new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1886-09-25 [p 2].binnet c.mvei.mods announced tbat congressional...

THE OHIO rENITKNTIARY BCANUAIa Coi.UMitts, Ohio, Supt. 2-i (Special) r.Ynr~ tber Investigation of tbe Penitentiary abuses undera Demooiatlo adinliiiitratlDii bas beeu made to-day hy tbe Grand Jurr. The leit.niony tncreaies tbe chance* of several officials to wear on viet clothes. Governor IIoB'tiv's brother-in-law seems to lie Implicated In falling to account for money whlob be received for Butta of clothe* wmch be auld to outsiue persona. Tbe Chief of tne lubslitenoe department made a speculation by het.liig brea I, lintier an I ot uer Kaple supjilies to dealer* in town at sm id price*, which was a clear gain to bim. These dealers ari now in danger of prosecu¬ tion for receiving stolen go > ls. From Cleveland comes Ihe stair*' to-day that a letter was soot thara by one of the Democrat lo .-""fllais offering for $400 to give a ocr* tain couvlet light work. T.':t« w~- refused by the rela¬ tives and ibe oilicial tbeu w,.uteti pl'Mt, winch was also refused. Moot of til* Democrats deepest 1~ lue ernne4 have itel. Joim F.ane'.i, wbo confesses to tbe tS'lr- Bkmet forgery, lia* deemed to tell all he know*. Ills testimony co ecu certain eminent Democrats with tha arima*. Franois also tells how bo bad bo n promised Bis liberty fat h.* forge*"/. He nat b en promised money Mtoutrh for a year's support aud ,'ree tran*|torta Don to Wiudsor. Ontario. It ls thought Indictments will be made next week. THE PROHIBITION STATK COMMITTEE. WILLIAM J. OKOO NOMINATH) FDR JLI'GIC NO 81ATK CONVENTION. Albant, Sept 24 iSpecial)..Tho fifteen men who make up the Prohibition-tate l.zeeutlve Commit¬ tee aalberet here this morning in the rooms of tbe Young Men'* Denioeraile Club. Tue committee deter- _tined two months ago not to bold a Biala Convention an 1 tull meeting waa Called to nominate a camiidaie for Judge of tbe Court of Appeaia The aesilom were secret, as tbe whole morning was devoted to hearing rep .its on tbs condition or the Prohibition canvass. Chairman Frederick F. Wheeler, Who has sttended all the Congressional Binnet c.mvei.mods announced tbat Congressional es', li lalee were now In the field in twenty-two out of thirty-four districts, and a nominee would be put up In Ivory dinno!. Uni*; one uomluatlon bad been made 1st In New York City, but a full Congressional ticket Would be run there Hs reported that tbe atlendsnee at the Congressional convention* bail been from Ave to ten tl mea arreaier tban tbere wa* delegated attendance tn 1884, and conn iently predicted tint, tbe total Pro- vjte lu this Slate wood niue, exceed So.OOO. At the afternoon session Willam T. Uroo wai nominated Xor Judge of the Court of Appeali. Ile wai Dtatrtae. Attorney of Sullivan Count- la 1-Ti'l, stat* CoiutOlf Bl'Hier of Public Aeeounu In ISti'J. aod lu IsODwaa sleeted Comity Jud** of Oraug* Coumy. Ibe coiriiulllc* iben re-eleoled itself aa tbe Bia'* tiecuuve Commitine for another year. and Frederick F. Wh-elar wa* re-elected chairman. A resolution wss adopted thai it waa tue sen se ,,f the ao-LiUiiiiee that full local ticket* ibould be put in tne field at all *prlng eleeiioo* ii tbe Slate iiegt year. Chairman Wheeler declared that be did not fear the anil-aloiii Republicen*. He wuh*d them all .uer*.** In their rfjort to bring tn* Republican party over to pro- tolbltli.n. bul he did not believe lt oould be doo*, ann ala- tere ptuhtbiilouisiswouli be sailifjed with nothing leis. Tb* committee r*.s..ived to print bal.ot* lu favor of a Constitutional Oooveutlon, aad will labor tc aeoar* the pa-i-g* of tb* oonrenilou prflp.iiltion, lo tne Dopa tbat probit)'tl..oi*t* may elect a majority of tbe convention and mm bring tbs prohibitory amandweat dlreetu* Be¬ fore tne peeple In 18(13. ? HOM1HATION8 FOB TIM AB8**J*BLT. BlNOHAMTOV, af. Y., Sept* 24 (aSp«oiat,)^-Tbe Republicans of Broom* Held a oocoiy coaveatloa here to-day aod renominated assemblyman Rdion. E. G. Bloody urged the reoomlnation of ti C. Milliard for Coo. Koruan and mered tha aeleeUoa of de.easies to tbs Vita Croagresauinaa District OaareaUoa ta ka kelk GOVERNOR FORAKER SPEAKS OPENING THE CAMPAIGN IN OHIO. «\H KXTHI'SIASTIC AUDlKXCB GBEKT8 TBI OKATOR . ABKA1CMN0 OHIO PKMOrRACY. 'BTTKLBr.Rvril TOTHB TRlStl-IB.' Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 21..The Ohio cam¬ paign w.» formally opent*d to-night for the Republi¬ cans hy Governor Foraker in one of tbe best speech** aver delivered In tbi* Slate. Hil audience filled the new 6pe*a Mollie, the boxee were occupied by ladles ot the flr«t se-ial circles and tbe mott reputable luulneis tuen of Columba'* were tbe most enthnsiaatto llitener*. Tbe meemi- was I.eld under tha auipioes of tbe Gsrfisll Club. The Republican State Committee, tbe Piste ollie'rs without regard to port*. and ths Blaine and Loren Oise Club were ob tbe stair*. A more dignified and riithuitamo audience never greeted an orator tu this city. The Qa*"* BBMB wa* intro lured by the Hon. 1). K. Watson. At tbe recital of the horrible Penitentiary disclosures there were loud cries of " Suame 1 Shame!" mingled with kisses. Governor Foraker began his speech with a glowing eulogy of the character aud achievement* of General Robinson, the Republioan csudldale. Us then con¬ tinued : Hut I would hi re you rote for General Robinson, not simply '.et au-.* of what be ta aa a man snd a (.¦¦*.¦". kilt als ¦ au I more particularly berakee of what be rep¬ resents. Ha elands for a free ballot aud a fair ci. the taxation of the llq-ior Iralflo and lha suppression of Hs evl-a. Ha Hains for economy and honesty In the ad- Djtistratian of inilillo affair*; for all, in abort, tn at I* essential to Bud Involved tn gool govrruuieui. Em not bo ms com [tel nor. b*t inohn-ltr cull your attention ta* Soin.a ii.ic.s* Mr. McB.-ltle muat net-*.* .my rrpreient a* the caiitlidale at this lime of tbe liemot-rstio party. And Brat, w nat dues he feprssoai a. la me purity of the hal¬ let I In answering thi* question I do nat Intend to talk to you aimil! al etlonslii tue Mouth, r*sir atiout anythui* thal bap|tene l years ago. but ahnul elec^'i* la Olio. arni lina winch happened at our l**i Mataataetloa, kelti in (ct'ber, ir*-**, anti *iii(-e then. 1 do ant intend to «ieak of tin* mailer in detail. fht> panic- Blois of the I'leciioi fr m la ot last rear aia ao tammar to all lha peaple nf Hill Male that 1 Weald not be ism- Bal In con* lulita time lu reaiale ttieiii. lt ll BUSctent to recall b' re lu a seueial way the fact ibat li na* bn-n BSialiiisliCil ny the avrom te*ttmouy ol nine tn tn SOO wuncisei who teiiitl-d liefore tue investiiraiin.' c.iii- .Dittees -ii in Hie court*, that under tue t/uni.mee ami fireoUoa af Deateaiaile asaaaaniB a**.t f*.*-1c>i-r«11¦- of- flc BIS re nillir iii nan l/.a tiona Wera Derfi cr ptl i. Ci dc ii nail for Un- perpeirat on of frauds a. thal election aiul thai tl.e pol oe tillie of tint city. Mislead of lu-ill ,' Use i to pi' I-- ut euell oiiti-aarcs, w ts used to protect l lie perpe¬ trators nf th-m. Yon win reini-miier that thees fraads eo'i- Htednoi only ot Illegal voting, rt-pn.illili.', bel.ol- teg Bt..ttiiii; and awitcbliii: of ticket*, bul they also involved the fur.cry of nmuir.da of fictitious names upon the P ll- "toll«, the doit ik-tioii if hemline tally-aka-eta tn i the Bunni'nillir, of fa..<* and foiled oiiei, famt swearing to the correctness of ouch tatum*, ant that bold. delimit Vi'.' . tT nv avhlcli th-y aaatena-ea Hie impiosilile lust, of *aaklaa 7 plaa 0 eaaal Bj, ii was tty bibiBaals saoa as th'-se tney *ouirtit to seaars ten B/tpr*aeatatlraa and foil: seiiatni* >ruiii Hamilltm County ia or ier thal they anight control tue legislature and cleft a t'niteti Slates .seii.uor. Tua frauds wi re so opea, no orion*, amt on tue foce WI the return* so manifest ilia: ail ntrtil-niiinl.-il ec aaaa were of ibe opinion that no man woui I defend them and tbat no officer would Hunk of giving effect to ti.-in. Hui iioi aa Peats*rails lawyer* wno bad -ara. Titiiisly been acctuinitatl reepeotabl* men mule haste to defend ibe lui a ni*', ami a Hemocr atc clerk made Uk'* kaile to ure it efleci by countin.' every fraudulent name and lallr and issuing C'-rliticaiis ot election tu ti>e iii-m.'Oralie caudtdaiea Hut not ouly were ibere I) -iniciaiio lawyer* ami a Darno* eratic clerk ftiinid who were willina- to ctuumlt (..¦ir part*/ to such frau ls br seeking in its name te ij> pn.pi i.iie the bni-tlt of them to the advancement of the jaartv, lim tue coolest was carried Imo the court*, sad wherever tiler* was a I tetii.tct alic judge encountered, from tbe Common Pleas io tho Snpiuma Court, tie was lu.m.'. reaily as a oiiiiservieni tool of the party to uphold tlie fraud and len 1 io lt all tbe "auction of a judie] tl dee ria a The record *how* that thn *'i-cal!ed ri'ipeei ihle liemociatli'Senator* were a vam hone. Hv every kind of p. rli imeiitary tactic*, and hy every lort of oh-truc tioii, delay au I uiiitlran-e, every mau ot them, tbe ra- apeciaiil*Hue* and al), stood first, last and ali Hie time, belli IB tlie House and the senate, fur tbe frauds ami the fruits thereof, and w. ian fl -i * i lr ih"V coilid (tani no langer.attar tliev hadsui'i-cte 1 the -Male te an ei|iense of lens of tiiiiuiai. ls ur liol, irs to bara tho dirie Story nf tlieir crimoilola before investigating coniinitl*>e*.rather than »'a> and milda the re-ult, whicn Ibey sa av they COUiI not lon.-er avert, they ie»crt**<l th.'ir seat* and fled Hie Male. Tina act ls conni only regardad and Bpokeu of al cowardly and puerile. T tCsft ar* had alni dur.-j.ll taine Bnoagh, hilt they are Ht must U armless feat¬ ures. The act w,,s a ilea iterate ai lem ju to coerce ibe Sen¬ ate mi" au acquiescence in ibe fiau is y revolutlunary method*. Wi,en they violated their oatu* of ollice and fie un the r-tate, every one of them Knew tnat tue tr'** ;ry iv.t* almost empty, th it it would Inevitably .>*- Boine «o wt la* ii a lew dav*, and that nnii-** they re- turni-d "r ot lie ra look tlieir place*, no BSSBoare of relief eotiiti he niM k*i. Their-tab! "as to asap the state anvc- oneal, nnd Inrolred a* oue of it* Intended results bTiii-'in.' upon :¦¦¦ State tue atsraetllt o' banktvpter an I J wea eat. An l iii * remit tney aeeoapllaksd. Goreraor leadly'* adminiatratlaa iiad sxhaasis l all Ita own reve¬ nue* aad Bad drawa in advanse upn i ttmae laten lad for tin* ye ii to Iii- ni B500,000, To replace tin* sre Wore eon] I te borrow. A Mil anthonz ag the loan Bad passed lue Boase and »i« peadlas la tbs S-n- Bte, wiiert' ikey niljin have passed ii say div, winn the l'" .' .rs tonk thel' Bight* and By tim* hin- (.i ung and delaylaa theaaaatassat af au* horny ta make in brought tbe great Btate of Ohio, »nli all her w waits and spion id cr l.t. ta lae bamtliaUas eahdltlaa of Ininir iiBabio to j<ay eveu the jauiiois wno scud tue taara ol tne Mat* Hume. I. ii liieir wicked parpaas failed ar.d finally the will of th" p. i>i>las triatap.ed, ia t tke lour l-eoator* from llani- Htou (ti'iiuy looa iiien aaata Bat whai ii the atirmtl- aaaea of thia eBapter ot rrentsl If anything waa lack- tag lo make tho wnoie Deiiiocralu* pu ly r1-* poi anne for tkaaaonmae it was supplied whes t:.e.r Mali- Cooran* lion reno,lunated Judge In eu fm the Biak nil,, e al Ju i*« of tlie Supreme (min, wth ipeclal reference to the part acted Ly nun in lin ebapier Bl eveni*,sni1 then Bdople 1 ai one, of Ihe planks of I heir platform a resolu¬ tion approrlM and indorilug tbeaction ot the runaway ISBBtsra The *|>eaker called attention by telling fleures to tue aaeVtieasa-traraaaaa* of the Democratic government of Oido, particularly of the Mala PenlieutUry. He con- eluded: Hui (be worst rennins lulu told, and 1 am glad I have tbe wotti* of anoliier in wlnoli to tell it. I Invite the esreful a'teutio'i of everv Irialim-u au 1 every negro to ths wuMi I am aitoni io rea I.lor at last. If never be¬ fore, tin- Irlslimtau aud the nerrties of (Hilo h ive a com¬ mon grlevaure and a common interest that ought lo ta,.ke them stand moulder lo shoulder ai one man. He then read the deposition of W, W. Nye, of the narda: in praotice tn the hoipltal of the lOhio Penitentiary of using me skins of dead con¬ victs and lbs audience listened to the statement that tit* ('sue lered with the llateiniant of Nve wa* tuade of the *sin taken from the body of Joieph McCoy, aa Iruhman, aud John W. Slater, a colored man. Oxford ou Ontoker 7. wfco will rota far Mr. Millard. >e mea he names* were elected. Resolutions were .sett reeemnieBdlBg to tbe LegUlator* ths submission the people of a r-rohiti'tory amendmnnt. JOBKaaBURO, N. Y.. tvip*. 24 (Spteml).The Repab'.l - ns af the lld assembly District of St Lawrence mnty held a convention to-day at Canton, W. H. inba'l, of Canton, was nominated for Member of As- mbly. The delegate* to ths Congressional Convention ror the noinlnatlou of A. X. Parker. THE ATTACK UPON JUDOS RUOER. SOT A WORD OFTKUTH" IM A VK.W-TORK TIMVS ARTICf.g.THK jrDOR'S STATr'MKMT. FYRACroE, N. Y. Sept 21 (Special).. The ir- nt published tn 7A« .Vric lor* rim'* that Chief Judge later, of tbe Court of Appeals, was pulling political ires in the interest of the csndldacy of V.xtk Cowan, of roy, for Judge Miller** place in the Court of Appeals, i* anse 1 much Indignation here. Judge Huger, who Urea In this City, was asked to-day give a statement with reference to the chargea. Hs id: .'(Vi many artloles of this kind have found their sy Into the newspaper*, ant they have been, one and I, so unfair, so untruthful aod so abusive, that .r,e~ ,v* carried with them their own refutation and seemed call for nothing In the way of denial from me. hot let a say that the dispatch to The limet ls a tlisne of mis- presentation and that tbere lin't a word of truth In from Itecinnlng to end. There ls the statement that I I* the ttret to suggest the Idea of a non-partisan can- date to tbe Governor, which lt untrue. My isltion with regard to uon-p-irttssn Judicial nomit-a- m* ought to be pretty well known. I am entlrelr id unreservedly in favor ot them. The elnar,** of wira lllmg In Mr. Cowan's Interret I* a fain lcm lon puce mil luple -I have never aa much as ipolt-u upon ma siib- i't to a member of the Democrafio state Committee, i a matter of fact I lure not and never have b i ! any rial relation* with Mr. Cowell. No ona hal ever he ir 1 '< sav *o uiueh as a single word derogatory to Judge .ckham's chancier crtier ai a lawyer or alamar*, ia char,-* that I cherish si'V peroonsl ll.-feellii to, ard lum or that I have ever done io t* utterly untrue. * had the same right to »>e a candidate ls 1---' that I nt. or anv ol' cr man had, the *. in¦¦ ri nt tint Mr. ¦wen ha* to be a f.inln'ate now. Ai to my silaged ini-.-sltni with the Jo'm Jelly bell in 1 OT*., iii ,t 1* an ii uni otu u.lsreprc-fidaiion. A nr*ie;.re*rntaHoii i.y g ns« is mp statement to thu effect that I wa* t,, ve tba sid of Ju.lg*) .Mnler tn com nailing the defeat Jodee f'.'ckhatn's a»pir-*»;o''«. I nave not tha honor Judge Mu!.er's ac*-, dalmain1*." A 0L08I COMORKS8I09TAL CO*tTBS_, Lvov-, Bept. 24 ..S'/i.'ci'n/;..Thal ImI rwriiibli- ,1) caucus for chousing tleleiiates to tbe Congressional div, nt on of tho XXVIItb Divrlet wa* h-1.1 last even- g nt Ontario. The o iiidid.itei for tht* nomination are r naaBTsssiaa n. W, Nutting, of Oataasja : Oaaatass an Bsraaa ll Payne, of Auburn, and BI kSBaaMyiaM r-nry li. Dariba, af Palmyra. Nulling hu twelve dele- ite* jiieilgod to liin fro n oawej;.) County, and ala ln- rucrir I BS vole for min from the 1st District of \\ ay ne mnty. Payne has twelve delegates pledcad to bim nm Cayuga County. Thi*y aetMSda that Durren will ive six delegate* solid for him Irom ihe lld Wayne istrlct. Nlneieen voles nuiiniiate. ¦-? CO\(* Kl'**-* IO VA I, NOMINATION Tho folio'* ina additional nominations to Ceagreaa hii*-1 bi a ade: u'ri-r. Maa*. Nunn. motes. tb M'ssniiri.V.'¦"' nu W ci,' r ..ln-nii .1 in. ltd.leva* .B.W.T, i.iiili.iiii. Demo rat s.ti.iiinmis.Lewis R. Ptysaa .Hep il Lilian. RED!TORS ANXIOUS TO El ND BOOALSBY. KTECTIVEa BCCCVKD IN 0ETTINO BOMB OF BIB r.oiins-MiN io arnon MONET IB I'l'K. An oxritod gt ronni of creditor*! of Jacob o-'sliUy, a manufacturer and wholeiale dealer In Bala, poured into hu stars al Ma BB Baal Breadafar osterley. They wera not only Those from iv mm cloth :i 1 li'a'ensl had boen outlined, kat hu former ein- loyes as w*ll w>re thrra, b*i*,*ini- an.l Im- loriiir, Hoga'.s'iiy'i son Hermann for mousy, "only little money," tney said. R IB.laky hal not been ic-n nee Monday. A few days before ho hud Boafesead idgineuts for about ¦frJ.oO1), although in Jain .ry be ated la liradstreet's agenis ho li ul property orth 142,000 aad tbat ka owed oily 13,000, Prom acalak*r*e atataraeata ll vasthoafbt Biting laraa baetaes*aad be foBad ae dtmealt*/ in Betting a irge stocli of plush, ill',; rind o'her go).li require 1 lit ia "aaaafaetore of cloaks and wrap*. I IB Hmo af blB failure the creditors BSSBBIS SasplelBBI tal Ikara wm Bometblag irroBf aa<1 a Bamber of tie- scuvei were employed io watch thn balldlbg. lt iva* mud tbat goon warabeibB taken tr tu the atora ba* oreen ."> .iud U .a. m. au I carried lo val ions stores In the Stfbberhsed, When tue T).\i itv ^tn-riff took charge of the i-toro oil fi'iiiv BoaaiskT*! alfa and aaa pi west i Ibat togaDia-y wa* still iii ¦sw-York, Ion lay detectives bars been trying io Bsd where tngaiiky placet tbe larra ataeb el . ¦i. TB*y succeeded tn undina stock worth from 11,000 to Bt.ihk). tn mi' in ce. wh re voiih ares "17,000 ti ad beaa lett, th* aredttori (tttaili un allac'iiuem fur over I20O. tn " ulla of sale were shown for 'ara* quantiles of a mt the business Bobs by iimsta harms them did not Barrani them rn barina Ibal ne of asrinenti ilicv ri Onie to hive beach I from KngaUky. in isaaa of tbe storsa srbera tbe detaetires wen tb* io have it ti.i caih for what they bad got from lie inls-lng c .ta,- m.iii ir, BB>1 IB lill-. I. lot I dil af sala aeeaesarr. Bui when tbe he articles Uley were lo il 1 li al no'nI:i .' Ill 'or theta, bat mai they ha I he *n tefl rs fa-keeplaa »o fer. clothing wor b naen found by the detectives and tbere is sui ¦. i lu ba heard ft mn. Tlie value ot the stock found in Ro*talBkr*a -'ore when Depinj Mnr tl* Young and Hurt h Un k n is.. > m il not exoeed .»;i.')(it). R .cal-l;v Lad no troub s ID (felting rrttin varlinis Wbeleeals tie,,.er* lillis of roods varying (rom a few hundred dollars ta sarata tnoostmi. Anio ig tne creditors are: iee. Tweedy ,*.. Co., l*e|in, Keeaer .tr Oo., §1,063; Dreymaa, Kobn k . ¦., 13,200; liriirg. O-nU de Co., B-000; ti 1-m. t. ll nh .- nu A Co.. B3,329; P D. Blake, |700; B. P D aler, 9750; ami llnr*mgtjn. Colby A Co., Cnarlea Lewis k Bro,, Stiegii.z at ca and A. Loeb kCa., farra amount*. Ta* goods already fonnd Will be sold at auc¬ tion on Monday to satisfy Hie crediton, and eHortr, w.Il he made io Hud the raaaalBiBB gooda. NATIONAL CARUAL TOPICS. TUE nBW-TORK BUB-TREASURY. WkSHinoTon, Sept, 34. . Thc Assistant Treasurer at New-York, In bi* atatamatit to tin* Iieis- ury Department in regard to the operattana of lha Now- York Bab-Traaaari dunns the Basal rear eaded J net 30, shows that the balance ou hand ls i212.M8.90L The reoelpts were *?()2l.'JDj.lui, of which |187,25S,02" wa* on account of custnm*. Th* expeiitinures wert *}>ir,7.t;*l7,182, of which *J22&810,***99 wa* on accniint of Treasury drafts, 912,093.033 on aeooaot of tbe peel Offi.e. $Hs.*i,-,.i.-,,:t . .o.i.nint nf Interest, 91,743.8?) on iicrouiit of i.omls re loeinetl, $4,l(;i,7tj(l ou at oin of gold oertllicaes. and >f l,7l>".i.O(io*ou account of silrei oeril iicatos. WASB1ROTO- NOTE3. Washisoto.n, Friday, Sept. 24, lBSfJ. Akmt ayn ** aw..LeaTB of absence for four moulin ,...; .. a I..I.-1 ,..,t,iitrni w. i>. ouanruiiL-raroi lia* rc*.gue.i, ;;,. take rHecl BeptatBDBT 'i'A. Mm Ll>'E Km kkt. A test of the Cunningham fi line rocket for inr-wlri-; lmei to vessels In dli'ren wa* in .de mis atti rii'ion ut the Art*""*' rania. No. 7 atna, trbiek la tbe larsest oeed tu tte aerrtea, wa* ***i*Tla*d with precision te a distonte nf 650 yin la, and ii lighter, X.,. 4 .lu* ui a distance of 1,050 yerda The g(eaie*t ns: .noe lo wblcii No. 4 line liai ever been thrown Ly the Lyle gnu now in use in lue lei vice ls said to be cl yards. WAS IT A PRIVATE BURYING BBOVMD t The workmen engognd tn digging for a foundation st Nos. 15') snd 15") Weet Broadway found more Lorie* yeal r (lay, unking eight skolutous tn all that buve been foun 1. Tm bom b havu been foaut ii.oatly In the deepest e*n ovation, i "i.K trench running acron thu lot, anti speculation 1* noe rife ae to whether Wbaa tho whole lot li levi la fct |ba ju.; dirptli, eii.nii;li bSSJBS wlil bu found to establish the liellt-: ilia; the int whs once used by tue aid l.lspenard :a;)illv a* a |iri* ito burial groan l. Ad othui Uieor* i* that lbs canal boatt the Jays wlicu ( an.n t. wu* a dual OroBj-ed lh( them. Hie boase* that wile ti,:u OBWB there reteiilly |iHv( *;.s«i for mere than uity years. Tbe bones ara sot wi served, aol mist have been buried lor fifty er slitr years His llli|,oriS,l.|e It) tell the Bel ut the HkeleUiiis. they Werl taken to tbe Hurgus resterday, and will be btulsd ta-da] li I'..I,. r's Field lin- li raith l.t-iui tinint sid the (t,ruin r ....' hot Utmk that Hie bom* were wtuth an luveBtigaliiiii Tin around ia aaid lo have been isla.part of uSe Li* ¦.inn. andlolaed the Chnreb lann, which wm , l roam tn 1 Himy (.hurt h. There I* n > record al the rtaiiilarj Mnnan that im, |y,.e w., aver uaed aa a publl gi..iiiul. aiul li *a»» never so ns il h* Ute Ht .lohn'* Pro! ).p scopal i uir. h n.-irhy. u i* *aid mat fifty year* as" tin two hou*v» bum a K'*sl rSBBlBIBBa DEAD FISH IN CEN!BAL PARK. It ha* bren stuttd that u.e fish am a*J*rtB*fta large numl«-n In Centra! Park lak.a, |m,Huting the » bBWS so they rome fa tho surface. Basswlatsaasal Pataaaa (lialii ysstaf(Isj tbai Ui-ro wa* suy unusual mnrul.ty an,nug tba kkk The lake* lae aald. aru fairly drained, ml the bob are not sobjeatiad u any more bis thau fall lu tlioir lot la thu n»u_ ionise ol tl.. :i existeiiOB. "Have many boen fo.ii.d Isal ric.-uU.jr V asked tho ru porter. .ll you make s tour of the any ttrne." replied Mr Parson*, " you win probably niel smie tir«<i tistiei, oir. i,*vi ss db) soase n*aa yoe aaew, ai.ii the aopniaUoBOf Baneeu the lakes i* ritrnnely large II i* perhap* aol gin^ralli known that thr duly of BBBM BS the kr* per* '.* io make a loo. or ths iskra,even- week. They remove tho maa SSS.s tbB collet ta tm [Mirtions of the lakes ami ell dead nebea Poosibll they hat* been uria) rd lit their usua 1 trip, alni lite Bamber o de iratl fleht-e baa j,ei batu oomo limal eplde an.tii.g tba Babes bas lin mased Ui* nsolh rate for Ute wt.| and tn.i asadittea in. been seen by vioiiors aaa* laaarasd Hu ll ls hot in lei. leii to Iel our house-cleat. lue ' SliDeer Lu th parka any uior* thai, vosolhlo." THE MAYOS LAUGHS AT THR S1LYRK STORT, Mayor draco laughed yt-ta-rdij when Uie lUiry that Mn Grace waa alleged tu have omuggled ollverware into thia por waa told bim. ¦ I Uv* never owned oue hundred dollsr worth of nlverwars In my lira," ti* Malt". Mr*, (irace and wor* ia Kurope twelve yoaro aga tshe bas uot bern .luce Tb* *u>ry is absurdly untrue, ami I bsve written *.. t I BUBSSas Magnne 1 do uot Uiluk, lt t.ii *pply te my brothel Mitii**! P., lot ut ha* about tb* aauas test* as nurteli wit Saatafstiaf. Ca alla w.i.1. * asserene* to suv-rw».% COWLRS QUILTY OF HaXSLAUGBTER. THB VBRDICT PITTS THB OBIMB ia THB FIBBT Of ORKK.C'.L. FELLOW* OX THB YALCR Of tim. Merchants, dry-gooda clerk* and other friend* of tne accused man made a larra pert of tbe audience that llitaned to the closing proneedtna* In the Cowle* homicide ossa before Heoordcr Smyth yesterday. Asilitant DUtrloi attorney Fallow* spoke fur two and a half* support of two proposition* which ha laid down. He contended that <f the teitiuiony for the pros- .cition waa believed th* otTenoe oommltieJ by Cowlea waa u, unler In the second derrea, while by the prisoner's own statement he was guilty of manslaughter lu the first degree. Ile .called aden Hon to the fact that every person who Witnessed the transaction* Immediately before the kill¬ ing except the prlioncr had been called as a wltnecs by the pioiecu'lon and they all united In the itaterasnts willoh made out a case of murder In the second (lauree. He raid in the el<>*ina part of bis speech i Jurie* have been too ready to aerept th* de-lara'ions of artsaasrs where th* char re wa* homicide, which they would not think af accepting from oeroott* aeolus.1 of ie**er ('rim**". There is a romance about the penon who comes Into the cou. *. room under lins accusal,un of hav¬ ing taken a liuinan fe w"u!;''i ia*rns to attract in-nine liiviierious war ilia minti of tlie iuror ; *o lt hs* come to psss. ai I sometimes ibink. that the me.nest, oh-apeet thnig lu HUB world In the estimation of intni juri-ra li human life. It la ror you tu deride whether tbat shall longer Dr fen by criminal* 111 Ibis City. Colonel Fellows read from the reports tu tba newspa¬ pers about tha defalcation of O. M. Bartholomew, to show thal (.'dod reputation was not evidence of Inno¬ cence, llecord'T BsBjrth beean lill char,'* to the Jurors carly In tbe afternoon and gav" careful definition* of hotiil- rli'e lu tlie Various sgiae*. He ind that murder tn the ll Bl Baal BB Was withlrawn from Ct* cms!'i ration of the j irv i'V tlia i*roi«eii;in,' o'llcer. The dtlf-raiie* t>«- ttvosn m ur ter and mans; nighter wi* tha1 In tn* ease of limier there ni'ist bo a deaUra ta akVat daatb, walla that tlealg'i ls alueiit from maiiiiauirh'rr. Justlfalile hiicici ic. wbleb Sawlsafs lawyer »et ap as a defence,wa* d fin d hy tiie I'.ecorder. Unsaid also: lt not enou -fi tha- a person shonld co upon the si-ami aiitt say " di if. It wa* lu self-lrfi.iice." It I* for the inty ros ir whether ui'd-r tbs rlicuiu'inicr* in* hui re is i ile .-i ti in I for Itel, ev II g tl al tl -a 11 r. w.i* Ul (l.aiigei' or he wu lui ini."-r ol great bodily hann. The .jury retired ai a quarter before I n'c'ock nn 1 ri-inrnt'd in an hour ami a half. Pbs foreman, vi ho spoke latsarfeel Bofliak, baaded t> Reeorder Hm-tn a paper, Ib wbleh ike vt net waa arlttea, Taa foreman waa, however, eotnpalled to aaaoaaaa tba verdict oralie*, .. (iulitv of niaaslaasbter in the tint .icgr-e w; ii a reeomnieiidation to mercy." T'i" iirisiirw, Wll>, looked at tin- lurv e.irnaitly all throiigli tin- il .v'» nroce ..ling', -||,awt. 1 in, sign of atiio- tsa.ti wben tba v ile; wa* anno un-i. hut lui eve* were redden.*: i and ii bad arid -ntiy h-nn weepln .- ii iboprtBunere'p-atk Bfl aaareanaaded fal *er,'en"e. rue penalty for man* a r=i er m Un* rtr-if darren lo linnr.,- nament for not les* th.;:* rive nor than twenty year*. HIE IO CRTS. BOW JOHTf BAIRD'S MOXXT WA9 TO ni: r-KiT Thc taree.-ral mi m res) nd in ths ¦ laity al Jaka Baird was I,,,,; i, ybycalUaatla tba wltaraastaa 0 lavina D. Baldwin, president ni Ike I mn: li N.ii Raak, who testified thal Mr. Baird, BB An-rnsl il, called it tho Lank wberehebBd I aa ano mt trhlchhai.s< -*>-**. Bl -ki I al,. Un i', .1 :n H...lin a. cnuni. he wotiM be permitted to dr '. "ti' r depositora lit- .cn H.- A. r* III .'¦ Cl 1. ... a ;, :. ¦.¦! a II. * BC i ,i ...« um b Bl Bid 0 ".i msdeto lr. Bait conti p-n nc tin- pn wt proceed. lng-, r.. Br. Ba :i rai \ Booth, in. '. theThlnl N itlonal Eh ah ie i abo let I leu t inin Mr : ll- ¦ald Huit iiiiintiiii.Ki bia conviction Ibal Mr Baird ** ii lu Bl ii vv a Beaman, formei *. pi ld al ni tl M .uri.ouse i (i Br Ha rd was i. ii ii.. iol bl* . *. il ri nt ba a.* .1- O |,nl nil s imt within h i 1st!.' I . .i lt l'he i ot p. n s wore ti i i'the ch e Urti for Mr. 1 ¦.* A OOHPABY is' SAME OBI V sir il' ii ie «if.- nf Vf. J I '¦I . except PER i \ - P city, npon ,i ,i.- i. lynn ? BITS OP I.l \l. Kl Acting-Mayor 7(oone*y en April . i. ii mi,.11 or oni t n.ri.i.i.' IL " ,>. ii..ii,' rcMHat an the thsl .Mr. Hill bat In** in n l'tw.iij-lii|ii ns iii nc udd In I ri m.i Budltw iii i, ami iu iiijii..* ma .* win ort- J u*il< 11 n d a ci l«-r to can -c ** 111 lill int iii until in ti ;-ut.o u nc io |.it |t.i.. affii am a. ii si j.. Andrews In Bnpi* ie onrt, Chamber*, t ii elia r ,".!m.-s mi nt "t .'...iv tbe i.s* ur Uti ti .. .1- *j ri. .. na .. i ni .i.. ..-ini.M and a. n i to afiow wuat lias i..¦ f itiU.aJOO sheree ol stock ol lbs company, pal value 'inn, Obb Oong ii-il 'mgBiak, both -.. rday la t'i" City Corni before Chit f Jn*tl< b m lAdato umt ajury. in '. On ; . ;, o fi912, t* ti *i ba ii icd sa a I I t c until it kin ind bi b nt "> 'ts ,, stated that tin- transia'n.n n i Un a* .. rerdict foi ihi lull arno i it. HOW MUCH WILL Ml B ' ' /..( "/> 00 cr; , q ii sr ni |nai i B this i ls whether lb bo s Ut sly ea S huh.||in.nt, ur wh-lh.T tnt- IT.-sdi nt w ll ron! .-. brid* in the Illulia Hi.u.-o. ir BBB bardi , r thin gay ; . et tne ni hate* all aorta ol *ts b ne* not enter Imo t bil ni'..i ni' if- :u-t v, Inter wen ¦'unit rs But ran Ik gland t fond of gu. tv mt lift .1" in*! In the aranseniMits nt the U itel tn Hie woo a, nnii evea went so fti K- tn >nw. U i soi lal ara* iinr ia *. Vet, ll la ji". le lt caret dev* sad aili be sought after and in vii r.\ ** i.. i ., Bat >:.... ..i ..., - mistress "t th* Whit* Rou**-, lo accept *. i c.*. b President cannot I rcpt InvltaUoni to dinners or peatlea where hr i* likely bi sis teni of Hu il rps for ths i'iiiiirent i" dim out w,t!i on* ll nisterofi - ut all ina I ri i*ni cans-- i.i. li ana SVety one t" wr.t- i ¦. jo ernment, InformI.a them ol tba inault Un .i i. n- rn uh ra. Uer* i Ile i.i'its la always invited aa a i.n .y. It is i... rt y known '-re :>v pennie versed in lorie*- rn!-a thal if the Presi¬ dent ls Invited i.n lorrin ultu. niiitr lo '.¦ Invited, President Arthur lo . s perttsa H-d no always wss enabled lt hand win. w .- the j ai ly I rer had . cms he his tc er i. pted In ital in. i. Whether Mra ('level.nd a I htuaentavrtaln-nenialaoB* ol tea problems n t *¦.. bot ur "- a lng colmia*. Ba* ba* i i fr n is rea - io iee taara of ber. ls a at il .t ... J M.r ber -al ti ..i I afternu . al ,nrr, B .1 ssts of *n i>rtii lal cliara, ier Dian *oci... .. ,d do uol count willi oociety he: e. lt H. LAMAR KTA DBM AN IS Qt IRY. i. "he fi I-. .i j " w hat would * aa 1Mb., Baoretary Laai tr, nf a newspaper raaerler wbo weald bar* i.s tntpudeecs ia .k ymi i Inli-lnled tn gt t limn ,. .1 s.,1,!, |" ,i ,1 J ne i. i. bm had te ti Been "Ai. , | ii r; a. li it J ka -v nf," said Mr. Lamar. .' I know lt a troal rn nop lite (jin si inn. a* a line, and I la***] lt Weald he a* rn tc l ,. nt,, iii.iii lo itali) ll popped al lulu, ll wnuiii be tba first timi loi torque* ion to .. pepped st me, hipI fun I ¦ l.e f led !,, kana boa to answer Now. supposing a Bewsi nut i porter or an] person el sqaal oiulacli* wera le nop tbat ajueatioi ¦**!i»l n.uni -»jr 1 itl tai-reii"! ootna: lu le inarriMi ctnilil Bot well aerier* tbat I waa u. Ila.1 nm *j.j.e*r t.. ne , *.r. ,1 letona m arae*a*nl dei lerel lita, li -alabt ne r.gartted lu the anne light >,« mal nt r ,i,.i>. ii, ,:,,..sraUoa 1 tau. Bot i.iaiiy yea, nt* 1'ielty BaSld. I i..-n .iga.n. il I laid I waa gtiii.g te be msrned, lt wealtl . loo* [,. Boats tor yon know ' lhere ls niany s ilip twUI Ute Up,' ll ls awfully bard for a fellow te har* U,o u,a. »t.uu popped to hlui, (ita hy a BBWSpspSB irporter." BVBOPBkn KINA.stCIAI, MAHKETH, ttOSM*.s, Hepu '24 IMBp. m. I on*.iis, lol 1 IB for money sud I0l>s for the urittiiut, Units ii ceal hoads, llKi"! Atlantic am! linet Wsatsl Inst Martanaas Trnatea* rrtinoatea, t.i. A., *...,,..; Kortaaa* ll'* (ana dian PaeUe. i'.»",i trie, a- . ,,,.' .m.u. can tintliiarv, tit'* eil Paul on,n..,i,. lts,| Nee-York (entral, 117, Isiiiisv Ivaoia. HI , He.til n-, hs*. 1 AO p. in. Paris aiflBBS tiuole 1 iiret, fat (Jeul liam lea al ti'i fiancs 47 *aj cenliiiin* fur lite aooonul. LOB-OB, ne|,l. 'J4. -4 p na. -4 BSaSatS, 101 1 lil for money sun lui il lil tnr tba Beeeaat AtlaDtlc anti tireal iVe.u-ru First Mortaaaie I ruoletas leilincaita,. bi-?, i auailiau Pac tim Bpi*, hne3H'4l .in fieeeadConsols, lofTsi Mnicau 'irdi' aarr, nc* penn*) i*ania, ul's, Haadiag, IB**, I Le aiuonnt of bullion withdrawn fruin tl.e Hank of I'na lactl on ItaJaiii-i- tt> ila/ lo Sd*).'toil. Parla ad vices quota £_oh*- ns on Lontlou at 25 fr ann Ul ceiitliiiH fer obSSttk THE MONEY MARKET ALES AT TBI STOCK EXClUS'lE-Si-rr. 2L TiiK (if"vR-*\r, r.i-tr. Actual sale*. rl'sinn. No. *li tr"* Op'a. H'al l.ow'1 Klnal.' Hld. lAslc'd BSM, «7t4 -11V **7-, I8U ll-; 111.;, ll"? 1-2-1 '.I.' 117 Ht Iii*, 187 lj I vd I"'. iill'4 Ih «¦* flo'a 1 Ul' '... is**. .in B7*, Ul Vi '. ll'-' a Ki I.ti s, iDan a Pu-... ;..t fl A flit*. Ill fVelflO an Betttoafrn.. ctlt nf VJ .... en rielle .... he A Ohio. 1 -s .to Ut or baa ,? o".I |tr. hie ¦? Allon bick V'TlT'l. ¦Uir A Ml' ur* M .t Ml Pull V .? tr rt' pr! ¦fiti, a Pr-rf.. «*tp Ma rn 'hie P. A Q ... nt i r_i IRtLkChle. r (le.. *V*sii -: B tl Bf ,t ii nrf '(' 0 .tr I. HV A Tel.. 'el l.a k Vie* .el.*-H.ld. *en .t Rio Or.. Ill') A H C -. Tenn new... I li nn lat pr., do Jil pref fn.i~- ,.> T( i ie' 111 BJ*.... .ba -siuire.... K t W. <r .mil* .? Ifass , lt Ak Chic fantiattan Van [antis! Beach. t... iiiar.. ¦it. il.-tW |>rt.| a ~i i.j I K .* I .I .lc. lld I forris A Ki.... i 'ii.I ii .y ra -i t .. -r|. nr. 1 l.K W. ."il KAW ur IV o .*¦ B/.... I -i s .i *.'.'. II BAW ur.. .or .v \v nrf.. toTth Parin*. I them. uss ir nm . ir H ,t *.. rm. _ ... ii k Mia... i. h *. ...' Uti1! Ha tlchA wi' m. ii ,t pitta. n i_ on tn i-.n tl A .1- I ll... M. a -tl* . 'tl. ni prf... l-r ..; ¦tl' '.' lilli. tl' .1 In.rf.... d.... en Pas. t al --st i'm!.. ..- i, lest rp.mi_ ulam* im ei I '-Kn . '1 ill.... t I.... ¦. Coal. Iron Tola, ih 0 I 2* «7<J 6H"»j (ll ii M 87 .-.i ni 47'a ia1*' 14 W li.' 11 .* '-I 1 1 7 V "I HT**1 631* - B ll 'a its a'-, n/ij n", 2t| H7 BB mi ta*. ll ia 12-s* 11 17 8*1 R7s| r.ii', Ol'. 48'a ll'a IS'-j ts 112 ls 141i4 143*1 Ml'. U~-. 'I'-'-i HA H7*, USS "7'. '.'7'. *?*S WS in 194 I ti -1* 84 84 .11 ii H i'i ani nil' Kit Aili. A (17- 14 VI*, l rn IBB li''. SBI* IV ii . 34 34 48*o BO li(7'. inf* las isb ni Mt . I .-. 187 *f BB .in u BJ as aaV rh nn%l dj SJ 3ii mil unv iud IBB 138 In?'* lim , I07saj lo7'« 1"7' BS ll"-a HIV Ul 'a Bl*, 70 70 70 7'i I8*i [«*« 1"'- i.\ 711 ¦'. 7 I'a, 711 *. 7 30*1! HO 30'*, 37 87 37 ..', ID VOW :'. oi'-j in*, li lie. 4!"i 41) 4't'a M RO 37 30 Bl 'i ll 411 "¦ri I.l", I-.'-' 401* Bl 'Jl**1 I 113 ¦ ti lil'. HUI, .lil s I*.',-, "t l H7 BJ . 15-j 41 "-i [3 74 1, M HO l'"t HIV 48*1 .". 1 ;¦. 19k <. 1(10 43 7 ii (53 ^ lit lilli'. 107*4 aa 7a 13 74'. lins. rn 'iOUj Oi ll 4ic, fW 130 4 lit 1-' l.V, ¦i . I 52 -; -; suv B7 Kl B8 81*4 i)'-"« ll V ','1 V Vii'., 'Jl '.- ni 111 -i 111'. 111 li j,; in 14 l's,'141 *s (i.i... iii;'. r,u Ull'ol 113>«, 113*, »*i 9*e] ¦itl'-J A Ul*, ll. (IHlj . l's", Ililli r,.7'.". 3-* I".'I 7,'.'10 A7 1,168 1,100 711 -ii Sl.rNt ll",-) loo 2,011- *m ito linn ino 1(1(1 ¦till) l.-."'0 3.r17tl 4''..'lill 6.170 l-.'ft loo flin 2.'.'21 3.1)72 BB 700 9. MM) 350 in tl inn im (i.n.'ti i.ii'i c o g 'i 84.330 I.B20 IBO ill 800 1.1 ¦'. 1 too ion tu). -.::-. 4D*» 1.'. .'.tl MOrSBlfJ/fi.Vl ld vu. -ia !U7;. / O.V0.1 I V) 'ft V/i* *?/. ,' . Con 1 Inti Di t Ho 1*1 , | Kl 1 uti 1 a'ttn|i 1ll Il . I.'HM) i'H ;, 1. *i fi:, .T.a-,1 1...I"ltl ._'".i . TH Ii .1 H I Wi ll l-l 1 74 1 .; ii' otral mtnre tis 7.000 i30... '¦. «. i .Ul na N .1 ( roi l-r Con iso li .1 ls ..) Un Dot k at 1: ll.. '"¦ I I. l.nn.i il¬ illi.nii.i .28 Kl .1 imi .11' ... 'i i nita '.* .."'bi Iinji*. ' 1 .1 is .*0"i .77 ...111 'i Nw 1 ac 2il i uni In"', N .! '' ,. llfil* 117 - ... Ill li a : -1 : I ll fitll|H,I| .11 »»4 H -. I " (J \V 1st .78 E Tenn a n y om 6,000. VtbH ... 1 it 'a S V* ti f .... III 12,(1 ,i -. new 2d ...-i|) l 1 "i. I 1.1 tai.l O'l I t la I02*a 13.IX ' -, 0.1*411) > I) \f ll (.ii.l ol 1st 2,ooo.134 ll") Gal*' ll .71* .t Sn ah \i, *i I"!'* Vi ', . lol*B i. fin .ni i.. '. i Imi n * \* con Ino 14.1 is, is). 31 h.(i ..lit off BALBI AX Uir VOWkOLLBA '.'. HTOCM AUB 1'e.TKO. all xi j. \ aa.vtia, MllltS. .. dlr rc >it.' ls lui ti Narnu. ii wa- ii.k!.- Am .1 litton ml fruit. I' lt ll .1 1. calen) ( ainu'..i "nutD. ( .-nt. Fm li . ii uni. I-' ¦. I li. Mn -Oil nil Cine .* N..rthweetern I'm .li. |ipi l-'.'k a Wes .- ,t illl.tltOU. I.l \ A lui 1,1 lilt i. r, v a o a ll..c*. 11/ V.illey. lint ll .t w . A r. - irt) . ile.... Mn Kan .* lei. I Mit .. ul. V .. .Ht . MU n Bid.... rs ) Mit r.i. .Sit* t ni a t riitral .* i i. i. t a . ,\ j ¦... 11 Nnr 4 Western pref .Sui ,' \* i slclll. lillie . (a 1 a N. R V.' hi .- 8 1, "Sot t.i Tat inc urtu.. ,N V. lt* M Sot I.ll.., M Ml"* . (neilin U .toil Nar,. ii ... Mal . r.i. De* .1 Kv. phill .t R.adina. H.. i. a w i- . I cull .V Al ..lillie. m I. a -sm Proa. I '"I . M |-_iiI A. urialla_ Tata* Pat. Cu.... ifi..- ll«s|.-ii. iiinii. ii *t -st l a I' a la al --I i. .t I |t|.'( i-s1 5 UT-J ll" 10^ St l-l 'll a aa ia| 4'.'", i-i' 113 J Vr, *¦. 8B \\ in*, a. ft7s j . ¦fi o. ll 83 3d M*l 17 < 7"-i Un'. 108 3 '-" -a Ba l, , .j- '.'* SM Ki Vi H"*9 Vt al 21 87V i Mis.. s .1. al 17 I 1" 14 Bil 1, sj 1.1 , Tiki fi: 37 \> I 47', - a 1] If- 7 *."- Bl '-, < , Di'. '.- II ts, a7 i.: i au , .'.Ts, BO , li I- li J : 'ni-.; l.' ¦ ni . .ji HTS Shares foo I'M) '."I '.'0 1 ll too ll ¦: too 1.1 i'll lr'' 'I 1 U flUI) I 100 liHI 80 420 n 110 80 .Jul lou 4241 10 ttl.I 1 11 >-_ 104 Us', ... .lia *.' i«t l.nitti t; l.i "i 1 it .1114 ... V (i si Tat .' l't lue i, ii ..IT ld nil.)....ii.. f..n. ll 1st mat rt lol '..tim R (IMS ¦ .'..) .'.'. lu .... lin'* fi.,va)..... I'.ihhi ... lt LA Pru I'ul.Isiiaio* sin.I Atlantic .trie tn. nt iowa Hs fc.Mr Jil OB ei-foui)-.. .j. ln.1 li fii la Inn .._ . n K .t k-eu N ) lil ,t Mt I, l*t...| M Tea n ssa* ... . .*. rililn r-outii.-rii ina_| Vt** or lt .v Nh* ut.I lil hU-B VaJlur KL.I 77*» f*t u a a r ut.I un bl I. A ami T Bal_ Tote1 amount. fri i mu 8800,0 ..> MI.NilNli i-IOCK*. Amertran Fiif.I Btj h.en*. a.,-,.\ Bulwer. 1.7U ii.r-ai.uta ..J bi Con ('al a Vu*.i 2.7u Home* lal*......118.00 Ul 3.*i" 1.7ni AH '. TAI 10.00 M BM I., 0 .fin .i.Tu ltt.OUJ 1V.IHJ M 8.80 1 JO JJ l.ooc lot .lill KM l.Uui Bl norn Silver.I 3.18 Helena. 1.88 iron mil. Mille chief. Mule i-itubira.. Leadville. Ijacrnsse. Munn . Ni.nh Belle rain.. I'lvrnicilli . !la|>p»hniinitck.... Sun.i Banal _ hieirtt Nt'i-ada.... Bllrerl liff. ruler Knur . Ploma*. Tol tl aaleo. 1.70 .on 2 7.0 a in 16.30 .ot) .07 .881 .cn 4.1*0 3.18 lil ITO .38 I jf.fto 2 ti) io. as .*ro .o-l1 M. .08 4.001 .08' 3.16 Cr 11 V * 2.SO 2Sb ¦fl .07 .85 .05 4 00 IH 3 80 2.X6 .os .00 400 1,700 loo loo 1.000 100 200 loo 1,000 (10(1 loo H'M) loo 1.S00 1I.U35 CLOSING PttlOBSOF DOMTOS STOCKS. Boitov. Baaa at, mt -I est. nt IV Tll-daf. v VI BJ Knel.. (!»'* 4i('t N V A N Ra 7a ViW* Yestertiiv, AA Top lit 7a.. 1 A A Tod lt lt linst .V Munn... ihlt mn. na- ak Qui ncr. fla -tn .*¦ CT***. Haslem BB - I .sicrn lt Tl ¦*». KUril A IVre M. Illili m P M |,M LR a n -*. Mex caa nina Mexican i (antral Bead -serin. .. ilci n tn central lil 90*4 Tf'tiv Iff DIS MB 'aril, al f. cfiain- 'lain. Hain, coin. 1H7'4 1.17i,'(>"l iil.tnv. 178 ll) l'.'ij I'.iiil.iinl cum... snr. S-'i'U is cut lt K laSlj I'.'i.'.l com. tl's K ** linne' Min Co. Hb OJ I <ii.-*,i........ 48 Stl'ilratiiliia . .71* .7;a Dst..,ia. |i minty. 63 63 nell Telephone. Keaton I.rut ... .42*- i"\ Water r*owar... 22 si 8 lt u lttUl P IMS 14 176 74 21>« 3 HO 17 se lilt 7*» i->* CLOSING PRICES OM CALIFORNIA STOCKS. Ba** Krixciicii, Hep*. 2', l"H1. Yesterday Toxlar. if. To-dar Alta. LBT«b Itillwrr.'J'-l Belcher . Heat A llelclii.r CholUr. Cnn tl A V*S (InnItt A Currv. Ital* t Nor.... Mexican ,M 48 2.75 AM 1.121, .86 1 7.(1 1.78 I.M '..¦ '". 2.7' SM AO .r*0 l.a*. .Vavajo_ ophir. P.lf.tSl . Saraga . 1.75 Sierra Nerida. ,H5 I'lilnn Con..40 trull.40 Yt il.i.v Jacket. .90 .MO 1.25 .HO 1.75 115 35 .t*5 US ' '. 's/y.; FMIOB9 OF FRILA OSLPtll I "*7Ct HM. Asked. lilt. Penas-rlranla... I , Heading; . m** Valle*;., blh Nm rh I'a. tlc cora. '."''a Mu, it lil,.'. Hil"* > irtli r.nilli) pref. (.1 V> I.( NaVlK'n B3*a Aiked. 11 Sj 67»»| 2r»"ll 811 H»; ns j ns buffalo. S. Y. A Phils . 13 N. 1. entral.... BJ 'ueiriiii Tra.a.. Hiisj st, Paul «a Baad ina renera laortaaoT* (is... lol 'x ill -lui* .Ile. SB fraction. 70% )2*a t:i'« * Urt'i 104*4 HO 1 umi v. taft 3 t-i*. *. Thn report of the Bureau of ttatiatlBB of tue forel<a BBBtBtataB af tba TJiiisad Blaise la tia recoil amita of the (ioriarnuienf* Basal ve ir, iltlioiwti saoWlBCB larare .leiiit hslsnnt. rolled* tua greater activity in aaaeeal ira lo. The v iiu" Ut tue in«r:;i indue, -x parsed la A uu*t wa* -.T.inhi.O'M) acrnatar tunii lu Aiiruii, 1885, nil 13,100,'mn leaa lli.a'i in AiU'imt, IHSi. Thc vi l Ut 'tie iinr.-liiiidise Cup >rt»d In Hl^ tiion'ii ir i* -*7.'.*'M-.(iO0 Biaaiai Ilsa la Aaaast, 1895, aaa* ,81.000.000 .-rearer than in Aun-int, H*i, Thu I inion* of last lu >'itli wars s-.i,iDii.i) )D _'r.'n»r in tba prsea lla*;a*eat_ef Joir, -rat tbe amaaai rem a.dag la bondel warebaaaaa al tiie uuB ut Aua-'i-i was sn.')) i.'i 11 milli'-.' tbaa si tba -tui of July, whle in Yi-ust, 1885, with sm illat Imports aa shown, tba daersaas ut au ) tai la *n raBaaaaa rn ia only 12,800,000. Tba bullion uiovoment for the tn ni h u.ltl-T-l, i-J l.slo io the illili.i ha. tn io, saaklM tho nat execs* ur laiparta arac evjnirts fll,M*MMo* far tba inniitli. ui tue month'a bqilloa laiparta B4.B06.8S-i waa la cold arni -ri. K>s,:t7:» la liltref; of Um exnor's 1130,768 wi* in _'»i'i aad -l, 170,8*93 in si.rer. Tue fol- lowiaa (-umpires tho Lirnsi nov murilla aril net b.itaiices of ine mon til fur turon yu ari : ovk Movrir. BtaacHABUtaa. Mitiiri, of Aiijriiit- 1884. 1888. 1«<*6. Ripon* .8.-4.2113.524 844.1411.1)88 851.101.533 ln.|..,iis. 60c*J02,760 60.744.7H8 Excessof Imports.. .».'..*,'*'.ajl ia Mot exports ..83,540,764 . BFBGI8 IND BULI I""*. Rxports. 82.674,774 BH.210,614 1 . . 4 0011,457 'J.s,,s.,,;s 58,«76,7l>3 1. \ -¦> Ol 84,424,810 . «... . 81.381,6-43 . BBI liAl.lvt s. j-,, ...,.. imports. .. 8*2,209.0*11 . , il .Ul. ra ,Oi tn- lit HI VWI ItlUltllrl l)f tllO (ioVOrU- ii-c il lirosent the s.iiuo *-t*tior il eb traeter aa I it ian monta. Both tba exports aa l Imports of m. [cii m Usa an* maeb ur-er tbaa for ti." -ame pened .- j ir, but tbs gala la Imports la 1400,000 sreatai than tba sala la exports. Com ared witb 1884 the ex- i.ii'm.-"i i leas sad tba Imparts ara --,;iii 1,000 jrraa- r. *.. talaaoe ot this y>- .r ls tS2.B0O.839 in :,i\ r of Imports aaatost 91.463.181 i.i 'a\or nt ex¬ port* ni 1835 an I axalnsi 11,800,04 la tarar al liniiorts iu l --1. iiijvri'vor, tm* nc ere ia o Imports for tba two ii this rear la I - '. ¦*- itar I in ia l--* > aod IB '; '-:i ' M "^ "f "'ti' "¦'", ": S.'--'".*'-'-! in i -¦* i- **¦"!.' aires tbs dstaits of tha two m al wi: TWO Mt'NTIH. M i.lit II A> i i--ii. 'IN xport* 81 -'¦.¦.. ll V t, f. . I Bl 'i ii.t..' ol mp ti". -I u. - Us* Bf A -fi - .s Bl 1 a 18 t. .aa Wai itu,;,).- 18,214 la AufHst, l--\ tnt ni Ul 254,079, .t.'.1 il St .40,917 faa! the .' is en ie tua ubi ll. IS85. Inti lay's stock sitei tlatiou tnere waa not only ieoa* aaa ol I .at iras -.,... aarare barn.Barlas ol a atasa hy ilo rooiii i: i icrs, abo .a^ coin- to iini i ooolitsioa Ulai a reaction aaa ova -at it mual eoma "-'i. after traiiieoUon* sruottutlna ta tbarea, it ii oineorered ibal all too ttoeas »m ta raaliae prottta aad tbeaa said fora 'tim on Ibe ebert jltU n.iVi! '" '. BBd thal lillct-o Vital IS i ceptious closed ** h ps or Uss (alas on aatevenina. opening tbere i-re laraa tra.sactloi Erle al ¦). i upato .. 4 aad oiueed ai Bam "' it per cent. Keaaingwas lana ol a feed it baa been of late i lt, hewever, bald Bra i , tol leta, wLi-n a powerfol attaea waa mada u, n i ** tm* lenin nt Bellina ii down io 86*01 la 1 te.ii ai,.I * rxaepttoBBl In tBowlaa a lot 1 oi h [,.., ,.,. . ..- ,.. aa ad rance al 12 per eeat la ss many Obtb, (.eirij ui New-Jersey wu* acuvo and mid i.n to 01. aBd ti Baa v.-.t.a at me duse a' ii.ii1*, wbleb, in>wev*r, arivri a Kain Inr Hie Uay uf I *y i>er cent. lie ia*.ir.*, l.uc in *.'im a sad Weetern *'ici sp la 11' Hi aad t n refore wa* weak nt the cloie whin quoted at Ul) -ii.e tame aa last ersnlut*. Tbegrsnger nooks anani r .lc 1 sin.::.- and gani r.i .jr closed blaber titan reatenla*". lbs tmuk linea,sxeept, we>o eouparattralj tltiili hut tiiej imprured ano sold uff to last niabt'a pnaes v iw> inru itini >eiv-Kna.'!.tiiii »o,ii up to lin, reacted, bal dbl v to sihdIisii *oi[n* s*tn. B/oeterB Union w aa 11 ii ur. ti ,ny aciive aaa mea 3 |.*r c*n: lo 71 '4 nial Baa ly s omi.u si 7., V .uni 1 11 in**:,..! earns ta tm- frc,.' 11. i' 1. ;j -. : ferer sji with room opinion* mora ulvidad tbeaa.ry hain tresa ill ll .T«r>la. ta wera dull abd staady at r*,uotatlons a* follow* : Bid. -1891. ree*, ii',;., il'.s.i ni ...ll ."V'"II r. r. is 1 ... riv. r. H -i-7 V.U.i tr Do lay ... U. 14,41 1907. "ii. 127 ,128 ! V. 8. eui lill _I i'laU Co.... I -- a ... Bid. !.* la 1 .1 i.n. Hw "a I In Btata bond* tbere were only ira ii .h.. stem 1 if l. per re it. of city ooB Mi iropolltao a,,.j uitjji .a Tl\ 1 market fo. iu..**iy bundi Was :. ¦, md oonsols after »»i it liiJ'i, and tbe fuudedon nil 1^ Bl 7s, L's --al ol Ncw-jeriy ooa* ira up 1-a) al ll'/, .. iiiv-i tii'.ro wera BJ '* at IA,1 I 6B nu* r. .,'..' BOia ' '. .Ul i>. cn BBd lu. I'I 1. lr ll..'lit ol ooh. ii Hilt col .,1 is a t- neii.-T* is ascre nrou< .villi S)teroentadrance to usia, Canada8011th. rill iirr.i.i - .1- B ... a'e tal '.l.i Hj nil., '4. Meei .-nnre K'larautaetl ls were dull ian.I Steady ii. 1"! \ boumero inowuie* further adranceJ ta to Vork, ( bteaso and si. Louis h. st di roiao i'i Ui .t '4. In- ii»*'.ir:i* were lp 1 (ter rsi*. Eastern dlr taloa, wara I'a usher l Maw-York City sail Northam rir*t reootpta ll ra and tass tram 84*4 to '.vv, .,*s. .¦. Mt, Mt. li.iiau nu i Bfarqasua tiro.s taaa Li io r-4. .ind anim* were 1 per Bent Blither a; 41, uni I ha Income* oold at 84*>3fi I'eXBS '4 sad Uists Ko lou *err.ia.iv a. iii'V N'.rtUor-' I lei .i is a el- '.j .i.v -I it In . Of unlisiod .artui nie* .euit in at the Btaek Exabaaas i aaed oil eerUBaaias said |a*900| at .'ni',*,"¦ 7**,, my's close, aad *\ *iein, - i Kew-Yul and Northern (8u0) at I6*«a 18>a t. lamia, Arks aaa* - Oj ai ;i, \ , coiiaia i .). -, t|. .,) ne worLln-; a il.ile easer;'. oaiii wt re i>. r;i^ tieady al d per cai.t wiib f-w rxi-i piitii.i ai 7 pal ¦ aided i .us were uii.l ts 1 w .it ll j and the ettrema (isolation waa 88)4 per seat, bsi 0 per orri' ii Hie fair r..le ead uacly lo *o for louie lima i nc tbs -un- Ire,i. .in l i ty lear iu t' S o-BBSral len,mn al 92 BVptembei I,', «how- Ina '.u appareal i"»tn( *¦.'..t. .7,.ii i. Bul ladnetiaa froai ll.e ! ,y ,,riii» .s-1,7-- 7 SJ**' ,t cl froiu ttie.rai -I s- fol i.-1-l...u Itaiiia ,,f ii Hater* Whl' h atl>il ; Iraaaurr's aoaonat alta tba Uaaars Treasary, its true .mil trna lu- cini-s ibe . .-iii im ot -.;..('tn,him r kunda ai al .tl,i.i i.tni'i f..r exeuaoasj ou Naw-Oriaaaa lb* day's operations-airsi*att I l>aeip:s, ian ia -.-.Mj.-sii); currency Dalaove, -.'J.i.'.ili.t' i.i co ii. *rl7'i.-r(;.:.i).'i.V T,)-inorrow'» I.auk * .i e ti..i,i muli ii shea a io aterbBl gain ii) rasa lin* cj -aniiK BuaaeStatSBjeal lo-ilay wa* BJ fnl'iow*: Eiebanaae, h. in.u. met**, BS, 110,81;. nne Btates re^aurr ai Maaaiaatoa rac irad ¦"I National Dank uutas tor redemptioa I lie ettatataa raeatpta wara r67-l.otJ'j aud ino internal roi-aaue ci eij t* rl7"i.7*)t). ihe foi clan exohaua!'.! were quiet and I'.-in at Beabeasad aaaitattaaa for tum nen ai folio wu Baakaia' Ulllo, MA hjs| and 1*4 BMg mr luna: an.. BhaMl otiriiuk- reepaeuralyi (kw% eada** 10% for traaaei v*\ ami 16% tar i neilin arias 40 and 4(iia for aull.'.era In Loud ni Hritish rouaols were *irtiu.- s ni a ¦ 3-16 to loll* inr iuoh.«,, and ~s to lol 8- ld for ac- ('inint. M'Uie* ru.e.i firmer al 2 7 10 pei ceut for all*- oouui of banaei*' li.i *. iii-jj ,-..,' oem at the rita*** Ki- ohoiiga, aud 2 per ¦. ul lot uaukero' beaeotva*. liar stiver was steady at 44-*d. par ouuee, Kugiuii Sasaudard. nlted Btates boards wera nominal and naobaaaed i. aotatlona Amertoar, railways were lrrs.-u.lar sad.__ it generally eloaad hit her. The Rank of England_l 50.000 on rtaUnee. At Paris Kronen -j pe- eanta 5_ laed to 82 47>«.and slshtexoaangeoa LoadsraBtTS p to 25.31 f rauos to the A. lQn» w* RAILROAD LAI.VrN'ir*. CIIICAOO, MI1.1VI "il.i: A.1D ST. Pact, l^l. IfJI nmtier of mlle* . 4.770 4 .ia ilrrt ivts-k of -sept BB1M78 .V'voji .,.,.*. m. 1 towopt 21 .1 Cid,..Ill l'..77n,l;u t/aa** MII.WaL'KEB, I.4KK BBjOM l>'li WMtI»a. nmharof mltoe. Isa id wtaek of Mrpt.. B34.3'S8 ?'<'(..! io j). 1 tn 21. 7UA.i**'il Loni, Hg ST. LOUIS AND Sl.-I riiAMCIICO. umherof mlle*. 77'i HU iini wock ol sept_ 887,883 ./.T.TOO ii. 1 to nt-pt. 21. K.J.iO.-ti.l fi. i.',7,.V*,J IjMMe, BB.BTES ANO BM '.HINDI*. umherof milo*. L817 1.1U7 lint week of Kept... 81-M.7 ¦(> 81H2.HH4 a. 1 to Hoyt, 21. M8a\414 4,jij,'i77 Imports of ilry (rood* at New York: ll i UH iu* nfereslBt the Btirt.82 0H3.HD0 Bl.H74.ai7 823404*81 irown on mai kel. 8,204,478 l,'J'Ji5..,.".j j li,toil Staoe'a-aary l ' ','w' uterett at the port.r*9,ri>i2rt>lo 7»t..;xn.] na, a... . ... irowu on 7 ..l.-.7 --^.Jori'oal sit \fec\Y;S <L)L\l erl evie e, Tcoves 'the CURE for CXOLE.RA CKoUr-A-morbu^.JiaTrKofa) Hus cnterMa^-^-^f »* *Qrn~ l\U'x*it*, <viwt flU ^isdcuu c\ 1fv« *Bt>>reU. (Drem Gte;rr?irro. ATLANTIC EXPRESS RERVICE. 1 NATIONAL AND ANCHOR UStKB. NEW-YORK lo LIVERPOOL vii (.1 ll N'-I'iiV.'N. MEHfCA sall* . Wi li .¦¦ lay, Ki pu t B iTV Ol KOliEaaili .Ut,im - ic. .. .1 J '. lb M ll ur ii'i.ui. aail* ctiiit -s iv, .. iu and ree-nlarlr rery atti rn its VVi ilneeday tbereettea omi iin*»niil. nuiliip i'itv of . for p. ,s.,_. or fin tiler parti ii t. W.Y. UUH.-.T, I HENDERSON BROTH K il.ce, Sew-York. | 7 Bowline; Green, N. Y. iaiiibiiiLr-Atncriciiti SS. Lui" for I'lvtn¦.¦¦w.B London), CboriMiurs '1 .ai i.. se pl Le Bia .' Wt, 7,1 P a » a. .mi. *oo in 87 i. -'. ;i. .. 813 Ito I -a ¦j). Ken for - I'.. inn KONH MIHI- -.- «'.(.. RICHARD I .a. tat*. N Y.Oa*n. r.t«. a..- .. ol B'wiy, .v.T, .VHITE STAR LINE. f* KORQUEKNsTOWN »ND LIVERPOOL UNITBB) ll - \\ |) HOYA I. MAU. ~i i KITA NN IU. Cai *. i.i.i ncc ..ti. i- -. .; ii aa i.M \ IC, , it. K in.'' lr. ru ll c. c. ., .i. Ki ii ( i .. c i , c. 21. ll*, ai, 1 :. -i the *.* ta -r ir Do rt I !.>_- v i ii* unpiny's olflea No. -7 i i iii _NCIIOl{ LIM < " ll ', IvlL'.S.' \ Bail ererr latnnlar fruin a .* Via iain don dem i'lif'I'I.l. -..; !. .1 t. r. .'. a, -a. ihia j.iis.i.-e MBan.l :r»«-,*l". I i n »*>8j meerai.I"ar*', i-*v li KN DKRHON iti.t.l ii ', ' w it, t.i, See -) .fk. i Af; N IK 0 R N K RALE TRA NS ATLAJC- fiJ Tl yr l-l FRENCH INK I" ll Wi! ..iciciiit- I- ci (nea No. 4. * a liii.ui. at. leJouaaaila..* .Hat-v A (.A-" ii..N t..,.:..*-.-. '. .. - a. fB* rnniiin ri, larne) . \. Pherk*parableatsiabt. lasawaats rite luuisi raint-i'lsitti ii.f Perta, Lulls i'K ii ku .t n iaeat. Ne ..oa BRANCH orrtCS. lim him \:ni' \ v. CUNARD LLSB ROM NKW.YOHK TO LIVERPOOL, VIA QCBBSM lui* * MRU IA.sat .il Lt v. -.'iieii.'.er J", U [t. ., CRANIA. r-iliir.lar, ik i. .. -a, a, lid kia.Batania* ". r, ;*. an_aX KM Vt A. a ur ii.. et. IB 7 a. gable sennas*. 880. 880 aa4 Sion lula***.satiate, BB \ Steeliiri.'it letsln tint irmil I., nets ol Europe at VeTf .ii« it**, t'leieul am! asaaao oiact. Nu. 1 tloaalnw lienn. VkunuN il. BliyW> _ Jo., a neala. :CI0NLINE, J l NU KU STATKS M A ii. "TKAM KRt 1'Urt t(l rUN-loUN AND LlVkKfuOI* l.eare fiol 3a >. K. loot MuK-it. fTBCONBIN.i rn st.-*, bet;. i'-. 4 a, -*. LAUE A.Ilinailoy. Uart, ., In J*1 a. ra, .'\ OM I Ma.lUaaalar Dat, IA 4 aa. Blt RIZONA.lucs'iir iel ls', r* Ki a « 'EVADA.Inrsutr. il. 2a. 4 p -, t at* n pt«aae*e 8*0 aad apwani aeonntia< te taeaUaa. linera ifiUatenBC.iu.l-. Uvs, -ll). si«.iaiiii, r'^O. A. M. L'.*, lui. UH ILLiW., fit lim.i.lw.a-. N.T. INMAN' LIME KOR QCKKVSTOaVX AM) LIVERPOOL I TY ok trilcauu.batarttay, .-«¦... ,.'., i §, rn ITV OB mi ii ti i.\ ii. ..h.i.ur. .i. i. >«, a ITT CHE I Kii. Meatu*.itajr, i. >. 2 a uv From Inman l'trr, fool or Oraaoaat. m»ev iiiy. AlilN Jr-aV-.-aA ¦, K. IH) Mil apwaraL I s l r.itM i-. Ul ATB\ HO. i-l KKKAt.) *-". FJiTjiK WRIUU1 _ BO>a *.. o A-enlo. _>0. 1 ii...Afi.VtA), S. T. JAPAN-CHINA. OCCIDENTAL AND OlilLNTAL HlLAM*)ifIP COMPANY, file*.tera icave aiau PtBasieSS aa Inilowar KI.oiC .1 ueotiay. trtober 1% AN PABLO........i ns.ay NoY. f, CkASlifi,.\N«*lut5*<Uay. Deo. L OCKANIl'. OAKI.H, BKlAilC. Kaiierbly Apvoinietl.isupenoi l .'otiiino lutinua BAJ< PAbLO-Catlu oaiiatilY Hiu.le.L BS8SS~SSbnS ran be au-1* i»y .oiun or Kie*map*i to, aaB abm plan* oeeu Ba, 889 Bro-i a-ay, -Now-VorS. «i laoaiui 14* ajailroati iii.latina. **. nco. LH1.AM) .STAMFORD. Pte-laeaA T. fl. GOODMAN, Oenrnal P*a~-n«er i«n,l.__^ K KU '.Ll" LINK OF >l'tAM6iilir,3. uHLAOCAYRA, PCKRTo I A HELLO, CCRACOA ASS MAHA* Al HO, 1 ttaai I .ol Mi. .*, .1 "1. VALBNciA.iiiur*«tar. f*irt. sa 1 il l-i.i li .A. .*,,...* a. I/. I. ¦*. I A KAI AM.b.tllilMajr. I'tL li. Theae AMii.:lllAN ST kl A M K Kl"), eiimtia.i/ uunlmrBB latio, tiaro very superior aaxoiiiiu i Ulmus .ol t.ia-ss-'ii.r*. MAI U-s Lina riirtii-i uvbiiiiiif nail lor tooan aie.uia_ ni will88 lil oe matte up at lile L. A. Poet orfloe aod ,o lallat. lae- i.i'.tei ur nc 1 er iitiautor ^.r*a*r,e apply to Ht'L Llo.N, Ui.ia.-. a UA-J-ETT. ueueral Mao*'«% aaa Auiwerp otery -**turlar. ..-laminar, rs. ^.. 88, I-wij i.-taiujstay, n. I, <a^B Pirai caoiai, seo aaa tis *? eoo.1 i-awa. aaa elaiiaiaiaHi. Pl*n UiiDaSTAR LINE. r\)]t AMTWBoV AND PARIS. tsaiHua from New *t ara aaa Auiwerp every Mat.nlaf. 'H..N a LAN L.. I'll . Ni.(Ni). Kali aaa *l loler Kele* ut*m. ill') *u i tl.>. iseoued caw*. «4A eacurouw. -lawiaaeal .js"'ii !.».»*. tl liin Ul -V rso.lrj, oeu'l Af-ta, SO ltr«*.iwar- VUE U. S. AND BRAZIL MAIL SS. t_J A aaisabaai pu*»rit,,ai ba.r -u licui**, ian.a** I'aia, Maiashan I aisasBSana haine. Ri* .ie jaueirv Baa ¦miloo. .iiiuiM-ltliM fur _i).ile»ii't>e nan woy pori*. a .l.i.a .N. A, -jalur.lay. 'al A I allasaau. roi* 4LIVAMCIwW-aiae*aia.». OetaSI 1 llooerla' elmo*. OroaUUjrtB) Ktvm Newport N*w», Vaa_ Uiuru .l*v xtXet. aa :p»» P ILL K altRllAKli « t O, ilma*!-*, ||WU, -tsl nmeu **. PICIPIC MAIL STOAMBRTP COJIPflftl LINKS KOKlALIKORNlA. JAPAN. I MINA. I**. 11LAL ANO BOC il (Ml KU A AM MKXIlO lioin New V,.rli. |)lor loot of Caiial-iL, t. R» lui isau 1rain looa, ila Hie loll.iiuoof Panania fl TY :"'*... ri " t" 1 UM**a. OKKAT RKDClTlON IN RATBB bbb nuwiam Ciitni. vvo. BtasaaajaiMt From --an fraaelaea, l-i asia liranu.nitaa, lol ( It na ami lapaia. CITYiiP XllW.YiiKh. .a, .'M*y cac », 'ip-ra Portreialit, gu.sax* ami neuerai in nar (nallam apply at 0*^ pany'a ttil.ioou ilia inor. loo' ualeL. N. H. ... ___ ii. j. UL Q.AY.t-t.^*nuieutl*afc. \OHDUKrrsCUKR LLOYD SH. CU ls MHORr Rllt'TK TO LONl't'N __ new-yohk,-hil'i tiAMi'toN and hri£men. S'aAt EXPKElWIbTICAMKItH,_ BAALK.Wsd.aeat.iB. ita i-' 'i.da -sai."U >, M*f7 Kt.UK, Sat. Iel. J. ". I'I a. o. flt WK, '. 't. !«, t*,,*'__ ALLER W.sL ot. ti, n -on BUM, .nek. 't* 1*». ' fh.*»' iirstCaliln, ifautfivi oataordinn io looowoai BuOBB.. ..»¦ Mrrraaie at lowtast rate* A CIA. Mo. li lio«iu.| *ire*a»

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-09-25 [p 2].Binnet c.mvei.mods announced tbat Congressional es', li lalee were nowIn the field in twenty-two out of thirty-four districts, anda


Coi.UMitts, Ohio, Supt. 2-i (Special) r.Ynr~tber Investigation of tbe Penitentiary abuses undera

Demooiatlo adinliiiitratlDii bas beeu made to-day hy tbeGrand Jurr. The leit.niony tncreaies tbe chance* of

several officials to wear on viet clothes. GovernorIIoB'tiv's brother-in-law seems to lie ImplicatedIn falling to account for money whlob be received for

Butta of clothe* wmch be auld to outsiue persona. Tbe

Chief of tne lubslitenoe department made a speculationby het.liig brea I, lintier an I ot uer Kaple supjilies to

dealer* in town at sm id price*, which was a clear gainto bim. These dealers ari now in danger of prosecu¬tion for receiving stolen go > ls. From Cleveland comes

Ihe stair*' to-day that a letter was soot thara by one of

the Democrat lo .-""fllais offering for $400 to give a ocr*

tain couvlet light work. T.':t« w~- refused by the rela¬tives and ibe oilicial tbeu w,.uteti pl'Mt, winch was also

refused. Moot of til* Democrats deepest 1~ lue ernne4

have itel. Joim F.ane'.i, wbo confesses to tbe tS'lr-Bkmet forgery, lia* deemed to tell all he know*. Illstestimony co ecu certain eminent Democrats with thaarima*. Franois also tells how bo bad bo n promisedBis liberty fat h.* forge*"/. He nat b en promisedmoney Mtoutrh for a year's support aud ,'ree tran*|tortaDon to Wiudsor. Ontario. It ls thought Indictmentswill be made next week.



Albant, Sept 24 iSpecial)..Tho fifteen menwho make up the Prohibition-tate l.zeeutlve Commit¬

tee aalberet here this morning in the rooms of tbeYoung Men'* Denioeraile Club. Tue committee deter-

_tined two months ago not to bold a Biala Conventionan 1 tull meeting waa Called to nominate a camiidaie for

Judge of tbe Court of Appeaia The aesilom were secret,as tbe whole morning was devoted to

hearing rep .its on tbs condition or the

Prohibition canvass. Chairman Frederick F. Wheeler,Who has sttended all the CongressionalBinnet c.mvei.mods announced tbat Congressionales', li lalee were now In the field in twenty-two out of

thirty-four districts, and a nominee would be put up In

Ivory dinno!. Uni*; one uomluatlon bad been made

1st In New York City, but a full Congressional ticketWould be run there Hs reported that tbe atlendsneeat the Congressional convention* bail been from Ave to

ten tl mea arreaier tban tbere wa* delegated attendancetn 1884, and conn iently predicted tint, tbe total Pro- vjte lu this Slate wood niue, exceed So.OOO.At the afternoon session Willam T. Uroo wai nominatedXor Judge of the Court of Appeali. Ile wai Dtatrtae.Attorney of Sullivan Count- la 1-Ti'l, stat* CoiutOlfBl'Hier of Public Aeeounu In ISti'J. aod lu IsODwaasleeted Comity Jud** of Oraug* Coumy. Ibecoiriiulllc* iben re-eleoled itself aa tbeBia'* tiecuuve Commitine for another year.and Frederick F. Wh-elar wa* re-elected chairman.A resolution wss adopted thai it waa tue sen se ,,f theao-LiUiiiiee that full local ticket* ibould be put in tnefield at all *prlng eleeiioo* ii tbe Slate iiegt year.Chairman Wheeler declared that be did not fear theanil-aloiii Republicen*. He wuh*d them all .uer*.**In their rfjort to bring tn* Republican party over to pro-tolbltli.n. bul he did not believe lt oould be doo*, ann ala-tere ptuhtbiilouisiswouli be sailifjed with nothing leis.Tb* committee r*.s..ived to print bal.ot* lu favor of a

Constitutional Oooveutlon, aad will labor tc aeoar* thepa-i-g* of tb* oonrenilou prflp.iiltion, lo tne Dopa tbatprobit)'tl..oi*t* may elect a majority of tbe conventionand mm bring tbs prohibitory amandweat dlreetu* Be¬fore tne peeple In 18(13.


HOM1HATION8 FOB TIM AB8**J*BLT.BlNOHAMTOV, af. Y., Sept* 24 (aSp«oiat,)^-Tbe

Republicans of Broom* Held a oocoiy coaveatloa here

to-day aod renominated assemblyman Rdion. E. G.Bloody urged the reoomlnation of ti C. Milliard for Coo.

Koruan and mered tha aeleeUoa of de.easies to tbsVita Croagresauinaa District OaareaUoa ta ka kelk



Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 21..The Ohio cam¬

paign w.» formally opent*d to-night for the Republi¬cans hy Governor Foraker in one of tbe best speech**

aver delivered In tbi* Slate. Hil audience filled the new

6pe*a Mollie, the boxee were occupied by ladles ot

the flr«t se-ial circles and tbe mott reputable luulneis

tuen of Columba'* were tbe most enthnsiaatto llitener*.

Tbe meemi- was I.eld under tha auipioes of tbe Gsrfisll

Club. The Republican State Committee, tbe Piste

ollie'rs without regard to port*. and ths

Blaine and Loren Oise Club were ob tbe

stair*. A more dignified and riithuitamoaudience never greeted an orator tu this city. The Qa*"*BBMB wa* intro lured by the Hon. 1). K. Watson. At

tbe recital of the horrible Penitentiary disclosures there

were loud cries of " Suame 1 Shame!" mingled with

kisses.Governor Foraker began his speech with a glowing

eulogy of the character aud achievement* of GeneralRobinson, the Republioan csudldale. Us then con¬

tinued :

Hut I would hi re you rote for General Robinson, not

simply '.et au-.* of what be ta aa a man snd a (.¦¦*.¦".

kilt als ¦ au I more particularly berakee of what be rep¬

resents. Ha elands for a free ballot aud a fair ci.

the taxation of the llq-ior Iralflo and lha suppression of

Hs evl-a. Ha Hains for economy and honesty In the ad-

Djtistratian of inilillo affair*; for all, in abort, tn at I*

essential to Bud Involved tn gool govrruuieui. Em not

bo ms com [tel nor. b*t inohn-ltr cull your attention ta*Soin.a ii.ic.s* Mr. McB.-ltle muat net-*.* .my rrpreient a*

the caiitlidale at this lime of tbe liemot-rstio party. And

Brat, w nat dues he feprssoai a. la me purity of the hal¬

let I In answering thi* question I do nat Intend to talkto you aimil! al etlonslii tue Mouth, r*sir atiout anythui*thal bap|tene l years ago. but ahnul elec^'i* la Olio.

arni lina winch happened at our l**i Mataataetloa,kelti in (ct'ber, ir*-**, anti *iii(-e then. 1 do

ant intend to «ieak of tin* mailer in detail. fht> panic-

Blois of the I'leciioi fr m la ot last rear aia ao tammar

to all lha peaple nf Hill Male that 1 Weald not be ism-

Bal In con* lulita time lu reaiale ttieiii. lt ll BUSctentto recall b' re lu a seueial way the fact ibat li na* bn-n

BSialiiisliCil ny the avrom te*ttmouy ol nine tn tn SOOwuncisei who teiiitl-d liefore tue investiiraiin.' c.iii-

.Dittees -ii in Hie court*, that under tue t/uni.mee ami

fireoUoa af Deateaiaile asaaaaniB a**.t f*.*-1c>i-r«11¦- of-

flc BIS re nillir iii nan l/.a tiona Wera Derfi cr ptl i. Ci dc ii nail

for Un- perpeirat on of frauds a. thal election aiul thai

tl.e pol oe tillie of tint city. Mislead of lu-ill ,' Use i to

pi' I-- ut euell oiiti-aarcs, w ts used to protect l lie perpe¬trators nf th-m. Yon win reini-miier that thees fraadseo'i- Htednoi only ot Illegal voting, rt-pn.illili.', bel.ol- teg

Bt..ttiiii; and awitcbliii: of ticket*, bul they also involvedthe fur.cry of nmuir.da of fictitious names upon the

P ll- "toll«, the doit ik-tioii if hemline tally-aka-eta tn i the

Bunni'nillir, of fa..<* and foiled oiiei, famt swearing to

the correctness of ouch tatum*, ant that bold. delimitVi'.' . tT nv avhlcli th-y aaatena-ea Hie impiosilile lust, of

*aaklaa7 plaa0 eaaal Bj, ii was tty bibiBaals saoa as

th'-se tney *ouirtit to seaars ten B/tpr*aeatatlraa and

foil: seiiatni* >ruiii Hamilltm County ia or ier thal theyanight control tue legislature and cleft a t'niteti Slates

.seii.uor. Tua frauds wi re so opea, no orion*, amt on tue

foce WI the return* so manifest ilia: ail ntrtil-niiinl.-ilec aaaa were of ibe opinion that no man woui I defendthem and tbat no officer would Hunk of giving effect to

ti.-in. Hui iioi aa Peats*rails lawyer* wno bad -ara.

Titiiisly been acctuinitatl reepeotabl* men mule haste to

defend ibe lui a ni*', ami a Hemocr atc clerk made Uk'*kaile to ure it efleci by countin.' every fraudulent nameand lallr and issuing C'-rliticaiis ot election tu

ti>e iii-m.'Oralie caudtdaiea Hut not ouly were

ibere I) -iniciaiio lawyer* ami a Darno*eratic clerk ftiinid who were willina- to ctuumlt(..¦ir part*/ to such frau ls br seeking in its name te ij>

pn.pi i.iie the bni-tlt of them to the advancement of the

jaartv, lim tue coolest was carried Imo the court*, sadwherever tiler* was a I tetii.tct alic judge encountered,from tbe Common Pleas io tho Snpiuma Court, tie was

lu.m.'. reaily as a oiiiiservieni tool of the party to upholdtlie fraud and len 1 io lt all tbe "auction of a judie] tl deeria a The record *how* that thn *'i-cal!ed ri'ipeei ihle

liemociatli'Senator* were a vam hone. Hv every kindof p. rli imeiitary tactic*, and hy every lort of oh-truc

tioii, delay au I uiiitlran-e, every mau ot them, tbe ra-

apeciaiil*Hue* and al), stood first, last and ali Hie time,belli IB tlie House and the senate, fur tbe frauds ami the

fruits thereof, and w.ian fl -i * i lr ih"V coilid (tani no

langer.attar tliev hadsui'i-cte 1 the -Male te an ei|ienseof lens of tiiiiuiai. ls ur liol, irs to bara tho dirie Story nf

tlieir crimoilola before investigating coniinitl*>e*.ratherthan »'a> and milda the re-ult, whicn Ibey sa av theyCOUiI not lon.-er avert, they ie»crt**<l th.'ir seat* and fled Hie Male. Tina act ls conni only regardad and

Bpokeu of al cowardly and puerile. T tCsft ar* had alnidur.-j.lltaine Bnoagh, hilt they are Ht must Uarmless feat¬

ures. The act w,,s a ilea iterate ai lem ju to coerce ibe Sen¬ate mi" au acquiescence in ibe fiau is y revolutlunarymethod*. Wi,en they violated their oatu* of ollice and

fie un the r-tate, every one of them Knew tnat tue

tr'** ;ry iv.t* almost empty, th it it would Inevitably .>*-

Boine «o wt la* ii a lew dav*, and that nnii-** they re-

turni-d "r ot lie ra look tlieir place*, no BSSBoare of reliefeotiiti he niM k*i. Their-tab! "as to asap the stateanvc- oneal, nnd Inrolred a* oue of it* Intended resultsbTiii-'in.' upon :¦¦¦ State tue atsraetllt o' banktvpter an I

Jwea eat. An l iii * remit tney aeeoapllaksd. Goreraorleadly'* adminiatratlaa iiad sxhaasis l all Ita own reve¬

nue* aad Baddrawa in advanse upn i ttmae laten lad fortin* ye ii to Iii- ni B500,000, To replace tin*

sre Wore eon] I te borrow. A Mil anthonz ag theloan Bad passed lue Boase and »i« peadlas la tbs S-n-

Bte, wiiert' ikey niljin have passed ii say div, winn thel'" .' .rs tonk thel' Bight* and By tim* hin-(.i ung and delaylaa theaaaatassat af au* horny ta make

in brought tbe great Btate of Ohio, »nli all herw waits and spion id cr l.t. ta lae bamtliaUas eahdltlaaof Ininir iiBabio to j<ay eveu the jauiiois wno scud tue

taara ol tne Mat* Hume.I. ii liieir wicked parpaas failed ar.d finally the will of

th" p. i>i>las triatap.ed, ia t tke lour l-eoator* from llani-

Htou (ti'iiuy looa iiien aaata Bat whai ii the atirmtl-aaaea of thia eBapter ot rrentsl If anything waa lack-tag lo make tho wnoie Deiiiocralu* pu ly r1-* poi anne for

tkaaaonmae it was supplied whes t:.e.r Mali- Cooran*lion reno,lunated Judge In eu fm the Biak nil,, e alJu i*« of tlie Supreme (min, wth ipeclal reference to

the part acted Ly nun in lin ebapier Bl eveni*,sni1 then

Bdople 1 ai one, of Ihe planks of I heir platform a resolu¬

tion approrlM and indorilug tbeaction ot the runawayISBBtsraThe *|>eaker called attention by telling fleures to tue

aaeVtieasa-traraaaaa* of the Democratic government of

Oido, particularly of the Mala PenlieutUry. He con-

eluded:Hui (be worst rennins lulu told, and 1 am glad I have

tbe wotti* of anoliier in wlnoli to tell it. I Invite theesreful a'teutio'i of everv Irialim-u au 1 every negro to

ths wuMi I am aitoni io rea I.lor at last. If never be¬fore, tin- Irlslimtau aud the nerrties of (Hilo h ive a com¬

mon grlevaure and a common interest that ought lo

ta,.ke them stand moulder lo shoulder ai one man.

He then read the deposition of W, W. Nye,of the narda: in praotice tn the hoipltal of

the lOhio Penitentiary of using me skins of dead con¬

victs and lbs audience listened to the statement thattit* ('sue lered with the llateiniant of Nve wa*

tuade of the *sin taken from the body of Joieph McCoy,aa Iruhman, aud John W. Slater, a colored man.

Oxford ou Ontoker 7. wfco will rota far Mr. Millard.>e mea he names* were elected. Resolutions were

.sett reeemnieBdlBg to tbe LegUlator* ths submissionthe people of a r-rohiti'tory amendmnnt.JOBKaaBURO, N. Y.. tvip*. 24 (Spteml).The Repab'.l -

ns af the lld assembly District of St Lawrence

mnty held a convention to-day at Canton, W. H.

inba'l, of Canton, was nominated for Member of As-

mbly. The delegate* to ths Congressional Conventionror the noinlnatlou of A. X. Parker.



FYRACroE, N. Y. Sept 21 (Special)..The ir-

nt published tn 7A« .Vric lor* rim'* that Chief Judge

later, of tbe Court of Appeals, was pulling politicalires in the interest of the csndldacy of V.xtk Cowan, of

roy, for Judge Miller** place in the Court of Appeals,i* anse 1 much Indignation here.

Judge Huger, who Urea In this City, was asked to-day

give a statement with reference to the chargea. Hs

id: .'(Vi many artloles of this kind have found their

sy Into the newspaper*, ant they have been, one and

I, so unfair, so untruthful aod so abusive, that .r,e~

,v* carried with them their own refutation and seemed

call for nothing In the way of denial from me. hot let

a say that the dispatch to The limet ls a tlisne of mis-

presentation and that tbere lin't a word of truth In

from Itecinnlng to end. There ls the statement that I

I* the ttret to suggest the Idea of a non-partisan can-

date to tbe Governor, which lt untrue. Myisltion with regard to uon-p-irttssn Judicial nomit-a-

m* ought to be pretty well known. I am entlrelrid unreservedly in favor ot them. The elnar,** of wira

lllmg In Mr. Cowan's Interret I* a fain lcm lon puce mil

luple -I have never aa much as ipolt-u upon ma siib-

i't to a member of the Democrafio state Committee,i a matter of fact I lure not and never have b i ! anyrial relation* with Mr. Cowell. No ona hal ever he ir 1

'< sav *o uiueh as a single word derogatory to Judge.ckham's chancier crtier ai a lawyer or alamar*,

ia char,-* that I cherish si'V peroonsl ll.-feellii to,

ard lum or that I have ever done io t* utterly untrue.

* had the same right to »>e a candidate ls 1---' that I

nt. or anv ol' cr man had, the *. in¦¦ ri nt tint Mr.

¦wen ha* to be a f.inln'ate now. Ai to my silagedini-.-sltni with the Jo'm Jelly bell in 1 OT*., iii ,t 1* an

ii uni otu u.lsreprc-fidaiion. A nr*ie;.re*rntaHoiii.y g ns« is mp statement to thu effect that I wa* t,,

ve tba sid of Ju.lg*) .Mnler tn com nailing the defeatJodee f'.'ckhatn's a»pir-*»;o''«. I nave not tha honor

Judge Mu!.er's ac*-, dalmain1*."

A 0L08I COMORKS8I09TAL CO*tTBS_,Lvov-, Bept. 24 ..S'/i.'ci'n/;..Thal ImI rwriiibli-

,1) caucus for chousing tleleiiates to tbe Congressionaldiv, nt on of tho XXVIItb Divrlet wa* h-1.1 last even-

g nt Ontario. The o iiidid.itei for tht* nomination are

r naaBTsssiaa n. W, Nutting, of Oataasja : Oaaatassan Bsraaa ll Payne, of Auburn, and BI kSBaaMyiaMr-nry li. Dariba, af Palmyra. Nulling hu twelve dele-

ite* jiieilgod to liin fro n oawej;.) County, and ala ln-

rucrir I BS vole for min from the 1st District of \\ ay ne

mnty. Payne has twelve delegates pledcad to bim

nm Cayuga County. Thi*y aetMSda that Durren will

ive six delegate* solid for him Irom ihe lld Wayneistrlct. Nlneieen voles nuiiniiate.


CO\(* Kl'**-* IOVA I, NOMINATIONTho folio'* ina additional nominations to Ceagreaa hii*-1 bi a

ade:u'ri-r. Maa*. Nunn.motes.tb M'ssniiri.V.'¦"' nu W ci,' r ..ln-nii .1 in.

ltd.leva* .B.W.T, i.iiili.iiii. Demo rats.ti.iiinmis.Lewis R. Ptysaa .Hep il Lilian.


r.oiins-MiN io arnon MONET IB I'l'K.

An oxritod gt ronni of creditor*! of Jacobo-'sliUy, a manufacturer and wholeiale dealer In

Bala, poured into hu stars al Ma BB Baal Breadafarosterley. They wera not only Those from iv mm cloth

:i 1 li'a'ensl had boen outlined, kat hu former ein-

loyes as w*ll w>re thrra, b*i*,*ini- an.l Im-

loriiir, Hoga'.s'iiy'i son Hermann for mousy, "only

little money," tney said. R IB.laky hal not been ic-n

nee Monday. A few days before ho hud Boafeseadidgineuts for about ¦frJ.oO1), although in Jain .ry be

ated la liradstreet's agenis ho li ul propertyorth 142,000 aad tbat ka owed oily 13,000, Promacalak*r*e atataraeata ll vasthoafbt Bitinglaraa baetaes*aad be foBad ae dtmealt*/ in Betting a

irge stocli of plush, ill',; rind o'her go).li require 1 lit

ia "aaaafaetore of cloaks and wrap*. IIB Hmo af blB failure the creditors BSSBBIS SasplelBBItal Ikara wm Bometblag irroBf aa<1 a Bamber of tie-

scuvei were employed io watch thn balldlbg. lt iva*

mud tbat goon warabeibB taken tr tu the atora ba*oreen ."> .iud U .a. m. au I carried lo val ions stores In the

Stfbberhsed,When tue T).\i itv ^tn-riff took charge of the i-toro oil

fi'iiiv BoaaiskT*! alfa and aaa pi west i Ibat

togaDia-y wa* still iii ¦sw-York,Ion lay detectives bars been trying io Bsd where

tngaiiky placet tbe larra ataeb el .

¦i. TB*y succeeded tn undina stock worth from11,000 to Bt.ihk). tn mi' in ce. wh revoiih ares "17,000 tiad beaa lett, th* aredttori(tttaili un allac'iiuem fur over I20O. tn "

ulla of sale were shown for 'ara* quantiles of amt the business Bobs by iimsta harms them did notBarrani them rn barina Ibal ne of ilicv ri Onie to hive beach I from KngaUky. in

isaaa of tbe storsa srbera tbe detaetires wen tb*io have it ti.i caih for what they bad got from

lie inls-lng c .ta,- m.iii ir, BB>1 IB lill-. I. lot Idil af sala aeeaesarr. Bui when tbehe articles Uley were lo il 1 li al no'nI:i .' Ill'or theta, bat mai they ha I he *n teflrs fa-keeplaa »o fer. clothing wor b

naen found by the detectives and tbere is sui ¦. i

lu ba heard ft mn.Tlie value ot the stock found in Ro*talBkr*a -'ore when

Depinj Mnr tl* Young and Hurt h Un k n is.. > m il

not exoeed .»;i.')(it). R .cal-l;v Lad no troub s ID (feltingrrttin varlinis Wbeleeals tie,,.er* lillis of roods varying(rom a few hundred dollars ta sarata tnoostmi.Anio ig tne creditors are: iee. Tweedy ,*.. Co.,l*e|in, Keeaer .tr Oo., §1,063; Dreymaa, Kobn k . ¦.,

13,200; liriirg. O-nU de Co., B-000; ti 1-m. t. ll nh .-

nu A Co.. B3,329; P D. Blake, |700; B. P D aler,9750; ami llnr*mgtjn. Colby A Co., Cnarlea Lewis kBro,, Stiegii.z at ca and A. Loeb kCa., farraamount*. Ta* goods already fonnd Will be sold at auc¬

tion on Monday to satisfy Hie crediton, and eHortr, w.Ilhe made io Hud the raaaalBiBB gooda.


TUE nBW-TORK BUB-TREASURY.WkSHinoTon, Sept, 34. . Thc Assistant

Treasurer at New-York, In bi* atatamatit to tin* Iieis-

ury Department in regard to the operattana of lha Now-

York Bab-Traaaari dunns the Basal rear eaded Jnet30, shows that the balance ou hand ls i212.M8.90LThe reoelpts were *?()2l.'JDj.lui, of which |187,25S,02"wa* on account of custnm*. Th* expeiitinures wert

*}>ir,7.t;*l7,182, of which *J22&810,***99 wa* on accniint ofTreasury drafts, 912,093.033 on aeooaot of tbe peelOffi.e. $Hs.*i,-,.i.-,,:t . .o.i.nint nf Interest, 91,743.8?)on iicrouiit of i.omls re loeinetl, $4,l(;i,7tj(l ou at oin

of gold oertllicaes. and >f l,7l>".i.O(io*ou account of silreioeril iicatos.

WASB1ROTO- NOTE3.Washisoto.n, Friday, Sept. 24, lBSfJ.

Akmt ayn ** aw..LeaTB of absence for four moulin

,...; .. a I..I.-1 ,..,t,iitrni w. i>. ouanruiiL-raroi lia* rc*.gue.i,;;,. take rHecl BeptatBDBT 'i'A.Mm Ll>'E Km kkt. A test of the Cunningham fi

line rocket for inr-wlri-; lmei to vessels In dli'ren wa*

in .de mis atti rii'ion ut the Art*""*' rania. No. 7 atna,trbiek la tbe larsest oeed tu tte aerrtea, wa* ***i*Tla*dwith precision te a distonte nf 650 yin la, and ii lighter,X.,. 4 .lu* ui a distance of 1,050 yerda The g(eaie*tns: .noe lo wblcii No. 4 line liai ever been thrown Lythe Lyle gnu now in use in lue lei vice ls said to be cl


WAS IT A PRIVATE BURYING BBOVMD tThe workmen engognd tn digging for a foundation st

Nos. 15') snd 15") Weet Broadway found more Lorie* yeal r

(lay, unking eight skolutous tn all that buve been foun 1. Tmbom b havu been foaut ii.oatly In the deepest e*n ovation, i

"i.K trench running acron thu lot, anti speculation 1* noe

rife ae to whether Wbaa tho whole lot li levi la fct |ba ju.;

dirptli, eii.nii;li bSSJBS wlil bu found to establish the liellt-: ilia;

the int whs once used by tue aid l.lspenard :a;)illv a* a |iri* itoburial groan l. Adothui Uieor* i* that lbs canal boattthe Jays wlicu ( an.n t. wu* a dual OroBj-ed lh(them. Hie boase* that wile ti,:u OBWB there reteiilly |iHv(*;.s«i for mere than uity years. Tbe bones ara sot wiserved, aol mist have been buried lor fifty er slitr yearsHis llli|,oriS,l.|e It) tell the Bel ut the HkeleUiiis. they Werltaken to tbe Hurgus resterday, and will be btulsd ta-da] liI'..I,. r's Field lin- li raith l.t-iui tinint sid the (t,ruin r ....'hot Utmk that Hie bom* were wtuth an luveBtigaliiiii Tinaround ia aaid lo have been isla.part of uSe Li*¦.inn. andlolaed the Chnreb lann, which wm ,

l roam tn 1 Himy (.hurt h. There I* n > record al the rtaiiilarjMnnan that im, |y,.e w., aver uaed aa a publlgi..iiiul. aiul li *a»» never so ns il h* Ute Ht .lohn'* Pro!).p scopal i uir. h n.-irhy. u i* *aid mat fifty year* as" tintwo hou*v» bum a K'*sl rSBBlBIBBa

DEAD FISH IN CEN!BAL PARK.It ha* bren stuttd that u.e fish am a*J*rtB*fta large numl«-n

In Centra! Park lak.a, |m,Huting the » bBWS so they rome fatho surface. Basswlatsaasal Pataaaa (lialii ysstaf(Isj tbaiUi-ro wa* suy unusual mnrul.ty an,nug tba kkk The lake*lae aald. aru fairly drained, ml the bob are not sobjeatiad u

any more bis thau fall lu tlioir lot la thu n»u_ ionise ol tl.. :i

existeiiOB."Have many boen fo.ii.d Isal ric.-uU.jr V asked tho ru

porter..ll you make s tour of the any ttrne." replied Mr

Parson*, " you win probably niel smie tir«<i tistiei, oir. i,*viss db) soase n*aa yoe aaew, ai.ii the aopniaUoBOf Baneeuthe lakes i* ritrnnely large II i* perhap* aol gin^ralliknown that thr duly of BBBM BS the kr* per* '.* io make a loo.or ths iskra,even- week. They remove tho maa SSS.s tbBcollet ta tm [Mirtions of the lakes ami ell dead nebea Poosibllthey hat* been uria) rd lit their usua 1 trip, alni lite Bamber ode iratl fleht-e baa j,ei batu oomo limal epldean.tii.g tba Babes bas linmased Ui* nsolh rate for Ute wt.|and tn.i asadittea in. been seen by vioiiors aaa* laaarasd Hull ls hot in lei. leii to Iel our house-cleat.lue ' SliDeer Lu thparka any uior* thai, vosolhlo."

THE MAYOS LAUGHS AT THR S1LYRK STORT,Mayor draco laughed yt-ta-rdij when Uie lUiry that Mn

Grace waa alleged tu have omuggled ollverware into thia porwaa told bim. ¦ I Uv* never owned oue hundred dollsrworth of nlverwars In my lira," ti* Malt". Mr*, (irace andwor* ia Kurope twelve yoaro aga tshe bas uot bern Tb* *u>ry is absurdly untrue, ami I bsve written *.. tI BUBSSas Magnne 1 do uot Uiluk, lt t.ii *pply te my brothelMitii**! P., lot ut ha* about tb* aauas test* as nurteli witSaatafstiaf. Ca alla w.i.1.


asserene* to suv-rw».%



Merchants, dry-gooda clerk* and otherfriend* of tne accused man made a larra pert of tbe

audience that llitaned to the closing proneedtna* In the

Cowle* homicide ossa before Heoordcr Smyth yesterday.Asilitant DUtrloi attorney Fallow* spoke fur two and a

half* support of two proposition* which ha laid

down. He contended that <f the teitiuiony for the pros-

.cition waa believed th* otTenoe oommltieJ by Cowlea

waa u, unler In the second derrea, while bythe prisoner's own statement he was guilty of

manslaughter lu the first degree. Ile .called aden

Hon to the fact that every person whoWitnessed the transaction* Immediately before the kill¬

ing except the prlioncr had been called as a wltnecs bythe pioiecu'lon and they all united In the itaterasnts

willoh made out a case of murder In the second (lauree.He raid in the el<>*ina part of bis speech i

Jurie* have been too ready to aerept th* de-lara'ionsof artsaasrs where th* char re wa* homicide, which theywould not think af accepting from oeroott* aeolus.1 of

ie**er ('rim**". There is a romance about the penon who

comes Into the cou. *. room under lins accusal,un of hav¬

ing taken a liuinan fe w"u!;''i ia*rns to attract in-nineliiviierious war ilia minti of tlie iuror ; *o lt hs* come to

psss. ai I sometimes ibink. that the me.nest, oh-apeetthnig lu HUB world In the estimation of intni juri-ra li

human life. It la ror you tu deride whether tbat shalllonger Dr fen by criminal* 111 Ibis City.

Colonel Fellows read from the reports tu tba newspa¬

pers about tha defalcation of O. M. Bartholomew, to

show thal (.'dod reputation was not evidence of Inno¬

cence,llecord'T BsBjrth beean lill char,'* to the Jurors carly

In tbe afternoon and gav" careful definition* of hotiil-

rli'e lu tlie Various sgiae*. He ind that murder tn the

ll Bl BaalBB Was withlrawn from Ct* cms!'i ration of

the j irv i'V tlia i*roi«eii;in,' o'llcer. The dtlf-raiie* t>«-

ttvosn m ur ter and mans; nighter wi* tha1 In tn* ease of

limier there ni'ist bo a deaUra ta akVat daatb, wallathat tlealg'i ls alueiit from maiiiiauirh'rr. Justlfalilehiicici ic. wbleb Sawlsafs lawyer »et ap as a defence,wa*d fin d hy tiie I'.ecorder. Unsaid also:

lt i» not enou -fi tha- a person shonld co upon thesi-ami aiitt say " di if. It wa* lu self-lrfi.iice." It I*

for the inty ros ir whether ui'd-r tbs rlicuiu'inicr* in*

hui re is i ile .-i ti in I for Itel, ev II g tl al tl -a 11 r. w.i* Ul

(l.aiigei' or he wu lui ini."-r ol great bodily hann.

The .jury retired ai a quarter before I n'c'ock nn 1

ri-inrnt'd in an hour ami a half. Pbs foreman, vi ho

spoke latsarfeel Bofliak, baaded t> Reeorder Hm-tn a

paper, Ib wbleh ike vt net waa arlttea, Taa foreman

waa, however, eotnpalled to aaaoaaaa tba verdict

oralie*, .. (iulitv of niaaslaasbter in the tint.icgr-e w; ii a reeomnieiidation to mercy."

T'i" iirisiirw, Wll>, looked at tin- lurv e.irnaitly allthroiigli tin- il .v'» nroce ..ling', -||,awt. 1 in, sign of atiio-

tsa.ti wben tba v ile; wa* anno un-i. hut lui eve*

were redden.*: i and ii bad arid -ntiy h-nn weepln .- ii

iboprtBunere'p-atk Bfl aaareanaaded fal *er,'en"e. rue

penalty for man* a r=i er m Un* rtr-if darren lo linnr.,-

nament for not les* th.;:* rive nor than twentyyear*.

HIE IOCRTS.BOW JOHTf BAIRD'S MOXXT WA9 TO ni: r-KiTThc taree.-ral mi m res) nd in ths ¦ laity al Jaka Baird was

I,,,,;i, ybycalUaatla tba wltaraastaa 0 lavina

D. Baldwin, president ni Ike Imn: li N.ii Raak, who

testified thal Mr. Baird, BB An-rnsl il, called it tho Lank

wberehebBd I aa ano mt trhlchhai.s< -*>-**.Bl -ki I al,. Un i', .1 :n H...lin *» a. cnuni. he

wotiM be permitted to dr '. "ti' r depositoralit- .cn H.- A. r* III .'¦ Cl 1. ... a ;, :. ¦.¦! a II. * BC

i ,i ...« um b Bl Bid 0 ".i

msdeto lr. Bait conti p-n nc tin- pn wt proceed.lng-, r.. Br. Ba :i rai

\ Booth, in. '. theThlnl N itlonal Eh ah ie

iabo let I leu t inin Mr: ll-

¦ald Huit iiiiintiiii.Ki bia conviction Ibal Mr Baird ** ii lu

Bl iivv a Beaman, formei *. pi ld al ni tl

M .uri.ouse i (i Br Ha rd was

i. ii ii.. iol bl* . *. il ri nt baa.* .1- O |,nl nil

s imt within hi

1st!.' I .

.i lt

l'he i ot p. n s wore tii

i'the che Urti for Mr. 1



sir il' ii ie «if.- nf Vf. J


'¦I . except

PER i \ -


city, npon

,i ,i.- i. lynn


BITS OP I.l '¦ \l. KlActing-Mayor 7(oone*y en April .

i. ii

mi,.11 or oni t n.ri.i.i.' IL " ,>.

ii..ii,' rcMHat an the thsl .Mr. Hill batIn** in n l'tw.iij-lii|ii ns iii nc udd In I ri m.i

Budltw iii i, ami iu iiijii..* ma .* winort- J u*il< 11 n d a ci l«-r to

can -c ** 111 lillint iii until in ti

;-ut.o u nc io |.it |t.i.. affii am a.

ii si j.. Andrews In Bnpi* ie onrt, Chamber*,t ii elia

r ,".!m.-s mi nt "t .'...iv tbe i.s* ur Utiti .. .1- *j

ri. .. na .. i ni .i.. ..-ini.M and a. n i to afiow wuat liasi..¦ f itiU.aJOO sheree ol stock ol lbs company, pal value


Obb Oong ii-il 'mgBiak, both-.. rday la t'i" City Corni before Chit f Jn*tl< b m lAdato

umt ajury. in '. On ;.

;, o fi912, t* ti *i ba ii icd sa a I It c until it kin ind bi b nt ">

'ts ,,

stated that tin- transia'n.n ni Un a*

.. rerdict foi ihi lull arno i it.

HOW MUCH WILL Ml B ' ' /..( "/> 00 cr; ,

q ii sr ni |nai i B this i .¦

ls whether lb bo s Ut sly ea

S huh.||in.nt, ur wh-lh.T tnt- IT.-sdi nt w ll ron!.-. brid* in

the Illulia Hi.u.-o. ir BBB bardi , r thin gay ; . et tneni hate* all aorta ol *ts b ne* not

enter Imo tbil ni'..i ni' if- :u-t v, Inter wen

¦'unit rs But ran Ik gland tfond of gu. tv mt lift

.1" in*! In the aranseniMits nt the U itel tn Hie woo a,nnii evea went so fti K- tn>nw. U i soi lal ara*iinr ia *. Vet, ll la ji".

le lt caret dev* sad aili be soughtafter and in vii r.\ ** i.. i ., Bat >:.... ..i ...,

- mistress "t th* Whit* Rou**-, lo accept *. i c.*.

b President cannot I rcpt InvltaUoni to dinners or peatleawhere hr i* likely bi sis teni of Hu il rps forths i'iiiiirent i" dim out w,t!i on* ll nisterofi

- ut all ina I ri i*nicans-- i.i. li ana SVety one t" wr.t-i ¦. jo ernment, InformI.a them ol tba inault

Un .i i. n- rn uh ra. Uer* i

Ile i.i'its la always invited aa a i.n .y. It is i... rt yknown '-re :>v pennie versed in lorie*- rn!-a thal if the Presi¬dent ls Invited i.n lorrin ultu. niiitr lo '.¦ Invited,President Arthur lo . s perttsa H-d no

always wss enabled lt hand win. w .-

the j ai ly I rer had .cms he his tc er i. pted In italin. i. Whether Mra ('level.nd a Ihtuaentavrtaln-nenialaoB* ol tea problems n t *¦..

bot ur "- a lng colmia*. Ba* ba* i i fr n is

rea - io iee taara of a at il .t ... J M.rber -al ti ..i I afternu . al ,nrr, B .1 ssts

of *n i>rtii lal cliara, ier Dian *oci... .. ,ddo uol count willi oociety he: e.

lt H. LAMAR KTA DBM AN IS Qt IRY.i. "he fi I-. ,¦ .i j

" w hat would * aa 1Mb., Baoretary Laai tr, nf a newspaperraaerler wbo weald bar* i.s tntpudeecs ia .k ymi i Inli-lnled tn gt t limn ,. .1 s.,1,!, |" ,i,1 J ne

i. .¦ i. bm had te ti Been"Ai. , | ii r; a. li it J ka -v nf," said

Mr. Lamar. .' I know lt i« a troal rn noplite (jin si inn. a* a line, and I la***] lt Weald he a* rn

tc l ,. nt,, iii.iii lo itali) ll popped al lulu, llwnuiii be tba first timi loi torque* ion to .. pepped st me,hipI fun I ¦ l.e f led !,, kana boa toanswer Now. supposing a Bewsi nut i porter or an]person el sqaal oiulacli* wera le nop tbat ajueatioi¦**!i»l n.uni -»jr 1 itl tai-reii"! ootna: lu le inarriMi ctnililBot well aerier* tbat I waa u. Ila.1 nm *j.j.e*r t.. ne ,

*.r. ,1 letona m arae*a*nl dei lerel lita, li -alabt ne r.garttedlu the anne light >,« mal nt r ,i,.i>. ii, ,:,,..sraUoa 1 tau.Bot i.iaiiy yea, nt* 1'ielty BaSld. I i..-n .iga.n. il I laid Iwaa gtiii.g te be msrned, lt wealtl . loo* [,. Boats

tor yon know ' lhere ls niany s ilip twUIUte Up,' ll ls awfully bard for a fellow te har* U,o u,a. »t.uu

popped to hlui, (ita hy a BBWSpspSB irporter."

BVBOPBkn KINA.stCIAI, MAHKETH,ttOSM*.s, Hepu '24 IMBp. m. I on*.iis, lol 1 IB for money

sud I0l>s for the urittiiut, Units ii cealhoads, llKi"! Atlantic am! linet Wsatsl Inst MartanaasTrnatea* rrtinoatea, t.i. A., *...,,..; Kortaaa* ll'* (anadian PaeUe. i'.»",i trie, a- . ,,,.' .m.u.can tintliiarv, tit'* eil Paul on,n..,i,. lts,| Nee-York(entral, 117, Isiiiisv Ivaoia. HI *« , He.til n-, hs*.

1 AO p. in. Paris aiflBBS tiuole 1 iiret, fat (Jeul liam lea alti'i fiancs 47 *aj cenliiiin* fur lite aooonul.LOB-OB, ne|,l. 'J4. -4 p na. -4 BSaSatS, 101 1 lil for money

sun lui il lil tnr tba Beeeaat AtlaDtlc anti tireal iVe.u-ruFirst Mortaaaie I ruoletas leilincaita,. bi-?, i auailiau PactimBpi*, hne3H'4l .in fieeeadConsols, lofTsi Mnicau 'irdi'aarr, nc* penn*) i*ania, ul's, Haadiag, IB**,

I Le aiuonnt of bullion withdrawn fruin tl.e Hank of I'nalactl on ItaJaiii-i- tt> ila/ lo Sd*).'toil.Parla advices quota £_oh*- ns on Lontlou at 25 frann Ul

ceiitliiiH fer obSSttk


TiiK (if"vR-*\r, r.i-tr.Actual sale*. rl'sinn. No.

*li tr"*

Op'a. H'al l.ow'1 Klnal.' Hld. lAslc'd BSM,

«7t4-11V**7-, I8Ull-; 111.;,ll"?1-2-1


HtIii*,187 ljIvdI"'.iill'4Ih«¦*


1 Ul' '**..inB7*,UlVi '.

ll'-' aKi

I.ti s,

iDan a Pu-...;..t fl A flit*.Ill fVelflOan Betttoafrn..ctlt nf VJ ....

en rielle ....

he A Ohio.1 -s .to Ut orbaa ,? o".I |tr.hie ¦? Allonbick V'TlT'l.¦Uir A Ml' ur*M .t Ml PullV .? tr rt' pr!

¦fiti, a Pr-rf..«*tp Ma rn

'hie P. A Q ...

nt i r_iIRtLkChle.

r (le..*V*sii -: B tlBf ,t ii nrf

'(' 0 .tr I.HV A Tel..

'el l.a k Vie*.el.*-H.ld.*en .t Rio Or..Ill') A H C-. Tenn new...I li nn lat pr.,do Jil preffn.i~- ,.> T( iie' 111 BJ* -siuire....K t W. <r

.mil* .? Ifass, lt Ak Chicfantiattan Van[antis! Beach.t... iiiar..

¦ |>rt.|a ~i i.j

I K .* I

lld IforrisA Ki....

i 'ii.Iii

.y ra -i t.. -r|. nr.

1 l.K ,« W.."il KAW ur

IV o .*¦ B/....I -i s .i *.'.'.II BAW ur..

.or .v \v nrf..toTth Parin*.


ir nm .

ir H ,t *..rm. _

... ii k Mia...i. h *. ...' Uti1! HatlchA wi'm. ii ,t pitta.

n i_

ontn i-.ntl A .1- I ll...M. a -tl* .'tl. ni prf...

l-r ..;¦tl' '.'' .1 In.rf....

d....en Pas.

t al --st i'm!....- i,

lest rp.mi_ulam* im

ei I'-Kn.

'1 ill....

t I....¦. Coal.


Tola, ih

0 I2*«7<J6H"»j(ll



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(.ii.l ol1st


Gal*' ll.71*.t Sn ah

\i, *iI"!'*Vi ',

. lol*Bi. fin .nii.. '. i

Imi n * \* con Ino 14.1is, is). 31 h.(i

..lit off

BALBI AX Uir VOWkOLLBA '.'. HTOCM AUB 1'e.TKO.all xi j. \ aa.vtia,


.. dlr

rc >it.' lslui ti

Narnu.ii wa- ii.k!.-

Am .1 litton ml fruit.I'

lt ll .1 1. calen)( ainu'..i "nutD.( .-nt. Fm li .

ii uni.I-' ¦.

I li. Mn -Oil nil

Cine .* N..rthweeternI'm .li.

|ipi l-'.'k a Wes.- ,t illl.tltOU.

I.l \ A lui 1,1 lilti. r, v a o all..c*. 11/ V.illey.lint ll .t w .

A r.- irt) .

ile....Mn Kan .* lei. IMit .. ul.V .. .Ht .

MU n ) Mit r.i..Sit* t ni a t riitral.* i i. i. t a .

,\ j ¦... 11

Nnr 4 Western pref.Sui ,' \* i lillie .

(a 1 a N.R V.' hi .- 8 1,"Sot t.i Tat inc urtu..,N V. lt* M SotI.ll.., M Ml"* .

(neilin U .toil Nar,.ii ... Mal .

r.i. De* .1 Kv.phill .t R.adina.H.. i. a w i- .

I cull .V Al ..lillie.m I. a -sm Proa.

I '"I .

M |-_iiI A. urialla_Tata* Pat.Cu.... ifi..-ll«s|.-ii. iiinii.ii *t -st l a I' a

la al --I i. .t I |t|.'(

i-s15 .¦UT-Jll"

10^ Stl-l 'll


aa ia|4'.'",i-i'



8B \\in*, a.ft7s


¦fi o.ll833dM*l17





3'-" -a

Bal, ,





Vt al





.1. al17 I



1, sj1.1 ,Tikifi:37 \>





If-7 *."-

Bl '-,

< ,


'.-II ts,





.'.Ts,BO ,

liI-li J

:'ni-.;l.' ¦

ni .




1 lltoo



1.1 i'll

lr'' 'I1 UflUI)







10 ttl.I

1 11 >-_


Us',... .lia

*.' i«tl.nitti t;

l.i "i

1 it.1114


V (i siTat .' l't lue i, ii

..ITld nil.)....ii..

f..n.ll 1st

mat rtlol

'..timR (IMS


.'.'. lu.... lin'*

fi.,va).....I'.ihhi ... lt LA Pru

I'ul.Isiiaio* sin.I

Atlantic .trietn.nt iowa Hs

fc.Mr Jil OB ei-foui)-...j.

ln.1 li fii la Inn .._

. n K .t k-euN ) lil ,t Mt I, l*t...|M Tea n ssa* ...

. .*.rililn r-outii.-rii ina_| Vt**or lt .v Nh* ut.I lilhU-B VaJlur KL.I 77*»f*t u a a r ut.I unbl I. A ami T Bal_

Tote1 amount.

fri imu

8800,0 ..>

MI.NilNli i-IOCK*.

Amertran Fiif.I Btjh.en*. a.,-,.\Bulwer. 1.7Uii.r-ai.uta ..J biCon ('al aVu*.i 2.7uHome*lal*......118.00


'. TAI10.00

MBMI., 0.fin

.i.Tultt.OUJ 1V.IHJ

M8.801 JOJJ



norn Silver.I 3.18Helena. 1.88iron mil.Mille chief.Mule i-itubira..Leadville.Ijacrnsse.Munn .

Ni.nh Belle rain..I'lvrnicilli .!la|>p»hniinitck....Sun.i Banal _hieirtt Nt'i-ada....Bllrerl liff.ruler Ploma*.

Tol tl aaleo.


.on2 7.0a in16.30






Ijf.fto2 ti)*ro.o-l1M..08



11V *2.SO2Sb


4 00IH

3 802.X6








-I est. nt IV Tll-daf.v VI BJ Knel.. (!»'* 4i('tN V A N Ra 7a ViW*

Yestertiiv,AA Top lit 7a.. 1A A Tod lt ltlinst .V Munn...ihlt mn. na- akQuincr.

fla -tn .*¦ CT***.Haslem BB -

I .sicrn lt Tl ¦*».

KUril A IVre M.Illili m P M |,MLRa n -*.Mex caa ninaMexican i (antralBead -serin. ..

ilci n tn centrallil


Tf'tivIffDISMB 'aril, al f. cfiain-

'lain.Hain, coin.1H7'4 1.17i,'(>"l iil.tnv. 178ll) l'.'ij I'.iiil.iinl cum...snr. S-'i'U is cut lt KlaSlj I'.'i.'.l's K ** linne' Min Co.Hb OJ I <ii.-*,i........48 Stl'ilratiiliia .

.71* .7;a Dst..,ia.|i minty.

63 63 nell Telephone.Keaton I.rut ...

.42*- i"\ Water r*owar...

22 si










Yesterday Toxlar. if. To-darAlta. LBT«bItillwrr.'J'-lBelcher.Heat A llelclii.rCholUr.Cnn tl A V*S(InnItt A Currv.Ital* t Nor....Mexican



1 7.(11.78I.M




ophir.P.lf.tSl .

Saraga. 1.75Sierra Nerida. ,H5I'lilnn Con..40trull.40Yt il.i.v Jacket. .90



' '. 's/y.; FMIOB9 OF FRILA OSLPtll I "*7CtHM. Asked.lilt.

Penas-rlranla... I ,

Heading; . m**Valle*;., blh

Nm rh I'a. tlccora. '."''a

Mu, it lil,.'. Hil"*> irtli r.nilli)pref. (.1 V>

I.( NaVlK'n B3*a

Aiked.11 Sj67»»|2r»"ll811 H»;ns jns

buffalo. S. Y. APhils. 13

N. 1. entral.... BJ'ueiriiii Tra.a.. Hiisjst, Paul «aBaadina reneralaortaaoT* (is... lol 'x

ill -lui* .Ile. SBfraction. 70%





1 umi v. taft 3 t-i*. *.

Thn report of the Bureau of ttatiatlBB of tue forel<a

BBBtBtataB af tba TJiiisad Blaise la tia recoil amita of

the (ioriarnuienf* Basal ve ir, iltlioiwti saoWlBCB larare

.leiiit hslsnnt. rolled* tua greater activity in aaaeealira lo. The v iiu" Ut tue in«r:;i indue, -x parsed la A uu*t

wa* -.T.inhi.O'M) acrnatar tunii lu Aiiruii, 1885, nil

13,100,'mn leaa lli.a'i in AiU'imt, IHSi. Thc vi l Ut 'tie

iinr.-liiiidise Cup >rt»d In Hl^ tiion'ii ir i* -*7.'.*'M-.(iO0

Biaaiai Ilsa la Aaaast, 1895, aaa* ,81.000.000 .-rearer

than in Aun-int, H*i, Thu I inion* of last lu >'itli wars

s-.i,iDii.i) )D _'r.'n»r in tba prsea lla*;a*eat_ef Joir,-rat tbe amaaai rem a.dag la bondel warebaaaaa al tiie

uuB ut Aua-'i-i was sn.')) i.'i 11 milli'-.' tbaa si tba -tui

of July, whle in Yi-ust, 1885, with sm illat Imports aa

shown, tba daersaas ut au ) tai la *n raBaaaaa rn ia only12,800,000. Tba bullion uiovoment for the tn ni h

u.ltl-T-l, i-J l.slo io the illili.i ha. tn io, saaklM tho nat

execs* ur laiparta arac evjnirts fll,M*MMo* far tba

inniitli. ui tue month'a bqilloa laiparta B4.B06.8S-i waa

la cold arni -ri. K>s,:t7:» la liltref; of Um exnor's

1130,768 wi* in _'»i'i aad -l, 170,8*93 in si.rer. Tue fol-

lowiaa (-umpires tho Lirnsi nov murilla aril net b.itaiicesof ine mon til fur turon yu ari :

ovk Movrir.BtaacHABUtaa.

Mitiiri, of Aiijriiit- 1884. 1888.1«<*6.Ripon* .8.-4.2113.524 844.1411.1)88 851.101.533ln.|..,iis. 60c*J02,760 60.744.7H8

Excessof Imports.. .».'..*,'*'.ajlia Mot exports ..83,540,764 .


Rxports. 82.674,774 BH.210,6141. . 4 0011,457 'J.s,,s.,,;s


1. \ -¦> Ol 84,424,810. «.... 81.381,6-43 .

BBI liAl.lvt s.

j-,, ...,.. imports... 8*2,209.0*11 .

, il .Ul. ra ,Oi tn- lit HI VWI ItlUltllrl l)f tllO (ioVOrU-

ii-c il lirosent the s.iiuo *-t*tior il eb traeter aa

I it ian monta. Both tba exports aa l Imports of

m. [cii m Usa an* maeb ur-er tbaa for ti." -ame pened.- j ir, but tbs gala la Imports la 1400,000 sreatai

than tba sala la exports. Com ared witb 1884 the ex-

i.ii'm.-"i i leas sad tba Imparts ara --,;iii 1,000jrraa- r. *.. talaaoe ot this y>- .r ls tS2.B0O.839in :,i\ r of Imports aaatost 91.463.181 i.i 'a\or nt ex¬

port* ni 1835 an I axalnsi 11,800,04 la tarar al liniiortsiu l --1. iiijvri'vor, tm* nc ere ia o Imports for tba two

ii this rear la I - '. ¦*- itar I in ia l--* >

aod IB '; '-:i ' M "^ "f "'ti' "¦'", ": S.'--'".*'-'-! in i -¦* i-

**¦"!.' aires tbs dstaits of tha two m alwi:

TWO Mt'NTIH.M i.lit II A>




xport*81 -'¦.¦..

ll V t,f.

. I Bl'i ii.t..' ol mp ti". -I u. - Us*

Bf A -fi - .s

Bl 1

a 18 t..aa Wai

itu,;,).- 18,214 la AufHst, l--\ tnt niUl 254,079, .t.'.1 il St .40,917 faa! the

.' is en ie tuaubi ll. IS85.Inti lay's stock sitei tlatiou tnere waa not only ieoa*

aaa ol I .atiras -.,... aarare barn.Barlas ol a atasa hy

ilo rooiii i: i icrs, abo .a^ coin- to iini i ooolitsioa Ulaia reaction aaa ova -at it mual eoma "-'i.after traiiieoUon* sruottutlna ta tbarea,it ii oineorered ibal all too ttoeas »m taraaliae prottta aad tbeaa said fora 'tim on Ibe ebertjltU n.iVi! '" '. BBd thal lillct-o Vital IS i

ceptious closed ** h ps or Uss (alas on aatevenina.opening tbere i-re laraa tra.sactloi Erle al

¦). i upato .. 4 aad oiueed ai

Bam "' it per cent. Keaaingwas lana ol a feedit baa been of late i lt, hewever, bald Bra i ,

tol leta, wLi-n a powerfol attaea waa mada u, n i **

tm* lenin nt Bellina ii down io 86*01 la 1 te.iiai,.I * rxaepttoBBl In tBowlaa a lot 1 oi h [,.., ,.,. . ..- ,..

aa adrance al 12 per eeat la ss many Obtb, (.eirij uiNew-Jersey wu* acuvo and mid i.n to 01. aBd ti Baa

v.-.t.a at me duse a' ii.ii1*, wbleb, in>wev*r,arivri a Kain Inr Hie Uay uf I *y i>er cent.lie ia*.ir.*, l.uc in *.'im a sad Weetern *'ici sp la 11' Hi aadt n refore wa* weak nt the cloie whin quoted at Ul) -ii.e

tame aa last ersnlut*. Tbegrsnger nooks anani r .lc 1sin.::.- and gani r.i .jr closed blaber titan reatenla*". lbstmuk linea,sxeept, we>o eouparattralj tltiili huttiiej imprured ano sold uff to last niabt'a pnaes v iw>inru itini >eiv-Kna.'!.tiiii »o,ii up to lin, reacted, bal dbl

v to sihdIisii *oi[n* s*tn. B/oeterB Unionw aa 11 ii ur. ti ,ny aciive aaa mea 3 |.*r c*n: lo 71 '4 nial

Baa ly s omi.u si 7., V.uni 1 11 in**:,..! earns ta

tm- frc,.' 11. i' 1. ;j -. : ferer sjiwith room opinion* mora ulvidad tbeaa.ry hain tresa

ill ll .T«r>la.ta wera dull abd staady at r*,uotatlons

a* follow* :

Bid.-1891. ree*, ii',;., il'.s.i ni

...ll ."V'"IIr. r. is 1 ... riv. r. H -i-7 V.U.i tr Do lay ...

U. 14,41 1907. "ii. 127 ,128 ! V. 8. eui lill_I i'laU Co....

I -- a ...

Bid.!.*la1 .1i.n.Hw "a

I .»

In Btata bond* tbere were only ira ii .h..

stem 1 if l. per re it. of cityooB Mi iropolltao a,,.j uitjji .a Tl\ 1market fo. iu..**iy bundi Was :. ¦, md oonsols after »»iit liiJ'i, and tbe fuudedon nil 1^

Bl 7s,L's --al ol Ncw-jeriy ooa*

ira up 1-a) al ll'/, .. iiiv-i tii'.ro wera BJ '* atIA,1I 6B nu* r. .,'..' BOia ' '.

.Ul i>. cn BBd lu. I'I 1. lr ll..'lit ol ooh. ii Hilt col .,1is a t- neii.-T* is ascre

nrou< .villi S)teroentadrance to usia, Canada8011th.rill iirr.i.i - .1- B ... a'e tal '.l.i Hj nil., '4. Meei .-nnre

K'larautaetl ls were dull ian.I Steady ii. 1"! \boumero inowuie* further adranceJ ta toVork, ( bteaso and si. Louis h. st di roiao i'i Ui .t '4. In-

ii»*'.ir:i* were lp 1 (terrsi*. Eastern dlrtaloa, wara I'a usher

l Maw-York City sail Northam rir*t reootptallra and tass tram 84*4 to '.vv, .,*s. .¦. Mt,

Mt. li.iiau nu i Bfarqasua tiro.s taaa Li ior-4. .ind anim* were 1 per Bent Blithera; 41, uni I ha Income* oold at 84*>3fi I'eXBS

'4 sad Uists Kolou *err.ia.iv a. iii'V N'.rtUor-' I

lei .i is a el- '.j .i.v -I it In.Of unlisiod .artui nie* .euit in at the Btaek Exabaaas

i aaed oil eerUBaaias said |a*900| at .'ni',*,"¦ 7**,,my's close, aad *\ *iein,

- i Kew-Yuland Northern (8u0) at I6*«a18>a t. lamia, Arks

aaa*- Oj ai ;i, \ , coiiaiai .).

-, t|. .,) ne worLln-; a il.ile easer;'.oaiii wt re i>. r;i^ tieady al d per cai.t wiib

f-w rxi-i piitii.i ai 7 pal ¦ aidedi .us were uii.l ts 1 w .it ll j

and the ettrema (isolation waa 88)4 per seat, bsi 0 perorri' ii Hie fair r..le ead uacly lo n« *o for louie lima

i nc tbs -un- Ire, l i ty

lear iu t' S o-BBSral len,mn al92 BVptembei I,', «how-

Ina '.u appareal i"»tn( *¦.'..t. .7,.ii i. Bul ladnetiaa froaill.e ! ,y ,,riii» .s-1,7-- 7 SJ**' ,t cl froiu ttie.rai -I s-

fol i.-1-l...u Itaiiia ,,f ii Hater* Whl' h atl>il ;Iraaaurr's aoaonat alta tba Uaaars Treasary, its true

.mil trna lu-cini-s ibe . .-iii im ot -.;..('tn,him r kunda ai

al .tl,i.i i.tni'i f..r exeuaoasj ou Naw-Oriaaaalb* day's operations-airsi*att I l>aeip:s,

ian ia -.-.Mj.-sii); currency Dalaove,-.'J.i.'.ili.t' i.i co ii. *rl7'i.-r(;.:.i).'i.V T,)-inorrow'» I.auk* .i e ti..i,i muli ii shea a io aterbBl gain ii) rasa

lin* cj -aniiK BuaaeStatSBjeal lo-ilay wa* BJ fnl'iow*:Eiebanaae, h. in.u. met**, BS, 110,81;.

nne Btates re^aurr ai Maaaiaatoa rac irad¦"I National Dank uutas tor redemptioa

I lie ettatataa raeatpta wara r67-l.otJ'j aud ino internalroi-aaue ci eij t* rl7"i.7*)t).ihe foi clan exohaua!'.! were quiet and I'.-in at

Beabeasad aaaitattaaa for tumnen ai foliowu Baakaia'Ulllo, MA hjs| and 1*4 BMg mr luna: an.. BhaMlotiriiuk- reepaeuralyi (kw% eada**10% for traaaei v*\ami 16% tar i neilin arias 40 and 4(iia for aull.'.era

In Loud ni Hritish rouaols were *irtiu.- s ni a ¦3-16 to loll* inr iuoh.«,, and ~s to lol 8- ld for ac-('inint. M'Uie* ru.e.i firmer al 2 7 10 pei ceut for all*-oouui of banaei*' li.i *. iii-jj ,-..,' oem at the rita*** Ki-ohoiiga, aud 2 per ¦. ul lot uaukero' beaeotva*. liar stiverwas steady at 44-*d. par ouuee, Kugiuii Sasaudard.

nlted Btates boards wera nominal and naobaaaed i.aotatlona Amertoar, railways were lrrs.-u.lar sad.__it generally eloaad hit her. The Rank of England_l50.000 on rtaUnee. At Paris Kronen -j pe- eanta 5_laed to 82 47>«.and slshtexoaangeoa LoadsraBtTSp to 25.31 frauos to the A. lQn» w*

RAILROAD LAI.VrN'ir*.CIIICAOO, MI1.1VI "il.i: A.1D ST. Pact,

l^l. IfJInmtier of mlle*. 4.770 4 .iailrrt ivts-k of -sept BB1M78 .V'voji .,.,.*.m. 1 towopt 21 .1 Cid,..Ill l'..77n,l;u t/aa**

MII.WaL'KEB, I.4KK BBjOM l>'li WMtI»a.nmharof mltoe.Isaid wtaek of Mrpt.. B34.3'S8 ?'<'(..! io

j). 1 tn 21. 7UA.i**'il Loni, HgST. LOUIS AND Sl.-I riiAMCIICO.

umherofmlle*. 77'iHUiini wock ol sept_ 887,883 ./.T.TOOii. 1 to nt-pt. 21. K.J.iO.-ti.l fi. i.',7,.V*,J IjMMe,


umherof milo*. L817 1.1U7lint week of Kept... 81-M.7 ¦(> 81H2.HH4a. 1 to Hoyt, 21. M8a\414 4,jij,'i77Imports of ilry (rood* at New York:

ll i UH iu*nfereslBt the Btirt.82 0H3.HD0 Bl.H74.ai7 823404*81irown on mai kel. 8,204,478 l,'J'Ji5..,.".j j li,toilStaoe'a-aary l

' ','w'

uterett at the port.r*9,ri>i2rt>lo 7»t..;xn.] na, a... . ...

irowu on 7 ..l.-.7 --^.Jori'oal


\fec\Y;S<L)L\lerlevie e,



CKoUr-A-morbu^.JiaTrKofa)Hus cnterMa^-^-^f »* *Qrn~

l\U'x*it*, <viwt flU ^isdcuuc\ 1fv« *Bt>>reU.

(Drem Gte;rr?irro.ATLANTIC EXPRESS RERVICE.1 NATIONAL AND ANCHOR UStKB.NEW-YORK lo LIVERPOOL vii (.1 ll N'-I'iiV.'N.MEHfCA sall* . Wi li .¦¦ lay, Ki pu t BiTV Ol KOliEaaili .Ut,im - ic. .. .1 J '. lb


ll ur ii'i.ui. aail* .» ctiiit -s iv, .. iu

and ree-nlarlr rery atti rn its VVi ilneeday tbereetteaomi iin*»niil.

nuiliip i'itv of .

for p. ,s.,_. or fin tiler parti iit. W.Y. UUH.-.T, I HENDERSON BROTHK

il.ce, Sew-York. | 7 Bowline; Green, N. Y.

iaiiibiiiLr-Atncriciiti SS. Lui" for I'lvtn¦.¦¦w.BLondon), CboriMiurs '1

.ai i.. se pl Le Bia .' Wt, 7,1 P a» a. .mi. *oo in 87 i. -'. ;i. .. 813 Ito I -a

¦j). Ken for - I'.. innKONH MIHI- -.- «'.(.. RICHARD I

.a. tat*. N Y.Oa*n. r.t«. a..- .. ol B'wiy, .v.T,



i.i.i ncc ..ti. i- -. .; ii aai.M \ IC, , it. K in.'' lr. ru ll c. c. ., .i.

Ki ii ( i .. c i , c. 21. ll*, ai,1 :. -i the *.* ta -r ir Do

rt I !.>_-v


unpiny's olflea No. -7 i iiii

_NCIIOl{ LIM < " ll ', IvlL'.S.'\ Bail ererr latnnlar fruin

a .* Via iain don demi'lif'I'I.l. -..; !. .1

t. r. .'. a, -a.

ihia j.iis.i.-e MBan.l :r»«-,*l". I i n »*>8jmeerai.I"ar*', i-*v

li KN DKRHON iti.t.l ii', ' w it, t.i, See -) .fk.

i Af; N IK 0 R N KRALE TRANSATLAJC-fiJ Tl yr l-l FRENCH INK I" ll Wi!..iciciiit- I- ci (nea No. 4.*a liii.ui. at. leJouaaaila..* .Hat-vA (.A-" ii..N t..,.:..*-.-. '. ..

- a. fB*rnniiin ri, larne) . \.

Pherk*parableatsiabt. lasawaats rite luuisiraint-i'lsitti ii.f Perta,

Lulls i'K ii ku .t n iaeat. Ne ..oaBRANCH orrtCS. lim him \:ni' \ v.


lui* *

MRU IA.sat .il Lt v. -.'iieii.'.er J", U [t. .,CRANIA. r-iliir.lar, ik i. .. -a, a,

lid kia.Batania* ". r, ;*. an_aXKM Vt A. a ur ii.. et. IB 7 a. .»

gable sennas*. 880. 880 aa4 Sion lula***.satiate, BB \Steeliiri.'it letsln tint irmil I., nets ol Europe at VeTf .ii«it**, t'leieul am! asaaao oiact. Nu. 1 tloaalnw lienn.

VkunuN il. BliyW> _ Jo., a neala.


l.eare fiol 3a >. K. loot MuK-it.fTBCONBIN.i rn st.-*, bet;. i'-. 4 a, -*.

LAUE A.Ilinailoy. Uart, ., In J*1 a. ra,.'\ OM I Ma.lUaaalar Dat, IA 4 aa. Blt

RIZONA.lucs'iir iel ls', r* Ki a «'EVADA.Inrsutr. il. 2a. 4 p -,

t at* n pt«aae*e 8*0 aad apwani aeonntia< te taeaUaa. lineraifiUatenBC.iu.l-. Uvs, -ll). si«.iaiiii, r'^O.

A. M. L'.*, lui. UH ILLiW., fit lim.i.lw.a-. N.T.INMAN' LIME

KOR QCKKVSTOaVX AM) LIVERPOOLI TY ok trilcauu.batarttay, .-«¦... ,.'., i §, rn

ITV OB mi ii ti i.\ii. ..h.i.ur. .i. i. >«, aITT CHE I Kii. Meatu*.itajr, i. >. 2 a uv

From Inman l'trr, fool or Oraaoaat. m»ev iiiy.AlilN Jr-aV-.-aA ¦, K. IH) Mil apwaraL I s l r.itM i-. Ul ATB\

HO. i-l KKKAt.) *-".FJiTjiK WRIUU1 _ BO>a *.. o A-enlo.

_>0. 1 ii...Afi.VtA), S. T.



file*.tera icave aiau PtBasieSS aa Inilowar

KI.oiC .1 ueotiay. trtober 1%AN PABLO........i ns.ay NoY. f,

CkASlifi,.\N«*lut5*<Uay. Deo. LOCKANIl'. OAKI.H, BKlAilC.

Kaiierbly Apvoinietl.isupenoi l .'otiiino lutinua

BAJ< PAbLO-Catlu oaiiatilY Hiu.le.L

BS8SS~SSbnS ran be au-1* i»y .oiun or Kie*map*i to, aaBabm plan* oeeu Ba, 889 Bro-i a-ay, -Now-VorS. «i laoaiui 14*ajailroati iii.latina. **. nco.

LH1.AM) .STAMFORD. Pte-laeaA

T. fl. GOODMAN, Oenrnal P*a~-n«er i«n,l.__^


MAHA* Al HO,1 ttaai I .ol Mi. .*, .1 "1.

VALBNciA.iiiur*«tar. f*irt. sa1 il l-i.i li.A. .*,,...* a. I/. I. ¦*.

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lae-i.i'.tei ur nc1 er iitiautor ^.r*a*r,e apply to

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VUE U. S. AND BRAZIL MAIL SS. t_JA aaisabaai pu*»rit,,ai ba.r -u licui**, ian.a**I'aia, Maiashan I aisasBSana haine. Ri* .ie jaueirv Baa¦miloo. .iiiuiM-ltliM fur _i).ile»ii't>e nan woy pori*.a .l.i.a .N. A, -jalur.lay. 'al A I allasaau. roi*

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