
LATEST NEWS Drug Abuse Animals Info Pros and Cons of Business Administration And more! Globalization Effects ALL WHAT YOU WANT TO READ IN ONE NEWSPAPER

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Drug Abuse

Animals Info

Pros and Cons of

Business Administration

And more!

Globalization Effects


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Is drug abuse worthy at all?..............................................................3

Are animals intelligent?.....................................................................5

Business Administration…………………………………………………7

Computer Engineering………………………………………………….10

Globalization & Advertising…………………………………………….13

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Have you ever imagined yourself living in the streets, eating from a waste basket

or passing by others and being ignored? As sad as it might be, this is the everyday life

for almost two thousand human beings all over San Jose city. Without a doubt, this

population is commonly seen with fear and reject by the rest of the people. On the other

hands, some others feel sorry for them and a last part of population simply prefers to

ignore them. Although this problem is not handled with the importance it deserves, it is

an issue that affects each of us, since it can happen when we less expect it, to whoever

we can imagine. This is why it is so important to analyze the reasons and the

consequences drug consume can provoke.

As we already now, drug abuse is an issue that has existed since several years

ago. Some of the most popular substances nowadays are marihuana, cocaine, alcohol,

methamphetamines and MDAs (better known as ecstasies). Each of them causes huge

damage in our heath, as an example, cocaine “interferes with the chemical messengers

(neurotransmitters) that nerves use to communicate with each other. Cocaine blocks

norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters from being

reabsorbed. The resulting chemical buildup between nerves causes euphoria or feeling

"high.”1 However, besides all the toxic effects drugs can have in our organism; human

beings (majorly teenagers) keep consuming these products, not because of lack of

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information, but of self-esteem.

Another important aspect to consider when we refer to drug abuse is the

unlimited access people from all ages have to these substances. According to Costa

Rica´s National Drug Institute, a marihuana cigarette (for example) costs around one

dollar; sometimes a little more. This factor causes a bigger and easier consume from

teenagers, adults and even kids! On the other hand, besides alcohol and regular

cigarettes, none of the drugs mentioned before has an age "frame" restriction for its

consume. In addition, taking into consideration that most of these drugs are addictive,

we can conclude its access must be forbidden or at least a little more difficult than how

it really is.

But why is drug abuse such an important issue we all must pay attention to? First

of all, drug manipulation is often related with crimes such as stealing, in order to get the

money needed to buy these substances. Second, government spends a lot of millions

trying to find people involved with this illegal activity. And third, but not less important,

there is always the possibility of ending in the streets because of the drug addiction

developed by the pass of the time. Taking all these aspects into consideration, it is a

fact that drug abuse does not only affect our personal life and social bonds, but the

quality of life people around us deserve to have.

Without a doubt, drug abuse is part of our reality and it cannot be ignored. At this

moment there is a mother, a father, a son, a person living a life that no one, as a human

being, deserves. To feel sorry for them might be the easiest thing to do, however it will

not help to decrease this problem. Even though there are several organizations that

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work on this, the problem persists and this is not because their work is useless. We

need to act over the causes and not the consequences. There are several ways to help,

for example, if more information is needed you could work on campaigns to avoid

having more teenagers consuming these substances. In the other hand, if you know

about people who sell drugs there is the option report this to the police anonymously or

even do voluntary work in rehab organizations. Helping the others is a life changing

experience and once you get to know people´s story you finally realize how lucky you


By Valeria Pineda

Taken from

Visited on February 02nd, 2013

Are animals intelligent?

What does intelligence is? Intelligence is the ability related to understand,

assimilate and use this information to solve problems. When talking about animals,

intelligence refers to the capacity index in tasks requiring cognitive activity. While there

have been numerous intelligence tests that are based on problem solving, there is none

who has had full acceptance in the scientific field, so that the scientific community has

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developed another definition of animal intelligence. It is the ability to use elements the

environment where they live to solve their problems.

One of the main differences between animals and humans is that humans only

act morally. Animals feel pleasure and pain as we do. But they are not able to reflect

what they do and how they do it. Therefore, we cannot say that animals are not smart,

they are in their own way, because they are able to solve problems that arise in their

daily lives.

For me one of the smartest animals I know is the dog, as they are able to

recognize what is good or what is bad just hearing the tone of voice. They also know or

learn with repeating this means that performing the same movement often learn to

make that move and if they have a reward by the measure. In several experiments, the

research group awarded to the dog that was being rewarded with food if one leg was

lifted. With this example we realize how dogs learn.

In second place is the chimpanzee. Experts say this animal has the intelligence

of a young child, they are of great physical resemblance and mind, as many research

that chimpanzees are able to solve simple as adding and subtraction can be achieved

due to the repetition of these operations. They show that we are able to use different

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environmental elements as tools. This includes sticks for digging and defense, and to

enter into termite mounds, throwing stones when they are in danger, and even their

hands to drink water.

The fact that they are able to use these elements with similarity to humans

demonstrates how advanced the intelligence of the chimpanzee. Many experts say that

chimps are able to learn through the repetition of certain tasks to other people but that is

not intelligence if tasks can memorize but to me if you are smart enough because they

are able to learn through repetition and what humans do so it is not correct to say that

chimpanzees are not smart.

The third smartest animal is the dolphin. It has been said that dolphins´ brain is

very similar to humans. Dolphins have a very large and complex communication system

which scientists have not been able to decipher, but found that the ultrasound can help

relieve the brains of people with mental problems. On the other hand, it is also possible

to captive dolphins to teach others the tricks they learn during training.

As a conclusion, I believe that between us and animals there is more than one

difference. A million years ago, we were still stumbling through the jungle. We do have a

cultural legacy and highly advanced technology, which is what most distinguishes us

from any other animals. They all have the tools to survive, whether physical, mental,

using a stone or other objects. However, man is the only animal that has taken that

step, that small change, allowing us to be who we are.

By Guillermo Arroyo

Business Administration

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Why should you study business administration? Because what is being

experienced in the economy of many countries, would be good for young people to

study. Business administration can be divided into branches such as: Human

Resources, Marketing, Banking Finance, and Accounting. However, not many young

people feel able to study this career since it needs much application of mathematical

formulas or accounting.

It is also important to study management as it has a wide competitiveness either

on or off the field you studied. Studying this career, you will have a job in which you get

a good salary that will help you to pay for school or even to form your own family. One

of the most important points to consider is that time management and dedication are

needed. It is important to know that the more achievements you get, the better results

you will have in the future. Also, this career has many advantages, disadvantages, and

different factors that can make the career interesting.

There are lots of advantages of studying administration. When studying this

profession is that on completion of the career, students have extensive knowledge

enabling them to work in different areas of a company. In addition, every manager has

the capacity to create their own company, and directing various organizations. Ready to

be boss or manager in various areas of a company can also serve as an executive in

the private or public sector, as well as nonprofit organizations.

Another advantage of studying business administration is that it is a career in

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high demand and well paid. Young people, for economic reasons, cannot have their own

business; at least they can reach high positions in large companies receiving a salary

rather attractive reversed order. An interesting aspect of studying business

administration is that it can be a technical or professional career, ranging from three to

five years. Studying business administration, in these times of globalization, is a very

good decision, as it is located in a labor market with ample employment opportunities.

Perhaps, the biggest disadvantage is the amount of people who study it because

it is believed to be the most accessible. Furthermore, the number of places available is

limited, which means you may have trouble finding work. Despite having many fields

you can choose which one has to be sure that's what you want to study. If you want to

study business either at a public university cannot work because you studied day and

night, and if you do it in private you must be very well financially. Young people who

study and work at the same time extend the run up to 60% above its theoretical


Although there are many branches of government everyone has one in particular.

For me the most important is the marketing and captivating as I do record merchandise.

Also another reason why I want to study marketing is because I would like to learn how

to sell a product with the help of a good advertisement and a good marketing plan.

Another reason why I want to study this branch of government is the way of how to

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study the market before starting a business as well one knows whether it will be feasible

or not. But what is left of my career would study any other branch of government other

than marketing and one of them is international trade.

As we saw throughout this essay the career of administration is very important for

the economy of a country and also to get a proper job. The administration itself is not

required for this as this on top of ranking needs of its branches which make the

complete and prestigious career. But this career is one of the most studied in the

country so many young people in 2011 who came out of school and went to go to

college to study say no to administration because it is very difficult to find work,

because of the number of professionals that exist in this area.

Even though I was one of those students who said they were not peer into this

race due to saturation, I ignored them because this career is the one I like, no matter if

there are many professionals already on the market. As a conclusion, I can only say that

we must always strive to reach our goals, never give up as long as you like it and take

the risk even if it looks hard to achieve.

By Leonardo Calderón

Computer engineering!

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Computer engineering is a discipline that is

responsible for understanding the function of a computer

and for creating applications for solves our everyday

problems. A computer engineer should be able to

design, investigate, manage, operate and develop

resources using a computer. There are many areas of

application, for example business applications, Internet,

communication, networking, operating systems,

entertainment applications, etc. The presence of a computer engineer is essential in any

enterprise, public institution, hospital, school, university, etc. The jobs opportunities are

abundant in this area. The first step is to study the science of a computer.

A computer engineer must have a specific profile that identifies you as person

who is capable of understanding the needs of the society and who is able to provide a

computer solution to those requirements. He must be able to innovate and integrate

useful technological solutions. Also, an engineer has to use research tools in order to

strengthen the relationship between information technology and other sciences, so he

can perform competently in the labor market. In this area we need engineer leaders with

innovative ideas and teamwork skills, and the ability to develop information systems

with projects that fit with the company in which you are working.

The most important thing is to have critical thinking, systems thinking, and

something primordial, do not settle for learning the basic, you need to continue learning

about the new technologies. Furthermore, beyond the necessary computer skills, an

engineer must be a person attached to human values for the purpose of achieving

harmony with the other people.

Computer engineering is a very broad career that has many application areas.

When you end the bachelor, you have many skills and you could work in any area. The

bachelor degree first teach mathematical and logic

skills and then it begin to study the different

branches of the computer science; for example,

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networks, technical support, databases, programming, analysis, software, hardware,

etc. It is necessary for us to specialize in what we like to do. The area of programming is

especially for software developers; for those who like to create applications. IT security

is another part that is responsible for protecting all data from hackers and prevents

information theft.

Furthermore, the engineering is divided in the

telecommunications part. It is responsible for the

connection between computers, and it is vital to

share information. Specializing in technical support is

for those who like to help to solve the problems that

arise with computers, be it software or hardware

problems; and it is responsible for providing the necessary maintenance for the proper

functioning of computers. Furthermore, another part is information technology. It covers

databases, operating systems, consoles, post office, etc. It is important that you know

about most areas, although more in one than in another, because you never know what

you will face in a job.

Involvement of this engineering brings many advantages for company boss and

leaders of institutions mainly because it achieves the objectives faster, save workers

time, to give tools and to ensure process safety. A professional in the area of computers

has many job opportunities. Any enterprise or institution needs personnel to be

responsible for understanding the intelligence of computers. All businesses generate

large amounts of data, and it is necessary to support and keep it neatly on the

computers. They also need constant maintenance and computer applications for both

the hardware and software to improve business performance.

The necessity of humans to simplify our life grows more each day. Alongside

comes the development of technological

systems that organize the amount of data we

generate, and also new techniques of technology

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for communication. Many people are interested in studying computer science because it

offers a broad labor market. Also, if you are a qualified professional and manage to be

positioned in a good company, you can earn good money. To study this engineering

career it exist many university centers that offer good study plans including various

computer applications. Moreover, if you wish to learn on the Internet, you find many

useful tools to do so. The key is to be passionate about innovation.

By Cynthia Bermudez

Globalization & AdvertisingGlobalization is the process to involve new processes for humanity. These

processes close all the people around the world, and advertising is an area that

communicates a product or brand with civilization in a different manner. What is

between globalization and advertising, is that all human attitudes are the key for the

advertising in globalization.

So for this reason is important to study this processes of globalization. In order to

know how to communicate new products and do some publicities whit imagination and

creativity using this advantage in advertising processes.

One important action to considerer when you are investigating the globalization

process is the human demography. This is because you can study the culture and

personal attitudes of human beings. This is why it is important make a qualitative

investigation, in order to get all the information and resolve some problems to do good


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The people is in constant movement and it is difficult to get their attention,

making new strategies based in the globalization process is a good form to do start. As

characteristics of the new age we can mention technology, culture, education, war,

politics, science and others.

Another aspect to take into consideration is how does culture is affected by

advertising. This is an important question if the people are part of different cultures;

some sort of advertising can be rejected.

As a recommendation for the area of advertising we can say that it is important

that a professional or aspiring to this area should be always aware of the latest in

technology and globalization movements, should be investigating human behavior and

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changes undergone by processes of globalization

Also, not neglecting cultural demographics and how these are altered, so you

know as a professional that advertising or communication must always be aware that

the global and local events are in constant change.

By Buy Julio Cisneros