new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1870-04-20 [p 8]. · albany. ilsll-ct 1 li hi ihkui (»ii thf....

ALBANY. Ilsll-Ct 1 li HI IHKUI (»II THF. B-IATK.liMMIO.M» AKHIAii Iii! < I N THAL l'AKK.I.OMl a>l» i HU II. -11. li. \M> INSANE ASY li M WIN«. TIM MVP 01 01 VV-YiUtK. IKtUKCIIUS ('I INTIKV4.L NAVIGATION 0OLOB1 1> VOTatBfe- lilMItt INt; TIIK HI D««()N .l'*.TI NT-MKHK INK LAW I'lit-TICTKN 01 L1UUAKI1 S.HLOdKIA S MAKKi re» AiiiANV, April If..Coy. Seymour. GMirpoG. i-. ,.]m i-, ii st Bj '- rl it. iii « m " MaO r -' i Oaaaila- su m i«-. ¡i.- It a -I. ii MB Ort «n, tin vu know ii ti-li- culti'.rIst, I J aad ii-»i BBaTSl n.tom.uti.-n li. ri.ii. i- tlie proi-Tr laaOaMOl t t-r-it.l ft-r sticli a i.i\i ..« i- I'r.'iiiocil in tin« ¡'til of .-«-it.liol I'wi ti t. r ginnt .-.¦ | to tip- ill rtl r m.j.r«,v ins: fut «Otal J . T: n .la-: ,1 I iiic ¡'ecu iioi.en- sitv fsraack «i-., Baaaaaefe Bl Ifel BBatJaal la d pap] rt from li e,,.i..tec. .n,.,,; i-.i.l., ;.;.r pi oln| 11 If. Mr.'I.I. Bl aad ...... -i ,, | .. i allai Um i., ,, ai in li l. ¦wj tope flint tills ,, araaaptlj p.;««.il into I .1 n n, with graatu i. i-ti ].i.,j-i-L-iita.ti of lOaa, white t ;...¦. \»..!. r- mhüiM., »ia! ,. I ftOt tot tin a;, B |S tait» «l.a.l ti.'i'i li." Hu.¡«mi ut any ni... t ;...... i-i :u. ii Iii« l'-lli ii Ma;, li anil Iii« Otk .fa, ...ace HelaWfl.i, lo til. eil tie l.iii .f m., J Batts Unit liste not ,: l a half, <-T.i-.-pt In Lake rai unir« lesa Utan four im lui«. ]people m cv et.i inn «>f tin- 1 ,.:,.' «I t>pl< lill.iii,ne. r sireami suited to . bat in- lins a , red lases and ponds ¦. ,,;.i Be" 11. Id ample I tl-SSOl tia E !' irk in Nt w- ti 'i passage ti.ioni.-li di QT Bivi \. I/. :.. < ni important piirpose , a i i" provide for lae ln- ,,...,. mu ali m col ti« n ol revenne . ti api -ii of lulls .¦iiiil contents i tra mutt. Tbe bill it«eilla . ty of Kew lu tt» that ,,[ a- le ) r, le fur lae ,.i Ni a York S run and« r .. tit c iiii.i N 1er it. ( «i nal It »a li li iii«- ior. going, .¦¦¦ t.),, Is, " An a, t l. .\ th< '.m "I i«'.«, iiii.i ¦in rtaln . ;i«t s." Tho I , .!¦:.. alf all itliluiktl in a -r of (he act er.titl.,1 ' An a uf reren« ( ,, r ,,.ir ers> » I foi a large et, in irk baa tire« eut« d a '¦! lol In« of* j a, v. M. m , i.»l Bakou! lu it v 01 Iii ;;t!. i-, "TI.. Brook- h i>- Min i « I tfcts capital Is «i.n»>.n«i, i a ( umtiai.. i- .iiiM.niizt ti to iii).«' it -ni ilit tract k . ii ntl) Ward. II , tate .till for k i.o De governed bj ti., ii is iii..r » . con :¦.. 'I bj many and strong ii Hut utiavl opie, urging \i.tit the requ« -t. "\\. Eave t n i nu ill« al stud« nts we bave ¦ the imiortii! i -al attention," saya one of tkese aj pt :.l , "but ne !..i »i no it«.\ linn where the sick Insane op ithic tn .itmi nt..i e it. da tall.« flinn nil 1 of ti "y f' r our niil in this ti,, lion." T-.-. lim (hat theil laeitteal views are ¡an«, in t' ' ," ni.ti thal tke 1'«- :,k "among the moat lut» -. 11 |n.|j,..i, at :;,. cou.uity, t. im .«i i.ling all profesoious, tia .,«.,. ii .lil-.' .\«,lt- In,lil tiltil- Ill-iiin: «V.- V Ililli pi, c i. Hu I omeo] iii-;« an- aimut to erect tke "Hell..- li.'lill of SIXt) M\tll-«t . la N'evv- > I lias li troduot it n i HI allowing 1! . ¦ ISC I ''a a Di 1 ind !"1 tia pul j- a ti rm> uetiai fur eucuuruging ' ti JUlaS«! ti tilt« liil! muí i laa so as to remove tin form« r men, In iinuní mu with the » of ti Fifteenth Au adnu nt. d the effort rtmile tu-dav .- II ('. -.1 al rtallroad til another brldfj across tin Hudsonat Albany. The liojK.-, J ail. i it .:. v.-.iaiofn ti ( oin! .my from making ti,, in iii lor .at; nrrn nutt font puimnngiinas v.r., Iroad. But the House would not ro¬ ll -. ;,.,- O itral troto this obligation; und the biil J. --' i. I, a « o' N '" !-. i rulatlng tiir« manufacture and aale of ao-ca r. «Il r ~." Introduced la taaemblj by in. a i,., string« t restrictions onaanoal it r. lui, ra ii unlawful tor --li any "i'.itc:.t medicines'' unite,.« i the articles oi which these nostrum« arc ,. ',tl on tin- wrappers, m also tba v ire cl ''t n «11" l»- n«. lui. Varia¬ tion» ot n law it beeomea, rnrur heavy penal* t,, a a -.., i, T. The bill provide* fura ." ..f ti»«- persons, appolntable bj the Cov¬ en.m. vi, dntj Ball "patent nx-di- and a dil Lb« rulea tflaai are to (a : \ ». rj dm fn! lil I, li ..¦ .imeil by AaacaWytaaa H«-n- i¦¦: a i. -. nat.-, tor pun* ' inni latingauj bixik^papen. ige, At m I'lii ¡m incei poratat ti i», to entitle th. m«, in -1" this pro- f tin law, showing it- rt-«|iiire- -J iciloll«lV |l«>Klt li Uti It«. Willis, i m «¡"»t roora ii! doubt- I, and Ubraiaavna u... rejoice In ii- A1..'I-II'.N Off TUT. NTAV-YOrK TAX IMii:«- IX ILK «n- v.,ii in j AVOB-.T win , iii. ITILLI0K9 d Doll.».its vonn away IN MINI II.-».OAQ LAW.LIT M;vv- TOBK 1 till VI) 'in BBO OWN TAXATION. Aliianv. April !'»..Tlie Ntu-Yoik Tax Levy ' ¦. d in liiDj- lu A.««t in' ii iy .. ..'t. .I ". to ii, The r. guliir THiuniany 1 hy fix from tin- II'iHiMiean Beam 11 -mu, V. I', llrown, I. T. Darli B t..: .1-. .i.-.m. The nuniicr in which these vi I he II.iu«a» win charieterestic Oftka Bil ' it ...¦tu i-i ti tli« in win ti tlrat c.iüi ,1 uj,, ha the «,« -etTtc of tin- Whole this morn- liii.-. Mr. Ti ar iauatantl* eaDarl the pia*ra»ai «|Ufn- ti"-i r . i ¦'i ease, aad aaOai this cvniiiniition ;u ti debata were preventiMa. Brea tho r. ad- lag I wah. Wh, u ttic ( lcrk ia .-m t., t-, .ni. Mr. i roar aald he had boaa a intmi.t i f.,r ¦v« ii .i-, and during that time none of tin New Tork Tax 1 ¦.! i' ad niiotiiTh. The resvtlng w11«, tin n ti o (1 s|a-n.-en willi. Tin- t|iitstoii w,u»tlieii jut r, 1. I hi li»" the two opt -rations wen« ¡m i ). ti i six u i.ii'i-s, i ,n ii mu m-, np» ing When the Commlttea raportod themUs to tia Roast-, Mr. 1 i. ..;.. ut ffdi liite uriii hy ntrtlog li iii V I, li a,' n on Ila in at b o'cloi k thi» e\e- i ,:¦:!.'! bl teak ral ii Ij lilla min¬ ni. - , i... i liiiii-ra on tlic-i« tw.i Kraal Tax Li \ i billsl ., n r<-m :i]ii.-i| not ii'on-than lu tumut k. r»o nun ii ft tie- morning i operatioika. Atso'elo k ii. « i ii i.n.g the two hills were htirrleil flit Ih similar «pml. thonth the «-¡illili*: of tit«- v. N u.ri ,1 ,i few n,¡uni. « Tii'ic t liitu the t I IB! tin- iimineiit ni r:n .1, mai even Im fun ti titi« bad beoa fully rrast, Mr. I t. .ti tin pn-vl« again. Tin- gag via- of coiit-i t tint,i.i. in eutting oil d:«t I.--10T,, time l*nii{ al- two or three other I. lea wortla la evpliiii.tlion of their roi« operations ob tke Baal paaaage oftka two bills, including ti., taking of tke Yaaa aad -Na.iH mi («i.i lill. '-: ii not m. n- than hu'f an hour. H iii h . tke paesaga tkrtwigk tke Aastaiblr of ..i...« !. I ll.e ti/Ui:niri ntl na in,poll-,. Mi. Ilustcd «lid not oil lu.« j r,,j.,,M-.t ameádinent for r, !:.'. rt I'iiV Iel VT* billi to Iw iicletl on au It I'» «ie <o porationol Kea V«uk. vtlitti glvOu kls vote, III lu bad luieti a«;u.ii-l all the Ni w York i..\ I ¦ foui it in in- had bet a la tke I I see no g .ai rt aaon for i.ilniriiii; t. -, He w,eh. ii ti ' Oew-TorVto r i wu local taxation as the people of other ug tbem exerrlae the right in .- lu hail u'w.i h lot' .1 BL...I rax Levy bills from Ni w Yara "No." lAlLOOAM and pu Is. II AST ï AM) RASH I I Oaf* I «'. lui BBCADK KAli.liOAl).TIIK I'KIT- MAII i.NN.L. HIL CANAL.---«.I NI.LAL I |..N LAW. Ai.i-.Ni, \t i| lK.-'Un' o liolcKiIc 4ij)i latioiis with i.- i;.i.lioitil hil!» are t!.t tut, t ii-iuark- i al j'tot e. ilintrs Un» evenlnp. ." !..i in this lim that the hi In f ,1. I. >. i . lil ai' y |.r« lal. nt. Mai ) n Lo had I .':.i of these tulls arc ¡iniioyid anti > w ana wl I h all 101 lulls slipped mr-,u. h Hu s. ,,|. ..I a hiiiiiie elttiiipf. The impiesMnli al i : wh/lcsale tr.msa« tion. It is > ti,I thal the (.overuiif will veto the wlu.le, ti.. «'t, s nu iniaiTin. that the Kiroii«r cLaiin» ol (Le N. »Volk and (Jew «to Miiiiati'l Hoad uiut .1"«'«' m exception, as it ainsi to open -iitii, th.- great BMtropolls aad the It «Joe ... cn thal the la... of it*, t m aping a ' . -t h t.'.].« M.iiianil it. a.! th. re Ulllsfia Iii. Wlnli ha.1 »nd TlattehuiKhltoitd, tin- Au.,!.nula, k I ,.ait. ti. -.lülnern t rnlral Knati, Ike HiifisJ«» -1'*" ** l»«i»<l, the ( atUiauiai» lUtud, ti.« (»I Uri ra and Macketta HarborlKijad, and. last,kut nat ,. ¡i-i. u.«- li, ,,ti,au .ntl Oewtk-o iu.ud, with Its pro ¡.''J' l\V'u' f''./"l^',' "'«' fatsklTl Mt.iiiit.-.iiia ut pine UBI. .¡Van eightraiWaad bills form only tke advaute fur fin r>- »i» m\ eral other» applying for Btals aid Ti» An-aiii- Uaiiruad Lill meeting the fate we are di Ud for ft. I' was voted dowa In tin-Mcnab-to-night if wit» rtt.)ii-i,|ir»,| and laid on the Ulm- »"'ii a I*, ue.olt'id wai of adtigating "' pang id ti« »'Ii lu su» li ca>e» and ih allí i* t.. 'inn hin Next up,.n ti,, r»,ii mil r«aji.. np Ut». I'ueuiuatie Tunnel Krottet. The lull for this purpoiw- la ö great tiling, ¡f um- any % .1 lu» in the scheme. It was Intro- iitsad iy Beaator Ta sad 1 anti tkitnaO ti.ia maj**¦«*¦ Le luiiaa.dtitd aliesiixtc i>i~Wl Vi II» virtucus cti»r;.«t«r. ,t nil.Is irrently 1<> t»M «trcmrth, f.i".f>,. «».),«,. powerful ... th.¦ r.ii..t«ii..»4V'«-II I'¬ ll. '-.-'-. Tn r fin ¦ r. mil amata w«..k»i I ...ui.ii.i..- con«*. ,,.,, -i. luii.i«» i rwywhew arnott t> «tots between ti.«- H.tK'O anil ..... in malu t .i. 1res nee ot park», and '','" ' ,.¦'. A « ,,., .;, ;: nu norm ,i«.i.i.'ih.-.«»iiith » w.,t.-i !' ,,f N ,, \.,k li.-.!. I"' >. !' Wl '»'..»«¦. t ....,., t ,i,,.i.i«,i .n.» ti...t i; phi '."¦'r,',r; « .m put it throiia-h Iit«> a«»<*ommodatlna glaiatun. mother «...;. m ti.- s......t«-t.Mii.v <¦«'.i rr.-ii Mtimlahmcnt to Senator Hu . -mil committee W! ,-n ti'.- iii for appropriating mon«! for ordinary repairs and malnUlulug Um «sanáis ,;,,,,..,-,, f,. flual «;:. th« Bruate,hemro- lKiscil t»i stnl«' ,.iit th«'nun miment» .vhuh id-e to the ..,,..,1 t ,ii,n,.. i,.;. is «ole power t.. appo-il and pay «ni..,i,l i,nt.-. ami to pay also for all ordinary repair« «m the ramil*, 'i..'- making .«f thee« amen«.m»nts li« ,l«l,'Iletl Ililli I'l" 'teil I!'- Of IIHtoillsljlIU-llt. Till V look, ti like r'.I III II'« lilli.1nant' ililli». Ile I- 01 ,,] ü , »n \. i UK kind, and «hen tli«1 i-iii canm up ti.i» iilt. i-il.HM. !. r )nis-a :e. lu- II j - >.- 11» «1 ti. Ins political friends to etnaA to ti»-- rasen«. II« «ai.1 that the e,»i lim, onlj Lately gave to tBe Oana] Board exrhudve control ovei tn.«.- matt, r«,and ti»' Board Bad .tads all the appointments and wen arranging it-r nil the other ini«|tii «- ii. «lint It was s « of th«mselresto ta», t... backtrack »o boob, and he eaUed on nil Um Lol! 'ii. l-i stan.I bj lum In striking nut tin- ..i it ration of.rlginal Mil. ah r solemaly pasuluc ii,, bill giving »11 the power to neCaí I Board. («-oii«l«t> lugmoatlj "i the Bt-te .-nicer».) li«-)i«>i»'«l laaBeuato would ii.ll.i-.. t.. .t. Hei. I., ni. a f, How lu mm lat, .1 thal ii the slalatun bad Mii.-nmi- done uioug tlimir, he hoped Benators would now solemnly »I ;i \. ben ..n opportunity offered. When the former t, ii; wa« u». it j, i. .pi,- .11. repeal the .ontra.-t aya- tem, and be did no1 dan t.. -oom" an I or dot aTleat !. .tin ikouldb« lill-.'..!.'.true.!. 1Lauf-fiter. ) ROW, In. »ni r, tli... wa» a .lian.. tu am«:... tin» le-'lslatii.ii, and he hoped It would !>«. .Ion«-, lint thoa«- Honntor ll.u ili-iilnii-ich airain callfil I», in... ratie Hpiiitd fruin the mi-f-- «leep of the canal, they would not cometo hi« aid on this .... The i.s .in«! Nava ««Min olio'»*«'.I thal Itwaaagont' ....... Tlioiiirlt H«-.ii4t.'r* Tw<-c<i lira«!!.». Cauldwell, Hubbard, Lewis, Moras., M. Norton,.....I Thayer st.I bj him. eighteen tither Renatora rotod against hi« motion, and tim three CBaalOo_unBalo_eia ore therefore left In the bul an flic persons who are to . ..ntr.ii the Intim tit« «if «itti.«T.-i and -UbTtreement of moneysf«>rkeecplngtht ranals in rood working order. The MU then pa«.-, d with the smendments unaltered, 'Iii«, three Commtaslonera ure Ikt-mot-ratN, und form only » «mall minority in the < SB.I Hoard. The amendments «:¦¦ v.iy signHleant on on« otlirr point, They prorIde for u.c..nut« nnd voucher« beingdeposited m tin Auditor'» oftii-e, «vinci, doe« not look .<i. Ilka aboUshlng Auditor ia :i at tha pteseat «<¦«- sion, bo i) al v... II« nt BepubUi so tdBBBl will proba¬ ba utli i. in oin.. till die ead of lils t.-nn. About tie in m ra! 1,1. «tii.n law foi the state, if may in- Mud i'ii tia vi t fixed for oi -.|. ration and de¬ cision, but th« probability final a. lum oatt vm.i ocx ni m t be Itenata in a day or two. Ifr. George Crouch senda u*- the foiiowlne-. piirportlns; Í«, be a ili«|.;.t« h to him fli.ui he Lairiiiun ol the Aa»ti.- bli Railroad Committ« : i Apll't 1.-...-Hur', »it.t.tri'rt In Tub TR.».er «I f«l»e »« tbal he to J'Ae llrraid Al! «t.« ir- .; ot, .. ','. li ft took in.» r- r- v, ti,, m IBIbnilJ He io!ife»iM«J to Uk!Bg (!. ul.1 I pi|tTt. ...ii ii r.«;.«i«xl lii-rt-aaal!«»retlii'r .mieuaali.e. K L. P.iiBi, a. M:\Y-Y0J.K L1QI8LATDBE, B-VÁTB.Allant, April 1?. mi rABBB.k Providing for the appraisal of (.anal claims; permit- tu»:« to tile eliiiii.H with the Canal AliiraJetin w1thout applying to the Leg « hit ure. To vm.i« 1. and improve Waal iti-rton-avp., Brooklyn. < onflrmlns the titi« of ti.«- Mayor, Aldanaen, und Cobb« mon.lty of waa ¥orh to the Oanaavoort prop.rty. inioriHiriitiii' ti.«- »National Mutual Benefit Association Of Cnlt'.il". Iutoi_»or.ititirr the I..t»tcrn District Hospital of Brook- lm. ' Making certain alteratloi.»» in tbo map or plan of tic Cito of New-Yoii.. l'.i. Ultatlna the <on«tr.ict:on of the New-York and Os- w. go Midland Railroad. Mr. ki:.nm;hy moved to'reroretnit.withaiiinstnietion t' «trike out the i nac/tlng oíanse, Mr. HDBBABDanpTMntod the 1.111. } Mr. Ki»NM;i»Y«'oiiU-.iiiled that, ¡i» the State debt tv»« now |4:i,oíki.(«i. nuil ii« localities owe |Bft,00S,Q0B nore, it .tv.«s tinie to whistle down brake« on ni. h .1. initions of the peopk s moi.ay no contamp.Bad by tbo uuiuinu« J:.. el I'll!. Mi. K-.N.NKDY'ri motion trndloft. as follows: saa_ Ti. te r 1 «oo-l. il»rt«»iiding, B I r!oa.7. B:», IJ ILtnltu! urgb, K-nuetlj, Mt«. Hani». ...tet Morían. Th»r«r, i Di ihaaa. I. Baalw, 'I ¦¦¦.. Braal, llui.i.anl, Parker. Win«',ow, < ,1' >.'' I,»».», | I, W..0.I. 1 i. et, Scoit, waoaaa^aB 1 Minier, lii«or¡.iirat¡ii»; the I.ibriiry Building Fund Association of Brooklyn, E. I). Ann ml,mr the charter of the Industrial Behool Associa¬ tion ..r Braokl] n, Ba l>. Inror|ioratnii: th. Serttritv Bank «>f Brooklyn. Amending the «hiiru-r of the Woiiv,agaromaa'i ITo- t. t.\. I on. ABBIMBLT. I.c.iiiii in:-' for. ¡¦ru insiir..ii««' rompanJafl to flin nu nial« in. nie their ullails, and pay the tax. lxiat by tu t«. «m. 'The bill to contolittate the «cTiool dli»tri( t» tn Wlilfo Plains, w. si« «t.i- County, at the ntiutotof Mfiaara HCSTEDai d LAWBENI E, wai ivj.-ted. paneu ra.Mrnag hot.»sa, Ac, over tah anph Bass |..u--. t«. gret -aa lunn « t«.-i.. o v-, tn« t«-i» graï- «Kimi'aiiv. (l'a««« «li. Authorisuf unothcr bridge across the Hudson River at Albany. Authorizing' the South Side I-ons; latani! Railroad Com- panj t«. bulla ii an« lu h in kíiii»« and Quat as Cami.tiee; to in., ti .ora t.- ti.«- Baal Btrstum Bnshwlok Underground liinlroii«! Ooanpanyi pro.WUn«! for nn «j".-v8to«l raliway ¡ii..uti.i «Vutiiii 1'ark in Now-York city. (All pa.»edj. 81 .«TAL Olilil.B. The TTonac went Into ('«»inrintUe of the Whole on the Ne w-York City levi. ». Aft.T the r.-.i'ifnif of the first «erti.m, Mr. FREAB stated that for tha _in -«ar« be had been lu tbe House he had never known of a tax levy being read through, iii- therefore mored when the Coau_ittoa ri»e it ro- poii prog1 OS« on tim bill, «arrie«!. Tin- Commltd e then took up the COBBty tax Iovt. Mr. FREAB made a t-inillar motion relative t<> tfiis bill. Tin- Couimittce then took up Uio-bUl prCocilb.ij- tbo jurisdiction of County Judaea. In the nouse. Mr. FKKAIt moved that the City Tax Larlei i.iii be atnaiad t>> t..- raad bowr, aad aa thal moved the prev lou« qoestBk.! which wanorden-d, and the Rouse refused to hâve the bill read aow lar .6 to lo.not t**o- tli.i.l-. Mr. FREAB moved that the bill be ordered to a third r«a.lui).', which waa agreed t >. Mr. I BEAR atoo mow d that the County Tax Levy Ikj cn.I. r. .1 to a, tiiir.l rea«.ng. A»rree«l to. Mr. FREAJ.moved tli,.t the New York Tit Levi. l, '1 li i. ...I . vei.iii'? at m o', ¡oi k. Airreed toby fai to M. EYExnra BsanoB. i n i.« rsaasD. Iticreasin»,' the «alarie« of Jud/^e« of the Pupcr.or Court of lintIiido; to enable c< rtaln town« ,n « bënangO ami « ..uland Co untie« to I»oi»d tbemnelve« in aid of a railroad. in». BPBI lAL oki,i ii. The CHAIR announced the n-adlng ar«1 pafiaage of the New-York City aLd County Tax I»evli- the epctul order. Mr. FREAR mnvid the prevlon« qtiCRtlnn, wlilrh was or.It red, and the vote .mik taken on the City Lew, which wa« p.i-vv ti by a Tt »to of "3 to IB.astrl t partv vote,except the followingK«-publieau«.who vi.ti-d for the bill : Mi-wrt.. ileinu«, UIobuoiu, V. F. lirowu, J. T. l»a\ ¡.-, Hull and John««.ti. The voto w:ui neit taken on the C, untv Levy. Mr. FREAR moved the pn vious niioslluu, which waa ord. r. «I, and the bill pa».«- «1 by a watt Ot 73 to 48. I'roviiliiig for an election of «JjJeetoru of tbo Bchoharlo Ya.ley Railroad. Mr. B1SOW mowad to recommit the Mil, and proceeded to say that it would inflict great lnjuntice upon Ibu tax¬ payers. Mi -W1:i:T defended the Mil, and the motion to-recom¬ mit wa« tu'/iatived, when the bill passed. Amending the eharter of Boehester. in. oiporatlng the United Bute« Mutual Ben« lit Akso < lal ion of New-York. Mi. I,ii, afUtr annonn« in«; the dentil of Mr«. Willard, ottered a series of )<iiit résolution« of reniiecl to her memory, whl. h re adopted. Adjotirued. TUE h¡NCS COWKTt ELECTION FRAUDS. rJTit- trial of Pata. Fitzpatrick and Patrick Mi l.iniKhlii) for fraud in counting the vote« in the Hld l».»triet, Heeond Ward, wa« n «um. .1 in tlie Court of Dyer and Terminer yenterdry. John B. Pitt coutlnncd Li« ti stiuiony, and showed that a paaaBaB of nilncountlng had en earrie«! on by the defendant« with refennce to the vote» for Mr. Walter for MherlfT ile »at by the table an! )¦. ti < .i io. ii ediBfft, bat ha«! U-en ordered olT to som« tli«taiue, ami had Ik«ti i nd« ly liiUmipt. «1 by some iM-rson in the iiiiilieni-e. The witne»», lwln/r «tohh- exaii um «I, thought that Fit/nati ick wa» a very ineomiie- tonl .....m, iiiul llii.t Mt Loi ightl11 could haie p. rf..i-iue.i the wb. i. work with ease, m.t^ ngblln had alaossJdthal the work «as « tulum. Fit/.p ,ti it it called ant the ticket«, «oiil.l not reint tbem riL-i.t. At the clone .f the poll ¦Mtiie-s auggested thal the resolt of toa mmmrma i»<- nu iiniim «.I, a: d a d. II. n n, y of Mi votes via« apparent. Mi l«..ii«ri,iiii made ).»r. pon from what be |k'..i worn maa at tin |Miii elerka, win n the result was annonnt ed, w Itness «alii that it « imbi DOt lie re ht » ml look.-«! at his own tain sod f«.mil thal then iimi been overts Toteerastfur Walter it wa« e\ iel«-tit to lilin tttnl the ne. n««d Intended t., ullin it li !. ,'i.i, lo. liny «lui i.ot Htlemi to tin- mistake « en be point« «t it «mt. Baldwin, Mat fenn, und Thomas llsnley conflnuedthet. tin ony ul Mi. cm. Mt. Britton .iii-'.i. .1 that th. mistake the, ,n\U«j, w ,- purely unintentional, ami Implied .... u.oiiii or i, «.'.«i tit'.iiK. The « iiuvaseur» wer«- w to the buhlue»», ,n,,| bad been . onfused ouisi.t. int. rfen rm, ( emi .loelMinthof Hu It t ty first I'rt ein« tt' st I,ut he tom.-I ., ,i,ioi .it tin-¡» using profana luiiKUHire, and thought thal tin > tren going to get liitoaBg-L li. put eui) oin- lit but Hie cai.Misse s .nul poll rk», ami afterward admitted lana laptaeentlug the dilbrent pm tb«. Mr. Britton summed up for the defenac In a brief si»-.. h. ai.d us followed by DtstHcl Altor... M. r. fui tin people, «h.Mimbil that It via« liier, «til.le flint mistake« aaould all ma «»ne w»y, m th.- pt.wal eue.-, aii.lput il t>> Hie jury w lui lui It wa» likely thal til. counting of the Independent vetea «... the ticket «"i.l.l bine »t.,p|H«i ni, t:> tit Hu- point Minie it ii, ....iii-ii fr«.«, tin- regalas DsaaefaBla nominatioii, a».i nil by net iib -ni and m,-'.o JiiiIkc liarnard charged the Jury that the «liieation ufot. tin u, wa-, i»id Mun invaasan fat) la their duty, and did they do it'lut-i.tiotialli I If tiny lound that tlie«- men only Limul, i. «I, t|. n the indi, tuu-nt tim not iimale out ; but if ti.« y ...t« i.t.oiiiiiiv failed to »Barbara! tn« i. .Inly, tli*- in.It. luui t «w. u »<i>o<l «me. Tiley mutt beSB-SBad lM-y«iti«l all doubt of the nulli of til« parti«» before eoui n i. n ¦.» theio. Thelurj ni,nil at bM.aad at rrn returned, atatlag Ti.ut th. y u.r« unable lo uki-««-. Tli« v wen Ile of. o dBaBaaaaa. Tha saasaaill ami at bbss.m .1 Mday. Hie trial <f Wllili.iu « linn.!,« r* Io. Hie luiinlii of lxiiiiiiiii-i.» h\ Voot in. » «ii ha .. nu ,i n< «.I t>. .ii«) A laeal Alumni Society al RoahaatsBf I'liivrr- aCty t be ort ..n./«.) th « ,t:i. i aooa, at .¿o i, atoak. at (be Aril I llO-M). HOME NEWS. TUB WFATHKB. Na».Yan». Ilotir Tier Bar. Wini. Hoar Terr. Bar Wad A| ni lu. 7 41 aal . BP .*7"i':. K- 12 hr i'.n *. K. 9 47 Zi ,t VA 3 M /ii 7(1 KN B 11 4«° 2D .1 W I'.kmakkv- YsaO ««lay the Mil. wa« «lamp ami somewhat «liiily tinder the prevalen«« of ti«) easterly winds. Tin- sun caine out a little at .aOBBljaBli, The sky was «-eneriillv verv cloudy from midnight to io p. tn.; Wli f,.;, chu', in light rain, «-ft» p. ni. Oj_»*tf, and at times io io. I'hciioincna.- At 12:19 ». in on Thur«- day, April U, the moon will Is- neiilynne hour urti, ally Stove tin- !- B. I.ui i/t'ii, haviiiij the planet haturu »Isjut | ellida. PROMTSKNT ARKtVAL«. Fifth A vi míe Hotel.GOT. Hullod» and family of Massachusetts; ex-«Oov. Buraslda of Bhode i.»ian.i; tin- Marnutsderhamhrun, Waaalarton; JoanF.Biaier .,r Norwith; ami K. I). Chilpin of Hprlngtiehl. BA Nit hola» Hob 1-Cov. Baulehury of 1>« lawarc; ox-t.ov. J. Oregon Mini h of Verinoiit; Gea. Wag. r .-wayne, U.S. A.; ti,.,,..«. M. ( orae, Ckltsajro! the Hon. W. Mvri.'k, Minne¬ sota- J. H. Mccullagh. Managing Ktiitor of The I ui.ui- moU Snqmirtri aid Dr. Kirkland of Cleveland, .--«¦ N,w Yoi* Hot«¦!.(.«-n. J. D- Hoover nndex-Mavor Iler- ret of (apt. Moo«ll«- .if atonmshlp I uba COI It (' Hriiiiklt-v of Ti'iiiiee-»i«-('; anti ( «)1. li-Vt. buiitli of Alai.ama. Hr-voort lion«.--Tia« Baa. John Voting. Dai id LawaiidJaeksoii !:...- Of ( aliada ; ami Judge J. (i. Ahhott of Boston, a Metropolitan Hotel -Lieut -Comm.m.1er Yates, U. H. Na» j , and V. ti. Latlni, in«I>titor of (N Y.J.-tab- l'rlrons. -1 Aihemarlo Ho¬ tel.4ie<> W. Higgs of Wasuhlngton. -- = Westminster Hotel.Edward K Hurling uno aad (»enrgo li. Woods of Huston. Hollinan Iluiise.Mayor 1!« aek and I lea. W II. Tibbits of Tro v, and the lion. Lucius Bob trana of Kltnira. -= tit Janies Hotel.The Hun. K. M. Madden, Middletown, N. Y. --A«tor lions«.Bayard Tailor and (.en. (». M. Laminan of I', Juntlu P. Kel- logg of Niwi'iiigh, ai.d laicut I'urtcr, U. li. Maxiuo Oarfa THE CITl'. Tlio Society of làiiifinporinp will tal»" np the stit.jeet of "did* ami New Modes of (Hy Transit'' this evening, at Btwm Ho. 24, Cooper Institute. The public are luv ¡ted. The Rev. F.. H. Chilpin delivered the Inst of a course of four lectures in behalf ef the, Coltan ALI t-oelt-tv at the. Cooper Inntitutn last cveuing. Suh.leet : "The Koli of Honor." A select and appreciative tiudl- ti ce were will rewarded fur their attcuiLtuce hy hearing au elottuent lecture. John B. r.oiiph delivered the last of a cour*., of lectures before the Banbara of tke Young Ut u'l ( lirietiitii Association l,tet«'vi'idi,g, at A«-*ocwtinu Hail. The aniiot,m. ment thal Mr. Hough would repeat Ma lecture upon the " Street* of laomlon" flllcil On hall willi an eiithu-lastie iitidii me vi ho gie. tt 1 Bil of Mr. (¡.null's brilliant di«, rlptions and m euee upuu the Iaoudoii etncLd vi.iii the waniiint applause. Tho introductor, to a, popular cotirso of twtlie It», tin«'« was delivered vi r-b-rilay afternoon hy Miss Bailly Blackwall, BL l>., i-r,.r.-«..r of Obstétrica and DUM ases of Women at the Woman'- Mt-dlenl College) of tke w York Infirman-, comer of Klghth-st. and r-econdu\e. Huliject : "The Conditions of Health." A Larga number of woinaBW»» in attendance. T*he asc- oaa lecturo will k8 delivered on Kriday. Subject: " Foiniiliition of thu Hiuuau Form, B-cli-ton," by L»r. .Mary E. Uri-ene. The, first tnmtà ball of the oflWrs of the " Legion of St. I'ititi»" timk pla. i-t ev eitlngat Apollo Hall. Notwithstanding the Boaaoa II rather iidvam «-'I for hall.«, tin- atb'iidaJit-e WM l.irge, and several of th.« ieiitlii.g lneinlM of our National Guard wert» lu attend- uiice. An exe« lient hand diseoiirsetl the sweet nnieii- of Btraoaa aad Balfe, and the fantastic mel...Ik* of offen- I'.u li. The toilettes of the ladies were elaborate and re- chirehé, and tin« general merriment, lightened by a «huit e nipper at tiutlaUlght, wa* louiiuutd until au early Lout this in linn g. Tho Common Council have lu-fore thom for their a. tioii résolutions culling for the pal lui-: of the fol¬ lowing Streets with Kelgian pavement : KlercDtl »T..,fi til Th.rtr feurth Ui Ps ti a. or.! it Tliiitr-fnsrth *L, freía Ninth te T. nth-are. T w.-'tj fourth-st, from riirtb |S Tenth are. ; X neteentu-tt.. from Mitti io Tenth iTe. ¡ 1 ,,-t.e i.titi, at, frern Tlaiid to K.ftb-ITe. ilro.iii.eet.. fnira Niirfxtlk-it to the Ka«! Kjr»r; K»aei it. from Du ian,ti »t, t.) KtanU.nwt ', V.itaXy- * r.-nth at, frein Third to Fourth-»»». | W -at-.t., fruin lltmniunil st. to "I. i.'l. arc., Bu'Iivsji it. freio Houatnn to Cantl-at. Pnnci-tt.. fr.,m |ir.a.lwtr to (Ti irlt..n st ¡ Furt r-tifill»I fein Tentli »ve. to lln.a ,n Iti.r; flit.« Tenth »t.. from BtA*aad I.. T ti ni n»e. Tw. ntr-nu-'li .'., l'un BvMNSf tu Llajbthdie., and ilftj-tgurtii »t, Lulu tifuui to hi-. UDÜ. »Te. A mo( tin? of the Twclfth-Xinrteenth Ward citizen«' Associations waa told li t eve,dug at atasájate Hall, Light»-sut hut., Mr. .lohn Poley iii ti..- chair. The ( hamuHu siud thut they had tint t" «eo w lint wan liest to be done to luiebii the completion of the railway on Madi- son-ave., from Mxtv-third to Kighty sixth-st. Some de¬ lay lind taken pia.«-, hut that might have ticen c.ium.iI by the weather, ax to was not aware if any chang«' OfpoUcy by Coiiuiioilore Vanderhilt. Mr.lowlateud saitl that he IiÍmI an inb-rview with Mr. Vandi tlulf. and ho told ulm (Mr. Tov lt-eiid) that he would do all in his »tow.r to facilitate the eolui'letiou of the re id. He would mole tiiat B conn,lillee of twelve lie ii|ip"lliti ti to Wait upon Mr. Vamtertillt in r«datum to th. subject. Tliis was tat¬ tled uiiiuiiuioualy, und the meeting ailjoiirned. Last January a. few pcntlcnit-n proposed to open a "grand lià'.aur" forth«- henelK of the Sheltering Ann«, an Institution winch kal abetal* provided foe many children "who were de-t-t>:te and lniiicle«». The large and spacious armory of ttolilk Ih-gitu« id, corner lilo,id wai and hivth ait-, has toen placed al tilt dl.-p.'.-vil ,.t Uta (a.n.nott. e. and during tke past weekworkineo have rs-CTt engaged in the preparaMsaj riint OaaaaaOaai of tin« great ep.nis ri tiiiitc.i for the eiib-rpriso. I'udcr tim supt nisioii of Mr. laing and u naval ollie tr, the Hags of ali nations hal o lujen «IrajK-d u[ton the wal!.« mid tables, and a legion of young ladies and gentn men hue volunte, rd their services. Tlie " liazaar" prntnlnea to be» grand ceiibT of attraction fur the next ten days. Yesterday was the openim* day, and the attendu ice was very larne. It would require à column of «pace to give a fair description «d thin inauitniilli ita/.tar. There an-1150,000 worth of choice European paintings an exhibition, andar) tables loiuled with every vari-ty "f articles coiitribub-d by all the Kpisci pal churches lu the city. A good band of music Is m attendance «lay ami evening, it i.« estimai, ti that nearly l--»*j,«j<jaj v, urtu uf urtnlea will be mi oxhihitiuu iu a few day«. I,HO0kLYN\-TT.f> UoJaOfl States Marshal, raaterday,aeiied -,1«») elgari al tim tamwmjmt Vegaa IaO]»t.r, No. 7 Fiilbm-st., for i.cgh « t to alllx tlie nee f-.-uiy lev« nut.« etampu to thu boxes. Held fur ovainiliutlun. Thomas Katon and John M.Cabo, morocco dri-T^ers, weie atti b d > tatt rtl.iy, on OB p la in t of John lloblnson of Flushing ave., who allege! that they robtved him of tit', while at his hoarding house, tine hundred and forty-tlireo dollars was fouutl < .nu caled on Eaton, and alno a wabli fur whn h hu had paid tlOU. Thu ac¬ cused wcru both hi hi fur CavaininaUou. Dnrinj? tlie wind Btorm on Monday Iwo two- «tojy frame kotta bIneooraa of areetJea aatto aanat of leewia-ave. and Iiecutur-st. wero blown down. Tin y were owned by John Chapman, w kOM loss Is about lui). _Four three story fíame house« building on t,reen.- ¡ive, in if Tab hen. wen- also di-inoli.-hed uboilt the natlip time. Tie owner Is Charles ¿burton, wkaaa iu«.-i ia cati- li,al' d at 12,000. FORT HA.MIIaTOX.-An inquest wn« held yester- da; orrr tie Isalj of a a»mtn f.-uiid in the alter. She waa shout »uri of afe, waa attired in a marton dr-a». baluiortl ikirt »Int.- n.n.l a nii.lerrtnrienti white »tie-kiiiira. tiiJ »iij j. ra. The bojr Bal »iiparenti/ been in Ui» water lao or llirur, moniiia. FISHKIIJ...A vatrrant, name not linown, was ern.he.1 to de»th Bl lue, :. ti r f. rr/-bo»t »ul Jutk at ila» olacc laut ni|íi,t. lia, head wat r, i,,¡,¡, ;. I; imtabrd. SEB8B1 CnT.-Micliael F. M. iVamara hoABM ad- rniiteii to hail in a7:«0, trnitrat»*) hr M>-«.»ra llillantn arel Vit/pttntk, ob » ehta-ge of ttcehng the forma of the late Jerteg < Vy Herald. NEWARK..The fiieti.L» of Cuban friv«lom in this rllr are rsakinf a (.ni Ile Buena, to enliatiTnpttfar with the ranee....A new Hill waaCaiicated lett ereninr bj Stella laotitre, L o. of O. Y., tot wi.tiin it hat laren tttad np at in aij»»nae of 04.O'«. The Hall, which orrnpiwl the foortb floor of a large Iron-front buiUir:» near the Moma and Kaeet Depot, U M feet lons; l,r ii w ,1«, tnd one of the ii.,mt oonrenient ia the mr. After the dedicatorr rxereiara lui erraint;, in which repreaentstirea of aerrrtl New»rk IlrooklrB, »ad other Lotlget t,»rtieipated,i a promenait concert aaa (riven ti Ot.i.-n Util_Trie l'irtte/trrr of Newtrk M.inBiei.ce.1 Its aen,laiinual iBeeütis ye»tardir ia the Beerind Pre*.hrteri»n (hnnii of I'.ter-nn with an openinjr terraoti l.r Ih« Rat. C II. TTiomiawn. pattor of the I'line it Preat.rtenan Chnrrh. In the ermine t na. ux «ti held tt which the .«al,, «ti, hi...I eenie w>» diaeiuard hy tlie Ker. Dr. Plearn» and other «peaker._(ie.,r«-r BaSBBg. who wa» «rr.ate.1 In 1 ei.rutr» lui for tin li tinier cf a fell,,» »airrtot «Î tl. N.»art Ut» llr,d|[«. ha» laten diatharged, tLt UltnJ J«rj of I nio Count; karmt; faaloü to imhet Liu.-. |AaDoaace»enteJ Ht man" What they Biry." Black eyes, Illae etea. ¡i.e. ere«, tireen eje«. (Vimy etea Mtrl.le etc«, l.ra; e»ei, lit,,., n . ..a. What trilla of eiitrteter ire rn.tletl bj the evetl For rrh reading on rbntwinir linthaod« and wIth 1.) the col.r uf the eyei, lee Mtv numlier I'mks.ti.i. uiCAL.I.iBK.TtMa. N.-»»raen hire it 3u cents, S> J a retr. R R. OlUS, Tuhliaher lir.,ad»»t-, B. Ï. If lOtTl Thuaoat isSobk, oryou arc iiiinoycd lj t OaaOX n»- pi.',n|t!j Ilk. Jatm» Eirini.Hi.NT. It »iii iel,era the tir paatattet of »II phirtrin or, bBbJ nüainaiatiua, and so r.i« the Oasaaeii ptrU a rhtnee to heal. So »al. r reroclr can 1* had for til tTSSBjaa an ( .Ma .,r tnv uf th.- Threat r,r I.un.'i. and if Uken 0 Utue t ihort trial will | nae IU efiearr. Hel.i ererjwhete. A /rrcat deal ha« been said in repaid to bal mr lUrrsit. And t »re»l ileeJ iiwr. »111 foi.linni Ui be tti,l iIm.uI hi«. Kmii I,, luiii- ti, that clu.» »ho will Breer " ulked ont,', for the »imple leeton thal heia roatiiiuallj xi.icg ti» public isaaOaB] new to tall Sbsst K«i.,i at.lea ace aU.ja ...uu..nt«l ..u »h.uerei Hit-/ wtke Unit »|i|i»»r»nei Leadiar artsriei uf (athiiia sl»atr» ira. I'Al'KICM, TWIN'FS, lllltKAI'S AND ('ORDAOt.. wniAki, Baavai OOssaal w«r, msbs tit sal Tft awsilsTj sata* TBM COURTS, li. B. commihhiom;kh Qtnjat K# fie/ore Communiona- OtmwftU .Tki United State* i.i.iiiiiç io lase etn. .iiietnt ti,,, Atlanti. I,,?.,.,,.«('.. pair, orner of V llliam iti.d Willi -I»., a..| ,,.,n, {'.. ,' bo» ins..r.,i, wt.»., ,.,,,,.«, ..,. t :un;x,. ve/ed on Um shlu, klaasell n.i knowltiir w , ,t ii contained. The other dVfendaut. Untre realdca at Nn -.'Or, William -I and ,.. the |.>. t../ ',,,..,, ba'lucs.' Ut.thwere «.itnuilltt.l.sul'l.ii |. ti.oui hail each to au' jaar Lu i- »'in malan, al 1 ... hack p. i.. |. u,ori..w ' riiiiuyt/titit/ tun Tkt I ttifet/ Al,,!..» » -| OkaWsS L l.airrtnrr |B tkta CSia «¡..litre M Hlinp«,.,,, a Oasta» lloil-f lli»|N< 1er, wa« eiiimi.i.-d ,i .«. ,|,,i, I,, mp ||,. lil-l w Itliess foi the (lover,uni ,,t ||. |, i,|'|,',| ||lilt ((l(l f ililli.ile (pitiilil, fill lia« ntfiit ii ',) I,u,, ||,. ¡¿¿j .j atidui d ti.eL'tiiMln urti ft.nuil li., m I-, conesiMind luth the rnlr) Tto K""«'" «ailie, t», In, at the Mt Jolui» I'ark tli-|M)t id the llii.|«n,i Uiver Kalli nail .,, torajB o| .li olll «ii Witiii-e« .'tole »Itna-i llier Iruin mai,,,, aiitlti whn h he held lu iii ¡.and. UOl Inna nillup» Urteilt im iiii.i y of the tmn«»«-tlon. He «lid not essmlne «he good«, only «aw t bo*. Tile .'«.venimcnt ben-r<»«t><IIUrii*«». Mr. Krhart, counsel f'-r the defense, Bskod the i.overn- nt t«. d< line exactly where the offensa allegedI was committed. The goods wara lent »ron. Boa ...rkto Canada, duty paitl; thence Into Michigan, duly unpaid, »ni ¡»lieg«*.; fbence, via Canada, again Into the atnie of Nea York.diiv upaM. Ha -.vant..I t.. know tta double charge of amuggllng were ty i>" introduced for the double intr.idiictb.ii lulo the Cnlted StotoB. C..iiiiiiis»l(>iiiT Oabara ruled that If the tarrying of tho good« hito Michigan aboold ha »ati»fu«*t«»rii> explained, tmti.e would be taken of the other part of the traus- Mr. frrmrf mnr.e «event, mntlnn« io nave fhe cano di«- B-Saed, »II of which were denb <! at that »taire of the In- «luiry. M». Brhaki then aita. Kui the testimony of Harp. one of the main wltiies«ve« for the (luv. ruinent, and tn- »isted that Ililli» wa» utterly unworthy of «reillt on «lath. Harp, he »aid, admitted that he was a profe»»l.iiial »mug¬ gler for a tniti.l.« rof year». Harp lilin-a If was a i mitin:... laen now he was under Bin -f for «.eulinga wat« h and clothes, by virtue of a warrant l*»u.-.l from a State ( ..nil. Y.-t on Harp'» t«-»tim«>uy the whole case of the Oovern- ineiit hinged. Ile aeked to I»' allowed time to bruis- wit- iii s.S..» to prove that Harp wari u holly un wot thy of credit. Assistant District-Attorney Phelps made no opposition, and the «alte wa« BdlBBIBBd to May :., at to a. ni. In the courue of the ajviimcnt, roinuiiM-sioiier Osborn remarked that a legal qaaaaVoa which t<> him in «.«mili i-tlon with the eaao wa» this : whether an oftense alleged t«.have boen eommlttod in Michigan, where Um défendant wa« not, eould be charger! ugaliuit tbo defend¬ ant, who raaBlaa ni New-York, in a cass of « onsplra. y. He would fix «otu« convenient .lav fore the cn«» caine on aplin for tho counsel on both »ide») to dîneur,« legal nu. .«lions that might i-e Involved. A Hay IM «"«-«r.-Thn defendant, William If. TT.*iIl, Is n <lrug-i«f, charged with bavin« fraudulently Imported B large quantity of «11 of bay ami oil "f cloves. The ex¬ amination fixed for to morrow, at noon. ¦UFI_-U COURT.OBBBBAt Tf.iim. Jlefare Ingrohom, P. «/., and Cardnco and Itarn'aril, J. J. J-.tra ii. Heston agt. Motet t hitmbrrlmii. .Thin cat-c wa« an appeal from a judgment enterad. TI.» cine wa« tried at the N'oven.tx-r Circuit, 1BSB, by «Tndge Davis. The complaint alleged that tho defendant «oltl aad aaatoaad to (aa plaintiff a judgment in favor of tho defendant against one Blanchard and others; and coven¬ ant« ii w ith the plaintiff that he had not released either of the «aid Judien»eut debtor». It further ali. «ret that pre¬ vious to «aid sale the défendant had released said lil,ii,ch¬ ar.I from »aid Judgment, though In the assignment it wa« .ia «n.-iiibil that neither of tho Judgment debtor« had been NleaSSd therefrom. The « al«.» contained Hit a. count of fraud, but tt wa«) abandoned on the trial. The Court held at the time that the consideration of the as.-tgnment had fulled In con«e«|nencoof tim release «>f Blanchard, and that the p'amtiff eould never the money paid. The appellants contended that whether the plaintiff had «ustaliu.l any «littnagn by nason of the breach of the defendant'! covenant depended apon the <iuesli.ui whether the Judgment wa« of any IBM v ailie in < .nine.iiK'tico Of Ulan, ha..I beni»,' r«¡leased tlierefront. This raiaaaa does aot aflaet toa UahBlty of the other «lubtor». It win. for the plultitill to prove what danuiir«) ho had «..«tallied. If ¡my; but, lust« ad of making any «.ich proof, tb« cane presumptively abowed that lie had «usttilne,i n.» damage. The responttonts olalnvea\ on the plainest principle» of law. that the money paid wa» r.v Lack, and that the'.oii a is whether the evuleni-o »bowed that tim relea.«.' was «riven, mid whether it estopped défendant from Ulla.ting the other question over again. Tito Court held at the trial Unit it was, and that defendant was estopped. Conn«. 1 ..ti both sides having BfgBl d UBI C.i-e, the Court renrv ed decision. f-frEHIOR COL'RT-rAttT II. Bejórt Jamie Janes.. ¡han/ Ihtniti'/rs agninat a Iiuiiimuí Catmmmmm. OoHtm't sixth-art. Mernmerna: Cam- mama. This la an action for damages by reason of an ¡icctdent willeri befell the plaintiff when traveling on the Company's Uns on the Vii. of May, I8BT. On the said day »hu took «»no of the Company's cars (No. 41) at N'iue- teenth-et,, for the purpose of \ ¡siting hex dreasmaket in Thirty asTeath-st Theeoaptatnaal wa« somewhat lame, aiut use«! a «ano. On arriving at «h» ran'» the bell, and the conductor «topped the car, ami »lie stepped OB the rear platform, and as she was atepplng off the conductor rang the Itell, and th«. car started off bellara her «1res« wau off the ear, ai.d almost l.elnro com¬ plainant had alighted. II« r dress was enta'tirle'l on a mill attached to the platfonn, and she wa« pulled down bv tho «i.lo of the «ar, and the Beek of tho hin- J.'.lnt was fractured; BIM] Injuries of this eharaçt«.T can never be healed in perr-uu» of an advanced age. Ti.* ê«-iii)'p'.iîii:ii.t f. il in tli«- .firecti.-ti tho car was morlnc. The plaintiff ami sev.-ral witnesses eorrobo- riiU'.i the above fact«.. For the defense it was eontoaded that the plaintiff cot bewildered, andan she turned nun id w lien off the ear she trot entangled, though previously ¦he wa« all rie-ht. It was ni«,, . otitended that her leg w11« not broken by this tall, but tliat when »ho wa«, being put Into the bottom of a anläge for the parpóse of being conveyed home, the tuan who carried her .«tumbled, ami she fell on the l. ,t tutu of the cal ria»;.- and thus sustained tin- irijiity. Tliey also contend.-.1 that it was a physical litipo.s»Jbility for ti jw»mon to fall forward in the direction the car was going. The Judge charged the inn, aad a v n dil t for the plaiutill was returned for a»,5U0 daBBkfBa COXJWt Of BBBBl B-JBIlOBi BaaiBBt-B. John Fonntiiiii, wlio WBI jointly iadicted in th«- Coori nt tienr-ral IHaslnni with isaac Hendrickson <>n a chin »;«. of burglary lu the aeoond degree, wa» tried, convict.-<l, and sentenced yesterday. It sppearod that on the 5th of Man h tin- sleeping apartment of Dledrirh Biegenbera, at Bo. i~ Thoaipson-ss., was entend by forc¬ ing o|H-n tho, and that a feather bed, BOOM Cloth¬ ing and ninney were taken from tin- room. The bad was tra-cd to the posm-ssion of John, Who «liiiued that he bad received It from a person named Johnson. The Captain of tin rie.'tnct stated that Fountain wai a bad character, and tho Lader of B gang of colored i Marea. Jadea Bedford tentent ed Fountain to 13 y< ar« ¡nul.-, m,.i.His in tie- ,»i ¡t.- Prison, 10 year» for the bur¬ glary iiTi.l 2 year» and fl months fura burglary commit led -..u.- three mouth« B0B| Where Judgment had beeu »u.«- p mild.. COMMO-V n_UtH-*BOUIi Tkrm. ] ti lisions.Wv Jadflt. V;in Hriin...Van Tiiei- BBl ¡igt. gptatt MOtioa «.rallied tllll««s constructor Iliade pitty to the «int. Derby agi. Houtman.«índg- granted. Dm kitt iiL't. ii. man..Judgment granted. Rrittiiintter agt- Strittmatter--Twenty doll >rs a month alimony allowed, and ISi emu.-ti t«-<>. Me«.lone agt. (i.KMlwiii.The parties must attend In reference to tin'. ti! t«> l»e giant, d. In the matter of the applica- tlon of K. B. Wright.Motion grant..!. r ngt. Ilieberger.Alimony of As a weak and tin-el f.-<- of feo allow..1. I.tour, tte ¡igt. Decker.Motion denied with Ha costs to ..bide treat. Dernlal agt. Hyams.Motion granted on i.ttyuici.t of 110 BBBBl of motion. SITF-UIOR rPUBT If Bl III TKnvf. Jiecisionn. By Jtid-,-0 M<»n< 11..Kirby nr«t. ,\ lute.Motion dented. Bee Memorandum. Motions ki.iiit.d-Kohler agt. tiran; La« ¡s .igt. Mutual Life In- I iir.iiit e Co.; J.lines tgt, .He Bui vi ay Co.J i'railhtir-t agt. Bradh.rat.; Bremann agt. unger i l-ifargo ugt. Hoar; Ailau.s agt. A..ims. Uoldaue ugt; Hine*.Juilg- meut va.ate.L U.VITF.D STATES DISTRICT COURT. Jlefare Judge ]UnUhford.. Y\w Hlk-ri.ihon eaaa isaaeonttouiod yesterday The following property wa« <¦<>ml«.mned, there being no claimants; Four ..i-ks of whisky, found on l'lt-r No. !i4, North Uiver ; the barrels of whisky, found on Tier No. :i:i, North, liner, and tlve barrels uf w tusky foirul lu the stret t... LOST AT SEA. Tin! Iititish schooner AnKlo-»-\.uiori«';in, Capt. Smith, which arm. I at tins port ye«terd.iy from Trux- lllo, reports ti,at on April 9, In lat. 2.5° 10, long. 69°, sho fell in with tho schooner John Lymburner of Brooks¬ ville, Mo., Capt. Orctitt, from Cardi nas fur Baltimore, with a « arp»of sugar. The J. I,, wa« in a sinking condi¬ tion: had six feet water in the »lold, and the leak was gaining one foot an hour. Tho Aiiglo-Atnerh au took off the captain ami i rew (seven In nuinbti) and brought them to this port. The J. I,, was 17J tuns burden, 30 months old, owned by John Li mliuiner und olhi-r« of Brooksville, Me., and was partly insured. DEPARTURE OF FORRIGN MAILS. WBBBBBB-T, Ar»tt 20. Muli f«r Ramp« rta QaeaaelB-« »nd I.irrrpm.1, r*r «l»»ra»liip X«t«,'i 1-., Ba Bl, it. ri.«., u ii,« riajt-ott.«-at :i a. m. A SasB-BMaur. Mil! for rvaia letttn unlv, mije up it Pur BS, 4(1 .\. It, ..J _«aaa at Ï u i,e I a 1». IBUBBB-Y, April 21. Maila for Hanm. Naiaan in«! Um W«»t I nutt, net lUimihip Murro Ctitla. IVrNn. 4 5. R., rlwaritllp. ia. i-t«aii,«hip «aila at 3 p Bl. « Milli for KBr»1»* iii ii.l Bis-iiwn. p. r ataramsbip H»r- Binn. finit ot T hin! >t liol ok«a »!..«« it feet tit««« it 12 M. «t«iira!np »nil at'J. ia. A 1-Bppl«ia«nur)r Batt, for paid it-tl«ra ouli, u,_,e uu on lu« V r »I ll«i>.,kvr,. and rlo-ed al 11 ra. Mail» f.r Aipmwill. I'anaria. and tiie Snath Pari8« and BaoBal Am«r- iraa Pur!, iirrit.-iiiiabip i.rr 1'kauBrr.., lr,,.u 1',-r Ba, B K. ,.i at l'oit Ul..« at 1UJ a. in. Bl««.«Uf «ail« at 1.' M. NEWS PaiCKAOH F«>R THE «*-__¦. r»pt«lniand poi--t»..f .«««rli «rnunr ii tin« lM,ri ir» r«<ii..«it«,| to d.'n»r p««-!..-»««»-i to lb« .N»«..,rk A«»«K-iai».l I'n» «,nlv t«, |»r*.ni ..liii.tunit lb« mru.a »utlumij of J. VV. Naaartsa, «..-.»r»! A(»»bu >»wi pu-lin»! fur lb« ,/,,ur»,»l of io»«»««,». Haul Tbiiicm IturUI. Sut, hryrttt. >., rnitf/ /..«<( 'vmt.Mr.-uil .«./.»rtu.»- .Sfulj /«ila»«/. Bal Aru-.l urker I^mvkrat aiionld iumj lae ilriiirrtd oui. ii ii.» time i PASSENGERS ARRIVED. FRdM ¡UTAITJUB-Ualaaaas-I Pia Jk. int.. Annl 19-L.J«m. au,i «if«. Mr» J. S. Urata«.aa and da..«-lit.r, M,., M Gnite at vi . I. .4 Urak-B, Mrv llurrk. Mt» M. Carr, Mia« S. M. S,« rr>, .VI .. II II tatt» Ma, «m! .-ti» T. rr,. K.I J. I'. «utt»r II J .i Kiitr», K. Po.rll, Mr. Fi.rrkild, MiaC.X sb rti.ui Mi.« II m' .3 Sturt_a.,t J I. I,. .,.. M.. B f. Tboma». Mia» Th..,.a., ¦\",Anr "tUr *'" \ 'J"1" -*". K- K Omemm, Mu. li. tUtg JJ- SWÄia!*' L: M- -_*_.*¦ J " ""«"' A Mina,.,! «") "''.,7,r*-".,M-T'"u""' '' -'-I»"-. J- T. Wall.,-». «. li. W,.,/ tilba,-!* Mr.11. M. Mm'..w Mr B L Cmte, Mia« B. I)...!,. M,.t.r M.rk- BCBwaaW .' A. n.,».,.. m - naaa-aaa, J. VC < ,,. i.ibaio alf» .nant ..nd 2 «I ¡Urra, J. II «' Mili-r K. It ii.,»., .if. i..f*.n Mart-I ,,ut,.r T H KUI«. J p Baaar. Br. TaBBrhlll A «Ir». -r» h «null, M.Pen- Mm lll.k. Ii. J II ll.r-,. li and wtft A. H.nilh, l*l.* K.,»,..,d. i. . «IrrBi. and .'« In «te«r«it«» FKOM BABIIIK«! 4SbllAVHl_ln *»..,J.p .s,|... A|)rj, ,y_ auto Itarott Pui.d PU,Ua-a Il.rn«. I'.al J Pur!.., I,*,,I, v.'.| .f. «hirli» Hal,n Anm W«w»rn«.«r ind «on; Loti!« tvilBtuC. .Ti, Kr-,«,. lo,, j aja »BilBB-a-, aad wtl I I. I.url,,,«-.,,,». r I l.l.» .1,1 «;f»; « I- B»rtiaram«,Jaiurt llihl.,rd A II Hlu.rl.rd rsta-lt'iBdwif., Mr. «-..rrt, i,.| w,f». J »»»lu.inoB M,. ,1, Mr. Kri». and »if. T « i.rk. K. N.I«,« N H.a.,, Mr »,-t ,. ra. M.aelimu V < i-an,. r, « «juil» K.»t. I r.,ti.. VV |,, r, Ma,» ...rt...a. ABirhr. Uriia«o. Jean Hanoi«« li.n. «,. Ilurroiar. Al»i Í s, ,'t"' L*"«<"'.l'*;1 hem Jobn-n art» Bal «lil,! Jut. Blag II «..,.. J.. Har.rl, J. It r«m A,l.n Mu!, r «I.- ..,1 ibr»» "'Mr»» I R. Anthni,I tari VV ian r Aitoui« Miiunld. P.L ll.sf «nat« Hrb»r»»r«l»»r I l.rtat« I lau..«a and »if, I', i. r . '.u «. n witt «1 ibr«., I«. ». «.|.,k.,ii. J».., HrSwIt-Iti II».,,, \ .n -ara Bd «if» Prill VJ.rtlnla. V\ a«. Tb. »irril V »kVaiin I 1.» u II, nu l'i, > V. IM UkKBI-iiiiU la i>...^.,. !___. larlis. Mi" teA Mix «I..I.U Ulli Mata..» Mm Prout Mn 4 .. BalUt-l Mi^ S .,,, n II. w.iwa. Mi»a«l. «.ila,,,... Mr. Jm,.M». Mr. 4 S, L-_a»B ra fan..,,,... Mi au,, »tra J. *m |,r ..d Mi. II. t1r » Mr. .-.r' Bl A OllWft Mr mi Uri J A.n. Mr. l.f, ,. K '. ^-u-.iji Mr K. I.'y,-., M... ,.: met Mr. I!«,;,r M,..M,.r,«_ Mr. .. Mr», t l._. i.b;rr Mr V Umhar! Mr. J«_», VVilrvi t..r ..! Mn A II B.II..1 ....I t... aaaal.lili Mr j « m,-, ii- » . tlv». Mr. ..,., Mi »ulMmi.. A .,..».,,, ..,, ,,. ,, i «.,... V A .'.rn.ti, Mr Krtnc«. I, .4, > Mr «i.l Vii. It r' b..B»_aB.I _«i.|., r.... Hi« I.«,ilm. M. U__ra lil II Bl .ui.M.M. .s-i-i,», M ». Miva li., :.,, ....»j ..,,.,, .dolok Mr .us Mu I.. I. ..., I. M. . ,,, M, a",um Vi i "w .«., J l-arnab Br«. lartali. Mi liol i, . t,. J s I,«..,, , L . '»I. <) Mr. K», ,...( M,. l'..., .1 i",, ,^ __ ii. wu«,). .»j tmt tanaas, L. k. vv Liub««», u, .«_ ut», 1 ii' W ftmmtt. H. A I»*tt, Shtr; I'I ir.. ¦« ""i ""¦ J. VViatlirrlirad l.'i'l ehil.l. ¦n-Eif'AY"« waUTBBB ni cort-9 a. m. Plnrt: Atmo-flit- 'Ihrr. ¡Uirrt. AlnwyhJ. aTker. r,,rijla»tinr»- jÇ''ti*j«I».« .irr. rr.Ttâî.<« Pertlan.). Railing lioeten.( ¡o»!»-- New Tari.« '«""'j' l'h.ieiielrit.ia.... Halnina;. «¦¦'»..r«.G"*-----». ïr?:J*;.- «7»'-:::::.« Chirle«fOB f»iT«niiab. ' toi. ¦ Aagnats, (¡I .«".ear- M BnïTa.'o.KamBi.... «I l'ittihnnrh.(!o'»lr.41 Chiearo .Clear.46 »» ¡anmi on.» I...V.J.-. ."-. K,..r,».Menr.-«l.-»r. 4.1 le, Weat,. e«r.... Hi.-uimuJ.lUiniug.44 Hanna.tMU.'J MINIATTRK ALMANAC. tTnnrim ..'.il S,,,, teta. lt«|BjSSB rae». 12:00 II,OH WATBK Till» Al. tmk} Hook....ll:a|(*oTiIil»reJ.BMJBkOOaO . Mi 8HTFPLNQ INTEL UQ ES< E. PORT OF NEW-YORK .APril 1?« CLKAKIl». Bil ¦¦Olli tVn .IT -**¦ Heyads Oreen*. J^rrpr^: Jame. A-Ver, Uekweaad, .'btrleaton B.egahtor^l'wsls.rtes, » liais«. t.n tt. C.. Alls irh I" .t... Norfolk, ke., Faict», Frt*.B»n. ' TZ, delpkUt Ant- Haine», WilisiB|*loB Dell Ut. t>'tiAmrt.ttrtmmmi Mi. flower Mis, Philadelphia I Antara, ite. «.r- en. Philadelphia, ». Wood.ani CU -. I«' ¡'.¦ Betsas. Bisaws. BeaSaa. Hh ps hiocoml,, M. Jobn, H. B. ; Jarees Koiter, Jr., Iltlta.n. Literpool. »ark Min. rit, Masefl a, Trícate _ ... -. . BrtrS-BrrlrJilti 1 i'l.-j-j. M¡nt...i:.-s¡ RieelU M.Pontkl, Hcto«, Wsyerlay,Tarrr Oii.n. . S, I,r. .-«'. II. kit. bal er. Iliggina. Mirani am »nd Par« t Rief poy», Wooater Para Adeil Pd . '«'¦ lae! A o' ltiir.nL, Lud-aa», Philadelphia; tioplnaGstttrs/, Indiinole ind Laiasn, AUUIVF'.D. .._. Fteemar.ip Basti*. L. It, Lireipool Apr.l », Queen-town Apr.t 10, adas. "¿.veai'shlp aOatJa, Traotmann, Hamburg, Apr.l 6, and Utrre April », ****»****1 F*- UAxahm, Gate«, G stoBOa Arril 9, and Se7 West », Wmmmm\Tk\ C. a***, Iskaaa, aasaa 'own. D. 0 aj» mt puai Stoamah I m. m Bsors, »Yal »¦ .. ¦¦ ; n » < ; i«l aNwsa 8t.aii,»h.p Mt Luur.Lt, V MaW, Apr 1 J na hrct April t, ni.It»*. ,ne''eP.Jn,.hipF.ratoKt,Co.-h Ridir-onJ, Cltj Point, ar.J Norfolk, mim. SD'I t-aiw.. , St'air ahlr San Jacinto Atk'n«, ««yannan, red«« and Ht.»n.»l I »mi. on lae k..I, < tri. ¡too ira.«-, and |.ass. fl p IprlScleld I)» rl t. fooehow Ile». 25. te»». Ship »f.riann» VI. lasase, 1 l-l "u Pea, «j, n.l -., RuT»-rt*»D,r».rattaJ»n. 1 tnd las«* II. »d 2, radie. BM,; Prim Alb. rt. M».r» llnV.nrg ¦*) dan. n¡.l»e. »ml »a.. Biri Baoasrasl ('-.).." toa, I sras Idsra, sacar. BartMsTltTwei I' ... I'. «,"'!" mau. Bark rosatsstii Haussa, Bordeara O tjt. t liar); Jam.» M. iVtr. Mrtiartr, Itiviar.s 8 tari »nfir. I»rk J-»- e He .('» »oirsr. Birk A'ner car. Kl.!'. I,ia.|.sr, A.pinwill 24 dar», rod»». Hark Curl lit«. Tar-nconi <I3 dïvi. Til Oibnlttr «. di'S, win». Il..k ,,.'-..I- i V. II... P,». Il.-isi IV d..".. asor. BarkPrii drla, VeriloB, Sastt Crss, » Isya.safS» |enif»ea irk Aaannta I. ,nro. I.:Tera,».,1, nair. , . S P^Vkmm^ÁVam}: ria H»sr fass Baa », trsasd î paa* OaSBBaWINS II lN«a Prl'.-rren M ¦'» tr. U Sara i!oTtn''ûr' ,!':éíí'i..'.'ah f, bmamAynatta. W and MonteTideo 31 h, lassalawei Bark HtT«nt,«h Se.rfe M»t«nrw î*. Iit» moha«»» - Birk TI,, mt« Da Mt. VVi, na. (Isis lü-rkert, »ho died on bo»rd April |-, rta sot Da .'.V'Ian, roiee. 'BrlirBelinvftanfer'l Pal .) BspISS 11ISTS trttt, ._,.;,,.,,., liragJuUKu..,, h;. | ^alaatsaiOáays, iad 43dat-ifromfubriltir, «ttritT AafOto. nmwn,'eTi 10 tmfm) mr«*. lirai Thon,»» Tnrell, Ti.oirp'H.n. Maiiirnei IT tUTS, ahj«. Itrir; T.'-'-'iT" li 'l-l" Bsgaa Hi. « -nr»r. Brik-Atl« Mitchell Biieii.w AvreaTH'loi aldsa l'r¿ J R. B !"t Passa P. R .2nd»« a -n-.- .r. Br'» Ki''i'»i, r Muer. Bermml» H .lui. nr'-e. xtnir C'.i-'l is M-,id 0:»'rtnR2'l.»r» wne «.e. Bri* Mohawk (./si'N. B Kari f M .11 'i- Ilfaji aataa Bris A'.hT Thaiterof lUni-or. l'nrk.r, C«rdenJi, lo di;.», aue»r. M-t(T l'a ti,-ite Im, '!. lient rara 22 dar». «n«Tar. Brin C M. R»-Ti'i!-I« Disk, Mitinrai l6l»ii. mnliiie*. Br< Rat-laT Coner ( ou-r M'S*ina Jan. 9, frnil. Br.jr .'.tiiereni, fih.r.e. saraBfi » 1" 'laya, miar. T.ri J, la. vi. Ilnrna. Wnaaa Mi if» i II says, *nr»r. Bri.* J iba M-bon.:,', Msisatas 11 days, loi-.r. II»11 Kla'n Rowe Croie. Tr' Mad 17 ilari n n'a»*'». r,.lir.«,<n II Btat, Mint!. Vl:;,ii-.-T. n S f in l»-l. naTal S.0TDS. Bear. A bxssbVSss Ame«. Rsasaa g. P..MsSraBaassr.- Mr It r/ood, I kaoa Oeitrirstww-s 8 < 4 d.ii, narai itores. Shr Ii. Csisasa Cosabs itaaHsaa H says imi-sr. Hchr. Kn. Stuart, !-V Jehas. P. R li «ays. Mtsr. E r. i' SS BsaU-i. VV I-, ia -t. n. N. C, Isa - Bavai «tor»«. Mir. M .rv I.e.i au. Gsskl 11 W11 »'. ». C, I »U/I, neill rtorefc Behf U.rtc:.-ia, .N'oia-ii, UdS/SJSafS*à Brin B b B. !(".ii-""- Pi I *n«-»r. Bear. Tiawler Bains MstàTafass 14 dara. sags». Mir. foséis C. Davis Ckii«e, l'ara a5 da i..assa ton U a Wilsen, Heit. r.rt ta-Prlnee 15 da<» coir.e. Pchr Catara LaasU. Are.-ito. P R.. 17 tia«», tut a r. OsVr. niwn Point, IVriina. Baracol 11 SSTS, ir,. t. B. kr Ai Asw-riasB, Balta Tau lo lias « Sehr. vi. S'-T .«renka.O.ervet'.wii K « ., «-».»»». , Bear. I-re.] Uah ,.:' l..ei,.,.st.m,, Darli ^\*-.r "*. Mr AI.'Melni-aiil'.fMi.L.a»), Tsalla, (lUiauil.o, 20 d.i., .«1*«, ,,i»rtS.Wrtl'«. . . Bear. Ben. Jone», VV ¡lim; (rton. wi'b ntral »tore«. Beate! Vntn." ("f HaUn. M I Prsstsw, WsSaai, 21 Jayi, logir. Helir Waorl't Pennv. ('in'«r n 11'It«» "Ui?»r. , Seto IrS (»aie., vier»»», Ci.rui.o..m Wand, (Ok Htleaa SottnJ, S. C. 11 «lavs, phosphate?. , 8rhr. Ion«. '" 'in. Arro-o P. R. O Mfl m"I»«ri. Hehr. S K. Pah. ni. ( rocker, rj»u Bias lia Ü.L Atdrewi Feb. J. coccl- nnîa. rotten. pC-ber, BaTa .... ¦ v « ». »I ive.. Ror-ers Parien li .Isvi. larrb»r. «.,-lr. htrleaK. M tea. U Posee I'. IT ti da» «l»r. «., r Jo bB.Ii t,- t.n.i'i. ker Dsi ra «'.a.. Hays, lum!.r. Se'.r Altaaa !" -r " »| ain/ai 14 d»... molaiwa. Mu. K. I' li-ii.»- 1. .«. « .ii..ii.irtunlda»». nsyal »»"rea. S (J J*»t.. S Mo.r.a, Baskaaa, Plllllll 1" Éafa.saf»Bli¦» BBàS A. P Rann-olph. »Itrnee HiTtr» TI dtj-a. rnolaana. .«thr. Al.ce M.rick (¡allvnt, St lobas, P. B «twys. ."-". I«TIOtl.»SK«-llIVKa A«.!. |,,A.|»,-R. W.lton. Rlehrt...,,.!. V f Curtis .*"/'">- n B. g irp, 11..' '" -' J»»- tallaletl'iert. I,en Rank» Eliialetn: r- Sarah VV,-a.W, th:»!>nr'. 1 «le Wart.», nUabrtbj ort. Ç. A. (¡rainer, E''"^'h»>»rt- Baaaajsaa, ssaabsOllirl Alaban.». KllxsheUiport. J ., k1 nilli port MasaiBs, V ,ricin;«. I It«.n I il IV T harlciton. I.a,lr Emira.liirtfurd. VVni lb ne. Protridenee. Ila/e «in.- « 11. B..»-e?. Proraleace J Burle» Pro»,a sea. Ism"' P. »» ¡«tal » \iflt a. L. A. Tóüea. Ner.Aii. Snnnr Hide, Virginia. BsratSfa Pror .. a-.-. A: il.oia hell», virimls. J.eaeph Allen, Virtnn'S. 1-uWS »a.r. C...d Spni.-T. 1 .«h. u, ii llelei. A'srru I! I- !». at ort Sou-hpolt. A'; ht N,w Tor,'.,-. H-11-»ort. KeunuiD. rall UiTer. fA^'I^tSt. a . Kreljti, r'uwltir.lnin'xr. -'u','e Uu-ivou New IIitid. itri.ovv. Seer. Kurcí fiilte-rt, frutn Writ Indi.». ¦»MU 1). Bt.-ani.h'p«. lloliatli. from I. ,rabor I -.¦ for «aiini. ib. Jtmei Caerlewtoa Al entarte for Sorfo k. Vi IWIT BbbIt~t. bata, A m, DOMsttTIC l*ORTS. (¡»y laiBkTJBaa, laaB u..An. sala Issthsra Ossa fm Boiton. cid. slip Mar. liaiifi. f"? H,r, Ker?. witL bread.-tiifs, bark Niobe, for Lir¬ en »ol with 21.(«») «ickl of »I eat. BoaToa Aaril 19..Arrireil. rteimihip» Wm. I..iwn'ttre. from Balti- more; Neptene, and btitr of M, (loin Stw-loi» i >'orui»n, fr..ia KuitrsÎÎ" MeyRos. Aprd n.-r»a»e.l in for BsObaiSS. birk An"tKh. from «Jntnape. Paaae.1 oui. bn»; Nuru.a, ior il-e VVi.- li.,;i, s. ArniwJ, bark Delaware, from iJemarara. tToaiasaox, April IS..B«ile,l iVsraiblp Wra. P. ClTde.from N. w- York. Csssred, aiiashls Bl ( I. f ¦' S> w-V-rV. t*ATAy.Niii. (¡a., April ill..C1 aasst itearnahip Vinro, \ew Tor»; Kns- tian bark Mails, «| sehr. Win. Buttinan Ne»-llaten. flaiaiasissT Aril la.Juilial, ssaav B. A. Bass, fr.m Mobile; Village Out.n. frt'iri K«|.p»hancoek, Virtpuia. bailed, «Lip Plait, Of LiTtrpool, iteanisl.p Chirleiton, for New-York. KOKIKIN POUTS. f.oypniDKBKT, April I'.'..The it.airship Neater an, from PortlaaJ for I.irerp»»)l. «mretl here at an early honr tilt«;. ,«o niAMi'ii.M. Apnl 19..The iteam»:, p BssOa, from liaitiinoni for Bremen, »rnred here at ilj o'e'oek thli aften oon. tj»*mSBStuaS| A\ ni LI..TBS ilearnalnp CM) of Cork, from New-Tor« f,,r La, raset, t.nicLtd Liri «I 2 u'liock tLis nioruin«; tu lind London pa*- lenitari. AU well. .«..n-riiim-r,'N.April 1!)..The rtean-ihlp Penan, fruin >ew-lork, ir- niod Luc at J o'c'.o.» th.. n .rn n«r. on the waj to Breiaea W llAI.KKS. A letter from the 00 off e, r mt th» lark John Carrer of N'ew Betlfotd, re. «rt« l,er »I MaSBSSSS 0 t'ch I, o not » ( apt. Worth had left taw n-aee!. and the mtto »O'lid take charge of her. ind lie it hnn e In Juae A Utta r from on botr.1 the bark Mea Brerer, P;»her. of Ne»-Bedford, report» her mi the <',,.,»t of California in Februar;, taken 2«JU bbla. u.i icaiiu«- iiunolulo. DlBaaflTEBO» B"«Tc.y, April 11 .Te «ehr. Sea itwataj sf »ntl f.r Rockland, went anhöre near Otrnei Light, Cape Cod, on Kr.da/ iaat, and n caine s total wreck of jetTerda». l,,-B,,y, April I'«..The ship Persfyerane». from LiTerpool for îtew. York, baa pot into Fay»!, leaky. Sh» will be obliged to diaciarre cargo. .«-I'ÓKI.N. SI !p Fei Serpent, froni !t. w "lurk for han Prarcltro March 1,1st 16 JJ N Un. j-l W. Bark ( »roinif, from New York f, r Havre, March 29, lit SO. Ion. l8. ÎJort-Uîaiîjcna' Xolicc. r,HT WnniTii On;, k. No 23 William it. "VOTK'F. in licn-by Kivt», in act-on lance with li S<rtion 4 of ,1.. Act a».I A] til 14. liiiV*. entitled "Ab Art to Reorganize the Wanlen'i Ollice of the Port of New York." to ill perwni interested is. St IsiBBl charge of the lut.jeet intttrr of inch majOWf, riainination tr si rier the f.,i mg rsSSSBl «re now under eitinii.a tam St the I'orT \\ ardí,:.» and that the tai,i »urina i,r laiiiiniUoni will be rosipleted wahin lan dii.ncit luecetil ug thu notice, ou board Said raaaajjl «.teninatilp (Ten. Barne«.39 V. R. «.tcimshrp Albaaurli.Jl N R. BlrsaablS Paituirt.Jeraei Cilr. Blip ataa-wl .47 K. ft Bail (¡u.tidian .Marble l»rd. I.. » « ail .3 K. H. Hark Cavial ne .3 N K. brui A It.teh-Mer .I'aioa. ¡ir (Baa IV, lier.14 K. K. Ung lleur» it eu .».f.47 B. R. Br.g Mar.'M Wiiliaa.».Brheaek'a. Hehr Aiiirlir .li K. It Mir J I' Au«, t . Pn-ntler i. Mir. K «a,-».ii.P .-ir» .,t,t ». Kum« O. Curtis .Blream. .«, i.r. .M r Iii ndertou.Prrntier s. (HAS. .«-. MAioMUKIt, i'rendent J. Art.'» linn y.y SerreUr». 45,000 »owtou» QUO. A. PRINCE É CO.'S ORGANS ANO If RLODKOM 0 will le ,|eli»i r»il ,u tar part of tlie I'uited MSBBl retched bj etprea ,»h.r. th.iht», in.', ti »hKB or ii thoa. »<n iti-iipt uf bal prie». Nrn.l for pm r ¡lit no1 tireultr» Aditrria OEO. A. PRINCE i < '«).. BTFFAIaO, N T. OK«. A. 1'ItlM K A- t'n., CIIWAOO, ILL. (jJUlal) IS DOWN. w a LTHA M WA l ÇHBS . PULLER a. Ob.« M JOHN SI \ 1 infer (..»I» aa.1 IsSSSS1 FINE WATCHr.S w HiLID CiOtB tnd .-If i KK «'.««F» if -h. n»».,t aries at riefele .. rriio-.d w1U> the ereuaa la (¡eld aad hitler A fall aaattBtrst ret real Baili. rriKiS. K. AtiNKW, 1 (.HKKVWKII (OR Ml BRAY TT. NT. VMInLK«ALK AM. rdi.lll II Al Hi IV I I AS, st ilAlts, COFFERB, silt is, .ad rt.r Uni» m ila ¡in, of I'lItSl ( I.ASH tri I »4 I.I'll S. a n ii » « o»,, «au rcaa ir« % - ... a.« un t.«..«. re tnd lit»» II, .. ..- nni'si:-Fi*!iNMsfii\c (irniis IN« 1 I I'IM. «IIIVkA 1.1 ass MIVIKI-rAIKH ltutr U;, ,TILER,«. COiiBIXa iu.s.»iL,s iti.iuu.i liAioi;« ., a. OBBatTLT liKltl ( K1' It m-.M l DWARD D. BA8H1 « HtD, asOerBB lonnoto r Perkins «v irorsE* NON BXPLOHVB .rh AKtorvsv. Prof. u VV H. « .rt, P«e«rtd»n4 »»^ »v, a tal: *",Vr.A*n«»l- p««.iliir «o». *»r»l« «II«-», tari: Itr»iet1«.a -., , It'lUirU ,T*r »-.-.» »-.., ,,,,.. g_ . ~" __asanag th« Marta», «a ,,,..., m,*,kaaaaBa u th» .. aalit. and .¡a..nt, .f th« |Brfctt «..raImrUac «ad ,__*, iitbt. B .... ,ir"-**» »««¦ la a«. rtbllliTof B.a.alk« lb.i ... i r ». i IS lAro* ;ur. wb.. ».«»V ..«**« «"'a ir.d ... f.. rm tetter «ia,« «.«only .r.ta mmmmpremmmittmern /Vat, ka. lump wirk v»i»4 will a«»t braal «b»ti - J .«. «w/w,«..». throwa apo» li ., ,.,.,, ., t k a«. ..»', «bo til ara H la «.. «OB- Btllrdlo mrmt- -m, 4 » I writ* W « r leper- . »« /««.I» bit« fu»» .v*»»«»» it. ato f. »«««, »ad tra 7«r« h « oil» il narara. « Birt. ».a . »T»ti wbrn tb« lanp ia k.|« ii.rl., t , M taratd bottom up Hil t|t'..,r,. iraaaa..».«, K«t. W'. S Tri «». T) P Pr.f In A ti rat «'oil».. »... / »»,_ no»A4»yj Doit «i» »««/sir» w-4'A ir I mrAm t -, m r.» rnr f.| aaf«t». for erommy. aud .'or lb- prrjertwn of lAr lij/V, » ¡. «-r n, .>t Into nniT»r«i| a»«." «AWi-Fi I'. ItrriBir». Ml) Pk P. Pr»f. of fTi«. »tr» p»»r»»t ,.«1 < oll«f». ..'¦: Irr ó i. r,« t m»« »o njlnd» t in» mi. 1 te»» trat« I «m »«Hal). 1 » I, a lb r> fr» r. t . 1. r ''". r.aBa«. danif. r of . ipl.aoo, «b rb «»nu,.. !«-lui! ef ,n, .,«!,. r Th» M. Y. Tr.l-n« ti-'i: No ti, r n p«n«»«4t- ».f» A.I «h« nat,,, of danr-r har« tata «-arrfi«,,.» fuardrd .al .aaab-r .1 BaajB a mt. cb an,ral ,mp'.aai.,,li!T '' «¡«..»I <'iar»»«-»i wintM for «titi ind «orrnrrT. On« '-«r,T»»«»r ««Arl r% lamp« tb» finit two dart. Tri a lamp. Bia) will rla.ll» r»,t th» mon». !f rnt d«. ti«,« .»,» 11, . VOTAVl. MOirrooMB&l «. < ¦. ia« -ir .-,','-.t vi ¦.< -».«a«;.? Standard and j.i.j.ia..,..: prki-arX- «O riii.N.s OP CHLORAL HYDBATB lliK v.<ini.| km ul MKDIAl AGBUT BOW l; A INO .«I. II IM I... ,. KUI -. ill..SI IN' I'l'K MKIb A. VV' TUNKS I lil V. CH1.0RAL SOOTH KI. («1TFKI..K 'I«. .«I'll VI OK MiiKI'IHNi, IR..IH.,« « 11 v AN!. IlKI.IKr- H.Í.M I'llN I-, I, IK VIGolUT-S lilt MiKVoi A SÏSTBM. IIOIUKS te AJil) +1. " rvlM'.s UHlaORAI. THROAT TASTII I IS INSTANTLY KKLIKVI-: .,1 «,1|S s.)KI iillto.l lilt. MTU _-,»-AIJO-t .'fill.«J KAL l.Kl'., :, l'.UM .V.tin UV '¦> ' _r- m miii-s Lura (^ I». HAMMOND, M."l>: t7.mi.rly I'n.fessor Vy« la tb« Htimrnm Utiu I«'« . NY Sall r tt _»¦! «al ii. format, ei. r the vi >..rr u] , r ur. .al r-" .1 l.m-iari. KicpI . Pnrtio«: < au»« »nd « r»f fir,. . .«'.. J.«. 00m, r.a F.ft, -,:-»' »ui of Tlr:-..» KT.i All eitr-rne tai»! of < ! r t II'. !> *ua», lud Ma.termi|.»iÀ «a«*c«t» tr»iu«l. I<r. II. ir««- t Vi rl 5>v. (U) to liACFARLAND^ BOOKSTORE. Ko! 947 Ilr- iviw^T. r- ' -I all-Jk* rear b* oka ui the «ia», anti a'. tL<- at- in.ixi Wûr^a, aiki ai«/ ¦»_<>.«_» Ka- y iii. Kr*i»""b a; ») **r4i*«*h at_t n r MERCANTlhh JM.INUNt; ,»f alFkiiidTirc «r.:.«. ti. .NI. I;.A I' r.t«r enXuaaaK. ». Y ZERO REFRI6ERATC>R-With MU-, WStZ and VVata-r «'ool»r. Trad» «ipplt. J A. M. LBB.R «4 »ink»««. "^UPHOLSTERY " GOODS. KMBRA« IN«. MiVFITIIS IV SVTiy PAMA«K AMI fl_| AJ«» WOOL PO-IatBB BBTBB BBBOBI OFFi.iiKi. ;.v mi- ma-Ut. ALKO SILK ANU WOOL IB-IB AND HTRIPED TKkKY BBiXl, TKI.Ii;« SATINS AM» W..I.STKI) TI NI« TAPi>TnT AID TB» BiiOlULKKi» I'lA.-.U AM» T.VI.LK OBfBBB hl.i;..A.-»T »«T.K-IC OP LA« K riHTAINa OTBBBB» LINENS. vv'ni« v ajuoto, AIL AT BBB-Ttf HEPrrED PIU' -. LIKOLBVM! THE BEST FLOOR CLOTH FVFIt M.VI.K for KIM III Ns. I!.\LI> BÁTB--0OBS, «Til rifHBI, .'llil.l. HALL», I'LL'B U.,<)M«, 11IE.II Kit», I.A.NK« i!» BI_-t_ .-.- Bl «l'V! KIN! s RAII.KiiAl. a: s 4M«I111' « H'IlBC L.WVU.U.«-, Ml-.U. HAM« m.I OtBBB ..Fil. F.s. 0,000 YARDS A WEEK SuLI) IN l.Niil.ANDt It la witrr rrr«-,f. wrirt TWIti: AS L«N0 it M « th «it bt a«rB»h«sl In ti« »iii» m«, r., r « .»... in! »ot* ... tin? f«-«t, ao»l of t ar.V Uci'^.iai.,c. IMilL.Nl. .«».... b. «JÜ HAM). JOSIAS T AYLER ¿¿Co, haiwwoii to I. E. Wt'rtrrn. 7.11 BR..AHWAT. TROT EL TI UN FROM LIGHTNING. EDWARD E. QÜIMBY. 37 PARK KOW, BEW-V' RK. roi.ti.ri»- 'o fnn,.-h »nd ««li !,. .... gtTMBY « IMl'COVED LIOHTNINQ RODS. Th»«« Ho«!» ira con»trn»t««l tabita.tlall» ln.1 ir» »; j !.»¦! » IMt, darabl» manurr. TI«, ma» etta ti 'L. M at .'. ad «tri paIk« . ni r-.Tat« ia N«w York and «!ja»wb«n« and .ej bare inarialil. ftrett prrfrl -«fi(;na n.s fr.m I p «lan. and funb»r iiiformauou mil- ottttl-ieil ii its H «k1 ttirte will rec*,re prompt ntns'ion. WEST" NEW PATENT (olMMI. LIGHTNING EOD. Til» Rod l«ir,v!»of f«.PPF*t-4 BBJBABI TI 'H'" » «ki»p tr>» roni»r».»nd t««rf»«r'l» rout.lo. f oro ..».tb« e tal I--»! II» .'. OB :i% ,'i l.~' "l »P Bid» Olia InauiaLuu. or J" «...uti ».la rnpp»r fa«'»-. J. D. WEST v «-.... 40' i «. 5. T. ELASTIC SPONGE Mattresses, PILLOWS AND CUSHIONS. 30 TO .,0 PER CB8T «TIFAl'lR TI1W HAR. no m ..ii pin ruar lk.h. >< nu. im tt MORE l-l. .-Til .( I.KANillt IM) »lOHKOt ItlBIIt. ELASTIC M'l.Mil-: Ills Bl FN IIDK« 'I i.HLV l«. »u «)»BB FOLK YEAR» AND IS (ilAl.AMI K1' I.N l.M.Ki Ki «I H"T AMERICAIN PAL SPONGE CO.. mai aao-BB-i apaat i mmb s i (ALISTOGA 0OGN1C. T»i;. pnr» I'wtiic tt offered to tie tr«!» i»J ^,nlarller» n .|auirltJti im glut .-1 an'. Ir .. biif» i_r rirott'ircriV'-ir ita »Urt pnrit.T ind d»; «r» «f luif^ 1»« nir «t:ll«.l from tbe »ia« of a, l.-rt«! ^ri|«».'i!».l rarr.1!. tr.»!«^^ Antlr»*» made brdlttiBiraiaLi.. .-. i-i.-'.» r,, v it» j«r!»s-t '-««.loni fr«a» til de »trriou« «in»'.ti««. M. KEI.LKU» «KLFBRATKD LOA AK01 LKB VAlvKH. t'l fort.1» « IliAB» of o'ir I a.i.toaa »»ndtl f..r ¦» e hr » BRANNAN It Co. oti Un m Bvak-TaaB )l »IIINTO.N"" ENCAUSTIC TILES, POE (VESTIBULES, HALLS, CON8EBVATOBIES, HEABTI18, *<.» M1LL.1U Jc COATES, Na ¿li, PKAKL-fT- Rhododendrons ! Thrre ii no plant to neiatiftil. Ita foi »«sr u It d . rfma,¦» .iel. ila ti.,«, »uprr!. tsr.ond d»»«-r pi.,,». Eo'r ti».-«« au.! ;!.. r-.anrll, » o! T,i««.-, «Uki-»», Ii s-n» 4 «ddnta l'AKSDNS & t'... IT.I MUM ,, N. Y._ ROYAL POWDEB, MAMLT-UTIRKI. BY R.iYVI, BlKlM, rwv\ Hi CO. gi VBBBT-ST N i á^TIO5 Syfcív -î'oisiiri_r \a/ I IO MACHINERY. OTIH BHtiTHIRS k Co .)t«9 Broiala.r M»« *.»?- B»T« ENOCH MOHGAN'8 SONS' isa ..:I VS-a. ,wi* «*«0 SAPOLIO THK ^ ^ :l "k BOB « 1.1 V.NIM) H imlew. tbaxit V\ .t» rl IV»! OH Citta». fmmm, I'«, a . »...I ..Il VV^.r^è, tk... K»i!_u «ud frlnraailT. «ad tor «Jrarral ll.e.M-. I, .,, || >. .. H.K IslllN.) .. , I», tal ^.^.w^^-B^S i, i «ia,i,» »u« Ka»« "».".. * " li»it«.rí.» .atalluN. . _a BBMOVBS .«I VINS KK..VI Virul.K PAINT .,.! VI <»'* " . a,,,..,. .,.,1 Wll. K»K KI'. H Mi lUhAl-Ht.-« A**ZX t.. in, «i...... lad ei L « ti«.ll». .».«- "" "'-'.!'" 7__ «.*.»! rrlulak ...d u-,.)» .«.ii art ah ... . b* rr.l ik» ».»»*'...' _" _3 tb, r........ .«f.rl.P.lll Vlt.Ull.N.NOlSlilVIl.. tl-OSil. Ci . A. lu lo I«, w 111. el mm*m t, I. t l tk. -«u» Irai'.. vi« ." poa»r»»l«»B. mt¦ lut »uJ n . i,,. ', r. il«, t ii -u- tua». nvB II! v mi' Hut'- IM> . Mm rm n.»k«. h««» u ia ¦' li ..-» . teem «uJ »«,.;« ."¦« mm I .. t, at mt nlal.t.«».t _u___ I. m1, lil,. «I» at., I!, I il tu 4i.o<. ri, I»««. _aBw>aw-l--».~ la,o«^l»u»t lae I l«wa| »U,a

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1870-04-20 [p 8]. · ALBANY. Ilsll-Ct 1 li HI IHKUI (»II THF. B-IATK.liMMIO.M» AKHIAii Iii! < I NTHALl'AKK.I.OMla>l»i HU II. -11. li. \M>


AKHIAii Iii! < I NTHAL l'AKK.I.OMla>l» i HU

II. -11. li. \M> INSANE ASY li WIN«.




MAKKi re»AiiiANV, April If..Coy. Seymour. GMirpoG.

i-. ,.]m i-, iist Bj '- rl it. iii « m" MaO r -' i Oaaaila-

su m i«-. ¡i.- It a -I. ii MB Ort «n, tin vu know ii ti-li-

culti'.rIst, I J aad ii-»i BBaTSl n.tom.uti.-n m»

li. ri.ii. i- tlie proi-Tr laaOaMOlt t-r-it.l ft-r

sticli a i.i\i ..« i- I'r.'iiiocil in tin« ¡'til of .-«-it.liol I'wi ti t. r

ginnt .-.¦ | to tip- ill rtl f« r m.j.r«,v ins: fut

«Otal J . T: n .la-: ,1 I iiic ¡'ecu iioi.en-

sitv fsraack «i-., Baaaaaefe Bl Ifel BBatJaal lad pap] rt from

li e,,.i..tec. .n,.,,; i-.i.l., ;.;.r pi oln| 11 If. Mr.'I.I. Bl

aad ...... -i ,, | .. i allai Umi., ,, ai in li l.

¦wj tope flint tills

,, araaaptlj p.;««.il into I.1 n n, with graatu

i. i-ti ].i.,j-i-L-iita.ti of lOaa, white

t;...¦. \»..!. r- mhüiM.,

»ia! ,..¦ I ftOt tot tin a;, B

|S tait» «l.a.l ti.'i'i li." Hu.¡«mi ut any

ni... t ;...... i-i :u. ii Iii« l'-lli ii Ma;, li anil Iii« Otk.fa, ...ace HelaWfl.i, lo til. eil tie l.iii

.f m., J Batts Unit liste not,: l a half, <-T.i-.-pt In Lake

rai unir« lesa Utan four

im lui«. ]people m cv et.i inn «>f tin-1 ,.:,.' «I t>pl< lill.iii,ne.

r sireami suited to. bat in- lins a

,red lases and ponds

¦. ,,;.i Be" 11. Id ampleI tl-SSOl tia E

!' irk in Nt w-ti 'i passage ti.ioni.-li

di QT Bivi \. I/.:.. < ni

important piirpose,

a i i" provide for lae ln-,,...,. mu ali m

col ti« n ol revenne. ti api -ii of lulls

.¦iiiil contentsi tra mutt. Tbe bill it«eilla

. ty of Kew

lu tt» that

,,[ a- le ) r, le fur lae

,.i Ni a York S run

and« r .. tit c iiii.iN 1er it. ( «inal It »a li li iii«- ior. going,

.¦¦¦ t.),, Is, " An a, t l. .\th< '.m "I i«'.«, iiii.i

¦in rtaln . ;i«t s." ThoI ,.!¦:.. alf all itliluiktl in a

-r of (he act er.titl.,1 ' An

auf reren« (

,,r .« ,,.ir ers>

» Ifoi a large

et, in irk baa tire« eut« d a '¦! lol In« of*ja, v. M. m , a« i.»l Bakou! lu it v

01 Iii ;;t!. i-, "TI.. Brook-h i>- Min i « I tfcts capital Is «i.n»>.n«i,

i a ( umtiai.. i- .iiiM.niizt ti to iii).«'it -ni ilit tract

k .ii ntl) Ward.II , tate .till for

k i.o De governed bj ti., ii is iii..r» . con :¦.. 'I bj many and strong

ii Hut utiavl i» opie, urging\i.tit the requ« -t. "\\. Eave

t n i nu ill« al stud« nts we bave¦the imiortii!

i -al attention," saya one of tkeseaj pt :.l , "but ne !..i »i no it«.\ linn where the sick Insane

op ithic tn .itmi nt..ieit. da I» tall.« flinn nil

1 of ti "y f' r our niil in thisti,, lion." T-.-. lim (hat theil laeitteal views are

¡an«, int' ' ," ni.ti thal tke 1'«-

:,k "among the moat lut» -. 11

|n.|j,..i, at :;,. cou.uity, t. im .«i i.ling all profesoious,tia .,«.,. ii .lil-.' .\«,lt- In,lil tiltil- Ill-iiin: «V.- V Ilillipi, c i. Hu Iomeo] iii-;« an- aimut to erect tke"Hell..- li.'lill of SIXt) M\tll-«t . la N'evv-

> I lias li troduot it n i HI allowing1! . ¦ ISC I ''a a Di 1 ind !"1 tia pul

j- a ti rm> uetiai fur eucuuruging' ti JUlaS«! ti tilt« liil!

muí i laa so as to remove tin form« r

men, In iinuní mu with the» of ti Fifteenth Au adnu nt.

d the effort rtmile tu-dav.- II ('. -.1 al rtallroad til

another brldfj across tin Hudsonat Albany. TheliojK.-, J ail. i it .:. v.-.iaiofn ti ( oin! .my from makingti,, in iii lor .at; nrrn nutt font puimnngiinasv.r., Iroad. But the House would not ro¬ll -. ;,.,- O itral troto this obligation; und the biilJ. --' i. I, a « .¦ o' N '" !-.

i rulatlng tiir« manufacture and aaleofao-ca r. «Il r ~." Introduced la taaemblj byin. a i,., string« t restrictions onaanoal

it r. lui, ra ii unlawful tor--li any "i'.itc:.t medicines'' unite,.«

i the articles oi which these nostrum« arc,. ',tl on tin- wrappers,malso tba

v ire cl ''t n «11" l»- n«. lui. Varia¬tion» ot n law it beeomea, rnrur heavy penal*t,, a a -.., i, T. The bill provide* fura

." ..f ti»«- persons, appolntable bj the Cov¬en.m. vi, dntj Ball "patent nx-di-

and a dil Lb« rulea tflaai are to (a:

\ ». rj dm fn! lil I, li ..¦ .imeil by AaacaWytaaa H«-n-i¦¦: a i. -. nat.-, tor pun*

' inni latingauj bixik^papen.ige, At m I'lii ¡m incei poratat ti

i», to entitle th. m«, in -1" this pro-f tin law, showing it- rt-«|iiire-

-J iciloll«lV |l«>Klt li Uti It«. Willis,i m «¡"»t roora ii! doubt-

I, and Ubraiaavna u... rejoice Inii-

A1..'I-II'.N Off TUT. NTAV-YOrK TAX IMii:«-

IX ILK «n- v.,ii in j AVOB-.T win ,

iii. ITILLI0K9 d Doll.».its vonn awayIN I» MINI II.-».OAQ LAW.LIT M;vv-TOBK 1 till VI) 'in BBO OWN TAXATION.

Aliianv. April !'»..Tlie Ntu-Yoik Tax Levy' ¦. d in liiDj- lu

A.««t in' ii iy .. ..'t. .I ". to ii, The r. guliir THiuniany1 hy fix from tin- II'iHiMieanBeam 11 -mu, V. I', llrown, I.

T. Darli B t..: .1-. .i.-.m. The nuniicr in which thesevi I he II.iu«a» win charieterestic

Oftka Bil ' !¦ it ...¦tu i-i ti tli« in win ti tlrat c.iüi ,1 uj,, hathe«,« -etTtc of tin- Whole this morn-

liii.-. Mr. Ti ar iauatantl* eaDarl the pia*ra»ai «|Ufn-ti"-i r . i ¦'i ease, aad aaOai this cvniiiniition;u ti debata were preventiMa. Brea tho r. ad-

lagI wah. Wh, u ttic ( lcrkia .-m t., t-, .ni. Mr. i roar aald he had boaa a intmi.t i f.,r¦v« ii .i-, and during that time none of tin New TorkTax 1 ¦.! i' ad niiotiiTh. The resvtlngw11«, tin n ti o (1 s|a-n.-en willi. Tin- t|iitstoii w,u»tlieiijut r, 1. I hi li»" the two opt-rations wen«

¡m i ). ti i ,¡ six u i.ii'i-s, i ,n ii mu m-, np» ingWhen the Commlttea raportod themUs

to tia Roast-, Mr. 1 i. ..;.. ut ffdi liite uriii hy ntrtlogli iii V I, li a,' n on Ila in at b o'cloi k thi» e\e-

i ,:¦:!.'! bl teak ral ii Ij lilla min¬ni. - , i... i liiiii-ra on tlic-i« tw.i Kraal TaxLi \ i billsl ., n r<-m :i]ii.-i| not ii'on-than lu tumut k.

r»o nun ii ft tie- morning i operatioika.Atso'elo k ii. « i ii i.n.g the two hills were htirrleil

flit Ih similar «pml. thonth the «-¡illili*: of tit«-v.N u.ri ,1 ,i few n,¡uni. « Tii'ic t liitu the

tI IB! tin- iimineiit ni r:n .1, maieven Im fun ti titi« bad beoa fully rrast, Mr. I t. .ti

tin pn-vl« again. Tin- gag via- ofcoiit-i t tint,i.i. in eutting oil d:«t I.--10T,, time l*nii{ al- two or three otherI. lea wortla la evpliiii.tlion of their

roi« operations ob tke Baal paaaage oftkatwo bills, including ti., taking of tke Yaaa aad -Na.iH mi

(«i.i lill. '-: ii not m. n- than hu'f an hour. H iii h I«. tke paesaga tkrtwigk tke Aastaiblr of..i...« !. I ll.e ti/Ui:niri ntl na in,poll-,.

Mi. Ilustcd «lid not oil lu.« j r,,j.,,M-.t ameádinent forr, !:.'. rt I'iiV Iel VT* billi to Iw iicletl on au It 1»

I'» «ie <o porationol Kea V«uk. vtlitti glvOu kls vote,III -¦ lu bad luieti a«;u.ii-l all the Ni w Yorki..\ I ¦ foui it in in- had bet a la tke

I I see no g .ai rt aaon for i.ilniriiii;t.-, He w,eh. ii ti ' Oew-TorVto

r i wu local taxation as the people of otherug tbem exerrlae the right in

.- lu hail u'w.i h lot' .1BL...I rax Levy bills from Ni w Yara "No."

lAlLOOAM and pu Is. II AST ï AM) RASH I I Oaf*I «'. lui BBCADK KAli.liOAl).TIIK I'KIT-


Ai.i-.Ni, \t i| lK.-'Un' o liolcKiIc 4ij)i latioiiswith i.- i;.i.lioitil hil!» are t!.t tut, t ii-iuark-

i al j'tot e. ilintrs Un» evenlnp.." !..i in this lim that the hi In f

,1. I. >. i . lil ai' y |.r« lal. nt. Mai ) n Lo hadI .':.i of these tulls arc ¡iniioyid anti

> w ana wl I h all 101 lulls slippedmr-,u. h Hu s. ,,|. ..I a hiiiiiie elttiiipf. The impiesMnli ali : i« wh/lcsale tr.msa« tion. It is

> I» ti,I thal the (.overuiif will veto the wlu.le,ti.. «'t, s nu iniaiTin. that the Kiroii«r cLaiin»

ol (Le N. »Volk and (Jew «to Miiiiati'l Hoad uiut

.1"«'«' m exception, as it ainsi to open-iitii, th.- great BMtropolls aad the

It «Joe ... cn thal the la... of it*, t m aping a'

. -t h t.'.].« M.iiianil it. a.! th. reUlllsfia Iii. Wlnli ha.1 »nd TlattehuiKhltoitd, tin-

Au.,!.nula, k I ,.ait. ti. -.lülnern t rnlral Knati, Ike HiifisJ«»-1'*" ** l»«i»<l, the ( atUiauiai» lUtud, ti.« (»I

Uri ra and Macketta HarborlKijad, and. last,kutnat ,. ¡i-i. u.«- li, ,,ti,au .ntl Oewtk-o iu.ud, with Its pro

¡.''J' l\V'u' f''./"l^',' "'«' fatsklTl Mt.iiiit.-.iiia ut pineUBI. .¡Van eightraiWaad bills form only tke advaute

fur fin r>- »i» m\ eral other» applying for Btals aidTi» An-aiii- Uaiiruad Lill I» meeting the fate we are

di Ud for ft. I' was voted dowa In tin-Mcnab-to-nightif wit» rtt.)ii-i,|ir»,| and laid on the Ulm-»"'ii I« a I*, ue.olt'id wai of adtigating "' pang idti« »'Ii lu su» li ca>e» and ih allí i* t.. 'inn hinNext up,.n ti,, r»,ii mil r«aji.. np Ut». I'ueuiuatie Tunnel

Krottet. The lull for this purpoiw- la ö great tiling, ¡fum- j» any % .1 lu» in the scheme. It was Intro-

iitsad iy Beaator Tasad 1 anti tkitnaO ti.iamaj**¦«*¦ Le luiiaa.dtitd aliesiixtc i>i~Wl Vi II» virtucus

cti»r;.«t«r. ,t nil.Is irrently 1<> t»M «trcmrth,f.i".f>,. «».),«,. powerful ... th.¦ r.ii..t«ii..»4V'«-II I'¬

ll. '-.-'-.Tnr fin ¦ r. mil amata w«..k»i I ...ui.ii.i..-

con«*. ,,.,, -i. luii.i«» i rwywhew arnottt> «tots between ti.«- H.tK'O anil ..... in

malu t .i. 1res nee ot park», and '','" ' ,.¦'. A «

,,., .;, ;: nu norm ,i«.i.i.'ih.-.«»iiith »

w.,t.-i !' ,,f N ,, \.,k li.-.!. I"' >. !' Wl '»'..»«¦. t

....,., t i» ,i,,.i.i«,i .n.» ti...t i; phi '."¦'r,',r;« .m put it throiia-h Iit«> a«»<*ommodatlna l» glaiatun.mother «...;. m ti.- s......t«-t.Mii.v <¦«'.i rr.-ii

Mtimlahmcnt to Senator . -mil committee W! ,-n ti'.- iii for appropriatingmon«! for ordinary repairs and malnUlulug Um «sanáis,;,,,,..,-,, f,. flual «;:. th« Bruate,hemro-lKiscil t»i stnl«' ,.iit th«'nun miment» .vhuh id-e to the..,,..,1 t ,ii,n,.. i,.;. is «ole power t.. appo-il and pay«ni..,i,l i,nt.-. ami to pay also for all ordinary repair««m the ramil*, 'i..'- making .«f thee« amen«.m»ntsli« ,l«l,'Iletl Ililli I'l" 'teil I!'- Of IIHtoillsljlIU-llt. Till V

look, ti like r'.I III II'« lilli.1nant' ililli». Ile I- 01

,,] ü , »n \. i UK kind, and «hen tli«1 i-iii canm up ti.i»iilt. i-il.HM. !. r )nis-a :e. lu- II j - >.- 11» «1 ti. Ins

political friends to etnaA to ti»-- rasen«. II« «ai.1 that theI» e,»i lim, onlj Lately gaveto tBe Oana] Board exrhudvecontrol ovei tn.«.- matt, r«,and ti»' Board Bad .tads allthe appointments and wen arranging it-r nil the otherini«|tii «- ii. «lint It was s « of th«mselrestota», t... backtrack »o boob, and he eaUed on nil UmLol! 'ii. l-i stan.I bj lum In striking nut tin- it ration of.rlginal Mil. ah r solemaly pasulucii,, bill giving »11 the power to neCaí I Board. («-oii«l«t>lugmoatlj "i the Bt-te .-nicer».) li«-)i«>i»'«l laaBeuatowould ii.ll.i-.. t.. .t. Hei. I., ni. a f, How lu mm lat,

.1 thal ii the I» slalatun bad Mii.-nmi- done .» uiougtlimir, he hoped Benators would now solemnly

»I ;i \. ben ..n opportunity offered. When the formert, ii; wa« u». it j, i. .pi,- .11. repeal the .ontra.-t aya-tem, and be did no1 dan t.. -oom" an I or dot aTleat!. .tin ikouldb« lill-.'..!.'.true.!. 1Lauf-fiter. ) ROW,In.»ni r, tli... wa» a .lian.. tu am«:... tin» le-'lslatii.ii,and he hoped It would !>«. .Ion«-, lint thoa«- Honntorll.u ili-iilnii-ich airain callfil I», in... ratie Hpiiitd fruin themi-f-- «leep of the canal, they would not cometo hi« aidon this .... The Y« i.s .in«! Nava ««Min olio'»*«'.I thalItwaaagont' ....... Tlioiiirlt H«-.ii4t.'r* Tw<-c<i lira«!!.».Cauldwell, Hubbard, Lewis, Moras., M. Norton,.....IThayer st.I bj him. eighteen tither Renatora rotodagainst hi« motion, and tim three CBaalOo_unBalo_eiaore therefore left In the bul an flic persons who are to. ..ntr.ii the Intim tit« «if «itti.«T.-i and -UbTtreement ofmoneysf«>rkeecplngtht ranals in rood working order.The MU then pa«.-, d with the smendments unaltered,'Iii«, three Commtaslonera ure Ikt-mot-ratN, und formonly » «mall minority in the < SB.I Hoard. Theamendments «:¦¦ v.iy signHleant on on« otlirrpoint, They prorIde for u.c..nut« nnd voucher«beingdeposited m tin Auditor'» oftii-e, «vinci, doe« notlook .<i. Ilka aboUshlng Auditor ia :i at tha pteseat «<¦«-

sion, bo i) al v... II« nt BepubUi so tdBBBl will proba¬ba c« utli i. in oin.. till die ead of lils t.-nn.About tie in m ra! 1,1. «tii.n law foi the state, if may

in- Mud i'ii tia I« vi t fixed for oi -.|. ration and de¬cision, but th« probability final a. lum oatt vm.iocx ni m t be Itenata in a day or two.

Ifr. George Crouch senda u*- the foiiowlne-. piirportlns;Í«, be a ili«|.;.t« h to him fli.ui he Lairiiiun ol the Aa»ti.-bli Railroad Committ« :

i Apll't 1.-...-Hur', »it.t.tri'rt In Tub TR.».er I« «I f«l»e»« tbal he to J'Ae llrraid Al! «t.« ir- .; ot, .. ','. li ft took in.» r-

r- v, ti,, m IBIbnilJ He io!ife»iM«J to Uk!Bg (!. ul.1 I pi|tTt....ii ii r.«;.«i«xl lii-rt-aaal!«»retlii'r .mieuaali.e. K L. P.iiBi, a.

M:\Y-Y0J.K L1QI8LATDBE,B-VÁTB.Allant, April 1?.

mi u« rABBB.kProviding for the appraisal of (.anal claims; permit-

tu»:« to tile eliiiii.H with the Canal AliiraJetinw1thout applying to the Leg « hit ure.To vm.i« 1. and improve Waal iti-rton-avp., Brooklyn.< onflrmlns the titi« of ti.«- Mayor, Aldanaen, und Cobb«

mon.lty of waa ¥orh to the Oanaavoort prop.rty.inioriHiriitiii' ti.«- »National Mutual Benefit Association

Of Cnlt'.il".Iutoi_»or.ititirr the I..t»tcrn District Hospital of Brook-


Making certain alteratloi.»» in tbo map or plan of ticCito of New-Yoii..

l'.i. Ultatlna the <on«tr.ict:on of the New-York and Os-w. go Midland Railroad.Mr. ki:.nm;hy moved to'reroretnit.withaiiinstnietion

t' «trike out the i nac/tlng oíanse,Mr. HDBBABDanpTMntod the 1.111.

} Mr. Ki»NM;i»Y«'oiiU-.iiiled that, ¡i» the State debt tv»«now |4:i,oíki.(«i. nuil ii« localities owe |Bft,00S,Q0B nore,«s tinie to whistle down brake« on ni. h .1. initions ofthe peopk s moi.ay no contamp.Bad by tbo uuiuinu«J:.. el I'll!.Mi. K-.N.NKDY'ri motion trndloft. as follows:

saa_Ti.te r 1 «oo-l. il»rt«»iiding, B I r!oa.7.B:», IJ ILtnltu! urgb, K-nuetlj,

Mt«.Hani». ...tet Morían. Th»r«r,

iDi ihaaa. I. Baalw, 'I ¦¦¦..

Braal, llui.i.anl, Parker. Win«',ow,< ,1' >.'' I,»».», | I,W..0.I., Scoit, waoaaa^aB1 Minier,

lii«or¡.iirat¡ii»; the I.ibriiry Building Fund Associationof Brooklyn, E. I).Ann ml,mr the charter of the Industrial Behool Associa¬

tion ..r Braokl] n, Ba l>.Inror|ioratnii: th. Serttritv Bank «>f Brooklyn.Amending the «hiiru-r of the Woiiv,agaromaa'i ITo-

t. t.\. I on.

ABBIMBLT.I.c.iiiii in:-' for. ¡¦ru insiir..ii««' rompanJafl to flinnu nial« in. nie oí their ullails, and pay the tax. lxiat

by tu t«. «m.'The bill to contolittate the «cTiool dli»tri( t» tn Wlilfo

Plains, w. si« h« «t.i- County, at the ntiutotof MfiaaraHCSTEDai d LAWBENI E, wai paneu ra.Mrnag hot.»sa, Ac, over

tah anph Bass |..u--. t«. gret -aa lunn « t«.-i.. o v-, tn« t«-i»

graï- «Kimi'aiiv. (l'a««« «li.Authorisuf unothcr bridge across the Hudson River

at Albany.Authorizing' the South Side I-ons; latani! Railroad Com-panj t«. bulla ii an« lu h in kíiii»« and Quat as Cami.tiee; toin., ti .ora t.- ti.«- Baal Btrstum Bnshwlok Undergroundliinlroii«! Ooanpanyi pro.WUn«! for nn «j".-v8to«l raliway¡ii..uti.i «Vutiiii 1'ark in Now-York city. (All pa.»edj.

81 .«TAL Olilil.B.The TTonac went Into ('«»inrintUe of the Whole on the

New-York City levi. ».Aft.T the r.-.i'ifnif of the first «erti.m, Mr. FREAB

stated that for tha _in -«ar« be had been lu tbe Househe had never known of a tax levy being read through,iii- therefore mored when the Coau_ittoa ri»e it ro-

poii prog1OS« on tim bill, «arrie«!.Tin- Commltd e then took up the COBBty tax Iovt.Mr. FREAB madea t-inillar motion relative t<> tfiis bill.Tin- Couimittce then took up Uio-bUl prCocilb.ij- tbo

jurisdiction of County Judaea.In the nouse. Mr. FKKAIt moved that the City Tax

Larlei i.iii be atnaiad t>> t..- raad bowr, aad aa thal movedthe prev lou« qoestBk.! which wanorden-d, and the Rouserefused to hâve the bill read aow lar .6 to lo.not t**o-tli.i.l-.Mr. FREAB moved that the bill be ordered to a third

r«a.lui).', which waa agreed t >.

Mr. I BEAR atoo mow d that the County Tax Levy Ikjcn.I. r. .1 to a, tiiir.l rea«.ng. A»rree«l to.Mr. FREAJ.moved tli,.t the New York Tit Levi. l, '1

li i. ...I . vei.iii'? at m o', ¡oi k. Airreed toby fai to M.EYExnra BsanoB.

i n i.« rsaasD.Iticreasin»,' the «alarie« of Jud/^e« of the Pupcr.or Court

of lintIiido; to enable c< rtaln town« ,n « bënangO ami« ..uland Co untie« to I»oi»d tbemnelve« in aid of a railroad.

in». BPBI lAL oki,i ii.

The CHAIR announced the n-adlng ar«1 pafiaage of theNew-York City aLd County Tax I»evli- u« the epctulorder.Mr. FREAR mnvid the prevlon« qtiCRtlnn, wlilrh was

or.It red, and the vote .mik taken on the City Lew,which wa« p.i-vv ti by a Tt »to of "3 to IB.astrl t partvvote,except the followingK«-publieau«.who vi.ti-d for thebill : Mi-wrt.. ileinu«, UIobuoiu, V. F. lirowu, J. T. l»a\ ¡.-,Hull and John««.ti.The voto w:ui neit taken on the C, untv Levy.Mr. FREAR moved the pn vious niioslluu, which waa

ord. r. «I, and the bill pa».«- «1 by a watt Ot 73 to 48.I'roviiliiig for an election of «JjJeetoru of tbo Bchoharlo

Ya.ley Railroad.Mr. B1SOW mowad to recommit the Mil, and proceeded

to say that it would inflict great lnjuntice upon Ibu tax¬payers.Mi -W1:i:T defended the Mil, and the motion to-recom¬

mit wa« tu'/iatived, when the bill passed.Amending the eharter of oiporatlng the United Bute« Mutual Ben« lit Akso

< lal ion of New-York.Mi. I,ii, afUtr annonn« in«; the dentil of Mr«.

Willard, ottered a series of )<iiit résolution« of reniiecl toher memory, whl. h w« re adopted. Adjotirued.


rJTit- trial of Pata. Fitzpatrick and PatrickMi l.iniKhlii) for fraud in counting the vote« in the Hldl».»triet, Heeond Ward, wa« n «um. .1 in tlie Court ofDyer and Terminer yenterdry. John B. Pitt coutlnncdLi« ti stiuiony, and showed that a paaaBaB of nilncountlnghad t» en earrie«! on by the defendant« with refennce tothe vote» for Mr. Walter for MherlfT ile »at by the tablean! )¦. ti < .i io. ii ediBfft, bat ha«! U-en ordered olTto som« tli«taiue, ami had Ik«ti i nd« ly liiUmipt. «1 bysome iM-rson in the iiiiilieni-e. The witne»», lwln/r «tohh-exaii um «I, thought that Fit/nati ick wa» a very ineomiie-tonl .....m, iiiul llii.t Mt Loiightl11 could haie p. rf..i-iue.i thewb. i. work with ease, m.t^ ngblln had alaossJdthal thework «as n« « tulum. Fit/.p ,ti it it called ant the ticket«, «oiil.l not reint tbem riL-i.t. At the clone .f the poll¦Mtiie-s auggested thal the resolt of toa mmmrma i»<- nuiiniim «.I, a: d a d. II. n n, y of Mi votes via« apparent. Mil«..ii«ri,iiii made ).»r. pon from what be |k'..i worn maa attin |Miii elerka, win n the result was annonnt ed, w Itness«alii that it « imbi DOt lie re ht » ml look.-«! at his own tainsod f«.mil thal then iimi been overts ToteerastfurWalter it wa« e\ iel«-tit to lilin tttnl the ne. n««d Intendedt., ullin it li !. ,'i.i, lo. liny «lui i.ot Htlemi to tin-mistake « en be point« «t it «mt. Baldwin, Mat fenn, undThomas llsnley conflnuedthet. tin ony ul Mi. cm.Mt. Britton .iii-'.i. .1 that th. mistake I» the, ,n\U«j, w ,-

purely unintentional, ami Implied .... u.oiiii or i, «.'.«itit'.iiK. The « iiuvaseur» wer«- i» w to the buhlue»», ,n,,|bad been . onfused n» ouisi.t. int. rfen rm,

( emi .loelMinthof Hu It t ty first I'rt ein« tt' st I,uthe tom.-I ., ,i,ioi .it tin-¡» using profana luiiKUHire,and thought thal tin > tren going to get liitoaBg-L li.put eui) oin- lit but Hie cai.Misse s .nul poll I« rk», amiafterward admitted lana laptaeentlug the dilbrent pmtb«.Mr. Britton summed up for the defenac In a brief

si»-.. h. ai.d v« us followed by DtstHcl Altor... M. r. fuitin people, «h.Mimbil that It via« liier, «til.le flintmistake« aaould all ma «»ne w»y, a» m th.- pt.wal eue.-,aii.lput il t>> Hie jury w lui lui It wa» likely thal til.counting of the Independent vetea «... the ticket«"i.l.l bine »t.,p|H«i ni, t:> tit Hu- point Minie it ii,....iii-ii fr«.«, tin- regalas DsaaefaBla nominatioii, a».i nilby net iib -ni and m,-'.o

JiiiIkc liarnard charged the Jury that the «liieationufot. tin u, wa-, i»id Mun invaasan fat) la their duty,and did they do it'lut-i.tiotialli I If tiny lound thattlie«- men only Limul, i. «I, t|. n the indi, tuu-nt tim notiimale out ; but if ti.« y ...t« i.t.oiiiiiiv failed to »Barbara!tn« i. .Inly, tli*- in.It. luui t «w. u »<i>o<l «me. Tiley muttbeSB-SBad lM-y«iti«l all doubt of the nulli of til« parti«»before eoui n i. n ¦.» theio.Thelurj ni,nil at bM.aad at rrn returned, atatlag

Ti.ut th. y u.r« unable lo uki-««-. Tli« v wen Ile of. o

dBaBaaaaa. Tha saasaaill ami at bbss.m .1 Mday.a» Hie trial <f Wllili.iu « linn.!,« r* Io. Hie luiinlii oflxiiiiiiiii-i.» h\ Voot in. » «ii ha .. nu ,i n< «.I t>. .ii«)

A laeal Alumni Society al RoahaatsBf I'liivrr-aCty i« t be ort ..n./«.) th « ,t:i. i aooa, at .¿o i, atoak. at(be Aril I llO-M).


Na».Yan». Ilotir Tier Bar. Wini. Hoar Terr. Bar WadA| ni lu. 7 41 aal . BP .*7"i':. K-

12 hr i'.n *. K. 9 47 Zi ,t VA

3 M /ii 7(1 K N B 11 4«° 2D .1 W

I'.kmakkv- YsaO ««lay the Mil. wa« «lampami somewhat «liiily tinder the prevalen«« of ti«)

easterly winds. Tin- sun caine out a little at .aOBBljaBli,The sky was «-eneriillv verv cloudy from midnight to io

p. tn.; Wli f,.;, chu', in light rain, «-ft» p. ni. Oj_»*tf,and at times io io. I'hciioincna.- At 12:19 ». in on Thur«-day, April U, the moon will Is- neiilynne hour urti, allyStove tin- !- B. I.ui i/t'ii, haviiiij the planet haturu »Isjut| ellida.


Fifth A vimíe Hotel.GOT. Hullod» and familyof Massachusetts; ex-«Oov. Buraslda of Bhode i.»ian.i;tin- Marnutsderhamhrun, Waaalarton; JoanF.Biaier.,r Norwith; ami K. I). Chilpin of Hprlngtiehl. BANit hola» Hob 1-Cov. Baulehury of 1>« lawarc; ox-t.ov. J.

Oregon Mini h of Verinoiit; Gea. Wag. r .-wayne, U.S. A.;ti,.,,..«. M. ( orae, Ckltsajro! the Hon. W. Mvri.'k, Minne¬

sota- J. H. Mccullagh. Managing Ktiitor of The I ui.ui-

moU Snqmirtri aid Dr. Kirkland of Cleveland, .--«¦

N,w Yoi* Hot«¦!.(.«-n. J. D- Hoover nndex-Mavor Iler-

ret of (apt. Moo«ll«- .if atonmshlp I uba

COI It (' Hriiiiklt-v of Ti'iiiiee-»i«-('; anti ( «)1. li-Vt. buiitliof Alai.ama. Hr-voort lion«.--Tia« Baa. JohnVoting. Dai id LawaiidJaeksoii !:...- Of ( aliada ; amiJudge J. (i. Ahhott of Boston, a Metropolitan Hotel-Lieut -Comm.m.1er Yates, U. H. Na» j , and V. ti. Latlni,in«I>titor of (N Y.J.-tab- l'rlrons. -1 Aihemarlo Ho¬tel.4ie<> W. Higgs of Wasuhlngton. -- = WestminsterHotel.Edward K Hurling uno aad (»enrgo li. Woodsof Huston. Hollinan Iluiise.Mayor 1!« aek and I lea.W II. Tibbits of Tro v, and the lion. Lucius Bob trana of

Kltnira. -= tit Janies Hotel.The Hun. K. M. Madden,Middletown, N. Y. --A«tor lions«.Bayard Tailorand (.en. (». M. Laminan of I', Juntlu P. Kel-logg of Niwi'iiigh, ai.d laicut I'urtcr, U. li. MaxiuoOarfa

THE CITl'.Tlio Society of làiiifinporinp will tal»" np the

stit.jeet of "did* ami New Modes of (Hy Transit'' thisevening, at Btwm Ho. 24, Cooper Institute. The publicare luv ¡ted.The Rev. F.. H. Chilpin delivered the Inst of

a course of four lectures in behalf ef the, Coltan ALIt-oelt-tv at the. Cooper Inntitutn last cveuing. Suh.leet :

"The Koli of Honor." A select and appreciative tiudl-ti ce were will rewarded fur their attcuiLtuce hy hearingau elottuent lecture.John B. r.oiiph delivered the last of a cour*.,

of lectures before the Banbara of tke Young Ut u'l( lirietiitii Association l,tet«'vi'idi,g, at A«-*ocwtinu Hail.The aniiot,m. ment thal Mr. Hough would repeat Malecture upon the " Street* of laomlon" flllcil On hall willian eiithu-lastie iitidii me vi ho gie. tt 1 Bil of Mr. (¡.null'sbrilliant di«, rlptions and m euee upuu the Iaoudoii etncLdvi.iii the waniiint applause.Tho introductor, to a, popular cotirso of

twtlie It», tin«'« was delivered vi r-b-rilay afternoon hyMiss Bailly Blackwall, BL l>., i-r,.r.-«..r of Obstétricaand DUM ases of Women at the Woman'- Mt-dlenl College)of tke N« w York Infirman-, comer of Klghth-st. andr-econdu\e. Huliject : "The Conditions of Health." ALarga number of woinaBW»» in attendance. T*he asc-oaa lecturo will k8 delivered on Kriday. Subject:" Foiniiliition of thu Hiuuau Form, B-cli-ton," by L»r..Mary E. Uri-ene.The, first tnmtà ball of the oflWrs of the

" Legion of St. I'ititi»" timk pla. i-t ev eitlngat ApolloHall. Notwithstanding the Boaaoa II rather iidvam «-'Ifor hall.«, tin- atb'iidaJit-e WM l.irge, and several of th.«ieiitlii.g lneinlM r« of our National Guard wert» lu attend-uiice. An exe« lient hand diseoiirsetl the sweet nnieii- ofBtraoaa aad Balfe, and the fantastic mel...Ik* of offen-I'.u li. The toilettes of the ladies were elaborate and re-

chirehé, and tin« general merriment, lightened by a

«huit e nipper at tiutlaUlght, wa* louiiuutd until au earlyLout this in linn g.Tho Common Council have lu-fore thom for

their a. tioii résolutions culling for the pal lui-: of the fol¬lowing Streets with Kelgian pavement :

KlercDtl »T..,fi til Th.rtr feurth Ui Ps ti a. or.! it Tliiitr-fnsrth *L,freía Ninth te T. nth-are. T w.-'tj fourth-st, from riirtb|S Tenth are. ; X neteentu-tt.. from Mitti io Tenth iTe. ¡1 ,,-t.e i.titi, at, frern Tlaiid to K.ftb-ITe. ilro.iii.eet.. fnira Niirfxtlk-it to

the Ka«! Kjr»r; K»aei it. from Du ian,ti »t, t.) KtanU.nwt ', V.itaXy-* r.-nth at, frein Third to Fourth-»»». | W -at-.t., fruin lltmniunil st. to"I. i.'l. arc., Bu'Iivsji it. freio Houatnn to Cantl-at. Pnnci-tt.. fr.,m|ir.a.lwtr to (Ti irlt..n st ¡ Furt r-tifill» I fein Tentli »ve. to lln.a ,n

Iti.r; flit.« Tenth »t.. from BtA*aad I.. T ti ni n»e. Tw. ntr-nu-'li .'.,l'un BvMNSf tu Llajbthdie., and ilftj-tgurtii »t, Lulu tifuui tohi-. UDÜ. »Te.

A mo( tin? of the Twclfth-Xinrteenth Wardcitizen«' Associations waa told li t eve,dug at atasájateHall, Light»-sut hut., Mr. .lohn Poley iii ti..- chair. The( hamuHu siud thut they had tint t" «eo w lint wan liest tobe done to luiebii the completion of the railway on Madi-son-ave., from Mxtv-third to Kighty sixth-st. Some de¬lay lind taken pia.«-, hut that might have ticen c.ium.iI bythe weather, ax to was not aware if any chang«' OfpoUcyby Coiiuiioilore Vanderhilt. Mr.lowlateud saitl that heIiÍmI an inb-rview with Mr. Vandi tlulf. and ho told ulm(Mr. Tov lt-eiid) that he would do all in his »tow.r tofacilitate the eolui'letiou of the re id. He would mole

tiiat B conn,lillee of twelve lie ii|ip"lliti ti to Wait uponMr. Vamtertillt in r«datum to th. subject. Tliis was tat¬

tled uiiiuiiuioualy, und the meeting ailjoiirned.Last January a. few pcntlcnit-n proposed to

open a "grand lià'.aur" forth«- henelK of the ShelteringAnn«, an Institution winch kal abetal* provided foemany children "who were de-t-t>:te and lniiicle«». Thelarge and spacious armory of ttolilk Ih-gitu« id, cornerlilo,id wai and hivth ait-, has toen placed al tilt dl.-p.'.-vil,.t Uta (a.n.nott. e. and during tke past weekworkineohave rs-CTt engaged in the preparaMsaj riint OaaaaaOaai oftin« great ep.nis ri tiiiitc.i for the eiib-rpriso.I'udcr tim supt nisioii of Mr. laing and u navalollie tr, the Hags of ali nations hal o lujen«IrajK-d u[ton the wal!.« mid tables, and a

legion of young ladies and gentn men hue volunte, rdtheir services. Tlie " liazaar" prntnlnea to be» grandceiibT of attraction fur the next ten days. Yesterday wasthe openim* day, and the attendu ice was very larne. Itwould require à column of «pace to give a fair description«d thin inauitniilli ita/.tar. There an-1150,000 worth ofchoice European paintings an exhibition, andar) tablesloiuled with every vari-ty "f articles coiitribub-d by allthe Kpisci pal churches lu the city. A good band ofmusic Is m attendance «lay ami evening, it i.« estimai, tithat nearly l--»*j,«j<jaj v, urtu uf urtnlea will be mi oxhihitiuuiu a few day«.I,HO0kLYN\-TT.f> UoJaOfl States Marshal,

raaterday,aeiied -,1«») elgari al tim tamwmjmt VegaaIaO]»t.r, No. 7 Fiilbm-st., for i.cgh « t to alllx tlie nee f-.-uiylev« nut.« etampu to thu boxes. Held fur ovainiliutlun.Thomas Katon and John M.Cabo, morocco

dri-T^ers, weie atti b d > tatt rtl.iy, on OB p la in t of Johnlloblnson of Flushing ave., who allege! that they robtvedhim of tit', while at his hoarding house, tine hundredand forty-tlireo dollars was fouutl < .nu caled on Eaton,and alno a wabli fur whn h hu had paid tlOU. Thu ac¬cused wcru both hi hi fur CavaininaUou.

Dnrinj? tlie wind Btorm on Monday Iwo two-«tojy frame kotta bIneooraa of areetJea aatto aanat ofleewia-ave. and Iiecutur-st. wero blown down. Tin ywere owned by John Chapman, w kOM loss Is about lui)._Four three story fíame house« building on t,reen.-

¡ive, in if Tab hen. wen- also di-inoli.-hed uboilt the natliptime. Tie owner Is Charles ¿burton, wkaaa iu«.-i ia cati-li,al' d at 12,000.FORT HA.MIIaTOX.-An inquest wn« held yester-

da; orrr tie Isalj of a a»mtn f.-uiid in the alter. She waa shout J¡»uri of afe, waa attired in a marton dr-a». baluiortl ikirt »Int.- n.n.l a

nii.lerrtnrienti white »tie-kiiiira. tiiJ »iij j. ra. The bojr Bal »iiparenti/been in Ui» water lao or llirur, moniiia.FISHKIIJ...A vatrrant, name not linown, was

ern.he.1 to de»th Bl lue, :. ti r f. rr/-bo»t »ul Jutk at ila» olacc laut ni|íi,t.lia, head wat r, i,,¡,¡, ;. I; imtabrd.SEB8B1 CnT.-Micliael F. M. iVamarahoABM ad-

rniiteii to hail in a7:«0, trnitrat»*) hr M>-«.»ra llillantn arel Vit/pttntk,ob » ehta-ge of ttcehng the forma of the late Jerteg < Vy Herald.NEWARK..The fiieti.L» of Cuban friv«lom in this

rllr are rsakinf a (.ni Ile Buena, to enliatiTnpttfar withthe ranee....A new Hill waaCaiicated lett ereninr bj Stella laotitre, Lo. of O. Y., tot wi.tiin it hat laren tttad np at in aij»»nae of 04.O'«. TheHall, which orrnpiwl the foortb floor of a large Iron-front buiUir:» nearthe Moma and Kaeet Depot, U M feet lons; l,r ii w ,1«, tnd I» one of theii.,mt oonrenient ia the mr. After the dedicatorr rxereiara lui erraint;,in which repreaentstirea of aerrrtl New»rk IlrooklrB, »ad other Lotlgett,»rtieipated,i a promenait concert aaa (riven ti Ot.i.-n Util_Triel'irtte/trrr of Newtrk M.inBiei.ce.1 Its aen,laiinual iBeeütis ye»tardir iathe Beerind Pre*.hrteri»n (hnnii of I'.ter-nn with an openinjr terraoti l.rIh« Rat. C II. TTiomiawn. pattor of the I'line it Preat.rtenan Chnrrh.In the ermine t na. ux «ti held tt which the .«al,, «ti, hi...I eenie w>»diaeiuard hy tlie Ker. Dr. Plearn» and other «peaker._(ie.,r«-r BaSBBg.who wa» «rr.ate.1 In 1 ei.rutr» lui for tin li tinier cf a fell,,» »airrtot «Îtl. N.»art Ut» llr,d|[«. ha» laten diatharged, tLt UltnJ J«rj of I nioCount; karmt; faaloü to imhet Liu.-.

|AaDoaace»enteJHt man" What they Biry." Black eyes,

Illae etea. ¡i.e. ere«, tireen eje«. (Vimy etea Mtrl.le etc«, l.ra; e»ei,lit,,., n . ..a. What trilla of eiitrteter ire rn.tletl bj the evetl Forrrh reading on rbntwinir linthaod« and wIth 1.) the col.r uf the eyei, leeMtv numlier I'mks.ti.i. uiCAL.I.iBK.TtMa. N.-»»raen hire it 3u cents,

S> J a retr. R R. OlUS, Tuhliaher c» lir.,ad»»t-, B. Ï.

If lOtTl Thuaoat isSobk, oryou arc iiiinoycdlj t OaaOX n»- pi.',n|t!j Ilk. Jatm» Eirini.Hi.NT. It »iii iel,erathe tir paatattet of »II phirtrin or, bBbJ nüainaiatiua, and so r.i«the Oasaaeii ptrU a rhtnee to heal. So »al. r reroclr can 1* had for tiltTSSBjaa an ( .Ma .,r tnv uf th.- Threat r,r I.un.'i. and if Uken0 Utue t ihort trial will | nae IU efiearr. Hel.i ererjwhete.

A /rrcat deal ha« been said in repaid tobal mr lUrrsit. And t »re»l ileeJ iiwr. »111 foi.linni Ui be tti,liIm.uI hi«. Kmii I,, luiii- ti, that clu.» »ho will Breer I« " ulked ont,',for the »imple leeton thal heia roatiiiuallj xi.icg ti» public isaaOaB]new to tall Sbsst K«i.,i at.lea ace aU.ja ...uu..nt«l ..u »h.uereiHit-/ wtke Unit »|i|i»»r»nei Leadiar artsriei uf (athiiia sl»atr» ira.

I'Al'KICM, TWIN'FS, lllltKAI'S AND ('ORDAOt..wniAki, Baavai OOssaal w«r, msbs tit sal Tft awsilsTj sata*

TBM COURTS,li. B. commihhiom;kh Qtnjat K#

fie/ore Communiona- OtmwftU .Tki United State*

i.i.iiiiiç io lase etn. .iiietnt ti,,, Atlanti. I,,?.,.,,.«('..pair, orner of V llliam iti.d Willi -I»., a..| ,,.,n, {'.. ,'bo» ins..r.,i, wt.»., ,.,,,,.«, ..,. t :un;x,.ve/ed on Um shlu, klaasell n.i knowltiir w , ,t iicontained. The other dVfendaut. Untre realdca at Nn-.'Or, William -I and I« ,.. the |.>. t../ ',,,..,, ba'lucs.'Ut.thwere «.itnuilltt.l.sul'l.ii |. ti.oui hail each to au'jaar Lu i- »'in malan, al 1 ... hack p. i.. |. u,ori..w


riiiiuyt/titit/ tun Tkt I ttifet/ Al,,!..» » -| OkaWsS Ll.airrtnrr |B tkta CSia «¡..litre M Hlinp«,.,,, a Oasta»lloil-f lli»|N< 1er, wa« eiiimi.i.-d ,i .«. ,|,,i, I,, mp ||,.lil-l w Itliess foi the (lover,uni ,,t ||. |, i,|'|,',| ||lilt ((l(lf ililli.ile (pitiilil, fill lia« ntfiit ii ',) I,u,, ||,. ¡¿¿j .jatidui d ti.eL'tiiMln urti ft.nuil li., m I-, conesiMind luththe rnlr) Tto K""«'" «ailie, t», In, at the Mt Jolui» I'arktli-|M)t id the llii.|«n,i Uiver Kalli nail .,, torajB o| .li olll«ii Witiii-e« .'tole »Itna-i llier Iruin mai,,,, aiitlti whn hhe held lu iii ¡.and. UOl Inna nillup» Urteilt im iiii.i y

of the tmn«»«-tlon. He «lid not essmlne «he good«, only«aw t h« bo*. Tile .'«.venimcnt ben-r<»«t><IIUrii*«».Mr. Krhart, counsel f'-r the defense, Bskod the i.overn-

m« nt t«. d< line exactly where the offensa allegedI was

committed. The goods wara lent »ron. Boa ...rkto

Canada, duty paitl; thence Into Michigan, duly unpaid,a» »ni ¡»lieg«*.; fbence, via Canada, again Into the atnieof Nea York.diiv upaM. Ha -.vant..I t.. know ttadouble charge of amuggllng were ty i>" introduced forthe double intr.idiictb.ii lulo the Cnlted StotoB.

C..iiiiiiis»l(>iiiT Oabara ruled that If the tarrying of thogood« hito Michigan aboold ha »ati»fu«*t«»rii> explained,n» tmti.e would be taken of the other part of the traus-

Mr. frrmrf mnr.e «event, mntlnn« io nave fhe cano di«-

B-Saed, »II of which were denb <! at that »taire of the In-

«luiry. M». Brhaki then aita. Kui the testimony of of the main wltiies«ve« for the (luv. ruinent, and tn-

»isted that Ililli» wa» utterly unworthy of «reillt on «lath.Harp, he »aid, admitted that he was a profe»»l.iiial »mug¬gler for a tniti.l.« rof year». Harp lilin-a If was a i mitin:...laen now he was under Bin -f for «.eulinga wat« h and

clothes, by virtue of a warrant l*»u.-.l from aState ( ..nil.

Y.-t on Harp'» t«-»tim«>uy the whole case of the Oovern-ineiit hinged. Ile aeked to I»' allowed time to bruis- wit-iii s.S..» to prove that Harp wari u holly unwot thy of credit.Assistant District-Attorney Phelps made no opposition,

and the «alte wa« BdlBBIBBd to May :., at to a. ni.

In the courue of the ajviimcnt, roinuiiM-sioiier Osbornremarked that a legal qaaaaVoa which t<> him in«.«mili i-tlon with the eaao wa» this : whether an oftensealleged t«.have boen eommlttod in Michigan, where Umdéfendant wa« not, eould be charger! ugaliuit tbo defend¬ant, who raaBlaa ni New-York, a» in a cass of « onsplra. y.He would fix «otu« convenient .lav b« fore the cn«» caine

on aplin for tho counsel on both »ide») to dîneur,« legalnu. .«lions that might i-e Involved.A Hay IM «"«-«r.-Thn defendant, William If. TT.*iIl, Is

n <lrug-i«f, charged with bavin« fraudulently Imported B

large quantity of «11 of bay ami oil "f cloves. The ex¬

amination l« fixed for to morrow, at noon.


Jlefare Ingrohom, P. «/., and Cardnco andItarn'aril, J. J. J-.tra ii. Heston agt. Motet t hitmbrrlmii..Thin cat-c wa« an appeal from a judgment enterad. TI.»cine wa« tried at the N'oven.tx-r Circuit, 1BSB, by «TndgeDavis. The complaint alleged that tho defendant «oltlaad aaatoaad to (aa plaintiff a judgment in favor of thodefendant against one Blanchard and others; and coven¬

ant« ii w ith the plaintiff that he had not released either ofthe «aid Judien»eut debtor». It further ali. «ret that pre¬vious to «aid sale the défendant had released said lil,ii,ch¬ar.I from »aid Judgment, though In the assignment it wa«.ia «n.-iiibil that neither of tho Judgment debtor« hadbeen NleaSSd therefrom. The « al«.» containedHit a. count of fraud, but tt wa«) abandoned on the trial.The Court held at the time that the consideration of theas.-tgnment had fulled In con«e«|nencoof tim release «>fBlanchard, and that the p'amtiff eould never the

money paid. The appellants contended that whether theplaintiff had «ustaliu.l any «littnagn by nason of thebreach of the defendant'! covenant depended apon the<iuesli.ui whether the Judgment wa« of any IBM v ailie in

< .nine.iiK'tico Of Ulan, ha..I beni»,' r«¡leased tlierefront.This raiaaaa does aot aflaet toa UahBlty of the other«lubtor». It win. for the plultitill to prove what danuiir«)ho had «..«tallied. If ¡my; but, lust« ad of making any«.ich proof, tb« cane presumptively abowed that lie had«usttilne,i n.» damage. The responttonts olalnvea\ on theplainest principle» of law. that the money paid wa» r.v Lack, and that the'.oii a is whetherthe evuleni-o »bowed that tim relea.«.' was «riven, midwhether it estopped défendant from Ulla.ting the otherquestion over again. Tito Court held at the trial Unitit was, and that defendant was estopped.Conn«. 1 ..ti both sides having BfgBl d UBI C.i-e, the

Court renrv ed decision.


Bejórt Jamie Janes.. ¡han/ Ihtniti'/rs agninat aIiuiiimuí Catmmmmm. OoHtm't sixth-art. Mernmerna: Cam-mama. This la an action for damages by reason of an¡icctdent willeri befell the plaintiff when traveling on the

Company's Uns on the Vii. of May, I8BT. On the said day»hu took «»no of the Company's cars (No. 41) at N'iue-teenth-et,, for the purpose of \ ¡siting hex dreasmaket in

Thirty asTeath-st Theeoaptatnaal wa« somewhat lame,aiut use«! a «ano. On arriving at «h»ran'» the bell, and the conductor «topped the car, ami»lie stepped OB the rear platform, and as she was atepplngoff the conductor rang the Itell, and th«. car started offbellara her «1res« wau off the ear, ai.d almost l.elnro com¬plainant had alighted. II« r dress was enta'tirle'l on a

mill attached to the platfonn, and she wa« pulled downbv tho «i.lo of the «ar, and the Beek of tho hin-J.'.lnt was fractured; BIM] Injuries of thiseharaçt«.T can never be healed in perr-uu» of an advancedage. Ti.* ê«-iii)'p'.iîii:ii.t f. il in tli«- .firecti.-ti tho car was

morlnc. The plaintiff ami sev.-ral witnesses eorrobo-riiU'.i the above fact«.. For the defense it was eontoadedthat the plaintiff cot bewildered, andan she turned nun idw lien off the ear she trot entangled, though previously¦he wa« all rie-ht. It was ni«,, . otitended that her legw11« not broken by this tall, but tliat when »ho wa«, beingput Into the bottom of a anläge for the parpóse ofbeingconveyed home, the tuan who carried her .«tumbled, amishe fell on the l. ,t tutu of the cal ria»;.- and thus sustainedtin- irijiity. Tliey also contend.-. 1 that it was a physicallitipo.s»Jbility for ti jw»mon to fall forward in the directionthe car was going. The Judge charged the inn, aad av n dil t for the plaiutill was returned for a»,5U0 daBBkfBa

COXJWt Of BBBBl B-JBIlOBi BaaiBBt-B.John Fonntiiiii, wlio WBI jointly iadicted

in th«- Coori nt tienr-ral IHaslnni with isaac Hendrickson<>n a chin »;«. of burglary lu the aeoond degree, wa» tried,convict.-<l, and sentenced yesterday. It sppearod thaton the 5th of Man h tin- sleeping apartment of DledrirhBiegenbera, at Bo. i~ Thoaipson-ss., was entend by forc¬ing o|H-n tho, and that a feather bed, BOOM Cloth¬ing and ninney were taken from tin- room. The bad was

tra-cd to the posm-ssion of John, Who «liiiuedthat he bad received It from a person named Johnson.The Captain of tin rie.'tnct stated that Fountain wai a

bad character, and tho Lader of B gang of coloredi Marea. Jadea Bedford tentent ed Fountain to 13 y< ar«

¡nul.-, m,.i.His in tie- ,»i ¡t.- Prison, 10 year» for the bur¬glary iiTi.l 2 year» and fl months fura burglary commit led-..u.- three mouth« B0B| Where Judgment had beeu »u.«-

p mild..

COMMO-V n_UtH-*BOUIi Tkrm.] ti lisions.Wv Jadflt. V;in Hriin...Van Tiiei-

BBl ¡igt. gptatt MOtioa «.rallied tllll««s constructor Iliadepitty to the «int. Derby agi. Houtman.«í granted. Dm kitt iiL't. ii. man..Judgment granted.Rrittiiintter agt- Strittmatter--Twenty doll >rs a monthalimony allowed, and ISi emu.-ti t«-<>. Me«.lone agt.(i.KMlwiii.The parties must attend In reference to tin'.ti! t«> l»e giant, d. In the matter of the applica-tlon of K. B. Wright.Motion grant..!. r ngt.Ilieberger.Alimony of As a weak and c« tin-el f.-<- of feoallow..1. I.tour, tte ¡igt. Decker.Motion denied withHa costs to ..bide treat. Dernlal agt. Hyams.Motiongranted on i.ttyuici.t of 110 BBBBl of motion.

SITF-UIOR rPUBT If Bl III TKnvf.Jiecisionn.By Jtid-,-0 M<»n< 11..Kirby nr«t.

,\ lute.Motion dented. Bee Memorandum. Motionski.iiit.d-Kohler agt. tiran; La« ¡s .igt. Mutual Life In-I iir.iiit e Co.; J.lines tgt, .He Bui vi ay Co.J i'railhtir-tagt. Bradh.rat.; Bremann agt. unger i l-ifargo ugt.Hoar; Ailau.s agt. A..ims. Uoldaue ugt; Hine*.Juilg-meut va.ate.L

U.VITF.D STATES DISTRICT COURT.Jlefare Judge ]UnUhford.. Y\w Hlk-ri.ihon

eaaa isaaeonttouiod yesterday The following propertywa« <¦<>ml«.mned, there being no claimants; Four ..i-ksof whisky, found on l'lt-r No. !i4, North Uiver ; thebarrels of whisky, found on Tier No. :i:i, North, liner, andtlve barrels uf w tusky foirul lu the stret t...

LOST AT SEA.Tin! Iititish schooner AnKlo-»-\.uiori«';in, Capt.

Smith, which arm. I at tins port ye«terd.iy from Trux-lllo, reports ti,at on April 9, In lat. 2.5° 10, long. 69°, shofell in with tho schooner John Lymburner of Brooks¬ville, Mo., Capt. Orctitt, from Cardi nas fur Baltimore,with a « arp»of sugar. The J. I,, wa« in a sinking condi¬tion: had six feet water in the »lold, and the leak wasgaining one foot an hour. Tho Aiiglo-Atnerh au tookoff the captain ami i rew (seven In nuinbti) and broughtthem to this port. The J. I,, was 17J tuns burden, 30months old, owned by John Li mliuiner und olhi-r« ofBrooksville, Me., and was partly insured.


WBBBBBB-T, Ar»tt 20.Muli f«r Ramp« rta QaeaaelB-« »nd I.irrrpm.1, r*r «l»»ra»liip X«t«,'i

1-., Ba Bl, it. ri.«., u ii,« riajt-ott.«-at :i a. m. A SasB-BMaur.Mil! for rvaia letttn unlv, mije up it Pur BS, 4(1 .\. It, ..J _«aaa at Ïu i,e I a 1».

IBUBBB-Y, April 21.Maila for Hanm. Naiaan in«! Um W«»t I nutt, net lUimihip Murro

Ctitla. IVrNn. 4 5. R., rlwaritllp. ia. i-t«aii,«hip «aila at 3 p Bl. «Milli for KBr»1»* iii ii.l Bis-iiwn. p. r ataramsbip H»r-

Binn. finit ot T hin! >t liol ok«a »!..«« it feet tit««« it 12 M. «t«iira!np»nil at'J. ia. A 1-Bppl«ia«nur)r Batt, for paid it-tl«ra ouli, u,_,e uu onlu« V r »I ll«i>.,kvr,. and rlo-ed al 11 f» ra.

Mail» f.r Aipmwill. I'anaria. and tiie Snath Pari8« and BaoBal Am«r-iraa Pur!, iirrit.-iiiiabip B« i.rr 1'kauBrr.., lr,,.u 1',-r Ba, B K. ,.i

at l'oit Ul..« at 1UJ a. in. Bl««.«Uf «ail« at 1.' M.

NEWS PaiCKAOH F«>R THE «*-__¦.r»pt«lniand poi--t»..f .«««rli «rnunr ii tin« lM,ri ir» r«<ii..«it«,| to

d.'n»r p««-!..-»««»-i to lb« .N»«..,rk A«»«K-iai».l I'n» «,nlv t«,|»r*.ni ..liii.tunit lb« mru.a »utlumij of J. VV. Naaartsa, «..-.»r»!A(»»bu >»wi pu-lin»! fur lb« ,/,,ur»,»l of io»«»««,». Haul TbiiicmIturUI. Sut, hryrttt. >., rnitf/ /..«<( 'vmt.Mr.-uil .«./.»rtu.»- .Sfulj/«ila»«/. Bal Aru-.l urker I^mvkrat aiionld iumj lae ilriiirrtd oui. iiii.» time i

PASSENGERS ARRIVED.FRdM ¡UTAITJUB-Ualaaaas-I Pia Jk. int.. Annl 19-L.J«m.

au,i «if«. Mr» J. S. Urata«.aa and da..«-lit.r, M,., M Gnite at vi .I. .4 Urak-B, Mrv llurrk. Mt» M. Carr, Mia« S. M. S,« rr>, .VI .. II IItatt» Ma, «m! .-ti» T. rr,. K.I J. I'. «utt»r II J .i

I» Kiitr», K. Po.rll, Mr. Fi.rrkild, MiaC.X sb rti.ui Mi.« II m' .3 Sturt_a.,t J I. I,. .,.. M.. B f. Tboma». Mia» Th..,.a.,¦\",Anr ,¦

"tUr *'" '¦ \ 'J"1" -*". K- K Omemm, Mu. li. tUtgJJ- SWÄia!*' L: M- -_*_.*¦ J " ""«"' A Mina,.,! «")

"''.,7,r*-".,M-T'"u""' .¦ '' -'-I»"-. J- T. Wall.,-». «. li. W,.,/tilba,-!* Mr.11. M. Mm'..w Mr B L Cmte, Mia« B. I)...!,. M,.t.rM.rk- BCBwaaW .' A. n.,».,.. m - naaa-aaa, J. VC < ,,.

i.ibaio alf» .nant..nd 2 «I ¡Urra, J. II «' Mili-r K. It ii.,»., .if.i..f*.n Mart-I ,,ut,.r T H KUI«. J p Baaar. Br. TaBBrhlll A «Ir».-r» h «null, M.Pen- Mm lll.k. Ii. J II ll.r-,. li and wtft A.

H.nilh, l*l.* K.,»,..,d. i. . «IrrBi. and .'« In «te«r«it«»FKOM BABIIIK«! 4SbllAVHl_ln *»..,J.p .s,|... A|)rj, ,y_auto Itarott Pui.d PU,Ua-a Il.rn«. I'.al J Pur!.., I,*,,I, v.'.| .f.

«hirli» Hal,n Anm W«w»rn«.«r ind «on; Loti!« tvilBtuC..Ti, Kr-,«,. lo,, j aja »BilBB-a-, aad wtl I I. I.url,,,«-.,,,».r I l.l.» .1,1 «;f»; « I- B»rtiaram«,Jaiurt llihl.,rd A II Hlu.rl.rdrsta-lt'iBdwif., Mr. «-..rrt, i,.| w,f». J »»»lu.inoB M,. ,, Mr. Kri». and »if. T « i.rk. K. N.I«,« N H.a.,, Mr »,-t ,.

ra. M.aelimu V < i-an,. r, « «juil» K.»t. I r.,ti.. VV |,, r, Ma,»...rt...a. ABirhr. Uriia«o. Jean Hanoi«« li.n. «,. Ilurroiar. Al»i

Í s, ,'t"' L*"«<"'.l'*;1 hem Jobn-n art» Bal «lil,! Jut. BlagII «..,.. J.. Har.rl, J. It r«m A,l.n Mu!, r «I.- ..,1 ibr»»"'Mr»» I R. Anthni,I tari VV ian r Aitoui« Miiunld. P.L ll.sf«nat« Hrb»r»»r«l»»r I l.rtat« I lau..«a and »if, I', i. r . '.u «. n witt«1 ibr«., I«. ». «.|.,k.,ii. J».., HrSwIt-Iti II».,,, \ .n -araBd «if» Prill VJ.rtlnla. V\ a«. Tb. »irril V »kVaiin I 1.» u II, nu l'i, >

V. IM UkKBI-iiiiU la i>...^.,. !___. larlis. Mi" teA Mix«I..I.U Ulli Mata..» Mm Prout Mn 4 .. BalUt-l Mi^ S .,,,n II. w.iwa. Mi»a«l. «.ila,,,... Mr. Jm,.M». Mr. 4 S, L-_a»Bra fan..,,,... Mi au,, »tra J. *m |,r ..d Mi. II. t1r » Mr..-.r' Bl A OllWft Mr mi Uri J A.n. Mr. l.f, ,. K '.^-u-.iji Mr K. I.'y,-., M... ,.: met Mr. I!«,;,r M,..M,.r,«_ Mr.

.. Mr», t l._. i.b;rr Mr V Umhar! Mr. J«_», VVilrvi t..r..! Mn A II B.II..1 ....I t... aaaal.lili Mr j « m,-, ii- ». tlv». Mr. I« ..,., Mi »ulMmi.. A .,..».,,, ..,, ,,. ,,i «.,... V A .'.rn.ti, Mr Krtnc«. I, .4, > Mr «i.l Vii. It r'

b..B»_aB.I _«i.|., r.... Hi« <« I.«,ilm. M. U__ra lil II Bl.ui.M.M. .s-i-i,», M ». Miva li., :.,, ....»j ..,,.,,.dolok Mr .us Mu I.. I. ..., I. M. . ,,, M, a",um Vi i "w.«., J l-arnab Br«. lartali. Mi liol i, . t,. J s I,«..,, , L .

'»I. <) Mr. K», ,...( M,. l'..., .1 i",, ,^ __

ii. wu«,). .»j tmt tanaas, L. k. vv Liub««», u, .«_ ut», 1 ii'

W ftmmtt. H. A I»*tt,

Shtr; I'I ir.. ¦« ""i ""¦

J. VViatlirrlirad l.'i'l ehil.l.

¦n-Eif'AY"« waUTBBB ni cort-9 a. m.Plnrt: Atmo-flit- 'Ihrr. ¡Uirrt. AlnwyhJ. aTker.r,,rijla»tinr»- jÇ''ti*j«I».«.irr. rr.Ttâî.<«Pertlan.). Railinglioeten.( ¡o»!»--New Tari.« '«""'j'l'h.ieiielrit.ia.... Halnina;.«¦¦'»..r«.G"*-----». ïr?:J*;.- «7»'-:::::.«

Chirle«fOBf»iT«niiab. ' toi. ¦Aagnats, (¡I .«".ear- MBnïTa.'o.KamBi.... «Il'ittihnnrh.(!o'»lr.41Chiearo .Clear.46

»» ¡anmi on.» I...V.J.-. ."-.

K,..r,».Menr.-«l.-»r. 4.1 le, Weat,. e«r....

Hi.-uimuJ.lUiniug.44 Hanna.tMU.'J

MINIATTRK ALMANAC.tTnnrim ..'.il S,,,, teta. lt«|BjSSB rae». 12:00


tmk} Hook....ll:a|(*oTiIil»reJ.BMJBkOOaO.Mi8HTFPLNQ INTELUQ ES< E.


Bil ¦¦Olli tVn.IT-**¦ '¦ Heyads Oreen*. J^rrpr^:Jame. A-Ver, Uekweaad, .'btrleaton B.egahtor^l'wsls.rtes, » liais«.t.n tt. C.. Alls irh I" .t... Norfolk, ke., Faict», Frt*.B»n. ' TZ,delpkUt Ant- Haine», WilisiB|*loB Dell Ut. t>'tiAmrt.ttrtmmmiMi. flower Mis, Philadelphia I Antara, ite. «.r- en. Philadelphia, ».

Wood.ani CU -. I«' ¡'.¦ Betsas. Bisaws. BeaSaa.Hh ps hiocoml,, M. Jobn, H. B. ; Jarees Koiter, Jr.,

Iltlta.n. Literpool.»ark Min. rit, Masefl a, Trícate _ _¦ ... -. .

BrtrS-BrrlrJilti 1 i'l.-j-j. M¡nt...i:.-s¡ RieelU M.Pontkl, Hcto«,Wsyerlay,Tarrr Oii.n. .

S, I,r. .-«'. II. kit. bal er. Iliggina. Mirani am »nd Par« t Rief poy»,Wooater Para Adeil Pd . '«'¦ lae! '¦ A o' ltiir.nL, Lud-aa»,Philadelphia; tioplnaGstttrs/, Indiinole ind Laiasn,

AUUIVF'.D. .._.

Fteemar.ip Basti*. L. It, Lireipool Apr.l », Queen-town Apr.t 10, adas.

"¿.veai'shlp aOatJa, Traotmann, Hamburg, Apr.l 6, and Utrre April »,****»****1F*- UAxahm, Gate«, GstoBOa Arril 9, and Se7 West »,

Wmmmm\Tk\ C. a***, Iskaaa, aasaa 'own. D. 0 aj» mt puaiStoamah I m. m Bsors, »Yal »¦ .. W« ¦¦ ; n » < ; i«l aNwsa8t.aii,»h.p Mt Luur.Lt, V MaW, Apr 1 J na hrct April t, ni.It»*.

,ne''eP.Jn,.hipF.ratoKt,Co.-h Ridir-onJ, Cltj Point, ar.J Norfolk, mim.SD'I t-aiw.. ,St'air ahlr San Jacinto Atk'n«, ««yannan, red«« and

Ht.»n.»l I »mi. on lae k..I, < tri. ¡too ira.«-, and |.ass.fl p IprlScleld I)» rl t. fooehow Ile». 25. te»».

Ship »f.riann» VI. lasase, 1 l-l "u Pea, «j, n.l -., RuT»-rt*»D,r».rattaJ»n. 1 tnd las«* II. »d 2, radie.BM,; Prim Alb. rt. M».r» llnV.nrg ¦*) dan. n¡.l»e. »ml »a..

Biri Baoasrasl ('-.).." toa, I sras Idsra, sacar.

BartMsTltTwei I' ... I'. «,"'!" mau.

Bark rosatsstii Haussa, Bordeara O tjt. t

liar); Jam.» M. iVtr. Mrtiartr, Itiviar.s 8 tari »nfir.I»rk J-»- e He .('» »oirsr.

Birk A'ner car. Kl.!'. I,ia.|.sr, A.pinwill 24 dar», rod»».Hark Curl lit«. Tar-nconi <I3 dïvi. Til Oibnlttr «. di'S, win».

Il..k ,,.'-..I- i V. II... P,». Il.-isi IV d..".. asor.BarkPrii drla, VeriloB, Sastt Crss,» Isya.safS»


irk Aaannta I. ,nro. I.:Tera,».,1, nair. , .S P^Vkmm^ÁVam}: ria H»sr fass Baa », trsasd î paa*

OaSBBaWINS II lN«a Prl'.-rren M ¦'» .¦ tr. U

Sara i!oTtn''ûr' ,!':éíí'i..'.'ah f, bmamAynatta. W and MonteTideo31 h, lassalaweiBark HtT«nt,«h Se.rfe M»t«nrw î*. Iit» moha«»» -

Birk TI,, mt« Da Mt. VVi, na. (Isis lü-rkert, »ho died on bo»rd April|-, rta sot Da .'.V'Ian, roiee.

'BrlirBelinvftanfer'l Pal .) BspISS 11ISTS trttt, ._,.;,,.,,.,liragJuUKu..,, h;. | ^alaatsaiOáays, iad 43dat-ifromfubriltir,

«ttritT AafOto. nmwn,'eTi 10 tmfm) mr«*.

lirai Thon,»» Tnrell, Ti.oirp'H.n. Maiiirnei IT tUTS, ahj«.Itrir; T.'-'-'iT" li 'l-l" Bsgaa Hi. « -nr»r.Brik-Atl« Mitchell Biieii.w AvreaTH'loi aldsal'r¿ J R. B !"t Passa P. R .2nd»« a -n-.- .r.

Br'» Ki''i'»i, r Muer. Bermml» H .lui. nr'-e.xtnir C'.i-'l is M-,id 0:»'rtnR2'l.»r» wne «.e.

Bri* Mohawk (./si'N. B Kari f M .11 'i- Ilfaji aataaBris A'.hT Thaiterof lUni-or. l'nrk.r, C«rdenJi, lo di;.», aue»r.M-t(T l'a ti,-ite Im, '!. lient rara 22 dar». «n«Tar.Brin C M. R»-Ti'i!-I« Disk, Mitinrai l6l»ii. mnliiie*.Br< Rat-laT Coner ( ou-r M'S*ina Jan. 9, frnil.Br.jr .'.tiiereni, fih.r.e. saraBfi » 1" 'laya, miar.T.ri J, la. vi. Ilnrna. Wnaaa Mi if» i II says, *nr»r.

Bri.* J iba M-bon.:,', Msisatas 11 days, loi-.r.II»11 Kla'n Rowe Croie. Tr' Mad 17 ilari n n'a»*'».r,.lir.«,<n II Btat, Mint!. Vl:;,ii-.-T. n S f in l»-l. naTal S.0TDS.

Bear. A bxssbVSss Ame«. Rsasaa g. P..MsSraBaassr.-Mr It r/ood, I kaoa Oeitrirstww-s 8 < 4 d.ii, narai itores.

Shr Ii. Csisasa Cosabs itaaHsaa H says imi-sr.Hchr. Kn. Stuart, !-V Jehas. P. R li «ays. Mtsr.E r. i' SS BsaU-i. VV I-, ia -t. n. N. C, Isa - Bavai «tor»«.

Mir. M .rv I.e.i au. Gsskl 11 W11 »'. ». C, I »U/I, neill rtorefcBehf U.rtc:.-ia, .N'oia-ii, UdS/SJSafS*àBrin B b B. !(".ii-""- Pi I *n«-»r.Bear. Tiawler Bains MstàTafass 14 dara. sags».Mir. foséis C. Davis Ckii«e, l'ara a5 da i..assaton U a *» Wilsen, Heit. r.rt ta-Prlnee 15 da<» coir.e.Pchr Catara LaasU. Are.-ito. P R.. 17 tia«», tut a r.

OsVr. niwn Point, IVriina. Baracol 11 SSTS, ir,. t.

B. kr Ai Asw-riasB, Balta Tau lo lias «

Sehr. vi. S'-T .«renka.O.ervet'.wii K « ., «-».»»».,

Bear. I-re.] Uah ,.:' l..ei,.,.st.m,, Darli ^\*-.r "*.Mr AI.'Melni-aiil'.fMi.L.a»), Tsalla, (lUiauil.o, 20 d.i., .«1*«,

,,i»rtS.Wrtl'«. . .

Bear. Ben. Jone», VV ¡lim; (rton. wi'b ntral »tore«.Beate! Vntn." ("f HaUn. M I Prsstsw, WsSaai, 21 Jayi, logir.Helir Waorl't Pennv. ('in'«r n 11'It«» "Ui?»r. ,Seto IrS (»aie., vier»»», Ci.rui.o..m Wand, (Ok Htleaa SottnJ, S.

C. 11 «lavs, phosphate?. ,

8rhr. Ion«. '" 'in. Arro-o P. R. O Mfl m"I»«ri.Hehr. S K. Pah. ni. ( rocker, rj»u Bias lia Ü.L Atdrewi Feb. J. coccl-

nnîa. rotten. pC-ber, BaTa .... ¦ v« ». »I ive.. Ror-ers Parien li .Isvi. larrb»r.«.,-lr. htrleaK. M tea. U Posee I'. IT ti da» «l»r.

«., r Jo bB.Ii t,- t.n.i'i. ker Dsi ra «'.a.. Hays, lum!.r.Se'.r Altaaa !" -r " »| ain/ai 14 d»... molaiwa.Mu. K. I' li-ii.»- 1. .«. « .ii..ii.irtunlda»». nsyal »»"rea.

S (J J*»t.. S Mo.r.a, Baskaaa, Plllllll 1" Éafa.saf»Bli¦»BBàS A. P Rann-olph. »Itrnee HiTtr» TI dtj-a. rnolaana..«thr. Al.ce M.rick (¡allvnt, St lobas, P. B «twys. ."-".

I«TIOtl.»SK«-llIVKa A«.!. |,,A.|»,-R.W.lton. Rlehrt...,,.!. V f Curtis .*"/'">-n B. g irp, 11..' '" -' J»»- H» '¦ tallaletl'iert.I,en Rank» Eliialetn: r- Sarah VV,-a.W, th:»!>nr'.1 «le Wart.», nUabrtbj ort. Ç. A. (¡rainer, E''"^'h»>»rt-Baaaajsaa, ssaabsOllirl Alaban.». KllxsheUiport.J ., k1 nilli port MasaiBs, V ,ricin;«.I It«.n I il IV T harlciton.I.a,lr Emira.liirtfurd. VVni lb ne. Protridenee.Ila/e «in.- « 11. B..»-e?. ProraleaceJ Burle» Pro»,a sea. Ism"' P. »» ¡«tal » \iflt a.

L. A. Tóüea. Ner.Aii. Snnnr Hide, Virginia.BsratSfa Pror .. a-.-. A: il.oia hell», virimls.

J.eaeph Allen, Virtnn'S. 1-uWS »a.r. C...d Spni.-T.1 .«h. u, ii llelei. A'srru I! I- !». at ort Sou-hpolt.A'; ht N,w Tor,'.,-. H-11-»ort.KeunuiD. rall UiTer. fA^'I^tSt. a .

Kreljti, r'uwltir.lnin'xr. -'u','e Uu-ivou New IIitid.

itri.ovv.Seer. Kurcí fiilte-rt, frutn Writ Indi.».

¦»MU 1).Bt.-ani.h'p«.lloliatli. from I. ,rabor I -.¦ for «aiini. ib. Jtmei Caerlewtoa Al entarte for Sorfo k.Vi IWIT BbbIt~t. bata, A m,

DOMsttTIC l*ORTS.(¡»y laiBkTJBaa, laaB u..An. sala Issthsra Ossa fm Boiton. cid.

slip Mar. liaiifi. f"? H,r, Ker?. witL bread.-tiifs, bark Niobe, for Lir¬en »ol with 21.(«») «ickl of »I eat.BoaToa Aaril 19..Arrireil. rteimihip» Wm. I..iwn'ttre. from Balti-

more; Neptene, and btitr ofM, (loin Stw-loi» i >'orui»n, fr..ia

KuitrsÎÎ" MeyRos. Aprd n.-r»a»e.l in for BsObaiSS. birk An"tKh.from «Jntnape. Paaae.1 oui. bn»; Nuru.a, ior il-e VVi.- li.,;i, s. ArniwJ,bark Delaware, from iJemarara.tToaiasaox, April IS..B«ile,l iVsraiblp Wra. P. ClTde.from N. w-

York. Csssred, aiiashls Bl ( I. f ¦' S> w-V-rV.t*ATAy.Niii. (¡a., April ill..C1aasst itearnahip Vinro, \ew Tor»; Kns-

tian bark Mails, «| sehr. Win. Buttinan Ne»-llaten.flaiaiasissT Aril la.Juilial, ssaav B. A. Bass, fr.m Mobile;

Village Out.n. frt'iri K«|.p»hancoek, Virtpuia. bailed, «Lip Plait, OfLiTtrpool, iteanisl.p Chirleiton, for New-York.

KOKIKIN POUTS.f.oypniDKBKT, April I'.'..The it.airship Neater an, from PortlaaJ for

I.irerp»»)l. «mretl here at an early honr tilt«;.,«o niAMi'ii.M. Apnl 19..The iteam»:, p BssOa, from liaitiinoni for

Bremen, »rnred here at ilj o'e'oek thli aften oon.

tj»*mSBStuaS| A\ ni LI..TBS ilearnalnp CM) of Cork, from New-Tor«f,,r La, raset, t.nicLtd Liri «I 2 u'liock tLis nioruin«; tu lind London pa*-lenitari. AU well.

.«..n-riiim-r,'N.April 1!)..The rtean-ihlp Penan, fruin >ew-lork, ir-niod Luc at J o'c'.o.» th.. n .rn n«r. on the waj to Breiaea

W llAI.KKS.A letter from the 00 off e, r mt th» lark John Carrer of N'ew Betlfotd,

re. «rt« l,er »I MaSBSSSS 0 t'ch I, o not » ( apt. Worth had lefttaw n-aee!. and the mtto »O'lid take charge of her. ind lie it hnn e In JuaeA Utta r from on botr.1 the bark Mea Brerer, P;»her. of Ne»-Bedford,

report» her mi the <',,.,»t of California in Februar;, taken 2«JU bbla.u.i icaiiu«- iiunolulo.

DlBaaflTEBO»B"«Tc.y, April 11 .Te «ehr. Sea itwataj sf »ntl f.r Rockland, went

anhöre near Otrnei Light, Cape Cod, on Kr.da/ iaat, and n caine s totalwreck of jetTerda».

l,,-B,,y, April I'«..The ship Persfyerane». from LiTerpool for îtew.York, baa pot into Fay»!, leaky. Sh» will be obliged to diaciarre cargo.

.«-I'ÓKI.N.SI !p Fei Serpent, froni !t. w "lurk for han Prarcltro March 1,1st 16 JJ

N Un. j-l W.Bark ( »roinif, from New York f, r Havre, March 29, lit SO. Ion. l8.

ÎJort-Uîaiîjcna' Xolicc.

r,HT WnniTii On;, k. No 23 William it."VOTK'F. in licn-by Kivt», in act-onlance withli S<rtion 4 of ,1.. Act a».I A] til 14. liiiV*. entitled "Ab Art toReorganize the Wanlen'i Ollice of the Port of New York." to ill perwniinterested is. St IsiBBl charge of the lut.jeet intttrr of inch majOWf,riainination tr si rier the f.,i o» mg rsSSSBl «re now under eitinii.a

tam St the I'orT \\ ardí,:.» and that the tai,i »urina i,r laiiiiniUoni willbe rosipleted wahin lan dii.ncit luecetil ug thu notice, ou board Saidraaaajjl

«.teninatilp (Ten. Barne«.39 V. R.«.tcimshrp Albaaurli.Jl N R.BlrsaablS Paituirt.Jeraei Cilr.Blip ataa-wl .47 K. ftBail (¡u.tidian .Marble l»rd.I.. » « ail .3 K. H.Hark Cavial ne .3 N K.brui A It.teh-Mer .I'aioa.¡ir (Baa IV, lier.14 K. K.Ung lleur» it eu .».f.47B. R.Br.g Mar.'M Wiiliaa.».Brheaek'a.Hehr Aiiirlir .li K. ItMir J I' Au«, t . Pn-ntler i.Mir. K «a,-».ii.P .-ir» .,t,t » Kum« O. Curtis .Blream..«, i.r. .M r Iii ndertou.Prrntier s.

(HAS. .«-. MAioMUKIt, i'rendentJ. Art.'» linn y.y SerreUr».


will le ,|eli»i r»il ,u tar part of tlie I'uited MSBBl retched bj etprea,»h.r. th.iht», in.', ti »hKB or ii thoa. »<n iti-iipt uf bal prie».Nrn.l for pm r ¡lit no1 tireultr» Aditrria

OEO. A. PRINCE i < '«).. BTFFAIaO, N T.OK«. A. 1'ItlM K A- t'n., CIIWAOO, ILL.

(jJUlal) IS DOWN.w a LTHA M WA l ÇHBS .


infer (..»I» aa.1 IsSSSS1 FINE WATCHr.S w HiLID CiOtB tnd.-If i KK «'.««F» if -h. n»».,t aries at riefele .. rriio-.d w1U> theereuaa la (¡eld aad hitler A fall aaattBtrst ret real Baili.rriKiS. K. AtiNKW,1 (.HKKVWKII (OR Ml BRAY TT. NT.

VMInLK«ALK AM. rdi.lll II Al Hi IVI I AS, st ilAlts, COFFERB, silt is,

.ad rt.r Uni» m ila ¡in, ofI'lItSl ( I.ASH tri I »4 I.I'll S.

a n ii » « o»,, «au rcaa ir« % - ... a.« un t.«..«.re tnd lit»» II, .. ..- "¦

nni'si:-Fi*!iNMsfii\c (irniisIN« 1 I I'IM.

«IIIVkA 1.1 ass MIVIKI-rAIKH ltutr U;, ,TILER,«.COiiBIXa iu.s.»iL,s iti.iuu.i liAioi;« ., a. OBBatTLTliKltl ( K1' It m-.M

l DWARD D. BA8H1 « HtD,asOerBB lonnoto

rPerkins «v irorsE*NON BXPLOHVB.rh AKtorvsv.

Prof. uVV H.« .rt,

P«e«rtd»n4 »»^ »v,


*",Vr.A*n«»l- p««.iliir «o».*»r»l« «II«-», tari: Itr»iet1«.a -., ,

It'lUirU ,T*r »-.-.» »-.., ,,,,.. g_ .~" __asanag th« Marta», «a ,,,..., m,*,kaaaaBa uth» .. aalit. and .¡a..nt, .f th« |Brfctt «..raImrUac «ad ,__*,

iitbt. B .... ,ir"-**»»««¦ la a«.

rtbllliTof B.a.alk«lb.i ... i r ». iIS lAro* ;ur. wb..

».«»V "« ..«**« «"'a ir.d ... f.. rm tetter«ia,« «.«only .r.ta mmmmpremmmittmern/Vat, i» ka. lump wirk v»i»4will a«»t braal «b»ti - J .«. «w/w,«..».throwa apo» li ., ,.,.,, .,

t k a«...»', «botil araH la «..

t» «OB- Btllrdlomrmt- -m,

4 » I writ* W « rleper- . »«

/««.I» bit«fu»» .v*»»«»» it. ato f.

»«««, »ad tra 7«r« h «

oil» il narara. « Birt. I« ».a .

»T»ti wbrn tb« lanp ia k.|« ii.rl., t , M

taratd bottom up Hil t|t'..,r,. iraaaa..».«,

K«t. W'. S Tri «». T) P Pr.f In A tib» rat «'oil».. »... / »»,_ .»no»A4»yj Doit «i» »««/sir» w-4'A ir I mrAm t -, m r.» rnr f.|aaf«t». for erommy. aud .'or lb- prrjertwn of lAr lij/V, » ¡. «-r n, .>tInto nniT»r«i| a»«."«AWi-Fi I'. ItrriBir». Ml) Pk P. Pr»f. of fTi«. »tr» p»»r»»t ,.«1 < oll«f». ..'¦: Irr ó i. r,« t m»« »o njlnd» t in» t« mi.1 te»» trat« I «m »«Hal). 1 » I, a lb r> fr» r. t . 1. r ''". r.aBa«.danif. r of . ipl.aoo, «b rb «»nu,.. !«-lui! ef ,n, .,«!,. r

Th» M. Y. Tr.l-n« ti-'i: No ti, r n p«n«»«4t- ».f» A.I «h« nat,,,of danr-r har« tata K« «-arrfi«,,.» fuardrd .al .aaab-r .1 BaajB a mt.cb an,ral ,mp'.aai.,,li!T ''

«¡«..»I <'iar»»«-»i wintM for «titi ind «orrnrrT. On« '-«r,T»»«»r ««Arl r%lamp« tb» finit two dart.Tri a lamp. Bia) will rla.ll» r»,t th» mon». !f rnt d«. ti«,« .»,» 11, .

VOTAVl. MOirrooMB&l «. < ¦. ia« -ir .-,','-.t vi ¦.< -».«a«;.?Standard and j.i.j.ia..,..: prki-arX-«O riii.N.s OP CHLORAL HYDBATB lliK v.<ini.| km ulMKDIAl AGBUT BOW l; A INO .«I. II IM I... ,. KUI -.

ill..SI IN' I'l'K MKIb A. VV' I lil V. CH1.0RAL SOOTH KI.

(«1TFKI..K 'I«. .«I'll VI OK MiiKI'IHNi, IR..IH.,« « 11 vAN!. IlKI.IKr- H.Í.M I'llN I-, I, IKVIGolUT-S lilt MiKVoi ASÏSTBM. IIOIUKS te AJil) +1.


rvlM'.s UHlaORAI. THROAT TASTII I ISINSTANTLY KKLIKVI-: .,1 «,1|S s.)KI iillto.l lilt. N« MTU_-,»-AIJO-t .'fill.« JKAL l.Kl'., :, l'.UM .V.tin UV '¦>


_r- m miii-s Lura

(^ I». HAMMOND, M."l>: t7.mi.rly I'n.fessorVy« la tb« Htimrnm Utiu I«'« . NY Sall r tt _»¦! «al ii.format, ei. r the vi >..rr u] , r ur. .al r-" .1l.m-iari. KicpI . Pnrtio«: < au»« »nd « r»f fir,. .

.«'.. t» J.«. 00m, r.a F.ft, -,:-»' »ui of Tlr:-..» KT.iAll eitr-rne tai»! of < ! r t II'. !> *ua», lud Ma.termi|.»iÀ«a«*c«t» tr»iu«l. I<r. II. ir««- t Vi rl 5>v.

(U) to liACFARLAND^ BOOKSTORE. Ko!\ß 947 Ilr- iviw^T. r-

'-I all-Jk*rear b* oka ui the «ia», anti a'. tL<- at- in.ixi Wûr^a, aiki ai«/ ¦»_<>.«_» Ka-y iii. Kr*i»""b a; ») **r4i*«*h at_t n r

MERCANTlhh JM.INUNt; ,»f alFkiiidTirc«r.:.«. ti. .NI. I;.A I' r.t«r enXuaaaK. ». Y

ZERO REFRI6ERATC>R-With MU-, WStZand VVata-r «'ool»r. Trad» «ipplt. J A. M. LBB.R «4 »ink»««.



hl.i;..A.-»T »«T.K-IC OPLA« K OTBBBB»

LINENS. vv'ni« v ajuoto,AIL AT BBB-Ttf HEPrrED PIU' -.


FVFIt M.VI.K for KIM III Ns. I!.\LI> BÁTB--0OBS, «Til rifHBI,.'llil.l. HALL», I'LL'B U.,<)M«, 11IE.II Kit», I.A.NK« i!» BI_-t_.-.- Bl «l'V! KIN! s RAII.KiiAl. a: s !¦ 4M«I111' « H'IlBCL.WVU.U.«-, Ml-.U. HAM« m.I OtBBB ..Fil. F.s.

0,000 YARDS A WEEK SuLI) INl.Niil.ANDt

It la witrr rrr«-,f. wrirt TWIti: AS L«N0 it M « th «it bta«rB»h«sl In ti« »iii» m«, r., r « .»... in! »ot* ... tin? f«-«t, ao»l of t ar.V

Uci'^.iai.,c. IMilL.Nl. .«».... b. «JÜ HAM).

JOSIASTAYLER ¿¿Co,haiwwoii to I. E. Wt'rtrrn.

7.11 BR..AHWAT.




roi.ti.ri»- 'o fnn,.-h »nd ««li !,. ....gtTMBY « IMl'COVED

LIOHTNINQ RODS.Th»«« Ho«!» ira con»trn»t««l tabita.tlall» ln.1 ir» »; j !.»¦! » IMt,

darabl» manurr. TI«, ma» b« etta ti 'L. M at .'. ad .» «tri paIk«. ni r-.Tat« ia N«w York and «!ja»wb«n« and .ej bare inarialil. ftrettprrfrl -«fi(;na n.s fr.m

I p «lan. and funb»r iiiformauou mil- b« ottttl-ieil ii its H «k1 ttirtewill rec*,re prompt ntns'ion.


LIGHTNING EOD.Til» Rod l«ir,v!»of f«.PPF*t-4 BBJBABI TI 'H'" » «ki»p tr>»

roni»r».»nd i» t««rf»«r'l» rout.lo. u» f oro ..».tb«e tal I--»! II» .'. OB :i% ,'i l.~' "l »P Bid»

Olia InauiaLuu. or J" «...uti ».la rnpp»r fa«'»-.

J. D. WEST v «-....40' i «. 5. T.


Mattresses,PILLOWS AND CUSHIONS.30 TO .,0 PER CB8T «TIFAl'lR TI1W m ..ii pin ruar lk.h. >< nu. im ttMORE l-l. .-Til .( I.KANillt IM) »lOHKOt ItlBIIt.ELASTIC M'l.Mil-: Ills Bl FN IIDK« 'I i.HLV l«. »u «)»BB

FOLK YEAR» AND IS (ilAl.AMI K1' I.N l.M.Ki Ki «I H"T

AMERICAIN PAL SPONGE CO..mai aao-BB-i apaat i mmb s i

(ALISTOGA 0OGN1C.T»i;. pnr» I'wtiic tt offered to tie tr«!» i»J ^,nlarller» n .|auirltJti im

glut I» .-1 an'.Ir .. biif» i_r rirott'ircriV'-ir ita »Urt pnrit.T ind d»; «r» «f luif^

1»« nir «t:ll«.l from tbe »ia« of a, l.-rt«! ^ri|«».'i!».l rarr.1!. tr.»!«^^Antlr»*» made brdlttiBiraiaLi.. .-. i-i.-'.» r,, v it» j«r!»s-t '-««.loni fr«a»

til de »trriou« «in»'.ti««.M. KEI.LKU» «KLFBRATKD LOA AK01 LKB VAlvKH.

t'l fort.1» « IliAB» of o'ir I a.i.toaa »»ndtl f..r ¦» e hr» BRANNAN It Co.

oti UnmBvak-TaaB




Rhododendrons !Thrre ii no plant to neiatiftil. Ita foi »«sr u It d . rfma,¦»

.iel. ila ti.,«, r» »uprr!. tsr.ond d»»«-r pi.,,».Eo'r ti».-«« au.! ;!.. r-.anrll, » o! T,i««.-, «Uki-»», Ii s-n» 4 «ddntal'AKSDNS & t'... IT.I MUM ,, N. Y._



á^TIO5 Syfcív -î'oisiiri_r\a/ I IO MACHINERY.

OTIH BHtiTHIRS k Co N« .)t«9 Broiala.r M»« *.»?-

B»T« ENOCH MOHGAN'8 SONS' isa..:I VS-a. ,wi* «*«0


^ ^ :l "kBOB « 1.1 V.NIM)

H imlew. I» tbaxit V\ .t» rl IV»! OH Citta».fmmm, I'«, a . »...I ..Il VV^.r^è, tk...K»i!_u «ud frlnraailT. «ad tor «Jrarralll.e.M-. I, .,, || >. ..

H.K I« IslllN.).. , I», tal^.^.w^^-B^S

i, i «ia,i,» »u« Ka»« "».".. * "

li»it«.rí.» .atalluN. . _a

BBMOVBS .«I VINS KK..VI Virul.K PAINT .,.! VI <»'* ".

a,,,..,. .,.,1 Wll. K»K KI'. H Mi lUhAl-Ht.-« A**ZXt.. in, «i...... lad ei L « ti«.ll». .».«- "" "'-'.!'" 7__ «.*.»!rrlulak ...d u-,.)» .«.ii art ah ... . b* rr.l U» ik» ».»»*'...' _" _3tb, r........ .«f.rl.P.lll Vlt.Ull.N.NOlSlilVIl.. tl-OSil.Ci . A. lu I» lo I«, w 111. el mm*m

V« t, I. t l tk. -«u» Irai'.. vi« ." poa»r»»l«»B. mt¦

lut 1» »uJ n . i,,. ', r. il«, t ii -u- tua».nvB II! v mi' Hut'- IM> . Mm rm

n.»k«. h««» u ia ¦' li ..-» . teem «uJ »«,.;« I» ."¦« mm

I .. t, at mt nlal.t.«».t _u___

I. m1, lil,. «I» at., I!, I il tu 4i.o<. ri, I»««. _aBw>aw-l--».~la,o«^l»u»t lae I l«wa| »U,a