new york tribune (new york, ny) 1903-02-02 [p...

ALSO BLACK SEA CRHSE FROM NEW TORK SCAXCB 12. '03. TO MADEIRA, .? y \ % >': THE MEDITERRANEAN OTH\ IT TP^ IXY^TT^ ll^li ILf a xi 11 By the Twin-Screw S. S. AUG. VICTORIA Fro-n New York February 3. 1003. A Trip of 77 DAYS COST $350 UP. ITINERARY— FunchaI (Madeira). Gibraltar. Granada. Alhambra. Malaga Algiers. Genoa. Vlllefran.-he (Mp? and Monte Carlo). Syracuse. Malta. Nauplia, Ka:amaki. Pirseu» (Athens). Constantinople (I3.isphorus Black Sea). Beyrouth (Damascus, Baalbek). Jaffa (Jerusalem, etc.). Caifa (Galilee and Samaria). Alexandria (Cairo and the Pyra- mids). Messina. Palermo. Naples. Genoa— New York. PASSENGERS ALSO TAKEN TO ORIENTAL POINTS OF CRUISE AT SPECIAL RATES. Albany Co.. Wyo.. School District No. I. Refunding: Aurora, ills.. n*fmid'.T>e. <~uss Co., la.. Refunding. <:<Eur d*Al«>n*. Ma.. 1 aderendent School District No. 1 Refund inc. >U»t tiran.-l Forks. Minn.. School District No. 3. School Building. Ton AtlcinfOTi. Vis . Water \S*orli!«. Hmm "-' •• r.. la.. Refundins. Kelthsburg, Ills.. Water Works. l^na. j:i?.. Water Works. T«»xlr.stort. Ky. Kunding. Neosho. Mo.. School BuJldinc. Oimnee City. la,. Independent School District, School Founding. <"»shkn6!i. Wi«.. Watfr Works <"->.. Ist Mortcaire Gold. l'i?rc<? Co.. Wa«ri.. School District No. 8 (Sufnner). Pine River \u25a0 Bethanv TownshU*'. Mich., I'nlon School District. No. 1 R*-funillnp - ; '.. I*->uis. Mich.). Pert V.a«: \u25a0\u25a0 c; \u25a0: 1 School District No. 1, School Bon . i Pullman. Wash.. School District No. 69. nock Fall?. Ills.. E><-trl<- U«hl Terrell < ".. Ga.. Court House. Walnut Township, Ills.. School. uab. r«ar.»b«. Mich.. Refuadinc. Hamburg. la.. Rofu- PIFTGEXTH. atna, I2!*i.. TVa.t<»r Works S- !...m«-.. Wafh.. School District No. Z. COUPONS MATURING FEBRUARY, 1903, PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF N. W. Harris & Co. HRST. AVrilwr P. T>sk.. TVfimdiriir 67 days, costin? 5450 up, . ITINERARY— Lea vine N. T. March 12. 1903 by tho Prlnzessin Victoria Lulse. for Madeira. Gibraltar Genoa. Riviera. Palermo. Constantinople. Treblzond. Batoum (Tinls). Yalta. Sebastoiol. J'llaclava. Athens, Kala- makl. Nauplia. Syracuse, Kaple*. Algiers. Lisbon Southampton. Hamburg. New Ycrk. STOPOVERS ALLOWED AT NAPLES. LIS- BON. SOUTHAMPTON AND HAMBURG. For Particulars Aprly to HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE, 33-37 BROADWAY. N. T. lnriudlnT Madeira, Algiers. Italy. Franco. Sicily. Turkey. Asia Minor. Tran»- raucasla liussla (Crimea). Greece. Portugal. England and Gerr ny. Black Sea TO MADEIRA. THE MEDITERRANEAN PENNSYLVANIA I RAILROAD. STATIONS foot of WEST TWENTY- -TTIRD and DE3- r:i!OSSES and CORTLANDT STREETS. «_-The leaTlnt, time from Df»l>r««« \u25a0\u25a0«« f" «-«l«ndt Street- U tWe mlnnte- •»««' *i»»'l that Klven below for Twrn » y-thtr.l •••reel \u25a0Mniion. except where otherwise noted 7 - r * 5 . V, M - FAST "an 1-11 it -\u25a0 to two rl . or _ C *" an.i pintn* Car New York to Plttsbunr. Sleeping Car PUUhtWK to Chicago. No Coaches to l»i«sbur_. . •MS A. \u25a0.FAST Pttubum and Cleveland. iKBS A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LI MTrED. -Pullman Compartmen* Slee | . r.,nln«. Sraok.nK. an.l Observa- tion cars. For Chicago Cleveland. Toledo. Detroit. Cincinnati map.-.],, LonUvllle. St. Louia. l.'>.> V. 51 - THE PENNSYLVANIA SPECIAL.— -O- hoar train to Chiraeo. Pullmao Compartment Observatiun. Drawlns-rocra. Sleepinu. Dining. an ' 1 j Ifuflf-t Si ..Ainu Car 1.33 V. N. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS.— j For Toledo. Nashville <via Cnclnnatl and Louisville). | _ *"™"»P^B. Chicago. St. Lo-il*. Dining Car *JUS P. M. ST. LOUIS EXPRESS.— For Ptttaburs. | Cincinnati. 1n.1i.-inapolis lyintsvtlle. St. Louis. Dining ! Car. For Welch. W. Va. Ma Shenandoah Valley; Ftnute). B.BS _"- M. WESTERN EXPRESS.— For Chicago. For | Toledo, except Saturday. Dining Car. ' 7.r.r. |»; M - PACIFIC EXPRESS.— For Pittsbur* «nd j Chicago. For KnnTvi:i<- daily, via Shenandoah \ alley Rout«. Connects for rievflanil except Saturday. B f"7 P. >f ' CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI EX- PRESS.— For Pittsbursc Cleveland and Cincinnati. \VASIII.\GTO.V AM) THK SOUTH. 7..V.. .<?.__, 8.55 (Pining Cart. 10.10 <E»e«bro_se» and Cort- j landt Streets. lt>\u25a0_•,„ (Dtotna: Car*. 10.55 (Dining Car) a. m. 12. V. (Dlnl.iif Car) 310 (Desbrosse* and .anit Streets, 2.20). (iS "Congressional Limited." all Parlor and Dining Cars). 3.25 (Dining Car). » 23 (Dining tar). 4.35 (Dining Car*. 0.23 p. m 12.10 night. Sunday ,**-». 5.5.> (Dining Car), law (Dining Car) a. m.. 12."» iDinW Car). (3.25 -Conßressional Limited." all Psrtor an! Dining Cas) ~._r. (Dining Car). »25 (Dining tar). 4-o«» (Dining C^ir». 1t.2.*. r, m I- 10 night. ._ .. EOtITHERN RAILWAY -E^pre 55.3.2r..S 5.3.2r.. __-_. »- night daily -The Southern's Palm LunitwJ. 1..40 , p. m. (liesbrosses and Cort! Streets. 1-.40 p. m-» J \u25a0week-days. ATLANTICCOAST LTNE.-Expres-. 8.5S a. m. an.l ».-5 p. m. dally. "Florid- Special." 2.10 p. m. «Desbrosses ) and Cortlandt Streets. 2.20 p. m.> »f»k-<la\s. SEABOARD AIR USE RAILWAY.— Bxpres*. 2.10 .£• 18. week-aajrs Mall. 12.1'"> night J.iily. "Seaboard .lorM- \u25a0 NORFOLK AND RAILWAY.— Fcr Memphis and New Orleans. 5.2.i p. m. daily. ._ _„_ CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY.— 7.55 »• m - \u25a0 we «lt - \u25a0 days. 12.05 and 4.55 p. m dally. \u0084——-— .- t—\ FOR OLD POINT COMFORT ar'. NORFOLK-— a. m. week-dajr^ and ssj p m. dally. .»_-. '• ATLANTIC rirr.~9.Sa a. m. and 2-53 p. m T e « f^i Sunday*. 7.55 a. .n Through Vestlbuled Trains. Buffet Parlor Cars an.l Standard Coaches on we* -lays. . 1\ - lor Smoking Car. Parlor Cars. Dining Car. an-1 -tana- arc! Cnacher on Sundays. CAPE MAY.—12.05 p. in. week-day^. «,„,_, ifTn ' For points on New York and l^n* Branch Railroad 'jrom . West Twenty-third Street Stations 3.55 a. m.. *-;'.• I 3.-5. 4.55 and 11.25 p. m. we»K-day». *!»%£»*=* a. m.. 4.85 p. m. (from PtstluesM and iort.Hn_l Streets) 9.00 a. m. 12.20. 3.40. 5.10, and 11-30 p. m. we?lc-_dya. Sunday*. 9.47, a. m.. v.15 9- m. FOR PHILADELPHIA. 6.10 (Desbrosses an.l CortlanJt Streets. C.'^O 1 7.25. 7;*f_ «.S. 8 55. 9.25 55 Penna, Limited). 10.10 <IWcr<v-»-» and Cortlandt Streets. 10.2)0 (Dining Car). I°-"* *"} n Z l Ing Car). 11.65 a. m.. 12.55 (Dicing Car). 1.551 Dining . Car). 2.10 (Desbrossea and Cortlandt Streets^ 2.20) ---_•; , 3.25 (Dining Can. 3.55. 4.25. 4.25 .Dining Cart. \u25a0••_> \u25a0 (Dinlr.g Car). 5.55 (Dining Car). 7.V.. 8.25. I » «•» j r- m.. 12.10 night. Sunday*. 6!t>. 7.55 iL'inlr.-' car. n.> «-oa<h^9), 5.2.x M.55. 0.55 (Limited). »55. 10.55 <Dinin| ! Car) a. m.. 12.55 (Dining CarJ, 1.55 (Dining Car). •»•-* (Dinins Car). 3.55. 4.25 (Dining Car>. 4.55 (Dining (.ar>. .-.."> (Dining Car). 7.55. 2.'.. 8.55, 0.25 p. m.. Tiekpf offlces. No«. 4t;l, 1354, 11l and 2CI Broadway: 13- . Fifth Avenue (below 23d St.): 2i3 Fifth Avenue (corner j 81<th St.): 1 Astor IIou?e; West Twenty-third ****** \u25a0\u25a0 Station, Mvd stations toot of Desbroases and C.-irtlamH Streets: 4 Court Street. M>o Fulton Street, »i Broadway and Pennsylvania Annex Station. Brooklyn; Station. Jersey City. The New York Transfer Company will j call for and che^k, baggage from hotels and reaiJencr. . through to destination. Telephone "914 Eighteenth Street" for Pennsylvania Railroad Cab Service. W. TV. ATTERBURY. J. R. "WOOD. General Manas-r. G»n*l Passenger Agent. Ucal ?siaie tDameJi. BUILDINGS, STORES & LOFTS WANTED FOR TENANTS WAITING. RULAND & WHITING CO., S BEEKMAN ST. Citn Propcrtn for Sale. TTIOR SALE. S story private stable. "-4th Str»»t. near Jj 6th Avenue. 2.">xlt)O. lift for carriages, perfect order. Apply to office of yvl F. Dt; R WISSMANN. fr> Liberty Street. Cor. Nagsau Street. <£cmturp Property lex Bait. XTtOR SALE. AT ELIZABETH. N. J.— Handsome rear- JC 1 dence: hardwooil trim; plate slats wind. •\u25a0»\u25a0»; lot 1S»« 200 feet; on macadamized Street, in "the Hill' district of the city; eleven rooms, laundry, hath. ic. : «bout a. dozen larpo trees on the property, affording abundant shade. H. C. CARMKR. 430 Westminster-aye.. Elizabeth. Connirn propcrtn <£o ttl. AT MORRISTOWN. N. J- For rent Houses, furnished and unfurnished: season or year. H. J. CRANE. Public SlßClt gUPKEME~COUKT, APPELLATE DIVIS- ION First Department. In the matter «C the application of the Pennsylvania. New Yor_ and !...:.< Island Railroad Company for the appointment of three commissioners to determine and report whether a railroad or railroads for the conveyance and transportation of i^rsond and property ought to be constructed an- opcr- "fCKLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Laws of 1591. as amended, the umlerxigne.! Pennsylvania .New York ami Long Island Railroad Company apply to the Appel- Jat» Dlvislcn of the Supreme Court ef the State r^e» York tor the First Judicial Department, at a Term the of to be held at the Appellate DtTlslon Court House, at Madis n Avenue an.! Twenty-fifth Street, in the Bor- ough of Manhattan, on Friday the 13th day of February 19% at one o'clock in the afternoon of that .lay. was icon thor.»after a- counsel can be heard, for the appoint- ment of three commissioners in the above entitled mat- ter to determine an.l r-p-rt. after das hearing, whether a r-lJroad or railroads in the said City for the conveyan-* and transportation of persons and property ousfn to be constructed and operated. The papers upon which the aforwald applic_tloa will be made are the petition of th, "aid Pennsylvania. New 22.' W. tW_^«J?«S Company dated January 22. 19UJ. and the .xSTdavits anjl other papers accompanying the jarne. all of whcli wre flled in the office of .he Clerk of the said Appeilat- Diiis- ton on or about that day. and In addition thereto such other papers as shall be presented to the said Court by th A SiSSSo^S £"££_ -nd general Plan __«--£ ti..n of t»5 said lailroad or ratbiMd* form Bf»taff tt« papers flled as aforesaid with the said l < :jrk of th- Ap- pdtaU r>i vision. The foOowtni Is a '^"g f? Man" ial synopsis of the cald route in tho Boroujrn of Man- hattan- From th- Hvdaoa M~ * «« the tast R»ver- thr'^u?!. MsVanal»a StrsMs. aad from Ninth Avenus to app.Mnnnin't* of eommission«n who shall determine, afte- railroad or railroads ouzht to be constructej and oper- a'e f »n.i «hall retort «he evidence taken to said Appel- T m',- urt oe t"ker ir 1 li»u of the consent of the property rW» B B \ll no *n roMP**v. LO S G FK ? S * ISL VVD BAII/nOAU COMP'WV, llv \ J. *' %S9ATT. President. * ROBERT II- tiROKK. Secretary. W~ avted FOR V S. ARMY, able bodied, unmarried imn bM-Mn aces of 21 and 35: citizens of United statef of /^d character and temperate habits who can fpeak.' ?ea!°and C writ, EnglUh. For information apply to recrultlnj officer. 25 Third aye- 705 Sl_tb aye.. N. V.. or 3«3 Fulton street Brooklyn^ ?»• -• "\u25a0^ . . . \u25a0 (Pecan Steamers FRENCH LINE. * COMPAGXIE GENERALE TRANS- ATLANTIQUE. DIRFCT LIVE TO HAVRE— PARIS (FRANCE). | DIRt T _£}£*' «"- -rnursday. 10 A M.. from Pier 4" North River, foot Morton St. •La T-.rSl?e Feb. 5; La Champagne Feb. M y^J^f-Vn,? :::::::J2: l-*Li Savol« Mch. 5 JfcSSg&'~""M »»il- B^* oe ««*\u25a0 »= i J^^rlfA-eTcy: 32 Broadway. New Tor.. -RED "D" LINE. \u25a0"" For San Juan _nJ Ca- a,-ar also La Quayra. Puerto Cabello and Maracalbo If blockade to raised. From Pier 13. adjoining Wall St. Ferry Brooklyn. _ * r»R\c\s Saturday. February T. noon j a a PllII-vf'EI.PM'IA Saturday. Kebruar> 21. MOTI I These v«.U BOULTON. DLI-S 4 DALLETT. i en - sr *' Genoial Manager.. 133 Front dt TkrALLORY^TEAMSH IP LINES. _>__\u0084,*_,._ - w York Wedn«wlsy«. Frldiy. and Saturdays. FOR TEXAS GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. STRAIGHT and ROUND TRIP Tickets Issued to all J, m TexasT Co:orsdo. ArUona. California. Mexico. " G*o.«la! Flo'lda *c. Del'ihtrul Eicurjlana, CH. MALUJY_* '- <O - G<n AgH> - Pter »>• B - X - Ny"N' y" T~H~" WHITE STAR LINE. NEW YORK-QCEKXSTTiU-X—LJt-ERPOOr. -.„,, * ole ..Feb. •«. noon Cedrlc. Fab. 25. 4 p. m. JS .Feb. 11.5 a. m. Celtic Mar. 4. >:»a.m. .LrnaniV ....Feb. I*. noon 1 Oceanic Mar 11. 4 p. in. i °* r j", r **. North River. Ottle*. 0 Broadway. ! T'lr' CUNARD LINE. •"-' TO LIVERPOOU VIA QUBSNSTOW.S'. Saionla ...Feb. 7. 1 P. M. I Etrurta Feb. 23. 4 A. M. ' I*",* ' Feb. 14. 7 A. M. Campania.. Mar. 7. 11 A. M. lL__nla"....-F«b. 21 Noon! fmbrla... Mar. 14. *A. M. j VERNON H. BROWN A CO.. Gen. Agents. N 29 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. , M T A VELOGE"—Fast Italian Line. •*~^ Sailing every Tuesday to Naples. Genoa. BOLOONKSI HARTFIKLP &CO 29 Wall St. 5c!)opI 4 MERICAN AND 'OP."i>;N TEACHERS' AOENCT j A .upt>l!« Profess™. T««eh«» Tutor.. Gov.rue»»ej. : \u25a0tt to Coll«re«. SehooU and Families. Apply to KNICKERBOCKER TRUST COMPANY. COUPONS PAVAULK at uh BROADWAY, OX AMI AFTMR CTEMU ARY 2nd. 1003. Conpnna may l»e rent In at once, and check* in payment of »:•!.:. will lie ready for de- liver? at 1«» A. M. on Kehrnary 2nd. 100". Jkrizena Gold & Corr^r Co. '•\u25a0\u25a0 t'.'r. Reaver T<aw. "VVstpr t~u. Ist 3^. Keaver Dam Water Co. Ist Consolidated ft r. F-iat*^ Advertising Co. Ist S%. _.„..-, _ Colorado Fuel _• Iron Oo>. Convertltle z,'-, Gol_ E^nis. <"omicg. N. V.. Bridge V<. TlaJKht. D. L.. s'«- tUMttaas. Village of. Sewer- 4"v Knickerbocker Ice Co. Ist 6*5 Natural Bride* Forest Co. M «'- •Pacific Parkin* A Navieation no. Debenture 5%. Pacific racking * Navipation Co. Debenture , Mill Sine Electric r,if:.-.:.c <~0. •*'• Safety In«tilate4 Wire a.- Cable Co. Ist r r . ban L»ul8 Fotosl Electrical Co. Ist «"~r. Dae the lOth. K--STCT! Electric Co. Ist 6'r. Dee the loth. National»-<T Oil Co. "' : 6-"c . Island Beach Land Improvement Co. Bcajittwa lnt . Uoe the IStta. O— «*tOSC_SSL K. V.. Union 1 m School 5%. Dae the SSCh. Br^ring O. Ist ."" HAM IB iIISS «S-A ?E!B I IS AOO LIME. FOR PLYMOUTH— CHERBOURG— HAMBURG. Twin-Sor»w Express and Passenger service. 8!ueeh»r.......1--eb. 7. 1 PM|W«ldersee....>lay If, 10 AM Walderse^.— .Feh. 21. I PM A. Victoria. ..May _1 ; 1.) AM Pennsylvania. Mar. 7. 11 AM !^r... May _s :.^> am Patricia Mar. 14, « AM Pennsylvania. 3(. 10 AM Blue l -h .r....Mar. 21. 11 AM! Deutsrhland... .June 4. 1 *"M Pretoria Mar. _§. 4 PM! Patricia June X 10 AM Waldersee....Apr: 4, 10 AM Moltke... ... ...June 0. 4 1M Deutschland.-Apr. P. 10 AM T. Bismarck.. .Tune 11. 10 AM Moltke Apr. 1«, BAM A. Victoria. ..June I^. AM 1-enntvlvarla.Apr. 1«. 9 AMPretoria June £, 10 AM Auk. Victoria.Apr. 33,10 AM Bluecher r-Junor -Juno 25. 10 AM Patricia Apr. 25. 10 AM Walderaee. .. .June -7. 10 AM Bluecher....Apr. 30. l'> AMlDeutschlaiid...July 2. 11 AM Deutschland...May 7. 2 PM Moltke ..... ...July S>. 10 AM Pretoria May 0. JO AM Pennsylvania-July 11. 10 AM F Uismarck.May 14. 10 AM IF. Bismarck. .July 1«. 10 AM MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. NEW YORK— NAPI_ES—«ENOA. tAtur.Victoria. Feb. 3. 11 AM tP. V Lulse..Mar. 12. 11 AM •Ravenna Feb. 12. '-' PM Phwnlcla Mar. 19. 2 PM I'alatla Mar. 2. 2 PMI -Ravenna.. ;; ..Mar. 20. -PM •Ravenna belonKJi to Nay. Co. "Italia. tTo Madeira. Gibraltar (A. Victoria also Algiers) and ° e '" ja " HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE. , Office*. 85 and 37 Broadway. I'iery. Hoboken. N. J. The Following Coupons Are Due and Payable at the Office of Farson, Leach & Co., 35 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. FEBRUARY IST. Cfc«*_li- "Wa-fc'.-r^n. Kle«rlc Ugnt "K'sXer. •^00-hue Couuiy. Mir.n»?ora. School District ' No. Pi. Iror. llOßntaln, Mich-, tower. •T_Jo_ City. Indiana. Kokomo. Indiana. -i\iis. i County, yr-^-r. School District No. 3. ' FEIIIU :AHV 13TH. Rochester. lEBkVARV 14TH. B^_«, ! - an Vi:«RIARY 15TH. Koche«ter. In-!— na. V-lgo County. ***&£s%& ~3D . E_r_n_.trille, Ir>_ia!v_. New York Security and Trust Gompany, NO. «6 IVAIJj ST., SEW YOnK. OOrPOSS PAYABLE ?EBRI.*RV IST. ritlrcn*' Cut C«. of KsnU«U«# l«t Mtß*. r»~ r . < Itv «.f OsUkooh, Win.. 1 <l(i. .V >cb- New YorL. On(nrlo A We»lern It. R_ sjiratoira «as, Klcc. l.iicht A: Power Co. 1 nlt<-d Mates MiipbuildlnK nil. MtRC. .*»"*• Independence Water Wks. Co. of M, Looll Refunding- Mtse. ."»". NETI' TORK CENTRAL AND HI't'SON RIVER RAIL- ROAD COMPANY. o_tea -! -'' Treasurer, New York, January nth. 5903. A DIVIDEND OF ONE AND ONE-QUAR- -\u25a0*- t<T i*r cent, nn the capital irock of the ROMP. •WATEIiTOWN & OGDENSBCRG RAILROADCOMPANY •Rill be pal- by the New York <>ntr_l and Hudson River P__3ro_4Cotr:rax;y. lessee (under the provisions of th« rijntract between ".he wo lales), at this r!_c« on ar.a a.* February Mtl IMS to stockholders of record at the closing t* the trar?fc-r hooks 00 January 31st, 1903 EDWARD L. BOBaiTER, Treasurer. Office of the >r\V YOKk DOCK COMPAXY. New York. J_o. iS, 1903- ("COUPONS OF THE NEW YORK DOCK COMPANY First JtortKage Bond?, maturing Febni- btt Ist next, -will be paid 00 and after that dare at the offic* of the United States Mortgace a:. i Trust Company, No 65 Cedar -treet. New York City. GEO. E. SPENCER. Treasurer. Vo\*oijD*TEl) CAS CO. OF I'ITTSHIIRCn. /".T PUNS FKOM THE FIRST MORTGAGE Bonif of the above Company, due February Ist. 11*03. " be pal- at the ofSccs of Brown Brothers &. Co., New York. ana Alexander lironr .i- Soe«s. BaluiMore. c. J. BRACK Jr. ftwMonr. TUB PETER OOOPKit FIRE INSURANCE CO.. Third Avenue, coixer Ninth Street, New Tor!;. January 31. 1908. •T\IVIDEN"D.-A DIVIDEND OF FIVE (5) -"-' PER CENT has been declared payable Hi and after Urn __- -85' of Febr__rj% inttant. •>. B. GAMHDCB, Secretarj'. NELWYORK Central 4 HUOSOM RIVER R. B. THE FOUR-TRACK TRUNK LIME. VIA NIAGARA FALLS. Train* arrive and depart fr"in Grand Central Station, «-i| Street. New York a.-* »x-k,w: North an<l weal t»mn<J trains except thosf* leaving Grari 1 «>ntr_l Station at !*.r»i>. It. Ho A M.. 2.45. 3..'50. 9-V>. 11.3»» I". M. wl.l atop at 125 th S». lorec'iva passengc \u2666 lea minutes _ft»r leaving Grand Central Station. .Ml southbound train*, except th<* "_f>th i>ntury" an-t the "Kmplre St_te Express." an'! Noa. Mi ami 86. Wl'l i>top at t_T>th St. fn minutes before their <irrtvtn« ttm« Bl Orasd f.entral Station. 19 10 A. St.— •Mir»Nn;fTT EXPRESS. Dv«» Albanr I -•••«- r..zr. \. m.. \u00843d a. M 7 54. A. M.— •SVir.-i.T'-B L<>CAL. Stops at all lm- '«T p.irtant station-. Bon a. m *em;-[i:k state kxprkss. jic-t •ww f;<mou_ train in tile world. Inie Uu:t,il'> *•*\u25a0: Nla*:«ra FaDn ">.4"> P. M. BAr- A. M. •FAST MAII- _ . hours to < Mesa » •to i, ue Buffalo 7. ifi. Nlacara k'nVn ».07. in*sn x - M.— »DAV trXPRE-A Make* local «t*p*. I U.OU i,,ie Buffalo _.D A. M. 11 un A- M.-tßL'l_.\S_ tLXPP.ESrf. Duo I*utU_ I I I ,OU 7 :,.-, 1 m 1 9 en >'\u25a0 M.— •RirFFAfjn limit>3>. Due Buffalo n I C.JU p. _f. NtiKurn Falfa it-*>s P. M 1 r,r\ I" M.—•SOITIIWESTERX LliriTED. I>n<» I .UU nnrinnatl ii».:y». indUnnpolLs il.^o A. -X.. 3U T,»UU *>\u25a0*'' V. M. next •lay. Inn v M.— •rmr.V.o IJMITEIr 2 1 hours to CM- .UU cast, via y*\\» S!u,r». _«S via M. C. 9 a c P. M— •••THK •-•"•TH CE-STCRT LIMITKP.- Cf\J _, hour :>aia t<> <'hk:is^> via L_ke _aore. B' •• - trie lights aii.J fans. 3Q,, J". M -'ALBANY and TTIOY FLYER- _>u» O.OU Mbanv «.«... Troy 7..X» P. _L 3QC I. M.— 'ALUANY AND TROY E__PREJ<3- .OJ T^jt-al .tt.ips. 4AA I 1I 1 - M— «DKTROIT. GRAND RAPIDS AND .UU CHICAGO SPECIAt- son P. M.-'UXKK Slinr.B UMITE3>. 2t -On* .OU tmin to «"ti!ra_.. AD Pullman C*rs. Du* n<»v«-lani! X.2S A St. «"incmn;itl I-°A In<JU"- apolis 3.10. i.Tilcago 1.30, Louia 0.45 P. M. next .lay. 6nn »\u25a0 m . «ai->TKRx i PRESS zs n^ur» M .UU Chi.aßO vi* 1 rh r.. S. an.l M. C. 6QC P M.—-MOXTRKAI- EXPRS-i.S »!» D. A ". .OO \u0084r Uutlnn.!. 7.ou I". M. •.\r»lH'~»Nl.'.\>. - K ANDMONTP.E.«. EX- Brr\ I* M. -•KTfTAUa \>r> TORONTO SiPOTTMj. O.UU p u . itufTai,, 133 A. M.. N..i?ar_ f-P.s £.*:. Toronto lf>r.<> ,\. M 91 C I" M.—-Sl'Ki-l \I. MAIL UMITEaS. SierpiniT ••-\u2666 .Mr only i,.r Rnehestcr. 9 on p. at— *Bo_ - tuvi ia.cms srecm. T^i»O"- 2 •^ v .-innTl 7.T." tn_-»_ap«t-i WHO i:M., St. Urn--' '\u25a0'\u25a0>' sei^nd momiiuc. 9on p. u-TAcirnT Kxnays. chira ß 34 horn* •OU |,v M|,-hl_an ivntr^i.Xi hours by I««kf hhor"- .OU T> M.—•CHICAGO TffKATRB TRAIN. < O»t*» •«W vtneeat, O_ae__bnrr U'lffai-?, Detroit an<t Chi- f.l«.V \u2666Daily. TKxoopt sun.!av. •Kr.'Tt iroii'la^- llAftl.-.M IJUA.VtH. ».9O A. M. and -LSI P. M. Daily. «>xrep: Sunday. tf» Fltt»- fl-1-1 iind North Aisa.rn.-i. at fc3B A. M. Tnillman ears on a!) thrj:ia:h trains. Traina _bunta_»«d »itu Ptat_cß Usht. Ti<kof ..ffl.^s nt 1J". _rtl. 41" and 12IK Zt t>.!-n - VV.. _75 ••' A\»-. t.n West 125t_ Pr . : tlrand <v n tr^l Station. l_sth St. .-'atiun ami I3srh t!t. st*- i tion. N>.v York; :as mad T_»i TvUaa tit. aiM 10t> Broad- way. EL _»., Brooklyn. Telephone •\u25a0;»«> _sth Street" for New York <^»ntr»l •'»"> Servire. Hasgaere rheckml Ironj hot"! ur rrsiil<-nco br W» E-ipresa Company. New York Central Route I NEW YORK. BOSTON i AND NEW ENGLAND I Via Ppringflel-! an.l V.*.<* DOSTOV A.M> ALBANY RAILROAD. •N. York C'ctral * Hudson River R. X.. Lessee.) Trains leave <;rar.J Central Station. .Vurth Avenue aril 4^l Strvet. New York, as follows *».'<» a M .'.:.•• noon. *4.««> P. M.. •!!.«> P. 'SI.: »'• i rive 80.-i 3 •> P. M.. ."..4i> P. M - lo.oi> P. M . •••!•> *- M. L»-a,ve Unf«tun f \u25a0>.•*> A. M.. *l_.t»> noon. M i«» "*. v . I •11.1*» P. M.: arrl\t> New lorfc SUM) P. M.. 3 4*) V. M . ; ••"\u25a0o P. M.. * H A. M. . : Tickets at New Y.rk Centril fitk.-f offices, «15 ar.d l-.'l Broadway, anl at Orand Cmlral Station. I A. 11. .-M GEORGE If. DANIELS. General sfupcrintonrimt. Onerat r__sen*cr As*"t. WEST SHORE RAILROAD. Kew York Central <_ Hudson Uiver K. TV. Less*- V Trains leave Franklin St. Staffcm N'.-w York, at fol- tows and IS mln. lat-i fix>t of West 4_d St.. N. R. : •7.U> A. M. For intermediate v-ints L<* Altanv. tll.-i> .V. 11.— farato S a n.l Moliawk Exprc*". •1 .<Ni P. St. Chicago Express. •2.2." P. M. Corn Un fop Vetmit. Chi. & tSt. Louts. -.'. *.". p. M.—•_> Fur Hadaon Rivr ooin_! and Albany. •«..•> P. M. For Korh.. Buffalo. CVv_rd « Ch!ca_r>. t7.4."» P. -For R>v.h.. Buffalo. Dem^J and St Lou!* •9.15 P. M.— Fur S>ra-, Roth., Niagara F^ll.s. T>_ &CTi!. •Dally. tUaily ex.-ept feanilay. leaves lirooklyn Annex: ri) at +!"\u2666.. A. M -1 at ; - »:. P. M. leaves 3-m~r City, P. U. K. Sta.. <!. at HI -'* A. M.. (2> \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0<-'' P. M. Time v_M^B at vrin'-iral -Oteti nnH ©ffic^a. Basjsjaga eh«ckM from hotel or realdonoe by.- \Terto.-itt cpr««3. A H. ,-MITH C X MircERT. Geceriil Superinienrtrnt. General rasas Ajscnt. READING SYSTEM NEW JERSEY Ct\TRAL R. R. I Liberty Slrrri ami >r>oth Ferry (time from Scuta -"crry live minutes eailier). < EASTOV BKTIII.GHKM, ALIEXTOWS AXT> 31%rC1l IHIM* _4.ft> ( Eastnn only). ».l* AM 1.20. 4 \u25a0••'. 6- (•'•4." Easton only) P. SI. Sun- xvilKKHUAiinr: l< \Si>' l> scii a\tov— _400. ».ti WIIKKIHAHRK \M» SCW %.1TO»-a»«5 M a v 3 '»> rM S'ln.lay*. zt.2T. A. M.. TOO p. V. __%k*K\vi»Ol». LAKEIIIRST.TOHS RIVER A.M> nARXEGAT—z%.<*\ 9.40 v. M.. ;."'>.. "..40. 4.10 Lak«'- \u25a0wood an«i Lak^hurst only*. Z>.oO ,x.". r; » Lajtewoo-l co:y> P M. Sundays. 10 *> A. M. 4TI *\TI«" CITY— \u2666». "v" v .*. IT.. t3.40 P. M- \|\ki\>l> AM)BHllii.i •.!••»> t-_OO V. _£. -. M 1 .»\.. nnwni. asbi:ht park, ocka.v <;iIOVK. POINT PLEASAST ASD SEA?«IIORK HOIXTS—z4.oi>. «.C>. 11.3i> A M 4.«5. 5.30. »*.;:(> P. M. Sundays. except Ocean f.rovc. t >.uO A. M.. MP. M. PIHLVDEI.PIIIA (READING TERMINAL)— z»4._^. "7 on . -«.iw. \u2666»•«>. MOW. t«.-0 A. M.. tl2-fO. "-JM. }130 t2.ow. ts.w. '*.vo. --.oi>. tts.oo. +7.">0. ja.oo r. \u25a0 HTH ASD f-HE-TXI ' STREETS--Hl-». t?-M>. "LOS". " \u0084: ji m.. -1. 00 r_.4O. •-.«>. »:.00. i9.2_ p. m.. BkViilM.. H\ltltl*BlßC. pottsville a.m> AVII.LI -.MSFOIIT-i,4.00. _«.-_. *8.00 l lltft-10 (10.CO. 1100 A M-. R;-arfinK only). il*l.oo. •20 \u25a0•.•<*> P. V. Reading. Pottsvlll- acd Barrtsbursj oa!y. i*.oo. t'.oiJ P. m. ROYAL BLUE LIKE fob B\i/nm>iti: asd \u25a0 washisuto\_.»»». •lt>3O. '11.30 A. M. 'ICO. t'U.4O. •5-00. '7.00 F. M . .From Liberty street only. 'CaUy. fDtttf map I Sun- i day. {Sunday only. ;P_rlor cars only. liVla Tamaaua- '"oeicva-' Liberty s*e. Kerrr. Smith Ferry. 6 Astor Hrm«-. ry. «! Astor 1 113 281 43». 1 WO! 1-334 nr-iadivay. tSS sth Aye.. 25 L'nlm ! .s.,uar.: \Ve_e lot' East t2.-.fh St.. 27:! VTest ' -'""'' St- 24.'. , Columbus Aye.. New York: 4 Court gt. 344. **> Vtatten Ist.. Brooklyn: \u25a0>> Bread way. V'liliamsourg. N«w V..-* ; Transfer Co .-all- for and etwc_ji baggage to dearinailon. w. o. besi_::k. cm bcrt. Vlce-PreiWent & Gon'l Manager. General Pajs'r Agtrtt. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. I.e.iv-9 NEW-YORK CITY. South Ferry. Liberty 81. Chicago. pittsturs •__.»_-. I . t^ nt - _, Chicago. Colnmbus ..-••^.So p. ni. -1.00 p. m Dtnr Plt'sb'TZ Oleva » p. m. •\u25a0•c.M) a. m. LimM. "Fittsburs Limited"..-. *«\u25a0'-"> p. m. ~7.i»» p. in. Bu.t>?'.. . Cincinnati St. Louis. .•!_. t<> nt. "12.15 :-• Cincinnati S_ Louia. ..•10.2S a. m. •'".:»> ,1. m. TMni-r. n i_ au: St. I,»*»..•«.»»\u25a0 nT: *J '*"' V. __: uflWf - Mortoli. ?!^...5 p. :ti fl 'i" j, m. Dta«r. I * orroU> ' ROYAL lIME TRAILS. 1 Washington Falto t_i_» a. m. 30*. m. buffet. \v__Mß_tnn Halto *lt) a. nu *10.30 a. m. Diner. w_.«b:nifton Bait "11. '-•*• a. n>. 'it.SO a. m. Din«r. IVashinkton. Balto •1_.55 p. en. •I ... p. m. Pin«-. ••Royal LlmltM" «SL33 p. m. " ' \u2666" p. m. rtner. Washington. Hallo ••\u25a0» P- "'- •S.nOo. m. r>ln<r. Washington B.i to •«•\u25a0•' p. m. •"'"" '" p. m. Buffet. Washington. Ualto *l_.lOr.t. "12, 15 r.t. _.:spcr». •Dally. tDaiiy. except Sunday. fSumiay onjy. Offlce.: 113. -jt. 1 43». 'MO Broadway. « Aator Boos*. "SUnion Scjuari W.. .:;il Grand Stretr. V Y.; 543 i'ulKr* Street Brooklyn south Ferry and Liberty Street. Ba_- raKe checked from hotel or residence to destination. LEHICH VALLEY. Foot of West 2MA; Cortiandt sad Des6ro_*es Street* «. « •Dally t Except Sunday, -uaday e_»__tßj c U.__ _-U«*. eTOO. n33. I** IVB. _ ~ I.tN .ALtTTj M*Mv !'s^*3'^»t2 BLACKDIAMOND >iS2&»- ••.•\u25a0.•.::!^ 1 1 ! Ma_-_-_u_- and H-Meton Local -cilW T 2-*2 St2-*2St T - sS«S^ ltey . K r S3» sis: rSK.ii r.. B .i T- n- vwtlbule K»p«^. iliNj 'S'SS JS THEVJFTALO TRAIN L^——^Sl3 Ticket* an- Pullm»n accommodations at 1 -i^OMjS l~i»*irt ISH Bro_rtw_». k: Sta Aye..25 Union »<tu_re West. S«U>iumto. Aye N Y.'*«f'u!lonSt.,icoartSt.9sßro__way-n(l Ft. Ful»_ fc_. _roo_ly_/ S. T. Tr-oif et Co. wtUe»U for __<f check b_s_s_» Lackawanna Railroad. Leave New Vest foot B_rolay and Christopher Sta. » t!»O«)A M. Kcr nir.shamtiin ant! Syracuse, •tOfW) -*. M.— For Buffalo. Chica_o and sit. Louia. w •1. \u2666<) P. M.— Yor Buff_li> anil Chicago. a it u> P. M —For S'jr.«r.ton and Plymout-. t •_.». V. M.-I-'or UufTalo «n4 *.-..-,,« \ •p. 45 P. M.— lTttea, Oswtfjo. Ithacai BufCalo. %• •_.©» A. M.-For Chicago— Sleeper- op«_ * %' f '_. ,,. Tlclceta at US. 4-3 itM Kroadway. N. *\u25a0: *3» i^Jltc* •_. Drookbn. *\u25a0\u25a0- tE-cept -un-ay. jjtiglrnclion. For Young Ladies— M^BCAK-fl"? AND^DAY SCHOOL FOH GIB--». _JJ» »v*ik_»J.. * nd *' 1 - West pa,}, street. Near Central Park New York City. REOPEN- WBI>NgPAY, OCTOBER IST. Mft« FlNrn"B CI-*-'"- ii ES AND BOARPIVO KCHOOT, _>1 (•OB GIKLS. DAY SCHOOL, 733 fcirTU AT-.. Boarding Dept.. 735 Madison Arenue. near &tt_ Street. TTTIAT TO DO WITH MY BOY. Phrenology will «M \\ to* FOWUEIi & WELLS CO.. SO l_i*t»i st. For Both Sexes— CUy. Tire BBRT.IT/. school of iGUAOm. -.-_ _ M_dl»un Square c!l£! Broadwavv Brooklyn. 73 Court St. New Terms begin now. Trial l_s_an_ frae. For Boya onJ Young Men— Country. MAP! X.WOOD. Concordvllle. Pa. $3H. T«I». R-rnr* and Wealeyaa men «n»Cr tc>ns _,_I (> "^«' _. u SL» >< '3r » dunes of Ills. Pa Tab-sea. J. SZIO-tTUDaE. FT-b. YEW YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF NEW YORK. E. Ellery Anderson, plaintiff. ac_!n«t Frederick H. Drpssel. Republic Savings and Loan Association and Osman V. Klnloeh. defendants. In pur- suance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made nd #>nt*r«>d in the above entitled action, bearing date the 6th day of January l!) 03. I the undersigned, the referee In tali Judgment named, will sell at public auction at the New York Rea: tstate Salesroom?. No. 11l Broadway, In the Borouch of Manhattan. City of New York, on the 6th day of February. 1903. at 12 o'clock noon on that day. by Strong & Ireland, auctioneers, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: All those lots or parcels of land in the City and County of New York with the buildings and improvements there- on described follows: Commencing at a point on the northerly side of Feventy-thlrd Street distant on« hundred and twenty-five f125l feet westerly from the northwesterly corner of " Seventy-third Street and Second Avenue, and running thence notherly parallel with Second Avenue one hundred and two Oo_> feet and two (2) Inches: thence westerly and oaralM with Seventy-third Street one hun- dred and sevens-live 0751 feet; thence southerly and paralle' w'th Second Avenue one hundred and two (10.) feet and two Oil Inch's to the northerly fide of Seventy- third Street- thence easterly alone the northerly side or Seventv-thlrd street ono hundred and seventy-five (I»3> feet to the point or nlace of beginning, be the said sev- eral dim nsdons more or less, beinr premises known as Nos 225 _25. 227. 22». 231. 233 and 235 East Seventy-third Street, the westerly wallof No. 223 and the easterly wall of No. Z<? being party walls. Dated New York. January 10th. 1903. LESLIE W. RUSSELL. Referee. Ander-on. Pen ileton &\u25a0 Anderson, attorneys ior plaintiff. 25 Broad Street. Borough of Manhattan. New York The said parcels of land willbe sold separately. The following is a. diagram of the said several parcel- to *• sold as dercribed above, the street numbers being reepectlvely 833. 22.'.. IT-T. 2.0, .31. 233 and 235 East Seventy-third Street: East Tod rtrcet. The a->T>ro3tlm«t«- amount of the lien or charge to satisfy which th« above described rroperty is to Le sold Is $3>.-31133 >.- 3113 33 with Interest thereon from the 20th day of Decem- ber' 190" together with costs and allowance amounting to $338.40 with Interest from January 7th. 1003. together with th<? exD-nses of tho &ale. The approximate amount of taxe- and assessments or other liens which are to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase tnvney or raid by tli 3 Referee is 1340 and interest on each of said Pa parcel No. i. known as No. 223 East Seventy-third Street is sold subject to a prior mortgage of $l_.0"0 with interest at the rate of 41..4 1 .. per cent from April 30th, 1902. ' Parcel No _, known as No. -25. Is sold subject to a. prior mortgage of $10.0(0 with interest at the rate of 4 per cent from March Ist. 1902. Parcel No 3. known as No. 2-7. Is sold subject try a prior mortgage of $10,000 with interest at the rate of 4 per cent from March Ist. 1902. _\u25a0 _- Parcel No. 4. known as No. 229, is eol_ subject tr. a prior nmrtcsKe of 510.000 with interest at the rate of 4 per cent from March Ist. 19*'-'. \u25a0\u25a0 Parcel No. 5. known as Nd. 231. Is fold sub.le:t to a prior mortgage of J12.000 with Interest at the rate of 4Vj per cent from May 13th. 1902. Parcel No. 6. known as No. 233. is sold (subject to a prior mortgage of (12.000 with Interest at the rate of 4H per cent fiom May 13th. 1102. Parcel No. 7. known as No. 235, Is sold subject to a prior mortgage of $12,000 with Interest at the rate of 4V4 per cent from June Ist. 11*02. Dated New York, January 10th. li>o3. LESLIE W. IIU-SELU Referee. MEDITERRANEAN pefvtce. GIBRALTAR— NAPLES GENOA. ,\t:\ Pior _». Amity St.. Bvoolclyn. •Tr_v» Feb 14 10 A.M.; .-.'flmar.. .Mar. 21. 11 A.M. tNeckar . ...Feb. 21 Noon IK. Albert.. Mar. 26. 8:30 P.M. •I^ahn Mar. 14, 9 ». m.|«TVave Apr- 4, l'» a. m. •Calls at Algiers. trails to Cibraltar. Naplaa. only, trails to Naples. Genoa only. * OELKICHS & CO.. NO. 3 BROADWAY. N. Y. Louts H. Meyer. 45 South Third St.. Phila. FAST EXPRESS SERVICE. PLYMOUTH— BREMEN. From Pier 52. N. X.. Gansevoort St. Knnrrlnr Feb. 24. _ P. M.I Kaiser. Apr. 7. 10 A. M. Kaiser Mar. 10. 10 A. M. ! Kronprinz..Arr. 181 9A. M. KronprinV. .Mar. 24. 1 P. M.I Kaiaer Win. II.Ap. IS. 4PM K_©'(_OG(B- THE NEW TWIN-SCREW S. S. "KAISER Mill! MIT 1 Hi! 11 (of 19.500 tone and 40,000 horse-power> Will leave New-York on l>«r first departure TUESDAY. APRIL _Sth, at * F. M., for riymjutli. Cherbourg, and Bremen. (IB[L/S!RGS ? © (SIBQDDSE TO THE OBQ E©QIT [I DB ffi f&HS\ RO je_d__D -SDd© dDDBDEEO^IT (F©od™_qipj7 l f DcDdD^p By the ially-onartered Lloyd Express S. S. "KAISERIN" (9.500 tons). RATES: $400 AND UP. All livesary expenses Included Accommodation may be engaged up to day before sailing, either for the entire cruise or to local points. Duly the Main Dining Saloon Used. ROUTE: Visiting Madeira, Granada, th* Alhambra. A!- giers Malta, Athens, Constantinople, Smyrna. 19 days in Palestine and Egypt, Naples. Rom*. Nice, etc. ABSOLUTELY NO OVERCROWDING. Under the Personal Direction of FtB&lM G£_ GB[L_A_OM_ ? 201 Washington St.. 11l Broadway. Boston. New York. HAWAIIAN AND PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL S. S. CO. TOTO KISEN KAISHA. Between San Francisco, Honolulu. Yokohama, Kobe. Nagasaki. Shanghai, Houg Kong. Steamer 3 leave San Francisco at 1 P. M.\ Feb. 13i SIBERIA Mar. 11 D0R1C. '.'.".... Feb. 211 COPTIC Mar. 19 NIPPOn'maRI: Mar. 3[ AMERICA MART. ..Mar. 27 ' For freight passenger and general information apply to 34i> Broadway, or 1 Battery Place, Washington Building, and _S7 Broadway. ____ OirGl-A-KO^GaQO 0 TTDGB-ELETT© by all lines, choice ca ins 8- lowest fares, sailings, plans, and full Information, foreign money, letters of cr«_it. travellers' cheques etc.. can be had 1 v applying to RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO., 26 UNION SQUARE, •PHONE 31-S—IS St. NEW YORK Northern Securities (oraiunj. New York. January 22. 1903. rpHERE HAS BEEN DECLARED A DIVL _en_ Of II 1 * P*"r cent, en th» capital etock at this «""omrj_ny. payable February 4th, IMS, to stockholders of record on the" bocks of the Compary on that date. Ttie Ftock transfer books will be closed at S o'clock T M. January _7t"_. 1903. fend reopened at loo'clock A. --. February BU, 1003. £ _ _, NICnoLS> rctarr . TIIE LAWYERS* TITLE INST'RANCE COMPANY OB 1 NEW YORK. 27 and Si> Liberty street. New York, January 7th. 1803. rTHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THIS Company has this day declared t dividend of FOUR per cert, payable at the Company's Office, on February _n<i -l: The transfer book- will be eloted Wednesday. January the 14th lust., and reopened Tuesday, the Srd of l>_r__ry. WILLIAM F. DIXON. Treasurer. N»w York. January 22d. 1800. ELECTION NOTTCB. The 5II»«oarI rnciiic Railway Co. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE -^ annual meeting of the stockholders of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company willhe held at the general offlct of the Company, in the City of St. I-ouls. Missouri, on T_e«dav March 10th. IWW. at nine o'clock A. M.. for the \u2666 lection of thirteen Directors for the eiiEUiug year, and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the said meeting. The annual meeting of the Di- rectors willbe held at the same office on the earns day. at !»elvo o'clock noon. Th" transfer books will be closed on Friday January ""th. K«O3, at three o'clock P. M-. and re- opened on th« day following the annual meeting of the stockholders or any adjournment thereof. UEO. J. GOULD. Fresident. A K. CALEF. Secretary. Copartnership -Coticcs. SO Broadway. >*. T. rpHE PARTNERSHIP OF GROESBECK & Sterling Is this tl^y dissolved by mutual consent. Urnest Oroesbeck willsign In liquidation. January 31. 1003. ERNEST GUOESBECK. Dl!>OA\ STERLISG. SO Broadway. N. T. The undersigned hmvo this day entered Into partnership as Bankers and Brokers under the firm name of GROES- BDCK &. CO.. succeeding the late firm of Groesteck & Sterling. January 31. 1003. ERNEST GROESBECK. ALBERT N. HARP. AV ALTER P. GARWXER. SO Broadway, February -.. 1003-_ -\TR. HILDRETH K. BLOODGOOD BE- - come. t!;is day a ra'"'"'" 1n lv;ir fl OWN & CO. .fomlasnrc Sales. VTEW YORK SUPREME COURT. COUNTY •*-' of yew York. Isaac L. Dunn. Plaintiff, against John V *McEvily and others, Defendants. In pursuance of a JudKiuent of Foreclosure and Sale, duly made and entered in the above entitled action, bearing date tho 14th day of January. 1803. I. the undersigned, the Referee In said judgment named, will tell at Public Auction, at the New York Real Estate Salesroom. No. HI Broadway. In the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on the tenth day .-f February. IWB. at 12 o'clock noon on that day. by "James L. Wells, Auctioneer, the premises di- rected by said Julgm»nt m be sold, and therein described as follows: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land i-ituatr, lying and being In the Twenty-fourth <24th> Ward of the City of New York. Borough of The Bronx. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on th« 6©utherl« p side 01 Two hundred and seventh f2o7thJ Street distant four hundred and five and eleven one- hundredths (40511) feet westerly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the southerly side of Two hundred and seventh Street, with the westerly side of Perry Ave- nue, and running from the said point southerly at right antics to Two hundred and seventh Street one hundred .ion. feet; thence westerly and parallel with Two hun- dred and seventh Street one hundred (100) feet; thence northerly and at right angles to Two hundred and seventh Street one hundred <100) f»et to the southerly side of Two hundred and seventh Street, and thence, easterly along the southerly side of Two hundred and seventh street one hundred (100) feet to the point or place of beginning, bo the S3. i several distances and dimensions more or lc.s. Dated, New York. January Kith. 1903. AI'GUSTUS H. VANDKi:rOEI<. Before*. MERRILL (ft ROGERS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 11l Uroadwav. Manhattan, New York City. The following is a diagram of the property to be sola es described above: Th« approximate amount of the lien or charge to satisfy which the above described property Is to be sold Is three thousand three hundred and f-e\er. and 43-100lhs dollars ($8,307.48) with Interest thereon from the 14th day of January. 1903. together with costs and allowance amounting to two hundred and nineteen and 23-lOOths dollar. (5219.23). with interest from January 14th. 1&03. together with the expenses of the saje. The approxi- mate amount of taxes, aEse*?m»nt«. or other liens, which are to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money, or paid by the Referee, is seventy-four and 04 -lOOlhs dollars *J74.04) and interest. Dated. New Ycrk. January 16th. 1903. AUGUSTUS H. VANDERPOEIi. Referee. gUPREME COURT. NEW YORK COUNTY.— Margaret Welche. plaintiff, agair.rt Rosalie Pchoen- fcerg and others, defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment at foreclosure and sale, duly made and entered in the above entitled action, and bearing date the first day of April. 1902. I, the undersigned, the Referee in said Judg- ment named, will sell at public auction, at the New York Real Estate Salesroom at No. 11l Broadway, in the Bor- ough of Manhattan, In the County arid City of New Torfc. aatbe 2nd day of December, 100_. at Twelve O'clock noon on that day by Vincpnt A. Ryan. Auctioneer, the rr<-iniffea directed by paid judgment to be «)ld, and therein ''"I: frl.ed as" follows All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land Sttvate, lying and being in the City. County and State at New York, and now known by the Street Number Thirty (30) West Ninth Street, and boun-l-d ani d-scrlhed as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly tide if Wast Ninth Street, distant tour hundrea and thirty *\u0084. and nine inches westerly from the Kiutliwc»teny comer of Fifth Avenue and West Ninth Street; running thence southwardly and parallel with Fifth Avenue nine- ,., three feet and eleven inches: thence , wejtwaroly an. l para;;*-] with Weet Ninth Street twenty-five feet and four Inches th»nce northwardly and again parallel with th« Fifth Avenue ninety-three feet and eleven Inches to the southerly side of West Ninth Street, and th-rce east- warn:-.- along the same twenty-five feet and four Inches to Vhe point or place of beginning; be said \u25a0ewj^.f 1 tances and dimensions more or less. Said premie wIU I be sold subject to the contingent rights or claims If any there be. not barred by the Judgment herein, in favor of any persons, horn or unborn, not parties to this action rlaimin- as heirs of Joseph Rosenneld. deceased, or _as devisees tinder his will, recorded in the offlee^of the fcurro- ate of New York Cbunty in Liber 316 of Wills at page lf>o or under *uch heirs or devisees. IJaud New Y.r_. Novcrnber^Oth. '^St. Referee. COtJDERT BROTHERS. PlalntifTt > ("-' r "?". f."""^"^ I'oftVfiicc Address. No. 71 Broadway. Manhattan. >.ew Che following Is a diagram of the property to sold: West f'th Street. Tiie arproximate amount of the Hen or charge to satisfy which the above described property is to be sold is Four- teen Thousand <*14.0u0) Dollar*, with Interest thereon from April Is. IMS. together with the expenses of the tale. The approximate amount of taxes, assessments or oUi«r liens, which are to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money, or to be paid by the Relcrpe -Is Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten and LO-lw 152.010.50> Dollars . :! Dated New York. Norember 10th, K»£ T :i>lHL' B. FROST, Refera*. The foresolnc sale Is hereby adjourned to Tuesday. December 16th. 10«2. et th» same time and place. Dated New York. December^ .lDJß^, COUDERT BROTHERS, Plaintiffs Attrvrncys. OfTtce and. Poitofflct! Addrets. No. 71 ISroadwaj'. Manhattan. The foregoing sale Is hereby further adjourned to Tues- day December SOth, 1&02, at the same time and place. Dated New York. December 16th. FROST. Referee. ELJHU K. FROST. Refe^e. COUDERT BROTHERS. Plaintiffs Attorneys Office and Postofhce Address. No. 71 Broadway. Manhattan. ,N«w The forecoinc Bale le l.<T«by further adjourned to Wednesday. list, VW3. at the same time and P Dated New York. December Nth. IMS. ELIHD B. FROST. Referee. COUDERT BROTHER?. Plaintiff's Attorneys. Office and Postcfflc* Address. No. 71 Broadway. Manhattan, New T « W foregoing sal» Is hfrfhy further adjourned to Wednesday, February 4th. 1903. at tho sams time and D^d New York, J—ryJlst. R() , T . n.feree. COI'DKRT BROTHERS, Plaintiff- Attor-.oya Office and P.fstofflce Address, No. 71 Hroadway. Manhattan. New York. SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF NEW Yrrk.— Solomon Jacobs. Plaintiff, acalnst Max Wein- Bteln and others Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing dato the 14th cay of January- ISO 31. the undersigned, the Referee In said SSn't narnVd. will sell at public auction at the New York Heal E-t«te Salesroom. No. 11l Broadway. In th<> Borouch of Manhattan. City of New York, on the m. iday 'February 1901 - at 12 ° -clock noon Ml that day - by Peter F M/ver Auctioheer. the premises directed by said Judg- :., to be Sold and therein described as follows: All t"o?e _?r»-e certain lots. --ces. or parcels of land. situate l"irTe and belie In the Borough of The Bronx. City of Ne« ? York and bounded an* described as follows: Eegln- nlnc at a point en the easterly Eide of Third Avenue, <lls- Sinf on * hundred l and one (101) feet and nlnety-cne-one vJ,^«r^sthß rtl-100) of a foot southerly from the intersec- tion cf the ___ierlr ««!• of Third Avenue and the south- "rtv tid- of Hundred and Seventy-fourth Street: run- S__SS_S_s_ ssfflS-sa sss, %&&& Kcventv-fourth Street one hundred <1OO) feet to tne east- er-vflc of Third Avenue, and thence northerly^ along thn easterly iMtdFThM Avenue (7f) «tat to th. point or place of beclnnlng. New MUg^r "S.SnuEit Refer... 6\UI BERNSTEIN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 149 broadwar. The approximate amount of the l!»n. or <**rj9 to -.H*"v "hlch the above-described property to be sold. U with interest thereon from the 14th day of S24.iwT.JS. »"" "' ln ' cr wltn cogts and allowance amount- January ISO-. interest, together with the expenses of ing t.:.f->. ';\u25a0•\u25a0• \;',.:,._ .i;i- be bold Bubject to prfor mart thCW i«s«a?nlt the tame, amounting In the sggr«ga;o fo B the »urn Of Thlrty-flve thousand and five hundred dollars vow York Hth 6iy of January. m». Dated BAKPSOK H. WEINIIANDLEIt. Referee. A DVFRTISKMKNTS and «ut..-crlpUoiiS for The ™" A !*>**•* y o^ r^TBRoS3>WAY. DAILY SERVICE. For Old Point Comfort. Norfolk. Portsmouth. Pinner's Point and Newport News. Va.. connecting for Petersburg. Richmond. VirginiaBeach. Washington. D. C. and entire South and West. Freight and 'passenrer steamers sail from Pier 26. N. R toot Beach St.. every week day at 3 P. M. X.. iooioca^-u H. B. WALKER, Trade Manager. ALLISI-tIIALHERS COMPANY. New York. Jan. 13. 1903. rpHE BOAPD OF DIRECTORS HAS THIS day AmrlTei th» regular quarterly dividend of ONE AND THREE QUARTERS <lKr<l PER CENT, on the Preferred Stock of this Company, payable February Jd. J'*B to stockholder* of record on January 24th, 1903. S»Pjsten« Stock Transfer Book, will be closed on faturdav January 24th IK*, at 12 o'clock noon, and will bTreoptted on Tuesday. February 3d. 1603. at 10 o'clock *" M- \r. J. CHALMERS. Treasurer. CXnciicn Sales— .financial. YEW YORE SUPREME COURT, COUNTY **" of New Joseph J. O'Donohue. Jr.. and Thomas J. O'Donohue, Plaintiffs, acalnst Franklin Bien. as Sub- stituted Trustee of the Trusts created" by the first codicil of the Last Will and Testament of Stagey Pitcher. -'o- ceased. and others. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judg- ment of Foreclosure and Sale, duly made and entered in the above-entitled action, bearing date th« 22nd day of December. 1902. 1. the undersiKned. the Referee In said Judgment named, willsell at Public Auction, at the New York Real Estate Exchange Salesroom. No. 11! Broadway. In the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on the 3rd day of February. 1&03. at 12 o'clock noon, on that day. by D. Phfrnls Ingraham. Auctioneer, the premises directed by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as fol- lows: All those several certain lotp. pieces or parcels of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon, situate in the Fifth Ward of the City of New York, known as Numbers 213 and 213 Duane and ISO West Street, and which taken tOKeti.or. art* bounded and described as fol- lows to wit: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of Duano find West Strvet and running thence northerly along- tho easterly line of West Street twenty-four feet and two inches to the centre line of the party wall erected partly on the premiss hereby convoyed, and partly on the lot next adjoining and northerly thereof, and known aa Number 101 West Street: thence easterly along the middle line of sild party wall parallel, or nearly bo. with Duana Street forty-two feet nine: Indies, more or less, to the centre line of another party wall standing partly on the premises hereby conveyed and partly on the premises next easterly thereof known as Number 215 Duane Street, and also her* by conveyed, and thence northwardly parallel, or nearly so. with West Street, and along, through and be- yond the continuation of said party wall, standing partly on said premises known as Number 213 Duane Street and rartly on the premises adjoining the rear thereof, and known as Number 191 West Street, twenty feet fiveInches; thence eastwanSly parallel, or nearly SO. with Duane Street thirty-nine feet four inches to Caroline Street; thence southerly along Caroline Street forty-four feet nine Inches to Duane Street, and thence westerly along Duane street eichty-three feet two Inches to the place of begin- ning, be the said several distances and dimensions more r Da E ted. New York, Referee . TV P * R. K. PRENTICE. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 52 Broadway (Manhattan). New York. N. Y. The following ts a diagram of the property to be sold as described above, the street numbers being 213 an* -15 Duane St. and 190 West St.. In the Borough of Manhattan, ritv of New York. Duane Street. The approximate amount of th« !l«*n or chargo to satisfy which tho above-described property Is to be »ol<J la 164 2fct'>(X> with Interest thereon from tie 22nd day of De- cember I(KC together with coats and allowance* ainount- tnK to 5M1.32. will! Interest from December l*2nd. 1002. to- «ther with tha expense* of the sale. The approximate amount of tax'-B. aeseßßment*, or cth*r liens, which ar, to be all..w<^ to the purchaser out of tlia purch££» money, or Paid by the Referee, Is $2,600 and interest. r>ated H.W York. January 12th. 1 3 kmBV. IMftr-. Dated. rva.v 10 k. oufiTAVUS T# KIRBri r .ef»r*». TAKE 2 WEEKS OFF. You <an leave Now Tork by the fin* stoamer9 of the Ward Line every Saturday fOr HAVANA. have » capital rest, and £*"» the beautiful and Interesting Island of Cuba. our SPECIAL TOURIST PARTIES LEAVE February 7. ill. March 7. Shall we fend you details? THOS. COOK Jc «ON. OFFICIAL TICKET AGENTS FOR THE BALTIMORE & OHIO. CHESAPEAKE A OHIO. ERIE, LEIUGH VALLEY. NEW YORK CENTRA!-. AND PENNSVI^ VANIA RAILROADS. AND ALLTHEIR CONNECTIONS. PULLMANRESERVA- TIONS FOR ANY LINK. TWO .NEW YORK OFFICES: 2<51 B'way, cor. Warren. Phone 4637 Cort'dt. 1185 IVway. cor. as 81 Phone 17&(? Mad. 3q. \u25a0-« \u25a0.•!», " Philadelphia, Chicago, etc. J -'"-'~- ~~- ~~~ uoi AND TRUST COMPANY. T>EQCISn?HN*SAVING BEEN MADE OS- It <!er date of November 7th. \VA .by the Superintend- 7 ,V««m7tT<l<»- txceDt that upon On« tnousand «cTSf Ul D^oadway. Kew York Cit, .ojltajUy. K*- mmmmm tb« Laws cf lfctt New Tcr., py J. V . MM Attest: j. B. VAN WOETIT. S«fT»tßry. .financial meetings. ~~~ ~* New VorK. .laiiUi»ry524. 1&03. >t. I.onls. ELECTION NOTICK. . Rnll- -I. 1. 0n!.. Iron Mountain A; Sontliem Rnll- V'JICE IS HERESY GIVES! THAT THE annual \u25a0hsMbm of Oh •to.-kholden or the .st. K £'' v , i ": Iron Mountain & Southern Railway Company will *• \u25a0' t the sc r.tiMl office of the Coir.oany in the City or ht. lyjuis. Iwmri. on Tuesday. tlHrch I Oth. 19Ti3 at nine -Vlock A. M.. for the election or thirteen "Mrectors lor the eneuirr y^t. and for the transaction of an* other buelnesc that may come bffor- eala rnesUns;. Th« «H9U»I \u0084r«TIn £ of tfce -. \u0084.;, »iU .- held at th* wune offloe on the eatne day at twelve o'clock noon. The jraimftrr Innil »ill be dosed on rri(J«v J»: J-»r-. •\u25a0""';. •"»• •* three o'clock F. il . and reOKWd oo tho day following "'; antiufcl Uiß«'.l.';.- Of the aiotiholdcrs «r any a<3journui«nt tl * r "' f ' GBO. J. GOULD, rrcrWtat. A. H. CALi."F. ttcreiM,. Steamships of the RED "D" LINK will sail for San Juan direct, as follows: S S. CARACAS Saturday. February 7. noon a. 8. PHILADELPHIA Saturday. February 21, noon For freight or naanase apply to BOULTON 8L.19S * DALLETT. Qacera.l Managers. 133 Front St. AMERICAN LINE. •"- NEW-YORK— SOUTHAMPTON—LONDON. St Paul Feb. 4. 10 a, m. , Ktnland Feb. 14. 10 a.m. /.-•land '\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 Feb. 7. l'» ••\u25a0 in.. Philadelphia. Feb. IS, loa. m. RED STAB LINK- XV jffcltV-YORK-^ANTWUKT— PAP.I3. ZeeUnd Feb. T. JO a. m.l Vaderlan<l...Feb. 21, 10 a.m. Finland ..Feb. 14. 10 a. m.l Kroonland.F<t>. 23. 10 a. in. Piers 14 and 15 N. R. Office. 73 Broadway. X. Y. TTOLIJIXD-AMEUICA LINE. "^ New Twin-screw .Stramer» of 12.500 Ton». NliW YORK— ROTTKKDAM. via IKMUit-iNR. falling Wtvlnetday at 10 A. M. Amsterdam Feb. 4 Amsterdam Mar. 11 R>ndam Feb. Ifti sltatandaro Mar. 11 Rotterdam ...Mar. 4 Ryndam Mar. 2$ A DVERTISEMENTB or-" subscriptions, for The. THbun* -A. received at their Uptown Office, SO. I.3tM BKOADWAY. Advertisements willbe received at the following branch offices at rcjrulax oftlco rat«s until 8 o'clock d. m.. vU. : Jißi Btli-nve.. \u25a0. •«\u25a0 cor. SUi-si. : 153 '.(li-air. cor. 12th-st.: 02 East 14th-at.« 257 M>st 4'_'d-»t.. be- tween 7th and Btu »res ; 2«» Weal 125th-at.t I.USS ;i,l.avr,. between 76th and 77;h sts. : I.O^U :!il-«if., near 61et-st.: I.TM 1»<-Sive.. near 60tb-et. : 157 Eo»t JSStb^tt.l 75«» Trrm9Bt>ave.i «5O ;|il-»vp.. near 4lst-«t' 854 3d-Hve.: -to Bleei«Ji*r-it : 31!5 Bleeck«?i-»t. Brooklyn. N. W *Tl<i Conrt-at.i «15 Smith-lit.: l.«X>4 Gate»-ave. NeWnrlC, W. J# —701 Urend»at~ Also at A. V. T. offlcea. sure Sales. £ovt zl HailrooDs. NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUTE. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1903, ©ctan Btcamcro. iniancial itUctings. Oituijcnft _vgiiccb. Pirutm*. It. Wiyne a.- Chic. Ry. Co. Ist & 2d iltge. 7s. Portsmouth. Ohio. Kidgeville. In !.. Public School fie. Wheeling Terminal Ky. Co.. 1 \u25a0: Mtge. 4s. Feb. 15;h. Grant County. Ind.. <",? and Annual ss. Winslow, Lacier & Co., 17 Nassau St.. N. Y. City. THE INTEREST ON THB FOLLOWING BONDS IS PATABUS AT OCR RANKING-HOUSQ ON AND AFTKR KEURUARY 20. IMS American Cotton Oil Co.. 4 2 |^r cent. Bedford. liid.. I'undirr >\u25a0- Cleveland Akrvj & Columbus Ry. Co. Is Cleveland Pitt*. K. B. Co. «.\u25a0•!. M:=<- . Series "D." lias City. lni.. .".s C,r_nt «'... Ind.. Gravel Head fin. [SUPREME COURT. NEW YORK COUNTY.— Mew York Security and Trust Company, as substituted trustee of the trusts created In and by the will of David Olj-phant Vail, deceased, and Anna Murray V all. plaintiffs, against Rosalie Schoenberg and others, defendants. in pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and gale July made and entered In the above entitled action, bearing date trie first day of April.IMS. I. the undersigned, the Referee in said judgment named, will cell at publlo auction at the New York Real Kstat« Salesroom, at No- HI «roaii»a>. in the H. -rough of MHiihattan. in the County and city ot New York, on the 2d day of December. I!M>2 at twelve o'clock noon on that day. by Vincent A. Ryan. Auctioneer, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, ana therein described as follow*: All that certain lot. Piece or parcel of lard, situate, lyingand being In the City. County and State of New York, and now known DytM Street number two hundred and sixty-four (-•>-» west Thirty-fourth Street, and bounded and des..-rib«-d as KM- lows: H-cnnliic nt \u25a0«. noint on the southerly line or Thirty-fourth Street, distant one hundred and Pl«>- flve feet easterly from the southeasterly corner of blpntn Avenue and Thirty-fourth Street; running thence south- wardly and parallel with Eighth Avenue ninety-eight feet and nine Indies; thence running eaatwardty and parallel with Thirty-fourth Street nineteen feet and fix Indies; thence northwardly and asraln parallel with Eighth Avenue ninety-eight feet and nine inches to the southerly line of Thirty-fourth Street, and thence westwardly along th« same nineteen feet in.i six Inches to the point or i.a<-e or beginning Be said several distances and dimensions more or less. Said premises will be sold subject to the con- tingent rights or claims, if any there be. not barred by the judgment herein. In favor of any persons, born or unborn, not parties to this action, claiming as heirs of Joseph Rosenfielu*. deceased, or as devisees under his willrecorded In the office of the Surrogate of New York County In Liber Sit! of Wills at page 150. or under such heirs or devisees. Baled New York. November^lOth. Wf^^ Rpferep COUPERT BROTHERS. Plaintiffs Attorneys. Office and Postoffico Address. **\u25a0». 71 Broadway. Manhattan, New Y»-rk City Is a diagram of the property to be sold: The followingIs a diagram of the property to be sold: \u25a0West 3-ltli Street. The appro*imat» amount, of the Hen or chars* to satisfy which the above described property Is to be sold is ten thousand ($1(U»1O) dollars, with interest thereon from April Ist. 1802, together with the expenses of the sale. Th<s approximate amount of taxes, assessments or other Hens, which are to b<> allowed to the purchaser out of the pur- chase money, or paid by th* Referee- . is two thousand three hundred and seventy-three and 96-160 ($2,073.05) dollar?. Dated New Tork. November loth. 1001!. EUHD B. FRQST. Referee. The for*>KOlnK sale i*hereby adjourned to Tuesday. r>e- cember l'»th 1902. at the same time and place. Dated New York. December 2nd. 1002. ELI HIT B. FP.OST. Referee. COUDKRT BROTHERS. Plaintiff* 1 Attorney*. Office and" Pojttofflee Address. No. 71 Broadway, Manhattan. New Tork City. sale is hereby further adjourned to Tues- The foregoing sale Is hereby further ad.iournrd to Tues- day. December 30th. 1802, at the Bam« time and place. Dated New York. December l«th, 1902. ELIHU B. FROST. Refers*. COtDERT BROTH EHS. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Office and Postofllce Address. No. 71 Broadway, Manhattan. New The° foresoi'ns rale is hereby further adjourned to "Wednesday. January 21st, VMS. at the same time and plaoe. Dated New York. December So. ifxV.:. El 111!' B. FROST, Referee. COUDERT BROTHERP Plaintiffs* Attorneys. Office and" PeetoOee Address. No. 71 Broadway. Manhattan. New Tort City. . . The foregoing rale is hereby further adjourned to Wednesday. February 4th. 1903. at the tame time and place. Dated 1 New York. January 21st. 1903. ELIHU B. FROST, R°fer»e. COCDERT BROTHERS. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Office and Post office Address, Xo. 71 Broadway. Manhattan. New- York. For Particulars Apply to HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE, 35-37 BROADWAY. N. T. 11 BailroaO*.

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OTH\ IT TP^IXY^TT^ll^liILfa xi 11

By the Twin-Screw S. S. AUG. VICTORIA

Fro-n New York February 3. 1003.

A Trip of•

77 DAYS COST $350 UP.

ITINERARY—FunchaI (Madeira). Gibraltar. Granada.Alhambra. Malaga Algiers. Genoa. Vlllefran.-he (Mp? andMonte Carlo). Syracuse. Malta. Nauplia, Ka:amaki. Pirseu»(Athens). Constantinople (I3.isphorus Black Sea). Beyrouth(Damascus, Baalbek). Jaffa (Jerusalem, etc.). Caifa(Galilee and Samaria). Alexandria (Cairo and the Pyra-mids). Messina. Palermo. Naples. Genoa— New York.


Albany Co.. Wyo.. School District No. I. Refunding:Aurora, ills.. n*fmid'.T>e.<~uss Co., la.. Refunding.<:<Eur d*Al«>n*. Ma.. 1aderendent School District No. 1

Refundinc.>U»t tiran.-l Forks. Minn.. School District No. 3. School

Building.Ton AtlcinfOTi. Vis . Water \S*orli!«.Hmm "-' ••r.. la.. Refundins.Kelthsburg, Ills.. Water Works.l^na. j:i?.. Water Works.T«»xlr.stort. Ky. Kunding.Neosho. Mo.. School BuJldinc.Oimnee City. la,. Independent School District, School

Founding.<"»shkn6!i. Wi«.. Watfr Works <"->.. Ist Mortcaire Gold.l'i?rc<? Co.. Wa«ri.. School District No. 8 (Sufnner).Pine River \u25a0 Bethanv TownshU*'. Mich., I'nlon School

District. No. 1 R*-funillnp-;'.. I*->uis. Mich.).

Pert V.a«: \u25a0\u25a0 c; \u25a0: 1 School District No. 1, SchoolBon . i

Pullman. Wash.. School District No. 69.nock Fall?. Ills.. E><-trl<- U«hlTerrell < ".. Ga.. Court House.Walnut Township, Ills.. School.

uab.r«ar.»b«. Mich.. Refuadinc.Hamburg. la.. Rofu-

PIFTGEXTH.atna, I2!*i.. TVa.t<»r WorksS- !...m«-.. Wafh.. School District No. Z.



N. W. Harris &Co.HRST.

AVrilwr P. T>sk.. TVfimdiriir

67 days, costin? 5450 up, .ITINERARY—Lea vine N. T. March 12.

1903 by tho Prlnzessin Victoria Lulse. for

Madeira. Gibraltar Genoa. Riviera. Palermo.Constantinople. Treblzond. Batoum (Tinls).Yalta. Sebastoiol. J'llaclava. Athens, Kala-makl. Nauplia. Syracuse, Kaple*. Algiers.

Lisbon Southampton. Hamburg. New Ycrk.



For Particulars Aprly to


lnriudlnT Madeira, Algiers. Italy.Franco. Sicily. Turkey. Asia Minor. Tran»-raucasla liussla (Crimea). Greece. Portugal.England and Gerr ny.

Black Sea




r:i!OSSES and CORTLANDT STREETS.«_-The leaTlnt, time from Df»l>r««« \u25a0\u25a0««

f"«-«l«ndt Street- U tWe mlnnte- •»««' *i»»'lthat Klven below for Twrn» y-thtr.l •••reel\u25a0Mniion. except where otherwise noted7-r*5. V,M

-FAST "an 1-11it-\u25a0 to two rl.or_C*"

an.i pintn* Car New York to Plttsbunr. Sleeping CarPUUhtWK to Chicago. No Coaches to l»i«sbur_. .

•MS A. \u25a0.FAST Pttubum and Cleveland.iKBS A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LIMTrED.-Pullman

Compartmen* Slee |. r.,nln«. Sraok.nK. an.l Observa-tion cars. For Chicago Cleveland. Toledo. Detroit.Cincinnati map.-.],, LonUvllle. St. Louia. „

l.'>.> V. 51-

THE PENNSYLVANIA SPECIAL.—-O-hoar train to Chiraeo. Pullmao CompartmentObservatiun. Drawlns-rocra. Sleepinu. Dining. an'1jIfuflf-tSi ..Ainu Car

1.33 V. N. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS.— jFor Toledo. Nashville <via Cnclnnatl and Louisville). |_*"™"»P^B. Chicago. St. Lo-il*. Dining Car

*JUS P. M. ST. LOUIS EXPRESS.— For Ptttaburs. |Cincinnati. 1n.1i.-inapolis lyintsvtlle. St. Louis. Dining!Car. For Welch. W. Va. Ma Shenandoah Valley;

Ftnute).B.BS _"- M. WESTERN EXPRESS.— For Chicago. For |

Toledo, except Saturday. Dining Car.'

7.r.r. |»; M-

PACIFIC EXPRESS.— For Pittsbur* «nd jChicago. For KnnTvi:i<- daily, via Shenandoah \alleyRout«. Connects for rievflanil except Saturday.

Bf"7 P. >f' CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI EX-PRESS.— For Pittsbursc Cleveland and Cincinnati.

\VASIII.\GTO.V AM) THK SOUTH.7..V.. .<?.__, 8.55 (Pining Cart. 10.10 <E»e«bro_se» and Cort- j

landt Streets. lt> \u25a0_•,„ (Dtotna: Car*. 10.55 (Dining Car)

a. m. 12.V. (Dlnl.iifCar) 310 (Desbrosse* and .anitStreets, 2.20). (iS "Congressional Limited." all Parlorand Dining Cars). 3.25 (Dining Car). » 23 (Dining tar).

4.35 (DiningCar*. 0.23 p. m 12.10 night. Sunday ,**-».5.5.> (DiningCar), law (Dining Car) a. m.. 12."» iDinWCar). (3.25 -Conßressional Limited." all Psrtor an!Dining Cas) ~._r. (Dining Car). »25 (Dining tar). 4-o«»(DiningC^ir». 1t.2.*. r, m I-10 night. ._..

EOtITHERN RAILWAY-E^pre 55.3.2r..S5.3.2r.. __-_. »-night daily -The Southern's Palm LunitwJ. 1..40 ,p. m. (liesbrosses and Cort! Streets. 1-.40 p. m-» J\u25a0week-days.

ATLANTICCOAST LTNE.-Expres-. 8.5S a. m. an.l ».-5p. m. dally. "Florid- Special." 2.10 p. m. «Desbrosses )and Cortlandt Streets. 2.20 p. m.> »f»k-<la\s.

SEABOARD AIR USE RAILWAY.—Bxpres*. 2.10 .£• 18.week-aajrs Mall. 12.1'"> night J.iily. "Seaboard .lorM- \u25a0

NORFOLK AND RAILWAY.—Fcr Memphisand New Orleans. 5.2.i p. m. daily. ._ „ _„_




days. 12.05 and 4.55 p. m dally. \u0084——-— .- t—\FOR OLD POINT COMFORT ar'. NORFOLK-—

a. m. week-dajr^ and ssj p m. dally. .»_-. '•ATLANTIC rirr.~9.Sa a. m. and 2-53 p. m Te «f^i

Sunday*. 7.55 a. .n Through Vestlbuled Trains. BuffetParlor Cars an.l Standard Coaches on we*-lays. .1\

-lor Smoking Car. Parlor Cars. Dining Car. an-1 -tana-arc! Cnacher on Sundays.

CAPE MAY.—12.05 p. in. week-day^. «,„,_, ifTn

'For points on New York and l^n*Branch Railroad 'jrom .

West Twenty-third Street Stations 3.55 a. m.. *-;'.• I3.-5. 4.55 and 11.25 p. m. we»K-day». *!»%£»*=*a. m.. 4.85 p. m. (from PtstluesM and iort.Hn_lStreets) 9.00 a. m. 12.20. 3.40. 5.10, and 11-30 p. m.we?lc-_dya. Sunday*. 9.47, a. m.. v.15 9- m.

FOR PHILADELPHIA.6.10 (Desbrosses an.l CortlanJt Streets. C.'^O1 7.25. 7;*f_

«.S. 8 55. 9.25 (» 55 Penna, Limited). 10.10 <IWcr<v-»-»and Cortlandt Streets. 10.2)0 (Dining Car). I°-"* *"}nZ l

Ing Car). 11.65 a. m.. 12.55 (Dicing Car). 1.551Dining.Car). 2.10 (Desbrossea and Cortlandt Streets^ 2.20) ---_•; ,3.25 (Dining Can. 3.55. 4.25. 4.25 .Dining Cart. \u25a0••_> \u25a0

(Dinlr.g Car). 5.55 (Dining Car). 7.V.. 8.25. I» «•» jr- m.. 12.10 night. Sunday*. 6!t>. 7.55 iL'inlr.-'car. n.>«-oa<h^9), 5.2.x M.55. 0.55 (Limited). »55. 10.55 <Dinin| !Car) a. m.. 12.55 (Dining CarJ, 1.55 (Dining Car). •»•-*(Dinins Car). 3.55. 4.25 (Dining Car>. 4.55 (Dining (.ar>.

.-.."> (Dining Car). 7.55. 2.'.. 8.55, 0.25 p. m.. offlces. No«. 4t;l, 1354, 11l and 2CI Broadway: 13- .

Fifth Avenue (below 23d St.): 2i3 Fifth Avenue (corner j81<th St.): 1 Astor IIou?e; West Twenty-third ******

\u25a0\u25a0Station, Mvd stations toot of Desbroases and C.-irtlamH

Streets: 4 Court Street. M>o Fulton Street, »i Broadway

and Pennsylvania Annex Station. Brooklyn; Station.Jersey City. The New York Transfer Company willjcall for and che^k, baggage from hotels and reaiJencr. .through to destination.

Telephone "914 Eighteenth Street" for PennsylvaniaRailroad Cab Service.

W. TV. ATTERBURY. J. R. "WOOD.General Manas-r. G»n*l Passenger Agent.

Ucal ?siaie tDameJi.




Citn Propcrtn for Sale.TTIOR SALE.

—S story private stable. "-4th Str»»t. near

Jj 6th Avenue. 2.">xlt)O. lift for carriages, perfect order.Apply to office ofyvl F. Dt; R WISSMANN.

fr> Liberty Street.Cor. Nagsau Street.

<£cmturp Property lex Bait.

XTtOR SALE. AT ELIZABETH. N. J.—Handsome rear-JC1 dence: hardwooil trim;plate slats wind.•\u25a0»\u25a0»; lot 1S»«200 feet; on macadamized Street, in "the Hill' district ofthe city; eleven rooms, laundry, hath. ic.: «bout a. dozenlarpo trees on the property, affording abundant shade.H. C. CARMKR. 430 Westminster-aye.. Elizabeth.

Connirn propcrtn <£o ttl.


For rent Houses, furnishedand unfurnished: season or year. H.J. CRANE.


ION First Department.—

In the matter «C the

application of the Pennsylvania. New Yor_ and !...:.<Island Railroad Company for the appointment of threecommissioners to determine and report whether a railroad

or railroads for the conveyance and transportation of

i^rsond and property ought to be constructed an- opcr-


to the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Laws of 1591. asamended, the umlerxigne.! Pennsylvania .New York ami

Long Island Railroad Company apply to the Appel-

Jat» Dlvislcn of the Supreme Court ef the State •r^e»

York tor the First Judicial Department, at a Termthe of to be held at the Appellate DtTlslon Court House,

at Madis n Avenue an.! Twenty-fifth Street, in the Bor-

ough of Manhattan, on Friday the 13th day of February

19% at one o'clock in the afternoon of that .lay. wasicon thor.»after a- counsel can be heard, for the appoint-ment of three commissioners in the above entitled mat-

ter to determine an.l r-p-rt. after das hearing, whethera r-lJroad or railroads in the said City for the conveyan-*

and transportation of persons and property ousfn to be

constructed and operated. The papers upon which the

aforwald applic_tloa will be made are the petition of th,

"aid Pennsylvania. New 22.'W. tW_^«J?«SCompany dated January 22. 19UJ. and the .xSTdavits anjlother papers accompanying the jarne. all of whcli wre

flled in the office of .he Clerk of the said Appeilat- Diiis-

ton on or about that day. and In addition thereto such

other papers as shall be presented to the said Court by

thA SiSSSo^S £"££_ -nd general Plan __«--£

ti..n of t»5 said lailroad or ratbiMd* form Bf»taff tt«papers flled as aforesaid with the saidl < :jrk of th- Ap-

pdtaU r>ivision. The foOowtni Is a '^"g f? Man"ial synopsis of the cald route in tho Boroujrn of Man-

hattan- From th- Hvdaoa M~* «« the tast R»ver-

thr'^u?!. MsVanal»a StrsMs. aad from Ninth Avenus to

app.Mnnnin't* of eommission«n who shall determine, afte-

railroad or railroads ouzht to be constructej and oper-

a'e f »n.i «hall retort «he evidence taken to said Appel-

T m',- urt oe t"ker ir1 li»uof the consent of the property

rW» BB \llno*n roMP**v.



llv \ J. *'%S9ATT. President.*ROBERT II- tiROKK. Secretary.

W~ avted FOR V S. ARMY, able bodied, unmarriedimn bM-Mn aces of 21 and 35: citizens of United

statef of /^d character and temperate habits who canfpeak.' ?ea!°and Cwrit, EnglUh. For information apply

to recrultlnj officer. 25 Third aye- 705 Sl_tb aye.. N. V..or 3«3 Fulton street Brooklyn^?»• -•"\u25a0^ . . . \u25a0

—(Pecan Steamers



from Pier 4" North River, foot Morton St.•La T-.rSl?e Feb. 5; La Champagne Feb. My^J^f-Vn,? :::::::J2: l-*LiSavol« Mch. 5JfcSSg&'~""M »»il- B^*oe ««*\u25a0 »= iJ^^rlfA-eTcy:32 Broadway. New Tor..

-RED "D" LINE.\u25a0"" For San Juan _nJ Ca- a,-ar also La Quayra. PuertoCabello and Maracalbo If blockade to raised.

From Pier 13. adjoining Wall St. Ferry Brooklyn._ *r»R\c\s Saturday. February T. noon j

a a PllII-vf'EI.PM'IA Saturday. Kebruar> 21. MOTI IThese v«.U


Genoial Manager.. 133 Front dt

TkrALLORY^TEAMSHIP LINES._>__\u0084,*_,._ -

w York Wedn«wlsy«. Frldiy.and Saturdays.

FOR TEXAS GEORGIA AND FLORIDA.STRAIGHT and ROUND TRIP Tickets Issued to allJ, m TexasT Co:orsdo. ArUona. California. Mexico.


G*o.«la! Flo'lda *c. Del'ihtrul Eicurjlana,

CH. MALUJY_* '-<O-

G<n AgH>-

Pter »>• B - X-


T~H~" WHITE STAR LINE.NEW YORK-QCEKXSTTiU-X—LJt-ERPOOr.-.„,, *ole ..Feb. •«. noon Cedrlc. Fab. 25. 4p. m.

JS .Feb. 11.5 a. m. Celtic Mar. 4. >:»a.m..LrnaniV ....Feb. I*.noon1

Oceanic Mar 11. 4 p. in. i°*r j",r **. North River. Ottle*. 0 Broadway. !

T'lr' CUNARD LINE.•"-'

TO LIVERPOOU VIA QUBSNSTOW.S'.Saionla ...Feb. 7. 1 P. M.IEtrurta Feb. 23. 4 A. M.

'I*",*' Feb. 14. 7 A. M. Campania.. Mar. 7. 11 A. M.lL__nla"....-F«b. 21 Noon! fmbrla... Mar. 14. *A.M. j

VERNON H. BROWN A CO.. Gen. Agents.

N 29 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. ,MT A VELOGE"—Fast Italian Line.•*~^

Sailing every Tuesday to Naples. Genoa.BOLOONKSI HARTFIKLP&CO 29 Wall St.



A .upt>l!« Profess™. T««eh«» Tutor.. Gov.rue»»ej. :\u25a0tt to Coll«re«. SehooU and Families. Apply to


AMI AFTMR CTEMU ARY 2nd. 1003.Conpnna may l»e rent In at once, and check*

in payment of »:•!.:. will lie ready for de-liver? at 1«» A.M. on Kehrnary 2nd. 100".

Jkrizena Gold &Corr^r Co. '•\u25a0\u25a0 t'.'r.Reaver T<aw. "VVstpr t~u. Ist 3^.Keaver Dam Water Co. Ist Consolidated ft r.F-iat*^ Advertising Co. Ist S%. _.„..-,

_Colorado Fuel _• Iron Oo>. Convertltle z,'-, Gol_ E^nis.<"omicg. N. V..Bridge V<.TlaJKht. D. L..s'«-tUMttaas. Village of. Sewer- 4"vKnickerbocker Ice Co. Ist 6*5Natural Bride* Forest Co. M«'-•Pacific Parkin* A Navieation no. Debenture 5%.Pacific racking * Navipation Co. Debenture

,MillSine Electric r,if:.-.:.c <~0. •*'•Safety In«tilate4 Wire a.- Cable Co. Ist rr.

ban L»ul8 Fotosl Electrical Co. Ist «"~r.

Dae the lOth.

K--STCT! Electric Co. Ist 6'r.Dee the loth.

National»-<T OilCo."':6-"c .

Island Beach Land Improvement Co. Bcajittwalnt . Uoe the IStta.

O—«*tOSC_SSL K. V.. Union 1m School 5%.Dae the SSCh. Br^ring O. Ist .""


Twin-Sor»w Express and Passenger service.8!ueeh»r.......1--eb. 7. 1 PM|W«ldersee....>lay If, 10 AMWalderse^.— .Feh. 21. IPM A. Victoria. ..May_1;1.) AMPennsylvania. Mar. 7. 11 AM !^r... May _s :.^> amPatricia Mar. 14, « AM Pennsylvania. 3(. 10 AM

Bluel-h .r....Mar. 21. 11 AM!Deutsrhland... .June 4. 1 *"M

Pretoria Mar. _§. 4 PM!Patricia June X 10 AM

Waldersee....Apr: 4, 10 AM Moltke.........June 0. 4 1M

Deutschland.-Apr. P. 10 AM T. Bismarck.. .Tune 11. 10 AM

Moltke Apr. 1«, BAM A. Victoria. ..June I^. AM1-enntvlvarla.Apr. 1«. 9 AMPretoria June £, 10 AM

Auk. Victoria.Apr. 33,10 AM Bluecher r-Junor -Juno 25. 10 AMPatricia Apr. 25. 10 AM Walderaee. ...June -7. 10 AMBluecher....Apr. 30. l'> AMlDeutschlaiid...July 2. 11 AMDeutschland...May 7. 2 PM Moltke ..... ...July S>. 10 AM

Pretoria May 0. JO AM Pennsylvania-July 11. 10 AM

F Uismarck.May 14. 10 AMIF.Bismarck. .July 1«. 10 AM


tAtur.Victoria.Feb. 3. 11 AM tP. V Lulse..Mar. 12. 11 AM

•Ravenna Feb. 12. '-' PM Phwnlcla Mar. 19. 2 PMI'alatla Mar. 2. 2 PMI -Ravenna.. ;;..Mar. 20. -PM

•Ravenna belonKJi to Nay. Co. "Italia.

tTo Madeira. Gibraltar (A. Victoria also Algiers) and°e'"ja"HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE. ,

Office*. 85 and 37 Broadway. I'iery. Hoboken. N.J.

The Following Coupons Are Due andPayable at the Office of

Farson, Leach & Co.,35 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK.

FEBRUARY IST.Cfc«*_li- "Wa-fc'.-r^n. Kle«rlc Ugnt


•^00-hue Couuiy. Mir.n»?ora. School District'No. Pi.

Iror. llOßntaln, Mich-, tower.•T_Jo_ City. Indiana.Kokomo. Indiana.-i\iis.iCounty, yr-^-r. School District No. 3.'

FEIIIU:AHV 13TH.Rochester. lEBkVARV 14TH.B^_«,!

-anVi:«RIARY 15TH.

Koche«ter. In-!—na.V-lgo County. ***&£s%&~3D.E_r_n_.trille, Ir>_ia!v_.

New York Security and Trust Gompany,NO. «6 IVAIJj ST., SEW YOnK.


ritlrcn*' Cut C«. of KsnU«U«# l«t Mtß*. r»~r.< Itv «.f OsUkooh, Win.. 1 <l(i. .V >cb-New YorL. On(nrlo A We»lern It. R_

sjiratoira «as, Klcc. l.iicht A: Power Co.1 nlt<-d Mates MiipbuildlnK nil. MtRC. .*»"*•Independence Water Wks. Co. of M,Looll

Refunding- Mtse. ."»".


o_tea -!-'' Treasurer, New York, January nth. 5903.


t<T i*rcent, nn the capital irock of the ROMP.•WATEIiTOWN &OGDENSBCRG RAILROADCOMPANY•Rill be pal- by the New York <>ntr_l and Hudson RiverP__3ro_4Cotr:rax;y. lessee (under the provisions of th«rijntract between ".he wo lales), at this r!_c« on ar.aa.* February Mtl IMS to stockholders of record atthe closing t*the trar?fc-r hooks 00 January 31st, 1903

EDWARD L. BOBaiTER, Treasurer.

Office of the>r\V YOKk DOCK COMPAXY.

New York. J_o. iS, 1903-("COUPONS OF THE NEW YORK DOCK

COMPANY First JtortKage Bond?, maturing Febni-btt Ist next, -will be paid 00 and after that dare at theoffic* of the United States Mortgace a:.iTrust Company,No 65 Cedar -treet. New York City.

GEO. E. SPENCER. Treasurer.


Bonif of the above Company, due February Ist. 11*03.• "be pal- at the ofSccs of Brown Brothers &. Co., New

York. ana Alexander lironr .i- Soe«s. BaluiMore.c. J. BRACK Jr. ftwMonr.

TUB PETER OOOPKit FIRE INSURANCE CO..Third Avenue, coixer Ninth Street,

New Tor!;. January 31. 1908.

•T\IVIDEN"D.-A DIVIDEND OF FIVE (5)-"-'PER CENT has been declared payable Hi and after

Urn __- -85' of Febr__rj% inttant.•>. B. GAMHDCB, Secretarj'.




Train* arrive and depart fr"in Grand Central Station,«-i| Street. New York a.-* »x-k,w:

North an<l weal t»mn<J trains except thosf* leaving Grari1«>ntr_l Station at !*.r»i>. It.Ho A M.. 2.45. 3..'50. 9-V>.11.3»» I".M. wl.l atop at 125 th S». lorec'iva passengc \u2666

lea minutes _ft»r leaving Grand Central Station..Ml southbound train*, except th<* "_f>th i>ntury" an-t

the "Kmplre St_te Express." an'! Noa. Miami 86. Wl'li>top at t_T>th St. fn minutes before their <irrtvtn« ttm«Bl Orasd f.entral Station.

19 10 A. St.—•Mir»Nn;fTT EXPRESS. Dv«» AlbanrI-•••«- r..zr. \. m.. \u00843d a. M

7 54. A. M.—•SVir.-i.T'-B L<>CAL. Stops at all lm-•'«T p.irtant station-.

Bon a. m—

*em;-[i:k state kxprkss. jic-t•ww f;<mou_ train in tile world. Inie Uu:t,il'> *•*\u25a0:

Nla*:«ra FaDn ">.4"> P. M.

BAr- A. M.—

•FAST MAII-_. hours to < Mesa »

•to i,ue Buffalo 7.ifi. Nlacara k'nVn»*sn x- M.—»DAV trXPRE-A Make* local «t*p*.IU.OU i,,ie Buffalo _.D A. M.11 un A- M.-tßL'l_.\S_ tLXPP.ESrf. Duo I*utU_III,OU 7 :,.-, 1 m19 en >'\u25a0 M.—•RirFFAfjn limit>3>. Due Buffalo nIC.JU p. _f. NtiKurn Falfa it-*>sP. M1 r,r\ I" M.—•SOITIIWESTERX LliriTED. I>n<»I.UU nnrinnatl ii».:y». indUnnpolLs il.^o A. -X.. 3U

T,»UU *>\u25a0*'' V. M. next •lay.

Inn v M.—•rmr.V.o IJMITEIr 21 hours to CM-• .UU cast, via y*\\» S!u,r». _«S via M. C.9 a c P. M—•••THK •-•"•TH CE-STCRT LIMITKP.-Cf\J _, hour :>aia t<> <'hk:is^> via L_ke _aore. B'••

-trie lights aii.J fans.

3Q,, J". M -'ALBANY and TTIOY FLYER- _>u»

O.OU Mbanv «.«... Troy 7..X» P. _L


4AA I1I1- M—«DKTROIT. GRAND RAPIDS AND.UU CHICAGO SPECIAt-son P. M.-'UXKK Slinr.B UMITE3>. 2t -On*.OU tmin to «"ti!ra_.. AD Pullman C*rs. Du*•n<»v«-lani! X.2S A St. «"incmn;itl I-°A In<JU"-

apolis 3.10. i.Tilcago 1.30, Louia 0.45 P. .lay.

6nn »\u25a0 m. —«ai->TKRx iPRESS zs n^ur» M

.UU Chi.aßO vi*1 rh r.. S. an.l M. C.

6QC P M.—-MOXTRKAI- EXPRS-i.S »!» D. A "..OO \u0084r Uutlnn.!.

7.ou I". M.—

•.\r»lH'~»Nl.'.\>.-K ANDMONTP.E.«. EX-

Brr\ I* M. -•KTfTAUa \>r> TORONTO SiPOTTMj.O.UU pu. itufTai,, 133 A. M.. N..i?ar_ f-P.s £.*:.

Toronto lf>r.<> ,\. M

91C I" M.—-Sl'Ki-l \I. MAILUMITEaS. SierpiniT••-\u2666 .Mr only i,.r Rnehestcr.

9 on—*Bo_-tuviia.cms srecm. T^i»O"-

2•^v .-innTl 7.T." tn_-»_ap«t-i WHO i:M., St. Urn--''\u25a0'\u25a0>' sei^nd momiiuc.

9on p. u-TAcirnTKxnays. chiraß™ 34 horn*•OU |,v M|,-hl_an ivntr^i.Xi hours by I««kf hhor"-

.OU T> M.—•CHICAGO TffKATRB TRAIN. < O»t*»•«W vtneeat, O_ae__bnrr U'lffai-?, Detroit an<t Chi-

f.l«.V\u2666Daily. TKxoopt sun.!av. •Kr.'Tt iroii'la^-

llAftl.-.M IJUA.VtH.».9O A. M. and -LSI P. M. Daily. «>xrep: Sunday. tf» Fltt»-

fl-1-1 iind North Aisa.rn.-i. at fc3B A. M.Tnillman ears on a!) thrj:ia:h trains.Traina _bunta_»«d »itu Ptat_cß Usht.

Ti<kof ..ffl.^s nt 1J". _rtl. 41" and 12IK Ztt>.!-n

-VV.. _75 ••' A\»-. t.n West 125t_ Pr.

:tlrand <vntr^lStation. l_sth St. .-'atiun ami I3srh t!t. st*-ition. N>.v York; :as mad T_»i TvUaa tit. aiM 10t> Broad-

way. EL _»., Brooklyn.Telephone •\u25a0;»«> _sth Street" for New York <^»ntr»l •'»">

Servire. Hasgaere rheckml Ironj hot"! ur rrsiil<-nco brW» E-ipresa Company.

New York Central RouteI NEW YORK. BOSTONi AND NEW ENGLANDI Via Ppringflel-! an.l V.*.<*

DOSTOV A.M> ALBANY RAILROAD.•N. York C'ctral * Hudson River R. X.. Lessee.)

Trains leave <;rar.J Central Station. .Vurth Avenue aril4^l Strvet. New York, as follows

*».'<» a M .'.:.•• noon. *4.««> P. M.. •!!.«> P. 'SI.:»'•irive 80.-i 3 •> P. M.. ."..4i> P. M- lo.oi> P. M. •••!•> *- M.

L»-a,ve Unf«tun f\u25a0>.•*> A. M.. *l_.t»> noon. Mi«» "*. v.I •11.1*» P. M.: arrl\t> New lorfc SUM) P. M.. 3 4*) V. M.; ••"\u25a0o P. M.. *HA. M. .:

Tickets at New Y.rk Centril fitk.-f offices, «15 ar.d l-.'lBroadway, anl at Orand Cmlral Station.

I A. 11. .-M GEORGE If. DANIELS.General sfupcrintonrimt. Onerat r__sen*cr As*"t.


Kew York Central <_ Hudson Uiver K. TV. Less*- V

Trains leave Franklin St. Staffcm N'.-w York, at fol-tows and IS mln. lat-i fix>t of West 4_d St.. N. R.:•7.U> A. M.

—For intermediate v-ints L<* Altanv.

tll.-i> .V. 11.— farato Sa n.l Moliawk Exprc*".•1.<Ni P. St.

—Chicago Express.

•2.2." P. M.—

Corn Un fop Vetmit. Chi. & tSt. Louts.-.'. *.". p. M.—•_> Fur Hadaon Rivr ooin_! and Albany.•«..•> P. M.

—For Korh.. Buffalo. CVv_rd « Ch!ca_r>.

t7.4."» P. -For R>v.h.. Buffalo. Dem^J and St Lou!*•9.15 P. M.—Fur S>ra-, Roth., Niagara F^ll.s. T>_ &CTi!.•Dally. tUaily ex.-ept feanilay. leaves lirooklyn Annex:

ri) at +!"\u2666.. A. M -1 at ;- »:. P. M. leaves 3-m~rCity, P. U. K. Sta.. <!. at HI -'* A. M.. (2> \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0<-'' P. M.Time v_M^B at vrin'-iral -Oteti nnH ©ffic^a. Basjsjagaeh«ckM from hotel or realdonoe by.- \Terto.-itt cpr««3.

A H. ,-MITH C X MircERT.Geceriil Superinienrtrnt. General rasas Ajscnt.


ILiberty Slrrri ami >r>oth Ferry (time from Scuta-"crry live minutes eailier).

< EASTOV BKTIII.GHKM, ALIEXTOWS AXT>31%rC1l IHIM* _4.ft> ( Eastnn only). ».l*AM 1.20. 4 \u25a0••'. 6- (•'•4." Easton only) P. SI. Sun-

xvilKKHUAiinr:l<\Si>'l> sciia\tov— _400. ».tiWIIKKIHAHRK \M» SCW %.1TO»-a»«5 Ma v 3 '»> rM S'ln.lay*. zt.2T. A. M.. TOO p. V.

__%k*K\vi»Ol». LAKEIIIRST.TOHSRIVER A.M>nARXEGAT—z%.<*\ 9.40 v. M.. ;."'>.."..40. 4.10 Lak«'-\u25a0wood an«i Lak^hurst only*. Z>.oO ,x.". r;» Lajtewoo-l co:y>P M. Sundays. 10 *> A. M.

4TI *\TI«"CITY—\u2666». "v"v .*. IT.. t3.40 P. M-\|\ki\>l> AM)BHllii.i•.!••»> t-_OO V. _£. -. M

1 .»\.. nnwni. asbi:ht park, ocka.v<;iIOVK. POINT PLEASAST ASD SEA?«IIORKHOIXTS—z4.oi>. «.C>. 11.3i> A M 4.«5. 5.30. »*.;:(>P. M.Sundays. except Ocean f.rovc. t>.uO A. M.. MP. M.


"7 on. -«.iw. \u2666»•«>. MOW. t«.-0 A. M.. tl2-fO. "-JM.}130 t2.ow. ts.w. '*.vo. --.oi>. tts.oo. +7.">0. ja.oo r. \u25a0 •


STREETS--Hl-». t?-M>. "LOS"."\u0084: a» ji m.. -1.00 r_.4O. •-.«>. »:.00. i9.2_ p. m..

BkViilM.. H\ltltl*BlßC. pottsville a.m>AVII.LI-.MSFOIIT-i,4.00. _«.-_. *8.00 llltft-10 (10.CO.

1100 A M-. R;-arfinK only). il*l.oo. •20 \u25a0•.•<*> P. V.Reading. Pottsvlll- acd Barrtsbursj oa!y. i*.oo. t'.oiJP. m.

ROYAL BLUE LIKEfob B\i/nm>iti: asd \u25a0 washisuto\_.»»».

•lt>3O. '11.30 A. M. 'ICO. t'U.4O. •5-00. '7.00 F. M..From Libertystreet only. 'CaUy. fDtttf map ISun-

i day. {Sunday only. ;P_rlor cars only. liVla Tamaaua-

'"oeicva-' Liberty s*e. Kerrr. Smith Ferry. 6 Astor Hrm«-.ry. «! Astor1 113 281 43». 1 WO! 1-334 nr-iadivay. tSS sth Aye.. 25 L'nlm! .s.,uar.: \Ve_e lot' East t2.-.fh St.. 27:! VTest

'-'""'' St- • 24.'., Columbus Aye.. New York: 4 Court gt. 344. **> VtattenIst.. Brooklyn: \u25a0>> Bread way. V'liliamsourg. N«w V..-*;Transfer Co .-all-for and etwc_ji baggage to dearinailon.

w. o. besi_::k. cm bcrt.Vlce-PreiWent & Gon'l Manager. General Pajs'r Agtrtt.

BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD.I.e.iv-9 NEW-YORK CITY. South Ferry. Liberty 81.

Chicago. pittsturs •__.»_-. •I. t^nt


Chicago. Colnmbus ..-••^.So p. ni. -1.00 p. m DtnrPlt'sb'TZ Oleva » p. m. •\u25a0•c.M) a. m. LimM.

"Fittsburs Limited"..-. *«\u25a0'-"> p. m. ~7.i»» p. in. Bu.t>?'...Cincinnati St. Louis. .•!_. t<> nt. "12.15 :-•Cincinnati S_ Louia. ..•10.2S a. m. •'".:»> ,1. m. TMni-r.


au: St. I,»*»..•«.»»\u25a0 nT: *J'*"'

V. __: uflWf-Mortoli. ?!^...5 p. :ti fl 'i"j, m. Dta«r.I*orroU> ' ROYAL lIME TRAILS.

1 Washington Falto t_i_» a. m.—

30*. m. buffet.\v__Mß_tnn Halto *lt) a. nu *10.30 a. m. Diner.w_.«b:nifton Bait "11. '-•*• a. n>. 'it.SO a. m. Din«r.IVashinkton. Balto •1_.55 p. en. •I... p. m. Pin«-.••Royal LlmltM" «SL33 p. m. "'

\u2666" p. m. rtner.Washington. Hallo ••\u25a0» P- "'- •S.nOo. m. r>ln<r.Washington B.i to •«•\u25a0•' p. m. •"'"" '" p. m. Buffet.Washington. Ualto *l_.lOr.t. "12,15 r.t. _.:spcr».

•Dally. tDaiiy. except Sunday. fSumiay onjy.Offlce.: 113. -jt.1 43». 'MO Broadway. « Aator Boos*.

"SUnion Scjuari W.. .:;il Grand Stretr. V Y.;543 i'ulKr*Street Brooklyn south Ferry and Liberty Street. Ba_-raKe checked from hotel or residence to destination.

LEHICH VALLEY.Foot of West 2MA;Cortiandt sad Des6ro_*es Street* «. «

•Dally t Except Sunday, -uaday e_»__tßj cU.__ _-U«*.eTOO. n33. I**IVB. _~

I.tN .ALtTTj

M*Mv !'s^*3'^»t2BLACKDIAMOND>iS2&»- ••.•\u25a0.•.::!^ 11!Ma_-_-_u_- and H-Meton Local -cilW T 2-*2St2-*2St T

-sS«S^ ltey.Kr S3» sis:rSK.iir..B.iT-n- vwtlbule K»p«^. iliNj'S'SS JSTHEVJFTALO TRAIN L^——^Sl3

Ticket*an- Pullm»n accommodations at 1-i^OMjS l~i»*irtISH Bro_rtw_». k:Sta Aye..25 Union »<tu_re West. S«U>iumto.Aye N Y.'*«f'u!lonSt.,icoartSt.9sßro__way-n(l Ft. Ful»_

fc_. _roo_ly_/ S. T.Tr-oifet Co. wtUe»U for__<f check b_s_s_»

Lackawanna Railroad.Leave New Vest foot B_rolay and Christopher Sta. »t!»O«)A M.

—Kcr nir.shamtiin ant! Syracuse,

•tOfW) -*. M.—For Buffalo. Chica_o and sit. Louia. w•1. \u2666<) P. M.—Yor Buff_li>anilChicago. aitu> P. M —For S'jr.«r.ton and Plymout-. t•_.». V. M.-I-'or UufTalo «n4 *.-..-,,« \•p.45 P. M.—lTttea, Oswtfjo. Ithacai BufCalo. %••_.©» A. M.-For Chicago— Sleeper- op«_ *

%'f'_.,,.Tlclceta at US. 4-3 itM Kroadway. N. *\u25a0: *3» i^Jltc*

•_. Drookbn. *\u25a0\u25a0- tE-cept -un-ay.


For Young Ladies—

M^BCAK-fl"?AND^DAY SCHOOL FOH GIB--»._JJ» »v*ik_»J..*nd


West pa,}, street.Near Central Park New York City.


Mft« FlNrn"B CI-*-'"-iiES AND BOARPIVO KCHOOT,_>1 (•OB GIKLS. DAY SCHOOL, 733 fcirTU AT-..

Boarding Dept.. 735 Madison Arenue. near &tt_ Street.

TTTIAT TO DO WITH MY BOY. Phrenology will «M\\ to* FOWUEIi & WELLS CO.. SO l_i*t»i st.

For Both Sexes— CUy.

Tire BBRT.IT/. school of iGUAOm. -.-_ _M_dl»un Square c!l£! Broadwavv Brooklyn. 73 Court St.

New Terms begin now.—

Trial l_s_an_ frae.

For Boya onJ Young Men—Country.

MAP!X.WOOD. Concordvllle. Pa. $3H. T«I». R-rnr*and Wealeyaa men «n»Cr tc>ns_,_I(>"^«'_.uSL»

><'3r» •dunes of Ills. Pa Tab-sea. J. SZIO-tTUDaE. FT-b.


—E. Ellery Anderson, plaintiff.

ac_!n«t Frederick H. Drpssel. Republic Savings and LoanAssociation and Osman V. Klnloeh. defendants. In pur-suance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly madend #>nt*r«>d in the above entitled action, bearing date the

6th day of January l!)03. I the undersigned, the refereeIn tali Judgment named, willsell at public auction at theNew York Rea: tstate Salesroom?. No. 11l Broadway, In

the Borouch of Manhattan. City of New York, on the 6thday of February. 1903. at 12 o'clock noon on that day. byStrong & Ireland, auctioneers, the premises directed by

said Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows:All those lots or parcels of land in the City and County

of New York with the buildings and improvements there-

on described follows: Commencing at a point on thenortherly side of Feventy-thlrd Street distant on« hundredand twenty-five f125l feet westerly from the northwesterly

corner of"Seventy-third Street and Second Avenue, and

running thence notherly parallel with Second Avenue onehundred and two Oo_> feet and two (2) Inches: thencewesterly and oaralM with Seventy-third Street one hun-dred and sevens-live 0751 feet; thence southerly andparalle' w'th Second Avenue one hundred and two (10.)

feet and two Oil Inch's to the northerly fide of Seventy-third Street- thence easterly alone the northerly side orSeventv-thlrd street ono hundred and seventy-five (I»3>

feet to the point or nlace of beginning, be the said sev-eral dim nsdons more or less, beinr premises known asNos 225 _25. 227. 22». 231. 233 and 235 East Seventy-thirdStreet, the westerly wallof No. 223 and the easterly wallof No. Z<? being party walls.

Dated New York. January 10th. 1903.LESLIE W. RUSSELL. Referee.

Ander-on. Pen ileton &\u25a0 Anderson, attorneys ior plaintiff.25 Broad Street. Borough of Manhattan. New York

The said parcels of land willbe sold separately.The following is a. diagram of the said several parcel-

to *• sold as dercribed above, the street numbers beingreepectlvely 833. 22.'.. IT-T. 2.0, .31. 233 and 235 EastSeventy-third Street:

East Tod rtrcet.

The a->T>ro3tlm«t«- amount of the lien or charge to satisfy

which th« above described rroperty is to Le sold Is $3>.-31133 >.-3113 33 with Interest thereon from the 20th day of Decem-ber' 190" together with costs and allowance amounting

to $338.40 with Interest from January 7th. 1003. togetherwith th<? exD-nses of tho &ale. The approximate amount

of taxe- and assessments or other liens which are to be

allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase tnvney or

raid by tli3 Referee is 1340 and interest on each of saidPa parcel No. i. known as No. 223 East Seventy-thirdStreet is sold subject to a prior mortgage of $l_.0"0 withinterest at the rate of 41..41.. per cent from April 30th, 1902.'

Parcel No _, known as No. -25. Is sold subject to a.prior mortgage of $10.0(0 with interest at the rate of 4per cent from March Ist. 1902.

Parcel No 3. known as No. 2-7. Is sold subject try aprior mortgage of $10,000 with interest at the rate of 4per cent from March Ist. 1902. _\u25a0 _-

Parcel No. 4. known as No. 229, is eol_ subject tr. aprior nmrtcsKe of 510.000 with interest at the rate of 4per cent from March Ist. 19*'-'. \u25a0\u25a0

Parcel No. 5. known as Nd. 231. Is fold sub.le:t to aprior mortgage of J12.000 with Interest at the rate of 4Vjper cent from May 13th. 1902.

Parcel No. 6. known as No. 233. is sold (subject to aprior mortgage of (12.000 with Interest at the rate of 4Hper cent fiom May 13th. 1102.

Parcel No. 7. known as No. 235, Is sold subject to aprior mortgage of $12,000 with Interest at the rate of 4V4per cent from June Ist. 11*02.

Dated New York, January 10th. li>o3.LESLIE W. IIU-SELU Referee.


GIBRALTAR—NAPLES GENOA.,\t:\ Pior _». Amity St.. Bvoolclyn.

•Tr_v» Feb 14 10 A.M.; .-.'flmar...Mar. 21. 11 A.M.tNeckar . ...Feb. 21 NoonIK.Albert..Mar. 26. 8:30 P.M.•I^ahn Mar. 14, 9 ». m.|«TVave Apr- 4, l'» a. m.

•Calls at Algiers. trails to Cibraltar. Naplaa. only,

trails to Naples. Genoa only.*OELKICHS & CO.. NO. 3 BROADWAY. N. Y.

Louts H. Meyer. 45 South Third St.. Phila.


From Pier 52. N. X.. Gansevoort St.Knnrrlnr Feb. 24.

_P. M.IKaiser. Apr. 7. 10 A. M.

Kaiser Mar. 10. 10 A. M.!Kronprinz..Arr. 181 9A.M.KronprinV. .Mar. 24. 1P. M.I Kaiaer Win. II.Ap. IS. 4PM


S. S. "KAISER Mill!MIT1 Hi! 11

(of 19.500 tone and 40,000 horse-power>

Will leave New-York on l>«r first departure TUESDAY.APRIL _Sth, at *F. M., for riymjutli. Cherbourg, andBremen.



(F©od™_qipj7 lf DcDdD^pBy the ially-onartered Lloyd Express S. S.

"KAISERIN" (9.500 tons).RATES: $400 AND UP.

All livesary expenses Included Accommodation may

be engaged up to day before sailing, either for the entirecruise or to local points.

Duly the Main Dining Saloon Used.ROUTE: Visiting Madeira, Granada, th* Alhambra. A!-

giers Malta, Athens, Constantinople, Smyrna. 19 days inPalestine and Egypt, Naples. Rom*. Nice, etc.


Under the Personal Direction of

FtB&lM G£_ GB[L_A_OM_ ?201 Washington St.. 11l Broadway.

Boston. New York.



Between San Francisco, Honolulu. Yokohama, Kobe.Nagasaki. Shanghai, Houg Kong.

Steamer 3leave San Francisco at 1 P.\ Feb. 13iSIBERIA Mar. 11D0R1C. '.'.".... Feb. 211 COPTIC Mar. 19

NIPPOn'maRI: Mar. 3[AMERICA MART...Mar. 27'For freight passenger and general information apply to

34i> Broadway, or 1 Battery Place, Washington Building,

and _S7 Broadway. ____OirGl-A-KO^GaQO0 TTDGB-ELETT©

by all lines, choice ca ins 8- lowest fares, sailings, plans,and full Information, foreign money, letters of cr«_it.

travellers' cheques etc.. can be had 1v applying to



Northern Securities (oraiunj.New York. January 22. 1903.

rpHERE HAS BEEN DECLARED A DIVL_en_ Of II1* P*"r cent, en th» capital etock at this

«""omrj_ny. payable February 4th, IMS, to stockholders ofrecord on the" bocks of the Compary on that date.

Ttie Ftock transfer books will be closed at S o'clockT M. January _7t"_. 1903. fend reopened at loo'clock A. --.February BU, 1003.

£_ _,


NEW YORK.27 and Si> Liberty street.

New York, January 7th. 1803.rTHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THIS

Company has this day declared t dividend of FOURper cert, payable at the Company's Office, on February_n<i -l: The transfer book- willbe eloted Wednesday.January the 14th lust., and reopened Tuesday, the Srd ofl>_r__ry. WILLIAMF. DIXON.


N»w York. January 22d. 1800.ELECTION NOTTCB.

The 5II»«oarI rnciiic Railway Co.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE-^annual meeting of the stockholders of The Missouri

Pacific Railway Company willhe held at the general offlctof the Company, in the City of St. I-ouls. Missouri, onT_e«dav March 10th. IWW. at nine o'clock A. M.. for the

\u2666 lection of thirteen Directors for the eiiEUiug year, and

for the transaction of any other business that may comebefore the said meeting. The annual meeting of the Di-

rectors willbe held at the same office on the earns day. at!»elvo o'clock noon. Th" transfer books willbe closed onFriday January ""th. K«O3, at three o'clock P. M-. and re-opened on th« day following the annual meeting of thestockholders or any adjournment thereof.

UEO. J. GOULD. Fresident.A K. CALEF. Secretary.

Copartnership -Coticcs.


Sterling Is this tl^y dissolved by mutual consent.

Urnest Oroesbeck willsign In liquidation.


SO Broadway. N. T.The undersigned hmvo this day entered Into partnership

as Bankers and Brokers under the firm name of GROES-BDCK &. CO.. succeeding the late firm of Groesteck &

Sterling.January 31. 1003.


SO Broadway, February -.. 1003-_-\TR. HILDRETH K. BLOODGOOD BE--

come. t!;is day a ra'"'"'" 1n lv;ir flOWN & CO.

.fomlasnrc Sales.


of yew York. Isaac L. Dunn. Plaintiff, against

John V *McEvily and others, Defendants. In pursuance

of a JudKiuent of Foreclosure and Sale, duly made andentered in the above entitled action, bearing date tho

14th day of January. 1803. I.the undersigned, the RefereeIn said judgment named, will tell at Public Auction, atthe New York Real Estate Salesroom. No. HI Broadway.In the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on the

tenth day .-f February. IWB. at 12 o'clock noon on thatday. by "James L. Wells, Auctioneer, the premises di-rected by said Julgm»nt m be sold, and therein described

as follows: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of landi-ituatr, lying and being In the Twenty-fourth <24th>Ward of the City of New York. Borough of The Bronx.bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point

on th« 6©utherl« p side 01 Two hundred and seventh f2o7thJStreet distant four hundred and five and eleven one-hundredths (40511) feet westerly from the corner formedby the Intersection of the southerly side of Two hundredand seventh Street, with the westerly side of Perry Ave-nue, and running from the said point southerly at rightantics to Two hundred and seventh Street one hundred.ion. feet; thence westerly and parallel with Two hun-dred and seventh Street one hundred (100) feet; thencenortherly and at right angles to Two hundred and seventhStreet one hundred <100) f»et to the southerly side of Twohundred and seventh Street, and thence, easterly along thesoutherly side of Two hundred and seventh street onehundred (100) feet to the point or place of beginning, bothe S3. iseveral distances and dimensions more or lc.s.

Dated, New York. January Kith. 1903.AI'GUSTUS H. VANDKi:rOEI<. Before*.

MERRILL (ft ROGERS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 11lUroadwav. Manhattan, New York City.

The following is a diagram of the property to be solaes described above:

Th« approximate amount of the lien or charge to

satisfy which the above described property Is to be soldIs three thousand three hundred and f-e\er. and 43-100lhsdollars ($8,307.48) with Interest thereon from the 14thday of January. 1903. together with costs and allowanceamounting to two hundred and nineteen and 23-lOOthsdollar. (5219.23). with interest from January 14th. 1&03.together with the expenses of the saje. The approxi-mate amount of taxes, aEse*?m»nt«. or other liens, whichare to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchasemoney, or paid by the Referee, is seventy-four and04 -lOOlhs dollars *J74.04) and interest.

Dated. New Ycrk. January 16th. 1903.AUGUSTUS H. VANDERPOEIi. Referee.

gUPREME COURT. NEW YORK COUNTY.—Margaret Welche. plaintiff, agair.rt Rosalie Pchoen-

fcerg and others, defendants. In pursuance of a Judgmentat foreclosure and sale, duly made and entered in theabove entitled action, and bearing date the first day ofApril. 1902. I, the undersigned, the Referee in said Judg-ment named, will sell at public auction, at the New YorkReal Estate Salesroom at No. 11l Broadway, in the Bor-ough of Manhattan, In the County arid City of New Torfc.aatbe 2nd day of December, 100_. at Twelve O'clock noonon that day byVincpnt A. Ryan. Auctioneer, the rr<-iniffeadirected by paid judgment to be «)ld, and therein ''"I:frl.ed as" follows All that certain lot, piece or parcelof land Sttvate, lying and being in the City. County

and State at New York, and now known by the StreetNumber Thirty (30) West Ninth Street, and boun-l-d ani

d-scrlhed as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerlytide if Wast Ninth Street, distant tour hundrea and thirty

*\u0084. and nine inches westerly from the Kiutliwc»teny

comer of Fifth Avenue and West Ninth Street; running

thence southwardly and parallel with Fifth Avenue nine-,.,three feet and eleven inches: thence , wejtwaroly an. l

para;;*-] withWeet Ninth Street twenty-five feet and fourInches th»nce northwardly and again parallel with th«

Fifth Avenue ninety-three feet and eleven Inches to the

southerly side of West Ninth Street, and th-rce east-

warn:-.- along the same twenty-five feet and four Inchesto Vhe point or place of beginning; be said \u25a0ewj^.f1tances and dimensions more or less. Said premie wIUIbesold subject to the contingent rights or claims If any

there be. not barred by the Judgment herein, in favor ofany persons, horn or unborn, not parties to this action

rlaimin- as heirs of Joseph Rosenneld. deceased, or_asdevisees tinder his will,recorded in the offlee^of the fcurro-

ate of New York Cbunty in Liber 316 of Wills at page

lf>o or under *uch heirs or devisees.IJaud New Y.r_. Novcrnber^Oth. '^St. Referee.

COtJDERT BROTHERS. PlalntifTt >("-'r"?". f."""^"^I'oftVfiiccAddress. No. 71 Broadway. Manhattan. >.ew

Che following Is a diagram of the property to N» sold:West f'th Street.

Tiie arproximate amount of the Hen or charge to satisfy

which the above described property is to be sold is Four-teen Thousand <*14.0u0) Dollar*, with Interest thereonfrom April Is. IMS. together with the expenses of thetale. The approximate amount of taxes, assessments oroUi«r liens, which are to be allowed to the purchaser outof the purchase money, or to be paid by the Relcrpe -IsTwo Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten and LO-lw

152.010.50> Dollars . :!Dated New York. Norember 10th, Kȣ

T:i>lHL' B. FROST, Refera*.The foresolnc sale Is hereby adjourned to Tuesday.

December 16th. 10«2. et th» same time and place.Dated New York. December^ .lDJß^,

COUDERT BROTHERS, Plaintiffs Attrvrncys. OfTtce and.Poitofflct! Addrets. No. 71 ISroadwaj'. Manhattan.

The foregoing sale Is hereby further adjourned to Tues-day December SOth, 1&02, at the same time and place.

Dated New York. December 16th.FROST. Referee.ELJHU K. FROST. Refe^e.

COUDERT BROTHERS. Plaintiffs Attorneys Office andPostofhce Address. No. 71 Broadway. Manhattan. ,N«w

The forecoinc Bale le l.<T«by further adjourned to

Wednesday. list, VW3. at the same time and

PDated New York. December Nth. IMS.

ELIHD B. FROST. Referee.COUDERT BROTHER?. Plaintiff's Attorneys. Office and

Postcfflc* Address. No. 71 Broadway. Manhattan, New

T «W

foregoing sal» Is hfrfhy further adjourned toWednesday, February 4th. 1903. at tho sams time and

D^d New York, J—ryJlst. R(),T. n.feree.

COI'DKRT BROTHERS, Plaintiff- Attor-.oya Office andP.fstofflce Address, No. 71 Hroadway. Manhattan.New York.

SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF NEWYrrk.—Solomon Jacobs. Plaintiff, acalnst Max Wein-

Bteln and others Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment

of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered In theabove entitled action, and bearing dato the 14th cay ofJanuary- ISO 31. the undersigned, the Referee In saidSSn't narnVd. willsell at public auction at the New

York Heal E-t«te Salesroom. No. 11l Broadway. In th<>Borouch of Manhattan. City of New York, on the m.iday

o«'February 1901-

at 12 °-clock noon Ml that day- by Peter

F M/ver Auctioheer. the premises directed by said Judg-:.,

to be Sold and therein described as follows: All

t"o?e _?r»-e certain lots. --ces. or parcels of land. situatel"irTe and belie In the Borough of The Bronx. City of

Ne«? York and bounded an* described as follows: Eegln-nlnc at a point en the easterly Eide of Third Avenue, <lls-

Sinf on*

hundred l and one (101) feet and nlnety-cne-onevJ,^«r^sthß rtl-100) of a foot southerly from the intersec-tion cf the ___ierlr ««!• of Third Avenue and the south-

"rtv tid- of Hundred and Seventy-fourth Street: run-S__SS_S_s_ ssfflS-sa sss, %&&&Kcventv-fourth Street one hundred <1OO) feet to tne east-

er-vflc of Third Avenue, and thence northerly^ along thneasterly iMtdFThM Avenue

(7f) «tat to th.

point or place of beclnnlng.New MUg^r "S.SnuEit Refer...

6\UI BERNSTEIN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 149 broadwar.

The approximate amount of the l!»n. or <**rj9 to

-.H*"v"hlch the above-described property I» to be sold. Uwith interest thereon from the 14th day of

S24.iwT.JS. »"""'


'cr wltn cogts and allowance amount-

January ISO-. interest, together with the expenses ofing t.:.f->. ';\u25a0•\u25a0• \;',.:,._ .i;i-be bold Bubject to prfor martthCWi«s«a?nlt the tame, amounting In the sggr«ga;o

foBthe »urn Of Thlrty-flve thousand and five hundred

dollars vow York Hth 6iyof January. m».Dated BAKPSOK H. WEINIIANDLEIt.Referee.

A DVFRTISKMKNTS and «ut..-crlpUoiiS for The™"A !*>**•*yo r̂^TBRoS3>WAY.

DAILY SERVICE.For Old Point Comfort. Norfolk. Portsmouth. Pinner's

Point and Newport News. Va.. connecting for Petersburg.Richmond. VirginiaBeach. Washington. D. C. and entire

South and West.Freight and 'passenrer steamers sail from Pier 26. N.

R toot Beach St.. every week day at 3 P. M.X.. iooioca^-uH. B. WALKER, Trade Manager.

ALLISI-tIIALHERSCOMPANY.New York. Jan. 13. 1903.

rpHE BOAPD OF DIRECTORS HAS THISday AmrlTei th» regular quarterly dividend of ONE

AND THREE QUARTERS <lKr<l PER CENT, on thePreferred Stock of this Company, payable February Jd.J'*B to stockholder* of record on January 24th, 1903.

S»Pjsten« Stock Transfer Book, willbe closed onfaturdav January 24th IK*,at 12 o'clock noon, and willbTreoptted on Tuesday. February 3d. 1603. at 10 o'clock*"M- \r. J. CHALMERS. Treasurer.

CXnciicn Sales— .financial.


—Joseph J. O'Donohue. Jr.. and Thomas

J. O'Donohue, Plaintiffs, acalnst Franklin Bien. as Sub-stituted Trustee of the Trusts created" by the first codicilof the Last Will and Testament of Stagey Pitcher. -'o-ceased. and others. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judg-

ment of Foreclosure and Sale, duly made and entered inthe above-entitled action, bearing date th« 22nd day ofDecember. 1902. 1. the undersiKned. the Referee In saidJudgment named, willsell at Public Auction, at the NewYork Real Estate Exchange Salesroom. No. 11! Broadway.In the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on the3rd day of February. 1&03. at 12 o'clock noon, on that D. Phfrnls Ingraham. Auctioneer, the premises directedby said judgment to be sold, and therein described as fol-lows: All those several certain lotp. pieces or parcels ofland, withthe buildings and Improvements thereon, situatein the Fifth Ward of the City of New York, known asNumbers 213 and 213 Duane and ISO West Street, andwhich taken tOKeti.or. art* bounded and described as fol-lows to wit: Beginning at the northeasterly corner ofDuano find West Strvet and running thence northerlyalong- tho easterly line of West Street twenty-four feet andtwo inches to the centre line of the party wall erectedpartly on the premiss hereby convoyed, and partly on thelot next adjoining and northerly thereof, and known aa

Number 101 West Street: thence easterly along the middleline of sild party wall parallel, or nearly bo. with DuanaStreet forty-two feet nine: Indies, more or less, to thecentre line of another party wall standing partly on thepremises hereby conveyed and partly on the premises nexteasterly thereof known as Number 215 Duane Street, andalso her*by conveyed, and thence northwardly parallel, ornearly so. with West Street, and along, through and be-yond the continuation of said party wall, standing partly

on said premises known as Number 213 Duane Street andrartly on the premises adjoining the rear thereof, and

known as Number 191 West Street, twenty feet fiveInches;thence eastwanSly parallel, or nearly SO. with Duane

Street thirty-nine feet four inches to Caroline Street;

thence southerly along Caroline Street forty-four feet nine

Inches to Duane Street, and thence westerly along Duanestreet eichty-three feet two Inches to the place of begin-ning, be the said several distances and dimensions morerDa


ted. New York,Referee.

TV P *R. K. PRENTICE. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 52Broadway (Manhattan). New York. N. Y.

The following ts a diagram of the property to be sold asdescribed above, the street numbers being 213 an* -15Duane St. and 190 West St.. In the Borough of Manhattan,ritvof New York.

Duane Street.

The approximate amount of th« !l«*n or chargo to satisfywhich tho above-described property Is to be »ol<J la164 2fct'>(X> with Interest thereon from tie 22nd day of De-cember I(KC together with coats and allowance* ainount-tnK to 5M1.32. will!Interest from December l*2nd. 1002. to-«ther with tha expense* of the sale. The approximateamount of tax'-B. aeseßßment*, or cth*r liens, which ar,to be all..w<^ to the purchaser out of tlia purch££» money,

orPaid by the Referee, Is $2,600 and interest.r>ated H.W York. January 12th. 1 3

kmBV. IMftr-.Dated. rva.v 10 k.oufiTAVUS T# KIRBri r.ef»r*».

TAKE 2 WEEKS OFF.You <an leave Now Tork by the fin*stoamer9 of the Ward Line every SaturdayfOr

HAVANA.have » capital rest, and £*"» the beautifuland Interesting Island of Cuba. ourSPECIAL TOURIST PARTIES LEAVEFebruary 7. ill. March 7.

Shall we fend you details?THOS. COOK Jc «ON.


TWO .NEW YORK OFFICES:2<51 B'way, cor. Warren. Phone 4637 Cort'dt.1185 IVway. cor. as 81 Phone 17&(? Mad. 3q.

\u25a0-« \u25a0.•!»,"

Philadelphia, Chicago, etc.

J-'"-'~- ~~- ~~~



<!er date of November 7th. \ the Superintend-

7 ,V««m7tT<l<»- txceDt that upon On« tnousand

«cTSf UlD^oadway. Kew York Cit,.ojltajUy. K*-

mmmmmtb« Laws cf lfcttNew Tcr.,

py J. V. MMAttest:

j.B. VANWOETIT.S«fT»tßry.

.financial meetings.~~~ ~*

New VorK. .laiiUi»ry524. 1&03.

>t. I.onls.ELECTION NOTICK. .Rnll-

-I. 1.0n!.. Iron Mountain A; Sontliem Rnll-


annual \u25a0hsMbm of Oh •to.-kholden or the .st.K£''v,i":

IronMountain & Southern Railway Company will l»*• \u25a0'•t the scr.tiMl office of the Coir.oany in the City •or ht.

lyjuis. Iwmri. on Tuesday. tlHrch IOth. 19Ti3 at nine

-Vlock A. M.. for the election or thirteen "Mrectors lor

the eneuirr y^t. and for the transaction of an* other

buelnesc that may come bffor-eala rnesUns;. Th« «H9U»I\u0084r«TIn£ of tfce -. \u0084.;, »iU .- held at th* wune offloe

on the eatne day at twelve o'clock noon. The jraimftrrInnil »ill be dosed on rri(J«v J»: J-»r-. •\u25a0""';. •"»• •*

three o'clock F. il. and reOKWd oo tho day following "';antiufcl Uiß«'.l.';.- Of the aiotiholdcrs «r any a<3journui«nttl*r"'f'

GBO. J. GOULD, rrcrWtat.A.H. CALi."F. ttcreiM,.

Steamships of the RED "D" LINK will sail for SanJuan direct, as follows:S S. CARACAS Saturday. February 7. noona. 8. PHILADELPHIA Saturday. February 21, noon

For freight or naanase apply to


Qacera.l Managers. 133 Front St.


St Paul Feb. 4. 10 a, m., Ktnland Feb. 14. 10 a.m./.-•land '\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 Feb. 7. l'» ••\u25a0 in..Philadelphia. Feb. IS, loa. m.

RED STAB LINK-XV jffcltV-YORK-^ANTWUKT—PAP.I3.ZeeUnd Feb. T. JO a. m.l Vaderlan<l...Feb. 21, 10 a.m.Finland ..Feb. 14. 10 a. m.l Kroonland.F<t>. 23. 10 a. in.

Piers 14 and 15 N. R. Office. 73 Broadway. X. Y.

TTOLIJIXD-AMEUICA LINE."^New Twin-screw .Stramer» of 12.500 Ton».

NliW YORK—ROTTKKDAM. via IKMUit-iNR.falling Wtvlnetday at 10 A. M.

Amsterdam Feb. 4 Amsterdam Mar. 11

R>ndam Feb. Iftisltatandaro Mar. 11Rotterdam ...Mar. 4 Ryndam Mar. 2$

A DVERTISEMENTB or-" subscriptions, for The. THbun*-A. received at their Uptown Office,

SO. I.3tM BKOADWAY.Advertisements willbe received at the followingbranch

offices at rcjrulax oftlco rat«s until 8 o'clock d. m.. vU.:Jißi Btli-nve.. \u25a0. •«\u25a0 cor. SUi-si.:153 '.(li-air. cor.

12th-st.: 02 East 14th-at.« 257 M>st 4'_'d-»t.. be-

tween 7th and Btu »res ;2«» Weal 125th-at.t I.USS;i,l.avr,. between 76th and 77;h sts. : I.O^U :!il-«if.,

near 61et-st.: I.TM 1»<-Sive.. near 60tb-et.:157 Eo»tJSStb^tt.l 75«» Trrm9Bt>ave.i «5O ;|il-»vp.. near4lst-«t' 854 3d-Hve.: -to Bleei«Ji*r-it : 31!5Bleeck«?i-»t. Brooklyn. N. W *Tl<i Conrt-at.i«15 Smith-lit.: l.«X>4 Gate»-ave. NeWnrlC, W. J#—701 Urend»at~ Also at A. V. T. offlcea.

sure Sales.£ovtzl HailrooDs.


©ctan Btcamcro.iniancial itUctings.Oituijcnft _vgiiccb.

Pirutm*. It.Wiyne a.- Chic. Ry. Co. Ist & 2d iltge. 7s.Portsmouth. Ohio. 5»Kidgeville. In!.. Public School fie.Wheeling Terminal Ky. Co.. 1 \u25a0: Mtge. 4s.

Feb. 15;h.Grant County. Ind.. <",? and Annual ss.

Winslow, Lacier & Co., 17 Nassau St.. N. Y.City.THE INTEREST ON THB FOLLOWING BONDS

IS PATABUS AT OCR RANKING-HOUSQ ON ANDAFTKR KEURUARY 20. IMSAmerican Cotton Oil Co.. 42 |^rcent.Bedford. liid.. I'undirr >\u25a0-

Cleveland Akrvj& Columbus Ry. Co. IsCleveland

•Pitt*. K. B. Co. «.\u25a0•!. M:=<- . Series "D."

lias City. lni.. .".sC,r_nt «'... Ind.. Gravel Head fin.

[SUPREME COURT. NEW YORK COUNTY.—Mew York Security and Trust Company, as substituted

trustee of the trusts created In and by the willof DavidOlj-phant Vail, deceased, and Anna Murray Vall. plaintiffs,against Rosalie Schoenberg and others, defendants. inpursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and gale July madeand entered In the above entitled action, bearing date triefirst day of April.IMS. I. the undersigned, the Referee insaid judgment named, willcell at publlo auction at theNew York Real Kstat« Salesroom, at No- HI«roaii»a>.in the H.-rough of MHiihattan. in the County and city otNew York, on the 2d day of December. I!M>2 at twelveo'clock noon on that day. by Vincent A. Ryan. Auctioneer,

the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, anatherein described as follow*: All that certain lot. Pieceor parcel of lard, situate, lyingand being In the City.

County and State of New York, and now known DytM

Street number two hundred and sixty-four (-•>-» westThirty-fourth Street, and bounded and des..-rib«-d as KM-lows: H-cnnliic nt \u25a0«. noint on the southerly line orThirty-fourth Street, distant one hundred and Pl«>-flve feet easterly from the southeasterly corner of blpntn

Avenue and Thirty-fourth Street; running thence south-wardly and parallel withEighth Avenue ninety-eight feetand nine Indies; thence running eaatwardty and parallel

with Thirty-fourth Street nineteen feet and fix Indies;

thence northwardly and asraln parallel with Eighth Avenueninety-eight feet and nine inches to the southerly line ofThirty-fourth Street, and thence westwardly along th«

same nineteen feet in.i six Inches to the point or i.a<-e orbeginning Be said several distances and dimensions moreor less. Said premises willbe sold subject to the con-tingent rights or claims, ifany there be. not barred by thejudgment herein. In favor of any persons, born or unborn,

not parties to this action, claiming as heirs of Joseph

Rosenfielu*. deceased, or as devisees under his willrecordedIn the office of the Surrogate of New York County In LiberSit! of Wills at page 150. or under such heirs or devisees.

Baled New York. November^lOth. Wf^^ Rpferep

COUPERT BROTHERS. Plaintiffs Attorneys. Office and

Postoffico Address. **\u25a0». 71 Broadway. Manhattan, NewY»-rk City

Is a diagram of the property to be sold:The followingIs a diagram of the property to be sold:\u25a0West 3-ltli Street.

The appro*imat» amount, of the Hen or chars* to satisfywhich the above described property Is to be sold is tenthousand ($1(U»1O) dollars, with interest thereon from April

Ist. 1802, together with the expenses of the sale. Th<sapproximate amount of taxes, assessments or other Hens,which are to b<> allowed to the purchaser out of the pur-chase money, or paid by th* Referee- . is two thousandthree hundred and seventy-three and 96-160 ($2,073.05)dollar?.

Dated New Tork. November loth. 1001!.EUHD B. FRQST. Referee.

The for*>KOlnK sale i*hereby adjourned to Tuesday. r>e-cember l'»th 1902. at the same time and place.

Dated New York. December 2nd. 1002.ELIHIT B. FP.OST. Referee.

COUDKRT BROTHERS. Plaintiff*1 Attorney*. Office and"Pojttofflee Address. No. 71 Broadway, Manhattan. NewTork City.

sale is hereby further adjourned to Tues-The foregoing sale Is hereby further ad.iournrd to Tues-day. December 30th. 1802, at the Bam« time and place.

Dated New York. December l«th, 1902.ELIHU B. FROST. Refers*.

COtDERT BROTH EHS. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Office andPostofllce Address. No. 71 Broadway, Manhattan. New

The° foresoi'ns rale is hereby further adjourned to"Wednesday. January 21st, VMS. at the same time andplaoe.

Dated New York. December So. ifxV.:.El 111!' B. FROST, Referee.

COUDERT BROTHERP Plaintiffs* Attorneys. Office and"PeetoOee Address. No. 71 Broadway. Manhattan. NewTort City. . .

The foregoing rale is hereby further adjourned toWednesday. February 4th. 1903. at the tame time and

place.Dated 1 New York. January 21st. 1903.

ELIHUB. FROST, R°fer»e.COCDERT BROTHERS. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Office and

Post office Address, Xo. 71 Broadway. Manhattan. New-York.

For Particulars Apply to


35-37 BROADWAY. N. T.

