new york international antiquarian book fair 2020

ADDAMS, Jane. Twenty Years at Hull-House. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1910 First edition, limited issue, one of 210 copies signed by the author. The first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (in 1931), Addams was the founder of the social work profession in the US and, among her many roles, she was vice president of the National-American Woman Suffrage Association. Original vellum-backed brown boards. An internally crisp, clean copy. $1,600 [137440] AMIS, Kingsley. Lucky Jim A Novel. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1953 First edition, presentation copy inscribed by Amis, “To John, all the very best from Kingsley Amis, January 1954”. Only two other presentation copies with the inscription dated January 1954 are recorded at auction. Original green boards, with dust jacket. $7,500 [138024] NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL ANTIquARIAN BOOK FAIR 2020 ANTHONY, Susan B. History of Woman Suffrage. Rochester: Susan B. Anthony, 1886 & 1902 First editions, presentation copies of vols. III and IV of the “bible” of the women’s suffrage campaign, the only two volumes published by Anthony herself; inscribed in both by the author on the occasion of her 85th birthday to her cousin Joshua. 2 vols., original maroon cloth. An excellent set. $15,500 [132954] APOLLONIUS RHODIUS. Argonautica. Florence: [Laurentius (Francisci) de Alopa, Venetus,] 1496 Editio princeps of the most important Greek epic of the 3rd century bce, the definitive telling of the story of Jason and the Argonauts and their quest for the Golden Fleece. Late 18th-century English green straight-grain morocco gilt, from the library of the English bibliophile and keen student of palaeography and early printing George Dunn. $50,000 [136329] march 5–8, 2020 | park avenue armory | stand e17 (preview) thursday, 5pm–7pm |friday, noon–8pm | saturday, noon–7pm | sunday, noon–5pm Amis Apollonius Rhodius

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ADDAMS, Jane. Twenty Years at Hull-House. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1910First edition, limited issue, one of 210 copies signed by the author. The first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (in 1931), Addams was the founder of the social work profession in the US and, among her many roles, she was vice president of the National-American Woman Suffrage Association. Original vellum-backed brown boards. An internally crisp, clean copy.

$1,600 [137440]

AMIS, Kingsley. Lucky Jim A Novel. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1953First edition, presentation copy inscribed by Amis, “To John, all the very best from Kingsley Amis, January 1954”. Only two other presentation copies with the inscription dated January 1954 are recorded at auction. Original green boards, with dust jacket.

$7,500 [138024]

N E W YO R K I N T E R N AT I O N A L A N T I q uA R I A N B O O K FA I R 2 0 2 0

ANTHONY, Susan B. History of Woman Suffrage. Rochester: Susan B. Anthony, 1886 & 1902First editions, presentation copies of vols. III and IV of the “bible” of the women’s suffrage campaign, the only two volumes published by Anthony herself; inscribed in both by the author on the occasion of her 85th birthday to her cousin Joshua. 2 vols., original maroon cloth. An excellent set.

$15,500 [132954]

APOLLONIUS RHODIUS. Argonautica. Florence: [Laurentius (Francisci) de Alopa, Venetus,] 1496Editio princeps of the most important Greek epic of the 3rd century bce, the definitive telling of the story of Jason and the Argonauts and their quest for the Golden Fleece. Late 18th-century English green straight-grain morocco gilt, from the library of the English bibliophile and keen student of palaeography and early printing George Dunn.

$50,000 [136329]

march 5–8, 2020 | park avenue armory | stand e17

(preview) thursday, 5pm–7pm |friday, noon–8pm | saturday, noon–7pm | sunday, noon–5pm

Amis Apollonius Rhodius


ASCHAM, Roger. The Scholemaster. London: printed by John Daye, 1570First edition of the most important Tudor work on education. 4to, 18th-century polished calf; the Bradley Martin copy.

$32,500 [114919]

AUDUBON, John James. The Raven, plate 101, from The Birds of America. London: R. Havell, 1826–38Etching and aquatint copper-plate engraving on Whatman 1834 paper by Havell after Audubon, original hand-colouring. From the New York Society Library (sold, Sotheby Parke-Bernet, 1980). Framed and glazed.

$15,000 [138401]

AUSTEN, Jane. Sense and Sensibility; Pride and Prejudice; Emma; Mansfield Park; Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. London: Richard Bentley, 1833First collected edition of Jane Austen’s novels, also the first English editions to be illustrated. Five vols, contemporary green calf, expertly rebacked to style.

$16,500 [136404]

BACON, Francis. [Novum Organum.] Instauratio Magna. London: J. Billium, 1620First edition, second state as usual. Folio, in its first binding of limp vellum, spine titled in manuscript. Engraved title page by Simon de Passe. A fine copy, the contents crisp and clean, with generous margins.

$85,000 [138351]

– 2 –

BEACH, Sylvia. Shakespeare and Company. London: Faber and Faber, 1960First UK edition, presentation copy, inscribed by the author three months after publication, “With many good wishes for Louis Davis and Mark Davis affectionately their friend Sylvia. Paris. September 1960”; additionally with Beach’s bookplate, annotated by her. Original blue cloth, with the dust jacket.

$8,000 [136528]

BOSWELL, James. The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. [together with:] The Principal Corrections and Additions. London: by Henry Baldwin, for Charles Dilly, 1791 & 1793First editions, both presentation copies to Andrew Lumisden, a Jacobite friend of Boswell’s who had assisted in preparing the Life, inscribed in Boswell’s hand in each work. Together 2 works bound in 2 vols., 4to, contemporary tree calf, neatly rebacked with original spines laid down.

$240,000 [119415]





BUSCH, Wilhelm. Max und Moritz: eine Bubengeschichte in sieben Streichen. Munich: Braun und Schneider, [1865]Rare true first edition of the book widely regarded as the prototype of the children’s comic. After Struwwelpeter, Max und Moritz is the best-known German children’s book. Busch’s style is generally recognized as the precursor of modern comic strips, particularly influential on German émigrés to America like Rudolph Dirks, whose Katzenjammer Kids is a close imitation. Contemporary sheep-backed boards..

$60,000 [138250]

CARROLL, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. London: Macmillan and Co., 1866First published edition. A beautiful copy, entirely unrestored, in bright original pictorial cloth, original pale blue endpapers (earliest state; later copies have dark green).

$51,500 [136032]

CERVANTES, Miguel de. De voornaamste Gevallen van den wonderlyken Don Quichot. The Hague: Pieter de Hondt, 1746An extraordinary example of one of the most significant illustrated Cervantes editions of the 18th century. A fine, large paper copy of the lavish 1746 Hague edition of Don Quixote translated by Jacob Campo Weyerman, each of the 31 copperplates illuminated by a beautiful contemporary hand and heightened with gold, presented in an elaborately worked Dutch binding. Tall folio. Near-contemporary Dutch mottled calf.

$85,000 [137295]

CHAUCER, Geoffrey. [The workes, newlie printed.] London: by Thomas Godfray, 1532First complete collected edition: the first attempt to collect into a single volume the complete writings of an English author. Folio, contemporary blind-tooled calf carefully restored, much the most complete copy in commerce in the past 45 years.

$195,000 [108308]

CHERRY-GARRARD, Apsley. The Worst Journey in The World. New York: Lincoln MacVeagh, The Dial Press, 1930First U.S. edition, inscribed by the author to Alice Cairnes, a family friend. Original buff linen, in supplied dust jacket.

$11,000 [133368]

CHURCHILL, Winston S. The Second World War. London: Cassell & Co. Ltd., 1948–54First editions of Churchill’s masterpiece, signed or inscribed contemporaneously in each volume, and exceptionally uncommon thus. 6 volumes, original black cloth, in dust jackets.

$36,000 [137316]

– 3 –





DICKENS, Charles. Oliver Twist. London: Chapman & Hall, 1841A superb presentation copy, inscribed by the author to his close friend, the actor and theatre-manager William Charles Macready: “W. C. Macready from his affectionate friend Charles Dickens Christmas 1841”. Macready was the dedicatee of Nicholas Nickleby (1839) and the godfather of Dickens’s daughter Kate. Third edition, 3 vols., original purple cloth (primary binding).

$125,000 [136304]

DICKENS, Charles. Pictures from Italy. London: published for the author, by Bradbury & Evans, 1846First edition, presentation copy, inscribed by the author the day after publication to one of his oldest friends, Thomas Beard. Small 8vo, original blue fine-diaper cloth, rebacked with original spine laid down; the Suzannet copy.

$110,000 [130416]

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COLNETT, James. A Voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean. London: printed for the author by W. Bennett, and sold by A. Arrowsmith [& 4 others], 1798First edition of Colnett’s account of his second Pacific voyage, one of the most important to the history of whaling. Contemporary polished calf, engraved portrait frontispiece, 3 plates.

$16,500 [132480]

DARWIN, Charles. The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. London: John Murray, 1868First edition, from the library of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, the celebrated Russian physiologist, famed for his classic work on conditioning, with his library shelfmark stamps to titles and c1 recto. Two volumes, in original green cloth.

$14,500 [137811]

[DEFOE, Daniel.] An Essay on the South-Sea Trade. London: printed for J. Baker, 1712First edition of Defoe’s tract on the newly-formed South Sea Company. Early 20th-century brown quarter calf.

$14,500 [134890]

DESCARTES, René. Discours de la Methode. Leiden: Jan Maire, 1637First edition of the author’s fundamental work in philosophy and on the method of science. Small 4to, contemporary Dutch vellum over pasteboard. A crisp copy with generous margins.

$195,000 [134577]


Dickens, Oliver Twist



DOYLE, Arthur Conan. A Study in Scarlet. London: Ward, Lock & Co., 1888Rare first edition of the first Sherlock Holmes story; preceded only by the story’s appearance in Beeton’s Christmas Annual 1887. Contemporary red pebbled cloth, with 6 plates by Charles Doyle, the author’s father.

$97,500 [138371]

DUHAUT-CILLY, Auguste. Voyage autour du monde. Saint-Servan: de l’imprimerie de J.-M. Lebien; chez Arthus Bertrand, Paris, & chez D. Lemarchand, Saint-Servan, 1834–5First edition of this rare work, particularly important for its detailed examination of California during the last phase of its Spanish period. Two volumes in one, octavo, in contemporary French quarter calf. Each vol contains 4 plates.

$32,500 [132373]

DUMAS, Alexandre. Les Trois Mousquetaires. Paris: Baudry, 1844First edition of the author’s best-known work. A very nice copy of this scarce publication, extremely rare in the original yellow wrappers, with just a little skilful conservation to spines. 8 vols.

$162,500 [124078]

ELLIS, Sarah Stickney. The Englishwoman’s Family Library. [The Women of England; The Daughters of England; The Wives of England; The Mothers of England.] London: Fisher, Son & Co., [ from 1843]A handsome set of Ellis’s four most important works, housed inside the beautifully preserved publisher’s glass-fronted presentation case. 4 vols., uniformly bound in original red hard-grain cloth; near-fine.

$8,500 [133527]– 5 –

EUCLID. Elementa Geometriae. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 1482First edition of the oldest mathematical textbook still in common use. The text is preceded by a dedicatory letter by Erhard Ratdolt to Giovanni Mocenigo. Chancery folio, 137 unnumbered leaves, without the final blank. Modern vellum.

$195,000 [136914]

FAULKNER, William. The Marble Faun. Boston: The Four Seas Company, 1924First edition, presentation copy, inscribed by the author, “To Dink Cearley from Bill Faulkner”, additionally signed and dated 31 December 1924 on the title page. The author’s first book, of which only 500 of the projected 1,000 copies were printed and some 300 of those were later pulped. Original mottled green boards, with the dust jacket. A fine copy of a famously vulnerable publication.

$75,000 [118733]

FAULKNER, William. Light in August. New York: Harrison Smith & Robert Haas, 1932First edition, presentation copy, inscribed to the author’s close childhood friend, “For Myrtle Ramey, Oxford Miss 30 May 1934, William Faulkner”. Beginning with The Marble Faun in 1924, Ramey was one of a select few to whom Faulkner sent copies of his books. Inscribed copies of this work are notably uncommon. Original grey cloth, with the dust jacket and scarce glassine wrapper.

$65,000 [131629]

Faulkner, Light in August


Faulkner, Marble Faun


FEYNMAN, Richard P. Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1985First edition, presentation copy, inscribed by Feynman to Alice Zorthian, daughter of Jirayr Zorthian, Feynman’s close friend, “To Alice Zorthian for Christmas 1985 Richard P. Feynman”. Feynman inscriptions are notably rare. Original red cloth-backed red boards, with the dust jacket.

$32,500 [136532]

GRANT, Anne. Memoirs of an American Lady. London: printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme; and Mrs H. Cook, 1808First edition. The copy of Helen Dunbar of Boath, a close friend and literary correspondent of Grant. The author’s best-known work, a memoir incorporating the history of Albany, New York, and the nearby Five Nations native settlement. 2 vols., uncut in the original boards, an appealing association copy.

$2,500 [137443]

GREENE, Graham. Brighton Rock. London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1938First British edition. Original red cloth, a superior copy in the exceedingly rare dust jacket.

$115,000 [130190]

HARRISON, John. The Principles of Mr. Harrison’s Time-Keeper, with plates of the same. [Bound with three related pamphlets.] London: printed by W. Richardson and S. Clarke; and sold by John Nourse, and Mess. Mount and Page, 1767First edition of the primary account of the invention of the marine chronometer, bound with three related contemporary pamphlets. Together 4 works in 1, quarto, contemporary half calf.

$130,000 [138402]

– 6 –

HAWKING, Stephen. A Brief History of Time. London: Bantam Press, 1989First UK edition, later impression, signed by the author with his thumb print, next to which his personal assistant has inscribed in blue ink, “Thumb print of, S. W. Hawking, witnessed by, Susan Massey.” Original blue cloth, with the dust jacket.

$16,500 [134236]

HEMINGWAY, Ernest. The Sun Also Rises. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1926First edition, first issue. Original black cloth, in the dust jacket. A striking copy, scarce in the first issue jacket.

$85,000 [118495]

HOMER. [In Greek:] Works. Florence: [printer of Vergilius (C 6061)], for Bernardus and Nerius Nerlius and Demetrius Damilas, [not before 13 January 1488/89]Editio princeps of the Iliad and the Odyssey, two of the earliest, most important and influential works of European literature. This monumental printing is the first large-scale printing in Greek, and also probably the first Greek book printed in Florence. 2 vols., folio. A beautiful copy in an English binding, decorated in the style of Roger Payne, of late 18th-century red straight-grain morocco.

$325,000 [131684]

Greene Hemingway



HOUSMAN, A. E. A Shropshire Lad. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, & Co. Ltd, 1896First edition of the author’s influential poetry collection. Original japon-backed paper boards; the Bradley Martin copy.

$11,000 [134741]

HUGO, Victor. Les Misérables. Bruxelles [Brussels]: A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven & Ce, éditeurs, 1862Rare first edition, preceding the Paris edition. 10 vols. A fine set, uncut in original pale blue-green wrappers, edges untrimmed.

$60,000 [127594]

JAMES, Henry. The Madonna of the Future and other tales. London: Macmillan and Co., 1879First edition, presentation copy, inscribed by the author, “Mrs. Lombard, from her old friend, H. James, Paris. Nov. 3d 1879”. Two vols. in publisher’s dark blue fine-bead-grain cloth.

$16,500 [132087]

JAMES, Henry. The Europeans. Boston: Houghton, Osgood and Company, 1879First American edition, presentation copy, inscribed by the author to his sister-in-law, “Caroline C. James, from Henry James Jr.” Original light (Kelly) green dotted-line-grain cloth.

$8,000 [132090]

JAMES, Henry. Notes of a Son & Brother. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1914First English edition, presentation copy, inscribed by the author, “To Constance Fletcher, in faithful remembrance, Henry James, March 1914”. An excellent association: journalist and novelist Julia Constance Fletcher was also the dedicatee of Oscar Wilde’s Newgate poem Ravenna (1878). Original dark blue smooth spine, frontispiece and 5 illustrations.

$10,000 [132098]

JEFFERSON, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia. Philadelphia: Printed for Mathew Carey, 1794Second American edition, in unrestored contemporary American sheep in remarkably fine condition, the only full-length book published by Jefferson during his lifetime. This is the first American edition to have the large folding map of Virginia by Samuel Lewis. An exceptional copy.

$12,500 [134433]

KIPLING, Rudyard. Just So Stories For Little Children. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1902First edition, third printing (two months after the first), inscribed by the author, “Janet Aitken from her obliged and obedient servant the author Jul. 1911”; Kipling has struck through his printed name and signed below. Janet Gladys Kidd was the daughter of Kipling’s close friend Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook. Just six other inscribed copies are recorded. Original red pictorial cloth, with 22 full-page illustrations by the author.

$9,000 [137861]

– 7 –

James KIpling



KNIGHT, Frank H. Risk, Uncertainty and Profit. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, [1921]First edition, the author’s retained copy, signed by him and with his autograph corrections, later presented by him to fellow economist George Stigler. Original red cloth. A superb association copy of Knight’s first major work.

$50,000 [122692]

[LAW, John.] Money and Trade considered. Edinburgh: Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, 1705First edition of Law’s major work on the establishment of paper note-issuing national banks. 4to, bound third in a contemporary pamphlet volume of 16 works on commerce and Scottish poor laws, contemporary quarter calf.

$58,500 [117696]

LEWIS, C. S. The Chronicles of Narnia. London: Geoffrey Bles [and] The Bodley Head, 1950–56First editions. A complete set of the acclaimed Narnia series. 7 works, original varicoloured cloth, with the dust jackets, notably scarce thus.

$26,000 [137779]

LEWIS, C. S. Collection of autograph letters signed to the dedicatees of The Magician’s Nephew. 24 January 1954 – 26 March 1963A remarkable and rich archive of autograph letters from Lewis to the Kilmer children, dedicatees of The Magician’s Nephew, highly desirable as the most extensive collection of letters by Lewis to have come to market in recent years. Together 56 items, comprising 23 autograph letters signed, 6 typed notes signed, and 27 of the original mailing envelopes.

$260,000 [134030]

– 8 –

MACKAY, Charles. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions. London: Richard Bentley, 1841First edition of the author’s early work on the madness of crowds. 3 vols., original brown cloth, recased. A bright copy.

$30,000 [128845]

[MALTHUS, Thomas Robert.] An Essay on the Principle of Population. London: printed for J. Johnson, 1798Rare first edition of one of the most influential works of economic thought. Contemporary tan diced calf, rebacked. A fine copy.

$200,000 [137089]

Lewis, autograph letters

Marx & Ruge (eds.)Malthus


[MARKHAM, Gervase.] The Young Sportman’s [sic] Instructor. [London:] Sold [by George Conyers] at the Gold Ring in Little Britain, [1705?]First edition thus. Miniature, pp. [iv], 140. Probably late 18th-century red straight-grain morocco. Rare, with no copy in the British Library.

$25,000 [131890]

MARX, Karl. Zur Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. Erstes Heft [all published]. Berlin: Franz Duncker, 1859Rare first edition, one of 1,000 copies, of the “germ” of Das Kapital. Contemporary green half cloth, marbled paper boards.

$75,000 [129811]

MARX, Karl. Das Kapital. Hamburg: Otto Meissner, 1867First edition of the first volume of Das Kapital, the only one to appear in Marx’s lifetime. Contemporary black quarter cloth, an excellent unrestored copy.

$130,000 [138113]

MARX, Karl, & Arnold Ruge (editors & contributors). Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher. Paris: Bureau der Jahrbücher, 1844Very rare first and only issue, of enormous consequence, a double number which contains the first appearance of both Marx’s first major work, Zur Kritik de Hegel’schen Rechtsphilosophie (containing his famous remark that religion is “das Opium des Volks”), and Engels’s first work on economics, Umrisse zu einer Kritik der Nationalökonomie. Contemporary brown cloth.

$80,000 [129812]

MARX, Karl, & Friedrich Engels. Die heilige Familie. Frankfurt: Literarische Anstalt ( J. Rütten), 1845Rare first edition of Marx’s first published book, and the first that he wrote in collaboration with Engels. Uncut in original printed wrappers, rebacked.

$55,000 [129813]

MELVILLE, Herman. Moby-Dick. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851First U.S. Edition, first issue binding, the first edition to appear under the familiar title, set from Melville’s original manuscript, containing some 35 passages and the epilogue omitted from the English edition. A fine copy, sound and unrestored, in original cloth.

$85,000 [137462]

MILNE, A. A. Now We Are Six. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd, 1927)First edition, Shepard’s own copy of the signed extra-limited issue, one of 20 large paper copies printed on Japanese vellum and signed by both the author and the illustrator, the most exclusive format in which Milne’s Pooh books were issued, this copy marked out of series for presentation to Shepard. Original full vellum with yapp edges; a superb copy.

$42,500 [138153]

MILNE, A. A. The House at Pooh Corner. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1929With an original pen and ink drawing on the title page by Shepard of Winnie-the-Pooh in full traditional Russian costume, signed beneath the image. Third edition. Original pink cloth, with the dust jacket.

$22,500 [90169]

– 9 –

Milne, House at Pooh CornerMarx & Ruge (eds.)


MONTAIGNE, Michel de. The Essayes Or Morall, Politike and Millitarie Discourses. London: Printed by Val[entine] Sims for Edward Blount, 1603First edition in English, one of the great books of the Elizabethan era and the crowning achievement of its translator John Florio. The work was a source of inspiration for Ben Jonson, Sir Walter Raleigh, John Webster, and Shakespeare. Folio. Contemporary blind-panelled calf.

$32,500 [135666]

MUN, Thomas. England’s Treasure by Forraign Trade. London: printed by J[ohn]. G[rismond]. for Thomas Clark, 1664First edition of the bible of mercantilism, held in very high regard by Adam Smith. Contemporary unlettered sheep, rebacked. A very good copy.

$123,500 [134494]

NAPOLEON I. Autograph manuscript notes on Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. Valence: July 1791The young Napoleon responds to the foundational work of political economy. He has captioned the manuscript in the margin: “Notes diverses. Richesse des nations – Smith traduit par Roucher. Tome 1er. Valence juillet 1791”. Folio, manuscript in French written in ink, margin traced in red crayon. Approximately 1,500 words in the autograph of Napoleon.

$325,000 [136833]

[NEWTON, Isaac.] Opticks. London: Printed for Sam Smith, and Benj. Walford, Printers to the Royal Society, 1704First edition, without Newton’s name on the title. Quarto, contemporary panelled calf, rebacked, complete with 19 folding plates.

$65,000 [131023]

– 10 –


Napoleon I

Nightingale, signed cabinet photograph



NIGHTINGALE, Florence. Signed cabinet photograph. London: London Stereoscopic Company, [c.1900]A superb large format signed photograph, one (and perhaps the largest) of only very few examples of a signed photographic portrait of Nightingale to have appeared on the market, signed for Charles Elmer Rice on 15 May 1903, just before her 84th birthday. Original albumen print (image size: 147 × 101 mm).

$45,000 [125693]

(NIGHTINGALE, Florence.) The New Testament; [together with:] The Book of Common Prayer. Oxford: printed at the University Press for Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1854–55Two pocket devotionals inscribed by Florence Nightingale while in the Crimea to Sergeant Edward Humphreys, dated May 1856. 2 works, miniature 48mo, publisher’s black calf.

$16,500 [136142]

ORWELL, George. Archive of retained correspondence from the files of his first publisher, Victor Gollancz, regarding the publication of Orwell’s first novel, A Clergyman’s Daughter. 8 November 1934 – 22 July 1983Including the original contract for the novel, dated 5 February 1935, initialled by Orwell on each of the first four pages and signed by him on the last page; with six letters and postcards signed by Orwell, illustrating the extensive changes he made to appease the publisher’s libel concerns. All such material is necessarily rare in the market.

$97,500 [131751]

ORWELL, George. Archive of correspondence from the files of Victor Gollancz, regarding the publication of his second novel, Keep the Aspidistra Flying. 16 January 1936 – 23 June 1944Including two typed letters, two autograph notes, and one autograph letter, all signed by Orwell, illustrating the author’s intense unhappiness about changes made to appease libel concerns. See also the previous item: all such material is rare in the market.

$65,000 [131753]

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Orwell, Clergyman’s Daughter

Nightingale, inscribed devotionals

Nightingale, signed cabinet photograph


ORWELL, George. Animal Farm: A Fairy Story. London: Secker & Warburg, 1945First edition, presentation copy from the author, inscribed: “Malcolm Muggeridge from Geo. Orwell”. Inscribed presentation copies of Animal Farm are decidedly scarce. Original green cloth, with the dust jacket.

$155,000 [138372]

OWEN, Robert. A New View of Society. L: 1813–14First edition of the four Essays, one of 40 specially bound presentation sets printed on thick paper, parts III & IV “Not published”, inscribed “From the Author” on the first blank. Four parts bound in one volume in contemporary dark blue straight-grain morocco.

$115,000 [130529]

PANKHURST, E. Sylvia. Germinal. [Vol. 1, Nos. 1 & 2.] London: Sylvia Pankhurst, and printed by Agenda Press Ltd., 1923Complete run of Sylvia Pankhurst’s strikingly illustrated revolutionary socialist journal, of which just two issues were printed. Each issue is introduced by Pankhurst and features, among others, fiction by Maxim Gorky and Ernst Toller, and poetry by Anna Akhmatova, Alexander Blok, and Pankhurst herself. 2 issues, 4to, original pictorial colour wrappers illustrated by Ludovic Rodo.

$6,000 [137508]

POE, Edgar Allan. Tales. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1845First edition, with the New York imprint, one of 1,500 copies issued; half-title present. Among the most important and influential early books of detective fiction. Early 20th-century blue morocco.

$36,000 [136458]

(RACKHAM, Arthur.) IBSEN, Henrik. Peer Gynt. London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd, 1936Deluxe edition, one of ten special copies reserved by the publisher, in a deluxe binding, and with a full-page original watercolour signed by Rackham. A fine copy.

$32,500 [135675]

REGNAULT, Jules. Calcul des chances et philosophie de la Bourse. Paris: Mallet-Bachelier, Castel [Impr. Pilloy], 1863Extremely rare first edition of a pioneering work of econometric analysis which anticipated Louis Bachelier and Emile Cheysson, and laid the basis of modern models of price behaviour. Contemporary red morocco-backed red cloth, rebacked.

$18,000 [135967]

ROWLING, J. K. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. London: Bloomsbury, 1997First edition, paperback issue, inscribed by the author “To Paul, Best Wishes, J K Rowling” and dated “18/3/98”. Rowling signed this copy during a school visit in Wales. Original pictorial wrappers.

$40,000 [135240]

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Rowling, Goblet of Fire


ROWLING, J. K. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. London: Bloomsbury, 1997First edition, paperback issue. One of 5,150 copies in wrappers, with all the requisite points of the first printing.

$10,000 [136139]

ROWLING, J. K. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. London: Bloomsbury, 2000First edition, one of two dedication copies, inscribed by the author on the dedication page beneath the printed dedication to Susan Sladden, “and, though we didn’t want it in print, helped me out of my cupboard. With unending gratitude and equal love Jo a.k.a. (again) JK Rowling x”. Sladden was a friend of Rowling’s in Edinburgh who helped her to finish the Philosopher’s Stone by babysitting her daughter. Original boards, with the dust jacket.

$97,500 [128864]

SEABORN, Capt. Adam (pseud.) Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery. New York: printed by J. Seymour, 1820Rare first edition of the book rightly considered the first science fiction novel written by an American. Notably rare: WorldCat records only five locations – three in the US, the British Library, and Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. No copy is listed in auction records. Duodecimo. Uncut in original drab boards.

$32,500 [135742]

SENDAK, Maurice. Where the Wild Things Are. New York: Harper & Row, 1963First edition, inscribed by the author: “For Janet Anderson Maurice Sendak 4/15/82”. With a book signing ticket signed by Anderson. Anderson was a book designer at the University of Virginia Press. Oblong 4to, original cloth-backed pictorial paper boards, with the dust jacket. A near-fine copy.

$23,000 [133220]

SHAKESPEARE, William. Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. London: printed for P.C. 1664 ( first-issue title: Philip Chetwinde, 1663)The Third Folio, generally regarded as the rarest of the 17th-century folio editions of Shakespeare’s plays. A substantial number of copies were destroyed in the Great Fire of London of 1666. Median folio, early 19th-century blind-tooled russia, sympathetically rebacked. A fine, fresh copy.

$650,000 [108578]

SHAKESPEARE, William. Julius Caesar. London: by H[enry]. H[ills]. Jun for Hen. Heringman and R. Bentley, and sold by Joseph Knight and Francis Saunders, 1684First quarto and first separate edition, the text being taken unaltered from the 1623 First Folio. This is the true first of six quartos of Julius Caesar separately printed in the late 17th century. 4to, 18th-century marbled wrappers. A well margined copy.

$50,000 [134628]

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Shakespeare, Third Folio Sendak



SMITH, Adam. The Theory of Moral Sentiments. London: for A. Millar, and A. Kincaid and J. Bell, in Edinburgh, 1759First edition, of 1,000 copies. It contains the first use of the author’s famous phrase regarding the “invisible hand” guiding economic development. Twentieth-century panelled calf.

$82,500 [136185]

SMITH, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. London: Strahan & Cadell, 1776First edition of the author’s groundbreaking work of economic thought. Two volumes; contemporary sprinkled calf. A handsome copy.

$255,000 [137289]

(SOUTH SEA BUBBLE.) HUTCHESON, Archibald. Contemporary pamphlet volume. London: 1717–33An exceptional collection of South Sea material, comprising 20 works on the Company bound in the immediate decades following the burst of the bubble. The majority, 14 titles, are by Archibald Hutcheson, the great Cassandra of the project. Twenty works in 1 volume, folio; contemporary sprinkled calf.

$58,500 [134766]

SPINOZA, Baruch. Tractatus theologico-politicus. Hamburg: Henricus Künraht, 1670First edition of Spinoza’s great treatise on political theology. 4to, modern boards covered with a medieval manuscript antiphonal on vellum.

$50,000 [130116]

STEINBECK, John. Tortilla Flat. New York: Covici-Friede, 1935First edition, cloth issue, inscribed by the author: “For Bob Bailey John Steinbeck”. A bright, clean copy with the dust jacket, price-clipped.

$26,000 [136583]

[SWIFT, Jonathan.] Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. London: Benj[amin] Motte, 1726True first edition, Teerink’s A edition, with the first state frontispiece. 2 vols. An excellent copy, rarely found in such good condition, in a contemporary binding of panelled calf.

$162,500 [130055]

TAGLIACOZZI, Gaspare. De Curtorum Chirurgia per insitionem. Venice: Gaspare Bindoni the Younger, 1597True first edition of the first book devoted to plastic surgery, with 22 full-page woodcuts. Folio, later quarter parchment, a very good copy with good margins.

$33,000 [135968]

TENNYSON, Alfred, Lord. The Charge of the Light Brigade. [London:] 1855First separate edition, extremely scarce in this format, one of 1,000 copies published for distribution to the troops in the Crimea. rovenance: Major Adolphus William Desart Burton, who rode in the charge of the Heavy Brigade. Bifolium, tipped-in to a larger sheet.

$55,000 [111544]

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Adam Smith



TOLSTOY, Leo. War and Peace. London: Vizetelly & Co., 1886First English edition, scarce in commerce. Complete sets with each volume in first edition are rare. 3 vols., original moderate yellow-green cloth.

$32,500 [137493]

TWAIN, Mark. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. New York: C. H. Webb, 1867First edition, first issue. Small 8vo, original green cloth over bevelled boards. A lovely, fresh copy.

$40,000 [136264]

TWAIN, Mark. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Hartford: The American Publishing Company, 1876First American edition, the superior cloth issue with gilt edges. A very good to near-fine copy.

$58,500 [137725]

TWAIN, Mark. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Charles L. Webster and Company, 1885First U.S. edition, presentation copy, inscribed by the author to Major J. B. Pond, and further inscribed by Pond (“This is the first copy that the author ever set his eyes on”). Pond was manager of the lecture tour during which Twain gave his first readings from Huckleberry Finn. Publisher’s half morocco (the scarcest of the three original bindings), rebacked with original spine laid down.

$195,000 [131671]

VESALIUS, Andreas. De humani corporis fabrica libri septem. Basel: Johannes Oporinus, June 1543First edition of the founding text of modern anatomy, which revolutionized the science and teaching of medicine and practice of surgery. Folio, early 19th-century sprinkled half sheep.

$325,000 [126301]

[VOLTAIRE.] Candide. [Geneva: Gabriel Cramer,] 1759First edition, one of only a dozen or so recorded copies of the true first edition of this celebrated philosophical conte. Duodecimo, pp. 299. Contemporary French mottled calf.

$50,000 [135295]

WAUGH, Evelyn. Helena. London: Chapman & Hall, 1950First edition, large paper issue, presentation copy, inscribed by the author to his close friend and biographer Christopher Sykes. One of about 50 copies specially bound and printed on handmade paper, near-fine in original white cloth.

$8,000 [136698]

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Twain, Tom Sawyer



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WILDE, Oscar. The Importance of Being Earnest. London: Leonard Smithers and Co, 1899First edition, number 46 of 100 large paper copies signed by the author. Original pale purple cloth. A near-fine copy.

$65,000 [132907]

(WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE.) A.J.R. (ed.) The Suffrage Annual and Women’s Who’s Who. London: Stanley Paul & Co., [1913]First and only edition of this important source of information on the pre-War UK suffrage movement. Original purple cloth; suffrage historian Rosamund Billington’s copy.

$2,500 [132443]

(WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE.) Hunger strike medal awarded to Elsie Wolff van Sandau by the WSPU. London: Toye, March 1912Medal complete with the original presentation box, both inscribed to Sandau. Elsie presents an elusive figure: though clearly active in the suffrage movement and accounted for in the National Archive’s index of arrested suffragettes, the details of her life remain obscured (perhaps deliberately so) and in records her identity is sometimes conflated with that of one Mathilde Wolff van Sandau. Very scarce on the market.

$36,000 [134407]

YEATS, W. B. The Countess Kathleen And Various Legends and Lyrics. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1892First edition, number one of 30 copies printed on japon, specially bound in full vellum and signed by the publisher T. Fisher Unwin, this his retained copy. Yeats’s second collection and the first to include “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”, perhaps his most famous poem.

$11,000 [133548]

[email protected]


Hunger strike medal

Wilde, Importance of Being Earnest