nhmul tub ih t,n - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · m. til jbhcmiltlol nhmul his right of trial liy...

M. Til jBHCmilTlOl nHMUl His Right of Trial liy Jnry in the First Instance Sacred in all Cases, jIr ty. 0. Bartlott'a Unanswor-abl- o Arcuraoat. (OB LIBERTY OP TUB P2ESS UPHELD. Bitter Disappatmsnt of the Wash-iugto- u IvUig.' Tin-i- tl"ti for tin- - vv'rrfUitof oxtrnill-U.- If in tt- - -itf ii Nov York M the District 0f('.luniWi. In the nt llu- - United Stutes w,n-- t i harlot A. Dunn, licensed of Unci, riiine Ul, f. r I. aniu J .f T.- Ju.lg. t 'rd, of the I'niic.i m .tei District C irt. vesurd iv. jlr ilo..rg llll -- . I iiilnl Stu District Ttviniiii, Mr. H trrl ig mi ami nf W.i Higton appeared for the rr,,ciiil"ii. Mi Shepherd, tin npl.iPmnt Uinsclf. H.i nlo present In person. Tin' detec- tives and M'l " ' the Till delp'.ll.l IIUu'. who nspn ii "! " Hie i rev nut ciring. IliP.iH kept tlieiiiselvi Hi the If llit-- were in drk: tint the detective iw bullies of the Washington lllng loomed up.niiotitflhclr patron and confoder t o Messrs. W. O. Ibirtlett and Slilpman appeared for Mr. I) mn. The Interest manifested In tbe fuf was most Intense. 1 hr m -- l t'ltliiinlbnl members of the bsr now In the city were In attendance . and tnanlftstcd deei' anxiety that the freedom of lbs press should trluni Ii. Among all the spe there se " rd l" hard v any one who sho wv net .ptosed to Mr. 1) u a'- - extradition. The proceedings w,,rc opened bv Mr. Illlss, who in. ii 1 lor the comuiliiiie it uf Mr. Dana. aud s.inl( iiik pi'.iiut irrnn-T- ' itrMtnc. Tl' u .m ii I'M t ii t ' i 'iir lienor fir i itir ii' f" t ' "'"i d f Mr Chatles A Hi... .liar.'.. I . t i Mill In tin- - li. iliin.ni... I" tin' I , for trlitl tlitTu. Jt Is .iiiml il on tin' riiloin in paper, whli'li t Hacc hci "iv i .r II r. ih" 'iipi.tiut mid III- - fjriii.nl' n 1' "re tin I' Ii. c Court ofllu' District I ft n, . ti t. Ih. wan till I in. ..(I slilll of tntit Distr '. ii t w irraip of comtniliiieiik by i .: ' Ma,. i ..iiuiil-- l ..iii-- of tin' Mm. i. I t r. t of New York. Tnl row. t'liliitn i w .rr mt nt ro uuiltinent ure properly bef ... i ur Honor under h writ of nfii ri f ill llu- - i Mr. A. II. V. Ham ail' 'id 1'i'f'iri' tin' 1'iMio Court ifi. In I of C .liimlila. tl.o trltniii.il having cogm ii f llu' al cged offeiu e. mid inuilp riin i'I I UMl. r i.a n n. Infill- -' that Mr. Cn tries A, HiI'.i 'ill ni'li-lip- .l in tin' I .ll t of Colum-l"- i a ''ft in libel .ig.unsi Mr. A. Nicpherti. the 1 ..ln i f. a ili.ir.'t' of perjury mid a mr.v f . .rrni'lioti In ufhee. 1'iU'il with tlip crt-pU- i i tv.is tli inf iriiiatl.-n- a ictlHlcd i..i) of Hi.i Ii hi hpforp ).nir Honor. A warrant vvl. ... i.l.lr.-- -. il to Hip Marshal f llu- - DIs. tri.t, ,ii. d p'i ll' d i opl.'- - nf Hip papers were laid before ,i I ni id M.tti"t L" .ill ill -- .no r of llu cl:. If ii '.iiv re ni'oiidi'iit liflini iirrv-- l. d. In! driii Hide.) an i xaiiiliiatl .ii, mid inn d L.. nln ..w n ii 1 Iipii upon thp dav an pxainliia'lon nan had. and he "i i' in ilti'd to an. ar for trial nnd to tha cjt kIi ..f tic 1'nltrd Clali'it Marnhal of tho Kiutlirrn Dmtri.'t of Np York, to he h ti i ill IrM until a narrant for ipmuril hall luvv Lppii Uolfd l. a .lodk'ti or hp -- hall hale tiefll other-w.J- u of. aoi "rdliirf to Uw. The appll-cu'.iu- n m made under Till: KTATt'Ti: or 17W. TM tatiilp inaki't It Hip itutyof tlieJud.'p, I atVr .i. U p.iiiiniiiiii..nt. t U-- n wnrrant for run v . t the dltrift nhpre the offonce In I ' Ilile I fell r'lliillil. It'll. 1 appll lor n fuv Jt iii.der Hint ntntuir. and on tht-- tia-lr- n 1 hp itii eiMlliiir me. I l.i'llrip. -- trirlly in ai .r.: ith tin' rulp- - and ith'IIpp of thli rnurt ii iwt of thf I niipd t'nitp nuMlmt Ill i iMii'-- t f..r pinlpl..im nt An ol joeiion lis. ii l.pf.ire tin. CViui'i loloiipr that the 1' II. pi ..irt ..f thp Imtrlrt of t olun.l.l.i nnd not Jtrii p. ti .ii the . fli niv. and that u r M"ii ir i ati'i mi .ip thli pnw.iipr to be tried helore u co'.rt ii. ,t i i t,ot T' i) ! ..., irt of tl.e li t nf Columbia , m. p- .i l.y .irt of t oiiutpb- -. J in it, nit a I'oIIpp Court Hllh orik'i il and pi lutlie uridi. tou of u of. at.uiut the I'nltpil e miiiltipd In the ln-t- t of ('..limit. U. not iipn capital or othiTiii.p Infamoii riitnp, of CHnan!l and '4 and not tHiuUhuhio hy iiLprin..' t in ih- p. lotPiitUrt. i ro!.t.piilloii Il naitl Police "iirt mint l.u li Information i.udur oaui. imui ..it in .i iintM.i l.v a (iraiid ( Juo . pe.'ii- - i' in., ti ti therein who con-i-ld- th' mi .flic nvcricwd may aii p.d to Hid Silprt'i; i "iirt of ti.e Coliilulii i, and 1 Iihiu a .'i trial therpln. as thoiuh I lie cam! had oiniiiiiitil in that court, .Noiv, thin atatii.ti - tii.Ht" II- P li. e Court of th o. Co. tuiiil ia al ii oier ml offriirea to.' I nit. d Male t'oinuilttPil In the lll-t- rl' t of I .1 hi .i i. not c.ii it.il and not ii - ii in In the ppiiltt'iilior). Lputi ttiatp'i'i.tl dPinetucall attt'iition to liM 1)11 111(1 IHI'ISIII.V J. I H ;...e thprp no (pii.tlou lhat llhel 11 an ' nffti. i' il i iiiiii .ii law. lie IHntili-- of Colum- - hia ul'.arly ituiti'd. The I'nltptl -- t.itp luio i ' I I'm1 cuiilz.iiii'p of p oITpiii pi tht re, , and ill .tllccM theie .ire t flli . iv of Hie Cttftt hu'.f. I he court there, iin'llt. riii'ed ftate c. .rt- - are ii' t ciiUncd to cprlalu H !' i rinii it or plait of crimp-- . Hy the on- - i iti'idi 'i. ( "in:rt'- - tlii'ii pi. Iimlw ut r Hip l)ltil' t of C..inulita. and lint px- - er im -- nch J ,r -- d. tloii fcinip the Ort .Monday uf II i"iii.. r. - "i On th" M of l'chruary, Coiiirre" pnacted tlui li p uivt of HieMalfhof Vltulnla and M.i- - riltnil llvt '.' Hi Hip lllnp of tiie i'p I ill to th' I h 'C'l M.ltt . -- In ulil n lll.lill In forcp in the ). :n t of Coliniihli. in th..i.p porti' im of the liiiin mi itt-i- l In Manluid and Virginia re- - t . . Iv Ti.t rt'foio the laws nf M.irvland re- - tiid.n. "1 in f ip .' Hi that p'irtion uhl li h id for- - ii.crli it ii..il to MarMinl. It uat niteriianl irvidi'd li st.uuto that uitii tli" tx iptn.ii of iprtalu one mi'iitioiitd, of . vrl.i li li'iei not one, h.hII hp piini"halip at lnrtof . nnd hy a I iter act It i provided that ;l! p iv ii pnt of i ri ntc remain a herntofoie. VkU I the IliKtrict of Ctilumhla UKappllca- - I In- -. up . then, iiimiaiitiiilly the law of Jli-v- l " .I n It i 'd in Kcl ri'iiry. HU. Iltl re ai any (itcntloti of thli.lt wan itettlpd In i.. - (n ( . .1. rt of the L'nlipil Males in ' i lie if the Tinted Statei mraliitt Knuall: &....I . mteof utkln-- , whi'ip II wan hp.ii Unit' i I ' ittd -- tut t'K had cominon Uw Juris U' t. ii n the limtrlct of Coliimhla. ' .' - ha recently ri'cni;iilpd the exlt-fi- . - f . urldl' timi In the DiKlrict of Cn- - " ' ' i .ii I in nf llnp j fur It Iih prmldeil tint in p ,(.("ition t r IndictineirB for II in I the tri.'ii n In iiilili'iii e, nnd II It appear tiii 'In alle.irloii l true, and written or puh-uiii- ,t, k. motives "Il t'ny.MiA.M UfHT UK AOQUITTrtl. Tl.ii I .nithat the 1'ollco Court of the , tri' ' if i .1 uni.iu im, Jn, utiHctinii of nil cases of " 'i n t it, re i rimeH lii Marland ill litll. ex- - '"I''t.'. f. . ,r--c. capital offpm ph olul crliueit t I' .i.m.j. i. imprl .iiini'iit .n thu penlteiiHari. , iiim.r p to nhow that libel nan mi ntfeni o Wi.i.-- i i, l,wa of Jlaril.u d In IhuI. lilon.it ' .r..,-- e t, ,w tli.it libel W an dirt nee at ' . '".in .ii law In thp Hill ol UiKtitn of Miir.huiil i " "oi i ro ,'Ud that tiie i oihinoii law rhould bo ,. '.''"I in tint Slate In a body. in. p. timt I btl U con-tant- held to .Ui.l. II.,. , o...nce of the t mum n. tll.it 'V. i. i i,., i,iiute nf MaiUnd inakliiL' ii an t". e i. lit It . iiti i.ffpncp at common .' w - the l.iw nt M.irvland. accordlnc v tin. ,r, ,,. i ,irt ( lhp ( nit,,,! statfii, .e t,., 4 ,,f thu In.iild of Coliimiil.i, and ' IT ii" lu.ln-- t tin laim of Murvlainl, If ''' I in thp III- - rh-- l nf Cnliimliia, It nu i i, the I inti-- Mateit. I hecforf, ., " ' 1 "! "i the Ii trlct ol Columbia ti "- -' 'he I luted Matc. I ,v ," ' " " ""li It Mln tlier It In punl.liable i ii ni in tin- peniti Hilary. I he .n t In',," ' v "iiiiinr.it("t nHpiui'8 piinl.li iblo i .. ." ' In tin. penili iitlary. und Pbel '" v ii' n llfti en of the name ait pro- - ' '' "" ' ' "IfciiecHHtintild bppiiulHiie.l Ii r. V ''''i.piit In Hip coinmnii Jail. Tlicre-- a "'"''I III the tut I'oliiiubla, I ,i . .' "'ilnt the I'nllcil htftteaaml I'l.n , ' " " hniTlioiiiiit'iit In thu peiiltpn-p- .i i; ; "' ' e ii,Ndein.,itior ot iililchthe ' dji f1 "li lin t ban orn: mil JuriH- - Uiluil',.. "'I,mit !'' our Honor Hint tho " Jour Honor directly the dut) to I. . ,'",LK M AIIIIAM (IK ItKMIIVAL t ,'r,Vi',.I'n;"ncr U, Hie Marithnl JliJ "',r','1 Mm offence I to he tried. I'iiero ,'1'.'1 M" ""imltt.'d by a Omuiim. tit riiiM.i !' nV""!"? "" oomplalnt and - ii ',t,l '! f"" "' "I the l ulled Won? 1 ti.T.V i L11 ' to " thPiiroM-cu-Cjur- t A, l't 'n Hiat the Police 1 I'Ott of lu. ,,,U,rta "' columbU l.u. Jurl.dlo. I where an afOdaTlt In Keutucky I charirlnR a certain pernon with emhe2ilemen rontrary to act of Conaret-- , there belnn no Inflctmenl, and tho nftlclal evidence belrnr that aomebiHly went before a CoininU- - iiinpr In Ketitucky and aworo that llhiomitart emh zzled niiitiey, and procu ed n warrant, HIiMinimrtwat arrested and token tiefore Osb.irn. and Hie CoiiiinlKsliiiu'r com-itiltl- hi in lor trial In Kentucky and made out a warrant dlreotlnif that ho bo committed tn tb ('ilntotly of tho Mamlinl of till Cinft Until till Court order lili rcier. An npnllca'.loii war tn.ido for bin i.cnSrco on a wilt of habpaii fitt'.l fdllr Honor dpcldud that the pris- oner tnuat bo remandpd to Kentucky. fliibaiii(intly to that, tn 1WH. .luder llrnedlct pare a elinlUr docl-l'i- n In a cono In which an In- dictment had boon found In tho Kaitern UUtrlct of Michigan. tub rttt50!iEii'8 titscnAnoi mi demanded on tho ground that the Indict- ment did lint cover the offence. Judire Hone-di- eald that II waa not a question of proof whether an Indictment had boon found, but wlipthcr there ivu onnuith proof to require a CtimtnlHlnner to commit for trial. Ho found that tho proof wan tufllclenti nnd ordered the remand of the prioner. Tho p.ipori beioro our Honor hIiop" the aiiorn Inr.iriii.Mlnli filed In a court of competent Juris- diction rli.irgitur exprriily libel by tuibllcatlon In the Dlilrk't of Columhl.i. How that publica- tion may liavo occurred H not neceaaarily or propprlv before your Honor, That l for the bpforo vilib h the cne H to bo trlt'd. Wlietliprthe piibllpitloii took tdacoln lielther one way imr im 'tber. They tnlnht have come lieforn jour Honor, If Hip rrepondelit had eo eici'it'tl. He had Hip privilege of ilemandlm: an ex iinlnntlon, but be did not chomp to avail blin-c- lf of It, The c.ip Ii 9lindy beforo v'ir Honor on thp-- o fact : 'I lie l'roecntlni-iiiliic- r of tho Diittrlcl of Columbia a bpf ir n Ciitnmil"iipr of thin tlltrlct. with a i crillled copy of a complaint and Information fln'd In the only conn of the Illilrlctof i .iliim-L- ii m lit. h hat criminal Jurltdlctloii over Hilt , I k of orTeiice. W ith that he came before Hie ('niiiiiiit.'tl.in. r. The (!ommt-lotip- r commltled the reP'iiiilpit on the evidence furnlthed. and ' the proof of the lusiio of tho warrant. Theto factn are before you, and upon them lank voiir Honor to Ivtne a wurnint remandlmr Hie rotpnn-de- to thecnttody of the .Manual, union he cho no t to exercise lilt rluht to irlve hall, which hp undoubtedly hat a rlnhltodo, 'I tie ca.c it not an extraordinary one. It In nothltiir out of the ordinary routine. Mr learned friend re Shlpman) han committed a doien prlt-nnr- rt In the aame way. Kvon within my short experience M lTonecutlnir Attorney of this dlttrlr.t, the Dlttrlct of Columbia bat rent prlt. ( nern here, and pritoncni have been removed I from bete to .Missouri and Chlcaso. I oTlllo ftcri.iAit. The crime charged It nothlin: peculiar. The . crime i h.irned it but the loo-- o und boundlett r crlinin.ttloii of the prcs In char.'tii! evrrr ofil'lal who may bp In ; irtllmi and iiuoma) not happen to mine with Hip Mp of eome liens-- I p.ipp. In Homo part ot the country. In chari'lui; III lit with all the crimen In the Decalucue. iittli belnc a perjurer, a corrupt offli'e ulul with evert tbltn: ti.at nuiy tpiid to make blin luf.i-inoi- And then they that It It nu outrak'e If Hie pcrnnn inaKliik' Hi" chark'o In linked to k'o to the jupcltp loc Illy where thu man whom be bat a ' livtt. wiipre Hie oifoin p. If any of- - fence, hat been t o nmltted, a.t cuinmltted. and mure till the vi itno-- et are to I e found. It I anointed to he extraordinary that a person m.ik-- I Inc Hip i'H.ivi niioiihl nu atkpd to prole tin ill true In Hip loiniiiiii'ltv win TP H p cvidpiui' It to bp obtained, und VI . pre tilt' III VI nt It'll, loll nlloilld bp. Voll liPariliem l.'llthat It It toinellilliL' llll- - precedelitpd. a "hra-- p of dpnpolUm," and all tli.it. Mr. lltrtlctt- - We have not said that .i.i. Ill .i- t- 1 know v.oi have not. but JutUe lllatt liford Would It Hot be well. Mr. 11. s. to wait iiiml von hear thp uroiiinl of the olnt r tlp bp. re you attemtit inn v w hut It I. r Mr. Illlss 1 y,m reipies,ed by the leadliu cuiinnel on the other nldo to nt.ite 111 upcnlio: viuat my ground wan. 1111:11 m in vhy urnTioss iiv int. miiTi.tnT. When Mr. IIIIm took hit seat, Mr. W.o. lUrt-le- tt arone and nabl : Theie are two ipientlont which I with to put to the learned District Attorney before tho Dual clone of bin openltu' remarks. Ffof- -l observe mat tho (fi.mrmoif din filed lief ore the I'nllce Court In Washington concludes, "iiihi'l IV mm o th nf.ilnfc" I with to In ipilre w lieiher thin In a mere blunder uf theirs in Pleadim:. or whether they contend that It It really In violation of mine ntatute. Nrcuinfl'i-T- ho District Attorney nayt they n-l- on tho thirty tlilril section of HioJudlcl.il act of i;ti. 1 with to know In m li.it p.irt of that m't they find any authority for the rendition of an nccused person fur trial before the 1'ullce Cuart uf Waal.- - lllL'toll. To thpse ipipttintu Mr. !III- -t emed to be iili.il le to make aliv reply, and Mr. llartlett pro- ceeded nt follows : Aiini'iiKKT or int. w. o. iiwtTi.rTT. If your II , ii ir please, Hil- - It an application for Hie pert riiuiliie . f one of Hip most inavp and nerloiin flllictlnnn w hi, h It ever f tilt to Hip du y of a JinUe to ttlnchari:e. Voiiati to coin-Hi- lt a clt. .i n the Mate of New York to tho hatidt of nn otic or of Hip (lovprnuiPiit of tin L'lote.l to l,e triili-- lt tred to Hip Dlttrlct nf l oiiiinbiii .nut i to a diiin-'eo- ii there, und nls liin riv l ,ked upon the opinion of a Police Court of that llmtritt. It so hap- pens In this cane that the man whom u are utked to deprive of hit liberty In one of the mo-- t dintliiLii.theil citizens of thin treat Mate u CPIitlpmau it ho. In tho oxteiit of bin learning mul Hie varlely of hit n'tiilumentn, bat few, verv few peers nn hi the American continent a ceiiHem in the purity of lio-.- e private .' harac. ter tin most in ili.'ti nil piimi'.v bai never annail. ed. Vet. sir. if lie were the ID mt un- important, unlearned, ami llllteratp cllUeli uf .Sew "i orl,. tup i would bp eipially k'ravp; bpc.iu-- e In Hie ponne-nlo- li of civil rii'btt all uieii here atp hi- - pppt. and Hip ppersnf every ma.i even Hie l'rutident of the L'lilteil Males. wit vt li Till-- CII.VIKIK? Now, your Honor, we come here t i Imiulre on what iiarce )oti are to coiinlk'n Ml. D.ma to HlO lulldn ot tills olhcer, all.) to Sl'lill II I III without the limits of this to be pun. -- lied, (iod kuovva now or to hat extent. Ill wn.it nntliorityl' They tell ut of Hie old common law about libel, with a k'elieral nweupin.' i lailno in resort! to It, exittliik' beiure the American KevohiHoii, iihp'h avc to this country lit freedom a relli of tho barbarism of tiie.it llnt.iin, iv hero II wan held that thu creator the truth tho creator tho libel-t- hat under tha'. law theie still exintn u poller in the District of Columbia to prosecute a man for t' llliik' Hie truth before liod and mini nnd li in to Hie peiilteiitiury for so iloimr. On that vliu of barbarmui they rail If they float ut nil, und they come here coin ludim; auaiutt tiio form of tho ktututo ill t lit r Information, but wholl uuaiile to iirodui o uny statute a.'alust whleli the, con, lude. Il may lit well enou.'h iui n matter of strict law and pleadlncs ti refer to tho fact that their Information Is not nu nifor-- I illation vvbb Ii could have been maintained ever In the Kind's Ileiu h or at common law, The Court of Kind's Ileuch MM not kraut an lufur. null in fur Inn uul, n ttie prut-etu- i ,r ttuo sbpo-tfu- llnukeiin sLl J ti il !, rtin liiici'iir uuil uin, e,ly ti..t lie is an of the cliurKt. (Stevi us's (.riuuusl Ijiw, pjge s;. There In no such aRldavIt here, nnd the pre-- I ntiinptiou it that there could be no sui b alllila-- i vltwltl jut the couimlnnltui of thu crime 'if per-- I Jury In thin case. It it not likely tn.it a mall who itchark'ed with nil they na the complainant has been ciiark'ed with In this cane would fall to swear it wan f.tl-- o If It was false. And yet ho has not so sworn, and, therefore, ho stands before Hie Court upon the preniiiuptlou. upon tho fair deduction from these prciumus that it Is true. I nay it is not nu information w dull could have been maintained In thu Kliii.' n Ileiich ; but I do not contend Hint under the practice winch has prevailed In thin court that opinion would i e available lu re. If I had elm-e- n to K" upon mi) inferior croundn nf de- fence I would have shown far moro than Hits, I vvuii Id have show n that so far un tho composition uf this allcccd libel Is concerned, or lucuiiik' into print. Mr. Dana had uollilmr to do with It) that ho wan not In the city when il was printed ; that lie knew iioihltik' "I It ; and further, that he 'li npproved of Us heimr printed, and would not have printed it If it had come to his knowledge. M il IT IIAVKMtlllT tsAIII. Hut of what consequence ivnn It to go Into such a defence, wl.cu we weie beforo a Commit loner vvi o said to urn not, Vim mav uv.ill vonrneif of all jour k'roiiiidH of defelno ;" but, o iinlens vou admit that Mr. D.iiu Is tho editor of Till. M . shall Insuo iny warrants tor thu witnesses nnd ' lock them up ht Mr. Iliim 1 object to ntntlnu' here anything that the Loiniiihi"iier said. Mr. Iliitlelt Who In II Hint drags In these proceeding- - lu re ' I would never, refer to the disgraceful proceedings If they had not ulrcadj been liroiiuhl lino thin cane. ir, IIIIhm I object to I lie stnteincilt of the gentleman; Hist, because it M nut true as a matter of fact, and secondly, because II In not ' rMrtrilartlett- -I rely upon tho report of tho .Vcic 1 i.r( VHhuiic. which benrs mo out In my statement, and which. I suppose, It amnio support, However, this Is Immaterial. ii stnnd before our Honor hero upon n pure and simple question of law. I comu here to nrgue IhlHCiiAo as a lawyer. I heard things stated hero by tho learned District Attorney which I had the right to answer, and I have answered them, Now, If our Honor please, I conio buck to the Uw of this case, and 1 Invite tho attention of 1 our Honor where you have so grave a duty to porforui to those prlDclpl,iiot which I aloue maintain, hut which have been adjudicated upon by oue who III the opinion which ha been read hereto-da- y Iim btxu appropriately designated u tun most Illustrious Judge who ever nat upon the American bench. Wo rniito hero with tho Constitution ot the United itate In our hands. Wo luterposo that at a harrier over which, un- der Miur oath, you cannot pa-.-t, to sign that ex- tradition warrant to which they demand your slgnaluio. Wo refer your Honor to that pro- vision of the Constitution which says thst " the trial of nil crlmet except In elite of Impeach-,-.o- l ahull hu hy Jury." Wo rotor your llonurU, tha statute OUIHlUlltllllt lillii 7'u.7CS (idl'itT of the District of Cotiiinlila which tirui been read by the learned District Attorney, nnd by which the trial by Jury Is prohibited In that court. Now, I sar to your Honor that It l not too much In the light of tho history of the formation and ratification of tho Constitution of the United States to nay that there wai nut one man In tho federal Convention t tat formod It, that there was tint one man In tho convention of any one of the Htstrt that adopted It, whose rote could have, been had for tho Constitution of the United Slates If he could have foreseen that In the v ear a Jtidk'o w ould be found to consign a citizen of one of the United States to a distant land to be tried on an accusation of crime by a court In nlilcii Hie right of trial by Jury wan piohlblted. I Interpose that claute of the Constitution, and I nsk your Honor's attention to the doctrine laid down by Chief Justice Marshall In one of the earliest and one of the gte.itcst coses Hint he pvpr decided at to what Hearing the of the Couttliutl in liiive upon Hip per- formance of Judicial functions by n .Indue, mil iih t In Hip ,rile Mew of a Judge t oath of ofllce. Chief Justice Marshall savs. In the case of Mur-bur- y agt. Mauls, m. ' I'hls oath certainly applies In nu enMclal manner to their conduct In their official character." und hp says In tup name opinion, at If by Hint prenclPlice which bcpiii to ban belonged to the great men of that period, ho foresaw such nu oct al .n its this: The ciKillon uttetlitr ai art repiieiiint to fie Const), tnii.uicni htC'im tne liwuf Hi Uml in s questl,,:! ilcrply liilcrrmuu. 1 he I ml et ttistm. but hspinl) imt of nn ltitrieary prop, rtloneu in tin inti rml Ii stems only iiecess.iry to ret ogu..' rrrisii pnni iples lupp. setl toisiebeni lulig anil well pttsblulii tl I i itii lilt. It. If the ( urtn sre to regard ttie ( onsiitutmii and the Ctuistitutliiu is superior to suj nrtllnsr) set of ti o beslsuture the liiiiniliutiuii siul nut utli ertuusry avl must got era the esse to which ttiny both appir. witKiir Timr Attr. i.i:it. Those who controvert tint principle-who- m I tnko to be our antagonists on this occasion thonp n ho controvert the principle that the Con- stitution Is to be coiisldetod as the para- mount Inf, aro reduced to the ueceatltT of main- taining that the courts must vloto tbelr eM on the Constitution nnd see only the Uw, "This doctrine," says Chief Justice Mar-sha- "would subvert the very foundation of all written constltutlotit. It would do 'lure that nn act which according to the principles und theory of our tlovcniment It entirely void Is et In practice completely obligator)', it would declare that If the Legislature should do vt bat Is pxpr. snly forbidden, such uct, tt Hilling the express prohibition. It In real-It- y effectual. It would bo giving to the Legisla- ture practical und real omnipotence with tne same breath which profc.tct to restrict their powert within narrow limits." And Hun ho stys In asking why. If when a statute Is cited width Is In vlol.itl uml thet'ou-siittitiol- i. a Judge nf tho i ntirt Is Hot to hold It void "iv by. otherwise, does the Con- stitution direct a Judgo to tiiko an oath to support ll H nv imnp.rol to Impose It on Hit m If thev w, re to t,p used n Hip iiistruniPiitt. mid the know nig for violating what the) -- weurt , support ' "if-tic- h bp tin real stale of tilings, thin Is worst than soletnti lii 'i'keri ; to pre-- , rlbe or tj tako thin oath becomes cquall) a i runu." Now, jour Honor has taken an oath to support the Constitution of thp United States In the ills-e- h .rgp of voiir otllclal duties. The Constitution of the United M.vten provides that all crimes against the l'lilteil Mulct be tried b Jury : and being asked to t titgu a iernii accused of crime for Hl.il to a couil winch Is proLioltcd from trying a case bv Jury. I ask your Honor to iipniv the t lear I rllull le so admirably stated by Clilpf Jii-tlc- p Marshall to our own oillclal duty Ii lhiscnso;tt, refuse to violate Hie Constitution; to refuse to niistalii nu uticoii-titutlon- law, or to cunsU'tt a man to nn unconstitutional court. TUT. HtMl'll AtrlKIKITIKt. I know that on thlsoolnt. tf jour llotmr pleate, we may expect tohaiecltatlolitfrom sompMate authorities, some ot them respectuble, holding that It Is no violation ol the provisions In ",niu of the Mate constitutions, securing the right of trial by Jury, to hold a man for trial tie I ore a police court without a Jury. On that mliil 1 contend Hint the distinction a broad and com- plete between the provisions In the state Consti- tutions, as, for Instance. In the Constitution ot the Mate of New York, and the Provision In tho C. uf the United States. I'he pro- visions In the nf must nf the uld Stati s are Hint the right ot trial b) jury shall bo preserved as It has heretofore existed. Now, any case which CoiilJ be tried without a Jury befoit. the adoption of these and many criminal canen could be trb d without a Jurv the adoption ol these constitutions can bo tried without a Jur) . fler their adoption. A vvisk tiiT.or.itlii. Hut will your Honor rcvprt to thp condition nf things In Hip teder.il Coiivciitionwiii.il m.nle our no t It .in, I Constitution t Will )our Honor re- member and rtllect that there w no subject uu which the great men who met tlipre wpreso Zealous, tu nolicitous, so determined,. ut that the right of trlsl ny Jury should be ncctucd In eveiy cose ol ai cusatioii of i rime against the United Mat.". Thev referred to no past history : the)' lise.1 no ilotlbtflll terms. lli used the woltt "all'; und Hit ri could Hot be .nothing uuUidu of it. Tiiev-s.d- all crimes against tho United States shall be tried by Jury. If all crimes against the United States are to bo tried by Jury, then no crime against the United Status an bo tr.etl without a Jury. The original thirteen Mutes were no Jraloui in regard to the security of that prim quo that tin y iieio not content evtu Willi that, and the history of the period shown t.iat all uf tho leading of liberty in all those Slates were ngreid on that one sul-Je- Ihe only point on vv Inch they disagreed wan a.t to the t ol put'lng It into a writ, ten Instrument. Alexander Hamilton, of Hun Stale, oppo-e- d it m, lei) on the ground that no such mural iiioimtprs could ever be found In all future hlniory u.s to untlertaku tu ir) crlium against the I lilted Mutes without .. Jury. In.it was his ground, l'.ari, k lleur). in too Virginia Cuuveiitiuii, said, " When the right of TitiAi. ny Ji'iir Is boiip, all In cone." They would not clve it up in old Virginia and In most of tne other M itet without the promise that '.hose amendments should be Immediately adopted, and they vvpro luimedl.ittly adopted, which provided further security lor the right of trial bv Jurv. 'iliev d fir prescutincuin liy a uruhd Jury In all capital cases ami canes of Infamous crime, and forusccdv trial. And help I will refer for n moment tu another provision which I think Im- portant In the original uolistliutlou. It Is us follows ; Anil such trtil itisll br liehl In thu SUto nhere tbe saiil iriiuu stiU liave ticen commute,!. Now, I do not propose on this occasion to go Into a very full discussion or to cite authorities very fully on that point; but whenever that question shall come up for legal discussion I contend that this provisiuu will be found fatal to uny such measure us is undertaken hen! against Mr. Dana. If ho committed any offence In this cose. It was cum-nutte- d In the Mate nt New York, llu was not out of tiie Statu of New York and ha-- s not been out of Hit! Mate of New Yolk for a )c.ir. I know that 11 has bicn held III nun) ernes that If a man is owner of a newspaper hern and mailt a copy to a remote Stale, and that ucvvnpappr contains a libel, lie publishes thu libel In the Mate vv hero the newspaper Is sent. Hut I say III regard to that, that here I merely wish to oiler those views which must from uetu-slt- y for tho preservation nf liberty be the pievuillug leading doctrines of the future In this country, 1 mean tu say thut that m: i.i r or liAiiniitisM to which I have already alluded must follow Its hurhuious brothers to their crave, I mean to nay that the doctrine laid down by Chief Jus-H- Marshall in the caso of Aaron llurr III to Hie locality In winch a man can be the crime of treason has got to hu nppili d by Judges ol the United Status to lor libel. It in old) w hetu ii luiili .ids that )oii cnu tr) him. Your Honor will ipcollect thut he put that opinion very strongly Indeed. Hp held that If It vveru a palt of u conspiracy formed III u remote section of the country, anil executed only In one pliu c, let tho conspirator must bo tried In tho district where hi actually conspired. (Ill that point )oiir Honor will Indulge me a few I . n t' h. Speaking ot the charge against llurr, the gicut Chlel Justice said : If tli" main rehi'l uriiiv, with the rlilsf at lis limit, llu uld he I'li.tet iiilng usi ut inn' eiti.iuil) oloiirltr. rlinr),suy luNtvv Ibitni shire . if tli't'hiet sliiiulU nu llitre euplllreil siul mill In llu' t i.tr i vlii'liilty for tin purpose of I rt il t if this hnlii'ini' ni Uisiesit ,. Hlli'k'lug mi overt set, uIiIiIihus iric in ptuut nf fact, tlitiiilil all. gn in.it he hu.l us. . mill, d suais mi ill (uriy, whleli In irutli lie limt not st i ii. mul had It i ud tt.nr i) eng.ieing in a skin.ilWi In (hurgiii, u a nun' ttlu-i- i lu rmlit) in was Itgiiuuga haltli in New I luiiipsliire ; If ut It i v.tlt nee vti.uhi support sut li uu Hell' nu. nt. ui the fiction that he s It gull) preneul .Hi' iiK r.'Ol) absent, allttt.iilil ask, Iiim list iiiir"i' ure llu sr prut isliins In tiie ( nii.llluliuii whli Ii uli. 1 II e i'I. ice of in il, uml Hut the ill run il sliall he llduruie l uf Hie In, II. re sut! cause ul I In seeiostiiiu 'I Till: PmiSP't'TIHN llt'II.T PI'dS A I.IK. Now, your Honor, never vvnn niiythlng more mnusiruusly lalnc iiiuru glaringly diniiiuot -- Hiail tills perjured allegation Hint Charles A. Dana composed tlilsnllegpil libel In the Disi.lct of Cnluiiibla, wherein! ban not been for ) ears; and (very man coiineiled with lids proseciitlun knows ll. lat me refer your Honor on that point to the United Slates agt, .Mourn (It Crunch, lMU, which coiitnliss a transcript of the opinion of the Court of tho District of lailiinibla, delivered by Judge Crannli, In which hu ridicules with ureal aarcasui the Idea that It I" competent for Csiugreia to ihatabludi miv such court lu tho District of Columbia, lie says; This Is a dvolrtne to whlfh I a nover auonl. Can It Vv isKI that CvuvrtM mi; pwi a bill of slUluacr for the District of ColumMs, Ttist Conrrru msy piss laws ex iwW 7rM In tho Ptrdrtrt, or or.lcr soldiers lo te quartered upon tu in the tune of nn are. or make oar por s freo porta of entry, or lar uuttua upon our st ports, or talis swsr Hie right of trial ti; mri la EriB. Inal pruiecutlons, - ' 1('"hl!e1,', """".'I tho reTotutlonarr times, find t,n i)ie Constitution waa ettnblltiiwl, neve: .iroainoil of such an enormity In loc'sla-iio- n being pniii'tpil or umlertakpn ; and Chief Justice Marshall nttented to all these positions, although he dlsaciitod from the Judgment of tho Court uu ot .or grounds. If this provision uf the Constitution In regard to tho trial of crimes la nut Plain, human language It vain, and men might better be deaf and dumb than to possess this gloriotit power- - above tho brutes the power of speech. If there can beanymlsundenttunilliig, misapprehension, or misconstruction of that PTovialon of tho Constitution a work nf lour and tedious consultation of that provision that protects our lllierllcs. then human freedom cannot be protected nny longer than It Is pro- tected by direct physical force and at tho point of tho bayonet, nnd constitutions aro vain. Hut wo are not left with that alono. plain as It Is, Wo have tho recent opinion of the Supremo Court of tho United Slntet nn that subject, one ot the greatest opinions of modern limes. Tin: cvsr. or vih.i.kia.n. If voiir Honor please. I would Invite your attention to tho c.i.--u ot .Mdllguii, who had bedi sentenced to devth hy a c uirt mattlal- - decided b) tho Supremo Court of the United M iles no longer ago than Isrsl. ll was argued vv ith a bower of by that grc it lawyer and uprl.ht Judgo, .leretiiuih lllack. who spoke ns If he had been speaking in revolutionary times. Inspired by the trim spirit ot liberty. Ilo reminded tin Court In the course of lilt nrctiinotit. Hint to the rl 'lit of trial br Jury llnglaiid 'ivvpt ni Te of her fro.-iliii- giiiiulpiir, ami prospeilty limn to nil ntber a isen nut together, llu reminded them of the unt.qtilly of the rtcht nnd tho devotion to It In earluis at well at later times. Ho told thorn how id I King Alfre I, lu a alnglo ve.ir I an. sixty lureo of hit Judges because thoy had denied tho right of tilal by Jury to persons occutpd of crime. And tho Supreme Court, lu Its former grandeur, responded t liy to ull of tlioso tuihlo sentiments ; and It was that opinion, and that opinion nlnup, which cunu near making the learned Judgo who delivered It President ot the United Stalct, as ho would have been If tho free press had acted upon the Credit Mobilier and other matters of public cor- ruption a little earlier than ll did. .Mr. Justice Dills snys, lu delivering tho opinion of the Court, " thnt until recently no one ever doubted that the right uf trial by Jury was fortified In tho organic Uw acolnsl the bower of attack." Chief Justice Chose, who, although ho differed ou some ol the grounds, oamo to tho samo conclu- sion. In exptesslng hit dissent, upon other grounds, he said; ' Wo assent fully to all Hi tl It said in the opinion of Hip Inestimable value of the trial by Jury." And Milllgnn was set at liberty Instead of being doomed to death, thut principle of tho Constitution had been violated lu his case. Till: OUtl CO.tSTITfTIO.V STII.I. AIIKAD. Now, voiir Honor. In regard to these specious arguments In support of w blci, ut 1 hnve said, tne) will lie nblo lo cite some authorities nnd a luw respectable name-- , these poiu.a are tu bp eonndcrt d. That the Constitution secures no: only trial by Jur. but n speedy trial by Jurv. It is wholly Inconsistent with this provision to compel n man Urst to be tried will, .utnjiirv. What Is It tint h secured by trial by Jury I It II .t character nteilit to bo protected t, that provision, as well ,ut personal Illicit) i And do l.ui It-- me that inn tl i not violate that pro. vi- -i ii of the Con-utu'i- when vou make a man a convict betore he can enjoy It. would like to have h ut tho Propo-uio- u tnu. a federal Judge iv oultl ever maku sin h a tUci-lo- ii its that proclaimed 111 the fa.'e nt the American army when (ieoige Washington led It. v nen )ou nro ' mor.ill) kit tl. when your family has sutlercil all the p.iligt and torments nf bell up' ii earth bv . lug Its head made a convict I, y it curt which the courts of tho I'nl'.ed Mates Hold to bo com- petent under tho I .institution to it) uu ollYiice, then ion may aiqieal und cine Into , nun already a convict, ami have the Inestimable right of trial by Jury n, cured to )oii. Is that thu fnedoui of the United states of Ameitca.' If so, proclaim ll to foreign lands, ami your ships which are now loaded wltn Immigrants from every country will come here ou their very next vo)u'e empty. vviiliii: the tiiial should ni. Now, your Honor, Mr. Clih f Justice Marshall nluayt examined with great Particularity tho source of authority whenever he was asked tu deprive a man ol his llbetty. The authority which upon tho other side they rely on for the performance nf such nu net Is the ;ttd section of tho Judiciary act of lTrM. Uu us look nt It. They concede that If vou bale no authority under that, )ou have none from any source, ns I iii.derstand them, That provision reads in this w.i : Inst for snr crime or otfnnrs acalnit lb Untied Ht tie iB.lllil may, l) auy .1 us l li e ur .ludgs of I' e Uniti'it sial.-s- . or til ,ui) e ,.f lust, are or ullirr liiatfistrsl.' ut any of .e luitttj Mania w here lit, ma) l. f. an ! asrrf slily In tiie nua! it. c il, uf prot ess ncaiii.t tillsu.lera III sutti Male .ml at llir . 1 p. its,, ut the I lined Mates, 1. srr.-slp- abit UuruuUi'dur uanetl,aa the vase ' llial tit , fur irlai Where, If )our Honor please 1 Now where? lletoru the Police Curt ot Washington i f'ur li (il bt ton iiiV . ourl at ,s 'rtlliti SUUI 04 by (.Vl, tl I Ail, , V'il'Uit'f ti Iht ttjjt rue. To another provision of tho Constitution al- low me to Invite your II mor'n attention, and Hint Is the prnvitlun whleli ,ms tiiut thu J, nil, Ittt puttur of mo Uiutci! Males shad tie vestetl in one Supreuie Court and In am h Infe- rior eoiirtt at Ci.ugrest shall from time to tlino ordidn and I'Stabllsn. mid Hi it the Judges, both of tho rioproint, iuiiI Inferior courts, sludl hold their oOl 'es during good behavior. Now, your Honor, the Supreme Court of the United Mates have expresslv decided that the term "Judicial power "lined lu this elau.-- e means all tno Judi- cial power, and It cm only be reposed in the Supreme Court mul Inferior courts toeJudgen of which hold their terms nf nfli o iliiriu.' good behavior, home ficblo attempts h ivo bet n tu nit- - to cxpluiti away tint prnvi-lo- n of the t f..r as tho Constitution had enemies ni the time of Its llueplioii. so it has ulva) h.ul enemies ever aim e. 'there uro I'l.TTV TyilATS and men loving tvramiv in this ns lu every other free country, who will try to explain It aw.i), but It cannot be explained away. And ll wut Hie opinion of C.iiuf Justice Marshall thai the ' Judges who do ti"t bold their oftlcps dur-- i lug good behavi, r possessed nnneof the Judicial imer provnltd fur lu tiie Constitution. I sit), therefore, mi that ver) ground, that Hut l'ollco Court uf the District of Columbia It nn uncou-- 1 stltuilonid court, ami It hat no right no right nu) more than it It was only nu Initio District of Columbia - in stretch torth its hand here and take Mr. Chuilct ,. Dana out uf iho Jurisdiction of the Umpire Stale. I have stated brlelly and Imperfectly my views nu mime of the t'ouita of ltv. I have lint ar- - filed tbeiii fuhy, be. 'aiiso I knew I was tn be fo. b) n gentleman most learned In Hie law, who has long been an ortiameul to tins belli hi an lieu w comes bai k to be a renew cd ornament and strength to the bar of this city. 1 Hunk be)olid these legal points, although 1 prefer only to in gnu law lo n court &s this Is a c.ise of III tst Impren-ln- ii It is proper for tho Court to look at some of the consequences widen would follow nu adverse decision in this cane, ami among lliein would be iho utter de- struction of that lihirt) of the press wnli h, as the Constitution of Massachusetts admirably expresses ll, "it essential lo the security uf freedum." If Hint Police t'oiilt n u W csteni Journal has bappilv denominated IL "thepro-pn.ci- l Imperial Police Court of the District of Columbia' can stretch forth its hand here ami take one editor, it can stretch forth Us hand Into every Stale, Into every Territory, Into every county. Into every city and village lu this coun- try, for thev all have their presses. You Mould have Iho Dlstrkt of Columbia Oiled up with pri'uliers who would hu said tu have libelled some olllcer of the Hove rumciit. II the) could lime dune that when thu expos, ot IIIK CHI.IllT Mil 111 1.1.1 t:u transactions first began liey would never havo been brought fully to light. The members of Congress engaged in sum transactions would hu Interested In the culort't'iiiciit of such a law , and liovv long think you would it be beforo Congress would repeal that provi ion of the law now ex- isting which enabled tne licensed person to plead the trillh In defence ! They w mild repeal that law and establish the old l.lu'llsh and barbarous doctrine that tno greuter the truth the greater thcllhcl; und the greater tbe truth being geu-erul- l) applicable to such persons, wit vvoiild Imvu thu District, on I say, tilled with member of thu pre s from all parts of thu country, and then they would apply Hint law which they enacted during Hie war. Hint when the Old Capital pri- son was too lull and thu oilier prisons vveio loo full, they could transmit prisoners, on the war- rant nf a Jiuigp. to the penitentiaries i.ll over the country, and the prisons nf this wliolu cniiniry would be tilled up with ust so man) men u.s ever .note anything against the existing admin- istration uf the fiiivfrumciit. lli.it would In. a I) rauuy niieli as duet not exist on tho face ol the enrtli, uml Hint Is what this prose- cution means. It Is no cinggcralton to say that If thl. ATrr.viiT to Mi'iinni miikhty ennnut ho sinnthercd noiv.lt can never ho sue. cesslully reslsicd. Vuiir lluiior will icuicmber Hint one of the chief grounds set fort In the Declaration nf Independence nu which our free Institutions wire established, won the extradi- tion of prisoncra fur trial to u remote land. And speaking of the Declaratloti of Indeneiidcuce, let mi' say- - and I take It upon myself to say It nlways when speaking in a caso of libel that no man ever bom holds In more sacred estima- tion than I do the sanctity of character. It Is not to he Idly aasalled ; It Is never to be falsely assailed. Hut, sir, when you speak of these political libels ; when you speak of wrong and corruption In office, for which ther propose to luprlAii. where they have failed to iira'oV, lot ine remind you that the founda- tion stone of Mils republic on which our Govern- ment Is founded U a libel, for If tbe declaration of American Iih1psimIu U ant allbcluovu Oonrie III.. I should Ilk is ;,(ito any lawyer tell tue what ',',,, t, j &ni u was AJlttel vrhlch m unpnlly accomplished Its obiecU. That urst unfurled the American flag, we had no national existence until Hint was adopted by the wise and great men of tho whole nation In convention assembled, and that was of tho samo character as tho libel which they now Invoke tho aid of an unconstitutional court and old Dratiulcnl measures of oppression to suppress and punish, MIL HAItTUrrT HfMAlNKD. Judge lllntchforil Has counsel aii)t!ilnc fur- ther to nnv7 Mr. Harriett My learned associate. Judge Shlnmnti, will present moro nt length the ques- tions on which I have lightly touched. I have skimmed the mountain tops. He will descend Into the depths of Hietallejs and bring up some further truths. HhlpmarY (at still. Judge lllatchtord-lli- w the District Attorney anything moro to present? Sir llliss Our caso It closed, your Honor. Judge lltntchfiinl In his derision sustained .Mr. Harriett Mi all his points, llu said: "I am entirely satisfied that I cannot grant this war- rant. The net of Congress creating this court Is utterly void and iiiicotistltulb.nal upplauao, und therefore I docllne to grunt It." MIL III. IMS WAMTS TO fY eOMlrritlNfl. Mr. illlss (with A pallid smile) -- Will your Honor all. ni mo Judge lll.iti'hford I don't till nk vou can cbaiico in v opinion. Keneived applause. Tho Conslllullnii of the I, lilted States oxprosslv st itet Hint the trial for all crimes shall be by Jury. It It Impottlble to cot over tnnt clause. It It entirely clear In this catc, at I i.trsiuiid It, that this appll ullnn for u warrant to the Commissioner It bu-e- solely on this In- formation llled In the I'nllce Court nf the Dis- trict of Columbia, t'llt Information being the solo uvldonco that tho Commissioner had before him. Mr. Illlss (In a cold pertplratlnn)-T- ho com- plaint thnt 1 handed ) our Honor Judge lllatchford Hut lit tho complaint It Is suited that II tried ho Is to ho tried in tho Police Court. Mr. Illlss-- Wo admit It. If tho warrant be Itsuod ho would be tried In the Police Court. Mr Illlss (bxstl.y seizing threo law books) I can show your Honor that the count nf Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and California have held that a provision establishing a l'ollco Court of Hits kind Is constitutional, and tho Supremo Court of Masn.icbunetts. Chief Justice Shaw giv- ing the opinion, goes liberally Into tbo question, and held that where the right of trial by Jury was secured Anally, that was all the Constitu- tion required. It hat Iweii decided In tho Su- preme Court of the District nf Cnlumbli, on an elaborate argument, that this proclso act Is kot roimnr.E. Judge lllatchford It cannot be possible. Sir. Harriett It Is not possib e. Judge lllatchford -- It violates the fundamen- tal principles of tho (lovcriiiuentof the United Stales. Prolonged applause. There must bo no demonstration In court. Judge Shaw- - of Massachu- setts in iy havo illlrmcd thu Jurisdiction of the mncistratPt over drunkenness and petty nf- - fell' ut, where vou leave freo und unfettered tho light of appeal. As It was. the euno was decided hi a divided Court. The provision lu the Ma- ssachusetts m ite Constitution mai bo similar to tne Mxlh Amiinduieiit of the Federal Constitu- tion, lull Is not similar to the clause lu the orig- inal anli Ip whh h has been t lute I. Judge lllatchford I refer to the clause In the ' original Coiiniliutloii. Kvcn iitsiimlng thai tho clause rulers only tu i which bad before been tried 'iy J Ty, it It well known Hint llbi It have nlwa) been tried by Jury. Therelore, at far as I understand. It Is impossible, unless I override Hip ti of the Uimed Mates, und violate mv oath of nClcc, to grant the war- rant asked for In this case. I don't menu to say that this court nt Wash- ington mn) not he competent to try small as- saults and batteries and petty Itrcctiles. Wo know that from time Immemorial lucre have been such coiitts as Speclul Sessions, and I know myself what a relief ll would he to the courts of fie United Stntes If they wore not coiiiiielied to try every thing, no matter how small, by Jury. Hut every effort to Introduce some Ostein for our relief has been met bv this Insurmountable barrier of the Constitution this clause uf the Constitution, Therefore we cannot have trial by Special Sesaluus, In this case, as I understand It, It Is perfectly clear that It In to be tried In the first cane with- out a Jury. The Constitution snys that all trials nhall be by Jury, and the accused It entitled, tol to be Urst convicted by a court and then tube acquitted b) a Jury, but to bo convicted or ac- quitted In the Ant Instance by a Jury. That M'etitt to me to be tho sound high cround on which to put this cn-- AMinir.it vtr.w. Tint another view Is that tho Judlctil act of 17 M' provides that all incused per-o- n shall be comniitttd 'or trial In the which by this net hut cognlatico of the ntloiice. I oiigrens hat half a dozen times wiped out the original curt In the District of Columbia, and in fact w ben the U' t of 1TW was pissed there was no court III tbo District of Coliimhln. I do not Hunk Hint nil) warrant vv liatover could be under thu statute to send u person to an) other district than the courts established b) tills act. I Mr. Illlss (with a bickering smllei- -I call your Honor's attention to the cniu of lllooiugart, who was scut to a district cstnlillshed set en-te- cuts nltri Hie pas-ag- i. nf that uct.nml to the cane nf n Person sent to Michigan I.) Judgo lleiieillct a district not established for forty ) cars utter Jiidtet Wirt und l'aiiey havo both given opinions against what you lay down, Judgo lllatchford-He- ad lliein. MIL M.ISS QUOTE.!. Mr. lillts (smiling hastily) Wirt snys thnt you can reiiiand to tho District uf Columbia, ami 1 aney gave a similar opinion. Sblpman Those decisions were founded on the peculiar legislation of Congress in regard I" the District. Mr. Harriott- -I construe tho opinion of Ta- upe to bp dlrectl) Hie opposite uf what Mr. Illlss bus said, ami entirely in accordance with o ir Honor's v lews. Judge lllati hfnrd- -I was gulnc to say that I dpi line tu grant Ihe warrant .ui the ground thut Hut Court bat im right to remnnd for trial for any ntfeiico uthcr than by Jury. Ou that ground ab "lie-- Mr. Illlss (tmlllngl Of cruiro we how tn your opinion. Hut I would say that Chief Justice '1 ancy expresses a different opinion In the ease of a ppison remanded to the of Colum. Ll.i charged with assault on the President of tho United stales-- Mr. Harriett And he was discharged by the Chief Justice. THE THPK (1II0PNP. Judgo lllatchford Tho tlrtt ground It the high ground that goes to tho bottom of thu w hole mutter. 1 make the decision solely with relcreiice to Hie fact thut it is a i barge of lib. I, iv hit h nlwnvs has been a crime triable by a Jury, and there Is nothing befoio the Court which suggests thut thu case would bo tried ah) where else than in the Police (' nut. Mr. Illlss-- We are bound to admit that It would be tried there. Judgo lll.itcliford-Thp- re It another court In Washington that call try Hip indictment. Sldpmuii I here Is not. I he trouble Is that thu act organizing thu l'ollco Court re- peals preceding acts, but could not repeal the Constitution of the United Stales, Judge Illatehford- -I regret thut the Court hail not the bi'lit'llt of an argument from the other learned coun-e- l representing thu defence. 1 fell bound tu Clio thin decision without further examining ur writing an opinion, as the propo- sition of the counsel vv ho did argue seemed so plulu thut no consldc rutloii or stud) could bring I mo to another conclusion. The arguments of the counsel were listened to with absorbing Interest by the auditors. Mr, Illlss was lean and technical. Ho worked hatd to do his masters' will, but It was evident that his collar galled him. He did not seem to fully realize Ids position until Judge lllatchford de- cided the case against him. Then ho cuniu out Willi spasmodic vehemence; but thu Judgo wouldn't take back Ids decision, Mr. Harriett was fully tqi. both In mntter and milliner, to the magnitude ot the Issue ami the srnndi'iirof Ids theme. He was aglow with the spirit of 'TO; his aspect was leonine; his argu- ments were Wcbstcrlan In clearness and solid- ity. Ho not only had the Judgment ut tho Court, hut also the sympathy of the audience with lilm. After tho prolonged and nfl-r- c peatcd applause with vvlib h Judge lllutc hfnrd's decision was greeted had subsided, and tho Court had ad- journed, a number of we dlhy gentlemen from Washington who had suffered .rum tho rapacity of the King In Hint city, gathered around Mr. Dan i uml thanked him for Ms exposures nf tho public plunderers nf the District of Columbia. They rejoiced ill Judge lll.itcnford's decision, ns they suit) Hip only hope which the people of tho District have ot shaking nit the grasp of the lllug is III Hie fearless exposures uf their cor- rupt practice- - by Independent Journals like Tilt: Sin. The Conspirators on (heir IVIndiuir Way, YVaniiinoton, July 15. Thcro wiis no unusual exclloiiieut ut the depot ot tho Haiti-mor- e and Ohio llallrtiud In Washington on last Tuesday evening, Tho casual observer would nut have remarked auy very diatlngulsbod-look-In- g Individual lu live crowd of men, women, and children gathered there armed with carpet- bags, umbrellas, and walking sticks. There win. howsvtr. aoiaa rarr notorious ckaracten In this crowd of walling travellers. The prlncl-D- al members nf the great District Ulng were there, accompanied hy anumber of their lackeys and strikers, en route for New York, where, as thoy loudly proclaimed, they Intended to enp-tu- re and carry hack tho editor of Tub Nkw Yoiik Hun, tlreat preparations had been mode for Mils raid on tho arch enemy of tho Adminis- tration, as they Invariably termed Mr. Dana. All day long Iloss Shepherd had been In consul- tation with Secor Hobcton, Altorney-Oenc- Williams, and Serrotnry Itlchsrdtnn. Ilach and all had given hlli) words of encouragement. All this made him feel quite Joyful, nnd to all nf hit lllne friends ho expressed tbo utmost In the success uf his scheme to muizle the Indu'tondent prees of tbo country, lie felt so very good that he ordered a costly lunoh and plentv 1 choice wines to be provided to reials tils fellow conspirators on tho speclxl oar which It was reported tho llaltlmore and Ohio Halt-roa- d would provide tor their solo accommoda- tion, line, however, enmo their first disappoint- ment. The (ireat llaltiinoro and Ohio lLillroad Company wished yi favors nt the hands of tho lllng and declined to furnish nsoeclal car. Wlille.thercforo.the lllng conspirators kept up a deal of boasting at the depot, ll was qullo ev- ident to a careful observer that thoy felt that this snubbing nt the hands of the railroad com- pany was a bad omen. The Host and one or two others, who were provided with fieo tia-s- over Tom Scott's new lino, quietly slipped mvav In time to tnkctho train over tho l'piiit)lvnlila route, nt the rumor of Sixth street und; Ppim-vl-- v aiil.i avenue Tney h.idno time to divide t be lunch nnd wines, and to (lourco (lideon's great disgust they carried oil even thing, not even leaving tho Inspector of I'rcsldcctlal whl.-kp- y an empty bottlo to smell. After the departure of the H its mi l Ids fellow dendheads. the party at the llultlmorc mul Ohio depot consisted of IajwIs deplume. Ileorge lliueoli, (leorgu ll.itreit, John Hadcy. ami a half doreii of strlkeis whoso names 1 do not know. Of (leorco (ildeon, tho Inspector of whiskey for the l'rcsldentl d palate, tho readers uf Tin: Sl'M have been lately furnished with a fait.. fill sketch, together with a tolerably full biography, Lewis ClcPhano Is the President of tho Metropolis Paving Company, lie It a lit- tle man who endeavors, by u great deul of fussing and f iimliig, to coiivltico those who do not know him that he Is really of soma Importance. Since the adjournment of Congress ho tins been acting In the capacity of private secretary to llo-- s Shepherd and as a between that In- dividual and contract brokers. Shortly aftor the do part uro of Shepherd and hrs little party, above alluded tn, and Just re the starting of tho truln, Secretary lllchurd-ao- n tiiado his appearoiiuo at the deiiot. Ho had evidently forgotten to say something to Shep- herd which he had omitted to tell him earlier In tho day, for his tlrtt Inquiry was, "Where is Sheph.nl 1" llelhg Informed thnt the Hons was going by the other route, hu hurriedly consulted his watch to sue if he had time to uiako tho de- pot nt Sixth street before K.V)-t- hu hour nt which thut train leaves, finding that he could not make It, he drow Clcphane lu one si le nnd held him In close conf.Hi until the train becan to lutivo off, w lieu bo bid tho conspirators good-b- y and wished them Ciud's spued uu their mis- sion. w r.v.v i:so r.i rn i it vrr. to tu n s r.v. The Itepubllrnnt' Thanhs for ferreting Out Ihe ( null! Milliliter Hruutln. St. Paul, Miiiil, July 1(1. Tno KeptiM!- - ' can Stale Convention met Three huh- - tired and eight delegates vvcte present, Tho coiites was mainly mi the (lovernorshlp. The principal candidates were Horace Austin (the Incumbent), W. 11. Washburn, C'lithmiin It. Duls, and Tiiumas Armstrong. The contest was very animated. Finally Austin withdrew, and Armstrong's friends concentrated ou Davit, defeating VA ushhurn. The vote ou the fourth und Until ballot stood ' Hilts, l.Vii Washhum, l's). ltesolutloi.s wore adopted favoring cheap transportation, according to capital In railroads theiightof reasonable remuneration, but unJusLdiscrlmluailuiiA. and all arhitrary aiid Improper use nf the crowing power uf rail- road and other corporations. 'Ihe fourth reso- lution su)s that no rights should be vested In rullruad cnniuratlous beyond the control of future legislatures. Tbe fir lb resolution heartily applauds the ac- tive measures of Congress lu ferreting out and exposing corruption, and demands nuiu official conduct and tho piitiUnuienl uf unfaithful pub- lic men. Tho sixth resolution cotueiuiis with- out leserve tho salary and back-pa- y grab, and ueuiahd. tho prompt repeal ot thu law authoriz- ing It. A New Miitue ol ('cn. Duller, u'a.'A AO'ioa T oik ru-l- , A new ftnttii' of (Jon. llutlor I In preii.t-rntlo- n, the two sides ot tho face being quite ills-- i similar, from one side, the cxpres.-i- i e f.u e seems to wear prohibitory legislation in every ' lineament nnd feature, 'iho clerical white choker adorns the sinewy" neck, and the mouth Is piously pursed up at tbuiigli olio should whis- tle ut a funeral. On the o iter ship the nock Is ban. PXfept for a pretpr-ll.vronl- c collar renting loosely on the atlaiitenii slioiilders, while Iroin the corner of the mouth a straw protrudes and a know lug wink partially closes the ee, such us one inuy see exchanged alunng the sous of llellcl when one of iliem invites another to luncheon. lb. Hi pn BIps hnvp their numerous admirers, but the full front Is said to bo le-- s satisfactory. Knlc Moibluril tins Nothing lo Sar to ltrporl-ei- t Wliut u Ciliuiiln l'urtfol, Knto Stoddard pipretset str.itltude for her trratiuriit by the keepers of the Itayiuuii i sirret Jail bheaaystiie rreitril binlsbtp ts the clue ami alining sir. l.ven villa tbe Hluttutia upeu It In nut plessiuttir healtt-y- . bbe luea"tilcuiy of pure, freth air, lota of exert Ue, and as much r.ew milk ai she csn get " S"e etijt-i- tu bsviog v itiiurs imriidiug upuu uer wlthuut Utitlee. Mie says it t alllloyiug tu b' e.'UlronUil ttnti s person au.tiitiily. blie is luiiructeU b lirr counsel nut to talk tu rc ..nn i. " Vuu alio." atit' iai, " nut It 1 said a llllle ll.e. wouhl 111 ike a great ileal mil uf 11." Kale Is alius til lu even ise in ihe ) aril fur an hour eii ry ( vi'iitug u lien the vteatieT tn One. Ik one eiivtiupe fuiiini In her Iru.ik ha! s meniorin. uuiueuiiieruuigay.aiug man thuiu Kate met an.l re re IV rd "one kiss " trolll. Mie aim reti'M lu the fact Hist slip sent l.v to a plivbletau, and suvs"tii' mil i.ul cine" I h letter cuntaluiua' a lite aim a one tlul. ar balls liult-wa- uut a' ut tu tne c btvt, rba Captain said be furuot to band lu tne m airy. .More .VIotlucH Captured. San FliVM.'1-.i.'O- , July from Fort Klamatb, July 11, vis Asbton, Oregon, July 10. state that Miller's Charley and .lack's fatbrr ln lats, vthn sur- rendered on the 3d luit., ttrre urn fur by dpt. Has. tirmick ttsila). Intpiligsnee waa received at Fort Klamath yesterday frum slllux lb it l.uug Jllll slid 1,1 f itlier hail lirrli ca, lured uylbarlta Kltiine. nu Hull in of that plaee, and that tbey ttuidil be bri'iu'bt tu KUiiulb toils) uutltr tbe cliatge uf (be ubl eli.cf hebunclilii, s brulb. r uf Hihoiichin who Is c mined ilio captain Jack. Whin these lliilui.n arrive all the tbe Mutiuca belukgtpg to Capt. Jack's band vt ill have been captured. The be mi ii n llstieillf Ion, Panama, July K -- The news that the expedi- tion of the (ieiitral Mieruiau, sltb Palaelus and bis partr baring landed at TruJIilo ami begun au attack against Hunilura baa ruust-- up (lie liov i rnmeuls uf (liutt'in.tls ami Silvailur, slid every prrparatltin baa been mule tu repil Hie tui&biuii, mid coiniitiu'i! action bet ii tleet.U d mi. Hie ch Neil pari), luvi ig ibeir lt ra in Sltsragll I, are cupsblered lu Its nt Hie hup luliliif Hie muiiUieul and tu buppl) the funds by hIucii It la carried uu. A .Haiti scitiinlii stulclde. Last evening Mary Melntyro, a servant, uf .1(1 Rnst Ttseni) rUbtti strert. tveut tu s drug sturu lu Third avenue and saked fur Paris green lu poUou rata vvllb. Upturning home she wrnt to her room, and sliurtl) aftcrwnrit brr muaiiings attrseteii iho laiidluly, wboiuuudM r bulb ring mult r pclsuii. fhe waiseut tu uu ambulance tu lielicvue Huspltul, where bvriaae waa prunuuueed fatal. A Meiiuinhlp on I'Tre. San ritAM'lsco, July 1(1. Desp itches from San Diego Ibis liturulng say that the Pncttlc Mall stiumahip Miiiitsna, wu n forty iniha numb uf Aeupuleu, uu Ibe morning uf Hie nth bibt , ut Hires n'eluck, luok pre fur waril in llu- t'oui store ruum. After .tu luuir'b bant bght the crew ami p.t.bengerb buteeedtd hi gelling It uuaer tuulrul. The Wpiilher v, Wasiilnoton, July til. Tho Signal Oftlco pre. ibeib fur luir.ili) In the Middle Matia southeast winds with lueal bttiruis. H HOOK I. r.v. Til lodore I'.ck, aged eight years, of '& il trtrt.ua. nr. .win d In ibe lake in Pruaptct Park i sli rday. Ibubuil) was ii t overt1. t. ()n Tuesday evening Daniel l Phillips, ugpd eleven, of ill rsllklili alenue, while pis) ill J III Ibe blrret near tne rullruad Irak, wjt knuekeil iluwu u a horse, be falling uerusa ibe truck. 'Ibe wnccl tlragge,! linn iiluug nn ,er lis (langc, mangling him s,i I Lmi hp du I ) end t da) uiorulu g. .So blame la el.argtd tu Ibe driver. .v;;ir ,ti:i:si:xr, Patrick J. O'Donnhue of Jersey City, has been missing nu , (hi. Mb uf July He bad iiininltraiile luuney with bun wht-- be disappeared., A running rnce Is to take place on the Scc.iu-cti- s track una afli rliouti lielween Patrick Vidian's sor- rel mare bm v ol Mt'Hauici's stuck, aud Patrick bulla's bruwumire SluiruJ. The suit between the Hnbuken Igiml and Cutniuiiy itutl tbe cily of fliibiuru fur Ibe liosapssduu ut a valuable plot ot laml, nan been detliled la favor of tbe til) by tbe L'uan of Krrurs sud Appeal.. Mrs. Julia Cxiininlngs, wldnw of a Newark tWrnjiiiD, reotntl brtsust aopialulod with iVitiiau LHbs. Bbe lulrualrd bLu wllb aJoao, anil wsa abuol lo marry him aiabiat lbs advice of bsr trirnds. Iltmcuo-llnal- s ber tneudi pmoustd Us onguial Mrs. lluia, whom Ibay found la Knctlln. Suassi csiaalr. UDm Sd, WXUsg Willi btia Mr. Ciuuiiauuis's XIAIS, TIIE OLD WORLD'S NEWS. I tub tivAxisn onrKitsst hxt and iH TUB C.lll LISTS. Ten Thor.snnd Cnrllsts Under Arms Spanish Dlen-ol-W- ('mining (along Ihe Cnasi-- A Strike In llarrelona-lncendl- arr Speeckea. IlAro.HNE, July 10. Tlio Curllsta usaort that they have 10,000 men under arms. The Spanish Uovernmcnt has ordered war ts to cruise along the coast of Illsoay to pre-ve- nt the landing nf cargoes of arms and military stores f jr llwi Carllsti. Ma tint D, July 1C Dosoatohes from Marcelon announce that yesterday alt tho workmen In tlx cotton and woollen factories struck and tha eliops w era closed. In the evening the worker of both sexes assembled on tho plaza and wore harvngiied by several senkers who urged them to emulate tho course of Hin men of Alcoy, to overthrow the inunieliial goveiiimeiit and hum the cliuichea and public buildings. The speak. ors wcro hissed. llefnre nny serious dltturhnnco had taken tdat a troops nil I veil in the plaz.i. Further ui.itiifpstntbm.t by tbo most violent of tho workmen aro apprehended, and precautions h ,V(i been taken, llvYONM!, July thousand C.irllsts under llicrro have enlcrcd tho provlnco of Pa- - l'ru-lde- PI v Margnll has refused to ncgntl-nt- u with tno C.irllsts (or nu exehaiign of prison-c- Inn bp bus iiuthoi i,eil tnp Hepublleiiii c to come o on understanding unofil. cl illy with tho C.trllst chiefs to socuro proper I treatment of Spanish troops falling Into tho hands nf tho Insurgent. M.vnitii), July HI,- - Seflor Aurlcb, Mlnltter of Miirluo. hxs ictiirncd from Cirt.igonu. Whlla thcro bo was fired at by the Insurgent troops. Thu portion of llm garrison of Ciiitugclia vvhlotl roliised to Join the revolt will roach her Telegrams from Valencia say that duo havo been taken to prevent an out break In that city. 1 ho Governor reports that tho volunteers may bo relied ou to support tha B authorities. l'ony Volunteers Shot. MADitm, July IB. It in iiseortiHl that thft CarllsU shot forty ltepublloan volunteer at Clratiqul, after thoy had siirronderod, At a meeting of a majority of the tnomher ot tho Cortes to-d- It was resolved to approve th proposition that the Cortes shall vote tho new i Uoiistltutlon before closing Its session. Sofior Malsonavo niado a violent attack on tho mem-bers- tho Left, ao using them ot forcing thulr views ami nit'.isurot upon tho country. It was dually determined by tho caucus that the Curies should adjourn fur a brief recess, tu reassomblc at a day to bo agreed upun, Thu Cenlro was not reprtwented In Iho caucus, Hesluiiiillons, M.Miitiii, July 10 Kv'L'iiltif;. Mnlsonava, Minister of I'oteL'Ii Affairs; CarvaJ.il, Minister of Finance; and ll.'rge. Minister of Jiisllcs, have resigned In order lo fin Dilute tho furma-- IjH lloii of it Ipimogeiipoiit p.iiilupt. Tiie miij iiliv in the Cortes dumaud a vlgurout Ministry under s.diucruii. Don Cnrtna Spain, IIavonmt, July Don Curios rci'iitoroo) Spain uu Tuesday night. Uu Issued a proclamo-Ho- n, invoking the help of the God of Armies, declaring thut, listening to the voice of suffering Spain, lie comes to tight for God and his conn-tr- v. nnd concluding with tho exhortation: " Volunteers 1 l'ornard, ami save d)lug Hiiaiu I" There was grcut cntbusl.isin among bin follow-er- s wheu Don Curios Joined Valdesplna and Liz-zar- on Spanish soil, .Mtlililli, July 10,-- Insurgents In Carta. gent are In a fearful condition. Driinkeniiuss, Hotltik", aud general demoralization prvvull. Public llejolrlngs. I'Artts, July 10. Tlio Govurntntnt hits tho Prefects of the occupied Depart-men- ts tn Interdict public rejoicings on the oeca-slon- thu uv.icuutlon of Hie territory by th The lluuvers' Hot's (ireni Clfl lo tbe 1'ropl of the The nttendanco of trustees of the Pcahody Kduoatloa Kuuu st tbe annual meeting yesterday was fuiler thsa ever before since tbe great phlliuli.rupibl made choice of the almoners of lit" bou .ty Thrra urre la one ot the ball parlors of the Fifth Avci us Ilutrl tl e Hon. Kobsrl C. Wliithrop, ( litlrman of tba buard, tbe Hun. llamlltuu Full, Secretary of fclate; I'rtsldrnl Lraotitbe Hun. Juhn II. lllllurd, exliuv. ernur uf Mastachust-lt- i the lion. Win. Aiken, ex. Oovrruer ot bomb I srtdins . tbe Hun. Wni M I'rarU of New York , the Hon. VVut.A. (irabani.rx (iovrrnor of .North Carolina i Cbsrlra McAllister of Pckntylvaulsi (.purge VV. liiggs, the banker, ot VV'ashlnglun (leorge N. Kalt.n uf .Vlarylatidl Ueure P. Itus-- t I, s nrphew uf JH Ibe pbilanii.rup 1 uml btcretaiy (o the toaru, whuao resldi-ue- Is .u Fuglatid t ttie H..U. ba i ti I Watsuti uf Itunetieet Ibu Hull, A. 11. II. Muart uf Virgluint and H His Usv. Hr, Hsriias bevrs, gem ral agent or Hie fund, fjH aim Uvea at buundm, V'a 'Ibe tuny members of ibo t'oard w uu-- r ih,ii w vacant w re ttlsbop Mel lvalue fit onlu, who tlieu ubrnad several inontbs . gu, and (.en. fH fi.tk tsjlor ut Louisiana, who It in llerilu, .Mors. vvatsun,btusii,anil la) ,ur bll ,lu vacancies crealid by tbe il. nth uf huwiiid A lii..ii..ni. Admiral 1 srrsgui, ana the Hun, Win i. Hives Onl ruiui., i,itsni'bs was (rjiisaetrtl )pttrdar It la mpp se, tbtt the sgeui's r,prtwul tip i. at progr as bus been nu.le lu tue put-b- e mind on Ihe aubjeel f general education, but that 0 re are luau) hluiiraliies tu the biirtebs of Hu lutivo-me- to estabilsti a system uf fiee scbuuls In the buuto. A Cilnul Hunt C.iulnlii Killed. Coroner M.ih.in of Jersey City Is holding on lU'piett lu the case of Kugeue Atno, whu was killed by a ul, .vt from the tilt uf Thunias Han, on tho plank road I mlfo uier the llackriisack river. Throe wttneaaes were eiatulued Dit night. Tbo flrt wis J ho V draw, Ileaal.1. I am buwmin on tbe host of which Atno was captain. VVp wrredetalned at Ibe lock, and as wp went tbruugb Aluo iuarrelled w uu the priauucr, 1 was culled swat a tew luuuieula tu allen.l tu ths burses, snd when I relumed 1 saw them runt lug and ran lu separate Hiem.itiid saw Huu sirUe Ainu um blow In the neighborhood of the left ear, at w Inch b tjH ret ltd aud ft il Use a man lu u faint. 1 did nol are auy tiling lu 1 Inn's . ami, ami saw onl) une oluw, t did nut sre Atnu ttrlke Finn. I Hunk tiota men wire sober, Ibe olhtr tsu witnesses, bulb builllleu, gavu tue same tibtiiuuuy, adulug tlul Atuo bad fJH caned Hun an Irbh .and bad moiled three bluwa frnm Hun, sflrr the first one picklug up a pn t c ol i oil. but itt'titier Uirotting It uur striking Fluo. LH Ibe lui,uebl was utljuurnid to Friday. llriilned b) n 1'ollccinan. Vcsterday afternoon Olllcer l'.itrh k F, lljrnes of the I'tmee airt-e- t police stat.uu was retjuebted to arrest Patrick I unnors, who was drunk and boisterous lu Ibe lag r titer bilooa at 31 (Irsnd slrsavW Whru tbe olf.cer attempted to arrest Connors, Job lole) and two utbers, friends uf Conimib, luterfirrd, tide) w rem he, I thi rluli tn.ni Hie ulllii r's g asp and wiin n birurk bin, st vernl stunning biuwsnuibi nead. vv bile Fuie) was heating th' unlet r the others Wit 1 ed bun repeatedly. The unit er r. leasing himself frum the lllllluus clusetf with lull)', mil with Hie butt uf tba pistol struck hint two ur three Hint s uu ll.e forehead. friu luring bis bkuli. OHit r pullt eiut u suuu arrived and fH Folt) nnd I'uuiiurs were airfbttd. lulei's wuuuds btlug sertuua be wu taken buiiie. J.O.Vd ISI..I.M), Vcstprday a body was found at Hay Uldg Dock, supptist'tl In be Hiat uf a satlur shout 'ti vesis uld, fH ut bluui tnilhl, Mrei li Inebrs tilth, dark bair tiiuioia taee, black ai.Ulu.ilib, w bite wuullell ablll, nlth blras arouad walbl buldllig a sbeatb knife. A 1.1 n: IS I.A M, H Thu arrungpuiput liptwppn the II 'nrd- - of Su. pert i.urs n( ICieiimuiid uml Kings cutiuHt s, sit r. h) (he bTS lailtr agree that ull ptlsoiurs seniem-c- on b at.-- Islaiul fur terms nf five v ears or le.s mity be euiiflnrd la Ibe Kings eutiiilv peiiiliiiHur), bss beeu cuauiu lualttl, and guta uitu clltel luiuit tlUlely. si'Aitics rito.it rut: ri: .;, nvi, Six new cases of cholera appeared In the Ohio hilar) on ruesday night, w prl.iiui rs tbed. L'liiumodori' William M (ilcmlv 'f the I idled btaicb Nun, rtiired list, died lu llali'iiiore ) PTuuy Samuel (irepli slrm l. Ilcdivl i lbatl) Willi a Hut Iruu lu ImilaiiapoLis )ebprda), uud Injur' I ncr fatally, Col. Slmnii Fair, nf Culiiuibla. S. (..a proml. iienl iw), i. f r m at I, a ii tsrii r of s ni nn s i or fjjl uf the viiudle lircull, ill, f tu-- , agtd ,' ) ars. Gonigo W. Garner nf Washington, vctirilny shut .loliii I'lept r In llie ui in w Uu a i' .11 Ir a nnd ills,. Ida sou lleur) Pii'pi r. in Ihe li ii n I ti lit a, luiili ting it ncr uu, w 'id.nl (..iruei w as a ..rn. r d ouo uf ibe Pn pers' brt 'in wagons An itltercuttuu bad takea pjae. Intwetn tbe paruts in the bakery H jo it .vhs a ttour ronx, The police reported three sunstrokes ) outer- - The Qiinraiillne nfllccrs say Hint the City of Merldt's pass uigt ra are lo land (u-- i Mr. John llluney ussiires us that the article In baiurtlay's hi n. t utitlttl "A Mali smaii fur uu Hour,' waa a prai tieul Juke, gutlen up (i) Itllbhlev uu persulil, wiibuui auy auliu fuuudatiuu. The ciimmlssluit uppnliittsl to audll ex Sheriff (Vllrteo's claim aeaiual ibe tisml) uf .Sew Vera lust yesli-a-da- 'llio bid cliargts fur sX.iti tuuimitiui'uis aud dhstiargrs of prUobeva. Irum Janntrv I. lo ! flrctiuber 91, 1J7U, st 37 and 73 ts.ala patVo. lulal imuuul of claim. llTOalolc, Ur. ( lr'u nni apisssring, the claim wis rrjmltti. Uic CtiuaiilstlsBbn Occlarlut ((( Oitlltujrs was nu cvkistsy ICst Vbf mtsnly owed a 01 sm

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Page 1: nHMUl tub iH t,n - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · M. Til jBHCmilTlOl nHMUl His Right of Trial liy Jnry in the First Instance Sacred in all Cases, jIr ty. 0. Bartlott'a Unanswor-abl-o

M. Til

jBHCmilTlOl nHMUl

His Right of Trial liy Jnry in the First

Instance Sacred in all Cases,

jIr ty. 0. Bartlott'a Unanswor-abl- o



Bitter Disappatmsnt of the Wash-iugto- u


Tin-i- tl"ti for tin- - vv'rrfUitof oxtrnill-U.-

If in tt- - -itf ii Nov York M the District0f('.luniWi. In the nt llu- - United Stutes

w,n-- t i harlot A. Dunn, licensed of Unci, riiine

Ul, f. r I. aniu J . f T.- Ju.lg. t 'rd, of theI'niic.i m .tei District C irt. vesurd iv.

jlr ilo..rg llll -- . I iiilnl Stu DistrictTtviniiii, Mr. H trrl ig mi ami

nf W.i Higton appeared for the

rr,,ciiil"ii. Mi Shepherd, tin npl.iPmnt

Uinsclf. H.i nlo present In person. Tin' detec-

tives and M'l " ' the Till delp'.ll.l IIUu'. whonspn ii"! " Hie i rev nut ciring.

IliP.iH kept tlieiiiselvi Hi theIf llit-- were indrk: tint the detective iw bullies of theWashington lllng loomed up.niiotitflhclr patron

and confoder t o

Messrs. W. O. Ibirtlett and Slilpman

appeared for Mr. I) mn.The Interest manifested In tbe fuf was most

Intense. 1 hr m -- l t'ltliiinlbnl members ofthe bsr now In the city were In attendance . and

tnanlftstcd deei' anxiety that the freedom oflbs press should trluni Ii. Among all the spe

there se " rd l" hard v any one who

sho wv net .ptosed to Mr. 1) u a'- - extradition.The proceedings w,,rc opened bv Mr. Illlss,

who in. ii 1 lor the comuiliiiie it uf Mr. Dana.

aud s.inl(

iiik pi'.iiut irrnn-T- ' itrMtnc.Tl' u .m ii I'M t ii t ' i 'iir lienor

fir i itir ii' f" t ' "'"i d f Mr ChatlesA Hi... .liar.'.. I . t i Mill In tin- - li.

iliin.ni... I" tin' I , for trlitl tlitTu.Jt Is .iiiml il on tin' riiloin in paper, whli'li tHacc hci "iv i .r II r. ih" 'iipi.tiut mid III- -fjriii.nl' n 1' "re tin I' Ii. c Court ofllu' DistrictI f t n, . ti t. Ih. wan till I in. ..(I slilll of tntitDistr '. ii t w irraip of comtniliiieiikby i .: ' Ma,. i ..iiuiil-- l ..iii-- of tin'Mm. i. I t r. t of New York. Tnl row.t'liliitn i w .rr mt nt ro uuiltinent ure properlybef ... i ur Honor under h writ ofnfii ri f ill llu- - i Mr. A. II. V.Ham ail' 'id 1'i'f'iri' tin' 1'iMio Courtifi. In I of C .liimlila. tl.o trltniii.il havingcogm ii f llu' al cged offeiu e. mid inuilpriin i'I I UMl. r i. a n n. Infill- -' that Mr. Cn triesA, HiI'.i 'ill ni'li-lip- .l in tin' I .ll t of Colum-l"- i

a ''ft in libel .ig.unsi Mr. A. Nicpherti. the1 ..ln i f. a ili.ir.'t' of perjury mid amr.v f . .rrni'lioti In ufhee. 1'iU'il with tlipcrt-pU- i i tv.is tli inf iriiiatl.-n- a ictlHlcd i..i)of Hi.i Ii hi hpforp ).nir Honor. A warrantvvl. ... i.l.lr.-- -. il to Hip Marshal f llu- - DIs.tri.t, ,ii. d p'i ll' d i opl.'- - nf Hip papers were laidbefore ,i I ni id M.tti"t L" .ill ill -- .no r of llucl:. If ii '.iiv re ni'oiidi'iit liflini iirrv-- l. d. In!driii Hide.) an i xaiiiliiatl .ii, mid inn dL.. nln ..w n ii 1 Iipii upon thp

dav an pxainliia'lon nan had. and he"i i' in ilti'd to an. ar for trial nnd to thacjt kIi ..f tic 1'nltrd Clali'it Marnhal of thoKiutlirrn Dmtri.'t of Np York, to he h ti i illIrM until a narrant for ipmuril hall luvv LppiiUolfd l. a .lodk'ti or hp -- hall hale tiefll other-w.J- u

of. aoi "rdliirf to Uw. The appll-cu'.iu- n

m made underTill: KTATt'Ti: or 17W.

TM tatiilp inaki't It Hip itutyof tlieJud.'p, I

atVr .i. U p.iiiiniiiiii..nt. t U-- n wnrrant forrun v . t the dltrift nhpre the offonce In

I ' Ilile I fell r'lliillil. It'll. 1 appll lor nfuv Jt iii.der Hint ntntuir. and on tht-- tia-lr- n

1 hp itii eiMlliiir me. I l.i'llrip. -- trirlly inai .r.: ith tin' rulp- - and ith'IIpp of thlirnurt ii iwt of thf I niipd t'nitp nuMlmtIll i iMii'-- t f..r pinlpl..im nt An ol joeiion

lis. ii l.pf.ire tin. CViui'i loloiipr that the1' II. pi ..irt ..f thp Imtrlrt of t olun.l.l.i nnd notJtrii p. ti .ii the . fli niv. and that u r M"ii iri ati'i mi .ip thli pnw.iipr to be tried helore uco'.rt ii. ,t i i t,ot

T' i) ! ..., irt of tl.e li t nf Columbia, m. p- .i l.y .irt of t oiiutpb- -. J in it,nit a I'oIIpp Court Hllh

orik'i il and pi lutlie uridi. tou of u of.at.uiut the I'nltpil e miiiltipd In

the ln-t- t of ('..limit. U. not iipn capital orothiTiii.p Infamoii riitnp, of CHnan!l and '4

and not tHiuUhuhio hyiiLprin..' t in ih- p. lotPiitUrt. i ro!.t.piilloiiIl naitl Police "iirt mint l.u li Informationi.udur oaui. imui ..it in .i iintM.i l.v a (iraiid

( Juo . pe.'ii- - i' in., ti ti therein who con-i-ld-

th' mi .flic nvcricwd may aii p.d to HidSilprt'i; i "iirt of ti.e Coliilulii i, and

1 Iihiu a .'i trial therpln. as thoiuh I lie cam! hadoiniiiiiitil in that court, .Noiv, thin atatii.ti

- tii.Ht" II- P li. e Court of th o. Co.tuiiil ia al ii oier ml offriirea

to.' I nit. d Male t'oinuilttPil In the lll-t- rl'

t of I .1 hi .i i. not c.ii it.il and notii - ii in In the ppiiltt'iilior). Lputi

ttiatp'i'i.tl dPinetucall attt'iition toliM 1)11 111(1 IHI'ISIII.V J.

I H ;...e thprp no (pii.tlou lhat llhel 11 an' nffti. i' il i iiiiii .ii law. lie IHntili-- of Colum- -hia ul'.arly ituiti'd. The I'nltptl -- t.itpluio i ' I I'm1 cuiilz.iiii'p of p oITpiii pi tht re,

, and ill .tllccM theie .ire t flli . iv of Hie Cttftthu'.f. I he court there, iin'llt. riii'ed ftatec. .rt- - are ii' t ciiUncd to cprlaluH !' i rinii it or plait of crimp-- . Hy the on- -

i iti'idi 'i. ( "in:rt'- - tlii'ii pi. Iimlwut r Hip l)ltil' t of C..inulita. and lint px- -

er im -- nch J ,r -- d. tloii fcinip the Ort .Mondayuf II i"iii.. r. - "i

On th" M of l'chruary, Coiiirre" pnactedtlui li p uivt of HieMalfhof Vltulnla and M.i- -riltnil llvt '.' Hi Hip lllnp of tiie i'p I ill toth' I h 'C'l M.ltt . -- In ulil n lll.lill In forcp in the

). :n t of Coliniihli. in th..i.p porti' im of theliiiin mi itt-i- l In Manluid and Virginia re- -

t . . Iv Ti.t rt'foio the laws nf M.irvland re- -tiid.n. "1 in f ip .' Hi that p'irtion uhl li h id for- -ii.crli i t ii..il to MarMinl. It uat niteriianlirvidi'd li st.uuto that uitiitli" tx iptn.ii of iprtalu one mi'iitioiitd, of

. vrl.i li li'iei not one, h.hII hp piini"halip atlnrtof . nnd hy a I iter act It i provided that;l! p iv ii pnt of i ri ntc remain a herntofoie.VkU I the IliKtrict of Ctilumhla UKappllca- -I In- -. up . then, iiimiaiitiiilly the law ofJli-v- l " .I n It i 'd in Kcl ri'iiry. HU.

Iltl re ai any (itcntloti of thli.lt wan itettlpdIn i.. - (n ( . .1. rt of the L'nlipil Males in


i lie if the Tinted Statei mraliitt Knuall:&....I . mteof utkln-- , whi'ip II wan hp.iiUnit' i I ' ittd -- tut t'K had cominon Uw JurisU' t. ii n the limtrlct of Coliimhla.

' .' - ha recently ri'cni;iilpd the exlt-fi- .- f . urldl' timi In the DiKlrict of Cn- -

" ' ' i .ii I in nf llnp j fur It Iih prmldeiltint in p ,(.("ition t r IndictineirB for II in I thetri.'ii n In iiilili'iii e, nnd II It appeartiii 'In alle.irloii l true, and written or puh-uiii-

,t, k. motives"Il t'ny.MiA.M UfHT UK AOQUITTrtl.

Tl.ii I .nithat the 1'ollco Court of the, tri' ' if i .1 uni.iu im, Jn, utiHctinii of nil cases of" 'i n t it, re i rimeH lii Marland ill litll. ex- -

'"I''t.'. f. . ,r--c. capital offpm ph olul crliueitt I' .i.m.j. i. imprl .iiini'iit .n thu penlteiiHari., iiim.r p to nhow that libel nan mi ntfeni o

Wi.i.-- i i, l,wa of Jlaril.u d In IhuI. lilon.it' .r..,-- e t, ,w tli.it libel W an dirt nee at' . '".in .ii law In thp Hill ol UiKtitn of Miir.huiili " "oi i r o ,'Ud that tiie i oihinoii law rhould bo,. '.''"I in tint Slate In a body.

in. p. timt I btl U con-tant- held to.Ui.l. II.,. , o...nce of the t mum n. tll.it'V. i. i i,., i,iiute nf MaiUnd inakliiL'

ii an t". e i. lit It . iiti i.ffpncp at common.' w - the l.iw nt M.irvland. accordlncv tin. ,r, ,,. i ,irt ( lhp ( nit,,,! statfii, .e

t,., 4 ,,f thu In.iild of Coliimiil.i, and' IT ii" lu.ln-- t tin laim of Murvlainl, If''' I in thp III- - rh-- l nf Cnliimliia, It nui i, the I inti-- Mateit. I hecforf,

., " ' 1 "! "i the Ii trlct ol Columbiati "- -' 'he I luted Matc.

I ,v ," ' " " ""li It Mln tlier It In punl.liablei ii ni in tin- peniti Hilary. I he .n t

In',," ' v "iiiiinr.it("t nHpiui'8 piinl.li ibloi .. ." ' In tin. penili iitlary. und Pbel'" v ii' n llfti en of the name ait pro- -

' '' "" ' ' "IfciiecHHtintild bppiiulHiie.lIi r. V ''''i.piit In Hip coinmnii Jail. Tlicre-- a

"'"''I III the tut I'oliiiubla,I ,i . .' "'ilnt the I'nllcil htftteaamlI'l.n ,

' " " hniTlioiiiiit'iit In thu peiiltpn-p- .i

i; ; "' ' e ii,Ndein.,itior ot iililchthe' dji f1 "li lin t ban orn: mil JuriH- -

Uiluil',.. "'I,mit !'' our Honor Hint tho" Jour Honor directly the dut) to


t ,'r,Vi',.I'n;"ncr U, Hie MarithnlJliJ "',r','1 Mm offence I to he tried.I'iiero ,'1'.'1 M" ""imltt.'d by a Omuiim.

tit riiiM.i !' nV""!"? "" oomplalnt and- ii ',t,l '! f"" "' "I the l ulled

Won?1 ti.T.V i L11 ' to " thPiiroM-cu-Cjur- t

A, l't 'n Hiat the Police1 I'Ott of lu. ,,,U,rta "' columbU l.u. Jurl.dlo.

I where an afOdaTltIn Keutucky


charirlnR a certain pernon with emhe2ilemenrontrary to act of Conaret-- , there belnnno Inflctmenl, and tho nftlclal evidencebelrnr that aomebiHly went before a CoininU- -

iiinpr In Ketitucky and aworo that llhiomitartemh zzled niiitiey, and procu ed n warrant,HIiMinimrtwat arrested and token tiefore

Osb.irn. and Hie CoiiiinlKsliiiu'r com-itiltl-

hi in lor trial In Kentucky and made outa warrant dlreotlnif that ho bo committed tn tb('ilntotly of tho Mamlinl of till Cinft Untiltill Court order lili rcier. An npnllca'.loiiwar tn.ido for bin i.cnSrco on a wilt of habpaii

fitt'.l fdllr Honor dpcldud that the pris-oner tnuat bo remandpd to Kentucky.

fliibaiii(intly to that, tn 1WH. .luder llrnedlctpare a elinlUr docl-l'i- n In a cono In which an In-

dictment had boon found In tho Kaitern UUtrlctof Michigan.

tub rttt50!iEii'8 titscnAnoimi demanded on tho ground that the Indict-ment did lint cover the offence. Judire Hone-di-

eald that II waa not a question of proofwhether an Indictment had boon found, butwlipthcr there ivu onnuith proof to requirea CtimtnlHlnner to commit for trial. Hofound that tho proof wan tufllclentinnd ordered the remand of the prioner.

Tho p.ipori beioro our Honor hIiop" the aiiornInr.iriii.Mlnli filed In a court of competent Juris-diction rli.irgitur exprriily libel by tuibllcatlonIn the Dlilrk't of Columhl.i. How that publica-tion may liavo occurred H not neceaaarily orpropprlv before your Honor, That l for the

bpforo vilib h the cne H to bo trlt'd.Wlietliprthe piibllpitloii took tdacoln lieltherone way imr im 'tber. They tnlnht have comelieforn jour Honor, If Hip rrepondelit had eoeici'it'tl. He had Hip privilege of ilemandlm: anex iinlnntlon, but be did not chomp to availblin-c- lf of It, The c.ip Ii 9lindy beforo v'irHonor on thp-- o fact : 'I lie l'roecntlni-iiiliic- r

of tho Diittrlcl of Columbia abpf ir n Ciitnmil"iipr of thin tlltrlct. with ai crillled copy of a complaint and Informationfln'd In the only conn of the Illilrlctof i .iliim-L- ii

m lit. h hat criminal Jurltdlctloii over Hilt, I k of orTeiice. W ith that he came before Hie('niiiiiiit.'tl.in. r. The (!ommt-lotip- r commltledthe reP'iiiilpit on the evidence furnlthed. and

' the proof of the lusiio of tho warrant. Thetofactn are before you, and upon them lank voiirHonor to Ivtne a wurnint remandlmr Hie rotpnn-de-

to thecnttody of the .Manual, union hecho no t to exercise lilt rluht to irlve hall, whichhp undoubtedly hat a rlnhltodo, 'I tie ca.c itnot an extraordinary one. It In nothltiir out ofthe ordinary routine. Mr learned friend re

Shlpman) han committed a doien prlt-nnr- rt

In the aame way. Kvon within my shortexperience M lTonecutlnir Attorney of thisdlttrlr.t, the Dlttrlct of Columbia bat rent prlt.( nern here, and pritoncni have been removed

I from bete to .Missouri and Chlcaso.I oTlllo ftcri.iAit.

The crime charged It nothlin: peculiar. The. crime i h.irned it but the loo-- o und boundlett

r crlinin.ttloii of the prcs In char.'tii! evrrrofil'lal who may bp In ; irtllmi and iiuoma) nothappen to mine with Hip Mp of eome liens-- Ip.ipp. In Homo part ot the country. In chari'lui;III lit with all the crimen In the Decalucue. iittlibelnc a perjurer, a corrupt offli'e ulul withevert tbltn: ti.at nuiy tpiid to make blin luf.i-inoi-

And then they that It It nu outrak'eIf Hie pcrnnn inaKliik' Hi" chark'o In linked to k'oto the jupcltp loc Illy where thu man whom bebat a ' livtt. wiipre Hie oifoin p. If any of- -fence, hat been t o nmltted, a.t cuinmltted. andmure till the vi itno-- et are to I e found. It I

anointed to he extraordinary that a person m.ik-- IInc Hip i'H.ivi niioiihl nu atkpd to prole tin illtrue In Hip loiniiiiii'ltv win TP H p cvidpiui' It tobp obtained, und VI . pre tilt' III VI nt It'll, loll nlloilldbp. Voll liPariliem l.'llthat It It toinellilliL' llll- -precedelitpd. a "hra-- p of dpnpolUm," and alltli.it.

Mr. lltrtlctt- - We have not said that.i.i. Ill .i- t- 1 know v.oi have not. butJutUe lllatt liford Would It Hot be well. Mr.

11. s. to wait iiiml von hear thp uroiiinl of theolnt r tlp bp. re you attemtit inn v w hut It I. r

Mr. Illlss 1 y,m reipies,ed by the leadliucuiinnel on the other nldo to nt.ite 111 upcnlio:viuat my ground wan.

1111:11 m in vhy urnTioss iiv int. miiTi.tnT.When Mr. IIIIm took hit seat, Mr. W.o. lUrt-le- tt

arone and nabl :

Theie are two ipientlont which I with to putto the learned District Attorney before tho Dualclone of bin openltu' remarks.

Ffof- -l observe mat tho (fi.mrmoif din filedlief ore the I'nllce Court In Washington concludes,"iiihi'l IV mm o th nf.ilnfc" I with to Inipilre w lieiher thin In a mere blunder uf theirs inPleadim:. or whether they contend that It Itreally In violation of mine ntatute. Nrcuinfl'i-T- ho

District Attorney nayt they n-l- on thothirty tlilril section of HioJudlcl.il act of i;ti.1 with to know In m li.it p.irt of that m't they findany authority for the rendition of an nccusedperson fur trial before the 1'ullce Cuart uf Waal.- -

lllL'toll.To thpse ipipttintu Mr. !III- -t emed to be

iili.il le to make aliv reply, and Mr. llartlett pro-

ceeded nt follows :

Aiini'iiKKT or int. w. o. iiwtTi.rTT.If your II , ii ir please, Hil- - It an application

for Hie pert riiuiliie . f one of Hip most inavp andnerloiin flllictlnnn w hi, h It ever f tilt to Hip du yof a JinUe to ttlnchari:e. Voiiati to coin-Hi- lt

a clt. .i n the Mate of New York to thohatidt of nn otic or of Hip (lovprnuiPiit of tinL'lote.l to l,e triili-- lt tred to Hip Dlttrlctnf l oiiiinbiii .nut i to a diiin-'eo-ii there,und nls liin riv l ,ked upon the opinion of aPolice Court of that llmtritt. It so hap-pens In this cane that the man whom u areutked to deprive of hit liberty In one of themo-- t dintliiLii.theil citizens of thin treat Mateu CPIitlpmau it ho. In tho oxteiit of bin learningmul Hie varlely of hit n'tiilumentn, bat few,verv few peers nn hi the American continenta ceiiHem in the purity of lio-.- e private .' harac.ter tin most in ili.'ti nil piimi'.v bai never annail.ed. Vet. sir. if lie were the ID mt un-important, unlearned, ami llllteratp cllUeli uf.Sew "i orl,. tup i would bp eipially k'ravp;bpc.iu-- e In Hie ponne-nlo- li of civil rii'btt all uieiihere atp hi- - pppt. and Hip ppersnf every ma.ieven Hie l'rutident of the L'lilteil Males.

wit vt li Till-- CII.VIKIK?Now, your Honor, we come here t i Imiulre on

what iiarce )oti are to coiinlk'n Ml. D.mato HlO lulldn ot tills olhcer, all.) to Sl'lill II I IIIwithout the limits of this to be pun. -- lied,(iod kuovva now or to hat extent. Ill wn.itnntliorityl' They tell ut of Hie old commonlaw about libel, with a k'elieral nweupin.' i lailnoin resort! to It, exittliik' beiure the AmericanKevohiHoii, iihp'h avc to this country litfreedom a relli of tho barbarism of tiie.itllnt.iin, iv hero II wan held that thucreator the truth tho creator tho libel-t- hat

under tha'. law theie still exintn u poller inthe District of Columbia to prosecute a man fort' llliik' Hie truth before liod and mini nnd

li in to Hie peiilteiitiury for so iloimr. Onthat vliu of barbarmui they rail If they float utnil, und they come here coin ludim; auaiutt tiioform of tho ktututo ill t lit r Information, butwholl uuaiile to iirodui o uny statute a.'alustwhleli the, con, lude. Il may lit well enou.'h iuin matter of strict law and pleadlncs ti refer totho fact that their Information Is not nu nifor--Iillation vvbb Ii could have been maintained everIn the Kind's Ileiu h or at common law,

The Court of Kind's Ileuch MM not kraut an lufur.null in fur Inn uul, n ttie prut-etu- i ,r ttuo sbpo-tfu-

llnukeiin sLl J ti il !, rtin liiici'iir uuil uin, e,lyti..t lie is an of the cliurKt. (Stevi us's (.riuuuslIjiw, pjge s;.

There In no such aRldavIt here, nnd the pre-- Intiinptiou it that there could be no sui b alllila-- ivltwltl jut the couimlnnltui of thu crime 'if per-- IJury In thin case. It it not likely tn.it a mallwho itchark'ed with nil they na the complainanthas been ciiark'ed with In this cane would fall toswear it wan f.tl-- o If It was false. Andyet ho has not so sworn, and, therefore, hostands before Hie Court upon the preniiiuptlou.upon tho fair deduction from these prciumusthat it Is true. I nay it is not nu informationw dull could have been maintained In thuKliii.' n Ileiich ; but I do not contend Hint underthe practice winch has prevailed In thin courtthat opinion would i e available lu re. If I hadelm-e- n to K" upon mi) inferior croundn nf de-

fence I would have shown far moro than Hits, I

vvuii Id have show n that so far un tho compositionuf this allcccd libel Is concerned, or lucuiiik' intoprint. Mr. Dana had uollilmr to do with It) thatho wan not In the city when il was printed ; thatlie knew iioihltik' "I It ; and further, that he 'linpproved of Us heimr printed, and would nothave printed it If it had come to his knowledge.


Hut of what consequence ivnn It to go Into sucha defence, wl.cu we weie beforo a Commit lonervvi o said to urn not, Vim mav uv.ill vonrneif ofall jour k'roiiiidH of defelno ;" but, o iinlens vouadmit that Mr. D.iiu Is tho editor of Till. M .

shall Insuo iny warrants tor thu witnesses nnd'

lock them up ht

Mr. Iliim 1 object to ntntlnu' here anythingthat the Loiniiihi"iier said.

Mr. Iliitlelt Who In II Hint drags In theseproceeding- - lu re ' I would never, refer to thedisgraceful proceedings If they had not ulrcadjbeen liroiiuhl lino thin cane.

ir, IIIIhm I object to I lie stnteincilt of thegentleman; Hist, because it M nut true as amatter of fact, and secondly, because II In not' rMrtrilartlett- -I rely upon tho report of tho.Vcic 1 i.r( VHhuiic. which benrs mo out In mystatement, and which. I suppose, It amniosupport, However, this Is Immaterial. iistnnd before our Honor hero upon n pure andsimple question of law. I comu here to nrgueIhlHCiiAo as a lawyer. I heard things stated heroby tho learned District Attorney which I hadthe right to answer, and I have answered them,

Now, If our Honor please, I conio buck to theUw of this case, and 1 Invite tho attention of 1 ourHonor where you have so grave a duty to porforuito those prlDclpl,iiot which I aloue maintain,hut which have been adjudicated upon by ouewho III the opinion which ha been read hereto-da- y

Iim btxu appropriately designated u tun

most Illustrious Judge who ever nat uponthe American bench. Wo rniito hero with thoConstitution ot the United itate In our hands.Wo luterposo that at a harrier over which, un-der Miur oath, you cannot pa-.-t, to sign that ex-tradition warrant to which they demand yourslgnaluio. Wo refer your Honor to that pro-vision of the Constitution which says thst " thetrial of nil crlmet except In elite of Impeach-,-.o- l

ahull hu hy Jury." Wo rotor your llonurU,tha statute OUIHlUlltllllt

lillii 7'u.7CS (idl'itTof the District of Cotiiinlila which tirui been readby the learned District Attorney, nnd by whichthe trial by Jury Is prohibited In that court.Now, I sar to your Honor that It l not too muchIn the light of tho history of the formation andratification of tho Constitution of the UnitedStates to nay that there wai nut one man In thofederal Convention t tat formod It, that therewas tint one man In tho convention of any oneof the Htstrt that adopted It, whose rote couldhave, been had for tho Constitution of the UnitedSlates If he could have foreseen that In the v ear

a Jtidk'o w ould be found to consign a citizenof one of the United States to a distant land tobe tried on an accusation of crime by a court Innlilcii Hie right of trial by Jury wan piohlblted.I Interpose that claute of the Constitution, andI nsk your Honor's attention to the doctrinelaid down by Chief Justice Marshall In one ofthe earliest and one of the gte.itcst coses Hinthe pvpr decided at to what Hearing the

of the Couttliutl in liiive upon Hip per-formance of Judicial functions by n .Indue, miliih t In Hip ,rile Mew of a Judge t oath of ofllce.Chief Justice Marshall savs. In the case of Mur-bur- y

agt. Mauls, m. ' I'hls oath certainly appliesIn nu enMclal manner to their conduct In theirofficial character." und hp says In tup nameopinion, at If by Hint prenclPlice which bcpiii toban belonged to the great men of that period,ho foresaw such nu oct al .n its this:

The ciKillon uttetlitr ai art repiieiiint to fie Const),tnii.uicni htC'im tne liwuf Hi Uml in s questl,,:!ilcrply liilcrrmuu. 1 he I ml et ttistm. but hspinl) imtof nn ltitrieary prop, rtloneu in tin inti rml Ii stemsonly iiecess.iry to ret ogu..' rrrisii pnni iples lupp. setltoisiebeni lulig anil well pttsblulii tl I i itii lilt. It.

If the ( urtn sre to regard ttie ( onsiitutmii andthe Ctuistitutliiu is superior to suj nrtllnsr) set of ti obeslsuture the liiiiniliutiuii siul nut utli ertuusry avlmust got era the esse to which ttiny both appir.

witKiir Timr Attr. i.i:it.Those who controvert tint principle-who- m I

tnko to be our antagonists on this occasionthonp n ho controvert the principle that the Con-stitution Is to be coiisldetod as the para-mount Inf, aro reduced to the ueceatltT of main-taining that the courts must vloto tbelr eM onthe Constitution nnd see only the Uw,"This doctrine," says Chief Justice Mar-sha-

"would subvert the very foundation ofall written constltutlotit. It would do 'lure thatnn act which according to the principles undtheory of our tlovcniment It entirely voidIs et In practice completely obligator)',it would declare that If the Legislature shoulddo vt bat Is pxpr. snly forbidden, such uct, tt

Hilling the express prohibition. It In real-It- y

effectual. It would bo giving to the Legisla-ture practical und real omnipotence with tnesame breath which profc.tct to restrict theirpowert within narrow limits."

And Hun ho stys In asking why. If when astatute Is cited width Is In vlol.itl uml thet'ou-siittitiol- i.

a Judge nf tho i ntirt Is Hot tohold It void "iv by. otherwise, does the Con-stitution direct a Judgo to tiiko anoath to support ll H nv imnp.rol toImpose It on Hit m If thev w, re to t,p used n HipiiistruniPiitt. mid the know nig forviolating what the) -- weurt , support ' "if-tic- h

bp tin real stale of tilings, thin Is worst thansoletnti lii 'i'keri ; to pre-- , rlbe or tj tako thinoath becomes cquall) a i runu."

Now, jour Honor has taken an oath to supportthe Constitution of thp United States In the ills-e- h

.rgp of voiir otllclal duties. The Constitutionof the United M.vten provides that all crimesagainst the l'lilteil Mulct be tried b Jury :

and being asked to t titgu a iernii accused ofcrime for Hl.il to a couil winch Is proLioltcdfrom trying a case bv Jury. I ask your Honor toiipniv the t lear I rllull le so admirably stated byClilpf Jii-tlc- p Marshall to our own oillclal dutyIi lhiscnso;tt, refuse to violate Hie Constitution;to refuse to niistalii nu uticoii-titutlon- law, orto cunsU'tt a man to nn unconstitutional court.

TUT. HtMl'll AtrlKIKITIKt.I know that on thlsoolnt. tf jour llotmr pleate,

we may expect tohaiecltatlolitfrom sompMateauthorities, some ot them respectuble, holdingthat It Is no violation ol the provisions In ",niuof the Mate constitutions, securing the right oftrial by Jury, to hold a man for trial tie I ore apolice court without a Jury. On that mliil 1

contend Hint the distinction a broad and com-plete between the provisions In the state Consti-tutions, as, for Instance. In the Constitution otthe Mate of New York, and the Provision In thoC. uf the United States. I'he pro-visions In the nf must nf the uldStati s are Hint the right ot trial b) jury shall bopreserved as It has heretofore existed. Now, anycase which CoiilJ be tried without a Jury befoit.the adoption of these and manycriminal canen could be trb d without a Jurv

the adoption ol these constitutions can botried without a Jur) . fler their adoption.

A vvisk tiiT.or.itlii.Hut will your Honor rcvprt to thp condition nf

things In Hip teder.il Coiivciitionwiii.il m.nleour no t It .in, I Constitution t Will )our Honor re-

member and rtllect that there w no subject uuwhich the great men who met tlipre wpresoZealous, tu nolicitous, so determined,. ut that theright of trlsl ny Jury should be ncctucd In eveiycose ol ai cusatioii of i rime against the UnitedMat.". Thev referred to no past history : the)'lise.1 no ilotlbtflll terms. lli used the woltt"all'; und Hit ri could Hot be .nothing uuUiduof it. Tiiev-s.d- all crimes against tho UnitedStates shall be tried by Jury. If all crimesagainst the United States are to bo tried by Jury,then no crime against the United Status an botr.etl without a Jury. The original thirteenMutes were no Jraloui in regard to the securityof that prim quo that tin y iieio not contentevtu Willi that, and the history of the periodshown t.iat all uf tho leading of libertyin all those Slates were ngreid on that one sul-Je-

Ihe only point on vv Inch they disagreedwan a.t to the t ol put'lng It into a writ,ten Instrument. Alexander Hamilton, of HunStale, oppo-e- d it m, lei) on the ground that nosuch mural iiioimtprs could ever be found In allfuture hlniory u.s to untlertaku tu ir) crliumagainst the I lilted Mutes without .. Jury. In.itwas his ground, l'.ari, k lleur). in too VirginiaCuuveiitiuii, said, " When the right of

TitiAi. ny Ji'iirIs boiip, all In cone." They would not clve it upin old Virginia and In most of tne other M itetwithout the promise that '.hose amendmentsshould be Immediately adopted, and they vvproluimedl.ittly adopted, which provided furthersecurity lor the right of trial bv Jurv. 'iliev d

fir prescutincuin liy a uruhd Jury In allcapital cases ami canes of Infamous crime, andforusccdv trial. And help I will refer for nmoment tu another provision which I think Im-portant In the original uolistliutlou. It Is usfollows ;

Anil such trtil itisll br liehl In thu SUto nhere tbesaiil iriiuu stiU liave ticen commute,!.

Now, I do not propose on this occasion to goInto a very full discussion or to cite authoritiesvery fully on that point; but whenever thatquestion shall come up for legal discussion Icontend that this provisiuu will befound fatal to uny such measure usis undertaken hen! against Mr. Dana. If hocommitted any offence In this cose. It was cum-nutte- d

In the Mate nt New York, llu was notout of tiie Statu of New York and ha-- s not beenout of Hit! Mate of New Yolk for a )c.ir. I knowthat 11 has bicn held III nun) ernes that If a manis owner of a newspaper hern and mailt a copy toa remote Stale, and that ucvvnpappr containsa libel, lie publishes thu libel In the Mate vv herothe newspaper Is sent. Hut I say III regard tothat, that here I merely wish to oiler those viewswhich must from uetu-slt- y for tho preservationnf liberty be the pievuillug leading doctrines ofthe future In this country, 1 mean tu say thutthat

m: i.i r or liAiiniitisMto which I have already alluded must follow Itshurhuious brothers to their crave, I mean tonay that the doctrine laid down by Chief Jus-H-

Marshall in the caso of Aaron llurr IIIto Hie locality In winch a man can be

the crime of treason has got to hunppili d by Judges ol the United Status to

lor libel. It in old) w hetu ii luiili .idsthat )oii cnu tr) him. Your Honor willipcollect thut he put that opinionvery strongly Indeed. Hp held that If Itvveru a palt of u conspiracy formed III uremote section of the country, anil executedonly In one pliu c, let tho conspirator must botried In tho district where hi actually conspired.(Ill that point )oiir Honor will Indulge me a fewI . n t' h. Speaking ot the charge against llurr,the gicut Chlel Justice said :

If tli" main rehi'l uriiiv, with the rlilsf at lis limit,llu uld he I'li.tet iiilng usi ut inn' eiti.iuil) oloiirltr.rlinr),suy luNtvv Ibitni shire . if tli't'hiet sliiiulU nullitre euplllreil siul mill In llu' t i.tr i vlii'liiltyfor tin purpose of I rt il t if this hnlii'ini' ni Uisiesit ,.Hlli'k'lug mi overt set, uIiIiIihus iric in ptuut nf fact,tlitiiilil all. gn in.it he hu.l us. . mill, d suais mi ill (uriy,whleli In irutli lie limt not st i ii. mul had It i ud tt.nr i)eng.ieing in a skin.ilWi In (hurgiii, u a nun' ttlu-i- i lurmlit) in was Itgiiuuga haltli in New I luiiipsliire ; If

ut It i v.tlt nee vti.uhi support sut li uu Hell' nu. nt. ui thefiction that he s It gull) preneul .Hi' iiK r.'Ol) absent,allttt.iilil ask, Iiim list iiiir"i' ure llu sr prut isliins Intiie ( nii.llluliuii whli Ii uli. 1 II e i'I. ice of in il, uml

Hut the ill run il sliall he llduruie l uf Hie In, II. resut! cause ul I In seeiostiiiu 'I

Till: PmiSP't'TIHN llt'II.T PI'dS A I.IK.

Now, your Honor, never vvnn niiythlng moremnusiruusly lalnc iiiuru glaringly diniiiuot --

Hiail tills perjured allegation Hint Charles A.Dana composed tlilsnllegpil libel In the Disi.lctof Cnluiiibla, wherein! ban not been for ) ears; and(very man coiineiled with lids proseciitlunknows ll.

lat me refer your Honor on that point to theUnited Slates agt, .Mourn (It Crunch, lMU, whichcoiitnliss a transcript of the opinion of the Courtof tho District of lailiinibla, delivered by JudgeCrannli, In which hu ridicules with ureal aarcasuithe Idea that It I" competent for Csiugreia toihatabludi miv such court lu tho District ofColumbia, lie says;

This Is a dvolrtne to whlfh I a nover auonl. CanIt Vv isKI that CvuvrtM mi; pwi a bill of slUluacr for

the District of ColumMs, Ttist Conrrru msy pisslaws ex iwW 7rM In tho Ptrdrtrt, or or.lcr soldiers lote quartered upon tu in the tune of nn are. or make oarpor s freo porta of entry, or lar uuttua upon our stports, or talis swsr Hie right of trial ti; mri la EriB.Inal pruiecutlons, - '1('"hl!e1,', """".'I tho reTotutlonarr times, findt,n i)ie Constitution waa ettnblltiiwl,neve: .iroainoil of such an enormity In loc'sla-iio- n

being pniii'tpil or umlertakpn ; and ChiefJustice Marshall nttented to all these positions,although he dlsaciitod from the Judgment of thoCourt uu ot .or grounds. If this provision uf theConstitution In regard to tho trial of crimes lanut Plain, human language It vain, and menmight better be deaf and dumb than to possessthis gloriotit power-- above tho brutes the powerof speech. If there can beanymlsundenttunilliig,misapprehension, or misconstruction of thatPTovialon of tho Constitution a work nf lourand tedious consultation of that provisionthat protects our lllierllcs. then human freedomcannot be protected nny longer than It Is pro-tected by direct physical force and at tho pointof tho bayonet, nnd constitutions aro vain. Hutwo are not left with that alono. plain as It Is,Wo have tho recent opinion of the SupremoCourt of tho United Slntet nn that subject,one ot the greatest opinions of modern limes.

Tin: cvsr. or vih.i.kia.n.If voiir Honor please. I would Invite your

attention to tho c.i.--u ot .Mdllguii, whohad bedi sentenced to devth hy a c uirtmattlal- - decided b) tho Supremo Court ofthe United M iles no longer ago than Isrsl.ll was argued vv ith a bower of

by that grc it lawyer and uprl.ht Judgo,.leretiiuih lllack. who spoke ns If he had beenspeaking in revolutionary times. Inspired by thetrim spirit ot liberty. Ilo reminded tin CourtIn the course of lilt nrctiinotit. Hint to the rl 'litof trial br Jury llnglaiid 'ivvpt ni Te of her fro.-iliii-

giiiiulpiir, ami prospeilty limn to nilntber a isen nut together, llu reminded themof the unt.qtilly of the rtcht nnd tho devotionto It In earluis at well at later times. Ho toldthorn how id I King Alfre I, lu a alnglo ve.irI an. sixty lureo of hit Judges because thoyhad denied tho right of tilal by Jury to personsoccutpd of crime. And tho Supreme Court,

lu Its former grandeur, responded t liyto ull of tlioso tuihlo sentiments ; and It was thatopinion, and that opinion nlnup, which cununear making the learned Judgo who deliveredIt President ot the United Stalct, as ho wouldhave been If tho free press had acted upon theCredit Mobilier and other matters of public cor-ruption a little earlier than ll did. .Mr. JusticeDills snys, lu delivering tho opinion of theCourt, " thnt until recently no one ever doubtedthat the right uf trial by Jury was fortified In thoorganic Uw acolnsl the bower of attack." ChiefJustice Chose, who, although ho differed ousome ol the grounds, oamo to tho samo conclu-sion. In exptesslng hit dissent, upon othergrounds, he said; ' Wo assent fully to all Hi tlIt said in the opinion of Hip Inestimable valueof the trial by Jury." And Milllgnn was set atliberty Instead of being doomed to death,

thut principle of tho Constitution hadbeen violated lu his case.

Till: OUtl CO.tSTITfTIO.V STII.I. AIIKAD.Now, voiir Honor. In regard to these specious

arguments In support of w blci, ut 1 hnve said,tne) will lie nblo lo cite some authorities nnd aluw respectable name-- , these poiu.a are tu bpeonndcrt d. That the Constitution secures no:only trial by Jur. but n speedy trial by Jurv. Itis wholly Inconsistent with this provision tocompel n man Urst to be tried will, .utnjiirv.What Is It tint h secured by trial by Jury I ItII .t character nteilit to bo protected t, thatprovision, as well ,ut personal Illicit) i And dol.ui It-- me that inn tl i not violate that pro.vi- -i ii of the Con-utu'i- when vou make aman a convict betore he can enjoy It. wouldlike to have h ut tho Propo-uio- u tnu. a federalJudge iv oultl ever maku sin h a tUci-lo- ii its thatproclaimed 111 the fa.'e nt the American armywhen (ieoige Washington led It. v nen )ou nro

' mor.ill) kit tl. when your family has sutlercil allthe p.iligt and torments nf bell up' ii earth bv .

lug Its head made a convict I, y it curt whichthe courts of tho I'nl'.ed Mates Hold to bo com-petent under tho I .institution to it) uu ollYiice,then ion may aiqieal und cine Into , nun alreadya convict, ami have the Inestimable right of trialby Jury n, cured to )oii. Is that thu fnedoui ofthe United states of Ameitca.' If so, proclaimll to foreign lands, ami your ships whichare now loaded wltn Immigrants from every

country will come here ou their verynext vo)u'e empty.

vviiliii: the tiiial should ni.Now, your Honor, Mr. Clih f Justice Marshall

nluayt examined with great Particularity thosource of authority whenever he was asked tudeprive a man ol his llbetty. The authoritywhich upon tho other side they rely on for theperformance nf such nu net Is the ;ttd sectionof tho Judiciary act of lTrM. Uu us look nt It.They concede that If vou bale no authorityunder that, )ou have none from any source,ns I iii.derstand them, That provision readsin this w.i :

Inst for snr crime or otfnnrs acalnit lb UntiedHt tie iB.lllil may, l) auy .1 us l li e ur .ludgs of I' eUniti'it sial.-s- . or til ,ui) e ,.f lust, are or ullirrliiatfistrsl.' ut any of .e luitttj Mania w here lit, ma)l. f. an ! asrrf slily In tiie nua! it. c il, uf prot ess ncaiii.ttillsu.lera III sutti Male .ml at llir . 1 p. its,, ut the I linedMates, 1. srr.-slp- abit UuruuUi'dur uanetl,aa the vase

' llial tit , fur irlaiWhere, If )our Honor please 1 Now where?

lletoru the Police Curt ot Washington if'ur li (il bt ton iiiV . ourl at ,s 'rtlliti SUUI 04 by

(.Vl, tl I Ail, , V'il'Uit'f ti Iht ttjjt rue.To another provision of tho Constitution al-

low me to Invite your II mor'n attention, andHint Is the prnvitlun whleli ,ms tiiut thuJ,nil, Ittt puttur of mo Uiutci! Males shad tievestetl in one Supreuie Court and In am h Infe-rior eoiirtt at Ci.ugrest shall from time to tlinoordidn and I'Stabllsn. mid Hi it the Judges, bothof tho rioproint, iuiiI Inferior courts, sludl holdtheir oOl 'es during good behavior. Now, yourHonor, the Supreme Court of the United Mateshave expresslv decided that the term "Judicialpower "lined lu this elau.-- e means all tno Judi-cial power, and It cm only be reposed in theSupreme Court mul Inferior courts toeJudgenof which hold their terms nf nfli o iliiriu.' goodbehavior, home ficblo attempts h ivo bet ntu nit- - to cxpluiti away tint prnvi-lo- n of the t

f..r as tho Constitution had enemiesni the time of Its llueplioii. so it has ulva) h.ulenemies ever aim e. 'there uro

I'l.TTV TyilATSand men loving tvramiv in this ns lu every otherfree country, who will try to explain It aw.i),but It cannot be explained away. And ll wutHie opinion of C.iiuf Justice Marshall thai the

' Judges who do ti"t bold their oftlcps dur-- ilug good behavi, r possessed nnneof the Judicialimer provnltd fur lu tiie Constitution. I sit),therefore, mi that ver) ground, that Hut l'ollcoCourt uf the District of Columbia It nn uncou-- 1

stltuilonid court, ami It hat no right no rightnu) more than it It was only nu InitioDistrict of Columbia - in stretch torth its handhere and take Mr. Chuilct ,. Dana out uf ihoJurisdiction of the Umpire Stale.

I have stated brlelly and Imperfectly my viewsnu mime of the t'ouita of ltv. I have lint ar- -filed tbeiii fuhy, be. 'aiiso I knew I was tn be fo.

b) n gentleman most learned In Hie law,who has long been an ortiameul to tins belli hian lieu w comes bai k to be a renew cd ornamentand strength to the bar of this city.

1 Hunk be)olid these legal points, although 1

prefer only to in gnu law lo n court &s this Is ac.ise of III tst Impren-ln- ii It is proper for thoCourt to look at some of the consequenceswiden would follow nu adverse decision in thiscane, ami among lliein would be iho utter de-struction of that lihirt) of the press wnli h, asthe Constitution of Massachusetts admirablyexpresses ll, "it essential lo the security uffreedum." If Hint Police t'oiilt n u W csteniJournal has bappilv denominated IL "thepro-pn.ci- l

Imperial Police Court of the District ofColumbia' can stretch forth its hand here amitake one editor, it can stretch forth Us handInto every Stale, Into every Territory, Into everycounty. Into every city and village lu this coun-try, for thev all have their presses. You Mouldhave Iho Dlstrkt of Columbia Oiled up withpri'uliers who would hu said tu have libelledsome olllcer of the Hove rumciit. II the) couldlime dune that when thu expos, ot

IIIK CHI.IllT Mil 111 1.1.1 t:utransactions first began liey would never havobeen brought fully to light. The members ofCongress engaged in sum transactions would huInterested In the culort't'iiiciit of such a law , andliovv long think you would it be beforo Congresswould repeal that provi ion of the law now ex-isting which enabled tne licensed person to pleadthe trillh In defence ! They w mild repeal thatlaw and establish the old l.lu'llsh and barbarousdoctrine that tno greuter the truth the greaterthcllhcl; und the greater tbe truth being geu-erul- l)

applicable to such persons, wit vvoiild Imvuthu District, on I say, tilled with member of thupre s from all parts of thu country, and thenthey would apply Hint law which they enactedduring Hie war. Hint when the Old Capital pri-son was too lull and thu oilier prisons vveio loofull, they could transmit prisoners, on the war-rant nf a Jiuigp. to the penitentiaries i.ll over thecountry, and the prisons nf this wliolu cniinirywould be tilled up with ust so man) men u.sever .note anything against the existing admin-istration uf the fiiivfrumciit. lli.it would In. aI) rauuy niieli as duet not exist on thoface ol the enrtli, uml Hint Is what this prose-cution means. It Is no cinggcralton to say thatIf thl.

ATrr.viiT to Mi'iinni miikhtyennnut ho sinnthercd noiv.lt can never ho sue.cesslully reslsicd. Vuiir lluiior will icuicmberHint one of the chief grounds set fort In theDeclaration nf Independence nu which our freeInstitutions wire established, won the extradi-tion of prisoncra fur trial to u remote land. Andspeaking of the Declaratloti of Indeneiidcuce,let mi' say-- and I take It upon myself to say Itnlways when speaking in a caso of libel that noman ever bom holds In more sacred estima-tion than I do the sanctity of character. It Isnot to he Idly aasalled ; It Is never to be falselyassailed. Hut, sir, when you speak of thesepolitical libels ; when you speak of wrong andcorruption In office, for which ther proposeto luprlAii. where they have failed toiira'oV, lot ine remind you that the founda-tion stone of Mils republic on which our Govern-ment Is founded U a libel, for If tbe declarationof American Iih1psimIu U ant allbcluovu

Oonrie III.. I should Ilk is ;,(ito any lawyertell tue what ',',,, t, j &ni u was AJlttel vrhlchm unpnlly accomplished Its obiecU. Thaturst unfurled the American flag, we had nonational existence until Hint was adopted bythe wise and great men of tho whole nation Inconvention assembled, and that was of tho samocharacter as tho libel which they now Invoketho aid of an unconstitutional court and oldDratiulcnl measures of oppression to suppressand punish,

MIL HAItTUrrT HfMAlNKD.Judge lllntchforil Has counsel aii)t!ilnc fur-

ther to nnv7Mr. Harriett My learned associate. Judge

Shlnmnti, will present moro nt length the ques-tions on which I have lightly touched. I haveskimmed the mountain tops. He will descendInto the depths of Hietallejs and bring up somefurther truths.

HhlpmarY (at still.Judge lllatchtord-lli- w the District Attorney

anything moro to present?Sir llliss Our caso It closed, your Honor.Judge lltntchfiinl In his derision sustained

.Mr. Harriett Mi all his points, llu said: "I amentirely satisfied that I cannot grant this war-rant. The net of Congress creating this courtIs utterly void and iiiicotistltulb.nal upplauao,und therefore I docllne to grunt It."

MIL III. IMS WAMTS TO fY eOMlrritlNfl.Mr. illlss (with A pallid smile) -- Will your

Honor all. ni moJudge lll.iti'hford I don't till nk vou can

cbaiico in v opinion. Keneived applause. ThoConslllullnii of the I, lilted States oxprosslvst itet Hint the trial for all crimes shallbe by Jury. It It Impottlble to cot over tnntclause. It It entirely clear In this catc, at Ii.trsiuiid It, that this appll ullnn for u warrantto the Commissioner It bu-e- solely on this In-

formation llled In the I'nllce Court nf the Dis-trict of Columbia, t'llt Information being thesolo uvldonco that tho Commissioner had beforehim.

Mr. Illlss (In a cold pertplratlnn)-T- ho com-plaint thnt 1 handed ) our Honor

Judge lllatchford Hut lit tho complaint It Issuited that II tried ho Is to ho tried in tho PoliceCourt.

Mr. Illlss-- Wo admit It. If tho warrant beItsuod ho would be tried In the Police Court.

Mr Illlss (bxstl.y seizing threo law books) Ican show your Honor that the count nf Ohio,Pennsylvania, Indiana, and California have heldthat a provision establishing a l'ollco Court ofHits kind Is constitutional, and tho SupremoCourt of Masn.icbunetts. Chief Justice Shaw giv-ing the opinion, goes liberally Into tbo question,and held that where the right of trial by Jurywas secured Anally, that was all the Constitu-tion required. It hat Iweii decided In tho Su-preme Court of the District nf Cnlumbli, on anelaborate argument, that this proclso act Is

kot roimnr.E.Judge lllatchford It cannot be possible.Sir. Harriett It Is not possib e.Judge lllatchford -- It violates the fundamen-

tal principles of tho (lovcriiiuentof the UnitedStales. Prolonged applause. There must bono demonstration In court.

Judge Shaw- - of Massachu-setts in iy havo illlrmcd thu Jurisdiction of themncistratPt over drunkenness and petty nf- -fell' ut, where vou leave freo und unfettered tholight of appeal. As It was. the euno was decidedhi a divided Court. The provision lu the Ma-ssachusetts m ite Constitution mai bo similar totne Mxlh Amiinduieiit of the Federal Constitu-tion, lull Is not similar to the clause lu the orig-inal anli Ip whh h has been t lute I.

Judge lllatchford I refer to the clause In the' original Coiiniliutloii. Kvcn iitsiimlng thai tho

clause rulers only tu i which bad beforebeen tried 'iy J Ty, it It well known Hint llbi Ithave nlwa) been tried by Jury. Therelore, atfar as I understand. It Is impossible, unless Ioverride Hip ti of the Uimed Mates,und violate mv oath of nClcc, to grant the war-rant asked for In this case.

I don't menu to say that this court nt Wash-ington mn) not he competent to try small as-saults and batteries and petty Itrcctiles. Woknow that from time Immemorial lucre havebeen such coiitts as Speclul Sessions, and Iknow myself what a relief ll would he to thecourts of fie United Stntes If they wore notcoiiiiielied to try every thing, no matter howsmall, by Jury. Hut every effort to Introducesome Ostein for our relief has been met bv thisInsurmountable barrier of the Constitutionthis clause uf the Constitution, Therefore wecannot have trial by Special Sesaluus,

In this case, as I understand It, It Is perfectlyclear that It In to be tried In the first cane with-out a Jury. The Constitution snys that all trialsnhall be by Jury, and the accused It entitled, tolto be Urst convicted by a court and then tubeacquitted b) a Jury, but to bo convicted or ac-quitted In the Ant Instance by a Jury. ThatM'etitt to me to be tho sound high cround onwhich to put this cn--

AMinir.it vtr.w.Tint another view Is that tho Judlctil act of

17 M' provides that all incused per-o- n shall becomniitttd 'or trial In the which by thisnet hut cognlatico of the ntloiice. I oiigrens hathalf a dozen times wiped out the original curtIn the District of Columbia, and in fact w benthe U' t of 1TW was pissed there was no court IIItbo District of Coliimhln. I do not Hunk Hintnil) warrant vv liatover could be under thustatute to send u person to an) other districtthan the courts established b) tills act.

I Mr. Illlss (with a bickering smllei- -I call yourHonor's attention to the cniu of lllooiugart,who was scut to a district cstnlillshed set en-te-

cuts nltri Hie pas-ag- i. nf that uct.nml tothe cane nf n Person sent to Michigan I.) Judgolleiieillct a district not established for forty) cars utter Jiidtet Wirt und l'aiiey havo bothgiven opinions against what you lay down,

Judgo lllatchford-He- ad lliein.MIL M.ISS QUOTE.!.

Mr. lillts (smiling hastily) Wirt snys thnt youcan reiiiand to tho District uf Columbia, ami1 aney gave a similar opinion.

Sblpman Those decisions werefounded on the peculiar legislation of Congressin regard I" the District.

Mr. Harriott- -I construe tho opinion of Ta-upe to bp dlrectl) Hie opposite uf what Mr.Illlss bus said, ami entirely in accordance with

o ir Honor's v lews.Judge lllati hfnrd- -I was gulnc to say that I

dpi line tu grant Ihe warrant .ui the ground thutHut Court bat im right to remnnd for trial forany ntfeiico uthcr than by Jury. Ou that groundab "lie-- Mr.

Illlss (tmlllngl Of cruiro we how tn youropinion. Hut I would say that Chief Justice'1 ancy expresses a different opinion In the easeof a ppison remanded to the of Colum.Ll.i charged with assault on the President of thoUnited stales-- Mr.

Harriett And he was discharged by theChief Justice.

THE THPK (1II0PNP.Judgo lllatchford Tho tlrtt ground It the

high ground that goes to tho bottom of thuw hole mutter. 1 make the decision solely withrelcreiice to Hie fact thut it is a i barge of lib. I,iv hit h nlwnvs has been a crime triable by a Jury,and there Is nothing befoio the Court whichsuggests thut thu case would bo tried ah) whereelse than in the Police (' nut.

Mr. Illlss-- We are bound to admit that It wouldbe tried there.

Judgo lll.itcliford-Thp- re It another court InWashington that call try Hip indictment.

Sldpmuii I here Is not. I he troubleIs that thu act organizing thu l'ollco Court re-peals preceding acts, but could not repeal theConstitution of the United Stales,

Judge Illatehford- -I regret thut the Court hailnot the bi'lit'llt of an argument from the otherlearned coun-e- l representing thu defence. 1

fell bound tu Clio thin decision without furtherexamining ur writing an opinion, as the propo-sition of the counsel vv ho did argue seemed soplulu thut no consldc rutloii or stud) could bring

I mo to another conclusion.The arguments of the counsel were listened to

with absorbing Interest by the auditors. Mr,Illlss was lean and technical. Ho worked hatdto do his masters' will, but It was evident thathis collar galled him. He did not seem to fullyrealize Ids position until Judge lllatchford de-

cided the case against him. Then ho cuniu outWilli spasmodic vehemence; but thu Judgowouldn't take back Ids decision,

Mr. Harriett was fully tqi. both In mntter andmilliner, to the magnitude ot the Issue ami thesrnndi'iirof Ids theme. He was aglow with thespirit of 'TO; his aspect was leonine; his argu-

ments were Wcbstcrlan In clearness and solid-ity. Ho not only had the Judgment ut tho Court,hut also the sympathy of the audience with lilm.

After tho prolonged and nfl-r- c peatcd applausewith vvlib h Judge lllutc hfnrd's decision wasgreeted had subsided, and tho Court had ad-

journed, a number of we dlhy gentlemen fromWashington who had suffered .rum tho rapacityof the King In Hint city, gathered around Mr.Dan i uml thanked him for Ms exposures nf thopublic plunderers nf the District of Columbia.They rejoiced ill Judge lll.itcnford's decision,ns they suit) Hip only hope which the people oftho District have ot shaking nit the grasp of thelllug is III Hie fearless exposures uf their cor-rupt practice- - by Independent Journals like Tilt:Sin.

The Conspirators on (heir IVIndiuir Way,YVaniiinoton, July 15. Thcro wiis no

unusual exclloiiieut ut the depot ot tho Haiti-mor- e

and Ohio llallrtiud In Washington on lastTuesday evening, Tho casual observer wouldnut have remarked auy very diatlngulsbod-look-In- g

Individual lu live crowd of men, women,and children gathered there armed with carpet-bags, umbrellas, and walking sticks. Therewin. howsvtr. aoiaa rarr notorious ckaracten

In this crowd of walling travellers. The prlncl-D- al

members nf the great District Ulng werethere, accompanied hy anumber of their lackeysand strikers, en route for New York, where, asthoy loudly proclaimed, they Intended to enp-tu- re

and carry hack tho editor of Tub NkwYoiik Hun, tlreat preparations had been modefor Mils raid on tho arch enemy of tho Adminis-tration, as they Invariably termed Mr. Dana.All day long Iloss Shepherd had been In consul-tation with Secor Hobcton, Altorney-Oenc-

Williams, and Serrotnry Itlchsrdtnn. Ilach andall had given hlli) words of encouragement.

All this made him feel quite Joyful, nnd to allnf hit lllne friends ho expressed tbo utmost

In the success uf his scheme to muizlethe Indu'tondent prees of tbo country, lie feltso very good that he ordered a costly lunoh andplentv 1 choice wines to be provided to reialstils fellow conspirators on tho speclxl oar whichIt was reported tho llaltlmore and Ohio Halt-roa- d

would provide tor their solo accommoda-tion, line, however, enmo their first disappoint-ment. The (ireat llaltiinoro and Ohio lLillroadCompany wished yi favors nt the hands of tholllng and declined to furnish nsoeclal car.

Wlille.thercforo.the lllng conspirators kept upa deal of boasting at the depot, ll was qullo ev-ident to a careful observer that thoy felt thatthis snubbing nt the hands of the railroad com-pany was a bad omen. The Host and one ortwo others, who were provided with fieo tia-s-

over Tom Scott's new lino, quietly slipped mvavIn time to tnkctho train over tho l'piiit)lvnlilaroute, nt the rumor of Sixth street und; Ppim-vl-- v

aiil.i avenue Tney h.idno time to divide t be lunchnnd wines, and to (lourco (lideon's great disgustthey carried oil even thing, not even leaving thoInspector of I'rcsldcctlal whl.-kp- y an emptybottlo to smell.

After the departure of the H its mi l Ids fellowdendheads. the party at the llultlmorc mul Ohiodepot consisted of IajwIs deplume. Ileorgelliueoli, (leorgu ll.itreit, John Hadcy. ami a halfdoreii of strlkeis whoso names 1 do not know.Of (leorco (ildeon, tho Inspector of whiskeyfor the l'rcsldentl d palate, tho readers uf Tin:Sl'M have been lately furnished with a fait.. fill

sketch, together with a tolerablyfull biography, Lewis ClcPhano Is the Presidentof tho Metropolis Paving Company, lie It a lit-tle man who endeavors, by u great deul of fussingand f iimliig, to coiivltico those who do not knowhim that he Is really of soma Importance. Sincethe adjournment of Congress ho tins been actingIn the capacity of private secretary to llo-- s

Shepherd and as a between that In-

dividual and contract brokers.Shortly aftor the do part uro of Shepherd and

hrs little party, above alluded tn, and Just re

the starting of tho truln, Secretary lllchurd-ao- n

tiiado his appearoiiuo at the deiiot. Ho hadevidently forgotten to say something to Shep-herd which he had omitted to tell him earlier Intho day, for his tlrtt Inquiry was, "Where isSheph.nl 1" llelhg Informed thnt the Hons wasgoing by the other route, hu hurriedly consultedhis watch to sue if he had time to uiako tho de-pot nt Sixth street before K.V)-t- hu hour ntwhich thut train leaves, finding that he couldnot make It, he drow Clcphane lu one si le nndheld him In close conf.Hi until the train becanto lutivo off, w lieu bo bid tho conspirators good-b- y

and wished them Ciud's spued uu their mis-sion.w r.v.v i:so r.i rn i it vrr. to tu n s r.v.

The Itepubllrnnt' Thanhs for ferreting OutIhe ( null! Milliliter Hruutln.

St. Paul, Miiiil, July 1(1. Tno KeptiM!- - '

can Stale Convention met Three huh- -

tired and eight delegates vvcte present, Thocoiites was mainly mi the (lovernorshlp.

The principal candidates were Horace Austin(the Incumbent), W. 11. Washburn, C'lithmiin It.Duls, and Tiiumas Armstrong. The contestwas very animated. Finally Austin withdrew,and Armstrong's friends concentrated ou Davit,defeating VA ushhurn. The vote ou the fourthund Until ballot stood ' Hilts, l.Vii Washhum, l's).

ltesolutloi.s wore adopted favoring cheaptransportation, according to capital In railroadstheiightof reasonable remuneration, but

unJusLdiscrlmluailuiiA. and all arhitraryaiid Improper use nf the crowing power uf rail-road and other corporations. 'Ihe fourth reso-lution su)s that no rights should be vested Inrullruad cnniuratlous beyond the control offuture legislatures.

Tbe fir lb resolution heartily applauds the ac-tive measures of Congress lu ferreting out andexposing corruption, and demands nuiu officialconduct and tho piitiUnuienl uf unfaithful pub-lic men. Tho sixth resolution cotueiuiis with-out leserve tho salary and back-pa- y grab, andueuiahd. tho prompt repeal ot thu law authoriz-ing It.

A New Miitue ol ('cn. Duller,u'a.'A AO'ioa T oik ru-l- ,

A new ftnttii' of (Jon. llutlor I In preii.t-rntlo- n,

the two sides ot tho face being quite ills-- isimilar, from one side, the cxpres.-i- i e f.u eseems to wear prohibitory legislation in every

' lineament nnd feature, 'iho clerical whitechoker adorns the sinewy" neck, and the mouthIs piously pursed up at tbuiigli olio should whis-tle ut a funeral. On the o iter ship the nock Isban. PXfept for a pretpr-ll.vronl- c collar rentingloosely on the atlaiitenii slioiilders, while Irointhe corner of the mouth a straw protrudes anda know lug wink partially closes the ee, such usone inuy see exchanged alunng the sous of llellclwhen one of iliem invites another to luncheon.lb. Hi pn BIps hnvp their numerous admirers, butthe full front Is said to bo le-- s satisfactory.

Knlc Moibluril tins Nothing lo Sar to ltrporl-ei- tWliut u Ciliuiiln l'urtfol,

Knto Stoddard pipretset str.itltude for hertrratiuriit by the keepers of the Itayiuuii i sirret Jailbheaaystiie rreitril binlsbtp ts the clue ami aliningsir. l.ven villa tbe Hluttutia upeu It In nut plessiuttirhealtt-y- . bbe luea"tilcuiy of pure, freth air, lota ofexert Ue, and as much r.ew milk ai she csn get " S"eetijt-i- tu bsviog v itiiurs imriidiug upuu uer wlthuutUtitlee. Mie says it t alllloyiug tu b' e.'UlronUil ttntis person au.tiitiily. blie is luiiructeU b lirr counselnut to talk tu rc ..nn i. " Vuu alio." atit' iai, " nutIt 1 said a llllle ll.e. wouhl 111 ike a great ileal mil uf11." Kale Is alius til lu even ise in ihe ) aril fur an houreii ry ( vi'iitug u lien the vteatieT tn One.

Ik one eiivtiupe fuiiini In her Iru.ik ha! s meniorin.uuiueuiiieruuigay.aiug man thuiu Kate met an.l rere IV rd "one kiss " trolll. Mie aim reti'M lu the factHist slip sent l.v to a plivbletau, and suvs"tii' mil i.ulcine" I h letter cuntaluiua' a lite aim a one tlul. arballs liult-wa- uut a' ut tu tne c btvt, rba Captain saidbe furuot to band lu tne m airy.

.More .VIotlucH Captured.San FliVM.'1-.i.'O- , July from Fort

Klamatb, July 11, vis Asbton, Oregon, July 10. statethat Miller's Charley and .lack's fatbrr ln lats, vthn sur-

rendered on the 3d luit., ttrre urn fur by dpt. Has.tirmick ttsila).

Intpiligsnee waa received at Fort Klamath yesterdayfrum slllux lb it l.uug Jllll slid 1,1 f itlier hail lirrli ca,lured uylbarlta Kltiine. nu Hull in of that plaee, andthat tbey ttuidil be bri'iu'bt tu KUiiulb toils) uutltrtbe cliatge uf (be ubl eli.cf hebunclilii, s brulb. r ufHihoiichin who Is c mined ilio captain Jack. Whinthese lliilui.n arrive all the tbe Mutiuca belukgtpg toCapt. Jack's band vt ill have been captured.

The be mi ii n llstieillf Ion,Panama, July K --The news that the expedi-

tion of the (ieiitral Mieruiau, sltb Palaelus and bispartr baring landed at TruJIilo ami begun au attackagainst Hunilura baa ruust-- up (lie liov i rnmeuls uf(liutt'in.tls ami Silvailur, slid every prrparatltin baabeen mule tu repil Hie tui&biuii, mid coiniitiu'i! actionbet ii tleet.U d mi. Hie ch Neil pari), luvi ig ibeir lt

ra in Sltsragll I, are cupsblered lu Its nt Hie hupluliliif Hie muiiUieul and tu buppl) the funds by hIuciiIt la carried uu.

A .Haiti scitiinlii stulclde.Last evening Mary Melntyro, a servant, uf .1(1

Rnst Ttseni) rUbtti strert. tveut tu s drug sturu luThird avenue and saked fur Paris green lu poUou ratavvllb. Upturning home she wrnt to her room, andsliurtl) aftcrwnrit brr muaiiings attrseteii iho laiidluly,wboiuuudM r bulb ring mult r pclsuii. fhe waiseuttu uu ambulance tu lielicvue Huspltul, where bvriaaewaa prunuuueed fatal.

A Meiiuinhlp on I'Tre.San ritAM'lsco, July 1(1. Desp itches from San

Diego Ibis liturulng say that the Pncttlc Mall stiumahipMiiiitsna, wu n forty iniha numb uf Aeupuleu, uu Ibemorning uf Hie nth bibt , ut Hires n'eluck, luok pre furwaril in llu- t'oui store ruum. After .tu luuir'b bant bghtthe crew ami p.t.bengerb buteeedtd hi gelling It uuaertuulrul.

The Wpiilher v,

Wasiilnoton, July til. Tho Signal Oftlco pre.ibeib fur luir.ili) In the Middle Matia southeast windswith lueal bttiruis.

H HOOK I. r.v.

Til lodore I'.ck, aged eight years, of '& il

trtrt.ua. nr. .win d In ibe lake in Pruaptct Parki sli rday. Ibubuil) was ii t overt1. t.()n Tuesday evening Daniel l Phillips, ugpd

eleven, of ill rsllklili alenue, while pis) ill J III Ibeblrret near tne rullruad Irak, wjt knuekeil iluwu ua horse, be falling uerusa ibe truck. 'Ibe wnccltlragge,! linn iiluug nn ,er lis (langc, mangling him s,iI Lmi hp du I ) end t da) uiorulu g. .So blame la el.argtdtu Ibe driver.

.v;;ir ,ti:i:si:xr,Patrick J. O'Donnhue of Jersey City, has been

missing nu , (hi. Mb uf July He bad iiininltraiileluuney with bun wht-- be disappeared.,

A running rnce Is to take place on the Scc.iu-cti- strack una afli rliouti lielween Patrick Vidian's sor-

rel mare bm v ol Mt'Hauici's stuck, aud Patrick bulla'sbruwumire SluiruJ.

The suit between the Hnbuken Igiml andCutniuiiy itutl tbe cily of fliibiuru fur Ibe

liosapssduu ut a valuable plot ot laml, nan been detliledla favor of tbe til) by tbe L'uan of Krrurs sud Appeal..

Mrs. Julia Cxiininlngs, wldnw of a NewarktWrnjiiiD, reotntl brtsust aopialulod with iVitiiauLHbs. Bbe lulrualrd bLu wllb aJoao, anil wsa abuol lomarry him aiabiat lbs advice of bsr trirnds. Iltmcuo-llnal- s

ber tneudi pmoustd Us onguial Mrs. lluia,whom Ibay found la Knctlln. Suassi csiaalr. UDmSd, WXUsg Willi btia Mr. Ciuuiiauuis's XIAIS,

TIIE OLD WORLD'S NEWS. Itub tivAxisn onrKitsst hxt and iH


Ten Thor.snnd Cnrllsts Under Arms SpanishDlen-ol-W- ('mining (along Ihe Cnasi-- A

Strike In llarrelona-lncendl- arr Speeckea.IlAro.HNE, July 10. Tlio Curllsta usaort

that they have 10,000 men under arms.The Spanish Uovernmcnt has ordered war ts

to cruise along the coast of Illsoay to pre-ve- nt

the landing nf cargoes of arms and militarystores fjr llwi Carllsti.

Ma tint D, July 1C Dosoatohes from Marcelonannounce that yesterday alt tho workmen In tlxcotton and woollen factories struck and thaeliops w era closed. In the evening the workerof both sexes assembled on tho plaza and woreharvngiied by several senkers who urged themto emulate tho course of Hin men of Alcoy, tooverthrow the inunieliial goveiiimeiit and humthe cliuichea and public buildings. The speak.ors wcro hissed.

llefnre nny serious dltturhnnco had takentdat a troops nil I veil in the plaz.i.

Further ui.itiifpstntbm.t by tbo most violent oftho workmen aro apprehended, and precautionsh ,V(i been taken,

llvYONM!, July thousand C.irllstsunder llicrro have enlcrcd tho provlnco of Pa--

l'ru-lde- PI v Margnll has refused to ncgntl-nt- uwith tno C.irllsts (or nu exehaiign of prison-c-

Inn bp bus iiuthoi i,eil tnp Hepublleiiii cto come o on understanding unofil.

cl illy with tho C.trllst chiefs to socuro properI treatment of Spanish troops falling Into tho

hands nf tho Insurgent.M.vnitii), July HI,- - Seflor Aurlcb, Mlnltter of

Miirluo. hxs ictiirncd from Cirt.igonu. Whllathcro bo was fired at by the Insurgent troops.Thu portion of llm garrison of Ciiitugclia vvhlotlroliised to Join the revolt will roach her

Telegrams from Valencia say that duohavo been taken to prevent an out

break In that city. 1 ho Governor reports thattho volunteers may bo relied ou to support tha Bauthorities.

l'ony Volunteers Shot.MADitm, July IB. It in iiseortiHl that thft

CarllsU shot forty ltepublloan volunteer atClratiqul, after thoy had siirronderod,

At a meeting of a majority of the tnomher ottho Cortes to-d- It was resolved to approve thproposition that the Cortes shall vote tho new

i Uoiistltutlon before closing Its session. SofiorMalsonavo niado a violent attack on tho mem-bers-

tho Left, ao using them ot forcing thulrviews ami nit'.isurot upon tho country.

It was dually determined by tho caucus thatthe Curies should adjourn fur a brief recess, tureassomblc at a day to bo agreed upun,

Thu Cenlro was not reprtwented In Iho caucus,

Hesluiiiillons,M.Miitiii, July 10 Kv'L'iiltif;. Mnlsonava,

Minister of I'oteL'Ii Affairs; CarvaJ.il, Ministerof Finance; and ll.'rge. Minister of Jiisllcs,have resigned In order lo fin Dilute tho furma-- IjHlloii of it Ipimogeiipoiit p.iiilupt.

Tiie miij iiliv in the Cortes dumaud a vlguroutMinistry under s.diucruii.

Don Cnrtna Spain,IIavonmt, July Don Curios rci'iitoroo)

Spain uu Tuesday night. Uu Issued a proclamo-Ho- n,

invoking the help of the God of Armies,declaring thut, listening to the voice of sufferingSpain, lie comes to tight for God and his conn-tr- v.

nnd concluding with tho exhortation:" Volunteers 1 l'ornard, ami save d)lug Hiiaiu I"

There was grcut cntbusl.isin among bin follow-er-swheu Don Curios Joined Valdesplna and Liz-zar-

on Spanish soil,.Mtlililli, July 10,-- Insurgents In Carta.

gent are In a fearful condition. Driinkeniiuss,Hotltik", aud general demoralization prvvull.

Public llejolrlngs.I'Artts, July 10. Tlio Govurntntnt hits

tho Prefects of the occupied Depart-men- ts

tn Interdict public rejoicings on the oeca-slon-

thu uv.icuutlon of Hie territory by th

The lluuvers' Hot's (ireni Clfl lo tbe 1'roplof the

The nttendanco of trustees of the PcahodyKduoatloa Kuuu st tbe annual meeting yesterday wasfuiler thsa ever before since tbe great phlliuli.rupiblmade choice of the almoners of lit" bou .ty Thrraurre la one ot the ball parlors of the Fifth Avci usIlutrl tl e Hon. Kobsrl C. Wliithrop, ( litlrman of tbabuard, tbe Hun. llamlltuu Full, Secretary of fclate;I'rtsldrnl Lraotitbe Hun. Juhn II. lllllurd, exliuv.ernur uf Mastachust-lt- i the lion. Win. Aiken, ex.Oovrruer ot bomb I srtdins . tbe Hun. Wni M I'rarUof New York , the Hon. VVut.A. (irabani.rx (iovrrnor of.North Carolina i Cbsrlra McAllister of Pckntylvaulsi(.purge VV. liiggs, the banker, ot VV'ashlnglun (leorgeN. Kalt.n uf .Vlarylatidl Ueure P. Itus-- t I, s nrphew uf JHIbe pbilanii.rup 1 uml btcretaiy (o the toaru, whuaoresldi-ue- Is .u Fuglatid t ttie H..U. ba i ti I Watsuti ufItunetieet Ibu Hull, A. 11. II. Muart uf Virgluint and HHis Usv. Hr, Hsriias bevrs, gem ral agent or Hie fund, fjHaim Uvea at buundm, V'a 'Ibe tuny members of ibot'oard w uu-- r ih,ii w vacant w re ttlsbop Mel lvaluefit onlu, who tlieu ubrnad several inontbs . gu, and (.en. fHfi.tk tsjlor ut Louisiana, who It in llerilu, .Mors.vvatsun,btusii,anil la) ,ur bll ,lu vacancies crealid bytbe il. nth uf huwiiid A lii..ii..ni. Admiral 1 srrsgui,ana the Hun, Win i. Hives Onl ruiui., i,itsni'bs was(rjiisaetrtl )pttrdar It la mpp se, tbtt the sgeui'sr,prtwul tip i. at progr as bus been nu.le lu tue put-b- e

mind on Ihe aubjeel f general education, but that0 re are luau) hluiiraliies tu the biirtebs of Hu lutivo-me-

to estabilsti a system uf fiee scbuuls In the buuto.

A Cilnul Hunt C.iulnlii Killed.Coroner M.ih.in of Jersey City Is holding on

lU'piett lu the case of Kugeue Atno, whu was killed bya ul, .vt from the tilt uf Thunias Han, on tho plank roadI mlfo uier the llackriisack river. Throe wttneaaeswere eiatulued Dit night. Tbo flrt wis J ho Vdraw, Ileaal.1. I am buwmin on tbe host of whichAtno was captain. VVp wrredetalned at Ibe lock, andas wp went tbruugb Aluo iuarrelled w uu the priauucr,1 was culled swat a tew luuuieula tu allen.l tu thsburses, snd when I relumed 1 saw them runt lug andran lu separate Hiem.itiid saw Huu sirUe Ainu umblow In the neighborhood of the left ear, at w Inch b tjHret ltd aud ft il Use a man lu u faint. 1 did nol are auytiling lu 1 Inn's . ami, ami saw onl) une oluw, t did nutsre Atnu ttrlke Finn. I Hunk tiota men wire sober,

Ibe olhtr tsu witnesses, bulb builllleu, gavutue same tibtiiuuuy, adulug tlul Atuo bad fJHcaned Hun an Irbh .and bad moiledthree bluwa frnm Hun, sflrr the first one picklug up apn t c ol i oil. but itt'titier Uirotting It uur striking Fluo. LHIbe lui,uebl was utljuurnid to Friday.

llriilned b) n 1'ollccinan.Vcsterday afternoon Olllcer l'.itrh k F, lljrnes

of the I'tmee airt-e-t police stat.uu was retjuebted toarrest Patrick I unnors, who was drunk and boisterouslu Ibe lag r titer bilooa at 31 (Irsnd slrsavWWhru tbe olf.cer attempted to arrest Connors, Joblole) and two utbers, friends uf Conimib, luterfirrd,tide) w rem he, I thi rluli tn.ni Hie ulllii r's g asp andwiin n birurk bin, st vernl stunning biuwsnuibi nead.vv bile Fuie) was heating th' unlet r the others Wit 1 edbun repeatedly. The unit er r. leasing himself frum thelllllluus clusetf with lull)', mil with Hie butt uf tbapistol struck hint two ur three Hint s uu ll.e forehead.friu luring bis bkuli. OHit r pullt eiut u suuu arrived and fHFolt) nnd I'uuiiurs were airfbttd. lulei's wuuudsbtlug sertuua be wu taken buiiie.

J.O.Vd ISI..I.M),

Vcstprday a body was found at Hay UldgDock, supptist'tl In be Hiat uf a satlur shout 'ti vesis uld, fHut bluui tnilhl, Mrei li Inebrs tilth, dark bair tiiuioiataee, black ai.Ulu.ilib, w bite wuullell ablll, nlth blrasarouad walbl buldllig a sbeatb knife.

A 1.1 n: IS I.A M, HThu arrungpuiput liptwppn the II 'nrd- - of Su.

pert i.urs n( ICieiimuiid uml Kings cutiuHt s, sit r. h) (he bTSlailtr agree that ull ptlsoiurs seniem-c- on b at.--Islaiul fur terms nf five v ears or le.s mity be euiiflnrd laIbe Kings eutiiilv peiiiliiiHur), bss beeu cuauiulualttl, and guta uitu clltel luiuit tlUlely.

si'Aitics rito.it rut: ri: .;, nvi,Six new cases of cholera appeared In the Ohio

hilar) on ruesday night, w prl.iiui rs tbed.L'liiumodori' William M (ilcmlv 'f the I idled

btaicb Nun, rtiired list, died lu llali'iiiore ) PTuuySamuel (irepli slrm l. Ilcdivl i lbatl) Willi a Hut

Iruu lu ImilaiiapoLis )ebprda), uud Injur' I ncr fatally,Col. Slmnii Fair, nf Culiiuibla. S. (..a proml.

iienl iw), i. f r m at I, a ii tsrii r of s ni nn s i or fjjluf the viiudle lircull, ill, f tu-- , agtd ,' ) ars.

Gonigo W. Garner nf Washington, vctirilnyshut .loliii I'lept r In llie ui in w Uu a i' .11 Ir annd ills,. Ida sou lleur) Pii'pi r. in Ihe li ii n I ti lit a,luiili ting it ncr uu, w 'id.nl (..iruei w as a ..rn. r d ououf ibe Pn pers' brt 'in wagons An itltercuttuu bad takeapjae. Intwetn tbe paruts in the bakery

Hjo it .vhs a ttour ronx,The police reported three sunstrokes ) outer- -

The Qiinraiillne nfllccrs say Hint the City ofMerldt's pass uigt ra are lo land (u-- i

Mr. John llluney ussiires us that the article Inbaiurtlay's hi n. t utitlttl "A Mali smaii fur uu Hour,'waa a prai tieul Juke, gutlen up (i) Itllbhlev uu persulil,wiibuui auy auliu fuuudatiuu.

The ciimmlssluit uppnliittsl to audll ex Sheriff(Vllrteo's claim aeaiual ibe tisml) uf .Sew Vera lustyesli-a-da- 'llio bid cliargts fur sX.iti tuuimitiui'uisaud dhstiargrs of prUobeva. Irum Janntrv I. lo !flrctiuber 91, 1J7U, st 37 and 73 ts.ala patVo. lulalimuuul of claim. llTOalolc, Ur. ( lr'u nni apisssring,the claim wis rrjmltti. Uic CtiuaiilstlsBbn Occlarlut (((Oitlltujrs was nu cvkistsy ICst Vbf mtsnly owed

a 01 sm