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NEWSLETTER COMMUNITY OF FAITH WITHOUT WALLS Without Walls Inc. Administraon Enquiries: 10:30am-2:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Email: [email protected] Phone: 0451 193 996, 0400 131 047 Office: 100 Lake St, Northbridge Postal Address: PO Box 516, Northbridge GREETINGS: SENIOR PASTORS PHIL & JEANNETTE HOWELL November 2016 Last Sup Wed is 21st Dec 2016 Last The Well 1is 16th Dec 2016 Sunday mornings connue all summer RAWchurch connues all summer GREETING FROM OUR SENIOR PASTOR JEANNETTE HOWELL Volunteer Night 26th Nov Carols by the Café 18th Dec Christmas Day Lunch 25th Dec Summer Getaway 18th—24th Jan Although our city has been a dry and thirsty place, there are signs that the Spirit of the Lord is moving and preparing a people who will flow with His plans and purposes in these days. In the midst of our spiritual desertthere are a number of streams which are flowing. 1. There is a stream of PRAISE & WORSHIP. As this stream deepens the Presence of the Lord will increase and the glory of the Lord will bring profound change to us. 2. There is a stream of PRAYER and INTERCESSION. The church is beginning to arise and pray as we face increased pressure and opposion in the realm of the Spirit. 3. There is a stream of the PROPHETIC and APOSTOLIC. As God connues to reveal His plans prophecally so also the apostolic anoinng is released to implement Gods strategies and get the job done. 4. There is a stream of the rising de of UNITY and we are seeing the body starng to come together and flow as one. The city-wide church can take the whole city. These streams are beginning to CONVERGE into the RIVER OF GOD, and as it deepens and gains more power it will flow towards the SEA (the harvest fields of people). The people in the river therefore have a HARVEST MENTALITY and REVIVAL will flow unabat- ed in Perth So lets get in the streams of Gods acvity and prepare for something mighty! Jeannee Howell

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Without Walls Inc. Administration

Enquiries: 10:30am-2:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Email: [email protected] Phone: 0451 193 996, 0400 131 047 Office: 100 Lake St, Northbridge Postal Address: PO Box 516, Northbridge


April 2016

November 2016

Last Sup Wed is 21st Dec 2016 Last The Well 1is 16th Dec 2016

Sunday mornings continue all summer RAWchurch continues all summer


Volunteer Night 26th Nov Carols by the Café 18th Dec

Christmas Day Lunch 25th Dec Summer Getaway 18th—24th Jan

Although our city has been a dry and thirsty place, there are signs that the Spirit of the Lord is moving and preparing a people who will flow with His plans and purposes in these days. In the midst of our “spiritual desert” there are a number of streams which are flowing. 1. There is a stream of PRAISE & WORSHIP. As this stream deepens the Presence of the Lord will increase and the glory of the Lord will bring profound change to us. 2. There is a stream of PRAYER and INTERCESSION. The church is beginning to arise and pray as we face increased pressure and opposition in the realm of the Spirit. 3. There is a stream of the PROPHETIC and APOSTOLIC. As God continues to reveal His plans prophetically so also the apostolic anointing is released to implement God’s strategies and get the job done. 4. There is a stream of the rising tide of UNITY and we are seeing the body starting to come together and flow as one. The city-wide church can take the whole city. These streams are beginning to CONVERGE into the RIVER OF GOD, and as it deepens and gains more power it will flow towards the SEA (the harvest fields of people). The people in the river therefore have a HARVEST MENTALITY and REVIVAL will flow unabat-ed in Perth So let’s get in the streams of God’s activity and prepare for something mighty! Jeannette Howell

Christmas Hampers

Since we are seeking God who is Spirit and whose home is in the spiritual dimension, unless we somehow make a connection with that realm we will not be able to hear Him speak to us. What we need to learn are the dynamics of getting into the Spirit. This means nothing more than tuning ourselves into the presence of the Holy Spirit and sensing what’s on His heart. How do we do that? Let us turn to the Scriptures for some insight. “...[if] you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 4:29)

In reading this passage, it is important to see that we are not merely being exhorted to just seek God – in the general sense of seeking Him– but we are given a method by which to seek Him. We are taught that if, by an act of our will, we could concentrate all our focus upon the Lord He would reveal Himself to us.

It’s not that we are given a religious process to reaching Him but rather an important key to touch-ing the spirit world – where He lives. It is how we tune ourselves into the Spirit. Simply put, as we direct our whole heart and soul toward God, we can become aware of spiritual things. Most of us already follow this very principle during our worship services. The moment when we get lost in worship is the moment when we sense the presence of God. This is the result of us giving our heart and soul to worship. If we are aware of His presence, we are connecting with Him and con-necting with the spiritual world. Yes, it’s that simple. If we could follow the same principle of getting lost in worship but during times of prayer then our hearts would will do the same and gradually we will become aware of His presence. As we spend time getting lost in prayer we feel the Holy Spirit inspiring our thoughts with His heart. This is what it means to get into the Spir-it. David Williams

Getting Into The Spirit

WW Warriors

Hello church family

We would love to introduce you to our church men’s basketball team, the Without Walls Warriors, born just a short time ago deep in the fires of this years Glory Camp.

We have already played our first season together, enjoying the team fellowship and lifting up the name of Jesus in our sportsmanship and have now grown into two teams; Warriors Joshua and Warriors Caleb comprised mainly of the guys from our Bridge ministry. We play every Saturday afternoon at Lakeside Rec Ctr (cnr of Bibra Dr and Farrington Rd) in Bibra Lake at 3.30pm and 4.20pm. We recently had our first derby which was an incredible game displaying our talents and sportsmanship and resulting in a 30 all draw!!

Please come along and support us as we are all family and we would greatly appreciate it. The games are exciting to watch and we look forward to seeing you there. If you’d like to play please speak to one of the people below. We are His warriors and we are not fighting flesh and blood….amen. Don, Mark, Alan, Wayne

Grocery Items for Hampers will be collected in baskets by the door at the Sunday and Wednesday meetings. Please contact Joan Sutherland on 0438 273 629 if you would like to nominate a family/person to receive a hamper.



We have had such a great year with WOW Youth but the fun isn’t over yet :) Our theme for Term 4 is ‘Heart After Yours’ - we are focussing on be-coming more like Jesus through the pursuit of Loving Him and others and building Godly Charac-ter in our lives. Highlights for this term include;

Movie in a Barn night 12 Nov 6pm - 9:30pm at the Nettlefold’s home Youth Alive 19 Nov Beach Party - End of Year Wind Up - 9 Dec

Reminder that we are welcoming those who will be in year 7 next year to come along for Term 4.

Ash and the WOW Youth Team Contact Ashley Mc // 0419 142 478

WOW Kids Kindy to Year 6 // CRECHE for 3yrs and under

Sarah James// [email protected]

Volunteers Party— 7.30pm on Saturday 26th November at LBC A night to come together and have some fun. ALL welcome especially our awesome volun-teers!

Carols by the Café— 7.30pm on Sunday 18th December at LBC A time for our community to gather in the open air to sing about our Saviour for all to hear.

Christmas Lunch at the Café- 12noon on Christmas Day. Volunteers needed.

Summer Getaway— Wed 18th—Tues 24th January in Busselton Registration Forms available now.

Glory Camp— EASTER LONG WEEKEND Fri 14th—Mon 17th April in Serpentine Registration Forms available now.

RAWCHURCH Under 40’s

Upcoming Events for your diary...

Often in our prayer meeting before RAWchurch at 6pm, we pray that God would draw people in from the streets and that they would come not just to eat the yummy food we supply but would eat of the Bread of Life.

A couple of weeks ago, one of our team was speaking with a young man who has been attend-ing RAW regularly this year. He told her that the place he worked closed down so he lost his job. He was concerned he would not be able to pay his rent and therefore become homeless. So he prayed and asked God for a new job. Not long after, a job became available but required him to work on a Sunday which meant he would not be able to attend RAW. Despite his desperate situation, he was not willing to forfeit coming to RAW, he said “I have to come to RAW, this is my bread”. Praise the Lord, He is good and is faithful to answer the prayers of His children...the young man was still employed and doesn’t have to work on Sundays! Sarah Bull and the Raw Team


Below is just one of the positive testimonies the team have received after completing the Lifekeys courses. We plan to run Lifekeys courses during the 2017 school terms...stay tuned for the dates. “…Of all the courses I have attended, Lifekeys stands alone. The freshly inspired teaching and warm, sup-portive format created a place where my expectations were exceeded. Over 10, week-ly sessions I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, deep personal healing and spiritual growth. As strangers we came together and quickly discovered an atmosphere of safety, trust, mutual respect and genuine care and my insecurities and fears dissolved. In quiet, reflective small groups, God worked in a gentle and profoundly personal way on my heart. I came away from the course with transformed personal truths and brilliant tools to help me continue my life’s journey. For me Lifekeys has been LIFE CHANGING!” Alison Moore

Community Thoughts about “One Another”

These two words, “one another,” when put into the New Testament are actually one word (allêlôn) in the original Greek language. Just a thought indicating that community actually is for us to relate and help where there is need.

When we look at the 59 times that the phrase “one another” or similar appears in the New Testament, they summarise to a number of statements such as:

Pray for one another James 5:16

Encourage one another Heb 3:12-13

Build one another up 1 Thess 5:9-11

Confess our faults to one another James 5:16

Love one another John 13:33-34

Be devoted to one another, hon-our one another Rom 12:10

Serve one another Gal 5:13

Bear with one another Col 3:12-13

Submit to one another Eph 5:19-21

Spur one another on Heb 10:24

Be hospitable to one another 1 Peter 4:8,9

Greet one another Rom 16:16

Over 30% of the one another’s concern the community get along together; an-other 30% instruct that we love one an-other and 15% stress an attitude of hu-mility and deference between believers.

Interesting thoughts – as we head towards Christmas, lets do the “one another” thing!! Blessings Glyn Jenkins


IN PRAISE OF SHORT-TERM MISSIONS With three different teams going out on the short-term mission field last month, we want to offer thanksgiving to God for the value of short-term missions in: Mobilizing every-day believers.

No other single tool has done more to introduce average believers to other cultures and contexts, opening their eyes to the needs of the world in gen- eral as well as giving them first-hand experience of some aspect of mission work, not to mention the personal dis- cipleship that may occur. Mobilizing every-day churches, putting the missions call, including local mis- sions, front and centre of church con- sciousness.

Bringing innovation to mission strate- gy. With new eyes come new ideas. Much can happen when people from different backgrounds apply their trail ing and skill-sets to a new situation. Medical mission is a good example. Business as Mission is a more recent example. This kind of cross-disciplinary pollenisation is the seedbed for innova tion.

Rob & Lyn Miller




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