nhi talking operations: transportation operations for planned and unplanned events steven j. cyra,...

NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation Operations (ETO) After-Action Reviews – What, Why, and How? 2008 Wisconsin Floods Case Study

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Page 1: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

NHI Talking Operations:Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events

Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation

Emergency Transportation Operations (ETO)

After-Action Reviews – What, Why, and How?

2008 Wisconsin Floods Case Study

Page 2: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation


1. What are After-Action Reviews (AARs)?2. Where do AARs fit in the context of an

ETO Plan?3. Tips for conducting an AAR4. Case study: 2008 Wisconsin Flooding

AAR5. Conclusion6. Conference announcement

Page 3: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

AAR Defined

A structured, non-judgmental review and discussion of an activity or mission

Post game “Chalk Talk” Goal: Create a state of mind where

everybody is assessing themselves, their units, and their organizations and asking how can they improve.

Seizing an opportunity to learn!

Page 4: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

AAR – 4 Basic Discussion Questions

1. What did we set out to do?

2. What actually happened?

3. Why did it happen?

4. What are we going to do next time?

Page 5: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

ETO Framework

Emergency Transportation

Operations (ETO)

ETO Program ETO Plan Maintenance

TrainingAsset ManagementFinance / Budget

ContractingPerformance Evaluation

Vulnerability / Mitigation

ETO Response Threat Assessment

Incident Notification ICS Response

Public InformationAfter-Action Reviews

Page 6: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

AAR Tips – “Do”

Schedule AARs shortly after the event Make reviews routine Identify experienced, objective facilitator Collect objective supporting data Establish clear groundrules Proceed systematically (4 questions) Invite and involve all participants Probe for underlying cause/effect

relationships Identify activities to be sustained (positives)

as well as errors to be avoided (negative)

Page 7: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

AAR Tips – “Don’t”

Conduct AARs without planning Conduct reviews infrequently, irregularly Allow debates to bog down fact

establishment Allow dominating leaders, mgrs to facilitate

AARs Base individual performance evaluations or

promotions on mistakes admitted in AARs Permit unstructured, meandering,

disorganized discussions Use the B or F words (Blame, Fault)

Conclude without a list of items learned to be applied in the future

Page 8: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

WisDOT 2008 Flooding AAR


• June 7 to June 24, 2008

• Multiple Interstate closures

• State EOC activated, on-site WisDOT representation by WisHELP staff

• AARs conducted in 5 Regions, STOC, WisDOT Central Office July 1-21, 2008

• Formal ETO Plan was “work-in-progress” Photos Courtesy of WI Emergency Management

Page 9: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

WisDOT 2008 Flooding AAR-Successes

Regional Cooperation

and Coordination

Page 10: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

WisDOT 2008 Flooding AAR-Successes

• WisHELP concept to reality in 4 weeks

• Ad hoc development of Google Map for road closures

• Strong support from Bureau of Structures staff in site-specific emergency bridge inspection

• Southeast, Southwest regions designed, contracted, and constructed I-94 crossover in 4 days, opening interstate westbound

• Statewide Traffic Operations Center (STOC) served as a hub for inter-regional, inter-state coordination and communication

• “Pitch-in” spirit of staff

• An excellent basis for further development of the WisDOT ETO Plan…

Page 11: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

WisDOT 2008 Flooding AAR-Recommendations

• Nearly 150 specific recommendations, prioritized for Immediate, Short, and Long-Term implementation. Key recommendations:

• Deploy a more sophisticated mapping system for tracking roadway closures and other information

• Implement emergency contractor procurement mechanisms

• Identify a more “standardized” situation room in each region, equip as appropriate

• Improve adoption of unified command within WisDOT, enhance ICS training for appropriate staff

• Recognize/set work-hour limitations, develop staffing plans

• Clarify roles, responsibilities (DSP, WEM/EOC, others)

Page 12: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation


1. Management of a significant incident or emergency is not complete until an AAR is conducted.

2. AARs should be regular, routine, “automatic”.

3. Seize the opportunity to learn! Apply AAR results to on-going ETO Program.

Page 13: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

“There is no feeling in the world to compare with the feeling you get when you know you blew it, and you have to explain in excruciating detail during simulation debriefing why you acted as you did. There are no excuses.”

Gene Kranz, former NASA Flight Director

From “Failure is not an Option”

Page 14: NHI Talking Operations: Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events Steven J. Cyra, PE, PTOE, HNTB Corporation Emergency Transportation

Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events (March 25-27, 2009)

preceded by and in coordination with:ITE 2009 Technical Conference: Transportation

Operations in Action (March 22-25, 2009)Phoenix, AZ

Planning Committee Co-Chairs:Laurie Radow, FHWA, [email protected]

Steve Cyra, HNTB, [email protected]

Conference Announcement / Plug