newsletter july 2015

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  • Marie Bashir Public School

    Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow 159 Albert Road Phone: (02) 8736 4400 Strathfield NSW 2135 Fax: (02) 8736 4450


    Email: [email protected]

    Issue 7/2015 31 July 2015


    Term 3, 2015 27 July Education Week Open Day Concert 28 July ICAS English test 28 August Book Week Parade 12 August Cake Stall (Year 6) 19 August Zone Athletics Carnival 20 August Book Week Parade and Book Sale 24 Aug-4 Sept Swimming Scheme 3 September Fathers Day Stall 10 September Stages 2 & 3 Incursions- Together For Humanity 9 September Mass Choir Rehearsal 14 September Dance Group and Choir to Perform at Schools Spectacular at Opera House 16 September Stage 1 to Fairfield City Farm 16 September Half Page Prefect Nomination 2016 Due 17 September Pyjama Mufti Day (Year 6 Fundraiser) 18 September Last Day Of School Term


    Principals Message Welcome back to what has already been a very busy and exciting start to term 3. Students are to be commended for taking pride in wearing their school uniform. Parents are reminded that children are expected to wear a school tie as part of their winter uniform. Student enrolments have reached 234. As a result, I welcome Mrs Parish who will be working at Marie Bashir Public School as the English as a Second language and Dialect Teacher each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs Parish will be working with Year 1 classes. Her focus will be on literacy. Mrs Hetherington, our Learning and Support Teacher will also be with us every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday supporting students with learning needs. I encourage parents of children who will be starting Kindergarten in 2016 to submit an enrolment form as soon as places are filling quickly. To be eligible to start school, children must turn 5 on or before 31 July, 2015. Packages will be posted shortly for new children who will be

    starting in Kindergarten through to Year 6 at Marie Bashir Public School next year inviting them to orientation. Parents will be asked to attend two information sessions. If you would like an enrolment form they are available from the school office or online from the DEC website. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Natoli as they are expecting a baby in January.

    Happy Eid to all families who celebrated Eid on Friday 17 August. Our dance group and choir have been very busy preparing for the Granville Schools Spectacular. They will be performing at the Opera House on Monday, 14 September. I look forward to this memorable event. Aussie Of The Month As part of the schools student welfare program, each month at a special assembly a student is named Aussie of the Month and presented with a certificate. Our Aussie of the Month for July is Rachel in 2B. Congratulations Rachel!

  • Education Week I remind parents, grandparents and friends that the Education Week Performance will be held on Monday 27 July at 2pm in the auditorium. It is an event that is not to be missed. All students will have the opportunity to perform during this concert and look forward to seeing their parents and relatives in the audience. Supervision Please remember that supervision commences at school at 9.00am and ceases at 3.25pm. It is extremely unwise to leave your child unsupervised in the playground outside these hours.

    Parent satisfaction Each year, the school will survey students, staff and parents in order to analyse the schools operation. We ask you to take a couple of minutes to complete the attached survey and return it to the school office by Friday 28 August 2015. Your assistance in completing the questions is appreciated and will greatly assist in our analysis of the schools operation. Swimming Scheme A two week swimming program has been organised for students in Year 2 and Year 3 from Monday, 24 August 2015 to Friday, 4 September 2015. The cost for 10 lessons, pool entry and transport to and from Enfield pool is $99.00. We understand that this is a significant amount. We will accept payment in instalments. Please complete the note attached and return it to the front office. Excursion/ Incursion Money Parents are asked to place all money for excursions and incursions in an envelope with your childs name and class clearly written on the envelope. These envelopes are to be deposited in the white postal box in the front office. Please ensure you enclose the exact money. Premiers Spelling Bee Students in Years 3-6 will be involved in the Premiers Spelling Bee to be conducted on the school premises in Week 4. Marie Bashir Public School School Finals will be held on Thursday 13 August. Finalists will be competing in the Regional Finals at Harcourt Public School on Tuesday, 15 September, 2015. Good Luck! SRC Representative for term 3 KL - Christine & Yashika KN Chase and Claire KH Celine and Dhilan 1S - Haizen and Charlize 1M Ivan and Maliana 2B Rachel and Isaac 3L Sunny & Nicholas 4L Marouf and Alina 5A - Angela and Abdullah 6D - Maryam and Jessica

    Book Week Marie Bashir Public School will be celebrating Book Week-70th Anniversary on Thursday, 20 August, 2015. All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will be participating in a book parade at 2pm in the auditorium. On this special day, students are asked to come dressed as their favourite character from a book. Families are invited to come and watch the parade after you join your child for a picnic lunch. This year, the theme for Book Week is Books light up our world, so costumes must be a character from a book that was imagined by an author or illustrator. This excludes characters on television or comics (Spiderman, Batman, The Hulk etc.) or general costumes such as fairies and princesses. Ask your children about their favourite book. We are looking forward to seeing everyone dressed up at the parade!

    Mrs Scully Teacher Librarian School Orchestra The school orchestra meets each Friday from 8:30-9:25am. If your child can play a musical instrument and would be interested in joining the school orchestra, please speak to Mrs Attard. Kiss and Ride Zone The Kiss and Ride Zone at the front of the school has been extended to the end of the cul- de- sac on Albert Road. The planter boxes on the road have been removed to ensure the smooth traffic flow of traffic in the afternoon. Parents are asked not to park in the Kiss and Ride Zone. Parents are asked not to block driveways if waiting in the kiss and ride queue in the afternoon.

  • Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your assistance in completing the questions is appreciated and will greatly assist in our analysis of the schools operation.

    Your Stage

    Almost Always Usually Sometimes Rarely

    1 My child likes to attend school each day

    2 The teacher treat my child fairly

    3 Teachers take an interest in helping my child with their work

    4 Teachers listen to what my child has to say

    5 My child is anxious about his/her school life

    6 My child gets along with other students in his/her class

    7 My child thinks that he/she is a success as a student

    8 I am happy to contact my childs class to talk about his/her learning

    9 My child thinks the work he/she presents is engaging

    10 The school is connected to the community and welcomes parental involvement

    11 Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher to discuss concerns relating to their child

    12 There are good lines of communication between the school and parents

    Your Comments: __________________________________________________________________


    Tick the circle for the answer you agree with most. For example, this parents response was usually for the statement What my child is asked to learn is important. If you do not have an opinion about a question leave all boxes blank. Almost Always Usually Sometimes Rarely

    1 What I am asked to teach is important


    Dear Parents/Caregivers

    Arrangements have been made to include a learn to swim program in our school curriculum.

    The Department of Education and Training School Swimming Scheme is an intensive swimming program which develops water confidence and provides students with skills in water safety, correct swimming stroke and survival. The scheme is conducted over 10 days. Each daily lesson is 45 minutes.

    All students in Years 2 and 3 are expected to attend this swimming scheme. Instruction will take place at Enfield pool. The Scheme will continue daily for two weeks from Monday, 24 August to Friday, 4th September. There will be no charge for instruction, however transport and entry into the pool for the 10 days will cost a total of $99.00.

    Whilst we understand the high cost of the swimming lesson, we now have an eftpos machine for parents to pay electronically at the front office. Alternatively, payment can be made in four instalments.

    Each child should bring a swimming costume, a towel, goggles, a blouse or shirt and hat and warm clothing on a cool day.

    Students will be assessed during the School Swimming Scheme for ability to swim and water safety skills.

    Please complete and sign the form below and return it the white school post box in the administration area. Mrs Ling Swim Scheme Coordinator .. RETURN THIS SECTION TO SCHOOL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE CHILDS NAME: _____________________________________CLASS: ___________

    I wish to pay the full amount of $99.00 ENCLOSED: _______________

    I wish to pay in instalments (See following page) I hereby consent to the attendance of my son/daughter/ward _______________________________ at the School Swimming Scheme classes to be held at Enfield pool from 24 August to 4 September. In the event of injury or illness, I also authorise (on my behalf) the seeking of such medical assistance my child may require. Special needs of my child of which you should be aware (eg allergies, sensory impairment, etc): Signature of Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________Date: _____________________

  • SCHOOL SWIMMING SCHEME Childs name: __________________________________________ Class:___________________

    Instalment 1: $24.75 Payment Due: 22 June 2015

    Enclosed: ______________________________________ Signed: _______________________________________________ Date:____________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    SCHOOL SWIMMING SCHEME Childs name: __________________________________________ Class:___________________

    Instalment 2: $24.75 Payment Due: 27 July 2015

    Enclosed: ______________________________________ Signed: _______________________________________________ Date:____________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    SCHOOL SWIMMING SCHEME Childs name: __________________________________________ Class:___________________

    Instalment 2: $24.75 Payment Due: 10 August 2015

    Enclosed: ______________________________________ Signed: _______________________________________________ Date:____________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    SCHOOL SWIMMING SCHEME Childs name: __________________________________________ Class:___________________

    Instalment 4: $24.75 Payment Due: 17 August 2015

    Enclosed: ______________________________________ Signed: _______________________________________________ Date:____________________



    Parents are invited to attend our

    K-6 Open Day Orchestra and Drama


    Celebrating Local Heroes at

    Marie Bashir Public School on

    Monday, July 27, 2015 in the

    Auditorium at 2:00pm

    Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow


    Ph: 0429 528 363 [email protected]

    With the beginning of term the children have been busy discussing what they would like do for Culture Club, Interest and Environment and Cooking Club. Together we came to the decision of China for our Culture Club and as many children suggested animals we have used this to tie into our Culture Club looking at Pandas and Koi Fish. We are busily getting our display boards ready and we are excited for all the activities we will get to participate in. Later in the term we will be competing in an inter-Primary OSHCare sports competition. This will also incorporate a variety of craft activities as well as friendly competition. We are looking forward to learning some new games and skills. Our survey on leadership and management was sent out at the end of last term with many of our families providing very positive feedback. They felt they were given adequate information regarding national regulations and company policies and procedures and that we were upholding these to a high standard. Thank you to everyone who responded to this survey If you are interested in enrolling your child please come down to the Centre and feel free to make any enquiries, forms can be picked up from the centre or within the school office.

    Families can contact staff at the Centre by calling 0429 528 363 or emailing [email protected]

    Thank you for your support. Sam, Sonia, Andrew, Annabel, Daniel and Ezia



    K-6 Open DayOrchestra and Drama PerformanceCelebrating Local HeroesatMarie Bashir Public School on

    Monday, July 27, 2015