nievas - primary level - journals

Trainee’s name: María Cecilia Nievas Practicum level: Primary school Group: 5 th blue Date: 03/09/2015 Lesson number: 1 1. What pedagogical principles supported the planning and delivery of this lesson? The lesson planning was based on the Communicative approach, in order to develop their communicative skills through activities that included the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The topic was presented following the Presentation- Practice-Production procedure with different activities related to each step. 2. What teaching strategies did you use? Which ones were effective? Why / why not? This lesson was student-centered, the aim of each activity was that they identify new vocabulary from the context, answer questions using their previous and their new knowledge, and participate every time they want to. I gave whole group instructions using examples, body language and pictures and then I walked among the students helping the ones that had problems while developing the activities: I repeated the instruction to the ones that had doubts regarding it, sometimes changing the words I used the first time in order to make it easier for them; and I used gestures, body language, pictures or flashcards when they did not remember the meaning of any words. 3. How did the students react to your teaching, to the activities and the materials? How did they react to the lesson? When students arrived at the class and they saw the big and colorful poster they were surprised. They liked that we used a lot of pictures, colours, different characters and a video/song to introduce the topic, they made a lot of short activities so they felt motivated to continue working. While we watched the video, some students danced a little even they were sitting at their desks. They had a lot of fun while they learnt, in each activity they could include what they had learnt in the previous one, too. I had to ask for silence twice only when we started one of the activities (because some students finished

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Page 1: Nievas - Primary level - Journals

Trainee’s name: María Cecilia NievasPracticum level: Primary schoolGroup: 5th blueDate: 03/09/2015Lesson number: 1 1. What pedagogical principles supported the planning and delivery of this lesson?The lesson planning was based on the Communicative approach, in order to develop their communicative skills through activities that included the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The topic was presented following the Presentation-Practice-Production procedure with different activities related to each step. 2. What teaching strategies did you use? Which ones were effective? Why / why not?This lesson was student-centered, the aim of each activity was that they identify new vocabulary from the context, answer questions using their previous and their new knowledge, and participate every time they want to. I gave whole group instructions using examples, body language and pictures and then I walked among the students helping the ones that had problems while developing the activities: I repeated the instruction to the ones that had doubts regarding it, sometimes changing the words I used the first time in order to make it easier for them; and I used gestures, body language, pictures or flashcards when they did not remember the meaning of any words. 3. How did the students react to your teaching, to the activities and the materials? How did they react to the lesson?When students arrived at the class and they saw the big and colorful poster they were surprised. They liked that we used a lot of pictures, colours, different characters and a video/song to introduce the topic, they made a lot of short activities so they felt motivated to continue working. While we watched the video, some students danced a little even they were sitting at their desks. They had a lot of fun while they learnt, in each activity they could include what they had learnt in the previous one, too. I had to ask for silence twice only when we started one of the activities (because some students finished it quickly and I asked them to help other classmates so they were not sitting in their places when I started to talk), the rest of the lesson they paid attention to every explanation and instruction that I gave them. 4. What aspects of the lesson do you consider successful?Walking among the students was great as I was able to notice particular problems and to help them individually, encouraging shy students to answer calmly and in the correct way. Materials were well developed, too, as I explained in the previous question. They also worked in an organized way, developing the activities, pasting them in their folders, copying from the blackboard when I told them to do it. They are a great group and when they are engaged with activities it is really easy to develop the lesson.

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5. What aspects of the lesson require change / improvement?I should pay more attention to the time next class because I had a watch but we were not able to finish the last activity on time, so we did not sing the video song at the end of the lesson. Furthermore, students had some problems while developing the last activity: they had a lot of doubts when giving the directions orally, so we are going to practice more during the next lesson, starting with short written and oral instructions until they are able to write a short text explaining how to arrive at certain place/building. 6. What do you find useful of this lesson that will help you plan the next one?Next lessons will be developed taking into account the new needs and preferences that I could observed as a teacher during this lesson.On the one hand, I will include more written activities where they have to write sentences or a short texts because they need more written practice but I will include oral activities because they like them, they participate a lot in that kind of activities. On the other hand, I will continue working with body language, as they love to copy it, songs, and pictures because they show themselves highly enthusiastic when I used them in this first lesson.

7. Any comments or observations you would like to share may be added here.I was a little nervous at the beginning of the class as they are a big group, but I am sure I created a good atmosphere because they worked a lot and they were involved with the different activities. I am a little sad because I lost the opportunity to record the first lesson, now I only have what I was able to record in my mind in order to improve it for the next lesson (the teacher was more than satisfied with the lesson development and the children’s reaction).

Trainee’s name: María Cecilia NievasPracticum level: Primary schoolGroup: 5th blueDate: 10/09/2015Lesson number: 2 1. What pedagogical principles supported the planning and delivery of this lesson?I designed the lesson plan based on the Communicative approach, including different activities to develop their listening and writing skills. The topic was performed following the Presentation-Practice-Production method. 2. What teaching strategies did you use? Which ones were effective? Why / why not?All the activities connected the topic (giving directions) with the story. All the instructions were given in English using body language and classroom objects (scissors, glue, and so on) in order to help students to understand everything. I also asked students some questions about the

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instruction and to repeat some of my actions, for example, picking up their glue. After giving the instructions I walked among the students to check if they understood. I found two students who were a little lost, so I explained to them again the activity using examples and different vocabulary. I set the context taking into account their previous knowledge and students were able to infer vocabulary from it. Although there were only 20 students, they participated a lot. I left on board useful vocabulary that they needed to complete the activities and students used them to complete their sentences and texts. 3. How did the students react to your teaching, to the activities and the materials? How did they react to the lesson?Students remembered the video we had used the previous class, the lyrics and all the vocabulary that we had learnt. They were very enthusiastic when I told them that they could choose the path that they preferred to guide the princess. They really liked the story and the fact that the knight had to rescue a princess; they all were very surprised with the end of the story. When we developed the next activity, most of the students remembered all the characters and events. They paid attention during the entire lesson and worked hard with all the activities. 4. What aspects of the lesson do you consider successful?I believe I chose the correct material to work with this group; they were very engaged with each activity. Classroom management was perfect as they were very concentrated. Walking among the students was as effective as in the previous lesson. 5. What aspects of the lesson require change / improvement?We were not able to develop the last activity because I used a lot of time for the first activity. That was their first time writing a short text and I believed that was a very important activity so I spent more time in order to help each student to write the note because it was an encouraging activity and they were working hard to complete it. 6. What do you find useful of this lesson that will help you plan the next one?Next lesson plan will include a lot of written activities because they need them and they like them. I will continue using pictures and colours because they love them. Providing them with a lot of material make them feel curious about what is to come so I will work with more photocopies but I will use the book, too because even they did not ask about it, they always take it to the classroom. 7. Any comments or observations you would like to share may be added here.Last Thursday it snowed in our city so 10 students were absent. Next lesson I won’t complete the last activity that we were not able to do during this lesson because those students did not listen to the story. I will work with the next topic: describing cities; but we will write a lot as I want them to improve their writing skills.

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Trainee’s name: María Cecilia NievasPracticum level: Primary schoolGroup: 5th blueDate: 17/09/2015Lesson number: 3 1. What pedagogical principles supported the planning and delivery of this lesson?The lesson plan was designed based on the Communicative approach. The topic was performed by the Presentation-Practice-Production method. The lesson plan includes different activities in order to develop the children’s writing skills. 2. What teaching strategies did you use? Which ones were effective? Why / why not?During the lesson students learnt to describe a city according mainly to the buildings it has got. Each activity scaffolds students’ development of the knowledge required to be able to describe a city. All the instructions were given in English using a lot of written examples on board and in the copies; I gave them oral examples, too. When they had to write sentences regarding the first city, they had a lot of doubts so we wrote some sentences altogether on board, after that they were able to write the rest of the sentences alone. When completing the text about our city, students answered properly but they were not able to complete the text in the same way. When I realized that, I started to write the text on board with their answers; maybe they need more practice before starting this kind of activities. After giving each instruction I walked among the students and they worked hard trying to complete each activity. During this lesson I left on board useful vocabulary, too. 3. How did the students react to your teaching, to the activities and the materials? How did they react to the lesson?Students paid attention while I explained the activities and they participated a lot. They worked hard because written activities are quite encouraging for them. Three students wanted to talk about a new videogame, so I had to remind them to complete the activities and they obeyed my instructions. They were very enthusiastic about working with famous cities and they shared their knowledge about them. 4. What aspects of the lesson do you consider successful?I believe that after working during two lessons with written activities students have learnt a lot and they have developed their writing skills. Students were very engaged with the activities so I think I made the correct decision while I designed them. Furthermore, they practice a lot the new vocabulary so they are able to choose the correct name of each building and use the correct directions to give instructions. Of course they need to practice more describing cities but we have learned a lot during these three lessons. 5. What aspects of the lesson require change / improvement?

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Some students did not take their book to the school, so they had to share some books, I believe that as I wasn’t aware of this possibility I should gave them a copy of the texts. Furthermore, we only worked with the text about Paris because I saw they got confused with the previous activity so we started to complete the chart altogether. 6. What do you find useful of this lesson that will help you plan the next one?Of course I will take into account the aspects that I mentioned in the previous question even the lesson plans will be for adolescents. 7. Any comments or observations you would like to share may be added here.Taking into account that some students complete activities quite faster than other ones, I have some doubts while designing activities. I believe I designed the correct activities because the result at the end of each lesson but I always have this in mind.