newsletter€¦ · life. 6. for those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!!...

Issue 259 Newsletter Daily Bible Readings Monday 27th: Psalm 134; Genesis 18:1-14; 1 Peter 1:23-25 Tuesday 28th: Psalm 134; Proverbs 8:32-9:6; 1 Peter 2:1-3 Wednesday 29th: Psalm 134; Exodus 24:1-11; John 21:1-14 Thursday 30th: Psalm 23; Exodus 2:15b-25; 1 Peter 2:9-12 Friday 1st: Psalm 23; Exodus 3:16-22, 4:18-20; 1 Peter 2:13-17 Saturday 2nd: Psalm 23; Ezekiel 34:1-16; Luke 15:1-7 Pastoral Report We are endeavouring to keep in contact with members and friends during lockdown. At present everyone seems to be coping. It is certainly very strange mes but by doing as we are told, hopefully the situaon will begin to ease. Our thoughts, prayers and support are with each other as we make the most of each day. We think especially of Chris as he comes to terms with the loss of Laura and connues to try and make all the necessary arrangements. These are proving very challenging when no personal contact is allowed. Keep strong, safe and well everyone. Jacquie Words of Mother Teresa: People are often unreasonable and self- centred. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.

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Page 1: Newsletter€¦ · life. 6. For those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!! 7. New recipes tried. Especially cakes and cookies!! 8. Learning new technology

Issue 259


Daily Bible Readings

Monday 27th: Psalm 134; Genesis 18:1-14; 1 Peter 1:23-25

Tuesday 28th: Psalm 134; Proverbs 8:32-9:6; 1 Peter 2:1-3

Wednesday 29th: Psalm 134; Exodus 24:1-11; John 21:1-14

Thursday 30th: Psalm 23; Exodus 2:15b-25; 1 Peter 2:9-12

Friday 1st: Psalm 23; Exodus 3:16-22, 4:18-20; 1 Peter 2:13-17

Saturday 2nd: Psalm 23; Ezekiel 34:1-16; Luke 15:1-7

Pastoral Report

We are endeavouring to keep in contact with members and friends during lockdown. At present everyone seems to be coping. It is certainly very strange times but by doing as we are told, hopefully the situation will begin to ease. Our thoughts, prayers and support are with each other as we make the most of each day. We think especially of Chris as he comes to terms with the loss of Laura and continues to try and make all the necessary arrangements. These are proving very challenging when no personal contact is allowed. Keep strong, safe and well everyone.


Words of Mother Teresa: People are often unreasonable and self-centred. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.

Page 2: Newsletter€¦ · life. 6. For those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!! 7. New recipes tried. Especially cakes and cookies!! 8. Learning new technology

Answers To Last Week’s Quiz: How Many UK Cities Or Towns Can You Name?

1. Bakewell 2. Morecambe 3. Gravesend 4. Maidstone 5. Dover 6. Clitheroe 7. Penzance 8. Swansea 9. Falmouth 10. Gloucester 11. Harrogate 12. Newcastle 13. Motherwell 14. Canterbury 15. Battle (Hastings) 16. Fishguard 17. Durham 18. Glastonbury 19. Scarborough 20. Barnsley 21. Broadstairs 22. Weston Super Mare 23. Leeds 24. Chesterfield 25. Skegness 26. Manchester 27. Bath 28. Pontefract 29. Coldstream 30. Sandwich


Message from Alan and Anita. In these strange times when the news is so depressing and we are all missing our family and friends, we thought we would try to be positive and share some things which give us reasons to be cheerful! Below are our reasons to be cheerful: 1. Weather has been very kind with bright sunny days. 2. We are lucky to live in this part of the country where we can get our daily exercise by the sea or open places. 3. We are speaking to people on the telephone, some who we have been meaning to for a long time. 4. Catching up with all the jobs that have built up over the last year or so. 5. Gardens looking lovely, a beautiful time of the year, with colours and blossom bursting to life. 6. For those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!! 7. New recipes tried. Especially cakes and cookies!! 8. Learning new technology using Zoom, YouTube, WhatsApp, FaceTime etc. Thank you Michael for your wonderful service. It is great to be able to still worship together. 9. All the good, free, entertainment on TV, YouTube, radio etc, including, celebrities giving their time. 10. Captain Thomas Moore. We are sure all would want to and do say a very big thank you to ALL the key workers. If anybody has any different reasons to be cheerful, please let Jo know so we can share some positivity and happiness.

Page 3: Newsletter€¦ · life. 6. For those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!! 7. New recipes tried. Especially cakes and cookies!! 8. Learning new technology

[Pastoral Letter 05 / 150 Days of Noah’s Lockdown]

The Whole World is in Quarantine!

Not long ago, we have witnessed a fierce

tug of war between the superpowers,

particularly in the battleground of the world

economy. The world leaders have played Snakes and Ladders seizing power

at all cost. One of the issues is on the environmental disorder we have

caused in the name of materialism or seeking after the wellbeing of

humanity. World leaders and scientists have been arguing whether climate

change is the real matter or not in the last centuries. In the meantime, we

have spoiled and ruined nature’s order creating various side-effects under

the banner of civilisation. Today an invisible kingdom is invading this visible

world, causing multiple wounds in all areas of human living. We thought we

had gained, and now we admit that we have lost. How severe would be

the loss of our financial market at the end of this pandemic? We have never

expected to shut down the doors of the world at the same time as this. The

whole world is in quarantine today!

It is hard to believe there is something good we may find in this confusion. In

the present climate, we observe the turquoise sky as we have stopped

polluting the world at this time. Even now a herd of sheep and deer are

strolling in our towns claiming as their previous territories. This current

lockdown of the world seems to ensure a sabbatical for the earth! For the

globe to breathe some fresh air!

Undoubtedly, we learned the lesson as a child that nature can flourish

exceedingly well without human beings’ aid, but mortal beings cannot

survive without nature’s resource. At this point, I come across the groaning

of the creation pronounced solemnly in the Bible: “For the creation waits in

eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation

was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one

who subjected it, in the hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its

bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children

of God… We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the

pains of childbirth right up to the present time. (Romans 8:19-22, NIV) This

disorder represents the grief of nature and its dysfunction. Whether you

believe or not, whether you hear or not, the earth is waiting for the world to

repent from the misuse of the raw material.

Page 4: Newsletter€¦ · life. 6. For those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!! 7. New recipes tried. Especially cakes and cookies!! 8. Learning new technology

Probably it is too early to determine the cause of the current epidemic at

this time. However, we hear that bats or snakes could be natural hosts of

these viruses, yet several other species of animals are to blame. And other

scientists question that there might have been undertaken some kinds of

prohibited experiments where the pandemic originated. In other words,

people’s craving behaviour might have triggered the sickness of the

natural kingdom. Or the civilisation of the world has ruined the prudent

order of the earth. In this manner, we hear the groaning of the planet these

days amid the epidemic. Nobody can deny today that the whole world is

in quarantine!

I admit nothing can happen without reason in the world (including the crisis

of COVID-19). When we turn on the computer, for example, it starts working

sharing all sorts of information in the system, when we turn off, it stops too.

The Bible says, “...A man reaps what he sows.” The world we are living in,

remains a world of reasoning. However, evil desires often tend to override

the reasoning system of the world. Perhaps as a result of such behaviour,

this invisible virus reveals a massive power of killing today that we have

forgotten, such enormous power of nature for the last decades. In the

meantime, the nasty virus visits a rich country one day and visits a poor on

the following day. This silent killer does not care about international borders

even though the nations take tight measure round the globe. Accordingly,

the world is gravely ill and is shedding its bloodlike money. This sign might

be a wakeup call for the greedy world. What we are witnessing in this

anarchy is that today’s tower of Babel is trembling from top to bottom.

Therefore, the world as a whole is in quarantine.

*(this pastoral letter continues…)

Michael Moon

Page 5: Newsletter€¦ · life. 6. For those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!! 7. New recipes tried. Especially cakes and cookies!! 8. Learning new technology
Page 6: Newsletter€¦ · life. 6. For those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!! 7. New recipes tried. Especially cakes and cookies!! 8. Learning new technology
Page 7: Newsletter€¦ · life. 6. For those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!! 7. New recipes tried. Especially cakes and cookies!! 8. Learning new technology

“A Fascinating Dinner with Jesus”

Psalm 116 / Luke 24:13-35

3rd Sunday of Easter / 26 April 2020

Today we meet two disappointed disciples making

their way home. The disciples are in trauma by the

death of Jesus. Their hearts are clouded by fear, anger, anxiety, grief and failure now. I

can imagine what they determined - “Let’s go home and forget everything.” Perhaps

their journey to Emmaus would be like what we are undergoing through the lockdown

experience since this global pandemic today.

Meeting Thomas is known as the 7th Appearance of Post-resurrection of Jesus. The Road

to Emmaus is the 3rd Appearance of Jesus’ Resurrection; and one of the best-loved Post-

Resurrection stories. On the First Easter Sunday, Jesus makes a tiresome journey from

Jerusalem to Emmaus (about 8 miles). Hence, you may suspect why Jesus makes such a

hard trip walking up and down the hills on a scorching day.

Suddenly, Jesus Himself approaches the disciples, begins travelling with them, and starts

sharing the Word with them. Jesus, the Stranger, points out the passages in the Scripture

that they don’t understand. And then, the Stranger unlocks their hearts by teaching

them about Jesus’ suffering, dying and resurrection in the timeline of God’s


It is hard to believe that they cannot recognise Jesus during the journey. What’s wrong

with their eyes? This happening is something to deal with in a spiritual dimension. By this

time to them, Jesus Christ was humiliated, tortured, nailed, died, and buried by the

power of the Romans and the Jewish authority. Jesus didn’t exist in their thoughts at that

time. (i.e. Mary Magdalene at the tomb and other disciples on the shore of Galilee had

the same experience.) The execution of Jesus shatters the hopes and excitement of

disciples; He is dead, finished, and their life is in shutdown. “We can’t understand the

Tragic Events that happened in the Holy City last week!” Amid the deep shadow of

disciples’ journey, the Stranger joins along the same road. Very well, the Same Road with

them! And the Stranger listens to their griefs and responds to their absolute despair. Even

though their eyes are open, they can’t recognise their Master because their hope is

buried in the tomb also. The passage says this mystery - “Their eyes were kept from

recognising him” (v.16).

At this point, I come to you with our current situation of the universal pandemic in the

world. Like the two disciples, we are ‘blindfolded’ by the sudden invasion of the

Coronavirus. We are incredibly defeated watching at the collapse of our living, our

social life, our economy, our family bond, of course, our church service. The whole world

is on hold.

To my observation, Jesus’ decision for such an urgent journey was one of the most vital

matters on his to-do list after his resurrection. Jesus seemed to say to himself - “Oh no, this

is terrible, I must sort it out without delay. The rescue is on the way, off I go!” You may

argue today - “Is the Risen Christ is walking on the Same Road to be with us today?” Let’s

observe what He will achieve in this world. Even though this pandemic has blindfolded

the globe as a whole, let us be hopeful and believe that “The Risen Christ is walking on

our road today. At last, they arrive in Emmaus as the sun goes down. The two invite the

Stranger into their home. “Would you like to come to our home and eat together?” Jesus

accepts their generous offer. “If they didn’t invite Jesus what would happen to them?”

Page 8: Newsletter€¦ · life. 6. For those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!! 7. New recipes tried. Especially cakes and cookies!! 8. Learning new technology

At home, Jesus breaks bread with them and gives thanks… Could you picture this

unusual scene here? Jesus is not the Host but a Guest and a Stranger in this house but He

acts like the Host. “Jesus is the Head of our home, the unseen Guest at every meal, and

the silent Listener to every conversation.” Do we still keep this old-time motto and teach

our children today? At that point, they can recognise Jesus - “Oh, the Messiah!” Jesus

reveals His identity as the Risen Christ only after the dinner! The password to experience

this fantastic dinner with the Risen Lord was ‘Hospitality.’ What a fascinating dinner with

the Risen Christ! They are filled with Joy and Excitement! What’s more, suddenly, Jesus

disappears from their sight! What a scene! It happens like a scene in a fantasy film!

The Journey and the Meal become two pillars of the narrative in this passage. Including

this event, the image of Jesus conveys Jesus as the Life-giving Spirit; for example, the

feeding of the multitude, feeding of disciples on the shore of Galilee, and of course, the

Last Supper. *Bonhoeffer, the German theologian who fought against Hitler, said, “We

discover three kinds of Table Fellowship in the scriptures” - ‘Daily Fellowship at home’;

‘The Eucharistic Fellowship in church’; and ‘The Final Fellowship in Heaven.’ And he

added, “All of them represent that our eyes are revealed, and we recognise

Him.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together)

Now the disciples join the Resurrection Club. As they hurry back to Jerusalem, the

glorious twilight over the hills shines behind them. No time to squander to spread the

good news with others. After all, the Risen Christ makes their journey reverse; from the

Journey of Disappointment to the Journey of Transformation! Some say, “The Emmaus

Road Story represents the metaphoric condensation of the First Christians.” - “Emmaus

never happened, but Emmaus always happens.” (John Dominic Crossan) This

fascinating story conveys how a New Beginning can be possible from the Utterly Broken

Circumstance. Does this message sound for this world today? Yes? Yes.

Today’s Psalm 116 mirrors the same message - “I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he

heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I

live. The cords of death entangled me; the anguish of the grave came over me; I was

overcome by distress and sorrow. Then I called on the name of the Lord: Lord, save me!”

The Psalmist is delivered from the grave jeopardy, and shouts with words of thanksgiving

and joy! Someone has faced the near-death experience but has survived through God’s

answer to prayer. This Psalm swings between the ‘Depths of Despair’ and ‘Joyful

Thanksgiving’! We call this Psalm the ‘Cup of Salvation’ as the Early Church used the

Psalm for celebrating the Passover and Eucharist. Therefore, the Psalm says: “God’s

gracious gift is still available.” “Life can be restored by the grace of God’s sovereign

verdict.” Does this message again sound for this world today?

As a believer, I feel cold today even though it is springtime. There is not so much warmth

of God’s Word or Spiritual Energies in the vein of this world today. Church buildings

become historical heritages in the West. Many people can’t recognise the Risen Christ,

God’s Son. A church on earth grows with the warmth of people’s hearts. Instead, we

have tried to establish our world with money and our pleasure, but today we are

shedding our bloodlike money and we are giving up our pleasure. Therefore, I say, this

world needs the Passion of Emmaus Journey as the disciples’ hearts were warmed up on

the way to Emmaus. In this pandemic today, our eyes are covered by fear, failure, loss,

disappointment and uncertainty for the future. It is time to walk along with the Risen

Christ. That’s the Easter Quality of people’s life. *(Michael Moon)

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Page 10: Newsletter€¦ · life. 6. For those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!! 7. New recipes tried. Especially cakes and cookies!! 8. Learning new technology
Page 11: Newsletter€¦ · life. 6. For those who have to go shopping, you only have to do it once a week!! 7. New recipes tried. Especially cakes and cookies!! 8. Learning new technology