newcastle united church  · web viewcelebrating the word. gospel of matthew 24:36-44. no one knows...

NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH 84 Mill St. S. L1B 1H2 905-987-4515 [email protected] Rev. Mary-Jane Hobden, B.A., M. Div. Joanne McLennan, A.R.C.T, L.T.C.L., Music Director November 27, 2016 10:30 a.m. First Sunday of Advent “As followers of Christ, we are called to be a worshipping and learning, receiving and giving community of faith, hope and love.” – Newcastle United Church Mission Statement * indicates please stand as able and comfortable Praising God Together Prelude * Processional Hymn: “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”(v.1,2,4,6,7) # 1 * Call to Worship: (responsive) (based on Isaiah 2:1-5) Welcome to the house of God. Here we may learn God’s ways and walk in God’s paths. Prophets of old speak hope to the nations. The prophet Isaiah promised that swords would become ploughshares if we follow God’s path. He promised nations would war no more when in the light of the Lord. May we be those who walk in the light of the Lord. * Prayer of Approach: (unison) Loving God, speak to us gently in this Advent time of waiting and preparing. The story of the powerless baby coming into our world touches our hearts. He will touch the distressed, speak for the poor; comfort the despised and rejected. May his message of hope for tough times be lived out in the faithfulness of our lives. Amen. Our Life and Work * Lighting the Advent Candle (unison) Dear God, through your Spirit, you spoke to the prophets of a vision of peace. You spoke to Mary and Joseph of a child who would bring new life to the world. Speak to each of us this day, and fill us with Advent hope as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Amen. Song: “Hope Is a Star” verse 1 # 7 Anthem: “”O Come to Us, Emmanuel” – arranged by Lloyd Larson. Soloist – Laurel Bell Sharing Time The Lord’s Prayer – sung VU # 959 Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil

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NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH84 Mill St. S. L1B 1H2 905-987-4515

[email protected] Rev. Mary-Jane Hobden, B.A., M. Div.

Joanne McLennan, A.R.C.T, L.T.C.L., Music DirectorNovember 27, 2016 10:30 a.m.First Sunday of Advent

“As followers of Christ, we are called to be a worshipping and learning, receiving and giving

community of faith, hope and love.” – Newcastle United Church Mission Statement

* indicates please stand as able and comfortable

Praising God TogetherPrelude

* Processional Hymn: “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”(v.1,2,4,6,7) # 1

* Call to Worship: (responsive) (based on Isaiah 2:1-5)Welcome to the house of God.Here we may learn God’s ways and walk in God’s paths.Prophets of old speak hope to the nations.The prophet Isaiah promised that swords would become ploughshares if we follow God’s path.He promised nations would war no more when in the light of the Lord.May we be those who walk in the light of the Lord.

* Prayer of Approach: (unison)Loving God, speak to us gently in this Advent time of waiting and preparing. The story of the powerless baby coming into our world touches our hearts. He will touch the distressed, speak for the poor; comfort the despised and rejected. May his message of hope for tough times be lived out in the faithfulness of our lives. Amen.

Our Life and Work

* Lighting the Advent Candle (unison)

Dear God, through your Spirit, you spoke to the prophets of a vision of peace. You spoke to Mary and Joseph of a child who would bring new life to the world. Speak to each of us this day, and fill us with Advent hope as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Amen.

Song: “Hope Is a Star” verse 1 # 7

Anthem: “”O Come to Us, Emmanuel” – arranged by Lloyd Larson. Soloist – Laurel Bell

Sharing TimeThe Lord’s Prayer – sung VU # 959

Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name,your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evilfor the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,

now and forever.

* Song: “People Look East” # 9while Mission & Service bows are hung on the tree.

The leaders and young people will go out during the hymn.

Celebrating the WordGospel of Matthew 24:36-44 No one knows the hour. Pew Bible Pg. 806

Isaiah 7:10-16 The sign of Emmanuel. Pew Bible Pg. 554

Gospel of Matthew 1:18-25 Joseph’s dream. Pew Bible Pg.783

Reader: The word of the Lord.People: Thanks be to God.

Anthem: “Come to Us, O God of Hope” – arranged by Lloyd Larson

Message* Hymn: “When Long Before Time” # 248

ThanksgivingThe Offertory:

* Presentation of our gifts and singing verse 6 of # 75“All glory be to God on high, and to the earth be peace;

good will to all from highest heaven begin, and never cease.”

Dedication Prayer (unison)O God, accept these, our gifts, and those already given through PAR; they reflect the good will of our hearts for those who will receive them. Bless all our gifts as we await the wonder of the gift that is the birth of the Christ child. Amen.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Sending Forth* Closing Hymn: “It Came upon the Midnight Clear” # 44

* Benediction

* “Benedictus” (Song of Zechariah) (v. 1,2,1) #901


Welcome! we enjoy open seating so please, sit where you feel comfortable and meet a friend. We are glad you have chosen to join us this morning.

Please sign our guest book, located in the narthex and we invite you to worship with us again.

“an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary

as your wife’” – Matthew 1: 20


Nursery Care is provided for little ones to age 4 years from 10:20AM until the end of the worship service. The nursery is located in the hall, through the doors on either side of the choir loft. Paige is our care provider.

Our BIBLOS reader is Sherry-Lee Boyd, member of the Congregational Life Cte.

Faith In Motion – Holy Moly! our 5-9 year olds are learning about “The Stone Tablets”.Grapple! young people 10-12 continue “Texting God – Can’t God read my mind?”re:form! Our teens continue Bible Unit “Why does the Bible contradict itself at times?” – digging into God and God’s relationship to humankind.

Lighting the Candle of Hope this morning – Sarah Rutherford and Ken Crichton.

Coffee Plus – the Congregational Life Cte. invites everyone to remain for a time of fellowship and refreshment following the worship service.Food Bank – thank you to all who remembered our local

food bank. Monetary donations can be placed in the special envelopes located in the pews and narthex.

Cheese Orders are due today. Extra order forms are available in the narthex and completed forms can be returned to the so-marked box, also in the narthex. The Stewards thank you for your support of this fundraiser.

Furnace Fund – as many of you know from the coolness last Sunday, we have had to replace the two sanctuary furnaces. If you would like to contribute toward this large expense, your donations would be appreciated. You can mark “Furnaces” on your church envelope to designate the amount to that

fund. Thank you.

Thanks to Tim, Lorna, Stephen (Rev. Mary-Jane’s son), Susan, Hope, Jewel and Faith for getting, putting up and decorating

our tree and the sanctuary and to Hope and Faith for the yummy shortbread cookies.

Rev. Mary-Jane will be away the coming week for Unit 2 of her Interim Ministry course. She can still be reached for pastoral emergencies if you call and leave a message on her cell phone, mentioned on the church’s voice mail.

Congratulations and Blessings! To Trudy, David and Bennett on the safe arrival of twin boys Joshua and Matthew, born November 15.

Wednesday, November 30 - no Bible study this week.

Friday, December 2 – the Stewards host Euchre Night in the hall at 7PM with doors open at 6:45PM. $5/person includes refreshments. All are welcome.

Sunday, December 4 – Advent II. A special visit from “The Innkeeper” and music by Pilgrims In Faith.

Monday, December 5 – the Session meets at 7PM in the hall meeting room.

2017 Church Envelopes – if you don’t already receive and would like a set, please let Lorna know 905 987 3940. These are used to identify donors for income tax receipt purposes.

M&S Bows – if you would like to make an extra contribution toward the Mission & Service fund through an Advent Bow, please mark “Bows” on your envelope: Green– to $25; Red to $50; Silver – to $100; Gold – $100+.

Friday, December 9 – everyone is invited to a Christmas Lunch at the New Massey House Restaurant at 11:45AM. Please sign-up on the sheets posted in the hall and narthex.

Friday, December 9 – Board Games Night! 7PM, hosted by the young people and their leaders. All are welcome!

NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH CHOIRunder the direction of Joanne McLennan


“Let There Be Christmas”A Christmas Cantata

Sunday, December 18 – 10:30AMAll are welcome to this special service

Join us for an amazing Night in Bethlehem!Sunday, December 18 from 6-8PM in our hall

& sanctuary.All are invited to come – singles, couples, families, friends –

to this special outreach event from our young people & their leaders.

Your hands-on experiences at the Marketplace are visits to the Bethlehem Baker, Metal Shop, Carpentry Shop, Scribe’s

Tent, Pottery Shed, Painter’s Hut and the Stable.We end our celebration of the birth of Jesus with

refreshments. Space is limited to 50 people, so please sign-up a.s.a.p. on the sheets posted in the hall and narthex.

AnnouncementsAdvent I

November 27, 2016