nfc new transporter

 Elimar Pigeon Services email: [email protected] 11 Rushton Drive, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW 10 0 NJ, United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)1606 836036 Fax: +44(0)1606 836036  Search  National Flying Club THE NEW QUEEN OF THE ROAD Report by Cameron Stansfield, þÿ

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 Elimar Pigeon Services

www.elimarpigeons.comemail: [email protected] 

1 Rushton Drive, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW 10 0NJ, United KingdomTel: +44(0)1606 836036 Fax: +44(0)1606 836036



National Flying Club

THE NEW QUEEN OF THEROADReport by Cameron Stansfield,


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L-R - Section L Committee rep Brian Stansfield, President Fred Sharman and Ginger McCain. Fanciers from around the UK were at Drayton Manor Park in Staffordshire on Sunday to see GrandNational-winning racehorse trainer Ginger McCain unveiling one of the National Flying Club’s two newtransporters. Ginger, who raced pigeons as a boy growing up in Southport, commented on how pigeontransportation had changed since his youth, describing the NFC transporter in front of him as ‘fantastic

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The gull wings. 

As you will see from the photographs, the transporter looks an absolute picture and I would go so far ato say that when it is travelling up and down the motorways of the UK and France, it will be the finest-looking heavy vehicle on the road. In fact, I can picture people going past it in their cars, doing a doubltake and asking, ‘What is THAT!!?’


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However, the priority in the design of these transporters was not that they looked good but that they lefnothing to be desired in terms of bird welfare – hence the grilled floors, the 8ft length of drinking trough

around each crate and the controlled ventilation system which ensures that, at full capacity, there will baround 3 air changes per minute in each container . Nor have the long-neglected convoyers beenneglected. Here they have been provided with bunk beds, a sink and a microwave.Those involved in thdevelopment of these two transporters should feel justly proud for what they have provided for fanciersthis country. They have left a legacy which thousands of other will benefit from for many years to comeAnd also remember, those who have been instrumental in seeing this project through to its completionhave not done so for financial gain (in fact it has cost them their own money – and time) and nor havethey sought any plaudits. They have done it because they have wanted to see the National Flying Club

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forward.We all expect great things of our birds and these vehicles will enable them to fulfil their potent

The following is a summary by Peter Kettlewell of ADAS & Roger Hoxhey, of BirminghUniversity penned in May 2006 which summarises the ventlation system on the transporters…

Controlled ventilation system to optimise on-board thermalconditions for racing pigeons during transport and while

awaiting release.

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5,000 pigeons carried on a typical vehicle have the potential to produce a total heat output (at 5 Watts bird) of 25 kW (kilowatts).

Studies with poultry suggest that around half of this heat will be ‘lost’ as latent heat (that is heat usedevaporating water from, for example, respired air).

Failure to remove this heat (and moisture) will result in localised conditions within the container that amarkedly different from the ‘external conditions’.

These conditions may impose an additional ‘thermal load’ on the pigeons, requiring them to expend m

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effort in maintaining their ‘normal’ body temperature.

When a vehicle is moving, the resultant air movement around and within the vehicle will disperse somthe heat. However, when the vehicle is stationary, and especially on still days with little wind, the

consequent ventilation may be inadequate.

The instillation of fans on the vehicle ensures that there is adequate air movement around the pigeonsall times – irrespective of vehicle movement.

Fans have been installed in the roof of the vehicle along the centre line enabling air to be extracted frothe central service corridor.

Air is drawn in through the perforated gull wing sides, across the pigeon containers, into the centracorridor, then extracted out through the roof.

Though there is no legal requirement for a ventilation system, the new system provides over times more ventilation pro-rata than the mandatory requirement when transporting red meaanimals on journeys over 8 hours.

A simple control strategy ensures that as the ambient temperature rises, more fans are automaticalswitched on.

At full capacity, there will be around 3 air changes per minute in each pigeon container.

This novel ventilation system represents a significant development in terms of improving the welfare racing pigeons throughout the transit period.


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Inside the convoyers' compartment.

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The watering system.

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 The National Flying Club welcomes members from all corners of the UK so if you are not a memberwould like to see your birds travel in comfort, please give secretary Sid Barkel a call on 0191 521 1and he will pop you an application form in the post.