newsletter march 2010

Changing Places Petition Handover Wednesday 9th December 2009 Elland House, London Followed by tea with Lord Rix At the Houses of Parliament Welcome to our Spring NEWSLETTER March 2010

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The latest news from Mid Norfolk Mencap


Changing Places Petition Handover

Wednesday 9th December 2009 Elland House, London

Followed by tea with Lord Rix At the Houses of Parliament

Welcome to our Spring


Changing Places December brought us a really unique day out for a group of members - trustees, residents and staff were all represented in our party that visited the House of Lords to meet Lord Brian Rix, a meeting to present our petition and a trip on the London Eye. The day started very early as the bus had to leave Merle Boddy House at 1/4 to 6. Everyone was ready and soon found a comfortable seat on the minibus. We watched dawn break as we headed down the A11 and the M11. Traffic was heavy in London and we managed to park outside the De-partment of Communities and Local Government at Elland House at 2 minutes to 10, just in time to meet the National Mencap team.

After getting everyone off the bus, and a quick comfort break we were taken in to join in the formal presentation of the Mencap National Petition for Changing Places - Changing Lives. We were there because the members and staff team of Mid-Norfolk Men-cap had collected more signatures on our petition in June than any other Mencap Local Group. After the speeches by Mencap and Lord McKenzie we formed a photo shoot with Paul as the man who handed over the whole stack of petitions to the Minister. Many photographs were taken by the official photographer from Mencap. We then moved out into a lobby area where more photos were taken beside an enor-mous model toilet roll. There was coffee and soft drinks provided and a chance to chat with the Minister, representatives from the Department and Na-tional Mencap staff.

Once these formalities were over we returned to the bus and drove to the House of Lords where we were greeted by a smiling Lord Rix. He led us through many corridors as the main entrance was all steps and not at all wheelchair friendly! We eventually arrived at the Riverside Restau-rant, where all the Lords have their lunch.

A very tasty buffet was provided and we all had a chance to talk with Lord Rix and to walk out onto the terrace, under those red and white striped canopies you see on the pictures of the Houses of Parliament. Standing on the terrace beside the Thames looking across to the London Eye was a truly special feeling and one that many of our residents enjoyed im-mensely.

Cont. Once we had cleared the buffet table (and hunted the Houses of Parliament for a toilet you could get to in a wheelchair) we walked around the Palace of Westminster, over the bridge and along to the London Eye. It was not a sunny day, but it stayed dry and quite bright. Some of the party who had travelled down with us had been on a river trip, we all met up at the Eye and were treated to a ride. The party split into two of the pods, it was not a bad day for views and many pictures were taken of the sights of London, as well as the occupants.

Once we had all visited the nearby facilities we walked back to the House of Lords to find our bus. It was a little dif-ficult as the bus and driver were inside the security area and we could not get back in. Eventually many helpful Police and Officials got the message through and out came the bus, parked in the main exit and held up all the posh cars whilst we loaded in peo-ple and wheelchairs. There was much excitement amongst some of the group as there had been an event in the Houses of Parliament which many ce-lebrities had attended. Apparently a lot of famous TV people walked past (they all looked pretty ordinary to me, but then I don't watch much TV!)

There was much happy chat on the way home and despite a very slow crawl across town in the rush-hour, we were home before anyone fell asleep (just). Overall I think it was a very worthwhile day, both to be part of the campaigning procedure, meet some National Mencap people and also give a number of our residents a memorable day out. I am grateful to the Trustees for providing the transport, our staff team, especially Debbie, for making arrangements and for all those who signed the petition and helped to make the Changing Places project such a success. Jon Gooch President Mid Norfolk Mencap

Norfolk County Group presents a seminar with Luke Clements – one of the country’s leading community care


‘Fair Access to Care’ How to get the most out of your Care Assessment

Wednesday 31st March 10am to 3pm Dereham Football Club

Aldiss Park, Norwich Road, Dereham, NR20 3PX 01362 690460

know how the assessment process works and what ‘eligibility criteria’ you have to meet to get the services you need for you and your family

find out how to get the best results from any care assessments

if things go wrong – understand how to appeal

book a valuable 1-2-1 session with Luke to discuss your family situation

The day is completely free and lunch will be provided

To book your place please contact Wendy Mobbs on 01905 740500

or email [email protected] Quote ‘Norfolk Fair Access to Care’ and respond by 24th March.

For more information call Kate Jones 01603 767132

Cinema Card There is a Cinema Card that people can apply for that says the holder of the card is entitled to one free ticket (each time they go to the cinema) for a person accompanying them to the cinema. To apply for the card you will need to be in receipt of disability living allowance or attendance al-lowance. Locally this card can be used at Hollywood Cinema in Dereham, Fakenham and Norwich, Odeon in Norwich and Vue in Norwich. Please look at the website that tells you all about the scheme and how to apply.

Due to Audrey our volunteer manager of the Charity Shop travelling to see her family in Australia for a few months and our shortage of volun-teers we have appointed on an initial short term contract Gail Chenery as our Manager. Gail came to us via Job Centre Plus and following for-mal interview commenced with us on February 9th 2010. Gail’s appointed has enabled the Charity Shop to be opened longer hours 9am – 4pm Mondays – Saturdays. We still need volunteers to support Gail and we are very pleased to say that all our existing volunteers have continued their involvement with us under Gail’s leadership. All administrative details concerning the shop are covered by Adi at the Mencap Office. We still need donated stock which we can sort for resale or even clothes for the TAT bag – which generate income for us. So please remember the Mencap Shop when you are sorting out with your Spring Cleaning efforts. Peter Crate

Mencap In Action Charity Shop

Gail Chenery

Staff Changes and Appointments

We welcome Lynda Kett as our new Service Development Officer, Lynda joined our team on Feb-ruary 1st 2010 and will be working with the Trustees to seek out new service developments and funding streams. She is line managed by the Chairman, Peter Crate. The Trustees have appointed Linda Logan as Team Leader in our residential services support team, Linda was previously a support assistant and has been employed at Merle Boddy House since March 2008. Lisa Digby was appointed Team Leader in August 2009, both Team Leaders support Helen Luxon, our Residential Support Services manager who was appointed 1st September 2009. We have also appointed Sheila Dale as our office admin assistant. Staff Resignations Christine Bolton and Carolyn Grey Residential Support Assistants MBH

Linda Logan Sheila Dale

Inspections Merle Boddy House had an unannounced visit from Breckland Environmental Health on 15th February 2010. The inspector was very impressed with our working systems and said everything was in order, he only noted one or two small recommendations which will be in his report. We also received our Annual Service Review from Care Quality Commission on the 15th Feb. This was based on the annual quality assessment (AQAA) which I completed in September 2009, as well as information from relevant other organisations and what other people have told QCQ about the service.

The report said that the quality rating for the service is: ‘two star good service’. There will be a key inspection by 3rd December 2011, although CQC will inspect at any time if they have concerns about the service. Registration of New Manager I am still in the process of registration with CQC as Registered Manager. I have completed my Self Assessment Survey and returned it and I will be having an interview at Merle Boddy House on Thursday 18th March with the inspector. Training All staff will be attending Person Centred Approaches Training over the coming months and the two team leaders, Lisa Digby and Linda Logan, will be attending Total Communication training, Lisa is attending Mental Capacity Act 2005 training and several staff are doing adult liter-acy/numeracy, all at no cost to MNM. Eight staff will be learning Signalong which will be costing £17 each for eight sessions, books and certification. I have also asked Change Consultancy to look at providing Equality & Diversity Training for all staff. Along with Person Centred Approaches Communication, this is something that I have focussed upon in both the AQAA and my Self As-sessment for CQC so it is important that staff undertake the training. I am about to begin Leadership & Management in Care Award and Georgina Smith (night sup-port) is funding herself to gain the A1 Assessors Award which will mean she can assess in house for NVQ's, which will be of benefit to us. House We have been looking into improving the disabled access at the house, Julian King from Dereham Disabled Access has visited and discussed options and requirements and will be sending a report. A service user has purchased a tandem to replace his old one. At present we do not have any-where to store it so I am getting quotes for a shed which will contribute to. The other tandem was ruined because there was nowhere to put it. The BBQ and lawn mower etc will also be kept in the shed. Another service user is having his room refurbished including fitted wardrobes and carpet at his own expense. We have been very lucky to have been given some new sofas and arm chairs for the back lounge and we are arranging for some decorating of communal areas. Helen Luxon Residential Support Manager

Merle Boddy House

Trustee Hi my name is Pat Grout I am a new Trustee let me introduce myself. I worked at Dereham Day Services, as a full time Day Services Officer for twelve years, before retiring in October 2008. I have a lot of experience with both the client group and local area. It was the best job in the world, I enjoyed every minute of it. I have over 30 years experience as a volun-teer member of St. John Ambulance and have many other interests includ-ing a fascination for steam fairs.

I look forward to working with Mid Norfolk Mencap and helping to face the many challenges that are ahead of us, remembering always that the most important people are those with learning disabilities, their parents and carers. Pat Grout Trustee

Member of Staff I am Lisa and have worked for Mid Norfolk Mencap at Merle Boddy House for nearly two years. My first role at the house was a one-on-one support worker. This entailed helping a lady integrate back into society. Last Au-gust a position arose to become a team leader. This was an opportunity to progress my career within Mencap and learn new skills. Outside of work I enjoy playing sports and going out with my niece and nephew. I also enjoy supporting Manchester United. Lisa Digby Team Leader

Focus on a …….

London Marathon April 25th 2010

Eamonn McCusker, a member of Mid Norfolk Mencap is taking part in the London Marathon on Sunday April 25th in aid of Mid Norfolk Mencap’s Dereham and Swaff-ham Saturday Day Centres. If you would like to sponsor Eamonn there is a sponsor form in the Mencap Office. There is also a prize of a bottle of champagne for the person who guesses the clos-est finishing time. Please sponsor Eamonn working hard to support Mid Norfolk Mencap.

We intend to publish our Mencap newsletter three times annually, so wel-come to the first one of 2010. We are also endeavouring to keep ‘Everybody in the Loop’ which is a monthly update giving key dates and information about events that we are either supporting or directly providing. Good communications is es-sential not only for the support needed for various activities but also helps our members understand at least some of the major changes that are taking place in Social Care services. Debbie Newson is our Newsletter Editor and compiler, but she needs con-tributions from anybody involved with our local work as we want to move away from just reports and information about good things that have

taken place if we possibly can. For instance some of our members may have views on what Day Services should look like, good points as well as negative views in correspondence to produce a letters page. So if you have a particular ‘bee in your bonnet’ about local services or indeed about Mid Norfolk Mencap it would be good to have your comments. The work of Charities such as ours is becoming more and more important as the services and support from the local Authority becomes more and more diluted due either to changes driven by Government Policy directives or particularly in Norfolk’s case a horrendous shortfall in the County Councils budget. Change is therefore very much ‘in the air’ and it looks as if there is much more to come over the next several years. Mid Norfolk Mencap as an active local charity that is becoming increasingly more important lo-cally (and indeed professional) in what we do. We have to get ourselves in ‘pole position’ to take on the responsibilities and management of new service opportunities when the need arises. If we fail to do this, and I fully accept the huge responsibilities involved, other organisations will step in and you may not like what they offer. Our strength is our local knowledge, strong membership support and the fact that our members can change the Trustees who are fully and finally responsible for the Charities work on an annual basis if you feel we are not delivering. Peter E. Crate Chairman of Trustees

Chairman’s Comments

Next Newsletter July 2010 – inclusions to be with Debbie by June 13th.

Learning Disability Week, Monday 21st to Sunday 27th June 2010 We expect to provide a full week’s programme of local activities. The theme for Learning Disability Week this year is Health - Getting It Right.

The activities of the Charity are expanding and more than ever we need volunteers to help us to continue to provide essential support services for vulnerable children and adults with learning disabilities. By providing these services we take the pressure off, just for a short while, parents and family carers generally.

Volunteers are needed for:-

Mencap Holiday Playscheme – which will be run in August. Our ‘Drop In Centre’ based at 33 Quebec Street Support for our Micro Business Projects – Tuesdays and Fridays. Involvement with our Gateway Club – Tuesday evenings. Involvement with our Stepping Out Club – Monday evenings. Volunteers for our Charity Shop. Volunteers to befriend residents at merle Boddy House. And, subject to overcoming base funding difficulties volunteers are needed for our monthly Sat-urday Day Centres at Dereham and Swaffham. And volunteers always needed to support our fundraising activities.

All Mencap volunteers are appointed subject to an enhanced CRB check, as our work is with vul-nerable people, and references may be required.

We are particularly keen to recruit young volunteers for our Playscheme, Saturday Day Centres and Drop In Centre at no33.

We may be able to help with a reference and volunteers certificates if this is required, but of course subject to involvement and good performance.

Please contact the Mencap Office – Adi or Debbie for an application form in the first instance.

Chairman’s Note:-

Mid Norfolk Mencap applied for funding from Breckland Youth Councils budget under the heading Improving Health and Well-being. Support for our Holiday Playscheme for children with disabili-ties seemed to us to fit into this category, but the application had to be presented by a young person (under 19 years) who was involved with the proposed project. Toby (a volunteer for our Holiday Playscheme) was prepared to lead our presentation after we were told that our application had been short listed and with support from the office, Alan and Linda West and myself he put together an excellent ten minute (that’s all he was allowed) sum-mary of our 2010 Holiday Playscheme proposal. This was presented to the Youth Council mem-bers and in due time we were given the news that Toby’s presentation had been awarded £2,043 from the £10,000 total allocated for all of Breckland. So well done to Toby, we are all delighted with the outcome particularly as it comes with the news that Norfolk County Council Children’s Service are unable to support the funding for our Holiday Playscheme and Saturday Day Centres, services that MNM has provided in partnership with the County Council since 1978.

Volunteers - always valued always needed!

There is a particular urgent need for additional volunteers for the Stepping Out Club as some longstanding volunteers are standing down at the June AGM.

SPRING CEILIDH (in aid of Mid Norfolk MENCAP)

Dancing to Snapdragon

Friday 23rd April 2010

7.30 – 11.30 pm

at Memorial Hall, Dereham

Raffle to be drawn.

Tickets £7.

Bar Available

Please contact Mid Norfolk MENCAP Office on 01362 695300 for tickets and more information.


Mid Norfolk Mencap 100 Club

We are now in to the second year of the 100 Club. If you wish to rejoin or become a new member please let Debbie at the Mencap Office know. First draw to take place on 17th March 2010 at the Family Carers meeting.


December Winners 1st Clare Chapman 2nd Alan West 3rd Chris Shannon

January Winners 1st Griselda Hubbard 2nd Linda Logan 3rd Jean Digby

February Winners 1st Debbie Newson 2nd Jackie Cook 3rd Peter Jarrold


Jon Gooch Christine Cook

Peter Crate Pauline Drury

Philip Field Ernie Barnes

Ann Copeman Sue Stubbs

Christine Shannon Trevor Turk

Lynda Turner Pat Grout Liz Bishop


Julian Crutch Christine Cook Audrey Saville

Mencap Community Development

Officer – Kate Jones

Mid Norfolk Mencap Incorporating South Norfolk Mencap

Registered Office 33 Quebec Street


NR19 2DJ

Phone: 01362 695300 Fax: 01362 699403

Email: [email protected]


Adrienne Moulding – Company Secretary

Helen Luxon –

Residential Support Manager

Debbie Newson – Finance Officer

Lynda Kett -

Service Development Officer

Lisa Digby – MBH Team Leader

Linda Logan - MBH Team Leader

AFFILIATED CLUBS Dereham & District Gateway Club –

Maddie Bray, Leader

Stepping Out Club – Griselda Hubbard, Secretary

Dates For Your Diary

Wednesday 17th March 2010 Family Carers Meeting Speaker Elizabeth Hughes, Parliamentary Candidate for Mid Norfolk 10.30am at no33. All carers are very much welcomed to attend.

Saturday 20th March 2010 Dereham Saturday Day Centre London Road, Dereham 10am – 4pm

Sunday 21st March 2010 Spring arrives at last! (We hope.) Monday 22nd March 2010 MNM Finance Sub Committee Meeting 10.15am Board Room, Mencap Office Free workshop for parents of children with Special Needs, Signpost Centre, St. Augustines Cen-tre, Kings Lynn, 10am – 2pm

Wednesday 24th March 2010 Partnership Board Finance Meeting, members only (Peter to attend).

Monday 29th March 2010 Full Trustees meeting @ no33, 10am – 12.30pm Partnership Board Finance and Strategy Group Meeting 3pm Aslake Close (Peter to attend).

Wednesday 31st March 2010 ‘Fair Access to Care Event’ led by Luke Clements, 10am – 3pm, Aldiss Park, Dereham. (Lunch provided) Please book your place with Wendy Mobbs on 01905 740500.

Saturday 3rd April 2010 Swaffham Saturday Day Centre Swaffham Convent 10am – 4pm

Saturday 17th March 2010 Dereham Saturday Day Centre London Road, Dereham 10am – 4pm

Wednesday 21st April 2010 Family Carers Meeting Speaker George Freeman, Parliamentary Candidate for Mid Norfolk 10.30am at no33. All carers are very much welcomed to attend.

For more details on any of the above please contact Adi or Debbie at the Mid Norfolk Mencap Office, 33 Quebec Street, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 2DJ. Tel: 01362 695300 Email: [email protected]

No33 Drop-In Centre

The drop-in centre will be open Monday to Friday 10am – 2pm from 1st April. A small cost of £1 per session will be charged. Tea and coffee available at 50p.

We are hoping to do a structured week involving exercise, cooking, healthy living and continuing with our days out within the community. Craft days will also be happening.

We are growing slowly and are trying to encourage further involvement within our community.

If you have any ideas of new activities we could try or could offer a few hours a week volunteer-ing at the drop-in centre please contact the Mencap office. Your views would be greatly appreci-ated.

Linda Logan