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OLSH Newsletter OLSH College Bentleigh We Believe! We Achieve! 111 Jasper Road, BENTLEIGH 3204 Ph (03) 8520 9200 Fax (03) 8520 9299 Absence Line (03) 8520 9250 Email: [email protected] website: Dear Family and Friends of OLSH College Bentleigh . As Jesus was lifted up on the cross, he gave Mary to us as our mother and placed in her heart an immense love for us. Jules Chevalier msc Anne O’Loughlin Principal NEWSLETTER Volume 43, Number 14 Friday September 5 2014 Congratulations to Year 10 Students Makeba Ofosu- Amaah (below left) and Hanan Daou (below right) 1 st Place Dairy Australia Camembert in the Classroom Competition. An outstanding result! Sarah Jones Year 11 3 rd Place Rotary Youth Glen Eira Citizen of the Year Awards

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OLSH Newsletter

OLSH College Bentleigh We Believe! We Achieve!

111 Jasper Road, BENTLEIGH 3204 Ph (03) 8520 9200 Fax (03) 8520 9299 Absence Line (03) 8520 9250 Email: [email protected] website:

Dear Family and Friends of OLSH College Bentleigh


As Jesus was lifted up on the cross, he gave Mary to us as our mother

and placed in her heart an immense love for us. Jules Chevalier msc

Anne O’Loughlin Principal


Volume 43, Number 14 Friday September 5 2014

Congratulations to Year 10 Students Makeba Ofosu-Amaah (below left) and

Hanan Daou (below right) 1st Place

Dairy Australia Camembert in the Classroom Competition.

An outstanding result!

Sarah Jones Year 11 3rd Place

Rotary Youth Glen Eira Citizen of the Year Awards

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Next week on our Feast Day we are very privileged to be able to have one of our great OLSH missionary Sisters, Sister Mary Batchelor with us. Sister Mary taught for six years at St. Peter’s in East Bentleigh – some of our mums and dads, even grandparents may have been taught by her or by her own sister, Sister Jessie Batchelor.

Sr. Mary went to South Africa when she retired from teaching in Darwin. She spent six years in South Africa following 19 years in Mapouridt, a refugee camp in South Sudan where she established a school and has served as teacher, Principal and mentor to the local people.

Sr. Mary will join us for Mass and our OLSH Mission Carnival.

All money raised next Friday will go to Bahkita Village in South Africa and Mapourdit in Southern Sudan where the OLSH Sisters are working. Any donations would be very welcome and can be made tax deductible.

Blessings and peace on you and yours, Sr. Megan Donohue fdnsc

Faith & Mission

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On Friday September 12 we join together as a school community to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.

Our student leaders have been working extremely hard in the organisation of this day.

Our Feast Day is a compulsory school day where we join as a community to celebrate.

It is an expectation that all students are in attendance.

Students who are absent on the day will be required to present with a medical certificate on Monday September 15. The theme of the day is ‘Around the world in 80 minutes’ and we encourage all students to enter into the spirit of the day by dressing up.

Please note:

Friday September 12

9.40am Homeroom

2.00pm Finish

On Wednesday September 10 we welcome students from OLSH Kensington (Sydney) and OLSH Enfield (Adelaide) and their staff to Bentleigh.

The students will be hosted by a number of our Year 10 families. We continue to make links with our OLSH College communities in Adelaide and Sydney and look to forge and strengthen our connections through this experience.

The latest edition of the Parenting Ideas Magazine can be found by accessing the link below.

Articles include: When does fun flip in adolescents; Making memories that matter; Why music and kids brains go hand in hand; Drugs kids are using; Standing on their shoulders; Beyond their years.

Ms DIna Oro Assistant Principal Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing News

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Celebrating Open Day yesterday gave us two opportunities – the opportunity to showcase the best we at OLSH have to offer and the opportunity as a College community to reflect on the gifts we offer as our wider society.

To see our wonderful staff in action, facilitating learning and teaching, to see our students confidently greeting and leading our visitors on tours, to see our visitors invited into rooms to view displays and participate in activities, the word ‘hospitality’ came to mind. Yesterday was a great gift for us – it was our opportunity to extend an invitation, to welcome visitors, to make room for the ‘other’ and to share generously of our gifts and talents.

We opened our gates, our hearts, our classrooms and our grounds so that our visitors could experience something of God’s own hospitality through us. Thank you to all our students and staff who enabled it to be a most wonderful day.

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College News

The latest issue of Catholic Education Today features our Issoudun experience.

To read in further detail, please follow the link to


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On Friday August 8, a number of students from Year 10, 11 and 12 returned to school in the evening for our second St Vinnie’s Winter Sleepout. The aim of the event was to stand in solidarity with the homeless in our country and support St Vinnie’s.

The night started with setting up our bedding in the Art Courtyard, before we met in the hall for a shelter building activity, where we had to construct shelter from sheets of cardboard. A simple dinner followed, consisting of soup and sandwiches, and eaten outside in the cold. This reminded us that for the 105,000 homeless in Australia, suffering in the winter is an everyday reality.

After dinner, we had two guest speakers, Georgie and Diane. Georgie spoke to us about the facts and figures of homelessness in Australia, and Diane gave her personal experience of living on the streets. Both talks were very eye opening, especially hearing a firsthand account of being homeless and how difficult it is to escape the poverty cycle.

After the speeches, we all packaged the cans collected by the whole school community into bags to be distributed by St Vinnie’s. There was also the opportunity to sign our Winter Sleepout canvas, adding something that we had reflected on during the night. We then got into groups and played a homelessness trivia activity. The questions dispelled myths surrounding homelessness and prizes were awarded to the winning team.

At the end of the trivia, we were divided into pairs to play the Poverty Game in the hall. Each pair receives a profile of a person whom they must become. A series of questions were then asked, such as, ‘will you have somewhere warm to sleep tonight?’ Depending on the answers to these questions, the pairs move forward or backwards one step. At the end of the game, the difference between those at the front of the hall and those at the back was shockingly evident. This gap represents the inequality within our society, between those who have next to nothing and the very wealthy. After the game, we had the chance to say what we were thinking or feeling. It evoked many strong feelings from the group.

As the evening began to draw to a close, we moved into the common room for a movie and hot chocolate. At the end of the night, we all participated in a beautiful liturgy prepared by Dr Brown in the Hall. We got to meditate and pray together in a sacred environment before we all got ready for bed. Wrapped up in our sleeping bags we experienced first-hand what sleeping on the floor and in the cold was like.

After an early wakeup call in the morning, we packed up the courtyard and ate a basic breakfast in the dark. The sleepout allowed us to experience what homelessness is like in a small way, and gave us all something to think about. We would like to thank all the staff who made the night possible and everyone who came. It was comforting to know that our packages and donations will make a difference to the lives of those who are experiencing homelessness in our society.

Sarah Freeman Justice and Peace Leader

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On Tuesday July 22, Glen Eira Youth Services held a Leadership Forum for representatives from schools within the Glen Eira area. Six representatives from Issoudun and three from Year 10 attended. We were to hear from two guest speakers and participate in discussions and workshops, developing our skills and confidence as a leader.

The first of the two guest speakers was the co-founder of Thankyou, Justine Flynn. Thankyou is a social enterprise well known for the bottles of Thankyou water. The money made from the sales goes to projects across the world that are helping to provide clean drinking water for those who don't have access to any. Justine spoke about how the enterprise began and the journey it took, which included many setbacks and issues, to get to where it is today.

Approximately 600 million bottles of water are sold in Australia each year while an incredible 900 million people in the world still don't have access to clean water. These two facts are what sparked the idea. Today Thankyou is no longer just water. They also have available food products which funds projects providing food to people globally and body care products that contribute to sanitation and better health care. Justine used a quote in her

presentation about her experience, which was "Impossibility is only someone's opinion, not a fact" which can be applied to many situations that seem crazy or impossible, but in fact are very achievable.

The second speaker for the day was Elliot Costello, the founder of YGAP. YGAP is a charity dedicated to empowering communities disadvantaged by poverty to become self-sustainable. Elliot spoke of a project they funded in Southern Rwanda. Ntenyo Primary School has 7000 students and only nine classrooms. The YGAP volunteers travelled to Ntenyo Primary and built four new classrooms and today continues to ensure the students there receive the highest education. Elliot informed us that there are currently 150 million 5 cent coins circulating around Australia. In 2012 YGAP launched the 5cent campaign which aims to give some value back to the 5 cent coin by using it to help disadvantaged communities. In May 2012 and 2013, 5 cent collected 3,660,000 5 cent coins or $183,468.

In September this year YGAP will be introducing a new campaign called The Polished Man. The idea came into being after Elliot went on a trip and met with an orphaned young girl who, after a horrible start to life, still managed to remain optimistic. Before he left to return home she coloured his nails. Elliot now wears green nail polish in support for this campaign which aims to end violence against children. 90% of perpetrators are men and a further 80% are known to the victim. The Polished Man isn’t only aimed at men, YGAP are also encouraging women to get involved as well, and take the pledge to end violence against children.

The day provided a unique experience and a deeper understanding of what it means to be a leader. We gained insight into what was being done to assist with global issues and how we can make a contribution.

For more information on the projects and campaigns presented by ygap and thankyou visit: OR

Katelyn Fitchett and Emily Davidson Issoudun

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Book Week is always a time of excitement in the library. From beautiful displays to fun and challenging competitions, our library offers it all. ‘Connect to Reading – Reading to Connect’ is the theme selected for 2014, and both staff and students joined in the fun.

Monday’s lunchtime activities saw students ‘Connect to Reading’ by spinning yarns and telling tall tales on mystery topics ranging from ‘Having to tell Miss Oro I was her long lost sister’ to ‘How I saved Mrs O’Leary from drowning’. Team story telling became the order of the day seeing the following two teams - Leila Sermon, Hayley Gorman and Genevieve Yanko’s, and Anya Serpanchy, Ashlee Meyn and Maria Farag’s – emerge as the winners.

On Tuesday we ‘Connected to Games’ with Lego, Connect 4, Uno and jigsaws.

‘Connecting to a Movie’ was a relaxing lunchtime activity on Wednesday. The Lego Movie was a fun way to think about connecting, and two lucky winners – Ashlee Meyn (again) and Emily Davidson - received their own copy of the movie to enjoy.

The pace increased on Thursday as many girls ‘Connected to the School’ in our super exciting Amazing Race. Windows were counted, signs deciphered and statues investigated, in the quest to be the first team back to the library using the code word ‘Geronimo’. Choosing the winners proved to be nerve-wracking as some answers were incorrect, however Tea Melican, Charlotte Yanko and Allannah Burt emerged victorious!

Our final day of lunchtime activities centred on ‘Connecting to the Stars’ in the popular form of Theatresports. The ‘stars’ were Mrs Coetzee, Miss Schocker, Mr Smith and Ms Byers (Teachers’ team) as well as Taylor Barone, Laura Kent, Laura Webb and Hannah Peters (Students’ team). Each team faced acting challenges such as being stuck in a lift with the Prime Minister, or advertising a music CD for fast food restaurants and dentists.

We were fortunate to experience rare and gifted acting performances from both sides, however there must be a winner, and it was the student team who claimed the prize! (as judged by an unbiased audience!)

Thank you as always to the wonderful Library team – Mrs Lin Cooper, Miss Sarah Odgers, Mrs Michelle Einsiedel and Ms Mary Grace - for all the hard work put into making this week so spectacular!

Reading is a wonderful pastime and Book Week at OLSH is celebrated with joy amongst the whole school community – even sometimes the local community who hear our morning songs over the PA system!

Mrs Brenda O’Leary

Teacher Librarian

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College News

Senior B Team

Senior A Team

Inter A Team

Inter B Team

Junior A Team

Junior B Team

Stefani Savic

Emma Medland

Bianca Schragger

Jessica Vo

Priscilla Hondrakis

Abby Freney We believe, We Achieve

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Performing Arts students shone on Open Day. Visitors to the College were treated to Music, Dance and Drama performances. Highlights were the Rock Band playing in the Canteen Courtyard and two wonderful Music Soirees held in the College hall.

Special congratulations to Year 12 students Chloe Lewis and Erin O’Shanassy who lead the OLSH Orchestra playing the Games of Thrones Opening Title.

Mrs Michelle Fenton Performing Arts Coordinator

College News

Mrs Mentlikowski and Mrs Fenton with Year 12 Performing Arts students – Chelsea Adams, Erin O’Shanassy, Andrea La Fontaine, Chloe Lewis,

Jasmina Lieu and Kim Koelmeyer

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College News

Parents dropping off and picking up their daughters outside the College on Jasper Road and Robert Street are asked to be mindful of how and where they park, including leaving the driveways of our surrounding residents clear. In the interests of the safety of all our girls, please do not stop in front of the crossing flag on Jasper Rd or across the main exit driveways in Robert Street. It is also important that all road rules and parking restrictions in the area are observed, including not making u-turns during school hours in Jasper Rd and Robert St. Parking inspectors are on duty regularly around the area and issuing tickets.

Your assistance and cooperation is much appreciated.