newsletter image reviews

I’m going to be using this image on the cover of my school magazine. This is because it is relevant to an event taking place in the school, and that’s what people want to see according to my survey. I’m going to be using this image because it is accompanying my headlining story. I’m also going to be using this image because it shows what the headline is about. Another reason why I’m using this image is because it gives a visual guide to the article. I’m also using this image because there’s a lot to look at in the image which

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Post on 18-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Newsletter image reviews

I’m going to be using this image on the cover of my school magazine. This is because it is relevant to an event taking place in the school, and that’s what people want to see according to my survey. I’m going to be using this image because it is accompanying my headlining story. I’m also going to be using this image because it shows what the headline is about. Another reason why I’m using this image is because it gives a visual guide to the article. I’m also using this image because there’s a lot to look at in the image which will make the cover look fuller.

Page 2: Newsletter image reviews

I’m going to add this picture to the contents page of the magazine. I’m going to add it there so that it will be next to text directing the reader to the page with the relevant article. I’m also adding it to the contents page so that it can emphasise the point of the article that it is related to. I’m also choosing this image because the frame is rather full and doesn’t leave the eye wondering around the image.

Page 3: Newsletter image reviews

I’m not going to use this image at all in my magazine because it doesn’t relate to any of my articles. It also has a lot of glare which distracts the audience from the main focus of the image which is the trees. It also has a lot of wide open space which will leave the readers eyes wondering around the image, looking for more.

Page 4: Newsletter image reviews

I’m going to place this image on the cover of my magazine. This is because it is relevant to an event taking place in the school, and that’s what people want to see according to my survey. This will be accompanying the article as a visual guide. It’s also useful that I use this image just in case anyone reading the magazine doesn’t know where the library is.

Page 5: Newsletter image reviews

I’m going to be using this image to accompany text on the contents page. I’m not using it for the cover page because its article is not about an event in school but rather about what is happening to a certain part of the school. However I am using this on the contents page because it relates very clearly to what the image is going to be accompanying.

Page 6: Newsletter image reviews

I’m not using this image anywhere in my magazine. This is because there is some glare towards the edge of the image. This is also because the students in the image are distracting the viewer from the point of the image, which is the construction surrounding the building. Also the construction around the building isn’t very clear because of the extensive brightness at the top of the image.

Page 7: Newsletter image reviews

I’m using this image for the contents page. This is because it is accompanying a smaller event taking place in the school. I am using this photo because it’s very clear and will relate to the small event happening. I’m also using this image so that the parents and governors reading the magazine will know and see where the event is happening.

Page 8: Newsletter image reviews

I’m not using this image at all in the magazine. I’m not using it because it’s quite a gloomy looking picture due to the grey clouds and lack of light. Although the building does relate to a small event mentioned in the contents page, the picture doesn’t fit the brightness of the rest of the magazine.