newsletter to parents and carers july 2016

1 NEWSLETTER TO PARENTS and CARERS July 2016 Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to the final newsletter of the year, and what a year this has been! We are really pleased to report that since half term the majority of the school has been back in action, fully repaired after the devastating damage of Storm Desmond in December. The Humanities rooms are now fully occupied again and the pastoral teams have moved back into the Pastoral Hub. We are still in discussions with the Education Funding Agency about our bid for a new Sports Arena away from the flood plain; the temporary arena is in place until a decision is made on this. The examination season is finally over and we cannot praise the students highly enough for their professionalism in the way they approached the masterclasses, pre-exam briefings and the examinations themselves. We hope that they gain the results that they deserve. Since January we have worked closely with Ofqual and the examination boards to ensure that the additional pressure caused by the floods, and time missed in school because of this, is well understood. We are confident that our students will be treated in the same way as other students nationally who have experienced similar levels of difficulty. The last few weeks have seen a number of goodbyes. On Tuesday, 23 rd June we said goodbye formally to Y11 on their Leavers’ Day. It was an enjoyable morning with breakfast provided, time with tutors, year and form group photographs and a final assembly. Our thanks go to Mr McArdle in particular for planning an entertaining and memorable assembly which included a whole range of staff displaying their talents in Trinity’s own version of Gogglebox. On the Friday of the previous week the Y11 Prom took place at the Crown and Mitre. The students had a great time and represented the school well; we are very grateful indeed to the staff who came along to help make sure that all ran smoothly. Y13 had their Leavers’ Day on Wednesday, 29 th June. They had breakfast in the Bistro, a year group photograph and a quiz, as well as a final assembly. They still have the Y13 Ball to look forward to on July 8 th at Carlisle Racecourse. All Year 11 and Year 13 students along with their parents’ and carers will be invited to attend the Senior Awards Evening at Carlisle Cathedral on 8 th September to receive a leavers’ certificate and celebrate examination successes. John Stevenson, Carlisle’s MP, will be joining us to present the certificates. We have an action packed few weeks ahead of us before the year comes to a close. Sports Day will be different this year due to the continued unavailability of the Sheepmount. Events will take place over a number of days on the school fields, a year group at a time. Duke of Edinburgh expeditions go out during the last weeks of term and we have a group of Sixth Form along with two staff travelling to Southern India with World Challenge to complete a community project there. We hope many of you will join us for this year’s musical, Sweeney Todd, playing from 12 th to 14 th July. We also have House Services on 18 th July followed by the new style Junior Awards Evening in St Cuthbert’s Church at 7pm. We will be awarding the new Key Stage 3 Diploma to those who have achieved highly in Year 9. The new diploma seeks to reward those who have contributed to all aspects of life at Trinity. As ever at the end of the summer term, we say goodbye to staff who are leaving the school. We are grateful to all of them for their work with us and wish them well for the future. Miss Rodney (History), Mrs Hopkins (English), Mr Scott (History) and Mrs Fuller (Learning Support) leave us after filling gaps in those departments very well during this year. Ms Sunman (RS) and Mrs Hamilton (Maths) move to take up posts at other schools in the county and Mrs Sims (Psychology) leaves us to focus on family commitments. Ms Care (Learning Support) is leaving her current post to begin the School Direct training course, based here at Trinity. Also leaving us are Miss Atkinson (PE) who has gained a well- deserved promotion at Caldew School and Mrs Whitfield (Secretary to the Academy Trust) who is moving to a full time post at the University of Cumbria. We also say goodbye to three staff who are retiring. Ms Macdonald, Project Officer, joined us eight years ago to support our work on the rebuilding of the school and has remained as part of her site team since then. Mr Bowman (CDT) is also retiring after 11 years at the school … well almost retiring;

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July 2016 Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to the final newsletter of the year, and what a year this has been! We are really pleased to report that since half term the majority of the school has been back in action, fully repaired after the devastating damage of Storm Desmond in December. The Humanities rooms are now fully occupied again and the pastoral teams have moved back into the Pastoral Hub. We are still in discussions with the Education Funding Agency about our bid for a new Sports Arena away from the flood plain; the temporary arena is in place until a decision is made on this. The examination season is finally over and we cannot praise the students highly enough for their professionalism in the way they approached the masterclasses, pre-exam briefings and the examinations themselves. We hope that they gain the results that they deserve. Since January we have worked closely with Ofqual and the examination boards to ensure that the additional pressure caused by the floods, and time missed in school because of this, is well understood. We are confident that our students will be treated in the same way as other students nationally who have experienced similar levels of difficulty. The last few weeks have seen a number of goodbyes. On Tuesday, 23rd June we said goodbye formally to Y11 on their Leavers’ Day. It was an enjoyable morning with breakfast provided, time with tutors, year and form group photographs and a final assembly. Our thanks go to Mr McArdle in particular for planning an entertaining and memorable assembly which included a whole range of staff displaying their talents in Trinity’s own version of Gogglebox. On the Friday of the previous week the Y11 Prom took place at the Crown and Mitre. The students had a great time and represented the school well; we are very grateful indeed to the staff who came along to help make sure that all ran smoothly. Y13 had their Leavers’ Day on Wednesday, 29th June. They had breakfast in the Bistro, a year group photograph and a quiz, as well as a final assembly. They still have the Y13 Ball to look forward to on July 8th at Carlisle Racecourse. All Year 11 and Year 13 students along with their parents’ and carers will be invited to attend the Senior Awards Evening at Carlisle Cathedral on 8th September to receive a leavers’ certificate and celebrate examination successes. John Stevenson, Carlisle’s MP, will be joining us to present the certificates. We have an action packed few weeks ahead of us before the year comes to a close. Sports Day will be different this year due to the continued unavailability of the Sheepmount. Events will take place over a number of days on the school fields, a year group at a time. Duke of Edinburgh expeditions go out during the last weeks of term and we have a group of Sixth Form along with two staff travelling to Southern India with World Challenge to complete a community project there. We hope many of you will join us for this year’s musical, Sweeney Todd, playing from 12th to 14th July. We also have House Services on 18th July followed by the new style Junior Awards Evening in St Cuthbert’s Church at 7pm. We will be awarding the new Key Stage 3 Diploma to those who have achieved highly in Year 9. The new diploma seeks to reward those who have contributed to all aspects of life at Trinity. As ever at the end of the summer term, we say goodbye to staff who are leaving the school. We are grateful to all of them for their work with us and wish them well for the future. Miss Rodney (History), Mrs Hopkins (English), Mr Scott (History) and Mrs Fuller (Learning Support) leave us after filling gaps in those departments very well during this year. Ms Sunman (RS) and Mrs Hamilton (Maths) move to take up posts at other schools in the county and Mrs Sims (Psychology) leaves us to focus on family commitments. Ms Care (Learning Support) is leaving her current post to begin the School Direct training course, based here at Trinity. Also leaving us are Miss Atkinson (PE) who has gained a well-deserved promotion at Caldew School and Mrs Whitfield (Secretary to the Academy Trust) who is moving to a full time post at the University of Cumbria. We also say goodbye to three staff who are retiring. Ms Macdonald, Project Officer, joined us eight years ago to support our work on the rebuilding of the school and has remained as part of her site team since then. Mr Bowman (CDT) is also retiring after 11 years at the school … well almost retiring;



he will return to teach one day a week for next year to help plug a gap for us. Mrs McKay, Kitchen Supervisor for the Sixth Form Bistro, retires after 24 years’ service to the school. Then last but not least we say goodbye to Mr Snaith (History), part of the fabric at Trinity School for the past 34 years: so many students have benefitted from his teaching and from the passion he has for his subject. We are grateful to these staff for their loyalty and commitment to the school and wish them the very best of retirements. We wish you all an enjoyable summer and look forward to welcoming everyone back in September. Yours sincerely Sheila Johnston and Derek Kay Co-Headteachers

CHAPLAINCY This half term has gone fast! In form time students have been thinking about three big topics under the following titles: Birthdays and British values, the World and Welcome, and Sport. In June we started with information about the Queen's official birthday, and thought about service and promises. We also looked at the life of Muhammad Ali and the ways in which he had spoken out and campaigned for social justice on behalf of black people in America and Britain. We saw footage of his visit to Brixton during the colour bar and reflected on his decision to speak against the war in Vietnam. We also listened to people talk about the impact of his life and looked at quotes attributed to him. We made links between some of the things he stood for, including respect and freedom of speech, with British values. Students were also asked to think about the ways in which faith can enable action and the importance of 'letting our lives speak.' During the second half of June we tackled some complex issues. Welcome and the World began with a Thought for the Day video about refugees from Syria; their journeys and why they were leaving their own country. Tutors encountered a range of responses from students and had some good discussions. They also had access to a clip about Rita Ora, the singer who came to London as a baby during the Kosovan crisis. She talked about her feelings as a refugee and her identity. Mo Farah's life and experiences were also considered, as well as his contribution to national life. The second week of this topic saw us looking at the life of Jo Cox MP and thinking about the idea of understanding different views and building bridges. A clip of Amir Khan the boxer visiting Carlisle in the aftermath of the floods was included in this video to underline the theme of bridging communities and looking out to other situations. The Good Samaritan story (in a modern version), was part of resources used to reflect on the question 'Who is our neighbour?' As we head towards the end of term and the end of another busy and exciting year we are using sport to think about hope, endurance, community and trust. Wales' progress in the Euros has inspired us to focus again on the importance of dreams and being unafraid to fail! We're also thinking about team spirit and underdogs. The story of David and Goliath features in the Thought for the Day video Sport 2, and students are being encouraged to understand and believe in their potential to make a difference in the world, to play a part in the bigger picture and the fight for good. Four of our students in yrs 8 and 9 are interviewed in Sport 1, and talk impressively about their commitment to boxing and what they've learned from it including the development of humility and respect as well as the ability to see failure as a place of learning and growth. The last week of term sees us taking the Welsh football team's slogan 'Together we're stronger' on from our Sport theme and in to Celebration, our final topic for the year. We focus on the idea of interdependence and all the things we've achieved and worked for as a community, the ways we benefit from each other and the ways we can learn and grow together. We also celebrate our individual achievements and the things we have to look forward to! It has been wonderful to get to know and meet different students as this year has gone on. Some in very sad situations, some in humorous ones, and some who bring enthusiasm and ideas to Thought for the Day. The work of pointing to, bringing in and praying for, life full to overflowing for all our students, is huge and shared by all our staff. It is also really exciting and hopeful.



Sending you all lots of good wishes for a full and enjoyable summer.

Caroline Kennedy, School Chaplain

INFORMATION AND REMINDERS Attendance at school and holidays If you are thinking of taking your child out of school during term time please complete a Leave of Absence request. The form is available from Reception or on our website.

Exam Certificates GCSE, AS & A Level Certificates for examinations taken in summer 2015 are available for collection from the Sixth Form Centre during school hours. Instrumental Fees 2015/16: A reminder to parents/carers who are not paying by monthly standing order payments: the third instalment was due to reach us by 30.06.16, this is the final payment for 2015/16 and should be paid urgently. Payment can be made by standing order, credit/debit card either with ParentPay or by phoning the Finance Office. Payments by cash and cheque are still acceptable, cheques should be made payable to “Trinity School”. Cumbria Music Service operates an Instrument lease scheme which is available to any young person in Cumbria. There is also an Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme run by Cumbria Music Service enabling students receiving tuition with Cumbria Music Service Teachers to purchase their own instrument without paying VAT. Please contact Mrs Richardson, Head of Music, for more information about this scheme. Instrumental Fees 2016/17: Students who are continuing with lessons next year can collect an Arrangement letter and consent form from the Music Office or down load one from the school web site. Please can these be returned to the Finance Office. Payment for School Meals: Please ensure you give your children the correct change for topping up their school meal a/c’s at the re-valuers as change is not given and may not be available in school. Payment by cheque is acceptable but cheques must be made payable to ‘Mellors Catering Services Ltd’. Parents/carers are reminded that topping up can also be done via ParentPay with a credit or debit card. Cheque Payments: Just a reminder that if you are sending a cheque payment into school you should write clearly on the back the students name, form and reason for payment. If you have a query or you require further information please contact the Finance Office on 01228 516051 ext 215.

Mrs A Larking, Finance Manager


All Year 8 students have now completed their final challenge for the Archbishop of York Young Leaders’ Award. The Archbishop of York Youth Trust exists to empower young people to ‘be the change you want to see’ in their schools, communities and the world!



Year 8 Students spent a morning working in the Community, either on 27th June at Wetheral Animal Refuge, or on 29th June at one of the following: Watchtree Wheelers, Ratlingate Scout Camp Site, or Eden Valley Hospice. Despite the weather - horrendous rain, they were able to make a difference in the local community with tasks such as filling in holes in fields to painting shutters, steps or benches, cleaning ditches, sweeping, and weeding. All arrived back at school very wet, but with the sense of having had some impact in the community and with the realisation that volunteering can be fun but also exhausting work! On the completion of all challenges, students were due to receive their Awards at a service in Carlisle Cathedral. Due to the school closure the original date of 5th July had to be cancelled; a new date is currently being set. As before the certificates and badges will be presented by Dan Finn, Director of the Archbishop Young Leaders Programme. Please encourage your students to complete their personal challenges for those outstanding and sign the log sheet if you have not already done so. These need to be finalised by 15 th July 2016.

Mrs Shore, Subject Leader for Religion, Philosophy and Ethics.



Year 5 Open Evening We were delighted to welcome parents and children to Trinity for an Open Evening on Thursday 30th June from 5pm until 8pm. They had the opportunity to learn about the school via introductory talks, and then were given tours of the Lower School by staff and students. New Year 7 Students On Monday, 4th July our new intake of Year 7 students spent a day in school familiarising themselves with their surroundings and form groups. On Tuesday, 5th July their parents were invited into school. They were welcomed by senior school staff and had the opportunity to meet their child’s form tutor. Work Experience Week Our Year 10 students spent this week out on work experience. We send our thanks to all the employers who agreed to host them – it is very much appreciated. Special thanks to Mrs Ewing for the planning and organisation that has gone into ensuring that every student has a placement. BBC Chamber Choir Competition Our Music Department participated in the BBC Chamber Choir competition on Saturday 11th June. The Trinity Choir was one of four Choirs who went through to the National Selection stage and were selected Choir of the Day. Many congratulations to all involved. Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award A number of our Year 12 students are working towards their Gold Award. We are very fortunate here at Trinity School to be able to offer expeditions involving Open Canoeing. This gives students a great opportunity to "get out of their comfort zone" and experience a totally new expedition environment.



We use many of the Lakeland waters and meres but wander further afield to Loch Ken and Loch Lomond in Scotland for the practice and assessed expeditions. Nine students have just come back from a three day expedition on Loch Ken where they experienced the full range of Southern Scottish weather. Rafting up and canoe sailing 5 miles up the Loch in a gathering storm was definitely a highlight, as was a sunny lazy lunch amid wild flowers and soaring red kites. Loch Lomond is the ultimate goal this July when they undertake their four day assessed expedition unsupported, camping on islands and wild shore lines. This is always an unforgettable experience which tests both physical and mental stamina. Loch Lomond is big and the conditions can be testing! Mr Martin, D of E Expedition Leader

HOUSE NEWS Kilimanjaro House We have reached the end of another incredibly busy and exciting year in Kili House. It has been a year with many success stories for the students of our house. Year 11s have gone on to the world of work or sixth form and they go with our good wishes and luck for the future. At the start of July we welcomed our new year 6 students to Kili House who will be joining us in September. We look forward to seeing the talents and the qualities that they will bring to our House. Kilimanjaro House will celebrate the achievements of all its students at our annual House service at St Cuthberts Church. We look forward to hearing about the brilliant academic and sporting successes of our students. We also take a great pride in our house and how we look after each other and support each other throughout difficult times. This has been very noticeable in both Mrs McArdle and Mrs Reay’s Year 7 form groups as they settled in well to life in Kili House. New House and Deputy House captains have recently been appointed. We are delighted to introduce Jack Morris and Jazmine Hannah Jordan as House Captains and Jasmine Metherall and Callum Woods as Vice House Captains. They have been doing a tremendous job so far coming up with House charity ideas and thinking of various ways of making sure all students voices are heard. Our Year 10s were a credit to the House recently when they went on Work Experience. It is great to see them back in lessons having made the most of this experience. It has provided them with a real insight into the skills required in the workplace and employers were certainly more than impressed with our students. As this school year draws to an end it is with fondness that we bid farewell to Mr Snaith. Mr Snaith has supported his tutor group 8TSN for the last two years in Kilimanjaro House. I know that they will miss him and want to thank him for all that he has done for them. All the best for the future Mr Snaith, you will be missed! Ms Bowes and I hope that you all have a very enjoyable and restful summer. See you all in September

Ms Bowes and Mrs Moody

Everest House We have come to the end of what has been a very busy year for Everest House and we are all looking forward to the summer holidays for a chance to rest and re-charge, ready for starting all over again in September. Once again, Everest House has showcased its charitable credentials and, in conjunction with the Archbishop’s Award, our Year 8 forms have been working hard to raise funds to support the people of Nepal. The previous two years have been devastating for Nepal: first with the avalanche in 2014 and then the earthquake in April last year and the country is still recovering. This is an area of the world that is very close to our hearts in Everest House and you may recall that last year we raised funds to support DEC (Disaster Emergency Committee) in assisting the people of Nepal for the second year in a row. During the Easter break, Mr Watchman travelled to Nepal and he witnessed at first hand the ongoing effects of these disasters and he generously offered to speak to both 8MCO and 8MDA about his experiences. Followig this we have had delicious cake sales and 8MCO have created a



sweep for the European Championships, creating a full tournament of teams for each House. As I write this I know I am not a winner as I drew Iceland however, Mrs Barwick and Mrs Bentley are still in with a chance! All of the money that is raised will be going to a charity which supports Nepalese families in providing the materials to help their children access education. Jessica Machin 10SMR has continued with her sporting success as part of a crew from Talkin Tarn Amateur Rowing Club, taking part in the local regatta that was held on Saturday. Some of you may have seen the lovely article in the Evening News and Star on Tuesday evening regarding the Rowing Club. Two of our Y7 students, Charlie Hutchinson and Stanley McAlindon, both 7JLY, have also been part of the County Cricket Team this summer and have been playing in matches all across the north of England. The summer term means exams and is a very busy time in school. It is also the time of year when we say goodbye and 11ASH and 11NFO deserve a special mention as they were both fantastic form groups and a credit to our House and their Form Tutors. The Prom was a truly wonderful evening with lots of glitz and glam on show, and the girls dressed up nicely too! Leavers’ Day was a real mixture of emotions: pride at how much our students had grown and achieved over the last five years, tinged with a little sadness that they will no longer belong to Everest House, but also joy that everyone is moving onto the next stage of their lives, whether to Sixth Form, College or apprenticeships and the world of work. Whatever the future holds, we wish every single student the very best. As we say goodbye to Year 11, we welcome our new starters. Our new Year 7 intake had a fantastic day here last Monday and it was a joy to see just how excited they all are to join us in September. We look forward to welcoming 7ASH and 7SDT again on 5th September. Mrs Dutton will be joining the Everest team in September and I know she is very much looking forward to meeting everyone, especially her new form. However, as we say hello to the new beginners we must also say goodbye to Mr Foster and Ms Sunman who are moving on to different things. They have been wonderful form tutors and will be missed greatly by Everest House. Ms Sunman is moving to a new position at Nelson Thomlinson School and we wish her every success in her new role. However, it is not a final goodbye from Mr Foster as he is joining Nile House to take over from Miss Atkinson. Finally, we would like to wish everyone a very happy and fun-filled summer holiday. We look forward to seeing you all in September.

Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Barwick Amazon House As we near the end of term it is always a time of busy preparation for September and also that of reflection over the past year. We will be together in St Cuthbert’s Church on Monday 18th July around 1.15pm to celebrate all the achievements of Amazon House students this year. Monday 18th is a busy day as following this at 3.15pm we will be dedicating a tree to the memory of Andrew Murray, our DT technician, who very sadly died over this academic year, and we will be celebrating the achievements of our Year 9 students at the Junior Awards evening. I think all that will happen on the 18th reflects the year – a lot of extremes – very high and very low – although Amazon House wasn’t directly affected by the flooding it caused significant complications in our House area for a while. Through all of this there has been a tremendous community spirit – we were back to assemblies at the end of last week, following the final GCSE examinations and the theme was very much about supporting each other and working as a team to make progress and move forwards – in these unsettling times all around us the best thing we can do is to support our communities. I am proud to introduce our House Captains and deputy House Captains to you – they have already made a significant effort to improve the community of Amazon House and have made some impressive plans for September – so watch this space! House Captains are Chloe Chambers and Theo Tindall and deputies are Daniel Dalton, Lucy Atkinson and keeping them all organised Chloe Simpson. As you will read in the next section we are incredibly proud of Leia Ransley of 8APA who was the youngest ever award winner of the Spirit of Cumbria award for all the work she did to support her community during the floods. But this is only part of Leia’s story – she is a fabulous example to all for her hard work and dedication in every aspect of her life. There are many other students – in fact the majority of Amazon House – who work hard every single lesson, every day, who attend every day and are always smart in uniform, and Mr Mac and I are rightly proud of every single one of them. Have a great summer and look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 5th September.



Following the flooding in December 2015 when Trinity School was closed for students, Leia took it upon herself to volunteer at Norman Street Primary every day, helping wherever she could, with students that had been flooded, with community events and with the cookery club after school. Leia worked with Mum to collect all the donated gifts from retailers, assisted in sorting them into appropriate age groups, helped wrap over 700 gifts and then became one of Santa's elves to deliver them to the children of Norman Street Primary. Gifts that were left were donated to Women and children's homeless hostels and Samaritans. Leia did all this whilst continuing to do the homework set during the school closure plus nursing her step-dad Steve who had just had major hip surgery. There were a lot of very deserving and heroic people there. There were hundreds of nominations and just 25 were invited and shortlisted out of those hundreds. Leia was of course one of those. There were 15 awards in total and Leia was chosen as one of the final 15 heroes for the effort she put in to help people. She had a standing ovation from the visitors as she was the youngest, at just 12, to receive an award and people were in awe of her efforts and kindness and selfless character. Leia has successfully completed her Archbishop of York award including several cake sales and an Afternoon tea with Norman Street School where £215 was raised for Meningitis and Septicaemia charities. We are rightly proud of all Leia does at Trinity and in her community. She is a hard-working and dedicated student whose selfless kindness and thoughtfulness know no bounds. She completely deserves this award.

Mrs Walton and Mr McMullen Nile House Following the Year 11 Prom on Friday 24th June we were able to join with our Year 11s for their Year 11 Celebration Day. We wish every single one of Year 11s the very best of luck whether they are joining our 6th Form, entering employment, an apprenticeship or starting College. We thank Mr Birch for all his work with 11DBI, Mr Sadler for stepping in since Easter to take over 11PEL. Our Year 10s have returned from a successful week on work experience from Monday 27th to Friday 1st July. Our new Year 7s spent the day with us on Monday 4th July and made a very good first impression. A big thank you to all the students that donated dozens and dozens of unwanted football shirts that will be handed out to children that Nile House supports at the Bethsaida Orphanage Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. As we approach the end of term we will be celebrating the achievements of students in Nile House at our House Service at St Cuthbert’s on Monday 18th July during p3. Due to the unavailability of the flood damaged Sheepmount athletics track we have Year group Sports Days at school – Year 8 on Tues 12th July during periods 4 and 5, Year 7 on Friday 15th July p 1 and 2 and Year 9 Friday 15th July p 4 and 5. Nile House would like to congratulate Miss Atkinson on her promotion to Head of House at Caldew School – thank you for all you have done for your Form – 10 JAT and for the school – you will be missed. In September we welcome Mr Foster to Nile House who will take over Miss Atkinson’s form and new staff looking after our two new Year 7 forms – Mrs Osborne and Mrs Sibley. Very best wishes for the summer break! Mr Hall and Mrs Wylie

Leia Ransley 8 APA Amazon House Youngest ever recipient of the Spirit of Cumbria Award



SIXTH FORM NEWS Year 13 Leavers’ Day Year 13 Leavers’ Day took place in the Sixth Form Centre on 29 June. Our very smartly dressed students began the day with photos with their year group and form tutors. They then enjoyed breakfast, very kindly sponsored again by Pioneer Foods, followed by a fun quiz devised by our Student Leadership Team and an entertaining ‘Ode to the Class of 2016’ written and read by Mr Wilson. The morning ended with a final assembly featuring some photographic memories of the students’ time at Trinity and many good wishes from the staff. Sixth Form Induction Programme The two day Sixth Form Induction Programme was held on 30 June – 1 July for students with offers to join Year 12 in September. Over the course of the two days we welcomed a large number of our Year 11 students along with many students who are new to Trinity. The University of Cumbria opened the programme with a ‘Moving from GCSE to A Level’ talk. Students were then given a taste of Sixth Form life, attending lessons in their chosen subjects and meeting their new form groups and Form Tutors.


Awards Evening All students who are currently in Year 11 and Year 13 will be invited, with their parents and carers, to an Awards Evening at the Cathedral on Thursday 8th September. We will be holding two events, one for each year group, and will present all students with certificates for examination successes. There will be some prizes, too, and John Stevenson, MP, will be our guest speaker. Non Uniform Day Student Leaders have been working closely with Pastoral staff throughout the year to raise money for House charities. The final fundraising activity of the year will be a ‘non-uniform’ last day of term. Students should come to School in smart casual clothes. It is requested that each participating student donates £1, which will be collected by Form Tutors for later donation to the following charities; Amazon - Jaguar conservation programme in the Amazon Rainforest Everest – The Jigsaw appeal, Eden Valley Hospice Nile House – Bethsaida Orphanage, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Kilimanjaro – Cash for Kids Please also note that House meeting rooms will also be opened up on this last day to receive any outgrown or unwanted school uniform/sports kit. We intend to again forward such items to vulnerable communities; some of which may be linked to our overseas projects. If you are in a position to donate, garments should be deposited in House areas between 8-8.30am.






Young Leaders Tennis Well done to the following students who were actively involved in helping to run the Tennis Competition for the Cumbria School Games at Bitts Park on Tuesday 24th May: James Hale, Fraser Barrowclough, Sophie Huggon, Jessica Hetherington, Joseph Broadley, James Best, Jack Mark-Bertram. Hockey Congratulations to our Y8 and Y11 Hockey Captains, Jessica Wharton and Kyra Walton, who have been selected for the Junior regional performance centre - an outstanding achievement. Jess and Kyra will now attend a series of 6 training sessions over in Durham. Good luck to you both - we're very proud of you! Cricket Ten 10 Final held at Edenside William Howard 55 for 5 off 10 overs Trinity 56 for 3 off 7 overs Will Clark 30 retired Squad: Will Clark, Adam Tiffen, Johnny Westgarth, Jack Crawford, Harry Hetherington, Seamus Edwards, Charlie Birch, Euan Furlow, Arda Ozerin, Ben Clarke, Ben Gill Cricket Year 7 Cumbria Schools 8 a-side Finals held at Furness Cricket Club on Tuesday 21st June Trinity were representing Carlisle as a result of winning the Carlisle Schools event. The Trinity team won all their matches against Penrith Grammar School, Cockermouth, Ulverston and West Lakes, making them County Champions and retaining the Year 7 trophy. Squad: Stanley McAlindon, Connor Currie, Charlie Hutchinson, Cameron Carter, Alfie Batty, Matthew Foster, Lewis Mitchinson, Sam Robertson. Carlisle Schools Under 13 Final held at Edenside on Thursday 23rd June Nelson Thomlinson 141 for 5 in 20 overs Trinity 101 for 5 in 20 overs Patrick Muldoon 20, Jack Patrick 24 Cumbria Schools Cricket Congratulations to Stanley McAlindon and Charlie Hutchinson who represented Cumbria Under 12 team on Friday 17th June. Congratulations also to Will Clark, Year 9, who has also represented Cumbria schools recently. Cricket Under 15 County Cup Under 14 Austin Friars 201 for 6 off 20 overs Trinity 95 for 6 off 16 overs Johnny Davidson 102 retired. Joe Connelly 52 Will Clark 27 retired Trinity 201 for 4 off 19 Austin Friars 84 all out in 16 overs Will Clark 107 not out, Alice Heaton 36 Cricket Well done to the following Year 9 students who assisted with the Primary Schools Cricket competition as part of their Cricket Activators course: Alice Heaton, Mitchell Proudfoot, Ben Gill, Jack Crawford and Johnny Westgarth. Thank you to Mr Marc Brown who has led the course. Athletics Congratulations to: Will Clark who was placed 6th and Euan Noble who was placed 7th in the regional multi-events competition at Blackburn. The Cumbrian team have now qualified for the National Finals. Connor Currie, Isaac Tait, Cameron Carter, Lewis Mitchinson and Shea Griffin who all represented Carlisle Schools Athletics team and the County Year 7 championships at Whitehaven on Wednesday 29th June. Congratulations to Sam Buszko, Year 11, who has been selected to represent Cumbria Schools Athletics team at the English Schools Championships. Sam will be competing in the Intermediate Boys Javelin event.



Carlisle Schools Year 7 & 8 Championships held at Caldew School on Wednesday 22nd June Trinity results: Year 7 Girls and Boys - runners up and Year 8 Girls and Boys winners Year 8 Boys 100m - Harrison Andrews 1st, 200m - Ben Glencross 3rd, 300m - George Messenger 1st, 800m - Marcus Dodd 2nd, 1500m - Michael McKie 2nd, Shot - Louis Graham 1st, Discus - Adam Walton 2nd, Javelin - Elliot Walton 4th, High Jump - Ted Bowman 2nd, Long Jump - Roan Steele 2nd, Triple Jump - Joe White 1st, Relay - Roan Steele, Adam Walton, Charlie Johnston, George Messenger 1st Year 7 Boys Hurdles - Connor Currie 1st, 100m - Isaac Tait 2nd, 200m - Joe Earl 4th, 300m - Cameron Carter 2nd, 800m - Lewis Mitchinson 2nd, 1500m - Archie Morley 4th, Shot - Dominic Burns 4th, Discus - Stanley McAlindon 4th, Javelin - Toby Marshall 4th, High Jump - Shea Griffin 1st, Long Jump - Niall Siddaway 3rd, Relay - Connor Currie, Isaac Tait, Lewis Mitchinson, Matthew Foster 1st Congratulations to the Intermediate Boys, Junior Girls and Junior Boys teams who competed in the English Schools Track and Field Cup Regional A Final at Wigan on Wednesday 15th June. They reached the Regional A Final as a result of being one of the top twelve scoring teams in the Round 1 competitions. Junior Girls were placed 12th, Intermediate Boys were placed 7th and Junior Boys were placed 4th. Athletics Regional B Final at Blackpool on Tuesday 14th June Intermediate Girls: Trinity were placed 1st. Cumbria Schools Athletics Congratulations to the following Athletes who were selected to represent Cumbria on Saturday 18th June against Northumberland and Durham in an Inter-counties triangular match: Junior Boys: Oliver Burns – High Jump, Joe White – 1500m, Michael Williamson – 200m, Will Clark – Triple Jump. Intermediate Boys: Robbie Cowley – 400m, Kieran Reynolds – 1500m, Ben Fawkes – Triple Jump, Owen McCorry – Discus, Sam Buszko – Javelin, Robbie Bell – 200m. Junior Girls: Alice Heaton – Shot. Intermediate Girls: Holly Falder – 100m. Best wishes to Will Clark and Euan Noble who are representing Cumbria Schools Multi-events Athletics Team at Blackburn. Junior Boys Hurdles Ben Gill 3rd, 100m Harry Reid 1st, 200m Arda Ozerin 1st, 300m Adam Walton 1st, 800m Joe White 1st, Relay Trinity 1st, Shot Michael Williams 1st, Discus Euan Noble 2nd, Javelin Louis Graham 2nd, High Jump Oliver Burns 1st, Long Jump Charlie Johnston 2nd, Triple Jump Will Clark 1st. Intermediate Boys Hurdles Ben Fawkes 1st, 100m Thomas Hiscox 1st, 200m Warren Taylor 1st, 400m Robbie Cowley 1st, 800m Alex Park 4th, 1500 Thomas Hickey 1st, Relay Trinity 2nd, Triple Jump Ben Fawkes 1st, Long Jump Thomas Hiscox 3rd, High Jump Warren Taylor 1st, Shot Ethan Styles 2nd, Discus Jack Elliot 2nd, Javelin Ethan Styles 6th. Cumbria Schools Athletics Championships held at Copeland Stadium on Saturday 4th June Results for Junior Boys Years 8/9: Harry Reid Y9 100m 4th in heat Arda Ozerin Y9 200m 4th in final Michael Williamson Y9 200m 2nd in final Shot 4th in final Adam Walton Y8 300m 4th in final Mitch Liddle Y9 800m 9th in final Joe White Y8 1500m 2nd in final Oliver Burns Y9 1500m 5th in final High Jump 2nd in final Euan Noble Y9 Shot 3rd in final Long Jump 3rd in final Charlie Johnston Y9 Long Jump 4th in final Will Clark Y9 Triple Jump 2nd in final Louis Graham Y8 Javelin 11th in final Results for Intermediate Boys Years 10/11 Ben Fawkes Y10 Hurdles 4th in final Triple Jump 2nd in final Thomas Hiscox Y10 100m 5th in final Long Jump 4m57 Warren Taylor Y10 200m 4th in final



High Jump 1m50 Robbie Bell Y11 200m 2nd in final Robbie Cowley Y10 400m 2nd in final Kiaran Reynolds Y11 1500m 1st in final Thomas Hickey Y10 1500m 5th in final Sam Buszko Y11 Shot 5th in final Javelin 2nd in final Owen McCorry Y11 Discus 2nd in final Border Liners Carlisle Schools' Orienteering League Congratulations to all our Trinity orienteers. Our team finished 1st in the Secondary School section of the Border Liners Carlisle Schools' League. We also had some fantastic results in the individual competitions: Boys’ Year 7-9 event: 1st - Finn Halford 3rd - Archie Morley 4th - Alex Halford 5th - Jack Elliott Girls’ Year 7-9 event: 3rd - Sophie Milburn 5th - Bethany Iveson Well done to all those who took part and to all that helped at the events. A big thank you to Stanwix School for sponsoring the map production costs this year and to John and Pam Roelich for organising and running what is their 16th year of the Carlisle Schools' League.

We are very happy to be ‘open for business’ in the Chapman library after the disruption caused by the floods. With most of our fiction books now replaced and back on the shelves, we are focusing our attention to non-fiction books and hope to have more new books in the Autumn term. Outstanding library books If any students have library books on loan at the moment, we would really appreciate it if these are returned before the end of term. Please just drop them into the Chapman library. Cressida “How to train your dragon” Cowell visit We were delighted to welcome Cressida Cowell to the library earlier this month. Cressida has written 12 books in the ‘How to train your dragon’ series and, of course, the characters she created have been used in the successful films. She spent the lunchtime answering questions from some of the students in our reading groups and Miss Care’s English group. Cressida also took some time to sign books, pose for selfies and drew a brilliant signed illustration which is now on display in the library. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the session and it provided a real boost after so many months without our library. Spellbinding Book Award After a term spent reading the books, our Spellbinding reading group voted for their favourite book from the shortlist just before half term. Trinity’s favourite was Apple and Rain by Sarah Crossan. Four Trinity students – Chelsea Shankland, Charlotte Slone, Jake Mann and Amy Robertshaw - attended the Award Day in Penrith in June. They met up with students from all over Cumbria to decide on the overall winner. After much deliberation, The Wolf Wilder by Katherine Rundell was announced as the Spellbinding Book for 2016. Thank you for your donation! And finally, we would like to say a huge thank you to Ethan Catton’s grandmother and her friends in Lincoln, who held a fund raising event for the library. Mrs Catton presented the library with a cheque for £350 this term and we will let you know soon about all the lovely books we will buy with this. Thank you very much!



TERM DATES for 2015/2016

First Day of Term Last Day of Term Half Term Week

2016 Summer Term Monday 11th April

Thursday 21st July 2016

Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June (Early May Bank Holiday - Monday 2nd May)

TERM DATES for 2016/2017

First Day of Term Last Day of Term Half Term Week

Autumn term 2016 Monday 5th September

Friday 16th December

Monday 24th October – Friday 28th October

Spring term 2017 Thursday 5th January

Friday 7th April Monday 20th February – Friday 24th February

Summer term 2017 Monday 24th April

Thursday 20th July

Good Friday – 14th April Easter Sunday 16th April Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June (Early May Bank Holiday – Monday 1st May)


Friday 8th July Year 13 Leavers’ Ball

Tuesday 12th – Thursday 14th July Whole School Musical

Thursday 14th July Year 9 Interim to Parents

Monday 18th July House Services – St Cuthbert’s Church – daytime KS3 Awards Evening at St Cuthbert’s Church

Monday 18th July – Thursday 21st July Year 12 Work Experience

Thursday 21st July Break up for the summer holidays (School fnishes at 12.10pm)

Thursday 18th August A Level Results

Thursday 25th August GCSE Results

Monday 5th September First day of the Autumn Term