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Aayurprakaas’a Santhigiri Ayurveda Medical College Newsletter Vol : 03 | Issue : 11 | August 2021 | Monthly Publication Aayurprakaas’a Newsletter | August 2021 01 Gut Brain Axis- Dr. Indhulekha. A | Aacaara Rasaayana - A hope for the psycho-somatic problems - Dr. Ashwin Vaartaaprakaas’a | Vishayaprakaas’a Tattvaprakaas’a Gurucharanam Saranam celebrating it with enthusiasm. It is very essential that with the Warm greetings from Santhigiri Ayurveda College, Palakkad on same enthusiasm we have to celebrate Caraka jayanti also. For the auspicious occasion of Carakajayanti, 75th Independence that one, we have to popularize the importance of this day and Day, and Onam. On the occasion of 75th Independence Day of its need. our mother land, Bhaaratades'a, we prostrate at the great It is strongly believed that Maharshi Patan~jali and Maharshi freedom fighters. Sacrifices of those great souls inspire us to Carakaacaarya are incarnations of Lord Aadis'esha. For all dedicate ourselves in service of our mother land. On this living beings, the fruitful existence can be possible only with occasion of Onam, the Vaamana jayanti, we pray the complete health which can be achieved by eliminating various Trivikramamoorti to get rid of the difficulties being faced by pathologies in our physical body, manas and vaak. Among the human beings due to Covid – 19 pandemic. Trimoortayah, it is the lord Vishnu who govern this world as the protector. It is Aadis'esha on whom Lord Vishnu rests while Caraka jayanti gracing this world as protector. So it is understood by the sages This year many of Aayurvedic institutions across the nation that Lord Aadis'esha blesses all living beings the perfect health. celebrated Caraka jayanti on 13th August on the auspicious That`s why, with great compassion towards all living beings He occasion of S'raavan'a S'ukla Pan~cami otherwise known as took avataara as Maharashi Patan~jali and Maharshi Naagapan~cami. Though Naagapan~cami is celebrated in Carakaacaarya and eradicated the pathologies in physical plane, manyparts of our nation, the observation of this occasion as mental plane and verbalplane. As S'raavan'a s'ukla Pan~cami is Caraka jayanti is not common even among the aayurveda celebrated as Naagapan~cami, the day to worship the lord fraternity. But, this year, being the era of webinars, in this Aadis'esha and be blessed, this is also an occasion to get connection we received e- mails from some of aayurveda blessings of Carakaacaarya by celebrating as Caraka jayanti for institutions and came to know that this occasion is also those who practice and follow aayurveda. celebrated as Caraka jayanti. The lord Aadis'esha blesses the living beings by being the Due to the efforts of honorable Sri Narendra Modiji, the Prime principle of existence which is known in different terms like Minister of India, Dhanvantari Jayanti on Dhan-trayodas'i is Kun'd'alini in yoga s'aastra, Ojas among the dhaatus, declared as National Aayurveda Day and every year we are CONTENTS Guruprakaas’a My Guru says, “What is the common awareness about Ashram? In the common awareness that existed in the past and what exists now, four types of Ashrams are there:Yoga, Bhakthi, Karma and Jnana. These four are indeed the basis of culture on earth. There could be some other associated characteristics to this. The karmagathi of gruhasthashramies should also be viewed with much importance because it is they who have to actualise this in the karmakanta. Brahmacharies and bhakthas are very rare. They should be that much. They are the path finders. Therefore it is enough their number is less. However the gruhasthashramies are not like that. It is from gruhasthashramies that sanyasies, bhakthas and all others should be born. ” - Janani Kalpana Jnana Thapaswini Chief Patron

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Aayurprakaas’aSanthigiri Ayurveda Medical College NewsletterVol : 03 | Issue : 11 | August 2021 | Monthly Publication

Aayurprakaas’a Newsletter | August 2021 01

Gut Brain Axis- Dr. Indhulekha. A | Aacaara Rasaayana - A hope for the psycho-somatic problems - Dr. Ashwin

Vaartaaprakaas’a | Vishayaprakaas’a

Tattvaprakaas’aGurucharanam Saranam celebrating it with enthusiasm. It is very essential that with the Warm greetings from Santhigiri Ayurveda College, Palakkad on same enthusiasm we have to celebrate Caraka jayanti also. For the auspicious occasion of Carakajayanti, 75th Independence that one, we have to popularize the importance of this day and Day, and Onam. On the occasion of 75th Independence Day of its need.our mother land, Bhaaratades'a, we prostrate at the great It is strongly believed that Maharshi Patan~jali and Maharshi freedom fighters. Sacrifices of those great souls inspire us to Carakaacaarya are incarnations of Lord Aadis'esha. For all dedicate ourselves in service of our mother land. On this living beings, the fruitful existence can be possible only with occasion of Onam, the Vaamana jayanti, we pray the complete health which can be achieved by eliminating various Trivikramamoorti to get rid of the difficulties being faced by pathologies in our physical body, manas and vaak. Among the human beings due to Covid – 19 pandemic. Trimoortayah, it is the lord Vishnu who govern this world as the

protector. It is Aadis'esha on whom Lord Vishnu rests while Caraka jayantigracing this world as protector. So it is understood by the sages This year many of Aayurvedic institutions across the nation that Lord Aadis'esha blesses all living beings the perfect health. celebrated Caraka jayanti on 13th August on the auspicious That`s why, with great compassion towards all living beings He occasion of S'raavan'a S'ukla Pan~cami otherwise known as took avataara as Maharashi Patan~jali and Maharshi Naagapan~cami. Though Naagapan~cami is celebrated in Carakaacaarya and eradicated the pathologies in physical plane, manyparts of our nation, the observation of this occasion as mental plane and verbalplane. As S'raavan'a s'ukla Pan~cami is Caraka jayanti is not common even among the aayurveda celebrated as Naagapan~cami, the day to worship the lord fraternity. But, this year, being the era of webinars, in this Aadis'esha and be blessed, this is also an occasion to get connection we received e- mails from some of aayurveda blessings of Carakaacaarya by celebrating as Caraka jayanti for institutions and came to know that this occasion is also those who practice and follow aayurveda.celebrated as Caraka jayanti. The lord Aadis'esha blesses the living beings by being the Due to the efforts of honorable Sri Narendra Modiji, the Prime principle of existence which is known in different terms like Minister of India, Dhanvantari Jayanti on Dhan-trayodas'i is Kun'd'alini in yoga s'aastra, Ojas among the dhaatus, declared as National Aayurveda Day and every year we are


Guruprakaas’aMy Guru says, “What is the common awareness about Ashram? In the common awareness that existed in the past and what exists now, four types of Ashrams are there:Yoga, Bhakthi, Karma and Jnana. These four are indeed the basis of culture on earth. There could be some other associated characteristics to this. The karmagathi of gruhasthashramies should also be viewed with much importance because it is they who have to actualise this in the karmakanta. Brahmacharies and bhakthas are very rare. They should be that much. They are the path finders. Therefore it is enough their number is less. However the gruhasthashramies are not like that. It is from gruhasthashramies that sanyasies, bhakthas and all others should be born. ”

- Janani Kalpana Jnana ThapaswiniChief Patron


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Aayurprakaas’a Newsletter | August 2021 02

reduced the amount of stress hormone in their blood. However, Gut Brain Axiswhen their vagus nerve was cut, the probiotic had no effect. Dr. Indhulekha ASimilar studies in humans found that people with irritable Asso. Professor, bowel syndrome had reduced vagal tone, indicating a reduced Dept. of Racanaa S'aareera

Introduction: function of the vagus nerve. All these suggests that the vagus The gut-brain axis is a term for the communication network nerve is important in the gut-brain axis and its role in stress.that connects our gut and brain. Recent studies show that the Metabolic Pathway:brain affects gut health and the gut may even affect our brain Large number of microbes that live in the gut makes some health. These two organs are connected both physically and chemicals that affect the working of our brain. These gut biochemically in different ways. In that way it is a two way microbes produce lots of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) such as communication network that links the enteric and the central butyrate, propionate and acetate by bacterial fermentation of nervous systems. This network is not only anatomical, but it dietary carbohydrates .This affects brain function in a number extends to include endocrine, humoral, metabolic, and of ways. They have immunomodulatory properties and interact immune routes of communication as well. The autonomic with nerve cells by stimulating the sympathetic branch of the nervous system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, autonomic nervous system. The microbes producing butyrate and nerves within the gastrointestinal tract, all link the gut and are also important for forming the blood-brain barrier and have the brain. Gut bacteria affect brain health, so changes in gut been shown to regulate microglia homoeostasis, which is bacteria may improve our brain health. Probiotics are live required for the brain tissue homoeostasis.bacteria that impart health benefits to the brain and are often Gut microbes metabolize bile acids and amino acids to produce referred to as “psychobiotics” .They have been shown to other chemicals that affect the brain. The gut provides improve symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. The four approximately 95% of total body serotonin, most of which exists major pathways of the gut-brain axis are neurologic, in plasma. Although serotonin has intrinsic roles in the endocrine, metabolic, and immune pathways. intestines and peripheral metabolism, it also activates the Neurologic Pathway (Through Vagus nerve): afferent nerve endings that are connected directly to the central The neurologic pathway includes the vagus nerve and the nerve system. The studies in mice found that stress and social enteric nervous system. There are approximately 100 billion disorders reduce the production of bile acids by gut bacteria.neurons in the central nervous system of a human brain that Endocrine Pathway:tell our body how to behave. It is interesting to note that our gut Gut microbiom alters and influences the release of biologically contains 500 million neurons, which are connected to the active peptides from enteroendocrine cells, which in turn can central nervous system. The vagus nerve is one of the biggest affect the gut-brain axis. For example, the neuropeptide galanin nerves that connect our gut and brain. It sends signals in both is thought to be involved in many critical neurobiological directions. In animals stress inhibits the signals sent through functions including sleep/wake cycle regulation, feeding, the vagus nerve and it causes gastrointestinal problems. A study mood, blood pressure regulation, parental behavior, and in mice shows that feeding them a probiotic significantly neurotrophic functions. It also stimulates the activity of the


Vais'vaanara (Kosht'aagni) among the agnayah (metabolism) which we can be elevated and be inspired. The legacy of and Aakaas'a among the mahaabhootaan'i. Carakasamhitaa cannot be described by an ordinary Various researchers on Indian history could found that tongue.Carakasamhitaa guides us the righteous path for Aacaarya Caraka belonged to the period BC 200, but exact date complete health as well as to fulfill the ultimate aim of the life could not be established and it may not be possible. But i.e., the Mokshaa. So let's propagate the idea of Caraka jayanti traditional celebrations of Naagapan~cami on S'raavan'a s'ukla and celebrate the words of the Thousand Tongues.pan~cami and belief of Aacaarya Caraka as an incarnation of Paatan~jalamahaabhaashyacarakapratisamskr'taih/ Lord Aadis'esha makes us convinced that it is the right occasion manovaakkaayadoshaan'aamhartre^hipatayenamah//to celebrate it as Caraka jayanti and spread the awareness and Om Tamaso maa jyotirgamaya/knowledge of aayurveda to the masses for their wellbeing. Om S'aanti h S'aantih S'aantihCelebrating special days of the great and sacred personalities, Dr G Nagabhushanamfor whom there is no cycle of birth and death, are the occasions Chief Editorto meditate on their teachings and to introspect ourselves by

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Aayurprakaas’a Newsletter | August 2021 03

central branch of the HPA axis, and this enhances and obstruction of the bowels. According to aayurveda, glucocorticoid secretion from the adrenal cortex. It directly obstruction of the downward flow of energy and the inhibition stimulates cortisol secretion from the adrenal cortex, as well as of regular elimination leads to a number of health issues. The norepinephrine release from the adrenal medulla, presence of good bacteria and excretion of toxins contributes to demonstrating its involvement in the HPA axis response to a healthy digestive system as well as a healthy mind.stress. As it is widely known, fermented and probiotics are staple foods

in many traditional diets. The benefits of curd and buttermilk Immune Pathway:are mentioned in aayurvedic classics as appetiser, digestive Gut and gut microbes play an important role in the immune stimulant, aphrodisiac, unctuous, strength promoting, system and inflammation by controlling what is passed into the alleviator of vaata, auspicious, and nourishing” (Caraka body and what is excreted out. In irritable bowel syndrome Samhitaa).Thus, we see that for thousands of years many (IBS), abnormal microbiom populations activate innate cultures have believed in the health benefits of consuming foods immune responses of the gut mucosa, leading to increased gut with certain beneficial bacteria.epithelial permeability. This activates gut pain sensory

pathways, and dysregulates the enteric nervous system. As a Gut microbiome and diseases:result both brain-gut and gut-brain dysfunctions occur, the Several mood disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and autism former being dominant. spectrum disorders now have well-established links to

functional GI disruptions, whereas GI diseases often involve Aayurvedic perspectivepsychological comorbidities associated with alteration of the The notion that gut health correlates with mental health gut microbiome. In addition, research has demonstrated that supports aayurvedic teachings that emphasize the importance the composition of gut bacteria appears to be influential in fetal of digestion and proper diet as the basis of sound health. and neonatal neurologic development . Above all the diet has According to Aacaarya Caraka,- “Enhancement of strength also been shown to influence the gut microbiome's impact on and lustre includes happiness, etc. caused by the maintenance of cognitive function.the equilibrium of tissue elements.” And Aacaarya also states

that “Strength, health, longevity and vital breath are dependent Conclusion:upon the power of digestion including metabolism.” It is clear that there is a strong correlation between gut health In Caraka Samhita, the importance of nirooha basti (decoction and mental health. Aayurveda emphasizes the pivotal role of enema) is emphasized. Nirooha basti is proclaimed to slow the digestive health on the overall health of the person, and aging process, to promote happiness, longevity, strength, voice, modern evidence shows that what is in our gut has a profound complexion, and more. In Asht'an~ga Hr'daya, Aacaarya impact on our health in a number of ways. At this point more Vaagbhat’a says snehapaanam (internal oleation therapy) and human clinical trials are needed to determine whether giving virecanam (purgation) to clear the channels of digestion administration of probiotics is an effective treatment for mental is recommended as a treatment for unmaada (Insanity).In illness. In addition, it is not possible to ignore the role of the unmaada caused by vaata, internal oleation therapy should be vagus nerve in gut-brain communication. While we wait for administered first; if there is obstruction of the channels, mild more evidence to come in, improving our gut health through purgatives mixed with sneha (oils) should be given. Here wholesome eating habits is inevitable for leading a healthy life.Aacaarya drew a clear connection between mental imbalance

type of physical idealism. However, the somatic explanations Aacaara Rasaayana - A hope for the psycho-can not be regarded as perfect answer to the problem, as there somatic problems are few mental diseases in which the organic pathology has

Dr.Ashwin been established. The psychogenic solution also seems to be Assistant Professor unbalanced as nearly in all the psycho-emotional factors Department of Kriyaa S’aareera

problems of organic medicine are constantly arising. Both the Introduction:solutions have failed and now the scientists have begun to think The history of psycho-somatic problem is as old as the history of in terms of psyche in soma. It is known as an organic solution to human civilization. Still today, the somatogenic and the problem in which every behaviour problem is at the same psychogenic solutions are put foreword, although both are time physiological (organic) and psychological (psychiatric). extremists. According to somatogenic solution, the brain (Brown J.F the psychodynamics of abnormal behaviour page should be rightly considered the organ responsible for no. 57).psychological phenomena. Actually it represents a very high

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Aayurprakaas’a Newsletter | August 2021 04

With this background, let us examine the solution to the 5. Personal aspectproblem as met in our classics. Manas and s'areera are regarded 1. Psychological Aspect: as separate entities in our classics, but not in the sense of Caraka has said that one who speaks truth, who is free from separatism because an organism is the complex combination of anger, hurts no one (mentally), over strain, is tranquil of heart, mind, soul and body. The complex integration of these three fair spoken, is devoted to repetition of holy chants etc.factors is the human organism, but for practical purposes, 2. Behavioral aspect: manas and s'areera have been separately defined and their Those who speak truth, who abstains from alcohol and sexual entity and doshas have been distinctly mentioned. Although in congress, delights in reverencing the gods, cows, braahman'as, some respects it resembles interactionism because the teachers, seniors and elders, is attached to non-violence and is s'aareerika and maanasika dosha are found to be affecting always compassionate, moderate and balanced in his walking mutually each other. It seems that our Aacaarya's have followed and sleeping, spiritual in temperament and attached to elders the psycho-somatic approach where more emphasis is given to and self controlled and devoted to spiritual texts.the integration aspect of these two factors. 3. Social aspect: The aayurvedic approach to disease is definitely psycho- Who is giving respect to elders, guru etc .and is non-violent.somatic in nature. Following are few references. 4. Religious aspect:1. Vaata Vr'ddhi leads to Nidraanaas'a.(S.Su.15/15) Who indulge into the spiritual texts and always respect to the 2. Pitta Vr'ddhi leads to Moorccha .(S.Su.15/15) Dharma Grantham.3. Kapha Vr'ddhi causes Tandraa and Nidraa 5. Personal aspect: .(S.Su.15/15) Related to cleanliness, is always compassionate, moderate and 4. Kaama, S'oka aggravates Vaata (C.Ci 3/115) balanced in his walking and sleeping, is habituated in taking 5. Krodha leads to Pitta Prakopa (C.Ci 3/115) milk and ghee, is conversant with the science of climate, season 6. Kaamaja Jvara is due to Kaama, S'oka and Krodha etc. and dosage.(C.Ni 3/122) Benefits :Aacaara Rasaayana: The rasaayana therapy aims specially at the promotion of Cikitsa is divided into two groups, viz., dravya bhoota and strength and vitality in the body, also measure to contribute an adravya bhoota. Aacaara Rasaayana belongs to the adravya excellence and maintaining the integrity of sapta dhaatu of the bhoota group. body and thus increases the longevity. It also promotes

memory, intelligence, aarogya, preservation of youth, age, What is Aacaara Rasaayana? lusture, complexion, voice and generosity, the maintenance of The term aacaara signifies the physical and mental conducts of optimum strength of the body and senses. It confers the a man and it has been designated as a rasaayana- a vitalizer capacity to get accomplished the spoken words, command of agent for the entire span of life. This is a measure, having no the respect and regards of the people and promotion of the involvement of drugs may replenish and maintain the total life bodily glow.process free from ailments.Applied aspect: Need for Rasaayana therapy:1. In the context of We know that necessity is the mother of invention, so the same kusht'ha nidaana it is told that principle applies in rasaayana therapy also.d i s r e s p e c t o f g u r u , It was told in Caraka samhita that when R'shis, who were braahman'a or s'aapa of guru holding the houses and peripatetic, became luxurious, dull in will lead to the manifestation their habits and mostly unhealthy, by taking an urbanized of kusht'ha.dietetics and drugs. Then Lord Aatreya has also blamed the 2. T h e e m o t i o n a l urban dietic and regimen of life, which necessitates the disorders like kaama, krodha rasaayana therapy. They were a instructed to follow certain etc are the result of the das'a aacaara along with the dravya bhoota rasaayana, The same v i d h a p a a p a k a r m a principle hold good today also.(especially maanasika paapa Classification of Aacaara Rasaayanakarma), which can be avoided Aacaara Rasaayana can be classified into following –by following the Aacaara 1. Psychological aspectRasaayana.2. Behavioral aspect3. In the context of 3. Social aspectunmaada and apasmaara 4. Religious aspect








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Aayurprakaas’a Newsletter | August 2021 05

EDITORIAL BOARDChief Patron - Chief Editor Managing EditorJanani Kalpana Jnana Thapaswini | - Dr. G. Nagabhushanam | - Dr. Arathi P.S

Associate Editor - Dr. Janani Ramyaprabha Jnana Thapaswini | Editor - In- charge - Dr. Vivek Vaidyanathan

- Dr. Amritha M.R | Dr. Sneha M.S | Dr. Divya P | Mr. Suresh Kumar P.V |Sub Editors Design & Layout - Dr. Vivek Vaidyanathan

For publishing articles in the Newsletter and related queries, mail us to: - [email protected] Private online circulation only. For Suggestions and feedback, mail us to: [email protected] : Views and opinions expressed in articles of this Newsletter are entirely of the writers and authors.

Santhigiri Ayurveda Medical CollegeOlasseri P.O, Kodumba (via), Palakkad, -678 551 | Kerala, India +91 491 2574574 |


£Mixing and matching of covaxin and covishield vaccines £Covid19 mitigation measures led to shifts in typical annual show better result respiratory virus patternsThe Indian Council of Medical Research published that mixing Non pharmaceutical interventions like masking, social of covishield and covaxin show better results. As per ICMR , the distancing etc have been more than reducing the risk for study has also suggested that immunisation with a combination covid19. They have also reduced the seasonal surges of other of an adenovirus vector platform based vaccine followed by common respiratory illnesses.inactivated whole virus vaccine was not only safe, but elicited better immunogenicity.


nidaana it is told that dusht'a, as'uci kllinna aahaara is one of the 2. This is beneficial not only to an individual but to the causes of these diseases. society as a whole.4. In mood disorders, personality disorders, generalized 3. It can be co-opted as a compulsory course for children anxiety disorders these are the primary causative factors. and public education at every level.

4. This education will not only improve the physical, Conclusion:mental and spiritual health of an individual but also of the 1. From the above description, it is obvious that sadvr'tta society as a whole and render the happy and healthy life while inculcates the discipline related to mind, characters, social and living in this world and even after death. religious and personal life.

Onam Celebrations 2021The students and staff of Santhigiri Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital celebrated Onam festival in association with the students union in the campus on 13th August 2021 by organising Onasadhya and Pookalam.

Independence Day Celebrations 2021The Independence Day 2021 was celebrated at the college campus on 15th August 2021 following the Covid P r o t o c o l s . P r i n c i p a l , D r . G Nagabhushanam unfurled the National flag and delivered the Independence day message. The staff, Students and NSS Volunteers were present on the occasion.

Obituary - Shri K. Manikantan, Former Sanskrit Lecturer, SAMC

Shri K. Manikantan, who had worked as Sanskrit Lecturer, under the Department of Basic Principles at Santhigiri Ayurveda Medical College from the year 2002 to 2005 passed away on 15th August 2021. He was 59 years of age. Shri K. Manikantan hailed from kottarakkara in kollam district of Kerala and he was the first sanskrit lecturer of t he i ns t i tut i on . He i s remembered for his unique

way of teaching and his mannerisms. He also served as the Warden of Men’s Hostel during his tenure. He is survived by his wife Smt. Sudharma and his children Jahnvi and Jinan.