new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1861-03-15 [p...

TM» yoirviaTB _t_*bt Fir-_.-8_-4Mt_8ar*«4>_tca- hiuity in We«t Fortieth itreet, rcar Bro&dwoy, by ni >.h Fcuiy Wood and wifo, togathar with their Ihe eV.lf eui wtr© h-traadhBoath, FinJ-Manahd U^er his bctn eng.^fd !n ..r.v.Vt,-atiiig fbeoiiuin of ihe flie. fhe evide-M thta /ar pc-inte towat- Manin llafli, a 8h:iman, who livcd in tbe barBed ha-B8y,aa heiag «be hvrndhry.iuidonWedne-daynight the Marahal aau.ed bia B-rai. OB anapidon. Tho -MBBBJ waa taken Brfore Aid. Fr-vr, and .IfninerVfora baanng. Capt Lovell will hctare at IlB-BJ Hall thia ©rr nlng «_ « 8e_<o_Bt ahhaaaa aad Heavy Oihian" Ha aj'.U ail.idetothe New--ork BrnTott IB.and late taipmn naaM a canoon, a eubjecl highl* intereBtmg to a__it_ry men. .RtM Ovrn bt a CtK.-lAis! avaa-iga r.u__ Mnaad J. W- bumM was run over at ihfl earaaa of thaad Mrataiidaie-k' of the S-Cond- Arenjte Steilr-'od mn, dd one of lia i>ga nrarly cu-.oiT by Ihe MBabh. Ahhone'b tbe Ba-oriaaata **»» "V -V**1 Mrr-ut, eryTnr alnud with pain, the conducl~r und iriv©. af lha 4*_r pdd ao beed to tbe mattej. but eouin.ed on tfeachr way aa if nta_,ingli^_pj»ned. " Banaak Amn Rimakkablb Dia-AppiARV-vcr .On fklurdar bat, a Mr. and Mra. Coppa, hnded at Ptar o. I, North Kiver, from Bdiimora. Leaving bia n-trar -for a rnaateBt, Mn Coppa went to see to their bafgftge. Mra. Coppa waihM for him on the wharf lor ov. r an bour, wben, aa he oil not return, sbe tock aeurri-ge and went tbe Holel delKurope. Biuce tti-iOMr. Coppa br.s not hc-enheardof nor kaa tr_ce of his woe- eabonte been foar.d, ana his wife .?V$50 rawiird rar any luttlhgenco tomenjing hitn nheao who are ia» uil lasmad oatbaflubjeet. wflbda" Bkjrieat kiridnart by aending word to Mra. Coppa, at bs Hotel de I'Kurope, at No. 21 Paat Ilo.aton Btreet. ¦r. Coppa h d. rcribe.l na a man oi about 40 yeara of raifc.r ull iu st&ture, with aiid V.enH. At the tline mge., ratber ull iu stature, with a eheotnut-toloicd nrua- f_ta_e a'id beard. At the time of hia dbatppearan* he or© n nairtvoat and iNoat like the nuvy nnlfornj. kviukt uLiil recentlv, t*en ai'a..h-d to the .rrond at iitrolii.-but the united Statea b.itois had baaa *t©*1 t'or O'dinary bnttone. He wore the niii'orai ouwMVhthe ordlnary bottons remaJnr-d. Theaa. .liariticH of (Oeiiiiue w'ill, ii ia boped. ii.aure Mk kjy re.0, niion. Mr. and Mra. f-ijijui lua-l .x»it_%._ city on their vaay to Iialy, where Mr. Copiwi,ex- tyactodtoJ<JvntheHsjd-i4»t«eeanny, in wbiob he liad Biavion-ly asjrvad. __ Fiiut-At 9J o'clock bat night, a flra broke r nt ln tbe netvBoaper and l-eriodtcal abop of S. v. Lels, No. -_flH.da!.r,s1reet wrner ot Weat Tenth jdreet aaiMa ba ilau .-wo io tbe HiiMiunf of $7.1. Inaured fo f 1W» M Bbe Hauil on Insura-tee t'oinp-ny. The orign. ol lhc §jm ie uuKm-wii._ BEF/.VRE WDER THt RBVBNUB LdWkX The nt-_ori e.f t!.«Cri8!nm-lI<iUe* tkmvttt W Wt l>or.x ajf the sece-'ng Startt-s is lcndin_ to seMcti. embarnir*- ar-uta. Cc?iectiT Behefl has been obliged to aei'e A Tt-a ei 'vt.xh MBad 8r-ai MehBa on afardga -Bfaae -rbbont a tk-ara_c». Tb* tVte of th? case are as fol- ^ ah, I kk- ' tt' ln thr- early jart' f .Tanaary ba t, 'he whooner R-af- hoB, awned at Great Kgr Harbor MaW'JariBy.hadBd M__ilad<lpbia.andsailedfor Mobile, under iho Cnited flfaf^a c.->nsting, wlicb binda all vesaels in thia _aade to abstuin from vieiting fnreign porta without a prop^r reg'«tcr md Bb«BBBBB Baaa tbe y-rt of dermrt- are. Tbe Restleae, afier diachnrging at Mohfla, was ap for a re'ui-n cargo, but. ae nothirig offered for the Jiorthern port, b«r captain eiigMed to load for Ilavana. Be Borrendered 1 is lieense at the Mebfll Cuatom- Boute, BBi l||ilhlIsT a regl--- in the Ur-nal form. hit tLe Collector stated tbat he Bflflbi givo i.oauch ^4j*r to «ny vtsael uuder ihe United rJLa'eB rt-.g: '*a' he waa not in ihe a.-rvice .,f |_c l nBal S'ntes and ex- erciaed no anth .rity h the BBtter. The captain en- .jeredhisprot-'Bt, and ohtainedthe cet_tter»ign of the ¦paciah Coanl at that pon. and kft on bb voyage. At Ilavana tb. vr _-»! was badfli for New-York with a aduahVe cargo of sugai, ai__re. and lobac-o. Inime- aialcly upon ber Bllial,BBl laBMaMaa ..j,^-,-^ araa aei_ed aaaa tbe feuowmg ahaaa of at-*tt-n 8 alBiin-.. v--V....v l, United Statei S'.fituteo at Lnnn- - Aad tt H f> fker raartW: Chai lf any *hlp er Teaea. er_.))*» aar lic._a«u aa aloi, tkid tcoattlug liue-.e, ahaii prnoaac -.aalo. S-a'avar witt . t trkt glyh.g np har «irr,»<' dr«i)aal a_it-_k«a'trftlKsdl_tT4ctaomfyaba_<iing the port /te- whK aaw ia *oo_- to pioueejoi. kaab lurkigu t.ikga. .n- b -I <Lu e-alatarrd T aucb Conaato- aTetv .. rbab^ o-W ''a*^'.* wl_ bat,., al.- arF-"1 knd f-fiAi.!-. k- i ¦¦¦¦¦ gooia, irxrea a~ «. rAu.d.-a . i .p/.riad tbaralB ahkilb* _kbM lo a,Mii,r. a. Prattdrd, aivaya, li :h* port Xroiu nhiflA auch. ahip oTTeaaai 1 ebo'.t to pio --¦!': t . I '. '- v Itkla iba du Blri wbne il¦). Bi.iiii i tm ¦', sac-aDaa,ikaeeuansv of «-. aBalrtrt >Lkli glve tr, tl* rr.aea,- cf *.-.cb ah por reasal k eart 1' k'l a«_..iriL.x I, Fol aad lleaaaa mt auck ahlp at »**a« Sveeid*ad-J bim a dll- liioawhai. It mm ao rerelyed. -Mi-i a>- ll.eali a . - delli i ad b> ti.. ui».:ei Ir th. a. Ile -tor _ 1 o Bik.y hkT* gi_i:t>-d aaid e_:t Ib BM a-_d li. ei aa. The hfd atrfion Inken hy tbe ownara of tho BBBMi and cargo aei/.e-l wih l* actording tlw: p.-oviaions oi an a-t aBBB-di "An iv: to jrovide f.r;ng or reinit'iiig dia abibtieieecuing in terialn tasoF.. P_.-A-d MBteb :' 1/!*;.'» Tbtl T 1 a.-.-ya- t-ypa.aoB er pa-koB" ie) 0 aL . ki- Ui-uned my hu*, dlaa'r'H.'y, 01 f-.:-!"--, or aha ' ) 4T, ka.. i.iia-.t.d ii. airiy -eaa-i 01 io*r-__nol»» v-iiloh ahk'. b.»l BMB saMaet tasaj -klsara. f.- >;¦ re or di-ktuiity .y forae o a-y i*w f tl. Vt '"- J-'t-t-i ' ' tHa Myl ig, i-aiiar, or eaOeM lag oflkuy duile. or laxe., oi tj yi-'u- of my aM ISaf'Srakll kknls.lBlailiig aui! :a -rafr-g . ' ihlpt acd TeaseM etnpl iad i: ¦kke coaaiLig '-k/t* BS bih.riaa, aball p-a'et hia pe.luer t-. lh< Jod^e t-f Ihediitr'¦ : a ! ,-l a .cf B_*. d_al.iBt}. 81 ' -' '. Mka'-T ha4c, * * knd a! Bnaytkal th>- ixntk Im aalflgklad ur ; th aaid Ju^re ih_i I: i'lir* int-thr ,lr *.iid".,r-a of tba r**e; Bra- rx aag lassoaahM B~tk. to ti Mt<-ti f. I'i. p*-acr. ar parkf.r:! alk'i 1: . au^t Bne»>, fo'.'.l ure aaA io tbe Auor-ey of tba I'rl ad BtSSSS t»r aaM o'atrlct. lt- Baoh nay b ve an raai iiltj o: ah.abfleaasa k,»_;at t_e n-.i:l .'.t.oD.;> n.diHli i-iii." tl.a fL-ti wbi^hahal agipt.- 'iif l .... h ln¦ i M ba tUtsd ki.d ue_a_«d la th. patl naa, urtao: tk- tPt_.mtM.nn tt th* Becreury of lha Trek. kwv of tke L'nited SU.'"*, aoA» aA _!.' .-er }*...** to ae«!,r or *t_. 0W/< taiA Jlntur/or/ttturr. . ' if in AAoatai-a tht ta*f akr'l kott hter irttrrtd vil-va' t-_v..' mtmUmmm tt tmj BkM TiV-i affrmmi 1-. 'ha nara-n or paramai. JBTTtl i tba aan -, at A u Oliert tbe proaacution ' ' to ceaae on aocn te-mi aa thal ka deetieJ by Li_a lauvukhle md/ .:. The i__aiei baving iist-d proper _iligei.eeiu endeavor irut to obtain a dMBBBM ahfln M_g no 1 nit« d K'ntFii 4j_k>Uector at Mohilfl, lha Ibrli Bara wfll arohabiy n.-t l-* j-rt-B»*d. M tl.e Mohdb OaBaator, >-i tl.. ('-..Ilectoi. at tb*- p.rt> ef oiher aaaadad 8aaaa, ahaaM pcraint in thii rnnna'.-fait-'d iHtati-a vcrse la vi'itim/ aoeh j-n-fs nius! B.-er rn'ifh iii'or.veni'"ice Rn-i "'-sa. Tbe Ntw O.-'.-i.k .:.JI!aY_r_i .M-BM-B-Bd oth.'.n wi'l be liahlc to tiiis auu rjaaOB, aud aahaB thfl 8BM-n- aion ahould bt! made in their favor, peraoaflb_M ttMmmtg tt board of ihem will run coi siierohle iiak. F_BBeug> re by the M-amer K. B. Cnyler for Havannoh aawerdat, wore notiiicd ti.a: ::.i:r baggage would be aabjectedto theecnitiDy of the rSavacnaL Cu8to_.-Hotiiie affeera. On the laat trip of fheCuvler tmnks wore Opened for _M _Nl U_e,ai!laulmitued toa rigid exam- iantion. Notliiag but the Btrictly je«raoa,l eflcts af tlie jyan L'ugere were pertuitted to patw the CoBtoci-flonie. TOWM ELECTiONB. MBBaCi COBBTf..Iba 'owu meeliiu-. in Senna Ooouty ware Ijeld laM Monday. Aicordiui* U> Tht Obterter il)em^ the Board will atand aa la.t year: -_tp4*bii''-i.e, .".; DaaBaaaaM, .V (Ja.i.MJxr.xCyiN i r..Tht gain of aaa Baparvboi in AbbBMM BBM b-st raaPj BM_M Bp for th. one lost in ibe towi.a. SouidGtaoadaga daraaaa .. reaition." BrP4rr»_ C'iaptkk Ff.ri tk."..The ( httrter eliio ejoc yest«rd(.y reaulted in a proud Itepnbli. au victorp. Th© conteet wba _ k -.. re om, t!_3 PadoahM ei adad- hg it with perfrct -~e;«raitOU, tbe vote wuh large, and tbe pbbbB ia hia-My -ati-fa(.o.-y to BM galiant-fie fubheans of tbe Ce-tiul tity. TLe elettioa wa* avarywliere efladaaled wilh gat-ti ordei, u-ai there mterc nut u.or© than lOrB U'artisin wbi. b __n bieitthea ©t tbe jM-aop weio a'fa-iijitod. Tie KBufi nay be *__iui»j4j up L.itliy a_ foliowa: A llep'-blican May-r, two Oraraaaia of ti.e l'«it, and two A_-xa*->r.the en- lirf .ity ti. k»t.all i-hcled by irejoritiie IBBB-OB from l'Ar»to ;»_s. Six RepuMica- Mi'. ttv., Fnaioa S-iya-rvbore aaoehoaaB. T_*> auial iomi IhtjabliMaiand dbur Faahahde. I* ull twn-tbiitis of the ' of ihe Vsrd caLdida*.» ele, ttxl are, iu,a. ln a dngb Baotance, the dfr ia Reptililicau, and Ax of de ttSfA %Vard8Aie K>p'il»lic_n! ht two tVarda rfo the PariaahM bave aalMaahahiaia-, aad tn.' tu .lidatae- Btey ebct ln otber rVardi -n -''.tviifani ... the gnn. arul MMcaaa <t Ihe lietu.' b U - ta Iboea Wa.dn. Two 8ep')blic_n imd two Foairm S hr»l Commihiuonei- am Mbkted. Poliiiie i\<* boJug >.ll_we<i to aalar i-to o-.r . Mjbad affairw, thtae di»:l_-ti >i a ae n,.-, u ...,__. Tbe follo'wh}* is a touiparatitg* r.ateu.ei.t of the i um or. May.-/ tbia auo bv* year: IBdO.Wastcott, if,-.., ,. Ilcao, _,A'J.'i WaBbgtM. D-i,i-"f 2,180. JH.1 . dtudrowa, Bepuhlican, _,~0~; Noxo^ Fu_i',n, :!,W. |f-yi-c.-a DkL'y Jo_r_at e_> .The Ber. Df/ i-arties of Liverpool ha* entertd ap©e the -ftii^b vear* of bis p-storitl hN-ri w WWttm kjrC't PJ*th Ibe iirt*> fratn ga-atreet (Banel PITBLIC MEETINGS. BOARD OP COUNC1LMEN. The BooTd met yrfterday afternoon, Mr- Jour*, tbo Pi > thtmri. bt tM amb. _. , «... Mr. Lbm otleiod a re.okiioii r*|neeti"g the Mayor to tarvitfl the Hon. John J. Oi-tenden to rkiBttlrttf and be, ome tbo gn**A of tbe Corporauoa, wbich wua 9imthm\vn preaenled ihe following ln rolation to the GeneralP'*l-Offlcetite: HAereoi, Certaln IndiTldoaJ. and eorporatlon. totdfBg real eilt'e ln ihe lo-rr w.rd. of lb. ei'T aie orgi. bj the pa*.*t* ofO* trt h* the Lrg..latnTe ctdlr.g to the Oai.etal OmMnI tba % iidlclioJi»iV th, pieiaali PortVftat .Ml Iherefoi. toB Sn^r^d .fiif) H/iril of Aldermen conc-i') aTat »h* fl>.«-tic-b oftbLoBtiontf ttaloalOflee ta _Pj dlieell, lfto__ *J .»keq.uu.e at. J tta toMMfl cf the wbol. body of eaMUflflM atd .W -ld he iMa Bdli.d, not to fafor ona, but BflM Uie ewp icuiid democratlo baiu, of prctuoUug th* great." good of tb« grnalr.t nurnhirY ' * itr.'t'A Ti.\ttb.a Poit 1 ifVco loght to he retrmTed from tti "ihii<\*ti. inct.nveiilii.t, a-.d alnioit tnaoceniible po.itlcn, ?oTill. li'aYJ'.-k.o: toiue olbel aite uot loW« lhan lbt toiitn.rnrndoftla«r*rk . BatWtad, That Um rapiMlfltMlPM from thli c*nnty BOJ ImbbM and Ai.mibly be reflneated (o nre aUbonorable MMb oVe.t tbe p-eeent .inwr.rtr,y ..fceoipt to promote |wt**t* fcwreat at ibe exnni8 of ihe luim. aud to i.-caie luch a BM M IB* P**n (.tric' ii will be B'Ooptabl* t* kb. whole body of oor cW iadc4^Jibnco with a iMlllfllfl the Corr-irHtln *. Vitinel ..nt in i drafl of BMraoibl letML**i;latara, prayti g that dutiea on rah a at aotfloa be MMltoMtM StfUeaaury. IheCoouael **y n. the memona, that '. 4ibTo.her MttJoaa of tbe t*ato have baaa-he .ed BMMaarybrtrdm m tvro.ntof the mm.ta. ti edutta* oa aaler at BOOtbe in _»_^"JjfSff£MaI 4imte Trc-aurv. The whole aruonnt trtiioh BM BflBfl S tejf,..n"i a. rotirce.-xeeed* pMOfg* Bf J btdb bu-a irnnll i.rti nbiialucti rt"irnrd to ifce <Ky, MO ibat\a wny'of approriiation, for <*^^.^ objecta iu wbkb othera. aa well Bfl£*2£"^.£ Uke rilv, bad iicoinc.n.ii-er.Ki. He OaMtMAtM hv Pflya a portion of tho State ft hool tax, tfl flddl tot tM,^:.,t:.V'itHi;44:iBt!,"J tbat wltiiu tl.e bM gdm- vent.t .e.i.4 baa iu thi. wnypaidabont.$..,.>0 OOn for tbe *npport oi achoob ta otbar eoMtbe. Ttom uLmVhtt . iu Ie4jing tbe b.,iiei,», he-kaya, ahould na cxtat. ard thed'Hn* M aucliou B-leeare tbe i ol BM M heu for the beii.f.t of thetity. Tbe Contrell*r, in eompHanco with a r*Bolntbn,, mh! in n .oni.:.:.ii.aii..n Btalog that ito Smking I-.nnd l Commitkioii' rfl bnd drafted a lnemortal to tbe L*8|'_' tur* foi tbe laefate of an act to ilo-e Mai bol au rvi.wre, and bad re-pi. flcd bim io unbiriit it loth. B> criin Cocnril. Ifl BtTaMtdflMB witb ihu, the Boordcou- i'.rniedlJreiiicmorial. A report wa* adopteil in fa%orof huUding an ex- ten-lon to the Eighte. rth F-e. imt btalion-Hrm**. The eemn-.r.r,i.",ition from tbe Ccntroller. tranaiTiit- ting a fthtemeLt of the retfip'.a, Ae., for the Croton Wotor Wo:ha Extenaion, aud eetimatea of additiotml ex|>eu.lltnrra Ihefi fof, waa eeaflBfffd in. An invitation waa BWOfaM u> revievv the proeMlon of tl.e Irtah Civie S . ietie* on the l^tb in*t. Tbe re*ol'ition to BMMMfbalM the Lflgb tatrtre for the rPMalof tbe city ruilroad grauta paam<l la*t VN Mflf .amenp, and waa the auhjett of coD-idernble itocu*- ,i..n it MM titallv bud nn tho table. Tne ipMilutiona to «-nd a Coromittee to Albany with i, aic-w of havirg an BCl r-a-eed to anhnit the rea<'l'i- tioneofthe latt Peace Confrrence at Waahington to .t,.- bm le of tbb fttato, 4veie laio ou tbe utbb. Tne Board then adjoumed. -m>-- COLI.EGK OF l'llVSlCIANS AND bTaWKONR. The littv-foiirtb nnniuil BM BBBfl of tbi* cxitl- leal Bebool ef MMbBM_aaMtbMia|i tba madtoat do. partrneat of Columlia ':ollege,to..k place hat evening, at Ining Ilall, wbib waa flOflUbftooly hlled, A'unding tJ.e bnd weother. Dr. EOWABB DlI.AritM.. Prflskhuit, utiuupbd 'he cbaii; fea hta lajjbt were *ea'ed 1).-. MoVfcar, aw iBMiaaaalBilMof tbe t (illeaiite De partnniit, lanl tbo IHflT.MM of tbe MaajifljPaaaft- ment; to btoapfi e.'.t tbeChai'tain of Cclomhb, OoflVaP, tbo Bcv. Dr. Wenton, bMMaWWttb fMBMM rt Doc- to.i, ecveral Congreaimen, nnd a nnrabcr of dlA.ln- irni*bed irentlenien. After prpyer bv tbo Chapbin. lU.rt flfl overture by IBB JJM^WMlbfl. WBBBBMkt DaXA- kivi n ailn.iniAlererf the Hvr.| oinuttr BflM, BJMJ flOBl delitereddiilonut*. Baakftodby Dr. DaI i..>, 8e.Tw.ary oft.he Facnlty, feotbl lollowinir itentbrnen, nnnih-nin.' about aixty, of whom only three hail lrom bouthern CtatPM H.drer. City. N. Y. I W'Ull.m B*dg*r. City. N. V JobuCouu*! Barrou. tlly.K. V.. TTiou.a. Uariow. Ououdaaa Co.N. V. JobnrUllo n*iikard. City, N Y. 44 cu A.*xai.dtr Retta N«w J^raey 4Vmiam Blund. il. New-Jarirf Byckt au I) Bugert, il a-'.'audCo , N. 4/.; Baas-ll Nelaon Bia.'ton. Ma. M/tbui*tH, U.ill n V-raibear Oliir. 44 n, Mctja- -i By:e Heiawar ("o.. N. Y. Ldround Bl.aokrlLird Caxaw. AW tl .a tymiani Un.ryCain.ait, PentiajlTarbv; f harM* 4'a-lar, (itj N Y. CfiM.'.a i-tt. co. jj. y.i JoLu frai.c.i Uanlyi tbipnau, rtaaaani Hetry Hur.ion i*», vvu..«a».,.. a^-a. ttoataiPfl Bli'ii, liaUfai, N. B., UaTld M<»C«rn.b Ot»«i.d.if Brikuuer lo N _ Job- Abbot' tViiitjaw jr Maite^ All *r Fa'rfax 4'b.glnU; 44Y, B._Httchar, la*_BP Bej jiml» Fraok BpPt frar-l Fenniyl Oranta^ ik,bbN.'V i"'Banry M. Bfcahcooh, City, Wew Yorl; lloiden. A. fl.. New Jariey Cbarle. Jobn Klpp, Naw Jaraey Thompaot; Ballev L.-a Ii, Kmtu-lv B*lh Btrpben Lounib*fy Wn.*W*r Co N. '. H.--7 M I.jman *. fl Hty N Y Edward Uaiduei Msr.hilb Jr , l lt), N Y. 44 m Htruu *r Ma/ tln City, N. Y.; Oniu Port.r MrDonald, Ohio, Alf'*d Nor*, ( onreetb nt, Ji-.a. H. Noyat, New HanipiHre, Mat.ryflyl-a nuiPlTu.i'tc-u. M I) (MaMarh le'ti Me«'*1 Cattaa.), Mnii cbaaetti; Aifr*d Kd?ir Martindiie Purdy Cl'y, N Y rharie. H R*7nold» A. M Molae. OhfltM Douglii Klghy. Uallfai. N H.; Benj'n ATery Srgur C-jnoe-ticiH; J'.bL hbjidj, Jr A. M. Cty N. Y. i Beb. r iTml h Pnt;ia.a I'e N Y HaPBMfl toaBl Hnow. A. B. M.ntgcn.nry To, N f.; fr.d*rlrk P.-nli BtOJ gei City N V. t'»o Fdwln son.meri A M.. Wew-.lariey rhit. Henry Biydaru, City. K. Y Jullm Vaigban, Krie Co N Y. Ueiret 44. 4»»d*T V*-. Vorit, A. kt, BehanecUdy ta.. N I. Mbbi Rou Vedi*). B'bai.aitadr Co.. N. V Td^'- Kletcber Ward. MtMv b .ief.1. RnUrt U tttl Jr.. CltT. fl. Y U ni L»mont VA"be»l*r. .I*tler^"i Cc N. Y. job* PI :.)pi Pit .on Wblt*. A B. lil.*, N. Y., Chati.iM Wlgn- ( BkadaWaM Aagu*tua Purdy 4\ __BBaj City, N. k., Biuj pfMM -n 44 La- MaaMkehMaPM. Prcaident DflJaflV ld * addreiw, p-hich followed, ww an ebtbora'e bta'.ory of tbe life of Dr. Sami.el Banl _r«t Preeident of tbe Ciiilege, who waa born iu Fblla ..lelpt.ta iu 1'. J'J, «d'.a oiod i¦- a dtaUir at Eiiinborgh wherehe frat oonceived tho id*a of i*tahliabing autb an inatirution, aad wbo ib d in 1883, at tbe age of 80; tbe addreaa tiiibra>ing tto eoily hiatory of the Collegi ol fbyab ioiia aad burge<«a. BtaBI M. Ltmaa, A. B.. of New-York, delivrreti tbe valedii tory addrtji*, Baaflf whii h Dr. Ikebfitld on nounced tbal tbe nnual prizoa of Uie Farnlt?, tbe firpl i>eing a iiiui of Bt'iO, and tbe aecond $'^>, bad bepr, Bw-ardpd to Dra. Maaa Hobh Vedder of Bthaiieclady, Mi Y., and ChflB. Corter of New-York City, r**p*«rv tively, btHb in uiluiuwledgmeiit of well wriUon eaaayi on BMflb al m_oeMi and toeetflbta Baaatbfl waa liko- wiae made of Dra. Alfrrd Nortb of ('onnor tinif, Henry M. Lyiauii of New-York, and Wm. Henry Carman ol l'ennay Ivania,ulto for dittaeitatiutiaon med'eal mhjeeta. I)r. Caraonanrize of $100, i nd a gold medal worth g*J, waaawaHea to Shraly, jr., and of $..0, togeibei witb a ralvei metial, to Jobn* Liderkin of tbia | lty. Dr. Tiiomah Bi.AT.iirt.itii of Troy deliverwl im en- tertttbiing oddrena to tbe Alumni, after which tb* nieetingHdj.jiriied. Todflf, BMBt af Ibe ettideuta de port for tbeir reapective bona*. Tbe iuatitution re- ..pene in April for Uie bpring cotirpe, wbich ta lo bi followed hy tbe anmuier eouree. Tbe pe>t torm bai Umtt the moat etoce the o. _jiitn(em. nt oi tut aobflflL _ .Tbe notabilitie* reohbnt in CbbBBJB :ire numerviia, if wo may endit a leirer-wiiter who atnb* that there ar* ti i,« the aon of aa Engliab Earl, forme/ly to the GiiaruV, now engaged to tbe by uo meoaa ariatoeratiral i. vupauonof pp. king pork; a aon of Uie late Biahop of London, nnd a graduoie of Gxford, buay to tbe raaau- focture of aoftf.; a nepbew of the gallant Lord Collbg- wocd (Neloon'a Collingwood.,fattentog cuttle ou on ad- joeerit form; a yoongor *r_ of one of England a nobleat familiea, apfH-ulattog to wheat and comi a reduced, but genuine Getman Baron, who haa bohtiobbed with Huuiboldt naal the title-l magnobea of Ltmdoti uab- ionnble abflafa, diapenaing lager beer at balf a dirue a glaaa; ir, accouipliahed Hnngaiian noble, engaged iu Irpflco painting at $V! a 4luy; a brother of Char'e* Di. BflBfl, wbo he*i* a rtiiking n-:-: mbktace lo tiie giiied noveliat. Ib ia a Clerk in the l_,nd Departuicnt of tbn I. (/. 1(. K. eini it i* from bim taat Diekem i*4-i».-l the ni»n Jf jJuttu of " Boa." Panat. ArromTwrvTi . IHBa ClkllatQan. Bl B Vork, lieorf* H M.-t *)f»; aJtooT, Ir* ?trft, 44>,t Troy, iVIi.'.a M. Poweil, fobeiieiiU.;/, Andrew Y. Ctmer; Pt.l'ou- Till*, Lewii .». Baiinet*; I.ltU* fa'Ji X A. 4,4'lll.rd I'li. <Yr- don Ba-krtt; Borii*, BainuH P. frwl Byrtciie, O*o. Haul; M tt«.u-..a, !4t*pf«.M. Mtoke* l.-oni, <>aluturui l u- I'al rnyrt, Auion B. Clemoni; lu-a*.l»r. Kbonaaai T Oaitay feroikport. J17 lkavlii Alblon. 44 ru. Pe_i._iaB; Medb-a A. VV. FmeUi L'4'krarrt, Ibf/i M Niohid. d* -: xtuttalo, 44 n.. r*oot; 44atarfot4 l^oi.rrd Mulllknn. Port Ld araN, Jobr, E. Mclnttre: Vkhlwhall Ikeceli P. Nye, rt^lt. I.nbiiitiiK Eiana; PlarnU. Ctoltta M. bea 0»«.-... Jan.*. M Mrown;8en«*A raJie, thttm lllnlaill, OMne-a 41*1. M |t*lii.-,,b; Bli.,,«, Jub.i H IrCrOii II,f«.',*,_. :,, (, 'iuouip- ton, Cajmlnf,, <#i »g* W. IVall; Prnr Y^., HtaBord f i:i*Tr- land, Baa-uou. VA m. N. Cttr; Oitori. Berwlo H. i/tok;Ulng hVolaaxta I1*t,*, Kt.,U.._r. (ir, rn E h'iu.', Mo-r.t Motrta. L'.'hi (oy Daat-Ula Al*anE<ler Fd. . :. Caneadi-a Jobfl W. Ikeual. Oiean, Oii»x,tl i'. Ootida.Li.i l*t,ot. rllir, Lt 1 ( « H li: BiicLil. Daaiiel llr.i Intf'' . * .".¦. 'lugb ,'toNaL.ara, Me-rice Bm t; WVat T\oy, Ntchalw Baya* Anna arenbei., I't 7.-,". -l, r, 0*tk«etita, Rtaatva- A UU.-.m K-H*h*«.rr Wuiiao. lf <,r'.,.t,' H laat. Mi-diael MnBi-r, Edward UA.iag.,-1 OlWug.., Liaii'ai J BlokiV.Bl. IF*to_i .»'"'..Albany, Phll'i. T 4*r Cmttj U'eet Tror, (wmrge K, toPBlBfli I lha. RkLi.d l' Uwei i, Byiaru.a, Sinabi, V. A. r-aatbarly; noche.ler, ll|. hi-d llnweil Ai.utta t rYaUkmtmUrt.Altoay, Jaooh Mion J.aei Cooley, W*.iTro., Aiaeaal ,,-j-p Fdgar IV. Lenmed I'tlea, f b'iat'.pber Klliig,' YVilHw. M> L'oi.o.ifh i Byraciua. Patrlik Agau, lieni), lliv Vp*»«r, Ja; iei i*. F.var,* BapaiBilMdJaA Bia. I/, J3, 14 rrV (*nal, ( b**t»r P Bb. 8t Ba* I aad 1 (>*n*ea* VauPy PavmI. Oaiid B Bparta/; Bac i UautMa Vallry L«nal, AmiM Jfawbry. PKR80yAL. *r_fjlil|.ll t*uid be kbBBB- beard a Judgc at *m*]mi ihaa BBBB^BfabaaarMaMa^BByvi " And I trnst, throngh -he Bh-rita and n.eduiih cf our hhaaad Beeeaner, raa any aBparbbm th.-, nerej ta an.aie, w<.!J.i-'--1--"<>,-"Ii,:,,'J-,;C,f"h.°' a. paper curreney of the country lorbtda you lo babe for here." -lu 'he Liveipo'l Court af OmMMB Phaa, b-ely, Mrs raflBlB who ia known in tbe profesaion bb Mad. DottLhiaagh aaadtaaaaahd tho iiuMinaf Mn Woodt nrn, the 0 ell-kimwa ateMM dcler. The lady waa the wifn c- tbe Rev. Mr. Fenneli. bnt BvM ap-art BMB him by IjIfll-iaM, m.d MBHBM ber ehihlren, two daaghm Mr. vToodban beard ber .ir.g, and retiiiest.^d BM M repeitl Ihfl M-g, aodfaf ObM he would fiand chaniph-ne and Made. Ba BlliaaBBMl« had beTBii.guigattJapriv.ife parthej aad on the whofe ber BMaaad wm CUB. £M hd Iom pald, aad the Jnrv g-ve avt-diel br£8f. Mr. Baaharaaiiaiilaii in the care, and he Bkid ihal. t' «. Wt) tt v.».iirut M privale parrae Y4:,a BflTM BB* t- B -.linr-ua a nigbt. aadioMBt-BM 44aa_Fhir,hastwe..'\ aahaak .An illna'ratod r-.-rlodical ha*been atitrttrd in Ber- lin by JBBaa Bodaeh-nj, Iba aaahor af iba Braiy oftrnvelfliii Ir.-limd nhbh MtraMsd MMMhfl reciiitly iu thia country. The bM BaaabM will eoii- tnio, iimoiig othe: OSatrBj-BoBB, theOBaMaf chaptere efaetery kj Ibe -*tar, BBibhd " The Strer-t Hingrr of- Locdon," aadaaaaB bi rtidiaea BteBkjiB-k, lha (i.rimui poet, now M-MeM iu our niftrop-lir. Vve tialbra this is aadta a aavale-feibBflM taOanaaaj. It is itutfd, no', however, without tome reeene. ihat BaBBB- II., BfhM ho leutcti Rotre, will go to Cadiz for two moi ths. nnd, late. iu the Hpring, will BM> ceed to Muu'ch. Alt_io__h it doea not apptar __M he wns put under t'-rma i.ot tc bead the ineurrection in the Aiiairi. ii h aaddhMMj t.. Iad IhM be daaa Mt aaBjn .in any'iirh wild pn.ject. Acc> rding to anothar re- ,ort, however, the Kmg w- nt to Trie.t" <n the 18th. -The marn-ge of the Hoti. Ili-iy HtJicel wilb I ol. PonBonby mt the O.iards is expected |a take phaa rbortly. Miss Hulteel ie one of the (Jneen'e Maicis af, uud the galhmt hn legnxm flcet isoneof tbe eqnerriee to the Prince ('onsoit; 'he mateh BBMBB), therefore, more tlan ni-al mierert m tLe ii_u_---U- , irvle tt the OeBft M_B BaBld is u |IMMbBB0b. rof thegrtut Farl firer. nieyeof the present Peer and of Oaa. G-BJ, Priva'e Secr-iary M ihe PraBBOflBaart, :,nd of LarlyCamlloe Harrirgt^n Lady Rnperinfc ndent cf th.- Royal rhiidian. Uein_ B Md 1 d Houoi al tlu- time nf her m-rriat'-, tho, accord- ing to cust'im, receiveaneB,*c__l nxu.k uf Beeal _aT8B .Al the maniage of tha TOaBB Far! ef UaaalB with M:n Bepe Bf-hflfflBBB, the jewelry wornby the Iride coatnpwardof £l'-,04«), and aaaahtfldaf a laadaeaM head oroamont of d...monda, and B dh-BO-daflflh-MB, Ajc. Mr. llope, it if e_id. gives sbe OaaBBBB tt Lin¬ coln £.'.000 ayetki P-MMBOJi aud Uie nsa of an liirh BBtaMk . One of the Pmrfs jonmnla has tbe following; " A BBM-hfOMhej, lophtgu.-.'!.'.'f thr hlind men wbo beg on the Poi.l dee Arts. made a hafa b a BBB, und at- Uu-I.ihI it to a pitty-of aiiiug. Ile tlu-n drop'i-d Ibl into the mendicant's littlf cnp. t ot whan the lat- tor, hearing it fall, proeea-ded lo tael f<r it. Wt ttm jerked it oaB. T> is triek he rapaa-ed five cr aix t i_Ke, tn the greK' '.n.Lg-u.ii. n af BM Mf-d BBaV-Bdhl voice of attifted mmpaiikion said, 'IhaTosafu w.::. pain the trick which haa been pluyed B y>a If » t-s- Wmtltt na !/oy, and you v.ot.ld ll vt. ii b BBBM I now aee him enming ajong tlu- hrdge. and if you bear _u;.lhina fall iuto your t_,*in. it will ba un.'-peri I7 him.' ' Thnnk ynti, rt-pl-..'d v,t h.g^,ar, ' I -hall b* prri arrd for him, and hc, k-r> «p«.i Li* waiking-etirk. Preaently a r.-Fj... o.l.le gentieman d-o-,-(¦?«! a a-.o Inio tha cnp. Up jumped tbe mendicant, and rylng, Ah 1 Latf i-.ighi you atliiMl' p^K¦^tslad to belabor the ft'ttor MttBoM m<rry. The p-rtlata-n, greatly aatoo- iihed, cried for halp, and waa reacoed by U.a paaoear l-y. Aa to iba w.y w* aota-ri- ¦* tn rat a way. .J.aeph Trex-lFr of C>i_it>-B, P«., died at Ib 1--.'.- deuie iu CharSBM Townaiiip on the 9th Irua af the MBnaaabal age tt H> a'lidln Combria in the yc-.r 1888, whan it was litile e>* B._:i a dreary wilderness, aud waa amotig tlie f.aaaaM of theae hsrtly pi"ii»cra who planttd i-lnli/a' on amilrt the ruggtid peaka of tha AUeghai i** .At Jaaay, a faw daya ha-... a dual hal pls-e be- tween two I'oles, f>rjif Pbarawahy a.nd M. BanMBBBj a literary tnan, and it "ndad by tba la'ter being kilied. The meetir.g aroae out af a so.ia.-le aa to whether the future GoYernroen' of Polaud oojd»t t>. 1j*i (^m-iita- tbad or BBaobBaaa^aadB-e bagaaga naed ._. irri'Htfd the Count, who f,*.k tl.e Conatitational aide, *.Lat h. Btr_ck hiiadveraary. .A fK-itniil of M:txiu_J;_u Robeep-iari-a, by Droliing, was aol.1 laaaaaly at tlie fci-.cth.n.rc-irns in the llue Drouot, Paria, for HB, BBBBBry Ue vidue of tbe frame. -The Marrjuis Ilreadalt_i,c, K. -T., had been aelected by Queeu Viciorla to prucfed 011 a apecial mla- siei. to iuvcat bis Mujae'y U.a King of Pruaaia wltb the Order of thetlartrr. Hia lordsliip will I* acc/impe- by Mujor-O«u. Lord f. Paulet, C. Ti., and by Ylstv4int Hiuehingbrook, of the flranadier OuarriB. Sir Chariea Young, Gartei Kmg nf Aruut, wiil aluo BBMBB. on tbe niadon with tba __a.--i.nis oi Breadalb-ue. .Mr. Mayhew's long-ru-pendtd work on tkt Poor of I/ondnn ia sn well known that it ls scercely uefee- aary to do more thun rhrunlcle the fuct that ita pTthlira- tk-n ia at leagtL leaumed, and ila ixiuiplatlou Oiialiy an- nouni-ed al no more <li8'__i date ihun tlie oiistiiag April. .We muat ttkt, fmaa Mayhew a work, an amusiug trait in the rbaratier d Pnnne BBBBrh-B/, on lha au- thoiity of liilly, ihe wnll-koown tro_iing-.weeper iu CafOndiah a^tiart). " He wasagrnUemen," aayaBiily, " as waa nncommon fond of the gals, Srr. Ue d go a.d talk to ali the nuiid aervaiits romid about, if tbey waa only gn"d looklng. I u«ed to go au_ riny (b» hjmt} lells for him, and t-ll tbe gals lo and meat himtn (lhapal Mreet. God hlese him! I aayi, he waa a pleaa- 4 nt genUemas, and a regalar r»-\ un for a bit of fun, end always lnokiug lively and" .Mad. Ugalde, the favorite prima donna of the Op- era-(,'o__i.|uB, luu nearly falleu a victlm to a terrihle accldent. Wbile on tha "Utge at Caen, ln tbe middie of a part, ahe oama too uear Uie foot-lighta, her dn-«* eaught fire, and wiu uujUmily in a blaro. Hy i-taiart-nte ahe was rvacqod from a dreadfnl fat*. kav ,ug aanei-d liitle lujury beyond the affecteof fri^ht. .A dinne. waa gi ven ou Wanlneaby, by a bost of bis admirers, to Col. Sir Artbur C.^ton, ao renowned tor bis aucceeaful exertiona ta India to prvuote irriga- tion and the c-trutla. Amoogthn company weaa Iaord I.y y"lnn, la.rd II»rria, Kir Ji.iir.-e Klphinei'iie, aud Mr. Hi_ihiu-toii-Lird tthafleabiiry prFaldiiifr. The Chainnan pronouuted tlie euhs^y af OflL OflBBB ln j-ropoaiug hin bc-altli, aud the grt:.ii inig.Uor madu a reply ftili of ta-MflBtiag taiemeuta. .A Commitlee huajiut bei-n forme.1 at C.otha.uitdar tlu* Praaidiaarj ef Bm lalgabaj Duke, to c..iUh.i h.. f md- aeeeBBarj f 1 th. f*j<..Jiii"n LLmiL, i-ji,oin «e_*ui of I)/. Ua anl Vvgd, or, al any rate, U> trerutN tho raaaba af hia inv^stig.:: aa. Th:* e-fadbha, lt i* agpyy-teid, villl tuke ihrt--.-f,.iir yaaii. It ik suj^osed that h -um '. 70,(XK) f-i.nce will \#> aiifririmit lo d'.ray ull ihe e.4j.i'.i«8e. .Piui IX. bha jurt ».t-dn I a»U pioaeul a apb ndld ! dLiuiond nit-Llare, Wt \ttft ity ot alr.iuh Iad), n- 1 ii.ily dea-.ttaaid, and a qnnml'v of what a Lt-ndon haHghaeaaadMeall" ar_aiMafbbjo_fja_d vinue;" ahv, a prr.4:..i liittu a lady Ba U-ii..... .Tl.e P.uis roriesj-.Ldei.t of Tkt t'ourt J...- givi- an utMou_t .1 a dafB-B dad irbfab BMBBMfh a fuw dujaa^t'iu city. Th.: MMMBBbbI werv a yomig ducayed iu h|ri_au aad a nch young bankar. ul.I the canac waa, of c/jiirue, a lady. J he fiA-mer Laving tlie right ol Uie choice of weupoiA, lehxted the aw >rd, fljid it waa decided that tbe aflair ei onld coue . tl in tlie iiohlenuin's amoking-room. Tlie m^rrow enme.Uie buuker (limhed up tbe riacount a ilippcry staii, and wat i'K>w_t jau> ii;*. aar>>k j/jj-rociu, wUn, u^ofc a _«w BBf flowery flffffll itood the viacoun', amil'ng bbndly_ in 8 iMtflggi i aal abfaara, todara a ******. I flrr\ The witDeeie* eo-.n made all ready, the doctor wa BMaBMfld in PM flBBl 10888, nnd the flflflAfltflBBJ'M ,0 »t tbelr dcadly work. In a few minute-a flY, Dailv,.r fU>od pinnrd throngh the BHBJ~ flrl of v^(. ^bt artri t0 ibe wa IM BMBBBBl afbV raafla, Mflal in afew minutes more waa laid npon U". viaon^nt't hed, with th* doetor ttanding o*er bin> o_l )n« iw0 friendabanding the Itot, and raga, aud .-".ntinent whkh bta caee roqaired. .We re/,_ )n T*c Ma'ta TimeiflffbaMkbl "Onr readern, will l.e , Unl to 1> :im ibat Ruggiero bettimo, Princa of FeuJia, at preeent reaiding among ua, tho cohtaei, perhaia, of all tlie men who have «ver ButTertd for tbe ItaJiun flBBBfl, haa been cnlled by the King to Ibo aboJf af lYaBbbaal of tho I'ppcr Baaaa of the Ital- Pitrli-tnient. Tbe nppoititmont, however, it b feared, it pnrely nomirul, aa it ia not likely that the iood old n:ur., from bia greut age and infirn'iii"a, will Mahlfl to flrfflfl blmaelf eiil er of hia nomrnalion or of the meana af eonveyance- u tSardinian frig.ite.wbich haa leen pbved at bia diapoaol. It ia well, however, that even ln bfa IM BflBM flf refuire Knggiero HetUmo ¦honld live and die the tili'lor bead of the finl Itulioa pprliamctit.'' --Tbe faajmbl tl.e Hon*. of Lord*, on Thnrmtay, .le.idcd ibut a t-leivyinan had no power to aolrmnire hta owi; riarriage, and that the tarue of auch a mar- riage WM illegiwmate. The qnertion rrtroe their bMOBbafa in roimection with a caae which haa exeited ...flflbbMkbh iiiiert-Bl iu Iretand. .The well-known pnblieher of I^ipaic, Bernruird Tan.'hniv, hai juet receircd from the Duke of bnxe- Ccbnrg, aaa reward for hta Fngltah publicationa, the title of Baron for him*. lf und bi* diren deae. ndanta, TbeEiii|eror RflaBMWM haa deeided that a atVne eholl to ere. ted at PM to the late Marabal Baagaflt, and, aatte MarBhaTa mother haa no private f.-rinne, the bmBBI Bfl bas gntnUd b. r a BaBaBJfl of b.tiOOf. Nova tbat King IY.iuri« and hir fnmily have.iuiitcd Naplea.tbere hre in exita nofewi-rthnn tifty-rive mflin- bflgpaftbfl Bflorlm BBBafj oMflfaWflaMagpflMJ wbo are the di.eet or .olUteral d.-wendante of Louia XIV. Tb>- lif'.y-!':4e aie ibeae. The BoOJflMM of Naple*. con- tittingof KicK r'niiirie. tlve bffltfa ra, and fonrfliatera; kfaltajeftya feWBBr.flrtaflBl || Cflfflfl and twocbil- <arm. tMBfl d Aquita anl iwo children, Count de T.a- ratii nnd live; hta M8jbatf a aunta-lJueen Miuia Am'iie. widow of Kirn,' I-oui* I'hibppe, tbe Ducheaae ,1* lb ni, Bfldtba D.i.'l.e-r.ide balerno; nnd, luatly, a couain-german, the DucheeM d'Auroale.MOaa, Wo. The Beflfbeaaof Ppafa V"t tMaBtM Don Jiuui aud two .hildren; total, 3. Tbe Bonrbont of Franoe.Count do l.bauib.,rd, ihe Ducheeee de Parma' and four chil¬ dren; TheOrleiaiB branrh of the Fr.-nvh ¦imImm llafraMtBi Pari*, bm I>m de Ohaatna, tbo Due de BaaaflM and BMB bbWBbWB, tho Priuce de JsisrUa aad twe, tbo Dm d'Aumoio aal two, tb* Dafldt Mintpet.iier and aix; total, 20. Ninetten BilulflM are not in exile, namelv, tbe Rryal foiuly of iMkifl,alBMMBB BMMlMl tba Emj re** ol Bia/d lato frnaaiBjflf BafJaa), aMDaabaM AaajflfltM afflaflat* OtltMg Oalbfl (BBJ Primera d Oileaae;, aad U.e I> ike Chorle* 111. of Fnrmn, lutoute of bpoto, wbo abdicated. The roll "f llie Lordt, apiritual and temporal. bM tv *n BfaMad, Th.-re are 81 eplrltnnl I.t-I* aud 8B tem- pr'ml, reckoning I-ord Aurkloi.d tbe formor li.'c'.pof B-th md Weilt. Tta* apintnal lordt uro'J*i Bfa pTotalc* and baf Wah, tM bfab MaxbflMoa x BtpfJ .Y.i*aaiontol..gtbeArcI;liirho1of Dtihlm aod bba Biah-paof Dowu, Oaaory, nnd Corh.' Of tbe tem- iuia'i lorla tbree ar* of tbe bl od p)yal-the Prince of Wni.B, the Duknof Cumtorlai.d.Kingof Hajioverl, Bfld tbr D.ike of Coiiihrnlg*. Tht-re Wlow 'JO duk.t, ¦ BaaraaMa, i*u oi^'a, 2* rbMaaaa, aud vK3 imrooB. T) ... hower.r, ta reckoning tleia Uehliically, uyf. rd- bar to t)*a tnlea hy which they *it in UM bflBflfl. IM inaunce, tha Duk* of Bucbuch ta pUned aaK*ng tbe oprta l-*e«aa.' Im »ita, not by bu ucJiafU. but ao hori of 1 )..rara-Mrin lha Fn«aab peara*i*. and Uie Duk* of Araryll b reckoned only amrmg tho rmrena Boron thflBabbtBa)) ihe Im] .f^-dtji I* I^<^h,~__ ^.. »_,.im or LitnaVarde, Lord pomertill; Lord Fnomure aleo remaina among Ihe IflflaBgj btauewly- luherlt*"! K-titil. Lt'c f Lorl of liaLlioi_-ie feawbtg no aea: in tbo Hmian annexid to It. AMigning all auch p*ea to the raak and title hy wh: I they are comroouiy Iflti'.wn, nod apeuiMig |»'j atohy, ti.* truipovtJ brdl ur*> a prlnrp, a king, Vf dukn, jj aanjulAra, 170 norla, ill viaconnta, and 1..'hikrona. The whole BOnbai ia ih< IIoum, therefore, ta 1?.-; a geaentt-rin ago it waa r»ot NB - Mr. Lumley, the ex-lmpreaariu «if Har M ij*4Tty'a Tboiaier, ta nuw ibe Mauaafei of »ha Th'ater Royol al r ,-in. Mmlrn. itaelle TiUena, Madenn iaelle Cnaoloni, Sitrnor Gioglini, and Signor C.ui*, are memt'eipof l.ta BflfJfOBfk .M. Mu-ortl, the ar*a t»f bV BaaMMd wb<> wm the otietinat'.r of Fronienad* Coneetta, ii D"W jriving a . BflfflflBBMfBl at St* HmII, aimilnr to the ca-labrated Mtienrd ('ini^-rtaaf Paria. HehtiaHn.x- reltiil BjB_M8JB ,'bieny lnvu*fbr fiom Paria), who rieifotm wnli/tt* qtindi'-IJi-a, and OtMo kitnta ol dance totive, will. a hre tw.d bnllianey prubably never tvj. poajied, and tbr aaaaflftl are cmaoquenily well at- ter.ded. A tjen:orial haa been preoeii'.-d :o I^irtl Poliner- *ton praytog tor more Biahopa. Ibe prriject ia lo anb- .livide Uie lorge aee* of London, Exeter, Dr.rhom, R.icLfBter, LLnooLn, and Gloticeeter, and tbu* retiifonp tha eoiiuvappte by the addition af half a BM new BuJiopa. Tlie niemoriul ta aiaiued by a btrgr uumbei of Peena BBd Cmmonera, ebiedy of Ibe Cou^vrAaUva |*rty- I.ord Evoraley und Lrt^J Elary biiig the aioot cot.picnotM meu from tbe other rai.ip. .Th« jottrnal* etatij thi.l a dnel wbh farafdi bad Utk.-u pto'44 betw.>eu M. Valeio, a wri'er in th* Centrmfrtraneo, and M. Macana flf tbo Dirio Ktp*myt\mm4 itended by fbe foimer rec. iviug three wounda. Annthar dm J vvltb pittolt waa to have taken ;tace between tte diree'.-r* af Ibfl MBM loiirnata, M. Albared*a and^ M. Tlo'M.ii, Btn lt ww prevent. .1 hy th« authoritiaa, and tbo twe gentbmen were ralted on to give Ibeu wtwd ot bonor not to ligbt in the diHtrict of Modrid. Tbb they did, but Uiey left f.cAndabiab wiih Uie btention of Laviiig a hoetile moeting there. .We p-o fem Uio Iriab papera tbal Catherine Ilayea't UKir to her aativo eountry ia attendoil with Lnlhont niiereaa. ghe, with her eondjutore, Mite ljm- telina, Mr. Tonnaat, bignor Bnrdiui, Herr Beoker, and Mr. F. B«rger, have fdfflfl eoncerte at Cork, Limeritk, I..'i aad "ihe Irlah Nightiugale' haa every- whare ta ,-n nvelvod with enthtudaam. .lt ta eurrently atatod, aaya The Adnrhter, that Cotiiit C ituiir ha* BBaBBBfld to, aad been a>repted by, an I'.iiktiieh hv-lf holdingadiBtingtitabiid |Jace at tbe Oflflfl of our Oueen, aud wboee Ude beloima to tbe blgheat gnale but one of onr femole noldlity. It b, tbat aa m*n. aa mottora are aomewhot more cdrai iu Ituly the* will lake pbtce. .At NoPen. fFranc*,., r few daya ngo, aeveial yrrtng women emplored by n dtraainaker were poi*oned by i'irm.1 of a dreaa whlch tbey bnd nuole up. They bad bad to tear ltrto Lnuda a li^ht l:4»no of a green color to roaka oninmonte, und thia liad cauaed a alight dtitt, wbkb ent..r«d tl.eirmoutha atd no«trlla. .The Vicercy of Egypf, after haviug birded ot Oo-eh, a amall ;ort in tbe R»nl fieo. prooeaded to MivliiiB, whare. bfl rernaiued flvn dny* MBfbM afltbfl taOflb af the Prcplmt. Tl.e l'r.u a flBB* BMM Butgni- 1 cent prtatnla to tllfl b,in.i.:i ol M. .. ajj.l to the DbflflflB. Ba wo* Ifl lenv" on Jaa n tor Mocco. T;-* fTeofoy'i liule aea, fbaaaM l'*'", (mtIbmbow n'tai'ied tbe mature age of oeveii jc.-ib, aaBMBBflM Ibe enjoytiii :it of a aepbiite eetnhlialiDii-ut of h'.MOwn. Townni it* aWaBBtfaa lie baa already t.emi BfMBMBfd v.'iih a e-yujle af Ob BBflflO fem;de ahiveB. wbbfaabe I,iik;ltali niirB*, under aybOM abflffjfl l.o bai IBbflftO l*4-n, ta at-out lo diaiibarg'4l. . After the prerfauuition of theamn. *'y hiat ypBr, the Fieiieh Conaol Li Lcndon Inforrned M. Ia dru Rol- lin tbat it did not ap].ly to him, becati*.. be had been found gnilty, " by defank.'of piirtkc.i|4iiion to a plot fk.-14'i ei L.t Life «J the 1 n-i . fr, wbicb WUB » CVtuliroB ,RW andikOtapoliiK-lotl-nie. Thereupon, M. Ledru '__,^..uhmittcdtoEeveralemincnt French advocates the following -itiretion: " Ia a aaM ag-m't ibe Em- peror'slifcaioliUfalcriniet" The advoci.tea, in an opinion dBMd Jan. 88, UK1, have resolved the quwU-n iu ihe.ii.irrm.tive. uddtag tbat M. Ledn B. H lae B bfd right to enifr Praaaa nBbaM hetag Miliilil -A girl advertiiei in a Girtnan naWeT-aper for a sit- nation aa bar maid or waitree* in a refreabment aaloon. Amoug hf r .piaUficatiotia for such a poeit'ion, ahe s_)B ehe can cnt BM piecea of bread and bntter. of aatisfac tory uppearance^>i-t of one pound of bread and two ouncea of butter. -The Rev. Alexander H. Vinton, D. D., pastor ef the Chareh ofthe Holy Trinity, BB Kittenhouse equure, Philadelphia, haa tcndered bis n-Fignation, to take tf- fect on the lat of Jono next. Th' Veatry of theChurdi haa accepted the rcs'giiation. In bis lett-r ef renigr.a- tion, the " oDpromising condition of hia wife s health is given as the cause. It ie underetood in New-Tork that I)r. Vinton baa accepted the Rectorsbip of St. Murk's Chareh, in the Howery, and that he willsrwrUy remove bis rosidetce b this city. Mr. Reuben Traveller, a we'l known citizen of Ottawa, Ilppt-r Cauada, _hd laat week ir tbe eighfy- l'ir»t year of his age. Ile paat throtigh an eventful lifc, tunong other eirciiuatancea baving been preser.t at aev- erul of tbe great uuval battleaof Nolbou, und bcing alao one of thoae. veiiliiroua apirit-i accompanying Mungo Park in bis African exploiation. Mr. Travellci waa a .ii-ive of Kngland. H<: was u cricr of the Courto of Carleton Connty, U'fer Canada, einee Uie eounty waa firat formed. The Ommmt S'n'ionnle, which origiri-lycir:ul:tted the iiews that Uiree French noblnraen, MM. do Mflfl, St. I*i.rre, and St. Muttin, had been eent'-noed to d>-aUi by a coiirt-martial at Meseimt, now corre. ta tho atate- ment. They are merely arreated onachargenf oon- epiracy, and have been aentto Genoatotake their trial. A Pruaaian named Kalkrtutb, a myFterio'is paeBBBBBB, wbo ia said to huve betraytd ihem, is now theii fellow prieoner. ______________________ FROM LTAIL SMPaBMBbBM «f 8ha N. Y. Trfbtna. (Jrfat Sai.t I_kBB CfTT, Feb. 1_, 1881. We have douhta aa to our preeent rtositioti. and Aeajroly know whetberwe havestartedan Indutu war, right in the heart of the settlementa, or whather we khall he fortunati* em.ugh to eecape frcm ono wbicb tbe bdhard-Hfla of someof tho '. bretbren" tbreatens b lu ing upon ns. The aettlemento diree'ly w««t nf thb fnr-«ly tv.'U-s nra bnsy with riflea and revolvers, and making eve-ry olTort to protect theu lelvea agdnsf siirprise fr-m the Redakina. Bhrald tbo exci'ement not immeJiaielv c~_ee "tbe ipirit'' of fear and fig-t will eite-d, aud befoje wo know where we are wo may reully ~»e tbe neaaaeityfor a general fight with Uie bBBBBttea. lt h aiton ahln.fv eaav to roiumence a fight wit'i In- .liana, but ex.oe.iiDgly'difflcult to and it. Tbo Indian* in thia Territorv have been mirerably ueglected by tbe Onvernment and its repreaenUtlves. Ioevery other settled lu.lian etaBatatheOaMrBBMM b-BBBMBBreae. trratlM BM tbe buds used by tbe aettlera, and the nip- .ilaiavl dovernment payments bave boen made MMM- gent on tho gtxd bthavior, boniaty. A-.c.,of the ln- di-aa. Here, tl.e wbitea occupy tha lands in the val- leva kill tba garne on tbe oiouutaina.catch the trotit ia th'e riveia, and the wandering ownera of tho aoil and the waters, the Ummjkit BBflpflMMB ofthe conntty are Uving on Uie eharity of Ue people, wbo teod all the cha ity for tbemaelvea, for Utab, be lt said. en patt'i.t, is ant but the narden of the world, and all lt produces ia hy tl e hordeat Labnr. The Indlane be. Ull their demar.-s lieroawi hoavy lax, aiid the fMtbra BBaOffld and vexed. The levagea see und fael it, and ever ready to put out their biuids, holp themaelvei, fcnl bere l Fgir.a the row. We bava an Indian gaf llaMM-BM, Indian Au BM, and Indim Farm Agente, and haia haard afoOovwa. m. i.t appropriation MBdBJ 00 nccntly fi r It-ib. But who .iippoees that tbe Indians get mncti or of the apiiopriuUon T Nobody wbo ever aaw thfl aun ket waat <>f the Miaau-nri River. Kvory new Hupainn- tendent n__kea his debot with a daah. Hedlatrkutaa a fea blanketa, a keg of yellow ocbre, a pound or two .-#._._._{«,.. aticksafa-tber in achief's bat and pa- radee him abo'it -ika a m._i-*» nr, an Itulia- atraat or gan BoaM 1- ur ia given to the s-juaws, pereaiv.on .ai*. pow der and lead to tbe bravea. A w ind * speacb ia _.'.i ,-r«a-i to the wb< 1. trihe ah"it tlie great iaiher ut V\ neliington, a nollce of which dtily _u>, In the loaal pai*ra. Then tho Hiiperj.teii(l.«nt tnrus te vi-uchera, abstra. te and acr.^: te . urrent, antl ludian- dom haa got all it ever will get. Is tble i*c' 7 Teo tbouaand voices bere would reply: " More truth than poetrj-.' I^it the Indian* out hero be atwr-ded to nr tbere will be seritms trouble. How comes HrighRm Young, the (hief of tbe Mormons, to luave such lufln- en.-..- with thfl ladhae I By tadaatriaattag tliem into bisfaitbl! ily tre;uii-ut them wilh khidnesa, and pdfaataa tlu Bhbaaa M feod them. It la a baary draw upon tbo Churrh flour-hin, but Brikjba-n ia i' enough to know thal it is rhe.jvi to foe-i an ludlan than to fight bim. Tbo preaetit ularm in tbe aetJiWnenta la from tbe snd- _M apjearunte of tbe ia* ally hhoahiBM wbo ltave been keeping up the dit-cnltiea on tf... Centr.l Mail routeto (.'aufemia. Theae Shoshonee lutve aJwa'a hved awav from the atttlemenU. and have proyed .ipontraYolera. They havo rwently _ppe_red al the ranxiee a'-iut ilO miles' weet of tbis, andclaiii.ed a heavy tlthir.gin cattle, m-lt© and horwes. Tba aetilera of Qiaatarflb ramesud.leuly upon the wi kiupa of aome ¦li.-ont (loeh-L'tea, where tbe {jhoahooea bad Uilen up temponiry onaitera, ar.d aneret ded in taking ontte a ntimber M trem priaonera. A namlier were releaai'd upon tbej prouiia© of briugiug in the thiovoa, and . ight wi-re det.-.iiied m hc*Utga«. It takea more time than I nn givo t<. telleverytbiug; BflBbe it. though clutired two and two, the red akina suctjeeded in aurpriaina a urglifent guartl, one of wbom lliey wounded by nia oi4ti nile-h.ill. and attempted tocut tbe tbroat "f an¬ other, and linally all but one, who waa aho*. made ott. Tbe comrade of ulm w ho wae ahot dragged liim tlll he got to a place of covtr where be broko bi« chalu with et.-i.oa. leit the wounded li.dian, and Bi%_e _yd feia own retreat. All the Indians bave i©_ ovetl tlieu. wii l.iups. *i|iihwf, and ,apooe.s mto ihe moimU-na, Hiui ovidently incau war. The " Minnte men'' nf i.n.M-villo u_,d looclo are o :t, uud a light seenw iu- evital.Io. The ro'tniri, e^c*j>t from this MMBkhBahB,Bnd the iiec.j lo are'still kea plng up ChrtahBB- aud the loli- daya. Thorti are baiii lu Uie eity uearly even' nittht, Brrathfl.. lahaaldaap, ovary nay. hr llnt'bfti- na~ coul eh-d oartice to '..© Or©n*d «t '- p tn., and ahaad tieioi© iulduT-iit; BM I expect tbe Bishope cariy nut hia instnictiona. 1 aupjKae they \\ ill ke»p danciug till the snow -baaaaara, Tbo new JialgM are giving great aatirfaitl-m, by raiveraiiig ali tbat thair piedtc-k_oii did " Without aathority of law." Ilrigham delivored a great semmn on H'.ind.iy Lnst nn the state of the Union. Tubtmat'le waa too full to s.puee-B in, ao wi'h hundreda of ofherathnd to atay out, and loet it. I uoder-tand that he wiu very severe on Mr. Buchanan. Oougbui haa ncently had tbe attcntion o: tbe |>oeta, who lu*ie been clu_iil-ig hia reouiew. Col. CreightoD, the Baaatef tho IhabVlhlBjiapb Compiuiy, stopped heteal""it dl weeks, and leit but 1_ura.lay for Uie Weel. Il ia nut yel detaf-daad tiia' the wirea shull go by this route. Hrigham Young ia ahont to staxt apaper-mill near this ti'T. Ile ti'A the __Mfa-_erj in from the bte'.aa laat Fall, and everythintf ll ready fnr oj^radon*. Onoe ia working order, aehool-booka 'and evervtbtng iu the iHrectiou of edurkti«n i* promiaed to bave ea-l> a»t«u- Uon. Al serm bs KpHng pei-iBa, the bult-tng©f 1*0TaB* plo is M be r*t<Jniiii»n,ajd in earn. at. lYtai and a tb*a- tur aro to MeBM the me< banics mdbahoreis ol tbe city for aoma Umo to c. .me. _ Lo.48 or i.i Iturn u Hiui' -Iohn .iOwht.-Uy tl e anlval of the ship Itcalon Ligtit, Capt. HoIwhy ,we leani thal tba John Lowry, efOlBOBOflb, Scetland, on a voy- BBB) to Currache-J, in Uia Anibiiia Hea. -pning a hwtk patbalBBl DeeMahM iu tba Indian Ooeai:, and ihe hiuide workod at the pumpa till Ihe moniing oi'tbe -3d, when abe wua abimdoned. All got iuto a lilo-boat aud a lo_g-b_kt, -nd aoon ___M tboy loft her tto ahip vv.-i.t djwn. iliirin. the ee,"4Jnd night tht bnets IBBBMB Mparahd. Thr. crew, prevlo'is to tha Uma U.ey t iohed up, were radBOad to gnai extreinltleB. and ono ol ih.-iu hatl given out fmie BMM exartion and Uie ttant of waici. i-a for tive days thoy bad beea ou au ¦BOWBBM af half » l'int Mrh- Ot the morning of iho Mb DaaaabM tl-ey wore pick. d up in lat. ~- .'.tl S., ba.ll fc. tbe MBBM ol tboao reecunl aieaatdl- lowai fohi,, dilef sakarj Toia Rktri. nkrry Padla Kaah Lora, -kflrtas B. Fiaatou, aud Nell* keiioa. 1 hose who were in the lotig-boat were aa followa: lUbait M'-rgan, oaptklni John M.-!>..:ia.,l, a.oon.l mxte An- tc ..a Bllik, ataward, Jkme* Kla.her. Fan^iue-i Duno-o Mc- Mi-aa, ciA.ii Uu-si h-sa, U*» WH, H»^7 VriAaaM, Henry Addieon, Jtbn M.'4'arty, Char «. T.aai., ind Jtmat Nee blit. Tbe tbipwreeked n amen wil! be prorided for by Mr. Ai't'bibnld, tbe B.iitab Contul. Utarkeia-Rfpnrttd lv TttrfrttpkZ ClBCTBBAfl, Mr-ea '14. Ploib iteedy. Wbiib't foi*. r>- .\.'4M«- duU, Men Potk fbt>7i<z*iy. Laao dol! at fv 8MM. Mobilb. Mtr.-h 14.--Cotto!I Brm and In good deu,and; ¦*'** tediy MM haliiat ll,c. f.r Middliug. Ni.HroLK, Va., Marce 14. -Corroa li,e for Middiii.. aad lle llt B.lett. Cohh d.clined; talrt of the w.,k 80..1*) onal.. 44'bite. B*a.| Mixed bl-,. Yellow, tilc. Stair. ictlie. R.-d bii'.. ¦Jba-Jlr. kVl.lte 7"j. Natai. Stuhki dull. Tab, pi M. Naw-Oriip*.i, Mer*h 14 .T'o'tciv.Tbe rn.'ket li daili ni*. .<¦ d.t 5.J.I0 tatatl Middllng I'pbindt, 1J»»?. flppaa .tra-Jy. MoL.A.iai BtflBBa fioi-B q.lvt; Ohio, »S jilaft j7f Con* mlied Wd'Uc. PntiuHT* d'o^ping. Kiobaiii tp l.o::don, 4ju.4i prnr.iom; oc NawYo.k par i'adia. p PmieBgeri trriird It tUomthlp F.ti-.n. from f.irrr/kiol.Mra Reford ai.d rhi'.i* A'.rx. Moxxay, Mi. Mpruiil MiuCerrl. k, Mri Ann «"*:<*. MM 4\':k!li,K. Mln I.ibel Buizer. MIm I.e.i<.flicaardann M(m V,^ I'eiclvui. Mi. L*t. >a -r, Mr. Bnjd, I.. A Moiaop, Loobe <*~)an, (J A.Gtttn**, T. B. tiatwotthy. 4Vm. fatwortby, J Pen> brrion B. 4A'ataon,T7iouiai(ir.y. J. 0 Htetry, H. VV. Li'A.ibt J. K.-nu-.i, J. I.ei.huiai. aud 214 iu the .teerag*. /* ifeumiAtp /)* .Sofo, from Sm; ititeaut and Ilai lau -,T llcr*. 8 A. rjauter. J. A. Mend, aa. f, 4 hancere, I- B 1 .**, J (I ^ml'h.J Me:evrge,*rii*, cbildreLi"dA^r*BDti f.fltreMt D.Ollve, Al«X.I.on*, J. A. Mtlet .1. Bautbea, AndeuMir,., i. 44 hittimore, E. I.amirr.he, J Uleden. T O.r.-ia, A. RotelA, T. Kb.-ry. P, Awrll. M. Beard L. B*.niAi..l*t, V. f. Low.ou, P. felaltaf, f. W kei.t. A ilopiie, J. Mrllehiuer, i. l.nTr., B i-coii-ira, J Lawataar. J. B.rtine. N. Thour,peoi,. E. Cv.n*, W. k'. Rmitb. Hy.'leiohn. E. Orniila. A. J. Wondw-rtb. A. Smiili, J. Qtin k, t Ki'iieU, J. 4v_d, (J. Bbarp, O Derlne, N. Kogetiand wlf*. J Melvllle and wlfe, K. BnrteM, B 1'miul BdflL O U. Thon.kite. A f. W'l l.'ofd. T. C. liolland, T Lord, lb B, Mri. (i. 44'rlgkt, chld tad .'-ent, Mra. T. Levy, Mra. A. L*an tt aud 1 c .ildreu, Miu t. Hpofford. Ii .laoaiiAi/i 1'ot*7ou*i, frum Jti.Aa.vnd, drr.A. flr. lleeL A V. lUenn. (ieorge 44. O'enn, A 4 «... Mr W itcuX, Ono. kthil- tield MtaaLoui** Wiydrnd. Ht.i: Por-er, P. Klry, Ja. Skuv nn, Jobn Le<oiiip'*, Ja* Slo.roT., Udy and 3 tliildiei). Mr. Ctut. Parriih. 44_. Henry, Ed Eierta, J. N. Brc-Mainan, C M riri Dr. U ri We*t JoLn U. PelUn, O. B. Kebly, MIm 4>ol bort, A. Harri., and 14 ln deeitga. ¦ iBi.TrnB ui.....' Hun-RI*at....«:l3 Bau. 1:07 Meon-Rlie. lOto ¦ma wiram tbh oat. HandyHook..lOtbJ Uot Uiand.M M Hell-Otlt.If;>- MARLSE JOUKNAL. . PORT OP NE4\'-YORK.Mm * BfaaaBBB. Btaan.kbip-Roatiuk* Cuch. Katdaflt, UMBMB t H*b -kan. Hblpi.J. J. Btid, Tl.ou'ai. BaTre.Bcyl k B*lueken ktm . CATafta, Hamborg,F'ir..'be k Metnckei Orpbeu*(Braai ) wtflafli lir«ir.*n,-. Bjiki-Eagle Bak*r, Ccrteoa, Jti. FoYkel- Roni, '.i^-AH-tri,. Conper, Beraindt, Tucler k Llgh'b M| Abauull, M r i- Blci.n.3iid, A. .Jttr:in... ILudurai Mirih.'.!, Billit, F. t.txtr, der, Harro.n Kaker, Hi^ana. 44 W Kunell k 4 o. Hiigi.S. Pe'*r., HliKla.. Z»x», C k E J. Peta/is O.priy (Bt.). Col*. Bt MM, F. i. 1 1 B, Pcbvoneri.BiWer Magntt. Pairy. 44 ii_li.gtou. J. w. M -K*»- CUu-a, (Jraca, Jack*onTine. Brett. Son A t'o Fblaak It-t-c*., F*vAnr*b, I). C. Murrar k Co.; M«B.-beiter, NelioB, Ricbrnond. C. li. Pierion: L. D tVentwortk. Ryd*r, U'eynantb MUAwfl liougbt.'B; (J,:een of tba South, Elwood. Moblle, E. I). Ilarlbu: A Co. L. Oertnid*, Ca'uphall, r*mti,Jin*.-r Aitcm. Cof alnt ,laik.oii»i:ie. C It E. J. Pator*, Ida del Torr*. Jon*.. Cbule.t >n, 44 tllece Sherwood k ( o AJela (Br), bBMM, H* eana J. E VV^rd I to » bi»tl*r., T*0Bton. ular iadyMuigitrt (Br.i, (irant. Balifax, A. BinithaT. *. l*4>lt> Beif* K:ow*r., Beifut, B P. Bnck k C*.( Jtdita, Feed, to ctiyrA, J*d Pry. «sro.t^_Pi,«Ltx Bbrcb.ard, New II.Trn, maatar. PropeO*r--Jiiaey Blue, Cbediay, Newport, mBBtai. AVrHvedl. *..- ,bl.. Y.'kt.-wn. Parriih. RicbmoBd,bC,lcdtr and pata 14 LodtoB k HataMrn ... , aa_a . _ Bt-amiiilp Etni (Br.). Ke-redf. I.lTarpaol Mtr. b T., TU QuaeueioMn l"tb mdie. tnd poii. to J O. Llala Ste*.Tiihip 0* So-o. Johniton New Oilrani March '. M Ha Ttn* 8tb, i:;dM. »ud i-a*.. to LlTlngit' .. C.ocbexou A . BfpMB i lal.7L)40 ioa. 82 f}?. pmcd ablp Merrle Enguvrid Bfl f ianiatUna.axcharged .brnala witb a brig ahowirg MailJflMfl nu-nbeit fl ^7 iw-xir.d dimr.guiiblng pannant, MlltllB.1 9lh lai :?". Ml lit 7tt* .l-r.iled . b»rk ibowloa . bl.e, wbit. »nd' red ii.nal wTth le.tera K »nd 1* bo nd N. Ha* J baa.y VliN.N.I! wind. flth b««.y he*d aea. fkom HaTiua up U Caf4, H.ttci.. lllb. hHaui, pewrd a rr opeUer bo:;. 18. Bhlp Coa-uetttor (of Botiou). Hii, foo Cbow ll. diy*. itmt kc, tn nMitar. r*m* thr^-'i'. tb* tiiral'i of Pua.'a Dae. T. ln oornpsBT with al.ipa 4 haxiner L*ca*. aad aTaata. '\ illjania, botb from Mwiill. for Naw-Ymk; pM**d Capa of CaMflMMJ Ja:i3C. d Bhlp roBitelittVou, Mulltn*r, LlverpotJ, fta. ., i dta. aod pa*. to C. Cai.w. ^^^_ Baik Vi.-torlie(n/?o':.hpOT'.). Jon4ri.Bcirdr>Jcx Jaa. .'.brtxdj to ti. 4V BicAi-y. Keb. 0, lat. ID So. lon. 33 30. p..i«d th* wteck cf the b*rk Cotfield .*uppo*.d fi:i:Lh). water <g»d aa/. ab_nd.-.r 1, ai" t.'i miiti .Undt-g, *aPt b.i'.*lon tha y li, Jtb* anil it.i-ii.. hiowiLg U> rlbbor* boat* gone; *ppe*r. '. tc haya BAVtai ft.-«a!y *!;iu.doied. lllb. tL.rla* T. »o. .;*wlia- v* .). i tean.Aii, dled on b-iid. Bt-t Oiulia (Ital,) Pln-idellao, Pa>_o 30 aaya, OP.r-Har fab. .i, t'r-jtt Lawrence (...-ifctc. Bark rlypeeian Otbaap, na.y.q'ill, P R 3d lnet # ig*r and _-.ol*A**« U> T T DwUht. B.k John B*mou. John..'!. P»nc* P. R., Peb. 37. i gtr. ke .*,.«.. k Co. Hai had aaOM he*iy wr»'h.r, na-ra bt.'.wMll., tn. Bark E. Churt-ili tot Itarui ic:), t Hta, Arroyo, P K-, fcO. V: *>.**, and ii.'aei to tniiter. , Brig Wi!.ca Pa.t, M d»yi. pttaid Olbr-tar Jaa. bi. fruk. kc. toC. kE. J Petrr*. EaparUneed T*.-y-;**Ty W waatb*: n. cf th* tnngr BMMtd .*T»raI beeiy mm, *kli.i (tore fealeb botMtt, b'-'a'-aiki. »ud t-ait v BUrd the cablf. Brig Ablieue (Br., of MaltlBnd. N. S ). Cardenaa I J. yi nn\ to maatar March ». !t> X3, loo 7t>, b*d A hnrrlcana ftoti. S'. 8. £.. io.'. foi.yaid. JibbootB, iplR ul.'i. ati'Te bulwarka, ke. BrlgWtndard. iHnn MiTiguei. P. R., lb daya anflV.bfl.B R. P K.-.rk k Co. M.rrh 13, .* Btmegat, atw tthr ad. Aa*M (c: Rocklta.l) lUei-irg.i. B-tg,S*th..i i.f M»obla»> Biwy*r. Cltnfoeget dkyg inga' and hniMy t>. Tlmmpaon k liuateT. B*i>ond day oot, .A t*i» A. ...'lo. lo*t f rrt.ip.all yard; .ime Jbt. *aw a tcbicLtr wiit lon of mu.heidi. jlb^ot m. ke. Uh h«d btaey weather. Brig Altddln lof 44i..-*M*i'; Miortwell, Cardami .3 dayi, .tigar. Vc, lo maatar. M.rrh V, off tlatr-ia*. experie., * 1 * bett-y a.* fron. 8. E.; ahlpped * beavy aea. whloh .tOTa bra'.j aid ia trjl: i to M.-4r* h*r v nth rnaie. t*d two men were bidly ipjarod HrtgWm. J TreU (of searipet',. Park, Malai zta il daya aaaat, te R. P Kuck k Ct>. Brig (of Frtckfort). Lormtaon, Cerdeaai 13 daya. loeai, kc tolBgal'ik C'aruian. BrigAlkceV iruoduu* i li r ). RijOiond, BeaTM Ln 1, Laba. taa. JflflMP . Bciir. 44 ar Eagt* (of Booth Bbti Hodgdon, King.' n, Jenv, r.b. 11 logwood to llanry dal'nrdoiafcCo. Mnr.L 10. lat. Jf I" tol 74. «a(v*riei;oed » bunbine fiom 8. 8 E. t «biij(»d .aea vtlihca-rledanapfuicbootu atd w_L*d aTwbtaid luadaM load af 44. tuni b gwood __ , hV'.r. Laih Kb.-b (of Prtakfoitl, Mckeraoii Miyig Pl.l' daji. luaar lo 44'm. L-giUi Bai cxDerian.tefl btavi w*atki- durlng the wbol* paMBga fefprofe I had ti.* Baaiy B b. g*>, .hipped .*.., » bi -h psxtiy tklled '"ie rabtu and .ta.-ted d*t k load: waaebllged to cut away the bi.twark. to <rta btr. BtUtdU vaipu y nith brig Wfeafl*) ard. OfeflB, B* Naw-Yoik Bchr. AH-bei.ii. Haad. .b»il*.t"ii i dayi. eattca. ke., f lirilii*' Pott*r k Co. March 0, iu a aea«) aalaeff Fiybgltk- :>h ".1. ctrilrd aw.i foret. ,u m: a.d fl;Icgjlbboom. Hcbr Lon. ita- (of Halifax. N. 8.) MoNab, Kti gi: o ._., l>b 10, eoflae. piuien'.o, Ac lo Uem y da Cerdoea ifi. ,t Bobr. fiorenca Roiin i.' muu,, kogara, NuIit.m . ¦ dayi lugar, ic to N. H. BrigbAm. i Kekr. B-itthicutiB, Davi'. CharUtton 7 daya, eott.l, tt '.ii*.. S",i'hkCo. 8,-br. M. Tfltvu (of PhlUdripiila), TUto.i, Matauaai M.reb I . .ilir to ii.iitet f^bu iJ.itl*t tjuipji, Keltay, BottoL 4 tbtyt, Hnta-d t* T. 0.1 HcTir. J. W. Searer, h'tckeixvo, Doatoa 1 dayi, K -r td tt UMat.r. fi-hr. Oceaa fttwef, Goold, Capa Aaa I ttayt, hrrrlef, i. u.i.tei. Bafar. Tbouiai P. C ; **. Fb:.'ipi 4"lrj_U, oatt ta A. C. B* v*n Brhr. Trasanrtr. Fliher, RaTpahumcek, cernto W. IL Nan man , fJ.Ui 8oow flake, Borton far Pbiiadelphta, ln bl Mr. H B MtataaMb, flaaMa, Bal.lroort. eoalrcrP-ttt*-*** b br Ade'alne KaUry, Ke.iey, B.'.(..n i d.ja, b*h to .ottiat. 8 Bfl Engrnr, Kei.-lgti:. Pr. liacetcwn i dayi. lab lo inaaiflr- »el:r. .'harrr.*r. SttUwator, ProTtdet ^a 1 daya tn ba.'.«t> e'.-i II H. Ba'dwin, CroweU, Borklind 7 day. hro*. Br! - Cbatlai, t'o'k. Tauntor 3 dar. u*ili to roaitav th hr. Thoma. P. CooBar omltb. Ka»t <Jr**iiwigb j Scl;. J. P. BFaflMP Staple* TatialoB. nali*. riol-.r .Yiui'eh 8t*r!1..g, .»Y:f'*»*r, nib. , j Bet:. t' VV. Chup'.u, Palkner l luton. . J IdUi BMflff.-. Bigtit'1': ">*.. T rVF-. Ftb, Torg-a Wtnd.A¦¦: oatla. Bc! r. 8*. BU4. Ctoft, W 1^.- P..eop Palnrer Nirhela. froTiietic* 1 d.n afat .?:*» 8 op KiBfi.Hi:. Arary. New B*«ferd 3 dayi. oil to icvitar. Hi**ni*r OipraT. Kanny. ftarliaaafl mJaa. to L vMt'u Bteioier Weit:he*ter. Protideoi-e. aidat. to !. Odra. 8AILED.atoaPMMJ Roaneke, fot Notfolk. BKLOW-brigPrb'**** Roy*1 (Br). from B*ttjaflb I 4*1* alio. a Ncrwetlan bark, and brig onkucwa. 44 i;-,:(- .,....».. N. hi ,r_.u. The ihip Murrrlie ta bow on th* Oreat BiKtltwal Deck fa» uilra. rih* wlli Im lUlpped. raeBiilkad. and oewly V?ftrrL fba*; O'egin li *,«o on the Ort-tt B»!='i .M'-ckB r«p.tir.. 8b* wl.'l b* recanlkrd and Iborongbly o»*ih._*J. bjaaab Maicb 10 (1 * pLut boM J M tVateibtrry, Ne. M, N uulat 0 B. rVaaa Raedy flfok. aitip Balubow. henoe for U*rTV"0-.. March 1. [by >Am4 bcat lieorgeBteer. bbjub Baixe,-rt teirl *. N." 44 ., M.tant li oul.^ bark PeUr Dauiili. benc. for Sbtb. uah. ___ _ nl.l.l-1, Ar. Ilar.AA. fltoflhl .The ulir. laottii. Htin Taxoa ba-iod J* i.ow Vork wa. Ln: ou tbe reef B*M santatm*. on th " , _'T Low kYrk wa. io*: cu IB* rr-fi t"a-- .-anuavrua. hb .a " " . T ot the Uaud. 8b.- had a cargu o: lilda., w.-ol. oopi*-' » fljfl the wlcd.: lh« tluiebelui N.. whl.Jj cauard a heaiy H*-**" craw nere aaT»d. bot the reiiel went to rtef^ h*!jr* mm7~f TtopMtflta bi* t-rlvedhare. lb*t. wai bAiUt at Oi**np«iat 1 !iSt. I!7 tuni, tated A 3, aud wai owuad by Ctorktt Bt-liioM t^J Naw York). [ By MU>r to F.lVwood W Al'er, an,., See Bd |f_**___| Pn u, Keb 5. -4>a tn* 30th aet, th* «blp L»roii.a lol M«H ford) put ln her*, ha.Lng iprung i l«ak i.i h*r upp«* B*atBB,~|t; rbBFBUed h.-r to ^.Mttoael tto ta-ajr*. «h_"- g?^ dec.i; th* iJilp'i tud.'.". wmaUo .HMffbaaQl di.ab.ed. HfM* * 6Wb^bTS^Wra*_s r \Tm\tttl7tx / \BGAKB-lbrvfMl Cb^'h ^^mKjSmk Vt B*M flM M tw*l»e*.o»* of t*|*a^t*B* l»d * -.avaiiar _lp, a__ Mi the niodem ^JXTHkC^6. ooiu LBKAP. I aa aad axaiuta*. Apply to J-n. a v. ». No. Ifl 7th bt._._r, ~- tiiete nara «."'*' W||UM 0f naiulug tt t*a i*tyA"r_ loaat iIm. but arwaiava .MS"r" aiTanandrMalrad. *_ ri^AB-KS-t!^^ _*; totoi

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1861-03-15 [p 8]....-_tp4*bii''-i.e,(Ja.i.MJxr.xCyiN.".; DaaBaaaaM,.V i r..Tht gain of aaaBaparvboiin AbbBMMBBMb-st raaPj BM_M Bp for th. one

TM» yoirviaTB _t_*bt Fir-_.-8_-4Mt_8ar*«4>_tca-hiuity in We«t Fortieth itreet, rcar Bro&dwoy, byni >.h Fcuiy Wood and wifo, togathar with their Ihe

eV.lf eui wtr© h-traadhBoath, FinJ-Manahd U^erhis bctn eng.^fd !n ..r.v.Vt,-atiiig fbeoiiuin of ihe flie.

fhe evide-M thta /ar pc-inte towat- Manin llafli, a

8h:iman, who livcd in tbe barBed ha-B8y,aa heiag«be hvrndhry.iuidonWedne-daynight the Marahal

aau.ed bia B-rai. OB anapidon. Tho -MBBBJ waa taken

Brfore Aid. Fr-vr, and .IfninerVfora baanng.

Capt Lovell will hctare at IlB-BJ Hall thia ©rr nlng«_ « 8e_<o_Bt ahhaaaa aad Heavy Oihian" Haaj'.U ail.idetothe New--ork BrnTott IB.and late

taipmn naaM a canoon, a eubjecl highl* intereBtmg to

a__it_ry men.

.RtM Ovrn bt a CtK.-lAis! avaa-iga r.u__ MnaadJ. W- bumM was run over at ihfl earaaa of thaadMrataiidaie-k' of the S-Cond- ArenjteSteilr-'od mn, dd one of lia i>ga nrarly cu-.oiT by Ihe

MBabh. Ahhone'b tbe Ba-oriaaata **»» "V -V**1Mrr-ut, eryTnr alnud with pain, the conducl~r und iriv©.af lha 4*_r pdd ao beed to tbe mattej. but eouin.ed on

tfeachr way aa if nta_,ingli^_pj»ned."

Banaak Amn Rimakkablb Dia-AppiARV-vcr .On

fklurdar bat, a Mr. and Mra. Coppa, hnded at Ptaro. I, North Kiver, from Bdiimora. Leaving bia

n-trar -for a rnaateBt, Mn Coppa went to see to theirbafgftge. Mra. Coppa waihM for him on the wharflor ov. r an bour, wben, aa he oil not return, sbe tockaeurri-ge and went t© tbe Holel delKurope. Biuce

tti-iOMr. Coppa br.s not hc-enheardof nor kaatr_ce of his woe- eabonte been foar.d, ana his wife

.?V$50 rawiird rar any luttlhgenco tomenjing hitnnheao who are ia» uil lasmad oatbaflubjeet. wflbda"Bkjrieat kiridnart by aending word to Mra. Coppa, atbs Hotel de I'Kurope, at No. 21 Paat Ilo.aton Btreet.¦r. Coppa h d. rcribe.l na a man oi about 40 yeara of

raifc.r ull iu st&ture, withaiid V.enH. At the tlinemge., ratber ull iu stature, with a eheotnut-toloicd nrua-

f_ta_e a'id beard. At the time of hia dbatppearan* heor© n nairtvoat and iNoat like the nuvy nnlfornj.kviukt uLiil recentlv, t*en ai'a..h-d to the .rrond at

iitrolii.-but the united Statea b.itois had baaa*t©*1 t'or O'dinary bnttone. He wore the niii'oraiouwMVhthe ordlnary bottons remaJnr-d. Theaa.

.liariticH of (Oeiiiiue w'ill, ii ia boped. ii.aure Mkkjy re.0, niion. Mr. and Mra. f-ijijui lua-l .x»it_%._city on their vaay to Iialy, where Mr. Copiwi,ex-

tyactodtoJ<JvntheHsjd-i4»t«eeanny, in wbiob he liadBiavion-ly asjrvad.


Fiiut-At 9J o'clock bat night, a flra broke r nt lntbe netvBoaper and l-eriodtcal abop of S. v. Lels, No.-_flH.da!.r,s1reet wrner ot Weat Tenth jdreet aaiMa

ba ilau .-wo io tbe HiiMiunf of $7.1. Inaured fo f 1W» MBbe Hauil on Insura-tee t'oinp-ny. The orign. ol lhc§jm ie uuKm-wii._


The nt-_ori e.f t!.«Cri8!nm-lI<iUe* tkmvttt W Wt l>or.xajf the sece-'ng Startt-s is lcndin_ to seMcti. embarnir*-ar-uta. Cc?iectiT Behefl has been obliged to aei'e A

Tt-a ei 'vt.xh MBad 8r-ai MehBa on afardga -Bfaae-rbbont a tk-ara_c». Tb* tVte of th? case are as fol-

^ ah,I kk-' tt'

ln thr- early jart' f .Tanaary ba t, 'he whooner R-af-

hoB, awned at Great Kgr Harbor MaW'JariBy.hadBdM__ilad<lpbia.andsailedfor Mobile, under iho Cnitedflfaf^a c.->nsting, wlicb binda all vesaels in thia_aade to abstuin from vieiting fnreign porta without a

prop^r reg'«tcr md Bb«BBBBB Baaa tbe y-rt of dermrt-

are. Tbe Restleae, afier diachnrging at Mohfla, was

ap for a re'ui-n cargo, but. ae nothirig offered for theJiorthern port, b«r captain eiigMed to load for Ilavana.Be Borrendered 1 is lieense at the Mebfll Cuatom-Boute, BBi l||ilhlIsT a regl--- in the Ur-nal form.

hit tLe Collector stated tbat he Bflflbi givo i.oauch

^4j*r to «ny vtsael uuder ihe United rJLa'eB rt-.g: '*a'

he waa not in ihe a.-rvice .,f |_c l nBal S'ntes and ex-

erciaed no anth .rity h the BBtter. The captain en-

.jeredhisprot-'Bt, and ohtainedthe cet_tter»ign of the

¦paciah Coanl at that pon. and kft on bb voyage.At Ilavana tb. vr _-»! was badfli for New-York with a

aduahVe cargo of sugai, ai__re. and lobac-o. Inime-

aialcly upon ber Bllial,BBl laBMaMaa ..j,^-,-^araa aei_ed aaaa tbe feuowmg ahaaa of at-*tt-n 8

alBiin-.. v--V....v l, United Statei S'.fituteo at Lnnn-- Aad tt H f> fker raartW: Chai lf any *hlp er Teaea. er_.))*»

aar lic._a«u aa aloi, tkid tcoattlug liue-.e, ahaii prnoaac -.aalo.

S-a'avar witt . t trkt glyh.g np har «irr,»<' dr«i)aala_it-_k«a'trftlKsdl_tT4ctaomfyaba_<iing the port /te- whKaaw ia *oo_- to pioueejoi. kaab lurkigu t.ikga. .n- b -I <Lue-alatarrd T aucb Conaato- aTetv .. rbab^ o-W ''a*^'.*wl_ bat,., al.- arF-"1 knd f-fiAi.!-. k- i ¦¦¦¦¦ gooia, irxrea a~

«. rAu.d.-a . i .p/.riad tbaralB ahkilb* _kbM lo a,Mii,r. a.

Prattdrd, aivaya, li :h* port Xroiu nhiflA auch. ahip oTTeaaai 1ebo'.t to pio --¦!': t . I '. '- v Itkla iba duBlri wbne il¦). Bi.iiii i tm ¦', sac-aDaa,ikaeeuansv of «-.

aBalrtrt >Lkli glve tr, tl* rr.aea,- cf *.-.cb ah por reasal k eart 1' k'la«_..iriL.x I, Fol aad lleaaaa mt auck ahlp at »**a«

Sveeid*ad-J bim a dll- liioawhai. It mm ao rerelyed. -Mi-ia>- ll.eali a . - delli i ad b> ti.. ui».:ei Ir th.a. Ile -tor _ 1 o Bik.y hkT* gi_i:t>-d aaid e_:t Ib BM a-_d li. ei aa.

The hfd atrfion Inken hy tbe ownara of tho BBBMiand cargo aei/.e-l wih l* actording 1» tlw: p.-oviaions oi

an a-t aBBB-di"An iv: to jrovide f.r;ng or reinit'iiig dia

abibtieieecuing in terialn tasoF.. P_.-A-d MBteb :'1/!*;.'» Tbtl T 1 a.-.-ya- t-ypa.aoB er pa-koB" ie) 0 aL .

ki- Ui-uned my hu*, dlaa'r'H.'y, 01 f-.:-!"--, or aha ' ) 4T,

ka.. i.iia-.t.d ii. airiy -eaa-i 01 io*r-__nol»» v-iiloh ahk'. b.»lBMB saMaet tasaj -klsara. f.- >;¦ re or di-ktuiity .y forae o

a-y i*w f tl. Vt '"- J-'t-t-i ' ' tHa Myl ig, i-aiiar, or eaOeMlag oflkuy duile. or laxe., oi tj yi-'u- of my aM ISaf'Srakllkknls.lBlailiig aui! :a -rafr-g .

' ihlpt acd TeaseM etnpl iad i:¦kke coaaiLig '-k/t* BS bih.riaa, aball p-a'et hia pe.luer t-. lh<Jod^e t-f Ihediitr'¦ : u¦ a ! ,-l a .cf B_*. d_al.iBt}. 81 ' -' '.

Mka'-T ha4c, * * knd a! Bnaytkal th>- ixntk Imaalflgklad ur ; th aaid Ju^re ih_i I: i'lir* int-thr ,lr*.iid".,r-a of tba r**e; Bra- rx aag lassoaahM B~tk. to tiMt<-ti f. I'i. p*-acr. ar parkf.r:! alk'i 1: . au^t Bne»>, fo'.'.l ure

aaA io tbe Auor-ey of tba I'rl ad BtSSSS t»r aaM o'atrlct. lt-Baoh nay b ve an raai iiltj o: ah.abfleaasa k,»_;at t_e n-.i:l.'.t.oD.;> n.diHli i-iii." tl.a fL-ti wbi^hahalagipt.- 'iif l .... h ln¦ i M ba tUtsd ki.d ue_a_«d la th. patlnaa, urtao: tk- tPt_.mtM.nn tt th* Becreury of lha Trek.kwv of tke L'nited SU.'"*, aoA» aA _!.' .-er }*...** to ae«!,r or *t_.

0W/< taiA Jlntur/or/ttturr. . ' if in AAoatai-a tht ta*fakr'l kott hter irttrrtd vil-va' t-_v..' mtmUmmm tt tmj BkMTiV-i affrmmi 1-. 'ha nara-n or paramai. JBTTtl i tba aan -, atA uOliert tbe proaacution ' ' to ceaae on aocn te-mi aa thalka deetieJ by Li_a lauvukhle md/ .:.

The i__aiei baving iist-d proper _iligei.eeiu endeavorirut to obtain a dMBBBM ahfln M_g no 1 nit« d K'ntFii4j_k>Uector at Mohilfl, lha Ibrli Bara wfll arohabiy n.-t l-*j-rt-B»*d. M tl.e Mohdb OaBaator, >-i tl.. ('-..Ilectoi. attb*- p.rt> ef oiher aaaadad 8aaaa, ahaaM pcraint in thiirnnna'.-fait-'d iHtati-a vcrse la vi'itim/ aoeh j-n-fs nius!

B.-er rn'ifh iii'or.veni'"ice Rn-i "'-sa.Tbe Ntw O.-'.-i.k .:.JI!aY_r_i .M-BM-B-Bd oth.'.n

wi'l be liahlc to tiiis auu rjaaOB, aud aahaB thfl 8BM-n-aion ahould bt! made in their favor, peraoaflb_MttMmmtg tt board of ihem will run coi siierohle iiak.F_BBeug> re by the M-amer K. B. Cnyler for Havannohaawerdat, wore notiiicd ti.a: ::.i:r baggage would beaabjectedto theecnitiDy of the rSavacnaL Cu8to_.-Hotiiieaffeera. On the laat trip of fheCuvler tmnks wore

Opened for _M _Nl U_e,ai!laulmitued toa rigid exam-iantion. Notliiag but the Btrictly je«raoa,l eflcts af tliejyan L'ugere were pertuitted to patw the CoBtoci-flonie.

TOWM ELECTiONB.MBBaCi COBBTf..Iba 'owu meeliiu-. in Senna

Ooouty ware Ijeld laM Monday. Aicordiui* U> ThtObterter il)em^ the Board will atand aa la.t year:-_tp4*bii''-i.e, .".; DaaBaaaaM, .V(Ja.i.MJxr.xCyiN i r..Tht gain of aaa Baparvboi in

AbbBMM BBM b-st raaPj BM_M Bp for th. one lost inibe towi.a. SouidGtaoadaga daraaaa .. reaition."BrP4rr»_ C'iaptkk Ff.ri tk."..The ( httrter eliio

ejoc yest«rd(.y reaulted in a proud Itepnbli. au victorp.Th© conteet wba _ k -.. re om, t!_3 PadoahM ei adad-hg it with perfrct -~e;«raitOU, tbe vote wuh large,and tbe pbbbB ia hia-My -ati-fa(.o.-y to BM galiant-fiefubheans of tbe Ce-tiul tity. TLe elettioa wa*avarywliere efladaaled wilh gat-ti ordei, u-ai theremterc nut u.or© than lOrB U'artisin wbi. b __n bieitthea©t tbe jM-aop weio a'fa-iijitod. Tie KBufi nay be*__iui»j4j up L.itliy a_ foliowa: A llep'-blican May-r,two Oraraaaia of ti.e l'«it, and two A_-xa*->r.the en-lirf .ity ti. k»t.all i-hcled by irejoritiie IBBB-OB froml'Ar»to ;»_s. Six RepuMica- Mi'. ttv., Fnaioa S-iya-rvboreaaoehoaaB. T_*> auial iomi IhtjabliMaianddbur Faahahde. I* ull twn-tbiitis of the ' of iheVsrd caLdida*.» ele, ttxl are, iu,a. ln a dngbBaotance, the dfr ia Reptililicau, and Ax of de ttSfA%Vard8Aie K>p'il»lic_n! ht two tVarda rfo thePariaahM bave aalMaahahiaia-, aad tn.' tu .lidatae-Btey ebct ln otber rVardi -n -''.tviifani ... the gnn.arul MMcaaa <t Ihe lietu.' b U - ta Iboea Wa.dn. Two8ep')blic_n imd two Foairm S hr»l Commihiuonei- amMbkted. Poliiiie i\<* boJug >.ll_we<i to aalar i-to o-.r

. Mjbad affairw, thtae di»:l_-ti >i a ae n,.-, u ...,__.Tbe follo'wh}* is a touiparatitg* r.ateu.ei.t of the i umor. May.-/ tbia auo bv* year: IBdO.Wastcott, if,-.., ,.

Ilcao, _,A'J.'i WaBbgtM. D-i,i-"f 2,180. JH.1.dtudrowa, Bepuhlican, _,~0~; Noxo^ Fu_i',n, :!,W.

|f-yi-c.-a DkL'y Jo_r_ate_>

.The Ber. Df/ i-arties of Liverpool ha* entertdap©e the -ftii^b vear* of bis p-storitl hN-ri w WWttmkjrC't PJ*th Ibe iirt*> fratn ga-atreet (Banel


The BooTd met yrfterday afternoon, Mr- Jour*, tboPi > thtmri. bttM amb. _. , «...

Mr. Lbm otleiod a re.okiioii r*|neeti"g the Mayorto tarvitfl the Hon. John J. Oi-tenden to rkiBttlrttfand be, ome tbo gn**A of tbe Corporauoa, wbich wua

9imthm\vn preaenled ihe following ln rolation to theGeneralP'*l-Offlcetite:

HAereoi, Certaln IndiTldoaJ. and eorporatlon. totdfBg realeilt'e ln ihe lo-rr w.rd. of lb. ei'T aie orgi. bj the pa*.*t* ofO*trt h* the Lrg..latnTe ctdlr.g to the Oai.etal OmMnI tba

% iidlclioJi»iV th, pieiaali PortVftat .Ml Iherefoi. toBSn^r^d .fiif) H/iril of Aldermen conc-i') aTat »h* fl>.«-tic-b

oftbLoBtiontf ttaloalOflee ta _Pj dlieell, lfto__ *J.»keq.uu.e at. J tta toMMfl cf the wbol. body of eaMUflflMatd .W -ld he iMa Bdli.d, not to fafor ona, but BflMUie ewp icuiid democratlo baiu, of prctuoUug th* great."good of tb« grnalr.t nurnhirY


* itr.'t'A Ti.\ttb.a Poit 1 ifVco loght to he retrmTed from tti "ihii<\*ti. inct.nveiilii.t, a-.d alnioit tnaoceniible po.itlcn,?oTill. li'aYJ'.-k.o: toiue olbel aite uot loW« lhan lbttoiitn.rnrndoftla«r*rk .

BatWtad, That Um rapiMlfltMlPM from thli c*nnty BOJImbbM and Ai.mibly be reflneated (o nre aUbonorable MMboVe.t tbe p-eeent .inwr.rtr,y ..fceoipt to promote |wt**t* fcwreatat ibe exnni8 of ihe luim. aud to i.-caie luch a BM M IB*

P**n (.tric' ii will be B'Ooptabl* t* kb. whole body of oor cW

iadc4^Jibnco with a iMlllfllfl the Corr-irHtln*. Vitinel ..nt in i drafl of BMraoibl letML**i;latara,prayti g that dutiea on rah a at aotfloa be MMltoMtMStfUeaaury. IheCoouael **y n. the memona, that'. 4ibTo.her MttJoaa of tbe t*ato have baaa-he .edBMMaarybrtrdm m tvro.ntof the mm.ta. ti edutta*oa aaler at BOOtbe in _»_^"JjfSff£MaI4imte Trc-aurv. The whole aruonnt trtiioh BM BflBfl

S tejf,..n"i a. rotirce.-xeeed* pMOfg* Bf J btdbbu-a irnnll i.rti nbiialucti rt"irnrd to ifce <Ky, MOibat\a wny'of approriiation, for <*^^.^objecta iu wbkb othera. aa well Bfl£*2£"^.£Uke rilv, bad iicoinc.n.ii-er.Ki. He OaMtMAtMhv Pflya a portion of tho State ft hool tax, tfl flddl tot

tM,^:.,t:.V'itHi;44:iBt!,"J tbat wltiiu tl.e bMgdm- vent.t .e.i.4 baa iu thi. wnypaidabont.$..,.>0 OOn

for tbe *npport oi achoob ta otbar eoMtbe. Ttom

uLmVhtt . iu Ie4jing tbe b.,iiei,», he-kaya, ahould nacxtat. ard thed'Hn* M aucliou B-leeare tbe iolBMM heu

for the beii.f.t of thetity.Tbe Contrell*r, in eompHanco with a r*Bolntbn,, mh!

in n .oni.:.:.ii.aii..n Btalog that ito Smking I-.nndl Commitkioii' rfl bnd drafted a lnemortal to tbe L*8|'_'tur* foi tbe laefate of an act to ilo-e Mai bol au

rvi.wre, and bad re-pi. flcd bim io unbiriit it loth. B>

criin Cocnril. Ifl BtTaMtdflMB witb ihu, the Boordcou-i'.rniedlJreiiicmorial.A report wa* adopteil in fa%orof huUding an ex-

ten-lon to the Eighte. rth F-e. imt btalion-Hrm**.The eemn-.r.r,i.",ition from tbe Ccntroller. tranaiTiit-

ting a fthtemeLt of the retfip'.a, Ae., for the CrotonWotor Wo:ha Extenaion, aud eetimatea of additiotmlex|>eu.lltnrra Ihefi fof, waa eeaflBfffd in.An invitation waa BWOfaM u> revievv the proeMlon

of tl.e Irtah Civie S . ietie* on the l^tb in*t.Tbe re*ol'ition to BMMMfbalM the Lflgb tatrtre for the

rPMalof tbe city ruilroad grauta paam<l la*t VN Mflf.amenp, and waa the auhjett of coD-idernble itocu*-,i..n it MM titallv bud nn tho table.Tne ipMilutiona to «-nd a Coromittee to Albany with

i, aic-w of havirg an BCl r-a-eed to anhnit the rea<'l'i-tioneofthe latt Peace Confrrence at Waahington to.t,.- bm le of tbb fttato, 4veie laio ou tbe utbb.Tne Board then adjoumed.


COLI.EGK OF l'llVSlCIANS AND bTaWKONR.The littv-foiirtb nnniuil BM BBBfl of tbi* cxitl-

leal Bebool ef MMbBM_aaMtbMia|i tba madtoat do.partrneat of Columlia ':ollege,to..k place hat evening,at Ining Ilall, wbib waa flOflUbftooly hlled,'unding tJ.e bnd weother. Dr. EOWABB DlI.AritM..Prflskhuit, utiuupbd 'he cbaii; fea hta lajjbt were *ea'ed1).-. MoVfcar, aw iBMiaaaalBilMof tbe t (illeaiite Departnniit, lanl tbo IHflT.MM of tbe MaajifljPaaaft-ment; to btoapfi e.'.t tbeChai'tain of Cclomhb, OoflVaP,tbo Bcv. Dr. Wenton, bMMaWWttb fMBMM rt Doc-to.i, ecveral Congreaimen, nnd a nnrabcr of dlA.ln-irni*bed irentlenien. After prpyer bv tbo Chapbin.lU.rt flfl overture by IBB JJM^WMlbfl. WBBBBMkt DaXA-kivi n ailn.iniAlererf the Hvr.| oinuttr BflM, BJMJ flOBldelitereddiilonut*. Baakftodby Dr. DaI i..>, 8e.Tw.aryoft.he Facnlty, feotbl lollowinir itentbrnen, nnnih-nin.'about aixty, of whom only three hail lrom bouthern

CtatPM H.drer. City. N. Y. I W'Ull.m B*dg*r. City. N. VJobuCouu*! Barrou. tlly.K. V.. TTiou.a. Uariow. OuoudaaaCo.N. V. JobnrUllo n*iikard. City, N Y. 44 cu A.*xai.dtrRetta N«w J^raey 4Vmiam Blund. il. New-Jarirf Byckt au

I) Bugert, il a-'.'audCo , N. 4/.; Baas-ll Nelaon Bia.'ton. Ma.M/tbui*tH, U.ill n V-raibear Oliir. 44 n, Mctja- -i By:eHeiawar ("o.. N. Y. Ldround Bl.aokrlLird Caxaw. AW tl .a

tymiani Un.ryCain.ait, PentiajlTarbv; fharM* 4'a-lar, (itj NY. CfiM.'.a i-tt. co. jj. y.i JoLu frai.c.i Uanlyitbipnau, rtaaaani Hetry Hur.ion i*», vvu..«a».,.. a^-a.ttoataiPfl Bli'ii, liaUfai, N. B., UaTld M<»C«rn.b Ot»«i.d.ifBrikuuer lo N


Job- Abbot' tViiitjaw jr Maite^ All *r

Fa'rfax 4'b.glnU; 44Y, B._Httchar, la*_BP Bej jiml» FraokBpPtfrar-lFenniylOranta^ik,bbN.'V i"'Banry M. Bfcahcooh, City, Wew Yorl;lloiden. A. fl.. New Jariey Cbarle. Jobn Klpp, Naw JaraeyThompaot; Ballev L.-a Ii, Kmtu-lv B*lh Btrpben Lounib*fyWn.*W*r Co N. '. H.--7 M I.jman *. fl Hty N YEdward Uaiduei Msr.hilb Jr , l lt), N Y. 44 m Htruu *r Ma/tln City, N. Y.; Oniu Port.r MrDonald, Ohio, Alf'*d Nor*,( onreetb nt, Ji-.a. H. Noyat, New HanipiHre, Mat.ryflyl-anuiPlTu.i'tc-u. M I) (MaMarh le'ti Me«'*1 Cattaa.), Mniicbaaetti; Aifr*d Kd?ir Martindiie Purdy Cl'y, N Y rharie.H R*7nold» A. M Molae. OhfltM Douglii Klghy. Uallfai. NH.; Benj'n ATery Srgur C-jnoe-ticiH; J'.bL hbjidj, Jr A. M.Cty N. Y. i Beb. r iTml h Pnt;ia.a I'e N Y HaPBMfl toaBlHnow. A. B. M.ntgcn.nry To, N f.; fr.d*rlrk P.-nli BtOJgei City N V. t'»o Fdwln son.meri A M.. Wew-.larieyrhit. Henry Biydaru, City. K. Y Jullm Vaigban, Krie CoN Y. Ueiret 44. 4»»d*T V*-. Vorit, A. kt, BehanecUdy ta..N I. Mbbi Rou Vedi*). B'bai.aitadr Co.. N. V Td^'-Kletcber Ward. MtMv b .ief.1. RnUrt U tttl Jr.. CltT. fl. YU ni L»mont VA"be»l*r. .I*tler^"i Cc N. Y. job* PI :.)pi Pit.on Wblt*. A B. lil.*, N. Y., Chati.iM Wlgn- ( BkadaWaMAagu*tua Purdy 4\ __BBaj City, N. k., Biuj pfMM -n 44 La-MaaMkehMaPM.

Prcaident DflJaflV ld* addreiw, p-hich followed, wwan ebtbora'e bta'.ory of tbe life of Dr. Sami.el Banl_r«t Preeident of tbe Ciiilege, who waa born iu Fblla..lelpt.ta iu 1'. J'J, «d'.a oiod i¦- a dtaUir at Eiiinborghwherehe frat oonceived tho id*a of i*tahliabing autban inatirution, aad wbo ib d in 1883, at tbe age of 80;tbe addreaa tiiibra>ing tto eoily hiatory of the Collegiol fbyab ioiia aad burge<«a.BtaBI M. Ltmaa, A. B.. of New-York, delivrreti

tbe valedii tory addrtji*, Baaflf whii h Dr. Ikebfitld on

nounced tbal tbe nnual prizoa of Uie Farnlt?, tbe firpli>eing a iiiui of Bt'iO, and tbe aecond $'^>, bad bepr,Bw-ardpd to Dra. Maaa Hobh Vedder of Bthaiieclady,Mi Y., and ChflB. Corter of New-York City, r**p*«rvtively, btHb in uiluiuwledgmeiit of well wriUon eaaayion BMflb al m_oeMi and toeetflbta Baaatbfl waa liko-wiae made of Dra. Alfrrd Nortb of ('onnor tinif, HenryM. Lyiauii of New-York, and Wm. Henry Carman oll'ennay Ivania,ulto for dittaeitatiutiaon med'eal mhjeeta.I)r. Caraonanrize of $100, i nd a gold medal worth g*J,waaawaHea to Shraly, jr., and of $..0, togeibeiwitb a ralvei metial, to Jobn* Liderkin of tbia | lty.Dr. Tiiomah Bi.AT.iirt.itii of Troy deliverwl im en-

tertttbiing oddrena to tbe Alumni, after which tb*nieetingHdj.jiriied. Todflf, BMBt af Ibe ettideuta deport for tbeir reapective bona*. Tbe iuatitution re-

..pene in April for Uie bpring cotirpe, wbich ta lo bifollowed hy tbe anmuier eouree. Tbe pe>t torm baiUmtt the moat etoce the o. _jiitn(em. nt oitut aobflflL


.Tbe notabilitie* reohbnt in CbbBBJB :ire numerviia,if wo may endit a leirer-wiiter who atnb* that therear* ti i,« the aon of aa Engliab Earl, forme/ly to theGiiaruV, now engaged to tbe by uo meoaa ariatoeratirali. vupauonof pp. king pork; a aon of Uie late Biahop ofLondon, nnd a graduoie of Gxford, buay to tbe raaau-

focture of aoftf.; a nepbew of the gallant Lord Collbg-wocd (Neloon'a Collingwood.,fattentog cuttle ou on ad-joeerit form; a yoongor *r_ of one of England a nobleatfamiliea, apfH-ulattog to wheat and comi a reduced, butgenuine Getman Baron, who haa bohtiobbed withHuuiboldt naal the title-l magnobea of Ltmdoti uab-ionnble abflafa, diapenaing lager beer at balf a dirue a

glaaa; ir, accouipliahed Hnngaiian noble, engaged iuIrpflco painting at $V! a 4luy; a brother of Char'e*Di. BflBfl, wbo he*i* a rtiiking n-:-: mbktace lo tiie giiiednoveliat. Ib ia a Clerk in the l_,nd Departuicnt of tbnI. (/. 1(. K. eini it i* from bim taat Diekem i*4-i».-lthe ni»n Jf jJuttu of " Boa."

Panat. ArromTwrvTi . IHBa ClkllatQan. Bl BVork, lieorf* H M.-t *)f»; aJtooT, Ir* ?trft, 44>,t Troy,iVIi.'.a M. Poweil, fobeiieiiU.;/, Andrew Y. Ctmer; Pt.l'ou-Till*, Lewii .». Baiinet*; I.ltU* fa'Ji X A. 4,4'lll.rd I'li. <Yr-don Ba-krtt; Borii*, BainuH P. frwl Byrtciie, O*o. Haul;M tt«.u-..a, !4t*pf«.M. Mtoke* l.-oni, <>aluturui l u- I'alrnyrt, Auion B. Clemoni; lu-a*.l»r. Kbonaaai T Oaitayferoikport. J17 lkavlii Alblon. 44 ru. Pe_i._iaB; Medb-a A. VV.FmeUi L'4'krarrt, Ibf/i M Niohid. d* -:xtuttalo, 44 n.. r*oot; 44atarfot4 l^oi.rrd Mulllknn. Port LdaraN, Jobr, E. Mclnttre: Vkhlwhall Ikeceli P. Nye, rt^lt.I.nbiiitiiK Eiana; PlarnU. Ctoltta M. bea 0»«.-... Jan.*.M Mrown;8en«*A raJie, thttm lllnlaill, OMne-a 41*1. M|t*lii.-,,b; Bli.,,«, Jub.i H IrCrOii II,f«.',*,_. :,, (, 'iuouip-ton, Cajmlnf,, <#i »g* W. IVall; Prnr Y^., HtaBord f i:i*Tr-land, Baa-uou. VA m. N. Cttr; Oitori. Berwlo H. i/tok; hVolaaxta I1*t,*, Kt.,U.._r. (ir, rn E h'iu.',in.liMo-r.t Motrta. L'.'hi (oy Daat-Ula Al*anE<ler Fd. . :.Caneadi-a Jobfl W. Ikeual. Oiean, Oii»x,tl i'. Ootida.Li.i l*t,ot.rllir, Lt 1 ( « H li: BiicLil. Daaiiel llr.iIntf'' . * .".¦. 'lugb ,'toNaL.ara, Me-rice Bm t; WVat

T\oy, Ntchalw Baya* Anna arenbei., I't 7.-,". -l, r, n»0*tk«etita, Rtaatva- A UU.-.m K-H*h*«.rr Wuiiao. lf <,r'.,.t,'H laat. Mi-diael MnBi-r, Edward UA.iag.,-1 OlWug.., Liaii'aiJ BlokiV.Bl.IF*to_i .»'"'..Albany, Phll'i. T 4*r Cmttj U'eet Tror,

(wmrge K, toPBlBfli I lha. RkLi.d l' Uwei i, Byiaru.a, Sinabi,V. A. r-aatbarly; noche.ler, ll|. hi-d llnweil

Ai.utta t rYaUkmtmUrt.Altoay, Jaooh Mion J.aeiCooley, W*.iTro., Aiaeaal ,,-j-p Fdgar IV. Lenmed I'tlea,f b'iat'.pber Klliig,' YVilHw. M> L'oi.o.ifh i Byraciua. PatrlikAgau, lieni), lliv Vp*»«r, Ja; iei i*. F.var,*BapaiBilMdJaA Bia. I/, J3, 14 rrV (*nal, ( b**t»r P Bb. 8t

Ba* I aad 1 (>*n*ea* VauPy PavmI. Oaiid B Bparta/; Bac iUautMa Vallry L«nal, AmiM Jfawbry.


*r_fjlil|.ll t*uid be kbBBB- beard a Judgc at

*m*]mi ihaa BBBB^BfabaaarMaMa^BByvi" And I trnst, throngh -he Bh-rita and n.eduiih cf our

hhaaad Beeeaner, raa any aBparbbm th.-, nerej ta

an.aie, w<.!J.i-'--1--"<>,-"Ii,:,,'J-,;C,f"h.°' a.paper curreney of the country lorbtda you lo babe for

here."-lu 'he Liveipo'l Court af OmMMB Phaa, b-ely,

Mrs raflBlB who ia known in tbe profesaion bb Mad.

DottLhiaagh aaadtaaaaahd tho iiuMinaf MnWoodt nrn, the 0 ell-kimwa ateMM dcler. The ladywaa the wifn c- tbe Rev. Mr. Fenneli. bnt BvM ap-artBMB him by IjIfll-iaM, m.d MBHBM ber ehihlren,two daaghm Mr. vToodban beard ber .ir.g, and

retiiiest.^d BM M repeitl Ihfl M-g, aodfaf ObM he would

fiand chaniph-ne and Made. Ba BlliaaBBMl« had

beTBii.guigattJapriv.ife parthej aad on the whofeber BMaaad wm CUB. £M hd Iom pald, aad the

Jnrv g-ve avt-diel br£8f. Mr. Baaharaaiiaiilaiiin the care, and he Bkid ihal. t' «. Wt) tt v.».iirut M

privale parrae Y4:,a BflTM BB* t- B -.linr-ua a nigbt.aadioMBt-BM 44aa_Fhir,hastwe..'\ aahaak.An illna'ratod r-.-rlodical ha*been atitrttrd in Ber-

lin by JBBaa Bodaeh-nj, Iba aaahor af iba oftrnvelfliii Ir.-limd nhbh MtraMsd MMMhflreciiitly iu thia country. The bM BaaabM will eoii-

tnio, iimoiig othe: OSatrBj-BoBB, theOBaMaf chaptereefaetery kj Ibe -*tar, BBibhd " The Strer-t Hingrr of-

Locdon," aadaaaaB bi rtidiaea BteBkjiB-k, lha(i.rimui poet, now M-MeM iu our niftrop-lir. Vve

tialbra this is aadta a aavale-feibBflM taOanaaaj.It is itutfd, no', however, without tome reeene.

ihat BaBBB- II., BfhM ho leutcti Rotre, will go to

Cadiz for two moi ths. nnd, late. iu the Hpring, will BM>

ceed to Muu'ch. Alt_io__h it doea not apptar __M he

wns put under t'-rma i.ot tc bead the ineurrection in the

Aiiairi. ii h aaddhMMj t.. Iad IhM be daaa Mt any'iirh wild pn.ject. Acc> rding to anothar re-

,ort, however, the Kmg w- nt to Trie.t" <n the 18th.

-The marn-ge of the Hoti. Ili-iy HtJicel wilb I ol.

PonBonby mt the O.iards is expected |a take phaarbortly. Miss Hulteel ie one of the (Jneen'e Maicis, uud the galhmt hn legnxm flcet isoneof tbe

eqnerriee to the Prince ('onsoit; 'he mateh BBMBB),therefore, more tlan ni-al mierert m tLe ii_u_---U-

, irvle tt the OeBft M_B BaBld is u |IMMbBB0b. rof

thegrtut Farl firer. nieyeof the present Peer and of

Oaa. G-BJ, Priva'e Secr-iary M ihe PraBBOflBaart,:,nd of LarlyCamlloe Harrirgt^n Lady Rnperinfc ndentcf th.- Royal rhiidian. Uein_ B Md 1 d Houoi al tlu-time nf her m-rriat'-, tho, accord-

ing to cust'im, receiveaneB,*c__l nxu.k uf Beeal _aT8B

.Al the maniage of tha TOaBB Far! ef UaaalB withM:n Bepe Bf-hflfflBBB, the jewelry wornby the Iride

coatnpwardof £l'-,04«), and aaaahtfldaf a laadaeaMhead oroamont of d...monda, and B dh-BO-daflflh-MB,Ajc. Mr. llope, it if e_id. gives sbe OaaBBBB tt Lin¬coln £.'.000 ayetki P-MMBOJi aud Uie nsa of an liirh

BBtaMk. One of the Pmrfs jonmnla has tbe following; " A

BBM-hfOMhej, lophtgu.-.'!.'.'f thr hlind men wbo

beg on the Poi.l dee Arts. made a hafa b a BBB, und at-

Uu-I.ihI it to a pitty-of aiiiug. Ile tlu-n drop'i-d into the mendicant's littlf cnp. t ot whan the lat-tor, hearing it fall, proeea-ded lo tael f<r it. Wt ttmjerked it oaB. T> is triek he rapaa-ed five cr aix t i_Ke,

tn the greK' '.n.Lg-u.ii. n af BM Mf-d BBaV-Bdhlvoice of attifted mmpaiikion said, 'IhaTosafu w.::.

pain the trick which haa been pluyed B y>a If » t-s-

Wmtltt na !/oy, and you v.ot.ld ll vt. ii b BBBMI now aee him enming ajong tlu- hrdge. and if youbear _u;.lhina fall iuto your t_,*in. it will ba un.'-periI7 him.' ' Thnnk ynti, rt-pl-..'d v,t h.g^,ar, ' I -hall b*

prri arrd for him, and hc, k-r> «p«.i Li* waiking-etirk.Preaently a r.-Fj... o.l.le gentieman d-o-,-(¦?«! a a-.o Iniotha cnp. Up jumped tbe mendicant, and rylng, Ah1 Latf i-.ighi you atliiMl' p^K¦^tslad to belabor theft'ttor MttBoM m<rry. The p-rtlata-n, greatly aatoo-

iihed, cried for halp, and waa reacoed by U.a paaoearl-y. Aa to iba w.y w* aota-ri- ¦* tn rat away..J.aeph Trex-lFr of C>i_it>-B, P«., died at Ib 1--.'.-

deuie iu CharSBM Townaiiip on the 9th Irua af theMBnaaabal age tt H> a'lidlnCombria in the yc-.r 1888, whan it was litile e>* B._:ia dreary wilderness, aud waa amotig tlie f.aaaaM oftheae hsrtly pi"ii»cra who planttd i-lnli/a' on amilrtthe ruggtid peaka of tha AUeghai i**.At Jaaay, a faw daya ha-... a dual hal pls-e be-

tween two I'oles, f>rjif Pbarawahy a.nd M. BanMBBBja literary tnan, and it "ndad by tba la'ter being kilied.The meetir.g aroae out af a so.ia.-le aa to whether thefuture GoYernroen' of Polaud oojd»t t>. 1j*i (^m-iita-tbad or BBaobBaaa^aadB-e bagaaga naed ._. irri'Htfdthe Count, who f,*.k tl.e Conatitational aide, *.Lat h.Btr_ck hiiadveraary..A fK-itniil of M:txiu_J;_u Robeep-iari-a, by Droliing,

was aol.1 laaaaaly at tlie fci-.cth.n.rc-irns in the llueDrouot, Paria, for HB, BBBBBry Ue vidue of tbe frame.-The Marrjuis Ilreadalt_i,c, K. -T., had been

aelected by Queeu Viciorla to prucfed 011 a apecial mla-siei. to iuvcat bis Mujae'y U.a King of Pruaaia wltb theOrder of thetlartrr. Hia lordsliip will I* acc/impe-by Mujor-O«u. Lord f. Paulet, C. Ti., and by Ylstv4intHiuehingbrook, of the flranadier OuarriB. Sir CharieaYoung, Gartei Kmg nf Aruut, wiil aluo BBMBB. on tbeniadon with tba __a.--i.nis oi Breadalb-ue..Mr. Mayhew's long-ru-pendtd work on tkt Poor

of I/ondnn ia sn well known that it ls scercely uefee-

aary to do more thun rhrunlcle the fuct that ita pTthlira-tk-n ia at leagtL leaumed, and ila ixiuiplatlou Oiialiy an-

nouni-ed al no more <li8'__i date ihun tlie oiistiiag April..We muat ttkt, fmaa Mayhew a work, an amusiug

trait in the rbaratier d Pnnne BBBBrh-B/, on lha au-

thoiity of liilly, ihe wnll-koown tro_iing-.weeper iuCafOndiah a^tiart).

" He wasagrnUemen," aayaBiily," as waa nncommon fond of the gals, Srr. Ue d go a.dtalk to ali the nuiid aervaiits romid about, if tbey waa

only gn"d looklng. I u«ed to go au_ riny (b» hjmt}lells for him, and t-ll tbe gals lo g» and meat himtn(lhapal Mreet. God hlese him! I aayi, he waa a pleaa-4 nt genUemas, and a regalar r»-\ un for a bit of fun,end always lnokiug lively and".Mad. Ugalde, the favorite prima donna of the Op-

era-(,'o__i.|uB, luu nearly falleu a victlm to a terrihleaccldent. Wbile on tha "Utge at Caen, ln tbe middie ofa part, ahe oama too uear Uie foot-lighta, her dn-«*eaught fire, and wiu uujUmily in a blaro. Hy pron.pti-taiart-nte ahe was rvacqod from a dreadfnl fat*. kav ,ugaanei-d liitle lujury beyond the affecteof fri^ht..A dinne. waa gi ven ou Wanlneaby, by a bost of

bis admirers, to Col. Sir Artbur C.^ton, ao renownedtor bis aucceeaful exertiona ta India to prvuote irriga-tion and the c-trutla. Amoogthn company weaa IaordI.y y"lnn, la.rd II»rria, Kir Ji.iir.-e Klphinei'iie, audMr. Hi_ihiu-toii-Lird tthafleabiiry prFaldiiifr. TheChainnan pronouuted tlie euhs^y af OflL OflBBB lnj-ropoaiug hin bc-altli, aud the grt:.ii inig.Uor madu a

reply ftili of ta-MflBtiag taiemeuta.

.A Commitlee huajiut bei-n forme.1 at C.otha.uitdartlu* Praaidiaarj ef Bm lalgabaj Duke, to c..iUh.i h..f md- aeeeBBarj f 1 th. f*j<..Jiii"n LLmiL, i-ji,oin «e_*ui

of I)/. Ua anl Vvgd, or, al any rate, U> trerutN thoraaaba af hia inv^stig.:: aa. Th:* e-fadbha, lt i*agpyy-teid, villl tuke ihrt--.-f,.iir yaaii. It ik suj^osedthat h -um '. 70,(XK) f-i.nce will \#> aiifririmit lo d'.rayull ihe e.4j.i'.i«8e..Piui IX. bha jurt ».t-dn I a»U pioaeul a apb ndld

! dLiuiond nit-Llare, Wt \ttft ity ot alr.iuh Iad), n-

1 ii.ily dea-.ttaaid, and a qnnml'v of what a Lt-ndonhaHghaeaaadMeall" ar_aiMafbbjo_fja_d vinue;"ahv, a prr.4:..i liittu a lady Ba U-ii......Tl.e P.uis roriesj-.Ldei.t of Tkt t'ourt J...-

givi- an utMou_t .1 a dafB-B dad irbfab BMBBMfha fuw dujaa^t'iu city. Th.: MMMBBbbI werv a

yomig ducayed iu h|ri_au aad a nch young bankar. ul.Ithe canac waa, of c/jiirue, a lady. J he fiA-mer Lavingtlie right ol Uie choice of weupoiA, lehxted the aw >rd,fljid it waa decided that tbe aflair ei onld coue . tl in tlieiiohlenuin's amoking-room. Tlie m^rrow enme.Uiebuuker (limhed up tbe riacount a ilippcry staii, andwat i'K>w_t jau> ii;*. aar>>k j/jj-rociu, wUn, u^ofc a _«w

BBf flowery flffffll itood the viacoun', amil'ng bbndly_in 8 iMtflggi i aal abfaara, todara a ******. Iflrr\ The witDeeie* eo-.n made all ready, the doctor wa

BMaBMfld in PM flBBl 10888, nnd the flflflAfltflBBJ'M ,0»t tbelr dcadly work. In a few minute-a flY, Dailv,.rfU>od pinnrd throngh the BHBJ~ flrl of v^(. ^bt artri t0

ibe wa IM BMBBBBl afbV raafla, Mflal in afew minutesmore waa laid npon U". viaon^nt't hed, with th* doetorttanding o*er bin> o_l )n« iw0 friendabanding the Itot,and raga, aud .-".ntinent whkh bta caee roqaired..We re/,_ )n T*c Ma'ta TimeiflffbaMkbl "Onr

readern, will l.e , Unl to 1> :im ibat Ruggiero bettimo,Princa of FeuJia, at preeent reaiding among ua, thocohtaei, perhaia, of all tlie men who have «ver ButTertdfor tbe ItaJiun flBBBfl, haa been cnlled by the King to

Ibo aboJf af lYaBbbaal of tho I'ppcr Baaaa of the Pitrli-tnient. Tbe nppoititmont, however, it bfeared, it pnrely nomirul, aa it ia not likely that the

iood old n:ur., from bia greut age and infirn'iii"a, willMahlfl to flrfflfl blmaelf eiil er of hia nomrnalion or of

the meana af eonveyance- u tSardinian frig.ite.wbichhaa leen pbved at bia diapoaol. It ia well, however,that even ln bfa IM BflBM flf refuire Knggiero HetUmo¦honld live and die the tili'lor bead of the finl Itulioapprliamctit.''--Tbe faajmbl tl.e Hon*. of Lord*, on Thnrmtay,

.le.idcd ibut a t-leivyinan had no power to aolrmnirehta owi; riarriage, and that the tarue of auch a mar-

riage WM illegiwmate. The qnertion rrtroe their

bMOBbafa in roimection with a caae which haa exeited

...flflbbMkbh iiiiert-Bl iu Iretand..The well-known pnblieher of I^ipaic, Bernruird

Tan.'hniv, hai juet receircd from the Duke of bnxe-

Ccbnrg, aaa reward for hta Fngltah publicationa, thetitle of Baron for him*. lf und bi* diren deae. ndanta,

TbeEiii|eror RflaBMWM haa deeided that a atVne

eholl to ere. ted at PM to the late Marabal Baagaflt,and, aatte MarBhaTa mother haa no private f.-rinne,the bmBBI Bfl bas gntnUd b. r a BaBaBJfl of b.tiOOf.

Nova tbat King IY.iuri« and hir fnmily have.iuiitcdNaplea.tbere hre in exita nofewi-rthnn tifty-rive mflin-

bflgpaftbfl Bflorlm BBBafj oMflfaWflaMagpflMJ wboare the di.eet or .olUteral d.-wendante of Louia XIV.Tb>- lif'.y-!':4e aie ibeae. The BoOJflMM of Naple*. con-

tittingof KicK r'niiirie. tlve bffltfa ra, and fonrfliatera;

kfaltajeftya feWBBr.flrtaflBl || Cflfflfl and twocbil-<arm. tMBfl d Aquita anl iwo children, Count de T.a-

ratii nnd live; hta M8jbatf a aunta-lJueen Miuia

Am'iie. widow of Kirn,' I-oui* I'hibppe, tbe Ducheaae,1* lb ni, Bfldtba D.i.'l.e-r.ide balerno; nnd, luatly, a

couain-german, the DucheeM d'Auroale.MOaa, Wo.

The Beflfbeaaof Ppafa V"t tMaBtM Don Jiuui aud two

.hildren; total, 3. Tbe Bonrbont of Franoe.Countdo l.bauib.,rd, ihe Ducheeee de Parma' and four chil¬

dren; TheOrleiaiB branrh of the Fr.-nvh

¦imImm llafraMtBi Pari*, bm I>m de Ohaatna,tbo Due de BaaaflM and BMB bbWBbWB, tho Priuce de

JsisrUa aad twe, tbo Dm d'Aumoio aal two, tb*Dafldt Mintpet.iier and aix; total, 20. NinettenBilulflM are not in exile, namelv, tbe Rryal foiuly of

iMkifl,alBMMBB BMMlMl tba Emj re** ol Bia/d latofrnaaiBjflf BafJaa), aMDaabaM AaajflfltM afflaflat*OtltMg Oalbfl (BBJ Primera d Oileaae;, aad U.e I> ikeChorle* 111. of Fnrmn, lutoute of bpoto, wbo abdicated.

The roll "f llie Lordt, apiritual and temporal. bMtv *n BfaMad, Th.-re are 81 eplrltnnl I.t-I* aud 8B tem-

pr'ml, reckoning I-ord Aurkloi.d tbe formor *»

li.'c'.pof B-th md Weilt. Tta* apintnal lordt uro'J*iBfa pTotalc* and baf Wah, tM bfab MaxbflMoa

x BtpfJ .Y.i*aaiontol..gtbeArcI;liirho1of Dtihlm aod

bba Biah-paof Dowu, Oaaory, nnd Corh.' Of tbe tem-

iuia'i lorla tbree ar* of tbe bl od p)yal-the Prince of

Wni.B, the Duknof Cumtorlai.d.Kingof Hajioverl,Bfld tbr D.ike of Coiiihrnlg*. Tht-re Wlow 'JO duk.t,¦ BaaraaMa, i*u oi^'a, 2* rbMaaaa, aud vK3 imrooB.T) ... hower.r, ta reckoning tleia Uehliically, uyf. rd-bar to t)*a tnlea hy which they *it in UM bflBflfl. IMinaunce, tha Duk* of Bucbuch ta pUned aaK*ng tbeoprta l-*e«aa.' Im »ita, not by bu ucJiafU. but ao

hori of 1 )..rara-Mrin lha Fn«aab peara*i*. and Uie Duk*of Araryll b reckoned only amrmg tho rmrena BoronthflBabbtBa)) ihe Im] .f^-dtji I* I^<^h,~__^.. »_,.im or LitnaVarde, Lord pomertill; LordFnomure aleo remaina among Ihe IflflaBgj btauewly-luherlt*"! K-titil. Lt'c f Lorl of liaLlioi_-ie feawbtg no

aea: in tbo Hmian annexid to It. AMigning all auchp*ea to the raak and title hy wh: I they are comroouiyIflti'.wn, nod apeuiMig |»'j atohy, ti.* truipovtJ brdl ur*>

a prlnrp, a king, Vf dukn, jj aanjulAra, 170 norla,ill viaconnta, and 1..'hikrona. The whole BOnbai iaih< IIoum, therefore, ta 1?.-; a geaentt-rin ago it waa

r»ot NB- Mr. Lumley, the ex-lmpreaariu «if Har M ij*4Tty'a

Tboiaier, ta nuw ibe Mauaafei of »ha Th'ater Royol al

r ,-in. Mmlrn. itaelle TiUena, Madenn iaelle Cnaoloni,Sitrnor Gioglini, and Signor C.ui*, are memt'eipof l.taBflfJfOBfk.M. Mu-ortl, the ar*a t»f bV BaaMMd wb<> wm the

otietinat'.r of Fronienad* Coneetta, ii D"W jriving a

. BflfflflBBMfBl at St* HmII, aimilnr to theca-labrated Mtienrd ('ini^-rtaaf Paria. HehtiaHn.x-reltiil BjB_M8JB ,'bieny lnvu*fbr fiom Paria), whorieifotm wnli/tt* qtindi'-IJi-a, and OtMo kitnta ol dancetotive, will. a hre tw.d bnllianey prubably never tvj.

poajied, and tbr aaaaflftl are cmaoquenily well at-ter.ded.

A tjen:orial haa been preoeii'.-d :o I^irtl Poliner-*ton praytog tor more Biahopa. Ibe prriject ia lo anb-.livide Uie lorge aee* of London, Exeter, Dr.rhom,R.icLfBter, LLnooLn, and Gloticeeter, and tbu* retiifonptha eoiiuvappte by the addition af half a BM new

BuJiopa. Tlie niemoriul ta aiaiued by a btrgr uumbeiof Peena BBd Cmmonera, ebiedy of Ibe Cou^vrAaUva

|*rty- I.ord Evoraley und Lrt^J Elary biiig the aioot

cot.picnotM meu from tbe other rai.ip..Th« jottrnal* etatij thi.l a dnel wbh farafdi

bad Utk.-u pto'44 betw.>eu M. Valeio, a wri'er in th*Centrmfrtraneo, and M. Macana flf tbo DirioKtp*myt\mm4 itended by fbe foimer rec. iviug threewounda. Annthar dm J vvltb pittolt waa to have taken

;tace between tte diree'.-r* af IbflMBM loiirnata, M.Albared*a and^ M. Tlo'M.ii, Btn lt ww prevent. .1 hy th«authoritiaa, and tbo twe gentbmen were ralted on to

give Ibeu wtwd ot bonor not to ligbt in the diHtrict ofModrid. Tbb they did, but Uiey left f.cAndabiabwiih Uie btention of Laviiig a hoetile moeting there..We p-o fem Uio Iriab papera tbal Catherine

Ilayea't UKir to her aativo eountry ia attendoil withLnlhont niiereaa. ghe, with her eondjutore, Mite ljm-telina, Mr. Tonnaat, bignor Bnrdiui, Herr Beoker, andMr. F. B«rger, have fdfflfl eoncerte at Cork, Limeritk,I..'i aad "ihe Irlah Nightiugale' haa every-whare ta ,-n nvelvod with ta eurrently atatod, aaya The Adnrhter, that

Cotiiit C ituiir ha* BBaBBBfld to, aad been a>repted by,an I'.iiktiieh hv-lf holdingadiBtingtitabiid |Jace at tbeOflflfl of our Oueen, aud wboee Ude beloima to tbeblgheat gnale but one of onr femole noldlity. It, tbat aa m*n. aa mottora are aomewhot morecdrai iu Ituly the* will lake pbtce..At NoPen. fFranc*,., r few daya ngo, aeveial yrrtng

women emplored by n dtraainaker were poi*oned byi'irm.1 of a dreaa whlch tbey bnd nuole up. They badbad to tear ltrto Lnuda a li^ht l:4»no of a green color toroaka oninmonte, und thia liad cauaed a alight dtitt,wbkb ent..r«d tl.eirmoutha atd no«trlla..The Vicercy of Egypf, after haviug birded ot

Oo-eh, a amall ;ort in tbe R»nl fieo. prooeaded toMivliiiB, whare. bfl rernaiued flvn dny* MBfbM afltbfltaOflb af the Prcplmt. Tl.e l'r.u a flBB* BMM Butgni-1 cent prtatnla to tllfl b,in.i.:i ol M. .. ajj.l to theDbflflflB. Ba wo* Ifl lenv" on Jaa n tor Mocco.T;-* fTeofoy'i liule aea, fbaaaM l'*'", (mtIbmbown'tai'ied tbe mature age of oeveii jc.-ib, aaBMBBflMIbe enjoytiii :it of a aepbiite eetnhlialiDii-ut of h'.MOwn.Townni it* aWaBBtfaa lie baa already t.emi BfMBMBfdv.'iih a e-yujle af Ob BBflflO fem;de ahiveB. wbbfaabeI,iik;ltali niirB*, under aybOM abflffjfl l.o bai IBbflftOl*4-n, ta at-out lo b« diaiibarg'4l.. After the prerfauuition of theamn. *'y hiat ypBr,

the Fieiieh Conaol Li Lcndon Inforrned M. Ia dru Rol-lin tbat it did not ap].ly to him, becati*.. be had beenfound gnilty, " by defank.'of piirtkc.i|4iiion to a plotfk.-14'i ei L.t Life «J the 1 n-i . fr, wbicb WUB » CVtuliroB

,RW andikOtapoliiK-lotl-nie. Thereupon, M. Ledru

'__,^..uhmittcdtoEeveralemincnt French advocates

the following -itiretion: " Ia a aaM ag-m't ibe Em-

peror'slifcaioliUfalcriniet" The advoci.tea, in an

opinion dBMd Jan. 88, UK1, have resolved the quwU-niu ihe.ii.irrm.tive. uddtag tbat M. Ledn B. H lae B

bfd right to enifr Praaaa nBbaM hetag Miliilil-A girl advertiiei in a Girtnan naWeT-aper for a sit-

nation aa bar maid or waitree* in a refreabment aaloon.

Amoug hf r .piaUficatiotia for such a poeit'ion, ahe s_)Behe can cnt BM piecea of bread and bntter. of aatisfac

tory uppearance^>i-t of one pound of bread and two

ouncea of butter.-The Rev. Alexander H. Vinton, D. D., pastor ef

the Chareh ofthe Holy Trinity, BB Kittenhouse equure,

Philadelphia, haa tcndered bis n-Fignation, to take tf-fect on the lat of Jono next. Th' Veatry of theChurdihaa accepted the rcs'giiation. In bis lett-r ef renigr.a-tion, the " oDpromising condition of hia wife s healthis given as the cause. It ie underetood in New-Torkthat I)r. Vinton baa accepted the Rectorsbip of St.Murk's Chareh, in the Howery, and that he willsrwrUyremove bis rosidetce b this city.

Mr. Reuben Traveller, a we'l known citizen of

Ottawa, Ilppt-r Cauada, _hd laat week ir tbe eighfy-l'ir»t year of his age. Ile paat throtigh an eventful lifc,tunong other eirciiuatancea baving been preser.t at aev-

erul of tbe great uuval battleaof Nolbou, und bcing alaoone of thoae. veiiliiroua apirit-i accompanying MungoPark in bis African exploiation. Mr. Travellci waa a

.ii-ive of Kngland. H<: was u cricr of the Courto ofCarleton Connty, U'fer Canada, einee Uie eounty waa

firat formed.The Ommmt S'n'ionnle, which origiri-lycir:ul:tted

the iiews that Uiree French noblnraen, MM. do Mflfl,St. I*i.rre, and St. Muttin, had been eent'-noed to d>-aUiby a coiirt-martial at Meseimt, now corre. ta tho atate-

ment. They are merely arreated onachargenf oon-

epiracy, and have been aentto Genoatotake their trial.A Pruaaian named Kalkrtutb, a myFterio'is paeBBBBBB,wbo ia said to huve betraytd ihem, is now theii fellow

prieoner. ______________________


SMPaBMBbBM «f 8ha N. Y. Trfbtna.(Jrfat Sai.t I_kBB CfTT, Feb. 1_, 1881.

We have douhta aa to our preeent rtositioti. and

Aeajroly know whetberwe havestartedan Indutu war,

right in the heart of the settlementa, or whather we

khall he fortunati* em.ugh to eecape frcm ono wbicb tbebdhard-Hfla of someof tho '. bretbren" tbreatens blu ing upon ns.

The aettlemento diree'ly w««t nf thb fnr-«ly tv.'U-s

nra bnsy with riflea and revolvers, and making eve-ryolTort to protect theu lelvea agdnsf siirprise fr-m the

Redakina. Bhrald tbo exci'ement not immeJiaielvc~_ee "tbe ipirit'' of fear and fig-t will eite-d, audbefoje wo know where we are wo may reully ~»e tbe

neaaaeityfor a general fight with Uie h aiton ahln.fv eaav to roiumence a fight wit'i In-

.liana, but ex.oe.iiDgly'difflcult to and it. Tbo Indian*in thia Territorv have been mirerably ueglected by tbeOnvernment and its repreaenUtlves. Ioevery othersettled lu.lian etaBatatheOaMrBBMM b-BBBMBBreae.trratlM BM tbe buds used by tbe aettlera, and the nip-.ilaiavl dovernment payments bave boen made MMM-gent on tho gtxd bthavior, boniaty. A-.c.,of the ln-di-aa. Here, tl.e wbitea occupy tha lands in the val-leva kill tba garne on tbe oiouutaina.catch the trotit iath'e riveia, and the wandering ownera of tho aoil andthe waters, the Ummjkit BBflpflMMB ofthe conntty are

Uving on Uie eharity of Ue people, wbo teod all thecha ity for tbemaelvea, for Utab, be lt said. en patt'i.t,is ant but the narden of the world, and all lt

produces ia hy tl e hordeat Labnr. The Indlane be. Ulltheir demar.-s lieroawi hoavy lax, aiid the fMtbraBBaOffld and vexed. The levagea see und fael it, andever ready to put out their biuids, holp themaelvei, fcnlbere l Fgir.a the row.We bava an Indian gafllaMM-BM, Indian Au BM,

and Indim Farm Agente, and haia haard afoOovwa.m. i.t appropriation MBdBJ 00 nccntly fi r It-ib. Butwho .iippoees that tbe Indians get mncti or ofthe apiiopriuUon T Nobody wbo ever aaw thfl aun

ket waat <>f the Miaau-nri River. Kvory new Hupainn-tendent n__kea his debot with a daah. Hedlatrkutaa a

fea blanketa, a keg of yellow ocbre, a pound or two.-#._._._{«,.. aticksafa-tber in achief's bat and pa-radee him abo'it -ika a m._i-*» nr, an Itulia- atraat or

gan BoaM 1- ur ia given to the s-juaws,*. pow der and lead to tbe bravea. A w ind * speacbia _.'.i ,-r«a-i to the wb< 1. trihe ah"it tlie great iaiherut V\ neliington, a nollce of which dtily _u>, In theloaal pai*ra. Then tho Hiiperj.teii(l.«nt tnrus tevi-uchera, abstra. te and acr.^: te . urrent, antl ludian-dom haa got all it ever will get. Is tble i*c' 7Teo tbouaand voices bere would reply: " More truththan poetrj-.' I^it the Indian* out hero be atwr-ded tonr tbere will be seritms trouble. How comes HrighRmYoung, the (hief of tbe Mormons, to luave such lufln-en.-..- with thfl ladhae I By tadaatriaattag tliem intobisfaitbl! ily tre;uii-ut them wilh khidnesa,and pdfaataa tlu Bhbaaa M feod them. It la a baarydraw upon tbo Churrh flour-hin, but Brikjba-n ia

i' enough to know thal it is rhe.jvi to foe-i an ludlanthan to fight bim.Tbo preaetit ularm in tbe aetJiWnenta la from tbe snd-

_M apjearunte of tbe ia* ally hhoahiBM wbo ltavebeen keeping up the dit-cnltiea on tf... Centr.l Mailrouteto (.'aufemia. Theae Shoshonee lutve aJwa'ahved awav from the atttlemenU. and have proyed.ipontraYolera. They havo rwently _ppe_red al theranxiee a'-iut ilO miles' weet of tbis, andclaiii.ed a heavytlthir.gin cattle, m-lt© and horwes. Tba aetilera ofQiaatarflb ramesud.leuly upon the wi kiupa of aome

¦li.-ont (loeh-L'tea, where tbe {jhoahooea bad Uilen uptemponiry onaitera, ar.d aneret ded in taking ontte antimber M trem priaonera. A namlier were releaai'dupon tbej prouiia© of briugiug in the thiovoa, and . ightwi-re det.-.iiied m hc*Utga«. It takea more time than Inn givo t<. telleverytbiug; BflBbe it. though clutiredtwo and two, the red akina suctjeeded in aurpriaina a

urglifent guartl, one of wbom lliey wounded by niaoi4ti nile-h.ill. and attempted tocut tbe tbroat "f an¬

other, and linally all but one, who waa aho*. made ott.Tbe comrade of ulm w ho wae ahot dragged liim tlll hegot to a place of covtr where be broko bi« chalu withet.-i.oa. leit the wounded li.dian, and Bi%_e _yd feiaown retreat. All the Indians bave i©_ ovetl tlieu.wii l.iups. *i|iihwf, and ,apooe.s mto ihe moimU-na,Hiui ovidently incau war. The " Minnte men'' nfi.n.M-villo u_,d looclo are o :t, uud a light seenw iu-evital.Io.The ro'tniri, e^c*j>t from this MMBkhBahB,Bnd

the iiec.j lo are'still kea plng up ChrtahBB- aud the loli-daya. Thorti are baiii lu Uie eity uearly even' nittht,Brrathfl.. lahaaldaap, ovary nay. hr llnt'bfti- na~coul eh-d oartice to '..© Or©n*d «t '- p tn., and ahaadtieioi© iulduT-iit; BM I expect tbe Bishope cariy nuthia instnictiona. 1 aupjKae they \\ ill ke»p danciug tillthe snow -baaaaara,Tbo new JialgM are giving great aatirfaitl-m, by

raiveraiiig ali tbat thair piedtc-k_oii did " Withoutaathority of law."

Ilrigham delivored a great semmn on H'.ind.iy Lnst nnthe state of the Union. Tubtmat'le waa too full tos.puee-B in, ao wi'h hundreda of ofherathnd to atayout, and loet it. I uoder-tand that he wiu very severeon Mr. Buchanan.Oougbui haa ncently had tbe attcntion o: tbe |>oeta,

who lu*ie been clu_iil-ig hia reouiew.Col. CreightoD, the Baaatef tho IhabVlhlBjiapbCompiuiy, stopped heteal""it dl weeks, and leit but

1_ura.lay for Uie Weel. Il ia nut yel detaf-daad tiia'the wirea shull go by this route.Hrigham Young ia ahont to staxt apaper-mill near

this ti'T. Ile ti'A the __Mfa-_erj in from the bte'.aalaat Fall, and everythintf ll ready fnr oj^radon*. Onoeia working order, aehool-booka 'and evervtbtng iu theiHrectiou of edurkti«n i* promiaed to bave ea-l> a»t«u-Uon.Al serm bs KpHng pei-iBa, the bult-tng©f 1*0TaB*

plo is M be r*t<Jniiii»n,ajd in earn. at. lYtai and a tb*a-tur aro to MeBM the me< banics mdbahoreis ol tbe cityfor aoma Umo to c. .me.


Lo.48 or i.i Iturn u Hiui' -Iohn .iOwht.-Uy tl e

anlval of the ship Itcalon Ligtit, Capt. HoIwhy ,we leanithal tba John Lowry, efOlBOBOflb, Scetland, on a voy-BBB) to Currache-J, in Uia Anibiiia Hea. -pning a hwtkpatbalBBl DeeMahM iu tba Indian Ooeai:, and ihehiuide workod at the pumpa till Ihe moniing oi'tbe -3d,when abe wua abimdoned. All got iuto a lilo-boat auda lo_g-b_kt, -nd aoon ___M tboy loft her tto ahip vv.-i.t

djwn. iliirin. the ee,"4Jnd night tht bnets IBBBMBMparahd. Thr. crew, prevlo'is to tha Uma U.ey

t iohed up, were radBOad to gnai extreinltleB. and ono

ol ih.-iu hatl given out fmie BMM exartion and Uiettant of waici. i-a for tive days thoy bad beea ou au

¦BOWBBM af half » l'int Mrh- Ot the morning of ihoMb DaaaabM tl-ey wore pick. d up in lat. ~- .'.tl S.,ba.ll fc. tbe MBBM ol tboao reecunl aieaatdl-lowai

fohi,, dilef sakarj Toia Rktri. nkrry Padla Kaah Lora,-kflrtas B. Fiaatou, aud Nell* keiioa.

1 hose who were in the lotig-boat were aa followa:lUbait M'-rgan, oaptklni John M.-!>..:ia.,l, a.oon.l mxte An-

tc ..a Bllik, ataward, Jkme* Kla.her. Fan^iue-i Duno-o Mc-Mi-aa, ciA.ii Uu-si h-sa, U*» WH, H»^7 VriAaaM,

Henry Addieon, Jtbn M.'4'arty, Char «. T.aai., ind Jtmat Neeblit.Tbe tbipwreeked n amen wil! be prorided for by Mr.

Ai't'bibnld, tbe B.iitab Contul.

Utarkeia-Rfpnrttd lv TttrfrttpkZ

ClBCTBBAfl, Mr-ea '14. Ploib iteedy. Wbiib't foi*.r>- .\.'4M«- duU, Men Potk fbt>7i<z*iy. Laao dol! at fv8MM.Mobilb. Mtr.-h 14.--Cotto!I Brm and In good deu,and; ¦*'**

tediy MM haliiat ll,c. f.r Middliug.Ni.HroLK, Va., Marce 14. -Corroa li,e for Middiii.. aad lle

llt B.lett. Cohh d.clined; talrt of the w.,k 80..1*) onal..44'bite. B*a.| Mixed bl-,. Yellow, tilc. Stair. ictlie. R.-dbii'.. ¦Jba-Jlr. kVl.lte 7"j. Natai. Stuhki dull. Tab, pi M.Naw-Oriip*.i, Mer*h 14 .T'o'tciv.Tbe rn.'ket li daili

ni*. .<¦ d.t 5.J.I0 tatatl Middllng I'pbindt, 1J»»?. flppaa.tra-Jy. MoL.A.iai BtflBBa fioi-B q.lvt; Ohio, »S jilaftj7f Con* mlied Wd'Uc. PntiuHT* d'o^ping. Kiobaiii tpl.o::don, 4ju.4i prnr.iom; oc NawYo.k par i'adia. p

PmieBgeri trriirdIt tUomthlp F.ti-.n. from f.irrr/kiol.Mra Reford ai.d rhi'.i*

A'.rx. Moxxay, Mi. Mpruiil MiuCerrl. k, Mri Ann «"*:<*. MM4\':k!li,K. Mln I.ibel Buizer. MIm I.e.i<.flicaardann M(m V,^I'eiclvui. Mi. L*t. >a -r, Mr. Bnjd, I.. A Moiaop, Loobe <*~)an,(J A.Gtttn**, T. B. tiatwotthy. 4Vm. fatwortby, J I» Pen>brrion B. 4A'ataon,T7iouiai(ir.y. J. 0 Htetry, H. VV. Li'A.ibtJ. K.-nu-.i, J. I.ei.huiai. aud 214 iu the .teerag*./* ifeumiAtp /)* .Sofo, from Sm; ititeaut and Ilai lau -,Tllcr*. 8 A. rjauter. J. A. Mend, aa. f, 4 hancere, I- B 1 .**, J(I ^ml'h.J Me:evrge,*rii*, :¦ cbildreLi"dA^r*BDti f.fltreMtD.Ollve, Al«X.I.on*, J. A. Mtlet .1. Bautbea, AndeuMir,., i.44 hittimore, E. I.amirr.he, J Uleden. T O.r.-ia, A. RotelA, T.Kb.-ry. P, Awrll. M. Beard L. B*.niAi..l*t, V. f. Low.ou, P.felaltaf, f. W kei.t. A ilopiie, J. Mrllehiuer, i. l.nTr., Bi-coii-ira, J Lawataar. J. B.rtine. N. Thour,peoi,. E. Cv.n*, W.k'. Rmitb. Hy.'leiohn. E. Orniila. A. J. Wondw-rtb. A.Smiili, J. Qtin k, t Ki'iieU, J. 4v_d, (J. Bbarp, O Derlne, N.Kogetiand wlf*. J Melvllle and wlfe, K. BnrteM, B 4» 1'miulBdflL O U. Thon.kite. A f. W'l l.'ofd. T. C. liolland, T Lord,lb B, Mri. (i. 44'rlgkt, chld tad .'-ent, Mra. T. Levy,Mra. A. L*an tt aud 1 c .ildreu, Miu t. Hpofford.

Ii .laoaiiAi/i 1'ot*7ou*i, frum Jti.Aa.vnd, drr.A. flr. lleeL AV. lUenn. (ieorge 44. O'enn, A 4 «... Mr W itcuX, Ono. kthil-tield MtaaLoui** Wiydrnd. Ht.i: Por-er, P. Klry, Ja. Skuvnn, Jobn Le<oiiip'*, Ja* Slo.roT., Udy and 3 tliildiei). Mr.Ctut. Parriih. 44_. Henry, Ed Eierta, J. N. Brc-Mainan, C Mriri Dr. U ri We*t JoLn U. PelUn, O. B. Kebly, MIm 4>olbort, A. Harri., and 14 ln deeitga.

¦iBi.TrnB ui.....'Hun-RI*at....«:l3 Bau. 1:07 Meon-Rlie. lOto

¦ma wiram tbh oat.HandyHook..lOtbJ Uot Uiand.M M Hell-Otlt.If;>-


BfaaaBBB.Btaan.kbip-Roatiuk* Cuch. Katdaflt, UMBMB t H*b -kan.Hblpi.J. J. Btid, Tl.ou'ai. BaTre.Bcyl k B*lueken ktm .

CATafta, Hamborg,F'ir..'be k Metnckei Orpbeu*(Braai ) wtflaflilir«ir.*n,-.Bjiki-Eagle Bak*r, Ccrteoa, Jti. FoYkel- Roni, '.i^-AH-tri,.

Conper, Beraindt, Tucler k Llgh'b M| Abauull, M r i-

Blci.n.3iid, A. .Jttr:in... ILudurai Mirih.'.!, Billit, F. t.txtr,der, Harro.n Kaker, Hi^ana. 44 W Kunell k 4 o.

Hiigi.S. Pe'*r., HliKla.. Z»x», C k E J. Peta/is O.priy(Bt.). Col*. Bt MM, F. i. 1 1 B,Pcbvoneri.BiWer Magntt. Pairy. 44 ii_li.gtou. J. w. M -K*»-

CUu-a, (Jraca, Jack*onTine. Brett. Son A t'o Fblaak It-t-c*.,F*vAnr*b, I). C. Murrar k Co.; M«B.-beiter, NelioB, Ricbrnond.C. li. Pierion: L. D tVentwortk. Ryd*r, U'eynantb MUAwflliougbt.'B; (J,:een of tba South, Elwood. Moblle, E. I). Ilarlbu:A Co. L. Oertnid*, Ca'uphall, r*mti,Jin*.-r Aitcm. Cofalnt ,laik.oii»i:ie. C It E. J. Pator*, Ida del Torr*. Jon*..Cbule.t >n, 44 tllece Sherwood k ( o AJela (Br), bBMM, H*eana J. E VV^rd I to » bi»tl*r., T*0Bton. ulariadyMuigitrt (Br.i, (irant. Balifax, A. BinithaT. *. l*4>lt>Beif* K:ow*r., Beifut, B P. Bnck k C*.( Jtdita, Feed, toctiyrA, J*d Pry.

«sro.t^_Pi,«Ltx Bbrcb.ard, New II.Trn, maatar.PropeO*r--Jiiaey Blue, Cbediay, Newport, mBBtai.

AVrHvedl.*..- ,bl.. Y.'kt.-wn. Parriih. RicbmoBd,bC,lcdtr and pata

14 LodtoB k HataMrn ... , aa_a . _

Bt-amiiilp Etni (Br.). Ke-redf. I.lTarpaol Mtr. b T., TUQuaeueioMn l"tb mdie. tnd poii. to J O. Llala

Ste*.Tiihip 0* So-o. Johniton New Oilrani March '. M HaTtn* 8tb, i:;dM. »ud i-a*.. to LlTlngit' .. C.ocbexou A . BfpMBi lal.7L)40 ioa. 82 f}?. pmcd ablp Merrle Enguvrid Bfl f

ianiatUna.axcharged .brnala witb a brig ahowirg MailJflMflnu-nbeit fl ^7 iw-xir.d dimr.guiiblng pannant, MlltllB.19lh lai :?". Ml lit 7tt* .l-r.iled . b»rk ibowloa . bl.e, wbit.»nd' red ii.nal wTth le.tera K »nd 1* bo nd N. Ha* J baa.yVliN.N.I! wind. flth b««.y he*d aea. fkom HaTiua up UCaf4, H.ttci.. lllb. hHaui, pewrd a rropeUer bo:;. 18.Bhlp Coa-uetttor (of Botiou). Hii, foo Cbow ll. diy*.

itmt kc, tn nMitar. r*m* thr^-'i'. tb* tiiral'i of Pua.'a Dae. T.ln oornpsBT with al.ipa 4 haxiner L*ca*. aad aTaata. '\ illjania,botb from Mwiill. for Naw-Ymk; pM**d Capa of CaMflMMJJa:i3C. d

Bhlp roBitelittVou, Mulltn*r, LlverpotJ, fta. ., i dta. aodpa*. to C. Cai.w. ^^^_Baik Vi.-torlie(n/?o':.hpOT'.). Jon4ri.Bcirdr>Jcx Jaa. .'.brtxdj

to ti. 4V BicAi-y. Keb. 0, lat. ID So. lon. 33 30. p..i«d th*wteck cf the b*rk Cotfield .*uppo*.d fi:i:Lh). water <g»d aa/.ab_nd.-.r 1, ai" t.'i miiti .Undt-g, *aPt b.i'.*lon tha y li, Jtb*anil it.i-ii.. hiowiLg U> rlbbor* boat* gone; *ppe*r. '. tc hayaBAVtai ft.-«a!y *!;iu.doied. lllb. tL.rla* T. »o. .;*wlia-v* .). i tean.Aii, dled on b-iid.Bt-t Oiulia (Ital,) Pln-idellao, Pa>_o 30 aaya, OP.r-Har fab.

.i, t'r-jtt Lawrence (...-ifctc.Bark rlypeeian Otbaap, na.y.q'ill, P R 3d lnet # ig*r and

_-.ol*A**« U> T T DwUht.B.k John B*mou. John..'!. P»nc* P. R., Peb. 37. i gtr. ke

.*,.«.. k Co. Hai had aaOM he*iy wr»'h.r, na-ra bt.'.wMll., tn.Bark E. Churt-ili tot Itarui ic:), t Hta, Arroyo, P K-, fcO. V:

*>.**, and ii.'aei to tniiter., Brig Wi!.ca Pa.t, M d»yi. pttaid Olbr-tar fruk. kc. toC. kE. J Petrr*. EaparUneed T*.-y-;**Ty Wwaatb*: n. .« cf th* tnngr BMMtd .*T»raI beeiy mm, *kli.i(tore fealeb botMtt, b'-'a'-aiki. »ud t-ait v BUrd the cablf.

Brig Ablieue (Br., of MaltlBnd. N. S ). Cardenaa I J. yi nn\to maatar March ». !t> X3, loo 7t>, b*d A hnrrlcana ftoti. S'. 8. £'. foi.yaid. JibbootB, iplR ul.'i. ati'Te bulwarka, ke.BrlgWtndard. iHnn MiTiguei. P. R., lb daya anflV.bfl.B

R. P K.-.rk k Co. M.rrh 13, .* Btmegat, atw tthr ad. Aa*M(c: Rocklta.l) lUei-irg.i.

B-tg,S*th..i i.f M»obla»> Biwy*r. Cltnfoeget I« dkyg inga'and hniMy t>. Tlmmpaon k liuateT. B*i>ond day oot, .A t*i»A. ...'lo. lo*t f rrt.ip.all yard; .ime Jbt. *aw a tcbicLtr wiitlon of mu.heidi. jlb^ot m. ke. Uh h«d btaey weather.Brig Altddln lof 44i..-*M*i'; Miortwell, Cardami .3 dayi,

.tigar. Vc, lo maatar. M.rrh V, off tlatr-ia*. experie., * 1 * bett-ya.* fron. 8. E.; ahlpped * beavy aea. whloh .tOTa bra'.j aid ia

trjl: i to M.-4r* h*r v nth rnaie. t*d two men were bidly ipjarodHrtgWm. J TreU (of searipet',. Park, Malai zta il daya

aaaat, te R. P Kuck k Ct>.Brig (of Frtckfort). Lormtaon, Cerdeaai 13 daya.

loeai, kc tolBgal'ik C'aruian.BrigAlkceV iruoduu* i li r ). RijOiond, BeaTM Ln 1, Laba.

taa. JflflMP .

Bciir. 44 ar Eagt* (of Booth Bbti Hodgdon, King.' n, Jenv,r.b. 11 logwood to llanry dal'nrdoiafcCo. Mnr.L 10. lat. JfI" tol 74. «a(v*riei;oed » bunbine fiom 8. 8 E. t «biij(»d .aea

vtlihca-rledanapfuicbootu atd w_L*d aTwbtaid luadaMload af 44. tuni b gwood __ ,

hV'.r. Laih Kb.-b (of Prtakfoitl, Mckeraoii Miyig e« Pl.l'daji. luaar lo 44'm. L-giUi Bai cxDerian.tefl btavi w*atki-durlng the wbol* paMBga fefprofe I had ti.* Baaiy B b. g*>,.hipped .*.., » bi -h psxtiy tklled '"ie rabtu and .ta.-ted d*t k load:waaebllged to cut away the bi.twark. to <rta btr. BtUtdUvaipu y nith brig Wfeafl*) ard. OfeflB, B* Naw-YoikBchr. AH-bei.ii. Haad. .b»il*.t"ii i dayi. eattca. ke., f

lirilii*' Pott*r k Co. March 0, iu a aea«) aalaeff Fiybgltk-:>h ".1. ctrilrd aw.i foret. ,u m: a.d fl;Icgjlbboom.Hcbr Lon. ita- (of Halifax. N. 8.) MoNab, Kti gi: o ._.,

l>b 10, eoflae. piuien'.o, Ac lo Uem y da Cerdoea ifi. ,tBobr. fiorenca Roiin i.' muu,, kogara, NuIit.m . ¦ dayilugar, ic to N. H. BrigbAm. iKekr. B-itthicutiB, Davi'. CharUtton 7 daya, eott.l, tt

'.ii*.. S",i'hkCo.8,-br. M. Tfltvu (of PhlUdripiila), TUto.i, Matauaai M.reb I

. .ilir to ii.iitet

f^bu iJ.itl*t tjuipji, Keltay, BottoL 4 tbtyt, Hnta-d t* T. 0.1HcTir. J. W. Searer, h'tckeixvo, Doatoa 1 dayi, K -r td tt Oceaa fttwef, Goold, Capa Aaa I ttayt, hrrrlef, i.

u.i.tei.Bafar. Tbouiai P. C ; **. Fb:.'ipi 4"lrj_U, oatt ta A. C. B*


Brhr. Trasanrtr. Fliher, RaTpahumcek, cernto W. IL Nanman ,

fJ.Ui 8oow flake, Borton far Pbiiadelphta, ln bl

Mr. H B MtataaMb, flaaMa, Bal.lroort. eoalrcrP-ttt*-***b br Ade'alne KaUry, Ke.iey, B.'.(..n i d.ja, b*h to .ottiat.8 Bfl Engrnr, Kei.-lgti:. Pr. liacetcwn i dayi. lab lo inaaiflr-»el:r. .'harrr.*r. SttUwator, ProTtdet ^a 1 daya tn ba.'.«t>e'.-i II H. Ba'dwin, CroweU, Borklind 7 day. hro*.Br! - Cbatlai, t'o'k. Tauntor 3 dar. u*ili to roaitavth hr. Thoma. P. CooBar omltb. Ka»t <Jr**iiwigb jScl;. J. P. BFaflMP Staple* TatialoB. nali*.riol-.r .Yiui'eh 8t*r!1..g, .»Y:f'*»*r, nib. , jBet:. t' VV. Chup'.u, Palkner l luton. . JIdUi BMflff.-. Bigtit'1': ">*.. T

rVF-. Ftb, Torg-a Wtnd.A¦¦: oatla.Bc! r. 8*. BU4. Ctoft,W 1^.-P..eop Palnrer Nirhela. froTiietic* 1 d.n afat .?:*»8 op KiBfi.Hi:. Arary. New B*«ferd 3 dayi. oil to icvitar.Hi**ni*r OipraT. Kanny. ftarliaaafl mJaa. to L vMt'uBteioier Weit:he*ter. Protideoi-e. aidat. to !. Odra.8AILED.atoaPMMJ Roaneke, fot Notfolk.BKLOW-brigPrb'**** Roy*1 (Br). from B*ttjaflb I 4*1*

alio. a Ncrwetlan bark, and brig onkucwa.44 i;-,:(- .,....».. N. hi ,r_.u.

The ihip Murrrlie ta bow on th* Oreat BiKtltwal Deck fa» r»

uilra. rih* wlli Im lUlpped. raeBiilkad. and oewly V?ftrrLfba*; O'egin li *,«o on the Ort-tt B»!='i .M'-ckBr«p.tir.. 8b* wl.'l b* recanlkrd and Iborongbly o»*ih._*J.

bjaaabMaicb 10 (1 * pLut boM J M tVateibtrry, Ne. M, N uulat 0

B. rVaaa Raedy flfok. aitip Balubow. henoe for U*rTV"0-..March 1. [by >Am4 bcat lieorgeBteer. bbjub Baixe,-rt teirl *.

N." 44 ., M.tant li oul.^ bark PeUr Dauiili. benc. for Sbtb.uah.

___ _

nl.l.l-1, Ar.Ilar.AA. fltoflhl .The ulir. laottii. Htin Taxoa ba-iod J*

i.ow Vork wa. Ln: ou tbe reef B*M santatm*. on th ", _'TLow kYrk wa. io*: cu IB* rr-fi t"a-- .-anuavrua. hb .a " " . T

ot the Uaud. 8b.- had a cargu o: lilda., w.-ol. oopi*-' » fljflthe wlcd.: lh« tluiebelui N.. whl.Jj cauard a heaiy H*-**"craw nere aaT»d. bot the reiiel went to rtef^ h*!jr* mm7~fTtopMtflta bi* t-rlvedhare. lb*t. wai bAiUt at Oi**np«iat 1

!iSt. I!7 tuni, tated A 3, aud wai owuad by Ctorktt Bt-liioM t^JNaw York).

[ By MU>r to F.lVwoodW Al'er, an,., See Bd |f_**___|Pn u, Keb 5. -4>a tn* 30th aet, th* «blp L»roii.a lol M«H

ford) put ln her*, ha.Lng iprung i l«ak i.i h*r upp«* B*atBB,~|t;rbBFBUed h.-r to ^.Mttoael tto ta-ajr*.«h_"- g?^dec.i; th* iJilp'i tud.'.". wmaUo .HMffbaaQl di.ab.ed. HfM* *

6Wb^bTS^Wra*_sr \Tm\tttl7tx

/ \BGAKB-lbrvfMl Cb^'h^^mKjSmkVt B*M flM M tw*l»e*.o»* of t*|*a^t*B* l»d * -.avaiiar

_lp, a__ Mi the niodem ^JXTHkC^6. ooiuLBKAP. I aa aad axaiuta*. Apply to J-n. a v. ».

No. Ifl 7th bt._._r, ~-

tiiete nara «."'*'W||UM 0f naiulug tt t*a i*tyA"r_loaat iIm. but arwaiava .MS"r" aiTanandrMalrad. *_ri^AB-KS-t!^^

_*; totoi