newsletter sep 2012-fa - kranji secondary school us/our... · 2014-09-19 · on thursday, 30...

KRANJI INTOUCH Newsletter Issue 2, September 2012 TEACHERS’ DAY & EAS DAY Teachers’ Day and EAS Day is a day to recognise and celebrate the efforts of our teachers as well as the administrative staff in the school. When asked about what Teachers’ Day means to her, Nadine de Jong of class 2K4 had this to say, “To me, Teachers’ Day is a day when we thank our teachers for their hard work and show them our appreciation.” Nursabrina Muhamad Lokman from the same class said, “I think that teachers deserve to get a day off to celebrate being a teacher, especially because they put up with our unruliness and stay up late at night planning a lesson.” In Kranji Secondary School, celebrations began a day early for teachers and staff. On Thursday, 30 September 2012, a day before the Teachers’ Day celebrations, teachers and staff were treated to a lunch buffet at Asian Market Café in Fairmont Singapore Hotel. After a hearty meal, teachers and staff enjoyed a walk and a few games. One of the places that teachers and staff visited was Gardens by the Bay. The next day, celebrations started with a breakfast specially organised for the teachers by the Alumni of Kranji Secondary. After the breakfast, prefects accompanied teachers to the hall where they recited the Teachers’ Pledge. Following this, students put up a show for teachers. Teachers sat back and enjoyed the show in which students showcased their talents by singing, dancing and acting. To end off the celebrations, students presented cards and gifts to their teachers to show their appreciation. - Mr Shafiq Kuthupdeen

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Page 1: Newsletter Sep 2012-FA - Kranji Secondary School Us/Our... · 2014-09-19 · On Thursday, 30 September 2012, a day before the Teachers’ Day celebrations, teachers and staff were


Newsletter Issue 2,September 2012


Teachers’ Day and EAS Day is a day to recognise and celebrate the efforts of our teachers as well as the administrative staff in the school.

When asked about what Teachers’ Day means to her, Nadine de Jong of class 2K4 had this to say, “To me, Teachers’ Day is a day when we thank our teachers for their hard work and show them our appreciation.”

Nursabrina Muhamad Lokman from the same class said, “I think that teachers deserve to get a day off to celebrate being a teacher, especially because they put up with our unruliness and stay up late at night planning a lesson.”

In Kranji Secondary School, celebrations began a day early for teachers and staff. On Thursday, 30 September 2012, a

day before the Teachers’ Day celebrations, teachers and staff were treated to a lunch buffet at Asian Market Café in Fairmont Singapore Hotel. After a hearty meal, teachers and staff enjoyed a walk and a few games. One of the places that teachers and staff visited was Gardens by the Bay.

The next day, celebrations started with a breakfast specially organised for the teachers by the Alumni of Kranji Secondary. After the breakfast, prefects accompanied teachers to the hall where they recited the Teachers’ Pledge. Following this, students put up a show for teachers. Teachers sat back and enjoyed the show in which students showcased their talents by singing, dancing and acting. To end off the celebrations, students presented cards and gifts to their teachers to show their appreciation.

- Mr Shafiq Kuthupdeen

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Shan Dong Zi Bo 2-School Delegation VisitThe Shan Dong Zi Bo 2-School Delegation (18 Secondary 3 students from Zi Bo Zhang Dian Experimental School and six Secondary 4 students from Zibo Experimental School visited our school for an immersion programme from 6 Aug to 8 Aug 2012. They were attached to Secondary 3K1 to 3K5 for lessons and CCAs. They also joined the school for the National Day Celebrations. The Shandong Zi Bo teachers sat in various lessons such as HCL, EL, CE and Humanities. The lessons were innovative and engaging. They also interacted with our SMC members. 杨钧博 (3K3)我认为有这个机会和山东来的学生一起交流是我的荣幸。这也是一个非常难得的经验,因为通过这次的交流,我从我的伙伴瑞洋学到了很多。比如说:“美死了!这里的蓝天好美!”原来,由于山东的空气素质不好,因此蓝天每次都被烟遮住,因此很少看得到蓝天。我听了,觉得很幸福,因为我们新加坡的空气很好,又没有天灾,没有地震,没有风暴,也没有水灾等。他也跟我分享了他们那里的自然风景,比如说他们的山,又高又美,站上去空气有多新鲜,害得我好想和他一起回山东住!总而言之,我认为山东人很友善,而我们的学生也应该珍惜新加坡,一起努力,建设一个优雅的社会。

李佩东 (3K5)八月的新加坡,难耐的燥热。想不到在这千里之外异国的土地上,竟能迎来二十四位来自山东的准老乡。听到久违的乡音,似是看到了一面能让时光倒流的镜子。刚到新加坡时的一幕幕从脑海中闪过:面对陌生环境时的胆怯,总以为自己永远也无法适应的口音…



Si Chuan Jia Xiang Pi Xian Experimental School Delegation VisitThe Si Chuan Jia Xiang Pi Xian Experimental School Delegation visited our school for an immersion programme on 17 July 2012. They were attached to Secondary 1K1 to 1K5 and Secondary 2K1 to 2K5 for an enriching classroom experience. They also had a special session interacting with our secondary two HCL students.

中国山东淄博市张店实验中学学生 刘丽源你好,科兰芝!来到科兰芝中学已经两天了。这两天里我感到很充实,体验到了许多,思考了许多,也学到了许多。




这是我在科兰芝的部分感受,有欣赏,有赞叹,也有思考。我想在最后,用欣赏的语气说一声:“Hello, Kranji! Hello, Singapore!”

Su Zhou Industrial Park-JTC 7 School Delegation VisitWe hosted the Su Zhou Industrial Park-JTC 7 School Delegation from Xinghai Experimental School (Secondary and Primary), Suzhou CaoQiao Experimental School, Suzhou Li Da School, Suzhou Ping Jiang Experimental School, Su Zhou Industrial Park Xing Gang School on 24 to 25 July 2012. They were attached to Secondary 1K1 to 1K5. The Suzhou teachers sat in a Higher Chinese lesson and Mathematics lesson. They were impressed by our teachers’ innovative and student-centred teaching methods.




吴小滢 (1K5)这次在我们班的那几名苏州学生给我的感觉是很成熟,也很有礼貌,毕竟他们都已经十五、十六岁了。而且他们也十分客气,送我好几个有中国特色的礼物。让我印象最深刻的应该是有一位同学还在礼物里写了小纸条,还给了一元的人民币硬币作为纪念,让我觉得他们真的很友好,而且也很可爱。我也能感受到他们是想真心与我们交流、交朋友。所谓“礼轻情意重”,用来形容他们是最好不过了,不需要昂贵的礼物,就算只有一张小小的纸条,我们也能感受到他们浓浓的心意。


Visit by High-Ranking Chinese Officers36 high-ranking Chinese officers led by the Vice-Mayor of Guangzhou Xing Ning City and Mr Peng Zhi Hong from Guang Dong Province Meizhou City visited Kranji Secondary School on 24 August 2012. Our Principal, Ms Tan Hwee Pin, shared with them on the Kranji Experience and the education system in Singapore.

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驻校作家计划2012 驻校作家计划是由教育部课程发展署属下推广华文学习委员会阅读与写作组主办。宗旨在于点燃少年创作力,希望能够增强学生用中文写作的信心,借助作家的影响力培养学生对文学与创作的兴趣。



Saya berasa amat gementar sewaktu menghadiri Bengkel Penulisan Pantun dan permainan ala ‘Amazing Race’ yang dijalankan oleh Riang Ria pada 25 Januari 2012 sempena minggu dwibahasa Melayu. Kami mempelajari cara-cara menulis pantun 2, 4 dan 6 kerat. Selepas itu, kami dikehendaki mencipta pantun kami sendiri dan berkongsi pantun itu bersama rakan-rakan di dalam kelas. Selain menulis pantun, kami juga bermain permainan ala ‘Amazing Race’. Permainan itu dijadikan lebih menarik lagi apabila kami diberi sebuah Ipod bagi setiap kumpulan. Ipod ini digunakan untuk menolong kami mencari barang-barang yang diperlukan. Terdapat beberapa perkara baharu yang telah saya pelajari tentang budaya dan bangsa orang Melayu. Antaranya adalah jenis kuih-muih tradisional Melayu, pokok-pokok atau daun herba yang digunakan dalam perubatan tradisional dan lain-lain lagi. Saya rasa program seperti ini harus diadakan lagi kerana program ini amat menarik dan bermanfaat untuk pelajar-pelajar Melayu.

- Farah Nadhirah Bte Afandi, 1K3

Pada semester lalu, Jabatan Bahasa Melayu Sekolah Menengah Kranji telah menganjurkan Bengkel Penulisan Pantun dan permainan ala ‘Amazing Race’ sempena Minggu Dwibahasa Melayu. Bengkel ini dijalankan oleh Riang Ria. Bengkel ini dihadiri oleh semua pelajar bahasa Melayu peringkat menengah satu. Saya mempelajari cara-cara menulis pantun dengan baik. Setiap peserta diberi peluang untuk menyertai semua aktiviti yang dijalankan. Aktiviti ‘Amazing Race’ menguji ketangkasan minda dan ketahanan daya fizikal kami. Pada pendapat saya, aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan harus diadakan setiap tahun untuk pelajar-pelajar Melayu agar kami semua dapat mempelajari tentang budaya orang Melayu dengan cara yang kreatif lagi menyeronokkan.

- Muhammad Fahmi B Ahmad, 1K5

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Trip to Muar, JohorBeing in the only class chosen to go on a trip to Muar, I was very excited to know more about life beyond Singapore. After we passed the immigrations, we were officially in Johor. Everyone was looking out of their windows to take in the sights that we have never come across in Singapore.

Even though the journey was going to take us at least two hours, none of us were bothered by the long distance. We were too excited to be travelling together as a class for the first time. Thus, the bus was filled with laughter throughout the entire journey.

When we finally reached Muar, we were shocked to see that the people lead a simple village life; unlike Singaporeans who live a hectic city life. We went to a school called SMK JALAN JUNID where we were greeted with a performance by their pupils dancing with paper horses. We were then led to their computer lab where they gave us a talk about their school. Even though their school was not as modern as our schools in Singapore, the Malaysians appreciate what they have. We then toured the school, and I began to appreciate what we have in Singapore.

We then went to a pineapple plantation, where I gained a lot of new knowledge. The very first sentence the tour guide said shocked me! Pineapples were grown beneath the soil! We then listened to a talk on how pineapples grow and the harvesting process. That was really an eye opener for me.

Our next stop was an oil palm plantation. We were shown how oil was extracted from the seeds. It was very interesting to see how they did it.

Next, we visited a place where we learned how to make the famous and delicious Kueh Bahulu the traditional way! We were also given the opportunity to make them ourselves. We also tried the traditional Malay game of chapteh. It was a very enjoyable experience as we tried to throw the chapteh into the air using our feet while keeping our balance!

Finally, the time had come to return to Singapore. Many of us were reluctant to leave as we enjoyed the trip very much. I learn many things from this trip and it has expanded my knowledge on life beyond Singapore. - Sreram, 2R2


Staff NE Learning Journey to the Supreme CourtTo help staff to become effective National Education (NE) facilitators, the NE team organises a staff NE Learning Journey twice a year. The aim of the learning journey is primarily to help teachers develop a deeper understanding of the NE issues and for all staff to have a strong sense of belonging and rootedness to Singapore. In the first semester, the staff members visited the Supreme Courts to learn about the role and function of the Judiciary within the constitution of Singapore. During the guided tour by the Supreme Court facilitators, the staff members had the opportunity to visit the Technology Courts and the Court of Appeal, and even sat in a live court hearing. During the discussions, there was a deeper understanding how the Singapore courts is a world-class administrator of judicial excellence. It was an extremely enriching learning experience for all staff as they gained a deeper insight into how the Singapore Judiciary plays a significant role in Singapore’s social stability and economic stability.

Reflections from some staff members:“I enjoyed learning about court proceedings. Entering a court and looking at the set-up was an eye-opener for me.”

- Mr Shasikumaran Chandrsegaran

“The court hearing session was refreshing and insightful. It was different from what I imagined it to be. The Court of Appeal was an interesting experience.” - Miss Hasyimah Ibrahim, CCPE

“I appreciate the efficiency of the Supreme Court and its ability to harness technology to better facilitate the growing demands of its services.” - Mr Jeremy Chan

“I appreciate the fact that I live in a country where we have a world-class judicial system - one that ensures everyone is treated fairly before the law. It is with such assurance of justice, fairness and equality that Singapore has become such a prosperous, peaceful and successful nation. I feel a great sense of security living in Singapore and am proud to be a Singaporean.”

- Ms Amy Yap

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DGE’s Visit to Kranji Secondary SchoolOn 10 July 2012, DGE, Miss Ho Peng, visited Kranji Secondary School as part of MOE’s on-going initiative to hold informal dialogues with school staff. The objectives of the DGE’s visit are to:

(a) dialogue with teachers and school staff about policies and initiatives and gather feedback

(b) dialogue with students to understand how students perceive their educational experiences as well as use students’ voices to garner buy-in from parents

(c) have a better sense of the school’s environment, development and culture.

About 35 staff, 20 students and school leaders had the opportunity to interact with DGE on various school matters ranging from academic and non-academic matters to physical resources. DGE was able to share her views and that of MOE with teachers too.

- Mdm Siti Rashidah

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Humanities Trip to Hanoi, VietnamThe Humanities Department organised an eye-opening and enriching trip to Hanoi, Vietnam in May this year. The selected students learnt a lot more beyond their textbooks and learnt to appreciate the differences in culture and development between Vietnam and Singapore. The students also had to complete daily reflections to consolidate the day’s learning. Below are two examples of students’ insightful reflections that were based on their observations of Hanoi and the theoretical knowledge they learnt in class.

Reflections by Axel Robinson 3K3Hanoi has a low level of development that is largely dependent on the agriculture industry to boost its economic growth. Vietnam is the second largest producer of rice worldwide. However, the agriculture industry is a primary industry and thus it generates low revenue. This means that the locals have weak purchasing power to afford luxury items. Moreover, they have low GDP per capita. Lower revenue also means that the government has less money to finance local development projects. This is apparent in the poor infrastructure in the country. Buildings are of different heights and some are only up to 2 or 3 stories high. They are not maintained properly and telecommunication cables are also in massive disarray.

Outward Bound SabahThrough the 8 days in Sabah, 12 selected student leaders had the opportunity to build strong bonds with one another after overcoming countless challenges such as high elements and grueling expeditions. The 12 of us have grown a lot, physically and mentally, and we have learnt a lot about our peers as well as ourselves. We learnt the importance of having good leadership skills and the different types of leadership styles that people might display.

One of the most challenging obstacles that we faced was The Giant Ladder. It required us to trust one another. From the ground, the ladder did not seem that high up. However, after we climbed to its peak, the view was different! The distance from the top of the ladder to the ground seemed to be worlds apart! We had to depend on one another before we accomplished our task.

The land expedition was something that we all enjoyed as well. We had to trek long distances and along the way, we were fortunate to pass by a village that was celebrating their Harvest Festival. They invited us to join in their traditional dance and to take a few pictures with them. Unfortunately, we were running short on time and thus had to decline their kind offer. We were weary after long hours of trekking, but we persevered to reach our campsite. The environment was different and we had to learn how to adapt to it.

After we exited the jungle the next day, we started our homestay at the village. During the homestay, we prepared lessons for the children in the village. We had a great time teaching and interacting with them. We had prepared souvenirs for them too and when we gave them to the children, they were elated. At night, we performed a dance to thank them for their reception. They also put up a traditional dance performance accompanied by music played using their traditional instruments. We were invited to join them in the dance and we also had hands-on experience playing the instruments.

All in all, this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It made us learn more about ourselves and our peers and the importance of teamwork. Our instructors really taught us a lot and we are thankful to them for passing on their knowledge to us. - Student Leaders

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My impression of Hanoi is that the locals have a low standard of living and have a low quality of life. The traffic is very heavy in Hanoi. The main mode of transportation is motorcycles and there are constant jams along roads. Motorists often drive on the wrong lanes leading to confusion and slow movement of vehicles. The heavy traffic also causes air quality in Hanoi to be bad. Motorcyclists are seen wearing something over their mouths and noses to avoid inhaling the carbon emissions from vehicles. I feel that there is a lot of progress that Hanoi has to undergo before it can be considered as a developed country.

Reflections by Michelle Yeo 3K5There are many things going on at Halong Bay and this helps in their tourism industry. During our trip there, I had the opportunity to enjoy a seafood lunch on board the river cruise. Having fancy meals while floating on sea is a rare experience for me, and it is not every day that we get to enjoy the breath-taking sceneries of cliffs while we dine.

I also had the opportunity to visit Thien Chung grotto and Dau Go Cave. I found myself mesmerized by the caves formed so many millions of years ago. The wooden boardwalks make it convenient for us to explore the different parts of the cave. The place looks beautiful, but there is a real danger of Halong Bay becoming polluted due to the vast number of tourists who take the boats to visit the place. The place has started to degrade as I saw a lot of litter floating on the water’s surface, posing a threat to the marine life. The muddy waters and decreasing marine life and plants will cause Halong Bay to cease being an eco-tourist site in the future, especially if the Vietnamese government does not plan strategies to preserve their natural heritage.

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MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE FIESTAThe annual Mathematics and Science Fiesta was organised with the objective of developing our students’ interest in the learning of Mathematics and Sciences. This year’s theme is “Mystery and Wonder”. Students are encouraged to gain new knowledge through the interactive displays and experiments at the respective subject booths. The highlights of this fiesta include the real-life dissection of a sheep’s heart, as well as the opportunity to experience a mild electric shock. The well-received “Angry Egg Challenge” provides opportunity for students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice. Through the event, students will enhance their learning and better relate their knowledge to real-life experiences. I am sure that both students and teachers alike had a fruitful and enriching experience.

- Mr Tan Nian Kai

CULTURAL FIESTA NITE 2012The much anticipated event on the school calendar, Cultural Fiesta Nite, was held on 20 July 2012. All the students and staff, members of the Kranji Alumni and Parent Support Group as well as our parents participated in this event enthusiastically. This year’s theme “Past, Now and Future” encouraged our students to reflect and appreciate how our country has developed over the years.

To add spice to the event, all upper secondary classes were encouraged to send a team that represented the different facets of life in olden Singapore. They were good sport as they came dressed as Samsui women, teh tarik men and the familiar sarong-clad satay sellers. A group even dressed up as Japanese soldiers and local villagers, representing the Japanese Occupation era. The Alumni also joined in the fun by dressing up as 16th century royalties, complete with elaborate costumes and wigs.

Cultural Fiesta Nite would not be complete without the customary showcase of Kranjians’ aesthetic talents. Our lower secondary students put up enthusiastic performances of Jazz Fusion and Ethnic Fusion dance moves, much to the audience’s delight. It was also the finals of the Kranji Got Talent competition. The judges were captivated by the sharp and quick movements of the dance team “N-Square”, which was crowned the Champion that night.

The event ended on a high note with the traditional mass dance item. All the students, teachers and alumni joined in Kranji’s very own folk dances: 5678 and Ghost Train. It was heart-warming to see everyone in the Kranji family executing the moves in tandem. When the music ended, many students were still game for another round of encore.

The Cultural Fiesta Nite was indeed an event that brought all our students, teachers, alumni and parents together. It was a night that will be remembered by all in the years to come.

- Mr Roland Tan

7TH NATIONAL BILINGUAL SPEECH COMPETITIONThe National Bilingual Speech Competition, a collaboration between Kranji Secondary School and the NTU Confucian Institute, is in its seventh year running this year. We hosted and conducted the Preparatory Workshop on 31 July 2012 for all participants to prepapre them for the the preliminary round on 18 August 2012. The exciting final round was held at the school hall on 25 August 2012. All Secondary 1 to 3 CL/HCL students who attended the event had an enriching learning experience as they observed how the contestants confidently presented their topics in both English and Mandarin. Our representatives, Khoo Zi Jia from 3K5 and Ong Cheng Kiat from 2K5, performed well and both won consolation prizes. Our Guest of Honour cum sponsor Mr Alan Chan delivered an interesting and inspiring key-note speech: “Idiomatic Idioms: Chinese Idioms in Idiomatic English”.

这是我第一次观看双语演讲比赛,也让我深深了解到双语的重要性。人光光掌握一种语言是不够的,也无法在现今的社会立足,所以多掌握一种语言,只有利而无弊。同时,我也了解到在演讲时一定要有自信心和稳健的台风。就像那低年级组的冠军,在台上完全泰然自若,信心十足,而且幽默精彩,让人听她的演讲时完全不会感到无聊。 - 吴小滢, 1K5

The National Bilingual Speech Competition is a meaningful competition. As a contestant, I learnt how to express myself confidently in both English and Mandarin. In addition, my mastery of both languages improved tremendously. The bonus was making new friends from other schools. Taking part in this competition was definitely an enriching experience, one that developed my confidence. I believe that this competition is a platform for students to improve their competency in both languages and learn to present their speeches convincingly. I really enjoyed myself and had fun!

- Tiffany Khoo Zi Jia, 3K5

I enjoyed the Maths and Science Fiesta as I found it interesting to learn about Maths and Science through the various activities and experiments. Those interactive demonstrations make learning more fun and helps me better remember the scientific concepts. I especially liked the segment on the dissection of the sheep’s heart, as I have always been interested in how a real heart looks like. I hope that the school will hold the Maths and Science Fiesta every year.

- Gan Jia Min, 1K5

RICE DUMPLING FESTIVALThe secondary one students experienced their first Rice Dumpling Festival on 22 May 2012. Joining us in this unique celebration were students Nanyang Primary School, Greenridge Primary School and Bukit Panjang Primary School. With rice as the focus of this cross-cultural activity, the students were exposed to the different forms of art and delicacies associated with rice from the different ethnic groups.

Taste-buds were tantalized as students savor delicacies such as varieties of nonya kuehs, putu mayam and varieties of rice dumplings. Beautiful art pieces of Rangoli were also created by our students as they put their hands and creativity to work under the guidance of our student leaders.

Ever tried weaving Ketutpats? We did! In this activity-packed celebration, students were given the chance to not only taste, but also weave ketupats!

After going around the different booths and stations, the celebration reached its climax with the students participating in the rice dumpling wrapping competition. They had a lot of fun applying the knowledge they had previously learnt to good use as they worked on the rice dumplings with much effort.

The session ended with a prize presentation, rewarding students for the effort they put in during the competition.

- Mr Geoffrey Tan

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In this day and age where information and communication technology (ICT) has pervaded almost every area of our lives, teachers have to accept the reality that traditional methods of teaching are not as effective in engaging this generation of ICT-savvy students. Increasingly, the teacher’s role is to facilitate self-directed and collaborative learning, and technology has become a means to this end.

To promote the use of ICT in schools’ instructional programmes, Kranji Secondary School has been organising National ICT Sharing Sessions since 2004.

One of the main objectives of organizing these Sharing Sessions was to promote the spirit of experimentation and innovation through effective and pervasive use of ICT in classroom teaching. The theme of this year’s ICT Sharing Session was ‘Innovation In Learning through ICT to facilitate Self-Directed and/or Collaborative Learning’. This is to enhance learning and develop teaching competencies for the 21st century to achieve desired learning outcomes for students.

The Sharing Session was held on Friday, 3 August 2012 at 1430hrs in Kranji Secondary School. This year, as many as 840 teachers attended the session and the number of papers submitted for this sharing were 40 (Primary), 71 (Secondary) and 8 (JC/CI). The number of papers selected for this year were 28 (Primary), 52 (Secondary) and 7 (JC/CI).

The event provided good opportunities for cross-fertilisation of ideas and seeding of innovative strategies in the professional development of teachers. We hope to organise more of such events to promote a strong ICT-sharing culture in schools.

- Miss M Losiny

Reflections from Participants and Presenters:

I was truly impressed, enthused and encouraged by the entire programme. Feedback was taken from last year and everything was much improved--the schedule was streamlined, sessions were more bite-sized and truly educational, your students were kind and helpful throughout the afternoon, and even the food was thoughtfully planned. Thanks for all your effort in making our ICT journey a pleasant one!!

- Ms Wan Xian, Queenstown Secondary School

The experience has definitely been fruitful for me. Thank you very much for providing us with a platform to showcase our teaching package. Looking forward to 2013’s edition.

- Mr Fabien Yong, Bukit Panjang Government High

On behalf of the teachers from Bukit View Secondary, thank you for hosting the event. We enjoyed the “short and sweet” sharing sessions and will look forward to next year’s event.

- Bukit View Secondary School Teachers

Thank you for the very efficient, short and sweet yet fruitful event. We teachers greatly appreciate all effort put in.

- Ms Siti Raihana Husainni

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The National Day Celebrations was held on 8 August 2012, a day before the historic day when Singapore became independent, 47 years ago. One of the main highlights of the celebration was the parade, which was led and conducted by our very own Kranjians.

The parade was headed by the NCC and supported by the NPCC, SJAB, BB and GB. With the music provided by the Kranji Band, the uniformed groups showcased the precision of their drills as well as the tenacity and resilience of Kranjians.

This year, the different contingents formed by the five different uniformed groups marched onto the parade square with their flags, or to put it in parade lingo, in their ‘Colours’. The participants led the school in the singing of our National Anthem as well as the reciting of the National Pledge; the most appropriate way to commemorate National Day.

After the review of the Guard-Of-Honour by our Principal, Ms Tan Hwee Pin, the National Day message was read by the NE Champ of Class 4K1, Faris Sufian Chew. Ending the parade on a high note, the Secondary 3 NCC cadets presented a Freestyle Drill sequence which was choreographed and perfected by the cadets themselves.

Muhammad Azim bin Hamdan, the Parade Commander, said, “It was a privilege and an honour to be the Parade Commander. It was a-once-in-a-lifetime experience.” He added that it was a great test of his resilience and perseverance, as he had to constantly push himself during the rehearsals and parade since it coincided with the fasting month of Ramadan.

“I envied my friends who were seated comfortably during the parade,” said Gideon Chan of class 1K3, “but I felt very proud to be participating in the parade as an NCC cadet.”

- Mr Guay Hansen

National Day Celebrations

Leaders’ Day 2012

8 Kranji INTOUCH Newsletter

Leaders’ Day is a memorable day for many. It is the day when the school recognises the efforts of our capable seniors and celebrates the appointment of new leaders.

On Leaders’ Day this year, the torch was passed down to new leaders who have proven their worth. As the new Head Prefect of Kranji Secondary School, I am honoured and proud to be the voice of the students. At the same time, I understand very well that with such a blessing, comes huge responsibilities. It may appear as an insurmountable task but the success of our seniors has inspired me greatly. In fact, with the fervent and unwavering support I receive from my teachers and peers, I am confident of being able to handle it diligently and valiantly.


The leaders of Kranji Secondary School pledge to serve the school with our hearts and guide our fellow Kranjians well. We also aim to reach out to the community more by initiating Service-Learning projects and Community Involvement projects, among others. We hope to garner support from everyone to enhance the environment of the community and our school.

We aim to lead with pride and honour and guide our juniors so that they will be ready to take over next year. Your unequivocal support is vital to shape a bright future for Kranji. We strongly hope that you will embark on this journey with us, leaders and make a difference in Kranji.

- Nur Nasyitah Binte JuraimyHead Prefect, 2012-2013

Page 9: Newsletter Sep 2012-FA - Kranji Secondary School Us/Our... · 2014-09-19 · On Thursday, 30 September 2012, a day before the Teachers’ Day celebrations, teachers and staff were

For nature lovers, two hikes were organised – the Bukit Timah hike and the Mac Ritchie nature trail. A number of teachers came down with their families to enjoy the beautiful scenery and at the same time, spend the time to bond with their family members. “It was so refreshing and enriching to get close to nature. We caught up with our colleagues during the hikes and had a learning moment at the Wallace Education Singapore,” expressed Mdm Rosnah Johari.

Most recently, as part of the Teachers’ Day celebration, the SWH organised the ‘Amazing Walk’. Such an opportunity to explore the city area is rare. The walk was strategically planned so that teachers and staff of Kranji Secondary School had to explore the City Hall and Marina area to complete the tasks given to them. Also, by participating in the walk, it is hoped that staff will mingle and bond with one another. Miss Liyana, who joined us only recently, said, “I really enjoyed the walk to Gardens by the Bay, especially when I haven’t been there myself. It was a good treat for me. Kranji staff should go out like this more often.”

- Ms Siti Mariah

Relishing the Rare Chance of NDP Participation


Kranji Secondary School has the honour to be part of the National Day Parade 2012. Altogether, 150 students were involved in this once-in-a-lifetime experience as members of the Combined Choir. Throughout the demanding rehearsals, our secondary one students never faltered in their determination to put up the best performance. They performed their routines enthusiastically and encouraged each other as they practised their moves under the hot sun. This is an example of patriotism at its best. Our students were eager and excited to be part of the nation’s birthday celebrations at the Marina Bay Floating Platform. Lest we overlook the contributions of our 37 teachers and 12 parent volunteers, this event would not have been possible without their staunch support. The opportunity to be part of the festivities was reason enough to make them enthusiastic. Together with our students, they stood proud and tall for Singapore.

- Mr Roland Tan

The Kranji Spirit - Teachers’ Bonding Session“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” – In Kranji, teachers participate in various physical and recreational activities. Despite their busy schedule, teachers sportingly attended and participated in the activities organised by the school and the Staff Well-Being and Health (SWH) committee.

Earlier this year, the SWH organised a friendly floor ball match between teachers from the different levels. It was a session of fun and laughter as they fought to attain the highest score for their levels. A photo shot of the teachers at play sent by the chairman of SWH, Mr Koh Tee Huat, was also published in the MOE CONTACT magazine.

In the weeks leading up to the Cultural Fiesta Night held in July this year, teachers were taught the dance steps for the Mass Dance segment. Even teachers who claimed they were born with two left feet sportingly joined in the fun and tried to synchronise their steps to the beat. Ms Rene Wu shared her view on the experience, “It was fun and interesting! A great workout! An excellent opportunity to let our hair down and just boogie away!”

There was a mini competition to choose teachers who portrayed enthusiasm during the Mass Dance. Two winners, Mr Teh Yiyuan and Ms Amy Yap won the tickets for admission to the Singapore Garden Festival.

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GREENWAVE 2012Each year on 20 May, our school collaborates with NParks to commemorate the Greenwave. A tree, the Belinjau (Gnetum gnemon), which is a native species, was planted in the school by our new staff members and a student representative. All the trees planted under this programme in previous years were watered at ten o’clock in the morning. This event is observed all over the world to commemorate the International Day for Biological Diversity. It aims to increase the understanding and create awareness about biodiversity issues.

Carine Thung of class 2K3 said that the event has made her more aware of the many different types of fruit trees we have in the school. In addition, she was thrilled to do her part in reducing our Carbon Footprint by planting trees.

- Mdm Normala


It is not about how much we give but about how much LOVE we put into it. By giving, I will definitely receive. I receive the smiles on people’s happy faces. These are the most sincere thanks I have received. They make me feel that all the time we had sacrificed and the difficulties we endured were all worthwhile. A group of us in Secondary Two organised the Food Project together with ECoS Club as part of the W5 Service Learning Project. After our training at Greenridge Primary School, we brainstormed on a suitable project to put what we had learnt into practice. We came up with a food donation drive to encourage more people to donate food to the residents living at the rental flats in Limbang. Initially, we did not have enough food items for distribution. Therefore, we decided to do some fundraising before Teachers’ Day. With the help and support of our generous teachers and fellow Kranjians, we were able to raise a lot of money from this fundraising project within a short period. We used the money that we had collected to buy essential food items for the needy residents in the block.

We were able to distribute the food to them quickly and efficiently with the help of the student volunteers who sacrificed their free time to join us in this meaningful activity. We feel that this project not only has benefits in the short term but is a project which contributes to making us active citizens with the heart to serve. It is not only about giving food to the less fortunate, but about learning to be compassionate and doing meaningful work that will help us grow to be useful and caring citizens who are concerned about the community.

Thank you fellow Kranjians for helping us in one way or another to make this project a great success. We are glad to be able to have this opportunity to be of service to the community and educate our friends in school about the plight of the less fortunate in Singapore. However, this project would not have been a success without the valuable guidance and assistance of our teacher in-charge, Ms Liu Jiaman. We will always remember the saying - We have two hands, one to help ourselves, the other to help others. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

- Yeo Min SheanElkan Hon Ting Feng

Teris Neo2K3

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11 Kranji INTOUCH Newsletter

Studying is a skill. Good studying habits require different skills: time management, self-discipline, concentration, memorisation, organisation and consistent effort. Self motivation will spur you to achieve greater success!

1. Do a study timetable to manage time• Set SMART study targets, e.g. Mon, 1hr (3-4pm) to do Chapter 2 and 3 of Physics. • Study 1hr, take a 10-min break and continue another hour. Repeat this process.• Allocate more time slots for difficult subjects.• Place a tick next to each study target as you complete and monitor your progress.• Set time for some fun activities too.• Reward yourself as you progress.

2. Select a good study place• Select a quiet and comfortable place , but not too comfortable (e.g. don’t study on your bed!)• Remove all distractions in order to concentrate e.g TV, hand phone and computer.

Soft background music helps.

3. Attend classes and hand in homework • If you want to do well in school, you have to attend classes regularly.• If you miss class, you miss what the teacher thinks is important. This may be tested in your exam.• Do your homework regularly. This is to practise what you have studied.• Review teachers’ feedback as it will enhance your understanding of the topic.

4. Form study groups• Find like-minded classmates and form a small study group.• Establish a regular meeting time for discussion.• Encourage each other and share relevant resources.

5. Make good notes and use mind-mapping• Write clear and accurate notes to help you understand what is taught. It will be easy to revise.• Write key concepts for each topic and elaborate using main ideas.• Re-phrase the points in your own words.• Use abbreviations and symbols.• Write notes for each subject in different notebooks instead of cards .• For mind-maps, begin with the main concept in the middle of a page.• Draw branches from the main concept to subtopics, followed by details.• Use pictures to help you remember the main ideas.• Use different colours and lines of various thickness to indicate different points.

6. Keep organised• Keep your notes and hand-outs in files according to subjects.• A neat study area is best. • Make sure you have your stationery prepared for the right exams (e.g. calculators for Math papers)

7. Self- Care• Eat well and drink lots of water. Avoid drinks with caffeine.• Have sufficient rest. Ensure that you have at least 8 hours of good sleep.• Do simple exercises regularly .• Do positive self-talk to motivate yourself. e.g. “I can do it”, “Anything is possible with effort”.

8. Seek help• When in doubt of the content, go to the relevant subject teachers for IP coaching.• If you need help to manage your stress and emotional issues, approach the FTSCs for a chat.• Do approach your parents for support. They care for you.



Good luck!

Ms Amy Huang & Mdm JayaFTSC

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Mr Nicholas SohI joined the teaching fraternity because of my passion for sports. I want to be a strong influence of sports to the next generation of stars! I love to organise fun sporting activities for the character development of youths, and help them find their element in life!

Ms Natasha Supa’atSon, Hayden Safin Bin Mohamed Noor was born on 29 July 2012.

Ms Crystal ThngSon, Hoe Kai Jie Kenji was born on 28 August 2012.

Ms Farizah SatarDaughter, Maryam Nus’ha bte Muhd Ash’ary was born on 19 September 2012.

Mdm Rosmiliah Kasmin Son, Amir Hadi bin Khairol Hisham was born on 24 February 2012



Mr Shafiq Kuthupdeen I made up my mind that I would become a teacher when I was in University. I had taken up a Teaching Internship and something that happened during that Internship helped me to decide my career. It was the ‘oh’ moment. It is the moment when your students suddenly understand what you are saying and all go ‘ohhh’ at the same time. In life, it’s the small things that matter and these ‘oh’ moments keep me going.

Miss Goh WeinaI joined teaching because I really enjoy the interaction with students and because it is a meaningful job. It gives me a sense of achievement when I see students improve in academic performance and grow in character. I hope that even after my students graduate, they will still remember me as a good and caring teacher for the rest of their lives.

Miss NadhirahI chose to teach as I find joy in interacting with students and teaching them to apply the knowledge which I have imparted. When I see them practise the values which I have inculcated, I feel a great sense of fulfilment. I aspire to do my very best for my students and be an exemplary role model to them.

Miss Lee WentingJoining the teaching fraternity in Kranji is a huge step as I look forward to the interaction with our Kranjians daily. Kranji is a place of warmth and the supportive staff environment makes it highly conducive for beginning teachers to grow and develop. I hope to be an effective classroom teacher and enable my students to see the beauty and relevance that Humanities subjects have to offer in a fluid, interconnected and complex environment in the 21st century today. At the same time, they would also learn to appreciate their roles in the global environment and learn to be better people.

Miss Liyana FilzaWhenever I think of why I became a teacher, I think fondly of my secondary school teachers. Their sincerity and dedication truly propelled me in my studies. I first joined Kranji in June 2012. I was really impressed with the school’s systems and practices that have been put in place, for instance, SDL on Thursday mornings. I was also impressed with the students at how motivated they are towards their studies. I hope to gain valuable experience from my colleagues here in Kranji.

Mr Gerard ChanI joined teaching because it was the only profession where I can pass on my knowledge and love for Biology to students. Despite teaching being a challenging career, I am aware that these are just minor obstacles that can be overcome eventually with perseverance and experience. Coming to school every day and knowing that I have been chosen to positively influence the young minds and hearts of my nation really give me that extra drive and motivation to aspire to become a friend, mentor and role model for all my students!