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NHCK C( UNITY IS ON FOR REAL CHEFTAI *A"y- Yaab mI Ci Us Is Stading I Britain-WI. Will I Inlicy of 'bivide and Suffer Mot?" TES historic articles I Mieksel C4849. head eunsest of the Iris Fe Hearst new.papers at thef Bert, j9e the frst in"id te of t se et negotiatlo emt s wen Irish freeu of thel Revolutionary ewprovsinl rne th ud a shJgton Ti rr are Eshed the a Mr. Colins, the right of P1 By MIRAE Read of the Provisional Gov Minister o Finan Ohairm.a Committee Now Free Chief of Inteigence Depart, - orswftw to eeMS ask (Cwsh in ds U. &h U HII- the terror m-I British abinet pase &4et 1920, better knom - It is not quite olearwhs Aritish prim. minister and ameasure. Nobody reprseni voted for it in the British I The twetr4II ASU tbe O Eavantage et Ite 0160n10 mAsCly= eaty te repadate the &a and to seM a *e0 Wnaimt IeI the peopl& Otherwe the not was eosisetntede- by u. In the renaining six countims abn3et oefourth of the cmani&es. retarmed in nenongnition t L ,whe ir a.asw ae bsino mels -the 4w a hi "sina setei the paru==nt Genferred CRUE By Wily Lons She Has Obtained Pos- session of Economic Concessions, Asserts Robert L Ward, American Business Man, Back From Orient. in the fourth of a series of article. recounting Ja- pan's aggression to gain auiitary, political and eco- nmomic dominance in the Far East, Robert L. Ward today presents the plight of China, the vast nation of 400,000,000 persons that epnis gradually absorb- r.Ward, an Amserican business man who recently returned home after three year. in the Orient, has told how Japan esnared Korea, invaded Siberia and Manchuria, and secretly is building submarine. and p4Ing up munition, toward that day when, he believes, she will attack America in fulfillment of her final purpose of conquest. By ROBET L. WARD. C HINA, one of the moat mammoth nations of the world in population and area, somnolent for centuries, is striving with might and main to shake off the lethargy of time and establish herself in the position her strength in population and her ex- tent in area and natural resources entitle her to at- tain. But China, like so much of the Far East, is in the nefarious grip of the all- seeking octopus, Japan. outrages in China br the )LINSA I UNITEE LY HOPE FREEDOM, N DECLARES Cates Riisu Anagst he Way and Is Atalog lot Say that England's Rule' Has .ade Ulster this ithe sistk) woritten by of th new p~vb igot- at t. e.Ililgfor the of WlWias Randolph that has been writ- ethe BRitiek gorn-. 77s, the nwritte he War and the planp o the L. The articles, dabled to see and other Hearst netb.- wzt day in Ireland and also to whik, at the requetof blicatioun was given by Mr. L 0011MS "eNsNt of Ir*h Free State. oe Irisk Republic. Drafting ConStitution Irish sent MA Repubmion Army. The aw empny, sM4 DUBLIN, March 18. eland was at its height the I the government of Ireland r as the partition aet. t was in the minds of the his fabinet In passing this ing any Irish oonstituency MrHament. ae ths by the e t aly asa great eaoriflee." The aft was prebably ttended far Pewpassada purposes. It might do to alay 'wevte ertiois-.e draw tusntis away treb aIh viantl fer 6, month or two -longer. A& the end et that paed beland weld. It was hoped, haew been tWeMAd iat smises.lan. That desired end sened, a chest. :LTY AN] Japanese ar well known. They form part of the general im- ~uon of the averap Amer- cd~onlering Japa gradual invasion of China. But more Important than atrocities to persons is the po- Hti and economic progra bywihJapan has frtated CInv and by which she has been- slowly but determinedly and steadfastly achievin dom- inane. over thavast naton she hopes solse da tobin on- tirey within the Mikado' con- trol. Today we see China with two eapitals, each clamoring that it Is the official seat of government and represntative of the nation. But sne, the antos faction. Is clear of Japanese influence. The other, at Peking, is under Japan- es domninanos, Those who know the history of Japan in the last few deades are aware that the go-rmet which submits to Japan Is not representative of the republican Mdeals of the vast ma- jority of the Chinese people. SOUTH CaDmA'S REVOLT. China Is thus in the unique post- tics and quan&ry of possessing two governments, one at' Peking, which the powers recognise, and the other at anton, which almost all Chinese in the United States uphol4. The peculiar feature of this unusual situation is- that both faetionS in China swear allegiance to the samne flag. With $1S,000,000 borrowed from Japan and with Japanese urging, Japan having obtained railway and mnining rights In Mianehuria, the Pekingese government established a new Parliament, which became known as the "nogus Parlia- ment." I~ elected as President, lieu Shi-Cag The Pekingese obtained control cf Cantos, hut only temporarily, for In 1920 the Peking militautets were driven out, the Canton Par- liament was reassembled and Dr. Bun again named PresIdent. That the Japanese control the Peking government is the charge of every Cantonese. And this charge is borne out not only by the fact of Japanese loans to Peking and con..saon. given to Japan as a result, but also by the testimony of foreigners in the Par Nast. China is a country of many provinces, of msany dacts and of many customs ad lesof peo- pie. Perhaps, to show Japan's pregram in China, It i well to select -m pro.ncand .ano.e... LDVISES I'ERIN 1 am" oadeasa would - the Wremb et feedom offered by the acte 0iiai. with hr MOt th pit s et eslf-determlO- hti~gi. would wear a white diest -e -oere bemer the woM& =was probaMby an uadl tees wth the Oremse 1ader. The set e"aeV'S teI (er ap.m.d t.i vIda the sk eamessm. No deot ltNise it" 'b OGrowge badm ha ft In ui diat. -i a bgger etMect had amtheately to be made with trhlan a pesties was severed frem wM thg eaMa tegale. tn @al "a'-etment" the Mort- 3ast was to be let down gently by the British government. Pam- pared for so long, she had lfeavf ad to 'ditate to' aid to bully the Mda te which ohe.propowed to be Soya She must be treated Via taet to regard to any hange atrttish peap towards teland. she had bee very useful. When the Partition set fted to ahieVe what wee expected at it, and when the terer filed, a ree settlement with Irelande became snetmbe. The North-eest wao now as WSger seful to prevent Irish freedom. bit she could be useful In another way.. be emuig buttrae shia in rbaIe dateriastiom that. AM agreeg te oer heedem , Irelaid met romain asse211 with the aimh group of matinaM. Brtmais rasn far Initing pe. this &- notation 6 a mihoma in that she beneves It mesemeary for har ow Maleles eSfety. Dowe to split Irish Were Britain te so to that, her nautlnum price, it could be repte- seated to us that the North-East would never semuiesce In more. It could be represented e thain that in such a settlemnot they #ould be preserving that which tby pro- famed to have t heart, the ti- mental tie with the' na to which they -were supposed te be North-Meet Ulter had ern ae- aed an mabmeD, set fr her am adlmiaage but 60 upheld 0 11a1 p-y. Evrything was dan be divide the rich people and e hehp thems apart. If we OMeM he smde be beMee we were e maee of each other, the resl -an r wew, be swrdi e4. In t pe-wg NAlhaiho boon esaw plael aseeiu . O e ett e -etees te becemM"gaer ae e with te lembl.dae eth her polef and hmqhein D DRUGS Urate this artile largely on I. No better suOet could e pre- seated than Shantung. Ihantung Is known as "th rade ad Chinese clvilisation" and Is referred to a "the holy land ad the rhleam people." The province has kept the Orient In a turmoil soe its award to Japan at Paris. THE SHANTUNG GRAB. It is one af the richest af Chinese provinces, has a popula- tion of more than 30,000,000 and has historical associations dear to ChInk. It Is the land of the fighting men ad China. It is a large producer of copper, lead, antimony, silver, sulphur and nter. It produces many pe-i precious stones and its sEes are wealthy In gold. But all theme yield in Importance to the deposit. of iTr and coal. Through Shantung runs the Yellow river. This, with the Grand canal, connects Peking and Tien-Tein with the Yangtse river. To give Shantung to any power would be to turn over complete control not only of a tremend- ously rich and heavily populated DOES GHOS'i (Continued I aide-de..camp to Stonewall, of the several commanders vision was inspected by Lo: Leslie and again by General The picturesque "Rebel of heart disease at Kilbouai to lecture under the auspicel Of ijourse her exploits cai epidemic of raised eyebrowi sorts of ways, 'but the phri one most frequently heard. These days, it must be much had been said about woman's place then was vel and fireside, however able, she may have been. So the women of the Nat themselves have endured p wondering if perhaps the si is seeking justification whei to find it.-within the nrani ULSTER PHICH % 1~n awe !~~ ek a - ohief served It purpose If we- ytanq the aseoeiary mse tap deolatw *0 s amsa am"ltM. Pelartiom- by sit's seet. A- lhmed. The tr mes et Irelsad became srfe en' the lands of th fathese. Ireland by these aims was 1011t1d it" a tik beet tarm, and when by farse et obasse and elirvumsanos these simens b- ame outwfet the goed esfit were catinued by wetting reuele against re-igts ad thea warger against worker. Relgios Ras eanned If we were to be kt i sub- jestn we me be Iet apwL Ous creed was pampered wile the other was oppresee. Pretesftt and Cathofe eanse to - one who had ad the es Who not. And. by a atueS prso. he who'M hased. to ham RMe to oppres i- IWho had nUt. Manufactures of every htMA been discouraged - and dstroyed throushout the areater port of Ire land in ritain's interests. Thee the beam In JMItb trAe Wbfkk occurred early In the ne-neeie century and the depreiua In aW. culture. ave the pport.y. . point to the superlar qjaalltte ot the Prot~sqa In the laduesW Nor bast. The sve another reason to peJudlo hi. a.s..i his Ctolise ssatrYkes. But NortiM t Ulster had not flourished and asM act flourish under this gree InterMrence of sconomat laws. It has resulted only In a ganeses detine In ger. p-t throughest the whole GOns. try; Ony In an .n..os dis. tribution at the oappessiog wealth; ony by eotnst. bn ap. peamm of puel Ine - tien et . - pols W 0one wt. .e e.r Prosputty Waing The poe~sM of M~e ba s. ened by O*"" "os the forties.t I st that the poeIs ts Of Delfast has tnereseed In the ,st two generanes, but the two counties Of UAnt od DEW in witch "isot is sItuated Oom- lain Wedy ft Ipplo tam bo. gore the tns at 1146-4. EIrana has stear I- SWepe W&I o age meson th a .. sth thtehrn It te" has een a" 4*ren I, JAPAN' province but also on os the Grand canwl and at the lnternal oemmermo and communication of all China. The western part at shantung jute Into Chu. The railroad built by the Gessaas sad controlled by the Aes u- tends -So0 miles westeld. In compensation for the mur- der of two misionaries, Germany In 19T seld the important port of Khaochow and In the next year exacted a ninety-nlne-year hose, following with a protectorate. GERMANY'S OOCUPATION. Germany, under the term at the lease, built fortifloations at Teing-tao, commanding the bay. and also built a railroad baok to Talnan, capita) of t e provInoe. Administzatlon of Is territory was by the German navy. Japan during the war took over Kiachow, promisin=g to give It back to China after the was* In the Versailles treaty Germany re- nounoed "In favor of Japan all her rights, titles, and prilees e e e which she acquired In virtue of the treaty. conolpded with China on March 6. 1598, and OF GIRL SP 'rom Page 1.) Iackson with staff officers when General Wilcox's di- rd Hartingdon and Colonel s Lee and Longstreet. Spy" died in June, 1900, L, Wis., where she had gone iof a G. A. 10 post. msed a regular oountry-wide m. She was criticized in all ase "..mwomanly" was the remembered, were before "women's rights." And a y much a matter of family patriotic or willing to serve lonal Woman'. Party, who lently of fault-finding, are pirit of the girl who dared e she would be most likely nets of the moat advanoed TO JOIN ILL SERI esmpse with the vat t fr.dmm, I to ebetois that that wealof hs net Pgatmed ths~sh t the weeme thir weaL. Thao, tUe. Nhe think peer emustryasa to Cse mom, have had to seek better o*.."mis esalitin in Amerisa and ethe - t-hoS 111,1Mes 1 - b ft "o im . h etih wsIer a t wMrer. . hem pslte ty eoplaine beth. 14 - htei e s rstan weste. waft as toom nAh To o mew eisent W th &AM, wesom fa o - hiprved OGM& Maw a &Aftheo per mm I. le an rule, eu the ewsp ft ale e eeseasmi p 8 - sn "s kie hod"" she me ele of 1* nitain hal set mlamih-n her lsteagere. n eerstemI ut her paery the plantern mee have bsse abeuse in aSmh elI Irish way. Pitstant eel n.thnna weulM have learnet te live she by ne il amity a 101pe001. 'resem elm have d l"n a Psperity woum have m with It. trau" "IM have take her rIuhtful plce 0 a the wail- the Pinee lee t her wy her aIturMl advantags the plw ame e h her h the es an" uiven. chammo. ter et her pepla. IWants Uls~te to in whV e .e - w Ba es bAmi swer 3 iS ka N6r9hese 1e8 eseees am asbisaly, she las eMeet hi ispuletsma by neAu hg e i U me med ler an-mee pase, h mithe bas -h meat wealt as a etw* af bspinden isrn et for iSanen re emetn , heer- eser hie a Urels aeses ever her emi Pa whh he. beghe ar bet ies has mof as Pow %ba I"ss mom""c st he wwrpr besee es t a It matte din, iteveaa ,t bas beesme omerey ma r RNM- " Who we v t oib.. er Iom er uangam to see the Irape at beof fere i s sento 41 Ba nerlml e D ao .samt h s1t"s Ihe s at oa Da*at e nach ita-y Ba tVeema to ~snes low e, res mt pofm. esma amIp0s se emsles 3m S.TOOLS etsl eer arame9mt rielve to m ume p istoes oftm whem the Japaaese entmee tamtung the Japanese eslers Intt~ Aerimas miessaries, outaea altbs cc Chinese psmts and 6eandsi vast sup. plies of foede and anmala. No noney was paM. CVULTI "9 NAUYT Natives t omat~ug have besn brutafy Ilparsn==== e. lands. storee, fiseries, salt works, orab- erdm and beam eoas a et a kindse. As In Kora, peasant have been strung up by the thumbs, male In wtater to walk 'naked inte the stream- Not oil has bees fores down theIr threats. They have been forced to walk on hot Iron. Taies have besn impas.a tor births and amths Maienlng. stories have been spread by the Japanese about Amserioas maeisiores. Chinese Christians have bees looked in dark roomne without food og water for lays at a time to enforoe the conviction that It ts unste to deal with Amserican -mh.see. Y HAUNT SI. and moat eminently freedc the whole world. These feminists also are bility of acclimating the against spooks to the iea o vided it will remain go more terrifying than srt twilight, or flash a wistful ory of happiness long past. At any rate plans are g oeremonies, which probabi gathering of women since I year at the Capitol. It is all to be very colorfi little shadow on the brij bility of that specter comn floor chamber and wanderiz biage, a strange, disturbing Still, it is being hoped t the old house may satisfy Belle Boyd-4f Indeed it be down in a. atisfied pacen b IRISH F 1- VE BOTI ignd- 3, fle and Sritt *as ber se ais uie mat vee, as if e esmie UJdw ed -th 4~IXe M VuWh wil aestately be dealt with geMN- aoruWy. If dhe §Wap out, the d, diese of ho De = Cbeaunb- dem arreosed~ e a asse 15 wouidbeeartainte'sprAe .ier et duanes and Sma. hobe it the aeentes We w _m osk late Insminflhaaeo. The b gm ame fin me M rihlems 4t 6m Prisi Ad WU suem Neamhaeer if de &deles. to si utle et Ofels. N. gihtesg of des badis er nsakrilem pa be Sets by tho omadis p" estmb eg, ies lb. awks- N.Ov4 W Nstwoa Whe s Nowem Ant ibM New see -. asemi -ew up"0 m upwS w"Ves of am aism Ireland. What If the osngeesme were to get new allies in pac .t tho departing 3.etl? The emahm t Mv e 'at aisemrojusiling lbe atme.. et amit. As lbs yvtaem be eown seek hor eas -m aeema, lb- aiisag et 5kh' ume enig has Sat pbs ofe wna o- nbaa eut the. Ne et~ hs te. Iam an a"Mm"h rt m " treps have been heidi to lb. Nem-h bl om e as bOMM. do - tg fte ams b4 bweps bi Iregad s leo ut - hneM beu t Whbe ler -s lest to kiet tmey wU .et ~tar wmstes Seuth. They ame &eag p eaern *'"-"'" w4"hmt a s""tr ." so lmaa who ereales a sapperts esals apge a l &OW be lwe "o a uied Irelaf. Whle tb treaty t rsmed 8 ef uetip * n0 "Nemw Wmm the h rembe the Nedammes e hew p apart se me erl huh.s poee et Gutle amo vie is abd to M- 91 IS we IN ueeas wte afew i- eism Wepefet te hope s e o - do orma WE hi mIris i se amW. No seegaphi barster em have -sete ta dvmIsag Ire. fea. The a gr is ~someies awe .0 -amuM dfatu Wishe they aiuif' W -Ue'sS hdatan. nRMa - 4 ser, aw Noens4ft- am" sMOMt agart giving anagbenoe woa we *ave semtt Omes n etmseedr TO STR ft1*m thet aIapamem have a daiy paper ia negetsh warsag St the danger et Amrim= ft China. Im this paper the AWI- cam nsu-nvm es m aseee et brining the opium tede to amry who sever se drugs. They are anea et o brtg Chinms to TY jammaese oa& In shoet. Japan desires Gaina. The Anmercans ar an influenom alanst this aborpUon. So the Americans mu bitterly assaed to Inflame the Chinese against them. Korea is lathe Japanese told, much. against her will, of course. manchuria is in tho Mikado's grip. .Tokyo Is fat engulfng Siberia. She is gradually esing China. What next?' sue PERL TOI ASIEICa. Next-an ask any white man who has bees in the Far East- meat ts Ameriea. These artlcl~e have bees written for the specific purpoe ef bringing before Amer- icans as fercefully s I ermn put the truth of conditions in the Far East the menace of the Japanese peril to the United Stateq. This menace has time and again bten pounded into the heads of our rFFRAGISTS? m-for-womenl institution in speculating upon the possi- general feminine prejudice having a ghost about, pro- little ghost and do nothing Sout a small hand in the smile, like the fleeting morm- ing forward for dedication will attract the largest he suffrage ceremonies last il, very imposing. The only ht program is the possi- ng down from the second about amongst the assem- presence. hat the new activity about the loneliness of the astral she I-and that she may lie REE STA [-BEST A dme ander the W she s readm hr p "a a"e a-. Wit so em. - 000~ b"i fte bh prismc wte we Jsame ala.90 et h~ eW em Werine .dm 1"b" - - Widsu a -I'eha es what e % me Wea tS sty in the a"spect ba mse tese ci e-. er 3e %Wi M b a NO mbte "sne" a tho*e "e 8be iewa., bthe as gts ethIt h h. &At in M om eaesm a M" Wew. 'e aw mw *ese4 w p soo det b. mw d am= e ase saiem s -a sewate us wismso to dawa iwt. Imente-- co Nearher esatry. Lmo wit the mns ouook. We la", a =amr It , me Irbmm ft eevuw out ad eml epllm w "er " i ha- Ueae tows tm besetwhv ONg is am wmfs is. We fae it a hr bser ais e im e wo N rathe t Ifa w mh w ta voe try tr* have M "m "e es o 0 MUMMA. "he tondeno cite smetn t h e Nrt-est a seen p"opUlamts O fam ndhfatt whoa nft Iatefeo wth, w"as - Oman. an ft thva SC Feedm and unit It es e ho-s. ts th& serau If n teral pob hm wch awes tr ahe at- t cc ter la stes a Fred by evlutuo rathe tan by tes f ge M ens t s fhe NwOtha9t i tarn to reve o thae I n I eanyi t e at uis The uamatmay at etint In *a t aortm amaotm Wta re"wh In acuies er to a pe fei anvod ney ome etpesor.at p th floti er atenalpr- doeb edeimg c isdo aw solwat caru es wt oi athta- het tithe snawtep et da lon Wy tewolt * raeth g the Dea. Toat of tme Noth-est. thno Et and attmetoutt th rea rit " kLNGL Cl tasto at WIunthat, An dal s..t.of ith" :eornay M"W& Wem nM" ft preaV aainst Jama . wIs we an hing Japm pep .e & Jpa os afrai tha the Ga t.a.-e oat th rlim to fhta would adverse aft her mm- the ritt Intisan, we enta cong raway an ftwa adeting esa woum e Jactr se tue a" OW and th dss ad the romity a "e tut ft Cna, msd We ned Chies pea hpingJpnrrpreaans.s ,I"&"' PIMUOAM. Whtver the ra tcoe Cohth whadeg oates. Ja"a VnU- mercialitest .Cthtseprctra.: raniway an Its neaanv nai lowoul give Japan eae ietthe Gra Cina an herinre an the irnShtungf hosen to dsianteng bytevr Japail b insis entis pogram:u -J'ht ina beth Macua to lea hese ertn Lan e to tae n eag iwany binese watv.er unecapta orrwe frisdlcapn., The corllin ihnung. thuse oive digtbyJapan biu. 4~~China to buldra==w-ssub jet aSouth Manchuria orog Ths anery madento ag elan engag inan bisies hatuee ner h achra Japanese jrsito. h controlln ev~eramnesthuative n- Jaaais oviseste. pors to fourir, sorroweing nsatrea Japan, fassay mes nthetri hertigee copny Sofh antur an Japas arn intane sipoe t Japan's roec controlln evrhamnterative fune- -ne loan l oaneca 8-China no cet to ass oree- compny f Canytag ado Jap isns esant Agins e hae 9-anot may lee er end t chase lani in the interlcr cf China for schools and hospitals. arsenal. 1 -Thuete ot misionary pregaanda hanb nego- Tbe l ast is significant when it is TE. £ RACE we a" Nome X00s10m w ho - - hr binbssa a# mest"e aes "ss NOW an -as We "awk *a "asawe as*~ OWNam aOf g le m. Ou w.o "a a~mwwweft" an as"e 21 It sil"set sno we bs se ha to me awwe to - NEb@'M Ubee' be~ - go" wm a m ew --. ama eeeSm. Ma haN e . . = h-abel a e iag -st -eS -a *ie see iem.90 -e~ m ber enw 0,0 = 'n to sob" F hadhe ~a Ubs y hr mU-i amd t as a n tblee, I dm goe oSw IN* to whe the Naft-w s Ivdsoa. We mnts e w batin a panceft way, sand a we t the fALUK whi sat be ous In the evest st & m e a ue wh be. * t st- aelto -ameea fstews-er the ether iev that. to the Vera at the ld DI poel" The e. ad he sated eO telt t 8&" the eth-mt We heln erae US mean to de ea betoin a pee.u Mw_, an y 'weilte §walt &*B atit in the uevt snet t- as athlutely IesneatB , as- ed Iran we we ua m iswe sma ,t thatw a the w mres t eth e I wtelm i Tve 'e e eat metcalite Ow maimre." .he eers the h=e we eset have Ot. 19 va lUsk arm~ what wehaonget. It fta mmmeof beirn, wuth WIch weft&r make amsetad K26 Irelad whaa left te ef ssest t l the 10000at the 2e bI ebtalme by the trat t the gwesat eamrin mew, a the sat s aat rsms- further let wvastve. The bee 6ave We LeCA s uMewa 9w, alU e as addev by the mea mee Itsea ano re of the Ires, L t S e tat aN, We et tMe ab uM to furthek deaespet. Te e.S sae 6 a0 sE ""Le &Skf dad am" eB t ea e a th ...m .te.e. - . ..t ., Gwe nta aatgtet RINA Shatug Grab COted as Typical of Nippon- ese Policy-Anceri- can Mi sinaries Ac- cased of Crimes. United States the Goa of Prey Some' Day, He Assertse refnde that Ia Edea the b ee. attes have beea enms- mel -- Ia many uae by the aaeueghe. eaaris ~tia tacmaue hive In- lpred In the Earma.s a letermine tIe her Ebtety. Nahy eutsagae, SWAnIISI masmcres leve been ce.--tn a i Erea chimrae em tahlsel by mgmu~ates. Thue, Japan, amttarer and esa marelafly an politicufly, hae North GIata at her maaer. "I'hear Japan's enuses ia her attempst te justify her peflcy In Japia must have rom hr 01- amlm and ml =s=hleu Maachu- wia ad Easter. Inner Mengella as legntemat e se r this ern- Japin must have-rmm her em.a merealst pa=la al consieses aB Gata a legItmmae glail. JAPAS' LAME EXCUM. Ia her peiltichl activties lapaa is "merely trylag to protect China agatat her ewa weaknes which is a emase at ease to bh am tiens." lauaa helie It her duty a respoenh0ty that the pae of the lar at be msiataeL. Al a alate et bet, her gea- graphy has del Japaa the greeS walth te Whsich che aspires, Se she melts It by fures. She has so- quirel somne ot the riches she ees b1y .enquest of Korea and by Iavasie. et liberia sal Manchurets, ae is after further spetts In China ad eveatuanly, at sere. La Am..lca. (Next week Kr. Wardt wufl write of Japan's ef- forts to extend her doea- .iation throughout the islands of the Pandkti -

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  • NHCK C(


    *A"y-YaabmI CiUs Is Stading IBritain-WI. Will IInlicy of 'bivide andSuffer Mot?"TES historic articles IMieksel C4849. head

    eunsest of the Iris FeHearst new.papers at thefBert, j9e the frst in"idte of t se et negotiatloemt swen Irish freeuof thel Revolutionary

    ewprovsinl rneth ud a shJgton Tirr are Eshed the a

    Mr. Colins, the right of P1

    ByMIRAERead of the Provisional Gov

    Minister o FinanOhairm.a Committee Now

    FreeChief of Inteigence Depart,

    - orswftw to eeMS ask(Cwsh in ds U. &h

    U HII- the terror m-IBritish abinet pase&4et 1920, better knom

    - It is not quiteolearwhsAritish prim. minister andameasure. Nobody reprsenivoted for it in the British IThe twetr4II ASUtbeO

    Eavantage etIte0160n10mAsCly=eaty te repadate the &a and toseM a *e0 Wnaimt IeI thepeopl& Otherwe the not waseosisetntede- by u.In the renaining six countims

    abn3et oefourth of the cmani&es.retarmed in nenongnition

    t L ,whe ir a.asw aebsino mels -the 4wa hi "sina

    setei the paru==nt Genferred

    CRUEBy Wily Lons SheHas Obtained Pos-session of EconomicConcessions, AssertsRobert L Ward,American BusinessMan, Back FromOrient.in the fourth of a series

    of article. recounting Ja-pan's aggression to gainauiitary, political and eco-nmomic dominance in theFar East, Robert L. Wardtoday presents the plightof China, the vast nationof 400,000,000 persons that

    epnis gradually absorb-r.Ward, an Amserican

    business man who recentlyreturned home after threeyear. in the Orient, hastold how Japan esnaredKorea, invaded Siberia andManchuria, and secretly isbuilding submarine. andp4Ing up munition, towardthat day when, he believes,she will attack America infulfillment of her finalpurpose of conquest.By ROBET L. WARD.CHINA, one of the moatmammoth nations ofthe world in populationand area, somnolent forcenturies, is striving withmight and main to shakeoff the lethargy of timeand establish herself inthe position her strengthin population and her ex-tent in area and naturalresources entitle her to at-tain.But China, like so much

    of the Far East, is in thenefarious grip of the all-seeking octopus, Japan.outrages in China br the

    )LINSAI UNITEELY HOPEFREEDOM,N DECLARESCates Riisu Anagsthe Way and Is Ataloglot Say that England'sRule' Has.ade Ulster

    this ithe sistk) woritten byof th new p~vb igot-at t.e.Ililgfor the

    of WlWias Randolphthat has been writ-ethe BRitiek gorn-.77s,the nwritte heWar and the planp o theL. The articles, dabled to

    see and other Hearst netb.-wzt day in Ireland and alsoto whik, at the requetofblicatioun was given by Mr.

    L 0011MS"eNsNt of Ir*h Free State.oe Irisk Republic.Drafting ConStitution Irish

    sent MA Repubmion Army.The aw empny, sM4

    DUBLIN, March 18.eland was at its height theI the government of Irelandr as the partition aet.t was in the minds of thehis fabinet In passing thising any Irish oonstituencyMrHament.ae ths by the e t aly asagreat eaoriflee."The aft was prebably ttended

    far Pewpassada purposes. It mightdo to alay 'wevte ertiois-.edraw tusntis away treb aIhviantl fer 6, month or two-longer. A& the end et that paedbeland weld. It was hoped, haewbeen tWeMAd iat smises.lan.That desired end sened, a chest.

    :LTY AN]Japanese ar well known. Theyform part of the general im-~uon of the averap Amer-cd~onlering Japa gradualinvasion of China.

    But more Important thanatrocities to persons is the po-Hti and economic prograbywihJapan has frtatedCInvand by which she has

    been- slowly but determinedlyand steadfastly achievin dom-inane. over thavast naton shehopes solse da tobin on-tirey within the Mikado' con-trol.Today we see China with two

    eapitals, each clamoring that it Isthe official seat of governmentand represntative of the nation.But sne, the antos faction. Isclear of Japanese influence. Theother, at Peking, is under Japan-es domninanos, Those who knowthe history of Japan in the lastfew deades are aware that thego-rmet which submits toJapan Is not representative of therepublican Mdeals of the vast ma-jority of the Chinese people.SOUTH CaDmA'S REVOLT.China Is thus in the unique post-

    tics and quan&ry of possessingtwo governments, one at' Peking,which the powers recognise, andthe other at anton, which almostall Chinese in the United Statesuphol4. The peculiar feature ofthis unusual situation is- that bothfaetionS in China swear allegianceto the samne flag.With $1S,000,000 borrowed from

    Japan and with Japanese urging,Japan having obtained railway andmnining rights In Mianehuria, thePekingese government establisheda new Parliament, which becameknown as the "nogus Parlia-ment." I~ elected as President,lieu Shi-CagThe Pekingese obtained control

    cf Cantos, hut only temporarily,for In 1920 the Peking militautetswere driven out, the Canton Par-liament was reassembled and Dr.Bun again named PresIdent.That the Japanese control the

    Peking government is the chargeof every Cantonese. And thischarge is borne out not only bythe fact of Japanese loans toPeking and con..saon. given toJapan as a result, but also bythe testimony of foreigners in thePar Nast.China is a country of many

    provinces, of msany dacts and ofmany customs ad lesof peo-pie. Perhaps, to show Japan'spregram in China, It i well toselect -m pro.ncand.ano.e...

    LDVISESI'ERIN 1am" oadeasawould - theWremb et feedom offered by theacte 0iiai. withhr MOt thpit s et eslf-determlO-hti~gi. would wear a white diest-e -oere bemer the woM&=was probaMby an uadl

    tees wth the Oremse1ader. The set e"aeV'S teI(er ap.m.d t.i vIda the skeamessm. No deot ltNise it"'b OGrowge badm ha ft In

    ui diat.-i a bgger etMecthad amtheately to be made withtrhlan a pesties was severedfrem wM thg eaMa tegale.tn @al "a'-etment" the Mort-

    3ast was to be let down gentlyby the British government. Pam-pared for so long, she had lfeavfad to 'ditate to' aid to bully theMda te which ohe.propowed tobe Soya She must be treatedVia taet to regard to any hangeatrttish peap towards teland.she had bee very useful. When

    the Partition set fted to ahieVewhat wee expected at it, and whenthe terer filed, a ree settlementwith Irelande became snetmbe.The North-eest wao now as WSgerseful to prevent Irish freedom.

    bit she could be useful In anotherway..be emuig buttrae shia inrbaIe dateriastiom that. AM

    agreeg te oer heedem , Irelaidmet romain asse211 with theaimh group of matinaM. Brtmaisrasn far Initing pe. this &-notation6 a mihoma in that shebeneves It mesemeary for har owMaleles eSfety.

    Dowe to split IrishWere Britain te so to that, her

    nautlnum price, it could be repte-seated to us that the North-Eastwould never semuiesce In more. Itcould be represented e thain thatin such a settlemnot they #ouldbe preserving that which tby pro-famed to have t heart, the ti-mental tie with the' na towhich they -were supposed te be

    North-Meet Ulter had ern ae-aed an mabmeD, set fr heram adlmiaage but 60 upheld0 11a1 p-y. Evrything wasdan be divide the rich peopleand e hehp thems apart. If weOMeM he smde be beMee we weree maee of each other, the resl

    -an r wew, be swrdie4. Int pe-wg NAlhaiho boon esaw

    plael aseeiu .O e ett e-etees te becemM"gaer ae ewith te lembl.daeeth

    her polef and hmqhein

    D DRUGSUrate this artile largely on I.No better suOet could e pre-seated than Shantung.Ihantung Is known as "thrade ad Chinese clvilisation" and

    Is referred to a "the holy landad the rhleam people." Theprovince has kept the Orient Ina turmoil soe its award toJapan at Paris.THE SHANTUNG GRAB.

    It is one af the richest afChinese provinces, has a popula-tion of more than 30,000,000 andhas historical associations dear toChInk. It Is the land of thefighting men ad China. It is alarge producer of copper, lead,antimony, silver, sulphur andnter. It produces many pe-iprecious stones and its sEesare wealthy In gold. But alltheme yield in Importance to thedeposit. of iTr and coal.Through Shantung runs the

    Yellow river. This, with theGrand canal, connects Peking andTien-Tein with the Yangtse river.To give Shantung to any powerwould be to turn over completecontrol not only of a tremend-

    ously rich and heavily populated

    DOES GHOS'i(Continued I

    aide-de..camp to Stonewall,of the several commandersvision was inspected by Lo:Leslie and again by GeneralThe picturesque "Rebel

    of heart disease at Kilbouaito lecture under the auspicelOf ijourse her exploits cai

    epidemic of raised eyebrowisorts of ways, 'but the phrione most frequently heard.These days, it must be

    much had been said aboutwoman's place then was veland fireside, however able,she may have been.So the women of the Nat

    themselves have endured pwondering if perhaps the siis seeking justification wheito find it.-within the nrani

    ULSTERPHICH %1~n awe !~~ek a-

    ohief served It purpose If we-ytanq the aseoeiary mse tapdeolatw*0 s amsa am"ltM.Pelartiom- by sit's seet. A-lhmed. The tr mes et Irelsadbecame srfe en' the lands of thfathese. Ireland by these aimswas1011t1d it" a tik beettarm, and when by farse et obasseand elirvumsanos these simens b-ame outwfet the goed esfitwere catinued by wetting reueleagainst re-igts ad thea wargeragainst worker.

    Relgios Ras eannedIf we were to be kt i sub-

    jestn we me be Iet apwLOus creed was pampered wile theother was oppresee. Pretesfttand Cathofe eanse to-one who had ad the es Whonot. And. by a atueS prso.he who'Mhased. to ham RMeto oppres i-IWho had nUt.Manufactures of every htMA

    been discouraged - and dstroyedthroushout the areater port of Ireland in ritain's interests. Theethe beam In JMItb trAe Wbfkkoccurred early In the ne-neeiecentury and the depreiua In aW.culture. ave the pport.y..point to the superlar qjaalltte otthe Prot~sqa In the laduesWNor bast. The sve anotherreason to peJudlohi.a.s..ihis Ctolise ssatrYkes.But NortiM t Ulster had not

    flourished and asM act flourishunder this gree InterMrence ofsconomat laws. It has resultedonly In a ganeses detine In ger.p-t throughest the whole GOns.try; Ony In an .n..os dis.tribution at the oappessiogwealth; ony by eotnst.bn ap.peamm of puel Ine -tien et . -polsW 0onewt. .e e.r

    Prosputty WaingThe poe~sM of M~e ba s.ened by O*"" "os theforties.t I st that the poeIsts Of Delfast has tnereseed Inthe ,st two generanes, but thetwo counties Of UAnt od DEWin witch "isot is sItuated Oom-lain Wedy ft Ipplo tam bo.gore the tns at 1146-4.EIrana has stear I-

    SWepe W&I o age

    meson th a .. sth thtehrnIt te" has een a" 4*ren

    I, JAPAN'province but also on os theGrand canwl and at the lnternaloemmermo and communication ofall China. The western part atshantung jute Into Chu. Therailroad built by the Gessaas sadcontrolled by the Aes u-tends -So0 miles westeld.

    In compensation for the mur-der of two misionaries, GermanyIn 19T seld the important portof Khaochow and In the next yearexacted a ninety-nlne-year hose,following with a protectorate.GERMANY'S OOCUPATION.Germany, under the term at

    the lease, built fortifloations atTeing-tao, commanding the bay.and also built a railroad baok toTalnan, capita) of t e provInoe.Administzatlon of Is territorywas by the German navy.Japan during the war took over

    Kiachow, promisin=g to give Itback to China after the was* Inthe Versailles treaty Germany re-nounoed "In favor of Japan allher rights, titles, and prileese e e which she acquired Invirtue of the treaty. conolpded

    with China on March 6. 1598, and

    OF GIRL SP'rom Page 1.)Iackson with staff officerswhen General Wilcox's di-

    rd Hartingdon and Colonel

    s Lee and Longstreet.Spy" died in June, 1900,L,Wis., where she had gone

    iof a G. A. 10post.

    msed a regular oountry-wide

    m. She was criticized in all

    ase "..mwomanly" was theremembered, were before"women's rights." And ay much a matter of family

    patriotic or willing to serve

    lonal Woman'. Party, who

    lently of fault-finding, are

    pirit of the girl who dared

    e she would be most likely

    nets of the moat advanoed

    TO JOINILL SERIesmpse with the vat t fr.dmm,Ito ebetois that that wealof hs

    net Pgatmed ths~sh t theweeme thir weaL. Thao, tUe.

    Nhe think peer emustryasa to Csemom, have had to seek bettero*.."mis esalitin in Amerisaand ethe

    - t-hoS111,1Mes 1- bft "o im . h

    etih wsIer a t wMrer. .hem pslte ty eoplaine beth. 14

    - htei e s rstan weste.waft as toom nAh Toomew eisent W th &AM,wesom fa o - hiprved OGM&

    Maw a &Aftheo per mm I.

    le an rule, eu theewspftale e eeseasmi p8 - sn

    "s kie hod"" she me ele of1* nitain hal set mlamih-n

    her lsteagere. n eerstemI uther paery the plantern mee have

    bsse abeuse in aSmh elI Irishway. Pitstant eel n.thnnaweulM have learnet te live she byne il amity a 101pe001.

    'resem elm have d l"na Psperity woum have m

    with It. trau" "IM have takeher rIuhtful plce 0 a the wail-the Pinee lee t her wy her aIturMladvantags the plw amee h her

    hthees an" uiven. chammo.

    ter et her pepla.

    IWants Uls~te to inwhV e .e- w Ba es

    bAmi swer 3 iS ka N6r9hese

    1e8 eseees am asbisaly,she las eMeet hi ispuletsma by

    neAu hg e i U me med leran-mee pase, h mithebas -h meat wealt as a etw*af bspinden isrn et foriSanen re emetn , heer-

    eser hie a Urels aeses everher emi Pa whh he. beghear bet ies has mof as Pow%ba I"ss mom""csthe wwrpr

    besee es t a It matte din,iteveaa ,t bas beesme omerey mar RNM- " Who we

    vt oib.. er Iom er uangamto see the Irape at beoffere i s sento 41 Ba

    nerlmle D ao.samt hs1t"s Ihe s at oaDa*at e nach ita-yBa tVeema to~snes

    low e, resmtpofm.esma amIp0s se emsles 3m

    S.TOOLSetsl eerarame9mt rielveto

    mumep istoes oftmwhem the Japaaese entmeetamtung the Japanese eslers

    Intt~ Aerimas miessaries,outaea altbs cc Chinese

    psmts and 6eandsi vast sup.plies of foede and anmala. Nononey was paM.CVULTI "9 NAUYTNatives t omat~ug have besn

    brutafy Ilparsn==== e. lands.storee, fiseries, salt works, orab-erdm and beam eoasa

    et a kindse.As In Kora, peasant have been

    strung up by the thumbs, male Inwtater to walk 'naked inte thestream- Not oil has bees foresdown theIr threats. They havebeen forced to walk on hot Iron.Taies have besn impas.a torbirths and amths

    Maienlng. stories have beenspread by the Japanese aboutAmserioas maeisiores. ChineseChristians have bees looked indark roomne without food og waterfor lays at a time to enforoe theconviction that It ts unste to dealwith Amserican -mh.see.

    Y HAUNT SI.and moat eminently freedcthe whole world.These feminists also are

    bility of acclimating theagainst spooks to the iea ovided it will remain gomore terrifying than srttwilight, or flash a wistfulory of happiness long past.At any rate plans are g

    oeremonies, which probabigathering of women since Iyear at the Capitol.

    It is all to be very colorfilittle shadow on the brijbility of that specter comnfloor chamber and wanderizbiage, a strange, disturbing

    Still, it is being hoped tthe old house may satisfyBelle Boyd-4f Indeed it bedown in a. atisfied pacen b

    IRISH F1-VE BOTIignd- 3, fle and Sritt*as ber se ais uiemat vee, as if e esmie

    UJdw ed -th 4~IXe M VuWhwil aestately be dealt with geMN-aoruWy. If dhe §Wap out, the d,

    diese of ho De = Cbeaunb-dem arreosed~ e a asse 15wouidbeeartainte'sprAe .ier etduanes and Sma. hobe itthe aeentes We w _m osklate Insminflhaaeo.The b gm ame fin me Mrihlems 4t 6m Prisi Ad WUsuem Neamhaeer if de&deles.to si utle etOfels.N. gihtesg of des badis ernsakrilem pa be Sets by tho

    omadis p" estmbeg, ies lb.awks- N.Ov4 WNstwoa Whe s Nowem

    Ant ibM New see -. asemi-ew up"0 m upwS w"Ves ofam aism Ireland. What If theosngeesme were to get new alliesin pac .t tho departing 3.etl?

    The emahm t Mv e 'ataisemrojusiling lbe atme.. etamit. As lbs yvtaem be eownseek hor eas -m aeema,lb- aiisag et 5kh' ume enighas Sat pbs ofe wna o-nbaa eut the. Ne et~ hs te.

    Iam an a"Mm"h rt m " treps

    have been heidi to lb. Nem-hbl om e asbOMM.

    do - tg fte ams b4

    bwepsbi Iregad s leo ut- hneM beu t Whbe ler

    -s lest to kiet tmey wU .et~tar wmstes Seuth. They ame&eag peaern*'"-"'"w4"hmt a s""tr."so lmaa who ereales a

    sapperts esals apge a l&OW be lwe "o a uiedIrelaf. Whle tb treaty t

    rsmed 8 ef uetip * n0 "Nemw

    Wmm the h rembe theNedammes e hew p apartse me erl huh.s poee et Gutleamo vie is abd to M- 9 1 ISwe IN ueeas wte afew i-

    eism Wepefet te hope seo - do orma WE himIris i se amW.

    No seegaphi barster emhave -sete ta dvmIsag Ire.fea. The a gr is ~someies awe

    .0 -amuM dfatu Wishe theyaiuif' W-Ue'sS hdatan.nRMa - 4 ser, awNoens4ft- am" sMOMt agartgiving anagbenoe woa we *ave

    semtt Omes n etmseedr

    TO STRft1*m thet aIapamem have a

    daiy paper ia negetsh warsag Stthe danger et Amrim= ftChina. Im this paper the AWI-cam nsu-nvm es m aseee etbrining the opium tede to amrywho sever se drugs. They areanea et o brtg Chinms toTY jammaese oa&In shoet. Japan desires Gaina.

    The Anmercans ar an influenomalanst this aborpUon. So theAmericans mu bitterly assaed toInflame the Chinese against them.Korea is lathe Japanese told,

    much. against her will, of course.manchuria is in tho Mikado's grip.

    .Tokyo Is fat engulfng Siberia.She is gradually esing China.What next?'sue PERL TOI ASIEICa.Next-an ask any white man

    who has bees in the Far East-meat ts Ameriea. These artlcl~ehave bees written for the specificpurpoe ef bringing before Amer-icans as fercefully s I ermn putthe truth of conditions in the FarEast the menace of the Japaneseperil to the United Stateq. Thismenace has time and again bten

    pounded into the heads of our

    rFFRAGISTS?m-for-womenl institution in

    speculating upon the possi-general feminine prejudice

    having a ghost about, pro-little ghost and do nothing

    Sout a small hand in thesmile, like the fleeting morm-

    ing forward for dedicationwill attract the largest

    he suffrage ceremonies last

    il, very imposing. The onlyht program is the possi-

    ng down from the secondabout amongst the assem-presence.hat the new activity aboutthe loneliness of the astralshe I-and that she may lie

    REE STA[-BEST Adme ander the W she sreadm hr p "a a"e a-.Wit so em. -

    000~b"iftebhprismcwte we Jsame ala.90et h~ eW em Werine

    .dm 1"b" - -Widsu a -I'ehaes what e % me Wea tS

    sty in the a"spectba mse tese ci e-. er

    3e %Wi M b aNO

    mbte "sne" a tho*e "e 8beiewa., bthe as gts

    ethIth h.&At in M om eaesm a M"

    Wew. 'e awmw*ese4wpsoo det b. mw d am= ease saiem s -a sewate us

    wismso to dawa iwt.Imente-- co Nearher esatry.

    Lmo wit the mns ouook.We la", a =amr It ,meIrbmm ft eevuw out ademl epllmw "er" i ha-

    Ueae tows tm besetwhv

    ONg is am wmfs is.We fae it a hr bser ais eim e wo N rathet

    Ifa w mh w ta voetry tr* have M "m "ees o 0 MUMMA. "he tondeno

    cite smetn t h e Nrt-est aseen p"opUlamts O fam ndhfatt

    whoa nft Iatefeo wth, w"as -Oman. an ft thva SC Feedmand unit It es e ho-s.ts th& serau If n teralpob

    hm wch awes tr aheat-t cc ter la stes a Fred

    by evlutuo rathe tan by tesf ge M ens t s fhe NwOtha9t i

    tarn to reve o thae I n I

    eanyi t e at uis The uamatmay

    at etint In *a t aortm

    amaotm Wta re"whIn acuies er to a pe fei

    anvod ney ome etpesor.at p

    th floti er atenalpr-

    doeb edeimg c isdo awsolwat caru eswtoiathta-het tithe snawtep et da lon

    Wy tewolt * raeth g the Dea.Toat of tme Noth-est. thno Etand attmetoutt th rea rit "

    kLNGL Cltasto at WIunthat, An dals..t.of ith" :eornayM"W& Wem nM" ft preaVaainst Jama . wIs we anhing Japm pep .e &Jpa os afrai tha the Ga

    t.a.-e oat th rlim to fhtawould adverse aft her mm-

    the ritt Intisan, we enta cong

    raway an ftwa adeting esawoum e Jactr se tuea" OW and th dss ad

    the romity a "e tut ftCna, msdWe ned Chies pea


    ,I"&"' PIMUOAM.Whtver the ra tcoe Cohth

    whadeg oates. Ja"a VnU-

    mercialitest .Cthtseprctra.:

    raniway an Its neaanv nailowoul give Japan eae iettheGra Cinaan herinre an

    the irnShtungf hosen to

    dsianteng bytevr Japailb insis entis pogram:u-J'ht ina bethMacua tolea hese ertn Lan e to taeneag iwany binese watv.erunecapta orrwe frisdlcapn., The

    corllin ihnung. thuse oivedigtbyJapan biu.

    4~~China tobuldra==w-ssubjet aSouth Manchuria orog

    Ths anery madento ag elanengag inan bisies hatueenerh achra Japanese jrsito. h

    controllnev~eramnesthuative n-

    Jaaais oviseste.

    pors to fourir, sorroweingnsatrea Japan, fassaymes nthetri hertigeecopny Sofh antur an Japas

    arn intane sipoe t Japan's roeccontrolln evrhamnterative fune-

    -ne loan l oaneca

    8-China no cet to ass oree-compny f Canytag ado Jap

    isns esant Agins e hae

    9-anot may lee er end t

    chase lani in the interlcr cfChina for schools and hospitals.

    arsenal.1 -Thuete ot misionary

    pregaanda hanb nego-Tbe l ast is significant when it is

    TE.£ RACEwe a" Nome X00s10mw ho - -hr binbssa a#mest"e aes "ss NOWan -as We "awk *a"asawe as*~ OWNam aOfgle m. Ou w.o "aa~mwwweft"

    an as"e 21 It sil"setsno we bs se hato me awwe to -NEb@'M Ubee' be~ -go" wm a m ew --.ama eeeSm. Ma haN e . .= h-abel a e iag -st

    -eS -a*ie seeiem.90-e~ m berenw 0,0 =

    'n to sob"

    F hadhe ~a Ubs y

    hr mU-i amd t as a n tblee,I dm goeoSw IN* to whethe Naft-w s Ivdsoa. Wemnts e w batina panceft

    way, sand a we t the fALUK whisat be ous In the evest st &

    m e a ue wh be. * t st-aelto -ameea fstews-er theether iev that. to the Vera atthe ld DI poel" The e.ad he sated eO telt t 8&"

    the eth-mt We heln erae

    US mean to de ea betoin a pee.uMw_, an y 'weilte §walt &*B

    atit in the uevt snet t-as athlutely IesneatB , as-ed Iran we we ua miswesma ,t thatw a the w mresteth eI wtelm iTve'ee eat metcalite Ow maimre."

    .he eers the h=e we esethave Ot. 19 va lUsk arm~ whatwehaonget. It fta mmmeofbeirn, wuth WIch weft&r make

    amsetad K26 Irelad whaa leftte ef ssest t l the 10000atthe 2e bI ebtalme by thetrat t the gwesat eamrin

    mew, a the sat s aat rsms-further let wvastve. The bee6ave We LeCA s uMewa9w, alU e as addev by themea mee Itsea anore ofthe Ires, L t S e tat

    aN, We et tMe abuM to

    furthek deaespet. Te e.Ssae 6 a0 sE ""Le &Skf dad

    am"eB t ea e a th...m .te.e. - . ..t .,

    Gwe nta aatgtet

    RINAShatug Grab COtedas Typical of Nippon-ese Policy-Anceri-can Mi sinaries Ac-cased of Crimes.United States theGoa of Prey Some'Day, He Assertserefnde that Ia Edea the b ee.

    attes have beea enms- mel --Ia many uae by the aaeueghe.eaaris ~tia tacmaue hive In-lpred In the Earma.s a leterminetIe her Ebtety. Nahy eutsagae,SWAnIISI masmcres leve been

    ce.--tn a i Erea chimrae emtahlsel by mgmu~ates.

    Thue, Japan, amttarer and esamarelafly an politicufly, hae NorthGIata at her maaer.

    "I'hear Japan's enuses ia herattempst te justify her peflcy InJapia must have rom hr 01-amlm and ml =s=hleu Maachu-

    wia ad Easter. Inner Mengellaas legntemat e se r this ern-

    Japin must have-rmm her em.amerealst pa=la al consiesesaB Gata a legItmmae glail.

    JAPAS' LAME EXCUM.Ia her peiltichl activties lapaa

    is "merely trylag to protect Chinaagatat her ewa weaknes whichis a emase at ease to bh amtiens."lauaa helie It her duty a

    respoenh0ty that the pae ofthe lar at be msiataeL.Al a alate et bet, her gea-

    graphy has del Japaa the greeSwalth te Whsich che aspires, Se

    she melts It by fures. She has so-quirel somne ot the riches sheees b1y .enquest of Korea and by

    Iavasie. et liberia sal Manchurets,ae is after further spetts In Chinaad eveatuanly, at sere. La

    Am..lca.(Next week Kr. Wardt

    wufl write of Japan's ef-forts to extend her doea-.iation throughout theislands of the Pandkti -