news from northwest christian church (disciples of christ) … · 2020. 1. 12. · news from...

News from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2021 January 2021 Newsletter Our January Outreach Focus is a canned protein drive for the Camp Christian Free Store. The most requested items are canned chicken, canned tuna, peanut butter, and beef jerky. Please drop these items off at the church portico on any Wednesday this month (1/6, 1/13, 1/ 20, or 1/27) from 9am-4pm. Thank you for your support of struggling folks during these challenging times. Back by popular demand!! – HOLY HAPPY HALF HOUR – Thursdays at 7:00pm on zoom – bring your favorite beverage and join us for this 30 minute adventure! Resumes Thursday, January 14 – 7:00pm Linda and Steve Rath demonstrate the process of creating individually hand-crafted fairy houses for Tinos Treasures – their eco-friendly business. Thursday, January 21 – 7:00pm Victor Jochem explains his process for brewing beer in his downstairs home brewery - this week is entitled – Holy HOPPY Half Hour! (smile). Thursday, January 28 – 7:00pm Jim Embree shares about his life as a firefighter for 35 years of service in this life saving profession. Learn about life in a firehouse and on the front lines of fire-fighting. Thursday, February 4 – 7:00pm Michele Eastlake, a Life Skills teacher in UA for many years, presents Out, Out D&#% Spot!with many practical tips for every day around the house. 2021 CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, January 24, 2021 The congregation will meet via Zoom at 11:30 am on Sunday, January 24, 2021. The purpose of this meeting is to receive reports on the finances of the church and make decisions on a proposed budget for 2021. This will be an important and informative meeting as we continue to work through the economic impact of the pandemic.

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  • News from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2021

    January 2021 Newsletter

    Our January Outreach Focus is a canned protein drive for the

    Camp Christian Free Store. The most requested items are canned chicken,

    canned tuna, peanut butter, and beef jerky. Please drop these

    items off at the church portico on any Wednesday this

    month (1/6, 1/13, 1/ 20, or 1/27) from 9am-4pm. Thank you for your support of

    struggling folks during these challenging times.

    Back by popular demand!! – HOLY HAPPY HALF HOUR – Thursdays at 7:00pm on

    zoom – bring your favorite beverage and join us for this 30 minute adventure!

    Resumes Thursday, January 14 – 7:00pm

    Linda and Steve Rath demonstrate the process of creating individually

    hand-crafted fairy houses for Tino’s Treasures – their eco-friendly business.

    Thursday, January 21 – 7:00pm

    Victor Jochem explains his process for brewing beer in his downstairs home

    brewery - this week is entitled – Holy HOPPY Half Hour! (smile).

    Thursday, January 28 – 7:00pm

    Jim Embree shares about his life as a firefighter for 35 years of service in this life

    saving profession. Learn about life in a firehouse and on the front lines of fire-fighting.

    Thursday, February 4 – 7:00pm

    Michele Eastlake, a Life Skills teacher in UA for many years, presents “Out, Out

    D% Spot!” with many practical tips for every day around the house.

    2021 CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, January 24, 2021

    The congregation will meet via Zoom at 11:30 am on Sunday, January 24, 2021.

    The purpose of this meeting is to receive reports on the finances of the church and make

    decisions on a proposed budget for 2021. This will be an important and informative

    meeting as we continue to work through the economic impact of the pandemic.

  • Every New Year observance in the church should begin with a heartfelt expression of gratitude for God’s

    unfailing grace and the faithful generosity of God’s people. This is especially true as we come to the end of the

    most unusual year we have experienced within our lifetimes. Who could have imagined everything that we

    have endured the past nine months?

    So, we begin by thanking everyone who gave through their financial covenants and offerings to support the

    mission and ministry of our church this past year. A complete report of our stewardship will be shared at our

    congregational meeting on Sunday, January 24th at 11:30 via Zoom. Your faithful generosity throughout the

    unusual circumstances of 2020 has provided the church with continuity and purpose that has sustained our

    congregation’s life!

    We, the pastors and staff, also want to express our appreciation for the expressions of love and concern you

    shared with us this Christmas season. Your gifts and greetings of encouragement warmed our hearts and

    strengthened our spirits in this season of our Lord’s birth. We are grateful to serve with you in “such a time

    as this.”

    After all the problems of 2020 and anticipating 2021, we pray for God to grant us the vision and hope

    necessary for faithful living in these days. A vast array of challenges faces our nation and our world involving

    global health, political leadership, and personal security. To whom can we turn for a credible hope?

    Living now on the threshold of a new year, we do not know what we can expect in 2021. Faith is now an

    indispensable ingredient to our lives, individually and collectively. May we, in this new year, renew our faith in

    one another and especially in our Lord Jesus Christ. In this relationship of trust, we can move confidently into

    the future relying on God that all will be well ultimately.

    Our church, the community of faith in Jesus Christ, is essential for us to keep our focus on God, where it

    belongs. As a congregation we still have many opportunities for growth and ministry stretching out before us

    this new year. We hope that you will be a part of this faithful movement into God's future. So much has

    already been accomplished through virtual worship and fellowship, community outreach, missions, and

    ministry. Let us continue to build upon these innovations to reach out into a future held by a loving,

    compassionate God.

    For 2021 let us remember and act upon the vision of NWCC… to be radically hospitable, passionately

    worshipful, and extravagantly generous! The times may be changing, but the mission of the gospel and the

    church remains the same.

    God grant us vision and hope for 2021!

    Your pastors and staff

    Pastor Jeff Pastor Cindy January 2021 Newsletter

  • January 2021 Newsletter

    December-January Building Update

    On Thursday, December 3, we found the temperature in Fellowship Hall to be in the forties.

    The two furnaces that heated that part of our building had failed. A check by our HVAC

    company determined that one was no longer functional, and the other was too dangerous to

    repair. We secured the west end of the building with alternative heat sources and from Monday

    through Wednesday, December 7-9, replaced the two old furnaces and redesigned the gas and

    electrical lines in the furnace room. (Please note the before and after photos.)

    Total cost for this first phase of the project is $20,000.00. It has been paid by our Capital

    Campaign Fund that was done during covid-19 closure. Almost the entire amount of the

    Capital Campaign Fund has been used. The remaining two furnaces in the photograph heat

    several rooms in the west end of the building. Both of these furnaces and their corresponding

    air conditioning units have been in service for more than 30 years and need to be replaced as

    quickly as funds can be raised. The total for remaining work to be done will be approximately


    Additionally, a windstorm in late November damaged soffit and facia on the peak of the front of

    the church and shingles in various parts of the roof. The cost to repair this damage is about

    $3300.00 which will be paid from our Capital Replacement and Maintenance Fund.

    Thank you for your on-going generosity that allows us to maintain our church building!

    Prayerfully consider what you can do to help grow our Capital Campaign Fund to meet these

    on-going expenses.

    Before After

  • I Peter 1:3-9 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In

    his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the

    resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can

    never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you,

    who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the

    salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In all this you greatly

    rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all

    kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your

    faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by

    fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed

    Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not

    see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and

    glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation

    of your souls.

    I’m sure you have seen memes and heard the complaints about the year 2020

    being a “bad” year. I’m not aware of anybody calling 2020 a good year.

    Yes, we have been made acutely aware of the sufferings all over the world,

    coming from vicious storms, the pandemic, political unrest, and a host of

    other problems. One would think we have no reason to praise God. After all,

    we haven’t even been able to worship together in person.

    However, we do have reason to praise God. He has blessed us with Jesus, and

    the ability to be in relationship with Him. We may have been separated from

    family, friends, and our church, but we have not been separated from God.

    He has been just as close to each of us as ever in 2020, and will continue to

    be close through 2021.

    It doesn’t make any difference what kind of trials we experience, God is with

    us. And that is reason to praise the Lord.

    Carla Nuenke,

    Stewardship Moderator

  • January 2021 Newsletter

    Northwest Family,

    Thank you for the delivery of

    coat donations from Northwest

    Christian Church to the

    Riverview International Center

    (RIC). Emily Miller was there

    when your delivery arrived

    at the same time! Today, we

    had 59 of our international

    neighbors come to our

    outdoor hygiene kit and coat

    giveaway at the RIC. I wanted

    to send along a few photos

    along with our great


    Can you see the long line?

    Since we are trying to work

    remotely, it is fun to see

    everyone. Social distancing

    didn't happen as we would

    have liked but masks were

    mandatory! and the weather

    was great. The coats are such a help to our families. We know of 3 families who

    just arrived in Columbus in the last month! Please pass on our thanks to those

    who donated.


    Diane Linton

    Philanthropic Engagement Director and Workforce Development

    Riverview International Center


    Have you had issues navigating the Zoom meetings that have become more and more a part of our shared congregational life? Would you like to understand more about Zoom meetings and how they work? There is help available now through our office thanks to Jack Strawn, who has put together a helpful guide in how

    to use Zoom as a meeting participant. If you would like to learn more about Zoom, you can access by clicking here.


    Congratulations to Will Moore on his promotion to Junior Petty

    Officer in the US Navy! Will is now stationed in Pearl

    Harbor, Hawaii serving on the submarine the USS

    Topeka. We are so proud of Will and continue with

    our prayers on his behalf.

    Recipe requested from December 17th Holy Happy Half Hour

    Blackened Scallops - (makes 4 appetizer servings)


    8 large Bay Scallops Blackened Cajun Seasoning (can use salt and pepper as substitute)

    2 Tbs Olive Oil 2 Tbs Butter

    Pepper Jelly Crumbled Bleu Cheese

    Toasted Chopped Walnuts


    1. Heat Olive Oil and Butter in cast iron skillet or frying pan.

    2. Pat Scallops dry with paper towel to avoid steaming when cooking.

    3. Season Scallops with Blackened Cajun Seasoning or salt and pepper

    4. Once skillet is very hot, add the Scallops, making sure that they are not touching each other and/or crowded in

    the skillet so that they sear rather than steam.

    5. Sear the Scallops for about 1 to 2 minutes per side. The Scallops should have a 1/4-inch golden crust on each

    side while still being translucent in the center.

    6. Remove the seared Scallops from the skillet and top each one with

    • 1 to 2 tsp. Pepper Jelly

    • 1 to 2 tsp. Toasted Chopped Walnuts

    • 1 to 2 tsp. Crumbled Bleu Cheese

    7. Using kitchen torch or oven broiler, quickly melt/toast the Bleu Cheese (only takes a couple of seconds)

    Enjoy! Cheryl Jennings

    * Delicious served with Judy Embree’s hot pepper jelly!

    2020 has changed the Annual Chi Rho bake sale too! It was calorie and fat free!!

    Our generous congregation donated $570 to the Cleveland Christian Home. The home

    has a Amazon Wish list which we were able to help provide multiple and varied

    gifts! On behalf of NWCC Chi Rho thank you for always supporting the cause!!

  • January 2021 Newsletter

    Dear Northwest Christian family,

    we would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of love, support

    and condolences following the very sudden passing of Victor’s

    mother, Ursula. We are so glad many of you got to know what a

    unique and loving woman she was. She so enjoyed the friendly

    conversations and sense of community at Northwest. Your

    continued support means a great deal to us.

    Wishing you all a safe and blessed holiday season.

    Love, Laura and Victor Jochem

    We express our sympathy to Sam Moore and family

    on the passing of his mother, Elsie Moore,

    on December 22, 2020.

    We express our sympathy to the family of Bill Flaws on the

    passing of his mother, Claudia Flaws, on Tuesday,

    December 15th, in Chicago.

    Jack Suess would like to thank all the members of

    Northwest Christian Church that sent Christmas cards to

    him this year. They were very appreciated!

    We express our sympathy to Warren Fife’s family

    on the passing of his sister, Beth, on Tuesday,

    December 15th. We continue to pray for

    Warren Fife’s brother-in-law who is

    hospitalized with Covid-19.

    We express our sympathy to Debbie and Dave Stephan

    on the passing of his Debbie’s sister, Joyce,

    on December 26, 2020.

  • 1/1 Jesse and Becky Rogers

    1/16 Terry and Angela Roe

    1/17 Clint and Amy Taylor

    1/31 Lanny and Bev Rhodes

    We apologize if we’ve missed your birthday or

    anniversary. Please contact the office so we can

    update our church records Thank you!!

    January Needs:

    Donate books for all ages, especially kids, baby wipes, large size diapers (size 5 and 6).

    Hygiene items: dental items, razors, shampoo, feminine hygiene items.


    Should you have any pastoral needs or concerns, please let our Pastors know. Rev. Cynthia N. Adcock, Minister: [email protected] Rev. Dr. Jeffrey A. Wheeler, Minister: [email protected]

    Rev. Faith Solon, Pastor of Young Adult Ministries: [email protected] Albert Adcock, Minister of Music: [email protected]

    Debbie Stephan, Director of Christian Education: [email protected] Rebecca Bean, Secretary: [email protected]

    January 2021 Newsletter

    1/1 John Davis

    1/1 Betty Hill

    1/1 Tim Jameson

    1/2 Jacob Badgeley

    1/2 Tina Jameson

    1/3 Kendall Flood

    1/3 Faith Solon

    1/5 Debbie Stephan

    1/6 Caelin Parsons

    1/9 Rebecca O’Dell

    1/12 Michiel Brongers

    1/19 Lisa Beaverson

    1/21 Noah Allen

    1/23 Rob Steffy

    1/23 Jonathan Wheeler

    1/24 Laura Thornton

    1/28 PJ Roe

    1/31 Kylie Thomas

    Bill and Eleanor Holroyd

    Azalea Estates Gracious

    Retirement Living

    700 N. Estes Dr. Room # 730

    Chapel Hill, NC 27514

  • Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    1 2


    9:15am Present Word

    10:30am Virtual Worship

    11:30am Virtual Coffee Hour


    10am Zoom Staff


    5 6

    9am - 4pm Outreach Dropoff

    10am Zoom Bible Study


    8 9


    9:15am Present Word

    10:30am Virtual Worship

    11:30am Virtual Coffee Hour


    10am Zoom Staff


    12 13

    9am - 4pm Outreach Dropoff

    10am Zoom Bible Study

    7pm Cousins Zoom Meeting


    7pm Holy Happy Half Hour

    “Linda & Steve Rath”

    Hand-crafted Fairy Houses


    7pm Icthus Zoom




    9:15am Present Word

    10:30am Virtual Worship

    11:30am Virtual Coffee Hour



    10am Zoom

    Staff Meeting


    9am - 4pm Outreach Dropoff

    10am Zoom Bible Study


    7pm Holy Happy Half Hour

    “Victor Jochem”

    Brewing Beer

    22 23


    9:15am Present Word

    10:30am Virtual Worship

    11:30am Virtual

    Congregational Meeting


    10am Zoom Staff


    26 27

    9am - 4pm Outreach Dropoff

    10am Zoom Bible Study


    7pm Holy Happy Half Hour

    “Jim Embree”

    Being a Firefighter

    29 30


    9:15am Present Word

    10:30am Virtual Worship

    11:30am Virtual Coffee Hour


    10am Zoom Staff


    2 3

    9am - 4pm Outreach Dropoff

    10am Zoom Bible Study


    7pm Holy Happy Half Hour

    “Michele Eastlake”

    Life Skills Teacher

    NWCC Virtual Calendar