newspaper front cover stages


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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Newspaper Front Cover Stages
Page 2: Newspaper Front Cover Stages

After deciding on the name of my newspaper I started to design the

Logo. I decided on a tree because of “Ash” in the name of the town. I

also decided to make it blue to match the colour scheme of the

newspaper masthead. Both the mast head and the logo will be at the

top of the newspaper in a standard font to make it obvious and


Page 3: Newspaper Front Cover Stages

Here I started to add in standard contents of a newspaper which includes a

date line, a kicker and adverts. These small additions make the newspaper

seem more professional as they feature on all magazines, I have kept up with

the blue colour scheme to keep it looking neat and representational (this idea

came from my research on the Brighton and Hove newspaper) however I have

added in some other colours such as the kicker being in red and the “Taxi”

advert is written in yellow.

Page 4: Newspaper Front Cover Stages

I then started adding in the smaller articles on the side and a mini contents

section on what else is featured in the newspaper. I have kept colour scheme for

the contents section and underneath I have added in an “enquires” note with a

way of contacting the newspaper. So far I think the newspaper is looking quite

professional and I am sticking to my layout plan,

Page 5: Newspaper Front Cover Stages

This is the final piece, here I’ve added in my main article which is about a local

boy this keeps in with the local newspaper task. I have also added a picture to

go with this article, to get this I went along to some of the fencing classes at the

school (as this is what the article is about). I have also added in another advert

in the corner, there is still a blue theme on the front page but the picture and the

advert have added in some more colour to make it look a little less plain. I am

really pleased with how it looks.