nexus 0211 - new times magazine


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  • 1. NEXUS NEWS 6 A round up of the news you probably did not see. Irs ALL HAPPENING - NOW! ll By Stan Deyo. A fascinating article on geo physical changes that are potentially on Earthls horizon. Earthquakes, Sun-spot activity,. asteroid collisions and more. BATTLING THE BANKS 16 By Charlie Kerr. A remarkable article on how one farmer decided to tackle the banks and the rorts of credit creation. ESSIAC - A SUPPRESSED CANCER CURE.....21 This is an amazing story of yet another IIcure" for cancer - one that nearly became legally accepted, but was defeated by just three votes. MIND CONTROL & TIHE N.W.O 26 By Glenn Krawyczk. Part 1 of an astound ing piece of research into the use of Mind Control in the New World Order. THE ADAMS FREf ENERGY MACHINE........31Nexus Magazine proudly presents the first step towards developing an independent, selfperpetuating power supply. GOLD IN THE SAN ANDREAS - Pt 2 38 By Ted Smith. Continuing the story of the Spanish conquest of parts of South America, and the mysterious mountain of gold ingots found in New Mexico. DECEMBER-JANUARY '93 UfO ABDUCTIONS - BUDD HOPKINS.......43A round-up of the recent UFO Expo talks by Budd Hopkins, author of 1I1ntrudersli NEW SCIENCE NEWS 46 A round up of interesting news and titbits, from the underground science network. Subjects this issue include the Life Information System Ten (LISTEN), and the Lymphaciser. THE TWILIGHT ZONE 50 A coffection of strange and bizarre stories from around (and off) the world. Special story in this issue of the massive UFO sight ing in Darwin during the early 150s. REVIEWS - Books & Videos 53 "The Golden Seven Plus One" by C. Samuel West "Two Suns Rising'l by Jonathan Star IIUnholy Babylon" by Darwish & Alexander "The Healing Foods'l by Hausman & Benn Hurley "Symbolic Landscapes'l by Paul Devereux "The Watchers" by Raymond E. Fowler IISecret Life - Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions" "Confessions ofa Medical HereticII by R. Mendelsohn I'Dissent In Medicine - Nine Dootors Speak Dut'l "The Spirit of Nature" by Michael J. Roads PRODUCT ORDER COUPONS 61 DE-CLASSifiED ADS 63 SUBSCRIPTIONS & BACK ISSUfS 64 NEXUS.l

2. Editorial: Welcome to yet another great issue of Nexus. In this iss_ue you will find, in a nutshell, articles which point very strongly ~tn the dkection of a) being able to cre ate free electrical energy, bl being able to obtain a simple herba1 cure for cancer, AIDS, and other diseases, and c) being able to obtain information on how to take on the banks, arid beat them to a standstill. Sounds very simplistic you may think, but read the articles, and you will see what Iani getting at. On a more sombre note, Iam growing inoreasingly concerned at the subtle pressure upon us alii to conform, and become dependent on the system". That big, safe, apparently nurturing 'thing' that we all like to blame if something goes, wrong. Well, it has gone wrong.. and it is the unashamed aim and intention of this magazine to be able to deliver information which will help those who wish as much, to become independent of the system. The push to make us believe in the current medical system, the financial system, the educational system, the pollitical system and the science system - is getting stronger, and it is growing close for the time to make a decision, and a stand. Many readers have become aware that as a whole, the system has become cor rupted, and is now being used to serve the interests of the ultra-rich and the ultr ----... N,:.P,,::~,.: ,~S;.~;;~;~,t.~l,,;~V ,I:;~~ SIX other fOJmulM that are crrcu k.::~... ..-:.. ..:.~ "':,z: ~~(q::;::. :::~"'d""{':'''' ... ). x-=:' ..;.;:'~--.I.;... -, '~:~" / . . ..:-,-:.;;.;;,.-;,)~i~i:'tlg!,?;;1~i#;mm:'~~~:Z'~:::'" July 1984 : James A. Huberty, a - . ~~:~r~f,*::~.::::.::"~:~~~..,~)=tW~,;::.;.~:,,,:~~(.::~:~~:_:::;-.:;::q-::':~?/l>iw.~:::~;&~~*~~~f~:~~~~~W{.~ dth . .. environment (and possIbly transfer to 1l:"",::,.t;,~~$rr;,~~:~;.;;~vW&:ij,":W~f'~~'!!"""?~:~,~:t:olice when a yowie was seen on a road at about 2am, in 'Ji'ewantin, near Noosa Heads on the Sunshine Coast in Qld. The creature was described as large and hairy, and about 8 feet tall. Although thcre have been previous sightings of such creatures in the area, this was the first for some time. "It was standing in the middle of the road," said the Tewantin woman who reported the incident, "I slowed the car and came to a stop. The figure I though at first was a man - it was about eight feet tall and on two legs - lumbered towards the car." "It was right on top the vehicle and hit the bonnct with its left nand and then ran off into the bushes." Police said the creature left a notablc dent and three scratches in tbe car. (Source: Noosa News, 13/10/92; Sun- Herald 18/10/92)) THE LOCH NESS MONSTER REARS ITS HEAD AGAIN Scientists w-orking on Project Urquhart, which is studying the loch's environmental profIle and history, have picked up signals from a "sizable unidentified object" deep below the lake's surface. Using sonar signals emitted frOID a craft being towed behind the team's support ship, the Simrad, the scientist's received a signal which was 'Ilocked onto" by their equipment for a period of about two minutes. The project is using somc of the most modem sonar technology in the world, and also hopes to record the exact depth of Loch Ness. (Source:O Sun-Herald 25/10/92; The Australian 23/10/92) DECEMBER-JANUARY '93 SOUND ASlEEP Edna Leitch dozed on peacefully as a powerful explosion destroyed her bun- galow in North Walsham, Norfolk, UK, at dawn on 29 April 1992. Roof fell in, windows were blown out and the walls came tumbling down with a crash heard a mile off. Edna, 163, was still asleep when fire- men found her nearly buried under beams and rubble. By evening she was in a satisfactory condition in hospital, having had treat- ment form bums to her arms and legs. (Source: Daily Mirror (UK), 30/4/92) DRUGS FOR SALE A German housewife who bought a suitcase at an auction of unclaimed air- line luggage tried to do her laundry with the contents of a washing powder carton she found in the case. It was in fact, a carton containing four pounds of heroin, worth about $250,000 said the Frankfurt police. (Source: The Guardian, 18/10/91) BIG McSURPRISE Eric Schneider, 35, from Long Island, took a big bite from a McRib in a McDonald's restaurant. Instead of pork covered in barbecue sauce, this particular snack was a ------::. ....--- - THE TWILIGHT ZONE 'McMouse'. He checked the filling because of its vile taste and found two back legs. He had eaten the rest of the mouse. He threw u'p and had to wrestle the bun away from the Jestayrant staff. He is suing for over $lmillion, claim- ing the meal made him a nervous wreck. (Source: Fortean Times #65) THE BIG UFO SIGHTING OVER DARWIN From Roma R., Lithgow. In Darwin, during the early 1950's, a friend and I were fishing from the wharf in the early evening, doing it the smart way, lyiog down with lines out, and thinking of nothing. One of the Bums Philps' ships, The WangarCl was in dock just a little fur- ther down the jetty. Suddenly wc heard a man's voice shout "Hey felIas, what's that?". Naturally we looked, their silhouettes were pointing upwards, and th.en we saw it. At first it was a light bigger than the moon, and a fair distance off, but com- ing in fast, glowing and noiseless. It was coming in from over the water, and when it was approximately over Middle Arm, it simply stopped dead stilt, stayed that way for a while and then 6 ~--=s -- ;;;~~