newest magazine draft

Under Cover Me How Do They Fee THEIR STORIES Trapped Or Free?

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Post on 17-Mar-2016




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Page 1: NEWEST magazine Draft




How Do They Feel?






Page 2: NEWEST magazine Draft

Ria Yamdagni

If they feel blended take a picture of them with

a blue background so its like their blended.

Head Line

Inside Page (boring

clothes side.)

When I wear a uniform I

don’t feel unique when I

wear them. I don’t feel my-

self, I feel like I am a copy

of many people.

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I feel really good about myself. I feel

unique, I feel myself. I feel that I am not

just a copy of people. I am ME!

How they ALWAYS feel when wearing any FREE

clothing (Your Own Clothes)

Inside Page (Interesting

Clothes, Your Own)

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Head Line

I feel that I’m blending

in with others, and no

one get’s teased

If they feel blended take a picture of them

with a blue background so its like their


Mathilde Malherbe

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Cedar Cox-Mcallister

How she feels when she’s

wearing a uniform.

If they feel blended take a picture of them

with a blue background so its like they feel


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Leela Gray

Just the same as everyone


Not different, Not unique,

Just boringly averagely

ordinarily normally the


If they feel blended take a picture of them

with a blue background so its like they feel


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Alan Dwyer

Its alright , I don’t really like it. I

would wear whatever I want . “I

mean I like this , don’t get me

wrong. But my own clothes would

be better. “Feels like I’m in prison.”

If they feel blended take a picture of them

with a blue background so its like they feel


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I’m fine with it but I wouldn't prefer wearing it. Because I

think it’s better if we wear our own clothes. No harm in

wearing it. But If I had a choice to wear a uniform or not, I

would choose not to.

Kaiyu Hemingway

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Kaea Tibble

Hides your personality, it’s like your everyone else. You couldn't

pretend to be some one else, but other people wouldn’t know.

“People who want to be more colorful and creative, they can’t.”

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Kaiyu Hemingway

I’m fine with it but I wouldn't prefer wearing it. Because I

think it’s better if we wear our own clothes. No harm in

wearing it. But If I had a choice to wear a uniform or not, I

would choose not to.

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Kyra Bakshian

“Sort of dampens your personality, every body is the same so it

takes away your uniqueness.” I feel different from every one else

and it’s more natural . It feels like you’re wearing some one else’s

clothes because you didn’t choose it or design it.

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