nian - penn libraries · the plnnsylm\nian volume price,xxiv.-no. 124 philadelphia, tuesday ... the...

THE PLNNSYLM\NIAN VOLUME XXIV.-NO. 124 PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1909. PRICE, THREE CENTS TETRAZZINI SATURDAY NIGHT. Hammersteln Announces That Prima Donna Will Sing Role of Elvira in Bellini's "I Purltanl." Agaiu this week will the Italian opera hold forth at the Philadelphia Open Home, tor on Saturday night Bellini's most successful opera, "I Purltanl," will he sung. This work was tlrst produeed at Pans in 1888 outer 'he personal super- vision of the composer. Its success ,;,. Instantaneous and was ranked ahead of his "Norma" and "Sonnani- bula." Blnoe (hat time the opera has been played in all the houses of Europe, and for two years, irhen Ham- mersti In opened hit Manhattan Opera I i in Ham was his selection. ;..,.,, weell Hi' Open was again re- ami met With great approval from 'he Ne* Voi-u public. The libretto ol the open is one of the |),>€> i si ever furnished to Bellini, bui the music is without doubt su- perlor to his other works. Typical of th old Italian school, It abounds with melodies which are both [aaol- nal Dl ami original in their composl- tlon. Many artlsls have appeared in the casl of this opera, hut it is safe to say lhat none have been beiier fined than Tetrasslnl and Constantino, who ate hilled to sing this coming Sat- urdaj night Bellini when he oompoaod this opera required much of the soprano and tenor, and it is doubtful If ever two equipped artists than these two have been heard in "1 Purltanl " Pattl, Qerater and Jenny i.ind and all the other gronl coloraturlati have been heard as the unlucky Kliira, who is i.-il of her lover and her reason almost simultaneously. Tetrazxlnl lias long I n partial to the works of the early Italian writers, for they give her florid and uncompai- bis cantratrl ;.i voice ample oppor- tunity ami the role of Kiira lacks nothing which would give the diva a chance to trill. Constantino, who is i M such a superb -R<> dolphe in "La Beheme" several s will be heard as Lord Arthur, and his singing of that part In New Tort last weel created the furore of his career. impn i'i. ilnl. Arimalda ami \, "/-/a will con ilete the cast, which promlsei to git a the wee! end subscrtbi is one of the Bneet produc- tions of the season The managemenl of the Phlladel- pria Opera House has granted to The Pennsylvanlan an unusual large mint- ber of tickets, so that all subscribers to the paper will apply on Thursday, Instead of Friday, Si the usual hours, for the cards. CHICAGO BASKETBALL SERIES. MUSICAL SUCCESS COMPLETE. SELECTIONS FOR THE CAST. Three Games to Be Arranged—Chicago Champions of West—Teams to Meet In New York in Case of Tie. Crews on River Again. Three regular 'Varsity and three Freshman crews went out on the river srday afternoon for the first time since last Wednesday. In addition a fourth boat of octopede and fourth Varsity men went over the course. Thll boat consisted of Weimer, Marks, Ivory, Smith, Harris. Howard. Helsler, and Kepllnger, stroke, with Rosen- garten as coxswain. The seating of the other boats remains the same. The octopede shell has not yet been brought Into the boat house. The float Is now In position on the south hank, and the launch took a number of men back last night. However It will not meet the crews coming over until a definite time shall be fixed. The Tale crews have been on the water for several weeks. There are nnw six 'Varsity and nine Freshman boats out It is now highly probable that a series of three basketball games will be arranged with the l"uiversity of Chicago, the champions of the West. Negotiations have been under way for some time by Manager J. K. Lee, and arrangements satisfactory to both ' teams have been made. The first ' game will most likely be played In j Philadelphia, the second in Chicago, and in case of a tie the third game will ' take place in New York. No definite dates have vet been made lor Ibis series), but 11 is believed that the first game ..ill bi played clost to .v.arch 20th. The Maroon and White was rap resented bj an exceptional!] strong i.-.nil ia. i ..• ,.MII: and "on both the Ural games played, thus capturing the si ries The Red and Blue in' anxious tu retileve themsi Ivaa bj a >i tiny this year, and it i.- generally believed at the basketball headquarters thai the team si it has been playing in the lasi two ga ranks tnoel favorably with an] college team In 'he country. It is vi rj unfortunate thai a third and deciding ga with Columbia could not be in tanged, Manegei Lee s-roti to the Columbia managemenl in be- half of anothi r game, but the response Was that ths team had disbanded f"i' the season Pennsylvania has defeated every team in the Intercollegiate Basketball League at leasl on. e. but Columbia claimi the championship owing to the fait that he: team administered two defi ate to fa •. while the Red and Blue onlj eat ture i one game, Penn- i] i-,anil li i ated Colui Mi o decls- Ivi |] 0 n Wedm id i last, however, that it niusi be sol BOS I I ' leasl that the two i e> ui> matched. it i ketball prai tlos will ;»• oontln- III (l iien ait' i noon in r Lee It arranging to put] i garni with Bwarthm ire Ci liege elthi r Friday night or Saturday afternoon in the Oi mnaalum. Interclass Indoor Meet. Si viral oss depaiturns «HI i"' In- troduced In the miei- ia.-s nee) which Is to lie held to-morrow afternoon on the indoor track si Franklin Field. En- tries will be mate according to the number Of yean that the candidate has worked under Trainer Murphy. The teams will not then Btrlctly represent the classes. The six winners In each event Will be given points, as follows: First, tea second, sight; third, six: fourth, four; fifth, two. and sixth, one. CaptalO llaiuanft said yesterday: "'Mike' Murphy must get a line on in w material before spring. If new men cannot be found, our prospects for the Intercollegiate will not be very bright." Wrestling Practice Yesterday. Much spirit and snap were shown at the wrestling practice held In the rowing room of the Gymnasium yester- day afternoon. Van Watering, the new coach, gave the heavyweights a long drill, paying particular attention to Pike, who was out for the first time. Coaches Emil Beck and Charles Brown put the remainder of the squad through a stiff drill. 'Varsity Baseball Practice. The following 'Varsity baseball men will report for practice to-day at 1.30: BhuKl, Ely, Wernlrk, Thayer, Wood, Rhodes, Bushong, Musser, Watts, Al- dendlfer, Torrey. Lay, Moore, Dlckson, Smiley, Jones, Collier, Robeson, Bar- roll. Signed: Glbbons-Neff. Orchestra Plays to Over a Thousand People in Gymnasium Last Night. Concerts Assured for Future. Music at the University received an in.p. a.- lust night of whicli the effect Is sure to be long remembered. Over a thousand people crowded into Weightnian Hall to hear the second concert of the I'nlverslty series by the Philadelphia Orchestra and listened with rapt attention to a music strange to the Gymnasium walls, students formed the larger part of the audience and, as though reeling the influence of the great athletic arena just outside, expressed their approbation of the conductor, the soloisl and the orches- ,Ira b) Cheen lUCO as are the reward ol onlj -i i"'loui gridiron hoioss li was a iii turesque sight. At one end oi the hall nas the great platform Orowded ii.h iininiciuiis and inslru- ii eii I, as liiuugh transported bodily from the well-known itage of the Aoad- .11.i; t bi n the audience, bright with ihe splashes of color of feminine at- .iii.l il ccaslonal while slilit- fronl oi an ornamental usher, and in rear of the hall paradox of para- ' the baseball bleachers had b en ' IVI ted and were blank with students listening avidly to the musi- ••a. treat bul serenely unconaclous of the Incongrult) of their situation. To |l te the I ivir i s> 11 log there Wen all about, on the walls and the roof, the paraphernalia ol an art the antithesis Of Pohllg'S rings, nets, dumb bells, ropes and iv« iglits ill a ben Uderlng arraj. in tins remarkable environment the (in hi itra playi d i i oncer! that fully iried the reputation b] which n has t II preceded, and of which I he terri- bly pessimistic Fourth Bympbonj of Tschaikowak) was the leading num- ber This was played With B full ap- pi elation oi Iti possibilities, the hope- en of the fir i movement, and the sardonic j' itlng of the soherao winning particular admiration. The soii-i was Herman Bandby, wlthi ren- dition »f Tschalkowsky'a "Variations on a Kiiiiii'ii The ' He did not s i io he at his heal lasl night, showing a rather weak technique In tin more In- tricate paasages. Ha was enthusla* tii ally applauded, how ever, and for an encoie played The Bwan," by Saint- Beans. The "Peer Oynl Suite" of Grieg and Von Welter's -i ibrron" over- ture completed a memorable program, it is confidently predicted that the success of this series of concerts en- i sures a similar series next year and possibly in future ones, and everyone interested in the musical advance of students at Pennsylvania Is delighted With the prospect. Ten Men Are Chosen to Assume Roles in This Year's Production of the Mask and Wig Club. Notice, Wharton School Students. On Thursday afternoon Professor Rowe will accompany the class In Municipal Government on a visit to the Tuberculosis Exhibition. The Di- rector of the exhibition will fully ex- plain the exhibition to the members of the class and will discuss the Influ- ence of city environment on disease, with special reference In tuberculosis. The members of the class In Municipal Government are requested to meet Dr. Rowe at the exhibition, 921 Walnut street, at three o'clock sharp In the Director's office. Students of the Wharton School are also welcome. Gymnastic Championships. The Middle States Interscholastlc Championships will be held In the | Gymnasium on March 19th at eight o'clock. There will be six events, which will be run off In the following order: Horizontal bar, side rorse, club swinging, parallel bars, flying rings and tumbling. Junior Banquet Committee. There will be a meeting of the Junior Banquet Committee at 5.15 to- day in Room 205, College Hall. A. R. Stanley, Chairman. Philo-Zelo Debate March 19th. The annual Phllomathean-Zelosophic debate will take place In Price Hall, Law School, on Friday evening, March 19th. The subject Is: "Resolved, That the Federal Government should guarantee deposits In the national hanks." The affirmative will be up- held by Phllo, the negative by Zelo. From a list of twenty-four candi- dates for the cast of this year's play of the Mask and Wig Club but ten remain, nine of whom will constitute the final make up. The Committee on Production, con- sisting of Messrs. Coulston, Donald- son, Mohr and .Morgan, have found great difficulty in selecting the men this year, owing to the quantity and quality of the candidates, and it is only after the Keeiiesi competition that they are able io announce the lucceesful competitors. The play Is from the pen of the late playwright of the (Tub. Mr. winiam Ernst, and is entitled 'Merely a Mon- arch." it is an opera bluff in two acts with many musical numbers and dances introduced. E. H. Rogers. '09 Wh., will play the part of the "Duke of Vosburg." Rog- er- has in en a member of the chorus the pasi two seasons and was In this wars preliminary performance, 'Lord Quj Addlepate," a British Peer, will be played by N. St. C. Hales, P. C, who was so successful in last year's show as the English "Lord An- Btruther." M. 8. Pettit. '09 Wh., has been chosen for the part of "Danny lories." a student at Coleville. Pettit lias been the star for the past two years, when he won fame in "Herr Lohengrin" as the "Goose'' and in "Uncle Barn's Ditch" as "Cotoldl." The pan of "Hiram Hanks" will he filled by K \ Martin. '09 I... a mem- ber of the cast for the past two years. "Herr Von Sehraden" will be played hi o Care, 18 wh . a member of the preliminary east this winter. o. B. Klesewetter, 'ii C, and W. P. D Arch, will play the parts of "Count \liertiit" and "Dorothy," "Hank's" daughter, respectively. Both were participant! In the recent pre- liminary performance. The character! Of "Knld." "Hank's" Hi d. and "Beatrice Barefax," a yel- low lonrnalist. are still open to com- petition between D H Smith, 11 0.) ! S. H. Smith, Ml II., and R. C. Schmidt, '12 Wh. Both the dancing and singing chorus are being drilled Into shape under Ihe able tutorage of Mr Morgan. ThS former will consist of twenty-six and ' the latter of Sixteen men, and together with the <ast and alternates will com- ! prise a company of sixty-nine mem- i hers. WEATHER REPORT. Honor System Committee. Important meeting of the Honor Sys- tem Committee at two o'clock this afternoon In The Pennsylvanlan office. Signed: Wayne H. Folger, Chairman. I'nited States Weather Report for U>-day: Cloudy followed by rain. CALENDAR OF TODAY'S EVENTS 12.00—Kent and Wilson Law Clubs meet, Law School Building. 1.15—Sophomore Banquet Committee meeting, Room 205, College Hall. 1.15—Freshman Banquet Committee meeting, Room 205, College Hall. 1.15—Freshman Collectors meet, In Room 214, College Hall. 1.30—Baseball practice, In the Gym- nasium. 3.30—Basketball practice, In the Gym- nasium. 4.00—Auxiliary lecture In law. Law School Building. 4.00—Free public lecture, Museum of Science and Art. 5.15—Junior Banquet Committee will meet in Room 205, College Hall. 8.00—Camera Club meeting, Houston Hall.

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Hammersteln Announces That Prima Donna Will Sing Role of Elvira in

Bellini's "I Purltanl."

Agaiu this week will the Italian opera hold forth at the Philadelphia Open Home, tor on Saturday night Bellini's most successful opera, "I Purltanl," will he sung.

This work was tlrst produeed at Pans in 1888 outer 'he personal super- vision of the composer. Its success ,;,. Instantaneous and was ranked ahead of his "Norma" and "Sonnani- bula." Blnoe (hat time the opera has been played in all the houses of Europe, and for two years, irhen Ham- mersti In opened hit Manhattan Opera

I i in Ham was his selection.

;..,.,, weell Hi' Open was again re- ami met With great approval

from 'he Ne* Voi-u public. The libretto ol the open is one of

the |),>€>■ i si ever furnished to Bellini, bui the music is without doubt su- perlor to his other works. Typical of th old Italian school, It abounds with melodies which are both [aaol- nal Dl ami original in their composl- tlon. Many artlsls have appeared in the casl of this opera, hut it is safe to say lhat none have been beiier fined than Tetrasslnl and Constantino, who ate hilled to sing this coming Sat- urdaj night

Bellini when he oompoaod this opera required much of the soprano and tenor, and it is doubtful If ever two

equipped artists than these two have been heard in "1 Purltanl " Pattl, Qerater and Jenny i.ind and all the other gronl coloraturlati have been heard as the unlucky Kliira, who is

■i.-il of her lover and her reason almost simultaneously.

Tetrazxlnl lias long I n partial to the works of the early Italian writers, for they give her florid and uncompai- ■bis cantratrl ;.i voice ample oppor- tunity ami the role of Kiira lacks nothing which would give the diva a chance to trill. Constantino, who is

i M such a superb -R<> dolphe in "La Beheme" several s

will be heard as Lord Arthur, and his singing of that part In New Tort last weel created the furore of his career.

impn i'i. ilnl. Arimalda ami \, "/-/a will con ilete the cast, which promlsei to git a the wee! end subscrtbi is one of the Bneet produc- tions of the season

The managemenl of the Phlladel- pria Opera House has granted to The Pennsylvanlan an unusual large mint- ber of tickets, so that all subscribers to the paper will apply on Thursday, Instead of Friday, Si the usual hours, for the cards.


Champions of West—Teams to Meet In New York in Case of Tie.

Crews on River Again. Three regular 'Varsity and three

Freshman crews went out on the river srday afternoon for the first time

since last Wednesday. In addition a fourth boat of octopede and fourth Varsity men went over the course. Thll boat consisted of Weimer, Marks, Ivory, Smith, Harris. Howard. Helsler, and Kepllnger, stroke, with Rosen- garten as coxswain. The seating of the other boats remains the same.

The octopede shell has not yet been brought Into the boat house. The float Is now In position on the south hank, and the launch took a number of men back last night. However It will not meet the crews coming over until a definite time shall be fixed.

The Tale crews have been on the water for several weeks. There are nnw six 'Varsity and nine Freshman boats out

It is now highly probable that a series of three basketball games will be arranged with the l"uiversity of Chicago, the champions of the West. Negotiations have been under way for some time by Manager J. K. Lee, and arrangements satisfactory to both ' teams have been made. The first ' game will most likely be played In j Philadelphia, the second in Chicago, and in case of a tie the third game will ' take place in New York. No definite dates have vet been made lor Ibis series), but 11 is believed that the first game ..ill bi played clost to .v.arch 20th. The Maroon and White was rap resented bj an exceptional!] strong i.-.nil ia. i ..•■,.MII: and "on both the Ural games played, thus capturing the si ries The Red and Blue in' anxious tu retileve themsi Ivaa bj a >i tiny this year, and it i.- generally believed at the basketball headquarters thai the team si it has been playing in the lasi two ga ■ ranks tnoel favorably with an] college team In 'he country. It is vi rj unfortunate thai a third and deciding ga with Columbia could not be in tanged, Manegei Lee s-roti to the Columbia managemenl in be- half of anothi r game, but the response Was that ths team had disbanded f"i' the season

Pennsylvania has defeated every team in the Intercollegiate Basketball League at leasl on. e. but Columbia claimi the championship owing to the fait that he: team administered two defi ate to fa ■ •. while the Red and Blue onlj eat ture i one game, Penn- i] i-,anil li i ated Colui Mi o decls- Ivi |] 0n Wedm id i last, however, that it niusi be sol BOS I I ' leasl that the two i e> ui> matched.

it i ketball prai tlos will ;»• oontln- III (l iien ait' i noon in r Lee It arranging to put] i garni with Bwarthm ire Ci liege elthi r Friday night or Saturday afternoon in the Oi mnaalum.

Interclass Indoor Meet. Si viral oss depaiturns «HI i"' In-

troduced In the miei- ia.-s nee) which Is to lie held to-morrow afternoon on the indoor track si Franklin Field. En- tries will be mate according to the number Of yean that the candidate has worked under Trainer Murphy. The teams will not then Btrlctly represent the classes. The six winners In each event Will be given points, as follows: First, tea second, sight; third, six: fourth, four; fifth, two. and sixth, one.

CaptalO llaiuanft said yesterday: "'Mike' Murphy must get a line on in w material before spring. If new men cannot be found, our prospects for the Intercollegiate will not be very bright."

Wrestling Practice Yesterday. Much spirit and snap were shown

at the wrestling practice held In the rowing room of the Gymnasium yester- day afternoon. Van Watering, the new coach, gave the heavyweights a long drill, paying particular attention to Pike, who was out for the first time. Coaches Emil Beck and Charles Brown put the remainder of the squad through a stiff drill.

'Varsity Baseball Practice. The following 'Varsity baseball men

will report for practice to-day at 1.30: BhuKl, Ely, Wernlrk, Thayer, Wood, Rhodes, Bushong, Musser, Watts, Al- dendlfer, Torrey. Lay, Moore, Dlckson, Smiley, Jones, Collier, Robeson, Bar- roll. Signed: Glbbons-Neff.

Orchestra Plays to Over a Thousand People in Gymnasium Last Night.

Concerts Assured for Future.

Music at the University received an in.p.■■a.- lust night of whicli the effect Is sure to be long remembered. Over a thousand people crowded into Weightnian Hall to hear the second concert of the I'nlverslty series by the Philadelphia Orchestra and listened with rapt attention to a music strange to the Gymnasium walls, students formed the larger part of the audience and, as though reeling the influence of the great athletic arena just outside, expressed their approbation of the conductor, the soloisl and the orches-

,Ira b) Cheen lUCO as are the reward ol onlj -i i"'loui gridiron hoioss

li was a iii turesque sight. At one end oi the hall nas the great platform Orowded ii.h iininiciuiis and inslru- ii eii I, as liiuugh transported bodily from the well-known itage of the Aoad- .11.i; t bi n the audience, bright with ihe splashes of color of feminine at-

.iii.l il ccaslonal while slilit- fronl oi an ornamental usher, and in

rear of the hall paradox of para- ' the baseball bleachers had

b en ' IVI ted and were blank with students listening avidly to the musi- ••a. treat bul serenely unconaclous of the Incongrult) of their situation. To

|l te the ■ I ivir i s> 11 log there Wen all about, on the walls and the roof, the paraphernalia ol an art the antithesis Of Pohllg'S rings, nets, dumb bells, ropes and iv« iglits ill a ben Uderlng arraj.

in tins remarkable environment the (in hi itra playi d i i oncer! that fully

iried the reputation b] which n has t II preceded, and of which I he terri- bly pessimistic Fourth Bympbonj of Tschaikowak) was the leading num- ber This was played With B full ap- pi elation oi Iti possibilities, the hope-

en of the fir i movement, and the sardonic j' itlng of the soherao winning particular admiration. The soii-i was Herman Bandby, wlthi ren- dition »f Tschalkowsky'a "Variations on a Kiiiiii'ii The ' He did not s i io he at his heal lasl night, showing a rather weak technique In tin more In- tricate paasages. Ha was enthusla* tii ally applauded, how ever, and for an encoie played The Bwan," by Saint- Beans. The "Peer Oynl Suite" of Grieg and Von Welter's -i ibrron" over- ture completed a memorable program,

it is confidently predicted that the success of this series of concerts en-

i sures a similar series next year and possibly in future ones, and everyone interested in the musical advance of students at Pennsylvania Is delighted With the prospect.

Ten Men Are Chosen to Assume Roles in This Year's Production of the

Mask and Wig Club.

Notice, Wharton School Students. On Thursday afternoon Professor

Rowe will accompany the class In Municipal Government on a visit to the Tuberculosis Exhibition. The Di- rector of the exhibition will fully ex- plain the exhibition to the members of the class and will discuss the Influ- ence of city environment on disease, with special reference In tuberculosis. The members of the class In Municipal Government are requested to meet Dr. Rowe at the exhibition, 921 Walnut street, at three o'clock sharp In the Director's office. Students of the Wharton School are also welcome.

Gymnastic Championships. The Middle States Interscholastlc

Championships will be held In the | Gymnasium on March 19th at eight o'clock. There will be six events, which will be run off In the following order: Horizontal bar, side rorse, club swinging, parallel bars, flying rings and tumbling.

Junior Banquet Committee. There will be a meeting of the

Junior Banquet Committee at 5.15 to- day in Room 205, College Hall. A. R. Stanley, Chairman.

Philo-Zelo Debate March 19th. The annual Phllomathean-Zelosophic

debate will take place In Price Hall, Law School, on Friday evening, March 19th. The subject Is: "Resolved, That the Federal Government should guarantee deposits In the national hanks." The affirmative will be up- held by Phllo, the negative by Zelo.

From a list of twenty-four candi- dates for the cast of this year's play of the Mask and Wig Club but ten remain, nine of whom will constitute the final make up.

The Committee on Production, con- sisting of Messrs. Coulston, Donald- son, Mohr and .Morgan, have found great difficulty in selecting the men this year, owing to the quantity and quality of the candidates, and it is only after the Keeiiesi competition that they are able io announce the lucceesful competitors.

The play Is from the pen of the late playwright of the (Tub. Mr. winiam Ernst, and is entitled 'Merely a Mon- arch." it is an opera bluff in two acts with many musical numbers and dances introduced.

E. H. Rogers. '09 Wh., will play the part of the "Duke of Vosburg." Rog- er- has in en a member of the chorus the pasi two seasons and was In this wars preliminary performance, 'Lord Quj Addlepate," a British Peer, will be played by N. St. C. Hales, P. C, who was so successful in last year's show as the English "Lord An- Btruther." M. 8. Pettit. '09 Wh., has been chosen for the part of "Danny lories." a student at Coleville. Pettit lias been the star for the past two years, when he won fame in "Herr Lohengrin" as the "Goose'' and in "Uncle Barn's Ditch" as "Cotoldl."

The pan of "Hiram Hanks" will he filled by K \ Martin. '09 I... a mem- ber of the cast for the past two years.

"Herr Von Sehraden" will be played hi o Care, 18 wh . a member of the preliminary east this winter.

o. B. Klesewetter, 'ii C, and W. P. D Arch, will play the parts of "Count \liertiit" and "Dorothy," "Hank's" daughter, respectively. Both were participant! In the recent pre- liminary performance.

The character! Of "Knld." "Hank's" Hi d. and "Beatrice Barefax," a yel- low lonrnalist. are still open to com-

• petition between D H Smith, 11 0.) ! S. H. Smith, Ml II., and R. C. Schmidt, • '12 Wh.

Both the dancing and singing chorus are being drilled Into shape under Ihe able tutorage of Mr Morgan. ThS former will consist of twenty-six and

' the latter of Sixteen men, and together with the <ast and alternates will com-

! prise a company of sixty-nine mem- i hers.


Honor System Committee. Important meeting of the Honor Sys-

tem Committee at two o'clock this afternoon In The Pennsylvanlan office. Signed: Wayne H. Folger, Chairman.

I'nited States Weather Report for U>-day: Cloudy followed by rain.


12.00—Kent and Wilson Law Clubs meet, Law School Building.

1.15—Sophomore Banquet Committee meeting, Room 205, College Hall.

1.15—Freshman Banquet Committee meeting, Room 205, College Hall.

1.15—Freshman Collectors meet, In Room 214, College Hall.

1.30—Baseball practice, In the Gym- nasium.

3.30—Basketball practice, In the Gym- nasium.

4.00—Auxiliary lecture In law. Law School Building.

4.00—Free public lecture, Museum of Science and Art.

5.15—Junior Banquet Committee will meet in Room 205, College Hall.

8.00—Camera Club meeting, Houston Hall.


THE PENNSYLVANIAN Medical News. ■mtarad at Philadelphia Poat Office aa

aecond-claar matter.

WublUhad dally (Sunday excepted) during tha Vnlveralty year In the Interest of

Tha Student! of tha Unlveralty of Pennaylvanla.







W K. .lohneon. 'M. IV K Hurrle 10. J F. Harbeaon. MO. W A WlSdMihelm. 11




Bullneaa Manaaer'a Office Hour*: 1 to ! F. M Polly

Office: S4R1 Woodbind Avenue.




ORCHESTRA SUCCESS For the second sad Bnal time this

■eason Pennsylvania welcomed the

Philadelphia Orchestra laal evenlsi

In Weightman Hall The occasion a is

a pronounced raw

crowded to the doora, the Orchestn

was at its best, tl i Ion which

was aw 01 led each and ei ery \ endltlon

wi ail the niosi enthusiastic music-

lover could desire,

We are sorry to bid Carl Pohllg and

his artists adieu, but we are glad to

announce thai our adieu Is but for

a few months' time at the moat Ni si

season Pennsylvania is in ex-

tended course of concerts i

have been m ide possible only b]

tremendous success of iiiis year's w i

ture, for It v '' i nly ■ von-

ture, the outcome of which leaves noth-

ing to i>e desired

We wish in the nai r Ponnsyl

van la to thank the Orchestra and to

heartily commend the support which

the concerts of 1909 have met with,

Although It Is with a feeling of regrel

that we realize that the Orchestra will

be with us no more this year, we look

forward with pleasure lo what Is to


Soccer Game with Haverford. Pennsylvania's soccer team baa re-

turned from New York, where the) were defeated on Saturda> by the close score of 2 to l. Yesterday afternoon the team was given it brisk practice on Franklin Field. The next game will be played against Haverford on Sat- urday, Marer 18th. This team Is very strong this year and are getting In their best form lo meet the Red and Blue.

The picture of the first-year class will be taken this morning alter Dr. Stevens' lecture.

Notice to third and fourth yea: classes Hi Tyson will begin on Dis- ease* of the Kidneys to-day.

Freshman Banquet Committee. There will he an important meeting

of the Freshman llanquet Committee to-day at 1.15 in Room 205. College Hall. Members must bring all unsold tickets. Aubrey Huston. Chairman

Wanted, Candidates for Circus. Wanter. dancers for ballet, original

burlesques, comic characters, and men for open parts. Room for everybody. Turn out. Signed: S M. Finn. Chair- man Specialty Committee.

"Red and Blue" Picture. The "Red and Blue" picture will he

taken today, at 1,30. In the Dormitory arch under the dock.

An examination will be held at the Carney Hospital. Boston. Mass., on Saturday. March 20. 1909, to rill twelve vanoaaolea on the house staff. Bar vices are for fourteen months and two weeks each. Applications are lo be made to Dr. John T. llotlomley. 160 Beacon street, Boston, Mass.

The annual examination for position of Internes In the B i< smith Infirm- ary, Tompklnsvillc. Richmond Bor- ough. New York City, »iii be held al the Hospital on March 20, 1909, al 10 \ M. Two positions will be Oiled for the term of two years Applications should be addressed to the chief of the medical staff. S K. Smith Infirmary, Tompklnsvllle, Btaten island, N. Y.

The Board of Managers of th< Bl Christopher's Hospital for children. i awren s and Huntingdon streets, Philadelphia, will appoint three real dent physicians each for the barm of one year Applications for appoint- ments should be made to Dr Thomas It Nellaon, chief of staff, northwest corner of Seventeenth: and Bansom

i ts, Philadelphia

Bxamlnatlon* for the position "i n iiient pb slclan to Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa . will be held In the new Medical i aboratorlea, Lecture Room n, I'nlversltj of Penns] Ivanla, and al

Merc] ! iospltal, Pittsburgh, Pa., Saturday, Mar, h 27, 19 <:< al I P M

i, ni> • ill be appointed for a term of oni j ear d ttlng from An 1, 1909,

Seniors are Invited to attend lec- tures on the Physical Action of Drugs, given b] Dr. Wood to the medical students, this morning from eleven to twelve o'clock.

Dr, Henry Marshall will continue lecturing on Meat Hygiene on Monday evenings from eight until nine o'clock during the absence of Dr Castor, who regularly gives this course.

The Board of Manager) of thi S< i He Po In* Slid Won en al V

lantic Clt resident physli from lane Nt in itctober 1st Thi sit Ion not only offers a most comfort- able bei th al • » il foi the summer, but also gives an op

ome familiar erlth tha minor all of « omi n of • hlch everj phj si-

oi in must meet mam oases In the ■ of his pr lotlce, but which

he has little Opportunlt 1 tO I" I fan lllar s Ith In hoi pltal experience. \ mid be made to Hi Wil li.iin ii Bennett physician in charge, Mi eer Mei iai Hi Atlantic City

cants must furnish excellent t< timon nal character and : ledlcal qt al Bcatlons,

Veterinary News.

The second and third-year men will , met i for e ritten exi rolai ■ as .I b] Dc Pearson In the Bui gerj

LeCt Room al ten O'clock daily.

Dr. Hoaklns win lecture on Juris- prudence to the Benloi Clan on Thurs day, from t< n to eleven o'clock, Inatead ni i'i idaj, tor the n malnder of the iei ni.

There will be an examination In Milk Inspection on Friday, March 13th, from ten to twelve o'clock. The fol- lowing men will report in Room I) of the Veterinary Building: Adams. Bar- nard. Blalr. Booth, Cahlll, Campbell, Coane, COOke, Crawford, Devlin. Doyle, Farley, Flnney, Fry. Fulton, (iraham. Qriesemer, Hartenstlne, Hoedt, Hor- ner and Houchln. The following men will take the same examination in the Burglcal l.eeture Room: Howe,, Hugres, Humpreville. .lakeman. Lowe, I.erhton, l.ynette, Moni'iida, Fiersoll, Powell, Records, Roberts, Ruch, Sart- well, BchrOOk, BchultS, Summer, Van Buskirk, Spang, and White.

Buy Good Clothes Don't be a "ready-made" man nor a "cheap-

tailored" man. Pay a rood price for your clothes and have the satisfaction of being dressed as well ?s the next fellow. We have made clothes for Penn men for the past forty years.

Mali Ion Bryan & Co. Men's Tnilois









Savin & McKinney's fliur Clothes "For Well Drc-KMcrH"

1218 Walnut Street SACK SUITS, $25.00 TO $50.00

OVERCOATS, $25.00 TO $50.00


S. W. Cor. Broadway at 54th St.

Nl a: ■ :li >■■.,• BubV . | 91 itlOD and d Btreel Blevati d


Ideal location. Near I heal res. Simps and Central Park. NBW, MODERN AND ABSOLUTBLI FIREPROOF.

Mo~t attractive Hotel in New York. Transient Hans, 12.60 With Bath, and up. All outside rooms.

Send for Booklet.

HARRY P. STIMSON Formerly with Hotel Imperial

Ten Minutes' Walk to Twenty Theatres

FEHLING & SACREY Custom Tailors, 214 Mint Arcade

COI.I.KC.E CI.OTHKS FROM $18.00 UP Bell Phone, Walnut 3918

THI: NAME OK . . .

Stands for every thing best in

Photographs ..and . .


*J'€ftf/fh£S I Ith and F Sts., Washlortos, D. C.

Boardwalk, Atlantic City.

926 Chestnut St., i'hiladelphl.

Typewriting. Sessions.

A course in Com- merce, bTcononv ics and Finance, comparing favor- ably With similar courses In the larger universi- ties. A Course in Shorthand ami

Hay and Kvonlne

For 41th Year Hook Address

PEIRCE SCHOOL The Largest and Foremost Com-

mercial School in the United States


Fountain Pens, Waterman s others. $1.00 to $6.00. st Pennock's



You may tee


on the man who doesn't know what's what - you re si ure to tee them on the man who does know.

Town HP Country Shirts

Fit every occmrion, nfioi'l «r afloat. II 50 up. CLUKTT. FKABOD i ft J..., U


Tryv A \ Pipeful i >ip< [til of i Irchid

I i II prove it the fin tobacco made. We've been producing I i. for ,i hundred years and are frank in saying thai < In hid I oLat absolu [heal grade smoking

o obtainal ■ • I

TOBACCO h) a blend. Carefully and skillfully cured

i. ended to produce ill delightful fl ivnr. Orchid Tnbaccofi forth* man who wants the I" si only

1 urn dealer haan'l It wr will Rand, prspaM.■ p ■ • I I It .501 ,1 He,

To Paelara " *■'■ •M . - .. |B|| | >*,„( . . - , Writ. i

■ pui y i t™i > rrlo] 'n i. I UISHMI I II HUO. ft CO.

l-"iii Slrrrl and I . h. -i. rim ,.', iri.i... Pa. Th* Oldaat Inilpi>»>n<i#'nt Tobacco

Mnmifmt r- 'n ih. Country.

Uae this coupon in ordering to ■acco. Baob can you buy it credited to The Pennsylvania!!:

THE PENNSYLVANIAN 1461 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Pruhtmith Bro. A Co.. Lehlgh avenue and Seventeenth etreet, Phlla., Pa.

Gentlemen: — Find t «n- •loaed. for which send me pound of Orchid Tobacco, postpaid.






Dental News.

The aeoond-yes* olsaa for Carved Crown, Abbott to Castro, reporl to Dr. i illiiHI today.

A list of the delinquents in Pros- thenlc Teohnlo is posted on the bulle- tin hoard. They will meet Or. Bey- moar asob day In the general labora- tory at nine O'CrOCk.

A lisl of ihe men who failed lo at- tend the first demonstration in Ortho- dontia IK posted on the bulletin hoard. These will be given sp opportunity by Dr. Lane "f making up (he requirement on Wednesday. March l"lh, at ten o'clock, in the basement, Room 7. failure to comply with this regulation will render the delinquent Ineligible for final examination In Proaltietic Dentistry.

Requirements In practical work: All applicants for examination must dem- onatrata to the aatiafactlon of the hoard their ability in operative and prosthetic work, as follows:

in operative wort one compound gold filling requiring not over three hours for completion must be made in the presence of the examiner The rating will be made upon the follow- ing points:

1. Preparatory procedure, embrac- ing cleanliness of the patient s teeth and operator'! hand! and the adjust- ment of the rubbei dam.

2. Cat It; Ion. :: Manipulation and condensation of

gold. i Completed tilling, embracing oon

lour, finish, etc. The osvitj to he filled nm-t !"• shown "i thi examiner ii,! accepted bj him before anj wort

has been done upon it. Applicants who are graduates from

college! in other Btati - mual comply ■ ii the requirement! to the latlafac- Hun of thi or, and are to fur

. , ni. instrument! and ma- il rials.

Law News.

Mr Rule its will meet bii si cond- year (lass in Propertj on Thursday, March 11th, from four to six o'olock.

The Senior Law Clasa plcl in wi taken yesterdaj on the Lae Bchool sieps. All the oil picture! have no« been taken.

The class in Bankruptc) under I). w. Amram, BSsq., will be continued at twelve (•'(luck on thi following dales:

h [5th, Man h 28d, March 189th, and April Bth.

T,,. |909 Record la ft ring Its completion, and wil lbs lenl to the pren on April 1st. 41 ■( all the manuscript! nave bt en banded In, and the different las clubs and societies have had their pictures taken

.ludge Hough, "f New York City, will meet the class in New fork Practice on the following dates thli «■ ek: To- day, from 2.80 to I o'clock: Wednee- ,i i II- I in i o'clock; Friday, from i to :: o'clock, and Saturday, from in to 12 o'clock.

\, ■ meetltll thi Senior Law ii., ,,,.,., Comi Id hi the Law School yesttrds ' decided that the annu il ban I be held on Monday evening, March 16th, al elghl o'clock. •i i. ikers will be Dean Lewis. B c Oarman, ,W K. Miller. Dale n Parke, lohn i Btetaon, Ingles, B, D. Cameron will be the Toaatmastsr.

The Miller Law Club will hold Its twenty-SSVenth annual banquet at the Bellevne Stratford on Wednesday even- ing, March loth, at seven o'clock. The following are the Riiests of honor: Hon. .1. H. Holland. Hon. Robert Von Moschzisker. Hon. Hampton L. Car- son. Charles C. Harrison, Esq.. W. D. Lewis. Provost Harrison and Dean Penniman .lames R. Wilson, Esq., will be the Toastmaster.

Dean Penniman at His Desk. Dean Penniman has fully recovered

from his illness, and Is expected to return to his duties this morning.

'? The Charles H. Elliott Company The Largest college Engraving House in the World



Works: Seventeenth St. and Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Jacob Reed's Sons PHILADELPHIA

Clothing to Measure and Ready to Wear Furnishing Goods; Headwear

Our strong grip on Young Men's trade has been soeun ii by intel- ligent catering to their dress re. qulrementa.

in even branch of onr busi- ness. Clothing. Furnishing Qooda, Headwear, ws provide merchan- dise of latest fashion, especially

gned for young men'! wear,

JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-1426 Chestnut St.



J. F. GRAY 29 South Eleventh Street

H. R. POTT Successor to POTT & FOLTZ

Photographer BTUDIO


Elevator Service


The Dormitory Drug Shop

Opposite the Dormitories For your 'ivAnts in that line



Twenty-one Meala, $ Trj our Twenty Cent Meals

MEAL TICKETS $i 1" for $l.on


Above Eighteenth and Master St*. Special Rates to Classes. Saddle

Horses to Hire Largest Oround Floor Ring In City. Hot and

Cold Shower. •loth Phones JOHN W. McCAULEY

The Noriiiainlic Barber Shop


$1.00 PER WEEK Clouting made to your measure ox

mall weekly or monthly payment* (pen Monday and Saturday evening* mtll nine o'clock.

BRENNAN * CO. 202 South Ninth Street

The 1909 Class Record will be a DIFFERENT kind of a Record Many new and distinctive Ideas will be Included. It will be out In May. Order them NOW from any member of Committee or at The Penn- sylvanian office.


Strecker & Devereaux 810 WALNUT STREET

Announce a dissolution of partnership.

The business will be carried on by on*

member of the former firm. Further

notice will appear In this space shortly.



HERRMANN'S v n m/.-l I.-

mi,I ii,.-l blfhljr r.i.u nur. *-l« t

loxing, Fencing and Wrestling ACADEMY

Body-Building and Weight-Reducing

KEITH'S THEATEI BUILDING Open d»V Hllil »Vf|iintf. hi-lriliMnli :it :iir limir.

IfOdSI it. hi f* ftir -'i|i'Tinr -fiii -■

Ml, S788 Locust Keystone. 14» Race

GARAGE Sola Agent Klaxon Warning Signal

CARS FOR HIRB 1602-1804-1606 Chancellor Street


Open Day and Night

Stationery, Post Cards Posters



University Text Books




McVey's Book=Store 1229 Arch Street

Gilbert & Bacon 1030 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA.

Photographing in All Its Branches




JAMES E. SULLIVAN President of the Amateur Athletic


The only publication In the world that publishes a complete list of ama- teur athletic best-on records and sec- tlonal records. The 1909 Athletic Al- manac contains a full statistical re sort of the

OLYMPIC GAMES ef 1908. Replete with photographs ■ever before published

Price, 10 Cents

At all newsstands and A. G. 8PALDING A BROS.

1013 Filbert Street. Philadelphia, Pa

PROFESSIONAL SKINS Brmaa and Bronat Memorial Tablets

BAKER 101*1036 Race Street, Philadelphia

Keith's Theatre. A splendid bill of novelties is the

Keith offering lor the week of March 8tr. It Is characterized by diversity and excellence in points of music, mirth ami iin. spectacular as few bills can DOaal Mils season. K. .1. Connelly and Compan) main a welcome ret- ttini in George Ade's delightful play, "Marse Covingtou." The play con- cerns the sinking fortunes of a scion ol Southern aristocracy, the scene be- ing held in the anteehaniber of a New York gambling house There are touches of the richest sort of hunum is well as pathos that brings the tears asainal ana's will, particularly in the pathetic devotion of an old darky slave for the KentUCKj thoroughbred. It is a very vivid and masterly portrayal of a type now fast disappearing "Uird- land" is .lesse I. Uisky's latest crea- tion, it win be found especially plaas- ant to the little people The title In- dicates tie character of the act. being a personalization of various members of the Feathered species, Besides be- ing gorgeouslv costumed, with many tuneful numbers, there is abundance of humor to give the feature diversity. The myatorj Of the hill is "The Lady of the Green Vail." Who this remark able \oealist is no one knowa, no: ■ .ii hi i iii- n\II and fuager

Oratori.-;! Contest in Spring. I'enns. Ivanli i - in join In I bi mow.

in in to ini'.i .itii oratory in roll \ Bteal "ill I"' helil about the mid

■ lb oi \pr'l for rhlch onlj Seniors will be eligible, A Ural prlte of thlrtj dot

if : ., M "t d prl e of twant) dol iiits ha- been secured for tha two win- Den in 'bis conteat, who irlll repr* -•■if Penni Ivanla In an Intercollegi- ate meet.

Cut in Wrestling Team. The filial eui in the Wrestling Team

lias ln'i n mail. . and from now on to the Intercollegiate meel the following men win report dallj at live o'clock: ('ox. Perkins, Verger, Bryan, Patera, Baton, smart Murphy, Klaer, Qraham, Mclntlre, Bwa </. and Pike Blgned: R. .1. Wait''. Captain

Tutor Wanted. A ti \ student of the University

capable ol doing tutoring work m pre paratorj i hool branches wlahlag em- pin iini i it tint the summer months as a ' i ■ ■ in a Maine camp win please communicate at once with George B Nitssche, third floor of Houston Hall.

Certificates at A. A. Office. W. F Kansas, Jr.. and H H. Mor-

ris may secure their "Varsity cricket oortlflcati-s by calling at the Athletic association office. A tennis certificate belonging to H M Tllden has not as vet been called for.

First-Class Table Board. Table board. I3.R0 per week: equal

to a 14 00 table; home pastry. Also furnished second-story front room to let. Mrs II. c Wledenman. 221 South Thirty-sixth street

Lost—Geography Notebook. Lost, a Political Geography note-

book, with Important note therein. Finder please return to Room 20, Bo- dlne, Dormitories.

Found—Pocketbook. Found, a black leather pocketbook.

Apply to Room 29, Rodney, Dormitor- ies.

C. Williams & Sons



Philadelphia, Pa.

The Trust Company OF

North America 605 CHESTNUT STREET

DKEKA Jftttt ^tatinnrnj and Engrailing Simtar

1121 (Chratiutt fcirrrt. iJlulafcrliihia








AUTUMN, 1908

Gillette Safety Razor Clean shaving is part of the

college man's gospel. It goes with the exercise and outdoor life—with good spirits and good health .

Five minutes a day spent with the_Gillettc Safety Razor keeps the face shipshape, is soft and clear.

The skin

The QlUetta Bad t] Rasor lias a big following among Col- lege men The Deal Shared men on the .ampus use the GILLETTE.

The GILLETTE Is kind to the face—the keenest and smoothest shaving edge •rai devlaed Any man can 8|ve

himself a clean, satisfying shave with the GILLETTE—despite tough beard and tender skin.

The GILLETTE Is handy-no stropping, no honing. A saver of time and money S3t: M a year, and tips.

There's no rasor like the GILLETTE or that will do the work of the GILLETTE.

The Gillette Safety Raior Is sold by thousands of dealers. A man can get blades anywhere on the civilized globe.

Standard sets, |5.00.


Gmm uss G. MII.KI.S & CO.


University of Pennsylvania Students' Special Discounts

Baker Building, Second Floor, J520-22 Chestnut Street




The Normandie l.ltll.I. ROOM