new york state digital library - 11/north... · a single substitution—not one...

Fuesday, October 18, 1966 Tonawanda NEWS Page 7 •'• 1 I'. •• Try and Stop Me By BINNITT CBHF I N THE DAYS when Khrushchev was Mr. Big in the Soviet Union, he often admitted that Stalin treated him occa- sionally like a court jester or clown and ordered him, "Dance the Gopak." "And," Khrushchev would add, M I danced." Somebody in the crowd would always cry out, "Why did you let him make a fool of you?" and Khrushchev would demand sternly, "Who asked that question?" In- evitably, nobody answer- ed, and after the appro- priate pause, Mr. K. would conclude, *That, comrades, is why I danced." * ' A few baseball oddities recorded by the late Frank Graham: Connie Mack's Athletics played through the five games of the 1910 World Series without a single substitution—not one pinch hitter, runner, or relief pitcher! . . . Charley McCoy of Fort Worth, Texas, made 31 errors in one game in 1932 . . . In one game in 1906, only one baseball was used in a complete 9-inning game between Chicago and Cincinnati . . . Bobo Newsom, pitching both ends of a double-header, walked the first four batters in game one, then started the nightcap by striking out the same four. An elephant who had been a steady customer at a neighbor- hood bar for months suddenly dropped out of sight, then just as suddenly lumbered back to the eight bar stools he waa wont to occupy. "Where you been, Big Boy?** demanded the bartender. The elephant answered, "I've been on the circus wagon." WISHING WELL^ Registered V. S. Patent Office. 7 « 2 3 5 S 2 7 3 4 2 f t R T Y W J A O I O T U O S 6 2 3' 8 ft 7. 2 3 6 8 4 2 7 U G B V V O 'X Y 8 R O V H S S 6 7 S 6 2 7 8 6 S 4 2 B L B E F P A S B O U P N 6 4 2 3 7 5 2 8 6 5 2 3 4 W B D C A L G I E H E O R 7 6 4 2 5 7 5 8 4 2 3 6 7 R R A T M E E N" V M E W I 6 7 6 5 4 2 3 2 5 6 8 7 8 I N 8 A E U P C L B C Y O 6 5 8 7 4 3 2 3 4 1 7 8 6 L T M O A A H Y Y E U H Y H ERE is a pleasant little game that will give you a message every day. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your first name. If the num- ber of letters is • or more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 5, add 3. The result is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the totters under the checked figures give you. WNED-TV — Ch. 17 Educational Looking in Tonight 6:39 pan. History of Latin America. College Credit 7 pan. Tales ef Poindexter. 7:13 sun. Friendly Giant 7:39 p.m. what's New: ''Shrimp Beat." The techniques of shrimping and an introduc- tion to the men who make their living from netting the delica- cies of the gulf-stream are pre- sented. 3 p jn. History of Lathi Ameri- ca II. College credit 3:39 p.m. Opinion to the Capi- tal. Candid interviews with Washington political insiders are presented by newsman Mark Evan. 9 p.m. French Chef. Julia Child has a glint of adventure in her eye as she tackles a turkey carcass and a bowl of leftover vegetables. 9:39 pjn. Japan — A New Dawa Over Asia. A victory in the Russo-Japanese War is the start of expansionist adventure. The Rising Sun shines on Man- Chaplin Back at Work His foot in a cast and on crutches, veteran actor-director Charlie Chaplin, 77, returns to work on his latest film, "The Countess of Hong Kong," at Pinewood Studios in London yesterday. Chaplin, once famous for his walking stick rou- tine, has to use crutches because of a broken ankle sustained in a fall on the movie set a week ago. (UPI) UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilU I I churia and 400,000 square miles of China. Her "moment of truth": Hiroshima. Actual films of the events as they happened are shown. 16:39 p.m. U.S.A. — Arts and the University. Work of students in the Design Department is used to illustrate and explain graphic design and the tools of graphic designer. Tomorrow 8:15 am. Eye on the Universe. College Credit 8:45 a.m. English. Teachers Education. 9:29 a.m. Children ef Other Lands. Grades 4-6. 9:45 ajn. American Literature. Grades 11-12. ilHIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHlC ger complaints by announcing their retirement and leaving the Hooterville Cannonball immobi- lized. FACTORY AUTHORIZED COLOR TV SERVICE AT L&M TELEVISION We guarantee the parts we •at in year set fee ONR rutx YEAR aet tost n days L&M TV 73 WEBSTER ST. PHONE NX 2-5328 19:16 ajn. Parlous. Grade 4. 19:39 a.m. Mr. Whatnot. Kin- dergarten - Grade X 11:95 ajn. Parlous. Grade 5. 11:23 ant. Exploring Oar Lan- guage. Grades 4-6. 1:95 pan. Art Grade 6. 1:39 pan. Mr. Whatnot. Kin- dergarten-Grade 3. 2:95 p.m. Tell Me a Story. Grades 1-3. 2:25 pan. Humanities. Grades 11-12. 3 pan. English. Teachers Ed- ucation. 3:35 pan. English. Teachers Education . EILEEN HECKART HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Ei- leen Heckart, an Oscar nomi- nee for "The Bad Seed." will play a schoolteacher in "Up the Down Staircase." RIVIERA V ENDS TONIGHT "SRNOUT" T H E SINGING NUN" ! - STARTS TOMORROW — Basad on tff ///» of M/chs/ange/o (mm m HESTON• HARRISON wHw^toi'ft? SBt, avrasv *•*"•» COLOR BY DELUXE LANE CI LENTO aaa—H* AND SOPHIA LOREN, PETER SELLERS THE MILLIONAIRESS' pip40H& STARTS WEDNESDAY ROSSHUNTBTS THE PAD \M> mm •M II BRIAN BEDFORD-JULIE SOMMARS-JAMES FARENTINO PUS! JAMES STEWART In Technicolor "THE RARE BREED" Looking In Tonight 4:36 pan. .Ch. 4. The 4:36 Show. Peter Sellers and Jean Se- berg star in "The Mouse That Roared." 6 pan. Ch. 7. Twilight Theater. A father tries to raise his sons in his image in "Gunman's Walk," with Van Heflin and Tab Hunter. 7 pan. Ch. 4. The Honeymoon- ers. Finding a suitcase crammed with SlOO-bills, bus driver Kram- den goes on a huge spending spree that continue until he runs into a gang of counterfeit- ers to whom the suitcase be- longs. 7:30 pan. Ch. 2. The Girl From UNCLE. April Dancer travels to a bull ranch in Mexico to search for three rocket scientists and winds up as the intended victim in a bullfight. 7:36 pan. Ch. 4. Daktari. Mike uses Clarence, the cross - eyed lion, to bolster the courage of a young tribesman accused of cow- ardice. 7:36 pan. Ch. 7. Combat. A group of teenage Germans de- fend a strategic farmhouse that Sgt Saunders and his men must capture. 8:36 pan. Ch. 2. Occasional Wife. Peter Christopher jeopard- izes his raise and promotion by diverting his attention to the pursuit of a blonde other than his "occasional wife." 8:36 pan. Ch. 4. Red Skelton Hour. Robert Vaughn, Joyce Jameson, Jay and the Americans are guests. 8:38 pan. Ch. 7. The Rounders. Howdy Lewis makes himself a pocket piece that proves so lucky that Jim Ed tries to buy it. 9 Pan. Ch. 2. Tuesday Might Movie. Jackie Gleason stars in "Papa's Delicate Condition," a comedy about the problems gen- erated by a warm-hearted, flam- boyant family man with co-stars Glynis Johns and Charles Rug- gles. 9 pan. Ch. 7. The ProiUs of Southampton. The government is going to board up the Pruitt es- tate as unsaleable, so the Pru- itts hire an actor to pose as a prospective buyer. 9:38 pan. Ch. 4. Petticoat June, tion. Railroaders Charley Pratt and Floyd Smoot answer passen- ENDS TONIGHT—"THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD' SHERIDAN Drive In LAST TIME TONIGHT Elvis Presley and Diane McBain "SPINOUT" And Lloyd Bridges end David McCallum In "AROUND THE WORLD UNDER THE SEA" STARTS TOMORROW Oar Man Flint (James Coburn) "DEAD HEAT ON A MERRY-GO-ROUND" ELECTRIC HEATERS 9:38 Pan. Ch. 7. Love on a Rooftop. David comes face-to- face with Julie's heritage when they accept her father's invita- tation to weekend in Los An* geles. 16 pan. Ch. 4. CBS News Re- port An investigation of the criminal — from the first offend- er to the vicious, hardened re- peater T- what effect prison has on him and what the penal sys- tem is doing to equip him to re- enter society, is featured. 19 p.m. Ch. 7. The Fugitive. Richard Kimble jeopardizes his own freedom to treat a critically ill infant. 11:28 p.m. Ch. 4. The 11:28 Show. A big - time gambler, de- ported to his native Grecian is- land, is offered the bejeweled crown of a dethroned king in "Surprise Package," starring Yul Brynner and Mitzi Gaynor. 11:38 p.m. Ch. 7. The Late Show. An adventurer runs guns to the Syrians fighting the French in 1925 Damascus in "Si- rocco," with Humphrey Bogart and Marta Toren. Tomorrow 11 nan. Ch. 2. Pat Boone Show. Guests include Lana Can- trell and the Geezinslaw Broth- ers. 11:30 a.m. Ch. 4. The Dick Van Dyke Shew. Pippa Scott guest stars as a rabbi's wife when Buddy secretly studies for his long - delayed bar mitzvah. Noon. Ch. 7. Money Movie. Part in of "The Loves of Car- men," with Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford, is presented. When a youngster of twelve decides to go with her brother on his hon- eymoon and escape her "drab" life, it seems logical to her that everyone else should agree in "Member of the Wedding," with Ethel Waters, Julie Harris and Brandon De Wilde. 2:38 pan. Ch. 4. House Party. Art talks about Hollywood's fa- mous Sunset Strip with Sheriff's Department captain Victor Ri- seau. 4:38 pan. Ch. 4. The 4:38 Show. Tony Curtis and Mona Freeman star in "Flesh and Fury," the story of a deaf - mute prizefight- er, involved with a mercenary dancer, who regains his speech and hearing with the help of the girl he loves. Buy US. Savings Bonds Television in Review Old-Fashioned Heroes Making Comeback on Video By RICE DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) — Could it be that the American television public is yearning; for series with some good old-fashioned heroes, and is finally getting slightly weary of shows that make fun of them? There are signs this season that such may be the case. The most notable example is the situation of the production firm that turned out one of last season's big hits, "Get Smart," a tongue-in-cheek approach to the secret agent and spy epics. Still a Hit "Get Smart" is still a hit; but the production company has fallen on its face with two more new series that try a somewhat similar approach. One is NBC-TV's "The Hero," about a television Western idol who is a real-life bumbler. The other is CBS-TV's "Run, Buddy, Run," about a young man who overhears some big gangster plans in a steam room and is pursued by the hoodlums in each show. Neither new series has shown any appreciable signs of catching on strongly with the viewing public. On the other hand, consider an opposite trend of a minor sort, beginning with some Barry Sullivan Lives Alone And Likes It By VERNON SCOTT HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Barry Sullivan, surrounded by family in the new series "The Road West," lives alone and likes it in private life. After three previous series, and three unsuccessful marriag- es, the 53-year-old actor is willing to attempt still another television skein, but not another fling at matrimony. Barry lives in a Connecticut- farm style home perched atop the Santa Monica mountains with a sweeping view of the city. Because his previous home was decorated with modern furnishings, Sullivan haunts antique shops for early American and 18th Century English pieces to match the architecture of his new sur- roundings. The house itself has three bedrooms and a den, spacious quarters for a single man. There is also a guest house with two bedrooms and bath. 'Til find uses for all the rooms," says Sullivan, "When my youngsters come to visit they stay in the guest house." He is the father of Patricia, 11; Jenny, 19; and John, 23. Patsy spends the summers and holidays with her father, returning to live with her mother in New York the rest of the year. The only other occupants of Sullivan's home are his mon- grel dog, Gigi, and three cats, Maxie, Precious and Stinker. An apartment over the garage is inhabited by Sulli- van's man Friday, Chuck Wagner, a jack-of-all-trades who cooks, tidies the house, answers fan mail. He has been with Sullivan for more than a decade. Sullivan's swimming pool sees little use. His arduous hours begin at 5:30 a.m. He drives to Universal studios in a small convertible English sports car. He seldom returns home before 7:30 pan. Two or three nights a week he squires a pretty girl to dinner. Frequently Chuck whips up a feast for eight or 10 guests. Twice a year Sullivan throws a lavish party as a means of seeing all his friends. "The show takes up so much of my time I'm not free to socialize as much as I'd like," he explains. Sullivan is a weekend tennis player, usually on the courts of friends at Malibu. Most of his fellow players are writers and directors. Sullivan's evenings are devot- ed to reading biography and historical novels in his den. "I have no time to be lonely," he says. "I believe in the institution of marriage. But it's difficult for an actor to be the kind of husband he'd like to be. "Now I'm single and free to come and go as I please. Am I happy? If I'm not, I'm a dope." Television Schedule shows that have caught on this semester: Hottest Series "Rat Patrol," an action-hero type new ABC-TV program about some Allied jeep jockeys who fight the Nazis in North Africa in World War II, is the hottest new series of the season. "The Bridge on the River Kwai," the famous movie that is also a World War II story with heroes and action, earned for ABC-TV an audience estimated, incredibly to be about 60 million persons, more than any spoof could hope for. In addition to war-hero-action formulas, two other standard series types show evidence of returning—westerns and police stories. "Iron Horse," a frontier opus, has established itself thus far, with a free swinging gambler - turned - railroad-ty- coon as its hero. Traditional Approach "Felony Squad," a series about policemen has also caught on, and it is a show with a traditional approach. "Dragnet," the old police series favorite, is being re- turned with new episodes on NBC-TV next year, as that network perhaps is sensitive in this case to the changing audience backlash. "The FBI" caught on last season, and has held on. Paging Eliot Ness. And maybe a good thing too. Two new NBC-TV daytime series had their debuts Monday, each half an hour long. One is "The Pat Boone Show," and if you like being sung to in the morning by a cheery fellow in white shoes, I guess you'll enjoy it. The other is "The Hollywood Squares," another game show in which actors and actresses reveal their consum- mate wit. Programs subject to WGR-TV 2 TUESDAY chance without notice. (C>—Color Pros ram WBEN-TV 4 WKBWTV 7 CFTO-TV t 6 00 World 15 Series 30 Huntley- 45 Brinkley Chuck Healy Reports £vening (c) News Theater: "Gunman's Walk," Van 7 00 Complete 15 News Some (e) 45 Girl Honey- mooners Daktari (c) with Heflin News, Wea. Combat <c> with Channel t Theater News: Weather Sports F (c) Troop Star (c) Trek, 8 00 From 15 UNCLE 30 Occasional 45 Wife (c) Marshall Thompson The (c) Red Rick J as M The (c) Rounders William Shatner Musical Showcase 9 00 Tuesday 15 Movie: 30 "Papa's 45 Delicate Skelton Hour Petticoat (c) Junction 10 00 15 30 45 Condi- tion," (c) Jackie Gleason CBS News Reports: Men in Cages (O The (c) Pruitts Love on a Rooftop (c) The <c> Fugitive, David Janssen Love on a Rooftop (c) A Singin' (e) Music I Spy (c) Robert Culp. Bill Cosby 11 00 News; Wea. 15 Tonight (c) SO Johnny 15 Carson Mews, Wea. Sports 11:20 Show News, Sports Weather Late Show News (c) Metro (c) The (c) Hawk WEDNESDAY WGR TV t WBEN-TV 4 WKBW TV 7 CJrTOTV • _ 7 I News 1 » The Today 15 Show Mike Wallace SO with Hugh) Mike's 15 Downs f Attic World Window News Rocket- ship 8 10 11 12 » The Today 15 Show JO Hugh 15 Downs Captain Kangaroo, Bob Keeshan Seven with Dave Thomas University of the Air Bright ana - Early_ (cl Robbij Tane" Romper (c> Room Big 00 Bozo's 15 Top 30 Jack 45 La Lanne "bo Eye (c) " 15 Guess 30 Concen- 4" tration 00 Chain (c) 15 Letter 30 Show- (c) 45 down Bonnie Prudden Love of Life Dialing fee Dollars Dialing for Dollars Playtime with Uncle Bobby I Love Lucy The McCoys Ani^y of May berry Dick Van Dyke Girl Talk Donna Reed Show Supermarket Sweep Dating Game Fractured Phrases rv Bingo Mr. and Mrs. (cl Magistrates Court 00 Jeopardv (Noon 15 Game (c) News 30 Swingin* (c),Tomorrow 45 Country I Guiding Light Money Movie: "Loves of Carmen," Part III Toronto Today, Toronto Today 1 00 The 15 Merv 30 Griffin 45 Show Meet the Millers Th« World Turns Ben Casey. Vincent Edwards 2 00 Days of (c) 15 Our Lives 30 The 45 Doctors Password gam* House Party 3 00 Another 15 World 30 You Don't 45 Say To Tell the Truth Edge of Night Vewlywed Game A Time for Us_ General Hospital Superman show 4 00 The 15 Mike 30 Douglas 45 Show Secret Storm 4:30 Show: "Flesh program and Film Features Matinee: "Once More My Darling," Robert Montgomery People to Conflict Words and Music It's Your Move 11 I Love Lucy Theater: "Stairway 5 00 with 15 guests 30 Passport 45 Two and Fury," Tony , Curtis Laramie, with John Smith to Heaven,** David Niven > Highlights I On Radio I WBEN-FM, 102.5, presents Ar- turo Toscanini conducting the NBC Symphony Orchestra in Brahm's Symphony No. 3 and Leonard Pennario as soloist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra under Erich Leins- dorf at 8 tonight. WEBR, 970, features Part II of Ted Sorensen's interview, on "Assignment People" at 6:45 p.m. WEBR broadcasts the Buf- falo Bison vs. Quebec hockey game at 8:45 tonight. On With the Show RIVIERA THEATRE — Spin- out, 6:45 and 9:55; The Singing Nun, 8:20. STAR THEATRE—The Great- est Story Ever Told, 8:25 only. SHERIDAN DRIVE-IN — Col- or Cartoons, 7:15; Spinout, 7:41 and 11:30; Around The World Under the Sea, 9:30. 1-290 DRIVE-IN - Master of Horror, 7:35 and 12:15; Master of Terror, 8:45; Master of the World, 10:25. DIFFERENT ROLE HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Joan Thomas, Miss Los Angeles of 1964, will play a streetwalker in "Chubasco" for Warner Bros. TOWER INSTALLS SIDE 34 WEBSTER NX 2-0258 1 BOYKO CONSTRUCTION Complete Residential * Commercial Remodeling • Free Estimates Insured CALL NX 3-7376 ——— -694-5S4 1-290 DRIVE-IN Vouns;mann Hwj-ColvinEnit toVount; St FREE ELECTRIC HEATERS TONITE AT DUSK 3 CMIULERS! VINCENT PRICK BIT IN COLOR "MASTER OF THE WORLD" FOR TOUR ADDED COMFORT USE OUR HEATED SEATING AREA Why It Is To Your Advantage To Save In Our Association! SAFETY: Experienced management, conserva- tive investments and savings insurance guard your dollars day and night. STABILITY: There's no fluctuation. Your sav- ings are always worth 100 cents on the dollar. EARNINGS: Generous dividends are payable periodically> . . like clockwork. S. -" .. AVAILABILITY: Your savings are readily avail- able whenever you need them. CONVENIENCE: It's easy to add to your account or make a withdrawal. No delay, either way. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNTl MAIN OFFICE NO 2 MAIN STREET TONAWANOA. N.Y. CUHJUJA & £pOH QfiAK. BRANCH Office' 957 PAYNE AVE, MID CITY PLAZA NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: New York State Digital Library - 11/North... · a single substitution—not one pinch hitter, runner, or relief pitcher! . . . Charley McCoy of Fort Worth, Texas,

Fuesday, October 18, 1966 Tonawanda NEWS Page 7 • ' • • —

1 I'. ••

Try and Stop Me By BINNITT CBHF

IN THE DAYS when Khrushchev was Mr. Big in the Soviet Union, he often admitted that Stalin treated him occa­

sionally like a court jester or clown and ordered him, "Dance the G o p a k . " "And," Khrushchev would add, MI danced." Somebody in the crowd would always cry out, "Why did you let him make a fool of you?" and Khrushchev would demand sternly, "Who asked that question?" In­evitably, nobody answer­ed, and after the appro­priate p a u s e , Mr. K. would conclude, *That, c o m r a d e s , is why I danced."

* • • '

A few baseball oddities recorded by the late Frank Graham: Connie Mack's Athletics played through the five games of the 1910 World Series without a single substitution—not one pinch hitter, runner, or relief pitcher! . . . Charley McCoy of Fort Worth, Texas, made 31 errors in one game in 1932 . . . In one game in 1906, only one baseball was used in a complete 9-inning game between Chicago and Cincinnati . . . Bobo Newsom, pitching both ends of a double-header, walked the first four batters in game one, then started the nightcap by striking out the same four.

• • •

An elephant who had been a steady customer at a neighbor­hood bar for months suddenly dropped out of sight, then just as suddenly lumbered back to the eight bar stools he waa wont to occupy. "Where you been, Big Boy?** demanded the bartender. The elephant answered, "I've been on the circus wagon."

WISHING W E L L ^ Registered V. S. Patent Office.

7 « 2 3 5 S 2 7 3 4 2 f t R T Y W J A O I O T U O S 6 2 3 ' 8 ft 7. 2 3 6 8 4 2 7

U G B V V O 'X Y 8 R O V H S S 6 7 S 6 2 7 8 6 S 4 2 B L B E F P A S B O U P N 6 4 2 3 7 5 2 8 6 5 2 3 4

W B D C A L G I E H E O R 7 6 4 2 5 7 5 8 4 2 3 6 7

R R A T M E E N" V M E W I 6 7 6 5 4 2 3 2 5 6 8 7 8 I N 8 A E U P C L B C Y O 6 5 8 7 4 3 2 3 4 1 7 8 6 L T M O A A H Y Y E U H Y

• •

HERE is a pleasant little game that will give you a message every day. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out

your fortune. Count the letters in your first name. If the num­ber of letters is • or more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 5, add 3. The result is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the totters under the checked figures give you.

WNED-TV — Ch. 17

Educational Looking in Tonight 6:39 pan. History of Latin

America. College Credit 7 pan. Tales ef Poindexter. 7:13 sun. Friendly Giant 7:39 p.m. what's N e w :

''Shrimp Beat." The techniques of shrimping and an introduc­tion to the men who make their living from netting the delica­cies of the gulf-stream are pre­sented.

3 p jn. History of Lathi Ameri­ca II. College credit

3:39 p.m. Opinion to the Capi­tal. Candid interviews w i t h Washington political insiders are presented by newsman Mark Evan.

9 p.m. French Chef. Julia Child has a glint of adventure in her eye as she tackles a turkey carcass and a bowl of leftover vegetables.

9:39 pjn. Japan — A New Dawa Over Asia. A victory in the Russo-Japanese War is the start of expansionist adventure. The Rising Sun shines on Man-

Chaplin Back at Work His foot in a cast and on crutches, veteran actor-director Charlie Chaplin, 77, returns to work on his latest film, "The Countess of Hong Kong," at Pinewood Studios in London yesterday. Chaplin, once famous for his walking stick rou­tine, has to use crutches because of a broken ankle sustained in a fall on the movie set a week ago. (UPI)


I I churia and 400,000 square miles of China. Her "moment of truth": Hiroshima. Actual films of the events as they happened are shown.

16:39 p.m. U.S.A. — Arts and the University. Work of students in the Design Department is used to illustrate and explain graphic design and the tools of graphic designer.

Tomorrow 8:15 am. Eye on the Universe.

College Credit 8:45 a.m. English. Teachers

Education. 9:29 a.m. Children ef Other

Lands. Grades 4-6. 9:45 ajn. American Literature.

Grades 11-12.

ilHIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHlC ger complaints by announcing their retirement and leaving the Hooterville Cannonball immobi­lized.




L&M TELEVISION We guarantee the parts w e • a t in y e a r set fee ONR r u t x YEAR a e t tost n days


19:16 ajn. Parlous. Grade 4. 19:39 a.m. Mr. Whatnot. Kin­

dergarten - Grade X 11:95 ajn. Parlous. Grade 5. 11:23 ant. Exploring Oar Lan­

guage. Grades 4-6. 1:95 pan. Art Grade 6. 1:39 pan. Mr. Whatnot. Kin­

dergarten-Grade 3. 2:95 p.m. Tell Me a Story.

Grades 1-3. 2:25 pan. Humanities. Grades

11-12. 3 pan. English. Teachers Ed­

ucation. 3:35 pan. English. Teachers

Education .


leen Heckart, an Oscar nomi­nee for "The Bad Seed." will play a schoolteacher in "Up the Down Staircase."





- STARTS TOMORROW — Basad on tff ///» of M/chs/ange/o


wHw^toi'ft? SBt,

avrasv *•*"•» COLOR BY DELUXE








Looking In Tonight 4:36 pan. .Ch. 4. The 4:36

Show. Peter Sellers and Jean Se-berg star in "The Mouse That Roared."

6 pan. Ch. 7. Twilight Theater. A father tries to raise his sons in his image in "Gunman's Walk," with Van Heflin and Tab Hunter.

7 pan. Ch. 4. The Honeymoon-ers. Finding a suitcase crammed with SlOO-bills, bus driver Kram-den goes on a huge spending spree that continue until he runs into a gang of counterfeit­ers to whom the suitcase be­longs.

7:30 pan. Ch. 2. The Girl From UNCLE. April Dancer travels to a bull ranch in Mexico to search for three rocket scientists and winds up as the intended victim in a bullfight.

7:36 pan. Ch. 4. Daktari. Mike uses Clarence, the cross - eyed lion, to bolster the courage of a young tribesman accused of cow­ardice.

7:36 pan. Ch. 7. Combat. A group of teenage Germans de­fend a strategic farmhouse that Sgt Saunders and his men must capture.

8:36 pan. Ch. 2. Occasional Wife. Peter Christopher jeopard­izes his raise and promotion by diverting his attention to the pursuit of a blonde other than his "occasional wife."

8:36 pan. Ch. 4. Red Skelton Hour. Robert Vaughn, Joyce Jameson, Jay and the Americans are guests.

8:38 pan. Ch. 7. The Rounders. Howdy Lewis makes himself a pocket piece that proves so lucky that Jim Ed tries to buy it.

9 Pan. Ch. 2. Tuesday Might Movie. Jackie Gleason stars in "Papa's Delicate Condition," a comedy about the problems gen­erated by a warm-hearted, flam­boyant family man with co-stars Glynis Johns and Charles Rug-gles.

9 pan. Ch. 7. The ProiUs of Southampton. The government is going to board up the Pruitt es­tate as unsaleable, so the Pru-itts hire an actor to pose as a prospective buyer.

9:38 pan. Ch. 4. Petticoat June, tion. Railroaders Charley Pratt and Floyd Smoot answer passen-



LAST TIME TONIGHT Elvis Pres ley and Diane McBain

"SPINOUT" A n d Lloyd Bridges end

David McCallum In


Oar Man Fl int (James Coburn)



9:38 Pan. Ch. 7. Love on a Rooftop. David comes face-to-face with Julie's heritage when they accept her father's invita-tation to weekend in Los An* geles.

16 pan. Ch. 4. CBS News Re­port An investigation of the criminal — from the first offend­er to the vicious, hardened re­peater T- what effect prison has on him and what the penal sys­tem is doing to equip him to re­enter society, is featured.

19 p.m. Ch. 7. The Fugitive. Richard Kimble jeopardizes his own freedom to treat a critically ill infant.

11:28 p.m. Ch. 4. The 11:28 Show. A big - time gambler, de­ported to his native Grecian is­land, is offered the bejeweled crown of a dethroned king in "Surprise Package," starring Yul Brynner and Mitzi Gaynor.

11:38 p.m. Ch. 7. The Late Show. An adventurer runs guns to the Syrians fighting the French in 1925 Damascus in "Si­rocco," with Humphrey Bogart and Marta Toren.

Tomorrow 11 nan. Ch. 2. Pat Boone

Show. Guests include Lana Can-trell and the Geezinslaw Broth­ers.

11:30 a . m . Ch. 4 . T h e D i c k Van Dyke Shew. Pippa Scott guest stars as a rabbi's wife when Buddy secretly studies for his long - delayed bar mitzvah.

Noon. Ch. 7. Money Movie. Part in of "The Loves of Car­men," with Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford, is presented. When a youngster of twelve decides to go with her brother on his hon­eymoon and escape her "drab" life, it seems logical to her that everyone else should agree in "Member of the Wedding," with Ethel Waters, Julie Harris and Brandon De Wilde.

2:38 pan. Ch. 4. House Party. Art talks about Hollywood's fa­mous Sunset Strip with Sheriff's Department captain Victor Ri-seau.

4:38 pan. Ch. 4. The 4:38 Show. Tony Curtis and Mona Freeman star in "Flesh and Fury," the story of a deaf - mute prizefight­er, involved with a mercenary dancer, who regains his speech and hearing with the help of the girl he loves.

Buy US. Savings Bonds

Television in Review

Old-Fashioned Heroes Making Comeback on Video


HOLLYWOOD (UPI) — Could it be that the American television public is yearning; for series with some good old-fashioned heroes, and is finally getting slightly weary of shows that make fun of them?

There are signs this season that such may be the case.

The most notable example is the situation of the production firm that turned out one of last season's big hits, "Get Smart," a tongue-in-cheek approach to the secret agent and spy epics. Still a Hit

"Get Smart" is still a hit; but the production company has fallen on its face with two more new series that try a somewhat similar approach.

One is NBC-TV's "The Hero," a b o u t a television Western idol who is a real-life bumbler. The other is CBS-TV's "Run, Buddy, Run," about a young man who overhears some big gangster plans in a steam room and is pursued by the hoodlums in each show. Neither new series has shown any appreciable signs of catching on strongly with the viewing public.

On the other hand, consider an opposite trend of a minor sort, beginning with some

Barry Sullivan

Lives Alone And Likes It


HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Barry Sullivan, surrounded by family in the new series "The Road West," lives alone and likes it in private life.

After three previous series, and three unsuccessful marriag­es, the 53-year-old actor is willing to attempt still another television skein, but not another fling at matrimony.

Barry lives in a Connecticut-farm style home perched atop the Santa Monica mountains with a sweeping view of the city. Because his previous home was decorated with modern furnishings, Sullivan haunts antique shops for early American and 18th Century English pieces to match the architecture of his new sur­roundings.

The house itself has three bedrooms and a den, spacious quarters for a single man.

There is also a guest house with two bedrooms and bath.

'Til find uses for all the rooms," says Sullivan, "When my youngsters come to visit they stay in the guest house."

He is the father of Patricia, 11; Jenny, 19; and John, 23. Patsy spends the summers and holidays with her father, returning to live with her mother in New York the rest of the year.

The only other occupants of Sullivan's home are his mon­grel dog, Gigi, and three cats, Maxie, Precious and Stinker.

An apartment over the garage is inhabited by Sulli­van's man Friday, Chuck Wagner, a jack-of-all-trades who cooks, tidies the house, answers fan mail. He has been with Sullivan for more than a decade.

Sullivan's swimming pool sees little use. His arduous hours begin at 5:30 a.m. He drives to Universal studios in a small convertible English sports car. He seldom returns home before 7:30 pan.

Two or three nights a week he squires a pretty girl to dinner. Frequently Chuck whips up a feast for eight or 10 guests. Twice a year Sullivan throws a lavish party as a means of seeing all his friends.

"The show takes up so much of my time I'm not free to socialize as much as I'd like," he explains.

Sullivan is a weekend tennis player, usually on the courts of friends at Malibu. Most of his fellow players are writers and directors.

Sullivan's evenings are devot­ed to reading biography and historical novels in his den.

"I have no time to be lonely," he says. "I believe in the institution of marriage. But it's difficult for an actor to be the kind of husband he'd like to be.

"Now I'm single and free to come and go as I please. Am I happy? If I'm not, I'm a dope."

Television Schedule

shows that have caught on this semester: Hottest Series

"Rat Patrol," an action-hero type new ABC-TV program about some Allied jeep jockeys who fight the Nazis in North Africa in World War II, is the hottest new series of the season.

"The Bridge on the River Kwai," the famous movie that is also a World War II story with heroes and action, earned for ABC-TV an audience estimated, incredibly to be about 60 million persons, more than any spoof could hope for.

In addition to war-hero-action formulas, two other standard series types show evidence of returning—westerns and police stories.

"Iron Horse," a frontier opus, has established itself thus far, with a free swinging gambler - turned - railroad-ty­coon as its hero. Traditional Approach

"Felony Squad," a series about policemen has also caught on, and it is a show with a traditional approach.

"Dragnet," the old police series favorite, is being re­turned with new episodes on NBC-TV next year, as that network perhaps is sensitive in this case to the changing audience backlash.

"The FBI" caught on last season, and has held on.

Paging Eliot Ness. And maybe a good thing too.

Two new NBC-TV daytime series had their debuts Monday, each half an hour long. One is "The Pat Boone Show," and if you like being sung to in the morning by a cheery fellow in white shoes, I guess you'll enjoy it. The other is "The Hollywood Squares," another game show in which actors and actresses reveal their consum­mate wit.

Programs subject to WGR-TV 2

TUESDAY chance without notice. (C>—Color Pros ram


6 00 World 15 Series 30 Huntley-45 Brinkley

Chuck Healy Reports

£vening (c ) N e w s

Theater: "Gunman's Walk," Van

7 00 Complete 15 N e w s S o m e (e) 45 Girl


Daktari (c) with

Heflin News, Wea. Combat <c>


Channel t Theater

News: Weather Sports

F (c) Troop

Star ( c ) Trek,

8 00 From 15 UNCLE 30 Occasional 45 Wife ( c )

Marshall Thompson

The (c) Red

Rick J as M

The (c) Rounders

William Shatner

Musical Showcase

9 00 Tuesday 15 Movie: 30 "Papa's 45 Delicate

Skelton Hour

Petticoat (c) Junction

10 00 15 30 45

Condi­tion," (c) Jackie Gleason

CBS News Reports: Men in Cages


The (c) Pruitts

Love on a Rooftop (c)

The <c> Fugitive, David Janssen

Love on a Rooftop ( c )

A Singin' (e) Music

I Spy (c) Robert Culp. Bill Cosby

11 00 News; Wea. 15 Tonight (c ) SO Johnny 15 Carson

Mews, Wea. Sports 11:20


News, Sports Weather Late


News (c ) Metro (c) The (c)



7 I News 1

» The Today 15 Show Mike Wallace SO with Hugh) Mike's 15 Downs f Attic

World Window News Rocket-



10 11 12

» The Today 15 Show JO Hugh 15 Downs

Captain Kangaroo, Bob Keeshan

Seven with Dave • Thomas

University of the Air

Bright ana -Early_ (c l Robbij Tane"

Romper (c> Room

— Big 00 Bozo's

15 Top 30 Jack 45 La Lanne

"bo Eye (c) " 15 Guess 30 Concen-4" tration

00 Chain (c) 15 Letter 30 Show- (c) 45 down

Bonnie Prudden

Love of Life

Dialing fee Dollars Dialing for Dollars

Playt ime with Uncle Bobby

I Love Lucy

The McCoys

Ani^y of May berry

Dick Van Dyke

Girl Talk

Donna Reed Show

Supermarket Sweep

Dating Game

Fractured Phrases

rv Bingo

Mr. and Mrs. (cl

Magi s tra tes Court

00 Jeopardv (Noon 15 Game (c) News 30 Swingin* (c),Tomorrow 45 Country I Guiding Light

Money Movie: "Loves of Carmen," Part III

Toronto Today, Toronto Today

1 00 The 15 Merv 30 Griffin

45 Show

Meet the Millers

Th« World Turns

Ben Casey. Vincent Edwards

2 00 D a y s of (c) 15 Our Lives 30 The 45 Doctors

Password g a m *

House Party

3 00 Another 15 World 30 You Don't 45 Say

To Tell the Truth

Edge of Night

Vewlywed Game

A Time for U s _

General Hospital

Superman show

4 00 The 15 Mike 30 Douglas 45 Show

Secret Storm

4:30 Show: "Flesh

program and Film Features

Matinee: "Once More My Darling," Robert Montgomery

People to Conflict

Words and Music

It's Your Move


I Love Lucy

Theater: "Stairway

5 00 with 15 guests 30 Passport 45 Two

and Fury," Tony , Curtis

Laramie, with John Smith

to Heaven,** David Niven


Highlights I On Radio I

WBEN-FM, 102.5, presents Ar-turo Toscanini conducting the NBC Symphony Orchestra in Brahm's Symphony No. 3 and Leonard Pennario as soloist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra under Erich Leins-dorf at 8 tonight.

WEBR, 970, features Part II of Ted Sorensen's interview, on "Assignment People" at 6:45 p.m. WEBR broadcasts the Buf­falo Bison vs. Quebec hockey game at 8:45 tonight.

On With the Show RIVIERA THEATRE — Spin-

out, 6:45 and 9:55; The Singing Nun, 8:20.

STAR THEATRE—The Great­est Story Ever Told, 8:25 only.

SHERIDAN DRIVE-IN — Col­or Cartoons, 7:15; Spinout, 7:41 and 11:30; Around The World Under the Sea, 9:30.

1-290 DRIVE-IN - Master of Horror, 7:35 and 12:15; Master of Terror, 8:45; Master of the World, 10:25.


Thomas, Miss Los Angeles of 1964, will play a streetwalker in "Chubasco" for Warner Bros.



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