news letter sep 2011

Four books from Other Books stable were introduced to the public at a modest venue arranged at Hotel Asma Tower on 22nd July 2011. These titles make up 39 in total. For eight years as a distributor and five years as a publisher, 39 does not make a bright fertility statement on us, especially by the standard of both mass and massive production of books in today's publishing industry. But our focus has always been on depth, not just on being fecund. By 'depth' we mean areas and issues which hardly rake moolah for the giants in the mainstream. Issues always deemed marginal, unworthy of attention. Issues that deserve being called 'lies and conspiracy theories.' Issues (not fabricated, nor colored, nor narrated by the first person) of those underdogs (say, Muslims and Dalits) who don't know how to behave themselves in this globalised bandwagon on which everyone with pocketful of money and status jump. The four titles will adumbrate this policy statement. Fazlur Rahman says in his widely celebrated 'Islam' (The University of Chicago Press) the following comments on the exploration the Arabian mind made into outside cultures: 'Muslims excelled in geography and, although their contributions in this field have begun to be appreciated by modern scholars, full justice has still to be done to their originality and adventurousn ess in this field.' Piecing together narratives of famous Arab navigators on what south India was to them and their broad cultural understanding, this book by Syed Muhammad Husayn Nainar (who translated Tuhfat al-Mujahiddin for Other Books) is original and gives a clue to the adventurousness of Arabian mind. Release: The book was released by Syed Munawar Huayn Nainar handing it over to AK Bhattacharya. Syed Munawar said that the book was an Other Books tribute to the author, who is his grandfather. Arab Geographer's Knowledge of Southern India

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Four books from Other Books stable were introduced to the public at a modest venue arranged at Hotel

Asma Tower on 22nd July 2011. These titles make up 39 in total. For eight years as a distributor and five

years as a publisher, 39 does not make a bright fertility statement on us, especially by the standard of both mass and massive production of books in today's publishing industry. But our focus has always been

on depth, not just on being fecund. By 'depth' we mean areas and issues which hardly rake moolah for

the giants in the mainstream. Issues always deemed marginal, unworthy of attention. Issues that

deserve being called 'lies and conspiracy theories.' Issues (not fabricated, nor colored, nor narrated by

the first person) of those underdogs (say, Muslims and Dalits) who don't know how to behave themselves in this globalised

bandwagon on which everyone with pocketful of money and status jump. The four titles will adumbrate this policy statement.

Fazlur Rahman says in his widely celebrated 'Islam' (The

University of Chicago Press) the following comments on the

exploration the Arabian mind made into outside cultures:

'Muslims excelled in geography and, although their contributions

in this field have begun to be appreciated by modern scholars,

full justice has still to be done to their originality and

adventurousness in this field.'

Piecing together narratives of famous Arab navigators on what

south India was to them and their broad cultural understanding,

this book by Syed Muhammad Husayn Nainar (who translated

Tuhfat al-Mujahiddin for Other Books) is original and gives a clue

to the adventurousness of Arabian mind.

Release: The book was released by Syed Munawar Huayn Nainar

handing it over to AK Bhattacharya. Syed Munawar said that the

book was an Other Books tribute to the author, who is his


Arab Geographer's Knowledge of Southern India

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Editor: SHAMEER SKDesigned by: JAILAF

Upda ted on 

1s t  Sep 2011

Unpalatable truths on cataclysmic events meet the

destiny of being called a rabid dog, while being truly a

goat. We think none will contest the fact that the term

'conspiracy theory' is value-added and is the result of 

another gruesome hushed conspiracy. To put such an

event as the 9/11 in perspective, one needs to follow all

trails and does not merely get satisfied with the official

version of the event. We believe this theory too should

be discussed in the public, rather than being

cold-shouldered by calling it a conspiracy.

Release: KT Kunhikannan, of Keluvettan Padana

Kendra, released the book with Raghavan Atholi. Kun-

hikannan said that the book deserves reading and

attention, as it raises some serious questions about the

9/11 on the basis of some sound sources.

KC Saleem writes in his review of the book: “Celebrating the life of the messenger

through songs has been an age-old custom among Muslims. Such songs were traditionally

known as Seedcase. But none of these is a biography of the Prophet. They are poetic

tributes celebrating certain episodes of his life and hardly claim any religious validity. But

Ker ala has gained the distinction of producing the world’s first poetic version of the life

of the Prophet Muhammad in English through the publication of Omar O Thasneem's The

Soul of the Desert brought out by Other Books, Foxhound, a publishing house that always

tread a different, other path.” 

Release: Babu Bharadwaj, released the book with Prof. Yasmeen Ashraf. Babu Bharadwaj

said ,the book was his guide to the Prophet and its simplicity and diction would steal our


9/11: The Pretext

Soul of the Desert