newsletter july 2012

Worldwide Network USA Connections Australian Connections Canadian Connections FCE Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education IMPORTANT DATES DMT (Discipleship-Mission Training (Condensed)) 6 weeks Wolseley: 8 Oct. – 18 Nov. 2012 NCTC (National Christian Teachers’ Convention) Bloemfontein: 29 Sept. – 1 Oct. 2012 JULY 2012 [email protected] P.O. Box 126, Wolseley, South Africa, Oakstree, Huis Weich, 6830

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Page 1: Newsletter JUly 2012


USA Connections

Australian ConnectionsCanadian Connections

FCEFoundat ion for Cross -Cul tura l Educat ion

IMPORTANT DATESDMT (Discipleship-Mission Training (Condensed)) 6 weeksWolseley: 8 Oct. – 18 Nov. 2012NCTC (National Christian Teachers’ Convention) Bloemfontein: 29 Sept. – 1 Oct.

JULY 2012

[email protected]. Box 126, Wolseley, South Africa, Oakstreett, Huis Weich, 6830

Page 2: Newsletter JUly 2012

Anita and I are back home safely after 3 months in Australia, the USA and Canada. Recently I often had to answer the follow-ing questions: “Why do you spend so much time oversees? Is it really worth the money and trouble?” Then I remember how in the beginning years of FCE I also struggled with these same

questions, until the Lord revealed to me that if He gives me a command, He is more than capable to handle the finances and timetable Himself! Therefore, my only answer to these ques-tions is: “I am going in obedience to His command.” From ex-perience I can testify that our Father is building His Kingdom with a Godly plan. “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” (Acts 20:24)

I trust that this photo story of our visit to Australia, the USA and Canada, will give you a glimpse into how the Lord has guided and blessed us. There were people who made their homes, vehicles, their time, their ministries, their finances, available to us and who shared with us their families and friends.

Please keep in mind that we have limited space and therefore can only focus on some of the highlights of our tour.

A BIG thank you to each of you who carried us during this time by means of prayer, finances and words of encouragement; for every home where we were received with love and for every opportunity that was created for us to testify about what God is doing in and through FCE.

May this photo overview be a testimony of how the Lord is us-ing FCE worldwide to:• Network with Christian schools, congregations and mission organisations;• Mobilise people for missions;• Alert Christians again to their mission responsibility;• Create a platform from where they can become involved in missions;• Train and send out young people in missions.

few years ago I was one of the speakers at a Teacher’s conference in England. Afterwards, a lady whom I did not know came to me with a drawing. While I was

speaking, the Lord gave her a picture – she then began drawing some lines and figures, which turned out to be a spider’s web. The Lord had revealed to her

that He was going to use me to spread a network across the world. I should not doubt that what I was doing, was from Him, that He had a plan; I only

had to move in obedience. This tour was a confirmation of what the Lord had revealed to me that day. Today I am in awe of the network that we

have established over these many years, in which Jesus Christ is the centre of the lives of Christians all over the world. A

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AustralianMore than 10 years ago Andrew Evetts fell in love with a South Afri-

can girl, Lizl de Jongh. He ended up with FCE, was born again and completed his teacher training and mission training with FCE in 2001. Today he is principal of a Christian school in Ayr, Queensland. Through the years he and his family remained involved with FCE and he sees his FCE friends as his mentors and prayer supporters.

William and Colleen Doble have been involved with FCE since 1997. They were the leaders of the first group of teach-

ers that we sent out to India. In Australia they are still faithful in supporting and marketing FCE whenever and wherever they are able to.

Andrew and Margaret Robertson are real pillars of strength. After completing the discipleship training in South Africa, they still go to Zambia on a regular basis for a few months each year. An-

drew helps with the carpentry and other building projects and Margaret is worth her weight in gold in the kitchen and women’s ministry. During our stay in Mackay, we had the use of their house and their car.

The Evetts Family

William & Colleen Doble

Andrew & Margaret Robertson

South Africans in Mackay




Josh Woodhouse, an electrician from Mackay, is financed and sent out by his employer, Brad to help install the electricity at Koti ni Eden. They are looking into the possibility of cooperating with FCE in

training electricians in Zambia. Josh has also done the Discipleship training and his heart is with FCE in Africa.

Josh WoodhouseMackay

Max Maddock is a missions veteran who mobilises his family, friends and community to do practical work on the mission field.

Max and a team of experts trust the Lord for finances to enable us to complete two houses at our training centre in Malawi from 23 July to 18 August.

Max MaddockYakandanda

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In 2002 Neels met Pastor Rob Booth-Jones, senior pastor of Mackay Christian Family and Dr. Craig Murison, principal of Mackay Christian College. After ten years MCC / MCF are still sharing the vision with FCE.

The Mackay Christian College (MCC)

Jacques du Toit, son of Piet and Elma du Toit, has completed his four year degree in Learning Management at Central Queensland Univer-

sity with distinction. This was made possible through financial assistance of MCC and the Murisons, who opened their hearts and home for him. He is currently a teacher at MCC and recently got married to Jennifer, daughter of Pastors Rob and Denise Booth-Jones.

Jacques & Jen du Toit

Ndanji, daughter of Brian and Barbara Singoyi of Zambia, now has the opportunity to complete her schooling at MCC. She has been

received like a daughter in the Murison household.

Ndanji Singoi & Candace Murison

Dr. Craig Murison is actively involved in the training of FCE teach-ers and is a regular speaker at teacher conferences in South


Craig Murison &his daughter

Outreaches from the school and church visit our training centres in SA and Zambia regu-

larly to help with practical work and training.

Outreach Groups

The Church’s regular financial do-nations make it possible for us

to finance many projects in Zambia.

Mackay Church

Neels de Jager regularly has opportunities to

speak in the church and at the school.

FCE student teachers are wel-comed to do their practical

teaching in the school and FCE staff have free access to the curriculum and modus operandi of the school.

Neels de Jager Teaching

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Dr Ted Boyce of Pacific Hills School in Sydney has opened doors for us to many Christian schools. Through his mobilisation and organisa-tion skills, he has been promoting the work of FCE, resulting in the releasing of finances to sponsor students and bring Australian teachers to serve us with their talents.

David Baskerville, principal of a The Park-lands Christian Collegel in Brisbane, accommodated FCE staff and also presented a workshop at the 2010 NCTC in Bloemfontein.

Rachael Greer was sent out by MCF and is now working as a

trained nurse in the clinic at Koti ni Eden.

Rachael Greer

Bob Frisken, a ‘father of Christian Education in Aus-tralia’, introduced FCE to the Christian Education move-ment in Australia, which opened many doors for us.


FCE presents Discipleship -Mission

Training to teachers and church members of MCF / MCC.

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Connie Brand from Atlanta was the first American who did the Dis-cipleship course with FCE. She has a good understanding of Christ-

centred Education and is a strong mobiliser for FCE. She is a member of the Cobb Community Church and through her, this church and many of her friends are supporting us.

Joseph Leopard is a member of the Cobb Community Church. He completed his teacher training with FCE and is at present

one of the committed teachers at Koti ni Eden, Zambia. Joseph has married a Namibian girl and both of them are FCE staff members.

Neels had an opportunity to share in the church where Mark and Beth serve the Lord. We thank the congregation for releasing them

to help with training at Koti ni Eden in Zambia. Mark trains students in welding and Beth is serving in the school and in the community.

Frank and Judy Steidl: This family was the first Americans with whom we stayed over in 1991, when we did research into Christian Education. It is now 21 years later - they are still interested in what we are doing and are amongst our faithful

prayer supporters.

Connie Brand & her mother

Joseph & Foibe Leopard

Mark & Beth Bauer

Frank & Judy Steidl




San Diego

Pastor Allen Daniels of the Cobb Community Church in Atlanta sent an outreach group to Zambia a few years ago. Dale and Ward were part of this group and we never miss a visit with them when we are in

Atlanta. This congregation also donated the first camera for our media department.

Pastor Allen DanielsAtlanta


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Chris is an ex-student from Ladismith and like a son to me. I never hesitate to call on his family – they are always there for us and re-

main faithful in their friendship with us through all these years.

Josef & Amanda Botha and their three daughters: Joseph is one of my ex-students of Clanwilliam. He and his family look after us, arrange

appointments with key people, make all their resources available to us and spoil us with every visit.

In 2008 Roy was involved in the Discipleship Training in South Africa. He returned to Canada where he realised he lost his heart in Africa

and that the Lord has called him for missions. Roy is at present doing our Hospitality & Tourism Training. He is already a staff member of FCE.

Riaan is one of my ex-students from Prieska. He and his wife are both in the medi-cal profession in Canada and are real stalwarts. Their hearts are in missions and

they support us wherever they can.

Chris & Johanna Oosthuizen

Josef & Amanda Botha

Roy Crawford

Riaan & Zelda du Plooy


Red Deer



Matie and Ansunette de Vries: Both of them are doctors in Canada. We recharge our batteries with them and just relax, chatting about the days when they were

still children back in South Africa.

Matie & Ansunette de Vries

“Cast your bread upon the waters and after many days it will return to you” is a reality in my life.


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Peter and Denise Breederland, a farming couple from Vancouver: Peter is an excellent mobiliser and or-

ganised strategic meetings with us with interested par-ties. He also made his car available to us, which made it so much easier to reach many of our appointments.

Peter introduced us to the Gleaners: an organisation that processes surplus vegetables, dehydrating it and shipping

it in containers to countries where there is a shortage of food. FCE also received some of these vegetables, which make nu-tritious soups and stews. We could go there to thank them.

Giselle Reneau came on a short-term outreach to Zambia with her pastor, Ben Dewbury and two years later she is a fulltime first year student teacher at Koti ni Eden. This church also contributed towards

the furniture in Koti ni Eden school.

Shaun and Naomi Franklin and their baby are presently in Zambia on an outreach. When they go back, they will make others aware of their responsibility to obey the

great commission “to go”.

Peter & Denise Breederland

The Gleaners

Giselle Reneau

Shaun & Naomi Franklin




We ended our tour on a wonderful climax. My dream as a young man, to go down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyons on a rubber duck, was realised. John Mills from Luxembourg invited me to share the “Real

Men Experience” with him and his friends. Whether or not I passed the ‘real man test’ I don’t know. All I know is that it was an indescribable, unforgettable experience and that I enjoyed it with all my body and my soul! Anita

spent that time with John’s wife, Jessica and their children and could just relax and recover from a hectic tour.

Jannie Compion received his doctoral degree from the University of the North West (Potchefstroom) on:


We are back at the office now – deeply thankful and with hearts filled with wonder be-cause of the wonderful, awesome God whom we worship and serve. HE IS WORTHY!TRUE

‘A strategy for a mini-education system to support transfor-mational development in a developing community’Jannie persevered under difficult circumstances and we congratulate him, Elise, Pierre and Johan on this wonderful achievement. They honour God and give Him the glory. His favour is upon them.