ney fingering chart

Ney Fingering Chart Here's to you, interested Neyzen, the fingering chart of the Turkish ney, taken from Suliyeman Erguner's "Ney Metod". As a starter... this is a chart that shows the micro-intervals in which a whole tone is divided in the Maqam system. Please, see, in the upper part of the chart on the left, the span from DO to RE, one whole tone, divided into 9 Komas (micro-intervals), of which only those notated with 1-4-5 are most used. Here's the First Register, the lowest tones of the Ney. Of course the black circles are the closed holes, and the white circles the open holes. Please note that here are also half-closed holes.... The UP arrow indicates a MORE accentuated bending of the head. The DOWN arrow indicates a LESS accentuated bending of the head. A counter- bending, so to speak. Like strightening the neck instead of bending the head aside.

Upload: ariadne-rodrigues

Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Ney Fingering Chart


Ney Fingering ChartHere's to you, interested Neyzen, the fngering chart of the Turkish ney, taken from SuliyemanErguner's "Ney Metod".s a starter...this is a chart that sho!s the micro"inter#als in !hich a !hole tone is di#ided in the Ma$am system.%lease, see, in the u&&er &art of the chart on the left, the s&an from '( to )E, one !hole tone,di#ided into * +omas ,micro"inter#als-, of !hich only those notated !ith ."/"0 are most used.Here's the 1irst )egister, the lo!est tones of the Ney.(f course the 2lack circles are the closed holes, and the !hite circles the o&en holes.%lease note that here are also half"closed holes....The 3% arro! indicates a M()E accentuated 2ending of the head.The '(4N arro! indicates a 5ESS accentuated 2ending of the head.counter"2ending, so to s&eak. 5ike strightening the neck instead of 2ending the head aside.Note6 the lo!est tones are $uite unusual in Turkish com&osition, and you can e7&ect to touch only the Si ,8-,+a2a 8uselik- at most. Ho!e#er, in Taksim ,im&ro#isation- you can go as lo!EST as you !ish.Here's the Second )egister.Note the di9erent o&enness of the "H51 H(5E" ,.:;, .:irgule.Here !e are in the Third )egister.Here are the 1ourth and 1ifth )egisters.