamboyant anniversarywhich usually hold at theEagle Square before

2011.Newsmen reports that

the ceremony wasconducted by 136officers and men of theNigerian Army under the

command of Brig.-Gen.Emmanuel Atewe.

The ceremony, whichlasted for about an hour,began with the arrival ofPresident GoodluckJonathan.

The President, on

Page 2: Nigeria observer 02 10 2013


NewsFG holds special change of guard

Continued from page 1

Continued from page 1

Nigeria @ 53: Let’s do thingsthat unite us - Mark

National dialogue at Last!

Oshiomhole calls for industrial policies

Labour commendsFG’s proposed

National dialogue

arrival, inspected theGuards Brigade beforemoving to the podium wherehe received general salute,followed by rendition of theNational Anthem.

Prayers was subsequentlyoffered by the President of theChristians Association ofNigeria (CAN), Pastor AyoOritshejafor, and the DeputyChief Imam of the AbujaNational Mosque, Dr Ibrahim

Zaria.The presidential change of

guards was performed by thesoldiers with military display,foot and arms drill andrhythmic and calculated steps.

Their weapons and uniformswere inspected to ensuretidiness.

After the ceremony, thePresident signed theanniversary register andproceeded to cut theanniversary cake.

To cut the cake, thePresident was supported byVice-President NamadiSambo, the Senate President,David Mark, and the Speakerof the House ofRepresentatives, Hon. AminuTambuwal,

The Chief Justice of Nigeria,Justice Aloma Mukhtar, formerHead of State, Gen. YakubuGowon, and former Head ofInterim National Government,Chief Ernest Shonekan, also

gave a helping hand to thePresident.

The President subsequentlyreleased the flock of pigeons,which signifies peace andfreedom.

Newsmen further reportsthat the ceremony waswitnessed by servingministers, ambassadors,members of the diplomaticcorps, high profile politiciansand members of the organisedprivate sector.

for a national dialogue orconference.

“The committee will alsodesign a framework and comeup with recommendations asto the form, structure andmechanism of the process.

“The full membership of thecommittee will be announcedshortly.

“I expect its report to beready in one month, followingwhich the nation will be briefedon the nomenclature,structure and modalities of thedialogue,” he said.

The president reaffirmed theFederal Government’scommitment to taking allnecessary action to bring thewar against domesticterrorism to a successfulconclusion as quickly aspossible.

He condoled with thefamilies of all those who havefallen victim of those dastardlyacts, and assured that theadministration would not restuntil every Nigerian was freefrom the oppression ofterrorism.

“I reassure you that no costwill be spared, no idea will be

ignored, and no resource willbe left untapped in the questto enable our people livewithout fear.

“I implore every Nigerian –wherever you are, whateverlanguage you speak,whatever your religiouspersuasion, whicheverpolitical party you support – letus join together to fight this evilof extremism,” he said.

The president rededicatedhimself “completely” to theservice of the nation, assuringNigerians that the country willnot fail under his leadership.

He charged all politicalleaders to continually focus onservice, duty andresponsibility.

He said that politiciansshould act as statesmen whofocused on “next generation”and not the “next election.”

He said that those who wereelected to govern at all levelsmust focus on improving thelives of the people and notselfish ambition.

The president alsocautioned against harmfulclutches of parochialsentiments and the politics ofbitterness, impunity and

arrogance.He said politicians must

guard their utterances andensure they promote thingsthat united the nation.

“We must stand as one, withabsolute commitment andresolve to resist any force thatthreatens us and the sanctityof our union,” he said.

The president urgedNigerians to remain fullycommitted to building astrong, united, progressiveand prosperous nation in spiteof present challenges.

“In truth, Nigeria is still awork in progress and we arechallenged everyday to keepbuilding in spite of the variousobstacles we face.

“History has proven thatnations take time to evolve.We should rejoice in ourdemocracy because itenables us to be united by ourdifferences, not destroyed bythem,” he said.

The president noted that thethreats the nation faced mightbe real and immediate but thecountry was not alone in thatregard.

He said what should be ofconcern were the lessons

learnt, the wisdomdemonstrated, and thevictories snatched from thejaws of possible defeat.

“This is a time to pulltogether behind the nationalcause: the cause of ourfreedom, and our future.

“We must rekindle the spiritof Nigeria, to ensure that everydemocrat and every lover ofpeace in this great nationcontinues to live in a free,peaceful and secure Nigeria,”he said.

Jonathan congratulated allNigerians as the nation marks53 years of independence.

He noted that looking backover the years, Nigerianscould confidently say that theyhad reasons to celebrate.

The president thanked everyNigerian who had stood bythis administration in the midstof mounting challenges andenormous expectations.

“I recognise that it is noteasy to keep believing in thepossibilities of our greatnesswhen our faith is constantlychallenged.

“But let me assure you that,if we do not despair, we shallreap the reward of our labourin due season,” he said.

The president reiterated thecommitment of theadministration to lead thecountry to greatness.

Meanwhile, the ArewaConsultative Forum (ACF),yesterday said it wouldsupport any dialogue thatwould bring about thestrengthening of the NigeriaProject.

Mr. Anthony Sani, the ACFNational Publicity Secretarytold newsmen in Kaduna whilereacting to the announcementby President GoodluckJonathan on the setting up ofan advisory committee onNational Conference.

“The ACF has made it clearlong ago that it is not opposedto any national dialogue thatcan calm nerves and bringabout the strengthening of theNigeria project, provided suchnational dialogue would nottake the form of a SovereignNational Conference.

“This is because a sovereignnational conference amountsto vote of no confidence on ourdemocracy and its institutions,which nobody or group hasthe right to do.

“So national dialoguethrough national conference,yes; through sovereignnational conference, “There istherefore nothing wrong insetting up a committee by theFederal Government to workout the form or modality of theproposed national dialogue.’’

Sani, however said that theACF would take a final stand,when the “the form andcontent” of the committee wasunveiled to Nigerians by thefederal government.

ABUJA - The NigeriaLabour Congress (NLC)yesterday commended themove by the FederalGovernment to hold a nationalconference.

Mr. Chris Uyot, the NLCSecretary-General, made thecommendation in an interviewwith newsmen in Abuja.

“President Jonathan shouldbe applauded for the newstep; we want to commend thepresident for seeing the needfor a conference because webelieve in participatory andinclusive government.”

“Any form of dialoguediscussion points to a positiveand an inclusive governmentand we support it.

“We think it is a good ideawhich should be encouraged,”Uyot said.

Mr. David Balami, theNational President, NationalAssociation of Aircraft Pilotsand Engineers (NAAPE), alsotold newsmen that theassociation was happy withgovernment’s move, addingthat it had waited “patiently” forsuch a programme.

Balami said if the nationalconference was done without

Continued from page 1duties in government is to

create the environment to enableyoung people to find jobs, createwealth and live their lives.”

“Any policy which leads tojoblessness, favoursimportation, any policy that leadsto industrial closure, such policymust be reviewed and must putNigeria first.

He said, “We mustconsciously work to change ourconsumption pattern away fromimport base to production base.

“When the consumption of apeople is more sophisticatedthan the ability to produce, thereis no question, unemploymentwill result,” he warned.

According to him, thoughgovernment has not been ableto solve all the problems, but agreat majority of the youths havebeen given employment throughthe state youth empowermentscheme.

He said government is intomechanized agriculture, takingadvantage of the presence ofarable land to ensure that thestate becomes the food basketof the nation.

Governor Oshiomholeassured that inspite of the manychallenges facing the country,there is hope.

According to him, “This dayis worth celebrating and it isworth marking.

“And I am happy when I seeour children, Primary Schoolpupils, secondary schoolsstudents, all marching, showingthat they have faith and hopeand that Nigeria remains thegreatest country in the planet.

He said the promise ofIndependence was basically tobuild a free, democratic nation,one that would enable every

Democracy has stabilizedNigeria Continued from page 1

polity.He made the remark at the

17th Anniversary Public Lectureorganised by the Bayelsagovernment, in commemorationof the 17 years of the state’screation.

The anniversary lecture has“Good Governance as Panaceafor Promoting StableDemocracy and SustainableDevelopment” as its theme.

The ex-minister said that inspite of its challenges, Nigeriarecorded great feats as a nationunder democracy.

“Nigeria is a multi-tribal andmulti-religious nation. Ourdelicate balancing of theoperations of these essentialfeatures of our socio-politicallives had helped tremendouslyin ensuring the triumph ofdemocracy in our nation.

“Though we have conflicts,our nation has not gone underbecause no matter our faults,we have not allowed the basictenets of democracy anddemocratic governance to besubverted in our country.

“Democracy, therefore, hasgone a long way to stabilise ournation.”

Babatope noted that thecurrent challenges facing thecountry centred on how to makedemocracy work and survive.

According to him, it is clearthat democracy is the only formof government that canguarantee the survival of Nigeriaas a nation.

He said: “democracy not onlypermits the freedom of choiceand movement, it equallyensures that the fundamentalrights of Nigerians arerespected.

“I have always been amazedwhen I hear people say that themilitary may instigate a coupsimply because we have someproblems in our politicalarrangements.”

The former minister, whoreiterated his belief in thesurvival of democracy inNigeria, said that the Nigerianmilitary had grown inprofessionalism and had shownthe required maturity in attitudetoward the political affairs of thecountry.

ABUJA - President of theSenate, Senator David Markhas for the umpteenth timeurged Nigerians to strive to doonly those things that canunite the country even as hecraves for an egalitariannation of equal opportunitieswhere no man is denied oroppressed.

Speaking at the 53rdindependence church serviceat the St. Mulumba CatholicChaplaincy, Apo , Abujayesterday, Senator Markreflected on the journey so farand harped on the need forlove and peaceful co-existence among Nigerians.

“We also ask God to give usa glorious future. A nationwhere no one is oppressed.Where those in positions ofauthority will do it to the bestof their abilities and with thefear of God”, he stated.

He noted that very oftenNigerians craves for positionsbut sometimes underminesthe huge responsibility ofservice to the people saying “we must strive to work for thepeople and make progress asa nation”.

He reminded Nigeriansespecially those in positionsof leadership that leadershipis a divine mandate thatdemands humility, service toGod and society and not inthe reverse order.

Senator Mark condemnedin a very strong terms theperpetrators of violence inthe country saying “theseheartless and mindlesskillings are dishearteningand inhuman. It cannot be away of life”.

In a manner akin to callingfor a psychiatric test forperpetrators of violence hestressed:” Both those whoare perpetrating it and allthose behind it need to re-exam themselves . They areinsane and truly abnormal.

“As we mark the nation’s53rd independence, we prayfor peace, unity and loveamong Nigerians”.

Earlier in his homily, ParishPriest, Rev. Father InnocentJooji, noted that Nigeria is adivine project and must notin any circumstances bedestroyed .

any sentiment, it would go along way to solve the nation’sproblems.

“Without sentiment, it will goalong way in re-shaping ourfuture. Our concern is thecalibre of people that will bein the committee.

“We need to be sure alsothat whatever issues raisedwill be implemented too.”

Balami, who is also thespokesperson of the TradeUnion Congress (TUC),advised the president toensure that youths wereincluded in the dialogue.

Mr. Yemisi Bamigbose, theNational President, Radio,Television, Theatre and ArtsWorkers Union of Nigeria(RATTAWU), alsocommended the proposaland described it as“democratic”.

He said that it wouldstrengthen democracy in thecountry.

“As long as we wantdemocracy to stand, dialogueis key and it is so everywherein the world.

“If he, (president) feels weshould talk as a country, thereis nothing bad about it; it willonly strengthen ourdemocracy.”

Nigerian to be able to attain hispotentials, self-actualisation andto contribute to the growth anddevelopment of the nation.

“The vision was to ensurethat when the people are incharge of their own resources,when national patriotism is theonly consideration, those whomwe have entrusted withleadership position willcreatively managed resourcesto deliver welfare to citizens,” hestressed.

While commending theefforts of the founding fathers

who led the struggle forNigerians Independence fromthe colonial masters,Government Oshiomholeexpressed hope that Nigeriaremains a strong nation.

He said while urgingNigerians to remain committedto the promise of the country hesaid, “no nation has grownbecause his people choose towallow in lamentation.

“Our responsibility is to dodifferently today, what we failedto do right yesterday.”

Gov eulogises ObaErediauwa

Continued from page 1spite of the numerous

challenges that could have putan end to its existence”.

Some prominent citizens ofthe state, including Hon. ItohanOsahon Ogbeide, Hon. JosephAkerejela, Barr. Jimoh Ojegbai,Prince Julius Asemota notedthat the nation has cause tocelebrate.

They remarked thatNigerians should not give up,noting that with good planningand proper execution, Nigeriawill get to the promised land.

Miss. Mirabel Oboh, astudent of Asoro Grammarschool, and Master EtinosaArasomwan a student of EdoBoys High School, both in BeninCity, called on leaders of thecountry to be more sincere in

their doings and give dueattention particularly to theinfrastructure development in allsectors of the economy.

The duo similarly appealedto the leaders to encourageyouths of the country to go intomeaningful ventures and in theprocess give them a sense ofbelonging in the scheme ofthings.

In the same vein, comradeOdion Olaye of NURTW, TonyKabaka of Akugbe Venture andComrade Aideyan of Edo StateDrivers Welfare Scheme,identified with the nation on theindependence anniversary.

Comrade Tony Kabaka andcomrade Lucky Aideyanhowever stressed the need foryouths to be carried along bygovernment, especially in thearea of employment

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Page 4: Nigeria observer 02 10 2013


Inside Edo

2015: Don’t Break Nigeria, ArchbishopCautions Politicians

HIV/AIDsEdo SACAAdopts NewStrategy

Council Boss InspectsProjects

Security: NSCDC Commends LG Boss

EKPOMA-As Nigeriamarks her 53 years ofindependence, politicians in thecountry have been cautionedagainst utterances and “actscapable of causing divisionamong citizens of the country”.

The Archbishop of Bendel


acts capable of breaking thenation into pieces and emphasizemore of those things that unite ustogether and de-emphasize thosethings that tend to tear us apart.

“We must not forget the role

BENIN CITY - The EdoState Agency for the Control ofHIV/AIDS, said it is adopting thebottom-top approach, to reducethe spread of HIV/AIDS in thestate.

The Project Manager ofSACA in Edo, Hajia HarrietBinkola, made the disclosure inan interview with newsmen inBenin City.

Binkola said that the bottom-up approach was part of the HIVProgramme DevelopmentProject (HPDP- 2), whichinvolved focusing on HIV/AIDsactivities in rural communities.

“The main focus of HPDP2 is on the prevention of newinfections. It is bottom-topbecause we have to go to thegrassroots and work up to thestate level.

‘’This is unlike what wasobtainable before now where theactivities were flowing from thestate to the community level.”

She said that the agencywas currently giving out grantsto Civil Society Organisations(CSOs) involved in HIV/AIDSprevention activities, to work inLocal Government Areas in thestate.

Binkola said further that theagency had organisedsensitisation campaigns forstudents, artisans, members ofthe National Youth ServiceCorps and other social groups inthe state to enable them changebehaviour.

The project manager saidthat the current HIV prevalencerate of 5.3 in the state was high.

She said that the agencywould continue to collaboratewith CSOs and relevantministries, to check the spread ofthe disease in the state.

AGENEBODE – The Chairman,Etsako East Local GovernmentCouncil, Hon. AbdulmalikSuleiman Afegbua has inspectedthe construction of a fourclassrooms block at EgbepuiPrimary School, Iviegbepui,Agenebode. The Council Chairman whoexpressed satisfaction with thelevel of work, said that the projectis being done to specification,saying that it is near completion. He noted that the project willbe completed within two weeks,promising to provide chairs anddesks for the school pupils,before commissioning theproject. Speaking on behalf of thecommunity an indigene, Mr.Lawrence Akhigbe appreciatedthe Local Government the

project. He stated that the presentstructures were built by themissionaries in 1955 adding thatsuccessive government neversaw the need to pay attention tothe school. He however promised, that thecommunity would continue tosupport the comal boss in hisquest to bring the dividends ofdemocracy to the people. Meanwhile, Hon. Afegbua hasinspected the construction of fourclassrooms and Headmaster’soffice at Ebua Primary School,Iviebua, Agenebode. The council chairman said hisgovernment inherited the projectfrom previous administration,and was almost abandoned. He stated that hisadministration will not allow forany abandoned project, includingthose he inherited.

the views of others.“We strongly advise that

Nigerians, especially thoseaspiring for political positions tobe decent in their utterances andrespect other people’s views.

“They should desist from

Province, Anglican Communion,Most Rev’d Friday Imaekhaiwho gave the charge in hisindependence message, advisedpoliticians aspiring for politicalposition in 2015 to be decent intheir utterances. While respecting

L-R: Edo State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, his Deputy, Rt. Hon. Pius Odubu,his wife, Deaconess Endurance Odubu and Chief Tom Ikimi at the reception to mark the53rd independence anniversary of Nigeria in Benin City, Edo State yesterday. PHOTO:CHARITY OZIGBO-ESERE.

Speaker, Edo State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Uyi Igbe (right) with wife of the Deputy Governor of Edo State, Deaconess(Mrs) Endurance Odubu, during the independence day celebration. PHOTO: CHARITY OZIGBO-ESERE.

SABONGIDDA – ORA: TheChairman, Owan West LocalGovernment Council, EdoState, Hon. (Barr) GodwinAigbodion has beencommended for his efforts atreducing the activities ofcriminals in the area. State Commandant ofNigeria Security and CivilDefence Corp (NSCDC),Pharm. Chike AlphaIkpeamonu made thecommendation when he paida courtesy visit to the councilchairman Sabondda-Ora thecouncil boss was representedby the council chairman, Hon.Reginald Okun. Pharm Ikpeamonu informedthe chairman that he was on afamiliarization tour to thelocal government area so as toappraise himself with theperformance and welfare ofhis officers in the area, and tointeract with the chairman andhis executive on securitysituation in order to have afirst hand information forstrategic security planning. He further informed that thecorps mandate, apart fromcomplementing other securityagencies, includes protectinggovernment facilities, likepipelines, against vandalism,licensing private guardcompanies, monitoring as

well as assisting them in thetraining of their personnel. Responding the council

of God in the choice of leader;so, let us not kill ourselvesbecause of struggle for power andpolitical patronage”, hecautioned.

Archbishop Imaekhaiimplored Nigerians to use theindependence celebration toreflect on their common life, andalso celebrate the patriotism,selflessness, commitment andresourcefulness of heroes past.

He equally appealed to themedia to allow overall interest ofthe country guide their reportage,while endorsing the just as hegave nod to convocation ofnational conference, if it willengender lasting peace.

The religious leadersstressed the need for Nigerians toconfess their private andcollective sins and ask for God’spardon, adding that “God is stillinterested in the Nigeria project”.

boss thanked the commandantand his team for the visit andurged them to continue to

contribute their quotas to thegrowth and development ofthe Local Government Area.

Trado-Medical Doctor Urges GovtTo Establish Clinics


ABAVO (DELTA) - Atrado medical doctor, Dr.Jude Okafor has appealed tothe state and federalgovernment to as a matter ofurgency establishtradomedical clinics thatwould enhance efficient andeffective tradmedicalpractices in Nigeria.

Dr. Okafor who statedthis in an interview with TheNIGERIAN OBSERVERdisclosed that traditionalmedicine has the ability tocure various sicknessesincluding HIV/AIDS, yellowfever, diabetes, stroke andepilepsy.

He said any attempt toallow tradomedical practicego into oblivion would bedisadvantageous to theNigerian people.

He also appealed to thethree tiers of government topartner in ensuring that thepractice of tradomedicalmedicine is encouraged and

sustained as a means ofprotecting the lives of thepeople.

The tradomedical doctor

however appealed to othertradomedical doctors to bewell focused, faithful,prayerful and dedicated to thepractice of tradomedicine inNigeria.

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NUC Set To Tidy Up VarsitySystem - Okojie

Alenkhe Bags Peace Ambassador Award

Jehovah’s Witness ConventionBegin Oct 4


BENIN CITY- The annualconventions of Jehovah’sWitnesses will formally beginon Friday, October 4, 2013 andrun through mid-December.

The convention which willhold world-wide are inaccordance with’ declarationin John 17:17.

The term of this year’sconventions is “God’s word istruth”.

According to a statementby the News ServiceDepartment of Jehovah’sWitnesses, the first three-dayconventions will hold at theAssembly Hall, Kilometre 11,Benin –Agbor Road, fromFriday October 4 to Sunday6,2013.

Thereafter, the programmewill hold subsequently everyweekend, from Friday toSunday.

Special features willinclude talk-show and dramaplays to bring Bible stories andtheir lessons to life.

The statement explainedthat the convention theme thisyear is significant because itunderscores a core family

ABUJA- The NationalUniversities Commission (NUC)said it was set to tidy theuniversity system to enable itstand the test of time.

The Executive Secretary, NUC,Prof. Julius Okojie, stated this inAbuja, when he declared open theNigeria University DoctorateAward Scheme (NUDTAS)assessment.

“We are set to tidy up theuniversity system. And I canassure you that the system is nowbetter than when I was there. The

value of Jehovah’s Witnesses. “Witnesses families

embrace the Bible as the mosttrustworthy guide and sourceof advice in these troubletimes, and we are confidentthat the public will like benefitfrom it and enjoy the variedand practical programmes”,the statement explained.

It further stated thatpersonal Bible study is a

Edo State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole in a handshake with therepresentative of the Oba of Benin (Chief M.N. Ozigbo-Esere, the Osuma ofBenin kingdom at the reception to mark Nigeria’s 53rd independence anniversaryin Benin City yesterday. PHOTO: CHARITY OZIGBO-ESERE.

system still has something to beproud of.

“In spite of the variouschallenges that Nigeria’suniversity sector was facing,there was hope for the systembecause it is better now than howit used to be in the past.’’

According to him, twoneighbouring African countrieshave sent requests to thecommission to share ideas on

running the sector.“Specifically, Cameroon

Minister of Education and hisSierra Leone counterpart havewritten to NUC to guide them onhow to establish an equivalent ofthe commission in theirrespective countries.

He said that this was a proof ofthe high quality of the country’seducation system, especially atthe university level in Nigeria.

“This is to tell you that there is

still something good in the sector,though some Nigerians don’tseem to appreciate our efforts inthe sector.

“Outsiders are seeing ourefforts and they are encouragedby what we are doing hence therequest for the partnership.

“The Nigerian Universitysector has the capacity andcapability to move the nationforward. Don’t get discouragedabout what is going on in thesystem.

“Our university system isworking and it would continue towork and we can’t sit down in ourhouse and say our graduates areunemployable, when they arewinning laurels abroad,” he said.

Okojie said that Nigeriangraduates were among the best inthe world as the system backhome had prepared them for anychallenge outside the shores ofthe country.

The executive secretary,therefore, called on universities’management to endeavour toaccess the funds in the TertiaryEducation Trust Fund(TETFund) for developmentpurposes.

priority for Jehovah’sWitnesses, adding that “eachweek, Witnesses families willdevote an entire evening toBible study and researchdesignated as “familyworship”.

The statement furtherexplained that the conventionwill provide families andindividuals with freshresources for family andpersonal Bible study.

Cross section of local government chairmen during the independence celebration.PHOTO: CHARITY OZIGBO-ESERE AND MOSES OBOH

BENIN CITY- BeninBases Broadcast Journalist,Mr. Festus Alenkhe has beenpresented with anInternational PeaceAmbassador Award.

The presentation whichwas at the instance of theUniversal Peace Federation(UPF) took place at thePolice Officers Mess inBenin City and was attendedby a cream of the society.

Introduction the Awardbefore the Presentation, theState Coordinator ofUniversal Peace Federation,Mr. Osasu Usenbor said theorganization has carefullyand keenly been following

Festus Alenkhe’s publicactivities and found himworthy of the award.

He stated that the U.P.F.,an Inter-religious and Non-Governmental Organizationbelieves in peace and unity.

Mr. Usenbor urges thenew International PeaceAmbassador, Festus Alenkheto see the award as a genuinepublic acceptance of theweekly Crime Watchprogramme in EdoBroadcasting Service.

He commended him andwished him success and goodluck in all his endeavour.

Performing thepresentation, a Pioneer PeaceAmbassador, ChiefEmmanuel Igiebor noted thatthe award is meant for thosewho have the patriotism andzeal to contributemeaningfully to nationdevelopment.

Chief Igiebor describedFestus Alenkhe as ajournalist of high reputewhose security news reportshave touched the lives of thepeople and urges him to seethe award as good thing tocome in this future career.

Responding, the PeaceAmbassador Awardee,Ambassador Festus Alenkhededicated the award to God,

His family and Staff of EdoBroadcasting Service.

Ambassador Alenkhesaid the award came to himas a surprise and commendedUniversal Peace Federationfor finding him worthy of thehonour.

He promised to justifythe confidence reposed onhim, adding that the awardwill spur him to greaterheights.

The ceremony wasattended by a cream of thesociety, including a formerChief of Staff to Edo StateGovernment, Hon. IsaiahOsifo; State Chairman;National Union of RoadTransport EmployersAssociation, to PoliceOfficers and Journalists inthe state.

Deacon OgbonmwanFor Burial Oct 4

BENN CITY- The deathhas occurred in Benin Cityof Deacon William UyiOgbonmwan, father of MissJoy Ogbonmwan Staff ofBendel NewspapersCompany Limited,Publisher of Observer titles.He was aged 62 years.

Late DeaconOgbonmwan died onAugust 13, 2013.

According to astatement by the children,funeral commence on theOctober 4, 2013. Attain thecorps taken from the TimeHospital in a motorcade tohis residence at No 9 1st

Agbonma Lane offAgbonma Street, offEkehuan Road, Benin CityEdo State for lying –in-state.

This will be followed at3pm with service of Songsat the same venue.

On Saturday October 5,2013, beginning at noonthere will be social dance atOwegie primary school

compound, Owina streetUzebu quarters, the burialceremony will climax witha thanksgiving service at theChrist Apostolic Church ofGod Mission, No16Obakpolor street, off 2nd

Cemetery Road, UzebuQuarters, Benin City.

Late Deacon WilliamOgbonmwan is survival byseven children and 10grandchildren.

Festus Alenkhe

Late Dcn. Uyi Ogbonmwan

Page 6: Nigeria observer 02 10 2013


Across The Nation

Flood Destroys Property In Umuahia

Essay CompetitionBank Presents Award

OrphanageOgun To

Review Policy

Zamfara Confirms Death OfFemale Pilgrim

Army Renders HealthcareTo Rural Communities

ONITSHA (ANAMBRA) -No fewer then 500 rural dwellersin two communities in AnambraWest Local Government Area,have benefited from the 302Artillery Regiment’s medicaloutreach activities.

Reports say that the freemedical service, providedUmuoba Anam and MmiataAnam communities, covermedical check-ups, variousmedical tests, injury dressing,drug dispensing and healthcounselling.

Col. Taritimiye Gagariga,Commander of 302 ArtilleryRegiment, Onitsha, said theexercise was in furtherance of thevision of the Chief of Army Staff,Lt. Gen. Azubuike Ihejirika, oftransforming the Nigerian Armyto professional and highly serviceoriented force.

Gagariga noted that with thesupport of Maj.-Gen. AdebayoOlaniyi, General OfficerCommanding 82 Division of theNigerian Army, the army inAnambra had undertaken severalhumanitarian services in remoteareas of the state.

“Just recently, the army, incollaboration with the RIISEFoundation, USA, providedmedical service to the denselypopulated areas in Onitsha,Nnewi and Awka.

ABEOKUTA - The OgunGovernment said that it wouldsoon review its policy on theestablishment and operation oforphanages in the state

The state Commissioner forWomen Affairs and SocialDevelopment, Mrs ElizabethSonubi, stated this in Abeokutaat a meeting with operators andproprietors of orphanages in thestate.

Somubi said the recent passageof the amended Child Rights’ Billin the state and some undesirabledevelopments in some of theorphanages, had made the reviewnecessary.

“The state government isplanning to review theoperational policy for theestablishment and smooth day-to-day running of orphanagesand motherless babies’ homes inthe state.

“The review of the existingpolicy guiding the operations oforphanages and children homes,will address recent anomalies insome of the homes,” she said.

She stressed that thegovernment had alreadyintensified its monitoringactivities to check the excessesof some operators across the 20local government areas of thestate.

“It is pertinent to deliver firstclass services to the vulnerablechildren in tune with bestinternational practises,” shewarned.

In her remarks, Rev. SisterReindlis Lajar of the AnthoniettaFarani Children’s Home, IjebuOde, commended the Ministryfor convening the meeting.

She noted that the meeting hadcreated an avenue for theproprietors to learn and exchangeideas for improved services.

Lajar urged the operators toshow love and care to thevulnerable children, adding, “make the fear of God andsincerity of purpose, yourwatchword.”

GUSAU - The Zamfara StateGovernment, has confirmed thedeath of Hajia Halimatu Idris, aMuslim pilgrim from the state.

Zamfara deputy governor,Mallam Ibrahim Wakkala, toldnewsmen in Gusau that thefemale pilgrim from ShinkafiLocal Government Area, died inMadinah, Saudi Arabia, and hadbeen buried there.

Wakkada, who is also theChairman, Zamfara Task Forceon Hajj, said that the family ofthe deceased, had already beeninformed.

“The deceased, a middle-agedwoman, left her home and the

UMUAHIA - A heavydownpour in Umuahia and itssurrounding villages in Abia, hasdestroyed many houses and otherstructures worth millions of Naira

newsmen, who visited some ofthe affected areas, observed thattraders’ wares were also washedoff.

It was also observed that manypeople missed Church services asthey were busy sorting outvaluables from the debris of

collapsed structures.Mrs. Victoria Ijeoma, of 46

Lagos Street, Umuahia, told ourcorrespondent that she lost morethan N100,000 to the flood that“swept out everything in thehouse’’.

“My room was submerged bythe flood; I lost my clothes,money and other householditems.

“At the moment, I don’t haveanything to eat because the flood

carried my pot of soup and theother food items I have in thishouse. That is why I did not goto Church today,” she said.

Mrs. Chinansa Oluchukwu, awidow and mother of four, saidthat she also lost everything in herroom, including her children’sschool books and uniforms.

“We want the government andother good people to help usbecause we have lost our meansof livelihood.

“We also want the governmentto relocate us to a better place toavoid a repeat of this floodbecause we don’t have money tohelp ourselves.

“Since I lost my husband, Ihave tried to raise these childrenalone, so this tragedy is a hugeset-back,’’ she said.

Oluchukwu, who attributed theflooding to a poor drainagesystem in Umuahia, said that shehad initially concluded that the

“The Nigerian Army, in theconduct of its constitutionalmandate, must be seen by thegeneral public as professional.

“In providing aid to the civilauthority, the Nigerian Armymust have the capacity to win thehearts and minds of the populace.

“Humanitarian activities suchas medical outreaches,distribution of relief materialsand confidence visits, are amongthe numerous ways by which theNigerian Army aims to endearitself to the populace,’’ he said.

NAN reports that most of therural dwellers were diagnosedwith malaria and high sugar level,while some had their openinjuries, dressed.

country in good health butdoctors confirmed that she diedas a result of shock andexcitement when she saw a largecrowd of pilgrims beyond whather capacity could take,”Wakkala said.

He also disclosed that two otherpilgrims - Muhammadu Mandeand Rabiatu Aminu, had beenhospitalised after the former washit by a car in Makkah, while thelatter, a female, had severebleeding after a miscarriage in

Madinah.“But both patients are

responding to treatment and willsoon be discharged,” heexplained.

He said that the task force hadmade adequate arrangement toensure the comfort of the 4,088pilgrims from the state, addingthat 10 medical personnelaccompanied them to the Holyland.

Wakkala stated that all the 64winners of the National Qur’anic

recitation competition, held inMarch this year, were rewardedwith Hajj seats.

Reacting to reports that somepeople missed the opportunity toperform the exercise last year,even after they had paid, he saidthat the matter was being tackledas the officials, who defraudedthem, were being “handled by thestate government”.

He said that the Governor,Abdulaziz Yari, had sincereleased N132 million, to enablethose affected to travel to SaudiArabia this year and perform thepilgrimage.

end of the world had come.Mr. Chukwuma Owunwanne,

of 55 Bawas Street, described hisexperience as terrible and prayedagainst a repeat.

He claimed that residents of hiscompound lost “more than N2million to the flood.”

“We lost everything in ourcompound to the flood; fridges,television sets, radio sets, rugsand pots of soup were all sweptoff.

BENIN CITY – A CommercialBank has presented an award toMaster MonarchUyinmwonmwan Edokpayi anSS2 student in Benin City foremerging second runners –up inthe bank’s essay competitionorganized for secondary schoolstudents nationwide. Presenting the award to MasterEdokpayi, the bank’s Manager,New Lagos Road Branch, Mrs.Olabowale-Oluyide Nnohoibuk,commended him for hisoutstanding performance in thecompetition, while urging himto sustain it. In his acceptance speech,Master Edokpayi appreciatedthe Bank Management fororganizing the essaycompetition. He urged the bank to sustainthe competition, as it serves asavenue for students to showcasetheir talent.

According to him theaward was even morespecial to him because itcame two days after hecelebrated his birthday. He used the opportunity toexpress his appreciation tohis parents, Mr and Mrs.Joshua Edokpayi, as well asManagement of OghosaEducation Centre for theopportunity to participate inthe competition. On her part, theproprietress of OghosaEducation Centre Dr. Mrs.H.E. Atekha-Odemwingiecommended MasterMonarch Edokpayi fordoing the school proud andtherefore urged him to keepthe flag flying. She also commended thebank for organizing thecompetition. It would be recalled thatMaster Edokpayi, last yearemerged winner of a similaressay competition organizedby the bank for secondaryschool students in South-South Zone of the country.

Mrs Olabowale-Oluyide Nnohoibuk, (left) The Bank Manager, congratulating Dr (Mrs) H.E. Atekha-Odemwingie,Proprietress Oghosa Education Centre, after an award won by Master Monarch Edokpayi (2nd left) for emergingsecond runners-up in national essay competition organized by the bank for secondary schools in Nigeria. With them ishis father, Mr Joshua Edokpayi

New Era College during march past to mark the Independence Day

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LagosNew Number Plates

Lawyer Sues FRSC

Authur Mbanefo Centre To AidResearch

3 Men Arraigned Over PossessionOf Indian Hemp

NGO Urges NigeriansTo Invest In Children

LAGOS - The Police inLagos has arraigned threeaccused persons before anApapa Chief Magistrates’Court over the allegedpossession of a substancesuspected to be Indian hemp.

The three accused, KehindeAhmed (21), Musa Ramon (35)and Shehu Bamidele (40), allof No. 30, Akosile St., Ijora-Badia, Lagos, are facing a one-count charge bothering onunlawful possession of Indianhemp.

The police prosecutor, Insp.Soji Ojaokomo, told the courtthat on August24, at No.30,Akosile St., Ijora-Badia, a teamof policemen arrested theaccused persons.

“The accused, when caught,were in possession of a largequantity of a substancesuspected to be Indian hemp,which contravened Section 327

of the Criminal Law of LagosState, 2011.

Section 327 of the CriminalLaw stipulates a six-monthimprisonment, if found guilty.

All the accused pleaded notguilty to the charge broughtagainst them.

The Chief Magistrate, Mrs.Oluyemisi Adelaja, grantedN100,000 bail to each of the

LAGOS - A lawyer, MrEmmanuel Ofoegbu, have fileda suit before the Federal HighCourt, Lagos, against theFederal Road SafetyCommission (FRSC),challenging its issuance of newnumber plates.

The applicant is seeking adeclaration that the threat by therespondent to arrest andimpound the vehicles ofmotorists who failed to acquirethe new number plates fromOctober 1, was“unconstitutional“.

In his statement of facts, theapplicant averred that the oldnumber plates were issuedunder the provisions of theNational Road TrafficRegulations (NRTR), 2004.

He said that the NRTR 2004is a subsidiary legislation madeunder the Federal Road SafetyCommission (FRSC) Act, Lawsof the Federation, as revised in2004.

According to the applicant,the NRTR 2012, in Regulations230 (2), provides that therevocation of the 2004Regulations, shall not affectanything done, or purported tobe done pursuant to thatRegulation.

Ofoegbu averred that therewas no law made in accordance

with the 1999 Constitutionof the Federal Republic ofNigeria (as amended),which prohibits the use ofthe old number plates, ordeclares its use as anoffence.

He also averred that thethreat by the respondent toimpound vehicles and arrestmotorists who failed tocomply with the October 1deadline was a grossviolation of the provisionsof Section 36 (12) of theconstitution, whichguarantees the rights ofindividuals.

He, therefore, wants thecourt to declare as unlawful,the threat by the respondentto arrest motorists using theold number plates, becausethere was no law validlymade in accordance withthe constitution, prohibitingtheir use.

The applicant also seeksa court injunctionrestraining the defendantsfrom impounding vehiclesor otherwise arresting orharassing motorists who failto acquire the new numberplates.

Reports say that the suitnumber FHC/L/CS/ 1332/13, had yet to be assignedto a trial judge.

LAGOS- Ms Ita Hozaife, thefounder of Ink Marks, an NGOon children’s development, hasurged Nigerians to invest more inthe development of children.

Hozaife told newsmen in Lagosthat not much time andinvestment were being given tochildren by parents andcaregivers.

According to her, it is obvioustoday that parents and guardianshave little or no time for theirchildren.

“And, this is unhealthy for usas a nation, because the future ofNigeria belongs to these children.

“We are not investing enoughtime or creating the rightenvironment for their upbringingand growth.

“Rather, parents are busy withtheir businesses and other socialengagements.

“If we want to have thesechildren as our future leaders,then, we need to wisely invest inthem and give them the attentionthey deserve.

“It is not just enough to givethem money and leave them tothemselves, without having timefor them,’’ she said.

Hozaife said that creating moretime for our children would givethem confidence and hope toenable them to becomeresponsible citizens of the Nigeriaof our dream.

She said that the NGO hadorganised skills developmentprogrammes for no fewer than200 children in Lagos State.

Hozaife said that the

LAGOS - Mr. OlajideAlex-Oni, the ChiefExecutive of ArthurMbanefo Digital ResourceCentre (AMDRC) inLagos, has said that thecentre would serve as averitable tool forresearchers.

Alex-Oni made theobservation in aninterview with newsmenin Lagos.

He said that the library,which is a Non-G o v e r n m e n t a lOrganisation, would alsoassist to develop researchculture in the country.

Alex-Oni said that thelibrary was established tocontribute to researchefforts in Africa aimed atalleviating socio-economic challenges ofthe continent.

“Sixty-eight per cent ofresearch done in Africa isfrom South Africa andEgypt, while Nigeria onlycommands 19 per cent.

‘The library is a researchtool that will allowresearchers direct accessto some of the world’s bestonline publishers on

multi-disciplinary subjectsof science, technology andmedicine.

“We have over a millionarticles, 7, 500 e-books, 7,000 peer-reviewed articles,28, 000 journals, audio,video and images, “ he said.

Alex-Oni said that thelibrary would make adifference by helping toproduce best quality highereducation teachers and fullyequipped professionals whowould ensure thedevelopment of relevanthuman capital.

The AMDRC ChiefExecutive said that the

library, whose doors wereopened to the public on the1st of July, would belaunched officially next year.

He said that the library hadstarted marketing its brandby undertaking what hecalled “open house“ in whichthe academic community andintellectuals were engaged.

Alex-Oni said that thelibrary had recordedhundreds of participants at itsopen house, adding that themanagement targeted about1000 participants before the

end of the year.He expressed displeasure

over the dearth of researchmaterials in the country,saying that researcherswere either not seriouslyengaged or they lackedfunds.

“The digital centre hasalso felt the impact of thefunding deficit as manyorganisations do not knowor do not want to fundresearch.

“In our bid to raise fundssince the library is privatelyowned, we wrote to manyinstitutions, individuals andcorporate bodies to partner

with us.“But because they do not

understand the kind ofpartnership we are lookingfor, they are quick to turn usdown.

“These organisations willnow turn around to fundsocial, entertainment andfashion ventures to the tuneof tens of millions of naira,“ the AMDRC CEO said.

He said that the librarycould help ease some of thechallenges that power,Internet facility,infrastructure andbroadband, among others,pose to researchers in theirefforts.

accused, with one reliablesurety each, in like sum.

She ordered the sureties toshow evidence of tax paymentto the Lagos State Governmentand have their addressesverified by the prosecutor.

Adelaja also ordered thateach surety must attach apassport photograph to the bailbond.

The case was adjourned tillOctober. 14, for mention.

programmes were aimed ateducating the children onhow to discover and developtheir talents.

Flood on Sulaimon Shoderu Street, Power Line, Ikorodu, in Lagos recently.

A Landlorddraining waterfrom his room onOkeyemi Street,Off Power Line,Ikorodu, in Lagosafter a downpour.

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South-SouthDBIR Ends InductionCourse For New Staff


DisagreesWith Oil


Expert Urges Nigerians To Prevent Heart Diseases

Bayelsa: Property Owners Seek Compensation

Benin Residents Want MoatDevelopedBENIN - Residents of Benin,

Edo State, have urged the stategovernment to recover thehistorical Benin moat anddevelop it into a tourist site.

The residents, who made thecall in separate interviews withnewsmen in Benin, decried thepresent condition of the moat,and called for urgentgovernment’s attention to it.

The moat, also known as the

UYO - Akwa Ibomgovernment says the oilproducing communities in thestate have more representationsin the administration, than theirnon-oil producing counterparts,contrary to their cry ofmarginalisation.

Mr. Anietie Ukpe, the ChiefPress Secretary to Governor.Godswill Akpabio, made theclarification in an interview withnewsmen in Uyo.

Ukpe spoke against thebackdrop of agitation by thecommunities for theestablishment of a developmentcommission for oil bearing areaof Akwa Ibom.

“People from the oil producingarea occupy priority positions inthis administration. They havemore opportunities than others.

“I know that His Excellencyhas reached out to them; theyhave been a part of thisadministration more than theyhad been under pastadministrations,” Ukpe said.

The governor’s spokesmansaid that the agitation for theestablishment of oil producingareas development commissionin the state was not justified.

The South-South Coordinator,Institute of Chartered Economistsof Nigeria (ICEN), Mr. FridayUdoh, had argued that there wasurgent need for the establishmentof such a commission in the state.

Udoh told newsmen thatbecause of the environmentaldegradation in oil producingcommunities, a developmentcommission was needed torejuvenate the affected areas.

BENIN - Dr Christopher Eigbe,a Consultant and Chest Physician,Central Hospital, Benin, Edo Statehas urged Nigerians to adopt ahealthy life style in order toprevent heart disease.

Eigbe told newsmen in Beninthat the heart works all day andshould be kept healthy for it tosustain its circulatory function.

“People must learn to eat theright food and avoid oily foodslike fried eggs, pizza, meat pie andpastries.

“Oily foods have highcholesterol content which narrowsthe blood vessels and makecirculation of blood by the heartdifficult,’’ he said.

He said that fruits andvegetables protect the heart andalso reduces blood pressure.

“People who do not take fruitsand vegetables as part of their dietare at risk of their hearts ageingthan their true age.

“They are also more at risk ofhigh blood pressure, heart attacksand heart failures,’’ Eigbe said.

Eigbe said that smoking oftobacco and alcohols intakes werealso detrimental to the heart.

“Tobacco is one of the riskfactors that make the work of the

YENAGOA - Residents ofKaima in Bayelsa, whoseproperties were acquired by thestate government for theconstruction of Kaima ModelSecondary School, have appealedto the state government tocompensate them.

Mr. Alawei Basuo, Coordinatorof the affected property owners inKaima, made the appeal in aninterview with newsmen inYenagoa, decrying the delay inpaying the compensation.

Basuo said that since their landswere acquired and their housesdemolished, they had suffereduntold hardship following the non-payment of the compensation.

He said that government notifiedthe affected land owners of itsintention to acquire the land for theschool project in January, andurged them to submit claims forassessment.

WARRI- The Delta StateBoard of Internal Revenue(DBIR) has ended a five dayinduction course for its new staffin Asaba, with a projection torake in N8Billon as fromDecember this year.

In repositioning itself forbetter service delivery, especiallyas the major agency spearheadingthe state government’s revenuedrive in line with its DeltaBeyond Oil Initiative, the DBIRrecently engaged over 200 staff,drawn from all the localgovernment areas of the state.

The closing session of theinduction which held at NelroseHotel, Asaba, on Friday, featuredlecture and question and answersession before culminating inpresentation of certificate toinductees.

Barrister Frank Nwugo in amember of the board in his papertitle, “Delta Beyond Oil: TheDBIR perspective,” said that theDBIR would soon begin togenerate enough revenue for thestate to pay salaries.

He opined that if the Boardcould up the Internal GeneratedRevenue (IGR) of the state fromN1.2 billion when the JoelOnowakpo Thomas-led Boardtook over to the current N5.7billion, “we can as well begin togenerate up to N8 billion beforeDecember.”

Barrister Nwugo stressed thatimproved IGR was the only“viable alternative to oil”, hencethe need for the state governmentto take seriously its revenuedrive.

He told the inductees thattaxation is the major source ofincome for government and “thatis why you have been engaged tocarry out this crucialassignment.”

Barrister Nwogu who is alsoa former House ofRepresentative aspirant harkedon integrity and admonishedthem on the need for goodconduct, character and dressing,. According to him,“ensure thatyou are of impeccable character;let your character speak.” The Executive Chairman ofDelState Board of InternalRevenue (DBIR), Hon. Joel-Onowakpo Thomas has called onstaff of the revenue board to keepto the tenets and operationalFramework of the board byshunning sharp practice in all itsramifications.

Thomas who made the callyesterday while declaring open afive-day induction course for thenewly recruited 200 junior staffof the DBIR at Nelrose Hotel inAsaba, said that the call hadbecome necessary as it would goa long way in enhancing therevenue generation capacity ofthe board for the stategovernment.

He told the inductees that theDBIR places high premium ondedication and commitment toduties in its determination toactualize the Delta Beyond Oilinitiative of the state government.

According to him, theinductees must shun touting,truancy, lateness to work andother forms of indiscipline toenable them build a successfulcareer in the board and in theDelta State civil service, addingthat anyone who indulges in anyunethical act would be

By BETTY IDIALU disciplined accordingly. While saying that their

recruitment was to boost therevenue generation drive of theboard towards contributing herquota to the diversification of thestate economy, he urged theinductees to discharge their dutiesdispassionately in order to justifytheir employment.

Speaking during the openingceremony, the memberrepresenting Delta North inDBIR, Chief (Barr.) FrankNwugo who is, also, theChairman of the OrganizingCommittee for Training andManpower Development of theboard, expressed appreciation toGovernor Emmanuel Uduaghanfor approving the recruitment ofthe 200 junior staff including 10physically challenged persons.

heart very difficult.“It reduces blood supply to the

heart muscles and predisposes theheart to attacks.

“Alcohol is a toxin and it

weakens the ability of the heartmuscle to contract and causesheart failures.

“It also makes blood pressurego up suddenly and over work the

heart,’’ he said.The consultant said that people

should avoid sedentary life stylesand exercise regularly tomaintain a healthy heart.

According to him, “daily walksor brisk walking for 20 minutesor rigorous exercise once a weekcould be helpful to the heart.’’

He also advised people to doregular checks to prevent heartdisease.

“It is advised that individualswho are above 35 years shoulddo regular blood sugar check,blood pressure checks and on ayearly basis do cholesterolchecks.

The coordinator said that thestate government promised to paythem compensation within twoweeks of the submission of theclaims.

“We all complied and ourclaims duly verified by theministry of lands and surveys, but

we have not been paid even afterour houses have beendemolished.

“It is unfair to mobilise and paythe contractors when the landowners who gave up their landsfor the projects have not beenpaid,” he lamented.

He said that they were nowhomeless and had becomeliabilities to their relatives whoharboured them as they could notafford lands elsewhere to buildnew houses.

Walls of Benin was built as a cityfortification against neighbouringrivals.

They lamented theencroachment into the moat bysome people and vandalism ofthe moat which was once thepride of the ancient BeninKingdom.

Mr. Chris Osa-eburu, the

Manager of Victor OwaifoRevelation Tourist Palazzo, saidthat the moat should be seen asan important monument andpersevered for future generations.

“The Benin moat is in a poorcondition and it needs to berecovered.

“When I was growing up inBenin in those days, the moatbehind our house was so deep,but today it has been abandoned.

PHCN workers protesting the take over of the company by investors withoutpaying their severance benefits and settlement of other labour issues by federalgovernment in Abuja recently.

Students of Model Secondary School Maitama performing during the financial literacy school outreachprogramme in Abuja recently.

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AbujaPIB: Senate To Resume

Public Hearing

NEPC Gets ActingExecutive Director

ASUU:Jonathan Calls ForReview Of Labour Laws

Independence DayIG Places Police On Alert

Nigeria Is Not Bankrupt - Jonathan

ABUJA - Mr. Aliyu Lawal, theDirector of Trade InformationDepartment, Nigeria ExportPromotion Council (NEPC), hasbeen appointed as the ActingExecutive Director of the agency

This is contained in a statementissued on Sunday in Abuja andsigned by Mr. Joe Itah, the Head,Public Relations Unit of NEPC.

It stated that Lawal, the mostsenior director in the council was

education sectorJonathan said that the PDP-led

administration had done quitewell, despite all the odds andchallenges

According to him, Nigeria isbetter off in the past years of thePDP-led government withimproved standard of living,building of more federaluniversities, improvedtelecommunication, railways androads.

The President assured that withthe commitment of hisadministration to the privatisationof the power sector, electricitysupply would become stable bythe end of the first quarter of2014.

ABUJA - The Senate says itwill resume another round ofpublic hearing on the PetroleumIndustry Bill (PIB) on October.9 following allegations ofexclusion of some keystakeholders.

The Nigerian Bar Association(NBA) and the Nigeria LabourCongress (NLC), among others,had alleged that criticalstakeholders were preventedfrom participating in reforms ofthe oil sector.

To this effect, four SenateStanding Committees:Petroleum Resources(Upstream and Downstream),Gas and Judiciary, Legal andHuman Rights were mandatedto conduct the hearing.

A statement issued in Abujaby the Chairman of the jointCommittee, Sen. Emmanuel

ABUJA - President GoodluckJonathan in Abuja debunkedinsinuations in certain quartersthat Nigeria is insolvent, sayingNigeria is neither broke norbankrupt.

The President, who stated thisduring his Presidential MediaChat, said “the claim that Nigeriais broke is politically motivated.”

He explained that themisunderstanding between theFederal and States’ Ministries ofFinance during FAAC meetingwas not because federalgovernment could not affordallocations due to States.

He said the misunderstandingwas misconceived by the

ABUJA - The Inspector-General of Police, Mr.Mohammed Abubakar, hasplaced operatives of the force onred alert nationwide to ensure ahitch-free Independence Daycelebration.

Paulker (PDP-Bayelsa) said thedecision of the senate to resumethe hearing was to ensure thatthe new oil law was anaggregate of opinions in the oiland gas industry in the country.

Paulker, who is the Chairmanof the Petroleum ResourcesCommittee (Upstream), said:“This time around, the jointcommittee decided to involveall stakeholders in the oil sector.

“We want to do this before thereport is presented to the wholeSenate for consideration so thatat the end of the day when thenew law is passed, nobody willcomplain that they were leftout.’’

The bill seeks to createconducive businessenvironment for petroleumoperations and to protect healthas well as ensure safety of theenvironment in the course ofpetroleum operations.

It also seeks to enhanceexploration and exploitation ofpetroleum resources in Nigeriafor the benefit of Nigerians.

It would be recalled that atwo-day public hearing had heldon the PIB.It will also be recalled that thejoint committee is expected toresolve some of the contentiousissues in the PIB such as thehigh tax regime highlighted bythe International Oil Companies(OIC’s).

The IOC’s had threatened toleave Nigeria by divesting fromthe sector because of the newlaws.

The Senate President DavidMark had, however, charged thejoint committee not to entertain“parochial views’’, adding that“Nigeria should be utmost in theminds of the oil and gasplayers.’’

directed to oversee its affairsfollowing the expiration of tenureof the former Executive Director,Mr. David Adulugba.

According to the statement, theoutgoing executive director hasserved the council in variouscapacities within a period of 21years when he joined theorganisation.

It stated that Adulugba wasappointed as director general ofthe organisation on July 17, 2009.

ABUJA - President GoodluckJonathan has advocated a reviewof labour laws to curtail theexcesses of the Academic StaffUnion of Universities (ASUU)and other labour unions.

The President, who made thecall during a Presidential mediachat in Abuja, urged the strikingmembers of ASUU to return towork in the interest of theirstudents and the education sector.

The President also said it wasinconceivable that lecturers instate-owned universities wouldgo on strike over issuesconcerning the allowances oflecturers in federal universities.

He said such a situation wouldnot occur if well-guided and well-thought out laws were in placeregulating labour union activities.

Jonathan also said that the N79billion Earned Allowance arrears,which was the major reason forthe ASUU strike, was notsupposed to be paid from thefederation account.

According to the President,earned allowances ought to bepaid from the InternallyGenerated Revenue of theuniversities, if a good labour lawis in place.

Jonathan called on the strikingASUU to reconsider its stand byaccepting government offer, andcall its members back to theclassrooms.

The President reiterated thecommitment of hisadministration to adequately fundthe universities and provide thenecessary infrastructure to aid the

This is contained in a statementissued in Abuja by CSP FrankMba, Force Public RelationsOfficer (FPRO) and madeavailable to the newsmen.

It said that the I-G specificallydirected all Zonal Assistant

Inspectors-General of Police andCommissioners of Police incharge of state commands andmaritime to ensure adequate andeffective deployment ofoperational tools and manpowerin their areas.

He also directed them to payspecial attention to shoppingmalls, parks, beaches, highwaysand other critical infrastructureand sensitive areas to guaranteethe safety of the citizenry.

He assured that the policewould provide safe and securedenvironment for all, particularlyduring the anniversary.

Abubakar congratulatedPresident Goodluck Jonathan andNigerians on the occasion of thenation’s 53rd independence.

He commended the courageand determination of Nigerians tobuild and sustain a strong,indivisible and virile nation, inspite of the challengesconfronting the nation.

The I-G urged Nigerians to puttheir differences aside andcontinue to support the police inthe face of current securitychallenges facing the country.

He also urged them to provideuseful information to the police,especially with regard to theongoing fight against terrorismand other forms of crimes.

opposition to label the country asbeing bankrupt.

According to him, the nation’seconomy is witnessingtremendous growth with the rightpolicies put in place by hisadministration.

He said: ‘’Nigeria is now aninvestors’ haven in sub-saharanAfrica and the GPD is growingat appreciable rate.’’

The President said that oil theftwhich hitherto was at alarmingrate was being brought undercontrol adding that governmentwas building a robust securityarchitecture to check the crime.

He said that some arrests hadbeen made and prosecution of the

offenders were on course.Jonathan likened oil theft to

Boko Haram insurgence and said‘’it is a cancer that must becrushed.’’

He called on the internationalcommunity to label oil theft aninternational crime and assist inarresting the perpetrators whensuch crude got to their soil.

The President also noted thatgovernment was winning the waragainst corruption and said themenace was not the country’sNumber One problem.

On the recent killing of sevensuspected Boko Haram membersat Apo, a suburb of Abuja,Jonathan said that his

administration would continue tosafeguard all citizens from terroristattacks.

According to him, thepreliminary security report on theincident shows that there waselement of Boko Haram at theuncompleted building.

‘’It is my duty as a President tostop the killing of innocent peopleby militant groups across thecountry.’’

The President also dismissed theassertion that the FederalExecutive Council had beenturned into a contract awardingcouncil, saying the council was notviolating the nation’s constitutionby approving the award contracts.

L-R: Achadu-Attah Igala, Alhaji Yusuf Ameadaji; Attah Igala, HRM Agabaidu Idakwo Amen Oboni II and President GoodluckJonathan, during the visit of the Attah Igala and members of his cabinet to the Presidential Villa in Abuja recently.

President Goodluck Jonathan (middle); Vice President Namadi Sambo (4th left) AttahIgala, Agabaidu Idakwo Amen Oboni II (4th right), with others, during the visit of AttahIgala and members of his cabinet to the Presidential Villa in Abuja recently.

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1. The Federal Government of Nigeria has received World Bank board approval for a credit from the International Development Association towards the cost of State Employment and Expenditure forResults (SEEFOR) Project. Edo State is one of the beneficiary States participating in the project implementation and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract of RoadMaintenance in Benin City, Ekpoma, Ubiaja, Jattu Auchi and environs. 2. The SEEFOR Project, now invites sealed quotations from eligible and qualified bidders for the maintenance of roads ( Road cleaning/Sweeping, cleaning/disiltation of drains, maintenance of street lightsand lawns, vegetation control and earth road maintenance) in Benin City, Ekpoma, Ubiaja, Jattu Auchi and environs.




Road Cleaning/sweeping, cleaning/disiltation of drains,maintenance of street lights and lawns along Sapele Road, BeninCity (6.60km)

12 months Benin- City45 days1.

Road cleaning/sweeping, cleaning/disiltation of drains,maintenance of street lights and lawns in Dawson Road, BeninCity(2.9km),New Lagos Road, Benin City(2.65km),VegetableMarket Road, Benin City (0.241km),Golf Course Road, BeninCity. (1.09km).


12 months 45 days Benin- City

Road Cleaning/sweeping, cleaning/disiltation of drains,maintenance of street lights and lawns in Airport Road, BeninCity(5.0km) and Akpakpava Road, Benin City(3.25km)


12 months 45 days Benin City

Road cleaning/sweeping, cleaning/disiltation of drains, vegetationcontrol, maintenance of street lights and lawns in Oba Market Road,Benin City(3.0km), Sokponba Road, Benin City (1.80km), SilukoRoad, Benin City(3.10km) .

4. 12 months 45 days Benin City

Road cleaning/sweeping, cleaning/disiltation of drains, vegetationcontrol and earth road maintenance of Ataga Road, Ubiaja(0.893km), Old Ilushi Road/Market Road, Ubiaja(2.78km) andUromi-Ubiaja Road(Through Sacred Heart College) Ubiaja(3.5km).


Road Cleaning/sweeping, cleaning/disiltation of drains,maintenance of street lights, vegetation control and earth roadmaintenance in Compassion Avenue/Ogbebor Street, Ekpoma(0.451km), Ujoelen Extension(Through Okpebho Clinic) Ekpoma(0.43km),Anglican Way, Ekpoma (1.10km), UjoelenExtension(Through living soul church), Ekpoma (0.43km), UjoelenRoad Extension, Ekpoma (0.87km),G2 Road, Ekpoma (0.60km),Eromon Street, Ekpoma (0.93km),Royal Market Road,Ekpoma(1.70km).


12 months

12 months

45 days

45 days



Road Cleaning/sweeping, cleaning/distillation of drains andmaintenance of street lights in Auchi-Jattu Road(From PolytechnicGate to Okene- Benin Express Way(3.10km) and Auchi- JattuRoad(from Okene- Benin Express way to Afowa Junction(2.90km).


12 months 45 days Auchi and Jattu

Road Cleaning/sweeping, cleaning/distiltation of drains,vegetation control and earth road maintenance in Clem AgbaStreet, Auchi (0.735km), Ashippa Street, Igarra (0.492km) andProduce Road/Upper Iyamho Road/Iyamho-Iyora Road(Up toPolice Barrack Junction) 2.90km.


3. Bidding will be conducted through the shopping procedures specified in the World Bank Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, and is open to bidders resident in Edo State only.4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from The Project Coordinator, State Employment and Expenditure for Results (SEEFOR) Project, 8th floor, Palm House, Sapele Road, BeninCity, Edo State, E-mail address: [email protected] and inspect and obtain the bid document at the address given from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm, Mondays through Fridays. Bidders are to pay a non-refundable fee of N5,000 (Five Thousand Naira)only payable to State Employment and Expenditure for Results (SEEFOR) Project Account before obtaining the bid document.5. Qualifications requirement include: Evidence of business registration, Evidence of experience in execution of similar project and registration with the Edo State Rapid Response Agency (EDRRA).Additional details are provided in the Quotation Solicitation Document.6. Quotation must be delivered at the address below before 2.00 pm Thursday, October 16, 2013. Late quotation will be rejected. Quotation will be opened in the presence of bidders representatives, whochoose to attend in person at the address below immediately after the deadline for submission i.e 2.00 pm Thursday, October 16, 2013.

The Project Coordinator,State Employment and Expenditure for Results (SEEFOR) Project,Ministry of Budget and Planning and Economic Development,8th Floor, Palm HouseSapele Road,Benin City, Edo State.E-mail address: [email protected]

Auchi, Igarra andIyamho45 days 12 months


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Nigeria @ 53President Jonathan’s Speech

BEING an address by His Excellency, President Goodluck EbeleJonathan, GCFR On the Occasion of Nigeria’s 53rd IndependenceAnniversary Tuesday 1st October, 2013.

FELLOW NIGERIANS,1. Today marks 53 years of our Independence as a nation. First and

foremost, I would like to say congratulations to us all. Through thickand thin, we have built this country together. Through triumphs andtrials, we have developed a Nigerian identity in our own way.

2. In truth, Nigeria is still a work in progress and we are challengedeveryday to keep building in spite of the various obstacles that weface. Our strength has been in our diversity. If we look back over theyears, we can say confidently that there is every reason to celebrate.

3. Today’s Independence anniversary is unique because it is thelast before we mark our centenary. On January 1, 2014, Nigeria willbe 100 years old as a country, following the amalgamation of theProtectorates of Southern and Northern Nigeria in 1914.

4. Beloved country men and women, traditionally, the Presidentialaddress on this symbolic day has served two purposes. It has, quiterightly, been used to remind all Nigerians about our heritage. It hasalso allowed my predecessors and I to comment on our stewardshipto the nation and make political capital out of a state occasion.

5. But this year, I will not. Because, today of all days, we shouldnot be scoring political points. On the contrary, in this last year of thefirst century of our Union, we should be addressing our future as aNation and a people!

6. I admit that these may not be the best of times for our nation.Our people are divided in many ways – ethnically, religiously,politically, and materially. I cannot hide from this reality. I cannothide from my own responsibilities.

7. As we prepare to mark the centenary, therefore, today offers usan opportunity to reflect on our long journey to nationhood and theprogress we have made so far. Whatever the challenges that we mayface, we have every reason to be proud of our nationalaccomplishments; we have every reason to remain proud andoptimistic. Our collective national journey has witnessed greatwatersheds, thanks to our spirit of endurance, perseverance andsacrifice. Getting the rest of the job done with determination andcourage is just a matter of time. We are Nigerians, a nation of talentedpeople, endowed with resources, potentials, and Divine Grace.

8. In our journey to greatness as a nation, we have built an economythat is robust and erected enduring infrastructure and institutions ofdemocracy. Our social system is now more inclusive, open andcompassionate. We are waging a steady battle against poverty,unemployment, and corruption. Our sense of community, solidarityand shared expectation is strong and capable of withstanding thepresent social, economic and political challenges that still confrontus.

9. In saying this, I am reminded of the comments I made a weekago to a cross-section of Nigerians in New York during the 68th UnitedNations General Assembly. I declare now as I declared then: we havea duty as Nigerians, whatever may be our differences or prejudices,to always put Nigeria first.

10. Our politics should be an art of patriotic labour and selflessservice to the community, particularly by the political elite who areplaced in positions of great trust and responsibility. Politics has itsown high moral principles which abhor distracting and divisiverhetoric. As men and women in leadership, we must continually focuson service, duty, responsibility, and the next generation. Those whoare elected to govern at all levels must focus on improving the livesof our people, not selfish ambition.

11. In the words of the American theologian and author, JamesFreeman Clarke, ‘a politician thinks of the next election; a statesmanof the next generation’. Whether we are Muslims or Christians; richor poor; from the North or the South; East or West; regardless of ourpolitical affiliations, this is the time for every one of us to be astatesman!

12. My clarion call therefore, on this special day, is that we shouldbegin to align our political utterances and conduct solely to the noblerpassions that unite our people. Politicians do not make a nation;ordinary folks do.

13. Our nation is made great by the big and small efforts of regularcitizens. These are the teachers and men and women in academicswho inculcate the knowledge and wisdom that transform intotomorrow’s wealth; the traders and market women who tend to oureveryday needs; the farmers whose labour feeds the nation; the artisanswhose work ensures that our homesteads are well maintained; thedoctors, pharmacists, nurses, accountants, bankers, engineers, andother professionals who add value to our lives; the sportsmen andwomen and those in the creative industry who bring honour and fameto our nation; 14. And the men and women of our armed forces andsecurity services who toil day and night so that you and I may live ina safe and secure nation.

15. It is the individual and collective heroism of these regular folksthat has placed our nation on the path of greatness. Politics andpoliticians sometimes distract the people and create unnecessarytension.

16. But our independence celebration is about the same people, thepeople of Nigeria: their industry, sense of mission and purpose, and

their patience and perseverance as we navigate historical turns in ourmarch towards prosperity and self-sufficiency. Today, I salute thepeople of Nigeria.

17. My Compatriots, history has proven that nations take time toevolve. We should rejoice in our democracy because it enables us tobe united by our differences, not destroyed by them. And, there is nomore crucial time for us to be united than now.

18. The threats we face may be real and immediate. But we are notalone in this regard. It is a difficult season for much of the world:industrialized or developing; rich or poor. What matters are the lessonswe learn, the wisdom we demonstrate, and the victory we snatch fromthe jaws of likely defeat.

19. And I tell you, more than anything else, there are lessons tolearn, and every cause to be thankful. If I must cite one example, takeSyria. As we all pray and work for a return to normalcy in Syria, itwould be helpful for us to reflect on the fact that Syria was once apeaceful, thriving, multi-cultural nation which played host to a mosaicof religions and ethnicities.

20. But that once idyllic nation has today become a theatre of human

misery of unimaginable proportions as a result of the activities ofextremist forces.

21. Fellow Nigerians, the spectre of extremism haunts everydemocracy in every corner of the globe. While we celebrate ourindependence and good fortune, our hearts must grieve for those whohave lost loved ones in numerous terrorist activities around the world.

22. Back home, I admit being overtaken by deep feelings of grief,whenever news reached me of the appalling atrocities in some of ourStates, especially the North Eastern part of our country. Just two daysago, terrorist elements attacked the College of Agriculture in Gujba,Yobe State killing a number of innocent students of the institution andother residents in cold blood, most of them in their sleep. This act ofbarbarism is a demonstration of the extent to which evil forces will goto destabilize our nation. But I assure you, they will not succeed.

23. My heart goes out to the families of all those who have fallenvictim of these dastardly acts. Our Administration will not rest untilevery Nigerian is free from the oppression of terrorism. I reassure youthat no cost will be spared, no idea will be ignored, and no resourcewill be left untapped in the quest to enable our people live withoutfear.

24. On this day, I implore every Nigerian – wherever you are,whatever language you speak, whatever your religious persuasion,whichever Political Party you support -: let us join together to fightthis evil of extremism.

25. On behalf of us all, I commend our Armed Forces and securityagencies for their dedication and bravery in the face of grave danger,and in the name of our collective liberty.

26. Fellow Nigerians, this is a time to pull together behind the nationalcause: the cause of our freedom, and our future. We must rekindle thespirit of Nigeria, to ensure that every democrat and every lover ofpeace in this great nation continues to live in a free, peaceful, and

secure Nigeria.27. On my part, I re-dedicate myself completely to the service of

this great country. I was elected President to continue the processof building a prosperous nation where hopes, dreams and aspirationswould be fulfilled. Nigerians, home and abroad, want a countrythey can be proud to call their own. I am pleased to affirm that, nomatter the challenges we face, we are on the right path to greatness.Our Transformation Agenda, which is part of the overall vision ofmaking Nigeria a land of greatness, has been delivering positiveand encouraging results.

28. On May 29th this year, I presented to the nation a mid-termreport of my Administration’s Transformation Agenda. This wasconceived as an integrated policy aimed at reconstructing not onlyinstitutional governance for effective and efficient service delivery,but also a re-orientation of national norms and values. The documentcaptured the essence of our agenda in relation to core objectivesand achievements.

29. I have been consistently mindful of the weight of publicexpectation to find solutions to the challenges that confront usbecause the mandate we have is a free and sacred one. In all that Ihave done, I have been guided by this sacred obligation, to workhard for the good of Nigeria and to make life better for Nigerians. Iwant to assure everyone that Nigeria, under my leadership, will notfail.

30. Exactly 53 years ago today, Prime Minister Tafawa Balewaurged us to ‘move with quiet dignity to our place on the world stage’.I am sure that there have been times when every one of us musthave questioned how closely we have followed that injunction.

31. But again, I can reassure you that Nigeria’s place on the worldstage today is strong and safe, and it is certainly a place of dignityand respect. We must continue to build on this by remaining a nationand a people committed to ideals, the noblest humanitarian values,and the rule of law.

32. Our Constitution is anchored ultimately on the idea of freedomand fundamental rights: freedom of expression; freedom fromdiscrimination; freedom to vote and be voted for, and the right tohuman dignity. These are the core values of a true democracy. Theseare the values of which we must never lose sight.

33. In my address to the UN General Assembly last week, Iemphasized the crucial role of democratization in improving thefortunes not just of this country, but of our entire continent.Democratic values encourage diversity. They encourage discourse.They encourage disagreement. This is the joy of democracy.

34. It enables us to have an opinion. And ultimately, the ballotbox gives us all the opportunity to instigate change. Whendemocracy works, it does not destroy a nation. It unites and definesit.

35. Fellow Nigerians, our Administration has taken cognizanceof suggestions over the years by well-meaning Nigerians on theneed for a National Dialogue on the future of our beloved country.I am an advocate of dialogue. When there are issues that stoketension and bring about friction, it makes perfect sense for theinterested parties to come together to discuss.

36. In demonstration of my avowed belief in the positive powerof dialogue in charting the way forward, I have decided to set up anAdvisory Committee whose mandate is to establish the modalitiesfor a National Dialogue or Conference. The Committee will alsodesign a framework and come up with recommendations as to theform, structure and mechanism of the process.

37. The Committee will be chaired by Dr. Femi Okurounmu whileDr. Akilu Indabawa will serve as the Secretary. The full membershipof the Committee will be announced shortly.

38. I expect the Report to be ready in one month, following whichthe nation will be briefed on the nomenclature, structure andmodalities of the Dialogue.

39. Fellow Nigerians, the past 53 years have seen Nigeria evolveon an epic scale. Our progress since independence has not alwaysbeen smooth. This is, after all, our Fourth Republic; but despite allits flaws, it has lasted longer than all the previous three put together.That is progress and it proves that, our differences – real andimagined - notwithstanding, we are, in every sense, a united nation.

40. This is no time for the harmful clutches of parochial sentimentsand the politics of bitterness, impunity, arrogance and unhelpfulindiscipline. We must stand as one, with absolute commitment andresolve to resist any force that threatens us and the sanctity of ourunion.

41. I want to thank all our country men and women who havestood by this Administration in the midst of mounting challengesand enormous expectations.

42. I recognize that it is not easy to keep believing in thepossibilities of our greatness when our faith is constantly challenged.But let me assure you that, if we do not despair, we shall reap thereward of our labour in due season.

43. It is my prayer that, another 53 years from now, our childrenand grand-children will look back on our effort and be thankful thatwe kept the faith.

44. May God continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.45. I wish you all a very happy 53rd Independence Celebration.46. I thank you.

President Goodluck Jonathan

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Gender IssuesSave The Girl Child


GOING by the highproliferation of rape in oursociety these days, especially inour beloved country Nigeria,one will draw a finish line thatmost men, if not all, arepossessed with animalisticconjugal behaviour. Thedifference is, we are human andnot animal, so nature did notmake us to behave as one.

Rape has become a cancereating deep into our society.Thank God it is, but a cancer thatcan be controlled if noteradicated, only if we will cometogether, every one in his or hereffort to; sensitize the masses onthe harm that comes with rape,bringing up children in the fearof God, prioritizing the crimeand punishment for rape, andabove all, call on God fordeliverance from the spirit ofwhoredom.

In sensitization of the masses,effort should be put in somestrategic public places like theworship centres (churches andMosque), the schools(secondary and tertiary levels),Entertainment industries (movieand music), media, theatre, andcinemas etc. through thesemediums, I believe a lot will beachieved.

Psychological And PhysicalEffect Of Rape

There are a lot of effects oraftermath of rape on the part ofthe victim which can beclassified either as physical,mental, or emotional trauma.Among the physical effectsinclude: unwanted pregnancy,disease or health problems,certain disruptions on thewoman’s natural bodily functionlike damages and injuries in thevagina and uterus and otherparts of the reproductive system.The risks are greater if the rapevictim is a child or a very youngteen.

Trauma and paranoia, whichis the psychological effect ofrape makes it appear at times asthe victims will exhibitsymptoms of mental andemotional trauma throughsolitude and exclusion. Theyalso develop fear in minglingand socializing with strangersand other people especially men.These effects can last for theduration of the victim’s lifetime.

Apart from making her aloofand isolated, rape can also leadthe victim to pity or blameherself for the crime. This effectis partly caused by the socialstigma or shame that societiesor communities wronglyattribute to the victim. She is

often deprived of the care sheshould receive from familiesand society at large, who in turncan accuse her of callous andprovoking behaviour. Thisworsens her mental state and sheis left emotionally devastated.

The most striking effect thatrape can produce in a victim isthe thought or tendency ofcommitting suicide. Because ofthe trauma, self-pity andseclusion, rape victims oftenfeel that there is no longer hopeand they could no longer recoverand that they are not worthy ofliving.

Meanwhile, in the part of therapist, there have been cases ofcontacting HIV/AIDS or otherSTDS or either passing it tovictim or victims.

Causes Of Rape-WithinWith a little survey and a

mapped-out case study within acommunity. I have come tounderstand that indecentprovocative appearance hasbecome one of the majorcontributing factor to theSpeedo-rise of this disease, selfesteem eaten, emotional andpsychological retarding actcalled rape.

Drawing a conclusion to myfindings, I am tempted toapportion blame to every quotathat make up the morals of thegrowing girl child and thegrown.

Who is to be blamed?We all have a hand in the fast

multiplying canker worm whicheats up the female world andposes danger to their innocentsoul. One may wonder why“We”, speaking of; parents,churches, schools, offices, peergroup, relatives, communitiesetc have a hand in the deadly actof rape in the society. Now letme break it down, starting fromthe parent which are my numberone accused persons. I ampointing a finger at them, whichto me they share a great deal ofportion in the blame incontributing to the massivebreakout of rape. You may wantto ask me how? Yes, I haveevery cause to blame the parentof today. Take the mothers forinstance. Because you wantyour daughter to look like amodern girl and keep pace withthe trend of fashion, you let herput on rubbish mini huggingskimpy skirt, gown or bombshort which reveals almostevery sensual part of her body.Sometimes you see youngteenage girl in the prime of herrobust ripping flowers, so sweetand delicate to behold, who are

supposed to be guided andtaught to decently cover up theirjewels. Of course a real pricelessjewel not meant to be flaunt anddisplayed in such an indecentoutfits like the Juggins orLeggings that religiously clingto their body like a second orouter layer of their skin,revealing the very curve shapeand size of their genitals all inthe name of fashion.

What amazes and displacesme is that mothers are not leftout in this crazy fashion crave.

You will see a woman, marriedor single, mothers of one ormore children putting ongodforsaken mini skimpygowns and skirts as well as thesilly Juggins and Leggingswithout on extended top blousewhich at least can cover up thatugly sight of their contours andfolds of excess skin. All thesein the heat of fashion, trying tomove with the crowd.

Now then, tell me, if a mothercan not have a sense of decencyin her dressing, how can shecorrect or teach decency in herdaughter’s young fashion mind.

You may want to say that well,we are not in the 1960’s or 70’s,we are now in new age, acomputer or jet age as they call

it, where almost everything is allabout style and modernity,because really, not modesty andwhen you don’t have that drivein you, you’ll be left behind.

Some ladies, teens and evenmothers claim that when youdon’t dress to kill; you may notattract the man with your desiredstatue and class, you may beregarded as old fashioned andoutdated person who is not

current and does not have swag.They believe that putting onthose kind of shallow clothingmakes one standout amidst theirpeers, both in girls and women,making them modernized or cityladies. Meanwhile, the skimpyindecent dressing portrays themas the wrong type of the modernand city girl.

Being a modern girl or womanof style, doesn’t mean oneshould go the extra mile that canlead to indecency in fashion.You can be a modern, stylish,fashionable captivating womanin a decent but gorgeous outfit.

Speaking of attracting a manof a statue you desire via yourimmoral dressing which someladies and girls see as okey,

probably, because: the laid-downfoundation or influence of thecrowd, peer group pressure,trying to please a non realisticand infatuated relationship,influence by the fashion andcharacter deformation of thestars on televisions (movies), orthe negativity of the fashionindustries, these and so many outthere which have robbed ourfemales the values, decency,

honour and pride of a woman.The truth is, no man wants his

woman revealing too much skinlike the thigh, chest, nerves. Mencan go after a woman because heis attracted by what he sees (theexposed thigh, the revealingcleavages etc) just for exploit.

Do not glory yet that I havelashed out on the women.Fathers, brothers have turned ablind eyes to the most sensitiveissue going on right under theirvery nose. Men in the houseshould have a bigger role to playin this delicate issue. Being aman or head of the house in afamily gives you theresponsibility of setting astandard on what to and what notto be in your kids wardrobe,especially your precious babygirl. Come to think of it, youbeing a man should know betterthe nature of man, which we aremade to understand that men aremoved, attracted or aroused bywhat they see. And yet your teengirl or older one rambling about,exposing too much skin beyondthe morals and value of acultured child. Making her aneasy prey to devour by those

less-a-man rapist out on theloose-who do not know thedifference between the animaluncontrollable nature from thehuman modesty.

As for our schools, sometimesI wonder when it is said thatschool is for acquiringknowledge values and morals.What happen when girls goalmost nude to the lecturetheatre, lecturers office andwithin the campus environment,intimidating and molesting viatheir semi-nudeness in the nameof fashion. There are reports ofrape day-to-day, still yet, littleor nothing is done by the schoolauthorities to outline thepossibilities of the causes ofrape and address those withintheir power.

What about the secondarylevel, where a little JSS or SSSstudent shaping and adjusting,trimming and cutting her schooluniform until it is tighter shorterand revealing to a certaincondition. And I ask, where isthe morals, the norms andvalues of modesty? Where arethe teachers, principals,parents?

The church is not left out, forit has lost its grasp on modestyand holiness. The church iswhere we expect the higherteachings and guide to morals,but what do we get? Instead, inmost of this generationalchurches, they have swept thatunder the rug just to save thefast growing populationflooding in an exceptionaltighter and shorter outfits todonate in the offering basket. Aslong as the basket keepfattening with notes of naira, themore the teaching of decency,modesty and morals keepsdwindling down the rug.

Certainly, I am not saying thatindecent dressing is the causeof the evil behaviour of thosemen that engage in rape. All Iam trying to point out is thegravity and lightening-speedwith which rape is increasing bythe day is comparable with thestyle and fashion of the day-tracing a positive possibilitiesand tendencies of indecentdressing fuelling and flamingthe rate of rape in the society.

One must realize that rape hasnothing to do with a woman’sactions and is solely theperpetrator’s choice. Thereforelet us curtail the indecency inour dressing and see a possiblechange come to our society.

It is time to provide theeducation and information andencourage discussions that willchange society’s attitudetowards rape and the possiblecauses of rape and find ways toeradicate this intolerable socialissue once and for all. ‘SAY NOTO RAPE’.

“Trauma and paranoia, which is the psychological effect of rapemakes it appear at times as the victims will exhibit symptoms of mentaland emotional trauma through solitude and exclusion. They alsodevelop fear in mingling and socializing with strangers and otherpeople especially men.”

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Coping With OverSensitivity



OVER sensitivity is thetrait that lets you becomeoverly affected by anexternal influence that canhardly affect normal people.For instance; not being ableto tolerate constructivecriticism that other peoplenormally tolerate is a sign ofover sensitivity.

An over sensitive personfeels pain in an exaggeratedway and so has problemstolerating life differently.They form anchors orassociations faster thananybody else. For example;if they had a bad experiencein a different country thatthey visited when they getback, they start hating thecountry as a whole becausethey associate the pain theyfelt with the place.

Over sensitive people needspecial care. They arefragile, although they maynot beat you if you did nothandle them with care(because most of them hatephysical activities), but theymay hate you for it.

When it comes to moodswings; oversensitive peopleare more likely to have badmoods, to get depressed andto be moody because theirmood changes whenever anysmall event happens. Theyhave a hard time getting overthe person they loved simplybecause they feel the painthat results from a breakupin an exaggerated way.

A lot of people do not liketo mingle with this sect ofpersons because you have tobe careful when dealing withthem but the truth is they alsohave their good sides. Thereare many good things aboutbeing emotionally sensitiveperson. Firstly, they feelother person’s sufferingmore than anyone else andso in most cases, they tendto be nice and friendlyperson.

Causes of oversensitivityBeing rejected as a child,

lacking self-confidence andhaving self image problemsare all examples of unhealedwounds that can make youover sensitive to things thatothers don’t notice. It is like

pouring some water on a freshwound, you will experiencepain that is because when wedevelop a wound we tend tobecome over sensitive tofactors that didn’t use to harmus before.

Although some people arenaturally sensitive and veryemotional; it’s just how theyare, little things get to themand cannot explain why. Theyfeel bad about how theyrespond to things that otherscan just laugh about or overlook but the good news is thatthey can control it by workingon their emotions.

For over sensitive peoplewho want to help themselves,there are many ways that theycan actually help themselveschange their responds toactivities or events that get tothem. One of those ways is bychanging their ways ofthinking and their perceptionof situations.

First of all, they shouldknow that words that can hurtan emotionally sensitiveperson doesn’t hurt unless he/she views those words in acertain way or give them acertain meaning. So bychanging their view of thecriticism they receive, theycan reduce their emotionalresponses to criticism. Mosttimes, when someone tells uswell didn’t perform very well;the oversensitive personseems to take it to be“unworthy person” or “afailure”. It is not the word thatreally hurt them, but themeaning they attach to theword.

By building self-confidenceand changing negative selftalks like “I am a loser, that’swhy that thing happened,” “Iam not up to standard that iswhy he said that to me”. Whatthey need to do is not toremove their sensitive naturebut rather, they need tochange their perception ofevents and words.

Giving-up perfectionism:perfectionism is a way ofreasoning, whereby peoplethink of life to be perfect andso they should in turn beperfect. Based on that way ofreasoning, they may expect

that all other persons shouldpraise them. This kind ofreasoning will let them gethurt whenever they find thatlife was not as they expectedit to be.

If you have an oversensitive friend and could notunderstand that he/she is oversensitive, then manyproblems will arise and yourrelationship could endquickly. How to know if yourpartner/friend is anoversensitive person

Other than finding yourpartner getting annoyedfrequently because of smallthings and other than findinghim/her hating criticism,there are two methods to findout. You can achieve that bynoticing how their bodylooks and by face reading.People have different bodyshapes and it was discoveredthat people who have the

Ectomorph body shape (slimbody) are sensitive people.

Face reading is the art ofknowing someone’spersonality from their facefeatures. According to facereading, people who have tinyface features such as smallnose and chin are alsosensitive people.

Advantages of being oversensitivity

As bad as people may thinkover sensitivity may be, it hasits own advantage, so if youare over sensitive, youshouldn’t feel terribly bad andhating your nature, there areadvantages of being that wayand they include:

Increased empathy: peoplethat are over sensitive feel sadafter hanging out withsomeone that was sad, theyfeel depressed after staying

with someone that wasdepressed. This happensbecause they have increasedempathy; they know how thepeople around them feel,before the person talks about.The empathy ability is anormal ability that eachhuman being has but theoverly sensitive person hasgot much powerful empathicabilities.

More happiness: theyexperience happiness with ahigher intensity. They feelthe intensity of emotionsmore than other people.

More creative: oversensitive people are usuallyvery creative and this canhelp them excel in theircareer or even help themdevelop good habits likedrawing or writing poetry.

More religious: theemotionally sensitive personmay commit to religiousactivities more than othersand they may even become areligious leader.

Steps to winning anoversensitive partner

Never be harsh: theoversensitive person will dohis/her best to avoid harshpeople. If you shout a lot or

if you are a little aggressivein dealing with people thenbe rest assured that youwouldn’t get along with theover sensitive person.

Make minimal criticism:this does not mean youshould avoid criticismcompletely; rather youshould do your best to set itat the minimal level. Avoidconstant criticism with theover sensitive person,because the more youcriticise them, they avoidyou.

Never use physicalviolence: when you usephysical violence, the oversensitive person will do hisor her best to avoid you notjust that but may begin tohate you.

Be a nurturing partner/friend: the more kind andnurturing you are, the morethe over sensitive personlove you and willing to stayaround you.

Be more romantic: oversensitive person thinks withhis emotions when it comesto relationships. The moreromantic you are the morethey are attracted to you.

“Increased empathy: people that are over sensitive feel sadafter hanging out with someone that was sad, they feeldepressed after staying with someone that was depressed. Thishappens because they have increased empathy; they know howthe people around them feel, before the person talks about.”

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Nigeria @ 53


On The Road ToYugoslavia? “Soon, enlightened nations

will put on Trial those whohad hitherto ruled overthem. Kings shall flee intothe deserts, into the companyof the wild Beast whom theyresemble. And nature shallresume her rights.” {Theprophesy of St. Jaust, justbefore the FrenchRevolution}. WE need no eschatologicalclairvoyant to know thatpolitical-socio-economicvicissitudinary turgescencyare inextricably intertwinedwith developmental strides inthe life and times of anyindividual, State or Nation.Hence, the essayist WilliamBlake (1757-1827) posited inhis “Proverbs of hell” that,“the man or nation whichnever alters his / its opinion/ state is like standing waterand breeds reptiles of themind’’ and corroborated bySCHILLER (1759-1805) inhis Maid of Orleans that “thatnation is worthless whichdoes not joyfully stakeeverything in defense of herhonor.Whither goeth Nigeria after53years of independence? Idaresay say; it has being 53years of hellishly scorchingpains and horrendous spasmsof agony. 53 years of a taletold by an idiot packed full ofpolitical, socio-economicsounds and furies signifyinga superfluity of nothingness.53 years of the leadership’spsychopathic prependalisticgraft and kleptomaniacalcorruption- no light, no roads,no schools, no education, nowater, no fear of God, no jobs,no transportation, no joy andno happiness for 99% per-cent of Nigerians, except forpoliticians and their cohorts.In Homers illiad, he did anencyclopedic andkaleidoscopic encapsulationof Nigerians and Nigeria after53 years of independence. Hesaid, “The gods(NigerianLeaders) have so spun thethread for wretched mortals(Nigerians) that they mustlive in pains. “ Nigeria hasearned over 1 quintillionpounds from itsmultidimensional revenue

base since independence, butvery little to show for it. Theleaders (Executives andLegislators) at States andNational levels have allocatedpsychotic jumbo salaries andallowances to themselves,whilst the vast majority ofNigerians luxuriate ingrandiloquent abject andscorching poverty.It is a hackneyed truism, thatwhen the choreographer loseshis terpsichorean wits and theConductor his dexterity, thedancers and the Members ofthe Philharmonic orchestrabecome cocooned incontretemps and salmagundi.This scenario has been thebane of the Nigerian nationsince 1960 till date.The multifaceted political,socio-economic engineeringprocesses conceptualized andimplemented withoutsincerity of purpose andmessianic zeitgeist by themilitary junta and so-calleddemocratically electedgovernment has left Nigeriacascading down thegerdarene slope of crasss o c i o - e c o n o m i cunderdevelopment and theschismatic road toYugoslavia.The kingdoms andgeographical expressions ofSerbs, Croats and Sloveneswas renamed Yugoslavia in1929- and was run as a highlycentralized “Greater Serbia”The country was befuddledand bedraggled by politicaland nationalist schisms andCroats separatists murderedking Alexander in 1934. Itwas attacked anddismembered by Hitter in1941 and also bemused andsubmerged in intra and interpolitical wars against theNAZIS and itself. The communist-led partisansof Josep Broz Tito (1892 -1980) emerged victorious in1945, and reformedYugoslavia along Sovietlines. Expelled by Stalin from

the Soviet bloc in 1948 onaccount of political andideological indiscipline. TheYugoslavia communistsrejected Soviet model, andpursued policies ofdecentralization, worker’sself-management and non –alignment. However, after

Tito’s death in 1980, theYugoslavia Federation/Confederation, unity andideological experiment failedand became sunken in thequagmire of political andnationalist crises.The wealthier northernrepublics of Slovenia andCroatia edged and opted fordemocracy and WesternEuropean political modelswhile Serbia forcefullyresisted the separatistaspirations of Albaniannationalists in KosovoProvince in 1990. Thecommunist concededprinciple of free elections andevery nation went their way

with pockets of resistance insome areas till today.The vertical and horizontalintegration of the history ofYugoslavia has becomenecessary in the light of whatNigeria has been passingthrough as a Nation since1960 till date. The inability ofthe Leadership to fight

corruption and solidify nationcohesion has given rise toethnocentric lebensraum,parochial irredentism, socio-political zeitgeist, tribalism,religions wars and militancy.We have ethnic nationalitiesand Geo-political Zones beenrepresented by militantgroups and others like,Arewa, Afenifere, OhanezeNdigbo, Urhobo ProgressUnion(UPU) and political /religious Militant Groupslike Boko Haram, EgbesuCult, Liberation Movementof Urhobo people, Massob,OPC etc shows that Nigeriais on the road to Yugoslavia.To salvage Nigeria from this

labyrinth, we have to call ourpoliticians to order in the lightof 2015. The way and mannerthey are going about trying toactualize their politicalambitions snacks of thetruism that the NigerianNation will be “AntediluvianHistory” on, before or after2015. The demon of politicalrascality and horrendousleadership impunity must bederacinated from our body-politick hook, line and sinker.Let our leaders redefine thecontours of politics from“strife of interestsmasquerading as a contest ofprinciples. The conduct ofpublic affairs for privateadvantage” (The DevilsDictionary) and “Politicians

are like the bones of a horse’sfor shoulder - not a straightone in it” (Wendell Phillips)to “politics is the doctrine ofthe possible, the attainable”[Otto Von Bismarck].The political parties,especially the PDP, must putit’s house in order and stophitting the polity. PresidentJonathan must give apatriotic, sagacious andperspicuous, consideration onwhether to drop his politicalambition to contest the 2015Presidential election or not tocontest in the interest ofpeace, Unity and continuesexistence of Nigeria as aNation. We must convene aNational Conference of EthicNationalities and not aSovereign NationalConference. There must beserious economic strategy toameliorate poverty in Nigeriaand the enhancement of

service delivery of all welfareand social agencies to thecitizenry.The continuous existence ofNigeria as a Nation remainsa riddle wrapped in a mysteryinside an enigmasuperimposed in aconundrum. Are Nigeriansand Nigeria prepared toremain as one sovereign,united, indissoluble andprogress-oriented country?The leadership must beprepared to take the bull oftrue unity, progress anddevelopment by the horns.The leadership must bepatriotic and altruistic andmust be prepared to see theNigerian Nation as theirunprejudiced and unbiasedsingle constituency.The vast majority of poverty-stricken and oppressedNigerians are already askingin words of WilliamsShakespeare that‘NIGERIA’, “To be or not tobe: that is the question:whether it is nobler in themind to suffer the slings andarrows of outrageousfortune, or take arms againsta sea of troubles, and byopposing, endthem.”Nigerians are sick andtired of the politicalbrouhaha and socio-economic hara-kiri they havebeen suffering since 1960 thatis 53 years ago. We havefought a civil war andexperienced strikes and civilunrest over these same issues.Yet, we are yet learn about thenuts and bolts ofNATIONHOOD.Finally, in words of the greathumanist and orator MartinLuther King, Jr.r5t “Letnobody fool you, all the loudnoises we hear today arenothing but the death groansof thee dying system. The oldorder is passing away, thenew order is coming intobeing. But whenever there isanything new there are newresponsibilities. As we thinkof this coming new world wemust think of the challengethat we confront and the newresponsibilities that standbefore us. We must prepareto live in a new world”Nigeria is on the road toYugoslavia!!! Unlesssomething drasticallydraconian is done. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE@ 53. CHIEF BOBSONGBINIJEMandate againstPoverty (MAP) Warri-08023250378.

“The continuous existence of Nigeria as a Nation remains a riddlewrapped in a mystery inside an enigma superimposed in aconundrum. Are Nigerians and Nigeria prepared to remain as onesovereign, united, indissoluble and progress-oriented country?”

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social inequalities,oppression, the furtherimpoverishment of thealready poor, and the milk ofhuman kindness in themflowed withoutdiscrimination. It is indeed apity that we cannot say thistoday about many in oursociety that are a milliontimes better endowed than theOronsayes. This should be acause for concern.

While those that benefittedfrom the Oronsayes prayedfor them, as is typical with ournew society, many well to dopersons ignored or deridedtheir work. They made nocontribution and did notbother to find out what wasgoing on at the orphanage orat any similar institution.How many of us here haveever visited or donated to anorphanage? How many of us,until maybe recently, or howmany of our friends knowabout the OronsayeOrphanage? Well, we thankGod that the University ofBenin, only in 2007,conferred an Honorary PhDon Mrs. Oronsaye inrecognition of herhumanitarian work. Justimagine how long it took!

What is Philanthropy?What exactly is

philanthropy? Is it somethingthat only the rich can do? Doyou need to accumulatemillions of naira or dollarsbefore you become aphilanthropist’? Is it onlythrough cash donation thatyou can show a philanthropicspirit? Simply put,philanthropy is the art ofgiving, showing concern,love, compassion, andsupport for the less privilegeand those in need, It is attimes called charity orhumanitarianism and it can befound at all levels; global,national, state, local,communal, family, andindividual. Yes, you do notneed to be a millionaire orbillionaire to show love andbe concerned about thehappiness of others in society.Yes, it is not only in cash thatyou can show love andconcern, it could be even inthe direct donation of yourtime, materials, and ideas. Forinstance, you could volunteersome hours every weekend towork at the Orphanage,donate food, entertainmentmaterials or engage in fundraising at your office for theFoundation. In this country,we have tended to focus on

what some call the AbiolaStyle” of philanthropy andthis is wrong.

Philanthropy in all itsramifications is oftenconceptualised or operated aspart of the non-profit or not-for—profit sector. This is asector that is as old ashumanity but continues toundergo refinement. Hencetoday, we can speak of thenew phi1antiropy that seeksto explore hitherto neglectedareas focusing on socialentrepreneurship. hands-oninvolvement, and corporatesocial responsibility. There isalso venture philanthropy orphilanthrocapitalisin arisingfrom the emergence ofventure finance capital, hightech with emphasis onmeasurable results and theuse of intellectual capital togenerate resources. Whateverit is called, in whatever wayit operates, regardless of itspoint of emphasis or priority,they are all concerned withthe fight against poverty,injustice, inequality,oppression, disease, and thefailure of the public sphere inmeeting the basic needs of thepeople. Even when directedat the institutions andstructures of the state, thegoal is to help the statebecome more efficient, moreeffective, mote relevant to thelives of the people, and moreresponsible and accountable.

In Nigeria, we are still at theelementary stages ofphilanthropism. Weaccumulate a lot of resourcesbut hide them in North andSouth America and Europe.Since EFCC started to pryinto private accounts, the richhave moved to the MiddleEast. We build huge houseswith twenty to thirty rooms,when the kids grow up andtravel out and live abroad, wemove to the guest house orconvert it into hotels. We buyso many cars, even when theyare old arid not functioningvery well, we never give themto charity. We park thevehicles in our compoundsjust to show how many carswe have used and clog up thearea. We drive by hospitalsthat are dilapidated, schoolswithout libraries, water,toilets or blackboards, orgood soccer fields. We justthank God that are childrenare not in those terribleplaces. Then we complain ofquack mechanics, electriciansand plumbers, We complainthat there are too many young

robbers around, We see manychildren unable to pay forWAEC, NECO and JAMBforms in our villages. Do wecare? Our children are takingmore important exams inEurope. We see hospitals withno beds, water, electricity ornurses. What do we do? Doesit really matter? At least wecan go to South Africa,Europe or Dubai. The list isendless. We harden our heartsto the misery, poverty,disease. hopelessness andhelplessness around us. Whenwe see little kids hawking attraffic lights do we think thatthey ought to be in school orat home sleeping or actuallyplaying like other kids? Whenwe see an abandoned baby bythe roadside, we rush to ouroffices and tell the story. Wedo not care. It is not ourbusiness. This is where Mrs.Katherine Oronsaye wasdifferent. She cared. Shestopped to look and help. Sheacted even with her ownresources. She thought ofyesterday, today and plannedfor tomorrow. If we can’t doit ourselves, why can’t wehelp Mrs. Oronsaye and theOrphanage to do even more?

Philanthropy andDevelopment

Development is an allencompassing processinvolving the steady andsystematic change in thecultural, social, economic andpolitical spheres of society ina way that increasesproduction, empowers thepeople and their communities,protects the environment,strengthens institutions,grows the quality of life, anddeepens the democraticprocess. This implies that it ispossible to speak of social,cultural, economic,institutional and politicaldevelopment. It is equallypossible to speak or spiritualdevelopment. As distinct fromgrowth. development is aboutpeople and how their lives getbetter, Development is aboutunderstanding yesterday,taking control of today andplanning holistically fortomorrow. It is about eatingtoday and leaving somethingfor tomorrow while producingmore in the interest of futuregenerations. It is aboutbuilding a society collectivelywith structures, institutionsand relationships that protectthe weak, physicallychallenged, the young, andgenerally disadvantaged sothat with one spirit, energy,

government must be seen tobe moving on the right pathand capable of delivering thegoods. Can anyone here trulysay that the people of EdoState have had a better life,better infrastructure, bettergovernance, better leadershipand better environment since1999? The existence ofphilanthropic organisations isnot an excuse forgovernments to abandon theirresponsibilities to the people.For established organisationslike the OronsayeFoundation, that has a trackrecord, there is no reason whythey should not receive aquarterly subsidy or grantfrom the Government. All themillions that go on endlesstrips to Abuja, champagne,hotels, tea and other wastagein government can go tosupport life through theorphanages. I still do notknow why governmentmoney is spent on buying teaand biscuits forcomparatively well-paidpublic servants, which of thetea and coffee-thinkingofficial of government cannotafford to buy his or her owndrink?

To enhance development,as defined above the society

leaders, ideas, structures, andinstitutions. We must all agreelo help each other and see eachothers are brothers and sisters;children of the same God.What is good is that the ideaof Osanobua, Olorun, Chineke,

Olodumare, Obasi was notbrought to us by the Europeansor missionaries. Yet, we havedone so much to betray,undermine, contain, constrain,restrain, eliminate and destroyeach other. There is no way wecan develop in that way.

‘We must eschew selfishnessand possessive individualism ifwe are to move forward as apeople. This idea ofabandoning the common orcollective good for the evilculture of na only me go betterwill destroy us in this nation.People now measure theirwealth with the amount ofpoverty around them. Theytake pleasure in being the onlyone with generator, bore hole,the biggest house, and biggestcar in the village so they feelbig. Yet, they spend theirmoney to build personalprisons —with high walls,barbed wires, spikes, brokenbottles, burglary proofwindows, bullet-proof doors,wild dogs and close circuitmonitoring devices, and policeplus private security guards.They top it with bullet proofcars… in a society where theyclaim to be leaders.

True leaders, like theOronsayes, do not hide from

the pout alternwardtravelat the


Tthewiencocreto dethepegethereregwhtheanFogeto Th

Midweek Magazine


Prof. Julius Ihonvbere.

thought, and commitment,society can make consistent orsustainable progress.

Philanthropy has a majorrole to play in the constructingof this type of society. It is truethat government cannot doeverything. However, such a

“In Nigeria, we are still at the elementary stages of philanthropism. We accumulate a lot ofresources but hide them in North and South America and Europe. Since EFCC started to pryinto private accounts, the rich have moved to the Middle East. We build huge houses withtwenty to thirty rooms, when the kids grow up and travel out and live abroad, we move to theguest house or convert it into hotels. We buy so many cars, even when they are old arid notfunctioning very well, we never give them to charity.”

IN a society that isplagued with a lot of deceit,corruption, arrogance andabuse of power, badgovernance, very poorleadership, and otherchallenges andcontradictions, speaking atthis event is nothing but anhonour. It is so because wemust learn to recognisethose that have taken thepains to go the extra mile onbehalf of the weak, poor,disillusioned, abandoned,poor and oppressed. Wemust pay due homage tothose that keep the soul ofour society together. Wemust celebrate the Islands ofintegrity, compassion andhonour in our times: and wemust join hands tostrengthen the foundations,institutions, andopportunities that shapephilanthropy and socialdevelopment. When we dothis, maybe, just maybe, oureconomic and politicalsocieties may begin to besanitised. We may just beginto see the rebirth of a newsociety and the emergenceof hope for the future.

As a bit of historicaloverview, the OronsayeOrphanage was establishedin 1951 by no other thanPrincess Mrs. KatharineOronsaye and her husbandto provide a home andmotherly care and love tothe motherless, abandonedand orphaned children, itwas the very first suchinstitution in thegeographical terrain calledNigeria. It was not the firstactivity of philanthropy bythe couple. Earlier, they hadestablished the St.Philomena Maternity whichis today called the St.Philomena CatholicHospital as well as theNative Authority MaternityHome in Ekiadolor, nowknown as the GeneralHospital, Ekiadolor.

The question is, at thattime in our nation’s history,why were the Oronsaye’sinvolved so deeply inphilanthropy?

The answer is that theyhad a very high dosage ofcompassion, sensitivity,vision, the ‘ear of God andcommitment to theeradication of poverty inthem. They were seeinglight years ahead of mostothers in society, They hada pathological commitmentto the fight against injustice,

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ropy, Leadership Andropy, Leadership Andropy, Leadership Andropy, Leadership Andropy, Leadership AndDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopment

ool. They do not carveprivate and or foreignnatives education for

ds, medical attention,l, banking, air travel, etc.e expense of the people.

expunge from the communityof the good.

The example of theOronsayes, and thedoggedness of Mrs. Oroasayein particular should be in

is on the decline. The currentproportion of the populationliving in relative povertystands at 54.4%. However theproportion of the populationliving in extreme poverty wasexpected to have fallen to 25.78% in 2007, if the MDGtarget is to be met in 2015.The level of povertyachievement falls short of thetarget.” This has been verynicely put. The situation ismuch worse than this pictureand we all know it. I believethat the 7-point Agenda, theNAPEP programmes, theNEEDS agenda, the Vision2010 and 20-20-20, and theMDG programmes, if wellimplemented, will improvethe situation. Programmes areone thing, the implementationand the implementers aredifferent challenges.Philanthropy can help, but wemust give the philanthropistsand their organisations all thenecessary support andencouragement. But come tothink of it: if people like theOronsayes can care for theneedy, why can’t thegovernment? Is it becausegovernment is manned by eviland wicked people?! do notwant to think so. But the moregovernment and itsinstitutions and custodianscontinue to appear to thepeople as aloof, insensitive,exploitative, arrogant andincapable of meeting theirbasic needs, the more wemake philanthropy even morerelevant and government theenemy of the people.

How do we StrengthenPhilanthropy in Nigeria

It is critical that westrengthen the not-for-profitsector in Nigeria as part of thestrengthening of civil societyin order to create all-rounddevelopment and promotedemocracy. We all agree thatthe days when the state orgovernment was responsiblefor everything are gone. Thisis actually part of ourpredicament as a nation. Thegovernment was everything:largest importer, employer,

controller of foreignexchange, and so on. Our livesrevolved around government.If you wanted to become rich,get into government, notproduction. So the struggle toget into and controlgovernment became war andit was a ruthless war. Weinvented and used every trickin the book of politics, weused Machiavelli to pieces,and invented our own tricks:zoning, rotation, incumbency,screening, point-man,clearance, vetting, loyalty,seeing leaders, ethnic balance,primaries, accreditation, re-registration. deregistration,membership card, dues,contribution to the party, etc.but the result is what we haveseen all over the country. I amglad that our eyes are gettingclearer now and we are allgoing back to the drawingboard to build the foundationsfor real participatory,accountable, responsible, fair,people-driven and people-centred democratic politics.This is the starting point forstrengthening democracy andphilanthropy: the emergenceof an environment and cultureof politics that encourages thebest to participate; that doesnot bankrupt the aspirantbefore he or she becomes acandidate; that emphasise ourcommon ground rather thandifferences; that builds unity,dialogue and ideas as againstopportunism and politicalinfantilism; and one thatprivileges an over-archingsympathy for those that welead. In addition:

1. We must educate thepublic, especially the elite onthe importance of charity andphilanthropy;

2. We must introducecourses and programmes inschool as to the centrality ofphilanthropy to the survivaland progress of society;

3. The media must play itsusual role of publicity andeducation on matters ofphilanthropy;

4. The leaders must takecharge within the family andcommunity on the place androle of philanthropy ineducational terms and byexample;

5. The rich in society mustall make it a point of duty to

ue leaders do not lie to theeople, betray theirpporters, steal public funds,anipulate the truth, supportolence and cheating, or

ollaborate with others tonthrone mediocrity andolitical and social rascality.ue leaders do not joke withod and they know that lastinute generosity or

hilanthropy will not saveem. The Oronsayes, forample, have been consistent

hilanthropists since the950s!The leaders that we need fore future must be courageousithout being rude,

nlightened, sensitive,ompassionate, energetic,eative, innovative, and able

take tough but goodcisions. They must knoweir people, believe in theirople, and have the milk ofnerosity following throughem. They must know how tospect other leaders andgard those that made themho they are. I do not expecte orphans that were rescued

nd trained by the Oronsayeoundation to turn around, ontting some power, to wantdestroy the organisation.

hose will not be leaders, butf l hild f h

Midweek Magazine

example of the sort ofleaders that we need in EdoState, Nigeria and the world.In a country where poverty,illiteracy, dilapidatedinstitutions, moral decay,urban dislocation, ruralneglect, frustration andinsensitivity continue toreign, we need moreOronsayes. Is it notshocking, that all theproblems you may have readin books in the 1960s andearly 1970s are still with ustoday, in some cases, inmagnified forms? Whether itis the condition of our roads,political irresponsibility, lowindustrialisation andagricultural productivity,poor health facilities, highinflation, very very highinterest rates, criminalcorruption, waste andinefficiency in thebureaucracy, crime,prostitution, hunger,illiteracy, you name it, theyare still fully on groundgidigba. Yes, in some areas,we have made tentativeprogress but we must admitthat in most areas, we havemoved backwards, As theMillennium DevelopmentGoals Nigeria Office itself

identify with at last one philanthropic organisation and providesupport in all possible ways;

6. The legal profession must rise up to the challenge byencouraging people that prepare their will on the essence ofbequeathing something to charities;

7. Those that have benefitted from one form of charity or theother must learn to give something back aside from supportingtheir original benefactor;

8. The Government of Edo State must set up a special unit inthe relevant ministry to provide technical, logistical, legal andfinancial support to philanthropic organisations andphilanthropists;

9. Religious bodies and leaders must go beyond their usual areasor focus and become more involved in caring for the needy aspart of their mission on earth.

10. The private sector must take its corporate responsibilitycharge more seriously. At the moment their interventions arediscordant, opportunistic and ineffective. They must set aside apercentage of gross profit to support philanthropic organisationsand this could be written off against tax deductions.

11. The Federal Government, through the Federal InlandRevenue Service must make it possible for companies to write-off a certain part of their gross earnings, up to 10% as donationsto philanthropies to enable the sector to grow. This should heapplicable at the state level also for individuals and companies.

ConclusionThis is a keynote and not major lecture. Let me conclude by

saying that the Oronsaye’s have set an example. If those of us inthis room search our hearts and soul and commit to followingtheir example, in whatever small way, we will notice a movementof/for change in Edo State. It could be as much as paying schoolfees, buying jamb or WAEC, NECO forms, visiting hospitals andmaking a small donation, visiting orphanages and donatingclothes, a bicycle or contributing even N2,000 a month. Littledrops of water can produce a major pool.

If we move it a step further to talk to our spouses, friends,relatives, customers, tenants, landlords and children, we arebuilding an even larger pool. The results, in a few years, wouldbe much than we can imagine now.

We can even be bolder, by establishing our own philanthropicorganisation. It does not have to be huge. Several years ago, mywife Grace and I established The Ihonvbere Foundation, relyingtotally on personal funds, to work on youth and womenempowerment. So far, we have not done badly. But I assure youthe results have been unbelievable. Do you know what it meanswhen you sit in your living room and a young boy or girl walksin to present you with a copy of his or her final year thesis thatyou supported? Please, try it. The cost, you will find will not killyou.

Above all, we must show sincerity, love, compassion, sensitivity,concern and a solid helping hand to our fellow human being.You never know the question that our Creator will ask on thatday of judgement. It could be as simple as; when you were onearth, in Edo State, your home state, how many philanthropicorganisations did you support on a consistent basis? Don’t sayyou were not warned.

That is why we are here today. To rejoice with our dear mother,an angel right here on earth and the embodiment of humanenessand love. Also, to support her work by contributing generouslyto ensure that her good works that started way back before 1951continues to receive a boost and the Lord will bless you evenmore. Nothing is too small though we would prefer it to be big.Even if we excuse politicians that lost primaries and electionbecause they are still recovering, even if we excuse unemployedpeople, especially the ex-his and ex-that, knowing that nocondition is permanent and that our God is alive, let us all showthat we are true sons and daughters of the soil.

“Above all, we must show sincerity, love, compassion, sensitivity, concern and asolid helping hand to our fellow human being. You never know the question thatour Creator will ask on that day of judgement. It could be as simple as; when youwere on earth, in Edo State, your home state, how many philanthropicorganisations did you support on a consistent basis? Don’t say you were notwarned.”

Page 18: Nigeria observer 02 10 2013


ArtsComedy, Comedians And

Nigeria’s Rebirth

I - Go die


“BELIEVE me, every manhas his secret sorrows, whichthe world know not. And oftentimes we call men God whenhe is only sad” (Henry LongFellow).

Man’s quest for joy, blitheand happiness takes proteanventuresomeness and can belikened to the sphygmictemperaments of artifacts,relics and museum scoundrelsand thieves standing beforesphragistic detectives. Theyexude grotesque disposition.Hence, the comedian tries tocreate a balance throughcomedy.

A comedy within thecontext of usage is any literarywork including, but notlimited to a drama, play,motion picture, television,radio, oratorical dexterity,verbal phosphorescence andentertainment etc,characterized by a humoroustreatment of characters,situations etc., and having ahappy ending. A comedian istherefore, anyone who appliesthese afore – mentioned toolsto create humor, joy andlaughter etc.

Comedy is as old as manand comedians are alwayswith us. In our world suffused,bemused and impregnated byNeanderthal bellicosity,Scorching poverty,sanguinary proclivitiesleadership inertia,chauvinism, tribal jingoism,religious extremism, mind-boggling hatred, saber rattlinggenocide, psychoticcorruption, horrendous rapes,ritual murders, ludibrasticcluelessness, planlessness andlovelessness, etc. We canwaterdown our feelingsthrough comic reliefcharacters and comedianswho use satires, sarcasms,allegories, lampoonery,pantomimes, onomatopoeias,recondite gesticulations withreligious, political, tribal,socio – economicconnotations and undertonesto laugh at ourselves in a

lighter mood.The great literary

masterpieces and mythologiesfrom Homers illiad, odyssey,Achebe’s Things Fall Apart,A Man of the People, TheTrouble with Nigeria,Soyinka’s Interpreters,Bacchae of Euripides and TheMan Died, The Kings’Horsemen, Dickens’ GreatExpectations, MartenChuzzlewit, Nickolas Nickeby David Copperfield,Shakespeare’s Corolinus,Julius Caesar, Hamlet,Merchant of Venice, Tempest,Chaucer’s, John Milton’sPlays, Sheridan’s Comedy -The Rivals and others toonumerous to mention had atincture of comedy thatdidactically said somethingabout ourselves and society,precipitating laughter.

We are in a world cocoonedin cerebral dwarfishness,Pusillanimous Tergiversationand Spiritual darknessbecause of our lost values,inability to speak truth topower and normative socialstandards. We use comedyand comedians to humouriseour situation to ameliorate ouremotional erebus and politicaltorpsy–turvydom. However,comedians must heed theadmonitions of StatesmanAbraham Lincoln, that “withmaice toward none, withcharity for all, with firmnessin the right, as God gives usto see the right , let us striveon to finish the work we arein”

The comedian and his jokesare tools for societal change,political renaissance, CulturalRevolution, psychologicaltherapy, attitudinalreorientations, propagandisticelan and religious rebirth,because he can hide realhappenings to galvanise the

leadership and the citizenryinto action for societalchange.

A comedian once said that“President Kwame Osagyfo

Nkrumah once visited Nigeriaand as he drove in a convoywith Abubakar TafawaBalewa he saw a manurinating by the road side. Hecastigated Nigerians for beingdirty litter louts. AbubakarTafawa Balewa feltchagrined, despondent andcrest fallen.

He quickly organized areciprocal visit to Ghana. Ashe drove in a convoy withPresident Nkrumah he sited aman defecating by the roadside. He quickly calledNkrumah’s attention to it.President Nkrumah breaking

protocols, asked the convoy tostop. He quickly called for thearrest of the defecatingscoundrel and asked him“where are you from”? Theman quickly retorted “I AMFROM NIGERIA”. Heimmediately recalled the

words of Mohandas K.Ghandi that, “I can retainneither respect nor affectionfor a government which hasbeen moving from wrong towrong in order to defend itsimmorality”. What a shame!And whither goeth Nigeria?

The comedian made thisjoke and all laughed. But thesilent and salient point is toadmonish our leaders andNigerians in general on socialcourtesies, responsible wastedisposal mannerisms,provision of public toilets andefficient waste managementorganization. It is also a

platitudinous truism that thecomedian gave a joke whichlooked harmless, but in aactual fact, if a critic orjournalist had written anarticle on “Nigeria, wastemanagement and leadershipinertia”. It would haveattracted detention and orverbal or physicalflagellation. Comedy is a wayof laughing at our all-

embracing inadequacies andweaknesses as individualsand as a nation.

We must draw or make aclear-cut dichotomy between‘COMPERES, MASTERSOF CEREMONIES ANDCOMEDIANS IN ANYSOCIAL FORUM. Thepopular social mistake is thedesire of comedians tofunction as all of these. Thepopular Compere CollinsAdeyemi in his recent bookentitled “Director ofCeremony” adumbrated onthe need for there to be acantankerous difference

between all of these to makeprofessionalism thewatchword in the trade.

The Comedy Guild inNigeria has become a fertileground for youths, graduatesand those with creativetalents. They have becomeprofessional in their ownrights and a regular feature atprivate and public occasions.The field is robustly enrichedwith Warri (WAFI), Sapele(SAFA) boys and girls.Indeed, the south-south, southeast and the south west areoverwhelmingly representedin this field.

We have great comedianslike Basket mouth, I GO DIEO, Ali Baba, Gandoki,ROCKY FELLER, etc.Nigerian comedians haveworked so hard from the1980’s through the 90’s to the2000’s to lift the comedy artand comedians toil fromgutter snipe to professionallevel. They have becomeindispensible in the socio-economic and public calculusin Nigeria. The essayist HenryWadsworth Longfellowposited in his book ‘Theladder of St. Augustine’ that“the heights by great menreached and kept were notattained by sudden flight butthey, while their companionsslept, were toiling upward inthe night”.

Finally, Nigerian comedianshave toiled all night and theydeserve a place in thepantheon of the great buildersof Nigeria in our rebirthstrides. They have to be morecritical, spontaneous,authentic, creative andrevolutionary in theirorientation and drive to makeour world and Nigeria a betterplace. In trying to createhappiness they most note theadmonition of FrancoisRochefoucauld that “we aremore interested in makingothers believe we are happythan in trying to be happyourselves” and “the happinessor unhappiness of onedepends no less upon theirdisposition than on theirfortunes”. God bless ourcomedians.

“Comedy is as old as man and comedians are always with us. In our world suffused,bemused and impregnated by Neanderthal bellicosity, Scorching poverty, sanguinaryproclivities leadership inertia, chauvinism, tribal jingoism, religious extremism, mind-boggling hatred, saber rattling genocide, psychotic corruption, horrendous rapes, ritualmurders, ludibrastic cluelessness, planlessness and lovelessness, etc.”

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Natural Medicine WithDr. MAO


Do Plants Have Feelings?DO PLANTS HAVE

FEELINGS?Go and ask someone

like Mellie Uyuldert,author of the psychicGarden whether plantshave feelings with whichthey empathize with man.Her response will be in theaffirmative. It is to confirmthis truism that made her towrite the book showinghow plants havedemonstrated great feats ofemotions.

In this column, today, Iwill cite instances duringwhich plants suggestivelydisplayed anger orempathic, agape love tohuman beings. Read on

AngerSome years ago, my

stock of natural medicinewere exhausted while I wasspending a weekendafternoon at afowa with myfriend who was a vice-principal of a girl’s college.Suddenly a female nurserecognized me as I satoutside with my frienddiscussing. She accostedme and informed me thatshe was having pilecausing her a lot of pain.So, she found it difficult tosleep at night. I winced insympathy, thereafter, I toldher not to bother because Iwould get her some leavesof avocado pear. With themshe would be able to havea good night rest for at leasta week. Before then, thepile would have become sohealed that it wouldn’tcause her pain anymore, Ipromised her.

Later in the evening, Iwent to the home of a malesecondary school teacherwith an avocado pear treein his garden. I pleadedwith him to allow me topluck some of the plantsleave for management pain

in a female nurse whom heknows so well andbenefited a lot from hismedical charity. I informedhim that I was only offeringfree help to the sick nurse.No payment was involved.

Who-side. The maleschool teacher, well knownfor his proverbialstinginess, turned down myrepeated request for theavocado pear leaves.Humbled but nothumiliated or angry by hisaction I left. Immediately Iwent in search of aloe veraas substitute for the leaves.There is really nostatistically significantdifferent between the twophyto products in painmanagement. 1t is only amatter of brand dichotomyof phytochemicals in them.

However, that night,there was a heavy rainlightening andthunderstorm. On thefollowing day, the avocadopear tree was in ruins. Ablistering thunderstormand lightening had struckthe tree. Maybe, out ofanger that it wasn’t allowedto offer assistance to thenurse with pile, the treeinvited destruction to itselfso that the stingy teacherwould lose it for ever. Acase of phyto-cide!! Whoknows.

Agape loveOn one occasion, I was

also sitting with the samevice-principal outside hishome. Both of us werelooking into his massivefarm in front of us,moments later, he pointedout some waterleaf plantsgrowing on the peripheryof the farm. He wonderedaloud that he hadn’t plantedthem and there were nosuch plants in his massivecompound. So, how come

the plants was growingthere at that time, he asked.

After his observation, Iremembered the book THEPSYCHIC GRADENwritten by Mellie Uyuldert

which explained that plantscan place themselves at theservice of a sick man inneed. Invariably, accordingto her, a plant can fall inlove with a person whomthe plant is aware would besick or is sick already andwould need its assistance.Based on my knowledge ofMellie Uyuidert’s workand what waterleaf treats,I asked my friend if he hadindigestion andconstipation.

He answered in theaffirmative. Following his

response, I jokingly toldhim that he needs to startconsuming a lot ofwaterleaf to heal hisgastrointestinal ailments.

Having said this, we both

rose and walked up to thewaterleaf plants for closerexamination. While besidethem, our eyes caught thesight of a cassava with amatch-line plant growingon one of its branches. Thesight flashed into my mindthought of mistletoe herbused for cancermanagement.

At the very moment, Irecalled the criticalmessage of MellieUyuldert. Does it mean theplant is bringing futuristicmessage to us that a

member of our householdswould soon have cancertriggered by chronicindigestion andconstitution? I asked aloud.Terrible. Terrible. What a

bad prophesy from theplants.

My friend look puzzledas I spoked and stared atme. As he did, I explainedthe work of MellieUyuldert to him. Well, tocut a long story short, myfriend within two monthsbegan to complain of a hardswelling (tumour) in hislower body. Not longafterwards, the tumourruptured. Tests conductedin hospitals showed that hehad colorectal cancer. Thisailment killed him.

Finally, there was thisMuslim woman up Northin Zungeru in Niger statewho had a mysteriousdebilitating disease thatconfined her to bed forseveral months. One daythe bitter leaf farm in hergarden withered and turnedyellow. Then, the plant

started to re-generate. Atthis very moment, thewoman began to recovergradually. When the plantre-grew all its leaves, thewoman became well. Herundiagnosed illness bymany orthodox doctorsdisappeared!

When this event

occurred, knowledgeablenatural medicinepractitioners theorized thatit was the empathic, agapelove of the bitter leaf thatsent healing energy to thesick woman. Thus, she wascured of her illness, whichorthodox doctors couldn’ttreat.

All said, you are entitledto believe or ignored MellieUyuldert’s theory thatplants have emotions,feelings and sensibilities,invariably, they can putthemselves at the service ofsick people while at thesame time punish anyonewho prevent them fromassisting people in need.But let me give this partingadvice; always be friendlyto plants. Never hunt any ofthem. Treat them with love,tenderness and kindness.They are humans like you.God also created them.

“All said, you are entitled to believe or ignored Mellie Uyuldert’stheory that plants have emotions, feelings and sensibilities, invariably,they can put themselves at the service of sick people while at thesame time punish anyone who prevent them from assisting people inneed. But let me give this parting advice; always be friendly to plants.”

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Teachings Of The HolyQuran (3)


Continues on page 24

THUS have we made ofyou an Umma justly balanced.That ye might be witnessesover the nations, and themessenger a witness overyourselves, and we appointedthe Qibla to which thou wastused, only to those whofollow lowed the messengerfrom those who would turn ontheir heels (From the Faith).Indeed it was (a changed)momentous, except to thoseguided by Allah. And neverwould Allah make your faithof no died, lot Allah is to allpeople most surely full ofkindness, Most merciful, Wesee the turning of thy face (forguidance) to the heavens, nowshall we turn thee to a Qiblathat shall please thee. Turnthen thy face in the directionof the sacred Mosque,wherever you are, turn yourfaces in that direction. Thepeople of the Book know wellthat is the truth from theirLord nor is Allah unmindfulof what they do. Even if thouwent to bring to the people ofthe I3ook all the signs(together), thy would notfollow thy Qibla nor art thougoing to follow their Quibla,nor indeed will they followeach other’s Qibla. If thouafter the knowledge bathreached thee, were to followtheir (vain) desires then wertthou indeed (cearly) in thewrong. The people of theBook know this as they knowtheir own sons, blot some ofthem conceal the truth whichthey themselves know. [hetruth is 1mm they Lord, so henot at all in doubt. To each isa goal to which Allah turnshim, then strive together (asin a race) towards all that isgood. Whatsoever ye are,Allah will bring you together.For Allah bath power over allthings. From whencesoeverthou startest forth, turn thythee in the direction of theSacred Mosque, that is indeedthe truth from thy Lord. AndAllah is not Unmindful whatyou do. So fromwhencesoever thou startedforth, turn your face thither,that there be no ground ofdespite against you among thepeople. Except those of them

that are bent on wickedness.So fear them not. But fear me,arid that I may complete myfavours on you, and ye may(Consent to) he guided. Asimilar favour have ye alreadyreceived in that We have sentamong you a Messenger ofyour own, rehearsing to you,Our Signs, and puriI YOU,and instructively you inscripwre and Wisdom, and innew knowledge. Then do youremember Me, I willremember you. Be grateful toMe, and reject not faith. 0 yewho believe, seek hcp withpatient perseverance andprayer, for God is with thosewho patiently persevere. Andsay not those who are slain inthe way of Allah. “They aredead,” Nay, they arc living,though ye perceive (it) not. Besure we shall lest you withsomething of fear and hunger,some loss in goods, lives andthe fruits (of your toil), butgive glad tidings Lo those hopatiently persevere Who say,when afflicted with calamity,“10 AHuh we belong, and toI-urn s our return”. ‘They arethose on whom (Descend)blessings from their Lord, andMercy. And they are the onesthat receive guidance. Behold,Safa and Marwa are amongthe symbols of Allah. So ifthose who visit the House inthe season or at other times,should compass their round,it is no sin in them. And ifanyone obeyeth his ownimpulse to Good-be sure thatAllah is He who recongisethand knoweth. Those whoconceal the clear (signs). Wehave sent down and theguidance, after we have madeit clear of the people in WeBook on them shall be Allah’scurse, and the curse of thoseentitled to curse. Except thosewho repent and make amendsand openly declare (the truth),to them I turn, for I am Oft—Returning, Most Merciful.Those who reject faith, Anddie rejecting -on them isAllah’s curse, and the curseof Angels, and of all mankind.

They will abide there, theirpenalty will not be lightened,nor will respite be their (lot).And your God is one God,there is no god but He. Mostgracious Most Merciful.Behold in the creation of theheavens and the earth, in thealternation of the Night andDay, in the sailing of the ships

through the ocean for theprofit of mankind in the rainwhich Allah sends down fromthe skies and the Life whichHe gives therewith to an earththat s dead, in the beasts of allkinds that lie scatters throughthe earth, in the change of thewinds, and the clouds, whichthey trail like their slavesbetween the sky mid the earth- (there) indeed are signs fora people that are wise. Yetthere are men who take (forworship) others besides Allah,as equal (with Allah) they lovethem as they should loveAllah. But those of Faith are

over flowing in their Love totAllah. IC only the unrighteouscould see, behold they wouldsee the punishment, that toAllah belongs all power, andAllah will strongly enforcethe Punishment. Then wouldthose who are flu lowed clearthemselves of those who lblow (them), they would seethe chastisement and allrelations between them wouldhe cut off. And those whofollowed would say, ‘‘if only

we had one more chance, wewould clear ourselves ofthem, as they have clearedthemselves of us”. Thus willAllah show them (the fruitsof) their deeds as (nothingbut) regrets, Nor will there hea way for them out of the hit.() ye people, eat of what s onearth, lawful and good, anddo not b low the footsteps ofSatan for He is to you anavowed enemy. For liecommands you what is eviland shameful, and that yeshould say of Allah that ofwhich ye have 110knowledge. When it is said to

them, ‘‘Follow what Allahhad revealed”, they say, “Nay,we shall follow the ways ofour fathers”. What eventhough their fathers were voidof wisdom and guidance. Theparable of those who rejectFaith is as if one were to shoutlike a goat-herd, to things thatlisten to nothing but calls andcries, deal, dumb, and blind.They are void of wisdom. Oye who believe, eat of thegood things that we haveprovided for you. And begrateful to Allah, if it is I urnyou worship. He bath only

forbidden von dead meat, andblood and the flesh of swineand that on which any othername hath been invokedbesides that of Allah. But ifone is forced by necessity,without willful disobediencenor transgressing due limitsthen is he guiltless for Allahis oft—forgiving MostMerciful. Those who concealAllah’s revelations in theBook, and purchase for thema miserable profit. Theyswallow into themselvesnaught but fire . Allah will notaddress them on the Day ofResurrection nor purify them,grievous will be theirchastisement. They are theones who buy Errow in placeof Guidance and Torment inplace of Forgiveness. Ah!What boldness ( they show)for the lire. (Their doom is)because Al lab send down theBook in truth but those whoseek causes of dispute in theBook are in a schism far (fromthe purpose). It is not

righteousness that ye turnyour faces towards East orWest, but it is righteousness— to believe in Allah and thelast day, and the angels, andthe hook, and the Messengers,to spend of your substance,out of love for Him, for yourkin, for orphans, For theneedy, for the wayfarer, forthose who ask, and for theransome of slaves, to besteadfast in prayer and giveZakat, to fulfill the contactswhich ye have made, and tobe firm and patient, n

pain (or suffering) and

adversity, and throughout altperiods of such are the peopleof truth, the God-fearing. O yewho believe the law ofequality is prescribed to youin cases of murder, the free forthe free the salve for theslave, the woman for thewoman. But if any remissionis made by the brother of theslain, then grant anyresponsible demand, andcompensate him withhandsome gratitude. This is aconcession and a Mercy fromyour Lord. After this whoeverexceeds the limits shall be ingrave chastisement. In he lawof equity there is (saving of)life to you.

O ye man of understanding,that ye may restrainyourselves. It is prescribed,when death approaches any ofyou, if he leaves any goods,that he make a bequest toparents and next of kin.According to reasonable

‘‘Follow what Allah had revealed”, they say, “Nay, we shall followthe ways of our fathers”. What even though their fathers were void ofwisdom and guidance. The parable of those who reject Faith is as ifone were to shout like a goat-herd, to things that listen to nothing butcalls and cries, deal, dumb, and blind. They are void of wisdom. O yewho believe, eat of the good things that we have provided for you.”

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Place Of PrayerThe Ingredients Of

Intimacy (2)

WithPastor Samuel

O. OsaghaeSMS Only

08030809339 LAST week, we began aseries on the Ingredients ofintimacy. We defined intimacyas fellowship with God with astrong consciousness of thereality of His presence. Wealso saw that there are twotypes of intimacy- Out ofCloset intimacy and Closetintimacy. We itemized theeleven major activities thatmake up the ingredients ofintimacy. This week we willdiscuss the first twoingredients of intimacy.

SOLITUDESolitude means privacy, it

means staying away fromevery person and every formof distraction just to fellowshipwith God. You need solitude(privacy) for your closetintimacy to be effective. InMatthew 6:6, the bible says-But thou, when thou prayest,enter into thy closet, and whenthou hast shut thy door, prayto thy Father which is in secret;and thy Father which seeth insecret shall reward theeopenly. Jesus Christ was apractical example of this. InMark 1:35, He went to asolitary place to pray. InExodus 34:1-2, God calledMoses to come up and bealone with Him. The firstcriterion for closet intimacy tobe productive is that you mustbe alone in a place that is voidof distraction.

Solitude is required for youto experience altitude.Whenever there is a need for achange in your altitude, thereis a demand for solitude.Solitude is the credential forthe next altitude. You don’tcopy solitude; you discoverthe required solitude for theexpected altitude. Intimacyhelps you discover yourunique solitude. Without thepractice of solitude, youcannot have an intimaterelationship with God, just likea husband and wife cannotrelate intimately with eachother in the presence of guests.A popular preacher sharedhow he experienced failure ina crusade meeting because hedid not heed God’s call forsolitude. He had thisexperience during aprogramme in a certain town.The morning session of theprogramme was glorious asthe word came forth mightily;with great miracles

accompany the word that wasspoken. The morning sessionwas so glorious that he told allpresent to invite theirneigbours, friends and lovedones as he was very certainthat the evening session wouldbe even more glorious.

However, he had relativesin that town that he had to visit.On his way to see theserelatives, the Lord began tocall him to solitude. Notwilling to offend his relativeswho had prepared dinner forhim, he did not heed the callto solitude. When he got to thecrusade venue that evening,the hall was packed full, butthe programme was a mess.God simply refused to move.It was a great disappointmentto those that had witnessed themorning session and a greatembarrassment to the man ofGod. Without the practice ofsolitude, you will not hearGod’s direction for your nextoperation. Make the practiceof solitude for intimacyconsistent. If the time youspend in solitude is consistent,it has more value.


Intimacy has to do withtwo people who are consciousof the presence of each other.When you are in intimacy withGod, you must activate theconsciousness of His presenceby conceptualizing Hispresence with your mind.Intimacy without theconsciousness of your partnerdoes not work. For intimacy tobe glorious, you have to senseGod around you. It can bemeditatively brought intoreality by constantlymeditating on these threedwellings of God:

(a) The heavenly places.Luke 9:16- Jesus looked up toheaven while breaking bread.Matthew 6:9- Our father, whoart in heaven.

(b) Your immediateenvironment. Matthew 28:20-lo J am with you always.Hebrews 13:5- 1 will neverleave you nor forsake you.Genesis 28:15- And, behold, Jam with thee, and will keepthee in all places whither thou

goest..; for I will not leavethee, until I have done thatwhich I have spoken to thee of.

(c) He is in your inner man.Colossians 1:27- Christ in you,the hope of glory.

Consciousness of God’spresence is the life wire ofIntimacy, you cannot talkabout intimacy until youpractice the consciousness ofGod’s presence. John in theisland of Patmos took his eyes

off the discomfort thatsurrounded him andconcentrated on the presenceof God, no wonder Godrevealed so much to him. f youkeep looking at yourdiscomfort, you will keepexperiencing pain andsuffering, but when you turnto the consciousness of God,you will begin to experiencecomplete and satisfying joy.

Most Christians are moreconscious of the enemy thanthey are of God. When youconcentrate more on darkness,

you begin to exhibit themannerism of darkness; youget so angry with those thathave offended you that you seenothing wrong with killingthem with your prayers.Consciousness of darknessrather than God is the reasonwhy Christians keep fightingenemies even in church.

Intimacy is ignited byconsciousness of God’spresence, for it to start, youmust be conscious of the

presence of divinity. Heavenwill not start intimacy withyou until there is aconsciousness of God in you.

In the Old Testament, Godhad to deliberately do thingsto activate Flis consciousnessin the heart of the Israelites.One of the things God gave theIsraelites to create Hisconsciousness in them was theArk of the Covenant.Whenever the ark was broughtto the war front, the soldierssuddenly gained confidencethat they will win the battle

because God, signified by theark was present with them.However, in the NewTestament, God does not wantus to represent Him with anyobject The imagery associatedwith the Old Testament was asa result of the spiritual level ofdullness of the Israelites. Weof the New Testament are bornof the Spirit and so ourworship does not need to beactivated by a carnal

representation or observation.The time comes and is nowwhen the true worshippers ofGod will worship Kim in spiritand in truth. There thereforehas to be a renewal of the mindof Christians. There must be ashift in consciousness fromdwelling on demons, Satanand enemies to dwelling ondivinity.

Consciousness of God’spresence is like a fuel tointimacy, When it is available,you can spend a long time withGod without noticing thepassage of time. If you go intointimacy without theconsciousness of God, youwill soon get weary, but whenyou know lie is present, youwill be so enveloped in Hispresence that you wfll not feellike coming out of intimacywith Him.

Seven (7) Outstanding

Benefits of theConsciousness of God’sPresence

In the book of Revelation4:1 — 11, we see sevenoutstanding benefits of theconsciousness of God’spresence

1. Those in the throne roomare not harassed, they are notanxious nor worried becausethey are sitted in heavenlyplaces together with Christ

2. They don’t struggle to beholy, holiness envelopes themlike a garment

3. You receive honour, acrown of royalty comes uponyour head. You don’t beg forit but it comes naturally uponyou

4. You have the fullness ofGod’s spirit. You carry all thegifts and fruit of the spirit

S. You will live perpetuallyin peace

6. Your spiritual eyesbecome open and you receiverevelative gift and becomeable to see beyond thephysical.

7. You receive divine abilityto become unstoppable. Youare able to fulfil your destinyno matter the opposition thatcomes against you. The fourcreatures in the presence ofGod who dwell daily in theconsciousness of His presenceare unstoppable creatures.

“Most Christians are more conscious of the enemy than they areof God. When you concentrate more on darkness, you begin toexhibit the mannerism of darkness; you get so angry with thosethat have offended you that you see nothing wrong with killingthem with your prayers.”

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Pope Outlines Hopes For ChurchReform

International News

VATICAN CITY — PopeFrancis says he wants amissionary church with a modernspirit that gives hope to the poor,young and elderly, speaking askey meetings begin on churchreform.

Francis gave a lengthyinterview to the editor of Rome

He is survived by7 children, 10 grand children, several brothers and sisters

Amongst who are:CHILDRENMiss Joy Ikponmwonsa Ogbonmwan – DaughterMr. George Osabuohien Ogbonmwan – SonMr. Benjamin Imuetinyan Ogbonmwan – SonMr. Allison Efosa Ogbonmwan – SonMrs. Esohe Asikagbon – DaughterMr. Osaretin Jackson Ogbonmwan – SonMrs. Osatohanmwan Tessy Agbonifo – Daughter

FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTFriday 4th October, 2013:10am – Corpse leaves time mortuary to his residence No. 9th

Agbonma Lane, Off Ekehuan Road, Benin City.3:00pm – Service of sons at his residence

Saturday, 5th October, 2013:12 Noon – Social dance at Owegie Primary School ground OwinaStreet, Benin City.

Sunday, 6th October, 2013:Thanksgiving service at Christ Apostolic Church of God Mission,16, Obakpolor Street, Off 2nd Cemetery Road, Benin City.

May His Soul Rest In PeaceSigned:

By The ChildrenFor the family

TransitionThe families of Ogbonmwan Okunwague of Ogunmwenyin Village, OviaNorth East Local Government and Omonsede Edegbe of Azagba VillageUhunmwonde regret to announce the untimely passing away of theirbeloved son, brother, father and grand father, LATE DEACONWILLIAM UYI OGBONMWAN which sad event took palce on the13th day of August, 2013 at the age of 62 years.



Pope Francis waves to faithful as he arrives for his weekly general audience in St.Peter’s Square at the Vatican. Pope Francis convenes his parallel cabinet yesterday,for a first round of talks on reforming the Catholic Church.

said.The defence ministry said

Tuesday’s display was the largestsince 2003.

Hardware included theHyeonmu 3, an indigenouslydeveloped cruise missile that wasfirst deployed on naval destroyersin November last year and hadnot been shown in public before.

Two days after North Koreacarried out its third nuclear teston February 12, the South’sdefence ministry called in themedia for a video presentationshowing the capabilities of theHyeonmu, which has a range of1,000 kilometres (around 600miles).

“It is a precision-guidedweapon that can identify andstrike the office window of theNorth’s command headquarters,”ministry spokesman Kim Min-Seok told reporters at the time.

The missile was displayedagain in the afternoon as a pared-down version of the parademoved to central Seoul, hugesections of which had beenclosed off to traffic for hours inadvance.

The tanks, mounted heavyartillery, mobile missilelaunchers and marching soldiersparaded down a 1.4-kilometerroute from the city’s ancientSouth Gate towards the landmarkGyeongbok Palace.

Such events are generallyconsidered more of a NorthKorean speciality, with massive,highly choreographed parades

involving tens of thousands ofgoose-stepping troops regularlystaged in Pyongyang.

The North’s nuclear testtriggered two months ofheightened military tensions onthe Korean peninsula, withPyongyang threatening pre-emptive nuclear strikes on SouthKorea and the United States.

Those tensions have easedsince, but acute concerns remainover the North’s nuclearprogramme with signs that it isexpanding its production ofweapons-grade fissile material.

South Korea has cited thegrowing nuclear threat fromPyongyang to back its request forextending US command ofcombined US and South Koreanforces in the event of war withthe North.

South Korea is scheduled totake over wartime operationalcommand in 2015, but defencepolicymakers now say they needmore time to prepare for thetransition.

Defense Secretary Hagel willdiscuss the issue with his SouthKorean counterpart Kim Kwan-Jin today.

Meanwhile, the aircraft carrierUSS George Washington is dueto arrive in the South Korean portof Busan tomorrow, togetherwith a guided-missile cruiser anddestroyer, the US Navy said in astatement.

The George Washington isexpected to take part in a jointnaval exercise with SouthKorean vessels next week in theSea of Japan (East Sea).

SEOUL - Tanks rumbledthrough downtown Seoulyesterday as South Korea stagedits largest military display in adecade and paraded a missilecapable of high-precision strikesanywhere in North Korea.

President Park Geun-Hyewarned of the “very grave” threatposed by Pyongyang’s nuclearweapons programme as the two-part display began at an airbasesouth of the capital in themorning.

Some 11,000 troops and 120aircraft took part in the event,which showcased the military’smost advanced weaponry as USDefence Secretary Chuck Hagellooked on.

Hagel was on a visit tounderscore US commitment to itsmilitary alliance with SouthKorea where 28,500 US troopsare currently stationed.

“The situation on the Koreanpeninsula... is very grave,” Parkwarned in her speech at the eventmarking the 65th anniversary ofthe founding of South Korea’sarmed forces.

“North Korea adamantlycontinues to develop and upgradeits nuclear weapons,” Park said,adding that the South had nooption but to boost its militarydeterrent in response.

She specifically cited thedevelopment of sophisticatedmissile interceptor systemscapable of neutralising a NorthKorean strike.

“I believe that the true purposeof the military lies not in fightinga war but preventing one,” she

daily La Repubblica that waspublished yesterday as Francisbegan meeting with his parallelcabinet of eight cardinals tappedto advise him on reforming thechurch.

In the interview, Francisdenounces the “Vatican-centric”nature of the Holy See, explains

his affinity for his namesake St.Francis and describes how hewas “invaded by anxiety” afterhe was elected, but then excusedhimself from the Sistine Chapel,closed his eyes and was filledwith a light that enabled him toaccept the job.

Page 23: Nigeria observer 02 10 2013


International FeaturesAmericans Anxious, Irritated As Govt

Shuts Down

Global Study: World Not Ready For AgingPopulation THE world is aging so fast that

most countries are not prepared tosupport their swelling numbers ofelderly people, according to a globalstudy being issued Tuesday by theUnited Nations and an elder rightsgroup.

The report ranks the social andeconomic well-being of elders in 91countries, with Sweden coming outon top and Afghanistan at the bottom.It reflects what advocates for the oldhave been warning, with increasingurgency, for years: Nations aresimply not working quickly enoughto cope with a population grayingfaster than ever before. By the year2050, for the first time in history,seniors older than 60 will outnumberchildren younger than 15.

Truong Tien Thao, who runs asmall tea shop on the sidewalk nearhis home in Hanoi, Vietnam, is 65and acutely aware that he, likemillions of others, is plunging intoold age without a safety net. Hewishes he could retire, but he and his61-year-old wife depend on the $50a month they earn from the shop. Andso every day, Thao rises early to openthe stall at 6 a.m. and works until 2p.m., when his wife takes over untilclosing.

“People at my age should have arest, but I still have to work to makeour ends meet,” he says, whilewaiting for customers at the shop,which sells green tea, cigarettes andchewing gum. “My wife and I haveno pension, no health insurance. I’m

FOR many federal workers,the partial government shutdownthat began yesterday meant nomore paychecks as they wereforced onto unpaid furloughs. Forthose still working, it meantdelays in getting paid.

Park ranger and father-to-beDarquez Smith said he alreadylives paycheck to paycheck whileputting himself through collegeand worried how he’ll fare amidthe shutdown.

“I’ve got a lot on my plate rightnow — tuition, my daughter,bills,” said Smith, 23, a ranger at

Dayton Aviation HeritageNational Historical Park inOhio. “I’m just confusedand waiting just likeeveryone else.”

A midnight deadline toavert a shutdown passedamid congressionalbickering, leavingAmericans unable to getgovernment servicesranging from federallybacked home loans tosupplemental foodassistance for children andpregnant women.

From New York’s LibertyIsland to Alaska’s DenaliNational Park, the U.S.government closed its doorsas a budget impasse idledhundreds of thousands offederal workers and haltedmost non-essentialgovernment services for thefirst time in nearly twodecades.

The impact of the

shutdown was mixed —immediate and far-reachingfor some, annoying butminimal for others.

In Colorado, where floodingkilled eight people earlier thismonth, emergency funds tohelp rebuild homes andbusinesses continued to flow— but federal workerfurloughs were expected toslow it down.

National Guard soldiersrebuilding washed-out roadswould apparently be paid ontime — along with the rest ofthe country’s active-dutypersonnel — under a billpassed hours before theshutdown. Existing SocialSecurity and Medicarebenefits, veterans’ services andmail delivery were alsounaffected.

Other agencies were harderhit — nearly 3,000 FederalAviation Administration safetyinspectors were furloughedalong with most of theNational Transportation SafetyBoard’s employees, includingaccident investigators whorespond to air crashes, traincollisions, pipeline explosionsand other accidents.

Almost all of NASA shutdown, except for MissionControl in Houston, andnational parks closed alongwith the Smithsonianmuseums and the NationalZoo. Even the zoo’s popularpanda cam went dark, shut offfor the first time since a cubwas born there Aug. 23.

As the shutdown loomedMonday, visitors to popularparks made their frustrationwith elected officials clear.

“There is no good thinggoing to come out of it,” saidChris Fahl, a tourist fromRoanoke, Ind., who wasvisiting the Abraham LincolnBirthplace National HistoricPark in Hodgenville, Ky.“Taxpayers are just going to bemore overburdened.”

Emily Enfinger, who wasvisiting the Statue of Liberty,said politicians need to finda way to work together.

“They should be willing tocompromise, both sides, andit discourages me that theydon’t seem to be able to dothat,” she said. “They’re notdoing their job as far as I’mconcerned.”

Joe Wentz, a retired federalemployee from Lebanon, Va.,who was visiting SanFrancisco with his wife,bought tickets to visitAlcatraz on Thursday — ifit’s open.

Wentz said he’s frustratedthat some politicians areusing the budget to pushchanges in the AffordableCare Act.

“We’ve been disgusted along time that they’re notworking together,” he said.

The shutdown wasstrangely captivating toMarlena Knight, anAustralian native visitingIndependence NationalHistorical Park inPhiladelphia. She wasconfounded that the impassefocused on the nation’s healthcare system — anindispensable service in herhome country.

“We can’t imagine nothaving a national healthsystem,” she said. “I just can’tbelieve that this country canshut down over somethinglike a national health system.Totally bizarre, as anAustralian, but fascinating.”

It turns out an institution asmassive as the federalgovernment takes some timeto grind to a total halt: Manyfederal workers were beingpermitted to come in Tuesdayto change voicemailmessages or fill out timecards. But after that, theywere under strict orders to dono work, even check theiremail.

With no telling how longthe standoff will last, evenprograms not immediatelyaffected could run out ofcash.

Barbara Haxton, executivedirector of the Ohio HeadStart Association, said itspreschool learning programswould be in jeopardy if ashutdown lasted more thantwo weeks. Automatic budgetcuts in March meant nearly3,000 children lost access toservices and there could bedire consequences if thebudget standoff drags on, shesaid.

“It’s not as though this is athrowaway service. These arethe poorest of the poorchildren,” Haxton said. “Andour congressman still gets hispaycheck. His pay doesn’tstop and his health insurancedoesn’t stop.”

scared of thinking of beingsick — I don’t know how Ican pay for the medicalcare.”

Thao’s story reflects a keypoint in the report, whichwas released early to TheAssociated Press: Aging is anissue across the world.Perhaps surprisingly, thereport shows that the fastestaging countries aredeveloping ones, such asJordan, Laos, Mongolia,Nicaragua and Vietnam,where the number of olderpeople will more than tripleby 2050. All ranked in thebottom half of the index.

The Global AgeWatchI n d e x( created by elderadvocacy group HelpAgeInternational and the U.N.Population Fund in part toaddress a lack ofinternational data on theextent and impact of globalaging. The index, released onthe U.N.’s International Dayof Older Persons, compilesdata from the U.N., WorldHealth Organization, WorldBank and other globalagencies, and analyzesincome, health, education,employment and age-friendly environment in eachcountry.

The index was welcomed byelder rights advocates, who havelong complained that a lack ofdata has thwarted their attemptsto raise the issue on governmentagendas.

“Unless you measuresomething, it doesn’t really existin the minds of decision-makers,”said John Beard, Director ofAgeing and Life Course for theWorld Health Organization. “Oneof the challenges for populationaging is that we don’t even collectthe data, let alone start to analyzeit. ... For example, we’ve beentalking about how people areliving longer, but I can’t tell youpeople are living longer andsicker, or longer in good health.”

The report fits into anincreasingly complex picture ofaging and what it means to theworld. On the one hand, the factthat people are living longer is atestament to advances in healthcare and nutrition, and advocatesemphasize that the elderly shouldbe seen not as a burden but as aresource. On the other, manycountries still lack a basic socialprotection floor that providesincome, health care and housingfor their senior citizens.

Afghanistan, for example,offers no pension to those not inthe government. Life expectancyis 59 years for men and 61 for

women, compared to a globalaverage of 68 for men and 72 forwomen, according to U.N. data.

That leaves Abdul Wasaystruggling to survive. At 75, theformer cook and blacksmithspends most of his day trying tosell toothbrushes and toothpasteon a busy street corner in Kabul’smain market. The job nets him just$6 a day — barely enough tosupport his wife. He can onlyafford to buy meat twice a month;the family relies mainly onpotatoes and curried vegetables.

“It’s difficult because my kneesare weak and I can’t really standfor a long time,” he says. “Butwhat can I do? It’s even harder inwinter, but I can’t affordtreatment.”

Although government hospitalsare free, Wasay complains thatthey provide little treatment andhardly any medicine. He wants tostop working in three years, but isnot sure his children can supporthim. He says many older peoplecannot find work because they arenot strong enough to do day labor,and some resort to begging.

“You have to keep working nomatter how old you are — no oneis rich enough to stop,” he says.“Life is very difficult.”

Many governments haveresisted tackling the issue partlybecause it is viewed as hugelycomplicated, negative and costly— which is not necessarily true,says Silvia Stefanoni, chief

executive of HelpAgeInternational. Japan and Germany,she says, have among the highestproportions of elders in the world,but also boast steady economies.

“There’s no evidence that anaging population is a populationthat is economically damaged,”she says.

Prosperity in itself does notguarantee protection for the old.The world’s rising economicpowers — the so-called BRICSnations of Brazil, Russia, India,China and South Africa — ranklower in the index than somepoorer countries such as Uruguayand Panama.

However, the report found,wealthy nations are in generalbetter prepared for aging thanpoorer ones. Sweden, where thepension system is now 100 yearsold, makes the top of the listbecause of its social support,education and health coverage,followed by Norway, Germany,the Netherlands and Canada. TheUnited States comes in eighth.

Sweden’s health system earnspraise from Marianne Blomberg,an 80-year-old Stockholmresident.

“The health care system, for me,has worked extraordinarily well,”she says. “I suffer from atrialfibrillation and from the minute Icall emergency until I amdischarged, it is absolutelyamazing. I can’t complain aboutanything — even the food isgood.”

Anxious Americans await their fate as government shuts down

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... Of The Holy Quran (3)New Horizon

Continued from page 20

usage, this is due from theGod—fearing. If anyonechanges the bequest alterhearing it, the guilt shall be onthose who make the change.For Allah hears and knows (allthings). But if anyone fears

partiality or wrong — doingon the part of the testator. Andbrings about a settlementamong (the partiesconcerned), There is no wrongin Him for Allah is oft —forgiving, Most Merciful. Oye who believe, fasting isproscribed to you as it wasprescribed to those beforeyou, that ye may (learn) self-restraint. (Fasting) for a fixednumber of days, but if any ofyou is ill, or on a journey, theprescribed number (should hemade up)

from days later. For thosewho can do it (with hardship)is a ransom, the feeding of onethat is indigent. But ho thatwill give more, of his ownfreewill, it is better for him.And it is better for you that yefast if ye only know. Ramadanis the (month) in which wassent down the Quran, as aguide to mankind, also clear(signs) for guidance andjudgment (between right andwrong). So everyone of’ youwho is present at his home)during that month shouldspent it in fasting but if anyoneis ill, or on a journey, theprescribed period (should hemade up) by days later. Allahintends every facility for you.He does not want to put youin difficulties. (He wants you)to complete the prescribedperiod, and to glorify Him inthat He has guided you, andperchance ye shad he grateful.When my servants ask theeconcerning Me. Turn indeedclose (to them). I (respond tothe prayer of every suppliantwhen he calleth on Me. Letthem also, with a will, listento my call, and believe in Me,that they may walk in the rightway. Permitted to you on thenight of the fasts, is theapproach to your wives. ‘Theyare garments and ye arc theirgarments. Allah knoweth whatye used to do secretly amongyourselves, but he turned toyou and forgave you, so flowassociate with them, and seekwhat Allah had ordained foryou, and eat and drink until the

unite the white thread of dawnappear to you distinct from itsblack thread, then completeyour fast till the night appears,but do nut associate with yourwives while ye are in retreatin the mosques. Those arelimits (set by) Allah, approachnot night thereto. Thus dothAllah make clear His Signs tomen, that they may learn sellrestraint. And do not eat upyour

property among yourselvesfor vanities, nor use it as baitfor the judges, with intent thatye may eat up wrongfully andknowingly a little of (other)people’s property. They askedthee concerning the NewMoons. say, they arc but signsto mark fixed periods of limein (the affairs o U men, andhr Pilgrimage. It is no virtueif ye enter your houses mmthe buck. It is virtue if ye fearAllah. Enter houses throughthe proper doors, and fear Allab, that ye may prosper. Fightin the Cause of Allah thoseWho light you, but do nottransgress Limits, for Allahloveth not transgressors. Andslay them wherever ye catchthem, and turn them out fromwhere they h ye turned youout, ft r Persecution is worsethan slaughter. but ht them outat the Sacred Mosque, unlessthey (first) fight you there,but if they fight you, shaythem. Such is the reward ofthose who reject faith. But ifthey cease, Allah is oft –forgiving, Most Merciful.And It them on until there isno more persecution and thereligion becomes Allah’s. Butif they cease, et there be nohostility except to those whopractice oppression. Theprohibited month for theprohibited month - and so forall things prohibited, there isthe law of equity. If thenanyone transgresses theprohibition against you.transgress ye likewise againsthim But fear Allah, and knowthat A is with those whorestrain themselves. Andspend of your substance in thecause of Allah, and make notyour own hands contribute to(your) destruction, but dogood, for Allah loveth thosewho do go good. Andcomplete the Hajj or Umrain the Service of Allah, but Iye are prevented (form

complete it ) send an offeringbe sacrifice such as ye mayfind, and do not shave yourheads until the offeringreaches the place of sacrifice.And if any of you is ill, orhas an ailment in his scalp,necessitating shaving), (heshould) in compassion eitherfast, or feed the poor, or offersacrifice, and when ye are inpeaceful condition (again),if anyone wishes to continuethe Umra on the Hajj, hemust make an offering such

as he can afford but if hecannot afford it, he shouldfast thee days during theHajj.

And even days on hisreturn, making ten days inall. This is for those whosehousehold is not in(theprecincts of) the SacredMosque. And even days onhis fear Allah, and know thatAllah is strict n punishmentFor Hajj arc the months wellknown. If anyone undertakesthat duty therein, let the beno obscenity, norwickedness, nor wangling inthe Hajj.

And whatever good ye do(besure) Allah knoweth it. Andtake a provision (with you) forthe journey, but the best ofprovision is right conduct. Sofear Me, o ye that are wise, I isno crime in you if ye seek ofthe bounty of your I ford(during pilgrimage). Thenwhen ye pour downfrom(mouth) Arafat, celebratethe praise of Allah at theSacred Monument, andcelebrate I us praises as Hispraise as he has directed you,

even though, before this, yewent astray. Then return from

the place whence it is usualfor the multitude so to do, antiask 1w Allah’s forgiveness.For Allah is Oft forgiving,Most Merciful, So when yehave accomplished your rites,celebrate the praises of Allah,as ye used to celebrate thepraises of your fathers, yea,with far more heart and SoulThere arc men who say: “OurLord: Give us (Thy bounties)in this world”. But then willhave no portion in theHereafter, And there ate menwho say. “Our God, give us

good in this world and good inthe hereafter. And save usfrom the foment of the Fire”.To 1hes with be allotted whatthey have earned, and Allah isquick ii account. RememberAllah during lie appointeddays, hut if anyone hastens toleave in two days, there is noblame on him, and if anyonestays on. There is no blame onhim, in his

aim is to do right, then fearAllah. and know that ye willsurely be gathered unto turn.

‘there is the type o man whosespeech about this worlds lifemay dazzle thee, and he callsAllah to witness about what isin his heart, yet is he the mostcontentious o enemies. Whenhe turns his hack, his aim everywhere is to spread mischiefthrough the earth and destroycrops and progeny but byloveth not mischief When it issaid to him, “fear Allah,” he ised by arrogance to (more)crime. Enough for him is Hell-and evil bed indeed to lie on).And there is the type of manwho gives his life to earn thepleasure of Allah, and Allahis Full of kindness to (His)devotees. O ye who believe,enter into Islam whole-heartedly and follow not thefootstep of the Satan for he isto you and avowed enemy. Ifye backslide after the clear(signs) have come

to you, then know that Allahis Exalted in Power, Wise. Will

they wait until Allah comesto them in canopies ofclouds, with angels (in I ustrain) and the question i(thus) settled’? Bui to Allahdo all questions go back (fordecision). Ask the children ofIsrael how many clear(Signs) we have sent them.But if any one after

Allah’s favour has conic tohim, substitutes (somethingelse). Allah is strict inpunishment. The life of this

world is alluring to thosewho reject faith, and theyscoff at those who believe.But the righteous will beabove them on the Day’ ofResurrection, for Allahbestows Him abundancewithout measure} on whomlie will. Mankind was onesingle nation. And Allah sentMessengers with glad tidingsand warnings, and withwhom He sent the l3ook intruth, to judge betweenpeople in matters whereinthey differed: hut the peopleof the book, after the clearsigns came to them, did notdiffer among themselves,concept through selfishcontumacy. Allah by HisGrace guided the believers tothe truth, concerning thatwherein they differed. ForAllah guides whom lie willto a path that is straight.

(To be continued)

“Enter houses through the proper doors, and fear Al lab, that ye may prosper.Fight in the Cause of Allah those Who light you, but do not transgress Limits,for Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, andturn them out from where they h ye turned you out, ft r Persecution is worsethan slaughter. but ht them out at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fightyou there, but if they fight you, shay them. Such is the reward of those whoreject faith.”

Page 25: Nigeria observer 02 10 2013


DiscourseBeauty: Perception Or


Does Wife-MaterialExist Any More?


A great philosopher, DavidHume, once said: “Beauty isno quality in thingsthemselves: It exists merely inthe mind which contemplatesthem; and each mindperceives a different beauty”. Often, whenever the wordbeauty is mentioned so manypeople become uneasy;developing cold feets whileothers have their heartjigging; ostensibly becausethey /see themselves asbeautiful. What does the wordbeauty mean? Is it just aperception or reality? How would beauty bemeasured, by physicalendowment, inner qualities orwhat the media gives ascriteria? According to the OxfordAdvanced LearnersDictionary, beauty is acombination of qualities thatgive pleasures to the senses(esp to the ear) or to the mind.It can also be seen as a personor thing that is beautiful. When the media theorycalled hypodermic needle,was propounded, it was apointer to the powerful effectthe mass media have onindividuals who are exposedto it. According to OperationBeautiful, “If you glanced ata magazine or turned on the

TV in the last decade, you’vegotten a good idea of whatmedia’s definition of anattractive woman, looks likeshe’s tall, has long flowinghair, is surgically and digitallyenhanced, blemish-free, andvery thin”. This archatype definition ofbeauty by the media, thatconstantly bombard itsaudience with them (images),has made some individuals,nay women go “gaga” inorder to get that “unrealisticweight, size or shaperepresented as normal andattainable in media”. Somewomen even go to theextreme to achieve that mediaideals, resulting inharzardously low weight asothers may be driven towardbody hatred and bad healthoptions such as a lazylifestyle. In a Dove ad, an FBIforensic artist sketched asense of women, based purelyon the way they describedthemselves and as others alsodid (describe them), the artistcould not see their faces but

heard their voices. The videowhich has been viewed morethan 22 million times, showed astark contrast between the waywomen see themselves and theway others saw them. Across the

board, the self-describedportraits were the least attractive–which means, according to the

Dove marketing team, We are all more beautifulthan we think we are”. For some psychologists,self –image develops via acomplex interplay betweencultural ideals, lifeexperiences and alsoaccumulated comments,especially from others. According to apsychologist at VanderbiltUniversity, “You could look

at a photograph and youwould always be able topick yourself out because

we all have internalrepresentations of what welook like. “But all of your experiences,all the teasing you wentthrough as a child, all the self–consciousness you had as ateenager, and all the worryingabout whether you would beaccepted as good enough orattractive enough are calledforth in how people think ofthemselves, “Its not a perceptual thing.It’s a connbination ofemotion, meaning andexperience that builds up over

our lifetime and getspackaged into self-schema”. This idea been master-

minded by profit, is adangerous one They(advertisers), rely on “usbelieving a lie” and portrayingit through the media. This lie by the media drivesome women to the gym, thesaloon, the mall or operatingtable. Not doing these(pictures painted by media),make some feel doomed,undesirable, unhappy andeven unsuccessful. Getting to watch thetelevision sitcom, UGLYBETTY has portrayed the lifeof a girl faced with hardshipsdue to society’s unwelcomingattitudes toward those theydeem unattractive. Jonathan Safrun Foer in hiswork, “Extremely loud andIncredibly close”, said that“songs are as sad as thelistener”. Therefore, an individual is asbeautiful as much as she seesherself because “No one elsehas access to the world youcarry around with yourself;you are its custodian andentrances. No one else can seethe world the way you see it. Thus it is impossible to evercompare two people becauseeach stands on such differentground”. As every man takes the limitsof his own field of vision forthe limits of the world couldbeauty be skin-deep, aperception or reality?

PROSTITUTION as it isbelieved by many is one of theoldest profession known tomankind from the beginning oftime. The only difference betweenprostitution of old and that oftoday is that, the presentpractitioners are more bold,shamless, fierce looking and willstop at nothing to achieve theirgoals. Women of different ages andbackground migrate fromvillages to cities with the soleaim and intention to seel theirbodies. Recent research has shown thatwomen no longer hesistate tochoose prostitution as a careerbecause they are so bold to standby it. In this field, ladies operate indifferent patterns and could begrouped into the followingcatgories; that is, the teenagegroup that most people havecome to know as sweet-sixteen.Just as the name implies, they areyoung and sometimes lookinnocent. Some could barelyspell their manes as they cannotboast of primary education. Their patronizers see them ascheap and vulnerable and candance to their tunes with littlemotivation. These group residemostly in suburbs of towns andsometimes they could be

impregnated and abandoned totheir own fate as they may notbe also to tell who is responsibleand eve though they knew, insome cases, they have no moralrights to confront the personresponsible because they werehired and paid for that purposeto satisfied their sexual needs. The other league is made ofladies who are undergraduatesfrom different territoryinstitutions across the countrythey look sophisticated, speakQueen’s English and have theirmobile phones chitched to theirhands. During weekends,holidays and strike periods, theyleave school premises forgreener environments wherethey capture unsuspectingvictims before they return toschool. Some have night atpopular junctions, eateries, niteclubs, hotel gates, super marketsand even within their schoolenvironment for this unlawfulact. The new dimension recentlyadded is making the illiat tradea global affair is where youngladies of sixteen years and abovenow export prostitution abroadwith the help and financialsupport of their parents andhusbands in some cases. It has been established thatsome parents even sold the only

house herited from their fore beareswith the hope of getting a betterone later to meet up with thesponsorship of their innocent girlchild for prostitution in countrieslike America, Germany, Austria,Dubai, Malasia Italy Spain, andsome countries in Africa whoseEconomy prowess are better thanthat of Nigeria some chronic sexworkers who have whole –heartedly accepted prostitutionas a paying profession haveproven their worth by buildinghouses in village and acquiringcars properties in choice areasand training their siblings inschools just as many havebecome bread winners and hopefor better tomorrow in theirrespective homes not mindingthe Health hazards and otherconsequencies associated withthe profession. It is also on record that, somewomen including married oneshave abandoned theirmatrimonial homes while somehusbands supported their wivesto travel to Europe and otherparts of the world to showcasetheir immorality. Though it sounds funny but itis true that some ladies travel

abroad to trade their bodiesfor money even withoutasking themselves thequestion of how manyforeign ladies come toNigeria for such a degradingcareer. The most painful aspect ofit is that as some whomanaged to survive the ill-treatment, and humiliationsthey go through beforedeportation are countingtheir others are on the vergeof trarelling for samepurpose not minding the riskinvolved. Motherhood which is adivine call by God isgradually been subjected toridicle because of peoplesquest for quick financialgains accruing from whatthey are using their bodieswhich is the temple of Godto do both at home andoverseas. It is often easier in ourmorally bankrupt society for

a sister to find a job where theman is denied, and in a strangeway seek for money in morethan one sources. I am finding it difficult tofind a girl who lives strictly onher salary while most youngmen are trying to survive dailyon their meager income. Thepsychology of the averageNigerian young man is stillstrictly traditionally, that isman is the head of the homeand equally the bread winner,a reversal in the role isrepugnant. It is this combination ofupper wealth of the ladies onthe one hand and young menfinding it difficult to meet upwith those levels asoccasioned by our dyingEconomy that herald this newseason of spousal scarcity. Recent publication by aLagos based soft-sellmagazine published the namesand pictures of 50 ladies allvery rich and still single. A

good look at those ladies tellsyou that they are not hoping forany jack leged husband. It isglaring that they are waitingfor men with money to burn onthe type of life styles they haveacquired. They are probably anexception, the majority ofchronic spinisters in their late30s are everywhere to find theman of their dreams. A lot ofthem have stories similar tothat of those traveling abroadfor prostitution while otherhave other stories to tell. The sheer vanity of beautypageants and fashion paradesthrows our sisters into bad lightwith most men wondering ifwife-material exist any whereanymore. That thegovernments have not doneenough to discover such showsof shame evident in absencecorresponding laws to try andjail those who have takenprostitution as a profession andcareer do not help the imageof the future wives andmothers

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SAM EHEBHAGSM:08056626091











3. Q.P.R. 18 2XB

4. COLCHESTER 22 505


6. WIGAN 20 007





11. DUNDEE UTD 44 X0

12. WALSALL 31 X1





17. WIGAN 20 XOX


19. DERBY 14 NN

20. PORTSMOUTH 39 ??




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SAM EHEBHAGSM:08056626091

Your Star






BEWARE 1 10 14 16 19






14 3

33 2123














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Page 29: Nigeria observer 02 10 2013


FIFA To Probe World Cup Bidding

Inter, Juve Join Milan In Race ForAjax Star

Hummels Slam Ger-many Coach

Del BosqueOpen To

Costa Call-up

Ribery Sees NasriThreat

Balotelli Needs MoreProtection - Galliani

down when not playing underthe old coach,” said thedefending Champions.

“We are now seeing the Samirwe saw at Arsenal – one of themost gifted players in Europe.”

Nasri was highly criticized byformer City boss RobertoMancini for not performing tohis best last season, with theItalian even claiming he wantedto punch the pint-sized attacker.

FRANK Ribery believes hisfellow countryman, SamisrNasri, has rediscovered his bestform under Manuel Pellegrini atManchester City.

The Bayern Munich wingerwill line-up against hiscompatriot on Wednesdayevening in the second groupmatch in the UEFA ChampionsLeague, and Ribery is fully awareof Nasri’s threat.

“Samir [Nasri] is like adifferent person. He’s like abrother to me – he told me he got

ATLETICO Madrid’s strikerDiego Costa is set to be namedin the next Spain squad, despitehaving already made twofriendly appearances for hisnative Brazil.Tags: Spain,Atletico Madrid, Diego Costa

Vicente Del Bosque says hehas not yet decided whether tocall up Diego Costa to the Spainsquad, but sees no problems atall in doing so.

Atletico Madrid striker Costawas capped twice by Brazil infriendly games in March, butafter being left out of the squadfor the summer’s ConfederationsCup campaign he took Spanishcitizenship in July. He is free tomake the switch having notplayed a competitive game forhis native country, and SpanishFootball Federation (RFEF)officials have reportedly nowsubmitted the requiredpaperwork to FIFA.

Costa last week said he wouldfind it hard to say no to a call-upto the Spain national squad, thenwent on to score the winner andgive a man of the matchperformance in Atletico’s 1-0derbi win at Real Madrid onSaturday evening.

The La Roja coach told TVshow Tiki Taka he had not yetdecided whether to include Costain his squad for Spain’s 2014World Cup qualifiers at home toBelarus and Georgia in early thismonth.

“We are naming the squad onFriday, and will include the bestmen for these games,” DelBosque said. “[Costa] has spentmore than five years in Spain,been here since he was 18.

AC Milan’s vice-presidentAdriano Galliani has called onthe officials to protect MarioBalotelli when he returns to theside for the Champions Leaguemeeting with Ajax onWednesday night.

Balotelli still has one match ofa three-game domestic ban to sitout, meaning he will missMilan’s trip to Juventus on

FRANCE Football has reported that FIFA’s leading ethicsinvestigator is to begin a worldwide tour to all countries involvedin the bidding process for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups as partof a probe into the controversial attribution of the tournamentsto Russia and Qatar.

Michael J. Garcia, a formerdistrict prosecutor in New York,had declared in France Footballlast March that he would “puteverything on the table withoutany preconceived ideas”, and theweekly magazine has nowclaimed he is putting his plan intoaction.

Garcia is reportedly due toarrive in London on October 9 fora three-day visit which will markthe start of his global tour of allof the prospective localorganising committees involvedin the controversial vote onDecember 2, 2010, which led toRussia and Qatar being awardedthe 2018 and 2022 World Cupsrespectively.

Garcia, who specialised incombatting internationalterrorism until he took on theFIFA role in July 2012, hasreportedly already held a numberof talks with individuals involvedin the process of attributing thetournaments, but is now set tomove his investigation into “ahigher gear”.

“I will proceed with interviewsin different places and I hope thatthose who have information,

even if they’re under noobligation to transmit it, willaccept to talk to me,” Garcia isquoted as saying. “There arethose who give me informationvoluntarily because they want theenquiry to make progress. Othersare obliged to co-operate becauseof their role in the candidature ortheir official role within football.My aim is to deliver a report thatcovers the bidding process andthe attribution of thetournaments.”

The magazine believesAustralia, which bid for the 2022tournament, will be Garcia’s nextport of call after England withother unsuccessful bidders,Japan, South Korea, Spain, theNetherlands, Belgium and theUSA, coming before he heads tothe host nations themselves.

France Football report the firstphase of Garcia’s visits will becompleted by the start of 2014after which a report will bedrafted and handed to Hans-Joachim Eckert, president of thejudicial arm of FIFA’s EthicsCommission.

A ruling is not expected untilMarch-April next year at theearliest, and influential figures

beginning of last season.And according to A Bola, van

Rhijn is set to leave the EredivisieChampions with attention fromthe Italian peninsula havingbecome a prominent force.

It is said that both Milan clubs

INTER and Juventus havejoined Milan in a race to signAjax Amsterdam’s highly ratedyoungster Ricardo van Rhijn.

The 22-year-old has impressedafter he took over the reigns as afirst team starter following thedeparture of Gregory van de Wielto Paris Saint-Germain at the

“[However] I think that I haveto work harder than other to earnmy place in the national team. Idon’t have the same trust from thenational team that I have from myclub.

“Our relationship is absolutelyfine. The communication is verygood and pleasant. It wouldn’t bea huge surprise if the coach optsto play with the same defence asin the last match.

“Next summer, this shouldchange again, however. At theWorld Cup, the coach shouldhave no other choice but to pickme.”

BORUSSIA Dortmund’s MatsHummels has slammed Germanycoach Joachim Low for notshowing him the same amount oftrust as club boss Jurgen Klopp.

The Germany coach opted tofield Jerome Boateng and PerMertesacker at the heart ofdefence during the last two WorldCup qualifiers against Austria andFaroe Islands.

The BVB centre-back feels hedoes not receive the same faithfrom Low that he is accustomedto at club level, but he isdetermined to win his place backahead of next year’s World Cup.

“I don’t mind being criticised,”Hummels told Kicker.

“On the other hand, I give myopinion whenever I think thatsomething is not perfect. Theydon’t like to see criticism at DFB[the German footballingassociation].

Sunday night, but he will lead theRossoneri attack on as they lookto follow their 2-0 win over Celticwith victory in Amsterdam.

Ajax coach Frank De Boer hasalready singled him out forparticular attention — warninghis players that the Italyinternational “can decide amatch” like Lionel Messi — butGalliani hopes there will be nounnecessary provocation and thatthe referee will ensure fair play.

“Balotelli is an important playerand he does not need to matureanymore because he’s alreadymature,” Galliani told reporters inMilan. “He just needs to moderatehis behaviour — but, at the sametime, he needs to be protected likeeverybody else because I’ve seenfouls against him worthy of redcards that only get yellow.”

Balotelli has apologised for hislatest suspension while at thesame time calling for moreprotection, but Milan coachMassimiliano Allegri believes hemust still learn to keep a lid onhis temper.

“I think this ban had made himunderstand that he needs tobehave differently,” Allegri saidat a press conference. “He’s goingto play [against Ajax] and all hehas to think about is playingfootball and helping his teamwhile respecting the opponentsand the referees.”

Milan have endured adisappointing start the start to theseason, taking just eight pointsfrom their first six Serie A games,while they only just managed toget the better of Celtic in their firstChampions League encounter,but Galliani said he is “satisfied”.

Sepp Blatter

Mario Balotelli

Low HappyWith Pep’sChanges

such as U.S. Soccer Federationpresident Sunil Gulati have calledon Garcia’s enquiry to first becompleted before discussions are

held over whether the QatarWorld Cup should be held inwinter.

GERMANY’s coach JoachimLow believes changes to how keyplayers Philipp Lahm and BastianSchweinsteiger play at BayernMunich can help his side.

Injuries have seen Lahm, 29,deployed in defensive midfieldrather than at right-back by PepGuardiola, while Schweinsteiger,featured in an unorthodoxattacking role last week.

Although it has been mootedthat the tweaks under Guardiolawill affect the Mannschaftdetrimentally, Low believes thatthe added flexibility of two of hiskey players can help Germanyremain effective.

“Philipp Lahm has indeedplayed in that No.6 role for thenational team before,” the 53-year-old told Bild. “And, ofcourse, Bastian can play in anyposition in midfield.

“I want the same - we need thevariability to be unpredictable forany opponent.

“I know that Pep Guardiolathinks just like me at this point.”

and Serie A Champions Juventusare the front runners in the raceto sign his signature along withseveral other big names fromEurope.

Last season he made 31 leagueappearances for Frank de Boer’sside as they completed a thirdstraight Dutch title victory.

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The solemnization of marriage between former MissRosemary Chigoziem Onwuegbuzie (Customer RelationOfficer) and Mr. Phillip Osaro Ebhomien (based in Belgium)took place on Saturday 28th September 2013 at the OredoLocal Government Council Marriage Registry in Benin City.Amongst those present were Mr. Emmanuel Inetiabor, Mr.John Meye, family members, relations, friends and wellwishers. Picture shows the couple at the Registry.Congratulations. Photo: SONNIE E.

Heartland ThreatenLeague Boycott

Dolphins Match ShiftedAfter Safety Fears

Alhaji Gero Opens GoalsAccount In Sweden

Eguma Dissappointed



Nigeria League NowEnds October 20

THE Nigeria league have moved the game between ElKanemi and Dolphins by 24 hours after the visiting teamexpressed concerns over their safety.

General manager ofDolphins Dumbo Awanensaid on Tuesday that after alot of deliberations, they haveagreed to travel to Maiduguriby road on Wednesday.

“We spoke and the GombeState Police Commissioneragreed to give us an escortteam to Maiduguri and weleave tomorrow (Wednesday)morning,” Awanen said.

Answering why the clubsettled on the police and notthe army to escort them into

the town, Awanen simplysaid, “We are satisfied withthe security arrangements.”

The Dolphins generalmanager also said the playersand officials in the travelling

party are also at ease and haveaccepted the decision of themanagement and the LeagueManagement Committee(LMC).

“The players will train thisevening (Tuesday) and wehave told them we are here ona mission. It is our job and wehave no choice but to do it,”he concluded.

Dolphins have beenapprehensive about theirsafety following recentkillings by the terrorists groupBoko Haram.

HEARTLAND havethreatened to boycott theirremaining league matchesshould Imo State GovernorRochas Okorocha not meetthem on Tuesday.

The Heartland players arebeing owed 10% from lastseason sign-on fees and 90%of sign-on for this season.

They have also not beenpaid 21 match bonuses, ninefrom last season and 12 fromthis season.

They are scheduled toface Sharks on Wednesday incontinuation of the Nigerialeague.

The protesting playersstormed the Governor’soffice on Monday morninghoping to meet with theGovernor to discuss theirproblems.

They went on a fruitlessmission as the Governor didnot see them, only the Chiefof Staff did and he promisedthe Governor will see themon Tuesday.

“We are tired ofeverything here at Heartland.We are being neglected bythe state government and wedecided to see the Governorto table our case and get asolution, but we waited invain for over seven hoursonly for the Chief of Staff tocome out and tell us he can’tsee us today, that we shouldcome back tomorrow,” oneof the angry players told “We have made up our

minds that if the Governordoes not meet us on Tuesdaywith all due respect, wewon’t play matches againfrom Wednesday match.This suffering is too much.”

Another player that theinsensitivity to their plightfrom the government isgetting out of hand and theyplead for a change ofattitude.

“The government are notsensitive to our plight, wehave done our best but weare been neglected. We areready to down tools if we arenot settled,” he threatened.

CHAIRMAN of KanoPillars Abba Yola has saidhe does not believe thereis a conspiracy to stop hisclub retaining theirchampionship.

Yola, whose team lostthree points and three goalsto Enyimba on Thursdayafter a hearing by theorganising and disciplinarycommittee, maintained: “Idon’t see any hand ofconspiracy against Pillars.

“No amount ofconspiracy can stop us ifGod has destined that wewill win the league title.

“What we see rather arehalf measures before therules and this is not goodfor the league.”

Kano Pillars areexpected to officially tabletheir appeal before theNFF on Monday after theykicked against a decisionto award their abandonedmatch with Enyimba to theAba club.

The defendingchampions are now fourthon the league table with 54points from 34 matchesand four rounds of matchesto the end of the season.

They stand the risk ofnot featuring ininternational footballshould they fail to finishwithin the top three in theleague.



EX-Enugu Rangers starGero scored in the 44thminute to draw his clublevel after fellow Nigeriastriker KennedyIgbonananike openedscoring for the home team,but hosts AIK Solna will goto win the game 2-1.

Gero, who has also beencapped at ‘B’ level byNigeria, will also bebooked in the 71st minute.

Osters need to get backto winning ways aftergoing on a four-gamelosing streak recently.

They are 14th on the 16-team championship with 25points from 26 matches.

Two teams areautomatically relegated,

while the third from bottomteam battle in a relegation/promotion playoff todetermine whether theystay up.

Today’s MatchesCSKA Moscow v Viktoria Plzen Petrovskiy, St. PetersburgBayer Leverkusen v Real Sociedad BayArena, LeverkusenShakhtar Donetsk v Manchester United Donbass Arena, DonetskJuventus v Galatasaray Juventus Stadium, TurinReal Madrid v FC Copenhagen Bernabéu, MadridAnderlecht v Olympiacos Stade Constant Vanden Stock, BrusselsParis Saint-Germain v Benfica Parc des Princes, ParisManchester City v Bayern Munich Etihad Stadium, Manchester


THE LeagueManagement Company(LMC) has announced thatthe Nigeria league willnow end on October 20against the earlier date ofOctober 13.

The LMC effectedchanges in the earlierreleased amended fixtureswhich were necessitatedby the decisions of theNigeria FootballFederation (NFF)organising and

disciplinary committee (Oand D) on various casesarising from leaguegames.

A statement from theoffice of the LMC chiefoperating officer SalihuAbubakar read: “In viewof the appeals receivedfrom some of the clubs onthe decisions of the NFFDisciplinary Committeeand the need for us to havesmooth ending of theseason, matches of the

Glo Premier League arenow to be played asfollows - Matches ofWeek 35 will now beplayed on Wednesday,October 2, 2013 withWeek 36 matches slated tobe played on Saturday,October 12. Week 37matches will hold onWednesday, October 16,and the season-endingmatches of Week 38 willbe decided on Sunday,October 20.

EGWABOR - Iformerly known asJuliet Egwabor nowwish to be known asMRS. JULIETIDAHOSA. Allformer documentsremain valid.Concerned authoritiesand the general publicplease take note.


Page 31: Nigeria observer 02 10 2013


...As United Boss AssuredFinancial Backing

Reina Reveals Ar-senal Interest

David Moyes

Luiz Suarez

West Ham FansWarned About Chants

I Thought SuarezsWould Leave - Gerrard

Moyes Ignored FergusonAdvise On Coaches

Chelsea Still Adjusting- Lampard

axed by Moyes in the closeseason, along with assistantmanager Mike Phelan andfirst-team coach ReneMeulensteen.

Moyes chose to bring ChrisWoods, Steve Round andJimmy Lumsden with himfrom Everton, whilst alsoappointing former United andToffees midfielder PhilNeville in his first full-timecoaching role.

United’s 2-1 home defeat byWest Brom on Saturdaymeans the club has now madeits worst start to a leagueseason for 24 years.

With the pressure already onMoyes right from the start ofhis Old Trafford reign, Steelehas now revealed how thesummer’s changes werehandled.

“He spoke to me, Mick andRene,” Steele is quoted astelling fanzine United WeStand.

“I told him I thought it wasa brave decision.

“He listened to themanager’s advice, but hewanted to be his own man.”

Steele arrived at United in2008, having previouslyworked at Manchester City,and is credited with turningDavid De Gea into one of theleague’s best goalkeepersafter a shaky start.

The 59-year-old says herespects Moyes’ decision butis not convinced it was rightfor the club.

“I didn’t want to leave. Whywould I?” he added. “I knewthat David was coming in andwondered who he’d bring.

“You had the United

significant signing of a desperatetransfer window.

Yet, despite the intense glare ofscrutiny on United from the outside,inside the club there is a sense ofcalm.

Press Association Sportunderstands work is continuing toidentify suitable targets and theGlazer family, having handedMoyes a six-year contract asFerguson’s successor, aredetermined to provide the Scot withthe required financial muscle tostrengthen his squad as he sees fit.

There is an acknowledgement atUnited that a difficult adjustmentwas not helped by the decision notto buy Moyes out of the final sixweeks of his contract at Evertononce it had been confirmed hewould replace Ferguson.

said. “It might be a matter of timein certain areas, but I certainlybelieve in the squad that we cando big things. It’s easy to talkabout it, but we actually have todo it, starting from now.

“I really believe in the squad wehave and the young players we’vegot. Now it’s important that wetake the manager’s ideas on board.I have a lot of respect for him andI know he’s a winner — he’sshown that not just at Chelsea —and I think we need to bring thatall together.”

Mourinho has said his side facea second successive earlyelimination from the ChampionsLeague if they lose their Group Eclash in Romania, but Lampardhopes the victory over Steaua enroute to last season’s EuropaLeague success will stand them ingood stead.

LIVERPOOL captain StevenGerrard has admitted he fearedLuis Suarez would leave theclub this summer.

The Uruguayan has had atumultuous Anfield career andreturned from a 10-game ban forbiting Chelsea defenderBranislav Ivanovic with twogoals against Sunderland onSunday.

Suarez was linked with amove to Real Madrid early in thetransfer window and Arsenallodged a bid of £40,000,001 forthe 26-year-old after it wassuggested that would trigger arelease clause.

The striker made no secret ofhis desire to leave Anfield butis now back in the fold andGerrard is delighted that all thespeculation over his future hasended.

He told national newspapers:“Every day in the summer.When you have a player as goodas Luis Suarez, you know thatthe big clubs are going to wanthim.

“I was waking up everymorning, hoping that nothingwould happen and that he wouldstill be here.

“Nobody tried harder than meto make him stay and he knowsexactly what I think of him. Iknew if we could keep him here,the better our chances would be.

“He is a special type offootballer and he gives ussomething different. When theclub got the message to him that

myself and the club stand onthis issue,” he is quoted assaying by the Mirror.

“We sincerely hope that atiny minority of oursupporters do not let us down.We are the only club thatremembers the Holocausteach year and we have manyJewish supporters of our own.

“Sadly a few supporters,think it’s funny to sing anti-Semitic songs and make anti-Semitic gestures.

“They need to realise in2013 that it’s not acceptable.”

Tottenham are alreadyfighting the use of the term‘Yid’ by their own supportersin an attempt to clamp downon the use of offensive anddiscriminatory language attheir games.

PEPE Reina has admittedArsenal were interested insigning him in the last transferwindow but now says he onlythinks of Napoli.

The goalkeeper, on loan atSerie A side Napoli, spoke outahead of tonight’s ChampionsLeague match between the twosides at the Emirates Stadium.

The Spanish international ison loan from Liverpool, toldthe Sun: “The interest ofArsenal in my services?

bottom half of the table andpushed out to fourth favouritesto retain their crown, with thebookmakers believing Unitedwill be battling Tottenham forthe final Champions Leagueplace.

This is not quite the transitionenvisaged in the summer, whenMoyes walked into a club freshfrom romping to a record 20thleague championship by animpressive 11 points.

Yet the majority of RedDevils supporters accepted itwas a rather flattering outcome,and the squad Moyes inheritedfrom Sir Alex Ferguson hadclear deficiencies.

These certainly go wellbeyond the scope of MarouaneFellaini, Moyes’ only

MANCHESTER United areready to back David Moyes in thetransfer market afteracknowledging their squad needsstrengthening.

United are due to fly to Donetskfor a Champions Leagueencounter with Shakhtar that hastaken on additional significancefollowing Saturday’s BarclaysPremier League defeat by WestBrom.

The loss was the club’s third insix games this season.

It represents their worst start toa league campaign since 1989 andhas seen them slide into the

“Now I think only of Napoli“But to come back to England

with Napoli against Arsenal inLondon is special.”

He added: “Arsenal are top of thePremier League but we are secondin Serie A - and it looks likedeveloping into a big season for us.

“There is no clear favourite inthis game.

“We’re very confident but it’s atough group and an away pointwould mean a very positive resultfor us.”

Frank Lampard believesmanager Jose Mourinho willneed “two or three months” toget his ideas across but isconvinced Chelsea can “do bigthings”.

The Blues have endured adifficult start to Mourinho’ssecond reign, with the back-to-back defeats to Everton andBasel earlier this month causingconcern.

A much-improved second-half performance in the 1-1 drawat Tottenham on Saturday givesChelsea some cause foroptimism ahead of Tuesdaynight’s Champions Leaguegame against Steaua Bucharest,but Lampard does not think theBlues are yet firing on allcylinders.

“It can take two to threemonths to develop, for playersto follow a new manager’sidea,” the England international

they were not going to sell him,he got his head down and hasworked hard. He has never givenus a moment’s problem.

“I think it is a credit to Luis forthe way he has come back. A lotof players who have been in hisposition might have come backand spat the dummy out, nottrying for the team. But he is notthat type of guy.

“He realised that the clubwanted to keep him and he hasrespected their decision. He ishere now and he wants to stay. Hewants to achieve something thisseason and he looks as hungry ashe has ever done.”

David Moyes ignored Sir Alex Ferguson’s advice to keepthe same backroom staff at Manchester United, accordingto Eric Steele.

Former United goalkeeping coach Steele was

perspective - the managersaying, ‘Keep what we’ve got,keep the continuity, work withthem and they’ll guide youthrough.

You’re taking on a massivemachine here. You’ve gonefrom Marks and Spencer’s toHarrods.’

“Then there’s David’sviewpoint, which Iunderstand.

I know him professionally.I know his work ethic, his

hands-on approach.“I don’t blame him for

doing what he did.I’ve been in the game long

enough to know how it is.“But it’s ironic, isn’t it?

You’ve just been part of ateam that has had a greatseason and won the league.

David De Gea’s had his bestseason.

Does it make sense thatyou’re not retained tocontinue the good work?Sadly, that’s out of my hands.”

United find themselves in12th spot in the PremierLeague table after six games,eight points off the pace setby leaders Arsenal.

Despite the upheaval at OldTrafford, Steele still thinks thepersonnel in Moyes’ squadwill start producing betterresults.

“There were massivechanges - the manager, chiefexecutive, Scholes retiringand the coaches,” said Steele.

“But there are enoughplayers in that dressing roomto win when it really starts.

“My time was up, I’m proudof what I did at United and Ihave great memories.”

WEST Ham have urgedtheir supporters to refrainfrom anti-Semitic chantingahead of this weekend’sPremier League game againstTottenham.

In the corresponding fixturelast season an investigationwas launched by the FootballAssociation following hissingnoises made by West Hamfans intended to reference thegassing of Jews inconcentration camps duringthe Second World War.

The Hammers are expectedto issue an official statementlater in the week outlining azero tolerance approach,while the club’s co-ownerDavid Sullivan has alreadyspoken out.

“Supporters know where

Page 32: Nigeria observer 02 10 2013



PCC: A Toothless BullDog?

Printed and published by Bendel Newspapers Company Limited, 24, Airport Road, P.M.B. 1334 Benin City. Telephone; Lagos: 01 4930929, Benin: 052 257492, 257531Editor: BARR. SOLOMON IMONHIOSEN (07030699646), Deputy General Manager- Marketing (08023457566), Assistant General Manager- Advertisement (08023808856) Lagos Office: 3/4 Amode

Close, Kudirat Abiola Way, By Olusosun Bus Stop, Oregun, Ikeja, Lagos. Abuja Office: Floor 1, Edo House, 75 Ralph Shodeinde Street, Central Business District, Abuja. Tel/Fax: 09-5237631.All correspondence to: 24 Airport Road, Benin City. E-mail: [email protected] (ISSN 0331-2674)


-Hon. Josef Omorotionmwan

“Here is a country trapped in the violent sinistercycle of democratic abuse and bigotry ingovernance. Our collective wish for a strong

virile nation has been recklessly discarded. Whatan absurdity and mockery of our collectivenationhood!” – Quoted in WHERE WE ARE (page129).

of the south, and Northtogether, in 1914 to carvea geographical entity,called Nigeria. What do we have fifty-three years later? Wehave flagrant disregard fordue process and rule oflaw; we have a judiciarythat is mostly populatedwith black market judgesand magistrates. We haveinstitutions that exist innames only, we have asystem that have differentinterpretation of the lettersof the constitution both forthe poor and the stinkinglyrich. This reminds me of thepublic ComplaintsCommission (PCC). This isa body that is statutorilyprovided for the FederalRepublic of Nigeria. Yet inmost cases therecommendations of PCCare ignored with impunityby institutions bearingfederal tags. A case in pointis that involving oneIduemre Ochuko of the

department of Sociologyand Andropology, facultyof Social Science,University of Benin. Iduemre Ochuko wasoffered temporalappointment on the 21st of

August 2009, as AssistantLecturer. He was dulyinterviewed, passed andwas effectively regularizedby the council of theUniversity of Benin on the30th of July, 2010, only forhis letter of regularizationto be withdrawn becausethe Dean of the Faculty ofSocial Science, Prof.Okolocha wrote againsthim for no just cause. Feeling cheated andflagrantly dealt with by theauthorities of University ofBenin Ochuko approachedthe public complaintcommission. The PCCentered the matter andexhaustively investigatedthe claims of thecomplainant in absolutecorroboration with panelsset up by the vice-chancellor of the Universityof Benin, Prof. OsayukiOshodin. Here is the final findingof the PCC after thoroughinvestigation: “ViceChancellor Sir, the

Commission is compelledonce again to recommendthat you should do justiceto Mr. Ochuko byreinstating him in service ifthe Dean did notinvestigate the issue of

fraud. The issue of allegedfraud, which was notinvestigated, could be seenas an attempt to give a doga bad name in order tohang it. “Public Complaints ActCAP 37 of 2004 Section5(C) states that thecommission should ensurethat administration actiontaken by any institutionshould not result in thecommitment of any act ofinjustice against anycitizen. For that reason thecommission shouldinvestigate with specialcare administrative actswhich appear to be:unreasonable, unfair,oppressive or inconsistentwith the general functionsof administrative organs. Itis our hope that you will useyour position to do justiceto this case because it isstill within your power? This above extract wasduly signed by theH o n o u r a b l eCommissioner, PCC EdoState, Otunba Oladele

Bankole – Balogun anddated 10th of August 2012.As I pen this pieceAuthorities of University ofBenin have absolutelyrefused to do what thePCC has recommended inthe interest of justice,fairness and equity. I am convinced beyondany reasonable doubt thatUNIBEN authorities are notalone in this game offlagrant disobedience ofthe recommendations ofPCC across the federation.Now, why set up a bodysuch as PCC and someindividuals will just chooseto ignore and dump suchrecommendations, afterthorough investigations,would have beenarticulately carried out bythe PCC? What a countryafter fifty-three years ofnationhood! Today, Ochuko as a law-abiding citizen who do notwant to take law into hisown hands hasapproached the committeeon public petition of theFederal House ofRepresentative, sitting inAbuja to seek Justiceaccording to the provisionsof the law of the land.Something tells me deepdown that Barrister UzoAzubuike chairman of thecommittee on publicPetition, of the House ofRepresentatives and histeam will tow the line of thePCC that had already donea great job on behalf ofOchuko. If Iduemre Ochuko is ason or a relative of a “bigman” somewhere close tothe seat of power, he wouldhave long been reinstatedby the UNIBENAuthorities? Fifty threeyears after qualified to

President Goodluck Jonathan

FEW days ago undue,unnecessary andunwarranted terrorismstruck again in YobeState, killing innocentschool children andinjuring scores of others.What a way for politicalterrorists to displaybloody anniversary gift toPresident GoodluckJonathan! When thenews of this callous,dastardly and lunatickillings got to me athought immediately roseup in my mind. Here is the thought. Isaid to myself that, maybe Nigeria is indeed amistake. If not, why thissenseless killingsbecause some dementedpoliticians think it is theirbirthright to rule Nigeriaperpetually? Whydescending ondefenceless, innocentand powerless pupilsbecause a group ofindividuals who havenothing to deliver to us asa nation wanted to scorea very cheap politicalpoint? This reminds me of thestatement made by SirPeter Smithers (a formerparliamentary privatesecretary) during theBritish colonialisation ofNigeria. I hereby quoteinter alia as recorded bythe Guardian of April 62007, on page 5 asfollows.” It is now clearthat the policy wasmistaken, and that itwould have been better toset up a number ofsmaller statescorresponding with thepre-colonial ethnicboundaries.” Fifty three years lateryesterday our nation isstill parambulating in themud of social, political,economic, technologicaletc backwardness. I thinkI agree with Sir PeterSmithers that the Britishusing an ambitions guylike Frederick Lugardmade a terrible mistake in

work as lecturers infederal or stateestablishments acrossthe country, but who arebeing cruelly, heinouslyand sinfully victimizedbecause of thelanguage they speakand the names theybear. Do we really havea country where what isgiven to the goose iscriminally denied thegander? I am using thismedium to urge and tochallenge Hon LeoOgor, representingIsoko North and SouthFederal Constituency inthe House ofRepresentatives to raisea motion on the floor ofthe Green Chambercalling for a probe of theactivities of the PCC.This probe should at theend of the day compelinstitutions andindividuals under thefederation to abidewithout questioning allrecommendations of thePCC, including the oneserved on UNIBENAuthorities concerningcitizen Ochuko. I knowHon. Ogor, a vibrantcommitted lawmaker willnot hesitate. If our forced existencewill have any meaningthe recommendations ofPCC must be made tobe accepted nationwide.This process will equallyreduce litigations at theregular courts. If PCC isnot a toothless bulldog,Hon. Ogor should dosomething? The PCCmust be made to barkand bite.

Nowinta, wroteWHERE WE ARE

lumping the protectorates

We see a grand design by theLegislative and Executive branches to rigthe Judiciary out of existence...We mustquaickly halt this open invitation toanarchy!