news of the churches ihb plans charter r'liead hospital...

IHB Plans Charter Enrollment Meeting June 22 in Pat chogue An extended charter enrollment membership meeting of the Brook- haven Indust rial Home for the Blind Leagu e will be he 'd June> 22 at 8 p. m. in the Green Room of the Patchogue Hotel , according to Mrs. Paul Eve , acting presi- dent of the league. The Brookhaven IIIB League is a volunteer service group of Brook- haven Town residents , organized to provide volunteer and fund rais- raising support for The Industrial Home for the Blind and its pro- grams in this area. Mrs. Eve said that at the forth- coming meeting an opportunity will be extended to new people to enroll as cl.arter members in the leag. - .e. As soon as charter enrollment is completed , she said , the League will begin functioning as an active service organization , and will continue to build up mem- bership. At the first charter enrollment meeting held early in June , it was decided to establish the fourth Thursday of each month as the league ' s meeting day. Mrs. Eve expressed thanks to the Lake Ronkonkoma Lions Club for their recent financial gift to help the league establish its program. R'liead Hospital Cobalt Room Will Aid Cancer Fight A cobalt room tor the tr f, atnr . 'nt ot earner patients will be inc u ' ed in the expansion p lan-; of tne Central Suffolk Hospital , River- head , Robert II. Levy, president of the Hospital Association ' s 1 oard of diiectors , announced th.h wo<dv. Acco ding to Mr. Levy, "The medical staff and the board ot directois feel it to be a necessary part of hospital service in an ¦area where there are move than (100 cancel- patients . The need is here and it must he met even though we are squeezed financi- ally. " The decision to add the cobalt room to the building project now underway follow ed a m ating held June (5 between directo s of the hospital and the executive com- mittee of the medical and dentil staff. On the following day, th architectural firm of Eggeis and Higgins were instructed to pre- pare blue prints for the room and to incorporate them in the over- all extension plan. Blair M. Patterson , Central Suf- folk' s administr ator , commented , "The sole purpose of a hosp ita l is to serve its patients. You can 't place a monetary value on human life or on human suffering. We need cobalt therapy here , we should have it and , thank Cod , we are going to have it. " Known as " super-voltage the- rapy, " cobalt teletherapy is the latest and most effective form of radiation treatment for cancer available at the present time , said Dr . Kenneth Home , radio- l ogist on the hospital' s staff. Co- balt emits gamma rays of high energy which have a dep th dose penetration approximately three limes hi gher than that of con- ventional x-ray equi pment , the doctor said , yet skin reaction to the rays is negligible. There is no appreciable " scatter " in this direct radiation and those portions of the patient ' s body not under treatment need not b n shielded. The wal' s of the 12 b y 15 foot room in which the cobalt therapy equipment will be housed will be of poured concrete ranging from 18 inches to thre» feet thick in that section toward which the pri- mary beam is directed. Room and equipment together will add about $45 ,000 to the cost of the build- ing program. Federal aid 1 is anti- cipated under the Hi'1-Burton Act. Th" inclusion of this service in Central Suffolk' s expansion pro- gram will eliminate for many can- cer patients a long and uncomfor- table trip to the onlv hospital in the vicinit y where cobalt th^ranv is now available . South Side Hospital in Bay Shore. Traveling is an ordeal for patients , who may suffe r an unnlcisant , though tem- porary, reaction to the treatment. An Advance specialty ! Wedding invitations whose perfection in printing, design and paper qual- ity cannot fail to p lease the pocketbook. —Adv. Yaphank CC Give s $230 To Ambulance Company DONATION OF $230 to Yaphank Ambulance Company by Yap- hank Chamber of Commerce took place Friday. Pictured receiv- ing check is Herbert Faust, left , chief of rescue of ambulance company, and Anton Brand , treasurer of chamber. Y'APHANK—Anton Brand , treasurer of the Yaphank Chamber of Commerce , on Friday presented a check for $230 to Herbert Faust , chief of rescue of the Yaphank Fire District Rescue and Ambulance Company to help cover the initial expense of outfitting the town ' s newly acquired ambulanve. The presentation took place at a chamber meeting held at the Lakeview Inn. On invitation of the chamber , Mr. Faust and fire commissioner , Frank Bianca , exp lained the needs , extent of service , organization , and financial arrangements of this recently formed branch of the fire department. Chamber members pre sent , impressed with the impor- tance of the ambulance to the dis- trict , and themselves , individuall y increased the donation previously authorized. The ambulance is manned by volunteer firemen trained and qualified to administer on-the-spot first aid. Since its acquisition May 8, the ambulance has alread y re- sponded to four emergency calls. The Fire Department , proud of the new service it has to offer , in- vites district residents to inspect the ambulance at the firehouse. 1960 edition. On sale at Asso- ciated Market , Caprino ' s Station- ery Store, G & G Luncheonette , John Murphy ' s Food Market , Inc., Patchogue Stationery Store , Coil' s Delicatessen , Midway Luncheon- ette and Robert' s Stationery Store, Published by The Advance. Also contains streets in Bayport , Blue Point, East Patchogue, Heliport , Brookhaven , Yaphank and Med- ford. All this for only 50c. —Adv. NEW PATCHOGUE STREET MAPS STO P SEASICKNESS ! Doctors recommend tiny tablet. Tastes like candy. No water needed. If you , or members of your family, suflcr from eaoicknesb, hero ' s how to prevent it. TV he BonJidcttes hall an hour before l eavmj; the clock ... .met no v. ore r.ravir. -rness ' You can fake Bonadettes without water anv time , -nv n!,ico. Thev taste like candv. melt in vnur mouth. Great for adults or school age children. R it«d t ips m Army, Navy, Air Force tests. Pre\ ent all tvpos nl motion sickness. Protect up to 24 hOUia. Insist on Bnnnd^Ues. the onlv l -otion sickness tablet designed to be taken without water. All drug stores. TOM McCAHILL TESTS THE B B B Bm \ m ____X___ W » ^M&«^»" : (& m______ wm mmmmmmmm -- ^ S^HHH&iiinJ ^HRmn .^D P^ vHnSsSngl^BBKpfiSnn^HBflH^^^H^^^^^i ^^HH^HHHHH^HHI^^^^^^^IH^^^^^^^ H ^^^^^^S ___w? » j^ jg ^|g^^^B^^^ |^^| jj | ^^^^^^^ MfeMiMe ^^jpw»^ w *^^^np ^JB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ M^^^M JBm ^ Wip ^^^ f ^ WlM iWm \ 10H^[ BBBBBBBBBB ^1 B ^HB1 ^BPf BM B ^^ f ^i_^^M^^B^^^HBHll^^^SBBWBwBB^BBBSBl^^BilMB^^P^^^BBiB laBMS6. w f a m m m B B BB B BB * *^ im9 __\_mm\ _m _^ l i m\_\ m\ m\^^i\ m m ^^^^^^HHHI^HHB^^HHlSflHi^HHl^^^^>^^J^^^HE^^H^lH^^vr; , ^^^ I^^^^HHj^Hj^^^^H^^^^^B^^HH^^^^^^^^^^^^I^^^^HH^n^H^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^I^H^^^^^^H^r ^^^^H^^^^^^^^H^^^^HHL^H^^^^I^^^^K ^Bm g J^^^^^^^^Bf^^^^^^^B^^^^^B^^B^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^B^P^^^^^j^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^ ^^^ H ^^^^ B i^^^^^^l^fek^^^^^l^^Hfeh£^3SwL *v v He states- "Still the greatest dollar for dollar buy in the auto motive world today " SEDAN $1595.00 P. O. E. FINANCED THRU LOCAL BANKS 4120 SUNRISE HIGHWAY, SAYVILLE LT 9-0805 AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN fflh SALES AND SERVICE ... - - ..... -^„„^™„„„„„„„„ . - .... j S OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. EXCEPT SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. t V, ,. . . . . . . . ¦» . . . . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "»» ' Any civic or patriotic organization desiring to put a float into the Civil War Centennial Division of the July 4th parade sponsored by the Patchogue Lions, please contact the j Town Historian ' s office , Brookhaven Town } Hall , by June 23rd. ' I I— ¦ ¦ ¦ I IMlll ^——— fc I ~ _~ I - ^"""""""""""""""""""""""" ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "¦"¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦"¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "^ Enj oy Our High 4 (rf Dividend Rate / ^ ~-M 9 Savings insured up to $10 , 000 by the Federal Savings ¦ ' and Loan Insurance Corporation , Washington, D. C. ¦ PER ANNUM ¦ j 9 MORTGAGE LOANS & BUILDING LOANS j J On Select Residential and Commercial Properties I j HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS j ______ t m^________ Wm^MBmmw^m9mwa _mj_^_ jM S The Specialized Job of Savings and Loan Associations J | Eastern Federa l Savings j | AND LOA N ASSOCIATION of Sayville j | SAYVILLE , L. I. ( Main Office) (Branch) CENTE R MORICHES, L. I. | ¦ 1G0 Main Street 500 Main Street i ¦ 9 to 3 Weekdays 9 to 3 Weekdays a ¦ 7 to 9 Monday Evenings 6:30 to 8:30 Friday Evenings ¦ : ASSETS EXCEED $45 , 000 , 000 I T *&>& ' v " -V4 "-v 1 > :,^ : Vf>: " ; v^- - \ ¦ . " -f"^ ? j V " " ^ I PROTECTION i IS A JOB FOR j PROFESSIONALS ! Keep (Ms in mind when you buy I ! insuiance ... for yourself or for j | jour business . . . because in- j ! Mirance protects everything you \ ' oi\ n. We are fully qualified by ! training and experience to give J all \our in^iuance problems the \ proUsMonal consideration they ¦ require. And jou can trust US to j rut i o:/r interests first. J ! Cal l on us for j professional insurance service backed by the j policies with the Personal Service ; j GEORGE C. J Representing Br -ft^B S /E T NIA CASUALTY W(T Wft _ t AND SURETY COMPANY ftkU '^H 1 Harf ' ord , Connecticut EMWffi"! INSURANCE AGENT ! BROKER 9 CONSULTANT ! Farm-to-Market Road I Holtsville 1 SEIdon 2-3232 j rvw ^w^^^rw^rTr ^rTmrv ^r^rYW^r ^^ FRIDAY , JUNE 23 FABULOUS NEW j BOWLERLAND \ FEATURING \ ; THE BRUNSWICK GOLD CROWN LINE J I WITH THE NEW PJN FINDER 2 ? < \ COCKTAIL BAR RESTAURANT j : PRO SHOP LOCKERS i \ AIR CONDITIONING j ? i ; NOW TAKING LEAGUE AND CLUB RESERVATIONS ; || Call JU 8r2211 LAKE RONKO NKOMA ! SHOPPING CENTER j J Portion Road Lake Ronkonkoma J M, -L -,. -,. -- * .* . -- *- -- -- -- -- -- ^ * . -- -- -- M. d. Ah. d- -L -- -- m\ m\ -- *M- m\-- m\ m- m\ mV m\m\A M- -k.A-Km\m\M- -l A. A dl * m- M- -L A. ± -t. m. m. M. +. TABLE OF SUN AND HIGH TIDES FOR THE WEEK (Supplied hy the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey) Hours Given are for Eastern Standard Time. Sun Sun Patchogue Rise Set (Great So. Bay) Port Jeffmra Maittic Beach Heliport Moriches Inlet and (Moriches Bay) (Heliport Bay) (Ocean) Setauket A.M. KM. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M T. Juno i:> ¦! !0 7 :.!0 0 .0b 12:1s) 0:.:i 1 -04 8.01 S US .»: 2 «S 1. 01 ] June lb 4: II 7 . .0 0:4:: 1 2:> . 1 u- l . )7 «:i; S. 17 1:1 J 1 1.! S June 17 I ¦ .!() 7 :•!! 1 22 2.07 1 17 2- ."! Si 2 l i .27 1 M .; 2'2 I S June IS l: ' .l 7:!1 2 :02 2 r . ' . 2 27 i:l-< 10:1s 10:0SI 2: ' ,7 1 ' M J,me 1SI 4 .:i 7::U 2:44 .',:.' :l:(l<) 4:0' . 11:0:' . 10 5'! :!:21 ' .Ul T June 20 l:.i l 7 .:' ,2 :\ :2S 4 21 ?, :,,\ 4 :4SI 11 : ISl 11.41 4:1U .. " »1 \V. Junt" 21 4 :il 7 :^2 4:10 5:11 4:11 f.:' -!G 12 '<li 5:10 o: 1 ' tor luuU tide at Democratic f oj n l (Fire Island Inlet) add 15 min. to Moriches Inlet. Kor high tide at Shinnecock Inlet subtract 10 minutes from Moriches Inlet For high tide at Stony Brook subtract 5 minuteu from Port Jefferson & Setauket. WEATHER and TEMPERATURE COMPARISON Maximum Minimum 19. - i9 1960 1959 1960 1959 1960 1960 1SI01 I960 196 1 I960 IHfil '1' . June 0 Kain Cleai S" . 7li I,. ' . , " >S \\ Jiitu 7 Clear Clear 71) Oil 7,\ ,il T. June v Clear Clear 72 OS T.O r,l 1' Junt «i Clear Cloudy 72 7S 1, - - 02 S. June 10 (' omly Cloudy 7! SI . " >0 02 S June II Clear Cloudy HO 71 is (,o M. June 12 kain Clear 7H 70 :>ii 01 ADVANCE ALMANAC Patchogue Area THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OIK SAVIOR 2.H Jay no Avcniif Dr. Lummrrl Rt-delfs , Pastor SUNDAY 9 a. ni. —Sunday School and Nursery for babes in arms and children up to throe years of age. a. in. and lOS.O a. m. Divine wiii-liip Senium: "M a '" 1 iat' < 111 (lie I iLllt uf Set inture . " s p. ni Stuch L. i' "iii>: ' 'Ail A en - ,ii. . in < 'hi i i 'a i Sleuard - In:¦ " I ' atlc . t ' . -u 1 \\ inlaid. Tl I : SD \v I " ,1 ) |. in . I.adh' " (imld. S pin \ c-ner ( ' irele . FMAM'KI. \A TIIFUAN CUVRCH I'^asi . "Main St root K' ov. Daniel (J. Fiehbr . Pastor I'lU'llSDAY 7 p. in. -- Walt her League Choir. S p. n . S'M.ior eheir. FRIDAY S ]>. in. Parent-Teacher 5 ? Lea i> ue. SUNDAY 9 a. in. —Sunday School. i) a. m. Church service. Hol y communion. 10 . -M0 a. in. —Church service . TUESDAY 7 p. in. Junior choir. S p. in. Mary Anna Cuild . social. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Kev. Richard C. Chapin . Rector Rev. F. A. W. H. Wilson , Rctor F"ieritus THURSDAY S p. in. ii ' ui'dinu: Fund De- \ elopment cotnniittec. FRIDAY 12 noon Holy Communion. SATURDAY 10 a. m. -- Otlicers of the Order of St. Vincent. 7 p. m. Kveninp; prayer. SUNDAY Third Sunday after Trinit y 8 a. in. - Hol y Communion. ! ' a. m. Family Eucharist and Church School. 11 a. m. —Morning prayer and seimon. WEDNESDAY i' :. '!0 a. in. —Holy Communion. THE METHOD I ST CHURCH South Ocean Avenue Patchoerue Rev. Donald W. Hamblin THURSDAY S p. m. Choir rehearsal in Ladies ' Parlor. 9 p. m. Alcoholics Anonymous meets in the parish house. FRIDAY {) : ' ¦]{) to 7 p. m. Ilimandher Club meets at home of Mr and Mrs. William Matthias , 51 Pine Street. Blue Point. SUNDAY (Father ' s Day) 9:45 a.m. —Church School with classes from nursery throug h hi g h school in the Parish House. Adult Bible Cla>s. 11 a. m. Morning Worship service. 7:. ' i '() ]). m. —Junior and Senior M e t h o d i s t Youth Fellowshi p. Young Adult Fellowship meet in the church. MONDAY 8 p. m. Commission on Edu- cation meets in the church. TUESDAY 2 ]). m. Mizpah Circle meets at the home of Mrs. Frank Ritchie , 7. ~ > Barton Avenue. 8 p. m. Epworth Circle meets at home of Mrs. Helen Bittner , 71 Mt. Vernon Avenue. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p. m. Boy Scouts meet in the parish house. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Roe Boulevard and N. Ocean Ave. SUNDAY 11 a. m. —Sunday school. 11 a. m. —Sunday service. "Ts the Universe , Including Man , Evolve d b y Atomic Force?" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon to be read Sunday at Christian Science churches. The Coldcn Text is from Reve- lation (11 ) : "We g ive thee thanks. O Lord God Almi ghty, which art. and wast, and art to come; be- cause thou hast taken to thee thy great power , and hast rei gned. " Nursery for pre-Sunday school age children through church ser- vices is provided. WEDNESDAY 8:15 p. m.—Testimony meeting. DAILY Reading room hours 11 a. m. to 4 p. m., daily, Fridays 7 to 9 p. m. except Sunday and legal holidays Ht 28 South Ocean Avenue. THE CONGREG ATIO NA L CHURCH 95 East Main Street Mr. and Mrs . David D. Larson , Missionaries Rev. Stuart W. Van Cott Rev Harold R. Coleman Ministers SU N DAY 9:30 a. m. Church school. Promotion day and last day of church school. TWO WORSHIP SERVICES 9:30 a. m. Earl y famil y serv- ice. Parents and others may attend the early service during the church school hour. 11 a. m. Worshi p service. Sermon by the Rev. Harold R. Coleman at both services. 2:30 p. m. Church famil y p ic- nic at Camp Paquatuck , East Mor- iches. T U ESD A Y 4:15 p. m. Brownie Troop 106. 7:30 p. m. Boy Scout Troop 44. THURSDAY 7 p. m. Junior choir rehearsal . 8 p. m. Senior choir rehearsal . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH New North Ocean Avenue Rev. John E. Southard , Pastor TH U RSD AY 8 p. m. Midweek service. Pictures and a tape will be used telling of the work of Marinus Parmentier who is a missionary in Canada. FRIDAY 7 p. m.—Christian Service Bri- gade for Boys (ages 8-12). 7:30 p. m.—Christian Service Brigade for Boys (ages 12 up). SATURDAY 8:30 a. m. Christian Service Brigade for boys of the area will hold their annual Field Day at the Stony Brook School. SUNDAY 9:45 a. m.—Bible school. George Swan , Gen. Supt. Classes for all ages from nursery class through an Adult Bible class. The buses provide free transpor- tation. For information call GRover 5-4472. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Organist , Miss Emma Kaller. The choir will render the anthem. The soloist will be Mrs. Rita Hazard. Message by the pastor. A nursery and junior church are conducted. 6 p. m.—Y r outh Choir practice. 6:30 p. m.—Youth Groups and Adult Bible Studv class. 7:45 p. m. Community Gospel service. At this service the Junior High and High School graduates of the church will be honored. The speaker will be Bud Olive , hi gh school Evangelism Fellowshi p worker of this area. A nursery is conducted for small children. TUESD AY 7 p. m. Coup les Club will hold Progressive Fellowshi p din- ner. WEDNESDAY 10 a. m. Women ' s Prayer Group at home of Mrs. VanLeeu- wen , 44 Chestnut Avenue. 7:30 p. m. —Choir practice. 7:30 p. m. —Pioneer Girls ( ages 12 up). News of the Churches ¦ b y i ¦ HARVEY JAY ¦ ¦ (Sam 's Brother) I m m ¦ It' s* me again. Or should _ I I say, "It ijs I"? Well , ¦ \ Today is a pretty exciting ¦ J day for Sam and me. It' s ¦ ¦ the Grand Opening Day ¦ ¦ at JAY'S FABRIC SHOP, 2 ¦ 59 South Ocean Avenue ¦ a in Patchogue, and we feel " ¦ a little nervous. After \ ¦ all , this is something quite J jS new. Not the column , I ¦ _ mean JAY'S FABRIC ¦ I SHOP. As far as we know , ¦ J there ' s never been any- ¦ ¦ thing quite like it before. ¦ ¦ Oh sure , there have been , ¦ ¦ and still are, places you _ ¦ can buy material , but no _ S one , as far as we know, 5 S has ever gone OVER- ¦ 5 BOARD like we have. No ¦ S fooling, we ' ve REALLY ¦ J gone out on a limb. When ¦ ¦ you get your first look at ¦ ¦ JAY'S FABRIC SHOP - ¦ ¦ you 'll see what we mean. 5 a It ' s the kind of a shop " ¦ that Sam and I dreamed " ¦ about opening for years. J ¦ A nlace where women who ¦ * sew can have a ball ¦ 5 choosing some of the ¦ J most amazing fabrics in ¦ ¦ this country or in Europe. ¦ ¦ Oh sure , we' ve done it 5 ¦ rieht with Fabric from the S a other side, as well as _\ a from America. You know, J ¦ a lot of peonle have come J 5 in and asked us if the ¦ S SALE was on yet. And ¦ J when we said, not yet , ¦ J thev walked out. Well , it' s a ¦ on NOW. rip-bt next door ¦ a to JAY'S COTTON SHOP , _ a an*? believe me, it's snm»- £ a thinp- you ' ve got to SEE _ ¦ to believe. Hon*\sfIv. we' ve J a priced the most beautiful ¦ _ fabrics in the latest n*>t- a J torns at nrices T,OW r ER a ¦ than you ' ve ever RA «U . ¦ a T.ower than DISCOUNT a a PT?TrF, S. p»d yet fh*> v ' ro " _ OTTAWA ATTEND FIRST £ ¦ DUALITY . Well, that' s ¦ ¦ about all. excent. be sm*e J S and dron in NOW while ¦ 5 the GRAND OPENING is a ¦ vf o i n v on. W^ ' vo irot a a THOUSANDS of FREE a a GIFTS that are clever , \ a p r a c t i c a l, and they ' re _ a yours just for a HELLO. _ a See you at JAY'S FABRIC ¦ £ SHOP 59 SOUTH OCEAN ¦ J AVENUE, PATCHOGUE a ¦ ... soon. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i «BaHBMaiKii»^ J ADVERTISEMENT a j THE | j FABRICATOR j For the Most Complete News of Suffolk County Read The Advance

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IHB Plans CharterEnrollment MeetingJune 22 in Patchogue

An extended charter enrollmentmembership meet ing of t he Brook-haven Indust rial Home for theBlind Leagu e wi l l be he 'd June> 22at 8 p. m. in the Green Roomof the Patchogue Hotel , accordingto Mrs. Paul Eve , ac t ing presi-dent of the league.

The Brookhaven I I IB League isa volunteer service group of Brook-haven Town residents , organizedto provide volunteer and fund rais-raising support for The Indus t r i a lHome for the Blind and its pro-grams in this area.

Mrs. Eve said that at the forth-coming meeting an opportunitywill be extended to new peopleto enroll as cl.arter members inthe leag. -.e. As soon as charterenrol lment is completed , she said ,the League will begin func t ion ingas an active service organization ,and wil l con t inue to build up mem-bership.

At the f i rs t charter enrol lmentmeet ing held early in June , itwas decided to establish thefourth Thursday of each m o n t h asthe league's meeting day. Mrs.Eve expressed thanks to the LakeRonkonkoma Lions Club for theirrecent f inancia l g i f t to help theleague establish its program.

R'liead HospitalCobalt Room WillAid Cancer Fight

A cobalt room tor the t r f, a t n r.'ntot earner p a t i e n t s wi l l be inc u ' edin the expansion p lan- ; of t neCentral Suf fo lk Hospi ta l , River-head , Rober t II. Levy, p r e s i d e n tof t he Hosp i t a l Associa t ion 's1 oard of d i i e c t o r s , announcedt h . h wo<dv.

Acco d ing to Mr. Levy, "Themedical s ta f f and the board otd i rec to is feel it to be a necessarypar t of hospital service in an¦area where there are move than(100 cancel- p a t i e n t s . The need ishere and it mus t he met eventhough we are squeezed f inanc i -a l ly . "

The decision to add the cobaltroom to the b u i l d i n g project nowunderway fol low ed a m at ing heldJune (5 between direct o s of thehosp i t a l and the executive com-mit tee of the medical and d e n t i ls taff . On the fol lowing day, th •a rchi tec tura l f i rm of Eggeis andH i g g i n s were ins t ruc ted to pre-pare blue p r in t s for the room andto incorporate them in the over-all extension plan.

Blair M. Patterson , Central Suf-folk 's adminis t r ator , commented ,"The sole purpose of a hosp ita lis to serve its patients. You can 'tplace a monetary value on h u m a nlife or on human suffering. Weneed cobalt therapy here , weshould have it and , t h a n k Cod , weare going to have it."

Known as "super-voltage the-rapy," cobalt teletherapy is thelatest and most effective form ofradiat ion t reatment for canceravailable at the present t ime ,said Dr . Kenneth Home, radio-l ogist on the hospital' s staff. Co-balt emits gamma rays of highenergy which have a dep th dosepenetration approximately threelimes hi gher than that of con-ventional x-ray equi pment , thedoctor said , yet skin reaction tothe rays is negligible. There isno appreciable "scatter" in thisdirect radiation and those portionsof the patient's body not undert rea tment need not bn shielded.

The wal' s of the 12 by 15 footroom in which the cobalt therapyequipment will be housed will beof poured concrete ranging from18 inches to thre» feet th ick inthat section toward which the pri-mary beam is directed. Room andequipment together wil l add about$45,000 to the cost of the bui ld-ing program. Federal aid 1 is anti-cipated under the Hi' 1-Burton Act.

Th" inclusion of this service inCentral Suffolk 's expansion pro-gram will e l i m i n a t e for many can-cer patients a long and uncomfor-table t r ip to the onlv hospi tal inthe v ic in i t y where cobalt th^ranvis now available . South SideHospital in Bay Shore. Travelingis an ordeal for patients , who maysuffe r an unnlc isant, though tem-porary, reaction to the treatment.

An Advance specialty ! Weddinginvitations whose perfection inprinting, design and paper qual-ity cannot fail to please thepocketbook.—Adv.

Yaphank CC Gives $230To Ambulance Company

DONATION OF $230 to Yaphank Ambulance Company by Yap-hank Chamber of Commerce took place Friday. Pictured receiv-ing check is Herbert Faust, left , chief of rescue of ambulancecompany, and Anton Brand , treasurer of chamber.

Y 'APHANK—Anton Brand , treasurer of the Yaphank Chamberof Commerce, on Friday presented a check for $230 to Herbert Faust ,chief of rescue of the Yaphank Fire District Rescue and AmbulanceCompany to help cover the init ial expense of ou t f i t t i ng the town 'snewly acquired ambulanve. The presentation took place at a chambermeeting held at the Lakeview Inn.

On invi ta t ion of the chamber ,Mr. Faust and fire commissioner ,Frank Bianca , exp lained the needs ,extent of service , organizat ion ,and f inancial arrangement s of thisrecently formed branch of the firedepartment. Chamber member spre sent, impressed with the impor-tance of the ambulance to the dis-trict , and themselves, individuall yincreased the donation previouslyauthorized.

The ambulance is manned by

volunteer f i remen t ra ined andqualified to admin is t e r on-the-spotfirst aid. Since its acquis i t ion May8, the ambulance has alread y re-sponded to four emergency calls.

The Fire Department , proud ofthe new service it has to offer , in-vites district res idents to inspectthe ambulance at the firehouse.

1960 edition. On sale at Asso-ciated Market , Caprino's Station-ery Store, G & G Luncheonette ,John M ur p h y 's Food Market , Inc.,Patchogue Stationery Store, Coil'sDelicatessen, Midway Luncheon-et te and Robert's Stat ionery Store,Published by The Advance. Alsocontains streets in Bayport , BluePoint, East Patchogue, Heliport ,Brookhaven , Yaphank and M e d -ford. All this for only 50c.—Adv.


STO P SEASICKNESS !Doctors recommend tiny tablet.

Tastes like candy. No water needed.If you , or members of your family,suflcr from eaoicknesb, hero 's howto prevent it. TV he BonJidcttes •hall an hour before l eavmj; theclock . . . .met no v. ore r.ravi r.-rness '

You can fake Bonadettes withoutwater anv time , -nv n!,ico. Thevtas te l ike candv . m e l t in vnu rmouth. Great for adults or schoolage children. R it «d t ips m Army,Navy, Air Force tests. Pre\ ent alltvpos nl motion sickness. Protectup to 24 hOUia.

Insist on Bnnnd^Ues. the onlvl -otion sickness tablet designed tobe taken without water. All drugstores.



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Any civic or patriotic organization desiringto put a float into the Civil War CentennialDivision of the July 4th parade sponsoredby the Patchogue Lions, please contact the

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J Portion Road Lake RonkonkomaJ M, -L -,. -,. -- *. *. -- *- -- -- -- -- -- ^*. -- -- -- M. d. Ah. d- -L -- -- m\m\ -- *M- m\-- m\m- m\ mV m\m\A M- -k . A-Km\m\M- -l A.A dl *m- M- -L A.± -t. m. m. M. +.

TABLE OF SUN AND HIGH TIDES FOR THE WEEK(Supplied hy the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey)

Hours Given are for Eastern Standard Time.Sun Sun PatchogueRise Set (Great So. Bay) Port Jeffmra

Maittic Beach Heliport Moriches Inlet and(Moriches Bay) (Heliport Bay) (Ocean) Setauket

A.M. KM. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.MT. Juno i:> ¦! !0 7 :.!0 0 .0b 12:1s) 0:.:i 1 -04 8 .01 S US .»: 2 «S 1. 01] J u n e lb 4 : II 7 . .0 0:4:: 1 2:>. 1 u- l . )7 « : i ; S . 17 1:1 J 1 1.!S J u n e 17 I ¦.!() 7 :•!! 1 22 2.07 1 17 2 - ."! Si 2 li .27 1 M .; 2 ' 2 IS J u n e IS l : '.l 7 : !1 2 :02 2 r. '. 2 27 i : l - < 10:1s 10:0SI 2 : ',7 1 • 'M J ,me 1SI 4 .:i 7::U 2:44 .',:.',« :l: ( l<) 4 : 0 '. 11:0:'. 10 5'! :!:21 ' .UlT J u n e 20 l : . i l 7 .:',2 :\ :2S 4 21 ?, :,,\ 4 :4SI 11 : ISl 11.41 4 : 1 U . ."»1\V. Junt " 21 4 :il 7 : 2 4:10 5:11 4:11 f.:'-!G 12 '< li — 5:10 o : 1 'tor luuU tide at Democratic foj nl (Fire Island Inlet) add 15 min. to Moriches Inlet.

Kor high tide at Shinnecock Inlet subtract 10 minutes from Moriches InletFor high tide at Stony Brook subtract 5 minuteu from Port Jefferson & Setauket.


19.-i9 1960 1959 1960 1959 19601960 1SI01 I960 196 1 I960 I H f i l

'1'. J u n e 0 Kain Cleai S". 7li I,. '. ,">S\\ J i i t u 7 Clear Clear 71) Oil 7,\ , i lT. J u n e v Clear Clear 72 OS T.O r ,l1' J u n t «i Clear Cloudy 72 7S 1,-- 02S. J u n e 10 (' omly Cloudy 7 ! SI .">0 02S J u n e I I Clear Cloudy HO 71 is (,oM. J u n e 12 ka in Clear 7H 70 :>i i 01



Dr. Lummrr l Rt-delfs , PastorSUNDAY

9 a. ni.—Sunday School andNursery for babes in arms andchi ld ren up to throe years of age.

!» a. in. and lOS .O a. m. —D i v i n e w i i i - l i i p S e n i um : "M a '"1 i a t ' < 111 ( l i e I i L l l t uf Set i n t u r e ."

s p. n i S t u c h L.i' " i i i> : ' ' A i l

A en - , i i . . i n < ' h i i i 'a i S l e u a r d -

I n : ¦ " I ' a t l c . t ' .-u 1 \\ i nl a i d .Tl I :SD \ v

I ",1 ) |. in. I.adh' " (imld.S p i n \ c-ner ( 'irele .

F M A M 'K I . \A T I I F U A NC U V R C H

I'^asi ."Main St rootK'ov. Dan ie l (J. Fiehbr . Pastor

I ' l U ' l l S D A Y7 p. in. -- Wal t her League Choir.S p. n . S 'M. io r eheir .

FRIDAYS ]>. in. — Parent-Teacher 5?

Lea i> ue.SUNDAY

9 a. in.—Sunday School.i) a. m. — Church service. Hol y

c o m m u n io n .10 .-M0 a. in. —Church service.

TUESDAY7 p. in. — Jun io r choir.S p. in. — Mary A n n a Cuild

.social .


Kev. Richard C. Chapin . RectorRev. F. A. W. H. Wilson ,

Rctor F"ieritusT H U R S D A Y

S p. in. i i 'u i ' d inu : Fund De-\ e l o p m e n t c o t n n ii t t e c .

FRIDAY12 noon — Holy Communion.

S A T U R D A Y10 a. m. - - Otlicers of the Order

of St . Vin cen t .7 p. m. — Kven inp ; prayer.

SUNDAYThird Sunday a f t e r Tr in i t y

8 a. in. - Hol y C o m m un i o n .!' a. m. — Family Eucharist and

Church School.11 a. m.—Morning prayer and


i' :.'!0 a. in.—Holy Communion .


PatchoerueRev. Donald W. Hamblin

THURSDAYS p. m. — Choir rehearsal in

Ladies' Parlor.9 p. m. — Alcoholics Anonymous

meets in the parish house.FRIDAY

{ ) : '¦]{) to 7 p. m. — I l imandherClub meets at home of Mrand Mrs. Wi l l iam Matthias , 51Pine Street. Blue Point.

S U N D A Y (Father's Day)9:45 a.m.—Church School with

classes from nursery through hi ghschool in the Parish House. AdultBible Cla>s.

11 a. m. — Morning Worshipservice.

7:.'i'() ]). m.—Junior and SeniorM e t h o d i s t Youth Fellowship.Young Adul t Fellowship meet inthe church.

MONDAY8 p. m. — Commission on Edu-

ca t ion meets in the church.TUESDAY

2 ]). m. — Mizpah Circle meetsat the home of Mrs. Frank Ritchie ,7.~> Barton Avenue.

8 p. m. — Epworth Circle meetsat home of Mrs. Helen Bittner , 71Mt. Vernon Avenue.

WEDNESDAY7:30 p. m. — Boy Scouts meet

in the parish house.


Roe Boulevard and N. Ocean Ave.SUNDAY

11 a. m.—Sunday school.11 a. m.—Sunday service."Ts the Universe, Including Man ,

Evo lve d by Atomic Force?" is thesubject of the Lesson-Sermon to beread Sunday at Chr i s t i an Sciencechurches.

The Coldcn Text is from Reve-l a t i o n ( 1 1 ) : "We give thee thanks.O Lord God A l m i ghty , which art.and wast, and art to come; be-cause thou hast taken to thee thygreat power , and hast reigned."

Nursery for pre-Sunday schoolage children through church ser-vices is provided.

WEDNESDAY8:15 p. m.—Testimony meeting.

DAILYReading room hours 11 a. m. to

4 p. m., daily, Fridays 7 to 9 p. m.except Sunday and legal holidaysHt 28 South Ocean Avenue.


95 East Main StreetMr. and Mrs. David D. Larson,

MissionariesRev. Stuar t W. Van Cott

Rev Harold R. ColemanMinistersSUNDAY

9:30 a. m. — Church school.Promotion day and last day ofchurch school.

TWO WORSHIP SERVICES9:30 a. m. — Early family serv-

ice. Parents and others may attendthe early service during the churchschool hour.

11 a. m. — Worship service.Sermon by the Rev. Harold R.Coleman at both services.

2:30 p. m. — Church family p ic-nic at Camp Paquatuck , East Mor-iches.

TUESDAY4:15 p. m. — Brownie Troop 106.7:30 p. m. — Boy Scout Troop


7 p. m. — Junior choir rehearsal.8 p. m. — Senior choir rehearsal.


Rev. John E. Southard , PastorTH URSDAY

8 p. m. — Midweek service.Pictures and a tape will be usedtell ing of the work of MarinusParmentier who is a missionaryin Canada.

FRIDAY7 p. m.—Christian Service Bri-

gade for Boys (ages 8-12).7:30 p. m.—Christian Service

Brigade for Boys (ages 12 up) .SATURDAY

8:30 a. m. — Christian ServiceBrigade for boys of the area willhold their annual Field Day at theStony Brook School.

SUNDAY9:45 a. m.—Bible school. George

Swan, Gen. Supt. Classes for allages from nursery class throughan Adult Bible class.

The buses provide free transpor-tation. For information c a l lGRover 5-4472.

11 a. m. — Morning worship.Organist, Miss Emma Kaller. Thechoir will render the anthem. Thesoloist will be Mrs. Rita Hazard.Message by the pastor. A nurseryand junior church are conducted.

6 p. m.—Yrouth Choir practice.6:30 p. m.—Youth Groups and

Adult Bible Studv class.7:45 p. m. — Community Gospel

service. At this service the JuniorHigh and High School graduatesof the church will be honored. Thespeaker will be Bud Olive, highs c h o o l Evangelism Fellowshipworker of this area. A nursery isconducted for small children.

TUESDAY7 p. m. — Couples Club will

hold Progressive Fellowship din-ner.

WEDNESDAY10 a. m. — Women's Prayer

Group at home of Mrs. VanLeeu-wen, 44 Chestnut Avenue.

7:30 p. m.—Choir practice.7:30 p. m.—Pioneer Girls ( ages

12 up).

News of the Churches

¦ by i¦ H A R V E Y J A Y ¦¦ (Sam's Brother) I

m m

¦ It's* me again. Or should _I I say, "It ijs I"? Well , ¦

\ Today is a pretty exciting ¦

J day for Sam and me. It's ¦¦ the Grand Opening Day ¦¦ at JAY'S FABRIC SHOP, 2¦ 59 South Ocean Avenue ¦a in Patchogue, and we feel "¦ a little nervous. After \¦ all, this is something quite J

j S new. Not the column, I ¦_ m e a n JAY'S FABRIC ¦

I SHOP. As far as we know, ¦

J there's never been any- ¦¦ thing quite like it before. ¦¦ Oh sure, there have been, ¦¦ and still are, places you _¦ can buy material, but no _S one, as far as we know, 5S has ever gone OVER- ¦

5 BOARD like we have. No ¦

S fooling, we've REALLY ¦

J gone out on a limb. When ¦¦ you get your first look at ¦¦ JAY'S FABRIC S H O P - ¦¦ you 'll see what we mean. 5a It's the kind of a shop "¦ that Sam and I dreamed "¦ about opening for years. J¦ A nlace where women who ¦* sew can have a ball ¦

5 choosing some of the ¦

J most amazing fabrics in ¦¦ this country or in Europe. ¦¦ Oh sure, we've done it 5¦ rieht with Fabric from the Sa other side, as well as _\a from America. You know, J¦ a lot of peonle have come J5 in and asked us if the ¦

S SALE was on yet. And ¦

J when we said, not yet, ¦

J thev walked out. Well, it's a¦ on NOW. rip-bt next door ¦a to JAY'S COTTON SHOP, _a an*? believe me, it's snm»- £a thinp- you've got to SEE _¦ to believe. Hon*\sfIv. we've Ja priced the most beaut i ful ¦_ fabrics in the latest n*>t- aJ torns at nrices T,OWrER a¦ than you 've ever RA «U . ¦a T.ower than DISCOUNT aa PT?TrF,S. p»d yet fh*> v'ro "_ O T T A W A ATTEND F I R S T £¦ DUALITY. W e l l , tha t's ¦¦ about all. excent. be sm*e JS and dron in NOW while ¦

5 the GRAND OPENING is a¦ vf o i n v on. W^'vo irot aa THOUSANDS of FREE aa GIFTS that are clever, \a p r a c t i c a l, and they 're _a yours just for a HELLO. _a See you at JAY'S FABRIC ¦


J AVENUE, PATCHOGUE a¦ . . . soon. ¦

¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ i«BaHBMaiKii»^

J A D V E R T I S E M E N T a

j THE |


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