nhs continuing healthcare online questionnaire17. please indicate whether the current care home is...

SOLICITORS LTD NHS Continuing Healthcare Online Questionnaire

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    NHS Continuing Healthcare Online Questionnaire

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    S O L I C I T O R S L T D

    © Farley Dwek Solicitors Ltd 2014




    Online Questionnaire        

    1. Full name of patient        

    2. Home address (prior to transfer into care home if applicable)


    3. Patient’s Date of Birth        

    4. Patient’s Place of Birth        

    5. Patient’s Surname at birth        

    6. Patient’s NHS Number            

    7. Name of Patient’s General Practitioner



    8. Name of Patient’s Social Worker


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    Section 1 - Medical History        

    9. Has the patient ever been detained under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983 for treatment?

     If yes, how long ago or for what reason this occurred.

    Yes No      

    Place X appropriate box


    10. Please state the Patient’s past and current medical history and physical illnesses in particular whether the Patient has suffered from Diabetes, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Cancer, Arthritis, Stroke etc (please give dates where possible of diagnosis)

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    Section 1 - Medical History        

    11. Name and address of any hospitals attended by the Patient and approximate dates.


    12. Is the patient attended by a Specialist nurse (for example Parkinsons, Epilepsy, Diabetic, Community, Psychiatric or Continence nurse), a Dietician, Consultant or other healthcare professional from outside of their home environment?

    Yes No    

    Place X appropriate box  

    If yes, how often are the visits by the above professional (e.g. daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc)?

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    Section 2 - Care Home Details  

    Please complete this section if the patient is or has been in a residential care setting. If residing in their own home, or currently in hospital, please move to Section 3.  

    13. Address of current Care Home  

     14. On what date did the Patient become resident of the above Care Home?


     15. Could you please give an estimate of how much has been paid to date

    to the Care Home(s) to provide care for the Patient?  

    And/or the current weekly or monthly Care Home Fee      

    16. Please provide any information with relation to previous Care Home(s) where the Patient has resided and exact or approximate dates (if applicable).


    Care Home Address        



    Please give as much detail as possible the more exact the data the better, if you need more space you can include a separate sheet of paper.


    17. Please indicate whether the current Care Home is one of the following:  

    A residential home.

    A nursing home.

    A residential home for the elderly mentally infirm.  

    A nursing home for the registered elderly mentally infirm.    

    If the care home is a dual registered home, please let us know if the Patient has a residential or nursing bed.


    Yes No                

    Place X more than one if appropriate

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    Section 3 - Care Needs  

    We need to know whether the Patient needs assistance and supervision on a daily basis to help with activities of daily living. Please can you answer the following questions providing as much information as possible continuing on a separate sheet if required.

     18. Personal Care

    What personal care does the Patient require? (i.e. assistance with washing, bathing, brushing teeth/dentures, dressing/undressing, hair care, nail care)


     19. Eating and drinking

    What assistance does the Patient need with eating or drinking? Can they eat independently or require supervision, reminding, coaching or encouragement?


     Please  tick  all  of  the  below  statements  that  apply  to  the  patient:  


    They refuse food

    They require their food cutting up

    They require a plate guard

    They use adapted cutlery

    The require thickeded fluids

    They require mashed up/soft foods

    They require liquidized food

    The have got a PEG feeding tube/naso gastric feeding tube

    They have a fortified diet

    They require supplement drinks

    They are under the care of Speech and Language Therapy

    They are under the care of a dietician

    They have swallowing difficulties

    They are losing weight

    They have choking episodes. If so, how often (please give details below)

    Yes No

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    20. Mobility

    Please  tick  all  of  the  below  statements  that  apply  to  the  patient:     Yes No

    They are able to walk independently

    They walk with a walking stick

    They walk with a Tripod

    They walk with a Zimmer frame

    They use a wheelchair

    The can bear weight (take weight on their legs either with assistance or without)

    They can stand alone

    They use a stand aid

    They use a hoist

    Staff assist them when getting in and out of bed

    The experience falls

    They are under the falls service

    They require pressure mats to alert staff to their movements

    Is there a history of falls, and if so how often? Has the Patient sustained injury as a result of falls and was any medical treatment or hospitalisation required as a result? Do they require additional staff in the home due to attempts to mobilise on their own?

    21. Skin Integrity

    Please  tick  all  of  the  below  statements  that  apply  to  the  patient:   Yes No Eczema


    Dry skin



    Ulcers on the skin

    Pressure areas      

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     Is the Patient under the care of the Tissue Viability Service/nurse? Do they have dressings regularly done by the nursing home nurse and/or district nurse? Do they have a pressure relieving mattress and/or cushion?



    22. Continence Please  tick  all  of  the  below  statements  that  apply  to  the  patient:   Yes No They are self-caring/take themselves to the toilet

    They are incontinent of urine

    They are incontinent of faeces

    They wear incontinence pads

    They suffer regularly from urinary tract infections

    They suffer from constipation

    They suffer from loose stools

    They are under the care of the Continence Service

    They have a self-retaining catheter in place

    They are intermittently catheterised


    23. Communication Can the Patient speak? Can they communicate effectively? Can they make their needs known? (i.e. can they ask for a drink or to go to the toilet?) Do they speak in a confused manner? Can they communicate non-verbally (i.e. point to things, make gestures) Does the patient have a sight or hearing impediment?

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    24. Medication Please  tick  all  of  the  below  statements  that  apply  to  the  patient:   Yes No They are not prescribed any medication

    They depend on staff to administer their medication

    They require medication for pain control

    They refuse their medication

    They require regular blood tests

    Does the patient see their GP regularly and, if so, how often? Do they require regular injections? If so, what for and how often?


    25. Psychological wellbeing Does the Patient suffer from any mental health problems (i.e. depression, anxiety, distress)? If they are distressed, how to they indicate distress and how often? Do they hallucinate and, if so, how often? Do the hallucinations cause distress? Is the patient often tearful? How do they respond to reassurance? Are they under the care of any local mental health services/practitioners?



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     26. Cognition

    Please  tick  all  of  the  below  statements  that  apply  to  the  patient:   Yes No They have not got capacity to make simple decisions

    They are confused

    They cannot assess risk

    They do not know where they are

    They do not know the time of day

    They do not recognise family

    They do not know the difference between other residents and staff

    They do not have any short term memory

    They do not have any long term memory


    27. Behaviour Does the Patient demonstrate any behavioural problems? Do they demonstrate difficult behaviour (i.e. verbal or physical aggression, noisiness, restlessness or disruption)? Do they display disinhibited behaviour (i.e. use of bad language, taking their clothes off inappropriately, making unwanted advances to others)? Does the Patient refuse or resist care or medication? How often does this behaviour occur?



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    28. Breathing Please  tick  all  of  the  below  statements  that  apply  to  the  patient:   Yes No They require inhalers

    They require medication prescribed for breathing

    They have recurrent chest infections

    They are breathless on sitting

    They are breathless when walking

    They are prescribed oxygen


    29. Altered States of Consciousness Please  tick  all  of  the  below  statements  that  apply  to  the  patient:   Yes No They suffer from epilepsy

    They have fainting attacks

    They have vacant attacks

    They have had a stroke

    They suffer from TIAs

    They are in a coma

    They are unresponsiv

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    Section 4 - Claim Details  

    30. Have you or anyone else contacted the NHS/Primary Care Trust or Strategic Health Authority about the funding of the patient’s care?


    Yes No    

    Place X appropriate box    

    If yes, please provide as much details as you can including the date you first contacted the Health Authority, the date you received a response and details of that response.



    31. Is the person completing this questionnaire the Patient?  

    If YES, please sign and date the end of the Form.  

    If NO, continue to question 32 and provide us with your contact details.      

    32. Your Full Name      

    33. Your Full Address            

    34. Contact Telephone Number(s)      

    35. Your Date of Birth      

    36. Your National Insurance Number


    37. Please give details of your relationship to the patient

    Yes No  

    Place X appropriate box


    38. If the Patient cannot complete the Questionnaire themselves please give details as to why.

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    39. Has the patient appointed you to act on their behalf using an Enduring Power of Attorney or Lasting Power of Attorney, or are you acting as a Receiver/Deputy on the patient’s behalf? A. Yes Copy of Enduring Power of Attorney enclosed

    Copy of Lasting Power of Attorney enclosed

    Copy of letter of appointment as a Receiver enclosed

    Copy of Deputyship enclosed B. No If we believe that you are eligible to make a claim for NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding, a member of our team will contact you to discuss how the patient can legally appoint you to pursue the claim on their behalf.

    40. Does the patient have a current, valid Will in place? Yes No It is important that the patient has a Will in place so that if anything happens during the claim, there are executors who can continue with the claim. If we are unable to proceed with this claim having assessed the patient’s circumstances, you and they will still qualify for our Free Will writing service and a member of our team will contact you to discuss how our service works.


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    Print name

    Relationship to client


    Please return this completed questionnaire to:

    Farley Dwek Solicitors Limited Suite 1.2, First Floor One Universal Square Devonshire Street North Manchester M12 6JH  

    If you have any queries, please contact us on: 0161 272 5222  

    We will assess the information you have provided and contact you to discuss your eligibility for Funding as soon as possible.

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