newham professional development programme - 2013/14

Newham Professional Development Partnership Programme of events 2013-14 For further details visit or email Tim Lancaster at [email protected]

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Newham Professional Development Partnership

Programme of events


For further details visit or email Tim Lancaster at [email protected]


NQTs - page 1

NQTs in their second year - page 2

Subject Leaders - page 2

Leadership programmes - pages 3 & 4

Ofsted - page 4

Support Staff - page 5

Teaching and Learning - pages 6 & 7

Bespoke Support - page 8

Newham Professional Development Partnership Programme for 2013-14

NQT programme [PRIMARY] FEE: £980 (or £230 per theme)


Introductory session - Making the most of your NQT year

Theme 1 - Behaviour to maximise learning 01/10/2013 18/10/2013 08/10/2013 22/10/2013

Theme 2 - Quality first teaching 12/11/2013 26/11/2013 19/11/2013 03/12/2013

Theme 3 - Working with adults other than teachers in the classroom 14/01/2014 28/01/2014 OR 21/01/2014 04/02/2014

Theme 4 - Inclusive classrooms 25/02/2014 11/03/2014 04/03/2014 18/03/2014

Theme 5 - Assessment for learning 22/04/2014 06/05/2014 29/04/2014 13/05/2014

Celebration of your NQT year and planning ahead

NQT optional sessions [PRIMARY] FEE: £125 per session


Literacy 05/11/2013 9am - 12pm

Maths/Numeracy 05/11/2013 1pm - 4pm

Safeguarding 10/12/2013 9am - 12pm

Ofsted 10/12/2013 1pm - 4pm

PE 11/02/2014 1pm - 4pm

Science 20/05/2014 1pm - 4pm

Early Years 03/06/2014 1pm - 4pm

NQT Induction tutor training [PRIMARY] FEE: £315


Session 1 10/09/2013 2pm - 5pm

Session 2 04/11/2013 2pm - 5pm

Session 3 25/03/2014 2pm - 5pm

This programme has been designed to support NQTs to meet the new Teachers Standards by the end of their first year. It builds on their knowledge and experience of teaching from

Initial Teacher Training providing development opportunities for NQTs to improve and embed their practice. This will be through a blend of interactive session, observing practice in their

own school and schools across Newham, self reflection and evaluation and sharing learning. NQTs can register for and complete the Independent Study Unit as part of the Masters in

Advanced Educational Practice at the IOE.

17/09/2013 24/09/2013

17/06/2014 24/06/2014

This programme has been designed to support NQT Induction Managers and Tutors to ensure that they understand the statutory requirements for the NQT year. This will be through a

blend of interactive sessions, developing observation skills and feedback, developing reflection in their NQTs and supporting their NQTs evaluations and to keep a learning log throughout

the year. The programme will also include analysis and evidencing of the new teacher standards.

Further details on all programmes can be found at: Book online or by emailing [email protected] 1

NQT+1: Early Professional Development programme [PRIMARY and SECONDARY] FEE: £540 (or £230 per theme)


Learning centred classrooms 17/10/2013 22/11/2013 2pm - 5pm

Leading learning and teaching 13/02/2014 12/03/2014 2pm - 5pm

Leading beyond the classroom 23/04/2014 18/06/2014 2pm - 5pm

Subject leader updates [PRIMARY] FEE: £315 (or £125 per session)


Art 10/10/2013 06/02/2014 12/06/2014 2pm - 5pm

Assessment 02/10/2013 26/02/2014 19/06/2014 2pm - 5pm

Design & Technology 09/10/2013 05/02/2014 21/05/2014 2pm - 5pm

Humanities 21/11/2013 05/02/2014 26/06/2014 2pm - 5pm optional Museum visit on 25/03/2014 (Fee: £125)

Literacy 10/10/2013 12/02/2014 21/05/2014 2pm - 5pm

Maths/Numeracy 16/10/2013 26/02/2014 11/06/2014 2pm - 5pm

Music 07/11/2013 23/01/2014 22/05/2014 2pm - 5pm

PE 21/11/2013 05/02/2014 21/05/2014 2pm - 5pm

Science 06/11/2013 12/02/2014 09/06/2014 2pm - 5pm

SEN 25/11/2013 06/03/2014 11/06/2014 2pm - 5pm

This programme has been designed to support Primary and Secondary school teachers in their second and third year of teaching. It builds on their experience as NQTs and supports them

to further develop their classroom practice as well as extending their role beyond the classroom. Investment in teachers at this early stage of their career will support talent spotting and

succession planning within Newham. During these sessions, topics that will be covered include: independent learning; creativity; challenging all pupils including gifted and talented. NQT's

+1 will also explore the national agenda and future career pathways.

The aims of these termly meetings are to keep colleagues up to date with national policy and research; support subject leaders to deliver key aspects of their role; invite the sharing of

innovative practice and provide a forum to promote collaborative working across schools.

Further details on all programmes can be found at: Book online or by emailing [email protected] 2

Leadership programmes

Leading Teaching and Learning through professional development [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £315 (or £125 per session)


Session 1 23/10/2013 2pm - 5pm How to ensure middle leaders lead the learning of their teams

Session 2 18/11/2013 2pm - 5pm How to ensure that professional development makes a difference

Session 3 16/01/2014 2pm - 5pm How to improve teaching and learning through practitioner enquiry

Shifting Teacher Practice [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £315 (or £125 per session)


Session 1 09/10/2013 2pm - 5pm Determining a focus for change - the difference you want to make

Session 2 28/11/2013 2pm - 5pm Achieving sustained change through effective lesson observation

Session 3 30/01/2014 2pm - 5pm Leading challenging conversations

Early Leadership programme [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £520


Day 1 27/11/2013 9am - 4pm

Day 2 22/01/2014 9am - 4pm

Day 3 05/03/2014 9am - 4pm

Celebration 01/05/2014 5pm - 7pm

The purpose of this programme is to support participants to lead and manage teacher's professional learning effectively and reconsider the culture, structures and processes of

professional learning in their organisation. It will ensure that participants are aware of the current issues and direction of travel in relation to professional development and crucially, be

offered time to reflect on their own practices and next steps for their leadership of professional learning and for their own organisation to improve pupil outcomes.

Is supporting teachers to develop their practice a central part of your leadership role? Are you looking for ways to achieve sustained change in relation to a school priority? This

programme provides an opportunity to ‘trial and test’ a coaching approach to shifting teacher practice and reflect on and refine your strategies so that you can facilitate improved

teaching and learning.

Are you a new head of department, subject leader, phase or team leader, head of year or cross curricular leader? Or are you thinking of applying for your first leadership role? Then this is

the programme for you. Suitable for teaching or support staff, this programme will help you develop your leadership skills and develop strategies to enable you to lead and manage a

team and improve teaching and learning.

Further details on all programmes can be found at: Book online or by emailing [email protected] 3

Developing Leaders programme [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £520


Day 1 29/01/2014 9am - 4pm

Day 2 13/03/2014 9am - 4pm

Day 3 30/04/2014 9am - 4pm

Celebration 19/06/2014 5pm - 7pm

Widening Leadership programme [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £520


Day 1 06/02/2014 9am - 4pm

Day 2 20/03/2014 9am - 4pm

Day 3 07/05/2014 9am - 4pm

Celebration 02/07/2014 5pm - 7pm

Foundations for successful coaching [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £390


Day 1 11/02/2014 9am - 4pm

Day 2 26/03/2014 9am - 4pm

Ofsted programme [PRIMARY] FEE: £470 (or £195 per session)


Session 1 19/11/2013 9am - 4pm Pupil Attainment and Progress

Session 2 05/02/2014 9am - 4pm Teaching and Learning

Session 3 23/05/2014 9am - 4pm Leadership and Management

Widening Leadership is ideal for anyone who has been in a middle leader role and has already taken part in professional leadership development. Designed for leaders who

wish to move into senior leadership or who have recently joined a senior leadership team.

This is a two day programme that will help you to develop your coaching skills to support change, personal performance and learning. The programme offers a blend of

theoretical input with extensive opportunities to practise core coaching skills.

This programme is for headteachers and senior leaders. There will be a balance of taught and independent work on each day enabling school leaders to apply the learning

to their own school.

This programme aims to meet the growing demand and need for quality leadership development in our schools today. As a middle leader this unique programme will help

you develop your confidence and leadership skills and enable you to improve your ability to lead and manage change.

Further details on all programmes can be found at: Book online or by emailing [email protected] 4

Support staff programmes

HLTA Preparation [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £230 (Assessment for HLTA with the HLTA National Assessment Partnership is an additional £450)


21/10/2013 27/11/2013 9am - 4pm



20/11/2013 04/02/2014 9am - 4pm

HLTA Where Next [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £295 (optional ILM accreditation can be included for an additional £255)


26/09/2013 07/11/2013 12/12/2013 9am - 4pm

Effective Learning Mentor Relationships [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £125


04/10/2013 1pm - 4pm

Routes in to teaching for TAs [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £125


11/10/2013 1pm – 3:30pm

This three hour workshop aims to help recall, identify and explore the key characteristics of effective mentor relationships and then strengthen these qualities, attitudes and skills. This

will ensure that participants are well resourced to support others.

Thinking about teaching as a career? Find out about the different routes and the opportunities available on this half day for TAs. Content covers routes, application, finance and how to

improve your chances of success.

Our preparation for assessment course is delivered in line with the national Code of Practice for HLTA, developed by the HLTA National Assessment Partnership. This requires the

equivalent of three days of preparation. Our programme includes two days of face to face delivery with the equivalent of one day in between for the writing of the tasks and online

support. We fully explain the requirements of the HLTA standards and the HLTA assessment and guidance is provided on completing the written tasks.

This two day programme is spread over two terms. The standards are explored with examples of good practice shared and developed through tutor input, video analysis and group

activity. Participants set targets with the tutor, based on the Standards, to work on between the two sessions. A needs analysis tool is provided to support individuals to gauge readiness

for HLTA assessment if this is their chosen route.

This programme is for HLTAs who would like to extend their professional development. It includes two and a half days of face-to-face workshops to learn about different leadership

styles, how to motivate individuals and teams and communicate effectively as leaders to reach school goals.

Further details on all programmes can be found at: Book online or by emailing [email protected] 5

Teaching and Learning

Moving Teaching from Good to Outstanding [PRIMARY] FEE: £230

This programme aims to improve practice in key areas and will enable participants to confidently:


Session 1 22/01/2014 2pm - 5pm

Session 2 08/05/2014 2pm - 5pm

Neuro-linguistic Programming for Educators [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £230


Session 1 12/11/2013 1pm - 4pm Introducing NLP and teaching with confidence

Session 2 11/12/2013 1pm - 4pm Improving behaviour and Accelerating learning

In search of the highest level of Learner Engagement: Autobiographical approaches with Children and Adults [PRIMARY & SECONDARY]FEE: £125


13/11/2013 1pm - 4pm

Safeguarding – What teachers need to know (a basic update for all teachers) [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] FEE: £195


03/10/2013 9am - 4pm

This session will cover a demonstration of a model lesson and exploration of pedagogical principles underpinning the Autobiographical approach. Participants will then have a choice of

opting for two to three follow up sessions in their schools which will involve team teaching and direct involvement with pupils.

This programme is relevant for all teachers; especially those with leadership or pastoral responsibilities and those who wish to explore safeguarding issues in greater depth. It will also be

of particular interest to teachers who may be preparing to take on additional responsibilities around safeguarding or wellbeing within their schools.

- Identify and dispel possible misconceptions in the learning they present - Be confident in the use of effective questioning

- Reflect on their own practice - Plan lessons with a balance of teacher input and pupil talk

- Use coaching principles to stimulate reflection and self-awareness

NLP has been called the psychology of excellence. It offers tools for understanding how everyone experiences the world differently, for communicating, motivating and for building

purposeful, productive relationships. These two sessions introduce how NLP can strengthen teaching, raise attainment and improve relationships with pupils.

- Identify key features of outstanding practice - Identify key learning in a lesson and be able to ensure it is accessible for all pupils

- Use a range of methods to achieve outstanding outcomes for pupils - Be clear about how to build in challenge for higher ability pupils

Further details on all programmes can be found at: Book online or by emailing [email protected] 6

SEN Legislation update – implications of the new legislation? [PRIMARY] FEE: £125


04/12/2013 2pm - 5pm

Quality provision in the Early Years [PRIMARY & SECONDARY] £540

This three day programme will enable participants to reflect on and plan how they can further improve their practice in:

- Partnership working with families - to streamline transition into school and develop true partnerships

- Team work and collaboration in the early years

- Improving outcomes including through better transition for children - into the foundation stage and into Key Stage 1 and beyond

- EYFS: what works best and why? - opportunities for learning from each other and more widely


Session 1 10/10/2013 9am - 4pm

Session 2 23/01/2014 9am - 4pm

Session 3 15/05/2014 9am - 4pm

This session will provide an opportunity for school leaders/SENCOs and others who manage SEND in their school, to consider the implications of all the new legislation and regulation.

Further details on all programmes can be found at: Book online or by emailing [email protected] 7

Bespoke support and development The Newham Professional Development Partnership has been working closely with heads and senior leaders in several Newham schools to design bespoke professional development opportunities tailored specifically to address school priorities. Innovative and flexible programmes have been developed which draw on latest research into what makes great professional development. Examples of these exciting and innovative programmes include: Making a difference through Action Research (2012-2013) - St Luke’s School This programme was designed to provide all teachers with an opportunity to further develop as reflective practitioners. Teachers were supported to develop their own enquiry questions designed to improve children’s learning. For example asking questions such as

‘How can I create rapid and sustained progress for lower attaining children in maths?’

‘What strategies are most effective in enabling children to make progress in writing?’ The programme combines enquiry methods with impact evaluation so that staff can articulate and demonstrate the difference their research has made to their own practice and to pupil learning. Teachers have an opportunity to present their work for Masters Accreditation, should they wish to.

Making a difference through peer coaching using a narrative dialogue and coaching to support post-lesson dialogue - Calverton School This programme was designed to engage staff in coaching as a way of improving professional dialogue about learning and teaching. It also encouraged staff to be more autonomous in identifying their professional development needs. The programme focused on a narrative approach to lesson observation using coaching as a model for post-lesson dialogue. Staff self-diagnosed an aspect of their own practice that they wished to improve / develop with a view to making a positive impact on pupils.

If you would like more information about how we can design a bespoke programme for your school, please contact us to discuss this further. Programmes can be designed to cover a range of themes. Here are some examples:-

School Improvement

A day in the life of a headteacher

The New Standards for Teachers

Preparing for Ofsted

Stronger Governance

Impact evaluation

Improving performance management:

improving learning

Coaching for improvement

Increasing Learning Power

Early Years


CPD for classroom-based support staff

Support staff

Teaching and Learning

For further details visit or email Tim Lancaster at [email protected]