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Ebook 1st ed


  • The NatureHacker's Guide to the Body 1st ed 6/2015 In this book you will learn as close to everything there is to know about the body as possible from a book. This knowledge will ever expand and this book is the transcribed knowledge of one of the most prolific students of the human body...ever. Stay tuned as this book will get updated as my brain gets updated. In this book I will teach you everything I know and everything you need to know about the body, including what ingredients do what. However to get actual working tested recipes on how to make the things I talk about or how to optimally combine them, please see my other (future) book; NatureHacker Recipes. 1. Where to begin? The body is very very complex. Its complexity could probably only be appreciated by a physicist or an engineer. If they try to apply their equations and expertise to the organic body, their brain will get fried. The fields are melding and slowly engineering concepts are being applied to areas of the body like muscle research. Chemical concepts are being applied to reactions in the body. But these are cutting edge fields and to be able to reduce biology to first principles is daunting to say the least as anyone who works in biochemistry, biophysics, nutritional biology, etc can attest to. Since the body is so complex really good research into its secrets is hard to find. Most research is clinical meaning it isn't basic science, just observation, data gathering and statistics. You notice something in one patient and see if it is generally true is one way to put it. Now this is

  • confounded again because of special interests. Natures medicine is free and doesn't sell for much. So people try to make synthetic medicine so they can literally bankrupt people with the cost while laying back in their jacuzzi. All while their monopoly is protected by Obamacare. What this means is most of the research done in the US is directly or indirectly funded by big pharma. To get real unbiased research and therefore knowledge is difficult so you really have to know how to scrutinize research. It takes practice. But most good research comes from outside the US because foreign countries, believe it or not, are trying to rid themselves of dependence on big pharma just like you and I are. So those can be good allies. I am not going to put any references/footnotes in this "book". Without a team of support (or even a good editing program), trying to document everything would literally break this endeavor before it ever began and would guarantee I would never finish it. In our collective best interest to educate you I can't document everything I say. Luckily for you, you have access to the greatest library of all time that dwarfs Alexandria right at your fingertips. So no complaining! Lol. Everything I say you will be able to "google" to verify it. And if something I discovered from my own personal research I will let you know that. So without further ado...lets begin! Well before we begin I want to give you a little background of myself. I know jealousy can creep up especially if you don't know the person's background who has all this knowledge that you don't. I can assure you I have worked and fought for everything I know and it has been a daunting journey to say the least. All healers have to overcome their own health issue(s) before they truly graduate and I can tell you I have truly graduated. Being able to cure your own

  • health problem(s) is worth more than 10 PhD's let me assure you. Alright so at this point in my life I am 29. I started going deep into health research around when I was 13. So its been about 16 years. Like most people it started for me as a hypochondriac, I started reading online about my chronic fatigue and thought I had aids or mad cow disease lol. It freaked me out so much that I puked from horror and had breakdowns. Fast forward 4 years and I was eating only organic, telling people not to microwave food, and telling my parents to get off junk food and soda and making remedies, saw palmetto oil for my dad's prostate issues (which he never took then developed prostate cancer which if he listened to me I would have prevented), and red clover for my mom. I would also run a few miles everyday on the indian reservation near my house which was exciting and relaxing at the same time. I lost about 54 lbs by eating mostly granola and was one of the best bench pressers in my weightlifting class. Also had one of the best mile times around 5:15. I went to college for physics and astronomy, dropped astronomy, then eventually dropped physics because I couldn't keep up with the pace of math in college. I always was ahead of the curve in math but I always did struggle and just couldn't take calc 2 at that time. I went into Nutrition instead and did that with a Chemistry minor in 3 years. Not knowing what to do with as I didn't want to work in a hospital or become a dietician, I worked in science. I did like the science side of nutrition better anyway. I was planning to go to grad school in physiology but for some reason that fell through in my mind probably because my churches not-so-positive influence...They wanted people to get jobs right away so they could make money off your tithing. At that point my dream was to start a car company (I know very ADHD of me) so I decided to try

  • and do that. Then also from the money side decided to go into Mechanical engineering (cause my dad promised to pay for it and ended up not...anyway I digress). So I went back to school and moved my biology job to part time. Luckily that gave me a tuition waiver since I was classified university staff. So I did that. It was so hard. I had to start from scratch and it took me another 4 years while I was working at a pretty demanding job, my whole lab counted on me to make primary cell culture multiple times a week for them to do experiments on. I was acknowledged on several research papers though and was involved in cutting edge mechanical engineering/molecular biology intralab collaborations. I balanced all that for 4 years which was really difficult. And I forgot to mention that entire time, that 5 years on the job while doing one of the hardest majors on campus, I had severe early waking insomnia. That along with high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol were my problems. All of which have now been solved. Anyway even in that difficult time I was so ADD that I would spend more time researching health than studying for engineering. It was just what I was interested in. Especially when I woke up with a start at 3-4 am every morning after only 3-4 hours of sleep, I had nothing better to do and no energy to do anything other than try to solve this insomnia riddle. Well I have finally solved it so good news there! Took me about 7 years of waking up after 4 hours every single night to solve it. The info just ain't out there folks! I read more science papers and abstracts than their are gallons of water in your pool before I finally figured it out. Stay tuned I will tell you how I conquered each of my problems inside. 2. Where should you begin? Well thats where I began. Where should you begin? Right

  • here right now. Its never too late or too early to start. Yes cliche but you are your own master, you are your own doctor. No one can fix you because you need to fix you. I can't force you to take my remedy, and neither should you trust me. Your body, your responsibility. However everyone is better at something and mine is health. So I would suggest that you seriously consider EVERYTHING I say in this book because this knowledge was hard won and is much more valuable than gold. First you have to realize that there is a better way than big pharma and their certified sales reps mistakenly referred to as "doctors". You have to believe that you can actually be cured and not just have to manage symptoms the rest of your life. If you can't believe that, I cannot help you. So please, start there. The good news is you don't have to believe without seeing as I have already done the hard work for you and I can show you the alternatives that are much more effective and much safer than the pharma solutions. *Disclaimer!*. This info that I am going to teach you is not going to make you feel warm and fuzzy or a pat on the back and a smile. This information will be challenging and make you question everything you thought you knew. Please do not read any further unless you want the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, no matter how much it hurts. 3. Germ theory of disease Alright now time to jump in. What causes disease? There are plenty of theories, from genetics, to environment, to the combination of the two, ect. But I am going to propose to you that all disease is caused by microorganisms. Now I don't discount toxins and genetics ect but those don't cause disease. Microbes do. Genetic mutations don't happen on their own. Sure they can get passed down heritably. Sure

  • environmental toxins damage DNA. But genetics don't mutate randomly as the genetic/evolution theory of disease would say, and damaged DNA is not mutated DNA as the environmental toxin theory would say. What is really happening here is that environment and toxins decrease cell resistance to microbes and genetic problems are merely a footprint that shows microbes were there. What I mean by this is that toxins weaken cells resistance. Toxins weaken immune responses. Immune responses are against foreign invaders. So toxins allow foreign invaders to gain a foothold and do damage. DNA mutations are from virus (and co-infections). Virus mutates DNA. Toxins do not mutate DNA. They damage it potentially and more likely damage the cell membrane which allows viral entry but virus is what does the mutating. So if you had a DNA problem you have a virus problem (also fungus can possibly mutate genetics, or at least greatly facilitate viral entry with its alfatoxins), and if you have a toxin problem, you have a microbe problem that is causing any disease that results. Eliminating toxins and food sources in the body are essential to getting disease under control just like eliminating food sources and cracks and entrances for bugs to get in your home is essential to keeping them out. But its not the wood in your home thats the problem or the oil on your floor or the unsealed bags of sugar or flour, the problems are the termites, the cockroaches, the mold, the ants, and the bolweivels. The bugs (in this case microbes in our body-house) are the real problem. If bugs were not a problem there would be no ultimate truth that you cannot leave a bag of flour sitting open. Its the bugs that determine that truth for you. So if microbes are the cause of every disease then that would mean hygiene is the most important thing one can do for health right? Absolutely. But hygiene on the surface

  • means little. Internal hygiene is the real fountain of youth. But how do we clean the inside of our bodies? Well the first step is with the gut. 4. Gut health Keeping the mouth clean is very important but cleaning the gut is more. Are you saying cleaning the intestines is more important than brushing your teeth? Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Got your attention yet? If you keep your gut clean you will get zero system wide infectious diseases. No flu, no ebola, no H1N1, no polio, no food poisoning, no foodborne or waterborne illnesses, nothing, nada, zilch, zero. Even if you are exposed to large amounts of the microbe. You heard that right. If you clean the gut you will not get sick ever again. Can you say the same about brushing your teeth? Not quite. This means that if you do still get sick you have an uncleaned gut. So how do we clean the gut? Well its simple but first we have to know what we are cleaning. We can't just take our toothbrush and sprinkle on some antibiotics and scrub our intestines. We have to devise something we eat that will kill these organisms and not allow them to build up resistance. In other words we need mechanical methods to kill and clean out biofilms of these creatures. Parasites are important too but parasites feed on yeast and will also be susceptible to killing by the below mentioned methods anyway but I will mention them briefly. There are 3 types of things we want to focus on killing (pretty much daily) in order to keep up with gut hygiene. 1. Gram negative bacteria. These are known as "bad" bacteria. They are the "rats" of your digestive system. These bugs are vectors for disease (virus). Virus will use endotoxin waste products from these bacteria to gain entrance into the body, and likely they multiply in these

  • bacteria as well. Luckily these are the easiest thing to kill because they are susceptible to drying out and will die if dried out. To kill them we need to take a mechanical desiccant which when it gets to the large intestine and the large intestine removes water, will act as a sponge and dry out these bacteria and kill them. The way you know you are killing these baddies is if you notice a dieoff or "herxheimer" reaction. Headache, chills, aches, flu like symptoms (it is no coincidence they are flu-like, because flu virus also kills these bacteria en-mass causing the same symptoms). Simple ways to do this is food grade diatomaceous earth (DE), bentonite clay, or zeolite. DE seems to work just perfect for this use and as a bonus is cheap and easy to use. Activated charcoal can and will prevent the released toxins from dead desiccated bacteria from causing a "herx" so take that 1:1 with DE, in the range of a tbsp a day. However it is important to note you may actually want the "herx", I don't have the space to go into it here but endotoxin therapy can be used to boost the innate immune system and help clear out things like cancer, aids, ect. But on the whole and most commonly we would not want these endotoxins coming into the body. Also chlorella has what amounts to endotoxins so can produce a herx and stimulate the immune system as well. Once you are relatively clean of these gram negative bacteria you can omit the charcoal because the amount of endotoxins getting released will be negligible when taking DE in the future. You can expect to be quite clean a month of daily 1tbsp DE, and if you keep it up a tbsp at least 2-3 times a week after that, you will never get systemically sick again. Keep an eye out for "bacteriophage" therapy that claims to do the same things. Its just a way for big pharma to make trillions doing the same thing good ol DE will do for pennies (Also the phage therapy will be dangerous).

  • 2. Candida yeast Many people have rightfully written entire books on this. My view on this bug is it is the bane of existence and is the sole reason for communal species like humans, bees, ants, ect. The reason it creates communal species is it destroys the body and genetics so completely that a creature literally can no longer survive on its own and in its own family structure alone. I'm not fully sure yet whether candida mutated us directly or indirectly but I feel all the mutations that set us apart from apes including brain encephalization, muscle weakness, genetic disease susceptibility, hairlessness, ect were from candida. It seems like problems that are often in alternative health blamed on heavy metals are really from candida. Anyway candida lives inside us and creates 2 very potent carcinogens. Alfatoxin and acetaldehyde. Both of these cause cancer and acetaldehyde is what causes sleep problems when candida gets in the liver (systemic). We will come back to candida when we talk about cancer and sleep problems later on. But for now lets learn how to kill it from the gut. A good way is diatomaceous earth. So that overlaps with the last topic. Another good one is lugol's iodine which is strongly antifungal. Most of the candida lives in the stomach so this will work well for that. As far as systemic candida we will get into that later. Many herbs are antifungal and many of the same herbs are antiparasitic too. Some of the gentler antifungal herbs are cinnamon oregano garlic thyme and lemongrass. Some stronger ones are berberine herbs like goldenseal, oregon grape root, barberry, and yellow thread. Also black walnut, wormwood, cloves, neem, ect. Just be careful with all herbs, if they make you itchy or agitated you are probably sensitive to salicylates (asprin) which most herbs are high in. We will get into how to combat allergy later.

  • 3. Gram positive bacteria We have been brainwashed to believe in good bacteria. Well that is a lie. I told you this info was not going to be easy to swallow ;). Gram positive are generally referred to as good bacteria. Problem is not only are some relatively benign bacteria gram positive, but also very dangerous ones like staph and strep which live in your gut and get in your bloodstream and brain to cause OCD. And these relatively benign gram positive are also bad. They metabolize harmless compounds we eat and environmental toxins into much worse carcinogens. Scientists it seems (who are undoubtedly evolutionists, which is an incorrect theroy informing their every thought) think that we should be eating bacteria poop. They say this poop contains b-12 and short chain fatty acids, and vitamin k. Well for one all of these are negligible and can be gotten directly from foods. But what they don't tell you is this same bacteria poop causes reduced sex hormone levels by reducing Lutenizing hormone and also this poop has many carcinogens in it. Also it activates cannaboid receptors to make you eat more. Its all a ploy. No bacteria are good. Its like talking about beneficial insects in your home. Well if you get rid of the bad insects why do you nee beneficial ones? Even the beneficial ones will harbor disease and make messes so best to get rid of the root of the problem and not try to cover it up with "beneficial bacteria". The way to kill these bugs is by hitting them with soaps. While swalloing a piece of lye soap may help clean them out (but I donmt reccomend that lol), Plants also make soaps called saponins. Some plants high in these are yucca root, tribulus terrestris, chaparral, ect. Now when you are clean of all bacteria in your intestines your gut isn't used to that. Your gut immune system

  • (opposite of what they say) is weak like it is working for the first time. Little doses of salmonella will effect you more than normal. This is fine you just have to stay on top of it. The same things that cleaned you of bacteria in the first place (DE and tribulus (TT)) will work just as well on these bacteria. So if you notice your stomach hurts after eating possibly undercooked or tainted food or drink, take your dose of DE and TT and you will be good as new. After your body gets better at killing all bacterial invaders in your digestive tract (it was totally overwhelmed before) then these little doses of bacteria your body will be able to deal with better. And that my friends wraps up gut hygiene! Cleaning the gut in these ways will not only prevent you from getting sick, it will also boost every area of your life including how long you live. If you follow the above guidance consistently your whole life your average age of death will be between 105 and 120. 5. Mouth hygiene We have all heard to brush and floss daily and brush twice a day which is very true. Oral hygiene is very important. If you brush and floss daily with the right supplies you will not need a dentist. These supplies need to kill germs in the mouth as well as remineralize teeth which really is not hard to do yet for some reason noone else has figured out how. You just need to understand a little tooth biology. There are 3 things that combine with tooth enamel to form certain kinds of enamel. Enamel is important to protect your teeth from acids and therefore erosion, weakening, and cavities (bacteria create acid). Now the 3 factors are fluoride, carbonate, and hydroxyl. Hydroxyl is the natural form of teeth. Fluoride replaces the hydroxyl and acts like an imposter. This makes for weaker enamel. Carbonate (from baking soda) makes for an even weaker enamel than

  • fluoride. While your teeth will feel very hard from brushing with baking soda, your teeth will shatter and crack easily. The toughness of the hydroxyl is lost. So the solution is to never brush with flouride or bakin soda but rather hydroxyl. What is hydroxyl? It is -OH. How do we get OH? Well CaOH (calcium hydroxide; pickling lime) is the best way since that is how your body makes enamel in the first place. Problem is this is super alkaline and will hurt your gums. So what can we do? Dilute it. Dilute it in the other ingredient of tooth enamel, tricalcium phosphate. Tricalcium phosphate is inert so you mix a little calcium hydroxide into it and use it as a tooth powder. These are all natural minerals. This will not only remineralize but the alkaline nature will also be anti-bacterial. For even more goodness add in some glutamic and aspartic acid which make up enamelin protiens, some diatomaceous earth as a silica source, and some sodium percarbonate to react with the CaOH and DE to dissolve a little DE to add silica to your teeth. The sodium percarbonate also releases some hydrogen peroxide. And that is mouth hygiene. 6. Skin hygiene Skin is also important to keep healthy. Washing with soap and water everyday is not a good idea however. The skin was not made to be washed with soap. Dead skin cells were not supposed to be stripped off daily. These dead skin cells in combination with skin oils form a protective barrier against UV light among other things. The best thing we can do for skin is to take sponge baths with a dilute lugols iodine solution. This will eliminate all body odor and bacteria and yeast while keeping most of the skins protective abilities. If you do it right you should also never need deodorant again. That said I do make a quite gentle soap that doesn't over sud and which has a lot of moisturizing ingredients so that is

  • a good option when certain skin does need to get clean especially hands. Silica is also an important element to the skin and can be made by dissolving diatomaceous earth. Silica is very depleted in our bodies and is the perfect sunscreen/UV protectant because it filters harmful UV while still keeping the wavelength that produces vitamin D. 7. Nasal hygiene. After gut and oral hygiene this one is the next most important. Just like how cleaning the gut will prevent systemic sickness, cleaning the nasal passages will prevent all colds and sinus infections. The key is how to clean out this area. Well the same principle applies. We need to kill both types of bacteria and yeast. My current regimen is a solution of diatomaceous earth or lugol's iodine which I snort while plugging one nostril at a time then spitting it out my mouth. No fancy neddy pot needed, just a cup that you pour up to your nostril and snort. Saponins could also probably be added to improve it further. I went from total nasal swelling where flonase ceased to work, to totally clear and equal nasal passages after diligently cleaning out my nostrils and nasal passages for a few weeks. Lots of parasites and fungus was loosened from my initial dripping high concentration lugols (around 1-2%) down my nose and swabbing my nostrils with it. 8. Allergy and lung hygiene Now the final frontier becomes lung hygiene. Bronchitis and wheezing ect. Well you can't really clean out the lungs at this point (possible to breathe pure oxygen or a percentage of ozone or even make an artificial amniotic fluid you inhale to clean them) so most of what we will do will be preventing them from getting infected which should obviously prevent lung sickness but also help it to heal faster if and when you do get it. Also garlic is especially suited to helping kill

  • microbes in the lungs. But cleaning the nasal passages will make a huge difference in lung health. Then the next thing we need to do is prevent allergic reflux (I believe all reflux is allergic). Most people are going to be allergic to salicylate and their reflux may be unnoticeable or a cough after eating, or a chronic cough. This reflux is cause by allergy and also h.pylori. This reflux constantly moves dirty fluid past the lung opening often which can seep in and present a constant burden to the lungs staying clean and healthy. To conquer this at this point you will need to figure out which foods trigger it and most likely they will all be foods high in salicylates. It will be important to go on a low salicylate diet to verify it. But all allergies especially immediate food allergies like this can be conquered. I will get into allergy more later but for this allergy dosing with vitamin C while/after eating as well as taking activated charcoal with meals (no it won't effect nutrient absorption) will greatly help. Also soluble silica is negatively charged and will also help bind allergens and/or h.pylori bacteria. And that is where we are at with lung hygiene. Breathing pure oxygen as well as aromatherapy will also help but getting rid of the constant influx of regurgitated and sinus drainage is 99% of the battle. 9. Ear and eye hygiene As you guessed ear and eye hygiene will prevent infection of both of these. Hydrogen peroxide or lugols iodine (dilute) are the best things here. Ear drops an eye drops are the way to go. All ear and eye problems including astigmatism, worsening vision and hearing, excess wax, allergies, are all caused by microbes mainly yeast and staph and strep bacteria. Maintaining clean sinus' and throat will also go a long ways to allowing the eyes and ears to drain and not get infected in reverse.

  • And that is a wrap with hygiene! Phew! Not too horrible huh? In my next book NatureHacker's Recipes I will go into specific recipes I designed for everything I mentioned. But until then a good google search on anything I talked about should turn up some pretty good directions or recipes. Now that we have the most important aspect of health, hygiene, down we can move on to higher level healing. In this part we can talk about allergies more and how to cure them, energy, immune function and how to boost it, thyroid and adrenal issues, insomnia, high blood pressure, blood sugar, hormone levels, liver issues, systemic candida, systemic bacteria and the related problems, heavy metals and how to detox them, morgellons and how to cure it, back pain, kidney problems, yeast infections, ect. Lets get all these issues addressed and knocked out! 1. Candida and other systemic infections. We have to start this with microbes again because what we will learn here will apply to most of the rest of the things on this list. When the body is stressed candida will leave the digestive system and go systemic. The most common place for it to go is to the spleen and liver, this is known as hepatosplenic candidiasis but is more common that is currently known. I would say just about everyone over 30 or probably younger has this to some degree or another. When it goes to the liver the most common symptom is going to be sleep problems especially early waking and not being able to sleep again until you eat something. This is because about 3-5 hours after you fall asleep the liver turns off to rest. Since it stops detoxing candida toxins you wake up forcing the liver to start up again. Specifically this toxin is acetaldehyde. This is why drinking will often make you

  • wake up in the middle of the night worse than normal because it is extra acetylaldehyde your body needs to process. Acetaldehyde is very dangerous. It also causes dopamine and serotonin to be damaged which causes ADHD and depression. It also damages the thyroid and adrenal glands which is why so many people have adrenal burnout and low thyroid. It also damages the liver which is where non-alcoholic cirrhosis, hepatitis, ect come into play. Its damaging effect on the adrenal glands also harms the function of the kidneys, the stress response, blood pressure, ect. It damages the pancreas causing pancreatitis and insulin cell destruction and systemic insulin resistance. It damages the conversion of glutamate to GABA to promote sleep and prevent seizures. We are GABA starved and the pancreas makes GABA to lower insulin so after we eat a big meal we get sleepy because we finally get GABA. Leaky gut and allergy and chron's is from candida puncturing through the intestinal walls. Cancer is caused primarily from candida. In short just about every problem you can think of has roots in candida. This is great news. Now you can make great strides to all of your problems by just addressing one problem, the yeast problem. The issue with this is the yeast problem is not an easy one to solve. To make a long story short at this point in time we cannot fully rid ourselves of this yeast (but we should if we could there is no safe level of this carcinogenic destroyer). The best way to exponentially reduce the problem is to go on a ketogenic diet. If you go ketogenic while doing the previously explained gut cleaning it is pretty safe. Ketogenic means lots of fat and if you aren't cleaning the intestines you could get a bile duct infection and gallstones. So if you want to go keto make sure to clean out the gut regularly. I did this and was in ketosis for about 3-4 months straight. Zero carbs I ate. My

  • diet was leafy greens, nuts, and salmon. While on this diet I really saw for the first time how well I could be. My astigmatism went away and my eyes were white like they haven't been in years, my insomnia almost fully evaporated. My stomach didn't bulge out anymore, I was like the skinny kids which I was never like before. Love handles and back fat went away for the first time ever. Pain on my right side (liver) went away. However the diet was expensive and I wasn't getting enough calories. Also I learned certain sugars were needed as building blocks in the body (technically you can make sugars out of proteins but probably not enough). So anyway now I added in sugar in the form of glucuronic acid and glucuronolactone. It is the simple alkaline oxidation of sugar and then subsequent hydrolysis. But glucuronic acid is a potent detoxer and is probably the reason why urine therapy helps people. Glucuronolactone is a precursor to vitamin C that humans use to make vitamin C out of. So anyway I take those sugars now and am no longer in full ketosis but I do try to take only what I need to maintain energy levels. I am much more productive now that I eat carbs but my insomnia and astigmatism and blurry vision have come back to some degree so it is a tradeoff and I am doing things like taking acetaldehyde neutralizers to counter the insomnia. So lets talk about those. If you can't beat candida, at least shield yourself from the poisons it throws at you (never join it! lol). To do this we neutralize acetaldehyde. The best things to take to neutralize acetaldehyde are thiamin, niacin, cysteine, vitamin C, ect. Also I like to add a bit of L-dopa, 5-htp, and GABA to replenish neurotransmitters that were destroyed by the acetylaldehyde. This will help your body to relax and sleep. Niacin may wake you up though so that one in the morning.

  • And like I said before there are always anti-candida herbs. Garlic being my favorite because it is also reasonably low in salicylates. And if you do go into ketosis and want to moniter that a blood alcohol meter is a great way to test. The way you use it is do not take a deep breath, jus breath normally. Turn on the meter. When it gives a 10 second countdown stop breathing with your lungs half full. Wait for the 10 seconds to countdown (it should be hard) then blow what is left in your lungs into the reader. If you have candida you should see a reading from 0.01 to 0.03, possibly much higher depending on how bad you have it. When you stop eating all carbs and are in ketosis you should get a reading of 0.12. This is why you should never submit to breathalyzers ever! Candida acetaldehyde or ketones will give you false positives for drunk driving. But anyway this is a great way to monitor your ketosis or diagnose candida. Strep bacteria Another big systemic microbe problem is streptococcus bacteria in the cerebro-spinal fluid. This can and will cause autoimmunity because your body make antigens to these bacteria which just so happen to be human proteins, so we attack ourselves while we fight strep. So we need to give our body a leg up in fighting these buggers. We commonly get infected with these during a flu like sickness an they infect the brain and cause OCD perhaps for the rest of our lives most likely because they take up residence in our CSF and we never fully kill them off. Well we need herbs to kill them preferably herbs that are good at killing strep. These include andrographis, chaparral, berberine herbs, gynostemma, and to a lesser degree garlic and ginger. So these as herbal teas would do a lot of good in minimizing OCD symptoms (mine are biting lips and picking fingers). Things that kill gram positive bacteria the best tend to be

  • bitter in nature. And finally the last major infection in the body is kidney. If your pee is cloudy or you have lower back pain or prostate pain you likely have chronic kidney infection. Tolumonas Auensis is what people have that have morgellons. It is gram negative which makes sense because gram negative if you recall needs moisture. pseudomonus, enterococcus, and ecoli are all common ones too and they are all gram negative as well. Hot herbs tend to kill gram negative bacteria. So things like ginger, garlic, peppers, nutmeg, tumeric cinnamon. Cranberry is also good for this. Woo! Now we have microbes out of the way and in so doing really have laid the groundwork on how to heal just about every problem in the body, would you agree? Now we can talk about some more supportive modalities, things to help your body fight the microbes on its own and even when you don't have the upper hand on the microbes, taking things that will at least blunt the microbes weapons and balance the body since its balancing functions are probably compromised by the microbial assault. Allergy I talked about salicylate allergy before and how it relates to reflux and lung infection. There are also other things you can be allergic to in food including gluten (celiac), amines, lectins (G6PD), phenol's, purines, ect. Like I alluded to all of these allergies can be neutralized while in the stomach by just taking around 1/2 a tsp of activated charcoal mixed in water with your meal that includes things you are allergic to. However another way is to actually reduce the overactivity of your immune system. To do this we have to

  • know that these toxins will normally get neutralized by various pathways and when these pathways fail is when allergy happens. You need to figure out exactly what you are allergic to and what pathway typically detoxes that particular substance. You will have to do that on your own as I have not yet coupled every allergy with every pathway. But the pathways include: phase 1 cytochrome p-450 oxidation, reduction, or hydrolysis. Vitamin C and E are important here. Alcohol and caffiene damage it. Sulfur selenium, glutathione, and all antioxidants are important here. Niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, and iron are also important here. Grapefruit and curcumin from tumeric can make this worse and worsen allergy. Both can be particularly bad to salicylate sensitive people as grapefruit and tumeric have high levels of salicylates and also slow allergen detox. phase 2 Acylation- toxins are attached to glycine for removal. Taking glycine can help this pathway. This can help people with morgellons and salicylate allergy by detoxing toluene and salicylates. Glucuronidation- glucuronic acid (from oxidizing sugar which I mentioned before) is attached to toxins to eliminate them. This is especially important to remove excess troublesome hormones (in my case to treat gynecomastia). Also phenols if you get reflux from banana's for example. Magnesium, omega 3, and b-vitamins also help here. Also some herbs and minerals need special attention in this case NDGA from Chaparral. It is an excellent cancer fighter but it can harm the body by depleting glucuronidation. The solution is take chaparral tea or whatnot with some

  • glucuronic acid. Many herbs and minerals can be augmented and side effects prevented like this, this is just an example and you are going to have to search on your own for how to mitigate side effects of your own particular remedies. Glutathione conjugation: Attaching toxins to glutathione. This is especially important for detoxing heavy metals. Sulfur, cysteine, glycine, and glutamate/glutamine are important here. B2, zinc, and selenium are also important. So are thiols from cruciferous veggies and garlic and onions. I do not recommend NAC because it can be harmful and is unnatural whereas L-cysteine is the better option. Methylation: Just like Chaparral and glucuronidation, Selenium supplementation depletes methylation. To solve this take methionine or SAM-e or Trimethylfolate with selenium and you can boost your acceptable dose of selenium by a factor of 10 without issue. Folic acid and b-12 are important to methylation as is magnesium and betaine. Methylation can improve dopamine and serotonin as well as reduce homocysteine. Also methylation can help you produce energy. Sulfation: Here a sulphate molecule is attached to toxins. This is the primary route for controlling neurotransmitters including dopamine, seritonin, acetylcholine, ect. Also this pathway is important for treating alzheimers, parkingsons, autism, ect. Boost this with sulfur containing plants like cruciferous veggies and garlic/onions, as well as sulfur containing vitamins and amino acids like thiamin, niacin, methionine,

  • and cysteine. I don't really recommend DMSO or MSM because of their relation to formaldehyde. Sulfuric acid (neutralized of course) is also a great way to get sulfur. Acetylation: Attaching acetyl-coa to toxins. This is inportant for histamine, sulfur sensitivity (so good to do this and sulfation at once). Important to this are pantothenic acid, vit C, and thiamine. So thiamine would be an idea sulfur source for someone who is sensitive to sulfur. Acetyls are also gotten from fat digestion so fat is important to this pathway. Alright that about wraps up allergy. But you didn't say anything about it really! you might say. Well I did, just support those detox pathways and work on knocking down microorganisms in the body especially systemic -and invasive gut candida, cleaning the eyes and nasal passages and sinus' and allergies should be a thing of the past for you. Energy: Ah yes I have been waiting for this one. Put on your seatbelt because I am going to really take you for a ride now. Lets first discuss how energy is and isn't made. Now what I'm about to tell you should not shock you. The only reason you think this element creates energy is because you were told it does. In your everyday experience you probably have never thought of this element producing all your energy, because well it doesn't. It doesn't provide any energy in fact. That element is oxygen. We were all taught that energy comes from oxygen transported around the body on red blood cells. Well I did the calculation. Turns out we only breathe 5-6 mL of oxygen per minute which is

  • 8.64 L per day. Oxygen has 4.7 calories per liter, so at best we would only get 41 calories a day in energy from oxygen. Oxygen is just not what makes energy folks. So why is oxygen so important? I don't know you tell me. The body doesn't think its important. Heck your body can't even tell how much oxygen it has in it. The body really doesn't care. The body measures everything else precisely like minerals and vitamins, nutrients, ect but not oxygen. Then why do we breathe? Well the body does measure something very precisely and this is how the body tells you how much to breathe. It is called carbon dioxide. We breathe to get rid of carbon dioxide. Then why do we nee oxygen in the air? Well that boils down to the fact that oxygen displaces co2 in red blood cells. Kind of like a seesaw, to knock co2 off you have to jump on the other end with oxygen. So oxygen has a role but it is only to remove co2 from the body it has nothing to do with energy production. The telling thing here is what question you are not asking, where does our energy come from then? It is pretty obvious our energy comes from food (and also sunlight from melanin producing energy). Now here comes the interesting part. How food actually produces energy. We are told that ATP is magically made by Oxygen oxidizing your food. Well this is totally false as shown above best case this would only give 41 calories a day. Any oxygen we use in metabolism comes from water, not anything we breathe. So what really happens? Well energy is produced from acids. These acids come from the mitochondria breaking down fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Fat is broken down into acetic acid which is a weak long lasting acid it can also form acetyl coa, protein is broken down into nitric acid which is a fast strong acid, and carbohydrates are broken down into carboxilic acid which are in between the other two. In other words protein will give you fast strong but unsustained energy, fats will give you sustained but low energy, and

  • carbs will give you strong and intermediate lasting energy. Now the mitochondria is where these acids are produced and it releases the H+ ions from itself into the cell cytosol and into the blood. These acids go into the blood cells (this is the real shocker) and the blood cells produce the energy! The blood cells hold on to bicarbonate and use heme iron to react the acid with the base and to use the heme and iron as a semiconductor to collect the electric (electron) energy produced. This electricity is then used to phosphorylate ADP to ATP. And that, folks, is how energy is made. So step numero uno to proper energy is to get the proper mix of protein, carbs, and fat. Step two is to make sure that candida and other microbes (especially gut) aren't robbing you of your energy power. I just want to say here that each of the 3 nutrients has its own associated microbes. For fat the microbes are gram positive bacteria (countered by saponins in the gut and bitter compounds in the rest of the system). For protein we have virus' that thrive off of arginine (countered by lysine). And for carbs we have, of course candida and also gram negative bacteria. Since sugar holds onto water the moisture loving gram negative also thrive here. These are countered by all the things we said previously for candida and for the gram negatives; diatomaceous earth. In addition to that we of course need phosphorus to make atp. Phosphorus is found in grains as phytates, and the body needs pancreatin and acid and pepsin. This is why acid soaking grains is important. Also its important not to eat calcium or magnesium with grains or proteins because they inactivate pancreatin. Also needed for energy production are sulfur and chlorine, sulfur found usually with nitrogen in proteins especially proteins high in cysteine and methionine, and chlorine which is in salt; NaCl. These will boost hydrochloric and sulfuric acid which are also good energy sources and digestion aids. Selenium

  • also is needed for energy it seems especially to keep candida at bay so try to get a lot of that and make it safe by getting plenty of methionine and calories along with it. Also of course iron is needed in high amounts for energy production! Since it is the iron that is the element that actually captures the energy in the blood. Be careful with beans because they have lectins that can cause hemolysis (destroying your blood cells) and iron depletion. Make sure you never eat raw beans and always soak or boil them in multiple changes of water to get rid of these lectins. Selenium and iodine combined can really boost energy by improving thyroid function. I would suggest up to 1 mg of selenium a day with plenty of methionine and up to 30 or so mg of iodine per day. Adrenal function is also important to energy, make sure to get plenty of potassium and magnesium. Also adaptogenic herbs like gymastemma, Siberian ginseng, ginseng, ashwaghanda, ect can help boost adrenal function. Adrenal gland desiccated supplements also can help immensely but be careful because the cortisone it contains can also make candida (the real cause) worse. Immune function: Immune function can basically be improved by reducing microorganism load on the body especially candida and strep, boosting the detox pathways we talked about and especially glutathione and therefore sulfur and selenium. Selenium is like an immune supercharger. You can also take broken cell chlorella to act as an innate immune enhancer. Also taking diatomaceous earth without activated charcoal will also work like chlorella and expose you to LPS (endotoxins). Vitamin E can also boost ige levels. Also immune boosting herbs like echinacea are a gold bet. Thyroid and Adrenal:

  • like I said earlier these are attacked by candida so that is your best et in the log run is to combat the candida. In the short term improve those detox pathways especially sulfation and glutathione. Along with that selenium and iodine for the thyroid. Must be together. For adrenal magnesium and potassium and bicarbonate is important. For both thiamin and cysteine to help nullify the candida toxin acetaldehyde that destroys these. Insomnia: Like I alluded to before this happens from a shutdown in liver detox 4 hours into sleep. Your liver most likely is infected with candida. So kill candida and get those detox pathways kicking. Also allergy can cause hard to fall asleep type insomnia, which is another thing which detox pathway support can help. Low carb diet, plenty of magnesium, selenium and zinc and vitamin C is important. Taking potassium bicarbonate, gaba, 5-htp, l-dopa, thiamine, and cysteine (mabye a little l-glutamate and glycine) before bed can really work wonders. The combo of gaba and bicarbonate may create some energy for a couple hours before bed so take it a little ways before you want to fall asleep. High blood pressure (and low): Both of these are caused from adrenal issues! Both high and low. High happens because your adrenals can't regulate urine ion output and you loose too much potassium and not enough sodium. Low happens for basically the same reason, too much potassium spared not enough sodium retained. Also we just don't get enough potassium and get too much sodium which strains the adrenals further. So to fix this if your blood pressure is high take 1 tsp of

  • potassium bicarbonate a day. Also you may wan to add selenium. If your blood pressure is low increase sodium and decrease potassium. In both cases you want to fight the candida which is attacking your adrenals and messing up your blood pressure. Blood sugar: Most of us store too much glycogen in the liver. Reason for this is the candida that lives there probably messes up our glycogen utilization so it has more to eat. So we need to reduce our carbs and only use carbs strategically to give ourselves a boost of energy. If we reduce liver glycogen like this we will really get blood sugar under control. Also candida destroys beta cells in the pancreas and makes it so we don't make enough insulin and the acetaldehyde from the candida also increases cellular insulin resistance. So it is a triple whammy and perfect storm that candida hits us for in the blood sugar realm. Neutralize candida toxins with cysteine and thiamine and niacin, kill candida directly with herbs, boost the immune system with selenium and sulfur, improve antioxidant status with vit C and E and lets get this blood sugar under control. Hormone levels: Two main things jump out with hormones, not enough and too much of the wrong ones. Cruciferous veggies and garlic/onions help with the right ones with isothiocyanates. Glucuronidation and other detox pathways help to balance hormones. And to improve hormones the best, take plant saponins like tribulus terrestris to reduce the gram positive microbes in the gut which reduce LH and therefore estrogen or testosterone. Me just killing gut microbes brought my testosterone from 230 to over 1500 (unmeasurable).

  • Lower back pain: Lower bak pain is always going to be kidney problems. But what about...? I don't care. Always kidney problems. Kidney issues cause gout as well and osteoporosis and acidosis. To counter this take potassium bicarbonate 1 tsp up to 2 tsp a day and I guarantee you your lower back pain will go away pronto. Joint issues: Candida, next question? Lol. But ya what we have here is a combo of low detox pathways, low silica, high allergens, low adrenal function, and of course candida and also strep bacteria. Start anywhere in there and you will make gains. Yeast infections: See candida lol. But seriously iodine, selenium, garlic, a good diet, ect are going to help here. Also cleaning out the gut will help reduce candida load in the body and therefore yeast infections as well. Everything I have said about candida applies here. Heavy metals: See detox pathways lol. Seriously though mercury lead and aluminum need to be reduced to eliminate. Thiols from garlic are great from this. Also support glutathione with selenium cysteine vitamin C ect. As far as barium and strontium oxidizers like lugol's iodine can help detox that. Hair skin and nails: Some special compounds are important here. These involve the hyaluronic acid which is composed of glucuronic acid and Nacetylglucosamine (NAG). Also keratin is important to get along with gelatin for collagen. Many minerals are also important here I will let you look those up

  • yourself. Sulfur containing amino acids are also very important here which include cysteine and methionine. Cancer: See the hair skin and nail section, those things also improve internal structure and make it more difficult for cancer to invade. Cancer is a virus and a bacteria and a fungus. The bacteria is gram negative in the intestines that harbor cancer virus. The virus does the mutating. The fungus is candida and its potent carcinogens alfatoxin and acetylaldehyde weaken cell defenses and allows the virus to invade. Lots of iodine and selenium to get the fungus under control and KETOGENIC DIET is a must! Boost all detox pathways is a must. DE to kill gram negatives in the intestines. Pancreatin to kill virus' in the blood. Alkaline blood ph by taking potassium bicarbonate. Soluble silica is also super important here. And that is a wrap. *dusts hands off* And finally (phew) Morgellons: Morgellons is a combo between Pseudomonas putida on the skin and tolumonas auensis in the kidneys. Both of these are sprayed in chemtrails so morgellons sufferers were right about that. Both of these are gram negative bacteria so hot herbs like cinnamon, garlic, ginger, ect are good for killing it. Also bump up those detox pathways to detox the toluene. I would also use lugols iodine topically to counter any skin outbreaks. And that, my friends, is all folks. Stay tuned this book will be updated often and regularly. Eventually this book will morph into NatureHacker's guide to the universe as I add in earth secrets that pertain to more than just the body. Also

  • stay tuned for NatureHacker's Recipes to learn how to easily make everything in this book. Thanks for your continued support and I look forward to a long healthy life for you and yours.