news; - university of...

X .(fi . Kgyf -- 1 . Mil Hfe ...7 nr . I e. 1 M k ft PAT-- 1 u I 1 - , I : -- r: - , . " What is Best for Maui If you wish Prosperity 4 V! A I . i news; JaBRst for the News VJiU-ii- L. .JJ8 Advertise in the News if CP 51 'WAlftJKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, i 908 NUMBER 2 - utes o jijr Viwryv.1- - i w w 4sm :t a uj fujv ui 1111 nortanL waiters. mu'iftlii! board not Inst weqrapi as lowotrs: A4?'MoitNiiiG sisroroN. BaOlA M., Chitnnian ' W. Honnmg call. W ironninff, S.-K- . .SfJ'M; Church x W. P. Main, TSilCdiuo aim T. 'Mover. SyS7 Minutes of the injtirjloktlic l'itluwevo readjuul the sfttii(jJ)VPret. approved. , 4,Tho petition oMJMCoolanui etal W Jvoeis f5'-Uj- f month of July 19071 was taken up'for e,xanunalion. ilr. . Case conducted the examination oT .the witnopses. jUIiho A. l.,this: matter was deferred. Mr. Von Temnsky id Mr. Aiken ' being present, Oit.aopio road situation was discussed. ' ' At 12:15 P. M. the Chairman a recess, ta ii until. 1 :K) P. M. AFTERNOON SESf ' & '' 'he:Doard was called to-or- der r 'IKV .vGliairman W'. ,IIcn- - tPtw' ' petition "of D. Koljinui el I'.ft'y'- - al was again taken up',focongide ration. 'At 4 P. M., 'the fatter (.1, Present: ordered again continued until Mr. D. " Morton and Mr, Ben Manoanoa 'be present. - The communication of L, ,'M. '4 JJaldwin and Moses Kauhimiihu,- - Cputiaued ou Page 6. Wailuku'School Concert . tv;inancial Success. ,Va.' i '' , f The concert given . Friday eyen-in- g lnftby the Wailuku School in honor of Washington's Birthday was very successful. The assembly hall was tastefully, decorated with ferns and flags, atdiI 'qxercises reflected credit ijih the pug!? and heir teachers. Tho attend unco was large, and the 'proceeds from the sale of ticket? amounted" to the sum of 181 25, whiqlif'ill be 'do-vote- d to buying cdrTajns and other .HGcessan' oquipiiieht-fo- r iho school stage, and to the purchase of boolcs . for the school library. The following programme was rendered: 1 Selection Quintette " 2 '. Chorus All Hail School M Piano Duet Frances Marshall , X Maggie Rurlem .I MotiQn-Son- g The Waiters ' . l"en Little Girls ; 5Sp'ng, Angel's Serenade, with Fluto Obligato Loilani Weight, Mr. Copoland i Stock : United Statoi llouds... 16,500.00 l'romiumou U.S. Uonds 4SO-0- Other Uonds 42,850.00 Cash aud.Uue from Iffliiks 43.MOIS Hanking IIouFimntUre.ete 7,050.00 Due from UwKSij 815.09 OP HAWAII. ) 01' MAUl. .l f I. H f'aao Til 1 Vin.Pndi1Mf r.f that the above statement is true to thti bca y sworn to before lurttlii isters HolT 1Mb ting Ladies Entertain Reverend Oenticmen. i On Tuesday, February 25th, Tfie Evangelical i ministers of. Central Maui met for their usual moffthly senium at tha. Union Protestant Church AT tKahuluh I3igliteffli iiinia;tcr8 and licensed preachers and nine visitors were present to listen tb 'able addresses by. ' Hev. Finrtk S. Heuddcr and KQyJ&O-- ' If. tlulick of nonolulu. ' . Mr. Guliek spok ,irjon--ni- o .topic "The PastoSas if vPreiH)hc!r;' hvhile. Mr. SiddA-J- s was VA M.inis- - r.jS for Jns Preach- - nigi' liotn ottlrcse gentlemen wero listened to With the greatest eagerness. p"'. M. (t. Santos of Paiaprcaeh- - exCellent sermon in English upoti- - Things Expedient and Edify- ing." . His critics were Rev. Seud-de- r and Gulick. Rev. ' E. 15. Turner ul the Pain Foreign, Chuirh conducted the' de votional exweises for the day. An excellent luncheon- - was pro- vided, .by u committee of church kulicg ns foiling: Mrs. A. .1. Oossin, mrl'F. HoifBTMw.TM. MrijVE. K. Long, Mrs. Lucy Aika-l- a, M. K. Mawae. Several other ladies contributed for the occasion. The next session .of Mho Maui Ministers' School will - be. held in Wailuku in conile'etion with the Semi-Annu- al Meeting of the Asso ciation, of Maui,- - MolokKi and LanoL. .. .!.!!. 1.1.... 6l 1 1 Oil? wiiien usM'inuiei iJUiii ,iaven loin, to 25th. 0 Song Hushaby, Lullaby Pupils 7 Selection Tho Victor 8 Song ' Tho Rev. W. Ault "9 Gypsy Ella Bal, .Jloalani Llbyd 10 Piano Solo Maggie Burlem 11 Dialogue-Son- g Kenneth and. Teddy Deckor 12.f?ong . . .Mis. Field 13 Cornet Solo' Mr. iKifkin 14 Duet, Matrimonial Sweets Mary Hurl, Thtrvoy Cormvoll 15 Selection . rl ho Victor 1G Song - Mr, Ilanney 17 Selection ' (iuinlette 18 Chorus Hurrah for the Schools of Hawaii 10 Piano Solo ' Frances Marshall 20 Song A Little Boy's Speech Ah Tong 2lYSelcction The Victor 22 Fancy Drill The Red, Whito and Blue Toaing to ropreaent: 1. Salutation. ' 2. Meditation. O T1 l ! I T"H 1 v o. wovouon. j. o. Joy. G. Love. 7. Grief. ' 8. Good-night- . 23 Hawaii Pojioi. Surplus and 1'rofits Circulation.', .16,500.00 uvue 10 nanus. 144. 16 Dividtuds Unpaid 1,400.00 Deposits 161,168.15 Ja4,a35.6o hu fve named biiuU, do soUmmly swear aim oeuet. ad Vice-Pteside- .it. IE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAILUKU Chas. M. Cooke, President V. T. Kobin&cn, Vice-Preside- ' C. D. Lukin, Cashier K. A. Wadsworth, Director D. H. Civse, Director SIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT ' . - at the close of business, December 31, 1907 RESOURCES JJABIMTIE3 Loans and Dtatouuts .$118,380.4 Capital S tc.onn.on (quicklMjsouvert) URRITORY COUMTV I). biiuicribed and J. rrciwrafegji QABt ,'uuic sec. jtwl. Cimuit Rubber Men Hoi Meeting Stock Well' Represented" Assessmenis Paid. The annual stockholders meeting of the Nahiku Rubber Company wns held on the 2Gth instnnt in the pub no rKim ot tne Jlnsonic icmpie m Kahului' and while not a great many of the stockholders were pre sent in person a great majority' of the stock was represented by proxy President D. C. 'Lindsay called tlimnccting to order and on a can- - ft&Vof the stock it wad found.rhaHf y(e entire amount of the assessable stock there was less than one lnuv dred dollars delinquent and of the assessable stock hed in tho county of Maui not a dollars worth of the stock was' delinquent. This show ing was a surprise even to the stock holders present as it was ' known that assessments are levied on eh month and a majority of the stock is assessable. The managers report was listened to with the greatest interest and was much discussed. Doctor E. C. Watei'house .advo cated planting the trees farther apart than hadbeoir the custom in the past.. He finally withdrew his motion as he stated he had brought forward the motion in order to get an expression of opinion from those present. , ' The affairs of the Company are in good condition and the prospects for a profitable plantation arc favor able. The treasurers report is as follows: Honolulu, T. II., Feb. 20lh, 1908. To the President and Stockhold ers of the Nahiku Co., Ltd. I herewith beg to submit a state ment of the Nahiku Rubber Com- pany's finances for the year ending December 31st, 1907, showing a list of the assets and liabilities and also a summary of the accounts charged off to installation. Assessments on the assessable stock have been called during the year amounting to nineteen (19 ) per cent. Respectfully submitted, FRED T. P. WATERHOUSE, STATEMENT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 31, 1907- - , ASSETS Installation account 41,623.92 Real Estate Ivive Stock i53-o- Iiuildings 3.37"-3- Tools and Implements 59a-9- Furniture ami Fittings 472. 61 Bills Receivable 679.00 Personal accounts due 1,610.16 Total 82.7S0.45 LIAIlIUTIIiS Capital Stock Paid up Shares S7.7oo.oj " Assessauie " 1S.255.oj Bills Payable 0,500, 00 Sundry Receipts 311.32 Ualvina Torres 25.00 Cash Overdrjjft 89.13 ( Total 82,780.43 INSTALLATION ACCOUNT Salary account 1,866.64 Plant " 1,865.3 i Labor " 10,120.21 Interest 315-6.- ) Genera Expeuia 1,091.1; t5S9-o- Balance Dec, 31, 1906 '.35.76-J.S'- j $41,623.9 The olllcei'8 and directors elected for the ensuing year are- - I). C. Lind- say, President; W. r. Hall, Vice-Preside- P. P. Rosecrans, Secre- tary; F.'T. P. Waterhoiue, Tnw uror; Dr. IS. C. Waterhouse, C. D. Lufkin, and W. 15. Lowell, Direc- tors; D. 15. Murdock, Auditor. A resolution was linseed audiori.-in- g the payment of actual ' traveling expenses of the bftloers and dire- ctor while attending meeting of the board. Church CaHs Jew Pastor Rev. Theodore k. Waltrip to Xainilui The Union Protestant Clnui of Kahului, through its clerk, Mr. T D. Skinner, this week called tho Rev. Theodore A. Waltrip, now re- siding in Phoenix, N.'Y. to become pator. For some months' the Kahului church has been having only tenv porary supplied until a lHistor could be secured, Through the fecon- - inendations of Rev. Alliert S. Raker, M. D. of Kona, Hawaii, Rev. W F. Day, D. D. of Los Angeles, Rev Chas. N. Thorp, Pastor in Chelsea, Mass. and the Hawaiian Hoard, the church decided upon Rev. Mr. Wal trip. ue ineodore a. Waltrip was born in Tuscola, 111, Dec, 12th. 18U7 and was educated in the fol- lowing schools:. Clmrlestowii (111.) High School, Lee's Academy and West Held College from which he graduated with the A, 15. Degree in 1891". Ho then took his divinity training in the Union, Biblical Semi- nary of Dayton,. Ohio, where ho re ceived the degree of 15. 1). in 1S9L Tho&ame year he was ordained for the Gospel ministry, and went to California where he taught for three years m Wood bridge. At the com pletion of this- term he was callec to his Alma Mater, Weslfield Col lege, 111. where he taught two "years. He resigned to become Seminary pastor at Sugar Grove, PwHis-- l next pastorate was Lakewood, N. V., Avhero he remained four years, and has now been pastor of the Church of Phoenix, N. Y.' for five years. . Rev. Mr. Waltrip with hi wife have the reputation of being very interesting people. He is greatly loved by tho people of Phoenix, N. Y..and is highly respected by . all thoso who know him. He is v id scholar and ovidontly a bi.iadrtiii.-l-e- man, as is proved by jn"m of the recent topics ho has beeil . i ' g in his Sunday evening n.iiii n in Phoemx. He has been pr serios upon tho great rci'.(,is of the world. Some of his tu).i- - wire Buddhism, the Belief of Asia," Comfueiunisin, the Creed of China," "The, Gods of Greece," "Christianity, the Light of the World.. ' It is earnestly hoped that Her. Mr. Waltrip will accept the call, and the Kahului Church is to be congratulated upon the choice of such a strong man for their pulpit. Restraining Order-Wa- s Issued. A number of Omaopio residents have filed u suitaskuig for a perma- nent injunction against the Cpuiity of Maui preventing the County from opening up lite old road that form- erly ran tliroigh certain lands jn Omaopio that are now held by the homesteadersHhere. The case was heard by Judge A . X. Kcpoikai of the Circuit Court Thursday and a restriiiniig order was issued. - The whole matter will le hear one week from next Monday 'at which time the matter of tho' ner-mauc- nt iujuut-tio- will Ijc consid- ered and the Nmatter of damages askejl for will te considered: The suit if brought in "thte name of Frank Robcllo agast the County of Maui. J. M. Vivas represents the uLiin- - tiff and County AUTuy H . dm) and Attoriicy J . L. Cafe are fur ti dfeadurH. LAU ONCE MORE There are Six Large Flows.vPit Rapidly Filling Up.-Wo- uld Jeroms.-B- ar Associa- tion CQnsiders Judgeship of Maui. (SPECIAL TO THE MAUI NEWS.) Sugar '90 deg. tost H.85. Beols 101s. HONOLULU, February 2S Wilder is still unindorsed by tho Republican central committee. GrossimTn was killed over a dispute with his cook as to the time required to cook, eggs. He was riddled with bullets. ' TOKIO, February 28 Owing to numerous failures and the money stringency the stock market shows a decline.. A number of firms havo failed in Tokio and Osaka. 'NEW YORK, February 28 A committeo of stock holders of tho Metropolitan Railroad Company have aslced Governor Hughes to re- move Jerome on twenty two counts. WASHINGTON, February 28Thirty seven railroads have peti- tioned the Inter State Commerce Commission for a postponement of the order requiring eight hours for a days work for telegraph' oper- ators. . PARIS, February 28. Six thousand men havo been sent to Mo- rocco. NEW YORK, February 28. Johnson and Burns will fight. Tho'Captain of the Slocum has beonjtaken'to Sing Sing to serve his sentence of ten years. WASHINGTON, February 28. Tho bill, having for its purpose an increase of pay for the soldiers, has been killed in the senate. LIMA, February 28.-- Tho battleship (loot will leave Saturday. IIILO, Fobruary 27. Advices from the Volcano state that there are six largo flows and one large cone. Tho crater is filling up rapidly. HONOLULU, February 27.7-T- ho Bar "Association is divided as to the recommendation of the of Judge A.'N. Kepoi-ka- i of the Second Circuit. A heated discussion wiis had vP.stmvW nf tho meeting of the Association and an adjournment was taken until next Wednesday. The Japnnese are making preparation to receive Admiral Evans. Madam Lisbon, tlio palmist sneaked off on the Hilonian to avoid prosecution undor'tho Kahuna Act. Tho Governor and tho Committee from the Rapid Transit are to agree to a car scheduje. OAKLAND, February 27. Tho baby John Martin relative to bombs there under direction of Mrs. Martin Watson villo awaiting MO,000 bonds. ST. PETERSBURG, February members of the Douma in audience and expressed a- wish that tho members would carry forward a movement for reforms in Ar.nrin matters. WASHINGTON, Fobruary 27. od the Senate. It provides minishmont for tl lOSO Cncrjimilrr lit in tho Philippines. VADIV03T0CK, February 271 lin Island, whereby Japan and Russia orijy settled. COPENHAGEN, February 27. bill has passed 3rd reading, .IION.OLULU, February 20. against Koloa plantation by Judge 20. .the of J ho of police tho statement of under tho houses of iudires ltl.-ice- as a revenue. Sim iain inn;., 27. Tho has received 300 ' The Penal Code has finally nn. Tho difficulty in Sakha wore at is boinir Universal municinal suffragist . '"' . An was granted today Lindsay. -- It is 10 war ships Rithot in place of Captain has not yet' ondorsed Wilder as A number of Sailors assaulted tho captain of'tho Kuhio cables that the Pearl matter looks more Tho committeo on yards and docks havo recommended tho passage of a' bill appropriating for a station at Peal Harbor. SAN FRANCISCO, February will gather when fleet arrives. Czar boundary outs expected that Fullerton. favorable. $700,000 ST. PETERSBURG. February 20. General Stoessol has petitioned the Emperor fora pardon. DENVER, February 2G. Thirty anarchists havo boon arrested for tho murder of Father Iloinrichs. THE HAGUE, February 20. The carriago' of tho Queen was wrecked by striking a car. No one w as injured. ST. PETERSBURG, Fobruary 20.-Ca- ptain Glazan of the Rus- sian Cryiser Askold committed suicide than face court martial. Fobn,lI7 20. Weodon lost in tho damage suit, lhe Moana will open today to accommodate passengeis from tho Monna and the Siberia. ?,I,oDimld i8tho caulniu Uio County Central Committeo Tax Assessor Oahu. verify satisfnet- - Tho injuction Drew. Harbor rathor Itis pot probable tlfiit the Demoorats will got control of tho S tar. iLQNDpN, February 20.--L- ord Gray in tho IIouso of Commons stated thajtthe situation is critical. WASHINGTON, February 20. Roar Admiral Converse defended the navy beforfc the senate comnfittoo. ' XE .V YORK, February StWfho Hudson river tunnels weroopen-e- d today for traHic. - WABUINGTfflr. nffelinn'n ana(ninn1 K. it " i I

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1 Mk ft PAT--




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What is Best for Maui If you wish Prosperity4 V! A I . i news;JaBRst for the News VJiU-ii- L. .JJ8 Advertise in the News

if CP 51


utes o

jijr Viwryv.1- - i w w

4sm :ta uj fujv ui 1111

nortanL waiters.

mu'iftlii! board notInst weqrapi as lowotrs:

A4?'MoitNiiiG sisroroN.

BaOlA M., Chitnnian ' W. Honnmg

call. W ironninff,S.-K- ..SfJ'M; Church x

W. P. Main,TSilCdiuo aim T. 'Mover.

SyS7 Minutes of the injtirjloktlicl'itluwevo readjuul the sfttii(jJ)VPret.

approved., 4,Tho petition oMJMCoolanui etal

W Jvoeis f5'-Uj-f

month of July 19071

was taken up'for e,xanunalion. ilr.. Case conducted the examination oT

.the witnopses. jUIiho A. l.,this:matter was deferred.

Mr. Von Temnsky id Mr. Aiken' being present, Oit.aopio road

situation was discussed. '

' At 12:15 P. M. the Chairmana recess, ta ii until. 1 :K)

P. M.

AFTERNOON SESf'& '' 'he:Doard was called to-or- der


'IKV .vGliairman W'. ,IIcn- -

tPtw' ' petition "of D. Koljinui el

I'.ft'y'- - al was again taken up',focongideration. 'At 4 P. M., 'the fatter




again continued until Mr. D." Morton and Mr, Ben Manoanoa

'be present.- The communication of L, ,'M.

'4JJaldwin and Moses Kauhimiihu,- -

Cputiaued ou Page 6.

Wailuku'School Concert

. tv;inancial Success.,Va.' i '' , f

The concert given . Friday eyen-in- g

lnftby the Wailuku School in

honor of Washington's Birthdaywas very successful. The assemblyhall was tastefully, decorated withferns and flags, atdiI 'qxercises

reflected credit ijih the pug!? andheir teachers. Tho attend unco

was large, and the 'proceeds fromthe sale of ticket? amounted" to thesum of 181 25, whiqlif'ill be 'do-vote- d

to buying cdrTajns and other.HGcessan' oquipiiieht-fo- r iho schoolstage, and to the purchase of boolcs

. for the school library.The following programme was

rendered:1 Selection Quintette

"2 '. Chorus All Hail School

M Piano Duet Frances Marshall


X Maggie Rurlem.I MotiQn-Son- g The Waiters

'. l"en Little Girls;

5Sp'ng, Angel's Serenade, withFluto Obligato Loilani Weight,

Mr. Copoland


Stock :United Statoi llouds... 16,500.00l'romiumou U.S. Uonds 4SO-0-

Other Uonds 42,850.00Cash aud.Uue from Iffliiks 43.MOISHanking IIouFimntUre.ete 7,050.00Due from UwKSij 815.09


01' MAUl. .l fI. H f'aao Til 1 Vin.Pndi1Mf r.f

that the above statement is true to thti bcay

sworn to before lurttlii


HolT 1MbtingLadies Entertain Reverend


On Tuesday, February 25th, TfieEvangelical i ministers of. CentralMaui met for their usual moffthly

senium at tha. Union ProtestantChurch AT tKahuluh I3igliteffli

iiinia;tcr8 and licensed preachersand nine visitors were present tolisten tb 'able addresses by. ' Hev.Finrtk S. Heuddcr and KQyJ&O-- ' If.tlulick of nonolulu. '


Mr. Guliek spok ,irjon--ni-o .topic

"The PastoSas if vPreiH)hc!r;' hvhile.Mr. SiddA-J- s was VA M.inis- -

r.jS for Jns Preach- -

nigi' liotn ottlrcse gentlemenwero listened to With the greatesteagerness.

p"'. M. (t. Santos of Paiaprcaeh- -

exCellent sermon in Englishupoti- - Things Expedient and Edify-

ing." . His critics were Rev. Seud-de- r

and Gulick.Rev. ' E. 15. Turner ul the Pain

Foreign, Chuirh conducted the' devotional exweises for the day.

An excellent luncheon- - was pro-

vided, .by u committee of churchkulicg ns foiling: Mrs. A. .1. Oossin,

mrl'F. HoifBTMw.TM.MrijVE. K. Long, Mrs. Lucy Aika-l- a,

M. K. Mawae. Several otherladies contributed for the occasion.

The next session .of Mho MauiMinisters' School will - be. held inWailuku in conile'etion with theSemi-Annu- al Meeting of the Association, of Maui,- - MolokKi and LanoL... .!.!!. 1.1.... 6l 1 1 Oil?wiiien usM'inuiei iJUiii ,iaven loin,to 25th.

0 Song Hushaby, Lullaby Pupils7 Selection Tho Victor8 Song ' Tho Rev. W. Ault

"9 Gypsy Ella Bal,.Jloalani Llbyd

10 Piano Solo Maggie Burlem11 Dialogue-Son- g

Kenneth and. Teddy Deckor

12.f?ong . . .Mis. Field13 Cornet Solo' Mr. iKifkin14 Duet, Matrimonial Sweets

Mary Hurl, Thtrvoy Cormvoll15 Selection . rl ho Victor1G Song - Mr, Ilanney17 Selection '

(iuinlette18 Chorus Hurrah for the Schools

of Hawaii10 Piano Solo ' Frances Marshall20 Song A Little Boy's Speech

Ah Tong2lYSelcction The Victor22 Fancy Drill The Red, Whito

and Blue Toaing to ropreaent:1. Salutation. ' 2. Meditation.O T1 l ! I T"H 1 vo. wovouon. j. o.Joy. G. Love. 7. Grief. ' 8.Good-night- .

23 Hawaii Pojioi.

Surplus and 1'rofits io.8ai.aoCirculation.', .16,500.00uvue 10 nanus. 144. 16Dividtuds Unpaid 1,400.00Deposits 161,168.15


hu fve named biiuU, do soUmmly swearaim oeuet.



Chas. M. Cooke, President V. T. Kobin&cn, Vice-Preside-

' C. D. Lukin, CashierK. A. Wadsworth, Director D. H. Civse, Director

SIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT' . - at the close of business, December 31, 1907

RESOURCES JJABIMTIE3Loans and Dtatouuts .$118,380.4 Capital S tc.onn.on



biiuicribed andJ.


QABt ,'uuic sec. jtwl. Cimuit

Rubber Men

Hoi Meeting

Stock Well' Represented"Assessmenis Paid.

The annual stockholders meetingof the Nahiku Rubber Company wnsheld on the 2Gth instnnt in the pubno rKim ot tne Jlnsonic icmpie mKahului' and while not a greatmany of the stockholders were present in person a great majority' ofthe stock was represented by proxy

President D. C. 'Lindsay calledtlimnccting to order and on a can- -

ft&Vof the stock it wad found.rhaHfy(e entire amount of the assessablestock there was less than one lnuvdred dollars delinquent and of theassessable stock hed in tho countyof Maui not a dollars worth of thestock was' delinquent. This showing was a surprise even to the stockholders present as it was ' knownthat assessments are levied on ehmonth and a majority of the stockis assessable.

The managers report was listenedto with the greatest interest andwas much discussed.

Doctor E. C. Watei'house .advocated planting the trees fartherapart than hadbeoir the custom inthe past.. He finally withdrew hismotion as he stated he had broughtforward the motion in order to getan expression of opinion from thosepresent. ,


The affairs of the Company arein good condition and the prospectsfor a profitable plantation arc favorable.

The treasurers report is as follows:Honolulu, T. II., Feb. 20lh, 1908.

To the President and Stockholders of the Nahiku Co., Ltd.

I herewith beg to submit a statement of the Nahiku Rubber Com-

pany's finances for the year endingDecember 31st, 1907, showing a listof the assets and liabilities and alsoa summary of the accounts chargedoff to installation.

Assessments on the assessablestock have been called during theyear amounting to nineteen (19 )

per cent.Respectfully submitted,



ASSETSInstallation account 41,623.92Real EstateIvive Stock i53-o-

Iiuildings 3.37"-3-Tools and Implements 59a-9-

Furniture ami Fittings 472. 61Bills Receivable 679.00Personal accounts due 1,610.16

Total 82.7S0.45LIAIlIUTIIiS

Capital Stock Paid up Shares S7.7oo.oj" Assessauie " 1S.255.oj

Bills Payable 0,500, 00Sundry Receipts 311.32Ualvina Torres 25.00Cash Overdrjjft 89.13


Salary account 1,866.64Plant " 1,865.3 iLabor " 10,120.21Interest 315-6.- )

Genera Expeuia 1,091.1;

t5S9-o-Balance Dec, 31, 1906 '.35.76-J.S'- j


The olllcei'8 and directors electedfor the ensuing year are-- I). C. Lind-say, President; W. r. Hall, Vice-Preside-

P. P. Rosecrans, Secre-tary; F.'T. P. Waterhoiue, Tnwuror; Dr. IS. C. Waterhouse, C. D.Lufkin, and W. 15. Lowell, Direc-tors; D. 15. Murdock, Auditor.

A resolution was linseed audiori.-in- g

the payment of actual ' travelingexpenses of the bftloers and dire-ctor while attending meeting of theboard.

Church CaHs

Jew PastorRev. Theodore k. Waltrip

to Xainilui

The Union Protestant Clnui ofKahului, through its clerk, Mr. TD. Skinner, this week called thoRev. Theodore A. Waltrip, now re-

siding in Phoenix, N.'Y. to becomepator.

For some months' the Kahuluichurch has been having only tenvporary supplied until a lHistor couldbe secured, Through the fecon- -

inendations of Rev. Alliert S. Raker,M. D. of Kona, Hawaii, Rev. WF. Day, D. D. of Los Angeles, RevChas. N. Thorp, Pastor in Chelsea,Mass. and the Hawaiian Hoard, thechurch decided upon Rev. Mr. Waltrip.

ue ineodore a. Waltrip wasborn in Tuscola, 111, Dec, 12th.18U7 and was educated in the fol-

lowing schools:. Clmrlestowii (111.)High School, Lee's Academy andWest Held College from which hegraduated with the A, 15. Degree in1891". Ho then took his divinitytraining in the Union, Biblical Semi-nary of Dayton,. Ohio, where ho received the degree of 15. 1). in 1S9LTho&ame year he was ordained forthe Gospel ministry, and went toCalifornia where he taught for threeyears m Wood bridge. At the completion of this- term he was callecto his Alma Mater, Weslfield College, 111. where he taught two "years.He resigned to become Seminarypastor at Sugar Grove, PwHis-- l

next pastorate was Lakewood, N.V., Avhero he remained four years,and has now been pastor of theChurch of Phoenix, N. Y.' for fiveyears. .

Rev. Mr. Waltrip with hi wifehave the reputation of being veryinteresting people. He is greatlyloved by tho people of Phoenix, N.Y..and is highly respected by . allthoso who know him. He is v idscholar and ovidontly a bi.iadrtiii.-l-e-

man, as is proved by jn"m of therecent topics ho has beeil . i ' gin his Sunday evening n.iiii n inPhoemx. He has been prserios upon tho great rci'.(,is of theworld. Some of his tu).i- - wire

Buddhism, the Belief of Asia,"Comfueiunisin, the Creed of

China," "The, Gods of Greece,""Christianity, the Light of theWorld..'

It is earnestly hoped that Her.Mr. Waltrip will accept the call,and the Kahului Church is to becongratulated upon the choice ofsuch a strong man for their pulpit.

Restraining Order-Wa- s


A number of Omaopio residentshave filed u suitaskuig for a perma-nent injunction against the Cpuiityof Maui preventing the County fromopening up lite old road that form-erly ran tliroigh certain lands jnOmaopio that are now held by thehomesteadersHhere.

The case was heard by Judge A .

X. Kcpoikai of the CircuitCourt Thursday and a restriiiniigorder was issued. -

The whole matter will le hearone week from next Monday 'atwhich time the matter of tho' ner-mauc- nt

iujuut-tio- will Ijc consid-ered and the Nmatter of damagesaskejl for will te considered:

The suit if brought in "thte nameof Frank Robcllo agast the Countyof Maui.

J. M. Vivas represents the uLiin- -tiff and County AUTuy H .

dm) and Attoriicy J . L. Cafe arefur ti dfeadurH.



There are Six Large Flows.vPit Rapidly FillingUp.-Wo- uld Jeroms.-B- ar Associa-

tion CQnsiders Judgeship of Maui.

(SPECIAL TO THE MAUI NEWS.)Sugar '90 deg. tost H.85. Beols 101s.

HONOLULU, February 2S Wilder is still unindorsed by thoRepublican central committee.

GrossimTn was killed over a dispute with his cook as to the timerequired to cook, eggs. He was riddled with bullets.' TOKIO, February 28 Owing to numerous failures and the moneystringency the stock market shows a decline.. A number of firms havofailed in Tokio and Osaka.

'NEW YORK, February 28 A committeo of stock holders of thoMetropolitan Railroad Company have aslced Governor Hughes to re-move Jerome on twenty two counts.

WASHINGTON, February 28Thirty seven railroads have peti-tioned the Inter State Commerce Commission for a postponement ofthe order requiring eight hours for a days work for telegraph' oper-ators. .

PARIS, February 28. Six thousand men havo been sent to Mo-rocco.

NEW YORK, February 28. Johnson and Burns will fight.Tho'Captain of the Slocum has beonjtaken'to Sing Sing to serve

his sentence of ten years.

WASHINGTON, February 28. Tho bill, having for its purposean increase of pay for the soldiers, has been killed in the senate.

LIMA, February 28.-- Tho battleship (loot will leave Saturday.IIILO, Fobruary 27. Advices from the Volcano state that there

are six largo flows and one large cone. Tho crater is filling up rapidly.HONOLULU, February 27.7-T- ho Bar "Association is divided as

to the recommendation of the of Judge A.'N. Kepoi-ka- iof the Second Circuit. A heated discussion wiis had vP.stmvW nf

tho meeting of the Association and an adjournment was taken untilnext Wednesday.

The Japnnese are making preparation to receive Admiral Evans.Madam Lisbon, tlio palmist sneaked off on the Hilonian to avoid

prosecution undor'tho Kahuna Act.Tho Governor and tho Committee from the Rapid Transit are to

agree to a car scheduje.

OAKLAND, February 27. Thobaby John Martin relative to bombsthere under direction of Mrs. MartinWatson villo awaiting MO,000 bonds.

ST. PETERSBURG, Februarymembers of the Douma in audience and expressed a- wish that thomembers would carry forward a movement for reforms in Ar.nrinmatters.

WASHINGTON, Fobruary 27.od the Senate. It provides minishmont for tl lOSO Cncrjimilrr lit tho Philippines.

VADIV03T0CK, February 271

lin Island, whereby Japan and Russiaorijy settled.

COPENHAGEN, February 27.bill has passed 3rd reading,

.IION.OLULU, February 20.against Koloa plantation by Judge


ofJ ho


police tho statement ofunder tho houses of iudires ltl.-ice-

as a revenue. Sim iain inn;.,

27. Tho has received 300


The Penal Code has finally nn.

Tho difficulty in Sakhawore at is boinir

Universal municinal suffragist.


An was granted todayLindsay.

--It is 10 war ships

Rithot in place of Captainhas not yet' ondorsed Wilder as

A number of Sailors assaulted tho captain of'thoKuhio cables that the Pearl matter looks more

Tho committeo on yards and docks havo recommended tho passage of a'bill appropriating for a station at Peal Harbor.

SAN FRANCISCO, Februarywill gather when fleet arrives.



expected that



ST. PETERSBURG. February 20. General Stoessol has petitionedthe Emperor fora pardon.

DENVER, February 2G. Thirty anarchists havo boon arrested fortho murder of Father Iloinrichs.

THE HAGUE, February 20. The carriago' of tho Queen waswrecked by striking a car. No one w as injured.

ST. PETERSBURG, Fobruary 20.-Ca- ptain Glazan of the Rus-sian Cryiser Askold committed suicide than face court martial.

Fobn,lI7 20. Weodon lost in tho damage suit,lhe Moana will open today to accommodate passengeis from tho

Monna and the Siberia.?,I,oDimld i8tho caulniu Uio

County Central CommitteoTax Assessor Oahu.


satisfnet- -






Itis pot probable tlfiit the Demoorats will got control of tho S tar.iLQNDpN, February 20.--L- ord Gray in tho IIouso of Commons

stated thajtthe situation is critical.

WASHINGTON, February 20. Roar Admiral Converse defendedthe navy beforfc the senate comnfittoo.

'XE .V YORK, February StWfho Hudson river tunnels weroopen-e- d

today for traHic. -

WABUINGTfflr. nffelinn'n ana(ninn1 K.


" i



THE V1AUI NEVASntered nt the Post Ollice at Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, as second class matter.

A Republican Paper Published in the Interest oi the People.

Issued Every Saturday.

Maui Publishing Company. Limite-d- .

tProprletorsl'anri I n fcll;slior .

ti i .. 41. r. Vi.m o ...linn r. n ii in ii ii icn ii hi s i m ncrtitnint tooies. Write onlywhich will he held einlnlciitial ii iksircd.on one side of paper. Sign your name

Subsciptiox Ratf.s, ix Apvamk fl'.O per Year, 1.50 Six Months

Hugh Coke,


i m


Our 13at few persons are a warn f tlio ;real, impro vetnont

Harbor, in the harbor at Kahului than win recently made by

the Kahului Railroad Company at its own expense and what advantages those improvement ore to shipping int crests.

Dnf,, tho rofoiit .lvodsrinir of the 1, arbor and Hie constructionof the breakwater there large vessels of tho American-Hawaiia-

could not enter the inner harbor and would lie in the outeri i i tho nnliiipst, and when the indications wrethat the weater would be fair. Now the Nevadan and Hie other

voeuk 1i nt. norfeot ease in the inner harbor with slack- rhawsers while heavy swells are running outside.

This condition existed last week when the Nevadau was in port

The same is true of the Erskine M. Phelps which left port las

week. She unloaded one thousand two hundred anil fifty tonsballast and took on tive thousand one hundred and forty tonssugar and sailed away in twenty tive days from the time she ei

tered port, a record that is not. surpassed in Mo.iol-il- if tho For

Geore is a criterian.Tho tlioln sailed atvuv with nracticiily t he same crew that she

n elm fiiinp into nort a slateinenl taat cannot lie said

many vessels that enter Honolulu harr.or.Pilot Macaulay is authority for st.atoirieo.t that any b.,H!e-shi-

of the United Slates could enter the inner harbor of Kaliulu;

with perfect safety and anchor tlieiv.Private enterprize has done more for the' improvement f lin

harbor by dredging and th! build in of a breakwater than has h n

done by private euterpr'ze in'any Ivirb-- in the territory an J yet

uo Federal aid has been given.The immense amount of slipping froai thi

but a beginning of what, may be expected in.

time that steps be .alien to h ive t.lie Iviri) r

dredge and the breakwater extended and

outer end.

No. 5994.REPORT OF THE CONDITION OFthe First National Bank of Wai-luku. at Wailuku, in the Ter. tiS

Hawaii, at the close oi business,February 14, 1908.

RESOURCES DOLLARSLoaus and Discounts 135,(150 22Overdrafts secured and

unsecured 550 19

U. S. Bonds to securecirculation 10,500 00

Premiums on U. S. Boiuis 450 00Bonds, securities, etc. 51,800 00Banking house, furniture

and fixtures I o978 0(1

Due from National Banks(not reserve agents) 5,812 39

Due from approved reserveagents 11,103 "74

Checks and other cash" items HI S

Fractional paper currency,nickels and cents 12 98

Specie 20,770 30Redemption fund with

U. S. Treasurer (5

cf circulation) 825 00

Total 240,593 90

LIABILITIES DOLLARSCapital stock paid in 35.000 00Surplus fund 20,000 00Undivided profits, less

expenses and taxespaid

National Bank notes out-standing

Due to other NationalBanks

Due to State Banks andBankers

Dividends unpaidIndividual deposits subject

check . 111,932Demand certificate of ,

depositTime certificates

depositCertified checksBills payable, including

certilieates depositfor money borrowed

5G2 68

10,500 00

17 29

5,2412S 00

to 17




20,082 89

20,570 4060 00

10,000 00

Total 240,593 90

Ter. of Hawaii, County of .Maui, ss:I,C. D. LUrKLN, Cashier of the

above-name- bank, do solemnly swearthat the above statement is true tothe best of my knowledge and beiief.

C. D. LUFK1N,Cashier.

CORRECT- - -- Attest:Wm. T. ROUINSON iD. H. CASE Director.R. A. WADSWORTH )

Subscribed and sworn to before methis 24th day or February 1908.

J. N. K. KEOLA,Notary Public.

Second udicitd Circuit.


Itciltor H IYI Hunger

FEU. 2D,



hari):)r in th past istho futiu ami it issarv'jyol' tin. I laterstrcni; thiiod at the

No. 8101.


the Lahiiina National Bank, fitLalinina, in the Ter. of Hawaii,nt the close of business, Febru-ary 14, 1908.

RESOURCES DOLLARSLoans and Discounts 34,714 51Overdrafts, secured and

unsecured 278 47U. S. Bonds to secure

circulation (1.250 00Premiums ou U. S. Bonds 200 DO

Bonds, securities, etc. 12,000 00Banking house, furniture

and fixtures 1,150 00Due from State Bi nks

and Bankers 9,343 04Due from apprjved

reserve agents 255 18Checks and other cash

items 501 50Fractional paper currency,

nickels, and cei.ts 3 84Specie 1,905 00Redemption fund with U. S.

Treasurer t5 i of circmlaticn) 312 5o

'Total , 00,975 27

LIABILITIES DOLLARSCapital stock paid in 25.000 00Surplus Fund 300 00Undivided profits, less ex- -

penses ,i' (I (axes paid 113 31

Nalioi.a! Rank notes outstanding 6,250 00

Due to other N.i '

Ranks 2,(103 l ,

Individual .leposi'.s .si.l.p-c-

to cheek 23,421 69Demand ccrtiliea'e.- - of

depot-i;- . (' 7!5 85Time certilieates of

depe.,k 3 (lhl 00

Total 00 975 27Territory of Hawaii, fouuly of

Maui, ss:1, C. D. L'jfkin, Ca hirr of the

alxived named bank, da solemnlyswear that the above statement istrue to the best of my knowledge andbelief.

C. D. LUFKIN,Cashier.



Subscribed and sworn to beforeme litis 20th day of February 1907.

J.JARCIA,Notary Public

Fine Job Printing jit theiMatii Publishing Co.

HONOLULU, February 25. The Vnitcd States Supreme Courthas decided against tho contestants in the Notify will case.

Net fishing in Honolulu harbor is tabooed in the interests of com-

merce.HILO, February 24. Surveyor Wall yesterday measured the vol-

cano. He found tho lloor of the pit had rised 125 feet in eilit days.It is still rising on an average of ten feet p r day. The depth is now

only 302 feet. The volcano is very active.

iltle Sen of

T. P.I. Church Die?.

The i nt if i ill! i ii v was slmek-i-

Kriday inniniiiii to learn "f it

rath of the little five year old sonI Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chinch of

I'aia . The Child died during the

nifiht as a result of pneumonia.I le had been ill bill a short time

iim! lew realized mat lie was in

langi r until a very short time he-or- e

his deal h.The funeral Wiisheld Friday al'tiT-- i


noon,;!!!'! many persons irom : ni . . ii .iover eintral .Matii aUeinnu me

funeral.A great deal of sympathy is ex

pressed I' l' the bereaved pan nts.

No. K207.


the liiiltlwin Nattonul IJjinU oi Kti-htil- ui,

at K..hulul in the Tcr. oilliiwtiii, nt the close of l)usincs4,February , 15)OS.

RESOURCES HOLT ACSLoans anil Discount's 82,411 UO

Overdralts, secured andunsecured 2,518 HI

U. S. Bonds to securecirculation 13.000 00

Premiums on U. S. Bonds 5(511 28

Bonds, securities, cle. 20,510 !'4

iaiikino house, furnitureaed fixtures ' 3.41S 20

Due from National Bai-k-

(not reserve :ig tils) 4 0 .si

Due from Stale Ranksand Barkers M'UiOo

; nd oth. r CaVnitems 212 75

Xot es of ol Na no

Ranks 270 no

Fi iM i al Kl per eli.-- r "In ,

nieke , and cents SO 01

Specie ll.J.'iiRed' in pi ii.n fund i1 ii

U. S. Treasu re! (5 ,

of circulation 05(1 o

Total ' 165.909 03

LIABILITIES HOLLA f iSCapital stock paid in 50,000 00Surplus fund - 1,010 K4

Undivided profits, less ex-penses and taxes, paid 91 02

Notional Rank notesoutstanding 13,0(10 00

Individual deposits subjectto check 09,188 58

Demand ce' tilicales of

deposit 2),537 19

Time certificate s of

deposit 6,983 85

Cashier's checks outstanding 150 95

Total 165,969 03

Ter. ot Hawaii, County of Maui, ss:I, D. C. Lirfdsay, Cashier of the

above-name- bank, do solemnly s'wearthat the above statement is true tothe best of my knowledge and belief.

D. C. LINDSAY.Cashier.


Subscribed and sworn to before me

this 25th day of February, 1908.W. O. AIKEN,

Notary Public.

BLOODED STALLION.IiellriiiHer is the only Dcllriner in the

Country. Sired by Bcllriugcr, dam Aus-

tralian Maid. At the Iiisuiark Stables.CllA. BAKI-R- ,



At the Annual Meeting of stockliol.lers of the Maui Dry Goods &

Grocery Co. Ltd. the following oflicers and directors were elected toserve for the ensuing year:D. II Case, President & Director.W. E. Hal. Vice pres. & Director.J. Garcia, Treasurer & Director.F. Medeiros, Secretary & Director.T. Burlem, DirectorA. Garcia, Director.M. J. Mourn, Director.

FRANK MEDEIROS,Secretary Maui Dry Goods &

Grocery Co. Ltd.


Not, it v Rt




$100 UEWARI.A iiMvairt ef Kin. wi.l he paid t

the person or persons 1. i nkl in .; in

formation which ! lead to tinarrest of the person or nor-ian- s v I"

ill tempted to set (ire toned burn tin-ne-

residence Building of Jieeo' ,

N. Krpoikai, en ihe nioht ot 'Hi....;day, the lilli day of February I'M?.Dated Fell Tilt V.MW.

V. E. SAFFKRY.Shrr.IT, County of Maui.

$109 UKU MA ANA.

K uku '.a ana h" Makam f Km, i keKanaka a man Kanaka paha e hoikcinni ana i kekidii man oleln ike hikiai ke ho u ia a linopai ia ka men n

nnui mea palm i linao ai e lmhi koloho i ka hale noho hyu o ,iinauanawai Kaapuni A. N Kepoikai, i kenhiahi o l;a po o ka I'eaha l.i d o Feheniari 1!)(IS

IJiiopekaia Fehi'i-uar- i 7. 1!)08.

VV. i: SAFFI-.ItV- ,

Makai Nui Kalana o Maui

FAR Pi! 'PRODU CTSDelivered in Wai'.uku every Saturdaynnd at l'aia and H.unaknapoko onWednesdays at lowest prices.



Telephone Orders to

f . H . LandgrafI'KorRiKToK KA LUA

Teleplvie- - No. 359.'v.


$100"Music tin I fun are good

medicine.The Victor beats tho doc-

tor.Our easy-payme- plan

soon settle? all tiie fees; butthe medicine keeps on coin-ing. And it's mighty pleas-ant to take. Write us.




The Board of License Cmiirnission-er- a

for the County of Maui will hold

a meetiiio at the pub ic roan in theMasonic Temple, Kahului, on Mop laythe 2nd or March 1908 at 10 A. M. toconsider the application to PatrickCockett tor a,Restaurant License tosell intoxicating liquors iu the pre-mises formerly occupied as a saloonin Waikapu Maui and situated on theWailuku, Maalaea road, under theprovisions of Act 119, Session Lawsof 1907.

All protests or objections againstthe issuance of a lieense under saidapplication should be filed with theSecretary of the Board not later thanthe time set for said hearing.

February tit h 1908.D. C. LINDSAY,

Secretary, Board of License Commissinners. '

Feb. 8, 15, 22, 29.


KahuluiWailukuWailukuKahuluiKahuluiSp'villeSp'villePaiaPaiaSp'villeSp'villeKahuluiKabul. aWailukuWailukuKahului




Dig Diswant Cash

IVSachines for RentMonth.



Automatics Family Ma-chine- ?



DECKER, Agent.Telephone

Street, Wai'uku

1 A VIS1

LeaveA rrivcLeave

A rriveLeave

A rriveLeave


A rriveLeave


A rriveLeave

A i rive


A.Pas :J2


7.477 50

' 8 05S.15s ;;5


for sale on the



l$y the Day, V?ek or

and FOIL

We have just a new lineof and

and all kinds of

nnd . (

f S.P. O. Box 25. 22 1.

Main - - -


M. Pas.Fit




Next Door to Wailuku Cash Store.



DesignsCopyrights Ac,

Anvononpndlni? a Rketrh nnd 1ocripttnn mmyntilckly nsfertiim our fipimon freo whetticr bdtnvpntion 19 prntmWy p;tUMitnhlo. (' HAN3000K on Pnt. uUbp it free. Oldmrt niionoy for pncuriiifr patentH.

IVitRittn taken tnromrh Muiui A Co. receivetperint finficc, without ch.trtto, in the

Scientific fltficricati.--

A hanrtonmnly illnotH'itvl wcc'tlr. J.nrL'Mnf jtiiv p. t' u"!ii'j. fit a

veir: fimr 5 i

IKUNN & YcrRllraucli OHIt". i. K SU. WiisliiiiKluii, I). C.







F.xeiuiio:i Rates

ukalu competent Kuide.




Hawaiian Fence and

Monument Works, Ltd


iiiiiSliiiiWo Soil Iron Fence


iiiiiai.ui..- -




Wo have exhibition show room choice

selection nickel plated BATHROOM ACCESSORIES, such

Soap Dishes the Bathtub,Shower Heads,

French Plate Glass Miri'ors,Soap Dishes the Wall,

Sponge Holders,Sponge Cups,

Soap and Sponge Holders,Towel Bars various sizes,

Towel Rucks, aud fold,Com and Brush Trays,

Tooth and Brush Holders,Tumbler Holders,

Buth Seats,Sprays,

Kobe Hooks,

realize their beauty and usefulness theymust seen and used. Taken whole thesefittings'are the most artistic, practical, easily, cleaned

therefore the MOST SANITARY.

Our prices bring them tho reach all.We' invite your kind inspection.


Sfime Stable ZKahului Slrdlroad Company



5 25.5.405.45


& ;

A W7


pr to i'liii Ihe '

to and la'ewitli

and f


eim- - tpMtiiI Oi" Itliliort iwnr.l,"UolU Worlil'n Knir, St. I.nn,

Hie iii"t enii- - jfPI..Al.d rh.m n rpiM.i-tlllili- WOU'l n. W 1:7

not n iihe-i- ' vmir oi l ono now itb a lu tt. t--tra.-tiv- IRON WNCK.

a jrxOvnr of li.m Kviiro.

I is in riimrr V.-i-. Nctlis.'. t?'J 'l ?etc., iilioww in -- hff

l ' ' 'M. onrpe .r... y jseii y.


in in our a

of as


. for

iu2-- 3 4

, b

etc., etc.

Tobo . as a

p nd


I : :

R M.







STATIONS A' M- - Frt- -

Pas. only

Leave 6.20Puunene Arrive 635Puunene Leave 0.40Kahului Arrive 6.55Kahului Leave 8.10 0.45Puunene A i rive 8.25 10.U0Puunene Leave 8.30 io.:-(-

Kahului Arrive 8.45 10.45Kahului Leave 94,--


Puunene Arrive 10.00Puunene Leave .

Camp 5 Arrive 10.30Kihii Arrive 11.15Kihei Leave 11.30

Kihei Tuisday only carry


Francisco Hawaiian Islands; AMEiMCAN-- H





CKcAFEfl mi




Line of Sailine VosspUMIAN STEAMSHIP -

1' M



V351.40i.55a. M3.25


trains and mil v.

San and the





DELINQUENT TAX LIST FOR 190T.In accordance wit 1 Section 1 2(58 of the Revised Laws of 1005, the following list of Delinquent Tax l'ayets is hereby published and comprises the Delinquent

Taxes for the SECOND TAXATION DIVISION ofjhc Territory of Hawaii, as indicated including Heal, Personal and Speeilic Taxes, assessed and remaining unpaidfor 11)07, with 10 per cent, penalties and the cost of advertising as the law provides.


Ahina, Mrs. A. L 11 40!l 804 35

34 5(1

4 9012 (15

3 254 908 753 80

40 (JO

51! (10

6 008 80

2'8 5084 0073 8017 5040 oo

12!) 108 75

222 00(! 00

l!t 8014 8021 30

3 8059.1010 40

4 907 10

11 5015 302 70

,i 4 9010 407 107 102 703 504 90

22 301 (50

1 GO

, (J 0024 70

1 (JO

4 90C3 70

2 701 (50

23 5012 609 304 909 30

12 002 70

85 704 909 30

31 8018 0045 00

. 1 GO

7 109 304 90

ah YicTvyers, Mrs. Hatlielleckley, F. W. ,Drown Trustee, A. M

Cockett, C. JJ.

Cockett, Patrick Jr.Davida, JohnEstate Baker, R. II.

" Cockett, Chas." Cummings, V. H." Gibson, W. M." Ha'vselden, Taiiila' Jones, Alfred' Kaiuliilii

" Kaae, Maria" Kapiolani" Liilii" Makoo" Meheula. M" Nuhaolelua, Kin" Nowlein, Sam" Shaw, Lahela" Spencer, John" Tallett, Jolin

Hoewaa, IIrry 'Hoopii, Mrs. VVm.Hose, R. P.HamonalauKaukanuiKahue, JosephKeanu, VV. 15. tKaonohiKeawe, Mrs. ElizabethKalama, L. K.Kalarna, D. M.

.KakaKainaunu, MoniKaiwaKekele, MileKekau, KahnomilniKalua, J. W.KilinaheKamanouluKaae, AliceKa' aulelio, 1). K.Kaluahiiie, Geo.KahikinaLahaina & Pioneer StablesMeleanaMahioleN:.hinu(w)Nawahine, Rev. O.

Paona, DaviJPaona, Mrs. DavidParker. SamPeniamina, I. PaPuna, Moke .

Reimann, AugustReim nn, August Jr.Sea, Mrs. LouisaSpencer, MartinaTaylor, DavidTetzlaff, Mrs. Maria (Giln.)Tread way, S. E.Visrra, Henry Sr.Wainee ChurchWaller, G. J.


Ahu, S. Chuny I C5Ah Heong 38Ah Kang ' 13Ah See 12Ah Lama 24Ah Mana ' 40All Kau, W 8Aki, Kekoona 14Amundsen Hans 40Ah Sam 24Akuna, G 91Ah Ho 89Aho Kftinea 2Ah Sam, J . C. 13A mock Sun"', J. Gdn Kaho

lotto minors 29Andrews L. A. 12Bailey Harry 24Bow Oo Ton si 7G

Brown Jno. Sr. 15Burns Jerry 13

Carrillo Mrs. Mary 41Car Chong 10Chock Sung Kee 8Clark Thos. 247Chew Lee You Co. 43Corn well Mrs. Emalia 2G

Conwav Mrs. W. A. 9Caswell Mis. J as. 9Cockett Jos. 37

Crong Yuen Co. 23G

Conrad i C. C. 54Cleghorn A. S. 22

Docker S. G

Docker Mrs. Dorcas 1G2

Estate Maikaaloa . 44Estate Lai pahulu 20Estate Kaleo 29Estate Kolomaio 5Estate R. Kamanu 40Estate Niaupio 38Estate Emalia 7jQstate Kaehanui 10Estate Kalua Haole 27Estate Kanohokuahii 2Estate Keawe Kaulana 24Estate Kaweawea 20Estate Wm. Makolo 12

Estate W. H. Daniels 25Estate H. W. Daniels 35Estate Kaliko . 9Estate Kapihe 2G

Estate lokama Kekua (!

Estate Kanaluiu 11

Estate loane Kanakiole 22' Estate lCuapuu 15

Estate Hoomana 7Estate Kapu Louz.ida 85Estate Joaquin Enos G7

Estate Noa Kaaa 14Estate Hanaoka 40Estate Keawe 10

Estate J. lirowu 95

Estate A. Kuuukau 121


Estate KaleliuiiweheEfitate Win. SatTeryEstate WawaPiiunEstiup B K. KaiwiacaEstn tP J. Kainaki leEnns Mary

eitas Jno.rVrreira Sil vinoKunniF. gimoto & NishidaFnn.r'sja UnietaroGeo Kung Toti'jfSopyGoodness PeruviaGreen C. T.Ilalama KeleianuenueHeleikalaniHirniHila AneHirotsu M.Hota B.Henderson G. 1!.

Hat ris J. ,Hennig O. W.Ishiinaru Hotel '

Iao Stables Co.IshiJackson Mrs. lianaJacksonJackson C. S.Kaimina GKwonu Luiisf Tai Co.Kaaemoku K.Kuehu, G. MahiaiKawabaaleKawaililii M.Kui'nelani Mrs.Kailianu ,

Kawaihoa Mrs. M.Keahi Keanu Est.Kalua Mrs. PollyKalua J. W.Keanu E.

"Kahookele Mrs. L.Kauahine KeakaKekua KupauKeawe Kaiko (W)Kalaniwahinp EstKaonohi Mrs. A piKasiauKosaiaeKaliko MakvikoaKauhimahu M.Kaaa Mrs. J. KiniKahakauila J. MoriKaialiilii Mrs. F.Kaialiilii D. K.Kolona S.Kahookano Mrs. EllenKahaleaoKalena II aoKenloha AukaiKalahele A. P.KaulahiwaKaholokahikiKaimi PunohuKaaihueKekapai E. H.Keliiuol SainKeoole Aene

10 (to19

,11 3549 50

203 0012 0012 503 95

12 0011 4048 00

123 9092 0042


12 002 145 30

00G 00

20 0061)0


17 505 009 GO

12 005

48 705 407 70

40 2017 4083 GO

2458 00

00431 00137


515 30

19 254 903 95


1132 5011 3012

85 80

22 2017 80






Kahi-l- e Noeau 10Kennird 135Kuhaleole 31Keelen Mrs. M. J. 3Kapo Mele 20Kondo 11

00 Kaailaau 2Kubeleloa Ikaia 22

00 Kapohuli opio - 400 Kahului Wholesale & Liq. Co.00 Kanemoto M. 20GO Kagita 2190 Kanepaina 1730 Keikiohua00 Kalani 1830 Kaahauui 450 Kinolau Uaua 240 Kealoha Wain 515 Keliiaa. D. H. 1500 Kaleihoa A. S. W. 44

Kealoha Mrs. Annie H. 3830 Kahi Mrs. Mary S. 300 Kaholokai A. S. 1880 Lucy Lani 4650 Lynch Virginia 13440 Maikai W. E. 3010 Maialoha Kamakaiwi Est. 1000 Manu Kapule 2600 Mahi Laukua 18

McNamara Geo.85 Mahu Wm. 3050 Maui Land Co. 23G70 Masuda M. 40CO Morimat8u 11GO Makaau 570 Medeiros P. G

40 Murakami . 1050 Maui Racing Assn.10 Muramatsu 10

25 Maguire Mrs. E. A. 7'40 Nahalea 7

00 Nawahine Rev. O. 7G

GO Nahoopii 2020 Nawai Mrs. K. 13845 Napeha 3520 Nee Sing 1240 Okada 1200 Oneh'a S. K. Jr. 1

GO Piiinoku, Mrs Wailama 785 Paikaka J. 13

Poliahu Luika 2Put.ili(W) , 4

















25 5050










50 26




Parker Sam 41030 Robinson Mrs. P. t 58' I

Uego Antone & Arcenio do 3000 Rogers EH.70 Rogers W. II. 57050 Sugimoio 25

3i Sim lli Mrs. Win. 23

00 Sato Sasaido 22

40 Sakamoto 15

70 Sylva Mrs. F. G

40 Sentinella M rs. J. So 37

40 Sam Yiek 19

80 SnfTen, 1) L.

40 Taketa 13

00 Teranisi 15

00 Tdlliitu00 Tanioka 15

TomohisaTosu 20Ualua, Pehuino - 8Vivas, J. M. fi

Weller, II B. 30Wilcox, Ed. G

Waihee Rice Plant Co. 409Whitford, J. R. 20Yamanaka 30Yoshida 28Yeo Quong 14Yoshiinura 45Yeong. Young 133YasumoriYeong Tung 45Yamamoto 16

Income Tnx.Rorba, Ant. 33Church, R. B. 22Chong Yuen Co. 49Davis, D. H.Daniels, Ed. 2Filler, R. W. G9

Fit zpat rick, C. II. 8Ho.ida, S. 47Harris J. A. 8Henderson, G. B. 3Hota, B. 5Iao Stables, 41Kwong Lung Tai Co. 14Kahului Wholesale & Liq. Co. 30Moeller, E. 6Raymond, J. II. 23Shimizu. T. 5Shav. Jas. 4Sam Yiek Co. 6Taylor, Jas. T.Vivas, J. Mt 14

VVailuku Cash Store 4Weller, H. 15Wtihee Rice Plant Co. 32Yamanaka 3YasumoriYeong Tung 20Yeong Young 32


Akimoto 27Ah Sa 23Ah Pow 8Ah Yon a 3AmasakiAukai D. II. 12Anute & Nal'ani 10A mo S. 33Akana Mrs. M. S. 4AhvSam J. C. G5

50 Ah Mi T. S. 30080 Apele H. & M. 1050 Ah Fook 2950 Ah Nee 800 Alves M. Franco 200 Amaral M. 1

30 Ah Fong , 400 Ashford Jennie E. 3200 Aea Mrs. L. K. 450 Apele Kaluau 8500 Beck with Mrs. II. G.25 Brown Mary K. 1470 Brown Mrs. J. 1600 Booth C. W. 30

Boteilho Jose 600 Boteilho M. Jr. 200 Crook L. R. 920 Castle J. B. 2120 Cummings Est. 13800 Crowell Est. 345 Cooper H. 38GO

00Dang Young 13

00 Eld ridge, D. K.25 Estrella J. 1

00 Emerson O. P. 7

00 Fivella Ant. P. 16

40 Freitas A. 22

00 Ferreira Enorme 1050 Fernandez Est. 1

00 Fernandez J. V. 14Fat Sing 370 Fernandez Man 490 Ferreira Antone 2

00 Fong Wai Mrs. M. K. 4010 Fernandez Ant, 247070 Godfrey Frank 6

70 Hendriques L. K. ' 13Hiram Hattie M. 10

GOHook ai u 795 Hale J. P.70 Haake 1. Poni 3530

30 Hamili Kaina 42

00 Hekekia S. M. 3720 Haynes C. E. 13

00 Holiona 1

50 Ilae D. K. 4540 Inaraasu 7

10 Jordan M. M. 170050200000



















Jose ManoelJacintho JoseJohnson Mrs. P.Jacintho M. Jr.Kupou D. K.KMKeohokaua Est.KaloeKolohe P. K.Kaluau HoopiiKaili Est.Kaawa Dan. Es,.Kahopuoku Est.Kaho. unaunaKekapai E. H.Kealoha AnnieKalamahiai D.Kaliinoi S. E.Kaimina Geo.Kaaimoku K.Kekua MiniKini (w)KakaliaKapihe J. P.Kaholokula K.Kelupoka LiiliiKalaauhina A. "Kala W. B. Est.Kapu Lewaina Est.










1320 30

2747 99


64 51 5



5090 3330 880 5700 9GO 1410 500 .30 1

85 5300 1800 300 1

00 3260 14

Kalaw.- - I'M 2 litKekahiina Est. 8 65Kalama Sarr.ih Est. 160-3-

Katnakelo .1. E-- t. , 360 (isKaiVii- - iki 1 1 (inKiwab" 13 00Kiiihclani Mi.--. 43 10Kaloilrni 3 47Kaiioliolani Est . 10 74Kanaba I'alaile 18 12Kill": Km.lio 13 'MKiulu H.iVhua 18 31Kalia N. D Est. 14 53Kunla Sam 4" (Hi

Kaauan.i 39 72Kuehu Krone 21 42Keeina 3 SSKaula Mrs. M. 38 34Kiiapuu 19 (i!

Kaleihma W.'K. 115 3-- 'Keanini 37 31Kaonohi & Nuuinea 2 75Kaili 37 27Kahapnla 18 09Kaiwa Noa Noa & P. 56 88Kobayashi 10 49Luna J. 13 32Long Mrs. II. 28 29Lukai 10 05Makia Peter 17 93Murashiyi 3 64Momona Meleana 3 47Momona Kamaku. 7 75Makua Esc. 19 49Miokim G 27Mattson Mary 4McConchie Peter 10 73Morinaka , 23 70Miura 35 17Manoanoa Ben P. 21 25Morton David 14 33Marlins M. C. 0 27Miner G. E. 2G6 27Medeiros Manoel 8 47Manna II u (i 27Manoanoa Siinion 6 35Natikaim Mrs. 13 05Nakila J. K. , 21 47Nawalnneokiilani Est. G2 51Niue Mis. K. 3 38Ozawa A. K. 4 49Olelo 27 70Okumura 12 05Plunkett R. 13 78Puleloa Mrs. K. 18 63Peterson W. L. 9 99PWuIp Knmoka 37 09Pa pu Rose Est. 53 04Pa T. K. 14 54Plunkett John 3 38Pulelm- 1126Paio Mrs. Elm 12 00Puu Est. 5 4G

. Rapo'za Joe 7

Souza Antone 7 60Sin v Hi Mrs. G. W. 39 72Sumid.i 5'84Sdioltz Mrs. U. 7 10Scholtz Est. F. 10 40Sato K. 16 00Souza Felavio 9 09Sniffln Sam 129 32Sen Chong 18 11

Sabey Dr. L. R. 22 67Tripp Mrs. J. IS. 19 73Tarn Lcong 6 27Tajirl 12 05Tuzuki 5 71Thompson Mrs. C. 172Tanaka Cho 3 64Tone Kau Lee 8 92Viveiros Jno. 7 35Vasconcellos Jno. 4 90Vincent J. 6 27Wailehua Mrs. G. H. 7 78Wilikina 51 97Wa Chan . 12 47Waikalau 6 99Wada 1172Vilon Joseph 8 58

Young Kut Hing 28 57Yamamoto Yosako 17 69Yok Man ' 49 39



MANA DISTRICT.069510 A po Sam44 Ahulii Mikekolo56 Akahi76 Akana L83 Aikau S80 Asa Mrs. lleluni51 Asa65 AkoCha57 Anderson R. H

Ah YouAh TuckAh FatAkina Jos. ABush HenryBaker Jno. A

8 10 Brown EduieBridges Mrs. Rebecca

G 13 Chamberlain Chas. . .

Correa S. PCoe'.ho Joa i RClark T. K

5 01 Deas W. U

English HarryEstrella Jacintho

8 Eleinakule9 13 Faustina & Wife ....G27 Fuller Johu28

53 Gomi G

58 Gookim Mrs. E. K. . . .




23 Hook ano (liilii) ,

59. lluili. : . .

09 Haumea P. KHauola

65 Hanaia Jno48 Hoopii Balenapa3S! Hai W. B. Scott33 Haupu Jr. W. P(12 HuaIG Holanl & Aikau-- .

4S llooliltamanu










5 7a12 848 549 201 54

15 0111 04

G 4520 92

7 102 676 606 26

12 8529 15

5 7523 57

2 30

llauima KuliaupioIlai.i W. PI lain Mrs. FunnyIlamoa Plant. CoH jsignwa Mrs. TH.iiiii ChurchHrp Sing CoHutchison Jr. W. KHauola Leone


HiapoRHelekahi loaneHooinanawaiiui J. HHorpai W. PHu Mrs. LihaHanuna Estate E. M

Hend igues PIsaac Wmlose pa J. KIosepa Mrs Hannah .

Kahoe H. ZKapewa D. PKaailiun OhisKailianu KawalKanoa Jr. 'MKanoa P. KKeakahiva J LoheKeolaKuluhiwa GeoKahaleauki WKahulanul WKaili HKaili T. KKalanialii L. KKileopaa L. KKaluna D. MKamai Joseph KKamakau John .".

Kapoi J. AalonaKanu KaulanaKiiTotia. . . . v

Kanoho PilipoK ihunaolaole JohnKemohe B. AhaKapono Z. K -Kaliimok'.i PKahului T..'.Kalele P. KaulupoeICanakaole PaahaoKauimakaole G . KKauimakaole G. W. KKaaimaunu KalunaKipi JohnKaleo E. KiiinaheKahananui PKalialo BKaliua LKalalauKanan Aalona .

Kawaiaea Sam'lKawaiaoa WmKeahi NuuanuKeawe JosephKekuhunaKaleikini D. MK' kiwi Kalalaui .

Ka'a W. AKawaiaea Mrs. Enoka....Kahaleuahi S. KKamai J. KuaialiiKalawelaKr.lohelani J. Paele ;

Kahue Estate Kauhane....Kaualoku G. HKapiolani Estate Ltd.

(Muolea Land)Kekuailani PKeaupuniKama no (w) . . .

Keopuhiwa Estate ....Kupau Mrs. NoaKauimakaole G. PKekahuna Est. PKeoahu G. WKekahuna W. AlapaiKaleo J. H SKaleo J. M...Kaleo Jno. KKaleo Est. JKahinuKaliko.Kalama KaumnohopuKelohapili Mrs. AKauihou S. KKaaialiiKalia (w)




















8KaulanaKelohanui. . . .. .

Keliaa (w)Keanimakaui (w)KinimakalCahale ai () 30Kaleo 5Kekoa J. PaluaIvahalemauna E... .

Kalanihou (w) . .

Kaiminoonoo (w) 5Kainila (w)KeliihelelaKolornoku Mary Aim . . . .

K'a'alcina PatKalehua 7Kanoho ' 7Kaniakaono S 7Keaupuni J. P 9Kapu SKunkalamKamai J 7Kabuena NYlioKukauahi J. KKaliuar.aele 7Itia'iewe Kahololio 9Kaaua Mm, Kauanui (

Kalohi J. Kalama 7Kaiwiaea B K .

Kaipo Z .

Keloha J .

Kahai Aukukino.









E-- t.






2 3037


5 75

4 30 7.nutvana uifini

5 75 Kanakaokai Lol;e .

Kaahauui E-- t. Pumuikai12 Kiiheleloi . 3

Kaialomi Mrs. Hana 2Ka!lo Puahaunui5 75 7

5 Koolau Rubber CoKailianu . : 7

5 75 Kahcle 3

5 75 Kamakawahine . 3Kaiaka (w) . 3

30 Lake Chas .

Lyons M. TEili'eaLynusJuo. ELvon Est. KekelaLee HingMakiaMaihui TMokuluu Coffee Co....Muunnloa Mi-- s Malfc.Maria RosalinaMololani M. KMukaena S. KMakaena Albert MMakea AbnerMakea GMakaioMahoe JnoMilaina (w) et alMahukona Aberahatna.Maule EstateMaule Miss HattieNakila J. KNawahineokalani Est. . .

Nakoolani (w)Naeole J. KapaiNoa JohnNehemia G. 1'Nahtku Rubber CoNiheuNapihaa PNoa Miss PaeleNahalea SolNishwitz J. HNalir.iakaua Mrs. N...Newbaur HOlolua KaaihueOpunui GeoPuhihale Mrs. Kailianu.Palealii (w).Pauahi Est. Enoka.Paulo Est. AkenekiPierre Joe.Pahia (k)Plunkett RobertPoouahiPoohina D. MPuM DanielPika KauPaahao Keahi ()Rosewarne Lena GRoback ASmith Chas.Smyth J. KSmyth KikeTellos E.)Tain You75

75 Unauna Est. Jos. U,.75 Ui (w)75 Wilkinson Beke . . .

75 Wills T. C75 Waha Estate

WilikinaWailehua S. MWat&nabeWong Kim alias Ah KimWilber R. TYap Toe ...

Income Tax.Bsthe IIDeas Dr. W. B

Watt Geo


Chu Gam& YoungCheeKeliihananuiKauhane PiaKalilioku 1 . . . .

Kahoohilahala SLcmuelaLupeau '

Manuwai AmoeMaawe K. KMahelona S. WNamiliiniliSmvth J. KZablan Ane Estate ..


Personal.AipaApcluhumaIluakiuiIlookano,Ilooinana '


30 Kolomaio15 Kauliiokalani43 Kamakahi80 Kaai, Kahnlowai04 Kaai, Kaniaka48 Kaupu, J. K.

62 Kahue, J.Kauhola, J. K.I.ukua, Sai.iMcCorriston, HughI.emiKaulaliL-u- , MosesKupa, John

74 KuapuuKualauKauilani98 Kaauau

10 Minatniiia, Fred94 Jjao, Joe52 Naailau, Daniel10 Oliia13 L'abiinii, John V..

91 l'uahulu10 l'auhewa, Naki

NakauiuuiioMakiliira54 Kdwaril

16 Jesse, David10 Kalalawaia47 Kuiihului, I).

I'aliinui, J. X.80 Chong. W. C.82 Fuller, Solnuitiii

49 Kaai, K. II.Kali awai, 1. W.

09 Kahawai, (o..iKalaau, I.

10 Moku Kailiuli94 Kama, lYU-- r

2 Kainauao, ..Kawa.i, John

35 Kawaa, J. V.40 Kea. Fred

5 757520

1 7138 1248 72

I 1516

4 GO

1 71

194 20


1,1512 09

1 1551 0556 69

7 2699

35 5126 9810 9349 2823 10

2 3016

1 591 1 55

1 6011

11 9210 4211 0955 93II 93









II. 1017

22 5530 16

1811 92

13 8922 99

1 49 842

647 8785

12 85

75 9

5 75

9315 31






27 867 10

13 5516 286 168 427 B77 18

98 1312 5612 5733 3311 73

5 755 755 755 752 594 75I 151 15

16 3432 92

3 3512 8512 8518 9521 88

5 757 002 787 991 151945 75

15 555 723 634 185 30

69 5333 82

2 945 755 75

43 103 259 151 305 304 13

14 22107 81

12 9319 75

5 1610 3215 1151 09

6 7217 33

5 751 15.8 932 259 00

10 66

5 4518 108 55

49 202 70

24 2013 10

2 701 60

24 004 904 909 802 70

38 5015 20

.6 oo6 oo6 oolioo6 oo

12 oo12 oo12 oo12 OO

6 oo6 oo6 oo

12 OO12 OO

6 oo12 OO

6 oo12 OO

12 OO6 oo6 oo6 oo

12 OO

12 OO

6 oo6 oo6 oo

12 OO

6 oo12 OO

12 OO

6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo I

6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo


Kekahuna, LeviKimopo, lliwaKiotia, SolomonKipu, SamKupiliea, VeniNuhoopii, PaulinoNahoopii, II.Pauole, A.Sylver, JolmKailiCathcart, AbleJHuloit, Abr.Ewaliko, II. II.Helekahi, Iosualloli'so, Jas. K.Kaahauui, A. A.Kalialepohaku, 1. V.Kahaulelio, I). II.Kaliea, SolomonKahinalua

"Kailiauu, 1.KaionaKalilikatic, KaweloKalilikane, M. K.KalimaKalolieaulmii, J. W.Kamaewaewa, I).Kaulili, KauahiKaumaka, J. KamaiKapuni, J.Kaulili, J. V.Kawaliauiana, lonaKeaKeahi, WillieKekipi, George.Kckoa, P.Ktkoowai, S. K.Kina, DavidKukalabiwa, J.Kualapai, KaimiLapauila, J. V.

Lautnana, V.

Lfimakani, KalieleMakalei. Jos.Naki, HikionaNamealoha, K.NihipaliI'aalulii. A. h.l'akalaka, S. V. K.I'aleuapaPoaha, A.Harrows, J. K.leke, KawikiiKaikai, DavidKaulaliea, D.KewikaKupa, KamekotiaKoa, Jos.Kaile, Jim.Ku, KaulanaKualapai, KuoliaLevi, AhiLukela, DavidMikokope, AkoNaiheNapoliona, S. B.Nu, IoauePahupu, N. S.Pereira, Antoue

Property.Ahu, AnnieAkelaBuchanan, C. A.Bishaw, MinorsBannister, AndrewBrown, J. F.Callow, JaneConradt, Mrs. C. C.Cockett, C. B.Cockett, IsaacCastle, J. B.

Dudoit, JulesDart, Mrs. MaryDowsett, A. C.Duvachelle, Ed.Estate Mokeha

" Kaopealiina" Inaina' Kaai, Maria

" Kupihea" Lililehua" Hulihee" Kaliiamoe" Nakuniu" Kapu" Kapiolani" Kanakaliilii" Napapa" Kaha" Nowlein, Sam

Fountain, RobertGreen, M.Hana (w)HikionaHui, JohnHitchcock, II. R.Hulu, J.HuluoliiHapipaHawaneHimeni, D.Jones, WilliamKahoinoKahananni (w)KawainuiKailiuli, PunaKaalihikaua, Sol.KauhiokalauiKeakuauuiKekuiuaeKamai, A. L.Kalua, J. W.KauhanuiKaiakea, KekoowaiKeawepooole, ElizaKahalekoolua (w)Kaulili

' KamakaiaKaaihue, Jos.Kapu, Ik-i-l

KukahiKauiauauiauuKaluaaha, S.Kaliiamoe, KamaiKaleikoaKuikahi, Chas.KekumuKuhihewaKalialewaiKukahuoaKanewanui, S.KalalikeKahemalaniKaluhi, LouisaKahinu JoelKalauokalauiKaliikaneKahapuu KaheleKamai- Kamaewaewa

. KalaluhiKueneKaiue, S. E.Kulou

' Kakani, DavidKeakaniaiKeohokalole, LeilmluKekaula & Co.KoloKahinaLaakilaLewis, CharlesMeliakaManase, Rev. II.MakalekaMauliawa, RahapaMahiai, LeviMcVeigh, J. D.Morse, JamesNaki, Pttiu

6 oo6 oo6 oo0 oo(i on

oof"l OO

6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 OO

b OO

6 oo6 oo(i oo6 oo6 mib on6 on6 oo6 oo6 ool ki6 oo6 oo6 IKl

6 OO

6 oot oo6 oo6 oofa ( (i6 (HI

6 oo6 oofa oo


6 oofa oo6 IK)

6 oo6 ooft (Kl6 IK)

fa onfa oo6 oo6 i tofa OOfa OO

6 oo6 l K

6 oofa ( H)

fa oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 oo6 o6 oofa oofa oo6 oo6 oo

3 203 2"

lo o27 6o

94 4"679 89

8 6.S

196 2,

3 2"29 10

I 60760

21 5938 27

4 3"35 5"

5 4o5 0035 0041 608 10

14 705 4

33 3"4 5"

4500 9'

1 6023 00

9 80

2 703 2o

28 4015 20

335 9'13 653

15 3J6 0038.

20 10

7 5"I0S06 405 351 57 60

24 006 45

IS t24 00

9 803o lo

4 80lo So

3 2116 8013 00

3 ou564015 2524 00

3 209 So

13 x240021 2013 OO

4 8010 So13 OO

'5 2029 5"

3 2040 5014 20492 703 So3 202 704 00I 609 252

II 502 703 802

7 60' 5 45

4 3"14 lo46 0015

7 lo7 00S 20



Naki, Mrs. ClaraNainakaokainaNakuiu.i, M11. V.. ."!.



14 20

NatikaNaeolaNap.iepae, J. K.I'ihel'api, Harryl'iiapooPa. elio Hal ( 1, imI

Paaliao,,' Malie:

Jolml'ealiiPanhiwaPaaluhi. KnunaPlace, Mrs W.PaiMiiani. MalmReimuti, Makale;'Spit. Mr. C. W.Smith, - ii-


UM'llil. (' i

I'aua (w)WaiaiiiaWainholo, lid.Wahina'oWilson, J. II.William'-- .'cs

I hereby certify i!i i t',,

correct list of tile ' "the Tax .t . m In- -

Maui, Jlolokai .1 I. 1"

1 907 to the 1,. v !. tuvef.


Dealers i?


W.v. T.I oi,;



Doctor C'.

Fitzpatrick 0;

CORNER HOT.Tli U1..1 l'O .T ST;

For tsi.le ay





Special nt ton it-- paid to Lauu's'Dress goods.



Markft Street. ';iilni i

Nothing hut the best of

Well Known Standsucl Diaitiis

onWines Whiskeys

Cordials, LiqueursRA1NICR AND PKIMO

Bottled licens

25c 2 filasecs 25cHEADQUARTBRS FOR

Island Sporting lAiopkT. B. LYONS. Poi.


BO i3A, Prop.

Knil line of ioi.i:!ar hi nil''.'-- i t

WINKS, LIQUORSCOUP! I.s, :': A l;-- :

v"i: K1KS. f;iNKU:. Htc.

Celebrated Vilzn ;a;Hrtlltrl Jf.,.r

25c 2 GteiW 75c


Or.ders taken for 1CK CHKAM.FRUITS, NUTS, C1GAT;S.

Ice Cold PneliH Always on

Market St.. : : Wailukii. Mai


Office temporarily ut CusiDtn llmi-e- ,

upstairs.KAiici.t'i, Mai 1, T. H.

Ollice Hours: 9 a. 111. to 4 p 111.


Plans unci Estiinateb Fui nislied.

Small Johs end Repair Work ty Dayor Contract.

Waiwku, Mati, T. D.

?. 'i








. 1) .S - i ; K A I . KSTAT K, STOC KS A HON DS



:Mv.v,i:nts.' ..;?h (ir.ide; Securities mailed on application



LOPING.iii;ikc ;i siceiiilty oflliis ilopart moni

cik. Aii'l solicit your tnulo.Viih iiiiytliin '.U-.-t1- f0 wny s moras, kodaks.

' ' o .Mij'j'lios oic. su)ly you. Mail; L!i'M attontion.

J?JJ PHOTO SUPPLY CO."Kv v lliin, riiologr.ii'liic.'j'


:Sveness,AiCicr." fine slux's

s i,i (diliiy. Conn-'s liiiit etil'v thi.J. giciit

in !) !iif-- s (Jn joy llliiisiiii'ji.. Yo'ii at- -

1, ' tviidi.-- FflliiijrSpecials.

Xwi cjirry n l:i varintystyle.;, Ati l nize qtiiokly from

i,i;tnt'iiM( stock. " Each pairsliows s.uiiiil, liont'st quality

orders soliett.' and retail.

Whole- -




Sleep Well?Why don't you try glass of


Primo Beep before retir-

ing? There's nothing in thisbeer that can harm you.There's much to do you good.

.7 7

i Si'ouTiNd Goods

P. .'14li

.'.'t of ourwo

ofwo can 01-- :


Cll-'.- i-

t'fof liv

I'itn rjio ofup

mirthe of



Wo liavc a spleihlid lino of sporting and atliielictixMls and can furnish yon jnst what yon ro-- (

11 i 10 in



and .ilhor Sprilin-- (Joods, as well as all sorts ofi!d lie Supplies. Sontl lor catalogues and let

ii - iiile yon. Our prices are tho same as on1 it M.iin'ar.d and we can pleaso you.



Vrll 'lteii yon want your carriage rejiaircd to last. bring it to the right elioi.


DAN. T. CAREYnin St. near Market, Walluku, Maul
















GET THE HBIXOf tradiny at the LA H A IN A STORE-t- ho dependahle store. You m ijj h t save a few tsteps hy buyingelse Ahere. hut are you sure of tho freshness andquality? Our yooiN in every department are of the

t quality for the money. We would not make thisstatement if we did not mean it.

The Best of EverythingAt Live and Let Live Prices

THE : LAHAINA : STOREDry Goods, ' Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Plantation Supplies.

Box 504.


This brand denotes qualityWrite us in regards to yourLeather needs. Send yourHides to us and you may feel

certain of fair treatment.

Metropolitan Meat Co.- LIMITED-HONOLU- LU,

T. H.Telephone MaUi 143

1 Modern Bath Rooms TI Make Modern Homes jj



When visitors come isn't it gratifying to have your bath room '

to equipped that it wins the approving glance of every criticaleye i "loitilaisf Porcelain Enameled Fixtures make your bathloom modern and a room to be admired. We sell and installthis famous ware and can quote, you prices that will please you.When you place your plumbing contract with us you are assuredof high grade work and prompt service. Booklet illustrating manyneat bath rooms sent free.

Kahului R. R. Co., Mdse. Dept.KAHULlll, MAUI.



The Ncvadan now lias a license tocarry passengers to mu from Honolulu.

All parties wisliintf to travel t? Honoluluby this boat should get tickets from theKahului Railroad ollice.

The trustees of the V;ulukii I'nionChurch are this week making a muehneeded iinprovenieut in the doors of the

f church building. The present large doubledoors are being so placed that they openoi.vards, and new swinging doors of

fc'ight weight are being hung on the in-

side so that church attendants need nolonger suffer from the cold mauka windsblowing through open doors.

The Nevadan anchored in the innerharbor during her stay in Kahului lastweek. This was made possible by therecent dredging of the harbor and thebreakwater and while there were highseas outside the vessel lay as quietly asshe would in Honolulu harbor.

The Queen Lodging house of Wailukuhas new rooms, new furniture, cleanbeds, 50 cents per night.A. Ho Rego, Proprietor. t.f.

The Women's Aid Society of the UnionChurch will meet with Mrs. R. 1?. Dodgeon Tuesday afternoon March 3rd, at 3

p. 111.

Next Wednesday; being AsVwcdties-day- ,

the first day in Ijent, there will bespecial services at the Church of the GoodShepherd. Holy Communion 7 a. m.;Kvensong and Address 2.30 p. tu.

There will be special music a the t'niouChurch to morrow evening March 1st. at7:30 o'clock. Miss Mattison, the in-

structor of music at Maunaolu Seminarywill sing.

The addresses at the Church of 'theGood Shepherd during Lent will be asfollows:

Wednesdays: The relation of theChurch to the people and the people tothe Church,

Sundays; Types'. if nun who crucifyChrist; The as a Fact; 2 Juads;

3 l'i'atu; 4 Caiaphas; 5 Herod; ThePeople;

A few days ago there was organized anenthusiastic society ofChristiau Kudeavorirt Sprecklesville. The first meeting washeld in the home of Mrs. John Tilton.Twelve members compose the society atpresent. Mr. Peter NoaKahokubluna, the

' of the Territorial Asso-

ciation of Christian Endeavor was calledto organize this society. .

Leap Year Dance.

The Catholic Ladies Aid Societywill gave a Leap Year Dance andConcert at the Knights of. PythiasHall on Saturday evetvnjj, February29th, to raise funds with which topay the debt on the IJrothfir's cottage.

Tickets will soon be 011 sale by therrr rubers.


All the furniture and householdequipments owned by the Estate- - of

E, C. Threlfal, deceased, will be sold

at auction at the former residence of

said deceased at Camp 1, Puuneiie,Maui, on Saturday, Feb. 29, 19(18, at4.30 o'clock P. M.

JAS.' L.COKE,Auctioneer

Great Passion Play

Coming to Maui

John Froelec-kcr-an- Engine Pe

vauchcllc will lie in Wailuku Mon- -

day ami give an exhibition of the

Passion play at tin1 Knights of

Pythias hall from 1 p. 111. to 11 p

in.Tin; movinji pictures were taken

from the great Passion play at OIhtAnimcrgau where the same is pn

scnted every ten years.

Persons cannot help being impress

cd with the scenes and anv one who

is familiar with the New Testamentetui readily recognize what is intended to 1k represented as well as ca

character in the many scenes.The Princess Theatre-- in lbnx

lulu has been orowded both day andnight for several weeks where thisplay has been given. The ownersof the building where the play is

given reserved t lie use of their build-

ing for certain days for w hich reasonthe owners of the play will visitMaui and give the residents hen- - an

.opiortunity to sec the play duringthe days the theatre building is br-

ing used in town by its owners.Every one should see this play. It



J. R. Gomes, recently employed by theKahului Hnineh, Maui Dry Goods &

Grocery Co. left Tuesd.iy evening by theM.itina Lo.i for N.iaiehu, K.iu, Hawaii, toaccept a position i.s'eatn overset r for theHutchinson Sugar Plantation.

Mrs. James Lloyd and two childrentook the Nevadan to Honolulu last Fri-


James Love took the Nevadan fromKahului Friday for town. He returnedTuesday by the Mauna Lou.

J. M. Vivas, the attorney went toFriday and returned Tuesday .by

the Mauna Loa.

H. H. Hart of the Second Circuit Courtwent to Honolulu on business last Fridnyby the Nevadan and returned Tuesdayby the Mauna Loa.

S. Keliinoi was one of the visitors toHonolulu by the Kinau last Friday. Hereturned Tuesday. ,

Dr. J. H. Raymond was a passenger toHonolulu Friday.

Manuel Kno departed for HonoluluWednesday. He went down as a witnessbefore the Federal Court.

John Froelecker, the manager of thePassion play wishes to meet any of Maui'sbest urestlers.

T. M. Church will probably leave Mauipermanently in a short time and accepta better position with Alexander andlialdwin. Mr. Church has been one ofthe most successful business nu n on theisland and as manager of the Paia storedid an immense business to the satis-

faction of the owners and to the pur-- 'chasing public.

Robert Catton the president of CationNeil & Company of Honolulu was a Mauivisitor this week. He returned .by theClaudiue Wednesday from Kahului.

Albert Waterhouse was up from Hono-

lulu this week to attend the annual stock-

holders meeting of the Nahiku RubberCompany.

C. D. , cashier of the Firstational P,:iuk of Wailuku took the

Claudiue Wednesday evening for Laha-ina- .

He returned to town the next morning by automobile.

Doctor R. H. Dinegar went to Honolulu Wednesday and expects to returntoday.

D. II.- - Davis was a returning passengerfrom Honolulu by the Kinau Tuesday.

D. Sylvester manager of the rubberplantation that is known as the NahikuSugar Company went to Honolulu Wed-

nesday to meet his wife and children whowill reside in future with him at Nahiku

Rev. Gulick was a learning passengerto Honolulu this week.

School Inspector II. M. Wells took theClaudiue this week for Lahaiua.

George Desha, the Postmaster at Ililowas iu town this week on his way to thetnetjopolis.

Dr. E. C. Waterhouse came up on theMauna Loa Tuesday to attend the annualstockholders meeting of the Nahiku Rubber Company. H,e returned Wednesdayby the Claudiue.

E. C. Cardinal left Maui Wednesdayfor Vuncouver where he will make hisfuture home. He was employed for somemouths in the Kahului Store and laterat Puuiieue.

Murphy Again In

the Lime Light.

11. J. Murphy who recently leftMaui after doing upa great many people here in a iinaneial'way has again liecn heard from

This week a lialdwin NationalHank check for Sixty Dollars was

sent up by liishop it Company for

payment...The check was made payable to

It. J. Murphv-an- was signed by-

Joseph W. W renn.There is no one by that name

who has a deposit with the bank in

KUj)iuIui nor is there anyone hereby that name but it isvident thatthe party who drew the check didso with the intention i deceivingthe nartv who cashed it and lead

him to lili v- - that that was tin

name of a prominent business man

on tins isi.uiii.The Cy-hi- er of the lialdwin Na-

tional l'.ank states that the signa-

ture to the cheek was evidentlywritten by the same 1!. .1. Murphywhose name apixars on the back of

the cheek.A wireless was sent to Honolulu

to arrest Murphy and hold him atthe expense of the hank.

Murphy recently married a Ha-

waii wojian who was formerly Mrs.


Notice is hereby given that at the re-

gular March Session of the Hoard ofSupervisors of the Couutv of Maui Terri-

tory "f Hawaii an ordinance defining thetown limits of Wailuku will be broughtup for consideration. The general pub-

lic is invited to be present either in per-

son or by an authorized committee to ex-

press their views and advise the hoard asto the proper limits to be established.

Dated February 14, 1908.Wm. HENNING,

Chairman Moarifof Supervisors.Attest:

W. F. Kaak,County Clerk County of Maui. 3.t


' Notice is hereby given that at the Re-

gular Session of the Board of Supervisorheld in their room at Wailuku, Countyof Maui, Territory of Hawaii, on the 14th

day of February A. D. 190S, a pound wasestablished in the Southeast comer of

It 20 on Puunene Avenue Kahului, in

the District of Wailuku, and that ManuelSequira was on the above mentioneddate duly appointed Pound master forthe above described Pound.

Wm. DENNING,Chairman, Hoard of Supervisors,

Attest:W. F. Kaae, ,

County Clerk County of Maui.


Ma keia ke hoolahaia aku nei, ma kaHalawai man o ka Papa Lunakiai i mala- -

tnaia ma kolakou keena oihana ma Wailuku, Kalana o Maui, Terilori o Hawaii,ma ku la 14 o Feberuari, M. II. 190S, 11:1

hookaawaleia ae he paaupuui ma ke kihiHema Hikiua o ka apana 20 ma ka ala- -

nui PuuneiK, Kahului, iloko o ka Apanao WailutTii; a ma ia Iialawai no hoi uahookbhu pouoia aku o Manuel Secpieira

luna no ua Paaupuui la i hooakaakaiamaluna. ,

W. HENNING,Lunahoonialu o ka Papalunakiai, Ka

lana o Maui.Ikes:

W. F. KAAE, ,Kakauolelo, Kalana o Maui.


Application having been fileil with theundersigned, by The Henry WuterhouseTrust Company Ltd., Trustees for PhoebeK. Raymond and J. II. Raymond, for thebuildingof fences between the applicant'slands situate at Kauiaole, Kula, Districtof Makawao, Island of Maui and the landsdescribed iu Grant No. 466 situate at saidKamaolc, and another piece of landknown as George Shaw's land.

Therefore notice is hereby given to allparties interested that on Saturday, the7th day of March A. D. 1908 at 3 o'clockP. M. the undersigned will be on saidlands to view the same and hear saidapplication and meet all parties interest-ed or their agents as by law provided.

Dated at Wailuku, February 21, 190S.C. D: LUFKIN,HUGH M. COKE,J. K. KAHOOKELE,

F'encc Commissioners in and for theDistrict of Makawao, County of MauiTerritory of Hawaii.

Feb. 29, March 7.

Is the Maui Dark

Editor Maui News:

Horse a Reality?

Can you1 with tho aid of your

sporting editor, inform an anxious

subscriber the whereabouts of the2.0i) wonder, that according to

some Honolulu paper, was shippedto Maui a short time ago? P.eing

at all times ready to believe inwhat I see, I made extra effort toget next to that Maui prodigy, andget my winkers on it, but havefailed so far, and as it seems tohave put everybody on the quoviva, (pardon the use of the lastY

two words, they are borrowed) I

got somewhat excited over it my-

self, and the above request follows.

I received a tin to ro down thetrack the last two Sundays, with a

hint that I would see something,and I fully expected that my an-

xiety would foe alleviated, but alas,I only saw some jumping at highfences, which was done in muchless time than 2.0G.

Respectfully Yours' JDALKMIC.

(Daleine is not explicit enough.While we may possess considerablecommon horse sense, we arc nuthorse men and would kindly sug- -

is well worth the time and money t'vrus T. (irei-n- She was in Hono gest, thattf. lulu with him last week. again) kl.

brother Dale try



By the Alaskan we lia e received alarge shipment of Spring goods whichwe wish to dispose of as rapidly as pos-

sible io make room in this department.For this reason all of these goods will besold at bargain prices: Note the list:Cocohoe (ialaten,

Madias,Claremojit ,

Scltnore,Chnmhray,Sylvan,Scotch eloth,Mercerized Voile,


? .2") yd. liougainvill.-n- .10 yd. Seide Cilacc,

. " ' .2" " Foulard Tissue,

.'() " Costuni Zephyr, .2" " Oxnard Suiting,

.IT, " Swiss applique, " Willsby," Duster linen, in., .'20 " (.'anna,

.:',() " Marnnby, .2" " Harlequin,

.2't " l'ois ile Soie, .'2 " Milan Tissue,

.0.--, " Soisette, .o " Newport,

Samples sent on Application.

tdies' Shirt Waists, $1.00, $1.50, $1.25.Regular $1.25, $1.50 and 61.75 Values.

LACES. New Patterns. A very .large assortment,


.30 "

.20 "

.20 "

.20 '

3." ".3.) ".20 "

All goods are new, of the latest designs and patterns, but we are too crowded and they must be sold. At these pricesthey will not last long.

NEW HATS. Beautiful iu design.Orders taken for special 'trimming of theframes you now have on hand.

Stamping on Dress Goods done atreasonable prices.


Gent's Furnishings.


Our Spring line of Cluet Peabody & Co's shirtshas commenced to arrive. New andbeautitul patterns. Everything nobby, and in good taste.Prices range from $1.00 to $3.00 each.


y iSaturday Evenings,



YOXTK BAKE1;will tell you that ho has to mitf most Hours to got theright quality and uniformity that are required by goodbaking. Each pno has some of the .good qualitiesthat our flour gets from right selection ftndmilling.

Our exports know the bosl whoftt, the best part ofit, and the night way Of milling it.y Thoy KNOWWHEAT. .

Golden .Gate Flouris the result of years of study and experiment. It's

' 'the Best. ,j ' '


H. Hackfeld Co., Ltd.'


I Our BestI Recommendationw

Si , is that our'compctitors tell you that they will sell yougoods as good as ours. .We need nothing hotter, lint

jE; thoy, don't toll you that thchave Belmont Whis- -key in hulk or Kaupakulu'a Wine in bulk, he wo'

JCI do.

Wo also carry lots of good things fqr the Holidays,ZZ such as Peach Brandy, Aprica't Brandy, Cherries iny Creme di Mentho, Cooking Sherry and Braildy, all

kinds of table Wines.

SZ We are also Agents for Seattle and Primo Beers.

Your Holiday dinner Wlnt bo withoutS something to help digest it. Wo have nil kinds of'SET Cocktails already mixed. Ring us up and we will telly you more about the good things we have.


The LahainaChas. M. Cooke, 1'tts. C. D. Lufkin,

R. A. Wndswortli, Director

SECOND ANNUAL STATEMENTat the close of business December 3Cy 1907

ERRSOURCESLoans, Discounts, Overdrafts..? 34,355.92Cash and Due from Hanks 20,105.49United States Bonds '6,250,00Other Bonds 12,000.00I'reniium on U. S. Bonds..,.... 2W.00Furniture and Fixtures.. 1,150.00Five Percent Fund 312.50

$ 74.373-9-


talk "GASreq'uiro outfit









& Liquof Co.--

NationalCaslik--r Win. Helming, Vicc-l're-

W. h. Decoto, Director

JJAJSII.ITIUSCapital Stock : 5 25,000.00Surplus uutLrrofitS . 414.18Due to Banks..... j. 38.32Circulation.'. i .'

, 6,250.00DepostU ..?.. .r,,.. 41,921.41Dividend. Unpaid....y..,i... . 750.00

74.373-9- '

and we can oonvince you1make your boine cnplete.

Sole Agents

I, Wm. Ilenning, of the above named bank, do solemnly swearthat the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge mid belief:

Wm. HHNNU1G, Vice President.Subscribed and sworn to before mc this 2nd day of January, 1908.

J. GARCIA, Notary 1'ul lic Sec. Jud. Circuit.


The Sunlight "OMEGA" AcetyicnCGenerators HAYS N,G EQUAL

Wc are the Agents for'the "OMEGA" and will cheerful!' giveestimates on: "

GENERATORS from 10 1U. to SCO 1U. '

FIXTURES of all kinds.COMPLETE PL NT8 properly installed. .. -

Lot us MACHINE" ftothat you an to



Continued froiu page t.Committee on behalf of the Wai-

luku citizens was taken un.for con-

sideration. Mr, Kaiue moved thatthe Board of Supervisors assistthe Citizen's commit fee in the moving of the, old Court Iloufo. build-ing from its present location to thenew location across the street, onIhcJCaahttinanu church property.Seconded b)yMr. Meyer and car-ried. ,

The BomMseue inatfel was ngniutken tip for consid-'ratijn- . Tliefollowing wireless message from thoOoverlior ins feftd:

Ilenning from Frear.. Could akTreasury Department if at all,only in case of sale. Otherwiseimpossible. " Advise srtle at 08, ifpossible.

The matter was further deferreduntil tomorrow.

The County Clerk was instructedto notify Mr. Geo.' Gloves RoadOverseer torth-wit- h

eauso the old Qmaopio Roads-throug-

the Omaopio Homesteadsto be reopened for public travel anduse. '

The County Engineer walo investigate ftnd report

on roads through the Omao)ioIldmesteads. v

Mr. Meyer presonted ResolutionsNo. 045 to No. 082 inclusive therely approving of salary, iayrollsand material rfnd supply demandsand moved the adoption of thosame. Seconded by Mr. Iltiia andearned.

Mr. Kaiue presented ResolutionNo. 088 thereby appropriating$122.19 from the fund known asRoads and Bridges Wttiluku to thefund known as Roads and BridcesMak'awao, and moved the adoptionof the same! Seconded by' Mr.Meyer and carried

Mr. Meyer presented' Resofiitionrso. (jS-- thereby appropriating$122.19 from the fund known asRoads and Bridges Molokai to thefund known as Roads and BridgesMnkawao, and moved the adoptionof the same. Seconded by Mr.Kaiue and carried.

The sum of $250 was appropriated from' tho fund known as Roadsand Bridges Wailuku to tho fund.unown as inro JJonartmont Wailuku.

Air. uinircn moved lor a recossto 7 P. M. Seconded by Mr. Haitiand carded. Adjourned at 0:05P.M.


The Board was called to order at7 P. M., Chairman W. Ilenningpresiding. .

Tho report of the County Superintondent of Roads va read. ThoClerk was instructed to notify thoUisi-our- i Valley Bridge and IronCompany that the Board could notaccept their request for nnqtlditionto the cost of the steel bridge fortho liana district after the bid wasaccepted, . and therefore the con-

tract was cancelled.Communications between the

County Engineer and the companywere read. The clerk was'klso' in-

structed to notify Alexander &

Baldwin that the contraefwith the' was cancelled.'

All communications rolutivo tothis matter were ordered placed on


fila.The report of the County Super

intendent of Roads was order6dplaceJ on file.

A communication trom w. v

Wright & o: to Mr. Dan T. Caleyinforming him of the prices forshoeing and general blacksniithingfor the County of Oahu was readand tho same was ordered placedon file. (The letter showed that ihoprices for shoeing hero aro the sumoas in Honolulu. Tho prices chargedfor eqnio-othe- r work 'are higher inHonolulu than litre.)

The Board approved the appoint-ment of Geo. 11. Cum'miiigs Auditor's clerk at a salary of $85.00 per

' 'month. ,

Communication of Dr. Dinegarin re odorless excavator was takenup for consideration. Mr. Kaiuewas instructed to put tlw ordorlcsexcavator'in. use.

Communication of the Commis-sioners of Agriculture and VotMlrywas ordered placed on file. Tho

clerk was inlfuctcd to answer thattlie majority of the B.oard of Supervisors is not in favor of the plan ofhaving the County pay the expen-ses of a veterinary surgeon whilolire same officer focjhe Counlv o

Oahu is paid for out or Torntoi inlappropriation. The Road feelsthat the Counties outsideof . Oahushould bo trvcorded the same treat-ment'- from Territorial appropri-ations as tho said County of Oahu.- The coimnunieatioiisrerative tothe reffgnaiion of tho CountySuperintendent of Roads wrts takenup for consideration.

Mr. Church moved to approvothe uction of the 'Chairman in ac-

cepting the resignation qf Mr. Wil-

son.. . ,

Mr. Kaiue moved to further tle-f- er

actionoii the matter until .to-

morrow. Second by Mr Haia andcarried

'Communication of the Countyofficers requesting, the County topurchase aii adding machine wastaken up for consideration.

Tho rcliest was denied and' thecommunication wns ordered placedon file. , s

The Clerk was instructed to no-

tify tho Deputy Sheriff of Lahainaof the rule adoptejl by the 'Boardin case of contagious diseases.,. Mr. Kaiue presented RefolutionISJjp. GS0 thereby approving of pay-

roll demands.mimbored l6'.' and21-1- and moved the adopted of t,he

s?tiiie. Seconded by Mr. Meyerand carried.

Mr. I lain was given until thofollowing morning to itiptirtrju-th- e

request of the.Manngor of the.U.C. iv S. Co. to nt 'of

the trial in tho liana district'The petition of N. Omsted el al

in re location of the Keanae,-Nahi-k- u

trail "was taken up for consider-atio- n.

''Mie Clerk was instructedto notify the petitioners that thematter will be given due consider-ation and that before any route is

decided upon' the' public will bo

given a chance to "further presentthejr views. .v Mr. Church moved to adjournto 9 A M. Seconded by Mr. Kaiueanil carried. Adjourned jit 10 P.M. . t

Wailuku,. Fel). 14, 190S.MORNING SESSION

The Board-wa- culled to order at9 A.M., Chairman Ilenning pre--

siding. Roll ohll.." Present: W.Ilenning, T M. Church! W. P.llaia, S.. E. Kaiue and T. T.Meyer. , .


Mr, Church gave uoticS that howill move to reoonsider the votetaken yesterday T relative to thomoving of the old Court House.-

At 12 noon, the Chairman or- -

dored a recess to 1 P. M. '

AFTERNOON SESSION. ..The BoardAvas called to ordered

at 1 P. M., Chairman Henning"presiding. The Sheriff's reportwas taken lip for lionsideration.

The Sheriff was called in to giveinformation concerning his depart-ment.-

Mr. Kaiue moved that thisBoard app'rove the appointmont bythe Sheriff of J as. Kipakuhia- as aspecial at a salary of S35.00, permonth. Seconded by Mr." Moyerand carried. Theepbrt was ordered placed on file.

The communications rolative tothe resignation of John II. Wilson,County Supt. of Roads, were taken,up. ,

Mr.v Church moved that thisBoard approve thd Miction of theChuirman in accoptin tho resigna-tion of'Miv John II. Wilson, Coun-

ty Superintendent of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Haia and carried, bythe following aye and no votes:Ayes; Uonning, Church, Tlaia andMoyer. N6": Kaiue.

Tfio clerk was instructed to request Mr. Case to prepare a petition to tho Governor and the Sup-

erintendent of Public Wprks rola-tiv- o,

to the connection of the watersupply of lhe Wailuku-Kahul- ui

WaWr Works above thoYrosCnt in-

take. ) v.

The Clerk was instructed to insert a notice in tho Maui News tothe effect that at the next meetingof the Board, an Ordinance delin- -

Wailuku will be brought, up forconsideration, and that the publicwould bd invited to express theirviews on the matter.

Mr. Church presented ResolutionNo. 091 thereby abolisliii'tr theoflico of County Superintcndeii.t ofRoads, and moved the adoption ofthe stune Seconded by Mr. Haiaand carried. ""

Communication of .lohn'Il. Wil-

son County; Superintendent ofRoads to W. Ilenning, Chairman,and that of W. ilenning to theClork in re resignation of MrWil-son were ordered placed on file.

The Clerlujiresfiited for 'tho con-

sideration of tho Board lhe bondsof A. A.' Wilson and Chas. O'Sulli-va- n.

The same' wore road and , i

to the County Attorney.Mr. Hnia reported that ho had

seen Mr. F. F. RakLvin relative tothe rent of Punkaa trail and thattho matter had bofn'arraiigt-- tothe satisfaction of all parties con-

cerned, the rent remaining at thepresent figure. '

The County Attorney reported.uiaiino ooniiH oi a. a. u'lisonapd Chas.' .O'Sullivan are foundcorrect and in tdue-fonn- , and herecommended the' acceptance oftill' two.

Mr. Meyer moved thjit this Boardapprove the bond of Mr. A. A. .Wil-son for tho'construotion.of the vjfad

from Napilrto llonokohua, in theLahaina 'District, and thatof.ClmS.- -

O'Sullivan fortius ciinstruotioy ofthe two concrete bridges

Wailuku District. Secondedby Mr. Kaiue and carried.

The petition of D. Keolanui etal (Kula investigation) was takenup again.

Mr.-Churc- h presented ResolutionNof087 thereby diniissing the peti-tion, of D. Keolanui et al and mov-ed the adoption ty the same. Sec-

onded by "Mr Meyer and carried'.Mr. Haia represented Resolution

No. G88 thereby expressing thothankssof this Board to Mr. F. F,Baldwin, Mgr. 11. C. & S. Co. andmovedvthe adoption of the same.Seconded by Mr. Meyer and car-ried.

Mr.. Kaiue ptesented ResolutionNo. 0(89 thereby establishing aPound at Kahului and moved theadoption of tho same. Secondedby Mr. Meyer and carried.

Mr. Kaiue presented ResolutionNo. 090 thereby appointing ManuelScquira Esq., Poundinaster for the'District of Wailuku ' with a poundto be situated at Kahului and mov-ed the adoption of the same. Sec-

onded by Mr. Church.4tnd carried.Mr. Kaiue moved that the

salaries of the Deputy County Clerkand the assistant clerk be increas-ed 15.00 respectively, said incieaseto date from tlis first of the month.Secondedjiy Mj Haia and carried.

Communication of Waller A.Hardy applying for tho position ofCounty Superintendent QfjJ toadswas read and the

placed on file. ;. imp'Mr. Kaiue movo.d that.lte'siilarv

of the Road Ovor?eer-Waihipi-tric- t

bo raised from 'WO.'GO t$otf-0- 0

per month. Seconded by Mr,Meyer and carried.

Mr. Church moved to reconsidertho vote kiken yesterday relativeto moving the old lCourt House.Seconded byMr. Haia and carried.Mr. Church moved" tliat fliis mat-ter bo tabled. Seconded by ' Mr.'Moyer and carried.

MrMluia presented ResolutionNo. 092 thoroby amending Sections,

5 of Resolution No. 222 pass-ed Jan.. 4, 1900, and lpoved'the adoption of the same. Seconded byMr. Meyer and carried.

Mr. Church moved that tho De-

puty County' Clork bo authorizedto disposo of thoy saddle horso ofthe County Suporintondont ofRoads at an upset price of ?100.0Q.Seconded by-Mr- .' Haia and'carriid.

Mr. Haia prosonted ResolutionNo. (598 thereby approving the ac-

tion of the County Treasurer in ac-

cepting tho offer of tho First Na-

tional Bank of Wailuku and .thoRank of Hawaii Ltd. to purchase$50,000 of tho County Bonds of thoCounty of Maui, subject to thujeou- -

ditions set forth in their letter toL. M. Baldwin, Treasurer bf tho

County of Maui, of dato, February11th, 1908, and moved tlfo adop-tion of tho 'same. Seconded byMr. Meye'i' and carried.

Tho County Bond Issue 'n'again taken up for consideration,Conimunication ol the First Na- -

,4.tional Bank and the Bank of Ila-- j v

waii Ltd. to Mr. L. M, l3aldwin.,A-Count-

Treasurer, was read and'jS5'also his answer fBMho above nt'n-- j

nutnication. "XJlVMr. Church movml that the Conn-'- .

ty Attorney is he'reby'instruotedtake" such action as would

detcunine the legality of the BondIsriue of the County of Maui as set ,

forth i Resolution No. 150 passed 1

by this Board of Supervisors on.April 1, 1907, and confirmed .by..Act. 189 of tho Session Laws Of .

1907. Seconded by Mr. Kaiue1 and ,

carried. Mr. Church moved to ad- -' V '

journ. So jonded by Mr'. Meyer audi' v:carried.

Adjourned at 7 P. M...t.

J.ODtJIiMAUl, No. 984, A. 1JT& A.

Kahului, on 'the 11 rs'lt--Saturday niiit or each month al. 7.30P.M. 4y

isi'inj: brethren are cordially d

to ulleiid.D. G. LINDSAY R..W. V.13ENJAMIN WILtJAMS,

t. f--

, Secretary.


Rcirulur tncoliiirS wi Jt bo held atthe Kniylits of. Pythias Hall Wailukuon Sat unlay, Fehrhury'28.

All visiili," rncinuer's aro cordiallyinvited to attend.





, nouns:10 A. M. to 12 M.l' to 3 P.M.7 P. M. to 8 M.

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Kahui.uIj Maui, T. H.Office Hours: 9 a. in. to 4 p' 111.


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