new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1887-04-13.thecr»t part ol dr. stinde's amusing¦ biiehhol....

Reto Publication*. ? HE APlilL BCR1BNÄR. American and foreign critics unite in declaring tbe t'npub- lithed Lttura of Thackeray to be the most important and Interesting literary event ef recent years. The London ·' Daily Newt " ol March '.'{», in a long editorial trtlcle en¬ titled " Treasure Trove,·' says: "Tbe moti chanoiug letters that ever were printed are to tie read in the Ajuil number of " scrlhuer't liaf a_lne.'' They are letter« from M r. Thackeray to Mm. Lirook-eld and to Mr. Broo-H» id nor did Madame do Kevigne ever write patea more loll ot affection and of humor. . . . Ko admirer ot Thackeray.tbat to say, nobody who has the faintest tine, toi«; of letters will be content until he hat road all these, a welcome pleasure slier tbe scraps from a waste-paper basket Wtalcn bave been olienti to the world lately." FULL CONTENTS, AFKIL NUMBER. PORTilAIT OF WILLIAM SAKKI't.U I. T11ACKK· BAY.Frontispiece. Engraved oj Ü. Krutll. A\ COLLKC-ION OF VNPCB- Llhll, 1) I.KTiKIIS OP .HACK-RAY. Witb an In«: >ductlon by Jaae Octavia lirookti« Id. II- luttrated by reproduction! of anpnblitbod drawtnga by Thackeray (To be t.iitii.u« «I la further numbers.) -HO HAID FAWN" (Story)..TUO_CAS NELbüN G???, THB STORY OF A NEW. YORK HOCSE-IV.H. C. BCNNKR. illustratoli by A. il Proti. IfODRRN Ai.ttUKshIVK TORPEDOES.LIELT. W. S. HfGHES, Illustrsted. V. 8. Navy. FORTUNE (Poemi.ELYOT WELD. fHB RESIDUARY LEDA. TEE; OR. THÈ* POSTUC Sl'S JRbT OF TUE LATE » JOHN AUSTIN. l'art Third »THE ADMINISTRATION..,.. 8. OF DALE. H-EMEM-UA.WK ?G?-?,? .J MA C. R. DORE. JUSMIB1SCENCE8 OF THE ß???? AND COMMUNE OF PARIK, Fourth (conclud¬ ing) Paper.the DOWN- VALLUi TIIK «.'uMMl M-.i:. B. WASIIBCRNE, ex With illoatratloua. Minuter to France. THE QI'IIT PILGRIM (Peem).EDITH M. TUOMA8. AMERICAN ELEPHANT MYTHS.W. B. SCOTT. With iUuatrationa. THK OLD EARTH (Poem)....CHARLES EDWARD MARKHAM. BETH'H BROTHER'S WIFE CbsptersxUl-xvU.HAROLD FREDERIC. TEDESCO'- RUBINA (Story}.F. D. MILLET. _-.*OLI8U IN OCR COL- LSOKS.ADAMS «SHERMAN HILL. Over the whole number there hangs an atmosphere of earn- semata, the «juality which make» out leel tbat It Is publiahed hseaase there It totnethlng to be »aid rather thaa tomttbing Is taid tn order that It may be published, which thoroughly eo_steads 'Serlbner's' to lovera of literature anSot thought." .Botten Courier. ? fresh supply of tin» aumber it now ready sud tor tale by all dealers. 38 CENTS A NUMBER; Í-1 A YEAR. CHARLES SCIUBNER'S SONS, 748 AND 748BROADWAY, NEW-YORK._ JOUR NEW NOVEL, FUR 15 CENTS. 4 NEW NOVEL««, All completa In the MAY ? I.' MIIKit of th* FAMILY LIBBAKY MONTHLY. Only 1ft ecate. Of til newtdealert or TH» INTERNATIONAL NEW- CO., New-York. fÙOW BEADY-THE MAY PART OF THE YOUNG LADIES' JOURNAL, Cea taiai_s.aU the lsteat Parla fsafcUms. Prise SO esatt. Çf aR sew tessi«-.; who will alto ttkt· for fpssr Uree ama-nt, er for toy partof t y-tr tt 3. ctau psr tM£ INTERNATIONAL NEWS CO., New-York. LITERARY NOTES. ' Mr. Cabnfa Memoir st Kmeraee. *hieh «sill aies be .roiubt out bv lloujbton, Mifflin _ Co., trill contain ti good deal ot uupubliahcd mutici lclt by Mr. Einer- eon. Olouel John Hay boa pleased bis friends by m-iting e poe. which is to be published in the next number ol «The Century." It it entitled " ltru-1." uud it has been illastruted by Kenyon Vox. ¦ If Ole Virginia " u tbe title ol the volume thort atones which tho Scriluiem are about to brina out lor Mr. Thomas Nelson Pa.«. Mr. Page has written two or three clever things, but he line yet to win lui spure in what we unii ratiniti us Literature. a Tho most sueeestiiil American book to day." says «The American Bookseller," "ia 'Ben Hor,'jet tor aotue time alter j ubMcatiou it was not ? success. NVh- inR hut the eousisteut and persistent advertising ot tbe boose thftt in,-!..¡?««·» it. and their immense command o! n .ne ot dstnbution, made it« merit« ktrnwu Ht worked it un to its present eiioriiio-ß sales." " Ben Hur," it ia aaid, is read in religious institutions ot uii secta. Catholic ns well as Protestant. Bishop Wiliner, ol Albania, bas prepared a vol-uno ot * Kcaiiniecenoce ot a Urandtather," wbicb is to be published hy Mr. ThJtnns Whitlukir. Tie boot ia a study ot tho recent past from the Southern point ot ? ie w. The Cr»t part ol Dr. Stinde's amusing ¦ Biiehhol. Finiiily " wae very euceeamtul here-1-0 much to that the Seribners iutoud to publish shortly a tr_uelatioii qi the Ki-coti'l part. This is the best tnat tbe modern rather beavy-witted English cyme can do in paro ly ol Tennyson's ode : Jtfiy time* the .musata tliarpened hit reueil: Kifly times be turned over the Khyiuiiig Dletiouary: Buen bo decide 1 too mm up rbymet altogether. He, the Put. lof Laureate. He, tbe Lord-Manufacturer, Shaped a stately meiuiirlul, Made it! »' gorgeous Aiter Wall Wnltiuau'e pattern, K eu In blackness, lu «lulnass, . ·.« ulob might ai eak to tbe contnrlea Through the " Magazine Macmillan," ? ·? Hn« year ot our Jubilee. ' The late K, I'. Whipple's volume ot es-ays entitled *' American Li tei ature," will be itsued on Saturday by Tlcknor. This house will also BfBSf out on the «vaine day Mr. Kolte's students' edition ol " Kuoch Arden." Mr. Fnwcett's « ronlessions ol Clami," and Lady Wilde's u Aeateet Legends, »Mystic Charma and Super- atiiious ot Ireluml." A handsome edition of Miss Warner's " Wide, Wide World," illustrated by V, Dielnianu, is announced by Lippiucoti. Dr. Marvin R. Vineeut is about to publish through tbe Seribners a volume of " Word Studies in the New Testuuicnt." It promises to be of much use to eludente ei the Hi ble. " An 111 Win 1 " is tho title oi Mr. Julian Hawthorne's Bew alory. It will appear in Ibis week. ¦ Kpoch." Henry Holt 6c Co. hare just brought out a pretty little edition ol »Moore's ¦ Epicurean," aud the" Uenini Tom" will probably h avo moro American reaaere lor a lew weeks than he has had in ns many years. The «li.-irii«· ot plagiarism is a foolish o_e in this case and has,moreover,been transtcrrod ulroady to" Alciphrun," the poem in which Moore treated the same theme. Mr. Lang declares, end with reason, tbat " this craze tor bringing charges of plagiari». a>;uinst tbe author ot any new work that pleases the lean has become a public nuisance. Tho passion for d-tecting literary thefts vviui«. they do nut exist is ? malady, like an¬ other. As a rulo only persons incapable ot literary discrimination aie atícete·! by this complaint." A new magazine, devoted to pol.tics, literature, science and art, is to be brought out iu Washington under the editorship of Mr. Jobo Addison Porter. It ¦»ill he thoroughly non-partisan and will repn-sent in spirit and in authorship tbe clever young men ot tl.e country. It is proposed to call it " The Young Men's Natioial Keview." Its editor ir already known as a young writer oi ability. T«o volumes ol the new edition ot Browning's works Will On issuotl ibis moui'i by Houghtoti, MifHiti «Se Co. Jchn S. Mosbj'e M War Reminiscences" are an¬ noti iced lot publication tue last ot tbis month. A utetul collection nl standard short ctories iu German is announced by I). C. Heath ii Co. It has been prepared lor students by Dr. Bernhardt. «·1 Washington, and will appear under the title ol * Nov¬ ellette. Ililiiittbtk." Mr. Buskin has a very pleasant a* ay of being frauk, es in this note to the public : - I have directetl Mr. Allen, in this and all future issues ot his lita ol my purchaeeahlc works, to ¡vlvertise none but those which Le is able to dispatch to order by return of post. The just estimate ol decline in the energy oi advancing age .the warnings, now thrice repeated, of disabling ill¬ ness consequent on any unusual exertion ot thought. and ebieliy the difficulty I now ftud in addressing a public tor whom in tbe course ot the last tew ? -ars ot revolutiou, old things have fussed awuv, and all things become new, render it, in my thinking, alike Irreverent and unwise to speak ot any once-intended writings us . iu' May I also Venture to bint to trienda »sli<» may at any tune te anxious ubont me that tbe only tru*tw«»rthy evidences ot my health are my writ¬ ings ; aud that it is a prettier attention to an oíd nino to read what he wishes to say, aud can say without ettort, than to require htkn to answer vexing'questions on general subjects or to add to his day's aptioinU'U labor the burden ot accidental and unnecessary corre- apoadenee." Il II Jnslrnrtiort. _»¦¦ ¦¦.¦ ¦ Boya and ?????t Mari Oit/. UNIVERSITY GHAMMAtt FCHOOL, 1,473 .r-wty. rrtr 4-«*.#_. Stun yrtt, ?μp. commercial r.A rìtaik-alnt-iitrtnieiiti iuttniition tl.nroo,-!- _. ?. HOB. Prln. >'. C HE-IDhICItÖU.N.attoelat·, Tor Both Sexee.City. A.CIRCULARS 0- SCIIO )LS. triti re- . )«tl, lieti ? tl)«f 1er potts gè. ...E. AVEllY Aiu'u ttliool Buit-tn, «A «al Itili.·! Jt.T. Art Schools.City. VIRS. LOUISA ?. CÜLVER i will reauiiie lier cltsaet from November ?, tn D11AW1.NU, Oil. AND WATKHCOLOH I'AI.ViTNO. Mill life, flower» am! landtraiie, China painting and ,1«t<>rati«>i». ETUIUO.«*«- is BAST _8??1·~?. lirfercnrc« Mr. P. Tlniitincton, PteaMeet National Academy of i>r»!gn. Ill, Vt llllani limi, ?. ?.; .Mr. Jan:«?« il. Halt, -V A.- All. l'UVlll Joliljnoll. .V A. Brooicly.- .¦"THE CRITTENDEN" 1 1111.??1? M IKiOL AND K INDLItU AllTKN KO H HOT 11 BBS KB at il" Hicks-sl-, cui·, l'incappi·' »t Mis« H. if. WHEE-KR. Pria eipal, 1er the past eight year« bas ?·····?? in «Iiaig·· of «ne t.I Uie Primary Department» in the Pucker Collegiale In»tituie. Sanaa term Ih-"iii* April l'i rSZkoa without bxtba on_au_ For Youn? Laiie»....ttv.r/. OHE BOARDING SCHOOL. fer Vistea and Cblblreii, .Bustoni, conn. A .hires» _ _MIS- A. THUaHSTOX. I'iiiiripal.__ ,??? COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Me- I tuciiin, n.J. BassS, tuition (including anale) »MB fSf qoarier lor girl». rT-lNlT- HAU«, ??????,?, NEW. JERSEY. A thorough home fcliool for tweutr yonng ltilies. Vailed idvaiittfies of Uu- hlgh-it «trrtcr. Careful training in manner, luluil and heart. Soliti ciiltiir«· in Inglish. Music, AH and I.m· guag«·». latenti« lb y oat tegiua Stpteiubir IA Loi emulai- tildrcat tbcpriut ipal, _Ml»» HACHFI.LK OIBBOBS lll'NT._ HO.MK AM) DAY r-CHOOL Ioli GI1.LS.- Itlnitiy. Inlein filiale, t Ineeifol, J- uplieli. Music. Prep», liticn l«r lumi « « I!«»« n M «ciaJly. ln)i!i»<"' ??p-μ????? ««illfiitte - iti.« ut ri »minai hm. "l UK 1 I Al K 'Spilniilieid, iíaSSaj Mietet Poll-Hi «t til AM l>_y. _-?§ß8- For Boys and Young Men.Country. A -CIRCULARS of BCboola, both sexe», city . imi country, with rar« lui ailvlc«. lo paient». ?. ??. tox 911 uatlîtiiht. Ba-tSjaB.*a 'i LKXANDKR INSTITUTE, Military Hoard- _c\ li g School, White l'lalns, M. Y. l'uneipal, O. B, WIL¬ LIS, P'.lI)._ FREEHOLD INSITI G 11·:, Freehold. N.J. A PKKPAltKS FOB 1 itl.Ll.l.K « It BUSINESS. Itev. A. 0. CIlAMBKHtM, A. M.. Prim ipal. [1GHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY. Worcester, Mass. ü begin.» Sept. '."-', lHHfl. C. H. VKTCAl,!·'. A. V.. Mi|ii.Mriu!rrit PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, I ITU-STEH. Twmty-nftlivoar. A MILI.TAHV COI.LP.OK. ClTll tingine« r!nr. «Tie-Hairy. ClaaaMM English. COI» ????. llYATT.Preaatieal. UOCKI.AM) COLLEGE, .Ny-uk-oii-tiie- ¡(ud*on. will be ojien darlas s.t.inner tot BB_ halfstulv. scud lor circular -tuli lull partu-uiar». Knter anv tu it-. _W. ?. BANNI*.TKII, A. M.. l'rm· UHORTLIÏIGK'S «Media A<adeuiT.-§128 O «ìuartei' »ira »tu la it« » I nltt» t a 11 «]«t*:fie«l at anr time, licet instruction, tutt o«r\ »sii tt'i'.s. Kin^-le or double reo-ut beateti iy «tea u Baa eoli*.·» repnrutniv. kng- )l»h, lineine»» and eiigínei-ring «itt»e». KW ? II IN a molili 11 OL, A.l. ? A. Si., (H »nuil) M film, l'fim. YONKEKS (>N THÈ iil'DSON ..A family ?? 1 « «? r «Vali·»lile 1 -oj « ¡little 1 oy» »n«! tlinsc gninj: fail lióme foi il e ft»t litre rapffltlly solltlt« «1: lift «heap, bel |t ii.i.e ? i i' tl tu I La« tu mil lea» BBd «ninlitioi.i d Mu¬ ni.i* eesclsi luin-itr and winter. 1111.o. i L-ClUBTOB For Both Sexes.Countrv. HOME BOARDING SCHOOL for miaaea and Clillilren. a: Stainfur·!. «.'linn.; a «Ivlightful »iiininil home lot clnldieii. Miss A. 'I'll! IIMUS, 1'riin.iyal. II s Miscellaneous. SCHOOL FOR BALE..Ran ebaaee, at rra- aeaable terete ¡ well kaowai leeg establisbeil. A apir to Mi.« M. I_ DONOVAN'S TEACHhilh' Bt ?1.?G, .!(. Laut Ulli St. CcarljcrB. A -REST TEACHERS, Tutor* ami (???.???- . raset eupplletl. no rlisr.e. T-tACHRRM regiater·-! free. Partner waiite·!, l»e»t »clttiol fur bars, city, 88,800 caah, H. V. AVhi.Y. Afilli StlitMjl Hun- ??. '.' U'c«t Ulli »t.. ?. Y. AMERICAN AND KORKU,? ? KACHERS ?\ AOKNCY tnppIlM Profea««ir«. Tcat-Iiera, Tetera, OoT il_eatrt,et«r_ tot'olíecea, ?? boni» ????? Painilii«. Aij'lyto _ .RS. M..I. Yol'NO.1 LI.TON, '.,. I n ni, hqu.ire. A -TUTORS, GOVEKNES8Ë8. PROFË88- a OIlH, TKAC1I1-:RB.Ail liiai.«-lii«.-fucii'.art. Chol.o »¦ i.uols tupplied to parent·. lanmuir.'« «iKikru. MIltlAM «n» HILL!-, _RI Kstt lTth «st.. It t. 41li .,·.,. ¡m.I Ii'n.-ir. A TUTOR teaehiBK usa Laaaoairea, Btsousi in .ill the Mathematics. Scw-iic··», « slisibeuics, It m hit, ll«jra«man-lil~, Inrtiitiilna ??·»??·«t ?rferenr,.. .-i«fi· » inn r »hip. Addrc»» K., cere of MIltlAM COYBIBRB, SI Lati ITtli tt Itetweeti -tilt ave. inni Uri atlWaV. VISITING ENGAGEMENT desired, now or in September, la tchonl or fainllr. by M ate. DB ULI PUAT, Uanovorlan graduate un.I taeeettfnl tt-atlnr: !·.? iiierly urlncipal young Utltr»' tcbool ¡if New Brtgbloa. b\ I. Oi-ruun am! Kreuch. Kefllsb branche». *'.' Lati l'-«l-tt WANTED IMMEDIATELY..Teachers ol Kreuc'i. Painting, Drawing. Oeraraeeaes, Taachers. Compttiioii». <»<·. ; sent, racaoeiea ??»» ?. ?. don «? v a.s«· TKAUUEKS' HÜIIKAL', lit) h'-iel 14th tl. WANTEDIN'OW, for Si'pti'iiiiicr.-SiiiM rin- telenta »n·1 Principal». «?1.<HHl ?? 83.00a I.adie« Prere¡itre«» I rem !.. «icriiiíin, M ..t h. ??..-ii .< «. S-00; Kintlir- garlorr. 88001 »ea-eral iinm.irr and int«-riiii-tiate teachtra, «?·1'0: Mii.ic, m-arcilv. filini Nlatliciiiiitiia. Iiigll»h. Welle» ley graduate, $??<?. Ae. W. D. ? K KB, ? mon ??.???-n Ageiiiy, 16 Attor l'lac«._ WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHER'S SU· RBAU ifor imiiii tese») aiippiii-t Preteeaers, TeaeSera, Qevereeaeee Maeleiaaa, Beótek-evert, omeaataaa aia.. le co leget, »«'.IiihiIs ami lanillle»; al«·· llookkeeti-rt, Stelitigra plu and «..,·.- ? to :.. · fin». Mr». A. H. ?G?,? Lit. 3211 6th ni'.. w.Yore cur. i-lnoirai .hiotrnmcnt.. A" NUMBER OP VERY rSLÏGHILY C8ED ni M an«! rqutro l lanoa of our ii-ate, whh-h were »Jff ¡alla- ,? ¡eilet! »M! OOly Uh«-'l t.y II,e alliât» ni Un .M lit,.- ) «illiait Opcrt llou»r. ( on,|<aiiy iliirliif tin- pati «titra ttat.a, will be »old tt a metal letluctlui» liotn our tegular pileta. PIANOS POH KKNT. WILLIAM KNAI1K .t COL, 11'-'Mli-.ave- 6 .Financial. DFBKNTUtK BOBOfl AMI 0/ / GL'ARANTF.KII MOTITIJ \<JE«*. /§n\ îieheiitu.. * psysble al W BANK OF NEW- · UBI-, ? »¦ ?. Bfcured by Pixtt Mertcagea apee Baal »tate, d«-- I'liKl fl ? lib THE ???.?\SmSf LOAN _ TSLVBJt 10. ol Netv-York Trualee. ELEVKN T.AM 1 XI'LIlILM L. Kin« million dollar» luvt «tel without lo»». Pamphlet! wlt-Ul&nk Koiuia, ami full paiticulart, (erStthS- upoii application. NEW ENGLAND LOAN & TRI ST CO. 1BO HIIOAUWAY. NKW-YOKK. TO THE IIOI.HEUS OK TIIIST HECE1PTK FOK THE NEWYOUK, ( HICAUO AMI HT. I.OI IK RAILWAY COMPANY'»* E«|l ?G???? BONI»». Toor rnmmlttee bea"» to a«H lee, in view of tlie contemplated reorgtn ration of the Now· York, Chlcairo ant! St, Unii» Hall¬ way Company, that an arrati.emeiit In icapicl to iti eipiiji- rneiit t.oinl» hat been ?«-·-?·? aa follows Total amouut of equipment bomlt ? ,? tte-dlnc.«3,100,000 00 To be paid lu catti by the He. elver within odo year from Veo. 12, 1887.81,900.000 And lu new ? rat uiortxtse 4 per eent. bond» by the pur- chstert. 1 ..100.000 11,400,000 OO This will give to their holders for each tl.OOOi Ia Ctth (»ubjert toa poaatblc In-ulüi in· r In the proTlaion alreaily ma«le to mett ?«·μ»? and other ·-1 ramisca). «1 ,V. s-J Ia the new fir«· mm l-ui;e 4 per cent Im,mis o! Ute ton,pany wUtu la-oigaiu/·-·!. 447 IH ß MIO» 00 Yoor committee hat now In hand In eaah from pariurul* natile by the receiver a tutu tufilt lent ?«? pay nu Bet cent on eaoh Trutt <<« ontttaudlug, whlcli aiiinunl will be paid at the "ret National Hank on tini alter April !'-', on pre»enta- tion ?? G???? Uecelptt, and tuch imjiinut will ho imlorai-u thereon. H. A. V. POST, chairman, ) OBOBOB ?. ?'· ? ? Hit, 'Committee. W. II. M ALK, ) New-York. Anrll Ü. 1887. For the coavenlence of holder» who mar wlah to realize on their Trott iterelptt without further ·?· l-.v your comiiiitt«M! hat also arranged to cash am h re« «? ¡it » al IM price o! H!»4u for e»t It 81,000 of atme. Holder» «leali log to arali theumelvet of thl» opportunity (which mad» auliject to recall wllboflt notice' can, aublert lo tills prorl»lou, recnive payment lor thtir reatLjitt tt the price above on their iircftculation ami »n r t entier tn tlie limi National Hank on u ml aft« r April ivi CINCINNATI* VAN WEBT ud ÖICHIOAN Intuirne and Pirat Mortgage« wanlivl. W. 1I1<L.\T<>N WLL1.IM1. 'J Wall (it. C-STK-irR-ll.RiiAIi ( tiMI' <P NLWjtllKKY, f~ 111) Ll ?? li M »T., S Nrw.YiiiiK. April ß, 1SH7. ) \0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ui«· wrnaal 11 meetlag of the ttoekholdert of tlie Central itallroatl Com¬ pany of New-Jersey, to elect nino Dlio«.-lora to ttrve tor the year nail tutuluc, will be Lohl tl the «iffice of tho Company, in Jertty Cltv, betw«««u the hoora of o'clock m. and a o'clock p. m ol Friday, Mty tt, mil. Trtntftr book will be olote»! fioui Friday, the 15tb luttant, to Monday, the t'Ui proiluio. Iir onler, _-AMI KL ? .VOX. Keoretary. NOTICE OF 8T0CKH0L0EK.V MEETING. .Notice It hereby giren to tho atockholder» ot the Cirant! (entrai Mining Company corporation ot Ohio) and to all other· whom It mty concern, that a ipecitl meeting of tbe tloekholden of taid oortxirallon will be held at the prlnr!. pal «Sice ot aald c-rporallon lo the City ol Yoongttown, « ihl«i, on Friday, Urn 13th day ot Mar, 1887, btglnntng tl 11 o'clock a in. ol aaul day. Tbe objtctt of inch meeting tre to combler tnd vote apon tbe oaeetlott of the tale tnd trainier by tabi lhe Orand ten trai Mlatag company of all Its property to a corporal nn of Uie itwt utm·. to be organiteli under the laws of the Terri¬ tory of Arltoaa and to consider tnd vote upon til queatiom which aaay pertain io the matter aud manner of effecting »ur¬ talo aad trantftr. CHAKI.KN ??. ????. PretidtnU .'ova-sTowx, Ohio, AprU S. it>»7. linanneL AMEMlLDiSfI 113 IlROADWAY, NKWVOBK. Capital, Fully l'uid. tl.00B.09·. TUI8 COMPANY TUANSACTS A Ot.NEUAL LOAN. Tltf-ST AM) FININCIAL bobsbbb>% Receive« Money on D*po«ll su'» «·-t it «he«-, «ad »How Interest on Ita! ?.-- ·«. All Checks Pas» Throinth the Ciearlnt; It on so. MAKBH I SVESTA! ? NTH OP MONKY. ACT» ?*» ????'???!, A l)M I ? IsTRATOR, GUARDIAN, TRUHTRK. ET·'. ALSO. AS REG 1ST RA It AND TllAN-iFEK AOKNT. G** An Authorized DtatttOtif for Court au.l County Ttoas- uter's Funds. II. W LAND ·'. IlA/A III». IT«-tient. OEoitGi: s HAKT, vie·)·PreeMeai WILLIAM SNOW. *s»»t-rrt_rr. JAM KM h. Hi C lit.TON. Treasurer. DIltF.l.TMltS- ovoan e n. roTTx. waixackc, a ? drew*-, JOHN I. MAI All.I Y. 1 l!A DAVENPORT. JAMEs M. VA UN UM. WILLIAM D. SNOW, JOHN I. HI..MR. JOHU D KIMMEY, EDWARD I·'. BROWNTNO, FREDERICK A. POTTfl. I'llWLAN'lL.N*. ItAZAJLD, JOHN RONH, <lEOHOKH*IIART. ALEXANDER O. BLACK, WM. II. 1)1 NSMoltK, FRANK C. nOfJ.IKSl, ELIA*-LEWIS. Je THOMAS |_ WATSON. JI'I.E** «.LUIGE. El lAM' BENEDICT. BTEVEMBON 111'UK E. WILLIAM P. ANDERSON. '..'3 Win si., MAV-Y -UK. Apill ?), 1887. TO THE SI-CI 11ITY IIOLDF.ItS M THE Pittsburgh and Woìitii Railroad Co. Holders or »boni Bl p< r ei nt «if the stork »nd bond« nf the I'llLliuiyli and Western lliillroad ('nuipaiiy linvlo« dr posited their «simili«'« m accord«nee with the plan and agreement tif ii,.r..iii.atl,,n. untile .s I,, r, by ci\ ? that THF. TI1IF. G?? IH'.I'OSITIN«. TUE HI'.MAINIM. ??? ? li. AMI HOMIS IS ?.??'??????? UU- Al'HII. IO, 1SS7, SUBJECT TO PAYMENT OF A PENALTY OF '- 1?? COT on the par value id s. ?:, ? ? . li pttttot, si.»rk musi also pay aa BBBIllMIMlIT OF 4 l'Eli ri.NT.,l.f.,*s·. I'KIt slllUK, la ai tulliani e «uh the plan ut ·¦ r-'»" ¦·'.· I>i|iiis.t« or securities should be made with Ml'.HSUS. DICFXEL __ CO., Philadelphia, or with ¡H"_BJB.H> lntK\i:i..*iom;AN _. to. New-voi k. who win mauere- ceipts for «nine. No securities mil 1.«· rre. i\ed A Pit I Elf» ISS», .,n »» bleb «late the rinht of bct'omlu-. par- tieipauts in the plan »ill absolutely teas.·. J\(l. I.OHIII If WELSH, *i JNO.T. T.'IHIY. L__B___a____a ?. ??. ? ?-t?:?, ? emmiiirr. ANTHONY J. THOMAS, j ^THE CENTRAL RAILROAD" BANKING CO. OF GEORGIA- H.d.lers of certifie itr« of «t/x k In the above corporall»>'l Wtsliiu. In «-»lini, lie the -.une tul .Net» Y»t\ «????·?? ateck ««? I líbales an do so In forwardim: tieni In P. M. ruUDlu/- ham. I'ashier. --a van nah, Ca., «» ho will di-,??.: ? ¡.-o the tauie to Ihn R«W.._r_ «???· '-. Mea Voik. Apnie,?ß-7. p. n. noi.i.iNs «v OO-, Mseal «ml Itaiisfer Act-lit*·, |_is W.M.I. ST.. New Volk. ^ i OOGEBIC IRON MINING SECURITIES. THE MOORE-BENJAMIN Co», Mú. atri 's \ ? enixe BTOCKfl OF THE M RAKA, COLBY. KAKAUON. BES. BBMKR, BUK DAY lAKi:. NIMIM'.N AM) OTIIEIl Flf-MT-OLAlsB ???????* »iWNI.N'il I'll· i|)f t I .N i MINES KNOWN I'» BK FINANCIALLY BOUNO AND ????··??)?!? I Xl'Eltll-.Nl I.I'. I'll At I It Al. M EN. Iteliatile infornint 1·?? ?·?\ < ? I'.irilmp nil min« s nf tbe «rent Goxeble BeeMmet trea Haag« ..t Nortaera Mtehlgaa and \\ ?-. ..unit». 1.-??G G. BTODDAIll'. 'i« ??« ral Manager It!·) I ..'·».-,« TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE BT, LOL'IS & SAN P__ANCI8C0 .{.UIWAY 00, The undersigned l»!n< tor« of the St. Lotti* and s.-ia Fran- tisco Hallway · '«wipaiiy r.-«|.i tifiilly r«i»n«-«t the .toekbol.t« to send th« ir proxies, in the name (,r DAVID J. sEI.H'M AN, to t. w. i.i i.i.i ?-:. Tiaaaaiai. MiUa iimbim··. Vew-Y-afe, orio either of the uii»br«ij;neii. 11. »,- aresta· ß??? Ba voted io tao· lume tin- present «.ululai an«! Independent management of lb«.· property. _r_r_BH ????????, of j. a w. aatigasae a ·.». i.i.oiti.P. < oi'i'Ei.L ol M aiti-? I, Pli.lps* Co. .1. l'A I ON, uf ita» Eaton A · <·. N»*» Y-Ttt, Anil 11. ÏOtl. _ 11» 111«. llULUEll-. OF r_rW-.ll. »FIATI ? AND tVANlVW.I.r. INIOMF. RUTIUI TS TIKtlFHV (11VEN th»tan Itsulot ????·?·»G. r.ittroent, sc.-.ind iiiorli-a<.i boo Is, dale I Vovsuiber 1. IMJ. »<x urrtl bv inorlKa-e up m ti» Pe-rit, l).*»tir all I.· u » Ville Hallway, ???»«!? to Ilia un !.·G«1»???1 an l Wildere A. Uel'.· man trustee, havliif Inni .«ili.rl-sl »ut |.ia-?. >'.. ? under«;«iiort will, on un 1 alt»r Mariti 7. IMt, cichaa«« the »»lue, Itoli»! for Sea 1, it I»'r, (or il. ? -.iiist in tin? ?.ti- SaaS· of Said ooiii|.any. vu DfM tlte IV..i.a L)i» lai··.? Se JH.OiM, and ??μ??? the Kvaiiavill» lnvis.nn rl.'_ I','» I ». amoiinliii« iu all to ..Abts.CK)·). TUB vENlKAL Iltl-l 00 01 NEWVoHK, \ ""? I¦*. P. OLI OTT, "rresMaai HOI.DEH*» OF INIOMi: AND LAND IdlANT MOIt Tt. U. F. 1IONI»**» AND slltll' ul ill ? naUtl AN» PAI III« ItAll.WAY ID. who have not repistere»! their ».birrs« a ilh the Central Tiust t'ompany will r«'«eivi· the i-iniilar is.nel by the I oinuilllee dated April It, 1001, l.y applnatioii !" sa.d frullìi f t ust I'oinpany of Net» York. SIHKHN J. I) It A HE, t halrnian. THE l.\KE MO·! ANI» »??(???<?? SOI Till UN l(AII.UA\ lOHPANV. Tin »*t iir.u'.s <»i 11' r. OBABQ i'imiui ?>p··".t. ? ??.\ ????. Man h'.'H, 1*»H7. S Tlie Iran-f· r book ut this atmpaay ?? ?·» loee· »? 3 ?? ·». k ?. m. on Sitniiiuy. ti,·· '.'dil.y «·? Aprii next iiirrparaiory li. the allunai election for lnt»<t· is l.i be tu 1.1 mi III·· 411» day ..f May Betti and will bo tcoj.ti.ol mi Uta ? ornln« ol Eil,lay, ihr «lili luv m May nett jC. I». »Itl'EM EU, Tieasiinr rPhE alumni meeting of the Btockboldere of 1 the I nil. ,! HlateaCl*etliatMB I'ompaBV ??11111..?, for lini election <.f a lt.,.11,1 ,.! I'm-. Ion «III be held at the nHlcc of Ilio company, li.» Na*-_o-»l. .·»··»« Fork Cltr, on Monday. M»y '.', IS-·?, l'oli» will lie span frmn 13 in. III! 1 p. in. »aleil ?tw Volk, Apiil ?». 1-*T. IA MBB H IlIHiWN, serreUrr. 'ro fil ? si tfUKiioi.Di.K.s OF THE HT. LOIIS ???? SAN EUAN· 1st n HAIl.WAl C0. one of the lar_(«t «tooklinlilrr« »f vi"'»p'»s« te attend the »iiiiual in.-etluit of the st. Emils am! »an liainls.n lunn.iv nriiiiaiiy tu be held In HI. lami« next luntitb and urx« that lb· hiirp.u« revenue lie apollad te Ilio pavaient of ,l-\ ?,?. ?,,? 1 on the «I.i.-k. and that dividend« on Ih« fifi ara ferro«! ft« mad.; «iiiarteily Instead of luiiryi-ailr. We believe the lime ha»Coinè to eluinir·· the |Milley ot .levidiiif the Mirplu» to new coiisttiieilmi Instead ol pavui« it In dividends to per ferrcsl stni-khiiiibrs. We respe« tfully r«-.(iiest sloekhohirrs su timi apérate leeeae ee their pr.ixirs in the name of Eilwaid L. Uppenln-iiu ni Wallei I'· Mar. E. I- OPPENHEIM A CO.. New Yoik, April I-, IBBTT. bl and 6;) New st. Dankcre aitò Drokere. Kidder, Peabody & Co., No. 1 NAS**AI' ST., NetvVerli. 11.'t DEVONsmi-E NT, lln.ton. INVESTMENT SEC.K.TIES. BILLS OF FXCHANia: ON* (iltEAT Ititi TAIN \ND THF. I ONTINKNT. Coininerrlal nnd Trn veliere' Lettere o I ('redil. A'.EN'IS ANI) Al lultNEVS FOU MESSRS. BARING BROTHERS & CO., _LONDON. ^^^^ P. W. GALLAÜDET TcÖ.7 HA.tHLIt», COMMEItCIAL ?'?????, ß????-? ANO UJÍÍOi CNITEÜ BANK UUILIJINO, WALLST- CO UN E II II If 1 M.'.VA V ?. FIT· H. lit. MíW.YOnit Member ?. ?. block :».¦·. p .·« POOR & GREENOUGH, liANKKItS AM» IIKOHKUS, Proprietors of rooiTH MANI Al. Of ItAIfnOAnS. Fícente or»lt're«t the Sto· k Eichatii;e la New-York »nd I.«,n·!·.n. Railway Hondea specialty, Intrrtst »Hon cd on dei-isils. Corre»pondence Invite«. 4.r« WAI.I.M'.. NEW-Vt)UK. Vermilye & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, ?ß???» ÌMNASSAI-ST.. MEW-???? CITY, Dealers in Investment Securities, ?G? AKD HBLL OS t'OMIII^ION FO k CA81I OR ON MAUiaN ALL HKLT KKTIEM l_MV_.ll AT .NKW- YOltK STOCK F.X( IIANtit DKPOS1TS UEt El VED AM) lUr'.ID'.s ! ALLOWED ON -lALA.NCL*-, bL_VIKCT TO DKAH AT IliUT. MONROE PATF.NT RTONE-WARK LLVED RE- l-'HI- · ? It A Its »re -1,- .·.¦!> without a pt.»|. Tn«.. i-.-»· *.«· many feature» entirely new *n1 peeuli»r l-i tb« g" "!· "I nnr manufacture. G?·-> ar· lined with ».«ami·»·* gl*.red stoneware,which impervious to ah- » ir|iti.iu. tnd mi win, Ii |i ii»,nun,' «ideeranno« fermât nn /Inc. Hate perfect r.nd continuous dry cold air cir- fil tn .?. Will nut awe-t, get muaty or aour. Aaeaailr cleaned aa a ditti. Eatrwmely economical in Consump¬ tion nf ice. Ontu Huri^eratnr harm,) ,? perfrrt drip. Onljr I_-f. ij-rtt.T that ran be enlargetl by addine M - ti m«. Im Repinte ? ompartments prevent Ih· oder «? anj art icio contimlnitf.ig others. .4 tirfri.jrraurii.w'e It mrrt lilt ,¡n,¡. ,./ ,a ;,rs.-,.«.i « nyr. Illnal rated Citilicui» ff" apon »riplit-atmn Adilrt-*· fcOWAUD U. Clr-SY, Oen. Agt., S B. 14th St.. ?. Y. DitU-fUÒ N0tlCC3. THK ST. ????. ???-???'???» «?· M ttCITCiUA ) Hau «a COSTAST, Bo, 88 William «T.. > BSW-YOSK, lUrch SO 1?87. S rpiIE USUAL QUARTERLY DIVIDEND 1 of uni: and oNKii.M.i' IMHilnt on ino capital «tnck of tlil»company haa betti Ibi» dar declared payable May _ 1KH7. to «tnckliiililer» of ret ont on tini» itale. l he transit ? lunik» will be clo«eil at 3o'_t-efe p. m April 11, snd will be- reclined ut lu o't-lock a. in., May :t I*1«·'.'. )¦:. T. NICHOLS, A»«l«tant Set rotary, legal Notices. M G.??'?? NATIONAL RAILWAY. ugi.t«, in.« ,?« let m ! to «aid »evrt.l Ilesa The, Brc.tnd Di»trlrt Jmlge fur Iti- Fi*lertt Iii«trlot, Honor- able LUIS 0, UABrlAS, aajeti- [Seal which «ar» Second timi of the repit-am latlvt» of tlie |i|»tncl « oui t, Mi a- Mexbaii National Hallway Com¬ ico. I MUT} ami Linn» U.Meyer, as trua- [htiui'l· flftr ernia, duly tee if tin· l.ol.ler»aif tea tli*lmmt- camellm! with lite gage Itotn!« la.ued by »Jl'l oritpaiiv propi-r »eal.atulitale.1 by vlrtme of a cnntr.irt Iterated Apr .'.. 1 »-I7.J in New York. I'nlt'd *t-u.« of America, on the first day of April, one tliou«.ind eight hnnrtr dtnil eigutv one. ha« tl tiered to tie tniii at .-in. twii, -??? at oea »tin eal]. which shall t--« place in the nature of ti. alia..lute public tale, tn Una court, local«·! in the l'alare of ¿attica irf Melica, Is iirtliili.ini·» «t. on the ..'Id «lay of Mtv of the carree! yetr, at eteree e'eleefe m lhe nmrn Inr. lhe nropi-itle» ami tight» uf tli» I¦¦.nipiiliV who Ii BM d«- t. ril.t-tt In t.·« i-m Itisril Schedale »object to tho mortgage of »aid liomla: -.i.tin- hereby givi-n tliat the bl.1t will be received onlr apse ine biiitb-r« subroge!« theojeelrseto all Ianri(bttandobligsileei si the sfototoid emapaay.ases· ateeaed la the eweeaHeea greeted br the. supreme llorera ment ami ato that the condition« stipulated In artn-lc right m tin- law ollu'v tifili, e.rlit.en·<1 eighty-»It. 1 all bo til IT ·-otuplled «« lth. In fitlllliiitiilof ttilanrdrr f !a«tt» the prr«rnf, whleh Iato be puliltaliA«! twice in ev, rr week during ftvo Gautocall«·« veeSalaths Liano Official of the Harness UereraaMMel the, Ite|iiiblic of Melico, in on·· loiirual pulillalicd in tlie Citv el Slates el Amei ?. a, nml in SBSti rpuli- liMirl ¡n ihn tua of 1 .< nntoia. Inaiai '. miara a loetlea, Mexico, Aptil tifili, eighteen htinilio! ami eighty trien. fM.nedi MAM Cf. DU FOB, Secretary. The ileat ilption to whii h th« lottgolng decreti ictrisiaa» follow» lu*t All tic »«Ute. light, title ami Intere«! of tlie Mc.L tan Balleaal liailwav com pan ? inaml to all ami »mg nUr tho line of rtdwty ami telegraph «omnvinly knowu ¡aa Ita li.ter- oreanic line nml itentitn» troni Matteo ? Hy lo tito Pacifie whi. ? there haa heira eeattrueted p..rlion eitenilmg Iroin Memo I Ur. inrniigli Toluca, Maialati.·. ?? aurato imi M..rei la 10 a point tl ol near Pat* cii»ro. a dittali· ·· of 440 VIO kilometre», und another portion fmni Miti/.inlll.i t.· ? merla, a «liaitnre. of 48 k.liiiin-ii-». mak· Ing a tu' il ut 4-6 «In k.iometri », and al«o ef In sad to all tati »iugular tho line ru war ami tele.-r-iih colimi .nil known ut International Line ¡a'nl ei tendina: 'rom Met tol'itv to the NnriltHiii trnnlii ?, taking Ua deportare from «aid later o. «sain« I ine »? s pnlnt tl or near Acatiihtio afor· »aid, of Wim h there h_« boos aoeaiiasisd that portion extending fmin a al or ne. r Ataiailnio sforetald North rial I · loHeaMlgeel Alb-iute. atlialame of !'--' S7 l·*» kilm·· and soother portles from a point on the Northern frontier at or near ? nevo larr*t.i, via Moliterev to Saltillo, a tíntame of .«?? ..liniifirt «. m la ing a total of ???? 87-100 kltoatrtreoi and aUo in nnd luall tn »iugular a llnenf railway ami le'egrapii ¦,li knows ,t« Ibe Matai. and Monterey Lin», bog.nii'uc at trie |*trt nf Mattiimiua and p-"auig »y Her- « .tn.reo. Miertnd «ernlvn. tarmlntting at Mou triar, wheienf 113 kilomeliea fiom Malainoro« up IU· rallevo ti.« a 4el Norte have oeru coutil urted ami al»o in ami !·· ali arni ? line of railway aulirle, grapli rominnnly known Hie II Hallo Lino tml eitrndiog troni tuectiiiirr er Balsaaera tnd vtn ittmon »tren» in in· ur ol Meneo an ?·p???.???_. on* branch tn th« hacienda OS -ill·· m tin H .le of ll.ila'Ko. ti,e other at tte point dseoB-laatOd ··« ..irtot in tit» M.tte of Mellon, tin» lait, r lu-ut lung of! al lite Villa«· of I acuba, fiom the hue tinnì Met " to K.I ^alu·. wheieol oTi r 78 1 10 kilomeliea ha«· heea oeettrerteS ? ale* in aaa to .»n aad aacnlarellaeef ral« a ? ... te¡»<iaiih coinm .niv kn.wn the /a« aie, Line. Ir.mi ¿acalecal to «an Lui» l'..t....i, with a biain li or branchte m A.n.« calleáis« tini ??a??. whereof aSoal " .'.- o hilometrrt fr.'-n .seaioeao toward Ojo Canonie hare ?.t? until n l«vl al.u Iu »ml It» _i| and «ni-ni.t t llnenf it L.i _i.l !>·· ?- ?μ:? Iriiii Kl «_lt.» to Mtiaralm, w Iter« "f« troni lineilo I«·« .ri ? «? .«-?.., -»<¦ ?·. en eeaitractoSl ti·» m aad to all ami »mgulrr t «citaiu Una of raiir.,a.l and le rgiaph «-oniiii.iiily ki »wn tilt ( tn·! et te ml u r OT lOOtlOed armi ml lhe City C- Mean o. touch in« til tn- g.iniaa ami rartoos eatruaeo»el »aid «It», the rail- road »l.tmn«. the anal«, ami Ih· rtty »tanghi· r h .»«e«, with a i.i.m h 1.1'.i.i _n,l .ti,ir brain bea to Sea Aiixland outrera», W horte! "»er four klloiii«-tre» from riantlago «'.'..? ?., ? litui·-! (.on With tbe Moróle« Hallroatl at Hin ? aj-ro hare hoe« oonatroeted l'ogothaf with tli ibe Itan.t.l.i« will, a perta.n p.rlt of Hurt ?>-?»?? -' eiiuiii-rateil ¡aad dtterltsd oi «»bit h the taid Mein-un National Hal, way «niniiany toqiured iin.l»r »¦ nue nl the »? veral coiicea»'ion»of the Kettublic of Mei- b ? rtlaling In »ach Inn·» G »pecllv-l- and ih» transfer lo tt of tur ? um-«., .mi. or light» ii.ei.iiin'rr. Im lulling it« right«, privilege» aad fraeehisesderived n-der ihe eoocetstoiii oi aai't itepubhc of Beak·of Hie ¡Riddai "f Oeeembor, ih;: ii salto), -ni of tao SHih «lar of Msreh, ? ->t««,/.»ratet a«, aad of tim nui t»« ot Jsauarr, Issi (Kl sansa Mararailoestoatl-a .u, t .,? t'.r fthol Juan, I SSO ( M Ottmoto« an ? M úntete y ', ami n' *>. vieilli» luti. It* «?? laleriiati.i.i.1 and lalereroeoie), tU't «if tlie lets ?.»? m Jsaaarj, less, sad otJaao 30th. IMO a-ii-ii'lm« ami «-«m arm ?a ? al tud "in "»»luna, ami of June -.1. 1 »«.. ? ititiirai. »iiutr, t. 'mwevt-r, tn the ?mnlitioDS, olii ga· . <·«: :. li ni» aud Iiuuiatl'tna by .ah·, «everal r.tni e»»l.n« roialiaa u »ai 1 llaea i'»p»<-tiTeiy imno»«.!, or tehjeet o hétele any i.g__* tneraia ur ihtrati» were arqalrod hy seid reltws* . v. tohtaCI tloal.r. «o far Ih* eostUHI t'-tl »ection« or diri»,o:i« ut tut luit nr,g liti )'piovided fin m Hit coaCSttl·« ni Ti4 ot In ennier. 1*77 ^-tlln .?? ? ?.??.?? rut«l, lu a pur- ,h«·- * ·..»,,··¦ ,t t··.',,·!¦. >.(,.,·. ?.,-,.ne»,. Alan Including al! the »»tate, right«, lille. Intere·! In an 1 to e n h alni ali nf tu li ne ti line» of rali «.?? ami lograph ami un rat on«, and tu all other |.lepri tv. rt-tl or Oortoatl Whlcb wt»r.inTeyed Iiy aald iniii| »nr t-t Ixttil» II. Meter and ? ml· iw II. ir -a aa Hu tir«· hydoodol tin» ? tlulr.t ?| nl 1. 1**4, or by ¦'<·-,? ,,r lient» of lurthtr ttmiume at ti.y Itine lln-ietlter raorotedhraaM eootaoarto a»ni irn«tee«. tnd partleolarly bv ilee.t of irnat beating date May 1, IHSS. aad alte all right«, nitrii·.t, ?·G'? «rty MM solata of ???t? -tad, name «ni asterò which waa eoerered te the aald inni» if. Merer aad Amirrw II. ·?»··? »u· h tru»tre» by the Msstcaa nalkinsl ( on. t mu lion Couiptur hy It« deetl of liust btatlug date .'lay 1.1 HH«. Soeeed Also whatever e»«, rlglif. tit!« ami laleroM Ihe atl'l tallii a) i'iitii|i.iny ha« of. in aatl to a line ? tllt-l tint lulo Line, Imtu i tilo to «.ni Mal Uh tini Plateale, Whleh wa» lhe .nhltcl ol a fin r»«i,in uf tim ¡till ilay nl Sealni H r. IhSo, whereat sheetfeel kllaoaetrot urar tre'ehara brt-u ?uu. tti m I'll. Iitir., Ai«o all the leatrliuld rl.hl.« and Intereat» of -liai timi »ml sotara aoorer win· ? the »aid Natimiai llailwuy « tini|iaiiy haa Lir.t. unit« r ami hy vitine of a cer¬ tain leaa« bearin« date the Tilt day ol Si ¡.l-inlier. 1883, inaile by the iuta» aféateos Hallway uoamuir tu «aid Mein au Nal ..nal It ti.« tv .¦inpaiiv of ao unirli .it the i.i.lmal and trlegr.iph ilii··· ot the aaM Ifi-» Meal an IlallWaf Company aa ettenda froni orput bllttl In L.iieiln. I'exa». with an e t ten» nn fi'.in Lai nil·, to I'ort Mi am! a ???.????? frota a point at ot mar Laredo tu a point In the boundaiy line be t ¦·. »?. t!i· t'ultett -:.·.- of A in«. a ¡ml tht United BlStes ol Melico, whrre connection la made with the ?... ¡? .1 »Lim·.· .n .»'.1 nf th.Ot Hin s In lullet ttClUtlV« nt ¦Motrsehsi tocead,aader er by virtue ol a eertals ira»e bearing date the twelfth nay of Inly, I8SS,« Iiy the leía» Mei ¡ N'mthrin Hallway LOiiipany to the »aid l.i.i, Mkili an Ball« av Company, and by the laat-naiueil company ¡niiiir'i to »aid Mostean National Hailwav Company, ul Hi· lino kanwn th» Tria» Mtilcan Notthrtu Hallway ei- temling lrom Laien.· norlhwanl tip th· «alley of the Rio «iraod· to BaachOS stallini, a tli»tanc« of about tl·. milt·», and third, limb or ly vlttuwot ¡i cerl.tiu other loot« heal in« (late Hie Ultldar «f I>< trinimi'. IB8S, mails by Hit liiowuavlllt tn «lull Hallway Cnmpsuy to the »aid Mt-tlcau Nttlunul Itallivav ? ompany nf ih« linn known th« lliuwuaville and lui La way. extending frinii à point un the Ninth Hank of tho Kin mande, opponile Matamoiot. through the «tic lauf lliuwu.« vil e, t illti.tut eu! one lull·« tml a half, to tht depot of tin, Hin artiidt Htllway In llrownaallle and bej ond. Subject to tho piuviKion« of aad »evetal lea»et in all rr«pertt. l-'niirth Alee »II tbe eatate, lille and Intereat which the aald Meal« .m National Hallway «'ompany mav have In and to the »alti linea o( railway aud telegiaph hcreinbeloin ineiitiuued all the »nlingt. brltlge*. Hack», turn.t.ibltt», ml «tria, viaduclt, lancet, rightt ot way ami superstructure thereunto belonging and appcrlalmug; all laud» Including the Hantlago Manon lai,.',«. being about ii.'t tere» In tlio Cily of Mei;,·,, and the r nn a and ( lu.ltdela Station lands I'-qulred uith th« Kl stlto I In«, being about thirty t«ret iu aaid city tml athot prnpet lu-t tctpilred by »ale conipauy In virtue ol eoesleo or in IM,·' »taliuii-hoii.»ra, intchlte shopl. car shops, wharrrs, in, k·, tOlSCaa. atorohoaaes, workshop· ani all other alni« tiirrt. ni.ii -hint ry, futnltiire. and all other lai mail ami teiett.iph uiatetial, apparatila, ob,tri» and appurtenances whit Ii the »aid ? oui pa uy l.tietofori- tcqnlrod for the use and operation of a.ihl ra.lioad ami telegiaph liuet or tuy an-tiou oi «I'l-itii··«, imi in ni tn ? in -titint thii.'.f. all the right, title sad mi' m «t nt »aid tail.«¡iv company tn ami to all uaasohcer. Height ¡t mi other cara ami lo« niiiotivot, aud at! rolliug stock and equipment uwntd ur acijulrtil by »aid Mexican National Haba, av Ciiiiipany, anil all it» inlerctlt in all such caratiti! locomollvea in ii»e or otliet »alto on the aforesaid linei or any r. ...? or ...v.«.on thereof. Fifth All th« raíate, iglif. title and interest of tho Mexi¬ can National Ita.lwty Compauy of, in tud tot 1st. '.'4 5117Vi »hart-sot ibe capital »lock uf Ui« Texat Mcxl- an Hallway Coinptny. ¦_·!. All therapittl tlaxk of Hit lex-t Mtxlckn Northern Ilailway Conipany. lid. All the capital atock of the Brownaville aud «lull Hall¬ way Coiiipany. 4th. ?Ll'.iii.O'iOiif lhe ili prr cent bon.1t of tht Teta« Mm- lean Railway Compeey, *p m··, by a inni-1 gago purporting ?, m,'.tuie ¡a llr»t lira upon all the Texas Mexican Hallway Company properties, ami which Iu tact cntintituti'S a first Use on Hi« last m ml in un | timpani''« properties, excopt tho line of railroad Bad telegraph irmii «ornus Christi to Laredo, aud s «Moud lieu ou tlitt Une. tu lije.«-1 to a prior lien tccuriug it talu 7 per cent bonttt Isiuetl by the la-t iiinit; ,n.·.] coinoaiiy under Its former name of Hit «?? pu« Chriatl, Man Iiltgo and Hin «iiaiule Narrow Uauaie HailruSttCoiuuauy to the exttnt ot i'.'i.u.uiHii tml, ??. T'-4w.i'i"i in botitlt-part of the «/OGO.OOO seven per ctnt boudi lati hrrtlalicfn. ? uientlonril. (¦tt· Also, til tml singular, th· ·. ruotate franchile!of »ahi Bottata National Hallway oaipany. by whstevi-r aulliority conferred, til II» Sé.eoa, In.ok», voiuher», documauta, profile«. cap. aud p¡i|iei a unit other proptrt.v of every kind tud nature asorar, visrerae situate, witii ail tnd tiugnitr the eiiilowmeut«, Imuutes and advtntagtt, ttne- nirpt«. heiediltmrnlt and appiirteiiaiiret to tht abo«« iii-iitimie.l piopertlet and premiaos beluugiugor lu any wl«e apiiei taming aud the reversion and retti itoti«, lt- lualuder ami remaiudera, Ullis, incomes, rent·, latue« tud profits ttiereot aud «II Hit «statt, right, title til interest preperty, |io».ei«ion. claim ami demand wbataoever tl well m ia· at In .«iiiily, present aud uioape« live, of lhe aald Mexlcau N.itniaal Hallway I'o.npauy of, tu ami to the tame and every part n! the tame ami every parcel thereof with the appui lassasse 7ih. Alto ill tht right, title and intereat of. In tnd to til tnd «ingoiai tbe proprrty let lubef .ie menliuiied or dee«nlied ami every part tharro! wtucli Ihr »aid lami M. Mtyor tml An- I drew It QfOOT tver had M Inch BraSMSS or wlnrh lhe ttrl lami· 11. Me« tr now hta aa t>ule contlniiuig trustee nndcrnr by virtu« of the ti u»t .Iteti m tb t.ta ut further aa«ur«iic« hem inbefnre mnntiuui'il amieu .? au.l every une tlie:n ur uthei. Wise buttane« et Mai ko, A y ru 6. 18-7 MA N U «L Ul 10». Set rettry. ttqaì Notiere. ..^****»s****i*e* ßteu* Cor »? OF COMMON- PLEA» FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF NEW-YOKK.-CnRIBTIAN HI.INN, JR.. Plaintif"", »Kalusl bOLOMUN MKURBACH ami Other». Defeudaat·. In pur. nance of a Judjrmcut of fnreeloiure and «ala dulv entered in the .hove entitled action »nd bearing date the ftth day of April, 18H7. 1. the undersigned, the Referee in the .aid Jtid/rnienrueuied, will »ell at public a_rtlont at the Heal E»tat·· Exchange and Auction Room. Limite«", No». 69 to 03 liberti st., in the city of New-York, on the.Hth day of April, 1S87. »t 19 o'clock noon, by Jam·» L. Well«. Auctioneer, the premi*.·« In said judgment mentioned aud therein described »a follow», viz. . , . ., All that lot of land with the building thereon erected, »ltu- ato In thei'tty of New-York and bounded »nd de»crllted as follow«; in-.iiitiluttal a point on the »outh »lde of *orty· ninth »b, t»*o hundred »iidninety-elx (_9'!> feel west of the .outhwest comer of Tenth ave. and Forty nlnth-st., running then· e «oulh parallel with Tenth ate, «ml p»rtly through a party wall, one hundred reet five inches, thence weal parallel with Fnrty.niiith »t. twentv-sit feet four luche«, thence north itaiallel with Tenth ave. ainl partly throtish a p»rty wall, one hundred fctit five indie» to the. «outh «lde of Fnrtynttilh «L, and thence cast »long the »imo twenty-six Icet four lncne» to the point of begihuliii-. Daled New-York, April ft. 1H87. ilKOKiiK F. LANGBEIN, Referee. W. ?. LEWIS. Plaintiff's Attorney. lea B««aaa al. New.*«or«. _ VOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF REPORT ll IN TDK MATTER l)F TIIE 1IAULEM IlIVEKAND ??G???? DIYVIL CREEK IMPKOVEMKNT, AND RF.glilRlNU l'A Vil E.Vl'uK ASSESSMENT!-: THEREIN LAID. _________ Public notice hereby «an by the Comptroller of the City ot .New-York, pursuant to set ton '.' of chapter 214 of tl..- mv·-. of 1HH1I, .mending previous statutes, of the cou. Urination ou July!». 18-*_i of the Iteitort of the Comnilssloner» npiMiinte.l by tho Supreme Court in tho matter of the petition of ino I'nlte.t Stute» for the appointment of Coiu'uissloucr» pursiant to chapter 147 ol the Laws or 1H7H, as amended, for ari|iilflns the rtKlit «it way necessary tor tho lmpmreraent of Ihe Harlem Itivei and spuyten Dnyrll «reok from the North Diverto the Kitat lti»-i'r, through tlio Harlem Kill«. Anil ap- peals lia» in_ l»«jeu taken to the Ueneral Term of the Supreme Court from the order of ciiiiHririatlon entered »t ? «peclal term on tho loth day of July. lMMii. and leering dale the «aid '.Uh day of July, 1 ssd. It wa» ordered that «aid appeal» be «ml tlie same tveiv dis nlsse.l on tho 17th day ot Eebruary, ?-.·«,", ,? copy or which said order of the ueneral Term diami««. Ins «aid »ope ti« wa« Hied in Ih« ollh'oo* tue said Co uptrollnr mi Hi- liitli .'tv of Eebruary, 1HB7, and approved bv the! to Iba (?p???-ntlnii ou the 1 Uh day of March. 1887. The abstract ot the assessments In said matter wn» filed In the oillrenr sani Controller on the lililí day of March. 1887, and entend in tin« lie. Old id Tille« ni As«esstnents," kept lutlio " I' or the clerk nf Arrears," in the City of New- York, m«" m' tosietion SIS Of the New.VorK < Ity Consoli- dation actor 18S-, on the l¿lst day or Marcii, 1887. In l'insilarne of iho pro» islnii« of said section 2 of chapter, B14Of tin« Law« el 1 ·»·*«». lurtlicr iiotiee Is hereby given that III« asses-uients for belielll. made In said Abstract of A«»«'««· i,,, ni-, .u,· !,, if paid In tlie olii».»of tlie said Complroller to Ihe (olle· turni Assessments aad Clerk of Arrears within thirty nay« from the said _I«tiU.vnf March, 1887, without in¬ teri st. and ¡t ih·' same uro not paid within ninety days tlieie- alter, tim pro. «tslliiRS provided for Ity tho said in t will be taken for Hie .-i.i.n.. uie,it ami collection of the »«nie, the pro¬ visi«, n nf san! statute liuinir as fidine, s "And if not paid ultimi Hi.riy dut« thereafter Interest »t "Ih.Mate or e labt per «.eiilum tier annum shall acciaio and bn "paid iinnn tlie sain«; until the same aro paid, and as to all ".nek assessment« aa «hall not Be paid uithiu ninety days "in.,-u the time »aid upon o: ass« ssment Is continue«! (or the "lime when «aid abstract ot aesr-smeiit» was «nt. red In the "?:·, nd ol A««.1MBta kept in the "Hnrcaii'if Ihol'Irrk of "Arrear«,'lo w.t. on the-1st day of March. 1887), the «aid "r.iiuptr..!!cr is lur. I,y autli,.n/.i"l an,', directed. iniinc»iial«Iy "ii|sin the nipiralloa ol -aid iiiiiolv »lavs, to issue Ins warrant "lui the celli ?????? of u una Id assessments. Oath wairant " Sail ?,· ilarBed I.·,- tl..· s..ld ·'.uiplroller and dire, led lo the ".-beriil ot the City and County of New.York. . haul "wan ant shall command the .-hi-rUT to collect from the per- " suns am! parties named Iu said warrant tho sum or «uni« ".lue 11 mil thrill lespci liviilv. With mietest at tho rate of i.iit par,« ninni per annua«, from .imi after the mtattmBua "ot thirty dar« from tin« dato of the continuation of said re- "putt uf ananewil« (in Uni « ibi TI il dar or Maree, 1887,1 "|,m »Haut to the provisions and un 1er the authority of thlt "act.' EDWAItli V. LUEW. Comptroller. City nt New. York. Eluanit! Department, Comptroller's Olliee, Mar.h '.».;. 1887, Proijosais. A.Kii coMBiaeioxi se' Orra r. ) li» «im 209, sii » ??,? m ii.iMvii. No. '.'s.) itk«»ai.»v«t. Nitv-YoiiK, ?? ni... lb»7.) -TX) CONTRACTORS. Jl Unis .u pru|s>s:;l« t,.r .'.on»·.' Ih· «ork and furnl«hlng tho ina tei lai« called lor lu th.- appro ? ed Iona o! contrai l now on III,· in mo iiitlci! .if the AtliKsliii 1Co.nulls «cuieis, for the cull- slnietiuii of Ad,liti,»nal shaft No. 13 ·¦/. «lluille.1 on *-e«tlon 7 ol tint New t'roloti Aiinrdui't. ut eboat Biatlon 7.1-¦'>·>, will I e ir,, ned at tin« ?,ill,,· until th __d d iy o[ April, 18-»7, at ». ,. U p. in., at u hi, h pia, ? and hour they will lx» publicly ,,|,e e.l l.y the ? ·| ?··. In· t ? ?,?? u - sloBCI*·, and tit·· award of tho contract for doing «aid work and faratanlag said materials will hi in.ot» hy said Commissioners as soon then alter as practicable, lil.u,. form» nf said approved contract and tho specifications thereo. and the Inds m pi npns il«, and pioper flivelup·« tor ?!., ?? .?. Insure, and foi ms .>r bond«, and also tho pl.tnsfi.r said «nrk, and all ..lli'i infoiviali,.·, ? MJOlTed, .an lie oblaiuutt al Ihe atiov«. nttic-of the Ai|iitsliict Commissioner«, ou appli¬ cation to th.· s., ?, t irv. Ity order of Ihr Ai|Uediiet Commissioner«. JAMES·', ?*G?.M ER, President. JOHN C. SIIEEII AN. titttUtATf ?^???; s a I i;n isl. \.M» KAFID TBAHSiT RAILROAD t ? M l'A NY. AllTlll'lt KILL HKIIHiE. r».p .«.»I-» lor onstru, timi ol the p.. is and fender« of the Aithur kill Und·!«· will be received at the general oit!, e «,| th.· -talen isl «u ? tupid Tiausu Itailroal, from tin« dato until __-» .·.!··!. in» lu-ive. I'isus an! «peeldcation« can bo seen at In· relimad o,nip.tir« otti.,·. In >t of Wh.tehall-et. Proposals -?.,,,? M ne mal »«sil ou Hie eul .id«· aud adii «.'Sacd lu lin· un.!·, ? d. CIIARLKB Al'k'KNHKIL. t hut l'.nuin..-G. Ne«« ·»?_·_, ? 11 !.. ''. 1887. I, ni. SALE..I-bona lioper Calorie hiiirnii* for * I·»". if removed beta*. May 1. 11. LINDEMANN ? ?., Sii G. uri st.. ?-,» York City. _ IAMI-.S ????????. 1!» Ens! I If»r--»f.. havliic- ·/ lint relurne«! (rum Enrop« »lib a hue line ul »holto anti,|'i«s, i,ru,i/es, Bevre« ami ether vaaeaaad porealalaa, au· tlqni rarved oa!« uh in ts. niah<>__ny biinau« and ilie-sln/ eaaea. elennt ormolu and -cm.·.«, .lock«, tin·· atticaadelab Ac, paitos rialti· ity aro iiiritc«! to tail aud adora pui· i,a-iu« «faovaera ötfumboute ano ?a???asa. -TROY BOATS. CITIZENS LINE. ?. foot of ? tiiist.ipiifi'«t.. Korth River, dai'y, neept -aturday, il n m. lot ito)'aud iNcNoith. banda) sban.oi touch«·· at Albany. . -HONOOIT »ml KIXUSTON. laiiiliiiir at j\» «in,st,,,, « \?. -t ?????? Cornwall, Newbara, Marl- Ih.i.i. Milton, l'o»i«bk-et*ale and Etopu«, ronaecllus »»'lth Cistn and Delaware, Htony Clove and ».it-kai Mountain railroad« Bieanier« Cltr of Klasetea aad lunes Vf, Baat* »in leave eieir week day al 1 ?», m ?».·? fool ,.t Harrison »l., .II ept». hen itv of Kih_stnii av. » at 1 p. in. rjENTHAL RAILROAD OF -SEW-JEE8EY. 1 ? u, I ni·' It III' It IV MI! KIT, NORTH For I'llll.llH ?.G???? »nd TRKNTOV. "1!.id Uronk II.»nti .it I nn. 7 IS, II no. 1 on. m. in.. 1 SO, :'¦ Ot», ? ?' ?. 7¡80, l..-?? p. in. ft Nl'AMsal 1:00,4 I ·>. a. m.; ? JO. 1.· ??. ? m. ? li.iin« leavliiir Ht -4»»·». 7 ??. 11 ·»¦). a. ni., ?>. 4 00. :, 3D. 1'.'n·) |k. m . ha» e · olili· , lion loi lleadiiiir. H.i ir!»'ni t _r. 1?·??«· tille, .-?.- 1 no a. m. fol I.aston. Ilethti liem Alíenlo»» n. Itoad· in«. Il arri stni :,·.·. etc. un -Miiulavs fot I »si,m. 7 . m. foi Rasten, Bethlebeai, Alleiii»»«\u, Manch chunk. V, ilkc hu u- au ? Kcraotoo. M HOa. m. lor l-'astmi. Itethlelieiu, Allentown Manch t'lnirk, Wlikeebarre, Heranton, Readlna. Ilarriabunt, PottavUie, 'lamai|ua. ï-hainokln, -uiibuiv. I.ewisluiiir, \l ili.ain-¡.ii t. OO and 1 :io p. m. tor la-ton. lit Ihleheiu, AKchlown, .Manchi bnnk, Readies, liarnabui .. etc :t IS p. m. for la-ton. Bethlehem, Alleutoarn, Manch chunk, WllkMlN. lint,,ii. 1 uiimnu», Mi»ui,ikin, Miiilnuy, Lew li¬ bine il! ...hi -... »it. «US, « no and I .10 p. m fol I --Km. II.-thb-liem, Allentown, etc .'. i.', o in. lor Ea.ston. Kelhlehein. All.-ntu« u. Man, h Chinile. M ilkcsliarre, HtOálBg, lluri'isbiii'K, etc. «Ju Sunday» at j.JO ? in. 7:(M| and 7 ltd p. in. f,,r Easton. Ketlil.-hem. Allentown. I SO, ?,?ß, Ilo·) a. m.. 1 oo. 4 '»). I .to. n IB p. in. ¡Sundays I no, 00 a. in for lied Hank. ?.???? lliauch. Oieail «¡rove, (eicetll MnntlaV»), Poial Pleasant. 4 SO, « I.*· a. m., 1:00, 4:30 p. m., fer i.akewoo.1, Tom« Hirer nnd Hal 4 ::oa. in 1 ·)·) p.m.. for Atlantic City, Yinclaint, llrld»reton and »umleilaiid am» Maurice Itlier It. It. 4:110, S ? ?. 11 4? a m.. 1.00, 4 SO, .', SO p. m. for Ereehold. 4 I·», til)··. H.I5, II-·»», 114.*» ». m I oo. 4 00. |.:IO,5.»0, t! ?? ??. in. Sundays 4.00, 1) no a. m. loi Perth Ainboy. NEW JEltHEV sol TIIEHN I)IV. l'r.uii l'lerM. .v. lt.. ria Sandy Hunk. l'or Atlantic Highlands, soaurlght. Eon _r Hratnh, Ac, 3:45 p. 111. Eni'timi of ualn« to local point.« «co timetable« at Ticket Offleea. CATSKILL EVENING LINE. Ii ? is ?? 1.1, nnd way ????????««.« leave Pier :!3 North River, foot of Jarstreet daily ut p. m. i'or STUYVESANT and ATHKNM tr. Pier 115 North III» er. loot o( Kranklm street, Tuesday», Tliursdays and siiiiinlavs at -ame hour. »? EHIOH VALLEY RAILROAD. PASHENdER UtAIN'H leave loot of Corllandt or Dei lilos-es sts. rollo»·« Ta. iu. tor r.itaa_ui|ii tand Intermediate point. lia for »ioneva, Lyons, Klinlri, Roohaater, lln'Tah» ani the West aud principal ???-t point-. Chair car to Wilkei- barn·. 1 a, in. for Tnukbitnnock »n»l luterine.llate point«. Chair o»r to 1 uii-haniin. W. Counoctloii to Kn? llnr and llarrisour« :t: lo p. m, tor l»>ttsluil and principal luterai·· Hato itoliit«. Chair car to Pittatoti. 8:4!» p. in. for Copiar and Intermediate point«. Coniiectiou to Keadiinr and llarri.«buri(. Cliair car to Copiar. 7 n. m. foi leniva. ??,ms. I.lmlra, Itochester, IlulTaloanl Hin West. Pullman sleeper to Lyons. 7 ,10 p. in. for I..turar« and intermediate poluta. Train« leaving at 8 a BL, 1 I». m. ami '.in p. in. connect tor all points in Mahunov and lla/leion Coal Hetilou«. SENDA ? TUA INS. H tv tu. for Manch Chunk, ll.i.·:. tmi and interine luto point«. .', lo p. m. for Copley »nd Intermediato point«. 7|. in. foc'lenevii, l.yoiis, Klintra, UnSBSSlSH Ruffalo and Um st. Pullulati sceper to Lyons, WEST SHORE RAILROAD. N. Y. C. and II. R It, Co., less**- Tralns learo We»t 4Jd-»t station as follow-s. tu UJ inlO'tt»! earlier from foot of I iv-st.. North River. Detroit and Chicago, *0i-Sv m., *0:05, *8:ljp. ra. St Louts, ?|;0\ *??·.?.?|. m. Ctica. Syracuse, Burraio, Rochester, Bu«pen«lon flrldre. -tlsaars Eaii«, n-.i.V *atBSa 'tu, *t>:i)J. ¦sklBa m. Highland. Kingston. Hsuiteities. Cata·ill, Albany. 3:1-, .7:15. ?-.00, 11:110 a m., -tiOD, "0:05, Utili p. m. Cruuslon's. West Point Cornwall, New unid. *-;13. *7:15, ·?):88, «1015, 11 ?0_.??. 4 01», b 00, *>fcl:lö|*. iit-i -lid -Ü;üj p. iu. I'ranston's, Cornwall. Newhure. l'or Montreal nnd Canada East, CtOSP. m. Hamilton, London. niiftSa. uu *Ü:U-, 8:15 p. m.; Toronto, ü'i.Via. m., lt¡:0.\ *M:18p. m. _. _ . Ebirant lIlljlBI lili· for »uffalo, ??«?»?» *»lla, Detroit, C'liicaao and st. la,,,!« on all Ibroitsu iraiua, * I'aily. IDailr except Bat'irdar. ou'vr traln»d__ijr except. Bandar, , l'or ticket», tini·¦-tables, »????G or »leenlng-car accommoda¬ tion« or information, apply «I uUice«. llrooklyu...,1 Wash. lliirton-sL. 780 Eultoli-st., Annex ·»lt»<-o. lootol l-ultou-.t. New York ( Kr.aat, 7)s6, l 4'J Itruattway, 10-»-i Boaury »nd Weal Nioro »tatloua, loot r*J Wtst *M-*t., loot of J»r»u, N. «. C. 1·- A M 11 I. I. ? t \ aii-'.i-rhilt-ave. _Oeiieial Pasucugor A«-nt WrOMNOTON LINE. For Ro«ton, Providence and all Eastern point». sle»iu«>rs will have 1?.? now No. Ot, North ill vor, one block above Cenai-»*», at 5 p. m. daily, except -un,lay. _?. il._li ll iu ? ¡?, i.eui l'_asou»er Agent, BAY LINE to OLD POINT COMFORT NORFOLK, VA., «ud Mil'TII. Leave via Peno. IL It, I .ill,,. m. Par lot car« to Baltimore, tln-ure palate stiuinen, aiiivin_ «I Old Point at ail. a. _e Noitolk'.a.ut. , H. V. TOMPKINB, ." _ O.n'l Yete. Agent, ait* lUomlu»j,S. Y. \E\V- UAVEN.-Steatners leave Peck-elip XI tl'iet »_6, E. It. ) at ;i p.m. and 11 p.m. (Sundays «xceuUdi "-"».u a-liv» lit time tot early tram« uot IU aud ea«t öprinj Retort·. ""HOTEL BRIGHTON, ATI/A-fTIC CITY, N. J. Entirely remedelled end hnprered. large hedreema, essa Sree, hydraulic «levtter. Ao. Reopened March7, aad wBI lenitln open throughout the year aa heretofore. P. W. HEMBLBY m BOX ROWLAND HOTEL, t_ON(J BRANCH. SEASON OF 1887 WILL OPEN THURSDAY, JCX-C » Applications may he made to HEMiY WALTER, Proprietor, Alberatile Rotel, Madison Situare, New-York. LAUREL HOUSE, »LA ? .WOOD. NBW JKKMBV. Remain» open nntil June I. PLUM EH, lMIITEIt * BARKER. IgMSSSSS» ATLANTIC HOUSE, OCEAN OROVR.N. T. Ettabllthcd 1.7& G liaient, quiet winter bouse. Thoroughly-heatMb-tyUai i. Il a** 1.I, Hfc> Ii L iiX. r-AT8K_LLMOUNT-tlN8.BbaadakeB.UIaaat \J Cou n ty. N. V. -La Menti Hotel will open .Tune 1: house hoatoal bv tteani all modern lniprovoment» tcrmt moderale. ialini a.!.He*» WM. ?. Mlt'TH ? It If, «t the ItOSSttlOrS ll niel. ·.' to 6 tnd 7 to tl p. ui., where plant «Min be teen tnd particular» given._ PENINSULA" HOilSE. Seabrtarht, N. J. . Looms «an low be engaged for the Htiinmtr 888B8S of 1H87. CHARLES ?. DEDKRER. Propri«*«.. PAVILION HOTEL AND COTTAGES. I I «lip, long talami, will open for the tetto-. May 38. J \ M km s lati·; it. of U>e Berkeley, Otli ava, corner 8th tt, ??» uer ami proprietor. WATERTOWN, Litchtìeld Conaty, Conn.. The "Warren Homo" will opon Mar 1; house netted by *t· am. For particular», pltut. «ML, call on or address, "Koastuore Hotel," X. Y., 2 to d anil 7 lo 0 p. in. WM. H. SOTJTHWOBTH, Proprietor. (Ucean Üttamero. ANCHOR LISE U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS. KEW-YORK AND LIVERPOOL· .teamthlpCTTY OF ROME asili Weduetday, April-'7, and every fourtli Wednetday, thereafter. »Saloon iiaaatge. *·'·(> and upward Second data, f >0. O-ASOOW VIA L«J.NHON KERRY. Devonia.April 10. noon.. C'.rr»»«ia .April 140,10a m. Fumea»!« ...April 88. Ethl Dia.May 7. 3 am. Itale».»! peana* to Olatgow, Derry, Liverpool ami liVlUil . Casia, BMaeS aSS, Kexond elsa». $30: rttee.age. $20. For book of tours or mrthor Information apply to IIENDLIIWO.N IlltOTHEK.«·, 7 Bowling (Ireeu. New-York pIRCULAB LETTERS of nada for travelers \J abi-oait. available In all part» of tho world, Itsued by hi m i.ii.v ii. ICKELUEIMER _ CO, foreign banker« IS William-it. COMPAÑÍA ???-???Ga??G?? ESPAÑOL- Formerly A. LOPE/ A CO. (North American Branch.) Tho ateamert of till» well-known S.i.ti'.tli «1·»??«!?(? lin», now ululer contract with Ilio Menem ivarn ne-it, will lr.ivo Nciv-York for Havana«llrect on tbe -tth. 1Kb sud -itti of orear month. Tlio Hi »tela«» »teamahlp Mexico. Cant, ('armons, will sail from p>er-i:i M. IL, onAoril 14. at 9 p. in., for the follow. nigport»: BUiresSa Breossa Vera Crea, s:. Ja.·» di cubi» "arthariaa (GG ? ft V í*nae "araS-Hs. l'orti Ciucilo, Ls Oaayra.CadU ami Bareetoee IB.tUM 4 co.. m Agenta, .SO Wall-tt.. New-York. POMPAGNIE GENERALE TKANSATLAN- \j TIQtl·:. FltKNCII LINKT«» HAVRK. l ompany'» l'.cr mevvl No, 42 North River.foot of LA NOK MANIUE, do Kertablec.Mat., April lei, noon LA luti' I'.iiOONE. Franguol.SaL. April 23. ? a. in. LA HKETAONE, do Jou«tol1n.sal.. April 30. 10s. m. LOUIS UK BERI AN, Agent, No. I Bowling Green, C 1ÜNAHD LINE. MEW'YOBB TO LIVERPOOL«!.*, QL-ENSTOWN" from Pier 40, North River. FAST EXPRESS- MAIL SERVICE. V M mil A.Sat untav. April lb. 12:30 p. m SERVIA.saturila«. April 29. 1 μ, to. ETRI-RIA.Saturday. April ¿0, Id.30 am. A I'RAMA. .«aturda«. May 7. 4 ?«, ta. SERVICE FRuM BOSTO-I TO LIVERPOOL 8AIL1NU THURSDAYS. Catalonia.April 14. Mar 11». Jn_e2i. Jtilr2S l'aroma.April '__, Mar 'id, Juiiol). A_m«t4 ·ithaloi ba.May 6, June !«, July 14. ?·?._»?? Fcvtlna..May 12, June 10. Jtilr 21. Au._»t '_.% li.'ihnu.April '.'X. June 2. July 7, Cabin pa»»age, $00 f<«O and *1·?0. intennedtat«, ¿38. steerage ticket« to sud troni all part» of Em-ope at very low rite«. Kor freight ami pattage apidy totho romnanv't orneo«. 'j'J state-st.. Boston, or 4 Howling oreen, New-York. VEUNoN H. BROWN A eu., «.entrai Agents. f'..OROIA AND FLORIDA vii SAVANNAH \? I'll «veekla· lino from ??t-7. S. IL. f'»ot )?- Park-place SB, NACOOCftBB.Thursday. April 14. at I p. m. SB, TAI ? ? ? A ««.E.Saturday, April in. at 3 p. m. SS.« ????? AHOOCHKB.Toe» tar. April 1H.sI3o.iu. Cotiiiecting with Savannah. Floruit and Wettern Railway for llrtinawuk. Thoutaaville, !'« rn »n.'tiii ?. Jacksonville and all (.????» in Florida» L'uaurpa»aed aocomiiiothitiou«, Oral- ciata table d'hote. For freight or n_s«api> apply to J. G». naSHAOEX. HENRY YONV.E, Fitt.rn Agent s. F. ,t W. Ry.. Agen! OeeSS B_ VO.. .Ml Broadway._old t'.or 27, n. r. «OU10N LINE. «J» G?????) STATES MAIL ISTEASfERS Full ill'KKSSTUWN ANI» 1.1 V L-K POO L. I'.a-r 38, N. IL. loot of :i «:. ARIZONA.iueedar, April 10. 2.10p.m. ? KV -DA.Tueaday. Mav l. I p. m. ALASKS.TeeeSer, May 10, Ta. m. \\ 'Vini IN«;.TuesdarMtv 17. 1 p. m. ARIZ·»N A .Tueailay, May -4. 6..W p. m. « ubili p.i»»:a«e«J;>(lami upward accordili»· location. In¬ tel indiate («econd.i la»») o'Atl. Steerage +'- >. _A. M. L ? UE UH ILL A CO, -"¦) Bioa«lwsy. ?. Y. nAMBUBO-AMERICAN ss. LINE FOH 11 Plymouth (LondonI. Cherhour.' (l'ariti, lltuibnrg. Saorta Aprii 14. .Rha-tía.... 4¡». m..April 21, Haniuionbt, ? ?. m.. April '.'H..«¡i-ll-rt.M) p. m.. May ? lu«: « abili. *.'·?», «?»IOand$7J. Sto rage .at low rato«. Kl'MIARliT .. CO.. v. a III« II A in».too.. «i^n A.t«.. ul Broad »t, M. PaaAglt.til Rway, N.T. I N.MAN' LINIl IT. S.aid ..oval Mail KteääftMB I FOR Ut'EENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, « ??? 01 MONTREAL. .Sattit.iav, \prit ..«, 5 p. m. < ITVOK MKR1.IV.Hatur.lav. Anni :'.(^ 10:30a, ?. i-ITY OP CHKHTRR.sat ir dr. Miv7. ."i p. ro. CITr OP Itll'ilMiiV'i.H.-a'u itar. M ¦> l«, 11 a, __ Kirm Irn an I'ler. feotof firprd-ft. Jcr»ey City. ? A11IN ? ASe A OF, «.10 and iifwanL INTERMEDI ATS; tJU bTLERAOE, f-'lt J 1'???? WRIGHT ? SONS, (¡eneral Agta, _No. 1 liioadway. ?. Y. ?G??-ClllNA OCCIDENTAL ANO ORIKNTAL «¦Uaiitcrt leave-??:? t-'ini.n ? «a nil» r«. «as Pablo.TeaaSae, -Vor.L aa oceanic. .aatarlsr, Mie \L ? A E Lie.Îue*Iay. May ¿l. OCEAN IO. U.- ELI ««. BKLOI0, Pnnei-lily AiiptiloteI.Superior ?·? » u n>Ittloiv BaaSSSB-MBa >au be iu ? le of .o.l».· or l-Jl-vtrtp«. «», \\\ rtbin plau» tee ? at, 2-7 llroalw./, NaitrVora, or :l»ja ^ 1 .ti.U'-'i t u .l,:i_, -au Fruncí«». I ELAN I) STANFORD, Preside. T. H. OOOI1MAM, General I' Agoat. MOBDDEUt-CHEB LLOYD SS. CO. SHORT BOUTK TO LoNDo.V. MEW'YOBB, hOl.TIIAMITU.V AND IIREMEN EV-T BXPBEaS M L.V.VIERI«. BMS, Wed. Aaru 18,9t80.?- ft LI» \. nat.. Apr. 23, «ani. EII»Lll,Sat.A;».l«i. l.'lOp.m. I «A AI,'; W e L. Aol. .'7, M a, ru. I LAV I.. VV'til. April -U. 3 p.m. I ELuE.Mat...\I>I..U, 10:30 _,¦_, Eirtt Cabin. *10>. $l'-'.">. ilio or »ili ? un, ac««.it!iug to locano-. seeoBii ? .timi, ???.« berle,Bteerafa at io«c«i rat«». ULLRICHS <_ CO., ?». lloivilng Oreen. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S 1 L?? EM ?? It C A LIFO R ?I A. J A l'A N, C HIÑA. CENI TRALAND-SOUTH AMERICA AND -MEXICO From New-Yorlt, jder lool of (, N. It ??? ban 1 taiio« o via the Itlltiiiiiiot Panamst N_W Oit G »ail« ·· u -day. Anni '··. iioaia, OREAT REDUCTION IK kaTE- to 8AN FRANCISCO. lían Fraucltco, Iti ami Hi.-iQnon.sta lea China an l Ja.u'i. ^ CITY OF sviiNKi ani« Tue*.. Mai 11.J i. «j. For trend!, nast.tge aud general int-u uai.uu a;inl/ at oo.aa laii>Ouib.oou lUti.nir, loot Caual-at.. N. IL IL J. RL'LLAY. Miparliitendín- UED STAR LINE. POR ANTWERP AND TARIS. .-«ailing Inni New-l ork aud Aultaeiu ortry Satunlay. NoollDI.ANO. -atunlay. Aprii 1«, 1 n. m, RHYNLANO.Satur.lav. .aprii _.l, 5 30 a. m. 1 -il: ami '<» mit Lau·*. t>trat «abili, »Oc and «75. Kxctir- 'mu. SUO and $1'.'? «jccoii l cabio, ta... E-curaiou, OVO. -la-orage al low· »? rate*. PETER Wllliill l SONS, Oou! Agi,«, 5j BroaJwar. ^rilE U. S. AND BRAZIL MAIL S.S. 0>.~~* JL A ti )ia»tengel' bue. Fur st. Thomas, Rarbadot. l'ara, Maranbam, l'ernin-bnco. Rabia auil Rio «lo Janeiro, cunneiUiig tor santo», Montevideo and tv.iy pori«. bieiiiialiib FINANCE, Wediie»ilay. April 1.1, st « p. ra. Pioni Newport New», Va., I bu· da« after st 7 BL m. PAUL T. oERHARD A Co.. bui. Agía. s. limali -? ?. Y. WHITE STAR LINE. FORQUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, ROYAL A.S DN1TED bTATE- MAIL -1'KAMERS ADRIATIC. HOI, ?* tr«»u .Wed-tì» Ue. ipiillj. ? _ ?a liRlTANMC. fspt. Perrr.WS.»eeSSr. Apl.20. An. in. ARABIC, C.pi. Ruriuu.Tttiiit.«uy. April JL . p. u_ CBLTia, Capt. Irving.Wedneaday. April 2?. 8 a. a_ For London direct, ARABI'', c^pt Unrton.Tii.-»<Ut, Mar 31, noon. rioni the White Pt.r Dock, feotof W«itloth..w RATE-.Stloon. íiO. 8*30, »siijud *·1? t lietui u tb ketaoa lavoi-.abi·, term«. steerage troni or to Uie Old Country. 820, latrrn.ediate (AdrltUo and Celuo only), «5. iu-iitntn,iw, }or iBtjectlon of idjat or SSBSJ iiitoriiiauoa aouiy attuo comvuny'» ofi.t-ß. 87 -roadwty- N«w.Yor_ "" - R.J. COMTia, AfsaC^ Steamboat· ano Huilronòe. FOR HUDSON AND COXSACKIE. Boat« leave at ? p. BL· Tin »day», I burwiayt and satnr day» from Pier 3. N. R., foot ot Jay M. Monday!, Wednet.'.ayt aud Frldayt from Pier 3-, tool el Franklin »t.. coiiiioctiiig îaltli llolloli an 1 Albany R. R. CHORE LINE, all Rail, for Boston, Provi- .O lient e, Newport and all New·England Poiota. S Es- prêts traini dally ibtindays envpteiii troiu Orsud Centrai Depot, at H a in., 2 p. m. (parlor cara) sud 11 p. m. (polaco iieepiogrtrt). -unday traUas 10a. m. tparlor ear«), lip. iu. aleeylug cara). Take - ¿?. m. Bspreas for Newport, arriving at 7:40 p. at. BOSTON. NEWPORT, NORTH and EAST ria FALL RIVER LIME - Steamers PILORI- and ut. Leave I'ier 28 N. R., foot of M array* it, at 0:00 u. in. daily. (Haadays luotuici». Ooaaeelloe by Anuei Root from Brookly at 4:30 aud J«r«ey City at 4 ». in. An ore h ostra oa aaolt ateaiaea Seil SÜS.888????? Lowest Ratas._ REDUCTION OF FARE» VIA NORWICH LINE- The Popular Iastde Boato, To Boeaaa, BL· Woroetttir, 82 6U Corresponding rodnciion to all »oíale, Htsaiaers "City ot WoreesUr" and "City ol Mev-Yecfc'· loavo Pier 40 (old auuibei). North River, foot of WeMes». (asal pier ssvvs Desbreasos Ferry) dt.iy except Baader, t.OO p. a- O. W. BRADY, A««at

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1887-04-13.TheCr»t part ol Dr. Stinde's amusing¦ Biiehhol. Finiiily " wae very euceeamtul here-1-0muchtothat the Seribners iutoud to publish shortly

Reto Publication*.?HE APlilL BCR1BNÄR.

American and foreign critics unite in declaring tbe t'npub-lithed Lttura of Thackeray to be the most important and

Interesting literary event ef recent years. The London·' Daily Newt " ol March '.'{», in a long editorial trtlcle en¬

titled " Treasure Trove,·' says:"Tbe moti chanoiug letters that ever were printed are to

tie read in the Ajuil number of " scrlhuer't liafa_lne.'' Theyare letter« from M r. Thackeray to Mm. Lirook-eld and to Mr.Broo-H» id nor did Madame do Kevigne ever write pateamore loll ot affection and of humor. . . . Ko admirer ot

Thackeray.tbat ?» to say, nobody who has the faintest tine,

toi«; of letters will be content until he hat road all these, a

welcome pleasure slier tbe scraps from a waste-paper basketWtalcn bave been olienti to the world lately."


BAY.Frontispiece.Engraved oj Ü. Krutll.

A\ COLLKC-ION OF VNPCB-Llhll, 1) I.KTiKIIS OP.HACK-RAY.Witb an In«: >ductlon by

Jaae Octavia lirookti« Id. II-luttrated by reproduction! ofanpnblitbod drawtnga byThackeray (To be t.iitii.u« «I

la further numbers.)-HO HAID FAWN" (Story)..TUO_CAS NELbüN G???,THB STORY OF A NEW.YORK HOCSE-IV.H. C. BCNNKR.

illustratoli by A. il Proti.


Illustrsted. V. 8. Navy.FORTUNE (Poemi.ELYOT WELD.



JUSMIB1SCENCE8 OF THEß???? AND COMMUNEOF PARIK, Fourth (conclud¬ing) Paper.the DOWN-VALLUi TIIK «.'uMMl M-.i:. B. WASIIBCRNE, ex

With illoatratloua. Minuter to France.



With iUuatrationa.THK OLD EARTH (Poem)....CHARLES EDWARD


TEDESCO'- RUBINA (Story}.F. D. MILLET._-.*OLI8U IN OCR COL-LSOKS.ADAMS «SHERMAN HILL.Over the whole number there hangs an atmosphere of earn-

semata, the «juality which make» out leel tbat It Is publiahedhseaase there It totnethlng to be »aid rather thaa tomttbingIs taid tn order that It may be published, which thoroughlyeo_steads 'Serlbner's' to lovera of literature anSot thought.".Botten Courier.? fresh supply of tin» aumber it now ready sud tor tale by

all dealers.38 CENTS A NUMBER; Í-1 A YEAR.



All completa In the MAY ? I.' MIIKit of th*FAMILY LIBBAKY MONTHLY.Only 1ft ecate. Of til newtdealert or


YOUNG LADIES' JOURNAL,Cea taiai_s.aU the lsteat Parla fsafcUms. Prise SO esatt.Çf aR sew tessi«-.; who will alto ttkt· for

fpssr Uree ama-nt, er for toy partof t y-tr tt 3. ctau psr


LITERARY NOTES.' Mr. Cabnfa Memoir st Kmeraee. *hieh «sill aies be.roiubt out bv lloujbton, Mifflin _ Co., trill containti good deal ot uupubliahcd mutici lclt by Mr. Einer-


Olouel John Hay boa pleased bis friends by m-itinge poe. which is to be published in the next number ol

«The Century." It it entitled " ltru-1." uud it hasbeen illastruted by Kenyon Vox.¦ If Ole Virginia " u tbe title ol the volume oí thort

atones which tho Scriluiem are about to brina out lor

Mr. Thomas Nelson Pa.«. Mr. Page has written two

or three clever things, but he line yet to win lui spurein what we unii ratiniti us Literature.a Tho most sueeestiiil American book to day." says

«The American Bookseller," "ia 'Ben Hor,'jet tor

aotue time alter j ubMcatiou it was not ? success. NVh-inR hut the eousisteut and persistent advertising ot tbeboose thftt in,-!..¡?««·» it. and their immense command o!n .ne ot dstnbution, made it« merit« ktrnwu Htworked it un to its present eiioriiio-ß sales." " BenHur," it ia aaid, is read in religious institutions ot uiisecta. Catholic ns well as Protestant.

Bishop Wiliner, ol Albania, bas prepared a vol-unoot * Kcaiiniecenoce ot a Urandtather," wbicb is to be

published hy Mr. ThJtnns Whitlukir. Tie boot ia a

study ot tho recent past from the Southern point ot? ie w.The Cr»t part ol Dr. Stinde's amusing ¦ Biiehhol.

Finiiily " wae very euceeamtul here-1-0 much to that

the Seribners iutoud to publish shortly a tr_uelatioiiqi the Ki-coti'l part.This is the best tnat tbe modern rather beavy-witted

English cyme can do in paro ly ol Tennyson's ode :

Jtfiy time* the .musata tliarpened hit reueil:Kifly times be turned over the Khyiuiiig Dletiouary:Buen bo decide 1 too mm up rbymet altogether.

He, the Put. lof Laureate.He, tbe Lord-Manufacturer,Shaped a stately meiuiirlul,Made it! »' gorgeousAiter Wall Wnltiuau'e pattern,K eu In blackness, lu «lulnass,

. ·.« ulob might ai eak to tbe contnrleaThrough the " Magazine Macmillan,"? ·? Hn« year ot our Jubilee.

' The late K, I'. Whipple's volume ot es-ays entitled*' American Li tei ature," will be itsued on Saturday byTlcknor. This house will also BfBSf out on the «vaine

day Mr. Kolte's students' edition ol " Kuoch Arden."Mr. Fnwcett's « ronlessions ol Clami," and LadyWilde's u Aeateet Legends, »Mystic Charma and Super-atiiious ot Ireluml."A handsome edition of Miss Warner's " Wide, Wide

World," illustrated by V, Dielnianu, is announced byLippiucoti.Dr. Marvin R. Vineeut is about to publish through

tbe Seribners a volume of " Word Studies in the NewTestuuicnt." It promises to be of much use to eludenteei the Hi ble.

" An 111 Win 1 " is tho title oi Mr. Julian Hawthorne'sBew alory. It will appear in Ibis week. ¦ Kpoch."

Henry Holt 6c Co. hare just brought out a prettylittle edition ol »Moore's ¦ Epicurean," aud the" Uenini

Tom" will probably havo moro American reaaere lor alew weeks than he has had in ns many years. The«li.-irii«· ot plagiarism is a foolish o_e in this case andhas,moreover,been transtcrrod ulroady to" Alciphrun,"the poem in which Moore treated the same theme.Mr. Lang declares, end with reason, tbat " this craze

tor bringing charges of plagiari». a>;uinst tbe authorot any new work that pleases the lean has become a

public nuisance. Tho passion for d-tecting literarythefts vviui«. they do nut exist is ? malady, like an¬

other. As a rulo only persons incapable ot literarydiscrimination aie atícete·! by this complaint."A new magazine, devoted to pol.tics, literature,

science and art, is to be brought out iu Washingtonunder the editorship of Mr. Jobo Addison Porter. It¦»ill he thoroughly non-partisan and will repn-sent in

spirit and in authorship tbe clever young men ot tl.e

country. It is proposed to call it " The Young Men'sNatioial Keview." Its editor ir already known as a

young writer oi ability.T«o volumes ol the new edition ot Browning's works

Will On issuotl ibis moui'i by Houghtoti, MifHiti «Se Co.

Jchn S. Mosbj'e M War Reminiscences" are an¬

noti iced lot publication tue last ot tbis month.A utetul collection nl standard short ctories iu

German is announced by I). C. Heath ii Co. It hasbeen prepared lor students by Dr. Bernhardt. «·1Washington, and will appear under the title ol * Nov¬ellette. Ililiiittbtk."

Mr. Buskin has a very pleasant a* ay of being frauk,es in this note to the public : - I have directetl Mr.Allen, in this and all future issues ot his lita ol mypurchaeeahlc works, to ¡vlvertise none but those whichLe is able to dispatch to order by return of post. Thejust estimate ol decline in the energy oi advancing age.the warnings, now thrice repeated, of disabling ill¬ness consequent on any unusual exertion ot thought.and ebieliy the difficulty I now ftud in addressing a

public tor whom in tbe course ot the last tew ? -ars ot

revolutiou, old things have fussed awuv, and all thingsbecome new, render it, in my thinking, alike Irreverentand unwise to speak ot any once-intended writings us. iu' May I also Venture to bint to trienda»sli<» may at any tune te anxious ubont me that tbeonly tru*tw«»rthy evidences ot my health are my writ¬ings ; aud that it is a prettier attention to an oíd nino

to read what he wishes to say, aud can say withoutettort, than to require htkn to answer vexing'questionson general subjects or to add to his day's aptioinU'Ulabor the burden ot accidental and unnecessary corre-



Jnslrnrtiort._»¦¦ ¦¦.¦ ¦ '¦

Boya and ?????t Mari Oit/.

UNIVERSITY GHAMMAtt FCHOOL, 1,473.r-wty. rrtr 4-«*.#_. Stun yrtt, ?µp. commercial

r.A rìtaik-alnt-iitrtnieiiti iuttniition tl.nroo,-!- _. ?. HOB. Prln. >'. C HE-IDhICItÖU.N.attoelat·,

Tor Both Sexee.City.

A.CIRCULARS 0- SCIIO )LS. triti re-. )«tl, lieti ? tl)«f 1er potts gè.

...E. AVEllY Aiu'u ttliool Buit-tn, «A «al Itili.·! Jt.T.

Art Schools.City.VIRS. LOUISA ?. CÜLVERt» i will reauiiie lier cltsaet from November ?, tnD11AW1.NU, Oil. AND WATKHCOLOH I'AI.ViTNO.

Mill life, flower» am! landtraiie,China painting and ,1«t<>rati«>i».

ETUIUO.«*«- is BAST _8??1·~?.lirfercnrc«

Mr. P. Tlniitincton, PteaMeet National Academy of i>r»!gn.Ill, Vt llllani limi, ?. ?.; .Mr. Jan:«?« il. Halt, -V A.-

All. l'UVlll Joliljnoll. .V A.

Brooicly.-.¦"THE CRITTENDEN"1 1111.??1? M IKiOL AND K INDLItUAllTKN

KO H HOT 11 BBSKBat il" Hicks-sl-, cui·, l'incappi·' »t

Mis« H. if. WHEE-KR. Pria eipal, 1er the past eight year«bas ?·····?? in «Iiaig·· of «ne t.I Uie Primary Department» in thePucker Collegiale In»tituie. Sanaa term Ih-"iii* April l'i

rSZkoa without bxtba on_au_

For Youn? Laiie»....ttv.r/.OHE BOARDING SCHOOL.fer Vistea and Cblblreii, .Bustoni, conn. A .hires»

_ _MIS- A. THUaHSTOX. I'iiiiripal.__,??? COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Me-I tuciiin, n.J. BassS, tuition (including anale) »MB fSf

qoarier lor girl».

rT-lNlT- HAU«,??????,?, NEW.JERSEY.

A thorough home fcliool for tweutr yonng ltilies. Vailed

idvaiittfies of Uu- hlgh-it «trrtcr. Careful training in manner,

luluil and heart. Soliti ciiltiir«· in Inglish. Music, AH and I.m·

guag«·». latenti« lb yoat tegiua Stpteiubir IA Loi emulai-

tildrcat tbcpriut ipal,_Ml»» HACHFI.LK OIBBOBS lll'NT._

HO.MK AM) DAY r-CHOOL Ioli GI1.LS.-Itlnitiy. Inlein filiale, t Ineeifol, J- uplieli. Music. Prep»,

liticn l«r lumi « « I!«»«n M «ciaJly. ln)i!i»<"' ??p-µ?????««illfiitte - iti.« ut ri»minaihm. "l UK 1 I Al K 'Spilniilieid,iíaSSaj Mietet Poll-Hi «t til AM l>_y. _-?§ß8-

For Boys and Young Men.Country.

A -CIRCULARS of BCboola, both sexe», city. imi country, with rar« lui ailvlc«. lo paient».

?. ??. tox 911 uatlîtiiht. Ba-tSjaB.*a'i LKXANDKR INSTITUTE, Military Hoard-_c\ li g School, White l'lalns, M. Y. l'uneipal, O. B, WIL¬LIS, P'.lI)._FREEHOLD INSITI G 11·:, Freehold. N.J.A PKKPAltKS FOB 1 itl.Ll.l.K « It BUSINESS.

Itev. A. 0. CIlAMBKHtM, A. M.. Prim ipal.

[1GHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY.Worcester, Mass. ü begin.» Sept. '."-', lHHfl.

C. H. VKTCAl,!·'. A. V.. Mi|ii.Mriu!rrit

PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY,I ITU-STEH. Twmty-nftlivoar.A MILI.TAHV COI.LP.OK. ClTll tingine« r!nr. «Tie-Hairy.ClaaaMM English. COI» ????. llYATT.Preaatieal.

UOCKI.AM) COLLEGE, .Ny-uk-oii-tiie-¡(ud*on. will be ojien darlas s.t.inner tot BB_

halfstulv. scud lor circular -tuli lull partu-uiar». Knteranv tu it-.

_W. ?. BANNI*.TKII, A. M.. l'rm·ÏIGK'S «Media A<adeuiT.-§128O «ìuartei' »ira »tu la it« » I nltt» t a 11 «]«t*:fie«l atanr time, licet instruction, tutt o«r\ »sii tt'i'.s. Kin^-le or

double reo-ut beateti iy «tea u Baa eoli*.·» repnrutniv. kng-)l»h, lineine»» and eiigínei-ring «itt»e». KW ? II IN amolili 11 OL, A.l. ? A. Si., (H »nuil) M film, l'fim.

YONKEKS (>N THÈ iil'DSON ..A family?? 1 « «? f« r «Vali·»lile 1 -oj « ¡little 1 oy» »n«! tlinsc gninj: fail

lióme foi il e ft»t litre rapffltlly solltlt« «1: lift «heap, bel|t ii.i.e ? i i' tl tu i» I La« tu mil lea» BBd «ninlitioi.i d Mu¬

ni.i* eesclsi luin-itr and winter. 1111.o. i L-ClUBTOB

For Both Sexes.Countrv.

HOME BOARDING SCHOOL for miaaea andClillilren. a: Stainfur·!. «.'linn.; a «Ivlightful »iiininil

home lot clnldieii. Miss A. 'I'll! IIMUS, 1'riin.iyal.



SCHOOL FOR BALE..Ran ebaaee, at rra-aeaable terete ¡ well kaowai leeg establisbeil. Aapir to

Mi.« M. I_ DONOVAN'S TEACHhilh' Bt ?1.?G, .!(. LautUlli St.


A -REST TEACHERS, Tutor* ami (???.???-. raset eupplletl. no rlisr.e. T-tACHRRM regiater·-!

free. Partner waiite·!, l»e»t »clttiol fur bars, city, 88,800 caah,H. V. AVhi.Y. Afilli StlitMjl Hun- ??. '.' U'c«t Ulli »t.. ?. Y.

AMERICAN AND KORKU,? ? KACHERS?\ AOKNCY tnppIlM Profea««ir«. Tcat-Iiera, Tetera, OoTil_eatrt,et«r_ tot'olíecea, ?? boni» ????? Painilii«. Aij'lyto

_.RS. M..I. Yol'NO.1 LI.TON, '.,. I n ni, hqu.ire.

A -TUTORS, GOVEKNES8Ë8. PROFË88-a OIlH, TKAC1I1-:RB.Ail liiai.«-lii«.-fucii'.art. Chol.o

»¦ i.uols tupplied to parent·. lanmuir.'« «iKikru.MIltlAM «n» HILL!-,

_RI Kstt lTth «st.. It t. 41li .,·.,. ¡m.I Ii'n.-ir.

A TUTOR teaehiBK usa Laaaoairea, Btsousi in.ill the Mathematics. Scw-iic··», « slisibeuics, It m hit,

ll«jra«man-lil~, Inrtiitiilna ??·»??·«t ?rferenr,.. .-i«fi· » inn r

»hip. Addrc»» K., cere of MIltlAM COYBIBRB, SI LatiITtli tt Itetweeti -tilt ave. inni Uri atlWaV.

VISITING ENGAGEMENT desired, now orin September, la tchonl or fainllr. by M ate. DB ULI

PUAT, Uanovorlan graduate un.I taeeettfnl tt-atlnr: !·.?iiierly urlncipal young Utltr»' tcbool ¡if New Brtgbloa. b\ I.Oi-ruun am! Kreuch. Kefllsb branche». *'.' Lati l'-«l-tt

WANTED IMMEDIATELY..Teachers olKreuc'i. Painting, Drawing. Oeraraeeaes, Taachers.

Compttiioii». <»<·. ; sent, racaoeiea ??»» ?. ?. don «?v a.s«·TKAUUEKS' HÜIIKAL', lit) h'-iel 14th tl.

WANTEDIN'OW, for Si'pti'iiiiicr.-SiiiM rin-t« telenta »n·1 Principal». «?1.<HHl ?? 83.00a I.adie«

Prere¡itre«» I rem !.. «icriiiíin, M ..t h. ??..-ii .< «. S-00; Kintlir-garlorr. 88001 »ea-eral iinm.irr and int«-riiii-tiate teachtra,«?·1'0: Mii.ic, m-arcilv. filini Nlatliciiiiitiia. Iiigll»h. Welle»ley graduate, $??<?. Ae. W. D. ?KKB, ? mon ??.???-nAgeiiiy, 16 Attor l'lac«._WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHER'S SU·

RBAU ifor imiiii tese») aiippiii-t Preteeaers, TeaeSera,Qevereeaeee Maeleiaaa, Beótek-evert, omeaataaa aia.. leco leget, »«'.IiihiIs ami lanillle»; al«·· llookkeeti-rt, Stelitigraplu r» and «..,·.- ? to :.. · -· fin».

Mr». A. H. ?G?,? Lit. 3211 6th ni'.. N« w.Yore cur.

i-lnoirai .hiotrnmcnt..

A" NUMBER OP VERY rSLÏGHILY C8EDni n» M an«! rqutro l lanoa of our ii-ate, whh-h were

»Jff ¡alla- ,? ¡eilet! »M! OOly Uh«-'l t.y II,e alliât» ni Un .M lit,.-

) «illiait Opcrt llou»r. ( on,|<aiiy iliirliif tin- pati «titra ttat.a,will be »old tt a metal letluctlui» liotn our tegular pileta.PIANOS POH KKNT.

WILLIAM KNAI1K .t COL, 11'-'Mli-.ave-



/ GL'ARANTF.KII MOTITIJ \<JE«*./§n\ îieheiitu.. * psysble alW BANK OF NEW- · UBI-, ? »¦ ?.

Bfcured by Pixtt Mertcagea apee Baal »tate, d«--I'liKl fl ? lib

THE ???.?\SmSf LOAN _ TSLVBJt 10.ol Netv-York Trualee.


Kin« million dollar» luvt «tel without lo»».

Pamphlet! wlt-Ul&nk Koiuia, ami full paiticulart, (erStthS-upoii application.





Toor rnmmlttee bea"» to a«H lee, in view of tlie contemplatedreorgtn ration of the Now· York, Chlcairo ant! St, Unii» Hall¬

way Company, that an arrati.emeiit In icapicl to iti eipiiji-rneiit t.oinl» hat been ?«-·-?·? aa followsTotal amouut of equipment bomlt ? ,?

tte-dlnc.«3,100,000 00To be paid lu catti by the He.elver within odo year fromVeo. 12, 1887.81,900.000

And lu new ? rat uiortxtse 4per eent. bond» by the pur-chstert. 1 ..100.000 11,400,000 OOThis will give to their holders for eachtl.OOOi

Ia Ctth (»ubjert toa poaatblc In-ulüi in· r

In the proTlaion alreaily ma«le to mett ?«·µ»?and other ·-1 ramisca). «1 ,V. s-J

Ia the new fir«· mm l-ui;e 4 per cent Im,miso! Ute ton,pany wUtu la-oigaiu/·-·!. 447 IH

ß MIO» 00Yoor committee hat now In hand In eaah from pariurul*

natile by the receiver a tutu tufilt lent ?«? pay nu Bet cent on

eaoh Trutt <<« ontttaudlug, whlcli aiiinunl will be paidat the "ret National Hank on tini alter April !'-', on pre»enta-tion ?? G???? Uecelptt, and tuch imjiinut will ho imlorai-uthereon. H. A. V. POST, chairman, )

OBOBOB ?. ?'· ? ? Hit, 'Committee.W. II. MALK, )

New-York. Anrll Ü. 1887.For the coavenlence of holder» who mar wlah to realize on

their Trott iterelptt without further ·?· l-.v your comiiiitt«M!hat also arranged to cash am h re« «? ¡it » al IM price o! H!»4u fore»t It 81,000 of atme. Holder» «leali log to arali theumelvet ofthl» opportunity (which 1» mad» auliject to recall wllbofltnotice' can, aublert lo tills prorl»lou, recnive payment lor

thtir reatLjitt tt the price above on their iircftculationami »n r t entier tn tlie limi National Hank on u ml aft« r April ivi

CINCINNATI* VAN WEBT ud ÖICHIOANIntuirne and Pirat Mortgage« wanlivl.

W. 1I1<L.\T<>N WLL1.IM1. 'J Wall (it.

C-STK-irR-ll.RiiAIi ( tiMI' <P NLWjtllKKY, f~111) Ll ?? li M »T., S

Nrw.YiiiiK. April ß, 1SH7. )\0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ui«· wrnaal11 meetlag of the ttoekholdert of tlie Central itallroatl Com¬pany of New-Jersey, to elect nino Dlio«.-lora to ttrve tor theyear nail tutuluc, will be Lohl tl the «iffice of tho Company,in Jertty Cltv, betw«««u the hoora of lì o'clock m. and ao'clock p. m ol Friday, Mty tt, mil.Trtntftr book will be olote»! fioui Friday, the 15tb luttant,

to Monday, the t'Ui proiluio. Iir onler,_-AMI KL ? .VOX. Keoretary.

NOTICE OF 8T0CKH0L0EK.V MEETING..Notice It hereby giren to tho atockholder» ot the

Cirant! (entrai Mining Company ?» corporation ot Ohio) andto all other· whom It mty concern, that a ipecitl meeting oftbe tloekholden of taid oortxirallon will be held at the prlnr!.pal «Sice ot aald c-rporallon lo the City ol Yoongttown, « ihl«i,on Friday, Urn 13th day ot Mar, 1887, btglnntng tl 11 o'clocka in. ol aaul day.Tbe objtctt of inch meeting tre to combler tnd vote apon

tbe oaeetlott of the tale tnd trainier by tabi lhe Orand tentrai Mlatag company of all Its property to a corporal nn ofUie itwt utm·. to be organiteli under the laws of the Terri¬tory of Arltoaa and to consider tnd vote upon til queatiomwhich aaay pertain io the matter aud manner of effecting »ur¬

talo aad trantftr.CHAKI.KN ??. ????. PretidtnU

.'ova-sTowx, Ohio, AprU S. it>»7.



Capital, Fully l'uid. tl.00B.09·.


LOAN. Tltf-ST AM) FININCIAL bobsbbb>%Receive« Money on D*po«ll su'» «·-t it «he«-, «ad »How

Interest on Ita! ?.-- ·«.

All Checks Pas» Throinth the Ciearlnt; Iton so.



G** An Authorized DtatttOtif for Court au.l County Ttoas-uter's Funds.II. W LAND ·'. IlA/A III». IT«-tient.

OEoitGi: s HAKT, vie·)·PreeMeaiWILLIAM I» SNOW. *s»»t-rrt_rr.

JAM KM h. Hi C lit.TON. Treasurer.DIltF.l.TMltS-


'..'3 Win si., MAV-Y -UK. Apill ?), 1887.


Pittsburgh and Woìitii Railroad Co.Holders or »boni Bl p< r ei nt «if the stork »nd bond« nf the

I'llLliuiyli and Western lliillroad ('nuipaiiy linvlo« dr positedtheir «simili«'« m accord«nee with the plan and agreementtif ii,.r..iii.atl,,n. untile .s I,, r, by ci\ ? that THF. TI1IF.G?? IH'.I'OSITIN«. TUE HI'.MAINIM. ??? ? li. AMIHOMIS IS ?.??'??????? UU- Al'HII. IO, 1SS7,SUBJECT TO PAYMENT OF A PENALTY OF '-

1?? COT on the par value id s. ?:, ? ? . li pttttot,si.»rk musi also pay aa BBBIllMIMlIT OF 4 l'Eli

ri.NT.,l.f.,*s·. I'KIt slllUK, la ai tulliani e «uh the planut ?· ·¦ r-'»" ¦·'.·

I>i|iiis.t« or securities should be made with Ml'.HSUS.DICFXEL __ CO., Philadelphia, or with ¡H"_BJB.H>lntK\i:i..*iom;AN _. to. New-voi k. who win mauere-

ceipts for «nine. No securities mil 1.«· rre. i\ed AI-TF.ltA Pit I Elf» ISS», .,n »» bleb «late the rinht of bct'omlu-. par-tieipauts in the plan »ill absolutely teas.·.

J\(l. I.OHIII If WELSH, *iJNO.T. T.'IHIY. L__B___a____a?. ??. ? ?-t?:?,

? emmiiirr.ANTHONY J. THOMAS, j

^THE CENTRAL RAILROAD"BANKING CO. OF GEORGIA-H.d.lers of certifie itr« of «t/x k In the above corporall»>'l

Wtsliiu. In «-»lini, lie the -.une tul .Net» Y»t\ «????·?? ateck««? I líbales an do so In forwardim: tieni In P. M. ruUDlu/-ham. I'ashier. --a van nah, Ca., «» ho will di-,??.: ? ¡.-o the tauie toIhn R«W.._r_ «???· '-.

Mea Voik. Apnie,?ß-7. p. n. noi.i.iNs «v OO-,Mseal «ml Itaiisfer Act-lit*·,

|_is W.M.I. ST.. New Volk.^


atri's \ ? i» enixeBTOCKfl OF THE M RAKA, COLBY. KAKAUON. BES.BBMKR, BUKDAY lAKi:. NIMIM'.N AM) OTIIEIlFlf-MT-OLAlsB ???????* »iWNI.N'il I'll· i|)f t I .N i

MINES KNOWN I'» BK FINANCIALLY BOUNO AND????··??)?!? I Xl'Eltll-.Nl I.I'. I'll At I It Al. M EN.

Iteliatile infornint 1·?? ?·?\ < ? r· I'.irilmp nil min« s nf tbe «rentGoxeble BeeMmet trea Haag« ..t Nortaera Mtehlgaa and\\ ?-. ..unit».1.-??G G. BTODDAIll'. 'i« ??« ral Manager It!·) I ..'·».-,«

TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THEBT, LOL'IS & SAN P__ANCI8C0 .{.UIWAY 00,The undersigned l»!n< tor« of the St. Lotti* and s.-ia Fran-

tisco Hallway · '«wipaiiy r.-«|.i tifiilly r«i»n«-«t the .toekbol.t« r»

to send th« ir proxies, in the name (,r DAVID J. sEI.H'M AN,to t. w. i.i i.i.i ?-:. Tiaaaaiai. MiUa iimbim··. Vew-Y-afe, orio

either of the uii»br«ij;neii. 11. »,- aresta· ß??? Ba voted io tao·

lume tin- present «.ululai an«! Independent management of lb«.·

property. _r_r_BH ????????,of j. a w. aatigasae a ·.».

i.i.oiti.P. < oi'i'Ei.Lol M aiti-? I, Pli.lps* Co.

.1. l'A I ON,uf ita» Eaton A · <·.

N»*» Y-Ttt, Anil 11. ÏOtl._

11» 111«. llULUEll-. OF

r_rW-.ll. »FIATI ? AND tVANlVW.I.r. INIOMF.

RUTIUI TS TIKtlFHV (11VEN th»tan Itsulot ????·?·»G.r.ittroent, sc.-.ind iiiorli-a<.i boo Is, dale I Vovsuiber 1. IMJ.

»<x urrtl bv inorlKa-e up m ti» Pe-rit, l).*»tir all I.· u »

Ville Hallway, ???»«!? to Ilia un !.·G«1»???1 an l Wildere A. Uel'.·

man a« trustee, havliif Inni .«ili.rl-sl »ut |.ia-?. >'.. ? ?«

under«;«iiort will, on un 1 alt»r Mariti 7. IMt, cichaa«« the

»»lue, Itoli»! for Sea 1, it I»'r, (or il. ? -.iiist in tin? ?.ti- SaaS·of Said ooiii|.any. vu DfM tlte IV..i.a L)i» lai··.? Se JH.OiM, and

??µ??? the Kvaiiavill» lnvis.nn rl.'_ I','» I ». amoiinliii« iu all to

..Abts.CK)·).TUB vENlKAL Iltl-l 00 01 NEWVoHK,

\ ""?I¦*. P. OLI OTT,




AND slltll'ul ill ?

naUtl AN» PAI III« ItAll.WAY ID.

who have not repistere»! their ».birrs« a ilh the Central Tiust

t'ompany will r«'«eivi· the i-iniilar is.nel by the I oinuilllee

dated April It, 1001, l.y applnatioii !" sa.d frullìi f t ust

I'oinpany of Net» York.SIHKHN J. I) It A HE,

t halrnian.

THE l.\KE MO·! ANI» »??(???<?? SOI Till UNl(AII.UA\ lOHPANV.

Tin »*t iir.u'.s <»i 11' r. OBABQ i'imiui ?>p··".t.? ??.\ ????. Man h'.'H, 1*»H7. S

Tlie Iran-f· r book ut this atmpaay *» ?? ?·» loee· »? 3 ?? ·». k

?. m. on Sitniiiuy. ti,·· '.'dil.y «·? Aprii next iiirrparaiory li. the

allunai election for lnt»<t· is l.i be tu 1.1 mi III·· 411» day ..f MayBetti and will bo tcoj.ti.ol mi Uta ? ornln« ol Eil,lay, ihr «lililuv m May nett jC. I». W» »Itl'EM EU, Tieasiinr

rPhE alumni meeting of the Btockboldere of1 the I nil. ,! HlateaCl*etliatMB I'ompaBV ??11111..?, for lini

election <.f a lt.,.11,1 ,.! I'm-. Ion «III be held at the nHlcc of Ilio

company, li.» Na*-_o-»l. .·»··»« Fork Cltr, on Monday. M»y'.', IS-·?, l'oli» will lie span frmn 13 in. III! 1 p. in.

»aleil ?tw Volk, Apiil ?». 1-*T.IAMBB H IlIHiWN, serreUrr.

'ro fil? si tfUKiioi.Di.K.sOF THE

HT. LOIIS ???? SAN EUAN· 1st n HAIl.WAl C0.

A« one of the lar_(«t «tooklinlilrr« »f vi"'»p'»s« te attend the»iiiiual in.-etluit of the st. Emils am! »an liainls.n lunn.iv

nriiiiaiiy tu be held In HI. lami« next luntitb and urx« thatlb· hiirp.u« revenue lie apollad te Ilio pavaient of ,l-\ ?,?. ?,,? 1

on the «I.i.-k. and that dividend« on Ih« fifi araferro«! ft« mad.; «iiiarteily Instead of luiiryi-ailr. We believethe lime ha»Coinè to eluinir·· the |Milley ot .levidiiif the Mirplu»to new coiisttiieilmi Instead ol pavui« it In dividends to perferrcsl stni-khiiiibrs. We respe« tfully r«-.(iiest sloekhohirrsd· su m» timi apérate leeeae ee their pr.ixirs in the name ofEilwaid L. Uppenln-iiu ni Wallei I'· Mar.

E. I- OPPENHEIM A CO..New Yoik, April I-, IBBTT. bl and 6;) New st.

Dankcre aitò Drokere.

Kidder, Peabody & Co.,No. 1 NAS**AI' ST., NetvVerli.

11.'t DEVONsmi-E NT, lln.ton.


THF. I ONTINKNT.Coininerrlal nnd Trn veliere' Lettere o I ('redil.





WALLST- COUN E II II If 1 M.'.VA V?. FIT· H. lit. MíW.YOnit

Member ?. ?. block :».¦·. p .·«


Proprietors ofrooiTH MANI Al. Of ItAIfnOAnS.

Fícente or»lt're«t the Sto· k Eichatii;e la New-York »ndI.«,n·!·.n. Railway Hondea specialty,

Intrrtst »Hon cd on dei-isils. Corre»pondence Invite«.4.r« WAI.I.M'.. NEW-Vt)UK.


?ß???» ÌMNASSAI-ST.. MEW-???? CITY,Dealers in Investment Securities,



MONROE PATF.NT RTONE-WARK LLVED RE-l-'HI- · ? ItA Its »re -1,- .·.¦!> without a pt.»|.

Tn«.. i-.-»· *.«· many feature» entirely new *n1 peeuli»rl-i tb« g" "!· "I nnr manufacture. G?·-> ar· lined with».«ami·»·* gl*.red stoneware,which impervious to ah-» ir|iti.iu. tnd mi win, Ii |i ii»,nun,' «ideeranno« fermâtnn /Inc. Hate perfect r.nd continuous dry cold air cir-fil tn .?. Will nut awe-t, get muaty or aour. Aaeaailrcleaned aa a ditti. Eatrwmely economical in Consump¬tion nf ice. Ontu Huri^eratnr harm,) ,? perfrrt drip.Onljr I_-f. ij-rtt.T that ran be enlargetl by addineM -

ti m«. Im Repinte ? ompartments prevent Ih· oder «?anj art icio contimlnitf.ig others. .4 tirfri.jrraurii.w'eIt mrrt lilt ,¡n,¡. ,./ ,a ;,rs.-,.«.i « nyr. Illnal ratedCitilicui» ff" apon »riplit-atmn Adilrt-*·fcOWAUD U. Clr-SY, Oen. Agt., S B. 14th St.. ?. Y.

DitU-fUÒ N0tlCC3.

THK ST. ????. ???-???'???» «?· M ttCITCiUA )Hau «a aï COSTAST, Bo, 88 William «T.. >

BSW-YOSK, lUrch SO 1?87. SrpiIE USUAL QUARTERLY DIVIDEND1 of uni: and oNKii.M.i' IMHilnt on ino capital

«tnck of tlil»company haa betti Ibi» dar declared payable May_ 1KH7. to «tnckliiililer» of ret ont on tini» itale.

l he transit ? lunik» will be clo«eil at 3o'_t-efe p. m April 11,snd will be- reclined ut lu o't-lock a. in., May :t I*1«·'.'.

)¦:. T. NICHOLS,A»«l«tant Set rotary,

legal Notices.


ugi.t«, in.« ,?« let m !to «aid »evrt.l Ilesa

The, Brc.tnd Di»trlrt Jmlge fur Iti- Fi*lertt Iii«trlot, Honor-able LUIS 0, UABrlAS, aajeti-

[Seal which «ar» Second timi of the repit-am latlvt» of tlie|i|»tncl « oui t, Mi a- Mexbaii National Hallway Com¬ico. I MUT} ami Linn» U.Meyer, as trua-

[htiui'l· flftr ernia, duly tee if tin· l.ol.ler»aif tea tli*lmmt-camellm! with lite gage Itotn!« la.ued by »Jl'l oritpaiivpropi-r »eal.atulitale.1 by vlrtme of a cnntr.irt IteratedApr .'.. 1 »-I7.J in New York. I'nlt'd *t-u.« of

America, on the first day of April,one tliou«.ind eight hnnrtr dtnil eigutv one. ha« tl tiered to tie

tniii at .-in. twii, -??? at oea »tin eal]. which shall t--« place inthe nature of ti. alia..lute public tale, tn Una court, local«·! in

the l'alare of ¿attica irf Melica, Is iirtliili.ini·» «t. on the ..'Id«lay of Mtv of the carree! yetr, at eteree e'eleefe m lhe nmrn

Inr. lhe nropi-itle» ami tight» uf tli» I¦¦.nipiiliV who Ii BM d«-t. ril.t-tt In t.·« i-m Itisril Schedale »object to tho mortgage of»aid liomla:

-.i.tin- ?» hereby givi-n tliat the bl.1t will be received onlrapse ine biiitb-r« subroge!« theojeelrseto allIanri(bttandobligsileei si the sfototoid emapaay.ases·ateeaed la the eweeaHeea greeted br the. supreme llorerament ami ato that the condition« stipulated In artn-lc rightm tin- law ollu'v tifili, e.rlit.en·<1 eighty-»It. 1 all botil IT ·-otuplled «« lth.

In fitlllliiitiilof ttilanrdrr f !a«tt» the prr«rnf, whleh Iatobe puliltaliA«! twice in ev, rr week during ftvo Gautocall«·«veeSalaths Liano Official of the Harness UereraaMMelthe, Ite|iiiblic of Melico, in on·· loiirual pulillalicd in tlie Citvel Slates el Amei ?. a, nml in SBSti rpuli-liMirl ¡n ihn tua of 1 .< nntoia. Inaiai '.miara a loetlea, Mexico, Aptil tifili, eighteen htinilio! ami

eighty trien.fM.nedi MAM Cf. DUFOB, Secretary.

The ileat ilption to whii h th« lottgolng decreti ictrisiaa»follow»lu*t All tic »«Ute. light, title ami Intere«! of tlie Mc.L

tan Balleaal liailwav com pan ? inaml to all ami »mg nUr tholine of rtdwty ami telegraph «omnvinly knowu ¡aa Ita li.ter-oreanic line nml itentitn» troni Matteo ? Hy lo tito whi. ? there haa heira p..rlion eitenilmg Iroin Memo I Ur. inrniigli Toluca,Maialati.·. ?? aurato imi M..rei la 10 a point tl ol near Pat*cii»ro. a dittali· ·· of 440 VIO kilometre», und another portionfmni Miti/.inlll.i t.· ? merla, a «liaitnre. of 48 k.liiiin-ii-». mak·Ing a tu' il ut 4-6 «In k.iometri », and al«o ef In sad to all tati»iugular tho line t» ru war ami tele.-r-iih colimi .nil knowna» ut International Line ¡a'nl ei tendina: 'rom Met tol'itv to

the NnriltHiii trnnlii ?, taking Ua deportare from «aid latero. «sain« I ine »? s pnlnt tl or near Acatiihtio afor· »aid, ofWim h there h_« boos aoeaiiasisd that portion extendingfmin a al or ne. r Ataiailnio sforetald North rial I ·

loHeaMlgeel Alb-iute. atlialame of !'--' S7 l·*» kilm··and soother portles from a point on the Northern frontier ator near ? nevo larr*t.i, via Moliterev to Saltillo, a tíntame of.«?? ..liniifirt «. m la ing a total of ???? 87-100 kltoatrtreoi andaUo in nnd luall tn »iugular a llnenf railway ami le'egrapii

¦,li knows ,t« Ibe Matai. and Monterey Lin»,bog.nii'uc at trie |*trt nf Mattiimiua and p-"auig »y « .tn.reo. Miertnd «ernlvn. tarmlntting at Moutriar, wheienf 113 kilomeliea fiom Malainoro« up IU·rallevo ti.« a 4el Norte have oeru coutil urtedami al»o in ami !·· ali arni ? line of railway aulirle,grapli rominnnly known a» Hie II Hallo Lino tml eitrndiogtroni tuectiiiirr er Balsaaera tnd vtn ittmon »tren» in in·ur ol Meneo an ?·p???.???_. on* branch tn th« hacienda

OS -ill·· m tin H .le of ll.ila'Ko. ti,e other at tte pointdseoB-laatOd ··« ..irtot in tit» M.tte of Mellon, tin» lait, r

lu-ut lung of! al lite Villa«· of I acuba, fiom the hue tinnì

Met " to K.I ^alu·. wheieol oTi r 78 1 10 kilomeliea ha«·heea oeettrerteS ? ale* in aaa to .»n aad aacnlarellaeefral« a ? ... te¡»<iaiih coinm .niv kn.wn t« the /a« aie, ?«

Line. Ir.mi ¿acalecal to «an Lui» l'..t....i, with a biain li orbranchte m A.n.« calleáis« tini ??a??. whereof aSoal" .'.- o hilometrrt fr.'-n .seaioeao toward Ojo Canonie hare?.t? until n l«vl al.u Iu »ml It» _i| and «ni-ni.t t llnenfit L.i _i.l !>·· ?- ?µ:? Iriiii Kl «_lt.» to Mtiaralm, w Iter« "« troni lineilo I«·« .ri ? «? .«-?.., -»<¦ ?·. en

eeaitractoSl ti·» m aad to all ami »mgulrr t «citaiu Una ofraiir.,a.l and le rgiaph «-oniiii.iiily ki »wn a« tilt (iiituisl.notn·! et te ml u r OT lOOtlOed armi ml lhe City C- Mean o. touchin« til tn- g.iniaa ami rartoos eatruaeo»el »aid «It», the rail-road »l.tmn«. the anal«, ami Ih· rtty »tanghi· r h .»«e«, witha i.i.m h 1.1'.i.i _n,l .ti,ir brain bea to Sea Aiixlandoutrera», Whorte! "»er four klloiii«-tre» from riantlago

«'.'..? ?., ? litui·-! (.on With tbe Moróle« Hallroatl at Hin? aj-ro hare hoe« oonatroeted l'ogothaf with tli ibe

Itan.t.l.i« will, a of Hurt

?>-?»?? -' eiiuiii-rateil ¡aad dtterltsd oi «»bit hthe taid Mein-un National Hal, way «niniiany toqiured iin.l»r

»¦ nue nl the »? veral coiicea»'ion»of the Kettublic of Mei-b ? rtlaling In »ach Inn·» G »pecllv-l- and ih» transfer lo tt oftur ? um-«., .mi. or light» ii.ei.iiin'rr. Im lulling it« right«,privilege» aad fraeehisesderived n-der ihe eoocetstoiii oiaai't itepubhc of Beak·of Hie ¡Riddai "f Oeeembor, ih;: iisalto), -ni of tao SHih «lar of Msreh, ? ->t««,/.»ratet a«, aad oftim nui t»« ot Jsauarr, Issi (Kl sansa Mararailoestoatl-a.u, t .,? t'.r fthol Juan, ISSO (MOttmoto« an ? M úntete y ', amin' *>. vieilli» luti. It* «?? laleriiati.i.i.1 and lalereroeoie), tU't«if tlie lets ?.»? m Jsaaarj, less, sad otJaao 30th. IMOa-ii-ii'lm« ami «-«m arm ?a ? al tud "in "»»luna, ami of June -.1.1 »«.. ? ititiirai. »iiutr, t. 'mwevt-r, tn the ?mnlitioDS, olii ga·

. <·«: :. li ni» aud Iiuuiatl'tna by .ah·, «everal r.tni e»»l.n«roialiaa u »ai 1 llaea i'»p»<-tiTeiy imno»«.!, or tehjeet ohételeany i.g__* tneraia ur ihtrati» were arqalrod hy seid reltws*

. v. tohtaCI tloal.r. «o far t« Ih* eostUHI t'-tl »ection« or

diri»,o:i« ut tut luit nr,g liti )'piovided fin m Hit coaCSttl·«ni Ti4 ot In ennier. 1*77 ^-tlln .?? ? ?.??.?? rut«l, lu a pur-,h«·- * ·..»,,··¦ ,t t··.',,·!¦. >.(,.,·. ?.,-,.ne»,.

Alan Including al! the »»tate, right«, lille. Intere·! In an 1 toe n h alni ali nf tu li ne ti line» of rali «.?? ami I· lograph amiun rat on«, and tu all other |.lepri tv. rt-tl or Oortoatl Whlcbwt»r.inTeyed Iiy aald iniii| »nr t-t Ixttil» II. Meter and ? ml· iwII. ir -a a a Hu tir«· hydoodol tin» ? tlulr.t ?|nl 1. 1**4, or by¦'<·-,? ,,r lient» of lurthtr ttmiume at ti.y Itine lln-ietlterraorotedhraaM eootaoarto a»ni irn«tee«. tnd partleolarlybv ilee.t of irnat beating date May 1, IHSS. aad alte all right«,nitrii·.t, ?·G'? «rty MM solata of ???t? -tad, name «ni

asterò which waaeoerered te the aald inni» if. Merer aadAmirrw II. ·?»··? a» »u· h tru»tre» by the Msstcaa nalkinsl( on. tmu lion Couiptur hy It« deetl of liust btatlug date .'lay1.1 HH«.Soeeed Also whatever e»«, rlglif. tit!« ami laleroM Ihe

atl'l tallii a) i'iitii|i.iny ha« of. in aatl to a line ? tllt-l tint luloLine, Imtu i tilo to «.ni Mal Uh tini Plateale, Whleh wa» lhe.nhltcl ol a fin r»«i,in uf tim ¡till ilay nl Sealni H r.IhSo, whereatsheetfeel kllaoaetrot urar tre'ehara brt-u ?uu.tti m I'll.

Iitir., Ai«o all the leatrliuld rl.hl.« and Intereat» of -liaitimi »ml sotara aoorer win· ? the »aid Natimiaillailwuy « tini|iaiiy haa Lir.t. unit« r ami hy vitine of a cer¬

tain leaa« bearin« date the Tilt day ol Si ¡.l-inlier. 1883, inaileby the iuta» aféateos Hallway uoamuir tu «aid Mein au

Nal ..nal It ti.« tv .¦inpaiiv of ao unirli .it the i.i.lmal andtrlegr.iph ilii··· ot the aaM Ifi-» Meal an IlallWaf Companyaa ettenda froni orput bllttl In L.iieiln. I'exa». with ane t ten» nn fi'.in Lai nil·, to I'ort Mi am! a ???.????? frota a

point at ot mar Laredo tu a point In the boundaiy line bet ¦·. »?. t!i· t'ultett -:.·.- of A in«. I· a ¡ml tht United BlStes olMelico, whrre connection la made with the

?... ¡? .1 »Lim·.· .n .»'.1 nf th.Ot Hin s In lullet ttClUtlV« nt¦Motrsehsi tocead,aader er by virtue ol a eertals ira»ebearing date the twelfth nay of Inly, I8SS,« Iiy the leía»Mei ¡ N'mthrin Hallway LOiiipany to the »aid l.i.i,Mkili an Ball« av Company, and by the laat-naiueil company¡niiiir'i to »aid Mostean National Hailwav Company, ulHi· lino kanwn a» th» Tria» Mtilcan Notthrtu Hallway ei-

temling lrom Laien.· norlhwanl tip th· «alley of the Rio«iraod· to BaachOS stallini, a tli»tanc« of about tl·. milt·», andthird, limb or ly vlttuwot ¡i cerl.tiu other loot« heal in« (lateHie Ultldar «f I>< trinimi'. IB8S, mails by Hit liiowuavlllt tn«lull Hallway Cnmpsuy to the »aid Mt-tlcau Nttlunul Itallivav? ompany nf ih« linn known a» th« lliuwuaville and lui La

way. extending frinii à point un the Ninth Hank of tho Kinmande, opponile Matamoiot. through the «tic lauf lliuwu.«vil e, t illti.tut eu! one lull·« tml a half, to tht depot of tin, Hinartiidt Htllway In llrownaallle and bej ond. Subject to thopiuviKion« of aad »evetal lea»et in all rr«pertt.

l-'niirth Alee »II tbe eatate, lille and Intereat whichthe aald Meal« .m National Hallway «'ompany mav have Inand to the »alti linea o( railway aud telegiaph hcreinbeloinineiitiuued all the »nlingt. brltlge*. Hack», turn.t.ibltt», ml«tria, viaduclt, lancet, rightt ot way ami superstructurethereunto belonging and appcrlalmug; all tlktli.lilaud» Including the Hantlago Manon lai,.',«. beingabout ii.'t tere» In tlio Cily of Mei;,·,, and ther nn a and ( lu.ltdela Station lands I'-qulred uith th« Klstlto I In«, being about thirty t«ret iu aaid city tml athotprnpet lu-t tctpilred by »ale conipauy In virtue ol eoesleo or

in IM,·' »taliuii-hoii.»ra, intchlte shopl. car shops, wharrrs,in, k·, tOlSCaa. atorohoaaes, workshop· ani all otheralni« tiirrt. ni.ii -hint ry, futnltiire. and all other lai mail amiteiett.iph uiatetial, apparatila, ob,tri» and appurtenanceswhit Ii the »aid ? ouipauy l.tietofori- tcqnlrod for the use andoperation of a.ihl ra.lioad ami telegiaph liuet or tuy an-tiouoi «I'l-itii··«, imi in ni tn ? in -titint thii.'.f. all the right, titlesad mi' m «t nt »aid tail.«¡iv company tn ami to all uaasohcer.Height ¡t mi other cara ami lo« niiiotivot, aud at! rolliug stockand equipment uwntd ur acijulrtil by »aid Mexican NationalHaba, av Ciiiiipany, anil all it» inlerctlt in all such caratiti!locomollvea in ii»e or otliet »alto on the aforesaid linei or anyr. ...? or ...v.«.on thereof.Fifth All th« raíate, iglif. title and interest of tho Mexi¬

can National Ita.lwty Compauy of, in tud tot1st. '.'4 5117Vi »hart-sot ibe capital »lock uf Ui« Texat Mcxl-an Hallway Coinptny.¦_·!. All therapittl tlaxk of Hit lex-t Mtxlckn Northern

Ilailway Conipany.lid. All the capital atock of the Brownaville aud «lull Hall¬

way Coiiipany.4th. ?Ll'.iii.O'iOiif lhe ili prr cent bon.1t of tht Teta« Mm-

lean Railway Compeey, *p m··, by a inni-1 gago purporting ?,m,'.tuie ¡a llr»t lira upon all the Texas Mexican HallwayCompany properties, ami which Iu tact cntintituti'S a first Useon Hi« last mml inun | timpani''« properties, excopt tho line ofrailroad Bad telegraph irmii «ornus Christi to Laredo, aud s«Moud lieu ou tlitt Une. tu lije.«-1 to a prior lien tccuriug it

talu 7 per cent bonttt Isiuetl by the la-t iiinit; ,n.·.] coinoaiiyunder Its former name of Hit «?? pu« Chriatl, Man Iiltgo andHin «iiaiule Narrow Uauaie HailruSttCoiuuauy to the exttntot i'.'i.u.uiHii tml,

??. T'-4w.i'i"i in botitlt-part of the «/OGO.OOO seven perctnt boudi lati hrrtlalicfn. ? uientlonril.

(¦tt· Also, til tml singular, th· ·. ruotate franchile!of »ahiBottata National Hallway oaipany. by whstevi-r aulliorityconferred, til II» Sé.eoa, In.ok», voiuher», documauta, profile«.cap. aud p¡i|iei a unit other proptrt.v of every kind tud natureasorar, visrerae situate, witii ail tnd tiugnitrthe eiiilowmeut«, Imuutes and advtntagtt, ttne-nirpt«. heiediltmrnlt and appiirteiiaiiret totht abo«« iii-iitimie.l piopertlet and premiaos beluugiugor luany wl«e apiiei taming aud the reversion and retti itoti«, lt-lualuder ami remaiudera, Ullis, incomes, rent·, latue« tudprofits ttiereot aud «II Hit «statt, right, title til interestpreperty, |io».ei«ion. claim ami demand wbataoever tl well mia· at In .«iiiily, present aud uioape« live, of lhe aald MexlcauN.itniaal Hallway I'o.npauy of, tu ami to the tame and everypart n! the tame ami every parcel thereof with the appuilassasse7ih. Alto ill tht right, title and intereat of. In tnd to til tnd

«ingoiai tbe proprrty let lubef .ie menliuiied or dee«nlied amievery part tharro! wtucli Ihr »aid lami M. Mtyor tml An- Idrew It QfOOT tver had M Inch BraSMSS or wlnrh lhe ttrllami· 11. Me« tr now hta aa t>ule contlniiuig trustee nndcrnrby virtu« of the ti u»t .Iteti m tb t.ta ut further aa«ur«iic« heminbefnre mnntiuui'il amieu .? au.l every une oî tlie:n ur uthei.Wise buttane« etMai ko, A y ru 6. 18-7

MAN U«L Ul 10». Set rettry.

ttqaì Notiere...^****»s****i*e* ßteu*


HI.INN, JR.. Plaintif"", »Kalusl bOLOMUN MKURBACHami Other». Defeudaat·.In pur.nance of a Judjrmcut of fnreeloiure and «ala dulv

entered in the .hove entitled action »nd bearing date the ftthday of April, 18H7. 1. the undersigned, the Referee in the

.aid Jtid/rnienrueuied, will »ell at public a_rtlont at the HealE»tat·· Exchange and Auction Room. Limite«", No». 69 to 03liberti st., in the city of New-York, on the.Hth day of April,1S87. »t 19 o'clock noon, by Jam·» L. Well«. Auctioneer, the

premi*.·« In said judgment mentioned aud therein described »a

follow», viz. . , . .,

All that lot of land with the building thereon erected, »ltu-ato In thei'tty of New-York and bounded »nd de»crllted as

follow«; in-.iiitiluttal a point on the »outh »lde of *orty·ninth »b, t»*o hundred »iidninety-elx (_9'!> feel west of the.outhwest comer of Tenth ave. and Forty nlnth-st., runningthen· e «oulh parallel with Tenth ate, «ml p»rtly through a

party wall, one hundred reet five inches, thence weal parallelwith Fnrty.niiith »t. twentv-sit feet four luche«, thence northitaiallel with Tenth ave. ainl partly throtish a p»rty wall, one

hundred fctit five indie» to the. «outh «lde of Fnrtynttilh «L,and thence cast »long the »imo twenty-six Icet four lncne» tothe point of begihuliii-.Daled New-York, April ft. 1H87.

ilKOKiiK F. LANGBEIN, Referee.W. ?. LEWIS. Plaintiff's Attorney.

lea B««aaa al. New.*«or«. _



Public notice I« hereby «an by the Comptroller of theCity ot .New-York, pursuant to set ton '.' of chapter 214 oftl..- mv·-. of 1HH1I, .mending previous statutes, of the cou.

Urination ou July!». 18-*_i of the Iteitort of the Comnilssloner»npiMiinte.l by tho Supreme Court in tho matter of the petitionof ino I'nlte.t Stute» for the appointment of Coiu'uissloucr»pursiant to chapter 147 ol the Laws or 1H7H, as amended, forari|iilflns the rtKlit «it way necessary tor tho lmpmreraent ofIhe Harlem Itivei and spuyten Dnyrll «reok from the NorthDiverto the Kitat lti»-i'r, through tlio Harlem Kill«. Anil ap-peals lia» in_ l»«jeu taken to the Ueneral Term of the SupremeCourt from the order of ciiiiHririatlon entered »t ? «peclalterm on tho loth day of July. lMMii. and leering dale the«aid '.Uh day of July, 1 ssd. It wa» ordered that «aid appeal» be«ml tlie same tveiv dis nlsse.l on tho 17th day ot Eebruary,?-.·«,", ,? copy or which said order of the ueneral Term diami««.Ins «aid »ope ti« wa« Hied in Ih« ollh'oo* tue said Co uptrollnrmi Hi- liitli .'tv of Eebruary, 1HB7, and approved bv! to Iba (?p???-ntlnii ou the 1 Uh day of March. 1887.The abstract ot the assessments In said matter wn» filed In

the oillrenr sani Controller on the lililí day of March. 1887,and entend in tin« '· lie. Old id Tille« ni As«esstnents," keptlutlio " I' or the clerk nf Arrears," in the City of New-York, m«" m' tosietion SIS Of the New.VorK < Ity Consoli-dation actor 18S-, on the l¿lst day or Marcii, 1887.

In l'insilarne of iho pro» islnii« of said section 2 of chapter,B14Of tin« Law« el 1 ·»·*«». lurtlicr iiotiee Is hereby given thatIII« asses-uients for belielll. made In said Abstract of A«»«'««·i,,, ni-, .u,· !,, if paid In tlie olii».»of tlie said Complroller toIhe (olle· turni Assessments aad Clerk of Arrears withinthirty nay« from the said _I«tiU.vnf March, 1887, without in¬teri st. and ¡t ih·' same uro not paid within ninety days tlieie-alter, tim pro. «tslliiRS provided for Ity tho said in t will betaken for Hie .-i.i.n.. uie,it ami collection of the »«nie, the pro¬visi«, n nf san! statute liuinir as fidine, s

"And if not paid ultimi Hi.riy dut« thereafter Interest »t"Ih.Mate or e labt per «.eiilum tier annum shall acciaio and bn

"paid iinnn tlie sain«; until the same aro paid, and as to all".nek assessment« aa «hall not Be paid uithiu ninety days"in.,-u the time »aid upon o: ass« ssment Is continue«! (or the"lime when «aid abstract ot aesr-smeiit» was «nt. red In the"?:·, nd ol A««.1MBta kept in the "Hnrcaii'if Ihol'Irrk of"Arrear«,'lo w.t. on the-1st day of March. 1887), the «aid"r.iiuptr..!!cr is lur. I,y autli,.n/.i"l an,', directed. iniinc»iial«Iy"ii|sin the nipiralloa ol -aid iiiiiolv »lavs, to issue Ins warrant"lui the celli ?????? of uuna Id assessments. Oath wairant" Sail ?,· ilarBed I.·,- tl..· s..ld ·'.uiplroller and dire, led lo the".-beriil ot the City and County of New.York. . haul"wan ant shall command the .-hi-rUT to collect from the per-" suns am! parties named Iu said warrant tho sum or «uni«".lue 11 mil thrill lespci liviilv. With mietest at tho rate of"· i.iit par,« ninni per annua«, from .imi after the mtattmBua"ot thirty dar« from tin« dato of the continuation of said re-

"putt uf ananewil« (in Uni « ibi TI il dar or Maree, 1887,1"|,m »Haut to the provisions and un 1er the authority of thlt"act.' EDWAItli V. LUEW. Comptroller.City nt New. York. Eluanit! Department, Comptroller's Olliee,

Mar.h '.».;. 1887,

Proijosais.A.Kii coMBiaeioxi se' Orra r. )

li» «im 209, sii » ??,? m ii.iMvii. No. '.'s.) itk«»ai.»v«t. '»Nitv-YoiiK, ?? ni... lb»7.)

-TX) CONTRACTORS.Jl Unis .u pru|s>s:;l« t,.r .'.on»·.' Ih· «ork and furnl«hlng tho

ina tei lai« called lor lu th.- appro ? ed Iona o! contrai l now on

III,· in mo iiitlci! .if the AtliKsliii 1Co.nulls «cuieis, for the cull-slnietiuii of Ad,liti,»nal shaft No. 13 ·¦/. «lluille.1 on *-e«tlon 7ol tint New t'roloti Aiinrdui't. ut eboat Biatlon 7.1-¦'>·>, willI e ir,, ned at tin« ?,ill,,· until th __d d iy o[ April, 18-»7, at». ,. U p. in., at u hi, h pia, ? and hour they will lx» publicly,,|,e e.l l.y the ? ·| ?··. In· t ? ?,?? u - sloBCI *·, and tit·· award of thocontract for doing «aid work and faratanlag said materialswill hi in.ot» hy said Commissioners as soon then alter as

practicable,lil.u,. form» nf said approved contract and tho specifications

thereo. and the Inds m pi npns il«, and pioper flivelup·« tor?!., ?? .?. Insure, and foi ms .>r bond«, and also tho pl.tnsfi.rsaid «nrk, and all ..lli'i infoiviali,.·, ? MJOlTed, .an lie oblaiuuttal Ihe atiov«. nttic-of the Ai|iitsliict Commissioner«, ou appli¬cation to th.· s., ?, t irv.

Ity order of Ihr Ai|Uediiet Commissioner«.JAMES·', ?*G?.M ER, President.JOHN C. SIIEEII AN. titttUtATf

?^???; s a I i;n isl. \.M» KAFID TBAHSiTRAILROAD t? M l'A NY.

AllTlll'lt KILL HKIIHiE.r».p .«.»I-» lor onstru, timi ol the p.. is and fender« of

the Aithur kill Und·!«· will be received at the general oit!, e

«,| th.· -talen isl «u ? tupid Tiausu Itailroal, from tin« datountil __-» .·.!··!. in» lu-ive. I'isus an! «peeldcation« can boseen at In· relimad o,nip.tir« otti.,·. In >t of Wh.tehall-et.Proposals -?.,,,?M ne mal »«sil ou Hie eul .id«· aud adii «.'Sacd lulin· un.!·, ? d.

CIIARLKB Al'k'KNHKIL.t hut l'.nuin..-G.

Ne«« ·»?_·_, ? 11 !.. ''. 1887.

I, ni. SALE..I-bona lioper Calorie hiiirnii*for * I·»". if removed beta*. May 1. 11. LINDEMANN

? ?., Sii G. uri st.. ?-,» York City._

IAMI-.S ????????. 1!» Ens! I If»r--»f.. havliic-·/ lint relurne«! (rum Enrop« »lib a hue line ul »holtoanti,|'i«s, i,ru,i/es, Bevre« ami ether vaaeaaad porealalaa, au·

tlqni rarved oa!« uh in ts. niah<>__ny biinau« and ilie-sln/eaaea. elennt ormolu and -cm.·.«, .lock«, tin·· atticaadelabAc, paitos rialti?« · ity aro iiiritc«! to tail aud

adora pui· i,a-iu« «faovaera

ötfumboute ano ?a???asa.

-TROY BOATS. CITIZENS LINE.?.foot of ? tiiist.ipiifi'«t.. Korth River, dai'y, neept -aturday,il n m. lot ito)'aud iNcNoith. banda) sban.oi touch«·· atAlbany.. -HONOOIT »ml KIXUSTON. laiiiliiiir atj\» «in,st,,,, « \?. -t ?????? Cornwall, Newbara, Marl-Ih.i.i. Milton, l'o»i«bk-et*ale and Etopu«, ronaecllus »»'lthCistn and Delaware, Htony Clove and ».it-kai Mountainrailroad« Bieanier« Cltr of Klasetea aad lunes Vf, Baat*»in leave eieir week day al 1 ?», m ?».·? fool ,.t Harrison »l.,.II ept». \« hen itv of Kih_stnii I« av. » at 1 p. in.


For I'llll.llH ?.G???? »nd TRKNTOV. "1!.id UronkII.»nti .it I nn. 7 IS, II no. 1 on. m. in.. 1 SO, :'¦ Ot», ? ?' ?.7¡80, l..-?? p. in. ft Nl'AMsal 1:00,4 I ·>. a. m.; ? JO. 1.· ??.? m. ?

li.iin« leavliiir Ht -4»»·». 7 ??. 11 ·»¦). a. ni., ?>. 4 00. :, 3D.1'.'n·) |k. m . ha» e · olili· , lion loi lleadiiiir. H.i ir!»'ni t _r. 1?·??«·tille, .-?.- 1 no a. m. fol I.aston. Ilethti liem Alíenlo»» n. Itoad·in«. Il arri stni :,·.·. etc. un -Miiulavs fot I »si,m.

7 m» . m. foi Rasten, Bethlebeai, Alleiii»»«\u, Manch chunk.V, ilkc hu u- au ? Kcraotoo.M HOa. m. lor l-'astmi. Itethlelieiu, Allentown Manch t'lnirk,

Wlikeebarre, Heranton, Readlna. Ilarriabunt, PottavUie,'lamai|ua. ï-hainokln, -uiibuiv. I.ewisluiiir, \l ili.ain-¡.ii t.

OO and 1 :io p. m. tor la-ton. lit Ihleheiu, AKchlown,.Manchi bnnk, Readies, liarnabui .. etc

:t IS p. m. for la-ton. Bethlehem, Alleutoarn, Manch chunk,WllkMlN. -· lint,,ii. 1 uiimnu», Mi»ui,ikin, Miiilnuy, Lew li¬bine V» il! ...hi -... »it. «US,

« no and I .10 p. m fol I --Km. II.-thb-liem, Allentown, etc.'. i.', o in. lor Ea.ston. Kelhlehein. All.-ntu« u. Man, h Chinile.

M ilkcsliarre, HtOálBg, lluri'isbiii'K, etc. «Ju Sunday» at j.JO? in.

7:(M| and 7 ltd p. in. f,,r Easton. Ketlil.-hem. Allentown.I SO, ?,?ß, Ilo·) a. m.. 1 oo. 4 '»). I .to. n IB p. in. ¡Sundays

I no, 1» 00 a. in for lied Hank. ?.???? lliauch. Oieail «¡rove,(eicetll MnntlaV»), Poial Pleasant.4 SO, « I.*· a. m., 1:00, 4:30 p. m., fer i.akewoo.1, Tom« Hirer

nnd Hal lie.at4 ::oa. in 1 ·)·) p.m.. for Atlantic City, Yinclaint, llrld»reton

and »umleilaiid am» Maurice Itlier It. It.4:110, S ? ?. 11 4? a m.. 1.00, 4 SO, .', SO p. m. for Ereehold.4 I·», til)··. H.I5, II-·»», 114.*» ». m I oo. 4 00. |.:IO,5.»0,

t! ?? ??. in. Sundays 4.00, 1) no a. m. loi Perth Ainboy.NEW JEltHEV sol TIIEHN I)IV.

l'r.uii l'lerM. .v. lt.. ria Sandy Hunk.l'or Atlantic Highlands, soaurlght. Eon _r Hratnh, Ac, 3:45

p. 111.Eni'timi of ualn« to local point.« «co timetable« at Ticket


CATSKILL EVENING LINE.Ii ? is ?? 1.1, nnd way ????????««.« leave Pier :!3

North River, foot of Jarstreet daily ut lì p. m.i'or STUYVESANT and ATHKNM tr. Pier 115 North

III» er. loot o( Kranklm street, Tuesday», Tliursdays andsiiiiinlavs at -ame hour.

»? EHIOH VALLEY RAILROAD.PASHENdER UtAIN'H leave loot of Corllandt or Dei

lilos-es sts. a« rollo»·«Ta. iu. tor r.itaa_ui|ii tand Intermediate point.lia for »ioneva, Lyons, Klinlri, Roohaater, lln'Tah» ani

the West aud principal ???-t point-. Chair car to Wilkei-barn·.

1 a, in. for Tnukbitnnock »n»l luterine.llate point«. Chair o»rto 1 uii-haniin. W. Counoctloii to Kn? llnr and llarrisour«

:t: lo p. m, tor l»>ttsluil and principal luterai·· Hato itoliit«.Chair car to Pittatoti.

8:4!» p. in. for Copiar and Intermediate point«. Coniiectiouto Keadiinr and llarri.«buri(. Cliair car to Copiar.7 n. m. foi leniva. ??,ms. I.lmlra, Itochester, IlulTaloanl

Hin West. Pullman sleeper to Lyons.7 ,10 p. in. for I..turar« and intermediate poluta.Train« leaving at 8 a BL, 1 I». m. ami '.in p. in. connect tor

all points in Mahunov and lla/leion Coal Hetilou«.SENDA ? TUA INS.

H tv tu. for Manch Chunk, ll.i.·:. tmi and interine lutopoint«.

.', lo p. m. for Copley »nd Intermediato point«.7|. in. foc'lenevii, l.yoiis, Klintra, UnSBSSlSH Ruffalo and

Um W« st. Pullulati sceper to Lyons,

WEST SHORE RAILROAD.N. Y. C. and II. R It, Co., less**-

Tralns learo We»t 4Jd-»t station as follow-s. tuUJ inlO'tt»!earlier from foot of I iv-st.. North River.Detroit and Chicago, *0i-Sv m., *0:05, *8:ljp. ra.St Louts, ?|;0\ *??·.?.?|. m.Ctica. Syracuse, Burraio, Rochester, Bu«pen«lon flrldre.

-tlsaars Eaii«, n-.i.V *atBSa 'tu, *t>:i)J. ¦sklBa m.Highland. Kingston. Hsuiteities. Cata·ill, Albany. 3:1-,

.7:15. ?-.00, 11:110 a m., -tiOD, "0:05, Utili p. m.Cruuslon's. West Point Cornwall, New unid. *-;13. *7:15,

·?):88, «1015, 11 ?0_.??. 4 01», b 00, *>fcl:lö|*. iit-i -lid -Ü;üjp. iu. I'ranston's, Cornwall. Newhure.

l'or Montreal nnd Canada East, CtOSP. m.Hamilton, London. niiftSa. uu *Ü:U-, 8:15 p. m.; Toronto,

ü'i.Via. m., lt¡:0.\ *M:18p. m. _. _ .

Ebirant lIlljlBI lili· for »uffalo, ??«?»?» *»lla, Detroit,C'liicaao and st. la,,,!« on all Ibroitsu iraiua,

* I'aily. IDailr except Bat'irdar. ou'vr traln»d__ijr except.Bandar, ,

l'or ticket», tini·¦-tables, »????G or »leenlng-car accommoda¬tion« or information, apply «I uUice«. llrooklyu...,1 Wash.lliirton-sL. 780 Eultoli-st., Annex ·»lt»<-o. lootol l-ultou-.t.New York ( Kr.aat, 7)s6, l 4'J Itruattway, 10-»-i Boaury »ndWeal Nioro »tatloua, loot r*J Wtst *M-*t., loot of J»r»u, N. «.

C. 1·- A M 11 I. I. ?t \ aii-'.i-rhilt-ave. _Oeiieial Pasucugor A«-nt

WrOMNOTON LINE.For Ro«ton, Providence and all Eastern point».sle»iu«>rs will have 1?.? now No. Ot, North ill vor, one block

above Cenai-»*», at 5 p. m. daily, except -un,lay._?. il._li ll iu ? ¡?, i.eui l'_asou»er Agent,


Leave via Peno. IL It, I .ill,,. m. Par lot car« to Baltimore,tln-ure palate stiuinen, aiiivin_ «I Old Point at ail. a. _eNoitolk'.a.ut. , H. V. TOMPKINB, ."


O.n'l Yete. Agent, ait* lUomlu»j,S. Y.

\E\V- UAVEN.-Steatners leave Peck-elipXI tl'iet »_6, E. It. ) at ;i p.m. and 11 p.m. (Sundays «xceuUdi"-"».u a-liv» lit time tot early tram« uot IU aud ea«t

öprinj Retort·.


Entirely remedelled end hnprered. large hedreema, essa

Sree, hydraulic «levtter. Ao. Reopened March7, aad wBI

lenitln open throughout the year aa heretofore.P. W. HEMBLBY m BOX


SEASON OF 1887 WILL OPEN THURSDAY, JCX-C »Applications may he made to

HEMiY WALTER, Proprietor,Alberatile Rotel, Madison Situare, New-York.


Remain» open nntil June I.PLUM EH, lMIITEIt * BARKER. IgMSSSSS»


Ettabllthcd 1.7&G liaient, quiet winter bouse. Thoroughly-heatMb-tyUai

i. Il a** 1.I, Hfc> J« Ii L iiX.

r-AT8K_LLMOUNT-tlN8.BbaadakeB.UIaaat\J Cou n ty. N. V. -La Menti Hotel will open .Tune 1: househoatoal bv tteani all modern lniprovoment» tcrmt moderale.ialini a.!.He*» WM. ?. Mlt'TH W« ? It If, «t the ItOSSttlOrSll niel. ·.' to 6 tnd 7 to tl p. ui., where plant «Min be teen tndparticular» given._

PENINSULA" HOilSE. Seabrtarht, N. J. .Looms «an low be engaged for the Htiinmtr 888B8S of

1H87. CHARLES ?. DEDKRER. Propri«*«..

PAVILION HOTEL AND COTTAGES.I I «lip, long talami, will open for the tetto-. May 38.J \ M km s lati·; it. of U>e Berkeley, Otli ava, corner 8th tt,??» uer ami proprietor.

WATERTOWN, Litchtìeld Conaty, Conn..The "Warren Homo" will opon Mar 1; house netted

by *t· am. For particular», pltut. «ML, call on or address,"Koastuore Hotel," X. Y., 2 to d anil 7 lo 0 p. in.

WM. H. SOTJTHWOBTH, Proprietor.

(Ucean Üttamero.


.teamthlpCTTY OF ROME asili Weduetday, April-'7,and every fourtli Wednetday, thereafter.

»Saloon iiaaatge. *·'·(> and upward Second data, f >0.O-ASOOW VIA L«J.NHON KERRY.

Devonia.April 10. noon.. C'.rr»»«ia .April 140,10a m.Fumea»!« ...April 88. Ethl Dia.May 7. 3 am.Itale».»! peana* to Olatgow, Derry, Liverpool ami liVlUil .

Casia, BMaeS aSS,Kexond elsa». $30: rttee.age. $20.

For book of tours or mrthor Information apply toIIENDLIIWO.N IlltOTHEK.«·, 7 Bowling (Ireeu. New-York

pIRCULAB LETTERS of nada for travelers\J abi-oait. available In all part» of tho world, Itsued byhi m i.ii.v ii. ICKELUEIMER _ CO, foreign banker«IS William-it.

COMPAÑÍA ???-???Ga??G?? ESPAÑOL-Formerly A. LOPE/ A CO.(North American Branch.)

Tho ateamert of till» well-known S.i.ti'.tli «1·»??«!?(? lin»,now ululer contract with Ilio Menem '¦ ivarn ne-it, willlr.ivo Nciv-York for Havana«llrect on tbe -tth. 1Kb sud -ittiof orear month.Tlio Hi »tela«» »teamahlp Mexico. Cant, ('armons, will sail

from p>er-i:i M. IL, onAoril 14. at 9 p. in., for the follow.nigport»: BUiresSa Breossa Vera Crea, s:. Ja.·» di cubi»"arthariaa (GG ? ft V í*nae "araS-Hs. l'orti Ciucilo, LsOaayra.CadU ami Bareetoee

IB.tUM 4 co..m Agenta,

.SO Wall-tt.. New-York.

POMPAGNIE GENERALE TKANSATLAN-\j TIQtl·:. FltKNCII LINKT«» HAVRK.l ompany'» l'.cr mevvl No, 42 North River.foot of NOK MANIUE, do Kertablec.Mat., April lei, noon

LA luti' I'.iiOONE. Franguol.SaL. April 23. ? a. in.

LA HKETAONE, do Jou«tol1n.sal.. April 30. 10s. m.

LOUIS UK BERI AN, Agent, No. I Bowling Green,



V M mil A.Sat untav. April lb. 12:30 p. mSERVIA.saturila«. April 29. 1 µ, to.

ETRI-RIA.Saturday. April ¿0, Id.30 am.A I'RAMA..«aturda«. May 7. 4 ?«, ta.


Catalonia.April 14. Mar 11». Jn_e2i. Jtilr2Sl'aroma.April '__, Mar 'id, Juiiol). A_m«t4·ithaloi ba.May 6, June !«, July 14. ?·?._»??Fcvtlna..May 12, June 10. Jtilr 21. Au._»t '_.%li.'ihnu.April '.'X. June 2. July 7, Aog.ltCabin pa»»age, $00 f<«O and *1·?0. intennedtat«, ¿38.

steerage ticket« to sud troni all part» of Em-ope at very lowrite«. Kor freight ami pattage apidy totho romnanv't orneo«.'j'J state-st.. Boston, or 4 Howling oreen, New-York.

VEUNoN H. BROWN A eu., «.entrai Agents.

f'..OROIA AND FLORIDA vii SAVANNAH\? I'll «veekla· lino from ??t-7. S. IL. f'»ot )?- Park-placeSB, NACOOCftBB.Thursday. April 14. at I p. m.

SB, TAI ? ? ? A ««.E.Saturday, April in. at 3 p. m.SS.« ????? AHOOCHKB.Toe» tar. April 1H.sI3o.iu.

Cotiiiecting with Savannah. Floruit and Wettern Railwayfor llrtinawuk. Thoutaaville, !'« rn »n.'tiii ?. Jacksonville andall (.????» in Florida» L'uaurpa»aed aocomiiiothitiou«, Oral-ciata table d'hote.

For freight or n_s«api> apply toJ. G». naSHAOEX. HENRY YONV.E,

Fitt.rn Agent s. F. ,t W. Ry.. Agen! OeeSS B_ VO...Ml Broadway._old t'.or 27, n. r.


Full ill'KKSSTUWN ANI» 1.1 V L-K POO I'.a-r 38, N. IL. loot of I» :i .· «:.

ARIZONA.iueedar, April 10. 2.10p.m.? KV -DA.Tueaday. Mav l. I p. m.ALASKS.TeeeSer, May 10, Ta. m.

\\ 'Vini IN«;.TuesdarMtv 17. 1 p. m.ARIZ·»N A .Tueailay, May -4. 6..W p. m.

« ubili p.i»»:a«e«J;>(lami upward accordili»· ?» location. In¬tel indiate («econd.i la»») o'Atl. Steerage +'- >.

_A. M. L ? UEUH ILL A CO, -"¦) Bioa«lwsy. ?. Y.

nAMBUBO-AMERICAN ss. LINE FOH1 1 Plymouth (LondonI. Cherhour.' (l'ariti, lltuibnrg.Saorta Aprii 14. .Rha-tía.... 4¡». m..April 21,Haniuionbt, ? ?. m.. April '.'H..«¡i-ll-rt.M) p. m.. May ?

lu«: « abili. *.'·?», «?»IOand$7J. Sto rage .at low rato«.Kl'MIARliT .. CO.. v. a III« II A in».too..

«i^n A.t«.. ul Broad »t, M. PaaAglt.til Rway, N.T.


« ??? 01 MONTREAL. .Sattit.iav, \prit ..«, 5 p. m.< ITVOK MKR1.IV.Hatur.lav. Anni :'.(^ 10:30a, ?.i-ITY OP CHKHTRR.sat ir dr. Miv7. ."i p. ro.CITr OP Itll'ilMiiV'i.H.-a'u itar. M ¦> l«, 11 a, __

Kirm Irn an I'ler. feotof firprd-ft. Jcr»ey City.? A11IN ? ASe A OF, «.10 and iifwanL INTERMEDI ATS;tJU bTLERAOE, f-'lt

J1'???? WRIGHT ? SONS, (¡eneral Agta,

_No. 1 liioadway. ?. Y.

?G??-ClllNAOCCIDENTAL ANO ORIKNTAL«¦Uaiitcrt leave-??:? t-'ini.n ? «a nil» r«.

«as Pablo.TeaaSae, -Vor.L aaoceanic. .aatarlsr, Mie \L

? A E Lie.Îue*Iay. May ¿l.OCEAN IO. U.- ELI ««. BKLOI0,

Pnnei-lily AiiptiloteI.Superior ?·? » u n>IttloivBaaSSSB-MBa >au be iu ? le of .o.l».· or l-Jl-vtrtp«. «», \\\

rtbin plau» tee ? at, 2-7 llroalw./, NaitrVora, or :l»ja ^1 .ti.U'-'i t u .l,:i_, -au Fruncí«».

I ELAN I) STANFORD, Preside.T. H. OOOI1MAM, General I' Agoat.



BMS, Wed. Aaru 18,9t80.?- ft LI» \. nat.. Apr. 23, «ani.EII»Lll,Sat.A;».l«i. l.'lOp.m. I «A AI,'; W e L. Aol. .'7, M a, ru.I LAV I.. VV'til. April -U. 3 p.m. I ELuE.Mat...\I>I..U, 10:30 _,¦_,Eirtt Cabin. *10>. $l'-'.">. ilio or »ili ? un, ac««.it!iug tolocano-. seeoBii ? .timi, ???.« berle,Bteerafa at io«c«i rat«».

ULLRICHS <_ CO., ?». lloivilng Oreen.


From New-Yorlt, jder lool of (, N. It??? ban 1 taiio« o via the Itlltiiiiiiot PanamstN_W Oit G »ail« ·· u -day. Anni '··. iioaia,


8AN lían Fraucltco, Iti ami Hi.-iQnon.sta

lea China an l Ja.u'i. ^CITY OF sviiNKi ani« Tue*.. Mai 11.J i. «j.

For trend!, nast.tge aud general int-u uai.uu a;inl/ at oo.aalaii>Ouib.oou lUti.nir, loot Caual-at.. N. IL

IL J. RL'LLAY. Miparliitendín-


.-«ailing Inni New-l ork aud Aultaeiu ortry Satunlay.NoollDI.ANO. -atunlay. Aprii 1«, 1 n. m,

RHYNLANO.Satur.lav. .aprii _.l, 5 30 a. m.1 -il: ami '<» mit Lau·*. t>trat «abili, »Oc and «75. Kxctir-

'mu. SUO and $1'.'? «jccoii l cabio, ta... E-curaiou, OVO.-la-orage al low· »? rate*.

PETER Wllliill l .« SONS, Oou! Agi,«, 5j BroaJwar.^rilE U. S. AND BRAZIL MAIL S.S. 0>.~~*

JL A ti )ia»tengel' bue.Fur st. Thomas, Rarbadot. l'ara, Maranbam, l'ernin-bnco.

Rabia auil Rio «lo Janeiro, cunneiUiig tor santo», Montevideoand tv.iy pori«.

bieiiiialiib FINANCE, Wediie»ilay. April 1.1, st « p. ra.Pioni Newport New», Va., I bu· da« after st 7 BL m.

PAUL T. oERHARD A Co.. bui. Agía. s. limali -? ?. Y.


ROYAL A.S l» DN1TED bTATE- MAIL -1'KAMERSADRIATIC. HOI, ?* tr«»u .Wed-tì» Ue. ipiillj. ? _ ?a

liRlTANMC. fspt. Perrr.WS.»eeSSr. Apl.20. An. in.

ARABIC, C.pi. Ruriuu.Tttiiit.«uy. April JL . p. u_

CBLTia, Capt. Irving.Wedneaday. April 2?. 8 a. a_For London direct,

ARABI'', c^pt Unrton.Tii.-»<Ut, Mar 31, noon.rioni the White Pt.r Dock, feotof W«itloth..w

RATE-.Stloon. íiO. 8*30, »siijud *·1? t lietui u tb ketaoalavoi-.abi·, term«. steerage troni or to Uie OldCountry. 820, latrrn.ediate (AdrltUo and Celuoonly), «5. iu-iitntn,iw, }or iBtjectlon of idjat or SSBSJiiitoriiiauoa aouiy attuo comvuny'» ofi.t-ß. ?» 87 -roadwty-N«w.Yor_ ""

- R.J. COMTia, AfsaC^

Steamboat· ano Huilronòe.

FOR HUDSON AND COXSACKIE.Boat« leave at ? p. BL· Tin »day», I burwiayt and satnr

day» from Pier 3. N. R., foot ot Jay M.Monday!, Wednet.'.ayt aud Frldayt from Pier 3-, tool el

Franklin »t.. coiiiioctiiig îaltli llolloli an 1 Albany R. R.

CHORE LINE, all Rail, for Boston, Provi-.O lient e, Newport and all New·England Poiota. S Es-prêts traini dally ibtindays envpteiii troiu Orsud CentraiDepot, at H a in., 2 p. m. (parlor cara) sud 11 p. m. (polacoiieepiogrtrt). -unday traUas 10a. m. tparlor ear«), lip. iu.aleeylug cara).Take - ¿?. m. Bspreas for Newport, arriving at 7:40 p. at.


and ut. Leave I'ier 28 N. R., foot of M array*it, at 0:00 u. in. daily. (Haadays luotuici». Ooaaeelloeby Anuei Root from Brookly at 4:30 aud J«r«ey City at 4 ».in. An ore h ostra oa aaolt ateaiaea Seil SÜS.888?????Lowest Ratas._

REDUCTION OF FARE» VIA NORWICHLINE- The Popular Iastde Boato, To Boeaaa, BL·

Woroetttir, 82 6U Corresponding rodnciion to all »oíale,Htsaiaers "City ot WoreesUr" and "City ol Mev-Yecfc'·loavo Pier 40 (old auuibei). North River, foot of WeMes».(asal pier ssvvs Desbreasos Ferry) dt.iy except Baader, a»t.OOp. a- O. W. BRADY, A««at