new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1869-04-29. · 2017-12-18 · hk1tim1 v.mkjuatios.1hk 1.ankkk.v and...

t»' »»- ^'^fllittfc rWtW-QZ J^SBLP . 7 a.<» li'% V°«"XX1X.K°'8.754. mTw-YOKiv yUURSPAY, APRIL 29, 18G9. ,m..t._ . ¦-. ¦ PRICE FOUR CENTS. WASIIINGTON. r-aOBABLK RECOr.NITION OF CUBAN INUKI'KN- pnfCI HV OKBAT HKITAIN.TIIK -.OI.T1I-KN KIK'TION?.fl-PF.RNTMKUAHY AUMY OFH- efltf TO Bl IiETAILEU AS INIUAV A'.I.NTS. HK1TIM1 V.MKJUATIOS.1 HK 1.ANKKK.V AND MOfUnS1 TAX.V.DICATIOK M XI1L S<)I"111. |BY r_L_On_ra TO THK TR1BVNB.1 wasiu.m.ton, Watoaa-ay, Ai>i;i th ittt. Advi'esbavebetu rcceived from Cabaa soui,,-, yl'-ch iudicate thc failuro of tlio laat n.oveii.eut of the laaaalaiila under Laaaa. Tln, ia th,- thiid cflort ihi-y have ii.-aii. !.. daatnqrttva ravololioo. In soveral a_9ja_|ia.ta la lhafoantia] Departmenta, they havc mrt aarara rep-kk 8, aml tlio Patrioii havc eaptnred fi large iiiimi-ir al araaa, ata. Thaao ia conaiderabk anaaaaaBaa here about laa lanoH that Qraal Britaia iaataaa Tnaoaniilnf '?-'"*" Wefe__danaa, wlth a fiaaj- h> imluce tho estebli.-hnieiit of a separate Re- pnblic, aml thus prevcnt ainicx.ition. It is known that h a aonalia^nMannmijafol leadiugCu- Ijans. aaaa'fially tha youiiKcr riit-n, who favor thc idea afaaaparata EtopabUOi and of endeavoring to aatab- liah a frileiiiti,'" hctwccn f'nb.i, I'orto KicoandSt. Dotuiugo, with iin cyc to theiueliisioii of thc EagHah and Fieuch iahndl hcreafter. All lnovcuientsof the ^paniah a-ooaa aanat aoon tenuinau-, mving to tho rainyaaaaaa. Thc hardj aapnlatinn ad tho Cobtaa laaaataina are.batnf organized totaka advantaiireof thi*. AiaatlanH mnniHana ha\e haan receiudby way of IfeX-k i), and moro are cxpotttil. __i aaon aa tha PreakUat aaa aaaairala the time most acccptubk t. thc BaMpla for holding clertions in tho South, ho will ismio onkrs for elections in Virgiiuii. Miaaiaaippi,nad T&jht. It appears that lhaaala naila a iliBJuonon oi opinion among leadiug incn of thc South as to tliotimeof lioldiiig these tlec- tions. Some aro in favor of holding thew at once, otbefB dcairo lo iHwtpone it uutil the uiiddle of tho Nuuinirr, imii othei-a aajaia aatU Benaaaahat or Octo- lwr. Tha fioaidi.Bt. bowarar, haa not wakcup his iiiiml will ba thc best time. but as soon as ho ia in potscsiiou of all the factu, tho order will bf iwuit-d. s" Thc aanaan iu tlie rcgulat. fatny, wbo bavebceu thrown out of aervleein the consolidation of 9jaaj0BjBea_ta in a ,-econt order of tho War Depaitment. aro la ho ii'_sfgncd to duty as lmliau ngeuts iu tho difTcrti^lmii.iuiliMiiit-. This course, it isbclicved, w,Va 1k> a rrrt-at stviug to tho Govornment, aud wiii 'ulsoinsure an houcst adiniustratiou of atfaire on the frontuTtt. aml lessen, if not entiroly prevcnt. any fiaods upon tho lndian* in fiiture. It hae not only thc rctoiuircndation of Gen. Shcrman, the Secretary of tho Iiitvrior, and the Commissioucr of lndian Atfairs, Imt ia approved by Preaident Grant. By l.-tters rcceived bero from London, it appears that active e.Voits are being mado to effect a syste- iiiutic organization of the Knglish emigration, ex- perti-d have this Sumnicr. It appcars that leading truden unionisU, aided by liberal cnpitalists aud pol- iticians, aneh aa Mr. Sanuiel Morky, M. P. for Bris- tol, have turucd their attention to tho cucourage- nient of emigration here among their class. It is believed that several thouwmd of the spinners and inineis now on a stiike and " locked ont " at Prcstou and in Yovkshire will be aided to emigrato. It is propos-d. among other thinge, to seud a commiiwion of thr.c or tlvc oftho kadiug woikiugmcu here to iiiformation, and on tL air rotuin to establiah n Baaaa ia London to diasen <iate it. Among those activc in this inoveriici ^ are^uch men aa Odger Howells. Secretary of th Kcfoim Leagne, and I'ot- U-i aud Holyoake. Comn.issioner Delano aa writtcn ont an opinion ou tbe argwnent snbmittcd to him in the case of Aaaeasor Webster, relative to tho tax npon brokers. It will probaMy bc mado pr.blic in a few days. Secretary BoBtwaO hae notifiod the D. partment of his iut.iitciii to be at his aaat-aa Fiiduy. Ho will remain in \. w-Voik to-morrow, to l>e jirescut at the oi>c_)iiig of bids for the purchase of Government gold. Aa thia ia to be the first trial of the plan, the aSccivtary ia anxious to witneas it himst-lf. (Jen. Bawari atayaaaa to continue the cdncational ¦work at tho South, which was begun while be waa at the head of the Freedmen's Hurcau. It is statcd that reccnt reportafrom ,Stat« .Superintondeutamidcr the Bnrean ahow a desire for a continnance of this work at all point*., except in Texas, wficrc prcjudicc ia so atrong that it la«_a__Bal iaaaoaaibla to do the aaapei cducati<<nal work, and withiu a brief period not leaa than tX) school-houscfl have bc-cn closcd. For tbe purpose of continuing the work, (ien. Howard proiK»tje!> to raise funds in the North. and to that end Le will leave lu-re on Friduy on a viait to Hartford. Howill rctani on Moudsiy, and will then go to Al¬ bany on tho sainc erraud. .- Tho Hou. Wm. M. Evarts made an argnmciit bc- lore Secretary Cox to-day. as Attoniey for tbe Cen¬ tral or Atchi-ion branch of the Pacilic 11c claimtMl that tho (ompauvin fanatiaa havethe'right, nnder tho cxihting law. to build to the lOOth'mcri- dian, and obtaiu the Government grant and aubsidy thercfor tome 180 milea farthcr than their present line which cxtends 100 milea west from Atchiaon. A bill waa before the lant Congrcss to give them the addi- tional grant and Bubeuly, but it failed, aad it is claimed that MBM road bas a right to couuect at thc 1001b iiicriduii. Senator Poiucioy and Mr. Nichols wero present. No action has been takeu a* yet by tlie Ka-crttary. The t xaiuinatiou of witnessea for the def-enae in tbe Dycr Court-Martial, was coneluded yesterday. B_M-B| tha witiicssesexamincd araa Hiii:.-Gen. May- nadicr, Lieut. mtttmi ot tbe Ordnanco Hureau, and J)r. Cballceof Spriuglkld, Mass. Mr. Kcnnon, for the prtmecution, auggt-ati'dthat in eaMaaantfanaf] tbo ill- ue«H of Mr. Arrick, the pro-oeediugs for the proaecu- tion be aaaaaii agroeing not to put iu any rebutting evidence The piostcution were allowed until Mou¬ day uext topiepare their argumcut CoJ. Henetatatcd that the aimimeiit for the deftnse would occupy mbouttwo daya. Some documeutary evidence will haaaaaaaaai to-day, aud tho aritnaaaaa a ill then bo diacharged. A deli'gation of a nnmbcr of lndian thbes, inclnd- iug Clioctaws, Cherokees, Chickasaws, and Creeks, waited on the now Commissioiier, Col. Parker, to- day, by appoiiitmeut. Ho assurcd tbem that the bnainess of the triucs they repreaented would he at- teiidcd to in a just manuer aa aoou as practicable, but there would Ue aome nnavoidable dclay in aacer- taiuiug all Uie factB involved. Poatmastei-Geneial Crcsswcllbasdirccted inquirics tob* matituted iu regard to mail tiausportatiou in the Far Weat. It ia assertc-d that on aome of thc long roctea, where the pay is enormons, no eqniva- laut is rendared, aud that in some iustaucea tho cou- tracton refuae tocaraj' public documcutb and other bolky matter. Senator Spragne denies the reportn that he has pnr- chaaed, Bubaiaized, or In-come rer>poriBiblo for any wortgagea. debts, or obligationa against The Xatioual hUlKaenctr newapaper eatablishuieut. Tbo tteuator 8ajra tha ..organ" bnaineaa ia played ont. Attorney-General Hoar goea bence on Friday for a krief viait to Masaachuaetta. fienator Sherman goes Aome to-morrow. Mr. Richardson, Assiatant Secretary of tho Ticaa- ory. declinea the MassachuactU Judgtabip. Bpeaker Blaiue has lionght a bandaome bouae in thia city. which be will cicupy nc»t Wintcr. Tbe Virginia Conservative Couvention, now in aemion in Kichmond, acconliug to a specul ilaaBBtah in an eveuing pajK-r here, has paccd a raaalatlaa tx- clndingreportera for Kepabtteaa atwaaaaaaa fiom tbe hall iu wbicb tbe Cimvt-ntion is ln !d. (OEBERAL fKU-.* DISPATCII The Preaideut bas o dcreil that hcri-aftcr he will ?.ceive geneial risitoia on Mondays aud ThuisdiivH, tietween 10 a. m. a:ul 1-m. On oih, t dayn he will .aly receive on curds, or in «p<.-cia) cases. Prcaident Giaul, aiicompaiiied by Secretary Borie .ild othera, contemplat*. a short rruise down the fatoatac EiY«r, tomorrow. iu tha Uuikd StaU* t.amer, now at tho Waahingtoa Nayy- Fiuce tlio 4tli of Marcb. 119 Assemora, and 122 Col- r»f Intornal Kovenue bave been appointed, in- tiludiuK in Neiv-York 19 Aa_e_8orB and IB Collectora: Peiiiisvlvatiia 18 A__e__or_ and 18 Collectont; and Ma.«ftMni*.ctts. 1 Asseiwor and 8 Collectors. In Maryland aod Louiniatia all Aasesaore and Collectors have bOBO chauged. No changes bave been niaoo in Arizoua. ColoraUo. Idabo, Minnesota, Khodo Isla-d, V.-nimi.t, aud Waslitngton Territory. Tlie iSivcretarv of the interior ba* decided an actnal cliangc of rfiRicfence or abandoiiiii.*nt of land, ont.-rt'tl uiiilci the llomeBtead aet, for moro than six luontnR nt any ono time, woiks a forfeituro tberoof to tbe (iovernrncnt. , , n The Secretary of tbc Navy baa appointed 8. u. Cbittonden a merober ..f the iJoard of Visitors to tho Naval Ae.itl _iuv at Anuapolis in placo of (.oruelius Vanderbilt declined. .. Tbo work of radnoina tbc f.rce m tbo vanoos linrciiu*. of the Treiisury Dcpaitincnt is pnMBKMag. About 500 clerks will l.e, but it ih au- iiotiiiccd that uo appoin.iiicut_ can be madeatprm- ent to Iill tho vacaucii'_. it being the rtesne of tbe Seci. taiy tohave the force retlucetl as lt.\v an poasi- in ordcr to eoodact the btisinesa of the Donart- iii. i.t \4ith tho loa-vt pos.iI.l. expert-<>. The woik of dimini-bing tha foroe in the POBt-Offlce I».partinent contioues. Twonty clerks 4vt-re remove.l to-day. lhe te-tinionv in the DjTOT Cotir.-Martial CMO t Iom tl to-day. The Court aiijoitrncd until ucxt Mou¬ day, whea mamauts 44-1.1 ba ooaamoDoed. Tho printod oral te. tiiiion.v la the aa w-ill eorei al.out j.mijiiiiii'H, exiliiMvc o( the doctiflJvM^rJ' c*_.*_*Vt[*' wbicb alao ara 4-ery Tolnmlaoaa. Tbi atatament that the llou. c Comfnittea of For- eigu Afl'airs baa uia-le itTTAhjrpiiicnts ty _*t. I'o- iniiigo and otli.r l.slamls of tlu* Oulf is jtrouounced l.y 1I10 C'haiiniiui to bo without any toaadation t4hatc4(r. Tho Conimittcc hasiu. authoniy to make ai v vibits, and it. __embM_ could go to St Dotningo us nrivute citi.ciiH, ut tlicir own privato el- penao. Tlie Coniuntno has btcu in BOBaiofi 17daya, hiking testinjotiy relativo to tbe aflaira ofthe Amari- can Legatlon at I'aracua.v, aud will meet in Ibe .^utuiuu for tho pnrpi.-.* of tnkin/_ tho tchtiiiiimy'.f riitiuber- of tho Bruuiaa LagaAioB, Bftteaan ot tho .South Atlantio Squutlron, aml other parfttta who bate been Bonunoaed, amob, it in aayp-aee., oaa _*_¦ doue in ten days. REC'KLltlJW FOR THE AI.MY RESUMED. Wasiiinuton, April .7..Tlie lollowxxxg oiclor was proniiilf.ate0 to-day: _ll>QB8. OF TUE ARMV. AlU'T.-O VB. QffTO-. { Wa. lll.vt.'it.N. 98, 1-88. i OEBBBA1 ORPFR. 16..l!y duei t'oti of tln W.n Depart- rii. Dt thf r.enutiiig M-rvlce is_ier_by itfHUfksd. Tln- n-K- fnieutal rei-riutliiK Will bo roudu.tcd under the diiecln.n of ooauiianderf t_>eoralu*i to tBeg.ncr»l r.-gulutlouf of im',3. piraKUipht -h-1.. xm\ Wft, UM Ma Tue >f4'U-rt*' fcrvicf \41Il l«o t.-».i.t-tict<il lt.ur kc-u'-i hI superliiU-udt'tit-. vit.: at Now-York City. iticiiiiiBti.Oliu., 81. IxjuIb. Mu., au.l Sitn Frani-l-cu. <»'; -»"<l there t* iii bo four depot- (or c_>Ui_lni_. aud 111. tniftiiii- tlio iccriut., tii.: Goveriior'8 I. laiul. Kow-Y.-rk liiirlmr; Ni-wport liar- ruckt. Kt-ntuck.; Forl U-uvciiworth. K.;hi»i_, nud Iii-uc- c:a LViforui.i. Tbefte-tentl Boparlntendeata~rUlnpon dlrect to tbe Aiijutiiut-Coucrti of iba Aru.j, tmi reewTf all ordcrs froiu hiui. Tiie t ..iiiinau.liiiu; irt-ucriil. of llio uillitaty depHttiueut_ lu trli'cb tlu- dffpote arr locat. d will dc-iK^ate tho b;.rtut__ to U* uacd l.y tho r.-- crultt aud ofO. ers 011 duty with tluin, whlt h wiJI not be cliaugfil 111 any cliaiiKO i-f c-i.iiiii.iiuil'rB. and thoy wi 11 ha40 the ctutial 6iip*:ivi_iou of th.-ir diacipllu.- nt well aa coiuuiaud tl.nn wlieii 0c*.a8-0OS retjulr.. tht ir _<-rAice ut th« rtopot., but lu no t-vt-iit will l__Mrnmo?e rerralts from tba dci>ot» without urdcrs froiu Uie JKad- tiiiiirtcts of tne Artuy, Tia-. roUowlni ilf-.tiiil. are ... rohr mad.*, t\\»\ the of.1. c.s named will procoed to aud ihe otrirers Mtrln charge ot the Btiperinteudf niic*. nnd OejutH: llrt\.t Urig.-Oen. J. V. D. P. eve, t'olonrl 1'. B. A., ut Ni*4. Y..rh Cit4'; lirevct Bilv'.-U-u. X. II. Kelll. I-leonii_-nt-Oloiia-1 U. ». A., at the Depot on Coveriior'H Ldand, New-YorB Ili.rl.or: Jircvet Rtig.iien. J. II. Kidtloo, Llt-utrnaui- Qolaaial U. H. A., for iiH.i_ninient; lirev. t Hd- nt-y liui'baiik, (olonel U. ti. A., at Ciutlriiiatl. Olno; Jlrt-Tet UriK .-(ieu. il. _. Wtkat-lU. Litiit.>iiiiutCiil..ii<l l. ti. A., in eharp-e of the Dtpot at NewiK.rt IlnrruckB, Ktn- turky; iir. vt-r Brbb-Oen. T. Trodoubiu^li. Major U.h. a.. for a-MKunaent; Brev.-t Mnior-(Jei>. W. lIuffiuaD, Oilon.-l U. 8. A.. iU Ht. LouiB, Miammn; Iin-vet Iiiix- <ion. W. 11. Siil-11, Utiiitt'liant-Coioiiol IT. B. A., lu tharjre of tho Depot at Kt.rt I_nvcnworth. Kauwis; aud Dreret i-ieut-lo). T. M. Andrr.ou, M.i.lor U. ti. A , for a_ai*^tnienf; Hrevt't Mnjur (.un., Ahut-r Dobblodar, Col. U. 8. A., of Ran Kim.ri_ <. <., ('al. HrcV-t Oal. M. llt- loney, I.ieut.-CV!. U tk A., ut the Depot at i__nio_a, (ial. A ntiitat.U-iiutiihor of captatna aud BUbnlteriiB the ll.t awaitiujt orders will 1h> aiiuoiinced for ret ruitli./f *% booii mb tbe infatitry re^luicntt ave oi>iitolid.it_-d M-rord- Orders No. 17, enrrent R-rlcu froiu llu* oflice. Iu the n.eatitlnie tho oltiocrs now on rceruitiotf eervice trill retualn on such daty until pnparlf r8_ef__td. (arli_lo B*-T8_kf. I'eiinaylviiiiia, aml Kort l_ ..v.-uwoith, K..ii«.ts hl liaui'ii >is D«P"tt ft.t lhe oollectlon aml iu- of tavulry aud Lijfbt Artilieiy r.-.-ruitB. Ity COIUIBAOd Ol Oaa, MIKKMAN. E. D., Ailjutiint-Ciencral. AfflDENTATi D1ATII Fl'.OM At'CNMTK. ('AMnitiiM-E, Ind., April 2.^. ladfo -fiaah Johuaon, of t'entrcville, Indutna, awallowed a qnantlty of aconite thiougb luistakc, thi*- laoriiini., und di. .1 8 lt_-JI 30 niluiiUa. in f-pito of every effort tuads to cotinteruct tlicpoiKon. The Jlidi.'*- well ktiowti in In.ll.uiii._t .IuiIkc of tbe Ciitiiiiuil Court, nnd waa blKhly KSfoeiad. ile VTua ou u to hlk fatber in tlua tily. -___»..-___ TROTIABLE MtrRDEIl OF AN INI-ASP PBKK-KILL, April,M..Miirib;i Sprngiu* .wbito,) aml Alexander Corutll (eolorcd.) bnvo been arrefUd here, charjed with ninrderlng nu Infaut ld80flB| to the forrtif r. Tbo wom.iu «t.itf» tliat ('oniell took the oblld uHve, ** w.aU il up iu *, bi-K. nua carrle.l lt a»ny from tlm house. Tbf body wa* touud in tbo Foundny l'oud, ou Mouday e vct.iuir. purtly iucaaed in a bag or *bc.t. < itcr Mcliutec will bolii uu iiirfu.__t. rDBUO UKCKPTK-M TO BENATOH WII>ON. BraiirOITIlDi Mass., .April 28..Tho Uon. Ilei.ty W'llfou wuf publicly reooived by tbe United Btatea nriiH.i. _fl 0- tbi» cily. tbm aftonioon. Mr. Wilton 1 e- flKiuded t* luB welcomo by ft Bi>ecch from the bal.ony of tbe Mansatoit House, in which ho dUcuMed the tt**ay hour law, the iu-ention of Congrt'88 iu cnuctluf lt; and ailuded to hl_ rf-cent letter to H_r.o_._rT Rawhns on tlie sublect. Mr. Wil. 011 taid that he Ahould Ju .iik lhe matt.-r to tbo utt-titloii ot rri-ald. nt Cirun*. aad h..i>i d tbal be would ftt an early day aettlo nl) diKpute l.y ;. IW-OtfJ ordt-r. llt pl< dgca C.uffic-b- to tb«- defaasa <>f tlie work- liifj ui.'iih iiift, antl aa_ur«-d tbe i.iii.hi.ib tbat lhe suejeel «..ui.i l^- tntt anddeclded at th.t next hessiou. Mi. \Vil_ou ifcfl lujuidiately for ilimton. THE NATIONAE CO.MMKRClAI. CONVENTIOM. CSICAQOi April 2....Tlie < Con- vention, 888-08884 of delegate** fwui the KourdM of Trado ot Milwaukce, Oswego, CbkajB. ataCBtai I>< tr.iit. Tol.-do. and the Ni 44 Yoik Oiain BieB-Bfa, ruct here yc»t.nlay uiorniug. The Hon. Mr. Uciiut tt of Ruflalo Bj>oko in ref- erenco to the i.f Ifee unti'.iial niti to tbo I-rie Otntal, aod r. inovliif? it frotn Htoto polillt.'B. Tht. fueatlon of tne prat tK-alillity of proeariu 8 r. .Iik tion of toe i-.-mal t..ll. lu K'-in wnv tii_4-uh!#tl, itutl tbi- appolntiui-iit of a ( oiiiiiiitu-e to |.o to Ail.unv waA Rtrongly urf.-d. Htvcrnl New-York in.-inl>«rf declurt-d tbat im. he., vv tion could be aecured bh h.iiK aatho s-rr-Ht Nevr-YorU NMI were so {Mwerftil. OthenelalnVed tbat lha rate* muBt bo reduc-d. not only ot. tbo caiial. bnt al ItuRulo, ChleafO. and Mihvaiikie, 011 the Noith -Wcut. rn R.ait.auuit would take very cit.Bi; tlKiirinir to cut tbe rut.* <ii>wn ... aa to t-ouipiue favorably with lbt.Be by tbo new via New- l.rleai.B. Tlie iiew-rwity of lower ratea WM aiiiiiltle.l, bal tbcic was no decided af-BB-BBBl h- tt hc to lovter ti.t in. TnE "IRON-CLAD" OATH I.V GEOBOIA. Savannah, Apiil 28..Iu tho l^iiKd Btatao Distrtct CJourt, to-day, ln tbc ca*© of Wiu. llonu agt. '«'li« Janita Rlver InsurantoOouipauy, tbo dtfundanf* coun *el demanded that tbe Jury 8ub«cnb« to tlm Iron ilad tiath of tbo Aet of J11110 17. 1.6_, wbicb waa leud to tho Jury, when c\eiyJuror left tbo box, aod the trial ft-11 througb fur wftut of 8 Jury, GENERAL TELEOBAl'niC NEWS. _Tbe quarantiue regnlat-OOO ;.t BolttaDOn go lnto effect ou and after Mouday, May l ....Tlio achooucr Chrooaooetei of Hoa.on, froniCalalf, Me., for Newark, N. J., lad.u with ajkioI wood, has arrived at Uclfast, Me., dlnnaated. ....The Grnnd Juiy of Wuhlo Countv, Mc. Bdjoiirned onTuctflfty, ntter havlng found 30 bill« of iu- dictini t, prlncipally for riolatioi ofthe i.lquor law. . A German aailor of Ilufliilo, nnmed QeorfO Anil.rewBter, ug.d Cf years, attaoU'd 1.1* wife ilaBtnlglit witli'8 _i-:i!l buuiuior »-_ fiacturt J her skull. bbe 1* not expectod to llve. Ycatcrday an inmnto of St. Mary'_ Hoa- Eital at Rorbeat. r, N. Y., tiauiid Mary Tooiuey. tlinsw erself froui a tbird story wiudow of lhe buildlug aud was lustautly killed. ....Tka Orand .Inry of Qoeboe have foand a truo blll Sgaliiht Chaloiiei for tlm iniirdtr of Ensigu Whlt- takt-r, tbo __*-.___ of Mrs. Cbtilouer. Tbe trial is flxod for Baturdny. ... Walbridfo A. Fk-hl.'for Uiree rearo nant ABiiBtnut J). in _ttor_M f ot Ro. tol., bi t be*. tl a eoneaipoiitllng jKirition at Wn_hingtoii bv At onu;y ti.ii.rii! Hour. ....Tlie Difoeteie of the Bprinciluld Cfna..) iiuit rurtuitiBtOD Vallt-y llailtoad yeMnrdav iie-tc.i M. D. liiig..'.. 1 rtbid.iit: 1.. J. l'owtrs, Clcik; uul M. .\lcxa_.- dor, Trca-urer. .Mr. imtl Mrn. llioj.hy, :m(l a piil nnmed Ji.hi.iniH Boscb, aged W ynra, ri'itidli.p st Ro. i.'."TAi- <l. rai., Fhiladelpbin, were .ever.-ly burw <1 (Mrt. I.i phy ai.d tlu-t-irl pioli.tWy fatjllv) h> tlu exj.lo-io'i of 11 cau of coal ofl, v. fut-ri tl.e tjiti 44 a* iMitinii/. ea UM BBB. ....I* S. PraUa cotton-aiill at Watertoaro. N Y., ttt-rt.-iuy.-1 by _j-ouTu«_d_jrnUlit. Klmbbll'a barlev-11. tll* t.-ri< ulMibiii II. II .Rai.eo.-k pltntD uianufaeUn t t..o_ iire-everai timca, l.ut traseitlngniAbi d without inu'tli .uiuuKe. 'll.e iiiNUiaiue on Ihoiotlin 11.1II waallf.W-.. w_4 Vtry l.ttl- stoek 111 tbc buildii.g- FOREIGN NEWS. aa CUBA. 8PANI8II ACCOUNT8 FROM TH$ EASTERM DK- rARTMENT.ORDKB OF TUE GOTERNOR Ot TORTO RICO. u fi Naa ILvvaka, April S8..According to the Ilavana jour- nftls the newa ir<»fn the Eaatern Dcpartmeut bas of lat© be^a Xavorable to tho Government, No great reenlta are annotinccd, but soveral sklnnibhes, ip wbicb tbe Spanisb troops wero victoriouB, are re¬ ported. Tho two vcsaela cftpturcd by tbe Uuion off tho Vuelta-Abaja coast, prove to bo wreckcrB. An order bas been issnod by the Govcmor of Porto Rico probibiting veasols fiom entering thc harbor of Sau Juan at night. MOVK.MKNTS OK GEV. LESCA.DliSATISFACTIOK M'lTU GEN. QUKSADA. Advicos from Nuevitas to tlie Mth inst., have been rcceived. Gen. Lesca lelt Nuevitas laat week on bia return to Pucrto Principe, and on Friday bad reached Sau Antonio witbout liriog a sbot. Gena. Letoua and Escalantc, with tho Catalan voluutocrs aud mobiliicd colored troops. marchod from Nuevitas on the 96th for Puerto Principe. Four thou8tV»d mon were actively cngaged in inuking tcifipftrary rr-pairs on tho railroad betweeu Nuevitas and Pucrto Piin- cipc, ip order tbat pyoviaions may bo trabsportcd to \he ]at tor point beforo tho nyny e£?f/op sets im It is reported tbut tbo |inM*rgonts are dis- Biitii-tied with Gen. Qilesidn, heouuse- bo is ftlwny? organizing and never ligbting. Thc iusurgcuts still iiold Napolcon Aiauuo piisouer. Tncy bave also arrestcd au named Robert Stevens for cn- demuiug tlM detcntiou of Arango. A Governuicnt tug-boat had brought into tbo port of Neuvitaa. as n pilze. aschooncr with acrewof livo men on board, but no cargo. l-ates from Santiago ilo Cuba are BO tbafld. Tbe Amcrican brig Gcrman WM wrecked oll Inngua. Haf cargo. consibling al inuiiitions of war. was ncarly ull Iod. Thc wreck viaa iu cbaigo of thecubtoms ofljeers. KEl'OKTXD SAIMXO OE AX EXT'EDITIOS FOR CU- BA .KLMCKKD CONH.Ii T BITWIUI A MoM- TOR AND f-I'ANISII >I KN-OI WAIt. The Government rcceived notice that an oxpcditiou had left tlie Gulf fur Cuba under tho cscoit ol a Htcamcr, and two war raaaala ttOtt dit-patched to in* tcrcept it. On the reoeipt of later itiforniation the Admiral of tho flafc..Iiip Gcromt *ailed from thc harbor early Sunday niorhlng on a tajgbaat. There is an rxciting inmor la circulat.ui that a coulhct bas laken plucc l.etvtccn a monitor and£the Spanisb mou-of-war, and that ono of tlie latti-r was suuk and anotliereaptnrcd. Thc insiirgents have rc- appcared in the vicinily of Sagua-la-Giaudo aud ugain destioycd the M'AIN. TBI advocai v Of ATHlltttCAL PtimJirUM 6BOI l-l'CMII IKD.A MOlKiN AOAIHS1 REll« OJSOmt TOl.kKATION Kk.JK.iTFP. Mvniiin, April 2H..ln tho OortM }' st. rday one of tha Republican lnembiM mado a BfBBNb m which bo ndvocaUd atlui.tticul priiuipks. aud ullndcd to the Christian religion iu toius ol di.aicbpcct. Uo wa* in- terrupU-d by St nor Rivero. tka Fionidmit of the Cortcs, wlin declarcd tbut tbo ln ;,uty could not bo ]. iiintt. <l to continue hib reinarks. Tlie Republican.., mdignaut nt fli" declaiofl of tbe Pieaidcnt, wiibdrew from tlie < hainbt-r. 'I hey atih- st'i|uently retnrneil to theiratata, and proposcd a of censuro agaiuat thr Pr<-ident. A ntoiniy iIi-IkiIc followed, aud tei iniiuifed in tho withdrn\*al <f thc resolution. Canon Monti rofak'a anuiii.meiit to the CoMtitBtloa in favor of inaiuia.iiiug tbe pub.ut nnitv of tho (iitholic religion worship iu Spaiu, was *BJ<, t, -I. I RAM J-\ nmof nnti op ibi on___ i i»tn. atik.the iumim; iiii riOVf. PaHIS, April K..Tha *><-Miiona of tlio Coips l_.'giv bitif hav*- eoni ltuled. and tliat Imdy ha-. dinnolvc.l. I he ele.ttioiiK for mciiibcni of the rn xt OotOM Iahih- latif have b4.«n lixed for the _>d «>f May. nussUa tiik CWUMHIOII WO* Tiir. ROTBCTIOI 01 KMIi.KANTS. Bebmn. Apiil SJH.-At lha bitting of the Prusaiari Diet. lo-dajT. I'ount Vnn liiMiiank, m leply lo an in- Hiiiry, said the tonvt-ntioii niade with thc I'nited SUitea fur the protci tion of cmigrauts on sbipboanl. Iitul so far t,f any piartkal rrsultH, owing to tho obstucles in the way of establiabing M nitcnu- tii.nal tiihiinal for the adjudication of the caaes of . Dinplaiiit hiD-ing under the trealy. BOUTB AMERK'A. I'KKl'AKATIONS VOI A F1NAL MAKCH 4)N l.Ol-Y7~ LiSKDN. April 'aSH.-Tho mail ateamer from Rio Janeiro has arrived. Tbo Allied forces iu Paiaguay were makiug preparationa for a linal attaek iiimui I'r.Hidcnt Loaaa, and expected tobc n_a<ly U> .idvaiuo into thc liiU'iior befoic tln <-ud of Apiil. QKSAT BRITAIN. TIIK NKWMAUKET RACB. Ix.MM.N, Apiil Hl.Tha event of lo-tlay at New- murket was thc two-ycar old plate of 200 aovcreigus colts, Ifl ft ; fillics. 1JU ll.; five furloug6; cntrance. :i sovcreigiiH, Tho raco was won by Guy Dayrell. The following is a summary : I,or.l Wci-tn.ori-latirt'a el p Ouy Dayrcll. by Wlltl Day r.-ll, OBt Ol«».._.".;. . ' Ix.i.l I-'aliiiotttli'a li. f. Gcrtrudc, liy fcauiitcrer, ou» ot Onren Hertlin..¦ . . J Tiu- intVe ot Hrweaa|le'( b. a. Mont Rlaix-. by (,'ruu-r, out of Ladj Rluiitli,, ht l.pirua. 3 The betting o:i the race wua two to out agaiust each of tbe borses plaeed. Sevcntcen ran. A U1NNER IN 1IONOR OK REI.KASF.D FF.NIANrt. Cokk, April 2°.-A dinncr was gaven here last night ia honoi i.f Witrrcn nnd Cohtcllti, the releusod Fcnian priaoneis, on the Mcusiou of tlicir departure foi Ameilca. Hih Honor, tbe Mayor of the city, was irrcscnt and made an inllaminatory epoecb, warmlv eiilogiring tbo gucats o* tho cvening. JIo waa fol¬ lowed in a simii'ir Btrain tjf otber gcntlemen. Th.- building in wbicJi the baMitiCt tinik plaee was aur- rounded by n large crowd of frioudaandsynipa- thirers, wbo during the eve.ning formed a proceMion aud paraded the streets with bands and torches. Tl* proccedinga were mnrkedby mucb entbu«iasiii and excitement, and aomo disonler. SIR BAMHEI, HAKER's AKRKAN EXl'KDITION. THK IIOIBE OP OOMMON8.-CO-01,KRAT10N. TIIK mm ARTS. IFKOM Ot'B OWB COnBKSPOBBItBT | LoKlH)V, April 14. 1969. SirSamuol Bakoi's expedition up the Nile fur the entirpatiou of tlie wlavo trado, lately aunountM'd, is tobe a very genuine tbing. Fo goes under o com- missiou from tbo Viceroy of EKypt, who funiishes men aud material, and autbovity witbout liuiit. Sir Sainuel ia created a Pacha, witb abaolutc jurikxlic- tion over tbe alavc-trading rcgions. Ho is to have l.laOU trtKips under hiw'contuuiiid, wilb stcamers and other fit transportation. What he expecta to do may be judged from what he bas hiuiself written on the .tibject in his last lniok. the Xilt IVibutaritt of Abajg- tinia. Hc tbere d.clared in his usiifll forcible wa.T bis couviction tliat the hoirihle tiatlic might be coiiipl, tely destroyctl. It may be wondored how Sir Saiiiii, 1 contrived to convt-rt the Viceroy lo hia views, ainco it is by the contiivauce of tho Viceroy that tbo trado bas hith.-rto been carrit-d on. Pcrbaps the auswer ia to be found in moiih- i.ltcrior ah|aaaa of th« anaaittaan. its ef- forts will not bo coiiliiieil to tle tein tont-a of F.gpyt. Tho sourcea of thc trado lio atyaajd lhal aa tho Whlta VMt aud thfonghont AbjaaJiia llMtaaaajntfitaaN lo Im uot only pun fied but occupictl, and annexi-.1 to l'i:vpt. wbit h hus long eovctcd them. Nor has thc great cxploin loht aight of bis foinit-r projecla. Dcalroying tho various d'-|HitK of the blavc di-alcra an he atlvaurcs. ho will push st.adily on till hc rajatbaa tba aMhart Nyan/.a. Ile will launib a ktcaui flotiliu ou tliat l.akc, and expiorC.**11.**106* Sl'gta-t shores, I don't know how wuch fart_i{rTi5 ._^*o. nor wlytf limitthco inay bt} {o Xne goographical pnrposo of thisdarlrcg schem.. Ita conception is dre wholly I b. lievo. t j Bakcr himself, and he is certainly the fittcat of liv- ing nu-o to executo bis magniflcent plan. Lady Daker once moro accompanics him, aud no element of romantic interest is wantlng to an undertaking wbich promises to surpaas all previous African ex- plorations in tho splenclor of ita resulta, scientific, humanitarlan, aud political, Thero is great outcry ftgain conccrning the accom- rnodation of tho House of Comraone. Tbo qucstion is whether au entirely new- Chamber should not bo constructed, wbich should be largo enoiigh to seat tho wholoof tho present incraber.. Whonthe Euglish 1'ai liunient first aroso it waa found a very dillicult thlng to indttco gentlemen to pcnuit themsolves to bc elected; now, however, they aro willing to pay fabulona snms for that di.tinction, or privilcgo, or opportunity of advauccuieut, however they may re- giud it. .Still, until lnto years tho difllculty was to )>re4 aii npon them to al tend when they wcro elected. and it was tbotiglit thai a Houso holding 400 mem- bers was largo efihngh to accommodato as mauy aa would atloud. Iltit this rariiament haa proved that more interest than formeily is taken by uew nieni- btirs, and tlio r;iicstion has liccomo a soriotis one, where aro thoy to sit. Mr. lfcadlam, tho sonior iiiembcr for >\.wc^-.tlc-ou-Tyue, who had cbargo of the propos^l of nc4v artangements, ls a ready, cxpciiencod offlcial speaker, of great taot in state- ment, and ho could not othcrwiso do.cribo tho present stato of the Honso of Commons than as at times being "a largo bnt shop" in appearanre, owing tt. tbo 00008-1*9 of nicmbci- requiriug a s.-at tlu ir biits iu tlie House on tho bench they iiitended to nccupy so as to MOHa th _ir t-at for their night. W hon u great dobato if on there is tm rauch tronble, stiuggling and i-eril as gotting into a theater on u bi.Miig tiiglit. It is n-atotiisbiiig that many gcntle- nion, well advanccd in years, sbould so long havo fiil.iiiitUtl Ui this cxtraoltlinary iueonvenience. Hnt the new Tarliauicnt is comnoaod moro than formoily of gentlemeu who intend to know how the Quocu'b (Jovernment iscanicd on. antl iiiteiid being present to sce it done. It is tliis circtimstanoo wbicb ha* f..rn<l attei.tioii recently to tho question of tbc ar- At tbo samo time it ir.di- s iu it very niatketl inaniicr tho dirt'erenco be- t nn jKjpulaj Koveiiinitnt in England and iu America: tbat amitl all tho discniwioiis very httie ia Siiid of tho inrrcaso nf aceomniodation for n porttrt, aud lesa ia said upon tbe increaae ofaccommodation fo. Ibo public The duily prcss in England, c xrcptiug that of tbc ineliofHiliK, is, with two or three favoretl, exclntled frnmtbc ropoitcra' gallcry fr.un 4».tiit ofroom. and a great. r nuniber of tbo jiublic b:tvi> aduiission tban liud thtii way iuto au ordinary policc-court. Now hous.-hnld suii'tage has .x.nic,andeveryl'ody i_ allowcd to imaciuo biiUHtl; ;in t.;.. lor, 0 0BatO- nuuiberof tbo public are clamoi- ing for admi._inn tn tlm ilobatts in which tbey are I.. eoailai i-* naaaDy laasa st.«l. 1 he airs nf ladepOBdOOMO of tlm ponplc wbich Mcin- lmrs of rarliaincut 6uuietimesgive thciu-clvca in En¬ gland wn* w.ll illii.tratrd by arcmaik of a nmtio- jiohlan iu tlio d.hato to which I bave re f. it. tl. Mr. l.ayar.1. Mu- rimiiihc. inquostiou.iaman lfcstly far abov. hi. situatiou as ft Mtin of 1'arlia- meut. Ho baa ttie " lioiiur." bc says, to bo a mctroiH.lil.iii M.iiilier -tbe liiufoitunc Im describea it. Ho-alniost drcads," I.o told tbo House «m tlm tl.l .ite ou Iftuihi- nf Commonaanangcmetitf. going into th. Inbby." \Vittie_Bft. O public, tho penls 4*1,1.1. b.att bim! "Jfbcwent to tbo roat-Offlt r, or u. rmcuro \mxtfr. he waa nearly stir. to he ramrlit hy a-.-iii- body wnnting som. thlng. amtl I_o dotaiiud.' -u. li pBiaaaal tulaiiufy Mr. I.ayard dcairoa to lu- ppite. u-.l. I M«e BO way iu which it t-au bo ilnn.' i xcept b.\ a rratii an loiiiuiuiiii'utioii fiom Ika I'ndi rur'.uii.l B uUa.iy m.w itcat' the Hotme, with a iHariaaa Bndat la tha Ricbl Won. gcnsl.iaaaa_i nol mi the Treasury I. -nrb, troiii wbicb be conltl ascend to hi.'pla-o 44it!ioiit the jMxiaibiljty of any voxutiuu. n.ntlitut-nt Kcttin^ powM-Haioii of him. At tbe ('.loiKiatiVc ('.nikTCKS hold tho ttttt i <lav in I.. Ml*. a proposal 4\ a-s m.Mtf to uiiil.a co<M»*'tati.>ii aiul Tiades Vnioiii.ts in 0 coiiiinoii ol.jcct, when a dinplay of iioliilci. n.o and even avowi-.l n*- pOgaaa«a ou tho part of coOprrators to tho pr.ijcct, took tBOM ImbI ari|iiniiil*'*l v* ith coiiimratioti l.y aurpriso. Tlie exiatonoe of un antagonistic fcel- ink' fTaaaaiortaa MMpaiaad. Tbo -entimunt I.*. boaai not on im ntonal but economic groniid. Totlm co.'ip erator tlm \va_»tt of luouc. in atrikcs, tho focblctiess, cniifiiMoi). aud geimial iinpotencc of tbat modo of ln.lustrial rt-drcAt, BOBBB au itnputatu.n t.n tbo aenac or conimon setis.* of all enjraged in procectlincs bo wa*-t* ful. Tbey OOOB-dBB btiikcs expltslctl lotot ii^-o, and to belong to a iiumIc of warfaro, t haiaot.'r- istic sonicwliat of iimtlianical savages ; antl il.'.liiu- lo be tlrawn into it, ».r to b«* iniied up in it, or in any way to bo ci.u .nl* rt >l ;.*> I'liiiiit.iiancing it. Mr. Ayrton, a nminlier of the (.ovcrnmenf. has BOdortakOB BB brinn tu a bili for the aholition of 4vbut is called tln- Hecurity Hyetem. Tlm last of tbo lOOOl ri'-stiit Hon on tlm pross. iiitended to r*.pro«_ nr r. tult i iin|'"Ksiblo the existenco of i_a|>crH likcly to be troubhaionie or nnmanngeblo in their social nr political vit ws. Tlm n-stiit tion tohl chiclly OO hinall ofl'cndeis, esi-ocially in eountry tlistiiets wLen- tlu' n|iiire or Uie church- warden aaJOOlBd to iiii|Miitiniiit coninmii_s .i|a.n tbeir Ipmco«Hliuj.s; any tounneiit being iu th» ir opitiinti iiiipt-rtiiieut. lt 4vas 1'ui.ill.. detiTinined yostordav, at a meeting held at tho Central t'onperative Ageiuy in I'arlia- nient-st, that a OoiyorOtlTO Cnngress shnnl.l bokeld la I-onilun in the timt wook in Juim *eO__. in.ncing, itidccd. on thc.'ilat of May. The meeting of arraiigouicnts waa atteuded by Mr. W. Paia, Mr. Q, J. Ilnlvnake. and Dr. Travis, all leadera of tho cot'iporativo movcumnt nf IMH Tbo Cnngress will 1*. bcld in thoroomaof tho Ko< ioty of Arts, Adclphi: :t f.htivo meeting will bo held at the Cryslal 1'ala.:.-, an.l a omt will be BOfBIBd at tbo Crystal l'alace for tbe exbibition of empctativo mauiifaftturca: and I am ilcsii-ed to aay that any co.'".pciaUirs in Anmrica Tisiting England at that tune will bo nio**t OOlOOOBO at tbe Congrffs. This week tbe railiaincntary papers contaiued a uotice "Ii-avo of absence soven duya-Mr. Juiuis Wbite'e severe domestic aflliction." Mr. Wlnto, tho member for llrigbton. has b.ft his Itulian son in-law. Higtlor Martni. Tbc papers spcll tlm uiune of tho de- ceased gentleinan " Mazf iui," wbicb may lead somo to fonfoimil him wilh Ma/rini. tho Italian lcadcr, m toatispoctarelatioriKbip. Tlmre is uone. as the or- thography in tbo two MBBB. iniplies. In one senso thero wr.s afliuity, for bis wife, formerly Miss Linda White, was a diatingnislied and accotu- pliabed translator of Italian iHilitical writings, and tiHik great interest _B the frce.loin of tbat couutry. Higfior Mazim di.d suddcnly of lmart discaxc, aud will be removod from Baajtaad to Bnaacia, laoiubardy. for interiiienf in the */ault of bia family. A frienU, wbo is a much betkr judgo of picture*. tban I uin,' writ-s ine as foljowa I "Ainonatiie Ameriean artihta in Lontl.m fow are oxtH.ig moro ..ttontiun an.«ng tbo « ritunl, by tlm.r n, ikf tl an Mr. Oaorae Boagftoa, wh«. has ilnady ffaii.iia-i-o.1 reputatinii in both cojintrii * by the fft!\[!::'.\,u\ minalitr witb wbich Im matiaged v ir-o-iii/.- .'< OBOO in tho iiiviinnii.-iit b, « 1 v.l I -a. h beneatb Iba rlalng araaad ablehthe X l.a ¦* _lH..ltl..a-.,.ud. Hm BcUlaiBBBl lt__cl« m f i_lit. lhe ,,,,, Aky, fun.l. aml dbtaot W.H..I. ¦!, kr m Im onaty dlaliw^ eompriaa Ika aatna f l,r p.ece. Then* m un gTMB bMA aad nt!ffioear^aflower lhanthal«am '*Jfl^ li.-hensniiar... k.nllm forcgTOtind. _..! tlm. i. 8 clr a u tendcrneaa ... tl.c li-bl ponradiiif tke plctttro. Vll- 4401k i-icinarkable-o. iU «OV_-0 Bimplicty aud Itn moral impresBivcnesa. Here are a dozou Saxon men in homely grav garb, the only Bigna of hnmanity airainst the miatv whjtqof sea and sky in tha back- ground, witb whom deatiny marches. Tbere ja no bne military nrray, no glittor of armor, no prond flag; ouly a lew hardv meu on a lonely beacb who look to tbe immediate tiusiness in baud, and bave uot tbo fllightest uptiqu of cuttiug a figiiXO m history. or on the walls oiYxhibitions. This 18 tbe way dcstniy moves, bo lowly on the uuobserycd Jandmai ks whicn kiugs and peers pass byto bo ueaiJT-Tl.d At last bv Art aud Romance. Only ln tbo strong, deteruiinetl faces of Standisb aud bis men do you disceni the vast bUtoric distauce from which tlio little_ proces- sion haa cotne. From aa artistio poiut of viow, oue ftndsthe artist's felicitous tact in tho tine color which he has got for the Puritan group, wbich would naturally bo of somber costume, by denitting tho red skin and savage trappings of tbe balf-nude ln¬ dian wbo leadsthem, aud constitutes the most promi- neiit figure. This 11tho fellow is a model lndian, the pcrfcction of animal rcpoae- and strcngth. The whole is a work which might almost revorso th<*say- ing of Grethe. that no young man can bo a master, because youtb cannot havo reposo. Tbe sinccritv nnd iiutfi wbicb charactorize tho paintings of this yonng Amencan artist aro visiblo iu every part of a work wbich several connoisseurs bavo already pro- nounced ono of which Americans may be prottd. Mr. Boogbtoa has alwo prepared for the Euibittoa a Taay aharaniag ptataia ot aaaaanta ta Brittany wor- shiping at a wavbide cnicilix, on which are bound small buiiches of wheat, to iiidicate thankfuluess for tho harvcst.'' I misbcdbccing Mr. Bnagbtou's pictnre before it went into the hands of tho Academy Committee.bnt, from all I hear, it richly douervrs tho line critical praise w bich I quotc above. (>. w. 8. MR. CONWAY AND THE PALL MALL OA7.ETTE. The Pall MuU (htcclle of April 14, publi-jbeH tbe following latter from Mr. Conwny: Sir M.iy I, without undcrtaking the advocacy of tho Ameilcan cbargce against Kngland, rcupond to your chnllengcsn lur as lt lnbtitutea a pnrallcl betweeu tlio attitude of tbe Uuiteit Htatca towartl bpain lu tbe matter of Cuba, and tliat of England toward tlie Uuitcd Statea iu tlic ninttcr of tbe Southcm Coufederacy t Tbe gravauien of tbe Auicricau charge ia, tbat their (loveninirut bavlng pas.ed luto the Uatidsof a new Ad- roiulstratioii.and tliereupou a rcbelllon baviug broken out, tbut relielllon was eoncedetl belliaerent rigbta by England without waltmg for tbe arrival or ropreaonta- tionanftho Amcrii'im .Mliii-ter fheu on bla way to tiua counlry. Tbat. lt 1. rl.arge.l, waa " hatUy rccogultioD." and uidleatcd au uuliieuUiy auluius toward tho United 8«-tea. , _ Tbe other caso is tbat. though tho Inaurrecflon ln Cuba Ii ad aco,ulreUlinpo6lngdlui<:nr.ion(, tbe Auicrlcautioveni- ment not only awHltcd tbo arrival ol tbe new Bpiiuiab Mln¬ Uter, but haa uot yet recoguiztd cither the belligereucyor tho ludepcndence of Cuba. Hut tbo Houae of H>.rreaeuta- ttvea, you mr, hn-t exiircased its ayn.pathy witb Cuba, and that ia hoatillty to _M>aiii. Of courae lt Ia; and tha Houae of RepreeentaUves bas a perfect rlgbl to cxpreM Itaaympathy with nny and its dlallke ot auy Oov- emmetiC. Uut tt tnust imt profesa Uiat such exprestious are conslatcnt wllb frli-ndafiip. As I undcrstand it, tbo l.'iigllau (iovernnient claima to b.ive done nothing un- fni-iidly to Aiiitrlea. I do uot learn tbat tbo House of Repreaentatlvea bas dtsowned Its deteatatlon of that aiiMiablg euuibiiiaiion o( oppiesMlous ln Cuba wbich the rn.vlru.nnl Uovernmant of fipam, lu their aollc'M,).. cou- certiluganrw monarch, haa not as yet even pi oiub-od to rcoiove. I nui, Hlr, yours, Ac., Momjube D. OOMWAT. F-KEIGN HEWfl BY MAIL. i A1ITAI. I'CNISilMKST IM BWE1M.N. Mr. Tliomna HeggH, the bonorable Hocretary of tbokSeelety tor tlie Abulltloo of CapitalIP»#«j labtnent " whl.h I n_wl tho houor of preseiitlug 'o ycu, ilurtiir tiiv ahort viatt to London laat Btitnmer, you will tln 1 (i-inr'-a D" 99) tbe ftstlMtlcs of tbe imbllc execiitlons ia Hwoden from 1149 to 1M54. As a completcmcut of Tablc 5 (i.ugo '/!/ I um UOW ablo to add that ! 11«3.. Wor» ntnlil. ' 1W.J.,< aoJtuiri*.; I.i i-ai .lai |>.|aiiliaa*Bl. 81 IICl. ,CmiiI*_bB»d la a«,i*l irrrttuil* for lif*. 67 1M.B|M.»*6. ' l».4..C«!^e»B*.i toraaltal jiBBi.hioeut. (I 1». 4. ,CuB_t*_LBa-J to piaal MrTitaa* tot lif*.- 109 l*a-l..Bi«rnlcat.. lt- l..('..».l*uic«l t. faylul iinoiiliiBftt. 9 \8>.!i. l oaJ'tmrrJ to p.n.l Mraitiid* for Uf*. 39 1996 Ki*r«i»d ,for wilifal taiiMtr *B<1 rah1)*!?). 2 _6a_S..Coaal»aaii*-l lotaplul (alaa MMiara for iaiabor. diautlua). 16 IK6. .CaBi*. iub- i U i-araal mttiIb-Ii (BBJ.l)«r nol tMBi). l»*.7..Iii«*«i«(. 1666. .Baeculfd...... _. . Hnwuiaiiy have Ik-'-u ouiideiuued to tx-nal ivervltude during tbe laat aevcu years I cannot tt.ll, beeau6e tbe ofll- eial at.itiaii.-»..r Uio lourtaareiiot yet publiaUed for tlio yet. im>,-. 'aa. _. Tlio gi" it ij.freiiM: ln eondetnnatlona to capital punwn- itn nt ,liuiii_i tiu- t.-.ira I. Jiii.d fullowlug la dua to tbe ti, iv i-riuiliial i.Ml..i.f 1 >>'.!. liy tiua codi. tbo liilinbei of enuio* to bo punialied with ileatli pcualty were rt-duoc-d froin irri t.» aome f.-w t.noa. lltsidn this. death t>etialty or peoal a< i vltmle nni, «,-, ortllng to the sald ro,!,-, aU.-riiu- tl-. i iy ln intl.i i.-il even for thc. o crluic-i, according to Uie arbttratlon of tba eoori Am we huvo not bad uny exccutioDS ln tbe laat two v< trr. I tlilnk Uiat ile.iib j-cnaliy uiay aoon bo conaiUenul aboll.hi >l 'lr faeto lu SwedVn. By lha Ihk! chanter (Tl) of my b»ok, paa(i: 171. >ou tun ae.. the vatloua uimle ilnritig ..11 ihe DteU, fraaa IBI3 to 1SUS, for Introdutlng l.ilia for ibe lotavl abolltlon of eauital punulnueut from tln |_wa of H\TcUi-u, aud tbe oauacs wby Uicbo WUa were lr-lu ,llwl. iimiiig tbr praaonl Dlal of thiayear no bill for tbo aaoie jMir'MK,- baa Been Introdnced, i.«cuum. all tho (ealouapro- iiiot.iraof un i|iu-.iiioii of al)oli»bing eapilal piiniabiueiit think It better ln wail aomo . t-ara, till tbe Wwetlisb people I11.4, oii-n Mpcuatuuied to aec puUlio seourity very well supportcd wilhout tbe eeSaawanaa ol tbe bauKinaD. _> THE Xh If DOMIXWX. Thc Montrcal HUtr gives tbe following 9tatis- Uaa of tbe New Iioiuiuion, ,1 ytrojne of tbo aonci*tion of tko Haaaai- Hay Terrttory, wbicb lt calla "Our New I.lrphaut:" lha aieacf tbe Donilnion of ranaila-and, by antiel- patlon, in tbla wo Inelnita Hritiah Oalaaaalaaaal the tern- lory td tlie Hak-Ma'a Hay approiiniately or jiretty at, uiately tXmt at Umjttt .uuaro tuiles. Tbe of mo preaent !><iiuluion, includliiK that of Ibe Mai-nliue l'roviucea. la i,20t,1Oti; lucludinc R'd h*tileiiieiit and lirltiab Coluiubia, auy .l.i<k).ooo. is a aotnei bal llberal ftKiire. The nutnliers are liased on tho I v-r r. iiii.l .1.1 no inoio rri-ent olfliial doeumi'Ut is nvailable, tbia la tbe ouly truatworlhy authoriiy wo cau '1 hia jiropnrtlon of popul.itiou to terrltory la about nine- tmih.t of one paiBOB lo "ticli «a,uare nille; tbat 1*. aa.umli)»r Ui, r>. aro ll.ree aduit> .'¦ ea.-b family of flvc. tbere ls llltle uinrn tbiin hulft.11 adult tocach 640acrcs, oue sqiinre mlla ln the PoiuinioD. Tbla la a snaraeneas of popnla iioii' to utterlv diaproporlioned to tbe terrttory. Imt one looka »! it^haal tt the labor au.l ..(iM'iiae wbit-b our Uo-ernniciik maat lucur to iieoplo thi-Mialtiaets ol toiiiit.y witli anvtbliiK like aniade- 1,1 iie iM-iiiilittion. Hut apart from the territory of tfte II udaon Bay fompany. of whleb we are aoou to take 1^- H«*M.u 1, t ns i-sauiliie Ihe ratlo of iMiiiuIntiou aual counlry in O11UD0, Wuobec aud tbe !.ower '^{"^: ta Mi.i*. l'npulal 00 to M Milt*. ja*.::::::.:::::::-:- \_\_\ _\ :?Sf":::::::::::: S W *S \Vero tbe en'tlro terrttory of tbo Doinlnton-ln whleb wo Ibe Uudaon's Hay Coinpany-peopletlin ,,.¦ wm, nui. I'riure _4wai_. |9-U8_* the I^pulatloii woi.1,11 e im.6M.46B. Hut it la t-aid. a. anthaarliy. that PrtBM Bdward lataod nialntaln fm Unica Its Preaent ,r..,i.l-.tloii. In tbe aaine pn.portloii tlie ctitlre territoty ot h- Di.tiunlon would iTpDOrt 1ot,i'U,-r,\ ajnumber abou ¦ nml tottvo-tl.lrdaof tbe liihaiiltanta of tbe glolie. But 0/1 urseawhle uiargin uiust be left for atc.nle i.,iu1h, iit f.»r eiiltlvallon. Bal aay Ihat lOO.OOO.ijW could pro ro a iHU-i n, 0 ln tbla territory. wbich ls taa tbin mt- tettttth o the i.u.uber computed on the OtOtk whi.-n I'nnee Kilwaid's laland 66 allowcd to nialntaln. aadM k r. ont lut ln iirtiportton to tho nutnber whk-b that laland iWaact.ialfy aupiMirl. we bave capaclty enough o , yagcat,. (Bbnoa tbo reduudiuit populatlou ol K,i.,',,o. ox?lu.lve of thc lnbcreut naturai lucrcase of our Vy,A» nfrriai_B66 ot Quebev. Its grcal canacity¦ to trtt- ufn .! law popularn,,? U . ataa. tnnu g toltowla. E^aSSlS xZ nuil ber P.a_£3 mTltSC S&f| . rtS a ii whl cl. imiat ba aM.umed to lnclude all the an. T iba l_o«walon 3 reaidenta. uon-resldeuts. and t iinic couitutnlea, wai U.U3,:t«9 acre*. leavlng uuoccu- *h iii ?«. 7ai nirea. Tbe returna to Oovcrnment ln __.?_".HS; utiiubf-r of persons mkkktmtX tn thi. Province oTnoJ^..i eic uilve oMhe citma of Montreal,t4u9bec, and T^.roe Kivers snd as these are heada of fainiliea, the ave- m«* t, t_! SS would be 8o acrea. When wa lalS ?ba MaaaVt tha very larga traeta of land held by rirate apeculutors, by abaeut-ca. and by publ'c compa- f, ea we Uiink tbia av«rage quite Uo low, aud u.fer theio aluat bc aotuo grave orror iu tbeae returna. a-> HCSrENSION OF WORK IN THE COAL MINK8. fcBAMTOWi ?».. April 28..The coal niineraof H vde I'Hrk, in thU city, to-nl«bt vot*?d to Ma In tbo muve- inont for u getu'ial auapenalon of work by the 30,000 ml- uera lu tbo uuthractte coal Ilelda. UtOnh\m% MEETINUS, Ac. A mfiss niccting of citizeiiB, irioj-pcctive of i.i.riy. will be held ut looper lliatltuto tbia areplag. te eipreaa aympalhy for tiie atiugglli g t'ubana. Thc cull 16 algurd !>> inaiiy of our nioat pii.nunent clu/.i-na. Dr. l.cwir. I-, lcctureil laat night on "The Ajiatoniy aml I'by-iolng.v of tht lluti Ileart," Ixfi.te tlfb Uirmau Hocloty H Iiitelloilual 1 rogressat Hu-ii rooins, No. 316 Tblrty aixthal. ~a-> Bdwn_ Mont'Uii'iit, tho Hiirgoon of tlic ahip .laines Fontor, Jr., waaantsleil by Otkttt Koiner at l,"," waler, h. I, yesterday, ou u charge of felouiotia aasaiilt, iu llltreiitlng iwrsuiis OB tbo veaael of wllicb M waiaui- i_raa.ii. i he ai-eiiaH-il hua bi en i rek ut W'ard'a laltiml inne Um arrival of tlie Poatar, wbirh preventod bla apprenon- an.n bcfoic. Uio warritnl waa inaued by Corouar'«ax- .iiini, wliiiioiiiii.itted Um priaouer to tbe Counlyjan»* liukiaoud, ti. I , lor eimiitnation. ALBAjNT. TIIF. GAS I5ILI. PAS..EI. BY TIIE A88EMBLT.K1NAL DEFEAT OF THE BXCUI BILL.TIIE TAX COM- MISSIONKKS' B1I.I..T1IKEAT OF CONTRO LL__R CONNOLLY. Aliuny. April 28.-Thc bili to Regnlate the Sale of Uluminating Oas in New-York passed the Asacmblr to-day, by a voto of 94 to 10. It was given out through the lobbies within a few days tbat the gaa companios had subscribed an immense snmof money to defeat this bili, but it appeara by the few negativo votes tbat they did uot succeed. The negativea were aa follows; KITt Aikea, Cmd*, (Jrlfiln, //,-/, Itovcler. W, M. Klr, Utubrouek, ___...», CtmrtfO. /'./iii.. IIr_.rc.tD, Bm CoBKer, Oifluid, Uortott, Ttght. If tbc bili POBBBO the Senate and receivos the sonc- tiot of tbo Governor, tbe citircns of Now-York will have better gas. and will bo freer fiom tho extortiona of tbc Company than they are now. The hill amending the general railroad law ao aa to allow inuuicipaJ corporationa to aid Lu tbo con- structiou of railroads by bondiug tbomselvca was up in tlm Senate aud orderod to a third reading, The Connties of Ontario, Scneca, Yatee, Kiiigs, New-York, Erie, Gre-ene, W-st-heeter, Albauy, Onoudaga and Niastara were exompted ftmit the provisions of tho bili. Tbe altempt was made to bring up in the Senate, to-day, the amendcd Excise law, but lt failed. Mr. Tweed moved that it bo mado tho npecial order fUr to-moi row morning, and aaid ho would regard tbat voto ou the motion a test one. Il was so regarded tbrongbout the Senate. The voto st ood, Ayes 15, Nays 17.every Dcmocrat voting in tbe atlirmativo, aud every Republican in tbo nega¬ tivo. Tbo bili remoylng tbe Capitol to New-York camo np for a third readint? in tho Asuembly thia ev.-uing, bat Mr. Hu.ith of Ali.auy rai_**d tbe point tbat. a. tba bili waa iutroduocti aubsequent to March 15, il could not bodi.nosed of until bills prior to tbat dato had been pa* _ed upon. Tbo point waa decided well taken. Tbe Committee on Citi.a. by a vota of I to 2, agreotl to-night to report for tho cou. idcration of tbe Hon so the bili changing tbo p "esent Tax Commissioners of New-York, and giving the appoiutment of their euc- cc*_or_ to tho Coutroller. When this bili eame down from tbo Senate, in Maroh last, tho Ropnbli- cans held o caiitiis, and sgreed to onpose it, but at the samo time it waa asaerted that somo legi8latiou .vaa ueeo_sary to mnko the actiona of the Board legal. A Committee of prominent law- y .re, headed by Judge Campbell, wero appointed to draft a bili which wonld overcomo the existing diffi- culties. That Committee have not, np to this perhad, reported any measure. Tho biU agreed to bc reported to-uight ia urged by Controller Connolly. who aaserta that, if it fails to bocome a law, he will not recogniyio Mr. Chauncey M. Dcpcw as a legal member of the present Hoard, and in that event the wholo machinery of tbo offico will ho atopped. The Citizena' Asr-oeiation havo infonnally urged tho bili, on the ground that Connolly will carry ont his threat, and in that event there will be a great loss to the treasury: and further, on the ground that as tho Controller baapromieed to appoiut two Republican Commissioners, it will bo better than to take tho chanco of lo. ing everything oither throngh tbe law or by the next etection, The Democrata in cauens to-night nominated for Police Oommissioner Oswald Otterdotifer. and Johu L. Flagg of Troy for Regent of tbe University. NEW-YORK LEGISLATTRE. 8ENATE....A_BAltr. April _»*. kKPt.HTf. To ninond the chatters of Tnion Spiinga, Union Vlllage. Jamaica, Boonvllte, Mohawk, And8_.r-iU._ii -ifrniflt; Maapeth-ave., Brooklyn; requirin« tlio Brooklyn aud Union K.-rrlen to ruti ccrtaiu boat.. afier iuid- nl(_ht; tn eloae a portton of Hicks-st..Brooklyn; to ant horire r;i:lr..»il. to loan tueir orrdu lo aid in tue -oue.r_oti.4i. ..f tho Buifalo, Coiry, and ritubui'irb Railroad. ttttta ountnan a Tinan readino. RequlrlDg lhe renaoval of Ita) prinoimrs lroiu r*ing Sing to the AlUiny Pemtentiaiy. KcgulHtiug th_ tcruiof.-f- fleo of notanes pnl.llo. In relation to tho KclocUo Medl- cal College. To wld.n Underhill-a-e., Br.Hiklyn. for an avproacli to rroajpeot Park. To lucorporste the Ablnfr- doii-oiiiiaro Pavlnga Batik of Now York. To exteud tlio urovi.lont of tbe laws of 1653 lu re'.atlon to lifo and h.-Hltli in_ urauce. For tbo reuioval of tbo Mutual 8av- 1l-_ Urti.k of brooklyn. 1III.IS PA^SED. FJxJng tbe salariea of JuOirea and acrks of CourtB in Brooklyn; relativo to proceediug lu itd_ue_-.ii.i-iii.ii_ dower; to amend the churter of ttie Commerrl tl W'an»- bouae of Now-York; to ainend the utif.orl_l_ir I.tfn Insuruuee Conipaulos to mnko special tl.-po_it_ of tototm tiet In the Iu-uruiicc Departmciit; ___o, pruvuliu lor tl.o appotnttuent of recolvcis for Sufe Couipatiics iu certain cases. The 8enate then eon*.I rlered the penernl orderB. Tbe geueral blll aIlowlii*r towns to l.lnd thentneheB ln aid of railroads waa an.iMi.1eil in Committee of tbo Whole, ho an to i- vi inj.*. from its opcrationa thr Couiitiea ol Nev> York, King-, Erie, Groene, Albauy. Westefeeator, B_a_«__ Ontario, Yate». Onoiutoifa, aud M:iK«ru. aud woe tbeu oiil-red to - thud readiug by a vote of M to 13 : «t 41. -VmlJii-fii, llroKam,,r-I, (Vraa./r. Hai*. ktoir't. T_*;tr, jr.i-_r_-, Htbbeirtl. f.I..-n'll. T*M**\ Utttet, U_a>|itiir_r. I'.rtar, Van l'«_> SlU i l, rr.a»l*r, Itturrthy, l'alti*«r, JfMtA, BolfTr, | "A..!*, Fxrrot, t»a.p-cll. Kraii-JT, N,.k.. W.lita_u-I5. C ip.ntD, Uorgaa, Sorton. KF.SOI .I'TKlNS. By Mr. NICHOIi*--Thnt tl.o t'aual Board bo n-niitvl to st tbc next 8888-08 of the I.e«i-lature rntcii t* - teui of preiatitlonary mea. uies, or phui of a_ ttou, ,ia iu tlielrJutli-ineiH may )>o iimBt llkelyto prerentTooftwaodo t l >>ek. with r_f_r*>nee to it ute a« a pnrt of tbe Kne ('-.tu il from uvi.*iflowiuciU bauka, aud rtwultlog from such overflow. Adoptcd. By Mr. MrKPIIY-Tbat the Stato of New-York _8*> ¦enlB aud approvea tbe cefaion by tho State of I'e.iiiv'l- Tanli. to the I'uited Ht it. » of the soldiera' Natio-... i «.__. et.-ry at Gettyfborg, Oonfrreaf imvitiK adop'e.i .. uulforfti HVitem for tbc mauageiueut au.l e.ireof tMOXXXtmfttf nty tiunal cerueterlCB. Trtbl-d l.y tbe rulc. Ou motion of Mr. O'DOSNKf.L the tJr-ucral Arpiepri.i- tion blll waa recominltted to the B__M_B8 Coiuniittee, to rei»..rt at any tiuie. ......_. . Mr. TWKKD moved to make the fcxal-O bili tbe k... ei_l or.ler for to-morrow. .._.._. ____. , , Mr. FOUiKR amendcd lt to lnclude the atnetidineiit ol the lieirutry law. Mr Ki>l|ft*r'B itiiietiduient wa« loft, a t.vo-thlrd vote not Bi.pjM-Ttiug U. by 18 to 15- Yeas nll RepuUlU-ina; N.iyf ull I>tiniM.*ratH. exeeptMr. Cro4vley. ...» Mr Twoed'n motion was lost by IS to 17. In the aftu m- at'iveail Democrots; tn tbe uegative all Kepublli nua. AdJourueJ. ________ A8.EMBLY. A meBbaire from the Ooveruor wua retcived vetolag lf.* biU to iucorporate the vlllage of ChateauKav. I-'rat.klia C'ounty. Ibe lull provides tbat no person *li_Il bc oul tl.a to vote for ele-tive oftlcert of the villa_re uuleaB be l»<* <. froebolde_, or ahull within the pnx.'ediug year havo pald a tax upon property Uxahlo tu the vfllage. It thaf_eek8 to C8tabli.*h property nuallflcatlous for thoso who aio to vote for oftlcerf electlve l.y the peoplo ; aud tnerelore ia iucoufllct with theConstilutlou of tbc btate. Artt_f-_. teetlon 1, deflnlng the qualittea'aan of clectora. AUo m artlole 10, sectton a. readiu* aii city. towu, and vilbftt oflloerf whose election or appotntmeut has not been pro** vlded for l.y tbe Conttitutioii, ahall be ele.-t«_jit by liio elootors of ftich clties and villfges, or some divl-iuit thereof, or appointed by ho. h anthorttie* thereof, as tha Legislature sball detlirnate for tbat purpone. The hill waa returued thtta proiuptty It may be amended aa thu Legl. lature may see nt to roiuove the obj*eliou.. llio velo wm fustalned, 83 t-> l.Mr. AIUL.. n. llll.!. I-A--«EI). Toamend thecharttr of tho Os4?.-go and Do-« Company; appolntlng Commt_»lotior_ to \-ato tbc In- tane Atylttm of Weatern New-York -73 to is; for 4 brltlKet_-ro_sthoMohft4vkK!vet at Flnk'aBaftt; m ».». thome Broome County to .-eiid couvicts to the Albany PaniteutUry tomcoriK.iate the village of CkarloMg to mcreaec the powers of tbc Si _torho..rt of st. Marv to lu.orporat-the Uermun Loan Trti-t Compatty otJBtooo- lyn ; to ametid the cnarter of tlie Oawetfo ¥x_t, ^P*"* m«ul; to authorUe Bar.ttoga to aid iu tto e«^»°^S of a railroad from Mechanic-ville to the Ke.WH ner aud BoTMoaa lUUioad to amend lhe law totAittwowro- Uon of h-ulth and We liiBiirar.oo companit* . nagulaU .|f the power aud sale of illumluaUng pu la ^wt^*St.m_ votet in the B8ffBtlT8l: t hang of tne »»^";fX« ttt* to tha Laaa_tt. Bauk of «_*. _**^ m TC voffi the Fresl.ytoiiau Uoui" for Ated Wotucuii New-York. the Caual Approprbtl,..^.^t.'«N IU-_. Mr DOOI.ITTLE aported B b;ll authorlzlng a slreel liUlwayiuOBWego. _iu._.v;. Provid'ngfor theopemug-l Weat-ave. ln I__ng l**mU rit.,---- to IS t<» ainoud tho aet r.ilativo to _t*wei-nut au.l lir.M.klyu; 18 rcuenl the authority of tbf K.i.iil of mipei viaoit ot RieliaAHid County to pay certain elaii.i-' tfuiiiendtl.eeluuterof tlie People* Fltv ln B- rm.i.«* < iiiiU'H.'- ! Piovltl ug fot a to4_ n hull und li' al Haint.'K i Bprlngt; to aiucii.l tlio selu-ol I.iw of l.lmira ; to ii.eorp.-ial.' tb* Wa Mu Kl.'U Atrrlcul'.uial f_tKietv; to liicori.oii.te tbo Fifthavc. -*_*... io. Buuk ; lu uuih rn_ tbc uppoliitiuent of Oo_B-Btf8loaert to tocate tii<> Yx.iXo ivnlteitiiiiy.or Iu.hi-triai Uef_riiiator> ; f..r tbo l^ttei Crotoctioii of liiMi.-i. -, to Mthortaa Oawafo t.> baiM a ottf all; suppleinentary to the law rcluting to tlie iioryug of h'ttr-r patkagcf, and HierdiaiiiliM. tf iueau» of pneii- lniitie tubCB batwet-u Ni-w N <u nnd Itntoklvu ; U* lueor* poratO tbe Klastra Water W.»r__ ; mukiug lt it eriinc fot imputing a waut of eluiBtity to f.-inaltB, fcllonalire p*' »*H to amend tlio law relati4« t*> Bell Uatepdots. A«bo_-u_--

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1869-04-29. · 2017-12-18 · HK1TIM1 V.MKJUATIOS.1HK 1.ANKKK.V AND MOfUnS1 TAX.V.DICATIOK MXI1L S


^'^fllittfcrWtW-QZ J^SBLP . 7 a.<» li'%

V°«"XX1X.K°'8.754. mTw-YOKiv yUURSPAY, APRIL 29, 18G9.,m..t._ . ¦-. ¦






wasiu.m.ton, Watoaa-ay, Ai>i;i th ittt.Advi'esbavebetu rcceived from Cabaa soui,,-,

yl'-ch iudicate thc failuro of tlio laat n.oveii.eut of

the laaaalaiila under Laaaa. Tln, ia th,- thiid cflort

ihi-y have ii.-aii. !.. daatnqrttva ravololioo. In soveral

a_9ja_|ia.ta la lhafoantia] Departmenta, they havcmrt aarara rep-kk 8, aml tlio Patrioii havc eaptnredfi large iiiimi-ir al araaa, ata. Thaao ia conaiderabkanaaaaaBaa here about laa lanoH that Qraal Britaiaiaataaa Tnaoaniilnf '?-'"*" Wefe__danaa, wlth a

fiaaj- h> imluce tho estebli.-hnieiit of a separate Re-

pnblic, aml thus prevcnt ainicx.ition. It is knownthat h a aonalia^nMannmijafol leadiugCu-Ijans. aaaa'fially tha youiiKcr riit-n, who favor thc ideaafaaaparata EtopabUOi and of endeavoring to aatab-liah a frileiiiti,'" hctwccn f'nb.i, I'orto KicoandSt.Dotuiugo, with iin cyc to theiueliisioii of thc EagHahand Fieuch iahndl hcreafter. All lnovcuientsof the^paniah a-ooaa aanat aoon tenuinau-, mving to thorainyaaaaaa. Thc hardj aapnlatinn ad tho Cobtaalaaaataina are.batnf organized totaka advantaiireofthi*. AiaatlanH mnniHana ha\e haan receiudbyway of IfeX-k i), and moro are cxpotttil.

__i aaon aa tha PreakUat aaa aaaairala the timemost acccptubk t. thc BaMpla for holding clertionsin tho South, ho will ismio onkrs for elections inVirgiiuii. Miaaiaaippi,nad T&jht. It appears thatlhaaala naila a iliBJuonon oi opinion among leadiugincn of thc South as to tliotimeof lioldiiig these tlec-tions. Some aro in favor of holding thew at once,otbefB dcairo lo iHwtpone it uutil the uiiddle of thoNuuinirr, imii othei-a aajaia aatU Benaaaahat or Octo-lwr. Tha fioaidi.Bt. bowarar, haa not wakcup hisiiiiml will ba thc best time. but as soon as ho iain potscsiiou of all the factu, tho order will bfiwuit-d. s"Thc aanaan iu tlie rcgulat. fatny, wbo bavebceu

thrown out of aervleein the consolidation of9jaaj0BjBea_ta in a ,-econt order of tho War Depaitment.aro la ho ii'_sfgncd to duty as lmliau ngeuts iu thodifTcrti^lmii.iuiliMiiit-. This course, it isbclicved,w,Va 1k> a rrrt-at stviug to tho Govornment, aud wiii'ulsoinsure an houcst adiniustratiou of atfaire on thefrontuTtt. aml lessen, if not entiroly prevcnt. anyfiaods upon tho lndian* in fiiture. It hae not onlythc rctoiuircndation of Gen. Shcrman, the Secretaryof tho Iiitvrior, and the Commissioucr of lndianAtfairs, Imt ia approved by Preaident Grant.By l.-tters rcceived bero from London, it appears

that active e.Voits are being mado to effect a syste-iiiutic organization of the Knglish emigration, ex-

perti-d have this Sumnicr. It appcars that leadingtruden unionisU, aided by liberal cnpitalists aud pol-iticians, aneh aa Mr. Sanuiel Morky, M. P. for Bris-tol, have turucd their attention to tho cucourage-nient of emigration here among their class. It isbelieved that several thouwmd of the spinners andinineis now on a stiike and " locked ont " at Prcstouand in Yovkshire will be aided to emigrato. It ispropos-d. among other thinge, to seud a commiiwionof thr.c or tlvc oftho kadiug woikiugmcu here iiiformation, and on tL air rotuin to establiahn Baaaa ia London to diasen <iate it. Among thoseactivc in this inoveriici ^ are^uch men aa OdgerHowells. Secretary of th Kcfoim Leagne, and I'ot-U-i aud Holyoake.Comn.issioner Delano aa writtcn ont an opinion

ou tbe argwnent snbmittcd to him in the case ofAaaeasor Webster, relative to tho tax npon brokers.It will probaMy bc mado pr.blic in a few days.Secretary BoBtwaO hae notifiod the D. partment of

his iut.iitciii to be at his aaat-aa Fiiduy. Ho willremain in \. w-Voik to-morrow, to l>e jirescut at theoi>c_)iiig of bids for the purchase of Governmentgold. Aa thia ia to be the first trial of the plan, theaSccivtary ia anxious to witneas it himst-lf.

(Jen. Bawari atayaaaa to continue the cdncational¦work at tho South, which was begun while be waa atthe head of the Freedmen's Hurcau. It is statcdthat reccnt reportafrom ,Stat« .Superintondeutamidcrthe Bnrean ahow a desire for a continnance of thiswork at all point*., except in Texas, wficrc prcjudiccia so atrong that it la«_a__Bal iaaaoaaibla to do theaaapei cducati<<nal work, and withiu a brief periodnot leaa than tX) school-houscfl have bc-cn closcd. Fortbe purpose of continuing the work, (ien. HowardproiK»tje!> to raise funds in the North. and to that endLe will leave lu-re on Friduy on a viait to Hartford.Howill rctani on Moudsiy, and will then go to Al¬bany on tho sainc erraud.

.- Tho Hou. Wm. M. Evarts made an argnmciit bc-lore Secretary Cox to-day. as Attoniey for tbe Cen¬tral or Atchi-ion branch of the Pacilic 11cclaimtMl that tho (ompauvin fanatiaa havethe'right,nnder tho cxihting law. to build to the lOOth'mcri-dian, and obtaiu the Government grant and aubsidythercfor tome 180 milea farthcr than their present linewhich cxtends 100 milea west from Atchiaon. A billwaa before the lant Congrcss to give them the addi-tional grant and Bubeuly, but it failed, aad it isclaimed that MBM road bas a right to couuect at thc1001b iiicriduii. Senator Poiucioy and Mr. Nicholswero present. No action has been takeu a* yet bytlie Ka-crttary.The t xaiuinatiou of witnessea for the def-enae in

tbe Dycr Court-Martial, was coneluded yesterday.B_M-B| tha witiicssesexamincd araa Hiii:.-Gen. May-nadicr, Lieut. mtttmi ot tbe Ordnanco Hureau, andJ)r. Cballceof Spriuglkld, Mass. Mr. Kcnnon, for theprtmecution, auggt-ati'dthat in eaMaaantfanaf] tbo ill-ue«H of Mr. Arrick, the pro-oeediugs for the proaecu-tion be aaaaaii agroeing not to put iu any rebuttingevidence The piostcution were allowed until Mou¬day uext topiepare their argumcut CoJ. Henetatatcdthat the aimimeiit for the deftnse would occupymbouttwo daya. Some documeutary evidence willhaaaaaaaaai to-day, aud tho aritnaaaaa a ill then bodiacharged.A deli'gation of a nnmbcr of lndian thbes, inclnd-

iug Clioctaws, Cherokees, Chickasaws, and Creeks,waited on the now Commissioiier, Col. Parker, to-day, by appoiiitmeut. Ho assurcd tbem that thebnainess of the triucs they repreaented would he at-teiidcd to in a just manuer aa aoou as practicable,but there would Ue aome nnavoidable dclay in aacer-

taiuiug all Uie factB involved.Poatmastei-Geneial Crcsswcllbasdirccted inquirics

tob* matituted iu regard to mail tiausportatiou inthe Far Weat. It ia assertc-d that on aome of thclong roctea, where the pay is enormons, no eqniva-laut is rendared, aud that in some iustaucea tho cou-tracton refuae tocaraj' public documcutb and otherbolky matter.Senator Spragne denies the reportn that he has pnr-

chaaed, Bubaiaized, or In-come rer>poriBiblo for anywortgagea. debts, or obligationa against The XatioualhUlKaenctr newapaper eatablishuieut. Tbo tteuator8ajra tha ..organ" bnaineaa ia played ont.Attorney-General Hoar goea bence on Friday for a

krief viait to Masaachuaetta. fienator Sherman goesAome to-morrow.Mr. Richardson, Assiatant Secretary of tho Ticaa-

ory. declinea the MassachuactU Judgtabip.Bpeaker Blaiue has lionght a bandaome bouae in

thia city. which be will cicupy nc»t Wintcr.Tbe Virginia Conservative Couvention, now in

aemion in Kichmond, acconliug to a specul ilaaBBtahin an eveuing pajK-r here, has paccd a raaalatlaa tx-clndingreportera for Kepabtteaa atwaaaaaaa fiomtbe hall iu wbicb tbe Cimvt-ntion is ln !d.

(OEBERAL fKU-.* DISPATCIIThe Preaideut bas o dcreil that hcri-aftcr he will

?.ceive geneial risitoia on Mondays aud ThuisdiivH,tietween 10 a. m. a:ul 1-m. On oih, t dayn he will.aly receive on curds, or in «p<.-cia) cases.

Prcaident Giaul, aiicompaiiied by Secretary Borie.ild othera, contemplat*. a short rruise down thefatoatac EiY«r, tomorrow. iu tha Uuikd StaU*

t.amer, now at tho Waahingtoa Nayy-Fiuce tlio 4tli of Marcb. 119 Assemora, and 122 Col- r»f Intornal Kovenue bave been appointed, in-tiludiuK in Neiv-York 19 Aa_e_8orB and IB Collectora:Peiiiisvlvatiia 18 A__e__or_ and 18 Collectont; andMa.«ftMni*.ctts. 1 Asseiwor and 8 Collectors. InMaryland aod Louiniatia all Aasesaore and Collectorshave bOBO chauged. No changes bave been niaoo in

Arizoua. ColoraUo. Idabo, Minnesota, Khodo Isla-d,V.-nimi.t, aud Waslitngton Territory.Tlie iSivcretarv of the interior ba* decided an actnal

cliangc of rfiRicfence or abandoiiiii.*nt of land, ont.-rt'tluiiilci the llomeBtead aet, for moro than six luontnRnt any ono time, woiks a forfeituro tberoof to tbe(iovernrncnt. , , nThe Secretary of tbc Navy baa appointed 8. u.Cbittonden a merober ..f the iJoard of Visitors to thoNaval Ae.itl _iuv at Anuapolis in placo of (.orueliusVanderbilt declined. ..

Tbo work of radnoina tbc f.rce m tbo vanooslinrciiu*. of the Treiisury Dcpaitincnt is pnMBKMag.About 500 clerks will l.e, but it ih au-

iiotiiiccd that uo appoin.iiicut_ can be madeatprm-ent to Iill tho vacaucii'_. it being the rtesne of tbeSeci. taiy tohave the force retlucetl as lt.\v an in ordcr to eoodact the btisinesa of the Donart-iii. i.t \4ith tho loa-vt pos.iI.l. expert-<>. The woik ofdimini-bing tha foroe in the POBt-Offlce I».partinentcontioues. Twonty clerks 4vt-re remove.l to-day.lhe te-tinionv in the DjTOT Cotir.-Martial CMO

t Iom tl to-day. The Court aiijoitrncd until ucxt Mou¬day, whea mamauts 44-1.1 ba ooaamoDoed. Thoprintod oral te. tiiiion.v la the aa w-ill eorei al.outj.mijiiiiii'H, exiliiMvc o( the doctiflJvM^rJ' c*_.*_*Vt[*'wbicb alao ara 4-ery Tolnmlaoaa.Tbi atatament that the llou. c Comfnittea of For-

eigu Afl'airs baa uia-le itTTAhjrpiiicnts ty _*t. I'o-iniiigo and otli.r l.slamls of tlu* Oulf is jtrououncedl.y 1I10 C'haiiniiui to bo without any toaadationt4hatc4(r. Tho Conimittcc hasiu. authoniy to makeai v vibits, and it. __embM_ could go to St us nrivute citi.ciiH, ut tlicir own privato el-penao. Tlie Coniuntno has btcu in BOBaiofi 17daya,hiking testinjotiy relativo to tbe aflaira ofthe Amari-can Legatlon at I'aracua.v, aud will meet in Ibe.^utuiuu for tho pnrpi.-.* of tnkin/_ tho tchtiiiiimy'.friitiuber- of tho Bruuiaa LagaAioB, Bftteaan ot tho.South Atlantio Squutlron, aml other parfttta whobate been Bonunoaed, amob, it in aayp-aee., oaa _*_¦

doue in ten days.REC'KLltlJW FOR THE AI.MY RESUMED.Wasiiinuton, April .7..Tlie lollowxxxg oiclor

was proniiilf.ate0 to-day:_ll>QB8. OF TUE ARMV. AlU'T.-O VB. QffTO-. {

Wa. lll.vt.'it.N. 98, 1-88. iOEBBBA1 ORPFR. 16..l!y duei t'oti of tln W.n Depart-

rii. Dt thf r.enutiiig M-rvlce is_ier_by itfHUfksd. Tln- n-K-fnieutal rei-riutliiK Will bo roudu.tcd under the diiecln.nof ooauiianderf t_>eoralu*i to tBeg.ncr»lr.-gulutlouf of im',3. piraKUipht -h-1.. xm\ Wft, UM MaTue >f4'U-rt*' fcrvicf \41Il l«o t.-».i.t-tict<il lt.ur kc-u'-i hI

superliiU-udt'tit-. vit.: at Now-York City. iticiiiiiBti.Oliu.,81. IxjuIb. Mu., au.l Sitn Frani-l-cu. <»'; -»"<l there t* iiibo four depot- (or c_>Ui_lni_. aud 111. tniftiiii- tlio iccriut.,tii.: Goveriior'8 I. laiul. Kow-Y.-rk liiirlmr; Ni-wport liar-ruckt. Kt-ntuck.; Forl U-uvciiworth. K.;hi»i_, nud Iii-uc-c:a LViforui.i. Tbefte-tentl Boparlntendeata~rUlnpondlrect to tbe Aiijutiiut-Coucrti of iba Aru.j, tmi reewTfall ordcrs froiu hiui. Tiie t ..iiiinau.liiiu; irt-ucriil. of lliouillitaty depHttiueut_ lu trli'cb tlu- dffpote arr locat. dwill dc-iK^ate tho b;.rtut__ to U* uacd l.y tho r.--

crultt aud ofO. ers 011 duty with tluin, whlt h wiJInot be cliaugfil 111 any cliaiiKO i-f c-i.iiiii.iiuil'rB. and thoywi 11 ha40 the ctutial 6iip*:ivi_iou of th.-ir diacipllu.- nt

well aa coiuuiaud tl.nn wlieii 0c*.a8-0OS retjulr.. tht ir

_<-rAice ut th« rtopot., but lu no t-vt-iit will l__Mrnmo?ererralts from tba dci>ot» without urdcrs froiu Uie JKad-tiiiiirtcts of tne Artuy,

Tia-. roUowlni ilf-.tiiil. are ... rohr mad.*, t\\»\ the of.1. c.snamed will procoed to aud ihe otrirers Mtrlncharge ot the Btiperinteudf niic*. nnd OejutH: llrt\.tUrig.-Oen. J. V. D. P. eve, t'olonrl 1'. B. A., ut Ni*4. Y..rhCit4'; lirevct Bilv'.-U-u. X. II. Kelll. I-leonii_-nt-Oloiia-1U. ». A., at the Depot on Coveriior'H Ldand, New-YorBIli.rl.or: Jircvet Rtig.iien. J. II. Kidtloo, Llt-utrnaui-Qolaaial U. H. A., for iiH.i_ninient; lirev. t Hd-nt-y liui'baiik, (olonel U. ti. A., at Ciutlriiiatl. Olno;Jlrt-Tet UriK.-(ieu. il. _. Wtkat-lU. Litiit.>iiiiutCiil..ii<l l.ti. A., in eharp-e of the Dtpot at NewiK.rt IlnrruckB, Ktn-turky; iir. vt-r Brbb-Oen. T. Trodoubiu^li. Major U.h. a..for a-MKunaent; Brev.-t Mnior-(Jei>. W. lIuffiuaD, Oilon.-lU. 8. A.. iU Ht. LouiB, Miammn; Iin-vet Iiiix- <ion.W. 11. Siil-11, Utiiitt'liant-Coioiiol IT. B. A., lutharjre of tho Depot at Kt.rt I_nvcnworth. Kauwis;aud Dreret i-ieut-lo). T. M. Andrr.ou, M.i.lor U. ti. A ,

for a_ai*^tnienf; Hrevt't Mnjur (.un., Ahut-r Dobblodar,Col. U. 8. A., of Ran Kim.ri_ <. <., ('al. HrcV-t Oal. M. llt-loney, I.ieut.-CV!. U tk A., ut the Depot at i__nio_a, (ial.A ntiitat.U-iiutiihor of captatna aud BUbnlteriiB thell.t awaitiujt orders will 1h> aiiuoiinced for ret ruitli./f *%booii mb tbe infatitry re^luicntt ave oi>iitolid.it_-d Orders No. 17, enrrent R-rlcu froiu llu*oflice. Iu the n.eatitlnie tho oltiocrs now on rceruitiotfeervice trill retualn on such daty until pnparlf r8_ef__td.(arli_lo B*-T8_kf. I'eiinaylviiiiia, aml Kort l_ ..v.-uwoith,K..ii«.ts hl liaui'ii >is D«P"tt ft.t lhe oollectlon aml iu- of tavulry aud Lijfbt Artilieiy r.-.-ruitB. ItyCOIUIBAOd Ol Oaa, MIKKMAN.E. D., Ailjutiint-Ciencral.


('AMnitiiM-E, Ind., April 2.^. ladfo -fiaahJohuaon, of t'entrcville, Indutna, awallowed a qnantltyof aconite thiougb luistakc, thi*- laoriiini., und di. .1 8 lt_-JI30 niluiiUa. in f-pito of every effort tuads to cotinteruct

tlicpoiKon. The Jlidi.'*- well ktiowti in In.ll.uiii._t.IuiIkc of tbe Ciitiiiiuil Court, nnd waa blKhly KSfoeiad.ile VTua ou u to hlk fatber in tlua tily.



PBKK-KILL, April,M..Miirib;i Sprngiu* .wbito,)aml Alexander Corutll (eolorcd.) bnvo been arrefUdhere, charjed with ninrderlng nu Infaut ld80flB| to theforrtif r. Tbo wom.iu «t.itf» tliat ('oniell took the obllduHve, ** w.aU il up iu *, bi-K. nua carrle.l lt a»ny from tlmhouse. Tbf body wa* touud in tbo Foundny l'oud, ou

Mouday e vct.iuir. purtly iucaaed in a bag or *bc.t. <

itcr Mcliutec will bolii uu iiirfu.__t.


BraiirOITIlDi Mass., .April 28..Tho Uon.Ilei.ty W'llfou wuf publicly reooived by tbe United BtateanriiH.i. _fl 0- tbi» cily. tbm aftonioon. Mr. Wilton 1 e-

flKiuded t* luB welcomo by ft Bi>ecch from the bal.ony of

tbe Mansatoit House, in which ho dUcuMed the tt**ayhour law, the iu-ention of Congrt'88 iu cnuctluf lt; andailuded to hl_ rf-cent letter to H_r.o_._rT Rawhns on tliesublect. Mr. Wil. 011 taid that he Ahould Ju .iik lhe matt.-rto tbo utt-titloii ot rri-ald. nt Cirun*. aad h..i>i d tbal bewould ftt an early day aettlo nl) diKpute l.y ;. IW-OtfJordt-r. llt pl< dgca C.uffic-b- to tb«- defaasa <>f tlie work-liifj ui.'iih iiift, antl aa_ur«-d tbe i.iii.hi.ib tbat lhe

suejeel «..ui.i l^- tntt anddeclded at th.t next hessiou.Mi. \Vil_ou ifcfl lujuidiately for ilimton.


CSICAQOi April 2....Tlie < Con-vention, 888-08884 of delegate** fwui the KourdM of Tradoot Milwaukce, Oswego, CbkajB. ataCBtai I>< tr.iit. Tol.-do.and the Ni 44 Yoik Oiain BieB-Bfa, ruct here yc»t.nlayuiorniug. The Hon. Mr. Uciiut tt of Ruflalo Bj>oko in ref-erenco to the i.f Ifee unti'.iial niti to tbo I-rieOtntal, aod r. inovliif? it frotn Htoto polillt.'B. Tht. fueatlonof tne prat tK-alillity of proeariu 8 r. .Iik tion of toe i-.-malt..ll. lu K'-in wnv tii_4-uh!#tl, itutl tbi- appolntiui-iit of a( oiiiiiiitu-e to |.o to Ail.unv waA Rtrongly urf.-d. HtvcrnlNew-York in.-inl>«rf declurt-d tbat im. he., vv tioncould be aecured bh h.iiK aatho s-rr-Ht Nevr-YorU NMIwere so {Mwerftil. OthenelalnVed tbat lha rate* muBt boreduc-d. not only ot. tbo caiial. bnt al ItuRulo, ChleafO.and Mihvaiikie, 011 the Noith-Wcut. rn R.ait.auuit wouldtake very cit.Bi; tlKiirinir to cut tbe rut.* <ii>wn ... aa tot-ouipiue favorably with lbt.Be by tbo new via New-l.rleai.B. Tlie iiew-rwity of lower ratea WM aiiiiiltle.l, baltbcic was no decided af-BB-BBBl h- tt hc to lovter ti.t in.

TnE "IRON-CLAD" OATH I.V GEOBOIA.Savannah, Apiil 28..Iu tho l^iiKd Btatao

Distrtct CJourt, to-day, ln tbc ca*© of Wiu. llonu agt. '«'li«

Janita Rlver InsurantoOouipauy, tbo dtfundanf* coun

*el demanded that tbe Jury 8ub«cnb« to tlm Iron iladtiath of tbo Aet of J11110 17. 1.6_, wbicb waa leud to thoJury, when c\eiyJuror left tbo box, aod the trial ft-11througb fur wftut of 8 Jury,

GENERAL TELEOBAl'niC NEWS._Tbe quarantiue regnlat-OOO ;.t BolttaDOn

go lnto effect ou and after Mouday, May l

....Tlio achooucr Chrooaooetei of Hoa.on,froniCalalf, Me., for Newark, N. J., lad.u with ajkioIwood, has arrived at Uclfast, Me., dlnnaated.

....The Grnnd Juiy of Wuhlo Countv, Mc.Bdjoiirned onTuctflfty, ntter havlng found 30 bill« of iu-dictini t, prlncipally for riolatioi ofthe i.lquor law.

. A German aailor of Ilufliilo, nnmed QeorfOAnil.rewBter, ug.d Cf years, attaoU'd 1.1* wife ilaBtnlglitwitli'8 _i-:i!l buuiuior »-_ fiacturt J her skull. bbe 1* notexpectod to llve.

Ycatcrday an inmnto of St. Mary'_ Hoa-Eital at Rorbeat. r, N. Y., tiauiid Mary Tooiuey. tlinswerself froui a tbird story wiudow of lhe buildlug aud was

lustautly killed.....Tka Orand .Inry of Qoeboe have foand a

truo blll Sgaliiht Chaloiiei for tlm iniirdtr of Ensigu Whlt-takt-r, tbo __*-.___ of Mrs. Cbtilouer. Tbe trial is flxodfor Baturdny.

... Walbridfo A. Fk-hl.'for Uiree rearo nantABiiBtnut J). in _ttor_M f ot Ro. tol., bi t be*. tl« a eoneaipoiitllng jKirition at Wn_hingtoii bv At onu;yti.ii.rii! Hour.

....Tlie Difoeteie of the Bprinciluld Cfna..)iiuit rurtuitiBtOD Vallt-y llailtoad yeMnrdav iie-tc.i M. D.liiig..'.. 1 rtbid.iit: 1.. J. l'owtrs, Clcik; uul M. .\lcxa_.-dor, Trca-urer..Mr. imtl Mrn. llioj.hy, :m(l a piil nnmed

Ji.hi.iniH Boscb, aged W ynra, ri'itidli.p st Ro. i.'."TAi-<l. rai., Fhiladelpbin, were .ever.-ly burw <1 (Mrt. I.i phyai.d tlu-t-irl pioli.tWy fatjllv) h> tlu exj.lo-io'i of 11 cau

of coal ofl, v. fut-ri tl.e tjiti 44 a* iMitinii/. ea UM BBB.....I* S. PraUa cotton-aiill at Watertoaro.

N Y., ttt-rt.-iuy.-1 by _j-ouTu«_d_jrnUlit. Klmbbll'abarlev-11. tll* t.-ri< ulMibiii II. II .Rai.eo.-k pltntDuianufaeUn t t..o_ iire-everai timca, l.ut traseitlngniAbi dwithout inu'tli .uiuuKe. 'll.e iiiNUiaiue on Ihoiotlin 11.1IIwaallf.W-.. w_4 Vtry l.ttl- stoek 111 tbc buildii.g-




ILvvaka, April S8..According to the Ilavana jour-nftls the newa ir<»fn the Eaatern Dcpartmeut bas oflat© be^a Xavorable to tho Government, No greatreenlta are annotinccd, but soveral sklnnibhes, ipwbicb tbe Spanisb troops wero victoriouB, are re¬

ported. Tho two vcsaela cftpturcd by tbe Uuion offtho Vuelta-Abaja coast, prove to bo wreckcrB. Anorder bas been issnod by the Govcmor of Porto Ricoprobibiting veasols fiom entering thc harbor of SauJuan at night.MOVK.MKNTS OK GEV. LESCA.DliSATISFACTIOK

M'lTU GEN. QUKSADA.Advicos from Nuevitas to tlie Mth inst., have been

rcceived. Gen. Lesca lelt Nuevitas laat week on biareturn to Pucrto Principe, and on Friday badreached Sau Antonio witbout liriog a sbot. Gena.Letoua and Escalantc, with tho Catalan voluutocrsaud mobiliicd colored troops. marchod from Nuevitason the 96th for Puerto Principe. Four thou8tV»d monwere actively cngaged in inuking tcifipftrary rr-pairson tho railroad betweeu Nuevitas and Pucrto Piin-cipc, ip order tbat pyoviaions may bo trabsportcd to

\he ]at tor point beforo tho nyny e£?f/op sets imIt is reported tbut tbo |inM*rgonts are dis-Biitii-tied with Gen. Qilesidn, heouuse- bo is ftlwny?organizing and never ligbting. Thc iusurgcuts stilliiold Napolcon Aiauuo piisouer. Tncy bave alsoarrestcd au named Robert Stevens for cn-

demuiug tlM detcntiou of Arango. A Governuicnttug-boat had brought into tbo port of Neuvitaa. as n

pilze. aschooncr with acrewof livo men on board,but no cargo. l-ates from Santiago ilo Cuba are BO

tbafld. Tbe Amcrican brig Gcrman WM wreckedoll Inngua. Haf cargo. consibling al inuiiitions ofwar. was ncarly ull Iod. Thc wreck viaa iu cbaigoof thecubtoms ofljeers.KEl'OKTXD SAIMXO OE AX EXT'EDITIOS FOR CU-


The Government rcceived notice that an oxpcditiouhad left tlie Gulf fur Cuba under tho cscoit ol a

Htcamcr, and two war raaaala ttOtt dit-patched to in*tcrcept it. On the reoeipt of later itiforniation theAdmiral of tho flafc..Iiip Gcromt *ailed from thcharbor early Sunday niorhlng on a tajgbaat.There is an rxciting inmor la circulat.ui that a

coulhct bas laken plucc l.etvtccn a monitor and£theSpanisb mou-of-war, and that ono of tlie latti-r was

suuk and anotliereaptnrcd. Thc insiirgents have rc-

appcared in the vicinily of Sagua-la-Giaudo audugain destioycd the

M'AIN.TBI advocai v Of ATHlltttCAL PtimJirUM


Mvniiin, April 2H..ln tho OortM }' st. rday one oftha Republican lnembiM mado a BfBBNb m which bondvocaUd atlui.tticul priiuipks. aud ullndcd to theChristian religion iu toius ol di.aicbpcct. Uo wa* in-terrupU-d by St nor Rivero. tka Fionidmit of theCortcs, wlin declarcd tbut tbo ln ;,uty could not bo]. iiintt. <l to continue hib reinarks.Tlie Republican.., mdignaut nt fli" declaiofl of tbe

Pieaidcnt, wiibdrew from tlie < hainbt-r. 'I hey atih-st'i|uently retnrneil to theiratata, and proposcd a vi.tnof censuro agaiuat thr Pr<-ident. A ntoiniy iIi-IkiIcfollowed, aud tei iniiuifed in tho withdrn\*al <f thcresolution.Canon Monti rofak'a anuiii.meiit to the CoMtitBtloa

in favor of inaiuia.iiiug tbe pub.ut nnitv of tho(iitholic religion worship iu Spaiu, was *BJ<, t, -I.

I RAM J-\nmof nnti op ibi on___ i i»tn. atik.the

iumim; iiii riOVf.PaHIS, April K..Tha *><-Miiona of tlio Coips l_.'giv

bitif hav*- eoni ltuled. and tliat Imdy ha-. dinnolvc.l.I he ele.ttioiiK for mciiibcni of the rn xt OotOM Iahih-

latif have b4.«n lixed for the _>d «>f May.


KMIi.KANTS.Bebmn. Apiil SJH.-At lha bitting of the Prusaiari

Diet. lo-dajT. I'ount Vnn liiMiiank, m leply lo an in-Hiiiry, said the tonvt-ntioii niade with thc I'nitedSUitea fur the protci tion of cmigrauts on sbipboanl.Iitul so far t,f any piartkal rrsultH, owing to

tho obstucles in the way of establiabing M nitcnu-

tii.nal tiihiinal for the adjudication of the caaes of. Dinplaiiit hiD-ing under the trealy.


LiSKDN. April 'aSH.-Tho mail ateamer from RioJaneiro has arrived. Tbo Allied forces iu Paiaguaywere makiug preparationa for a linal attaek iiimuiI'r.Hidcnt Loaaa, and expected tobc n_a<ly U> .idvaiuointo thc liiU'iior befoic tln <-ud of Apiil.


Ix.MM.N, Apiil Hl.Tha event of lo-tlay at New-

murket was thc two-ycar old plate of 200 aovcreiguscolts, Ifl ft ; fillics. 1JU ll.; five furloug6; cntrance.

:i sovcreigiiH, Tho raco was won by Guy Dayrell.The following is a summary :

I,or.l Wci-tn.ori-latirt'a el p Ouy Dayrcll. by Wlltl Dayr.-ll, OBt Ol«».._.".;. .

'Ix.i.l I-'aliiiotttli'a li. f. Gcrtrudc, liy fcauiitcrer, ou» otOnren Hertlin..¦ . . J

Tiu- intVe ot Hrweaa|le'( b. a. Mont Rlaix-. by (,'ruu-r,out of Ladj Rluiitli,, ht l.pirua. 3

The betting o:i the race wua two to out agaiusteach of tbe borses plaeed. Sevcntcen ran.

A U1NNER IN 1IONOR OK REI.KASF.D FF.NIANrt.Cokk, April 2°.-A dinncr was gaven here last

night ia honoi i.f Witrrcn nnd Cohtcllti, the releusodFcnian priaoneis, on the Mcusiou of tlicir departurefoi Ameilca. Hih Honor, tbe Mayor of the city, was

irrcscnt and made an inllaminatory epoecb, warmlveiilogiring tbo gucats o* tho cvening. JIo waa fol¬lowed in a simii'ir Btrain tjf otber gcntlemen. Th.-building in wbicJi the baMitiCt tinik plaee was aur-

rounded by n large crowd of frioudaandsynipa-thirers, wbo during the eve.ning formed a proceMionaud paraded the streets with bands and torches. Tl*proccedinga were mnrkedby mucb entbu«iasiii andexcitement, and aomo disonler.


IFKOM Ot'B OWB COnBKSPOBBItBT |LoKlH)V, April 14. 1969.

SirSamuol Bakoi's expedition up the Nile fur theentirpatiou of tlie wlavo trado, lately aunountM'd, istobe a very genuine tbing. Fo goes under o com-

missiou from tbo Viceroy of EKypt, who funiishesmen aud material, and autbovity witbout liuiit. SirSainuel ia created a Pacha, witb abaolutc jurikxlic-tion over tbe alavc-trading rcgions. Ho is to havel.laOU trtKips under hiw'contuuiiid, wilb stcamers andother fit transportation. What he expecta to do maybe judged from what he bas hiuiself written on the

.tibject in his last lniok. the Xilt IVibutaritt of Abajg-tinia. Hc tbere d.clared in his usiifll forcible wa.Tbis couviction tliat the hoirihle tiatlic might becoiiipl, tely destroyctl. It may be wondored how SirSaiiiii, 1 contrived to convt-rt the Viceroy lo hiaviews, ainco it is by the contiivauce of tho Viceroythat tbo trado bas hith.-rto been carrit-d on.

Pcrbaps the auswer ia to be found in moiih-

i.ltcrior ah|aaaa of th« anaaittaan. its ef-forts will not bo coiiliiieil to tle teintont-a of F.gpyt. Tho sourcea of thc trado lio

atyaajd lhal aa tho Whlta VMt aud thfonghontAbjaaJiia llMtaaaajntfitaaN lo Im uot only punfied but occupictl, and annexi-.1 to l'i:vpt. wbit h hus

long eovctcd them. Nor has thc great cxploin loht

aight of bis foinit-r projecla. Dcalroying tho variousd'-|HitK of the blavc di-alcra an he atlvaurcs. ho will

push st.adily on till hc rajatbaa tba aMhart Nyan/.a.Ile will launib a ktcaui flotiliu ou tliat l.akc, and

expiorC.**11.**106* Sl'gta-t shores, I don't knowhow wuch fart_i{rTi5 ._^*o. nor wlytf limitthcoinay bt} {o Xne goographical pnrposo of thisdarlrcgschem.. Ita conception is dre wholly I b. lievo. t j

Bakcr himself, and he is certainly the fittcat of liv-ing nu-o to executo bis magniflcent plan. LadyDaker once moro accompanics him, aud no elementof romantic interest is wantlng to an undertakingwbich promises to surpaas all previous African ex-

plorations in tho splenclor of ita resulta, scientific,humanitarlan, aud political,Thero is great outcry ftgain conccrning the accom-

rnodation of tho House of Comraone. Tbo qucstionis whether au entirely new- Chamber should not boconstructed, wbich should be largo enoiigh to seattho wholoof tho present incraber.. Whonthe Euglish1'ai liunient first aroso it waa found a very dillicultthlng to indttco gentlemen to pcnuit themsolves tobc elected; now, however, they aro willing to payfabulona snms for that di.tinction, or privilcgo, or

opportunity of advauccuieut, however they may re-

giud it. .Still, until lnto years tho difllculty was to)>re4 aii npon them to al tend when they wcro elected.and it was tbotiglit thai a Houso holding 400 mem-

bers was largo efihngh to accommodato as mauy aa

would atloud. Iltit this rariiament haa proved thatmore interest than formeily is taken by uew nieni-

btirs, and tlio r;iicstion has liccomo a soriotis one,where aro thoy to sit. Mr. lfcadlam, tho sonior

iiiembcr for >\.wc^-.tlc-ou-Tyue, who had cbargoof the propos^l of nc4v artangements, ls a ready,cxpciiencod offlcial speaker, of great taot in state-ment, and ho could not othcrwiso do.cribo thopresent stato of the Honso of Commons than as attimes being "a largo bnt shop" in appearanre, owingtt. tbo 00008-1*9 of nicmbci- requiriug a s.-at pla.ingtlu ir biits iu tlie House on tho bench they iiitendedto nccupy so as to MOHa th _ir t-at for their night.W hon u great dobato if on there is tm rauch tronble,stiuggling and i-eril as gotting into a theater on u

bi.Miig tiiglit. It is n-atotiisbiiig that many gcntle-nion, well advanccd in years, sbould so long havofiil.iiiitUtl Ui this cxtraoltlinary iueonvenience. Hntthe new Tarliauicnt is comnoaod moro than formoilyof gentlemeu who intend to know how the Quocu'b(Jovernment iscanicd on. antl iiiteiid being presentto sce it done. It is tliis circtimstanoo wbicb ha*f..rn<l attei.tioii recently to tho question of tbc ar- At tbo samo time it s iu it very niatketl inaniicr tho dirt'erenco be-t nn jKjpulaj Koveiiinitnt in England and iu

America: tbat amitl all tho discniwioiis very httie iaSiiid of tho inrrcaso nf aceomniodation for n porttrt,aud lesa ia said upon tbe increaae ofaccommodationfo. Ibo public The duily prcss in England, cxrcptiugthat of tbc ineliofHiliK, is, with two or three, exclntled frnmtbc ropoitcra' gallcry fr.un4».tiit ofroom. and a great. r nuniber of tbojiublic b:tvi> aduiission tban liud thtii way iuto au

ordinary policc-court. Now hous.-hnld suii'tage has.x.nic,andeveryl'ody i_ allowcd to imaciuo biiUHtl;;in t.;.. lor, 0 0BatO- nuuiberof tbo public are clamoi-ing for admi._inn tn tlm ilobatts in which tbey are

I.. eoailai i-* naaaDy laasa st.«l.1 he airs nf ladepOBdOOMO of tlm ponplc wbich Mcin-

lmrs of rarliaincut 6uuietimesgive thciu-clvca in En¬gland wn* w.ll illii.tratrd by arcmaik of a nmtio-

jiohlan iu tlio d.hato to which I bave re

f. it. tl. Mr. l.ayar.1. Mu- rimiiihc. inquostiou.iamanlfcstly far abov. hi. situatiou as ft Mtin of 1'arlia-meut. Ho baa ttie " lioiiur." bc says, to bo a

mctroiH.lil.iii M.iiilier -tbe liiufoitunc Im describeait. Ho-alniost drcads," I.o told tbo House «m tlmtl.l .ite ou Iftuihi- nf Commonaanangcmetitf. into th. Inbby." \Vittie_Bft. O public, tho penls4*1,1.1. b.att bim! "Jfbcwent to tbo roat-Offlt r, or

u. rmcuro \mxtfr. he waa nearly stir. to he ramrlit hya-.-iii- body wnnting som. thlng. amtl I_o dotaiiud.'

-u. li pBiaaaal tulaiiufy Mr. I.ayard dcairoato lu- ppite. u-.l. I M«e BO way iu which it t-au boilnn.' i xcept b.\ a rratii an loiiiuiuiiii'utioii fiomIka I'ndi rur'.uii.l B uUa.iy m.w itcat' the Hotme, witha iHariaaa Bndat la tha Ricbl Won. gcnsl.iaaaa_i nolmi the Treasury I. -nrb, troiii wbicb be conltl ascendto hi.'pla-o 44it!ioiit the jMxiaibiljty of any voxutiuu.n.ntlitut-nt Kcttin^ powM-Haioii of him.At tbe ('.loiKiatiVc ('.nikTCKS hold tho ttttt i <lav in

I.. Ml*. a proposal 4\ a-s m.Mtf to uiiil.a co<M»*'tati.>ii aiulTiades Vnioiii.ts in 0 coiiiinoii ol.jcct, whena dinplay of iioliilci. n.o and even avowi-.l n*-

pOgaaa«a ou tho part of coOprrators to tho pr.ijcct,took tBOM ImbI ari|iiniiil*'*l v* ith coiiimratiotil.y aurpriso. Tlie exiatonoe of un antagonistic fcel-ink' fTaaaaiortaa MMpaiaad. Tbo -entimunt I.*. boaainot on im ntonal but economic groniid. Totlm co.'iperator tlm \va_»tt of luouc. in atrikcs, tho focblctiess,cniifiiMoi). aud geimial iinpotencc of tbat modo ofln.lustrial rt-drcAt, BOBBB au itnputatu.n t.n tbo go.nlaenac or conimon setis.* of all enjraged in procectlincsbo wa*-t* ful. Tbey OOOB-dBB btiikcs expltslctl lototii^-o, and to belong to a iiumIc of warfaro, t haiaot.'r-istic sonicwliat of iimtlianical savages ; antl il.'.liiu-lo be tlrawn into it, ».r to b«* iniied up in it, or in anyway to bo ci.u .nl* rt >l ;.*> I'liiiiit.iiancing it.Mr. Ayrton, a nminlier of the (.ovcrnmenf. has

BOdortakOB BB brinn tu a bili for the aholition of4vbut is called tln- Hecurity Hyetem. Tlm last of tbolOOOl ri'-stiit Hon on tlm pross. iiitended to r*.pro«_ nr

r. tult i iin|'"Ksiblo the existenco of i_a|>crH likcly tobe troubhaionie or nnmanngeblo in their social nr

political vit ws. Tlm n-stiit tion tohl chiclly OO hinallofl'cndeis, esi-ocially in eountry tlistiiets wLen- tlu'n|iiire or Uie church- warden aaJOOlBd to iiii|Miitiniiitconinmii_s .i|a.n tbeir Ipmco«Hliuj.s; any tounneiit

being iu th» ir opitiinti 4vas 1'ui.ill.. detiTinined yostordav, at a meeting

held at tho Central t'onperative Ageiuy in I'arlia-nient-st, that a OoiyorOtlTO Cnngress shnnl.l

bokeld la I-onilun in the timt wook in Juim *eO__.

in.ncing, itidccd. on thc.'ilat of May. The meetingof arraiigouicnts waa atteuded by Mr. W. Paia, Mr.Q, J. Ilnlvnake. and Dr. Travis, all leadera of tho

cot'iporativo movcumnt nf IMH Tbo Cnngress will 1*.

bcld in thoroomaof tho Ko< ioty of Arts, Adclphi: :t

f.htivo meeting will bo held at the Cryslal 1'ala.:.-,an.l a omt will be BOfBIBd at tbo Crystal l'alace for

tbe exbibition of empctativo mauiifaftturca: and I

am ilcsii-ed to aay that any co.'".pciaUirs in Anmrica

Tisiting England at that tune will bo nio**t OOlOOOBOat tbe Congrffs.This week tbe railiaincntary papers contaiued a

uotice "Ii-avo of absence soven duya-Mr. Juiuis

Wbite'e severe domestic aflliction." Mr. Wlnto, tho

member for llrigbton. has b.ft his Itulian son in-law.

Higtlor Martni. Tbc papers spcll tlm uiune of tho de-

ceased gentleinan " Mazf iui," wbicb may lead somo

to fonfoimil him wilh Ma/rini. tho Italian lcadcr, m

toatispoctarelatioriKbip. Tlmre is uone. as the or-

thography in tbo two MBBB. iniplies. In one senso

thero wr.s afliuity, for bis wife, formerlyMiss Linda White, was a diatingnislied and accotu-

pliabed translator of Italian iHilitical writings, and

tiHik great interest _B the frce.loin of tbat couutry.Higfior Mazim di.d suddcnly of lmart discaxc, aud

will be removod from Baajtaad to Bnaacia, laoiubardy.for interiiienf in the */ault of bia family.A frienU, wbo is a much betkr judgo of picture*.

tban I uin,' writ-s ine as foljowa I

"Ainonatiie Ameriean artihta in Lontl.m fow are

oxtH.ig moro ..ttontiun an.«ng tbo « ritunl, by tlm.rn, ikf tl an Mr. Oaorae Boagftoa, wh«. has ilnadyffaii.iia-i-o.1 reputatinii in both cojintrii* by thefft!\[!::'.\,u\ minalitr witb wbich Im matiaged

v ir-o-iii/.- .'< OBOO in tho iiiviinnii.-iitb, « 1 v.l I -a. h beneatb Iba rlalng araaad ablehtheX l.a ¦* _lH..ltl..a-.,.ud. Hm BcUlaiBBBl lt__cl«

m f i_lit. lhe ,,,,, Aky, fun.l. aml dbtaot W.H..I.¦!, kr m Im onaty dlaliw^ eompriaa Ika aatna

f l,r p.ece. Then* m un gTMB bMA aadnt!ffioear^aflower lhanthal«am '*Jfl^li.-hensniiar... k.nllm forcgTOtind. _..! tlm. i. 8

clr a u tendcrneaa ... tl.c li-bl ponradiiif tke plctttro.Vll- 4401k i-icinarkable-o. iU «OV_-0 Bimplicty aud

Itn moral impresBivcnesa. Here are a dozou Saxonmen in homely grav garb, the only Bigna of hnmanityairainst the miatv whjtqof sea and sky in tha back-ground, witb whom deatiny marches. Tbere ja no

bne military nrray, no glittor of armor, no prondflag; ouly a lew hardv meu on a lonely beacb wholook to tbe immediate tiusiness in baud, and bave uottbo fllightest uptiqu of cuttiug a figiiXO m history. or

on the walls oiYxhibitions. This 18 tbe way dcstniymoves, bo lowly on the uuobserycd Jandmai ks whicnkiugs and peers pass byto bo ueaiJT-Tl.d At last bvArt aud Romance. Only ln tbo strong, deteruiinetlfaces of Standisb aud bis men do you disceni thevast bUtoric distauce from which tlio little_ proces-sion haa cotne. From aa artistio poiut of viow, oue

ftndsthe artist's felicitous tact in tho tine colorwhich he has got for the Puritan group, wbich wouldnaturally bo of somber costume, by denitting thored skin and savage trappings of tbe balf-nude ln¬dian wbo leadsthem, aud constitutes the most promi-neiit figure. This 11tho fellow is a model lndian, thepcrfcction of animal rcpoae- and strcngth. Thewhole is a work which might almost revorso th<*say-ing of Grethe. that no young man can bo a master,because youtb cannot havo reposo. Tbe sinccritvnnd iiutfi wbicb charactorize tho paintings of thisyonng Amencan artist aro visiblo iu every part of awork wbich several connoisseurs bavo already pro-nounced ono of which Americans may be prottd. Mr.Boogbtoa has alwo prepared for the Euibittoa a

Taay aharaniag ptataia ot aaaaanta ta Brittany wor-

shiping at a wavbide cnicilix, on which are boundsmall buiiches of wheat, to iiidicate thankfuluess fortho harvcst.''

I misbcdbccing Mr. Bnagbtou's pictnre before itwent into the hands of tho Academy Committee.bnt,from all I hear, it richly douervrs tho line criticalpraise w bich I quotc above. (>. w. 8.

MR. CONWAY AND THE PALL MALL OA7.ETTE.The Pall MuU (htcclle of April 14, publi-jbeH

tbe following latter from Mr. Conwny:Sir M.iy I, without undcrtaking the advocacy of tho

Ameilcan cbargce against Kngland, rcupond to yourchnllengcsn lur as lt lnbtitutea a pnrallcl betweeu tlioattitude of tbe Uuiteit Htatca towartl bpain lu tbe matterof Cuba, and tliat of England toward tlie Uuitcd Statea iutlic ninttcr of tbe Southcm Coufederacy tTbe gravauien of tbe Auicricau charge ia, tbat their

(loveninirut bavlng pas.ed luto the Uatidsof a new Ad-roiulstratioii.and tliereupou a rcbelllon baviug brokenout, tbut relielllon was eoncedetl belliaerent rigbta byEngland without waltmg for tbe arrival or ropreaonta-tionanftho Amcrii'im .Mliii-ter fheu on bla way to tiuacounlry. Tbat. lt 1. rl.arge.l, waa " hatUy rccogultioD."and uidleatcd au uuliieuUiy auluius toward tho United8«-tea. , _

Tbe other caso is tbat. though tho Inaurrecflon ln CubaIi ad aco,ulreUlinpo6lngdlui<:nr.ion(, tbe Auicrlcautioveni-ment not only awHltcd tbo arrival ol tbe new Bpiiuiab Mln¬Uter, but haa uot yet recoguiztd cither the belligereucyortho ludepcndence of Cuba. Hut tbo Houae of H>.rreaeuta-ttvea, you mr, hn-t exiircased its ayn.pathy witb Cuba,and that ia hoatillty to _M>aiii. Of courae lt Ia; and thaHouae of RepreeentaUves bas a perfect rlgbl to cxpreMItaaympathy with nny and its dlallke ot auy Oov-emmetiC. Uut tt tnust imt profesa Uiat such exprestiousare conslatcnt wllb frli-ndafiip. As I undcrstand it, tbol.'iigllau (iovernnient claima to b.ive done nothing un-

fni-iidly to Aiiitrlea. I do uot learn tbat tbo House ofRepreaentatlvea bas dtsowned Its deteatatlon of thataiiMiablg euuibiiiaiion o( oppiesMlous ln Cuba wbich thern.vlru.nnl Uovernmant of fipam, lu their aollc'M,).. cou-

certiluganrw monarch, haa not as yet even pi oiub-od torcoiove. I nui, Hlr, yours, Ac., Momjube D. OOMWAT.


Mr. Tliomna HeggH, the bonorable Hocretaryof tbokSeelety tor tlie Abulltloo of CapitalIP»#«j

labtnent " whl.h I n_wl tho houor of preseiitlug 'o ycu,ilurtiir tiiv ahort viatt to London laat Btitnmer, you willtln 1 (i-inr'-a D" 99) tbe ftstlMtlcs of tbe imbllc execiitlons iaHwoden from 1149 to 1M54. As a completcmcut of Tablc 5(i.ugo '/!/ I um UOW ablo to add that !11«3.. Wor» ntnlil. '1W.J.,< aoJtuiri*.; I.i i-ai .lai |>.|aiiliaa*Bl. 81IICl. ,CmiiI*_bB»d la a«,i*l irrrttuil* for lif*. 671M.B|M.»*6. 'l».4..C«!^e»B*.i toraaltal jiBBi.hioeut. (I1». 4. ,CuB_t*_LBa-J to piaal MrTitaa* tot lif*.- 109l*a-l..Bi« l..('..».l*uic«l t. faylul iinoiiliiBftt. 9\8>.!i. l oaJ'tmrrJ to p.n.l Mraitiid* for Uf*. 391996 Ki*r«i»d ,for wilifal taiiMtr *B<1 rah1)*!?). 2_6a_S..Coaal»aaii*-l lotaplul (alaa MMiara for iaiabor.

diautlua). 16IK6. .CaBi*. iub- i U i-araal mttiIb-Ii (BBJ.l)«r nol tMBi).l»*.7..Iii«*«i«(.1666. .Baeculfd...... _. .

Hnwuiaiiy have Ik-'-u ouiideiuued to tx-nal ivervltudeduring tbe laat aevcu years I cannot tt.ll, beeau6e tbe ofll-eial at.itiaii.-»..r Uio lourtaareiiot yet publiaUed for tlioyet. im>,-. 'aa. _.

Tlio gi" it ij.freiiM: ln eondetnnatlona to capital punwn-itn nt ,liuiii_i tiu- t.-.ira I. Jiii.d fullowlug la dua to tbeti, iv i-riuiliial i.Ml..i.f 1 >>'.!. liy tiua codi. tbo liilinbei ofenuio* to bo punialied with ileatli pcualty were rt-duoc-dfroin irri t.» aome f.-w t.noa. lltsidn this. death t>etialty or

peoal a< i vltmle nni, «,-, ortllng to the sald ro,!,-, aU.-riiu-tl-. i iy ln intl.i i.-il even for thc. o crluic-i, according to Uiearbttratlon of tba eooriAm we huvo not bad uny exccutioDS ln tbe laat two

v< trr. I tlilnk Uiat ile.iib j-cnaliy uiay aoon bo conaiUenulaboll.hi >l 'lr faeto lu SwedVn. By lha Ihk! chanter (Tl) ofmy b»ok, paa(i: 171. >ou tun ae.. the vatloua uimleilnritig ..11 ihe DteU, fraaa IBI3 to 1SUS, for Introdutlngl.ilia for ibe lotavl abolltlon of eauital punulnueut fromtln |_wa of H\TcUi-u, aud tbe oauacs wby Uicbo WUa werelr-lu ,llwl.

iimiiig tbr praaonl Dlal of thiayear no bill for tbo aaoiejMir'MK,- baa Been Introdnced, i.«cuum. all tho (ealouapro-iiiot.iraof un i|iu-.iiioii of al)oli»bing eapilal piiniabiueiitthink It better ln wail aomo . t-ara, till tbe Wwetlisb peopleI11.4, oii-n Mpcuatuuied to aec puUlio seourity very wellsupportcd wilhout tbe eeSaawanaa ol tbe bauKinaD.



Thc Montrcal HUtr gives tbe following 9tatis-Uaa of tbe New Iioiuiuion, ,1 ytrojne of tbo aonci*tion oftko Haaaai- Hay Terrttory, wbicb lt calla "Our NewI.lrphaut:"

lha aieacf tbe Donilnion of ranaila-and, by antiel-patlon, in tbla wo Inelnita Hritiah Oalaaaalaaaal the tern-lory td tlie Hak-Ma'a Hay approiiniately or

jiretty at, uiately tXmt at Umjttt .uuaro tuiles. of mo preaent !><iiuluion, includliiK that ofIbe Mai-nliue l'roviucea. la i,20t,1Oti; lucludinc R'd Ki.erh*tileiiieiit and lirltiab Coluiubia, auy .l.i<k).ooo. is aaotnei bal llberal ftKiire. The nutnliers are liased on thoI v-r r. iiii.l .1.1 no inoio rri-ent olfliial doeumi'Ut is

nvailable, tbia la tbe ouly truatworlhy authoriiy wo cau

'1 hia jiropnrtlon of popul.itiou to terrltory la about nine-tmih.t of one paiBOB lo "ticli «a,uare nille; tbat 1*. aa.umli)»rUi, r>. aro ll.ree aduit> .'¦ ea.-b family of flvc. tbere lsllltle uinrn tbiin hulft.11 adult tocach 640acrcs, oue sqiinremlla ln the PoiuinioD. Tbla la a snaraeneas of popnlaiioii' to utterlv diaproporlioned to tbe terrttory.Imt one looka »! it^haal tt the labor au.l..(iM'iiae wbit-b our Uo-ernniciik maat lucur to iieoplothi-Mialtiaets ol toiiiit.y witli anvtbliiK like aniade-1,1 iie iM-iiiilittion. Hut apart from the territory of tfteII udaon Bay fompany. of whleb we are aoou to take 1^-H«*M.u 1, t ns i-sauiliie Ihe ratlo of iMiiiuIntiou aualcounlry in O11UD0, Wuobec aud tbe !.ower '^{"^:

ta Mi.i*. l'npulal 00 to M Milt*.

ja*.::::::.:::::::-:- \_\_\ _\:?Sf":::::::::::: SW*S

\Vero tbe en'tlro terrttory of tbo Doinlnton-ln whleb wo Ibe Uudaon's Hay Coinpany-peopletlin,,.¦ wm, nui. I'riure _4wai_. |9-U8_* the I^pulatloiiwoi.1,11 e im.6M.46B. Hut it la t-aid. a. anthaarliy. thatPrtBM Bdward lataod nialntaln fm Unica Its Preaent,r..,i.l-.tloii. In tbe aaine pn.portloii tlie ctitlre territoty oth- Di.tiunlon would iTpDOrt 1ot,i'U,-r,\ ajnumber abou

¦ nml tottvo-tl.lrdaof tbe liihaiiltanta of tbe glolie. But0/1 urseawhle uiargin uiust be left for atc.nle i.,iu1h,iit f.»r eiiltlvallon. Bal aay Ihat lOO.OOO.ijW could proro a iHU-i n, 0 ln tbla territory. wbich ls taa tbin mt-

tettttth o the i.u.uber computed on the OtOtk whi.-nI'nnee Kilwaid's laland 66 allowcd to nialntaln. aadMk r. ont lut ln iirtiportton to tho nutnber whk-b that

laland iWaact.ialfy aupiMirl. we bave capaclty enougho , yagcat,. (Bbnoa tbo reduudiuit populatlou ol

K,i.,',,o. ox?lu.lve of thc lnbcreut naturai lucrcase of our

Vy,A» nfrriai_B66 ot Quebev. Its grcal canacity¦ to trtt-

ufn .! law popularn,,? U . ataa. tnnu g toltowla.

E^aSSlS xZ nuil ber P.a_£3 mTltSCS&f|. rtS a ii whlcl. imiat ba aM.umed to lnclude all thean.T iba l_o«walon 3 reaidenta. uon-resldeuts. and

t iinic couitutnlea, wai U.U3,:t«9 acre*. leavlng uuoccu-

*h iii ?«. 7ai nirea. Tbe returna to Oovcrnment ln__.?_".HS; utiiubf-r of persons mkkktmtX tn thi. ProvinceoTnoJ^..i eic uilve oMhe citma of Montreal,t4u9bec, andT^.roe Kivers snd as these are heada of fainiliea, the ave-

m«* t, t_! ,° SS would be 8o acrea. When wa

_£ lalS ?ba MaaaVt tha very larga traeta of land held byrirate apeculutors, by abaeut-ca. and by publ'c compa-

f, ea we Uiink tbia av«rage quite Uo low, aud u.fer theioaluat bc aotuo grave orror iu tbeae returna.



fcBAMTOWi ?».. April 28..The coal niineraofH vde I'Hrk, in thU city, to-nl«bt vot*?d toMa In tbo muve-inont for u getu'ial auapenalon of work by the 30,000 ml-uera lu tbo uuthractte coal Ilelda.

UtOnh\m% MEETINUS, Ac.

A mfiss niccting of citizeiiB, irioj-pcctive ofi.i.riy. will be held ut looper lliatltuto tbia areplag. teeipreaa aympalhy for tiie atiugglli g t'ubana. Thc cull 16

algurd !>> inaiiy of our nioat pii.nunent clu/.i-na.

Dr. l.cwir. I-, lcctureil laat night on"The Ajiatoniy aml I'by-iolng.v of tht lluti Ileart,"Ixfi.te tlfb Uirmau Hocloty H Iiitelloilual 1 rogressatHu-ii rooins, No. 316 Tblrty aixthal.


Bdwn_ Mont'Uii'iit, tho Hiirgoon of tlic ahip.laines Fontor, Jr., waaantsleil by Otkttt Koiner at l,","waler, h. I, yesterday, ou u charge of felouiotia aasaiilt,iu llltreiitlng iwrsuiis OB tbo veaael of wllicb M waiaui-i_raa.ii. i he ai-eiiaH-il hua bi en i rek ut W'ard'a laltiml inne

Um arrival of tlie Poatar, wbirh preventod bla apprenon-an.n bcfoic. Uio warritnl waa inaued by Corouar'«ax-.iiini, wliiiioiiiii.itted Um priaouer to tbe Counlyjan»*liukiaoud, ti. I , lor eimiitnation.



Aliuny. April 28.-Thc bili to Regnlate the Sale ofUluminating Oas in New-York passed the Asacmblrto-day, by a voto of 94 to 10. It was given outthrough the lobbies within a few days tbat the gaacompanios had subscribed an immense snmof moneyto defeat this bili, but it appeara by the few negativovotes tbat they did uot succeed. The negativea wereaa follows;

KITtAikea, Cmd*, (Jrlfiln, //,-/,Itovcler. W, M. Klr, Utubrouek, ___...»,CtmrtfO. /'./iii.. IIr_.rc.tD,BmCoBKer, Oifluid, Uortott, Ttght.If tbc bili POBBBO the Senate and receivos the sonc-

tiot of tbo Governor, tbe citircns of Now-York willhave better gas. and will bo freer fiom tho extortionaof tbc Company than they are now.

The hill amending the general railroad law ao aa

to allow inuuicipaJ corporationa to aid Lu tbo con-

structiou of railroads by bondiug tbomselvcawas up in tlm Senate aud orderod to a

third reading, The Connties of Ontario, Scneca,Yatee, Kiiigs, New-York, Erie, Gre-ene, W-st-heeter,Albauy, Onoudaga and Niastara were exompted ftmitthe provisions of tho bili. Tbe altempt was made tobring up in the Senate, to-day, the amendcd Exciselaw, but lt failed. Mr. Tweed moved that it bo madotho npecial order fUr to-moi row morning, and aaid howould regard tbat voto ou the motion a test one. Ilwas so regarded tbrongbout the Senate. The votostood, Ayes 15, Nays 17.every Dcmocrat voting intbe atlirmativo, aud every Republican in tbo nega¬tivo.Tbo bili remoylng tbe Capitol to New-York camo

np for a third readint? in tho Asuembly thia ev.-uing,bat Mr. Hu.ith of Ali.auy rai_**d tbe point tbat. a.

tba bili waa iutroduocti aubsequent to March 15, ilcould not bodi.nosed of until bills priorto tbat dato had been pa* _ed upon. Tbo point waa

decided well taken.Tbe Committee on Citi.a. by a vota of I to 2, agreotl

to-night to report for tho cou. idcration of tbe Honsothe bili changing tbo p "esent Tax Commissioners ofNew-York, and giving the appoiutment of their euc-

cc*_or_ to tho Coutroller. When this bili eame downfrom tbo Senate, in Maroh last, tho Ropnbli-cans held o caiitiis, and sgreed to onpose it,but at the samo time it waa asaerted thatsomo legi8latiou .vaa ueeo_sary to mnko the actionaof the Board legal. A Committee of prominent law-y .re, headed by Judge Campbell, wero appointed todraft a bili which wonld overcomo the existing diffi-culties. That Committee have not, np to this perhad,reported any measure. Tho biU agreed to bc reportedto-uight ia urged by Controller Connolly. whoaaserta that, if it fails to bocome a law, he willnot recogniyio Mr. Chauncey M. Dcpcw as a

legal member of the present Hoard, andin that event the wholo machinery of tbooffico will ho atopped. The Citizena' Asr-oeiationhavo infonnally urged tho bili, on the ground thatConnolly will carry ont his threat, and in that eventthere will be a great loss to the treasury: and further,on the ground that as tho Controller baapromieed to

appoiut two Republican Commissioners, it will bobetter than to take tho chanco of lo. ing everythingoither throngh tbe law or by the next etection,The Democrata in cauens to-night nominated for

Police Oommissioner Oswald Otterdotifer. and JohuL. Flagg of Troy for Regent of tbe University.


To ninond the chatters of Tnion Spiinga,Union Vlllage. Jamaica, Boonvllte, Mohawk, And8_.r-iU._ii-ifrniflt; Maapeth-ave., Brooklyn; requirin« tlioBrooklyn aud Union K.-rrlen to ruti ccrtaiu boat.. afier iuid-nl(_ht; tn eloae a portton of Hicks-st..Brooklyn; to ant horirer;i:lr..»il. to loan tueir orrdu lo aid in tue -oue.r_oti.4i. ..ftho Buifalo, Coiry, and ritubui'irb Railroad.

ttttta ountnan t» a Tinan readino.RequlrlDg lhe renaoval of Ita) prinoimrs lroiu r*ing Sing

to the AlUiny Pemtentiaiy. KcgulHtiug th_ tcruiof.-f-fleo of notanes pnl.llo. In relation to tho KclocUo Medl-cal College. To wld.n Underhill-a-e., Br.Hiklyn. for an

avproacli to rroajpeot Park. To lucorporste the Ablnfr-doii-oiiiiaro Pavlnga Batik of Now York. To exteud tliourovi.lont of tbe laws of 1653 lu re'.atlon to lifo andh.-Hltli in_ urauce. For tbo reuioval of tbo Mutual 8av-1l-_ Urti.k of brooklyn.

1III.IS PA^SED.FJxJng tbe salariea of JuOirea and acrks of CourtB in

Brooklyn; relativo to proceediug lu itd_ue_-.ii.i-iii.ii_dower; to amend the churter of ttie Commerrl tl W'an»-bouae of Now-York; to ainend the utif.orl_l_ir I.tfnInsuruuee Conipaulos to mnko special tl.-po_it_ of tototmtiet In the Iu-uruiicc Departmciit; ___o, pruvuliu lor tl.oappotnttuent of recolvcis for Sufe Couipatiics iucertain cases.The 8enate then eon*. I rlered the penernl orderB.Tbe geueral blll aIlowlii*r towns to l.lnd thentneheB ln

aid of railroads waa an.iMi.1eil in Committee of tbo Whole,ho an to i- vi inj.*. from its opcrationa thr Couiitiea ol Nev>York, King-, Erie, Groene, Albauy. Westefeeator, B_a_«__Ontario, Yate». Onoiutoifa, aud M:iK«ru. aud woe tbeuoiil-red to - thud readiug by a vote of M to 13 :

«t 41.

-VmlJii-fii, llroKam,,r-I,(Vraa./r. Hai*. ktoir't. T_*;tr,jr.i-_r_-, Htbbeirtl. f.I..-n'll. T*M**\Utttet,U_a>|itiir_r. I'.rtar, Van l'«_>

SlUi l,rr.a»l*r, Itturrthy, l'alti*«r,

JfMtA,BolfTr, | "A..!*, Fxrrot,t»a.p-cll. Kraii-JT, N,.k.. W.lita_u-I5.C ip.ntD, Uorgaa, Sorton.

KF.SOI.I'TKlNS.By Mr. NICHOIi*--Thnt tl.o t'aual Board bo n-niitvl

to st tbc next 8888-08 of the I.e«i-lature rntcii t* -

teui of preiatitlonary mea. uies, or phui of a_ ttou, ,ia iu

tlielrJutli-ineiH may )>o iimBt llkelyto prerentTooftwaodot l >>ek. with r_f_r*>nee to it ute a« a pnrt of tbe Kne ('-.tu ilfrom uvi.*iflowiuciU bauka, aud rtwultlog fromsuch overflow. Adoptcd.By Mr. MrKPIIY-Tbat the Stato of New-York _8*>

¦enlB aud approvea tbe cefaion by tho State of I'e.iiiv'l-Tanli. to the I'uited Ht it. » of the soldiera' Natio-... i «.__.

et.-ry at Gettyfborg, Oonfrreaf imvitiK adop'e.i .. uulforftiHVitem for tbc mauageiueut au.l e.ireof tMOXXXtmfttf ntytiunal cerueterlCB. Trtbl-d l.y tbe rulc.Ou motion of Mr. O'DOSNKf.L the tJr-ucral Arpiepri.i-

tion blll waa recominltted to the B__M_B8 Coiuniittee, torei»..rt at any tiuie.


Mr. TWKKD moved to make the fcxal-O bili tbe k... ei_lor.ler for to-morrow. .._.._. ____. ,,Mr. FOUiKR amendcd lt to lnclude the atnetidineiit ol

the lieirutry law.Mr Ki>l|ft*r'B itiiietiduient wa« loft, a t.vo-thlrd vote not

Bi.pjM-Ttiug U. by 18 to 15- Yeas nll RepuUlU-ina; N.iyfull I>tiniM.*ratH. exeeptMr. Cro4vley. ...»

Mr Twoed'n motion was lost by IS to 17. In the aftu m-at'iveail Democrots; tn tbe uegative all Kepublli nua.

AdJourueJ. ________

A8.EMBLY.A meBbaire from the Ooveruor wua retcived vetolag lf.*

biU to iucorporate the vlllage of ChateauKav. I-'rat.kliaC'ounty. Ibe lull provides tbat no person *li_Il bc oul tl.ato vote for ele-tive oftlcert of the villa_re uuleaB be l»<* <.

froebolde_, or ahull within the pnx.'ediug year havo palda tax upon property Uxahlo tu the vfllage. It thaf_eek8to C8tabli.*h property nuallflcatlous for thoso who aio tovote for oftlcerf electlve l.y the peoplo ; aud tnerelore iaiucoufllct with theConstilutlou of tbc btate. Artt_f-_.teetlon 1, deflnlng the qualittea'aan of clectora. AUo martlole 10, sectton a. readiu* aii city. towu, and vilbfttoflloerf whose election or appotntmeut has not been pro**vlded for l.y tbe Conttitutioii, ahall be ele.-t«_jit by liioelootors of ftich clties and villfges, or some divl-iuitthereof, or appointed by ho. h anthorttie* thereof, as thaLegislature sball detlirnate for tbat purpone. The hillwaa returued thtta proiuptty It may be amended aa

thu Legl. lature may see nt to roiuove the obj*eliou..llio velo wm fustalned, 83 t-> l.Mr. AIUL.. n.

llll.!. I-A--«EI).Toamend thecharttr of tho Os4?.-go and Do-«

Company; appolntlng Commt_»lotior_ to \-ato tbc In-tane Atylttm of Weatern New-York -73 to is; for 4brltlKet_-ro_sthoMohft4vkK!vet at Flnk'aBaftt; m ».».

thome Broome County to .-eiid couvicts to the AlbanyPaniteutUry tomcoriK.iate the village of CkarloMgto mcreaec the powers of tbc Si _torho..rt of st. Marv to

lu.orporat-the Uermun Loan Trti-t Compatty otJBtooo-lyn ; to ametid the cnarter of tlie Oawetfo ¥x_t,^P*"*m«ul; to authorUe Bar.ttoga to aid iu tto e«^»°^Sof a railroad from Mechanic-ville to the Ke.WH ner audBoTMoaa lUUioad to amend lhe law totAittwowro-Uon of h-ulth and We liiBiirar.oo companit* . nagulaU .|fthe power aud sale of illumluaUng pu la ^wt^*St.m_votet in the B8ffBtlT8l: t hang of tne »»^";fX«ttt* to tha Laaa_tt. Bauk of «_*. _**^ mTC voffithe Fresl.ytoiiau Uoui" for Ated Wotucuii New-York.the Caual Approprbtl,..^.^t.'«N IU-_.

Mr DOOI.ITTLE aported B b;ll authorlzlng a slreelliUlwayiuOBWego. _iu._.v;.Provid'ngfor theopemug-l Weat-ave. ln I__ng l**mU

rit.,---- to IS t<» ainoud tho aet r.ilativo to _t*wei-nut lir.M.klyu; 18 rcuenl the authority of tbfK.i.iil of mipei viaoit ot RieliaAHid County to pay certainelaii.i-' tfuiiiendtl.eeluuterof tlie People* Fltv ln B-rm.i.«* < iiiiU'H.'- ! Piovltl ug fot a to4_ n hull und li' alHaint.'K i Bprlngt; to aiucii.l tlio selu-ol I.iw of l.lmira ;to ii.eorp.-ial.' tb* Wa Mu Kl.'U Atrrlcul'.uial f_tKietv; toliicori.oii.te tbo Fifthavc. -*_*... io. Buuk ; lu uuih rn_

tbc uppoliitiuent of Oo_B-Btf8loaert to tocate tii<> Yx.iXoivnlteitiiiiy.or Iu.hi-triai Uef_riiiator> ; f..r tbo l^ttei

Crotoctioii of liiMi.-i. -, to Mthortaa Oawafo t.> baiM a ottfall; suppleinentary to the law rcluting to tlie iioryug

of h'ttr-r patkagcf, and HierdiaiiiliM. tf iueau» of pneii-lniitie tubCB batwet-u Ni-w N <u nnd Itntoklvu ; U* lueor*

poratO tbe Klastra Water W.»r__ ; mukiug lt it eriinc fot

imputing a waut of eluiBtity to f.-inaltB, fcllonalire p*' »*Hto amend tlio law relati4« t*> Bell Uatepdots. A«bo_-u_--