new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1889-11-02 [p 10]. · 2019-04-05 · to bb_w iaah a laetwd xaiiubie...

NEW PUBLICATIONS. A SPI-ENPII. KKt.IMENT. ^ ¦"TLT-P?!_8--^?ff_S "t^_5b TEEKN l.lft-1888. Ilist.uian, (Jeorgu A. Hussev. E.lltor. Wllliam Tud'l. Among ihe many flne IHBilBll fully arganlred. armed and UBBJBlfl »?»«* "'« ^"*,>","«", t,f h,"r publlc a..lh..rl.:e, nnd ihe enterprl*c »"<! '.«..> "< her cillrens enabled the Steio of New-York to pla.- bi the dlsposal of the Natlonal .iovcmment .... the Ir.t outbtrak of bost-lKles in I80. few e.,..all..l ati.l aone surpasse.1 .he ft'h. Allhomjh the bisn.rv goes hack to l«4r> and even fi.tther. ihe real or- fanUatton of Ihe icgiment daU-s froin tka rM.rga; ltitioti of .lune .-".. taaa. On April \9. IBB1, U.e regimei.t, then in.mberlng only slx compaules. ..1._tv<l 11. aar- vlccs lo the Uovernor; on the 27th of May. 1.1*4 of waltlng for ordcrs. the Oth weut to wlthout them. and <>n the Btk of .l.ine. 837 BBW-f, was must^red Into IhB servl.-e of the DaltaB. States for "durlng the war.-' Attatlied sueee~slvely to htone's br1g_s_e. lo Hanks's dlvlsion. to Ihe r'irst Army Corps. and when tha. was broken up lo ihe Flfth Corps, the 9th.always better kn.wn by that name tbat by its offir'al remimberlng as UM 8-8 New Yotk Vol.M-tee.s-saw Its lirst haid flghling al Cedar Mountalti in Atigust. 18.-2. From that ItBW tt bore »n honorable part In all the great battles of ihe Army of tho Potoniac. Diitlng tha years of Its servlee the Oth lost 1B4 offlcers atid men klllert or died ol wouuds. BBf-tf died ef dlsee^e, and scventeon ln .'onfedeiate prlsotia. oi BB1 ln all. Besldes these deaths there were 42.'t woiuided and 171 tnls.lng. maklng a total of 75,-< aaaaalUna among the 2.278 BB-888B aiul men names »re found on Ihe rolls. The heavlest lossos were at Antle'an, 114; Frrderirksburg, IHO. aud Ihe Wllderness. 80B, and it Is noteworthy th_»t owltig to the good material of whlch the reglment was orlglnally maJe up. ihe wmls^ltlg.' In these three great battles. notwiths atnllug Ihe infuslon of conscript* and substltutes. only reached 2ft. In the tetal of J08. Another lesson lu the value of a tralned Natlonal Onar.1 Is to be found ln the promotloti of 240 (fflceis aml mou of tho Btk to coniinis-li.tis in other regl.m nU. The BS-BBB*/, whlch ls brought dnwn to the end ot 1883, forrus a worthy tnoi.umeiit te a gallant an.l de aervl'ng reginirnt. Nol lha BJBBl vali.ahle feattire ls the complete record of every man's servlee. I_t us hope the State may bo stlmulalod by thls i-xarnple te 811 the wide and i-pro»f hful paps thal have hBO long been sufteivd to exist in tho reeords of her soldiers. The editor and hMoiiaii have glvan u», in all essen- ilals, a model o( what a reglmetifal hlsieiy shonhl bc, even allowing for what too tastoaa a crltlc might deem the i_trus1on of epheineral matter, as when 'the boys." llke Mr. s.ilas Weirg, " BttJU Into poetry" ln a frlendly way, or for what a more captlous, If le«s se_-lotis crltle, iuicht .aBBldflC the dlstension by State papers. Atid this ls nmch to say. fo'r it becomes in- ci-easingly evident ihal lt r. io these reclmeuul narratlvos (li_t the hlstorian tuu-t look for tlie tiuo baal. of the hlsh.iy of the War. -? TBE BOOhS OE TBE WEEK. B> BF.ROE5! OF TIIF. CRT'SADES. By Aroanda M. BBmguva. Xtato, pp. S4i>. iLee «_ Bhefaia.) HBBBBRT 8KVEBANCE, Bv M. French-Sheldon. 12n.o, pp. BE (lUnl. MNally A Co.) K1LBARNOCB BDRN8 BS8. tWIttl Ndes). 12mo, pp. 147. (D. Biow.i _ Oa.) P1CTURE8 OF BT. PBTER IB AN ENOLISB BOBB By A. 1.. O. K. 12ni«>, pp. 4l-«. (T, .Nelsun A son*.) DA1I.Y BTRENOTI1 80B DAll.Y BBBJM. lOmo, pp. 878. (B .l.ei l- >'. - DAYs WITH INDUSTRIALB. By AlaiBaaBl H Japp. l-.'nio. pp. 304. it-erlb. t Welford.) T11K FAVOR-TE BPBAKBB By U.sirga M. Baker. umo, pp. 118. l-aa B Uhcfai-] TIIE KI.m: Ol I8RAF.L A-NO JUDAII. By Cwrgl BawUnaoa. 12u.o. PP- 23». lAnasm O. F. lUndwIph 8 Co) TO THE I.IONS. By Alfred J. Church. 12mo. pp. 258. (G P. Puti,_,u,'s,j BBO-BBBBilB ANU OTHER BTORIES. By M A M. 1-_n.,.. j.ji 214. QUICKSANDS. By J. J. Fleetwood. 12mo, pp. 233. (Tht- Mlnerva Pu_li*lilns Company.) MISS RCBY'b BOVBU By Mr*. S. I. J. Bbereeohewsky. 12nio, pp. 09. (Thomas Whlttaker.) LIL. 12__o, pp. 301. (BaaartB Brvlhers.) TRAVEL. U>VBBTURB AND SPORT. By Richmond bhaker.p.-arv. 84--, pp. 404. (Whlts A Al.enj LADY WALWORTH'S DIA.MONDS. By Tbe 12mo. pp. 144. (J. S. Ogllvlf.) EARTII-BORN. By Splriw. Oentll. 12mo. pp. 288. (The Press Burreu ) MADAMF. OE MAURF.SCAMP. By Oc'ave Feuillet. 12mo, pp. JO<.t. (.). B. I.ippincott Co.) THE HAFTE B0BLBB8B P-y Qaam Manviiie Fann. liinio. pp. 410. Frank F. l-uvel! A Co ) YOUNG MR. AINSEEE'S COURTSIUP. By F. 0. Phllllps. 12711., 09. _-l. (Frank.F. I.ovell * Co ) _PHF, RFFORMI.I. ( IfUBCB IN A.MER1CA. By IJavid 1) Daaavaat, D. U. I2nm. pp. 21s. (Board of Bduca- Uon of the R.-furmed Chuteli ln An.eiica. Fourtb Editlou.) FLORIDA OAYS By Margaret Deland. 8vo, pp. 200- (Lltlle, Brown t Co.) BEL1EF. Bv OaorgB lieonard Chaney, 12mo, pp. 130. (Baharta Braihera.) FOR BBB BAKK By Oordon Roy. 12mo. pp. 3ff_. (Thomas BetBOBI Son.) TAI.F.S FROM BUABEBPEARB. By Charh-s and-Mary Eamb. IB.M^ pp. 3ia_. iA. C. Arnmtrong _t BM.) IN PAI.ACE AND FAlBOLIU; By 0. 1. O. 12mo, pp. 44)2. (Thomas Neiasa 4 >>oii*. THE ARIAN 00NTROVERBY. By H. M. Cnatkln. 12mo, pp. 170. lAnsoii I). I'. Randolph A Co.) SrORZA. By WUIlsin araUtoll Ahtur. l'Juio, pp. 2S2. rCharies Svribner's Baaa CICKRO ON FRIENDBHIP AND OI.D AGE. Bt Cyrua R. Edmends. UBBB, pp. 84. i.Scrlbner _ Welford.) WEDD1NO IIYMN. Bv Mary Mattbew Barne*. .ru, pp. 81. (O. P. Putnam'a Sona.) RUSSIAN PICT.RES. By Thotnaa Mlehell. 8vo. pp. 223. (Thomas BeiBea A. Sons.) A TENT BY THE I.AKK. AND OTHER POKMS. By D. J. Donohue. Diiuo, pp. 102. (John B. Aiden.) TIIF. LIFE WORK OV TIIE ATJTBOB UNCLE TOM'S CABIB. By Florlne Thajrai M.Crav. 1 iJioo. pp. 440. I-'niik A Wagnalls.i BOC1AI. -8P-C-8 OF CIIRISTIANITY. Bv Rlchard T. Eiy. 121110, pp. i;rj. rXVaeaae v. croweii _ Co.) OUR, BABYS BOOB. (Loo d Shepatd.) MY Good fbik.nd. uv Adoiph- Bciot. i___o. pp. 2e6. (Worthlngton * co.) THE LITTLE PEOPLE.S CALENDAR. (Whlte 4 Allen.) C-TBKORALB AND ABBBTB IN GRV.AT BRITAIN AND irelaND. With daaeHptlv* lext. fiv ITich- ard Wheatlr. D. D. Latgc quarto. pp. 272. (Ilarper A BreUaaiB.) CHRISTMAS DRAWIN.-S. Bv Th. Nast. (Harper * Brother*.) 0BAMBBR8- ENCYCLOPAEOIA. 8vo. pp 828. (J. B. Lipp!nc-ft Company.) D. Xtco {Dnbiirations. APPLETOX 6c CO. FCBLI.M1 THIS DAY: I. RECENT ECONOMIC CHANGE'., AND THI IH F.FFK'T ON TBE PRODUCTIOB AND DI&TRIBLTlu.N dl WEALTU AND TIIi; WEI.L- U'TNi; ul' SOCIETY. By D.VVID A. WKI.LS. rre«M<-nt Ai!.ti./caii Bad.I Sdaaaa Assoelatton. l2mo, 41.3 xii im:-.s, t!o-li.Prlce, a>2 00 The aaaaa.Ja ehaaajaa that have occorrel durinc t*ie ia_t 4usr'.'-r of a centun ha\e unqueatlooably U-.-ti more im K.rtant anl \.ui-l durlni: any for.m r p-rlod of p wefBTS hlmuiy. The problema which our *..\un,io< tiMli.ation ls fordng u^.n the attentlon ,.f aociety bm ncordingiy of the utn,,,*, uv.eii.v and Impertaace. To Usce out, an_ cvhAnt in abmeiblng lik-- regular ord. r. tt,o i»-.v« _t.i .-xte,,t r.f the iiidustrhu and s.,ei,i! ehaagea m l acepmy-BylaB a.turbanct-a whlch hav.- eapectally chaiac- torir.-e »l.e _ast nfte.-n or tw.-nty years, and to ca.*fnlly what neein* t.. hr»\.- been 20 >d and what m aave been evll. have aaaa Um Btttfl purpos.- of the author. 11 PASSKiN _ BLATE A NOVF.L. By BIOBABO A8H_.KIBO, AuOu.r ol -The.w.arli,. .t ti,,. Gieaa," *e. APPLETON.S- TOWN am. OOUBTB- LIBRARY. i2n... aaaHa*. Pri«-. bo ccut«. 1. 3 4: 5 BOND ST NFW YORK. pil'KTH THOUSAND NOW READY. "A atory of battle and pr:s,.n, of peril and esrape, dedl- CBted to the sons and daughtcrs ot the n«-inbe.s ot the Grand Ariny.** JED: A BOTS ADVEMI MY. IX THE ARMY OF .;', -»;:.. ¦ By WARRFN lf.i: OO-B BBB-ea of --Th^ BaaaOaa. Uons of a l'rhste, in "The Cemtatjr" Bai BaHai \ $«)ldier's st uy ..f Ltfa in AaanaaavlBa Priaaa," etc. fu'.'.y lllusttatcd, 12ii.o, ti.JJ. .Of all th,- BMBI .* (ivll «»r that have been pabllahed .. la n<n poaalble to B__aitoa oaa whlal for nturdy r--ll~., iii.i.-.iv .,; IntereM aad _a_T_tm-, c.n coinii-r- w:u, .j. 8 ¦'"i Baaaaa, TJIO.MAS Y. CB0WELL B\ co, 18 Astur Plj., N.w Vork._ K_JU8 1LLUST-U. K.MilJSU TKXT. CONTAl.vs iii:.M fUVL COLOBED t__JD8T_-L TIONS LVJ.I.'V WEKK. It has n'> Cfl'isl » ... BaiBja or An.r:l<s Irl.e ¦ «Mte W.S.HV. rvarlr «n.. fhe ART D.CRNaI. vrofUKly lll'i-ir_e'. cont-iins th.- vety besl el.llnga ai.d IngiBV-UKK. V) (eti-- .,,., ii,. \-_i..i »(>. Arl Jouni.ii. Psrin Il.u-tie Lou-lon Gmphle, puueh, Young Ladi.V Jourrsl, Fjmily Llhrary. :v ,.mj,i. Chamberw's Jnurnal. aud _J foreign neriodicalK are .uppllei bv THE INTERNA- flONAL Ni:WH COMPANY, now rerooved lo llielr nour lulidlug, __ and, one iuui .a_t ef B...*.Iw_v. Be--Yue_. Ketc new aUdraaa. -vru) publuaiioue. OD1), 1MEAD & COMPANY D II AVE .11 Bl I'l'ltLlMII I): TUE DLAfi. OP PHLUP IIOM-L EdRod by B.jord Tuskern_u. Iu 2 \.l«.. b.rge 8vo.. with Bj7.8B> Phlllp Hoii.-, . BBBBBbia of .n old Rnlekribocker f.mi Jf, w.s tm oi tn,- i... ii»-,i oi io- i.ns ,n Aii.'-.i.i. who n.._ Ui- 1-isi.i- io k.-.,. a dl.i), _nu tin- var.rd exwuei.oe to bb_w iaah a laetwd xaiiubie u. poa_r,ty. ii. aa i- uie aakee <-i Mayot m Nea-.era, and loi __ay r«ari »». higli ni th.- eoa.Mk oi ti." Wluir parl). aM aa. eioeeij lU.ntlU'.l altii the IvaduiK luteio.le. "f UM eiiy. «.» dlary eatcod* lum *e_a UM* in« pob-cal if- ui u.- . -..-is is c.¦iim.'-iit. l h.i.i. bv aaa who »«. f_. mi i.i witii iks lun.1 aerai-aa Dau.-l Webetar, M.hiiu Vun Buten, rtltu h s,,.i- oi tb-ii pi.'iiilii.'iii .' " "I" mra-, an- raaallarlj deaeribed aad e4_aata.Ht_.aijB u.,-11, r.i..tdi-x a arapblc deacHBtten la Hi\ra ot BM. tain.'iis Ttpaecaaee eiecuui, ln whieh linn- buah .n ecuve ""'uia'po^blv't,.' SKSTil this di.ry wbl.h will be n».st i-wr.riy itad ln that, rrl.titiK ? Uie suvla. llfe *>t ""tB-K d'-erbocker or to-day wtfl jBBia wh.t e.,m- mbi «.- pra-rni al hl» fathsrr. wedang, where bl. g, ii'lfatlie. i""-l t:--'.. tVj HlB 8, _B-d What I Kough' Bboui him. '.-'. .tuJeni «X th* Watory etV*< Yo'k wii- Bnd Ho."'- dlarj 4 urti- <>f tofornaUea, he ga-ap.i t..--.v »'M pauae t, aajay lha rataatten aaaB lulii of th-.-ii priindui' lii-t-. TUE ABBE CONSTAMIN. ¦ua, 84.08; baU-iiVraaa, »j<o. I__TTF.ES OF THK DOKE OF WELLINf-TON TO MISS J.. _8Si-issi. lCmo. beetda, wiab bbeX, eaeat, 81.T8. At the aaaa BUaa J.'" earrt i¦< '- - attb tha Dnke ol Weiiineioii apeaed ihe aaa . \ ry baaattfal aaaaaai bbbsm twetit. year. of age. Of a d-i v devoUenal nat.iro, .he felt sh>> hal been eaaaclelty eafled u. Ood to do a pr-ot warfc. Lookn.« aruuud her fot an objeet, her attiuion was dUrWB U> the Ekaba of w.iiincton. ,1fi<u, » m«n Tbe I>uk>- ot W.'lllrpton wa« »t Ibis tltr.e (18*4) n man .Ixtvtlv" year* o'd lle *¦' ln bhl ptlaae of etrengtn ._a heaith* Ilehad u.,w beaa a widow-r fo. Bhree ye.r*. COKSUELO. Bv OF.ORGF SAND. Tr»n«l_fe-> from the Frenrh bf OTi.'Ktr 1. PoTTl-'R 4 v-ls.. 12imi. ,,'li. full tt'l'. SlM "if Vii:: 'i'lf triat a aaaB bi of larg.--p:i|^t eajBlea ut 818 50 pei »aa A mo-' Bvaatflai edIUon "f tbla ehiaaie. POEMS ON SEVERAL oi CASIONS. ny AVBTTM D0-8ON. 2 vala. 12m... rieh gajd araa- mentatlon and a-nt tops. or ln piaiu b..»ed«, uneut. .», half eatf, e»; h:ilf levaat, ab; fall eaif ei levaat, 81- The.e volum.w eoiit.On -"11 W-rld Idyl«," publlahel ln Amerlc. under th- mi" ''Vlgaette* ln Rh_nne." and "Al tn,- Slgn "f tbe Ti,- . i..- '--'. -,-. alj prepaiss-l by tbe author, nnd a goodly nnmber of poeiaa ImV been Hdi-l wbleh a].u now foi the flrat Urna_lt la the latbopa edltlon, pubUahed by *peeial arran.ement wltli lll 111. FEET OF CLAY. dt amelta e rarr. a nory lald m aha I_a ef Man! 12mo, clotb. *1 25. In RcliiiVlin-a- Mis llurr has drawn one of noWe who have alnoai dlaappeared fr-m the netlon of tha dav--n woman whoa. wonumllnea. Is nol ob»cured by eon- vantlon and whoee Innate noblliiy of eharactei buttr.'sv-l br aoelal poaltloa in," ,oti\,'iit-,.ii:ii itandaMA. lVHa Clueas stand- alone in the na'lve purtty and dlanl.y of her nature, as genulne, a. .plrlled, and aa u auiiful a fle'.r? »s Mrs Ua:i BBB -v-r poilrj.-d. IIATTI.KFILLDS OF '.!. A narmtlve of the mlli'ory aaBiaWaai of tl" Wai for the Unlon from IU outbr.-ak to the end of the Pcnln.nlar Cumpalgu. Ilv WILL1S ... AHIioT. author of "Blue Jarkrt. of 'Ol.-' "Blue .I.ekeU of 1818." "Blne J.ckeM of '7.1- 4ta witb 28'- Illu.traUan. by w C. jAcaaoif. »3. EMANTJEL. A STOBT OF TIIF. MKSSIAM Bv WTLTvIAM P0RBE8 COOLCT. I_aae, elefV, Sl 80. A ii.'Vi-i aociimling ln \.\id aketche. of the n-n .md seen»s amnnc whlrh our I.oid UKiVed. A Btraag and oii-'lnal reltglona nov.-l. LTPE OP JOHN DAVIS. TIIF NAVIOATOR laae-ieea, rv c-Rmemtb r. markham, o. b.. F R S, l_mo. i-loth, with m»p. BBd l!l..-tr.tlons. Sl SS, Belng the laltlal volun.o ln Uie series of Great __. pl.rer. .Dd ENploratlons. PALE8TINE Br MAJ0R CONDF.R, R. _., Leader of the Palestlne Fxpfonitlun Boe. With nmps fln 1 llliistr.iiuu.. 12mo, Sl Bt-lng the sec.nd volnme ln thii s-Hcs ot (ireat E_- plorers and ExploraiJons. TAKKN Al.IVF.. AND OTHER STORIES. By the late F.DWAHI) P. ROF1. l2mo, cloth. unlform with Mr. R"-'s otJur BtariBB, *1 50. This vataaai eeaailai elghi or Ha aaarfaa, some of them cf verv eoiisiderabk- length, wbleh havaappaared ln ve'loo. Serlodlcals or aere fonnd arnoni; Mr. RoVl papen at his esth. It coniplet.-s the i-.llli m '' hll st'-rl-s. nuLlii. tbe .ie-ht>rnth voIubm of the aeriea, Mr. Ro.-'s two *oiks on (iard-nine have also been Is- sued in a abapa BBltenn with his aovela THE HOME ACBE. 12mo. cloth. $1 50. Which ai;ns Do BbBW what m.y be done with in .cre of la^l about the hmne, »nd coutalns chnptera on aiuh mbjeeta a. "Smaii Frulu," --The L.wn,' "Traaa and Trre Plantlng," --Shrubs,-' etc., etv. BDOCE-8 WITII SHALL FRl'ITS. l_mo, cloth, »1 50. T; ns hrteflBf thla most valuable treatl»e witkin the reach ot v-iy one. THE QOLDEM DAYS OP '4H. Bv KIRK MCM'.OI'.. A Btary of the op^tilng of Call- fornla and tlie dlsonveiv of gold. With 0*1 d,"ibl'-.p_«e maatratlaai by JACKsON. t<vo, eketb, asSS. WHAT IDGIIT HAVE BEEN EXPECTED. By FRANE R. BTOCETOR, author of " Rudder OT-oge." a bt.,k foi .vouiik peaple, «iih iiiurtiationa. 12mo, do'h, il oO. LIFES LONG BATTLE ivn.i, By EDWARD OABBETT, author of " Oecupatlons of a Batlred Ltf.," _c, A-.-. 1211.0, etatb, st. I.IFE OP GEMEBAL LAPATETTE. With a Crttieal EattaaaM al 111- Cbaraetai and Public Acts. Ry BAYARX. TCCKERMAN. 2 voto., lCmo, oloth, with M'\s-rul poi-trhlt.s, *;.. "<0 BBplBB 011 l.rgo papei'. »h i_, ¦<iia\-. juditlo.i. and troatworthy, Mr. Tudierman's baab «ill taae rank .mong blo.ibiihi'.-. of the Brst ,-. iss " -Tbe Critlc. THE MANNERS AND CUSTOM9 OF THE AN- CTENT IXiVrilANS. By hlr J. OARDNER WlI.KINSON, D. C. L., F. Jt. B., F. R. O. S., Ac. A new e,iiti.,ii. r^viwd and IWIieited by _A.MI.KL BIRi'lI. LL. D.. I). C U. Keoju-r "f the E-zyptlan and oil.sital Antiqultie> in thu BritUb Mi'.s-iiin PB-sident of the Soclaty of Bibllcal giobanilefT ke. with aevbrai hundinJ iiiuHM-aiinns, mtuiy of th'ein full-pa?t' pla*'i< ln ,ul.r. Iu :i vols., avo, cloth, $8. DODD. MEAD & COMPANY, 758 AND 755 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. rpMF. ACTUAL 8TORY OF "niE NAUGHTIEST DAY OF MYT LTTE," As Uild by "R 11." to Susjn Coiidge, ls Ineluded m thu latter's d-llchtful Brtleia about h.r fneud, Helen llunt Jackison, ln the NOVEMBER WIDE AWAKB. (20 Ct... Pos.rj.ld.) The fro'itlsplree ls Miss BartaPa p..rtr_t of "IT. H." JACK-KNIVES. Oreit plctoriai ariicle fot Beya; knlve. of all tlmes snd aaaaulai! dorens al earleva pjetawa, by prof. Maeon un.1 Mr. Chandlrr. of tbe Sinithsoulaa. El.hty pag's best IflaBtrated iit.-rjiu'v. aIbo Praaeawtu for 1800. wide awak:;, eni,ai;<.i.dcnly ^240 a year. D. LOTHROP COMPANY, Boataa. rpiIE PR1NCIPLE8 OF PBOCEDUBE IX DELIBERATTVE _OD_E& Ry 0B0BOB ci.'jvr.r. CBOCXBX, rnBiaal Ma*i_- cim.tts laaata la 1ck3. I8bbo, .loth, 70 cts. ¦¦ Tbere is a preaalag d. ausnd for a n-w hand-book on parllamentary u-a-.'.- eovertng tbe lateat deelBao. an.l rule* 111 .ucli l,od.-». and I'n -ld. ni Crocker, of tha M.tsi_chu- sr'is .-sun-- Benate, ia, rurntabed nimt wa.- wanted ln th:». It 1- elearly nnd eonclaeljr «rinen and i;s ralea embody the be»l uaage. on -iii potnta \w b,,.k ,,r Doaveutent alte, ani tbe meebaaleal »r,ik on u u: rare ^.cell'ln-.'-i:.-irl-t.-i. Whaellng, W. Vj. G. P. P_fTSAM_ SOK8, _a: and .".1 ararr mp-bt.. web Ynr.K._ rp HE COS.MOPOLITAN MAGAZIXE for Xo- 1 \> ;ri": onialn. 11.- Freneb Ara 1 (Karl II). bj ( i.'im. i'\i 1. VASif.I; The huiblisa ,,r ti - Queen ol Engl»nd, i> PELI1AM ''I.ini.i.n Corneli Fuiv.raltv! ... BOYEHl N-. li, tbe Whlrlpoola of tbe (Irand Canuii, (0101*1. l bi, ao'« CI.I01. Lo Un- .',!¦_ KawmiIUoii bl l S. s.rai,,, r ARWE1X: (the lattei alll 1,. repllAd Ui in the 11. x. nuiii.'.-r by W1LI.IA.M WALOORF \si'ulti A ,,i,.,rai.-:y 11 ln>r 1 *te_. Oi. all n,*...,,,,,,. ..,.,. _S "ls._ m 7'ni 1,000. H-M ALCOIT'S LIFE, I.ETTEP.S ANO JOCBNAL-. The author of "I. uie Won,-.," Brtfl ba more ,han ever d-Jr to ihe roenv.ry Bf b.r (SHMUeea adimr-r. ln TTBSI hviaaa af tbla BaibsUa, baaaaaa. aad '.-r faHrlnalliig .uto',i.,^r.pliy. L'niforin with lha -Llitle W,,i,i.-i.-' |,o..R-. FtlaB .I'-A TUE kjniJDom OF COEMQ A rbariBlng story abnut a lltlle boy al,o u-U BabBBB ulili :i lui.-i jM'imy ln his h»nd »nd ln bls dreani iii- kiuvt"in wb-re --ii_d laaar," Bba '.alaraya aara and IbB <r,.ok.'1 jlgpaBBB, and th- I'.-nny .sav.-d. and ail ti,- atbee astaa d»-it. Tiie st.^y \h beaatlfaily niu»- tiai-d, and aill d-iight all rejil.ra. I'rlco 00 cents. Bold cvirTuh-re M1.1 >. 1, |i.-'i'.iu, by the publl.bera, ROBEUTb uc.'.'.'ill i.-j, Boatoa. Xctrj fJnblicatione. _ PUMK * WAOIS KLbff * ANN')FN'-F.MENT. JINT RF.ADY. TBE L-1E WOW OFTHHADTHOB OF .OUCM- TOMS CABIN." BY FLOKINF. TH ITBB McCRAT. (Aut'or of .Iiivlro-iment." 4c.) WRiTTEN witii OOBBBBTOf BABBIBI BBBOBBB ITOWI sND HF.RSON. RF.V. CBAB F BTOWK Isnuv-- 12mo. Cl«th l.l.idlnir. 440 pp. ft.,,," s.t-.-i Pottralt and l,lu«tr.tlnn.; heavy ral- |.ap.-r. PRICF. $2: _»0BTAOB FRF.E. .Mr. MeCiaf aaa 1- "illy known ai an aatharaaa, b,. ,,,,, r-gaged Ita lera yaara la *.*_.¦« h»r w*K and u wlll prove deogh-fnl taatrtbattoa ta Bm Btaraiy hi~ ,o,y of th,- PeBad."-<Baw.Tw8 Ittaaa. ADELAIDK M:H.SO\. A BOTJVBBIB B10CRAPHY. Bv LATJBA C. BOLLO- W\Y aihksa lied. with Elght BBBtlB Phiit-urrapln ir.- Sarony. tsonnr- l_mo. 01 PP- *** *¦¦¦ *»'»«> f. .¦Tlie baah ls wrinen in sueh a Beatle splrlt, and ln Baah . eimoie atralghBanraal Btaaaaf laal II al aaaa laanaeada it-if V.'ti,.. sympn.riy of pataaaa IM iB-fsal » -(NtwYork Tribune. THE BO-T-WARD CYCLOFKDIA OP QU0TAT1OWI Prose and Poetry. 20,000 QuotatlonB-, 60,000 Baaa of .r.!:inre. ItyJ. K. HOYTand ANN.L WARD. Royal 8TB, over 900 pp. Clo.b. 88; fihrep. 40 50; Half, BB; Full Mormc. .10. ..By Innc .d ls tka bBBl bea* of Quoutlons In BXBt- New-York U .-A BBtaatVB and teemlng volume."-(Ollver Wendell Iloluies. T FCNK A- WAGNAL-___. is AND 20 A8TOR l'l.A< I NI W YORK. ___ lih IMI.ATI;!. MA.iAZINK. PUBLI8H1 1) EVEBY BATUBDAT. SFPF.RBI.Y ILLUSTBATED, COUBTBOUB. BRIOHT AND FAIR. For _0a .Miv.v' 10 cents. CONTENT8 FOB NOV. 2. B ir «:otiifkn drawn from We by Arthur Jule Ooedman THE PEBSIMISTH DRAMA.Ny. Crti., I- \i 11 i- » ri. II ....¦ . '- ^^E^IMELlOlirB OLARE. *^J"Z*L TIIF VARIETY BCSINFAW .Hern.nlJ. I.ynrh LlGilTOOFTHE VABIBtY HALL. Ilu.lratlon VARIET- HALL LICENSE.... 111..- ,:M, VI M'.\ MORRIH . _.""* MERCHAN. OF VENII I.¦.¦¦¦¦¦¦ * - ,,.|-r,i iihai l' .Jaim-H i>. iiuiiekr vlZVxCKlS THE R1VALS -^_J_MS Kt^ack ¦.¦..." .'!- AOBB-B PLAY IN CONCORD 0. L. D. IliM N IN »"s.H'N ___2 Inttt-Ction. For Boys and Young Mcn-City. A.CI AbS 8*1B BOYS -Intei-medisto and advanred . rnde«- ftudents nrepirsri foi toilese. law, aclentlllo .cleofsaTia" Vg. CUASS. 53 W__ -Otg-t CLAS8ES FOR BOYB, 22 last Flfty-fourth-at. Eng- Latiu. tamrM aKtMMELU U-lb-tNl-LD INSfFITTE, II H-l UXINGION-AVE., Northvesi cornei OM-st,. «Y>th Year I'.pm*i\ bepietober 28_ MW. LVON'S COLLEOIATK INSTITL'TE. No. 5 . Baal _--i--t.. cerner Hr.*i»ir. Beaelvea ai: ases, aod preparea toi eoltafe, aclentlfl. m-iv-.i or baaoeaa, fcome <f y-.»r'« BBtrMs: _ L Bolton Brmgi-, M. D.. Rev.I-.M MaC'rarkeu.D.D., Kraneu D. BttJlL M. D. E W. MeOlavB, L. Duncsn Balklar. M. D., Waltar T. MiU r s. a t-r, li. D.. h'a'han A. Mo-sman, M.D.., Alesander M on, e lt v. .tos. ph R. '.err. D. D.. v. ,i.l ,:n a R ek..feiier. K-v Iwatd KraiiH, ha lea W. Pmith. . Taltlon .f-0 :o '?00 per anritim. R. i:n- .,n one fioor. (Trcu:ars deMrlblng Alvi*..ry Committee, sneiiing Lai- (icr, RaaeaB, Waiks. a.-., at PutnaaVa and Randoipii's. Mis.s i"Al'.Itli II. formerl] with Ml» DC VF.!_NET. B. hool : - H lys, reopens .)._, 2. 02 EABT 30TIIST. THE GinBFNS t RFACn r-CIinOT^ 20 W. 5UTH-ST.. ON CENTRAL PARK. TWENTY-FUTII YLAR BEG1NS BF.IT. SO-_ THE PARK COLLEOJATE SCnOOL. 88 last 0»th" i-t-, pr-'t^-res f,r colMBje Klentl8e acheol and t.asi, Beea; t.rin-rj depar_q___it; numi..-i Ilmiu-d. ELMER E. PjllLLIPB, Prliiclp.i_ TIIE COLLElilATE SCII'K'I., Nu. 721 .Mad:Br,n-«VB.. near Blth-al., Re-. Dr. II I. CHAPIN, PrlnclpaL EnglUli. elBSaltal m-J piluniiy depa: tnit-utit, _¦-. in:,__>lum. N.-w bul Ung, compl u- In !i» appolDtjaent^ THOBOUOB FDUCATION AND REFINl.D BOMB.- Two boys w-uited to joln s..n ..f _»<.: .' _WM. L. EVANS M A. 122 \\>u Rsth -t._ ITNIVERSITY GRAMMAR EM HOOT* 1 4T:i !!¦ .alway. i near 42d-»t ",.V1 year. PrlnsarT, Commercla1 and Clssslcal d.purtments. M M. IMBBY. W. L A :IN, N. C IIENDR1CKSQN Prlnclpala _ WrODBRIDGE SCHOOL, 82 EA8T 4ST1I ST. bClENCE KNGLI8II CLA8SIC8. Sl Nl"!'.. .It'NIOl'. RF.'il'KNS I'ln'oitKIl 1. Wl ST END BCHO I.. 1KI We-t Tls--«t., opf::. 0 1 A onlleglate scho.d for boys; mritary drlll; new pymnaslum. CHESTER PONALDBOy. A. NL_ Of.OM.ADL80N.AVE. 41)4 CLAS8 FOR BOYS. MISS A. RETCHUM. Tor Young Ladies-City. 4 -A.-BRB. OALLAHER'8 8CH00L _"-. IOR YOUNG LADIE8 AND I.ITTLE GII'.I.B. 51 W.-t _2dst.. will reopen oa. 8. -JACKViN SEMINARY, 2.025 MU-ave.. mr. I88th> . -t -U'.ardlng aud day -.hool for yium ladles and c.'l'dien. Pupiii flt.t.-d ,"ur eollege, I itenaaVe grounds, irell atiaded. li. trdera froaa *30t) t.» tttX) i.-ariy. Mth ,.-.: commeucedSep'cmbei 20._ A MRS. SYLVANU8 RF.ED. BDARDING AND D ,Y ICHOOr. rOR YOUNG LADIF.S Oi-.i'-K-U-. Preparatary, n.m_ij u._«_._. Numtx-r ln e»eh elasa poalUvely Bo ted. Twenty^Uth year bn:ins Octobcr 1. 0 and 8 Ea»l SSd-sL " A-THF. MlKSF.. WP.EAK8. 87 Eist!na . and Day Sehool for Young Ladlei and Childr_n. wlih Klnde.£_rt._. Rroparn, Oru I. Clrculars ou appiicatlon. A-MIB8 EI.IZABF.TL L. BOUEB. (irsduati prer^red for colleg. lf de«lr<<. Spealal Courses of stu ly. Reopens Oct. 1. 45 Ea_t Oeth-it, A-THEMISSF.SMOKE8. B'.-rllUK and Dar B hool fnr Young Ladles and CM1- dren. Klndergarten. Eieeptlonal advai.tagei for graduatsi tf [ schools. Illgbt-st referviices. 647 Madi.ou-ava. AI'.T LKCTril.-S. Rev Dt. s;__ Mm. Gard-nar's Sehool for Glrls. 607 5th _>e. aad jear A-.MIR8 J T. MOORE. Boardlnf and DaV Bchool. . Kind-rparteii by a speclallat. Reopen. October 1 117 W'-st near Bonlavard. A-MADAME DA SILVA (S.iccessor to Mra. Ocden . Hoffii,-,.i, Bosrdlug and !*_y bci.ooi for Youna Ladl.s Reopen- Beptamber 30. 2%t We«t fcthat A-TIll r.IVF.RSIDESCHOOL.-MlM Kmlr A Wsrd , Prlmlpsl (Diauy yeara with th. Com-tooA 6ch,Kj')* College Pr-paralioii. Reopens BaaB 18. 15_ West'10*1- _t.. iii-at Boulerarl. Muucrata ratea for pupils A - BT. JOUN'S _OARDINO AJtf) DAY BOBOOL FOR GIRLfi. 21 »:.¦- We-t Tiiirty-ecpad st ~"" Autumn Terta Mra. THK.DORE IRVINO. Ottobe: - Mli-HOWE. "vb-BB* 4. BTJTOBB8 rrMALE OOLLBeB-toaM Eleetlva _1. ai.d full C.B-aglaae Couraes. Kev. ij W, KZ^[T D. V.. Presldeut. Mrs. E S We«, i^d- p^,?^ l-repataiory. Pr.^iary, Boardlng D<tp_rt_.ent» and Kind--- prtao. 61 at yeat opeu* bept 25. 54 anl 5. West 64th ,t \" -MADF.MOLSELLE KUEL. . Bchool for Gliia. Reopcna Oct, 9. (Numbar llm- I-4.J 26 l-ssl 50U-at, w ',n^ * MR-.. AND MISS, -sTF.F.I.VS,-- *- 153 Wl.s'l 70TII bt. ', .i entj -nlti'ii y-ar |'l \s>H AI. bi IMOI. Ft.ll CIRLs" l.oot ______>. C Bve., aeai ISBth-et Advanced aad m:-.. ry ^'°,' menu .....:.!¦ admli t \\ e»i ¦-. _,, l .ti,. '!*'.'" BoBTdlng paplls reci 1 R l.^i- -v-plrniber 20. Uissi NORTH au- MlbS BARN1 B, l'tli.lp,.:. ' ul*H MlbS CUISHOLM'.S BCHOOL FOR OIOL_, 1ft F.s*t tlith-st, ^m Wlll _«. p¦»...:...-r 80. _Boys' Ci-.-s i MIBB OlBBu.Ns ,-s M Iloor. FOB (JIRI.S, bo WEST 47TH ST. M.sS .IA1 I.i'.V.S -* BOAROING v,d DAY BCHOOL, »|9 Madlson av« Ulrls Preperad f Haara. .'¦ul,ona>e. i --- lor l.ltlle Ii,, . ail j filrla MADEMOI8ELLE VFLTIN. - Yuung LadlcB and Chlllren ,_Keopma 8apt »o. _IT8 Wo_t '7m.,_ MISS BALLOW'K S.H.OOL . 24 i_-t baaa., Wlll re , p. ii aa Thursdar. October |. Ml-.s-s .Wl IA. - DAY _H UOOt f r .,|» S Rlndei --I-.-,. Freetel M,ti.,,|. ' ""¦"' M(S_lF_a PALCONER PERRIN'M OIRT_gi sciInnr 1,11 .¦' BO l-2eeul advanl \ p»« 'i-.i,.. ,,,(>0 Ity, WashinBton n.i.i.,/ : MISS Al DI BON s k. HOOL FOR Yol'NU LAfHiea and rluWrvn Weal i.v.'i-t. and Grand Boalevm__L .- lin.'.i. 1. iwn ...._:,. - '-'u.-\.ira. H| ADAME OIOVANNIlfl ..d MIB8 DF LANCrcr" i»I 3? £-al Mthat.. and bgllah H.,n.. and\Kii Bchool for Y.ung Ladles an. Girl nx,p ,-,.,", VV Bpecfal-BB, r,,u-i. ai.d art; aup*Mor advantag*- fe, ,«.'_,. Untrdlng pupi.h. _^ rpilF. BI-BEfl PERIN___ ' BOBOOL BOB (iIRI_8. 44 FAST 7bTIL8T. THBBB ri l-ta BM* f.ivi.d into thi; family. rpUM Co.vIbTOCK s- hool '-~~" 8 iKstabiiBhed 1862 > _, ___. _N;° -y wi--r 4<-Tn>T. Boardlng .. |iky Sehool lor Young r^dles and CW1. «_-_. Kcod«__ o.t. tt. Mleb DAYTlrtSVlps., Jnstrnction. fi nrtf Ladics.Citj. VAN NnRMsN LBBTTTITTE iFmindo-l 1S.-.7). HOME AND DAY SCH'")L.-C'iitn\l l'ark, \W»r, at 021 .-. iMnrgaii Man'.loni. htme. VAN NOR.MAN. Prfneipal. ". 4 a Ma'dihON tVl Mi:-s BOBERTtF and hliBS |4o U Al.KI'.l'.'s C.ngllsli and French Bchool for Vi.uiig Ladlfs will reop-n Oetot^r 1. Nu honni atady foi paawa under fourtoea. Tor Both Scxos-City. A_CIRCTTT,Al_s OF C-OOD SCHOOLS. FREE; state . whethaf fur boy. or airl«; city or conntry. R. B. AVF.RY. Arnerl-an Scbool Ilur.'au. 2 We.l N. Y B1 t AVERY. Amerl-an I RLITZ BCIIOOL OF LANCUAGE.H. 1 W 2". h __ ._. ConveHatlooal knoaltdge ln ie» tern.; $lu eaoh; t ial lesM.n frae. Brani he. ln Bro ,k!vn. Ro'toii. _._:.- dOtphla, W.nthiii-'Wii, Chleago, _.rlm ani I'uria. OLI.E'.IA'': GRAMMAR BCIIOOL. F"r Boy» aai Olrls, 242 WEBT 74TH-T.. NEW rORK, Cla', Int-iii¦. li it.-, l'rlmiry departmenta Lerce Oymnasium. nill.ary Hilll. .s. I...H, under ti,'.- eontrol of tb- Colleglate p,. Churcb. I'.-.riraiilied I. C WYOATT, M. \. it' || ¦ «ON'T on en« ihe >ta ly _y and tj ot lt hmi.iic un-ii jron ei ar Yennllye'i College, sifl Uraadway, n. i xx _»RIENDS' BEM1NART It .' P pi »l«a P s ¦., yi -iut s.j ,ii". Xhi ,, ,\' _. i-..'. 1'iimarv and -i ii partmonta. Bpecl.l atteo- ti,.n i. i i--. Tboroiifl.ii---- "f ttudj pre- paratory for Columbla College .,r for sel.i of tccbi ,»,-,, ,x'ia cbargea. Catalogue. upon sppllcallou. iitU mo. '*.. -lif Kth. i ia\ vr.i' a. ii. 0. r... PrbaalBaL___ Pbebcts BcnooL modern labooaoeb, . 30 W- -t 4_ 1 -. | D -i'i' l'ark. bU|'"Hor Instrni-tiori. Nativ- i.vle-r-. N iU;r»l method". SAUVEL'R H* IIOOL OF LAKOUAOI S, Tha A j.i ti.-.- ::, We.l USd-.t. 15th _*er. Reopenlng lst of Oet. TerTBB, alO. A. MirZZARELLI, M. A (Parl.), Prineipal. p.ranchr.: I'ails, Barllugton, Waablugton, Bo-ton. Phll.v. delphla. ke_ J7 HORTIIAND and TYI'EWRITINO :,*truetlon. dally J5 .'I ruewlai _,. I'vnlng. al New-York achool of Benn Pitrean rhnno.raphy. 124 We.t 23daU L. Al.EXANDER, PrliKluaL Musical Inatructloa. THK BEBT \'.M ai. BCHOOL. The lil-»s a.mi SCHOOL J'li" Hl.sT VIOLIN M'lluOL. 'i he lll.-I' til-.', \ N st IIOOL. The ni vr hCIIOOI. FoR l-:i." UTTON. The ll' ST KCIIOOL OK l.\.M,i v.i -. The BERT BCHOOL OF IHIAUIM, and I'AINTINO. HARMONY. CIIORL'S, M'.IIT READ1NO, ke, at iii.; OLD »nd hAMOF.s NEW-YORK CON8ERV ATORY al MUBIQ, for ll' u-irs |, .-.ii. I it _ 5 EAST 14TIIM., ii.m.y. :ii doai aaa) al .vhi-ave. I.he i-'.:t. ',.i:'"fd hii.v N. n- N'i I.RANCII KNTIRELY BEPARATB from all s. ti.,..U -.-. li h ti, al Its ti.-iiti.- and itwtl""!- PUl'H- RECEIVEI) MVII.V FROM 0 A M. TO .' P. M. nM.V kl ¦> EAST UTII-ST., NEAR 5TII-AVK. BANJO Jiid OUITAR tiuirht ln twaa with oi ¦. >tea HENRY C. D'JB- t"N. 1.270 Broadway, between KA .nd 38.! Ma_> CirtAND WINRERVATOR. OF MC8IC, I 1NCORPORATFD nv AfT "F r.' - 1. ATTI r.F. The most compb-.e >iM for YOCAL nnd I.NSTRO- MENTAL ii.u-1--. li irmony |i C tlsn, Eioenrion .nd Iir.m:ilic Art. Drawii.g an 1 Palating, and Furelgu Lan- guages. We-klT .ntertaliiiri'nt. and h cture«, and other frci »d- vaniages ».,usl to p-n IcMons pei * t-*. K"r furtb-r parttenUri ..Mr. ns Dr. E. EBERIIARI), Pre-ii'Bi.t. ;i? Sta-ave, Sf, B .Now-F.mrland Puno f.mpunr'-i aro Bsed. ETlioPOLlTAN '. ON-ERVATORY OF MUSHJ, r>i s New-York City. 21 East llth-sC l'he mast select MuHleal Scbool In tho Unlted Stataa EXCEITIONAIv ADVANTAGES. VOICE, -'1ANO...RTE. ORCAN. VIOLIN, HARMONY AND THE LANGTJAOES. (¦aeeaafal rru.lci.n. and emlnent tea-hers comprlse the faculiy.all aucady employed al tlie C iisorvatory. rn,n_nent amon; thom are: Dudiey Burk. Albert II. Paraona B reetoi rianofnrte De- 'arl.tient; Ha-ty I-. ..-.. Shalley, i'ailo (ilorza, Bllaa O. l'rail and l/.elka Uhuaf. Appllcants wlth< ut mnslcal talent not acceptad. Bcud laa clrcular. II. W GREENE, C. B. iTAWr.EY, Ueu'l ilanjger. _Iu_cal DIrector._ aaiSB BENJAMIN, PUPIL OF PROr. GERLAC1I, ."I recelves i.ii|.iN Iu VOICE Ct'LTt T.l'. I'lANOFORTE AND II \RMONY. 17 I..-' 10th . N' a York Aii'i mts Ived only Tn.-dv. - and Fndaya, fr,,m 10 0. li.. I" 4 p. BL Sl'. vn: ER~DINANI)0 DE Clil tB .. Planoforu md For terro*. addreaa 819 Eaat ;;;'l-si. Art BehookC DBAwnra mi paini in«. I'I I'ILd I'REFARED TO TPAC1I. LI.ASSIS Now FORMINO al tbe M-W-YORE U'NbERVATOKY, 5 Eaat Hth-st. Brooklyn. 9______ IIOMF. BCIIOOL FOR GIRXB Bnmbar Hmlfed J lo alx ; Fjv li ¦':.. I"1"- :¦,,,. un ir| ¦. d. fall term bcptembei 20. Ad- drea. M:- l. I. COOK, i gtou-ave._ "a_i. C \ ll si::.M.'.si IIALL, ,_,. i~ |. i| foi Younu I_-ll»s and Chlldr^n. 280 -... -,9" Waehlngtonave., Brooklyn, L. I. In of tba Blsters of 8'.. J"h'. a_ Kvaafeua*. Bac_r. Ibe Bishoo of 1, i-land. Advanl t> rm b-.lns Bepta.her 8S_ Is--*'.'- Puulls "". charged fr,,m dab' of entranee t" end of arhool v.-ar. 'r-ii, i" mnnm Bngllsh Preneh, Germ.ii and Latln *¦:.'." t »'' ". Prepa ' -. lir,.,- ..- I'mited l|'l i' to be mi li t. " - Buiierlar. T> rms for dar pnpiis pei annun aeeordlBg te elaaa .-_rt. u D-'partm. i.r open. Octobel 1- For Yi'iing Ladlea.Conntry. ACIIOTCK SCnoOL.-nroose Rall. f..r glrli, and yonng 8WIT1IIN C. bllORTLIDOE, A, M.. II irvai l Gradnati M. Ua Pa (near Coi.l.l GIATE Bl BOOL rORjGlRLB. ENGLEWOOD, s -Reopens neiiramber 20. I'reparation for ol- i,..o a «i.-ptiltr. l"l'l- "Im'tl.-d to \.i-i- Wel _r, a d Bmlth -n our eeriiflcate aDALINE W, STERLINO. "aI'.CI.IM'. m. GERRISH. \ ll _, I'ORT EDWARI) COLLEGIATE [NSTITUTE. \ ui.'-' boardlng lemlnury of hlghesl grade. :i-l ,-ar Sept. 1''. Elghl deslral.le roorns at onr dlsnoaal f-r ¦-.,: and all tultion. pxcepi mu_c, art, ite.io_r.pby au 1 typewritlng; fr in i.i arrlv.1 |i«ui -.ii it. Baperb modern bnlld beated, «i*ti chapel, l:.-s-r,..,i,-. mu a-i i.,.'iii-, narlora, Itbrai um and lui ' 12 | - u.,.1 Keiid :' jlis. l.. KLNG, D. D. ].:.-. i'i'. Edward, N. Y. Ff,r 1? ".vs- an.l foung Men.Conntry. boys' 110ME.".Tba laaMtaae, Newtea, N J.; 800 feet elevatlon; puio alr. hea.thful. hoi_e-Uke, eorn- thorough; clemeutarr, /cademlc. clissbal. c unner. C...Y abTaa- cuituro; rfyjjgyt^a***^ ACI10ICV. K'11'iOL.-Sbortlidg'- Media Aeademy, for hoy. .i.d young mea. 8WITHIN C. Blioi'.Ti.fnc.R. A. M. (Ilar\ard Oraduate). Medu. l'onu. im-ar I'hlla- del|'h:a). ORDENTOWN (N. J.) MILITARY INSTITCTE. r. v. T. II LANIMIN, \. M PrlnclpaL l.:."it. T. D. l.AM>"N, Cominandaiit. FPJBF.HOLD INBTITUTE, Freehoid. N. J. 45'ti year: tollage preparatlon j specialty; L,usin.-a-*, hlgh scbool aud c!a..lcal coarsaa 1RVIN0 institctk. TarrYtoam-ea-H_dion, affera an- u«a»l »/l intixus foi Barenta BBeklng Ui- be-t instruc- llon for their bo.s. Addres. A. ARhlAGNAC. l'b D._ ClHRLTENRAM ACADEMT, OGONTZ, i'A^ . Une.celled loratirn and ronoundlngs. New sehTM (uulpm^nt. (iymiusulra. mlllUry drlll. ba Thorough preparatlon lai culb ge or bcli-uliDc sckjoL For clrcular. fto.. addres. JOHN CALVIN RI, F. A. M., Prlnclpjil._ I'LWWOdTJ BCtfOOL FOR I'.'iYS. A-gsClf rl. Cbnn. Pir«-iits whfl -u unfortunabe in tte.' management 'f th.-lf sons wiU do w il to pr.,'1-. I.y iti- advantage otfetci by thl. schoob_ Addrew FRANI< M. IIOWE. Sup-t. NORWALK MII.ITAi'.Y INSTITCTE, KOBWAL8 >NN _FRANK 8 BOBERTB, l'rlnt-lpal._ 1IKNN8YLVAN1A MILITARY ACADEMT. ii: 8TEI' PA. Twentv-eiahtli yeai '--iiber 18. A MII.I1AUV iiil.I.El.l-'. Civll Engtneerlng, Chi-ndstry, Ar hiteet>ir«, A**». Th roughl ji I'repe .1 Coi r*"»- Clrcalar. of Mr. GEQ B STERLINO. 62 Dey¦_. City. Ool- CIlARLKS K. HYATT. Prealdent, S~ ITMHER BCHOOL FOR BOYS, AT TUE BRYANT eiClloOL. Rotlvn. L. I.. N. Y. Overlookinf. I. 1 booiid. b-nl f.-r ll'.u trated ratalogue 11IE PEERSKILL MILITARY ACADEMT, BOtii y_- LcrIus Heptembe. l-th. 1888. ben f^r c.taloguo. rOHN N TH.DFN. M A., M. D. r IEULAND COLLEGE PRFJ'ARATORY BCIIOOL, l-.-.-k-k.i: .V v. S. t. I foi eaul ,gue. CARL A IUR8TROM, M A aCADEMT.-Ona of th» balf Wen besl Clas-lcil ani Ac_d-mlc h'-ho-,!. ln The narment of B'W In advain?. wl'.l oover or.llnary tultion. board. washinir, room »nd beaUng for tha f»ll term, be- flnnlng Ani 2S. K.-nd fnr caulogue to O. M. STEEL& Vriiicll*;. Wllbrahlm. Ma-j. S\i\i\ PAY.S FOB M l.l, i.'l'KM-, in FypewrTtlng^ II'" ahnrthand fmokl.ilna; t_ard and waah eloded. Addres. BEMIN UlY, ,, For IJoth Scais.Cuiintry. Oi'KI.AM) COLLEOE, Myl Hu 1- n.-Both s,--m--. Entei ngue. _V- II BANNiytER ,\. M.. l'rli,L-ip,l. _.>IW| J VI . K. board md m.t. Bamliiary .> 5UU - "" -i. ar: v .. i m Mllltary tddi. - I'i--' Ol'AL .si IIOOLB Hadionfleld, N. J. li I \ w R -tiiclifra. Aa PIANO AMi i.i.-. .i tN taught; ury, neeeaa- . Ull 1,1- -l.'-l M hool prl) ' ,;,!,. r,.f. ,r- ..C" 1e4s01.1l, - u-m... k. -. Ww-I.-Cll. 1 ,U ;,..t!,.,t A A ICI1ERS An- rli ._. an 11-. for al. b'.'i. li-rs. ln ail localitie.; no e__i_- 'i_,\_U- i..-s WANTiiU; i,u f'u f.,r regUtratluu; [unU /..i .tamu. R, F. AVEBY, A.cilcaii St-houl llui-.u. Weat ntu»u. N. V. AMER1CA.N AND rOREIGN Tl tOHER.S mIf.BCY .lippll. Profl'SMN ,\. to Colli -¦--. Bi I. ¦".- Apnly t., M J YOL'NG ULTON, 23 iro. Ai NIVEIUSITY graduate (Ei fllah with goud Amerl- '" I"- U : 4 Ik>V ine- Trlbune nn. I1LE TKACIIER " 'i ut' r.-. i'r,,'. 'i.i,,i loi s Mafui ."Van - ¦; ,, M tl al Agem .. 30 I'.,-' ll:.. ¦¦-' h i :. ,..i An rpRa, | .-...¦.. pr'.resvTr., t4jach_rs all . brsnehe. aupp ._..!< m. I fam b ...| t-lr- eul.r* for parenu Modern ianiuag -. ipohea MIHIAM COYR1Ei.i-. Sl E lT-.b-i i.¦. 4tn_,. ni BitmdwaF. 1) rtfVATE TCITl'-N PBEPARATIOB FOR coi, LEOF. a RVERETT -T"NE (Yale), 70 F._»t 52d- »l ll" bib ll by Rev. Dr. Tjyu.r. "A auc.»-sful t.'.cher, .¦.i.liu'i.liy tj'j illli^d.*" SHERMEIUIORN'H TFACIII'IUS' AOENCY Olde.: and baat known ln C. H .1 1855 _ 141 M N. Y f|i m lll SS \s AN ri. i vi lln; vlo- 1 Ho EngllUi, li. in ,, an - i reuch. i.-iiiiKii ,i'"l iiiu-i. -,i|4'ri ,i i;.-rni4ii aad encb i.r... »,.r .uperlor experleui-M houa>k»«a)ar f,.r .uy f4inlly. Apply t. Mr- M. I YOI M.H LTON a an 4*1 l'urcign Tvjche:-.' ACt-a.-y, -_j buuar<» _fct.l)ere. _ ISITINO OOVERBl -... * loUaaw rraduati. teaehes , Crman. mu-ilc. malhemetle*. hl>tory. Eng it«h iiteratora. Addrees Miss L A. wmite. __6 w... 88th-st_I V vv OMAlTfl FXOnANOB TEAOBl-RtT BPBBBO (tol l.,t'i » - s, -oi pllea profe*«ora. tes.-bi»r., aovernsaaaa, rru«lrls::s hou_eB.-p.r_. .ompanons. cliaperonOB, *e, to rolleget sehoola aad faa_)llaa; «l"« boohk.-.pera. .tenogra- ph'-rs Btd ropylBta V> t-i«t-.i»-« flrma. Ml". 0. L WFRNF.R. K9 Bth ave.. W>w-T..t* Clty. Dancmg Titaofmiea. ALEXANOKR MACOBEOOB'S, 108 West 55th-.V. Mend. |ss.,'.ii Asx-inlly Rooins. near Ath-ev». Pi .. ,i, 1.,..,.. »ny Claaa . Bverv rtav._ \LLEN DOOWORTM, Mi. csi ITFTH-AVE. i mb '.: i. r .,...... wlB beaja December 2d. Prlvate laaaaaa at any tlme by appoii.tment._ A' .KTIER'H DAMCINO ACADEMY, 80 &tl.-ave.. w."!,'¦ iJth »nd .4... s,s-Prjj:,;.;. and «»." lf.'« all hours. WAI.TZ TAFOIIT RAI'inr.Y. BBllB _B Bt n\, \, tt-hl.S IN II _Ni N'i. VIANDARD HALL. 1,470 Broadway (42d at.) and ;tn West BB.S-Bl..____^ H KIlNVNIiMS ArADKMY. 102 Eaat **_"_^A*£°d r r.r DKnolng, Denorlment auJ _.*.ist. .ouie EiereUBa. All ).. net! nnd faehlonaMa danees, Send for clreular. K'NfC-ERBOCRF.R CONSRRVATORY, MWeet 14th. .,. ihornazh )".-! for danelmt andd-portri.e:. WAI.TZ Gi.'AllANTKI'.D: ( hild -n's and MlaaaW claagM \%.(|-.e-<i_y _nd Batwrday .n»rnooti. ~rm. mo.teist- . alrculara_. Ml'.. P. KARVARD REILL1 inoM ¦¦ of *__ln». haa ......rii.-i from Europe. Prh n- clnaaea a apaetaUF at .'.i,:t -:i\... N'.. .-I-' ul .!'.¦ aent by mail._ Orit OWN ACADEMY POR DANCIKO, 88 Weat 284- II II.:,, Piop V'erl. an Pveillne elas*. per qnart-r. 24 lc-otn. BB. WAI.TZ OUARANTF.ED. Flvn urlsat- le-H.,11-., *5. SI! tbe f i-'.l"imV" dn.e--< t.tu.h'. /tlnsual Jnatrnmcnia. HEMOYAL WM. UAAHE &CO. kava removed lo ih.u new w B-BBaa_B__ 14*. FIFTH AVENl F. near 20Ui-st, A BBmher of ell^-btly Baad granJ, upr'^ht and aijnere plsno"! of eur make. wh:-ii were epaclally aeleaBBd and u*-i_ by the arttata af tho Metropoli-au Oi er.i Houte C-.mtany BarlBB tha pa«t opera *ea«on. wlll be sold at a llberal ra- d.if.on fnm _ur regular prlce*. _| 1? _t.l_-.80N PlANOS RAXK HIGH aninnfj j claaa Insiruments, and are -"11 »' B-oderab ,.,... terms. 0\ci 50,< im> Ii. h^-. Aanaal eut- put 3...00. M'. ii pHani action pa .< ii ui i- .!' na ar! ,<,-,--., with i ' ""' PB.. i MERSON 1'IaN" ..... r_ 5th-ave., near ti-h-ir. l.flilroarjg. "VANDERB1LT SYSTEM." NEW YORK CENTRAL & HUD30N RIVEt? RAILROAD. Great Fw-TT-C. Traoi Un. Selected by tlie flOTtlBlliaal In connectlon with tho l.Al.L bUOKl- A BtCUIUAN BOUTBBBB RAILWAY. ¦i tho " Route; of the Fast Mail." With th. Laka :>l,oro lt al<o forms the ro'.te of th» celebrat-d WagBBT YaBttbaB >K\V l'OUK & CHICUiO LIMITED." in eaaaeetfaa arlth ti.» r^un shoro and "BIk Four1 _aaa. it eaeatltatea tho ro'ito of tho "SOUTHWE8TERN LIMITED," TO CINCINNATI. INDIANAP0LI3 AND bT. LOUIS. It la a',10 the DIRECT LINE TO NIAGARA FALLS, Anl wtth tha MICIIIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD FORM3 ¦ The Niapa Falls Route" Botween tho Evt anl the \Ve__, ALL TBAlBa ABR1 _¦<. AM. OBPABI EROM Grand Central Station, 4THAVE. AND ISOBT., BBW-TOBB. Largest and fine-t Paaaenfat Station in Am.rica, and thu only one ln tl,. eltj of NeW'Yorit. nlii-r O.rober '£0. 1HH9, I :. wlll ava New-York as follows: IIHtOOA.31..Harstogi, Ri ets atar anl Boatrsai Express, mi urawlng-BDom c:»r- to Byracuae; alao to Mon- t^.al, ila Delawan and Uudaon. i'-~- ngers for p-^uts north of T.-oy, vla Elt< hburg IUIla.-.i t-n-fei -l Ej^t Albany r" (lrawlng-r.oui _ar ruuiiitig through from that point, to Ht. Aibatis. TIIE KOI TIIWESTERN MMITKD. . . | St..O A. if. Tii _aagal8ee_rl aaa BoatBweataaa Liml'e<l lor Clnclnnatl, Coiuinbu-., Indianapolla anl Bt Louls, conalatlng o. a eoanblnatfon Ubrary. sm»kiug and ..:.- iur, u standard 'l_> roacb, a a_sep.i_g.ear for .St. Loula, a staeplng-i u foi ClndnnaO, :i _i_>wlng-roon_ .ar for Butl ilo an I elnlng-ear Albeny to ButTalo. Th.. entlra brated. li.i.-'l bj %n and veKttbuled. Na .-xtou tua ehergad. TIIE NKW.YOl.K \M> ( IllCAt.O LIMITED. ¦»i-.o A. il.. Ti..¦ faaaoua Wajtnei Veaa buli New'-Yark aad ii, uo bimlted, composed exclualvaly of buffat aa k- ,. drae of-room, 18-sectlon andprlvat* eompartmo t »l ep n- ar. toi A bany. Byi* use, U ehei ur, Il ;;t.i., NUgara Palla, Brie CI land, 1 ledo. Elkhir-, and Chicago, irrlvlag at Chkage at 9 m a. the next .luy. TIIE VVESTERN DAY E.\PKKr**4. I io-:io A. .11., I)"' Eipiaaa to Nlaaaia Fail*, Toront. ( oveund. Clnclnnatl iiidiai.apoli*, Oetroit anl i_o: Wngn.-r drawlni r i t.. Cauaii'iaigua anl ater. .V i_n. r aie. ptng >3. hyr.i.u-..- to Clavelan-L I Chicago. Perloi jar Cleveland to Clnelnnatl. t 1 I-1-. A. M.. w-.-. ..¦ New-Yorh and Northoru Exur.-»a f..r Saratoga I_ke George, H-itlaud. neiiiilnirtoii N'.rth A-li'ins Itc. Waaaer -rawlnf-rooai ca:s New-York to SiSO Pi M.. Albany, Troy aad Otlea Bpeclal, with Wa; iier Lrawlng-room eara ti Albany and Troy. .3 33 P. MrtAocoBiinodaUon to Albany and Tror. Con- nectB for v *orth A*'1"" and» pointa "ii Pltchburg R. II. Waguvr drawiug room ear Hew-Torh u, au iay. TIIE PAST wrBOTBBB BXfBBBa I80BT POPCLAR THHOllill TRAIN IV A.MKRHA. .iM.nn P lf r-.^-. K'hlrsan. Cln.'lmna'l and St, Louls Ex- ,6p?-« f... liuff:;;.. KiSSi K 1- Kuspenrfon BrlSga T. ronto ClevnlandC Clnclnnatl, IndrlanappllB, 8t Ujula Datrolt and i Bleago, with ihrouith WatBBB vestibule ui....pli.|i uivl dlutug _r->. ADIHOMIACK MOINTAINX A\D MONTREAI, . t«,-m p il Adl.04.8aea Boaataln, Boetreal and Canan- ldS}ll-prea- Wagnar alwptngear. dally to PUtta- .";- a:-¦ io Montr«a, ala rtoaart Point ind vla St, Al-sns, and to By BCUSa and CBI-BB-lBBB daily, BBBBBl . 0,41.11- tl F*a M-i t-l-abaB, airlvea at BaahaaBai at 7 "o .V '.:. iurfaio 0 _5 ». m aa« Ctovalaad 1 88 u. m. PAB- MGHT BXI-.B8N FOR THB WEST. . ,iiii»o i> BL-PBatB -'-' B.preaa for RMhaatar, iiuffv 1,, Niaiaru lV.S. Torouto. ClavelBnd. Clndiuiatl. 6t. ,'.,. TT.-. ,11 BUd -'-'1 U:r..H.ll WUK-Ml- _...ey. ,...,.;,liv bleeptnt eara to 0< teu.-burv. vta CUca i-Vi <!-.-¦" -"*>!. >a.W. .'.''.'' BaaaMaaa m4 tn Oaaaa. .i'lM. InDNM^lVo^X-it-tafa bbB_4Miiii8i H Moun- 1 ¦".,, \\...''" IleeplnfearB to Albany. 4.0ane.;. u Al5_lT u M. tr_in* lor t"e Nerth Bul W-it. Thaa- :. o'l'i'..'. tloi'i a\ Albuuy Wltb thla uain le-viust New-York day BBBKB-IIBB BIM* v,v "AHLEM B-YB81BB. .,.'.,- . -ii i- -'¦ ¦¦ ^a_aa fipraaa, wtth '":'!''ner ui-wing-roon. CBI lhr.,.i,'li to Pltua.ld without . _L_u»s_a RaatFlttai la 1 North Ada__ toartal The :J:1,,.'',.M-' Inl.'.'il.n. eieganl Wagnai Jrawlng-room "" n,Vi" l.r..u.'li to PlttaBeld wlthout chango. Ka-t U' "l' ! ..ul.:!e'.> ""jr111.:._..,, l.1-. -v.-vtM.niiy-. i.n.i ,i»i (i ^. t atlon to to.a oi, pa_«M.cajrB for tho N< f?4_MT0UCET OEOBSB B. DABTBUL ,i gup rini naaah Oaaaral raaaaaajsi -taat Kaugertles. i sMkill. Albany. '.15, 11-30 b. ni ard 4 'UM '8:18J> .... l IB, 4:18, 8:88. '.'.^O. -fl .45 . a-,l reawencea .' _. r.AMl gj ', ti .'.'!.' It-va.. B. T. a kiiicii VALL-V BAILROAD. P48SEN0EB TP.AINs le\e f.ot Cortlandt and lu- ',-.',- ig ,;n _nd lnterm.-dlat.- tKilnns. i »' ,. ror Oeneva, Lyana, Klrulra, l..«h<-Bter, itiirTale. ...,; ; (-tncipal lacal polnra - r.alr ear to ii -., 8u-i -i- n Brldae. '. ,, tnlra and bttencedlate polata. Chair t, Mauch Chunrh. cu , . 'i'ii' foi Tunkhannoe* enl Intenaadlata polnts. iii'ii ir '" Panhhannaca «... Keadlog ^ud "*.ri40 .' m. Bl P8_*a nnd jtrtncltril IntermedUate nolnta. ui I, 4 R Juii'ii-ii aud l'nl nuit aleepeiM to L-dcBjte._ f,, giatlnaton snl lataawaaBBaBi p.>in-t. ., . r Mauch t'tiunk «_i 1 IntermedlM-i potntB. ( ..htiTtl"!) _0 K. adlng and HurHsburi;. ; ., ,. f,.i (,.-i"v_. Lyona, Umlra, Rochaaaaa BuiTalo ind taa Beat, Pu iman _i». le-r* t>. i-ion* »nd BaaB.B.aa rts leavlnf at 8 a. m. 11 a.m.. 1 p. m. anl 8:40 p m. connect lor all pointa ln M_N»nov and Haaletun ,,_i |e_-'''US. l"lu 8TJBDAT TitAlNS. S b. m. for Baueh Cfcuuh, Hariiton aavl li.u-rn-.ediata P",. 40 a, tn. fot Mauch Chunk anl Inh rmedlate ts'lnt* . 7 ,, in f..r Geaeva, Lyi.t.a. Etmir*. RacheaBar, Rnrralo and tl.e waat Pulluiau al.-per to Lyon» snd -juspeaawa Btl'i*t,' Oaneiml __a»t___ QBLe. 2S5 Ur_a4wa_r. tiailroaos. ENNSYLVANH RAILROAD. The SUnd&r. Railway of Aoerieil DOIRLB THA. K! aTKF.1. RMIBI btobe tmutt BBB _Tfa-_ Hitini.Ba. raoT«r-rr.D ar raa INTKKL04 Kl>'41 MWITTH AXII BLOI K KII.Mt, fSYHTETl. The Srenle Llne ra Ihe Weat A1II llir. R(,l TK df TIIB BlilUMB PENN^YI.VANIA l.lvliTBl*, Tbe Id.-nl K.,:Ii»«t Trnln of the MneteaalB < »i,nry, TRAINS I.KtVE s.TATIOV-4. |U., .f l)r.hrn.,, >n< 4 s>l«., nffi.r.lin. |.:i««> ,i«rr« n C.iod Vlrwaf . lluilior. lln- »lii|i|i:iia, Ihe Brnoltly . l.rt.l.r. l,*-. eruer'a l-lnml. nnd lli,--*iatui-ol l.ihrrtT. n. folUnai- On nnd .'lOlh. 1SS9. TIIF. P_BB8T_.TAB1i I.IMIIID. 9.00 A. |j t. ui|, .--i ...-...-.)- of im iin.iii '.'estibula Urawlug and Btat .'¦.¦¦ Ol.iing. smi.,...- aa] '-ns rvation Car-, ont'.iin.- .ln--' ... I , bath-rix.n.s, berbcr-shop, M.rary. .in-t realaaeei of home. Heeted i,y >icam and i._nm by .tutl.nary and movnble <-..- t ligbtv Th" of n. elaaa ln the world. 'iiirui.xh to Cincinii.ii __| Cl'kago every dav. the raan um. 9.00 A. n. Th- .'r.-.i n. m BB 'r»iu fc* all fx-tnts In tha weat. Pvlltoan v.'-tii.iil .l,i!-i _l»eplng ''»'. N -w. l".ii te Bt LoVls, I'ullnian Vertibal Badet Pai 01 Caa New V ,|c to i'utsbuiu, t'Ulll i ir. A COOBa. P bicago, md Pittsbarg v. Cinrlnn. »t._ d... pena>Fivan_ Ra.Iro.1 Olnlng U.r pM:ada4p_B a Altoon.. and 1'ii. rriu w n, laal Ba '/, st l...uis Ttata leavlng Baw * k ea Ha. :. .-o-.t th:*iui{h t" Chleago, vla lumbus. Coonect. dr Ulevef.nd laly. and f..r Wlillanuport, Lo<:_ Uavea, aud Toi.-d... x<-epi Batarday. THK \ RXt-UBBBL «..{() I'. .Il.-'i li- p'.puiar s'l.ii, - m tha vv -t, Nol ¦'. -. in bou hwesi. a ble.-plng » .ir New-York w bt Loals, New-York .'< I . -. ii ni i-i .Nt.--.v-i ors to Mi .\c i i'o-k ... .-. ,. or. _i.aN, k tn n i_i irv, i* na. sviv ti a Ba Iruad Dlnb . i i hia Tbrovgb ev ry . ...-.» d lly, UKtrpt batarday. l'a .*:% Johi,»t,un by u_y. i.glit. PAOIB1C FVPKFSS. fi.00 P. BL.The -.-!.: a -. er-sc. the a .- run. through tn- CoacK__gh v...-y la Un- n P. i; .. \ - m- i i-, I Y -K I.. l'.tl- '. .', ;\>:»- Vorii to Roanofc", \i» tbo bhenandoah Vaiiey. Cou- ta for T iladud.ll) md for l k ,- UM OU R«'.i"i:K, Ch .- . Batn i»y. For Lebanon, 9:00 a rr... 8:00 p oa., and 12 Ih ali. For Rerrtatcwn, Phoe Pottstown. and Reading, 8:00, 11 00 .. 0, and 4.30 p. m. I .- U] -. i r. and 10 :00 a. rr.. BAl.TIHOItK, ITABHINUTOB, AM) THE _blUlf_b "Wi .- n Expreas" ot ralaan Parl ...rj dail) excep. gwnday, I" a m.. ar-;\- Washtngtou 4 og p. in. j and "Congre* lonal IJmlt. i" dslly, atta Dl lag Car, at 3:40 p. n... arrive Waahington 'j 12 p. n re. lar expr< --. t .i .1 8 80 a. r. 1 08, _ :0O, a:80 I BO " 1 B l>. Bt, and 12 15 nlirtit. _n : » .-'¦'). m.. :i 80, 4 . 1 '.!:<-> p. in., :»'. I 12:13 clght For polnte "n p»-ak. and Ohlo Rall. -. 1)i- l-._. Car, and S .1-' p. m. d.iiy. For Al -h i ar aid 2 ¦." a, m. we :t- lays I :00 p. m. «,.-_. ta--s. For Leaa Brm-h. Polnt Pleasant. b> t"i,s, via Bahwav and Ambojr, 8:80 9:10a bl, 12 00 i,....n 4.2,) ai 1 -> 1" P- m. 'ni Bondfcy, 'J:I5 ». m. a> 1 5 00 p. in lo ii"t *top at A'bury " For Old l' :-.' and Norf- Ik, New-Tork, Phl'sd.iphla. and Nnrf.'lk Rallread, 8.-00 p. m. dally vti B.U'.rr, re a:-d Bav Llne. 3 ¦"' p. m. we. I B'^it. of Ttr . " I" 'hrouch 'rslni at Jer-'v r,-. afTordlng . speedy ani d:r-tt tnnsfse for Brooklvn travi I. Kllt IMIILAIIFI.I'IIIA. trains l-a,.; aa fo krwi 4:13, 0:2U, 7:20, ft 00. 8 3u, 9 (0 Chleafa I..r..ted, with Dinli.g Car and 10 W.shington, I and 11:00 a. ui, 12:20, 1 :00. 2:00 8 00 S 80 4 OO. 4:30. 5:0), 0 OO 0:30, 8:00, -md 0 00 p in., ani 12 14 alfht A e"mni"djt."", 11 10 a. rn., 4 :40 and 7 :00 i- m su-idtyi, 1 \pn--it, 4:00, 0 15, '.»00 il) Ltmlted and 10 a- ra., 8 :3i». 4, 4 30. o. 8:30, 8, and 0 p. in.. aud .'2.15 night Arcommodstion, 7 fXi p. m. Tra n- leavlng New-Yori daiiy. en pl Satardaj, at 8, n. and 11 :10 a. Bl 1. 2. 4. ¦">. si a. ni^ .nd 10 a m.. and .'¦¦SO p ni "ii Min-lay., eonnect a' Trenton for'n. Tl'ekct 0_cei Noa 1, 4.C. 848, sni :n4 Bn.a1._f, l A«t.,r U0UW and foot of ll--':,--e- diil Cortlandt st..; 4 C'.ir'-s'. d Br. vi An r. Station, I _f Ku t,,r»-»t, II i.i. l-.n; 7S ll'il "ti -'¦ Hpoken; btaUoo, J r-ey City; Emgrwit 'Iics-t. Oflt .. C.i-tf ¦¦<. ,'d -n.. The N.wY'.ik Transfer C«m|i.iiy will esll for .nd check bagg _e from ho. ani re-ld- u,;.-s. ...__. Was. e i'C.ii. j. r. wood, Oeaeril Manager- (.en-ral I'as»-r Agent n'£NTRAL RAILROAD OP NEW-JERSEY. \J rOOT OF LIBERTT-ST., N'JRTII RIVER. al "f »i ber 8, --'. 4-00 a. m. for I-.j- a. Betbleham, A "otawa. Mau_ Chunk. W_B*eberra and Scr.utoii, Beadlaaj, Ilarnsbiirg, atc 7 :00 a m. for Flemlngton, Faston, B. thlehem, Al>a- ..own ani alaaeh Chanlt. a :4j a. ni. foi Flemlngton, l.^k" lf"iavnng, Fsrno, Rethleliein. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wilke.i arre. g ii- ton. R-adlna. Harrlstiur. Pottai le, Tar.a,,:_, bhamokia i-unbury, Lewishurg, 1 .00 p. m. for Fleniln_iin, f:.i4ton, Bethiehern. All»_- town. Mauch Chunk IWaAtng. If.rrl«burff, I'ntiavlllA. ^fo. 3:45 p. m. for Eaaton, IV'th.-ehem, Allentown, Mlu.D Chunk. Wllkeabarre, s.-rnnton. T.:i,a()iia 4 .:.') p m f,,.- Flemlngton, Lake Hopatcong I i-- n. 5:00 and 5:30 p. m f..r BomervlUe an l Ftaan 5:45 p. m. for EiHoo, Bka.U.aa, AUaataaa, Mauoh Chunk, Read ii II irisburit. et<-. Ou Sondays |-J1)». m. 5:00 a. in bundav., far lUi.n.n. For R-d Bank. l*>iu Bran-h, A.hury Park, flrean O-ova and Polnt P.-asanr, 4:00. 8:1a, 11:18 a. m.. 1:00. \M, 4 00 4:80, 8 io p m. Bundaya 4:00, 9 .oo a. m. huo- lav tra:-- do BOt «--"' rf Oreaa Rrove or Asbiiry l'ark. l-'-r Monmonth Beaeh, s.-abnirht. >t<- a' 4 00 8:18, 11 15 a. in.. '.'J, I 80, I l80, B. m. Baaday. at 'J 00 * m. For Atlantlc Hi-tiland-". vla Ma taaan ani IC'vp.,rt siinilav- a- 1) IA) a For LakewdoA Toma River and Barneitat, 4:00. 8: 1 00, 4 :30 8 llj ». _m., I :00. 4_80, ", I p m. _ Suntlavs a- 9 00 » m For Atlautic Cl:y, Vlneland and Bridge'on, 4 00 a ra., 1 :00 P- m. Pnr P"rth Ambov, 4:00, 0:00. 8:15. 10 30. 11:18 a m., 1:00. 4:00, 4 30, 4:45, 5:30, 0:10, 8:30 p. m. Sundaya, 4 :00, 9 :00 a. m. 6HORTF.ST AND QCICKFST BOtm. FOR PlllLADELI'llIA, BALTTMORJB __*D WASUTSGTOB. BOL'NO BROOK ROCTK. Vli Cenfral R. It. of Naw-Jarear, Piiiiadclphla and P__ Ing R. R., and Baltlaaara and OUlu R, IL. leava foot d lar Pbltadelphla at 4:00, 7:45. 8 30. 0:30. 11 OJ t. m., 1:80, 2 30. 3:15. 4 0 b 00, 8:85. 7 80, Um p. tn. RUNDAYS, 8:80, 9:30 a. m., 1:30. 2:80, -Mi, 5:Oi, 0:30. 12:00 p. m. For BalUmore and Wash'ng'-n dnily. at 8 30. 11B (eicept Sunday) a m.. 1 :80. 2 80, 3:15, 5:00. 12 0 p b Trains l-av'lnjr at 7:45, II :00 a. B_. 1 30. 4:0". 5* 7:30, 12:00 p. m., have couneutlon for Readlaa, Harra bure, Pottsvflle, &c. ., __ Tlfkits and I'arlur Car sear. < an nrorurod st ,1. 1*1. 415. 044 1.141. 1,323 Ur.-idwav. 787Bth-ave 294 W-_J I25th-s| 131 I'A-t 125th..... N-w-York, 4 Court-st. 9B Fu't..n-sr... 0-. Rroadway. Brooklyn. New-York Triii.f.'r Cmpany will call ^>r snd e*. baggage trom hotel or reatdaaca pi.iK RAILWAY. THE ONLY SOLTD TRAIN RODT-i B-TWEEM NLW-YOl.k AND CIIICAGO An-i ti.e oi.iv i.u- raaaBBj Ba DINING CsAR TEROUGI1 IX) I'HlCAGa 3 00 1". M.. »oo r. AL. 8:80 t». M. ALL S<.I.ID F.XIKISS TBAIN8, _KD. *AOJ TRAI.N Bl NS THR'iLi.ll TO llIU'AOU WIiH'tl CHANOE "1-ANY 0-A88 OfCAKS. llckei "rho.-., soi, B17. .13 4"J '¦.¦>' Hi-aiwar l-»a l!< '. i. U.'tarv 1 lat-e. ChaiuiH-i. aad \V«»i 23d si fernasj New-York; s.n "aml 333 bulton n Bruofclya; lo; Brtsi- »a\ Willlam.>arg; corne Newark an -.. lia 1.,.i>n au Nea B ., . : 1 s J l'ail'ir or .sileepiup C.r reeervaiii n- md order. f.s-ajj aud trantfer "i be i-btained. E_pre_ -r-u- leave -3d¦>.' 5 mlnate. earller than i aie shown liom C_.- local tr.ins .'» 12. nnaute. .-.!.r, y a in Every uay. l>ay l:\pu-.-, Puliiuau ButTet Drawing' S tl, ii. 8 18 8:80, 7. 7 80, a i< au. . . PaesLlc, 4. 4:45, 8, 7. 7 45 9:80, JL? J,i- IVSdK 6:4--,. Ol.'.. (1:30. 7. 7 80. 8. 10 .*A.1J' ,. , JA l'at.r-,,.l. 4 4 IV .> !. M'. '¦. »\.U>-* \.\-. Wu T 8:50, 8:07%, .:», i «ji *. 'AVrijc-Bh f. 1 5 3.1, 5:37_, 5 45. 0 1>. »:M, 7, . 30. B av. w NawarTa^I-ttaraaa. vla »..«»,___."onfy1.80'-'?^St « :80. 10 11 .30 tl ?_*-_*H__lT ;_i to ll ---,:' 6s,,.."-r-.-.V 10:80, I."* Rld-ewo. *'¦ \ .'',- ., ,i r, ,; 3o r 9, li iV'SoVaTlUal BnfTern Loeal, 4. \*K /,;_*».__ - ... 12 ... 1.,. J ,,7.,, ,. i ., 3. uj ^* l\t% \ t\ 5 30.P- » N"d,^'_ Iwaw,'"} M, Tuvsto, 7 4J, 0. 10-W a. n... 1. A «». 8, 4 J0, bav,. B. m. . . (6 .:!0 ,. |_a 4 88, B *>. 7. 8:8b V,n .'^l-ivV-u^ 4^.45. ...0.80 a a.T. ¦,". 0,,:-. i* ' . 4.V 8:18, 10-30 a J 1 1 -' .nil 14 . to 8 14 Hbl 10 P in .w Knu-ieaood and T naj> f.L g, ___<_». »"l s ii ____, .STin ,-. n's ln po« ' '*. Oenaral PaMenger At*** BALT1MORE AND OHlOfjUlLBO}f a, M.rv_ '¦.'¦'". v"^-fa*. » B^LTIMORE. WASHINOTONhAQ., C1NC1NNATI. M. 'l.'-t 16 ANI\V'VKilN8, Pl'LLMAN .Ol skrv,#hj i.N t\'-L,T,Kr.iowll l.-.v.' NEW-YORK, f.-ot of Ll.e-rty.v-- »* ,w l.-,\.' N KW- V or. l\. r.-ol or i.u)' -rn ..r-'.r,:, 1 INCINNATI. hT. «;''\_pA*,:w^a)a- a... fi-d* F.. WASHINOTON BAM_aLOM.8aBB. a. m., 1:30 P. U-. 2 30 p. m.. 8.15 p ^ .,.3^ g:_i, 13:00 mldiiigVr. Sunday 8 *> a m-. I-*"* 500 p. m-. ISOO mldnlgbi. .mW eisep* .:U All traln. .b.p at Cha»ter and WUmiag« ¦ ^ ". 1^1 Oek.t- and Pullman C.r Bpae* gj"J_,5; al Tirket Offl.C. -}. 201- 41J and 1.M0 »f»~ htaii'ti, f.^t »t I-'bar'T^?'__,._ _,_ eaU for and -k"» Natr-Terfe tranafar O'ltipaiiy wiu *_. ba./i_' fraa) hoiel or *--enre- grCLL. V_e_i_iX_'.nH«a ' "AW> *- *"..» -¦,

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1889-11-02 [p 10]. · 2019-04-05 · to bb_w iaah a laetwd xaiiubie u. poa_r,ty. ii. aa i-uie aakee



¦"TLT-P?!_8--^?ff_S "t^_5bTEEKN l.lft-1888. Ilist.uian, (Jeorgu A.Hussev. E.lltor. Wllliam Tud'l.

Among ihe many flne IHBilBll fully arganlred.armed and UBBJBlfl »?»«* "'« ^"*,>","«", t,f h,"r

publlc a..lh..rl.:e, nnd ihe enterprl*c »"<! '.«..> "<

her cillrens enabled the Steio of New-York to pla.-bi the dlsposal of the Natlonal .iovcmment .... the

Ir.t outbtrak of bost-lKles in I80. few e.,..all..l ati.l

aone surpasse.1 .he ft'h. Allhomjh the n« bisn.rv

goes hack to l«4r> and even fi.tther. ihe real or-

fanUatton of Ihe icgiment daU-s froin tka rM.rga; ltitioti

of .lune .-".. taaa. On April \9. IBB1, U.e regimei.t,then in.mberlng only slx compaules. ..1._tv<l 11. aar-

vlccs lo the Uovernor; on the 27th of May. 1.1*4of waltlng for ordcrs. the Oth weut to Washlngt.niwlthout them. and <>n the Btk of .l.ine. 837 BBW-f,was must^red Into IhB servl.-e of the DaltaB. States

for "durlng the war.-' Attatlied sueee~slvely to

htone's br1g_s_e. lo Hanks's dlvlsion. to Ihe r'irst

Army Corps. and when tha. was broken up lo ihe

Flfth Corps, the 9th.always better kn.wn by that

name tbat by its offir'al remimberlng as UM 8-8New Yotk Vol.M-tee.s-saw Its lirst haid flghling al

Cedar Mountalti in Atigust. 18.-2. From that ItBWtt bore »n honorable part In all the great battlesof ihe Army of tho Potoniac. Diitlng tha

years of Its servlee the Oth lost 1B4 offlcers atid men

klllert or died ol wouuds. BBf-tf died ef dlsee^e, andscventeon ln .'onfedeiate prlsotia. oi BB1 ln all.

Besldes these deaths there were 42.'t woiuided and

171 tnls.lng. maklng a total of 75,-< aaaaalUna among

the 2.278 BB-888B aiul men names »re foundon Ihe rolls. The heavlest lossos were at Antle'an,114; Frrderirksburg, IHO. aud Ihe Wllderness. 80B,and it Is noteworthy th_»t owltig to the good material

of whlch the reglment was orlglnally maJe up. ihe

wmls^ltlg.' In these three great battles. notwiths atnllugIhe infuslon of conscript* and substltutes. onlyreached 2ft. In the tetal of J08. Another lesson lu

the value of a tralned Natlonal Onar.1 Is to be foundln the promotloti of 240 (fflceis aml mou of tho Btkto coniinis-li.tis in other regl.m nU.

The BS-BBB*/, whlch ls brought dnwn to the end ot

1883, forrus a worthy tnoi.umeiit te a gallant an.l de

aervl'ng reginirnt. Nol lha BJBBl vali.ahle feattire ls

the complete record of every man's servlee. I_t us

hope the State may bo stlmulalod by thls i-xarnple te

811 the wide and i-pro»f hful paps thal have hBO longbeen sufteivd to exist in tho reeords of her soldiers.The editor and hMoiiaii have glvan u», in all essen-

ilals, a model o( what a reglmetifal hlsieiy shonhl bc,even allowing for what too tastoaa a crltlc mightdeem the i_trus1on of epheineral matter, as when 'the

boys." llke Mr. s.ilas Weirg, " BttJU Into poetry" ln a

frlendly way, or for what a more captlous, If le«s

se_-lotis crltle, iuicht .aBBldflC the dlstension by State

papers. Atid this ls nmch to say. fo'r it becomes in-

ci-easingly evident ihal lt r. io these reclmeuulnarratlvos (li_t the hlstorian tuu-t look for tlie tiuo

baal. of the hlsh.iy of the War.-?


BF.ROE5! OF TIIF. CRT'SADES. By Aroanda M. BBmguva.Xtato, pp. S4i>. iLee «_ Bhefaia.)

HBBBBRT 8KVEBANCE, Bv M. French-Sheldon. 12n.o,pp. BE (lUnl. MNally A Co.)

K1LBARNOCB BDRN8 BS8. tWIttl Ndes). 12mo,pp. 147. (D. Biow.i _ Oa.)

P1CTURE8 OF BT. PBTER IB AN ENOLISB BOBBBy A. 1.. O. K. 12ni«>, pp. 4l-«. (T, .Nelsun A son*.)

DA1I.Y BTRENOTI1 80B DAll.Y BBBJM. lOmo, pp.878. (B .l.ei l- >'. -

DAYs WITH INDUSTRIALB. By AlaiBaaBl H Japp.l-.'nio. pp. 304. it-erlb. t Welford.)

T11K FAVOR-TE BPBAKBB By U.sirga M. Baker.umo, pp. 118. l-aa B Uhcfai-]

TIIE KI.m: Ol I8RAF.L A-NO JUDAII. By CwrglBawUnaoa. 12u.o. PP- 23». lAnasm O. F. lUndwIph8 Co)

TO THE I.IONS. By Alfred J. Church. 12mo. pp. 258.(G P. Puti,_,u,'s,j

BBO-BBBBilB ANU OTHER BTORIES. By M A M.1-_n.,.. j.ji 214.

QUICKSANDS. By J. J. Fleetwood. 12mo, pp. 233.(Tht- Mlnerva Pu_li*lilns Company.)

MISS RCBY'b BOVBU By Mr*. S. I. J. Bbereeohewsky.12nio, pp. 09. (Thomas Whlttaker.)

LIL. 12__o, pp. 301. (BaaartB Brvlhers.)TRAVEL. U>VBBTURB AND SPORT. By Richmond

bhaker.p.-arv. 84--, pp. 404. (Whlts A Al.enjLADY WALWORTH'S DIA.MONDS. By Tbe

12mo. pp. 144. (J. S. Ogllvlf.)EARTII-BORN. By Splriw. Oentll. 12mo. pp. 288.

(The Press Burreu )MADAMF. OE MAURF.SCAMP. By Oc'ave Feuillet.

12mo, pp. JO<.t. (.). B. I.ippincott Co.)THE HAFTE B0BLBB8B P-y Qaam Manviiie Fann.

liinio. pp. 410. Frank F. l-uvel! A Co )

YOUNG MR. AINSEEE'S COURTSIUP. By F. 0.Phllllps. 12711., 09. _-l. (Frank.F. I.ovell * Co )

_PHF, RFFORMI.I. ( IfUBCB IN A.MER1CA. By IJavid1) Daaavaat, D. U. I2nm. pp. 21s. (Board of Bduca-Uon of the R.-furmed Chuteli ln An.eiica. FourtbEditlou.)

FLORIDA OAYS By Margaret Deland. 8vo, pp. 200-(Lltlle, Brown t Co.)

BEL1EF. Bv OaorgB lieonard Chaney, 12mo, pp. 130.(Baharta Braihera.)

FOR BBB BAKK By Oordon Roy. 12mo. pp. 3ff_.(Thomas BetBOBI Son.)

TAI.F.S FROM BUABEBPEARB. By Charh-s and-MaryEamb. IB.M^ pp. 3ia_. iA. C. Arnmtrong _t BM.)

IN PAI.ACE AND FAlBOLIU; By 0. 1. O. 12mo,pp. 44)2. (Thomas Neiasa 4 >>oii*.

THE ARIAN 00NTROVERBY. By H. M. Cnatkln.12mo, pp. 170. lAnsoii I). I'. Randolph A Co.)

SrORZA. By WUIlsin araUtoll Ahtur. l'Juio, pp. 2S2.rCharies Svribner's Baaa

CICKRO ON FRIENDBHIP AND OI.D AGE. Bt CyruaR. Edmends. UBBB, pp. 84. i.Scrlbner _ Welford.)

WEDD1NO IIYMN. Bv Mary Mattbew Barne*. .ru,pp. 81. (O. P. Putnam'a Sona.)

RUSSIAN PICT.RES. By Thotnaa Mlehell. 8vo. pp.223. (Thomas BeiBea A. Sons.)

A TENT BY THE I.AKK. AND OTHER POKMS. ByD. J. Donohue. Diiuo, pp. 102. (John B. Aiden.)

TIIF. LIFE WORK OV TIIE ATJTBOB 0» UNCLETOM'S CABIB. By Florlne Thajrai M.Crav. 1 iJioo.pp. 440. I-'niik A Wagnalls.i

BOC1AI. -8P-C-8 OF CIIRISTIANITY. Bv RlchardT. Eiy. 121110, pp. i;rj. rXVaeaae v. croweii _ Co.)

OUR, BABYS BOOB. (Loo d Shepatd.)MY Good fbik.nd. uv Adoiph- Bciot. i___o. pp.

2e6. (Worthlngton * co.)THE LITTLE PEOPLE.S CALENDAR. (Whlte 4

Allen.)C-TBKORALB AND ABBBTB IN GRV.AT BRITAINAND irelaND. With daaeHptlv* lext. fiv ITich-ard Wheatlr. D. D. Latgc quarto. pp. 272. (IlarperA BreUaaiB.)

CHRISTMAS DRAWIN.-S. Bv Th. Nast. (Harper *Brother*.)

0BAMBBR8- ENCYCLOPAEOIA. 8vo. pp 828. (J. B.Lipp!nc-ft Company.)

D.Xtco {Dnbiirations.





rre«M<-nt Ai!.ti./caii Bad.I Sdaaaa Assoelatton.l2mo, 41.3 xii im:-.s, t!o-li.Prlce, a>2 00

The aaaaa.Ja ehaaajaa that have occorrel durinc t*ie ia_t4usr'.'-r of a centun ha\e unqueatlooably U-.-ti more im

K.rtant anl \.ui-l durlni: any for.m r p-rlod ofp wefBTS hlmuiy. The problema which our *..\un,io<tiMli.ation ls fordng u^.n the attentlon ,.f aociety bm

ncordingiy of the utn,,,*, uv.eii.v and Impertaace. ToUsce out, an_ cvhAnt in abmeiblng lik-- regular ord. r. tt,oi»-.v« _t.i .-xte,,t r.f the iiidustrhu and s.,ei,i! ehaagea m lacepmy-BylaB a.turbanct-a whlch hav.- eapectally chaiac-torir.-e »l.e _ast nfte.-n or tw.-nty years, and to ca.* what neein* t.. hr»\.- been 20 >d and what maave been evll. have aaaa Um Btttfl purpos.- of the author.



By BIOBABO A8H_.KIBO,AuOu.r ol -The.w.arli,. .t ti,,. Gieaa," *e.

APPLETON.S- TOWN am. OOUBTB- LIBRARY.i2n... aaaHa*. Pri«-. bo ccut«.

1. 3 4: 5 BOND ST NFW YORK.

pil'KTH THOUSAND NOW READY."A atory of battle and pr:s,.n, of peril and esrape, dedl-

CBted to the sons and daughtcrs ot the n«-inbe.s ot theGrand Ariny.**JED: A BOTS ADVEMI MY. IX THE ARMY OF

.¦ .;', -»;:.. ¦

By WARRFN lf.i: OO-B BBB-ea of --Th^ BaaaOaa.Uons of a l'rhste, in "The Cemtatjr" Bai BaHai \

$«)ldier's st uy ..f Ltfa in AaanaaavlBa Priaaa," etc.

fu'.'.y lllusttatcd, 12ii.o, ti.JJ..Of all th,- BMBI .* (ivll «»r that have

been pabllahed .. la n<n poaalble to B__aitoa oaa whlalfor nturdy r--ll~., iii.i.-.iv .,; IntereM aad_a_T_tm-, c.n coinii-r- w:u, .j. 8 ¦'"i Baaaaa,

TJIO.MAS Y. CB0WELL B\ co,18 Astur Plj., N.w Vork._



It has n'> Cfl'isl » ... BaiBja or An.r:l<s Irl.e¦ «Mte W.S.HV. rvarlr «n.. fhe ART D.CRNaI.vrofUKly lll'i-ir_e'. cont-iins th.- vety besl el.llnga ai.dIngiBV-UKK. V) (eti-- .,,., ii,. \-_i..i »(>. Arl Jouni.ii.Psrin Il.u-tie Lou-lon Gmphle, puueh, Young Ladi.VJourrsl, Fjmily Llhrary. :v ,.mj,i. Chamberw's Jnurnal. aud_J foreign neriodicalK are .uppllei bv THE INTERNA-flONAL Ni:WH COMPANY, now rerooved lo llielr nour

lulidlug, __ and, one iuui .a_t ef B...*.Iw_v.Be--Yue_.

Ketc new aUdraaa.

-vru) publuaiioue.OD1), 1MEAD & COMPANYD

II AVE .11 Bl I'l'ltLlMII I):

TUE DLAfi. OP PHLUP IIOM-LEdRod by B.jord Tuskern_u. Iu 2 \.l«.. b.rge 8vo..

with Bj7.8B>Phlllp Hoii.-, . BBBBBbia of .n old Rnlekribocker f.mi Jf,

w.s tm oi tn,- i... ii»-,i oi io- i.ns ,n Aii.'-.i.i. who n.._

Ui- 1-isi.i- io k.-.,. a dl.i), _nu tin- var.rd exwuei.oeto bb_w iaah a laetwd xaiiubie u. poa_r,ty. ii. aa i-

uie aakee <-i Mayot m Nea-.era, and loi __ay r«ari »».

higli ni th.- eoa.Mk oi ti." Wluir parl). aM aa. eioeeijlU.ntlU'.l altii the IvaduiK luteio.le. "f UM eiiy. «.»

dlary eatcod* lum *e_a u» UM* in« pob-cal if-ui u.-. -..-is is c.¦iim.'-iit. l h.i.i. bv aaa who »«. f_.

mi i.i witii iks lun.1 aerai-aa Dau.-l Webetar, M.hiiuVun Buten, rtltu h s,,.i- oi tb-ii pi.'iiilii.'iii .' " "I"mra-, an- raaallarlj deaeribed aad e4_aata.Ht_.aijBu.,-11, r.i..tdi-x a arapblc deacHBtten la Hi\ra ot BM.tain.'iis Ttpaecaaee eiecuui, ln whieh linn- buah .n ecuve

""'uia'po^blv't,.' SKSTil this di.ry wbl.h will ben».st i-wr.riy itad ln that, rrl.titiK ? Uie suvla. llfe *>t

""tB-K d'-erbocker or to-day wtfl jBBia wh.t e.,m-

mbi «.- pra-rni al hl» fathsrr. wedang, where bl.g, ii'lfatlie. i""-l t:--'.. tVj HlB 8, _B-d What I

Kough' Bboui him. '.-'. .tuJeni «X th* Watory etV*<Yo'k wii- Bnd Ho."'- dlarj 4 urti- <>f tofornaUea, he

ga-ap.i a« t..--.v »'M pauae t, aajay lha rataatten aaaBlulii of th-.-ii priindui' lii-t-.


¦ua, 84.08; baU-iiVraaa, »j<o.


_8Si-issi. lCmo. beetda, wiab bbeX, eaeat, 81.T8.At the aaaa BUaa J.'" earrt i¦< '- - attb tha Dnke ol

Weiiineioii apeaed ihe aaa . \ ry baaattfal aaaaaai bbbsmtwetit. year. of age.

Of a d-i v devoUenal nat.iro, .he felt sh>> hal been

eaaaclelty eafled u. Ood to do a pr-ot warfc. Lookn.«aruuud her fot an objeet, her attiuion was dUrWB U> the

Ekaba of w.iiincton. ,1fi<u, » m«nTbe I>uk>- ot W.'lllrpton wa« »t Ibis tltr.e (18*4) n man

.Ixtvtlv" year* o'd lle *¦' ln bhl ptlaae of etrengtn

._a heaith* Ilehad u.,w beaa a widow-r fo. Bhree ye.r*.

COKSUELO.Bv OF.ORGF SAND. Tr»n«l_fe-> from the Frenrh bf

OTi.'Ktr 1. PoTTl-'R 4 v-ls.. 12imi. ,,'li. full tt'l'.SlM "if Vii:: 'i'lf triat 8» a aaaB biof larg.--p:i|^t eajBlea ut 818 50 pei »aa

A mo-' Bvaatflai edIUon "f tbla ehiaaie.

POEMS ON SEVERAL oi CASIONS.ny AVBTTM D0-8ON. 2 vala. 12m... rieh gajd araa-

mentatlon and a-nt tops. or ln piaiu b..»ed«, uneut. .»,half eatf, e»; h:ilf levaat, ab; fall eaif ei levaat, 81-

The.e volum.w eoiit.On -"11 W-rld Idyl«," publlahelln Amerlc. under th- mi" ''Vlgaette* ln Rh_nne." and "Altn,- Slgn "f tbe Ti,- . i..- '--'. -,-. aljprepaiss-l by tbe author, nnd a goodly nnmber of poeiaaImV been Hdi-l wbleh a].u now foi the flrat Urna_ltla the latbopa edltlon, pubUahed by *peeial arran.ementwltli lll 111.

FEET OF CLAY.dt amelta e rarr. a nory lald m aha I_a ef

Man! 12mo, clotb. *1 25.In RcliiiVlin-a- Mis llurr has drawn one of noWe who have alnoai dlaappeared fr-m the netlon of thadav--n woman whoa. wonumllnea. Is nol ob»cured by eon-vantlon and whoee Innate noblliiy of eharacteibuttr.'sv-l br aoelal poaltloa in," ,oti\,'iit-,.ii:ii itandaMA.lVHa Clueas stand- alone in the na'lve purtty and dlanl.yof her nature, as genulne, a. .plrlled, and aa u auiiful a

fle'.r? »s Mrs Ua:i BBB -v-r poilrj.-d.IIATTI.KFILLDS OF '.!.

A narmtlve of the mlli'ory aaBiaWaai of tl" Wai for theUnlon from IU outbr.-ak to the end of the Pcnln.nlarCumpalgu. Ilv WILL1S ... AHIioT. author of "BlueJarkrt. of 'Ol.-' "Blue .I.ekeU of 1818." "Blne J.ckeM of'7.1- 4ta witb 28'- Illu.traUan. by w C.jAcaaoif. »3.


A ii.'Vi-i aociimling ln \.\id aketche. of the n-n .md seen»samnnc whlrh our I.oid UKiVed. A Btraag and oii-'lnalreltglona nov.-l.

LTPE OP JOHN DAVIS. TIIF NAVIOATORlaae-ieea, rv c-Rmemtb r. markham, o. b..

F R S, l_mo. i-loth, with m»p. BBd l!l..-tr.tlons. Sl SS,Belng the laltlal volun.o ln Uie series of Great __.

pl.rer. .Dd ENploratlons.PALE8TINE

Br MAJ0R CONDF.R, R. _., Leader of the PalestlneFxpfonitlun Boe. With nmps fln 1 llliistr.iiuu.. 12mo,Sl f£

Bt-lng the sec.nd volnme ln thii s-Hcs ot (ireat E_-plorers and ExploraiJons.

TAKKN Al.IVF.. AND OTHER STORIES.By the late F.DWAHI) P. ROF1. l2mo, cloth. unlform

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Serlodlcals or aere fonnd arnoni; Mr. RoVl papen at hisesth. It coniplet.-s the i-.llli m '' hll st'-rl-s. nuLlii.

tbe .ie-ht>rnth voIubm of the aeriea,Mr. Ro.-'s two *oiks on (iard-nine have also been Is-

sued in a abapa BBltenn with his aovelaTHE HOME ACBE.

12mo. cloth. $1 50.Which ai;ns Do BbBW what m.y be done with in .cre

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fornla and tlie dlsonveiv of gold. With 0*1 d,"ibl'-.p_«emaatratlaai by JACKsON. t<vo, eketb, asSS.


OT-oge." a bt.,k foi .vouiik peaple, «iih iiiurtiationa.12mo, do'h, il oO.

LIFES LONG BATTLE ivn.i,By EDWARD OABBETT, author of " Oecupatlons of

a Batlred Ltf.," _c, A-.-. 1211.0, etatb, st.

I.IFE OP GEMEBAL LAPATETTE.With a Crttieal EattaaaM al 111- Cbaraetai and Public

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¦<iia\-. juditlo.i. and troatworthy, Mr. Tudierman'sbaab «ill taae rank .mong blo.ibiihi'.-. of the Brst ,-. iss


-Tbe Critlc.


By hlr J. OARDNER WlI.KINSON, D. C. L.,F. Jt. B., F. R. O. S., Ac. A new e,iiti.,ii. r^viwd andIWIieited by _A.MI.KL BIRi'lI. LL. D.. I). C U.Keoju-r "f the E-zyptlan and oil.sital Antiqultie> in thuBritUb Mi'.s-iiin PB-sident of the Soclaty of BibllcalgiobanilefT ke. with aevbrai hundinJ iiiuHM-aiinns,mtuiy of th'ein full-pa?t' pla*'i< ln ,ul.r. Iu :i vols., avo,cloth, $8.



As Uild by "R 11." to Susjn Coiidge, ls Ineluded m

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The fro'itlsplree ls Miss BartaPa p..rtr_t of "IT. H."

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¦¦ Tbere is a preaalag d. ausnd for a n-w hand-book onparllamentary u-a-.'.- eovertng tbe lateat deelBao. an.l rule*111 .ucli l,od.-». and I'n -ld. ni Crocker, of tha M.tsi_chu-sr'is .-sun-- Benate, ia, rurntabed nimt wa.- wanted lnth:». It 1- elearly nnd eonclaeljr «rinen and i;s raleaembody the be»l uaage. on -iii potnta \w b,,.k i» ,,rDoaveutent alte, ani tbe meebaaleal »r,ik on u u: rare^.cell'ln-.'-i:.-irl-t.-i. Whaellng, W. Vj.

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7'ni 1,000.


JOCBNAL-.The author of "I. uie Won,-.," Brtfl ba more ,han everd-Jr to ihe roenv.ry Bf b.r (SHMUeea adimr-r. ln TTBSIhviaaa af tbla BaibsUa, baaaaaa. aad'.-r faHrlnalliig .uto',i.,^r.pliy. L'niforin with lha

-Llitle W,,i,i.-i.-' |,o..R-. FtlaB .I'-A

TUE kjniJDom OF COEMQA rbariBlng story abnut a lltlle boy al,o u-U BabBBB

ulili :i lui.-i jM'imy ln his h»nd »nd ln bls dreaniiii- kiuvt"in wb-re --ii_d laaar," Bba '.alaraya aaraand IbB <r,.ok.'1 jlgpaBBB, and th- I'.-nny .sav.-d. and ailti,- atbee astaa d»-it. Tiie st.^y \h beaatlfaily niu»-tiai-d, and aill d-iight all rejil.ra. I'rlco 00 cents.

Bold cvirTuh-re M1.1 >. 1, |i.-'i'.iu, by the publl.bera,ROBEUTb uc.'.'.'ill i.-j, Boatoa.

Xctrj fJnblicatione. _






(Aut'or of .Iiivlro-iment." 4c.)



Isnuv-- 12mo. Cl«th l.l.idlnir. 440 pp.

ft.,,," s.t-.-i Pottralt and l,lu«tr.tlnn.; heavy ral-

|.ap.-r.PRICF. $2: _»0BTAOB FRF.E.

.Mr. MeCiaf aaa 1- "illy known ai an aatharaaa,b,. ,,,,, r-gaged Ita lera yaara la *.*_.¦« h»r w*K and

u wlll prove deogh-fnl taatrtbattoa ta Bm Btaraiy hi~

,o,y of th,- PeBad."-<Baw.Tw8 Ittaaa.



W\Y aihksa lied. with Elght BBBtlB Phiit-urraplnir.- Sarony.

tsonnr- l_mo. 01 PP- *** *¦¦¦ *»'»«> f.

.¦Tlie baah ls wrinen in sueh a Beatle splrlt, and ln Baah. eimoie atralghBanraal Btaaaaf laal II al aaaa laanaeadait-if V.'ti,.. sympn.riy of pataaaa IM iB-fsal »

-(NtwYork Tribune.


Prose and Poetry. 20,000 QuotatlonB-, 60,000 Baaa of

.r.!:inre. ItyJ. K. HOYTand ANN.L WARD.

Royal 8TB, over 900 pp. Clo.b. 88; fihrep. 40 50;

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..By Innc .d ls tka bBBl bea* of Quoutlons In BXBt-New-York U

.-A BBtaatVB and teemlng volume."-(Ollver Wendell



is AND 20 A8TOR l'l.A< I NI W YORK.___



For _0a .Miv.v' 10 cents.

CONTENT8 FOB NOV. 2.B ir «:otiifkn drawn from We by Arthur Jule OoedmanTHE PEBSIMISTH DRAMA.Ny. Crti., I-

\i 11 i- » ri. II ....¦. '-^^E^IMELlOlirB OLARE. *^J"Z*LTIIF VARIETY BCSINFAW .Hern.nlJ. I.ynrhLlGilTOOFTHE VABIBtY HALL. Ilu.lratlonVARIET- HALL LICENSE.... 111..- ,:M,

VI M'.\ MORRIH . _.""*MERCHAN. OF VENII I.¦.¦¦¦¦¦¦ * -

,,.|-r,i iihai l' .Jaim-H i>. iiuiiekrvlZVxCKlS THE R1VALS -^_J_MSKt^ack ¦.¦..." .'!-AOBB-B PLAY IN CONCORD 0. L. D.IliM N IN »"s.H'N ___2


For Boys and Young Mcn-City.A.CI AbS 8*1B BOYS -Intei-medisto and advanred

. rnde«- ftudents nrepirsri foi toilese. law, aclentlllo.cleofsaTia" Vg. CUASS. 53 W__ -Otg-tCLAS8ES FOR BOYB, 22 last Flfty-fourth-at. Eng- Latiu.tamrM aKtMMELU

U-lb-tNl-LD INSfFITTE,II H-l UXINGION-AVE.,Northvesi cornei OM-st,.

«Y>th Year I'.pm*i\ bepietober 28_MW. LVON'S COLLEOIATK INSTITL'TE. No. 5

. Baal _--i--t.. cerner Hr.*i»ir. Beaelvea ai: ases,aod preparea toi eoltafe, aclentlfl. m-iv-.i or baaoeaa,

fcome <f y-.»r'« BBtrMs: _

L Bolton Brmgi-, M. D.. Rev.I-.M MaC'rarkeu.D.D.,Kraneu D. BttJlL M. D. E W. MeOlavB,L. Duncsn Balklar. M. D., Waltar T. MiU s. a t-r, li. D.. h'a'han A. Mo-sman,, Alesander M on, elt v. .tos. ph R. '.err. D. D.. v. ,i.l ,:n a R ek..feiier.K-v Iwatd KraiiH, ha lea W. Pmith. .

Taltlon .f-0 :o '?00 per anritim. R. i:n- .,n one fioor.(Trcu:ars deMrlblng Alvi*..ry Committee, sneiiing Lai-(icr, RaaeaB, Waiks. a.-., at PutnaaVa and Randoipii's.

Mis.s i"Al'.Itli II. formerl] with Ml» DC VF.!_NET.B. hool : - H lys, reopens .)._, 2.




i-t-, pr-'t^-res f,r colMBje Klentl8e acheol and t.asi,Beea; t.rin-rj depar_q___it; numi..-i Ilmiu-d. ELMER E.PjllLLIPB, Prliiclp.i_TIIE COLLElilATE SCII'K'I., Nu. 721 .Mad:Br,n-«VB..

near Blth-al., Re-. Dr. II I. CHAPIN, PrlnclpaLEnglUli. elBSaltal m-J piluniiy depa: tnit-utit, _¦-. in:,__>lum.N.-w bul Ung, compl u- In !i» appolDtjaent^THOBOUOB FDUCATION AND REFINl.D BOMB.-

Two boys w-uited to joln s..n ..f _»<.: .'

_WM. L. EVANS M A. 122 \\>u Rsth -t._ITNIVERSITY GRAMMAR EM HOOT* 1 4T:i !!¦ .alway.

i near 42d-»t ",.V1 year. PrlnsarT, Commercla1 andClssslcal d.purtments. M M. IMBBY. W. L A :IN,N. C IIENDR1CKSQN Prlnclpala



Sl Nl"!'.. .It'NIOl'.RF.'il'KNS I'ln'oitKIl 1.

Wl ST END BCHO I.. 1KI We-t Tls--«t., opf::. 0 1A onlleglate scho.d for boys; mritary drlll; new



Tor Young Ladies-City.4 -A.-BRB. OALLAHER'8 8CH00L_"-. IOR YOUNG LADIE8 AND I.ITTLE GII'.I.B.

51 W.-t _2dst.. will reopen oa. 8.

-JACKViN SEMINARY, 2.025 MU-ave.. mr. I88th>. -t -U'.ardlng aud day -.hool for yium ladles and

c.'l'dien. Pupiii flt.t.-d ,"ur eollege, I itenaaVe grounds,irell atiaded. li. trdera froaa *30t) t.» tttX) i.-ariy. Mth,.-.: commeucedSep'cmbei 20._A MRS. SYLVANU8 RF.ED.

BDARDING AND D ,Y ICHOOr. rOR YOUNG LADIF.SOi-.i'-K-U-. Preparatary, n.m_ij u._«_._. Numtx-r ln

e»eh elasa poalUvely Bo ted. Twenty^Uth year bn:insOctobcr 1. 0 and 8 Ea»l SSd-sL "

A-THF. MlKSF.. WP.EAK8. 87 Eist!na. and Day Sehool for Young Ladlei and Childr_n. wlih

Klnde.£_rt._. Rroparn, Oru I. Clrculars ou appiicatlon.

A-MIB8 EI.IZABF.TL L. BOUEB.(irsduati prer^red for colleg. lf de«lr<<. Spealal

Courses of stu ly. Reopens Oct. 1. 45 Ea_t Oeth-it,

A-THEMISSF.SMOKE8.B'.-rllUK and Dar B hool fnr Young Ladles and CM1-dren. Klndergarten. Eieeptlonal advai.tagei for graduatsitf [ schools. Illgbt-st referviices. 647 Madi.ou-ava.

AI'.T LKCTril.-S.Rev Dt. s;__ Mm. Gard-nar's Sehool for Glrls.607 5th _>e. aad jear

A-.MIR8 J T. MOORE. Boardlnf and DaV Bchool.. Kind-rparteii by a speclallat. Reopen. October 1

117 W'-st near Bonlavard.

A-MADAME DA SILVA (S.iccessor to Mra. Ocden. Hoffii,-,.i, Bosrdlug and !*_y bci.ooi for Youna Ladl.s

Reopen- Beptamber 30. 2%t We«t fcthat

A-TIll r.IVF.RSIDESCHOOL.-MlM Kmlr A Wsrd, Prlmlpsl (Diauy yeara with th. Com-tooA 6ch,Kj')*

College Pr-paralioii. Reopens BaaB 18. 15_ West'10*1-_t.. iii-at Boulerarl. Muucrata ratea for pupils


_OARDINO AJtf) DAY BOBOOL FOR GIRLfi.21 »:.¦- 2» We-t Tiiirty-ecpad st~""

Autumn Terta Mra. THK.DORE IRVINO.Ottobe: - Mli-HOWE. "vb-BB*

4. BTJTOBB8 rrMALE OOLLBeB-toaM Eleetlva_1. ai.d full C.B-aglaae Couraes. Kev. ij W, KZ^[TD. V.. Presldeut. Mrs. E S We«, i^d- p^,?^l-repataiory. Pr.^iary, Boardlng D<tp_rt_.ent» and Kind---prtao. 61 at yeat opeu* bept 25. 54 anl 5. West 64th ,t

\" -MADF.MOLSELLE KUEL.. Bchool for Gliia. Reopcna Oct, 9. (Numbar llm-

I-4.J 26 l-ssl 50U-at, w ',n^

* MR-.. AND MISS, -sTF.F.I.VS,--*- 153 Wl.s'l 70TII bt.

', .i entj -nlti'ii y-ar|'l \s>H AI. bi IMOI. Ft.ll CIRLs" l.oot ______>.C Bve., aeai ISBth-et Advanced aad m:-.. ry ^'°,'menu .....:.!¦ admli t \\ e»i ¦-. _,, l .ti,. c° '!*'.'"BoBTdlng paplls reci 1 R l.^i- -v-plrniber 20. UissiNORTH au- MlbS BARN1 B, l'tli.lp,.:. ' ul*H

MlbS CUISHOLM'.S BCHOOL FOR OIOL_,1ft F.s*t tlith-st, ^m

Wlll _«. p¦»...:...-r 80._Boys' Ci-.-s i

MIBB OlBBu.Ns ,-sM Iloor. FOB (JIRI.S,bo WEST 47TH ST.

M.sS .IA1 I.i'.V.S -*

BOAROING v,d DAY BCHOOL, »|9 Madlson av«Ulrls Preperad f Haara. .'¦ul,ona>e.i --- lor l.ltlle Ii,, . ail j filrla

MADEMOI8ELLE VFLTIN. Yuung LadlcB and Chlllren

,_Keopma 8apt »o. _IT8 Wo_t '7m.,_MISS BALLOW'K S.H.OOL .

24 i_-t baaa.,Wlll re , p. ii aa Thursdar. October |.

Ml-.s-s .Wl IA. - DAY _H UOOt f r .,|» SRlndei --I-.-,. Freetel M,ti.,,|. ' ""¦"'

M(S_lF_a PALCONER PERRIN'M OIRT_gi sciInnr1,11 .¦' BO l-2eeuladvanl \ p»« 'i-.i,.. ,,,(>0Ity, WashinBton n.i.i.,/ :

MISS Al DI BON s k. HOOL FOR Yol'NU LAfHieaand rluWrvn Weal i.v.'i-t. and Grand Boalevm__L.- lin.'.i. 1. iwn ...._:,. -


H| ADAME OIOVANNIlfl ..d MIB8 DF LANCrcr"i»I 3? £-al Mthat.. and bgllah H.,n.. and\KiiBchool for Y.ung Ladles an. Girl nx,p ,-,.,", VVBpecfal-BB, r,,u-i. ai.d art; aup*Mor advantag*- fe, ,«.'_,.Untrdlng pupi.h. _^rpilF. BI-BEfl PERIN___ '

BOBOOL BOB (iIRI_8. 44 FAST 7bTIL8T.THBBB ri l-ta BM* f.ivi.d into thi; family.rpUM Co.vIbTOCK s- hool '-~~"

8 iKstabiiBhed 1862 >_, ___. _N;° -y wi--r 4<-Tn>T.Boardlng .. |iky Sehool lor Young r^dles and CW1.«_-_. Kcod«__ o.t. tt. Mleb DAYTlrtSVlps., nrtf Ladics.Citj.

VAN NnRMsN LBBTTTITTE iFmindo-l 1S.-.7). HOMEAND DAY SCH'")L.-C'iitn\l l'ark, \W»r, at 021 .-.

iMnrgaii Man'.loni. htme. VAN NOR.MAN. Prfneipal.". 4 a Ma'dihON tVl Mi:-s BOBERTtF and hliBS|4o U Al.KI'.l'.'s C.ngllsli and French Bchool forVi.uiig Ladlfs will reop-n Oetot^r 1.Nu honni atady foi paawa under fourtoea.

Tor Both Scxos-City.A_CIRCTTT,Al_s OF C-OOD SCHOOLS. FREE; state

. whethaf fur boy. or airl«; city or conntry. R. B.AVF.RY. Arnerl-an Scbool Ilur.'au. 2 We.l N. Y



._. ConveHatlooal knoaltdge ln ie» tern.; $lu eaoh;t ial lesM.n frae. Brani he. ln Bro ,k!vn. Ro'toii. _._:.-dOtphla, W.nthiii-'Wii, Chleago, _.rlm ani I'uria.

OLI.E'.IA'': GRAMMAR BCIIOOL. F"r Boy» aaiOlrls, 242 WEBT 74TH-T.. NEW rORK,

Cla', Int-iii¦. li it.-, l'rlmiry departmenta LerceOymnasium. nill.ary Hilll. .s. I...H, underti,'.- eontrol of tb- Colleglate p,. Churcb. I'.-.riraiilied

I. C WYOATT, M. \. it' ||¦ «ON'T on en« ihe >ta ly _y and tj otlt hmi.iic un-ii jron ei ar Yennllye'i College, siflUraadway, n. i xx

_»RIENDS' BEM1NART It .' P .¦ pi »l«aP s ¦., yi -iut s.j ,ii". Xhi ,, ,\' _. i-..'.1'iimarv and -i ii partmonta. Bpecl.l atteo-ti,.n i. i i--. Tboroiifl.ii---- "f ttudj pre-paratory for Columbla College .,r for sel.i of tccbi,»,-,, ,x'ia cbargea. Catalogue. upon sppllcallou.iitU mo. '*.. -lif Kth.

i ia\ vr.i' a. ii. 0. r... PrbaalBaL___Pbebcts BcnooL b» modern labooaoeb,

. 30 W- -t 4_ 1 -. | D -i'i' l'ark.bU|'"Hor Instrni-tiori. Nativ- i.vle-r-. N iU;r»l method".

SAUVEL'R H* IIOOL OF LAKOUAOI S,.¦ Tha A j.i ti.-.- ::, We.l USd-.t.

15th _*er. Reopenlng lst of Oet. TerTBB, alO.A. MirZZARELLI, M. A (Parl.), Prineipal.

p.ranchr.: I'ails, Barllugton, Waablugton, Bo-ton. Phll.v.delphla. ke_

J7 HORTIIAND and TYI'EWRITINO :,*truetlon. dallyJ5 .'I ruewlai _,. '¦ I'vnlng. al New-York achoolof Benn Pitrean rhnno.raphy. 124 We.t 23daU L.Al.EXANDER, PrliKluaL

Musical Inatructloa.THK BEBT \'.M ai. BCHOOL.

The lil-»s a.mi SCHOOLJ'li" Hl.sT VIOLIN M'lluOL.'i he lll.-I' til-.', \ N st IIOOL.

The ni vr hCIIOOI. FoR l-:i." UTTON.The ll' ST KCIIOOL OK l.\.M,i v.i -.



for ll' u-irs |, .-.ii. I it _

5 EAST 14TIIM., ii.m.y. :ii doai aaa) al .vhi-ave.I.he i-'.:t. ',.i:'"fd hii.v

N. n- N'i I.RANCII KNTIRELY BEPARATB fromall s. ti.,..U -.-. li h ti, al Its ti.-iiti.- and itwtl""!-PUl'H- RECEIVEI) MVII.V FROM 0 A M. TO .' P. M.nM.V kl ¦> EAST UTII-ST., NEAR 5TII-AVK.

BANJO Jiid OUITAR tiuirht ln twaawith oi ¦. >tea HENRY C. D'JB-

t"N. 1.270 Broadway, between KA .nd 38.! Ma_>CirtAND WINRERVATOR. OF MC8IC,I 1NCORPORATFD nv AfT "F r.' - 1. ATTI r.F.

The most compb-.e >iM for YOCAL nnd I.NSTRO-MENTAL ii.u-1--. li irmony |i C :¦ tlsn, Eioenrion .ndIir.m:ilic Art. Drawii.g an 1 Palating, and Furelgu Lan-guages.

We-klT .ntertaliiiri'nt. and h cture«, and other frci »d-vaniages ».,usl to p-n IcMons pei * t-*.

K"r furtb-r parttenUri ..Mr. ns Dr. E. EBERIIARI),Pre-ii'Bi.t. ;i? Sta-ave,

Sf, B .Now-F.mrland Puno f.mpunr'-i aro Bsed.ETlioPOLlTAN '. ON-ERVATORY OF MUSHJ,r>i


New-York City. 21 East llth-sC

l'he mast select MuHleal Scbool In tho Unlted StataaEXCEITIONAIv ADVANTAGES.


(¦aeeaafal rru.lci.n. and emlnent tea-hers comprlse thefaculiy.all aucady employed al tlie C iisorvatory.

rn,n_nent amon; thom are:

Dudiey Burk. Albert II. Paraona B reetoi rianofnrte De-'arl.tient; Ha-ty I-. ..-.. Shalley, i'ailo (ilorza,

Bllaa O. l'rail and l/.elka Uhuaf.

Appllcants wlth< ut mnslcal talent not acceptad.Bcud laa clrcular.

II. W GREENE, C. B. iTAWr.EY,Ueu'l ilanjger. _Iu_cal DIrector._

aaiSB BENJAMIN, PUPIL OF PROr. GERLAC1I,."I recelves i.ii|.iN Iu

VOICE Ct'LTt T.l'. I'lANOFORTE AND II \RMONY.17 I..-' 10th . N' a York

Aii'i mts Ived only Tn.-dv. - and Fndaya, fr,,m 100. li.. I" 4 p. BL

Sl'. vn: ER~DINANI)0 DE Clil tB ..Planoforu md For terro*. addreaa 819 Eaat


Art BehookCDBAwnra mi paini in«.


Brooklyn.9______ IIOMF. BCIIOOL FOR GIRXB Bnmbar HmlfedJ lo alx ; Fjv li ¦':.. I"1"-

:¦,,,. un ir| ¦. d. fall term bcptembei 20. Ad-drea. M:- l. I. COOK, i gtou-ave._"a_i. C \ ll si::.M.'.si IIALL, ,_,.i~ |. i| foi Younu I_-ll»s and Chlldr^n. 280-... -,9" Waehlngtonave., Brooklyn, L. I. In of tbaBlsters of 8'.. J"h'. a_ Kvaafeua*. Bac_r. Ibe Bishoo of1, i-land. Advanl t> rm b-.lns Bepta.her 8S_ Is--*'.'-Puulls "". charged fr,,m dab' of entranee t" end of arhoolv.-ar. 'r-ii, i" mnnm Bngllsh Preneh, Germ.ii andLatln *¦:.'." t »'' ". Prepa '

-. lir,.,- ..-

I'mited l|'l i' n» to be mi li t. " - Buiierlar. T> rmsfor dar pnpiis pei annun aeeordlBg te elaaa

.-_rt. u D-'partm. i.r open. Octobel 1-

For Yi'iing Ladlea.Conntry.ACIIOTCK SCnoOL.-nroose Rall. f..r glrli, and yonng

8WIT1IIN C. bllORTLIDOE, A, M..II irvai l Gradnati M. Ua Pa (near

Coi.l.l GIATE Bl BOOL rORjGlRLB. ENGLEWOOD,s -Reopens neiiramber 20. I'reparation for ol-

i,..o a «i.-ptiltr. l"l'l- "Im'tl.-d to \.i-i- Wel _r,a d Bmlth -n our eeriiflcate aDALINE W, STERLINO."aI'.CI.IM'. m. GERRISH. \ ll


I'ORT EDWARI) COLLEGIATE [NSTITUTE.\ ui.'-' boardlng lemlnury of hlghesl grade. :i-l

,-ar Sept. 1''. Elghl deslral.le roorns at onr dlsnoaal f-r¦-.,: and all

tultion. pxcepi mu_c, art, ite.io_r.pby au 1 typewritlng;fr in i.i arrlv.1 |i«ui-.ii it. Baperb modern bnlld beated, «i*ti

chapel, l:.-s-r,..,i,-. mua-i i.,.'iii-, narlora, Itbrai um and lui

' 12 | - u.,.1Keiid :'

jlis. l.. KLNG, D. D. ].:.-. i'i'. Edward, N. Y.

Ff,r 1? ".vs- an.l foung Men.Conntry.boys' 110ME.".Tba laaMtaae, Newtea, N J.; 800feet elevatlon; puio alr. hea.thful. hoi_e-Uke, eorn-thorough; clemeutarr, /cademlc. clissbal. c unner.

C...Y abTaa- cuituro; rfyjjgyt^a***^ACI10ICV. K'11'iOL.-Sbortlidg'- Media Aeademy, for

hoy. .i.d young mea. 8WITHIN C. Blioi'.Ti.fnc.R.A. M. (Ilar\ard Oraduate). Medu. l'onu. im-ar I'hlla-del|'h:a).ORDENTOWN (N. J.) MILITARY INSTITCTE.

r. v. T. II LANIMIN, \. M PrlnclpaLl.:."it. T. D. l.AM>"N, Cominandaiit.

FPJBF.HOLD INBTITUTE, Freehoid. N. J. 45'ti year:tollage preparatlon j specialty; L,usin.-a-*, hlgh scbool

aud c!a..lcal coarsaa

1RVIN0 institctk. TarrYtoam-ea-H_dion, affera an-u«a»l »/l intixus foi Barenta BBeklng Ui- be-t instruc-

llon for their bo.s. Addres. A. ARhlAGNAC. l'b D._ClHRLTENRAM ACADEMT, OGONTZ, i'A^

. Une.celled loratirn and ronoundlngs. New sehTM(uulpm^nt. (iymiusulra. mlllUry drlll. ba Thoroughpreparatlon lai culb ge or bcli-uliDc sckjoL For clrcular.fto.. addres.

JOHN CALVIN RI, F. A. M., Prlnclpjil._I'LWWOdTJ BCtfOOL FOR I'.'iYS. A-gsClf rl. Cbnn.

Pir«-iits whfl -u unfortunabe in tte.' management 'fth.-lf sons wiU do w il to pr.,'1-. I.y iti- advantage otfetciby thl. schoob_ Addrew FRANI< M. IIOWE. Sup-t.



ii: 8TEI' PA.Twentv-eiahtli yeai '--iiber 18.

A MII.I1AUV iiil.I.El.l-'.Civll Engtneerlng, Chi-ndstry, Ar hiteet>ir«, A**».

Th roughl ji I'repe .1 Coi r*"»-

Clrcalar. of Mr. GEQ B STERLINO. 62 Dey¦_. City.Ool- CIlARLKS K. HYATT. Prealdent,


Overlookinf. I. 1 booiid. b-nl f.-r ll'.u trated ratalogue11IE PEERSKILL MILITARY ACADEMT, BOtii y_-

LcrIus Heptembe. l-th. 1888. ben f^r c.taloguo.rOHN N TH.DFN. M A., M. D.

r IEULAND COLLEGE PRFJ'ARATORY BCIIOOL,l-.-.-k-k.i: .V v. S. t. I foi eaul ,gue.CARL A IUR8TROM, M A aCADEMT.-Ona of th» balf Wen beslClas-lcil ani Ac_d-mlc h'-ho-,!. ln

The narment of B'W In advain?. wl'.l oover or.llnary tultion.board. washinir, room »nd beaUng for tha f»ll term, be-flnnlng Ani 2S. K.-nd fnr caulogue to O. M. STEEL&Vriiicll*;. Wllbrahlm. Ma-j.

S\i\i\ PAY.S FOB M l.l, i.'l'KM-, in FypewrTtlng^II'" ahnrthand fmokl.ilna; t_ard and waaheloded. Addres. BEMIN UlY, ,,

For IJoth Scais.Cuiintry.Oi'KI.AM) COLLEOE, Myl Hu 1- n.-Boths,--m--. Entei ngue.

_V- II BANNiytER ,\. M.. l'rli,L-ip,l._.>IW| J VI

.K. board md m.t. Bamliiary.> 5UU - "" -i. ar: v .. i m Mllltarytddi. - I'i--' Ol'AL .si IIOOLB

Hadionfleld, N. J.






Aa PIANO AMi i.i.-. .i tN taught; ury, neeeaa-. Ull 1,1- -l.'-l M hool prl) ' ,;,!,. r,.f.

,r- ..C" 1e4s01.1l, - u-m... k. -. Ww-I.-Cll. 1 ,U ;,..t!,.,t



ICI1ERS An- rli ._. an 11-.for al. b'.'i. li-rs. ln ail localitie.; no e__i_- 'i_,\_U-

i..-s WANTiiU; i,u f'u f.,r regUtratluu; [unU /..i .tamu.R, F. AVEBY, A.cilcaii St-houl llui-.u. Weat ntu»u.N. V.


,\. to Colli -¦--. Bi I. ¦".- Apnly t.,M J YOL'NG ULTON, 23 iro.

Ai NIVEIUSITY graduate (Ei fllah with goud Amerl-'" '¦ I"- U : 4 Ik>V ine-Trlbune nn.

I1LE TKACIIER " 'i ut' r.-. i'r,,'.'i.i,,i loi s Mafui

."Van - ¦; ,, M tl alAgem .. 30 I'.,-' ll:.. ¦¦-' h i :. ,..i

An rpRa, | .-...¦.. pr'.resvTr., t4jach_rs all. brsnehe. aupp ._..!< m. I fam b ...| t-lr-

eul.r* for parenu Modern ianiuag -. ipohea MIHIAMCOYR1Ei.i-. Sl E lT-.b-i i.¦. 4tn_,. ni BitmdwaF.1) rtfVATE TCITl'-N PBEPARATIOB FOR coi,

LEOF. a RVERETT -T"NE (Yale), 70 F._»t 52d-»l ll" bib ll by Rev. Dr. Tjyu.r. "A auc.»-sfult.'.cher, .¦.i.liu'i.liy tj'j illli^d.*"

SHERMEIUIORN'H TFACIII'IUS' AOENCYOlde.: and baat known ln C. H .1 1855

_ 141 M N. Y

f|i m lll SS \s AN ri. i vi lln; vlo-1 Ho EngllUi, li. in ,, an - i reuch.i.-iiiiKii ,i'"l iiiu-i. -,i|4'ri ,i i;.-rni4ii aad encb i.r... »,.r

.uperlor experleui-M houa>k»«a)ar f, f4inlly. Apply t. Mr- M. I YOI M.H LTONa an 4*1 l'urcign Tvjche:-.' ACt-a.-y, -_j buuar<»


ISITINO OOVERBl -... * loUaaw rraduati. teaehes , Crman. mu-ilc. malhemetle*. hl>tory. Engit«h iiteratora. Addrees Miss L A. wmite. __6 w...88th-st_IV

vv OMAlTfl FXOnANOB TEAOBl-RtT BPBBBO (toll.,t'i » - s, -oi pllea profe*«ora. tes.-bi»r., aovernsaaaa,

rru«lrls::s hou_eB.-p.r_. .ompanons. cliaperonOB, *e, to

rolleget sehoola aad faa_)llaa; «l"« boohk.-.pera. .tenogra-ph'-rs Btd ropylBta V> t-i«t-.i»-« flrma.

Ml". 0. L WFRNF.R. K9 Bth ave.. W>w-T..t* Clty.

Dancmg Titaofmiea.

ALEXANOKR MACOBEOOB'S, 108 West 55th-.V.Mend. |ss.,'.ii Asx-inlly Rooins. near Ath-ev».

Pi .. ,i, 1.,..,.. »ny Claaa . Bverv rtav._\LLEN DOOWORTM, Mi. csi ITFTH-AVE.

i mb '.: i. r .,...... wlB beaja December 2d.Prlvate laaaaaa at any tlme by appoii.tment._

A' .KTIER'H DAMCINO ACADEMY, 80 &tl.-ave..w."!,'¦ iJth »nd .4... s,s-Prjj:,;.;. and «»." lf.'«all hours. WAI.TZ TAFOIIT RAI'inr.Y. BBllB _B Bt

n\, \, tt-hl.S IN II _Ni N'i.VIANDARD HALL. 1,470 Broadway (42d at.) and

;tn West BB.S-Bl..____^H KIlNVNIiMS ArADKMY. 102 Eaat **_"_^A*£°dr r.r DKnolng, Denorlment auJ _.*.ist. .ouie EiereUBa.All ).. net! nnd faehlonaMa danees, Send for clreular.

K'NfC-ERBOCRF.R CONSRRVATORY, MWeet 14th..,. ihornazh )".-! for danelmt andd-portri.e:.

WAI.TZ Gi.'AllANTKI'.D: ( hild -n's and MlaaaW claagM\%.(|-.e-<i_y _nd Batwrday .n»rnooti. ~rm. mo.teist- .

alrculara_.Ml'.. P. KARVARD REILL1 inoM ¦¦ of *__ln». haa

......rii.-i from Europe. Prh n- clnaaea a apaetaUF at.'.i,:t -:i\... N'.. .-I-' ul .!'.¦ aent by mail._Orit OWN ACADEMY POR DANCIKO, 88 Weat 284-

II II.:,, Piop V'erl. an Pveillne elas*.

per qnart-r. 24 lc-otn. BB. WAI.TZ OUARANTF.ED. Flvnurlsat- le-H.,11-., *5. SI! tbe f i-'.l"imV" dn.e--< t.tu.h'.

/tlnsual Jnatrnmcnia.HEMOYAL

WM. UAAHE &CO.kava removed lo ih.u new w B-BBaa_B__

14*. FIFTH AVENl F.near 20Ui-st,

A BBmher of ell^-btly Baad granJ, upr'^ht and aijnereplsno"! of eur make. wh:-ii were epaclally aeleaBBd and u*-i_

by the arttata af tho Metropoli-au Oi er.i Houte C-.mtanyBarlBB tha pa«t opera *ea«on. wlll be sold at a llberal ra-d.if.on fnm _ur regular prlce*.


1? _t.l_-.80N PlANOS RAXK HIGH aninnfjj claaa Insiruments, and are -"11 »' B-oderab

,.,... terms. 0\ci 50,< im> Ii. h^-. Aanaal eut-put 3...00. M'. ii pHani action pa

.< ii ui i- .!' na ar!,<,-,--., with i ' ""' PB..i MERSON 1'IaN" ..... r_ 5th-ave., near ti-h-ir.





Great Fw-TT-C. Traoi Un.Selected by tlie flOTtlBlliaal In connectlon with tho


" Route; of the Fast Mail."With th. Laka :>l,oro lt al<o forms the ro'.te of th»

celebrat-d WagBBT YaBttbaB

>K\V l'OUK & CHICUiO LIMITED."in eaaaeetfaa arlth ti.» r^un shoro and "BIk Four1

_aaa. it eaeatltatea tho ro'ito of tho



It la a',10 the



¦ The Niapa Falls Route"Botween tho Evt anl the \Ve__,


Grand Central Station,4THAVE. AND ISOBT., BBW-TOBB.

Largest and fine-t Paaaenfat Station in Am.rica, andthu only one ln tl,. eltj of NeW'Yorit. nlii-r O.rober '£0. 1HH9,I :. wlll ava New-York as follows:

IIHtOOA.31..Harstogi, Ri ets atar anl Boatrsai Express,mi urawlng-BDom c:»r- to Byracuae; alao to Mon-

t^.al, ila Delawan and Uudaon. i'-~- ngers for p-^utsnorth of T.-oy, vla Elt< hburg IUIla.-.i t-n-fei -l Ej^tAlbany r" (lrawlng-r.oui _ar ruuiiitig through from thatpoint, to Ht. Aibatis.


. | St..O A. if. Tii _aagal8ee_rl aaa BoatBweataaa Liml'e<llor Clnclnnatl, Coiuinbu-., Indianapolla anl Bt Louls,conalatlng o. a eoanblnatfon Ubrary. sm»kiug and ..:.-

iur, u standard 'l_> roacb, a a_sep.i_g.ear for .St. Loula,a staeplng-i u foi ClndnnaO, :i _i_>wlng-roon_ .ar forButl ilo an I elnlng-ear Albeny to ButTalo. Th.. entlra

brated. li.i.-'l bj %n and Wag.mrveKttbuled. Na .-xtou tua ehergad.TIIE NKW.YOl.K \M> ( IllCAt.O LIMITED.

¦»i-.o A. il.. Ti..¦ faaaoua Wajtnei Veaa buli New'-Yark aadii, uo bimlted, composed exclualvaly of buffat aa k-

,. drae of-room, 18-sectlon andprlvat*eompartmo t »l ep n- ar. toi A bany. Byi* use, U eheiur, Il ;;t.i., NUgara Palla, Brie CI land, 1 ledo.Elkhir-, and Chicago, irrlvlag at Chkage at 9 m a.

the next .luy.TIIE VVESTERN DAY E.\PKKr**4.

I io-:io A. .11., I)"' Eipiaaa to Nlaaaia Fail*,Toront. ( oveund. Clnclnnatl iiidiai.apoli*, Oetroit anl

i_o: Wngn.-r drawlni r i t.. Cauaii'iaigua anlater. .V i_n. r aie. ptng >3. hyr.i.u-..- to Clavelan-L

I Chicago. Perloi jar Cleveland to Clnelnnatl.t 1 I-1-. A. M.. w-.-. ..¦ New-Yorh and Northoru Exur.-»a

f..r Saratoga I_ke George, H-itlaud. neiiiilnirtoii N'.rthA-li'ins Itc. Waaaer -rawlnf-rooai ca:s New-York to

SiSO Pi M.. Albany, Troy aad Otlea Bpeclal, with Wa;iier Lrawlng-room eara ti Albany and Troy.

.3 33 P. MrtAocoBiinodaUon to Albany and Tror. Con-nectB for v *orth A*'1"" and»pointa "ii Pltchburg R. II. Waguvr drawiug room ear


THHOllill TRAIN IV A.MKRHA..iM.nn P lf r-.^-. K'hlrsan. Cln.'lmna'l and St, Louls Ex-,6p?-« f... liuff:;;.. KiSSi K 1- Kuspenrfon BrlSga T.

ronto ClevnlandC Clnclnnatl, IndrlanappllB, 8t UjulaDatrolt and i Bleago, with ihrouith WatBBB vestibuleui....pli.|i uivl dlutug _r->.

ADIHOMIACK MOINTAINX A\D MONTREAI,. t«,-m p il Adl.04.8aea Boaataln, Boetreal and Canan-ldS}ll-prea- Wagnar alwptngear. dally to PUtta-

.";- a:-¦ io Montr«a, ala rtoaart Point ind vla St,Al-sns, and to By BCUSa and CBI-BB-lBBB daily, BBBBBl

. 0,41.11- tl F*a M-i t-l-abaB, airlvea at BaahaaBai at

7 "o .V '.:. iurfaio 0 _5 ». m aa« Ctovalaad 1 88 u. m.

PAB- MGHT BXI-.B8N FOR THB WEST.. ,iiii»o i> BL-PBatB -'-' B.preaa for RMhaatar, iiuffv

1,, Niaiaru lV.S. Torouto. ClavelBnd. Clndiuiatl. 6t.,'.,. TT.-. ,11 BUd -'-'1 U:r..H.ll WUK-Ml- _...ey.,...,.;,liv bleeptnt eara to 0< teu.-burv. vta CUca

i-Vi <!-.-¦" -"*>!. >a.W. .'.''.'' BaaaMaaa m4 tn Oaaaa.

.i'lM. InDNM^lVo^X-it-tafa bbB_4Miiii8i H Moun-1 ¦".,, \\...''" IleeplnfearB to Albany. 4.0ane.;. uAl5_lT u M. tr_in* lor t"e Nerth Bul W-it. Thaa- :.

o'l'i'..'. tloi'i a\ Albuuy Wltb thla uain le-viust New-Yorkday

BBBKB-IIBB BIM* v,v "AHLEM B-YB81BB..,.'.,- . -ii i- -'¦ ¦¦ ^a_aa fipraaa, wtth'":'!''ner ui-wing-roon. CBI lhr.,.i,'li to Pltua.ld without

. _L_u»s_a RaatFlttai la 1 North Ada__ toartal The:J:1,,.'',.M-' Inl.'.'il.n. eieganl Wagnai Jrawlng-room"" n,Vi" l.r..u.'li to PlttaBeld wlthout chango. Ka-t

U' "l' ! ..ul.:!e'.>""jr111.:._..,, l.1-. -v.-vtM.niiy-.i.n.i ,i»i

(i ^. t atlon to to.a oi, pa_«M.cajrB for tho

N< f?4_MT0UCET OEOBSB B. DABTBUL,i gup rini naaah Oaaaral raaaaaajsi -taat

Kaugertles. i sMkill. Albany. '.15,11-30 b. ni ard i« 4 'UM '8:18J> ....

l IB, 4:18, 8:88. '.'.^O. -fl .45

. a-,l reawencea .' _. r.AMlgj ', ti .'.'!.' It-va.. B. T.

a kiiicii VALL-V BAILROAD.P48SEN0EB TP.AINs le\e f.ot Cortlandt and

lu- ',-.',- ig ,;n _nd lnterm.-dlat.- tKilnns.i »' ,. ror Oeneva, Lyana, Klrulra, l..«h<-Bter, itiirTale.

...,; ; (-tncipal lacal polnra - r.alr ear toii -., 8u-i -i- n Brldae.'.

,, tnlra and bttencedlate polata. Chairt, Mauch Chunrh.

cu, . 'i'ii' foi Tunkhannoe* enl Intenaadlata polnts.

iii'ii ir '" Panhhannaca «... Keadlog ^ud"*.ri40 .' m. Bl P8_*a nnd jtrtncltril IntermedUate nolnta.

ui I, 4 R Juii'ii-ii aud l'nl nuit aleepeiM to

L-dcBjte._ f,, giatlnaton snl lataawaaBBaBi p.>in-t.., . r Mauch t'tiunk «_i 1 IntermedlM-i potntB.

( ..htiTtl"!) _0 K. adlng and HurHsburi;.; ., ,. f,.i (,.-i"v_. Lyona, Umlra, Rochaaaaa BuiTalo

ind taa Beat, Pu iman _i». le-r* t>. i-ion* »nd BaaB.B.aarts leavlnf at 8 a. m. 11 a.m.. 1 p. m. anl 8:40

p m. connect lor all pointa ln M_N»nov and Haaletun,,_i |e_-'''US.l"lu 8TJBDAT TitAlNS.S b. m. for Baueh Cfcuuh, Hariiton aavl li.u-rn-.ediata

P",. 40 a, tn. fot Mauch Chunk anl Inh rmedlate ts'lnt* .

7 ,, in f..r Geaeva, Lyi.t.a. Etmir*. RacheaBar, Rnrraloand tl.e waat Pulluiau al.-per to Lyon» snd -juspeaawaBtl'i*t,' Oaneiml __a»t___ QBLe. 2S5 Ur_a4wa_r.



The SUnd&r. Railway of AoerieilDOIRLB THA. K! aTKF.1. RMIBI

btobe tmutt BBB _Tfa-_ Hitini.Ba.raoT«r-rr.D ar raa



The Srenle Llne ra Ihe WeatA1II llir. R(,l TK df TIIB

BlilUMB PENN^YI.VANIA l.lvliTBl*,Tbe Id.-nl K.,:Ii»«t Trnln of the MneteaalB < »i,nry,

TRAINS I.KtVE s.TATIOV-4. |U., .f l)r.hrn.,, >n<4 s>l«., nffi.r.lin. |.:i««> ,i«rr« n C.iod Vlrwaf. h« lluilior. lln- »lii|i|i:iia, Ihe Brnoltly . l.rt.l.r. l,*-.eruer'a l-lnml. nnd lli,--*iatui-ol l.ihrrtT. n. folUnai-

On nnd .'lOlh. 1SS9.TIIF. P_BB8T_.TAB1i I.IMIIID.

9.00 A. |j t. ui|, .--i ...-...-.)- of im iin.iii '.'estibulaUrawlug and Btat .'¦.¦¦ Ol.iing. smi.,...- aa]'-ns rvation Car-, ont'.iin.- .ln--' ... I ,

bath-rix.n.s, berbcr-shop, M.rary. .in-trealaaeei of home. Heeted i,y >icam and i._nmby .tutl.nary and movnble <-..- t ligbtv Th"of n. elaaa ln the world. 'iiirui.xh to Cincinii.ii __|Cl'kago every dav.

the raan um.9.00 A. n. Th- .'r.-.i n. m BB 'r»iu fc* all fx-tnts In tha

weat. Pvlltoan v.'-tii.iil .l,i!-i _l»eplng ''»'. N -w.l".ii te Bt LoVls, I'ullnian Vertibal Badet Pai 01 CaaNew V ,|c to i'utsbuiu, t'Ulll i ir. A COOBa.P bicago, md Pittsbarg v. Cinrlnn. »t._

d... pena>Fivan_ Ra.Iro.1 Olnlng U.r pM:ada4p_B aAltoon.. and 1'ii. rriu w n, laal Ba '/, stl...uis Ttata leavlng Baw * k ea Ha. :. .-o-.tth:*iui{h t" Chleago, vla lumbus. Coonect. drUlevef.nd laly. and f..r Wlillanuport, Lo<:_ Uavea,aud Toi.-d... x<-epi Batarday.

THK \ RXt-UBBBL«..{() I'. .Il.-'i li- p'.puiar s'l.ii, - m tha

vv -t, Nol ¦'. -. in bou hwesi. able.-plng » .ir New-York w bt Loals, New-York

.'< I . -. ii ni i-i .Nt.--.v-i ors to Mi.\c i i'o-k ... .-. ,. or. _i.aN, k tn n i_i irv, i* na.sviv ti a Ba Iruad Dlnb . i i hiaTbrovgb ev ry . ...-.»d lly, UKtrpt batarday. l'a .*:% Johi,»t,un by u_y.i.glit.

PAOIB1C P. BL.The -.-!.: a -. er-sc. the

a .- run. through tn- CoacK__gh v...-y laUn- n P. i; .. \ - m- i i-,

IY -K I.. l'.tl- '. .', ;\>:»-Vorii to Roanofc", \i» tbo bhenandoah Vaiiey. Cou-

ta for T iladud.ll) md for l k ,- UM OUR«'.i"i:K, Ch .- . Batn i»y.

For Lebanon, 9:00 a rr... 8:00 p oa., and 12 Ih ali.For Rerrtatcwn, Phoe Pottstown. and Reading,

8:00, 11 00 .. 0, and 4.30 p. m. I .-

U] -. i r. and 10 :00 a. rr..

BAl.TIHOItK, ITABHINUTOB, AM) THE _blUlf_b"Wi .- n Expreas" ot ralaan Parl ...rj

dail) excep. gwnday, I" a m.. ar-;\- Washtngtou 4 ogp. in. j and "Congre* lonal IJmlt. i" dslly, atta Dl lagCar, at 3:40 p. n... arrive Waahington 'j 12 p. n re.lar expr< --. t .i .1 8 80 a. r. 1 08,_ :0O, a:80 I BO " 1 B l>. Bt, and 12 15 nlirtit.

_n : ».-'¦'). m.. :i 80, 4 . 1'.!:<-> p. in., :»'. I 12:13 clght For polnte "n

p»-ak. and Ohlo Rall. -. 1)i-l-._. Car, and S .1-' p. m. d.iiy.

For Al -h i ar aid 2 ¦." a, m.we :t- lays I :00 p. m. «,.-_. ta--s.

For Leaa Brm-h. Polnt Pleasant. b>t"i,s, via Bahwav and Ambojr, 8:80 9:10a bl, 12 00i,....n 4.2,) ai 1 -> 1" P- m. 'ni Bondfcy, 'J:I5 ». m.a> 1 5 00 p. in lo ii"t *top at A'bury "

For Old l' :-.' and Norf- Ik, New-Tork, Phl'sd.iphla.and Nnrf.'lk Rallread, 8.-00 p. m. dally vti B.U'.rr, rea:-d Bav Llne. 3 ¦"' p. m. we. I

B'^it. of Ttr. " I" 'hrouch 'rslniat Jer-'v r,-. afTordlng . speedy ani d:r-tt tnnsfsefor Brooklvn travi I.

Kllt IMIILAIIFI.I'IIIA.trains l-a,.; aa fo krwi

4:13, 0:2U, 7:20, ft 00. 8 3u, 9 (0 Chleafa I..r..ted,with Dinli.g Car and 10 W.shington, I and 11:00a. ui, 12:20, 1 :00. 2:00 8 00 S 80 4 OO. 4:30. 5:0),0 OO 0:30, 8:00, -md 0 00 p in., ani 12 14 alfht Ae"mni"djt."", 11 10 a. rn., 4 :40 and 7 :00 i- m su-idtyi,1 \pn--it, 4:00, 0 15, '.»00 il) Ltmlted and 10 a- ra.,8 :3i». 4, 4 30. o. 8:30, 8, and 0 p. in.. aud .'2.15 nightArcommodstion, 7 fXi p. m.

Tra n- leavlng New-Yori daiiy. en pl Satardaj, at 8, n.and 11 :10 a. Bl 1. 2. 4. ¦">. si a. ni^ .nd 10 a m.. and.'¦¦SO p ni "ii Min-lay., eonnect a' Trenton for'n.Tl'ekct 0_cei Noa 1, 4.C. 848, sni :n4 Bn.a1._f, l

A«t.,r U0UW and foot of ll--':,--e- diil Cortlandt st..;4 C'.ir'-s'. d Br. vi An r. Station, I _f Ku t,,r»-»t,II i.i. l-.n; 7S ll'il "ti -'¦ Hpoken; btaUoo, J r-ey City;Emgrwit 'Iics-t. Oflt .. C.i-tf ¦¦<. ,'d -n..

The N.wY'.ik Transfer C«m|i.iiy will esll for .nd checkbagg _e from ho. l« ani re-ld- u,;.-s.

...__.Was. e i'C.ii. j. r. wood,Oeaeril Manager- (.en-ral I'as»-r Agent


al "f »i '¦ ber 8, --'.

4-00 a. m. for I-.j- a. Betbleham, A "otawa. Mau_Chunk. W_B*eberra and Scr.utoii, Beadlaaj, Ilarnsbiirg,atc

7 :00 a m. for Flemlngton, Faston, B. thlehem, Al>a-..own ani alaaeh Chanlt.

a :4j a. ni. foi Flemlngton, l.^k" lf"iavnng, Fsrno,Rethleliein. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wilke.i arre. g ii-ton. R-adlna. Harrlstiur. Pottai le, Tar.a,,:_, bhamokiai-unbury, Lewishurg,

1 .00 p. m. for Fleniln_iin, f:.i4ton, Bethiehern. All»_-town. Mauch Chunk IWaAtng. If.rrl«burff, I'ntiavlllA. ^fo.

3:45 p. m. for Eaaton, IV'th.-ehem, Allentown, Mlu.DChunk. Wllkeabarre, s.-rnnton. T.:i,a()iia

4 .:.') p m f,,.- Flemlngton, Lake Hopatcong I i-- n.5:00 and 5:30 p. m f..r BomervlUe an l Ftaan5:45 p. m. for EiHoo, Bka.U.aa, AUaataaa, Mauoh

Chunk, Read ii II irisburit. et<-. Ou Sondays |-J1)». m.5:00 a. in bundav., far lUi.n.n.For R-d Bank. l*>iu Bran-h, A.hury Park, flrean O-ova

and Polnt P.-asanr, 4:00. 8:1a, 11:18 a. m.. 1:00. \M,4 00 4:80, 8 io p m. Bundaya 4:00, 9 .oo a. m. huo-lav tra:-- do BOt «--"' rf Oreaa Rrove or Asbiiry l'ark.

l-'-r Monmonth Beaeh, s.-abnirht. >t<- a' 4 00 8:18,11 15 a. in.. '.'J, I 80, I l80, B. m. Baaday. at 'J 00 * m.

For Atlantlc Hi-tiland-". vla Mataaan ani IC'vp.,rtsiinilav- a- 1) IA) a

For LakewdoA Toma River and Barneitat, 4:00. 8:1 00, 4 :30

8 llj ». _m., I :00. 4_80, ", I p m._Suntlavs a- 9 00 » m

For Atlautic Cl:y, Vlneland and Bridge'on, 4 00 a ra.,1 :00 P- m.

Pnr P"rth Ambov, 4:00, 0:00. 8:15. 10 30. 11:18 a m.,1:00. 4:00, 4 30, 4:45, 5:30, 0:10, 8:30 p. m. Sundaya,4 :00, 9 :00 a. m.



Vli Cenfral R. It. of Naw-Jarear, Piiiiadclphla and P__Ing R. R., and Baltlaaara and OUlu R, IL. leava foot d

lar Pbltadelphla at 4:00, 7:45. 8 30. 0:30. 11 OJt. m., 1:80, 2 30. 3:15. 4 0 b 00, 8:85. 7 80, Ump. tn. RUNDAYS, 8:80, 9:30 a. m., 1:30. 2:80, -Mi,5:Oi, 0:30. 12:00 p. m.

For BalUmore and Wash'ng'-n dnily. at 8 30. 11B(eicept Sunday) a m.. 1 :80. 2 80, 3:15, 5:00. 12 0 p b

Trains l-av'lnjr at 7:45, II :00 a. B_. 1 30. 4:0". 5*7:30, 12:00 p. m., have couneutlon for Readlaa, Harrabure, Pottsvflle, &c. ., __

Tlfkits and I'arlur Car sear. < an b« nrorurod st ,1. 1*1.415. 044 1.141. 1,323 Ur.-idwav. 787Bth-ave 294 W-_JI25th-s| 131 I'A-t 125th..... N-w-York, 4 Court-st. 9BFu't..n-sr... 0-. Rroadway. Brooklyn.

New-York Triii.f.'r Cmpany will call ^>r snd e*.

baggage trom hotel or reatdaaca



An-i ti.e oi.iv i.u- raaaBBj Ba

DINING CsAR TEROUGI1 IX) I'HlCAGa3 00 1". M.. »oo r. AL. 8:80 t». M.


llckei "rho.-., soi, B17. .13 4"J '¦.¦>' Hi-aiwar l-»al!< '. i. U.'tarv 1 lat-e. ChaiuiH-i. aad \V«»i 23d si fernasjNew-York; s.n "aml 333 bulton n Bruofclya; lo; Brtsi-»a\ Willlam.>arg; corne Newark an -.. lia1.,.i>n au Nea B ., . : 1 s Jl'ail'ir or .sileepiup C.r reeervaiii n- md order. f.s-ajjaud trantfer "i be i-btained. E_pre_ -r-u-

leave -3d¦>.' 5 mlnate. earller than i aie shown liom C_.-local tr.ins .'» .¦ 12. nnaute. .-.!.r,

y a in Every uay. l>ay l:\pu-.-, Puliiuau ButTet Drawing'

S tl, ii. 8 18 8:80, 7. 7 80, a i< au. . .PaesLlc, 4. 4:45, 8, 7. 7 45 9:80, JL? J,i- IVSdK

6:4--,. Ol.'.. (1:30. 7. 7 80. 8. 10 .*A.1J' ,. , JAl'at.r-,,.l. 4 4 IV .> !. M'. '¦. »\.U>-*\.\-. Wu T

8:50, 8:07%, .:», i «ji *. 'AVrijc-Bhf. 1 5 3.1, 5:37_, 5 45. 0 1>. »:M, 7, . 30. B av. w

NawarTa^I-ttaraaa. vla »..«»,___."onfy1.80'-'?^St« :80. 10 11 .30 tl ?_*-_*H__lT ;_i to ll---,:' 6s,,.."-r-.-.V 10:80, I."*Rld-ewo. *'¦ \ .'',- ., ,i r, ,; 3o r 9, liiV'SoVaTlUalBnfTern Loeal, 4. \*K /,;_*».__ - ... 12 ... 1.,.

J ,,7.,, ,. i ., 3.uj ^* l\t% \ t\ 5 30.P- »N"d,^'_ Iwaw,'"}M,Tuvsto, 7 4J, 0. 10-W a. n... 1. A «». 8, 4 J0, bav,.

B. m. . . (6 .:!0 ,. |_a 4 88, B *>. 7. 8:8bV,n .'^l-ivV-u^ 4^.45. ...0.80 a a.T.

¦,". 0,,:-. i* '. 4.V 8:18, 10-30 aJ

1 1 -' .nil 14 . to 8 14 Hbl 10 P in.w

Knu-ieaood and T naj> ~» |» f.L g,

___<_». »"l s ii ____,

.STin ,-. n's ln po« ' '*. Oenaral PaMenger At***

BALT1MORE AND OHlOfjUlLBO}f a, M.rv_ '¦.'¦'". v"^-fa*. »B^LTIMORE. WASHINOTONhAQ.,C1NC1NNATI. M. 'l.'-t 16 ANI\V'VKilN8,Pl'LLMAN .Ol skrv,#hj i.N t\'-L,T,Kr.iowlll.-.v.' NEW-YORK, f.-ot of Ll.e-rty.v-- »* ,w

l.-,\.' N KW- V or. l\. r.-ol or i.u)' -rn ..r-'.r,:, 1

INCINNATI. hT. «;''\_pA*,:w^a)a- a... fi-d*F.. WASHINOTON BAM_aLOM.8aBB.

a. m., 1:30 P. U-. 2 30 p. m.. 8.15 p ^ .,.3^ g:_i,13:00 mldiiigVr. Sunday 8 *> a m-. I-*"*

500 p. m-. ISOO mldnlgbi. .mW eisep* .:UAll traln. .b.p at Cha»ter and WUmiag« ¦ ^

". 1^1 Oek.t- and Pullman C.r Bpae* gj"J_,5; alTirket Offl.C. -}. 201- 41J and 1.M0 »f»~

htaii'ti, f.^t »t I-'bar'T^?'__,._ _,_ eaU for and -k"»

Natr-Terfe tranafar O'ltipaiiy wiu *_.

ba./i_' fraa) hoiel or *--enre- grCLL.V_e_i_iX_'.nH«a ' "AW> *- *"..»-¦,