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Next Generation 9-1-1 Master Plan

V E R S I O N 2 . 0 . J U L Y 2 0 0 9

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Version Publication Date Description of Change v1.0 February 2009 Initial Publication v2.0 July 2009 Added Migration Path and minor corrections.

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C S E C N G 9 - 1 - 1 M A S T E R P L A N

Executive Summary

Consumer communications technologies have outpaced the capabilities of the current 9-1-1 infrastructure. A technological transition to a new 9-1-1 infrastructure, referred to as Next Generation 9-1-1 or NG9-1-1, is essential to meet the public’s expectation of accessing 9-1-1 using a choice of communication technology and provide the emergency response community with quicker and more robust information and greater coordination capabilities to improve emergency response. The current 9-1-1 system, while working well today, is approaching the end of its useful life. It uses convoluted systems to deliver 9-1-1 calls and location data for landline voice, landline teletype/telecommunications device for the deaf (TTY/TDD), wireless/cellular voice, and VoIP 9-1-1 to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). Each introduction of a new access technology (e.g., wireless) or expansion of system functions (e.g., location determination) requires significant engineering and system modifications. The Commission on State Emergency Communications (CSEC) Next Generation 9-1-1 Master Plan was developed to communicate the vision of the Texas NG9-1-1 System and the transition effort so that stakeholders may be actively engaged in its development and deployment. It also charts the course of CSEC initiatives and activities on this extensive, multi-year effort to ensure successful transition. The Texas NG9-1-1 environment will differ considerably from the current 9-1-1 environment. NG9-1-1 will require an overhaul of all aspects of 9-1-1 from governance to the delivery of services. CSEC will be the planning and implementation coordinating body for the deployment and operation of the Texas NG9-1-1 backbone system. The roles and responsibilities of 9-1-1 stakeholders from PSAPs to state government will likely evolve as NG9-1-1 matures. The CSEC will facilitate the definition of roles and responsibilities of local, regional and state government through stakeholder involvement. Implementation of NG9-1-1 will entail significant investment, detailed planning, and close cooperation among the public and private sector entities responsible for the operation of 9-1-1 systems. Implementation presents both opportunity and challenge. The opportunity lies in the ability to enhance a vital public safety service and increase efficiency. The challenge will be to marshal the resources required to effect the change.

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T Introduction.............................................................................................. 1

Purpose........................................................................................... 1 Background..................................................................................... 1

System Overview ..................................................................................... 3 Overall Vision of the Texas NG9-1-1 System.................................. 3 ESInet Backbone ............................................................................ 5 ESInet Core Functions .................................................................... 6

Emergency Services Routing Proxy (ESRP)........................ 7 Border Control Function (BCF)............................................. 7 Emergency Call Routing Function (ECRF)........................... 7 Policy Routing Function (PRF) ............................................. 8 Location Validation Function (LVF) ...................................... 8 Legacy Network Gateways................................................... 9

NG9-1-1 Database Services ......................................................... 10 Geographic Information Systems (GIS).............................. 10 Policy Store ........................................................................ 11

ESInet Core Services.................................................................... 12 Logging .............................................................................. 12 Event Notification ............................................................... 12 Emergency Agencies Directory .......................................... 13

Transition Overview .............................................................................. 14 Governance, Cost Allocation, Legal and Regulatory..................... 14 Development and Implementation ................................................ 15 System Management and Operations........................................... 15 Public Education ........................................................................... 16

Transition Timeline ................................................................................ 17 Migration Path........................................................................................ 18

Single hierarchical level ESInet, closed system ............................ 19 State level ESInet and regional ESInets, closed system............... 20 State level ESInet and regional ESInets, open system ................. 21 Remove Legacy 9-1-1 Network Components ............................... 22

Glossary of Terms ................................................................................. 23

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Table of Contents

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Introduction he current 9-1-1 system, while working well today, is approaching the end of its useful life. It uses convoluted systems to deliver 9-1-1 calls and location data for landline voice, landline teletype/telecommunications device for the deaf (TTY/TDD), wireless/cellular voice, and VoIP 9-1-1

to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). Each introduction of a new access technology (e.g., wireless) or expansion of system functions (e.g., location determination) requires significant engineering and system modifications. The existing system is based on technologies that were established decades ago and is a barrier to creating an integrated emergency call management system that would have the ability to exchange voice, data, text, photographs and live video through the 9-1-1 emergency communications center. These capabilities would assist law enforcement, fire departments, and emergency medical services in tailoring their response to conditions at the scene of the emergency. An advanced, integrated 9-1-1 system would also provide the ability to quickly and easily reroute emergency calls to another call center when the primary answering point is unavailable or overloaded. The incorporation of these advanced capabilities would no doubt enhance the ability to provide more efficient, effective and dynamic emergency responses; however, major changes will be required in the 9-1-1 system. The new system is referred to as Next Generation 9-1-1, or NG9-1-1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to communicate the vision of the Texas NG9-1-1 System to stakeholders so that they may be actively engaged in its development and deployment. The CSEC NG9-1-1 Master Plan presents a Texas perspective of the system’s functionality, management, operations and governance. Additionally, a high level transition plan is provided to chart the course of CSEC initiatives and activities on this extensive, multi-year effort. Background The CSEC requested and received funding for Next Generation Planning in the FY 2008-09 Legislative Appropriation Request (LAR). Employing the services of an outside contractor and engaging 9-1-1 stakeholders, three reports were developed as input to CSEC’s NG9-1-1 Master Plan, FY 2010-2011 Agency Strategic Plan, Statewide 9-1-1 Strategic Plan and LAR, and the interim charge by the House Committee on Law Enforcement. The reports are:

• Texas NG9-1-1 Needs Assessment Report (May 2008); • Texas NG9-1-1 System Architecture Report (May 2008); and • Texas NG9-1-1 System Cost Estimate Report (August 2008).


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The purpose of the CSEC NG9-1-1 Master Plan is to ensure the successful transition of all Texas PSAPs from the current 9-1-1 system to the Texas NG9-1-1 System and the management and operation of the system for optimal health and security. The next set of objectives for the FY 2009 NG9-1-1 planning effort identified in the Master Plan is as follows:

• Perform a risk assessment and develop a risk management plan to ensure the successful transition to and continued management and operation of the Texas NG9-1-1 System;

• Develop functional requirements for state and regional Emergency Services IP-Enabled Network (ESInet), and the criteria for and readiness of PSAPs and regional ESInets to interconnect to the state level ESInet; and

• Identify operational issues and define the minimal governance/management necessary for the optimal health and security of the system.

The CSEC will achieve these objectives in collaboration with 9-1-1 stakeholders and the consultant services of L. Robert Kimball & Associates, an industry leader in providing 9-1-1/E9-1-1/NG9-1-1 planning assistance.

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System Overview The vision of the Texas NG9-1-1 System is aligned with the National Emergency Number Association’s (NENA) Functional and Interface Standards for Next Generation 9-1-1 Version 1.0 (i3) NENA 08-002 and the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) NG9-1-1 System Initiative’s Concept of Operation. Overall Vision of the Texas NG9-1-1 System The Texas NG9-1-1 System will be realized with the implementation of a state level Emergency Services Internet Protocol (IP)-enabled Network (ESInet) that will interconnect regional ESInets and individual PSAPs. The ESInet will enable call access, transfers and backups among and between PSAPs within Texas, and eventually, across the nation. It will also allow flexibility in call-taking such that call takers no longer will have to be physically constrained to a specific communication center. Additionally, the ESInet will enable access to and backups from other emergency services organizations such as Texas Poison Control and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Thus, it is an interconnected and interoperable system of local, regional and national emergency services networks. The ESInet will enable access to public emergency services by any personal communication devices regardless of its mobility and/or technology. This includes emergency “calls”F

1F using text messages, instant messages, voice and video from

handheld, laptop and desktop computers, wireless and wire line phones. The ESInet will have the capability to accept information to improve response, such as an image of the scene of an accident. It would also be capable of accessing information designed to facilitate emergency services such as a caller’s medical records or the building plans of the caller’s location. The ESInet will also enable the PSAPs and the general public to receive up-to-date information, warnings, and/or instructions on large-scale events.

The logical configuration of the ESInet that is envisioned for Texas is reflected in Drawing 1. The names and entities used are hypothetical and intended only as examples to illustrate the proposed “network of networks.”

1 The term “call” is used in this document to indicate any real-time communication—voice, text, or video—between a person needing assistance and a PSAP call taker.

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Drawing 1. Texas ESI Net Vision

Bi-State Information



Texas ESInet

Permian Basin Combined ESInet

PresidioCo SD






New Boston


New Mexico

Cass Co








Live OakPD

Kirby PD





ar M




Emergency Communication District (ECD)

Regional Planning Commission (PRC)

Municipal ECD

ClientsAccess &

Origination Networks

SIP/H.323 clients


Government Services

Texas Emergency Services IP-Enabled Network - “Network of Networks”

ESInet core functions

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ESInet Backbone

An IP-enabled network infrastructure will be used to interconnect individual PSAPs, regional ESInets and emergency services networks serving the regions, within and beyond Texas. As such, it must be engineered and

managed to provision the bandwidth necessary to carry the volume of traffic for all PSAPs in Texas, currently numbering five hundred seventy-three (573). Some PSAPs will be connected directly to the ESInet backbone. The remainder will be connected to the ESInet backbone via regional ESInets. In order to evolve the ESInet to provision other emergency services, the network infrastructure must be easily and seamlessly scalable and extensible. Furthermore, the network infrastructure must be public safety grade. It must meet a higher standard of availability, resiliency, reliability, security and survivability than non-mission critical enterprise network infrastructure. It is anticipated that the Texas Department of Information’s (DIR) new HIPH Communications Platform, statewide HIP H/HVoIPH infrastructure, will be utilized as the state level ESInet backbone. The DIR IP platform uses advanced network technologies such as Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Quality of Service (QoS). The DIR IP platform currently supports multiple agency networks, including the Texas Poison Control Network. State level ESInet application operator(s) will provide core services related to generic IP-enable networks such as address allocation, domain name systems, services broker and network monitoring and management. State level ESInet application operator(s) will also provide multimedia services such as bridges, loggers, media servers etc. Regional ESInets may choose to assign some or all of the core and multimedia services to the state level ESInet application operator(s).

19BThe backbone of the ESInet is the IP network.

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ESInet Core Functions Calls presented to an ESInet by carriers, enterprises or other entities must follow many of the protocol standards promulgated by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Furthermore, services and devices used to make emergency calls must also be built to IETF emergency

calling protocol standards. The IETF protocol standards are consensus standards incorporating requirements from a wide variety of nations, carriers, industry associations and vendors. The IETF emergency calling protocol standards applied to specific NG9-1-1 requirements provide the core functionality of the ESInet. The ESInet core functions are illustrated in Drawing 2, and further explained in this section.

Drawing 2. ESInet Core Functions

20BStandards ensure interoperability between ESInets.



Border Control Function

Emergency Call Routing FunctionECRF - Determines next hop.

input: loc info, desired service URNoutput: Service Boundaries, URIs:


Emergency Call Routing FunctionECRF - Determines next hop.

input: loc info, desired service URNoutput: Service Boundaries, URIs:


Location Validation Function LVF - Validates geo or civic loc info

Returns fully populated address or error message.

PSAP & intermediate ESInet state updates (e.g. state of network, psap, call queue, security postures etc.)

Policy & Rules Database

SIP Signal

Policy Routing Function



Intermediate ESInet

Location info

URI of next hop

URI of next hop

Applicable Rule for URI

Emergency Services Routing


Loc Info

SIP Signal next hop

Route Query Function


Location Query


SIP Proxy (4)

URI of next hop

LoST Protocol

9-1-1 Authority provisioned rules for PSAPs & ESInets

De-reference LbyR(as applicable)

De-referenced Loc Info

LoST Database(geospatial data provisioned

by 9-1-1 Authorities)

Location info





fully populated addr or error msg.

Location Information Server

state updates


URI states

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Emergency Services Routing Proxy (ESRP) In the Texas NG9-1-1 System configuration, the state level ESInet will act as the primary input point for all calls for the state. The state level ESRP is the first element to make routing decisions. The ESRP determines routing based on location and policy, and forwards the call to the next hop. The next hop is either an intermediate ESRP (i.e. an ESRP for a regional ESInet), or a terminating ESRP (i.e. an ESRP for a PSAP). The state level ESRP is also the terminating ESRP for PSAPs directly connected to the state level ESInet. To do its job, the ESRP has interfaces to the Emergency Call Routing Function (ECRF) for location based routing information, as well as event notification sources to gather the state of the next hop, used by its Policy Routing Function (PRF). Every ESRP consults an ECRF and contains a PRF. It first determines the "serving" next hop by location. Its PRF then extracts a rule set from the policy store for that "serving" next hop and evaluates the applicable rules, using other inputs such as time of day, “serving” next hop state, etc. Based on its policy rule evaluation, the policy rule is applied and the route decision made. The ESRP forwards the call to the next hop.

0BBorder Control Function (BCF) The Border Control Function acts as the security clearinghouse for the ESInet for all incoming calls and data. It is an outer defensive perimeter to prevent deliberate and malicious attacks on PSAPs. In addition to firewalls, the BCF exerts control over the signaling and the media streams involved in setting up, conducting, and tearing down calls. Although IP networks are managed, it should not be assumed they are secure. As such, it is expected that every ESInet will deploy a BCF at its edge and firewalls will be deployed at the edge of every PSAP. However, the state level BCF is expected to be the most robust with large amounts of IP bandwidth between the sources of call and the PSAPs.

17BEmergency Call Routing Function (ECRF) The IETF emergency call protocol standard requires calling devices to make its location information available such that when calls are presented to ESInets, location information comes with them. In the ESInet, the ECRF uses the IETF Location to Service Translation (LoST) protocol to determine the route of the call based on the location of the calling device. The ECRF queries its database with geodetic coordinates or civic address and the requested emergency service in the form of a “service Uniform Resource Name (URN)”. The ECRF database responds with a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that indicates the next hop. A single emergency call can be routed by one or more ESRPs within the Texas NG9-1-1 System, resulting in use of the ECRF once per hop. The ECRF is also used by the PSAP to determine appropriate responders for an emergency call based on the location of the caller and onward route the call to the responder. Where the location provided with the call is incorrect and the call taker can determine the correct location, the ECRF can be queried by the PSAP using the corrected location to determine the appropriate responders and onward route the

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call. Outside the ESInet, access or call network operators use the ECRF to route calls towards the target ESInet.

The ECRF database is map based and provisioned using Geospatial Information System (GIS) layers. 9-1-1 entities are responsible for the data used by the ECRF. NG9-1-1 requires all 9-1-1 entities to use fields as defined in the relevant standards with no local variation. For each emergency service URN supported by the ECRF, a layer of polygons and their associated URIs will be provisioned in its database. The route is determined by point-in-polygon. For example, the PSAP URI is determined by the polygon representing the service boundary of the PSAP where the caller’s location (point on the map) falls within. The route determination for a civic address conceptually requires geocoding, in other words, a mapping of the civic address to a point on the map. Once the point is defined, the route can be determined by point-in-polygon. To ensure the accuracy of the location information, no address conversions (from geodetic coordinates to civic address and vice versa) can occur outside the ESInet.

More than one ECRF database and operator is anticipated in Texas. Location routing queries to the originating ECRF will be forwarded to the appropriate ECRF for those locations not served by the originating ECRF, and the responses returned to the originating ECRF. To facilitate the forwarding of mapping queries, ECRFs will have to be interconnected with a “forest guide.” The Texas forest guide will have knowledge of the coverage region of each ECRF database/operator. Queries for location information outside of Texas will be facilitated by a national forest guide.

1BPolicy Routing Function (PRF) Policy routing refers to the determination of the next hop of a call based on the policy of the entity which would normally receive the call. The policies of an entity, i.e. PSAP or regional ESInet, are defined in its policy rule set. Policy rules use variables such as the entity’s availability, security posture, and the number of calls in its queue. Other variables, such as time of day, origin of the call, specific information about the call, and caller or location of the call may also be used in policy rules. Policy rule sets must have priorities to facilitate the application of the rules.

At the initial deployment of the PRF, it is expected to act on a minimal number of policy rule sets to achieve the equivalence of default routing of the legacy selective router and PSAP routing contingency plans.

2BLocation Validation Function (LVF) Communications service providers that provide location information in civic address format must validate the civic address prior to use in a call. The LVF receives validation requests from Location Information Servers (LIS), gateways and VoIP endpoints using the IETF LoST protocol. Given a request for location validation, the LVF queries its database and returns the correct and complete civic

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address to the requestor, if found. 9-1-1 entities are responsible for the data used by the LVF. Like the ECRF, the LVF database is map based and provisioned with GIS layers for parcels, municipal boundaries and zip codes, and/or GIS points that represents civic addresses. The LVF database is the authoritative address database. Validation means that there is exactly one record/parcel/point for the address in the LVF database.

More than one LVF database and operator is anticipated in Texas. Like the ECRF, validation requests to the originating LVF will be forwarded to the appropriate LVF (facilitated by the Texas forest guide) for those locations not served by the originating LVF and the responses returned to the originating LVF. To ensure accurate validation, the location to be validated may not be an address converted from geodetic coordinates.

It is expected that the LVF and the ECRF will be combined into one service.

3B5BLegacy Network Gateways Placed logically outside the ESInet, the Legacy Network Gateway converts legacy wire line/wireless 9-1-1 calls from analog into SIP, attaches the caller’s location information and presents the call to the ESInet. At the time of this writing, standards and/or requirements for the Legacy Network Gateways are incomplete. However, it is anticipated that the pre-processing of legacy calls allow for all calls to be processed in the same manner within the ESInet. The legacy carriers will be responsible for transporting the calls to the interconnection point at the Legacy Network Gateway. The interconnection points will be designated by CSEC and 9-1-1 entities collectively. The Legacy Network Gateway is responsible for obtaining the caller’s location information from the LIS that logically replaces ALI databases and forwarding the call onward to the ESInet. It is envisioned that existing selective routers will provide aggregation and transport services for the 9-1-1 calls from the central offices to the Legacy Network Gateways, for those carriers who require the service. It is anticipated that initially, carriers using the Legacy Network Gateways may not deploy Location Information Servers. As such, the location information for legacy circuit switched 9-1-1 calls will have to be obtained from ALI databases. With four different ALI databases and ALI providers operating in Texas, it is envisioned that Function of Change® (FOC®) will be used to identify the appropriate ALI database for the ALI bid request.

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NG9-1-1 Database Services NG9-1-1 databases will be called upon to deliver meaningful information, such as call and data routing information and business rules/policies. The database architecture must be functional, scalable, highly available and have low latency. To enable data storage and information sharing across jurisdictional boundaries, the database architecture must support an interoperable hierarchical network of databases that aggregate and consolidate data from 9-1-1 entities and their local sources. To achieve high availability and complete disaster recovery, the database architecture assumes maximum system uptime through redundancy, replication and no single point of failure. Data storage and acquisition must be secured through Identity and Access Management (IdAM) – authentication, credentialing, authorization and entity management services to establish a trusted identity and various access control mechanisms.

18BGeographic Information Systems (GIS) At the time of this writing, data standards and/or requirements for the maintenance and management of geospatial data used by the ECRF and LVF have not been fully developed. However, GIS is defined as the base database for NG9-1-1, where all location related data is derived. The mechanism that replicates layers from the GIS to external database is standardized and will be used to provision geospatial data to the ECRF/LVF provisioning interface. The layer replication mechanism is vendor neutral and includes mechanisms to communicate changes in a layer. Additionally, NENA i3 standard requires the following GIS layers be standardized:

• GIS data fields that corresponds to the Presence Information Data Format – Location Objects (PIDF-LO), location information in IETF format;

• PSAP service boundary; • 9-1-1 entity service boundary; and • Service boundaries corresponding to local response agencies such as

law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services.

More than one ECRF/LVF operator is anticipated in Texas, where multiple 9-1-1 entities will be served by any single ECRF/LVF operator and may not necessarily be the state level ECRF/LVF operator. Authorized ECRF/LVF operators will acquire the necessary geospatial data from a secured authoritative source, as will access or call network operators. However, the granularity of the data for use inside or outside the ESInet will differ depending on the 9-1-1 entities served and the service performed by the operator. The single authoritative source must provide for near real time updates of the geospatial data via enterprise GIS web services. The suite of GIS web services, at a minimum, must include the following:

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• receipt and integration of geospatial data from each 9-1-1 entity’s GIS; • quality assurance on the data to meet accuracy standards; • facilitate and coordinate resolution of conflicting geospatial data sets; • timely export of the geospatial data on a permission basis; and • dynamic (real time) changes to routing geospatial data, and its export.

4BPolicy Store Policy rule sets are developed by the 9-1-1 entities using a Policy Editor and stored in the Policy Store for the ESRP to fetch. At the time of this writing, standards and/or requirements for the provisioning of policy rule sets to the Policy Store have not been developed. The Policy Editor may be a local application or a remote web browser interface. It is anticipated that a common Policy Store with policy editing services potentially provided by multiple Policy Editor Providers, will serve Texas PSAPs and regional ESInets.

Until the requirements for Policy Editors and the service is available, the initial deployment of the PRF is expected to act on a minimal number of policy rule sets, without policy editing services.

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6BESInet Core Services Core services are imbedded functions which are essential to the operation of the ESInet(s). They use service oriented architecture, software applications and data content to intelligently manage and control its IP based processes. At the time of this writing, standards and/or requirements for many ESInet core services are incomplete. Below are descriptions of some anticipated core services. 7BLogging Current logging service is limited to the recording of voice only. The NG9-1-1 logging service must be capable of logging voice, text, images, video and other data. The logging service is primarily a web service provided on the state level ESInet. All significant steps in processing a call and its associated media are logged. PSAPs and/or regional ESInets may acquire their own logging service and may have different internal interfaces. However, each instance of the service is required to have connections to the core service on the state level ESInet and support the standard external logging interface for retrieval of logged events. The logging services log external events, internal events, media and messages. Play back service is provided for recorded media streams. Recorded media streams include integral time reference data within the stream. Time stamps must be synchronized across all logging services. Retrieval of data by other PSAPs, 9-1-1 entities or emergency services agencies is determined by the policy of the PSAP/9-1-1 entity that provides the logging service.

8BEvent Notification Event notification services enable ESInet stakeholders to exchange and share information. Where information is known to exist (e.g., a database) and is readily available, consumers will request the information from the producer when they need it. In other cases, the information a producer wishes to make available may not be known or available in advance. The producer will push out the information, which may be location-sensitive, as it becomes available (e.g., hazmat alerts). In addition to the familiar emergency events, the term “event” includes changes in the internal state of resources, inter-agency advisories, process workflow triggers, news feed items, weather, traffic and hazmat alerts and others. The following are examples of event notifications:

1. Department of Homeland Security could be notified whenever certain types of incidents occur so that it may trigger a specialized incident correlation process.

2. A PSAP could receive Amber Alerts, but only those relevant to its jurisdiction (location-sensitive event).

3. An Integrated Transportation System could send a closed road advisory to an Emergency Operations Center.

4. A PSAP could get notified that a Computer Aided Dispatch system came back into service.

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The initial deployment of this service is expected to be limited to notifications of the internal state of resources. In order to facilitate policy based routing, the PRF must have knowledge of the state of ESInet resources. In other words, the state of a PSAP is necessary in order for the PRF to perform PSAP routing contingency plans. 9BEmergency Agencies Directory Another core service provided on the ESInet is a directory of emergency agencies connected to the network. The service enables intra ESInet routing of calls and inter-agency calls. Every agency MUST maintain an entry in the directory.

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10BTransition Overview The Texas NG9-1-1 environment will differ considerably from the current 9-1-1 environment. The changes are not limited to standards and technology. They include the governance, management and operation of the system and the delivery of services. The changes affect the entire 9-1-1 community, including the general public and other emergency services. The planning and transition to NG9-1-1 will be an extensive, multi-year effort. Conceptually, transition will begin with build-out of IP networks to and between the PSAPs, followed by the implementation of the applications that provide next generation functionality. CSEC will be the planning and implementation coordinating body for the deployment and operation of the Texas NG9-1-1 backbone system. As such, Texas is aligned with the proposed federal regulation for the E9-1-1 Grant Program authorized under the Ensuring Needed Help Arrives Near Callers Employing 9-1-1 (ENHANCE 911) Act of 2004, which “permit only States to apply for grant funds on behalf of all eligible entities located within their borders.” Furthermore, Texas will be positioned to coordinate with the E9-1-1 Implementation Coordination Office (ICO), created by the ENHANCE 911 Act of 2004, in creating the National Plan for the transition to an IP-enabled emergency communications network. 11BGovernance, Cost Allocation, Legal and Regulatory The roles and responsibilities of 9-1-1 stakeholders from PSAPs to state government will likely evolve as NG9-1-1 matures. The CSEC will facilitate the definition of roles and responsibilities of local, regional and state government through stakeholder involvement. This will ensure an effective and seamless deployment and operation of NG9-1-1, and provide guidance and accountability. The NG9-1-1 System will be a shared system comprised of multiple systems and components funded by disparate sources, of which 9-1-1 is one of several emergency services. CSEC intends to adopt a fair share methodology of cost allocation, based on population, amongst the 9-1-1 entities. The same cost allocation methodology is also applicable to other emergency services sharing the system with 9-1-1. This enables economies of scale that will enable parity of emergency services capabilities, interoperability, increased efficiency or cost savings within all aspects of emergency communications. The existing legal and regulatory environment will also have to change. Existing laws and regulations will be reviewed and revised to allow for 1) architecture and technology neutrality; 2) the delivery of new services by non-Local Exchange Carrier service providers or service providers with new technologies; 3) the extension of liability protection laws to current and future service providers; and

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4) the alignment of new service arrangements, costs and funding mechanisms with NG9-1-1. With the availability of more data associated with the 9-1-1 caller and his/her location, the confidentiality of personally identifiable information (PII) will have to be examined and protected. The CSEC will facilitate and coordinate this effort with its stakeholders. 12BDevelopment and Implementation CSEC will be responsible for the development and implementation of the shared components of the Texas NG9-1-1 System, primarily the state level ESInet, its core functions and services, and NG9-1-1 databases, on behalf of the Texas 9-1-1 entities. CSEC will work with DIR to deploy the state level ESInet backbone and provide interstate connectivity. CSEC will also work with the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security to support state needs for public safety radio interoperability. The CSEC initiated projects with DIR and Texas A&M University for the Statewide Mapping Project and the Location Based Emergency Call Routing Prototype Project, respectively. The purpose of these projects is to understand the effects and limitations on the system in the delivery of the services and fully consider them in the development of functional requirements, performance standards and pilots. NG9-1-1 core functions and services and NG9-1-1 database management services will be acquired as managed services, where possible. The functional requirements of the ESInet core functions and services, its interoperability, access, security and performance standards will be defined in collaboration with 9-1-1 entities and in adherence to appropriate standards. The CSEC will establish the requirements for interconnection to the state level ESInet. PSAPs and regional ESInets will have to meet the established requirements and adhere to appropriate standards, in order to interconnect to the state level ESInet. The relevant terms of interconnection will be developed and revised in collaboration with the 9-1-1 entities. 13BSystem Management and Operations The Texas NG9-1-1 System will be a more comprehensive emergency communications system with enhanced capabilities that allows for greater situational intelligence than today’s 9-1-1 system. NG9-1-1 services are expected to expand beyond the 9-1-1 services of today and require higher levels of interaction and coordinated response among Texas 9-1-1 stakeholders both vertically and horizontally. CSEC will facilitate and coordinate the effort by 9-1-1 entities to:

• Prepare and train call takers to work in a multimedia environment, and handle increased quantity and quality of information available with the call;

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• Prepare themselves and PSAP Administrators to handle contingency planning without geographic constraints. This involves developing up front agreements with neighboring PSAPs and 9-1-1 entities on the relevant terms of cooperation;

• Prepare for the responsibility of deployment, maintenance, upkeep and oversight for their regional infrastructure; and

• Prepare themselves and NG9-1-1 data administrators to handle widely dispersed and highly replicated databases inherent in the NG9-1-1 System.

Processes and procedures must also be developed collaboratively for the following:

• contract and service issues resolution and escalation; • data quality assurance; and • security and data rights management.

CSEC will be responsible for the management of the state level ESInet, its core functions and services and NG9-1-1 databases. CSEC will manage the contracts and provide oversight for the services rendered. Processes and procedures for resolving and escalating contract and service issues will be developed collaboratively with all of the state’s 9-1-1 entities. 14BPublic Education CSEC will facilitate and coordinate this effort with 9-1-1 entities to identify the key message to the public and deliver that message in a timely and effective manner. The phased deployment of NG9-1-1 will require the general public to be aware of where, when, what and how NG9-1-1 services are available. New communications options for the elderly, deaf and hard of hearing, disabled, and non-English speaking populations will also need to be addressed in the effort to manage the public’s expectation. 15B

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Transition Timeline

Timing of the transition to NG9-1-1 is completely dependent on the availability of resources. The migration path contained in this plan outlines four main stages to transition the current 9-1-1 system to the Texas NG9-1-1 system. The migration path was developed to accommodate implementation of the NG9-1-1 Master Plan incrementally and to the extent funding is available.

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Migration Path The transition from the current 9-1-1 system to the Texas NG9-1-1 System will require CSEC and the seventy six (76) 9-1-1 entities to coordinate and collaborate on the transition of five hundred and seventy three (573) PSAPs. To reduce the level of complexity of the Texas NG9-1-1 System and leverage economies of scale, 9-1-1 entities must collaborate to form regional Emergency Services IP-enabled Networks (ESInets). A minimum of eight (8) and a maximum of fourteen (14) regional ESInets are anticipated. Ideally, the final Texas NG9-1-1 system will have no PSAP directly connected to the state level ESInet. The process of forming regional ESInets begins with 9-1-1 entities developing partnerships, considering regional profiles such as natural disasters, population density, and political culture. The implementation and operation of regional ESInets, like the state level ESInet, will also require planning and implementation coordinating bodies. Discussions among 9-1-1 entities are currently underway in varying degrees. At each juncture, the migration path must meet the following criteria:

• Accommodate the varying pace of regional partnership formation and regional ESInet implementation;

• Implement incrementally and to the extent funding is available; • Maintain and/or enhance current level of 9-1-1 service; • Accommodate PSAP customer premise equipment that are not IP capable

and/or NG9-1-1 capable; • Accommodate the evolving NENA standards development process; • Accommodate the varying availability of the NG9-1-1 core functions and

services; • Accommodate the varying readiness of Communication Services

Providers; • Maximize the utilization of the deployed ESInets; • Scale and extend the system, minimizing the need and cost to rip and

replace; and • Ability to roll back to a previous stage of successful deployment.

There are four main stages to the migration path. They are:

1. Single hierarchical level ESInet, closed system; 2. State level ESInet and regional ESInets, closed system; 3. State level ESInet and regional ESInets, open system; and 4. Remove legacy 9-1-1 network components.

The characteristic of each stage is described in the following sections.

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Stage One: Single hierarchical level ESInet, closed system This stage is characterized by the ability to route wireline calls, based on location, to IP capable PSAPs directly connected to the state level ESInet. By limiting the level of 9-1-1 service to wireline, the state level ESInet may be deployed with a Border Control Function that is scaled to defend the limited perimeter against deliberate and malicious attacks. The PSAP customer premise equipment (CPE) must have the ability to receive calls using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) signaling. The PSAP CPE must also have the ability to retrieve the location information, which accompanies the call and is formatted in a Presence Information Data Format – Location Objects (PIDF-LO) document, for display. Additionally, the mapping software at the PSAP CPE must be able to display the emergency medical services, fire, and police service boundaries when mapping the call. The 9-1-1 entities and PSAPs in this stage must have 9-1-1 geospatial data set. The minimum NG9-1-1 core functions for this stage are:

• State level Emergency Services Routing Proxy that determines routing based on location and forwards the call to the next hop. This initial implementation will not include policy based routing;

• State level Border Control Function scaled to defend the limited perimeter; • State and PSAP level Emergency Call Routing Function that provides

routing information from the 9-1-1 entities’ GIS data when presented with location information and implements forest guides to facilitate its response. The GIS data is more detailed as the hierarchical level of the Emergency Call Routing Function increases;

• Legacy Network Gateway(s) that receives wireline 9-1-1 calls, outputs SIP signaling and location information, and forwards the call to the ESInet. The gateway formats the location information in a PIDF-LO document, utilizing the existing Automatic Location Identification (ALI) database.

In addition to core services related to generic IP networks such as IP-address allocation, domain name systems, services broker, and network monitoring and management, the minimum NG9-1-1 services for this stage include logging and event notifications. This stage will require affected Selective Router provider(s) to route the wireline calls destined for the affected PSAPs via the Legacy Network Gateway(s). This selective routing will require changes to select entries in the 9-1-1 entities’ Master Street Address Guide. It will also require the ALI service provider(s) to facilitate the Legacy Network Gateway’s ability to obtain the caller’s location information. The initial deployment should be limited to PSAPs from two 9-1-1 entities. Ideally, the 9-1-1 entities with PSAPs directly connected to the state level ESInets should be among the first to form regional ESInets.

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The system can be scaled by adding limited policy routing capability and implementing a Border Control Function with greater scope. Policy based routing will require implementation of Policy Stores and Editors. The system can also be scaled to include circuit switched wireless level of 9-1-1 service. The system can be extended by adding additional PSAPs from other 9-1-1 entities. Stage Two: State level ESInet and regional ESInets, closed system This stage is characterized by the ability to route wireline and circuit switched wireless calls based on location to i3 PSAPs connected to the state level ESInet via regional ESInets. This allows newly formed regional partnerships with deployed ESInets to interconnect to the state level ESInet. Requirements of the previous stage apply to the implementation of regional ESInets. The minimum NG9-1-1 core functions for this stage are:

• State and regional level Emergency Services Routing Proxy that determines routing based on location and policy, and forwards the call to the next hop. Policy based routing will require implementation of Policy Stores and Editors;

• State and regional level Border Control Function with a wider scope than the previous stage and scaled to defend a wider perimeter;

• State and regional/PSAP level Emergency Call Routing Function that provides routing information from the 9-1-1 entities’ GIS data when presented with location information and implements forest guides to facilitate its response. The GIS data is more detailed as the hierarchical level of the Emergency Call Routing Function increases;

• Legacy Network Gateway(s) that receives wireline 9-1-1 calls, outputs SIP signaling and location information, and forwards the call to the ESInet. The gateway formats the location information in a PIDF-LO document, utilizing the existing Automatic Location Identification (ALI) database.

Depending on the pace of regional ESInet deployments, and in preparation for adding VoIP and wireless level of services, functionality to facilitate calls from i3 PSAPs to legacy PSAPs (and vice versa) may need to be implemented. This would entail adding Legacy PSAP Gateways. At the time of this writing, standards and/or requirements for the Legacy PSAP Gateway are incomplete. The system may also be scaled to provide Emergency Agency Directory services. At the regional level, 9-1-1 entities may scale PSAP CPE functionality such that the CPE is capable of applying local policies. This will require PSAP level Policy Stores and Editors.

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Fully featured Border Control Functions must be implemented before activities of the next stage can begin. Stage Three: State level ESInet and regional ESInets, open system This stage is characterized by the ability to route all calls based on location and policies to i3 PSAPs connected to the state level ESInet via regional ESInets. At this stage, the majority of regional partnerships are formed and regional ESInets implemented. The number of legacy PSAPs should be small. Initially, this stage calls for the implementation of VoIP followed by wireless level of 9-1-1 services. This stage requires VoIP and wireless service providers to deliver 9-1-1 calls using SIP signaling with location information formatted in a PIDF-LO document. It also requires VoIP and wireless service providers to utilize the Emergency Call Routing Functions and the Location Validation Function in the routing and validation of calls to the Texas ESInet ingress. The minimum NG9-1-1 core functions for this stage are:

• State and regional level Emergency Services Routing Proxy that determines routing based on location and policy, and forwards the call to the next hop. Policy based routing will require implementation of Policy Stores and Editors;

• State and regional level Border Control Function that is robust and fully featured;

• State and regional/PSAP level Emergency Call Routing Function that provides routing information from the 9-1-1 entities’ GIS data when presented with location information and implements forest guides to facilitate its response. The GIS data is more detailed as the hierarchical level of the Emergency Call Routing Function increases;

• Location Validation Function to validate civic location information using the 9-1-1 entities’ GIS data.

• Legacy Network Gateway(s) that receives wireline 9-1-1 calls, outputs SIP signaling and location information, and forwards the call to the ESInet. The gateway formats the location information in a PIDF-LO document, utilizing the existing Automatic Location Identification (ALI) database.

• Legacy PSAP Gateways(s) to facilitate calls from i3 PSAPs to legacy PSAPs (and vice versa), as necessary.

The system may be scaled by implementing multimedia level of 9-1-1 services, i.e. the ability to receive text, images and video. The system may be extended to facilitate the transfer of calls to PSAPs at other state’s ESInets. The system may be further extended to facilitate transfer of calls to other emergency services such as Poison Control.

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Depending on the pace of regional ESInet deployments, and in preparation for removing legacy 9-1-1 network components, selective routers no longer serving PSAPs may be retired. Stage Four: Remove Legacy 9-1-1 Network Components This stage is characterized by a fully featured Texas NG9-1-1 System where the process of retiring legacy 9-1-1 network components has begun. This stage requires wireline service providers to deploy Location Information Servers and use the Location Validation Function in their service order processing. This implies retiring the ALI database as the Legacy Network Gateway formats the location information in a PIDF-LO document, utilizing the Location Information Servers. As the remaining PSAPs transition to i3, Legacy PSAP Gateways no longer in use may also be retired.

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16BGlossary of Terms

The following are commonly used Acronyms Acronym Description

BCF Border Control Function CAP Common Alerting Protocol CPE Customer Premises Equipment DNS Domain Name Server (or Service or System) E9-1-1 Enhanced 9-1-1 ECRF Emergency Call Routing Function ecrit Emergency Context Resolution In the Internet EPAD Emergency Provider Access Directory ESInet Emergency Services IP-Enabled Network ESRP Emergency Services Routing Proxy FCC Federal Communications Commission geopriv Geolocation and Privacy IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IP Internet Protocol LIS Location Information Server LoST Location to Service Translation LVF Location Validation Function MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching NENA National Emergency Number Association NG9-1-1 Next Generation 9-1-1 PIDF Presence Information Data Format PIDF-LO Presence Information Data Format – Location Objects PRF Policy Routing Function PSAP Public Safety Answering Point or Primary Public Safety

Answering Point QoS Quality of Service SBC Session Border Control SDO Standards Development Organization SIP Session Initiation Protocol URI Uniform Resource Identifier URN Uniform Resource Name VF Validation Function VPN Virtual Private Network VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol WSDL Web Service Definition Language XML eXtensible Markup Language