new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1855-12-20 [p 8].*>aakib.ade uptbeir return« at the...

Badeo* «elver waa wry baavy, and wa» offered oi 31 j. ¦»jfjBja i8|. Panama so d at 105. Tbe Columba« pflgamrT lyhg at Panama, which wa» »old at anction bere a few day» a&o, to be put ou a freight .ad passenger steamer along tie coast from Panama north, toxclvng at all port» where she is likely to ob iaJn acy bnsirevs. This will, it Is beli-rod, bring Bors'dorab'e traffic to the Panama Koad. Tbe Pa¬ cana Steamship Compoty will also ditpatah a atsamer from «San Francisco south, to touch ot a'l the ports. The Western share» grmerally were dull, exeeping ritinoSs Central, which was in demand at !'.'>}. Cura- tsoriond declined f P cent; Nicaragua sold at 17|, hlO, and Ohio Trust at H, In Hail «ad Bonds tho buslcefla wot main'y confined to Illinois Central, which are being freely bought for fore'gn aocouo1- The sake of this ¿otcription reach »147,000, «lining at », an advance of i W <**¦«. «**», MÑ, ."'<. ¦* **, which is lieiter; fl.shen Line improved l| P cent, Belling at »|¡ New-York Cental 6«, Mf, and To, 100; Krie, if»--. "'-Ii iff'. ¦"''. In State Stock« the trans- ao'*o»>s were not large, but the quotation» were rttocg. In Exeharge theto ifl nothing of impor.axco doing, and quotations are as before noticed. Tnc.e is no foreign »teanier on Saturday text In x-Vghts we notice engagements of 25,000 bushel« Grain to Liverpool at about .'d. NO bble. Floar, n«., more now asked loo pkgs. Bacon 35*., and some Cot- ton, » 3-.'«l u :d. To London, l.Goobbl». Flour, 4n ». 1 j 100 tor. Pork, 100 boxea Bien, i ooo bbl?. Oil, and M to». Rice, 45«. To Antwerp, badiels Rye, Itvtfal 150 tun» Log-wocd, 45». Two vessel« to goto Best««, of 5,500 bus. each, with Corn, at ka» P bus. The business of tbe Sub-Treasury wai: Paid, .190,59« 59; Received, #195,339; Balsnoe, «4,113,50-. jpflld fer Assay Office, «2,740 26: Paid on 'lisbarsing ©beck». #5.t,;)7i 4H. Tbe payments to-day and yester¬ day ixc'ude «:»5,000 California drafts. The receipt« Include »no coo transfer drafts on St. Ix.uis. The Mechanics' Bonk has doclared a semi-annual dividend of 4 p cent, payable on the 2d of January. The B »ton and Maine Railroad I P cent, payable Jan. 1. The Western (ktoBB.] Raiboad 3] * cent, p\yable Jon. 4. Tho Columbus and X»nia I.ailroad OoBBpasjgjhoj declared a semi-annual dividend payable io Jau.ury in tbe bond» of tbe company. The Michigan Central Railroad Company declared te-day at Boston a »emi-annnal dividend of I «J* cent, payable »Ms1 inrt.making, with tbe July dividend, lo P cent for tbe year. The dividend on s-toek registered in New-Voik will be paid at the Farmers' Life and Trust Companys office. The Company is »tated to bava earned a much larger div¬ idend than tbe above. The figures, which wo shall bave in a day or two, will throw some light up m this »ubjeet A portion of :he Direction was favo-able to an I P cent dividend. Thor*, is some controversy in the Boston paper» in regard to this road. \ cor¬ respondent cf Ti«: l<t'$ti>n Courier soys, in reply to some remarks oftbat parer: .. Tie eight per cent bonds »old las' Spring o* a dis count of io {' cent wire issued to pay other bond» with, then falling due. The January dividend wa» paid in stock, because tho mnscy was used in paying a portion of tbe floating debt The road has earned this year fa, «00,000 gro>«. Deduct co P cent from ex- Íenree and deterioration, and there will remain 1 000,000 to pay 8 P cent inter^gt on $6,000,000 of debt aLd 8 P cent on the $6,000,000 of »took, Jeaviug a surplus of $40,000." To which The Courier »%yt: "The writer is entitled to the benefit of the above explanation*, wblch «?a no', however, controvert tho «tournent of wi.i h he complain«. He speaks of t P rtnt dividend» only, but the general expec'a'ion amené the dea'ers ha» been lop cent.namely, 4 P cent already paid in July, and o cent more to be paid in JanuAiy, which would be proper enough, pro¬ vided it be actual net profit in cash on hand. But the (orporation ho» a floating debt beside ita fundod debt, ar d tea constantly and largely iucreosod its construc¬ tion oc< ount for a number of years past, thus making it difficult to ascertain what the real net earnings have been, and whether or Dot it «ill agaid it sort to borrow¬ ing money with which to pay the appro »ching divi¬ dend in January." Tho Back of tbe Repnbli ; ho» received »he money from tie State of Virginia for the payment of tbe Lu- feiest on the delr of tl^at State dae January l. The Tbe amount duo abroad wa» iv»ni»»t»d by- tbe risxiA «eme wsxkH ago. This settle» the question of the prompt payment of Interest by Virginia, which no sensible man ever do ri> ed. Albert H. Nicolay's regular rerni-weekîy an .-tion «ale of Steckt and Bom's will take place to-morrow, (Thundsy.i at ItJ o clock, at the Merchante' Ex- charge. Tbe receiver of the Mechanics Fire IcsuranceCom- pany has cor. eluded on arrangement with the Equita ble ABSaraxco Coupsny of Londoo, through their agency at New-Jertey, to reasHure all |ho outstand¬ ing policies. Resales of tbeiew S P cut loan of this S ate have been made today at ».*, It is very seldom that ia- vester* have on eppottunity to get a long New-York S P cent at so small a preminm. The Bank Commies'oner» of Connecticut have ob¬ tained an injunction against the President and Di¬ rector» of the Mat tatué k Bank, a concern which has recently been s ort*-d at Woterbury, on the ground thai th» stock wa» a lar^e proportion of it subscribed fior by citizen» of CcnLectisut who did not intend to pay up tie whole amount of tbeir subscriptions them- .elve», but who paid tho 10 P cent required bylaw to the Bank Coouniwinners, ar d imtneliately on re¬ ceiving their stock traii.-fc.rrtd it to patties resident ia Vow York; that of tbe Boa *d of Di-ector» only two resided in Corneo i ut. and they some fifty miles from Wate:bury ; aid that the organization waa not with the bor.a tide intention of providing such a bank as the clatter remire»». Judge Storts continued tbe oaee for one month. Tbe Directo:» claim that tho Commis«icners »re totally mistaken; that the iustitu Uon was ostolo-ln.l on a fo'r bari»; that tbeDirectori are respectabe and t««posible men, and that all theso ¦natter* will be thown when the OBOB come* to hearing on it» merits. Tbe Bo»ton weekly Honk S aterren» slow« an it. create of about « Ml N cf 1 »ans ar.d cloo,ooo of spe¬ cie. The increase in coin is »mailer than wa» antici¬ pated. Aboat .t»u,0iH' in specie has bteu rooeived at New- Orleans from Mexico. Tbe weekly Bonk 84o emeot <{ the New-Orleans Barks, on the >-.h of Defkmber, as comparée with the week previous, shows tbi fo lowing results: Increase in circulation, *195,;ri.>; in deposit», fktSsl,- «91; in short loans, $.14,t»:.9: in exchange, fill,' -, m collée'ion of at court», «213,00»; in long and short lean», $31'» hin. There h an apparent ¡nc-esse In .petie of |4!H.v:.'., wlicb is caused by the way the balan«*!* tjt modi . the manner in woi h some ot th» *>aakiB.ade up tbeir return« at the c'oee of bunee* on Rattrdav, the M«cbauio»' Crion, and Bank of ntw drltan». oLbcr» afurr tbfl exchango is ma Je on ¦occay rnornitg, which oPen oau es gratat vorioiou T ii ,i'n "f',n»J ciminu'i»n of speie fir the W. u.» * 3:,:''vil 8p«««'» In vault» Dee. 1, t>7,- »10,84«; »ptcie in T.u;u 1)cc |7 UM M 1,ei.,w--c for ibe week, f«i Tbe Milwaukee and niM5âllipp; RÄtlroad Company bas made a contract ft* «xm bbw 111!¦ HI us and arc iii*«oti»Ulrg for tbr»»e bundrel fteLwht car». On the 1st Jajiuary, If. -, nearly all the grojing from Madison to the Mieairtippl RlT*, win bo oom^leted, at leaat eighty muVe will then be ready for the »upor .Wuoiure, and the lemaining portion of thQ irradia¬ ran be flushed In two or three month» from that tima. Th« «oontxactor» have now in Milwaukee a\M0 tua« >f inoo, safficieat to lay to Maaomanie, b> which point they intend having the Road completed very ea*ly In the Spring. Tbe remaining p< rti n of the iron to (»ampkte the en ira Road ia coutoe.ted for, to be de livtred in New-Yoik, ready for ahipmtti', on the tira». npcaung of the navigation in the Spring. At lk>»*on Ta« fnmmsâ »aje " Money appear* to be growing; «euior from day to «lay, without prot'u. ing much differ» n e in ra e«s of ihv gotiatlon. The impre»vcment is mor« psrceptio.e In diminished offerini s of papir, and 'be readine»» of lend «ST» to aevominoeiate. We quot« prime notes at from 10 to H P cent with a scarcity of the bvt r guatu.e» .t anything abtve tlie miiilmun. ' At Now Orleans the mocey market ia easy and a 1 arfe* batir* rs wa« doing in proface Tbe balines« ia foreign K-eh» rge wM moderate, {sterling, 7g «7j Y i r t. Frtnre, .'. M|> A «a e of ».'*".' Mexi van dol¬ lar.« was maeV at M9|. Tte Wtstorn division of th« Ohi4 and Ml-8i«airipl Railroad w»s »eld at auction at S'. h.nle, on Pi« l.-h in'., by J. II. Alexander, e'q., Tru-iMe, under the ¿eel of tiust given to sexnre them for advance« to tht »rooBiit of more thai a mil ion of dollar». Tht St. Inn." IrUeHifncer sajir "As the price of f10,ooo the road.wi'h all i's proper¬ ty and fiacchie-s, was knocked off to Honry D Bacon, <»q, one cf the honae of Page A Bacoi. tlii« turn will pay quite an inaignifi.ant portion of th« amount ibe deed of trust was givm to eeonre, it leave« a heavy indebtcJne's to Pago A Bacon «till doe by the company, M_ if the* comnar.y shoild ever bave or procure any other avail«. Paj^e A: Pa on would have w n course a, a *.*\ them. " 1. e-debt of A Bacon ha1« ben pronouocod jutt, by a committee of honorable St houis merchant» and the Trust Died ¡« thereby valid. They have been tustained by th« Conits of the coun'ry in every legal question that has been raised; and tbe liir-ho«t l»gal ability of St houis (Judge Gamble aid 8. T Glover, for it it arce and New York -ronounce their case, in all unadjndicatcd point1, perfectly impte-^nahle. Ca¬ di r this ita'e of things, the «ale and conveyance of the road to Mr. Bacon will unquestionably terniratc 'lie controversy in regard to th« owise.-sblp of the road- aid will bririfi to ¦ Ipasdj and svii-f-tctory »olufio., w( ere assured, the fuan'-ial crxbarrasameit of the ban. irg house of Pape A Bacon. .'The change of tte ownership of the road will pro¬ duce i o 11'i.u-t in it» uianagemorit. Bat it is hoped that by tbe removal BfttM oompMca'ione thateovir oned it, its itneiency and populatry will be greatly lncreaaed." 7he Chicago Times gives the following table, ex¬ hibiting tbe total amount of flour and grain received at and exported from that city, as nearly as cm In aBcertained, from tbe 1st of Jan. last to tbe !>th iast. PI mr, Wheat, Corn, Oat». I.l. ». r..-li. Ii'i-h bu h. I'.y Lake. 2 Hl5 1.. IlyCanal. ... 91.34' 1,6*J,-.51 1015951 Bv II lnoi» "Central R. R...26,529 1,'72 KB n;i.¡m i5».M7 By (ialenaRailroarl.9j.*tt 4,'!l:..2i 3.71'r 3-B 108^79-, Bv Illiooiiaoo 112.7a. S27l4 2>5H By RocklalB-d Rai.nad..75 3x.6 »£6.380 _|28|6 H«MI Trial.2 '4,KS2 7,7.M,l!)i MM.7N MSM*Í Floor, Wbea*. Com, Om, B?ef, bhl«. bnr-h. hn.h. hn»h. bh », I'v L»ke.,97,3»4 I.MS.l'fl IfiVfft 22"»..84 5- "^I _». C. Railroad..4501* 601 '.fti 8fl,4'4 89 83i 3,710 tS. M. and N. h.VdblO 161»'iO «.IM 1,(6» Tvtld.171,129 7 002 (97 7.030 143 2T70,'6I -Betic'e 3 »37 bblt p-rk and 319 turn oott lj ake, aid oi. bbl». o> rk by Michigan Battrai Rai roa i. It will b<* noticed that f _B,BB5 000 busVa Grafn b'cuk>ht into Chicago during the seisou, !<,:. bush b'b. more th.,n half.were bmugh' on the Gelosa and Chicago Head. The following tables are fro*n tbe forthcoming Re¬ port of the- Secifctary ef the Treasury: im.i'i or rxronT«. .SiAllMBBT rraioi'/rrg the f'otweier.« rj mm\ Stite and Terr Kitijjrcm July 1. 1H54, to Ivne M, 1 1-i.a.i - . "l.l . Ib A tuerteen In t vn Statet. vene'». vi ««el«. To'al. Maine.$.43,(81 «.,11931 $2,-.4V"l< New-Ucmptbiie. 1523 1.523 \eimor,t. 322.180 364 3?. II jvitaaacbotett».10.3.8,|S¡i ll.ffîl 761 2442921 Rhoie lilaii.). -¡-4 no o r sji,_.,7 Connrcticat. :961 859,492 New-Yoik.TB,9TBJ)70 -283',l.l 9G 414,808 New-Jeitey. 6-T7 687 Pt.nniy!vaoia. 4,_-»i (25 1/39,160 5 9*5,1.5 1 . Ci 067 MerylnBf. 6 981 973 2 90: .45 I Ml.l Ditt. of Columbia .. 36 143 . fJri.'IS Xirg'tri« . 3)6157 1,284,742 4,3»6 Sri» North (.»roiii e..... S5\.*i«l 7s,257431,8 8 Bi.nth Caro.iu»....M-a,76. M-B.IM 12 6'8 8-4 Georfia. 5,99.3 2-9 1 50.250 7 513 o 0 Florida.. 1.103,2». 1 3O0.3-3 |,M. e-4 Alal-au.a.10 673,6.4 3.^6 931 14 270,5., Looiiitn».43t83,»8l 11,372,3» 5-,|i5fi W-l (.bin. 1911,71 i 647 100 847 14J Michigan. 12u8fo *6,i22 BMJMS Wiicortin. Il3b75 MSB! 174i.S7 IMrioil. 299.K2 217 951 517 1.'ri Te.M. 4-.'.". _.-4 -.1 694;o-7 Ctlifinni». 6,7-90t3 4t9.7t>7 7,089 4 5 Gr'goD. 12d.6i2 . 129,» 1 ; MiiDfiiitaTeirlUiy . 730 7S0 Total.Bi8.l--_.-4:) 063 823,304 02-lti 708 M n.». i-.-. raoni'CB. In Atoeiicao In foreifro Slain. vette 1. vei«<-lt. Mtine. th' 9 3 s * i*i.l7'- Veirxont. 2 572 924. Meiaetburettt. IJJSl.OM 84*.9«6 Rbod»'»Und. «IM . t'oniioetlcnt. r.,.o82 . New-York. 11,147.08 C.169322 )'««»¦) vuu. '.ler..*, -_.m-.ti Maialand. ti* too t.W.IM Virginia. MM M.SM froutbCer.-l _>».. .. IÍM . <iui»lana. 184,*SB7 I27,A.I Michigan. 2,1/75 3H..91 Tfïi». 2.-M'l . Callfoiaia. 7i9 4Í-3 2R5 158 ToUl.lf^SOl-tAyA'i 081182,980 028,448,.' »S or iMroE-rs. In American In Koreitn Ftatti. vetaelr. veteelt Tetal. Mené.013S6,'!3 *;,.1i)l,4S0 02,927.4(3 New-IlBOopabUe.... 7 4*2 10.314 1 ,7Ki Vemiont. 5»',W3 . 59l,5ij M«»ecLBtetir. .9,"84Ct8 15,329.0*6 45,113 7M Rbcde-Intnd. 4*36 18 99,r.79 536 J17 ( o'tieclient. 614583 19^43 633.8io New-Ytrk.133,H5fi,81l 31,721.00 164,778511 New-Jeitey. »Ü 1.165 1,473 Prnotylvai.ia. 12,727,0 7 2,582.9 8 15,309 HJ5 Delaware. MM 2,930 IJS11 Marylard. 67f»,.,.'il8 1,06.431 7,7«8,'i49 r iet. ote'i.iurj.hia... 24,t;ii) . M>M Virginia. ;7k,045 277 300 85S.415 North (arclbiB. 2il,161 »Ml _ljr;¡ South CarollLB. 1.281,877 .°50 «A5 1,588 512 Cteigie. 2006*8 730-2 273 746 yiorida. 34.473 11,525 45 98S Alabais». -Stl.BM 280,110 SI9r«l I«._...«.¦». K .851,768 2,048.(53 12,90i,!21 Miteililp-ti. 615 10« IJM1 Ohio...;. . IFI.BBJ 14.V3á 6OO.1. !6 Mlcigtn. 281.-79 . 281,379 WiieoLim. 44 647 3.512 48,15- Iilinolt. .. V2.912 SI,507 M.o09 Teilt. l.S,iV5 139,543 MIJU« Caüforn'a. I,*M)JM 3,415.747 WIN Orrgcn Ttvrltoiv... tfM . 96*6 VVBibinglo« Ter.'y. 2.41* . 2,41.! Mi-iLBioiaTtr.ltoiy 211 19« 405 Tota'... .0_e2,_3-l,900 »..vj ,2-ö,t2!) MJM««M,M. The folio« iiiju: exhibit will aliow t^.c amoan» of iin- portktiors, Ac, at Pniladi Iphla, for ihe just moatU; Nov. 1 . Vilae of roeichaacae remaining la ('. I. Boaded Warnbtute thi« dete. 05i2,9V;> m Nov. Si .Vane of merrhaoilite in. ported at Pbiia- t'e:[ 1 -a fr m foreign ccaujln it t.i» m .'.'h of Noveabtr, 18ÍÍ: Doiiebie.»fP2 45l 00 Free. DS« «94 00-1,219 315 00 Nov. 31. Wue or merehetirtite tranipoiU-d fiom oth»r ptrtt in the t'niiad Slate«. 8/52 "0 Trte'.O'."*-0--'- Has. JO. W itbd. awa f't ci ntampi i.iu Iu Novan bet, MM.*1.124.I7« \N ulitiitwL fat Ut-MtO-S.all m looibei n m in the I titte«. StaUt. 6,124 Witl>r'»w_. f r eap.ita'1-n 10 fore'go eo-nlti. IT,tM.-,tM,_ll 00 Viloe of B-d.e retnaii 'k 1b **areh.nte Meo l."5. 0-01,941 oO Ti. »1 rec.ipt» f.r «In'.ie» at < BSka_BrBoa«B, Ph..a de'ptli. it. NiVftiibar. 1855. »211^55 15 a:« k. i«..; v.m r Hi.i- h r ' for Thi Trirdri. »a 1 parosoar, Dec 19, it5\ A-l' .'- TI- r-a ï - loHRt've bat ttea-fy for kotb, with light arrivait; »'let of Po'tat 07 »0, and Paarlt at *''. tbB »t ak c.'L»l.«'i of'71 bbi». Pott aad 96 bbit. Poult. .-Salera- tat io cernai d at 7c . »ath. BOOTS AND SHor 8. There . fair butiorit doing for tbe mar-l.y trace -t fui f itneipiict Ibe »tockt axe quite liml'.ed and the M|b pt'ce of f-e ti« material ba« far her »treatriieoed litildera. ror (»J f ri a ami An'tra ia there « little doing. Sbigpei» toy with oaatioa at the high tiger.«. liRK KS ANDTILES-the In for Hard North R'ver ci. I-* »t-iiiy. ia... at rl>4 50?04 7\ Philadelphie face a.e in rali rapp'y, ttd couimei.d B19_re?fl. Fo.-rbxn »re In'air re- pf-t »t |re\l.._t price«; taint of In,00« R»th at g.!5_*tf0. M/owbildga oc tio'.e m SSBM »opp'y, with a tuor*erate mrnrv at tS- # IV He.), ire »all og »I rr-20. Man rtlM »re qa e. ; ». t..'. .t «.: .éso. BKEBWAX- Tbe -oa-ke' c-ntuaft \At\\ iimU it'ee of An rt-«n »ellow a *i»«'.7i-. I fcB'ifci-.T. N tih nver it »ttidv; h>»r of on chang» te no;« ia tilre»; i»»t »ale« a*. t< 1-, {...reían ars unchanged; iiao't l'< M laid »t »>2 ai S Reman a. OStf #4 50. < m a. COAL-Ttemirkft lad il' and letvv fat D->-nefic a *I7S* MM Livt-eptoi Oir»l «oie', at 0- "-,¿01". A »»le of SOT) tiim M re» hat f-e. g tutrie at fb 4 moa i'JMil..t-.tha D.atk. t tin, vh I f-ir demand for Arn. iu.. '. L< Lj pi fi ib.. t S* el >f I'bei'ix Ci. and Ht» n II -i .I li'iiid. ». îfe., 4 rnr-i P'alntp:r_» »ill at 3.« 4Cr. aad P.'.iit»! Ilf'le ; lure-preeaed Telljw at lHjiflv-. < Ol'1'r I -New »I eetleg »care« and wantec ai3o,/3|e. Ti.oioa 5 o'lw t' b> q-iitkly di.poaed of Ibe. ; of old Sbeat- ii» 4,i(i P. ».'_ a' '. t. .11 -. c»h. rORDAOr- Ma: IDs Cly re't» m'y Cam »Je.-a'e i ten tt V.-atSe ai.rt Ara-rlctn Tared at l.'rjc. (dltON..kem-iket may be guo'ei tteady, tt-ng'i thera m.rie »ire on the part of hu ie.t to rea'ii-, a>t w aune ceert a «rifle le»» merer ha« 1,-en »c-.-ped, lb tic1! g*»*i»r»!.v oar BBBBXad price« have rweo Ihe »taujaril of the »alee, which are I a i bale» The week'« bolinea« 5 neo baloa. IkCOOtl ail.llHiTIl». I «Ist t Klo.1». MoMs, N.0.1 Tex. Ortie»»-..I 8M " bo«.9» 91 M Mlddllig fur. >.<\ Vi in |t| fair -;,-;:,.. .n r-t n't Jig .it i **Lt.-Biota» boti. booyaat »cd f.i'iy «c'iv«, the ttock i %b\." "i*1» ¦.> tpeeuUtin'e latdt it 40.OK. blgt; talatof 11*.! il" 1'"""*0 "f .>"'1 »tBBqnoB. at 1 tic, tod 250 bag» at abUrT oh n$Za¿¡?Í't£" "*" i',r'T,*1; pric" n°- _í«__,_%h"* '* ¦.."'.-.«.I Lagm.yr», *? tb.10*012 ".^V?*.4 ifli Mai.cailK. .'.Oittl-è i^-.'ÜVi."l¡a"«'_-.'J0 aiîil,t. Dotii-igo. r»»h.idoio DTaWOODI; «'at-, u ,., ^,.L.,..,of f..1|h rüuaj w¿rt^t\^!^*«xi**»^»^>*<*»** mtnd, ana olgn utl « »u paid to lav for HO ea»^ Pia- »ico.., 350 c.«.. told ». »I sW, ^ $Vu ao-Jk^t è& Aihtt very tc«rc»i »ai«» of It* tan« to ai rive at .,_. 1,00« legt Ble«itwe»»le Hott» «t .,- rao» ly 11 a-rlv«, In m* m Tar »aile A eVI at «JflBfBS i ÎO e»»»» O. n '«a-i», i »i».i v" b I«. EotlVh Hy-t- ... »le «Vaah et «4 »; 4*fl Ft'D-a Uai r lie ai 02 '."..' T |ta tan« Slal H .er|**>, g »*" K.cglteb W«l e Sager Lead at l*c ) 7 ,'00 t. F.n, B h "er, re r l.»h »t 1»« «Je. ;fl r»»e» « ream lo-ti » ik be' hi.-h -r, X6 i.N» heSte* Borax 'i 2-»%S8e.-, 50 rtti« Betrhir« SV »ear .o arrive, al 3e., anet 15 b?l». TA*ti -.a* Caniptior et Sic 1»»» .'J P rent FEATS-ERK-Prlroe '-Veeiern err,, on* niiaii i.pflji Bill »« »'» u ri »l »t.!, !e» t fí, »t PS», 1MB-With Halted uilvel*:b« mw«»t «ni; r>r>t» %e« fallt «; do eer»o raie» bave tranepl'ed. |0 >te: l'ry C«'.». -:..:*.< l»f li.yf.ea.. .»9 >N riek-iro«..f>kbl. 175«) M»eker»l No. 1, Ma»«..Urge.Il OS <t t "0 Markerei No. ¦. Mt». en.» 1..-<f .7 '.» Mtrkerel No 2, »r.e. 13 50 »- Mack«-ie!N<. 2 autii m 1 m.l. 7 2.5 <t 7 M M«*-ke,ei No. 3. 7 SO » » * MeckireINo S, »m» 1. 4 ¿S * 4 75 Salmon rieklei No. 1.-»- Pa'mo». rV.k»A.4?taa-. SS f lbec,»oii,ec'tru\Nc l...#»htLbL-a» ¦ ftad re'nn»*tlr»jt No. 2..-» 9 » Hettirg, Hekled. 3 75» 4" Heirirr.Scei.4> b-'X - 3i it - "i Hentog. No I.t...... - £ » - » Heirtl.,. LW.- .* k», 1 ¡r*,« - - FLO' R \ND MFAL. Tbe market r,p,r,r1 Vr.» be«-Y M the low gride» of Sut* »cd Wetter j Flour, «oder ih* tmftvor- »ble »< ve*» bv tbe sri», em) a few nie» »,i» iH" »'. i d»- t i,,i,<ïVe A> bbl.. at whi.b it wa« fie.iy taken and at Iba rl'.e fe ''tel 'ne w a* u tin y rcovcra* the ahatemeot iufrtigV» f«v>ling the miike»; the »tr'rii are m dertte ici the Ovtae tlfirariiliu Ile* the «île« o.' VV'» «-era l'anal are t > ° b'.'». .'. »8 1 J8*S M f.r rrmmoo toge*) '»tat« «tul «nperSte M¡-hi¬ ga«. S-K l<»«»8t'2f fjr eon mo» to g ot (Ihin; H)» »8 t*, for It.'-.aiiaai, 1 Ipaer Lake »'d *9 50a ill 50 . .r ex¬ tra l-t-reite. C»r.»d tr Flmr il ¡ua.tite atd ooraioel at »8 :.7jí'»;f: 75. Sfntr ttn F rur l,e*v).jjirtlcu'arly me- i.n m «i«c«, l! e d. ni«r.« '¡«ht tad, the *riiv«t| »l>l*ra'.t: ¦ ai», ff I Hfl I'h'i at »9ä »O 374 for mixad go>d «tvalar* i.hlci Alexitdrl«, Btlt'rn»», .' tity Mill«." sad " How »-d lire»- " at d iTi» i' ai In S- * r nroe. fancy «ad extr. hrtud«. hie Fl. n- lowr and In grod »apply; at'e« of Oft be* at 9; .5 5», 5* «7 25 C-rn Met! qu et a-id lower; ..'»« of lertey .' »4 1 .)'/#» 25; etr».d,w1nt «t «?4 50 «nd pnochennl at »j '. r...riw: .-a-Hui.r f. ¦.' "ipoly, and at ÍStftw«3«3}4FlfeB) sad»«»»! Í* I . tV* riot»» fcp-rfi'.e lV. 2.0' ! * * 10 -., »u«. . » T? « 9 7 «tat«, eon b'd». ! IP © R Î5 liraridywla».... 9 'I 9 t «7 RtaW,»-iJtb'd*.. » »5 tt-I«iW,e«own ... 9 1' »10 50 Otate, far. b'd... - O » 37* Ptter.bu.-tC-t;. !i H *- \\ eeaeram,.g. do 8 I2j* S líj Rtatmwaa Cet, PJ » B'.l Mich Alndrr't 8 iiA » 8 « ll-iae'rl». 9 00 » 9'5 Ml*h f»tcyb'd». 8 S7JÍ 8 M) Belt. Howard »t. 9 00 B 9 "5 Mleh. k ltd ex. 8 .'* trl« An iRy. Flrtw ... 5 50 » 7 IS <»et.e«*e. fan.r.'d» 9 00 B 9 37J dm Me».' let 4 14 »4 25 Ohio ex.»? Lt>».. e S'' »ie Mi iCora M 'tti.d. 4M*- 0»re»«»ex.h'-l« » Í0 «II' .'0 Cm, M '- nul ."TJ f0 *- IP I ITS. By »ne'ion of prt of tí* c.r/o o' lrl| Ca'tiarlre 1 "75 loxe» Valerel« Rai-i- », etch '.5 th r*f. »n'd at *;-í7}! ¡ ] M, box» » do. .t8|e Y rr »»» l'»ï- «L-f iti'li A rti .»>d»»t "i* bi'. ; 21 LiU» Largied >c J... tt 14»'ill;'. 5 caik«/tno-Cir- raatl at 2»r ; 8 (H t.oxe» ftien. w--r vibdriwn ; the «ale wa« tot iplritfd. tl.iii'h »air pr'e*a w»re r*a'lr«A At prir»'.» «a!» »ii»« »ye.» heve b»er »«ken a' »1 7''-, 1,'fS b xe» hinr i at »J j'j fin wteo'a I. a»». «I V f»r ,,. »... ar.d S'il firmier¬ ter»; «.i») pkk« Valer cano tt 1 «c ** t>» j bhla. Corrail« at IS*. I |fl ea"l Clon ai ir ,;«« hag* il». ..Le i A lueaidí at ».; -.; U b-g» Br-z » u-« ut 41 40S S»g. AOirtn P»a-iu'««t 11 7S 1 n be»h. Wila.irit»t et SB« 4BS|i 1 ASflBl«. Arr*- iBta'a) ai »le ; U' tM> d.. .«-..ether» t 4|^ enk 3" cm»« »!i I* h » « flar- d;tit..t Aie ; 20cc.-»i|'it tti «w, t>. ,9..; 80 b .1«. Harina Ü.-- »t.fei »> es 75, »r d ¿On Lb'» de. 4/ »team r on p.rivt a t«tj,t. V»'»e» L*BOW**r« ht' "Or I 'l'.re >e,ne S»d «r- h'gV-- . fipm t- ronr har 1)« «f B '*. Y b x. Anpl». tre Brm ; VVe** «r-. »»tir. ni ,C',i' - 11 J »2 25 «> h rte-r klaaSat» ooeli«o<e4 Fy »neuen, 111 ra-et Kr ¡'« >. +5 75 ('irrte: l'a e: e.Piit Y cl-»- . Alta «ail, Vii ',. »b Ii» » 13 D0.B11B b.Oiy.bx 3 37J<71 50 !âlrnvdi.Ivic« . »i U rt . I»n I.iyer. rr.., B.S 70 '»175 Alrnnedi, ».ir'y «. »k 9 * ( mr»M«. Zatte. tr, '2 a B) Ati, .i.i. »!n-le.i... îl « I «nrui.. Lfeliorr... * lonllHW. fkm iff 611 Aln.oLd» I.«t gt'.'t a <»RA N.Tte AA natkati»n-«*'t'. d «ai loarer for tbe n e- n-11 end ermmon ri"» iii*« whl . prl^e I* .»Il «'Httloed; tlie»«;e«aie 6'<M' bneh. red etoorhera at «V 0tBnBt| Siud" wMlaeeO., »20>»l0»tatlaAetl> rboipe; 8'»0 d >. »»»ud nix«d Wf.terr Í2. und l.flfll do white vA-*ei*ri, B*. 8ve ti'iD »id in fair r"|tie«f 'he >*ei »r« 4,'fO htiih. a». ¦' & .: Sri £*f 4 fiittire r, rr.ty «il dnli a'IR'/'Ir. f.r t'a'« aid 5?* .'4e. t r Ohio »ni ( liieego. Berley U very quiet «t * îflrfJ-118. t'i il le. lever 'Le »urt-'V "' ¿"W ve-y large and tb « de- rrai.d fn-exicit rooflírtte fo the afa«neeof'he aiU'a mtil»; of 86 .Uli bin b. »t 80*8.5; f ir Jerrey yellow; 89^0fc. fo.- S ullem elo j We/!«', tor Stonhern whf-e. »nd 97*H7J for AV»nr'DiTilxeC. i-elitered. va'ijt,e (lean. are»teady; »tie« uf 514» Luth, »t S". I l'c.-t-yt-d Fret a r firm; »ales of-"0 bag« Btfl)Soa BWaaffl and 5(0 bush, t'ana.iiu foa« a. $1 Nk We nute: VVheat white...*: ffi hi IR To-n r'nl wli'te-lpO if» ./ " «J Wheel ('a.'.' II ii2 ill Corn, vt"n mixed.. 07 » 07, Wbeel, h'o wb....2 1< «2 16 .Torn, VV'n yellow. 97,/* 98 Wheat, Ohi» vli..2 (7 t»I 14 Ba.ley.1 2u <f! a Wbe»t,.MicIi. vl i.l M a: M Ott» River and Ca. 48 50 Wheat.«'o inxd..l 88 ai (>4 ¡(tat*. v\'e«t«r.. fj r \\ Wlie»t, W'ii red..l SIC a 1 í'i Cat», wJer««y.. 45 a 47 «ye. Nortlern ....1 28 a 1 50 (tat», PetL'». 45 a 47 turn, iin»cund. m </ »2 «>«.«, Sootben».... 42 I 45 4 or», t>'» white.... 90 í» 0-1 Pea», black cre.l. .2 ' d CjiD.fn yeloa.. H9 V HI l'e.i, C.n.di.1 as ér> . din, t'nd yellow . SO & 85 r«e.n», white.2 500275 OINNY »AUS aie NU»«. Tt.e laitiaiei ir.ii« ». ttwaun v»ie » l"e., 6 n llKMI'i'-trair» x'f rotlv'laie», and Uie eniy talet eq-kinj »re ol Ameiiea» a' »r 75 <: Si for ondr-M*d, au i i :' . e ; for dr*a»rd; itiJ.i halei. .Maci'la dull aille tlOP4.Old cor tti ne ¿nil and nom'na!; new »re raoderately ict'v» 'he iirlvla fair ia1*» of 60 b»!e» prime Wotera at lO r/ 12c Ki»r.,m romri »t,.! ». al"c. HAY.The m.ikrt buoyant; (be »e'iand qnit* irifiu ibipptvi Ihr- »jiivl» are !i<ht; »ti»» of Tut) b»lea at «.».*«. i- KO IT , »ad f" tie city at 4-ie/ifi 12*. HONE1.Cula arrive« »|«riii.r v: a few io'i only tor homo eeatwa¡ft aa have lean ¦*¦» all OJflfi HIDES.1 bo deuoLti conlinae» «Aima'ed, mn*'.lv tor fat.rt de iveiy, «r,d the piice« ch'eji.ed aie Iu ly up to ti¦ ,»« ptid a i.n.ii. ».,.. The rrri.lpi« »ra »mall, a«d tbe »retttr part «.-. d pravkurl). Pt'e» of ,'HII Blir,,u« Atrr», p., II..».»I J. («Ab. Tbe »-.oekie &,«*», leeludiiig 1,1 * Attic»-,. I4.7"0 Aiij -.«¦ tar«, 40(' Pott »u l'i.lie, 2,37,1 (a-tb»g-n. 7>> « h«g 1 **»i Veit liu«, Ii and 2.4' 0 .-¦.¦!..-. ui .i .-« .. Wa n.l<2(,/7 2:lt, »»1 t'ih.a; a eor'oCabelbfbooked)?* tt . BinO , 2' a-a th, oo..»A » Dry ácoihtrr.. .1« n |7 B. (, und B. A Or. B,- S U C. enta Bqfftlo.1t|t' J Oemhte.- ¦ 18 <'«' «I 1*4 Uiino>.tt\'rt 24 Ctlcntta, dry.. I t.u fa»»r.i l«. Ae..«n '/¦ Ca!r,,t't dry«a't»d. S5 ,i ¦; 5 ?.....- d eir.ili ., l-'e-a T.-...-H | fl« k.Atan.i-ra«.. 0 .*] S.A.Hor.e, I), and O.S* ÍÍ1I5 Poro Cabello (di-ect). 21' S i.NLIa R' bbl.ft.lL'. late European aJvicei have de- rre.x.-d tht tmr'et; taithifeua cS»red at -li.,a 1 : »«t I'ni » at »lie. IKON.A firm ma kit; tbe <l-0Bid fair for Scot, b P'g at »Slitf 32. the le'ter puce f r favur.te mark«. R fiu^d [-Jt» ¡.i, iidul aiid at our auctaiiooa. Eag i»> .-bed 'car;e, p«r!i;u- i».lr »irn1-f it '".». W»aaw»i set.h I'n »a..» ¡' .it 'J2 Bar Rut. N. R.e-,'. _> 1 ig, >ui No. !.. i;9 tta-liar Sw, o.-d-»*.H 0 a, \ \ I'i, Am. ecru...-a 2! B ,r, Am.. iiV.... 85 V »V» l'a-, Fils tw»*...iro V«]f5-|Bar Kng.rttl.. Cn _& C2. Bar, Ny ,lifk...l"2 IB0J-Bar. Eng.,***¦». «55 . à 57 Hm Fork Sirr...KJ Hr/-» It« Ita] Id-1*- Bar, W.B b«n. Sbe*t,Ku/.* Au,.. 34* 0, Bar, Kur., pel... BJ _a 95 -1 JNI/iOO.There ia «til » poor «fpply of «ne »ad média«* gride«, while loa r-»'li« are riiet ty ; puce» .re firji. with . fair d- ihm i »-lei ff !P0 cte.U M.dra«, Lere ai.d tu arnre, at Iflfj Me., »m « f w Berge, at «-1 25, 6 moa I.F.Al'.The n aiket ia «irtedingly quiet, hjt h^',der» main 'air (heir peiaituo Bar Lead lo.l» at 7c., and Pipe and fibeot Rt i4.C. diirarnt off. LE Allí f R.1 be market ia very fir.n with excellent de¬ mand for the ». aion eh «fly for lb« E»»', «,ud ih* (»a» ti iiu»<t »id tl e . rk «juite ai'.derate. Th- re l«'»omethi''* doii r iu E.iith Sa ted Mierptkia«, »nd for the «»aton eh eflv for tb« Kit', lad tti« »t ck Igb'.an 1 M .¡ule muí h iedu <-d ft» only kind tba' n plenty it If-«vy. --'-«.---...-. -«. .»-J--ate. Th-re «omethi'ig bal at low figure*. We qui le : (i.l (»fr) Light.prr.ra o>*i i'»m r.'t n.-eo, p »a Oak,Misal«.M «M "em. Md.,R F Ad A. ft »U Oak, Heavy. «'I Ham. Mid. Oriaaxo... .32 rfi\ Oik.ldiy hii'e).»I «28 Meralcck, Heor».2», .il Otk eoatb Light.21 i( »2 Hero., good diui«ged..l^ a .JJ (it», P. A. w. Malle,'...-»! /7 2R ll-ialfH», tfpeer, in i'n II-n. t.'t « u.ABA-l Bli «l«n*h¿er.K ?2S LIME.Tetnaiket rjnlet ther« ia now I'ttltoreot- ek In fun hard»; iait lalcaof coi'i-ioa Ktckiao. at rl, a»d Lump st s)l h LATOS ere'y ir.jnired f r at pr»vion« prie«.; sale* of i(.' iio»t *1 «e, 9t «»)» LI MI'r.R -tatttrn Spruce and Pine lira; an of on» cargo «t »It. MOLA8»«r.8-New cn j. New-Oile.u< baa bean In fair da rr.aadiL.i priée» continue to advere». F..r;ign .; iall'.i*e ara very acaree aid w»LUd; ulei of 4>0 bb'a New Urleaaa at loi 47c , clotiog buojat.liy. vV«av»t»! N. O. raw, \ gal.4.5-/47 Cuh» Mu.ccvada.4! a I. Ponn Rico. 41 i/IJ l'util Clayed.3» M Trlnld'dC;b». 41 (J'42 NAVAL «K'RES.Spinu Tnrpentin» mire »etlve and ud pie\ .n«. trie« are iu»t»ined; a»l*i i f 4/0 hfcl». at 41 'ill;-. ca»b th* eu-Ida puce m »bip.'irni orne; l rude .lu i aid Yti\j «t th« ab»t-m*Ll Common K'iln Iow»r; i.'ee of IjtSfl bbl«. atV'Ct »t *l 50 k> »if» m. Otl ve.-ed Wblt* la qn:et, and fin» grade« are M-.ite T»r i dbn anl ibe ea onlyialat» for Ion.e citnm.p'ii'ii. We qu t«: lurreitme.»ft M. f< {h. P bbl.12 00, * C. u-ty f'2fClt*3 CO 9 - I»-*!», c.m. b5 1 »J | Do. Wiloin«'0B.k!>3 OS » _, lOo. white. 2 f»0 ?'. 00 Tar PIM Kip«. S 00 if |Sp. Torp.)'ct].. 41 a 4ti T»r, TLic. 2 fnirS M NAILS-Cut ar» .tea-'y at 4t- eath, a.-.l 4Js. 6 ma«. In W rt u,bt we b»Te no chinge to note. OILS/- Io Fn,mh I.i »red nothing o'mement htibe.a dsae, opeialeti waliin« for 'heir litter»; wool» :ot« ar» qaatad »t 90s lu m n. re. it» ti. a »re «a«l. »' '»vJJ«. (rade A/ha.a it f-'iu ut qvi.t at our »mixed i.noiBtioL». Rafiied U In i'»ir rapplt K U i. ;'.e :i B. Cio'e SpumU held above tita vie va rt n «i b'tc'Bren; la.t lale» »I *' IA L.ri Utet-cs, .id *1 f)5 ha» beeu paid fur inin.« K«t 1 VA inter. Olive dl ¡J at » I-4) h (]U- t». *'e quoie: Olire.Ubk.f),« «VI -:rr.. Crude....* if | 81 l *., .:»». f> 1*1. -, u- ¦'.¦ >»'r q t J.. .«fl» ff ¿15 .. »I«. "..«w m$mthmi.,.t l»4 111 L'aa. f'-., !. «ii.- '.-' x - Kl-|b.c- refli ...- n. a. as tie» td I ».c... .- . ... 1 '5 \\ « .- »fl ir- I Rea i u.^-(,,._ 7i Wor. I f.nrd W .0. c »21 OIL C*K'-Tr.e«t id» of 11 Vi'd» n v-r, m!-r-.t -, an I p-.ein- «ciiethbi n*foia«J. Fb» law Balai taf kV'tv.e»».! .'^ia ' 11 : | win n, . tt B4ttvv*tf t ' . XM « st -1.1-H'., *-'.-( *«'. I», fur on t>r»i«ot »t * »"»..'. PaOVlSIOI l.Tfcl io!. ilt'evaiiatni, u t.r F *\ mvl.'. lie 'en »": t»,rf..r b tie here. 01! hv* ! wi'h ror.H. ,ir- I, '«rtebilda*». Tb* «.>! «re 1.4, C ht- 1 t 'r M Me .a a » » Sur BWW «t ' »17 51't.r P,l.n«; «.'"iPCr A i-irt P ¡ins kl» m ; «Sri .*! f ' ,:.T luemded i j he aa. m ee Idfuh'e. cry PllBB* Mea« «'ur tbi m, ¡g v ry al »21. K.»l qsHe hetvv.the arrie»!» f».f «ud ta» de 1 tn 1 »io;erite; »»¡«a of 2w" Bal* .. ».*»!. fat «Wtxalry er.:j* »H-6.4<I*-I2i; rdt'.Me.«,ai.''7»<l»l«a5 «or itmit \lt« !' 14 .*« P»l*»f r r ("i ied t-t.ntgo. .a-' »Mtifar rrrido t » M.etl» plenty ru.0 il h*.»»v »t *..,aö»>24. Br,f d.iu» ar« 1 it «t »14«7»17-thel»tt-i p»ce f't ei'.ra Chicigo Bacio a.tiv«: the «j».pli i>f go-d k naoirraj..; we ,ri>tel |tfl»l5 (¡iten Ham« at» »t.»il. al .'l<è.fle. Pi:kl»I »|r» a are dal' aa»a«w*» «a»»te firsnt.»de»» »J»*t li»àiic f.rHaai«. A taeuf ¡«hti-l» dry «altad Slmalder» w*e m»d« a j, »tie of'ha teet'B-an » xfie j)' pr!, *. Dr-., d IL are ia da¬ mme »1 8|«t«c. La d iff'u'I atidljwer; tbe itm a n'VVe.t rr« »rel.rgeri ».1». ot ("i »b» »nd t< 1. »t 12. ,;|îj. ... I |e. .-.^le. Buitrr i»nre v i"« oad u heavy j eaJe« of Onlo «J P#;23f. ud S^te a UVA: ther«« ;. Letv, ai* 1,» ;i»e U fJ^lMo. f»»«.i« ¡11 f»i." deinaad U 22-iiV. p jagaa We ÏH te : .-' Vew.b'lwlf N "'i ¦t.arO.O. ..¦».:... i;|«_ u, leo a v.1» " "' ''.''',' «"«alSa- K . I - H I». I ..ri. 1-w 15 f>la -."'".'í«.. do.. in. Foro» t-.. ¡i in jli> on 'B»erH»r. i7k, Le Fi.n»e t tt M «» Bit M "0 »a.» 4. ¦ |. I fj 12 Do Pr M»»»,:r». » ( .Ht« R»»t*r.Oi Co 5«.Iff P rk M. nw bbl 25 <t-D»fa r «o pilm« T. .*- 27 I' I »u.netr. 22 (0 a-De Ohu. _ ;7 j_ ;, . Frlir.r t. w 12 51 »4- »b»«wi. BAff) - II) » Fr Mrt.,0. I' Mi .1 ("J Egg», »y de 1.... ?> â- U POTAIOKS AND irauNIf #.«oacrníL««« «oodaBe Fute.. - r j ra F._e «ad Hys-a kinJa." 32 »Ltr«. Aak.i toachoat. Cosa... 17v.ll O -daod Fib«..t8v?22 .o red'v U ar-»-aB»ed »riet. Ikej ara lelltag al 01 í*** 0 il fer Jvaitem Redt; 01 W*tl 71 ho» tl-»e«r«; aad 0- 76 «?. Wr Cae-er»; Sweett are pleaty tad are «all of .»le »t «1 r 0**1 M*y ebl. Ta nipe e_mo»aad 5«d7-_ f-r w»i*e, ni 7S- ij «i !: - Raina TKarv- 'Iiaeii »n.| Blaek« are le -h 'ni' rr'te» »r» firtn, aoJ Bxrlv»li .imt*...!. Wg icptat oa.r q»'»: ..air. t. ,<__ool oa l.a.go.}va\i «««/araeeeeaad »air-e-ct l*w*»*t aad Sote-n -...>" -Jr Caaior -led-.l8a_B ~ Taei. l '.u r . L. .J4« Tyoh.a.T ka*- and May-_ Btekt'dg.-nSO-S ( argon. Saoeior.»"37 FlaT..»o-tt Kai,afin*.*i>3_ft Kit-a ....J.J7 Ctrl tuard "ire.!. »-"»5.Choie«- .»»'50 nvtofi. tOM_MB. I MffSSSS «ad r\»oaa_g»i»d». 'Cosbibob.5-27 Cetgo *._ Sooerlor.2- « .7|Sag>er»_r._9<"V F',«.38»42lru»a. - iitrt foi«.*»*-!. itatra Fia«. M »J- ao'i Flneet.Jetf«" l'r.-i. "i» an' Fie».t.C7.Í-5 voirie »vto». ' Pooakoo« aiugapora....!««-' Caat-n Bivie.'Ftf-Î «-«otamoa.2.'if»-4 1 CoBBcoo Targo._WM|G_ed aad lHua.2>---7 !- »e«' aad bep_ru,r.21» r.,Aak"l Nlng e'-..17»- i f -e .34Í38 <Jcs.d ta. Fine ._»'X-2 F.-naFIae.V9*h\ >r»nge P-eco...Vit- Cari osssd Fireet.«se»» Flowery Peeso, Corn.... BSSO »TSair« alii AiDTwaHAV. K.owtry P«ecri, FiBe....Sóti. ¡spa-o.oit'd... lkw-1 IhdkJ-Tr K-*vti » ari «jei.«.: »i * 7f) N Cti- c't. .' It llao ..uiat at 0> 37.. p,tr-*a_, fî.rn D»rkei with e'a'r activuy; the ra-..ipr,j «re fair: «'ruf 2-0 tel a'4|_.V- Siii £S.H aelee er» on» tu a mcSerate extent; tome S80 l>»;t Pimen'o lola M 'lu .--.h u boj-.ani 20t)at ¡fie. du'y p .il, 4" bJrcCirtti l 1*1. Ile.. . ( Bttt Tana a-Joe, «Ai btgt T'. -t » r »t lie 10 fit's Na'rneg« at '**. 17..;:., and 10c»«'« Mac» 1 V.-9*0. Weqii t»; ( »ta,», Ir. rot . P m..-" i . Pepper, S-irmra .... Il * in _rr, Race. »|4J 5 |P..j«nt). .»-_. le.ab)! i Mcg«. .12 á 85 cl-vt», ica»r*i .i-S, _* 14 Nii*m*»i,No 1. ; SOAP.Ha'«tbive been mid« al*IM Sote« C«Stils a* 1013) HI«, wet».y al iba former« ro trii-s. SPIRIT.-'-TLemarket dull, i.r.oet one-anted. By anc ion ' tc-d»y M ; -.-« Br»n-v a: |.M3B.t_t 4 j do. M B2 76i# 0285: JC0.S28*. 2 tipei On, *1 35 14 piocha-on» Porto Kc.i Rasa M Me | I do Ja-iaic« at #1 SO; 1 dr.. Igtet vlhuky at #1-74« pilvve »ale; «al.t cf Mr pi pee He ¡uni O'n a' *> SO a el Ml '.0 pu.tLti._i» Ja-Oaiei Rum »t #2; 25 St i r i. at njwBlMl 10 ác.i cb M»'t «-hiky at «¦ 80 f ; I «SO M LTl H it in imtll t-pply »<.*¦» in view of th's »rt »ej, fiire it e6 37., h m » II ARCli-Ptarl iir.eidy tt 8_8jc. Po'ato in deraand at ! u ; ic r Al T.Tit m*rk't ii irrein'.a.. ?ack it in good re;i*iti*J tStkrr ItSBtt »vhler ar.e II is-- r. Tl.e .-; »I a-e 7'<>0 htith. Ht-ilre a traen ni.« 'han 10 |7,nic hi h. TV» i Itland M '. an'1,3'0 «aekt Alhton'i to a rive a-tfi 47f We qo 'e; ,i.i... .». r i....- ti 'd- it S Ute».P o.i«o..-9- 26 I. »t-T>" I.BrOOBd .-P ".rk..- N '/-'. Lvejprvl, fine tthtot'i.f.eck.. I ü 1 1 I. verpor.l.Flne, *corfJilntton'«..*> SBsk«« 1 3" <* 1 33 Li«. Fin», elfreyi A Dt/c-y« ..4>.e.*k..-_) 1 30 *>'! Dh. 'bo triBi-ctioai iu Co*«g Seed are very light at l?KMS)e Ti-"itrv itrt.l: it t-' "1 f -f ! IIJ bn«h. loosl , .> M Of M «W tes*, af M-k Li'i- . ec q.i«'; ll»t ta> cl l.'a.fii'a a I.' IB 11 \~ t a k Ca-.ary .-ti.rii laetoi *7 eeioiiuiai *2 7i, ar-d 5 keg« at 02.7J P 1.- ih.. iin.e. sM'sR'v-Afttrdoaasad tRo i v-1 h . 'let t inpplj the tr«niec-ljat tre only 21 u(0 !ti »t li. x Ik. n»h. .-I'OaP?.Or. eery »ra.'et »ir.r il.a wetk may be qni;ed .c. hi.ter mUi t fair i.em«i -1. Il x Banisara; prlcei, if m v'.li "g, B rrrl» «ars». R' rin-ci g i."l a.-' la n. er«'» leinand t'tnlpriif» Th» J1»»»r». Stua-. b»v» a- «..-el their 4.1 ta- torejr. tr. f.o»f »-.afi'cind Sugar tr. i ic. on ( rriiio.- ei_d (IcrA Criifl.ed. for which ».« quotatinn». et of gOOohd« , noe'iy C«va Mu'covtd", Ht 7t3£.., chiefly at 7á7,c. »ml» f. *. Pnr*o R'rn« 8e. Tie arri-il« »r» veiy rr"ai»r tad ttick mitl1. A etnoof Tiinld»d it aow leot'lni. quote; Pt (r ix. f U'......71 Bl. Ha»i_ii», v.hite. N>» Or> in».'["Ht Harao», drown A yellow.7 ti* ( .be Mu.iovadi.7 tx8 Bi >_1.. Wi P. »10 R'eo.7 rr»J ntr»' I Cnuhed... 1"..; e'La-tt»' Dtiil.i« ReSued Lo»f,4P lb.Vit It tria' Il a e Bräi.e I Cni'hil.... Motit.' I'"i R't ned Oionnd.10 O. s A '.TPL1 ij'.ite dull, 'i'" sag» etude gold »1 a sktdt timrlSc. 6moe. TIN.B»»eal«q'i'et tot firmly he'd at 31J 5 cash. Pateta« Irai with «a »tilted X Bt *1f) 5Íi. 1'"rne l'ntet ae n it pie-.t/. TOI'ACl.C'.Dome.'lc Letf qniet, piicee Arm; Foreign in 11.edítate requ»»t a' ful pii:ei.; BBBBfa« nred iaae'.iva; »r 1 . CM ¡fictive; ealet fox th ee .laye of 80 hhJt Keatncky tt rlOlO«.) 1Ö0 tule» Havarie at 2.U.Í7.. ; 80 cue« Siedl-af at 1; j 4" c»'» K.i'ii la at lOMMs., aud 2-ti bile» Cu'o» oa t rni nr.t ti»r.»tirerJ. We qqot-: V trl-.. Ltgt... f> Ü) 'i 8 » Mannf. med »nd Pi 14 »16 Keitocky.t'a.i ,Mtuaf coin. and tl 10 -M2 Atac.nC onty. TJÍ.3 Maonf. ceed. 16».1« 7ol2ri Hl Lonjiigo.tO -915 Mannt, suit, t-.t.10 012 C«ba.W -"-3 Ma-nf.'wUt.kt. Nc. 1.16 320 Yvb.M MM ¡Manif. B No.18 »22 H .«ana*. «A Wrao'a'd) ©I'« Ma.,nf. m aiedlnm.4 ¿ti« F oi.Ja wrdppc.1.II '. .¦" iMa.uf tb icaiuaoB.... 10 312 ê>t_]»er. «1../I5 .Munit', fa.1«.14 a, ¿i Maxraf. No. I St »ad 8a 17 229 Macnf. fndiaa twitt...l7 921 WOt-L-Lit'lo actnlty it extort.d till tf »r New-Year. I'tir.i »ppe -r well au» tai oíd. H It »1« do not nlfer th-ir »toe»! ». Magst, baying cOLñcence in the fttnre Salee of 3i,WO lb Fíete, ivt S2'í4lc.for corrjriiin to 6n». PaHe.1 ii tirn the lup- p y qoiie notW»'« ; laVi if ',0,100 ttl topar »'31J .35c ; extít at Sfc'.'. If. »nd No I at 11 Je Foreign drill. yVeqnj'e: A i.-n. an.'ai. F. 4-' i* ll a 44 Bo ... r -r» Hin- *...'* D.. >u.l-'.¦L.<,i>i»rlni,.40 -2 4a ,t«onth Am. Lnwiuled. a ft i Do k »id I Mein,-... S3 j37 loath Arn. C irdive... .5J-Î.. Do. Nitlve »r«l i do...SI î7\<2 iFa« Inli« Wathe5...._6 ai» Sif. pailed n.autry..3l¿«..>5 African l'owruihed .... 8 31. Do. 1, Polled Country.;i. ÍZ32 Afncan Wa«hed.18 «.¡0 hxu» «o.38 fi'' |Mi'j-r.» Unwa.hed ...13 al4 I'ernvlan Wat» erl-M «Ml Sr.yma With d ....21 -i» Itlparaiiro l'r.wa«hed.l3 ..-M IMexicao Unwubed...l2 314. Bo. Am. Com V>athed.l2 a 13 WI1ALF.BONE.We loam tf no movement ; our qnotatioat are .on «-what r.. n mal. SA INEe.O'.ly a moc'erat« Iruiineee doing; pnce« eontima Mm. An auction »a e teda» by Meimr». 'lerard Sell« u g «eu below. t f 2 710 cate» t'fai.t at 02 7_BOS '¦<.¦<' e«».« l'.ini'teUi l"0 do. Port ¦« «I »1.1*1 .as-, IIS «r. eaatiiit St.euy et k5c t/AI 17; 2"0 Sweet Malaga at 77J« -je ;ji< l/ta. Ch»m(.«¿ri- a: t>:'/«il4 6 Bo« By auaioo-.V »ight c-tki-Leriy at $91<x|Ul'j; j do at il 06; o qr do. Me¬ ira it Bl; 4 do. Port »f 01 "1; V 1-16 ck«. do. t fl )'l.*l '4; 18» t.a -ee C'aier at ?: ¿Srt*5; .' hhVi P r'at g-1 e' .. *1 et; lliqr. caiktda. «-1 «4<;«1 50; In a»e« .Madeira at 031 l| 1 puncheon l*-!.. «, 01 13; a .il 41 catea .--cl . ¡r- »t i S. V. if SKY- As merket rewe'I »tionli't an^ pricet »re eaeier, »Him'- allmt'el dem-r.i; »ol«» of SSObblf. »t 38'. «or libio, . bd ti ad;'.' for i'ruon, the latter pries with »hort tito«. I»..d|i ..I a; ¦<-. ¦!_.- wew-Tork Cattle Mnrket. W f. >K LT R F. PORT of receipt« and «ailing price» of B F. K V K ,, WILa. COWS, VBALCALVU, BilKtP »ml LA.MB.a I B'.JBWINK; » tb a caxefil y prepucii »eeianf of töeiiora- ker. quality an', »rice of tfF>:F CATiLF., at t>e gre t Wedneadey Muket at WABHINOTON DROVE TARD-i, 44th it. Prepaxe.l every week, exereetl] It TUB M. Y. nUIURB, ey SOLON ROB INáO.N. WBDsgjntT, Doc I'1,1855. ct'BBt.sT mets roa tiih wbbk. Brivri.The»» are eold by the kead at a priée eqaal to tha va aa %* .** the ettimated weight of beef in the oowter«. The h. .e a_,d uliow, or *' fifth qouier," it cut ooaate. io thi« ___t- r at M I r n The pricee t<-diy f" Ih will Bverago ge. P ¦ leei tkaa la«'. week ap-» tlit i-rne qatiity cf cattle; upon ail 'ht »ait« He avenge it l.eiew loe. Fir«t quality 101 lie ; extra good CLiitt- tun beef ll|319a| auedluo. 9{ai0ç., p-oieet HBH dut few aa'esover He or oadtr 9e. Pbicbi or » »AL tai v.t .l'alvet u-» aaaally toll through the sear al 4 to 7a «f 0,1! e weight, »xeept thrate from oae -o «Jt «ayto.c!, ki.ja. at h:ir-oi," wl.i.h b/int «.liStoei'S each. If. '.'.ui. L a g'l'.J many " gt»«i ea.-.*«," I :<¦') :i.'n l_i ' ..'-»'_ §1 BOO. A good, f»t Teal lei!» often u logb at g i kO-B. Ml. B C..WI.The p-oce of Cowl d«rer.1i at maefc aorrn »« *tefiik« cf bnriet. On.iBary Cosr». A.5»; 4,30; good fell C.WB, «v-ii-040 ;extt»qu»Jiry. olihcalf, 045. «50. S-irrr ar.Dl.tMEt Average, ti 87: ax-ri Sleep, f Sifll Bann.Wsatsn Hogi, so*w--«d, irrg», «rtt qi»'ity, lira we'iLt.rl 1'|t ; dead weigh», 11 _">f: ; email «Ixo do.,live wt tt .e,i. c-R.| writhi »la-le; »til. fe.i. ,i\-' *.-i»hr, C, 1- :c ; i »I v.i»l», 7Jc8c ¡ New-York State, heavy, bve wiigit, i'[it;r.; »ed «'.Uht, "i-ffic; New-York Slate lonltlze p-'-n- fir maikft reti.lL-.g, Uve walgot, IJ ¡/ijc dead weighr, -.«tic /-..«./'« _«( letyg rq/ .i.V.-aid« .i»d íioü'i. Art«. Mud. R'v. tía :en_. Boeti . V-«. 9.1 4 0 517 153 Ve»U. US 1 IM 55 *a«!-r. aa_',.i ».1.S92 12» 1,837 90 Wwln».MJMI 1A50 - 64 («in.- 18 10 13 4 . i Bett C-UtU m e>or»«< ta-dj|e-1,77. bev1. A. M. Si i.cbtov, proprietor cf the "»»lil-«-»« Drove T*rdg, rapt.rtt tte C»tt«e a _-_-krt '-rUj fr*tn the tolicwiB« Siaxaa: «ewTork.l.a1*»! I iinoia. 114 JJ . rtt M ..(.Igen. «. TOTtt. BECKIPTI Of CtTTLI »OB THI «III. Aerar..!.« to r., -tta froto th« -Bveral aoaxket-piace» la 'he c'dy. » ¦' teevaa Cowa Ve L»mbe. 8wi. a. A Jetton'», 44th tt.'.,"12 18 1.-8 I,8i7 1,0.7 I- wi . « i. ii.. f5o 31 30 .,574 . O'BrltL'i.fui-i'. t:o 67 34 - - . 'hBBib>-lt-.'i,Robin»aiii-»t. 215 27 7i 4 Ml . Market hcatt, linre.n Riv. M lo 55 9) Cl S W_ Icboioiitl Bii'ir. 34. . . . . Tvle...TÍ8 13 Si.2 9,-3« 11.10 TV.' ;revloniwe»k. 3 W4 IM 404 12 M 12.819 Av No. poi weeal_ityer.r.J...:.7 253 1 .15 16,_«_ 4 8-t fïeei ir v¡*>n T.t'f CûfU Oar lepe rt »bow« lb« 'ncrene rf Beeve« fir th» we-k. in i1 » w - f u-ion tne v. etkiy tverag» a*. 2t9 bead, ai.i |4J BV< ' It.i trees i',. rrmlwr a'market to c'ay I'.71 Letd. which 45! de- Ci. ate r L tie av-rige, wcJch wat 2.2.7 !o: ea-!i -Jiarke--d»y !«.¦* y r ». r fVcr-i« up m rbe t.nrnber told l»«l Afedrei^ay. ir » r lia« t f opten et» cf 30 or *o re »re given bel >w, ». .1 L-- «. .f Mats where C»tr e »re 'rom. Tb» na ne» of »a.» -r. - >.thet to«B owner« ara " t»t:ie Br.ker», who ^\1 on «amii-icn (or dxovexi or fautera. (Hrntfi y/.i't. SalttutA. No. g a«« «sa A C_a'!«»....N. Y.John a. Merrirt. «0 .)«. Prtril.Obi».Tho.aa Whira A Soa. 80 I 1.. ii(je A San b. N. Y.Oworri.71 «.Si. Wo.,.,of» lluicitnb.64 J. T Atx.-r.-er. ¡ iouia."mrjo L'.ery.1.1 F. D. w»i -g.V. Y.. .Oimer. iie<;g-M W«llt.N. Y.Beaeh i. Sndih . 3b I'M) ircri1.t«. T.«Iwaer. :»S C. '.- n.n.N. Y'.Owner. 41 . 'ver Hnrî A Cl-.N \ .>wne-. 06 Mgg .I. (iorney.t*. Y.Owner. e Aj.eolt A Bete.N Y.Owoer. . 41 J ( b i-'.^pher.Obi..J.o». H. » 1 Haut.30 r. W 0w|BOS.Obi».J * II. Wil.uai. ..1 .V«d A l'...romb.N. Y.Owner.J! ( i ai e. (». Tee.1.N. Y.Owner. 40 J. be'f«.N Y.Owier.30 '. J -Im.N > .Owcer.St i.. k »s.N Y.Owu»r. .. SI ).C s .Oeear. ...I M W. tita..N .o*n»r. Jfl " v. .. 1." 30 AWrir Ur. .1 '.Owoer. 51 BBBl.N Y.Owcer. 4T »e-.N. Y.Owoer. 51 >»J-« -. N I.Owner. I" . O S- .N Y._llvr-l.t« . » .-'......Olio.I). L. B-l'lro. 49 '. 1 1 A T.«! r.Ot*.W. H. Heide.. SI W P Bral/.B.n. Y.île -g« Ay-ail'.78 > i.i.r ainig kOnniej N. Y.o «.r. 48 ..»o.a. T-ffev.v. Y.'iwoer.61 /.b \. klein't.N. i.Ooaer.M W F.Baker.N Y.Owner.«4 Fror caiefai f xamtcat-ra »l« ike opioioo» of al! tb» Cat'e Br ker». we have pot tbe average pilca of cattle do wo Jo. a frl, bat it '» advaalag* *- ^e buy»; it o-or« -p.- c--___oa or aaa- «tara ceijtly U>»a .;< i. iba b»»t- A gead *«»?>" ff l«K«a aid te de* lia. a»d apwud »al »t wa»B»»r» dirneal tn effeet g-tc» raie» ai fal nilssalk» ai w.i,n» l»aa il wae .«#i W««-*J»»' da) et.d ».. '.r we eWd .«die. we -.a»l a do m-rket VT** we al bar to-tey ja»t »* Im e©»!d 0* deetred, tBoogh (ad'ca luit» of a i oiui ibta-.rrvw «j« »Lmiaiakave. Notwihl«" it« the h»»aty if th. »oiko, »Se »t"u'a»c- of eh wi d>e» act »«» m t». .arge, »xieret a tltatatl went «^ ul oo* poor aaé a*» aw», aacâ »nd wcalè !.. j a ve-y p.¦,r ni! or iii-ee-e>! od'X »e th* r-r« wae lew eeaaih. It la Uii» *nr'. of hei' ocl« that lall fui 8c il h d, wt.i.» aav oae «bat II fi at all to lutter w.l. r. i Ja ¡(V it¡r«e bat »re really ,aod retai i.| ke»f ttl 1er 1< \a lie. eerrrr.t. J Cbrtikiphear k C'i had At head, the bal-», t . t the Puf n- berger riere that »o d fot n»arir Bi2» a bee* We ». t .--d . »ale of loor remarkably fio* fi-ir r»»r old Derhera», we Uotiht* tnli »ver*|e »f ihe I«. ¦» e»7'. .. Caaflk la af Brtx.ll». whitb h* «itio.ted at jeaf I.e. Tbi« wat a ceet lower tba» tb» «»me «ro»» red for lait weak. Jo» H Wili-ma KieliiígadroTei weed by K. W. Ovyne» . f Midi« n Coun y, Ohio, froai an ftrm ti owner »h- above, »bei wi I »venge Baa** »9« »P-<b «he Krjvt of 01 |.«d. Ihey at» »1¡ vaty baad*unu iteen, ge-er-lly foar yeer- e d l'»'bam »raee» - . 1 White A »o» »re et-Ln g . dro/e owue.i Jeme« Pemil, tnit' good, but »mal «i«\ »t au »ver«»« of alón: lue. fjr 7 tw. kaltssk» , Both of ib»»*«trete« fr?m ObU »re good but we r.»U3«t «ly »i aoeb tb« two next rein wat I «»¦. there« MoeU'i d-ire. D. L Beken, ralrfean 49 b»ad frtm log*» O. Invt'd »verege, ret weigh*., I am ; tht islet «re *t fa 9s f !6 s»ertf . p«r n«sd »5 ThaMtit- t.»l«re u o»»'» eo»niob «TaflB^BvBBBi |*n.r*ily in very po.r coi iÚolyC¡kf%yi't's drove. W. H. Beiden, i.iet-ni.o. 51 hetd fi.w, Lfiti Ccuuty O. E»!imt ad ar.rage. uet weight., ti cat ai d net«» ter h' ad. »5 t Iheee ca tie are of the ne «uar- »«uro' ttoee.teov*. u.d fótm d one die«* coat »13 per head tru.ipor-a:l..n »2 25r.o.u,bti .n. and »80 for a it.m pede tniot tie pe" »'.*¦ M«d I:'"r K':ro*4 mto ,oe ««»wmp. «,»,.,wner.«.Y«uiUoiiometa. No dcubt it i* pvrti) owitg to ihat, hnt ibe fut toey n-rar we-eln fi* c r.i-i'n f't mark»', M..I th >tigh «Id «. i |b*s.« cwt.fti, snUMy, tbeyate w«l: »eld, «ad ue.r uit»,toth» pn'- ehNe«h«omfcrtr»n«, who tooght the b.t oi them., s.:? 1 he 1 o'o*' AyVia t ka« 76 from Ontario Co.. by Wei P. Shelloe, trice tfwtieh are ex're good, lo vare bought of ¡»ami Aller- íoTof WajBwaTaat .ll«--âv« weigh I, A'bany 17CWL.6 »old it il1?; 1 ra'rat »III or lie The « t* OiwaM.e Pad lite, hy l«r- Otbw bullick«, Ighf and cim.iioo, IBM at 9t* '' Hwiiey Bartram ha» o .' '¿»"Ion kit.» of esttl« frtm W*»J> eheeter l jut.f. '.-.«.-. I'd oxen, »112 each, wLich II«, Iti.aul u-Venat »si « *.i*1-Kc . ...._. . TFon »» D »w h«« 29 from Pntnim Coutity giod inei. >w bu leek». 17 which «old to Jjhn fctvil« at »33, »»timited by ln\er andielei ?l errt. ,,, ( teilet O icei, 4C of tlieíame «rjl», f«--e « in « i-i .-.hte er; 12 ».V »»Gen Mawi for »'3.30 were fltttrtt».« 1 fctte-11- |)M D. F fnrnell t 'and fp7>ed, »tt» «sf'at .«}« BCi a.nchor»! lfle-t J»o AbW, ffttfl», w«a aboa« 10*. t'u v. r Il'i'd a Hoifm«n h»v.- 4 goo.1 lOu'ch*«» Ca i-tey it »ek. .alUavBI U-'illc BBw ».». 111*1 "M'"IH1 :-"jC* ju. »'s». v.i'.'ne (»air !:.lbj Shetjtieid of Armenia, i.nd .V.u. ' y"'v "n't tb» be« of 47 etme lort of hone ft J ¦isyakaUUj f#laJâ.ltx.,ro» ..-r. k* . . ¦. «a ,,,,. in» Vn,¡t to!'-, eral o-t th*.t«ii«i let-w-eg I C Prail hi tl" T»'irt d»(id«'l y w r etht.i **'./*>*«, ,. jgh'.« he ee-¡i..» rlret-rate b-ef.*. l"à.|Ni\ IW» noticed an ... (or 8 head, wMeli .¦» on v ca I. d 10 M.« e»e-l-.hav-'0Da..he*«( ,'».'" ¦ ,,f »li ch er" v«r. extvll-tit;Ot)al<i of 12, fe . bv W, A. It b t«, do tiui « «it«. Six »" d to A. 3ro«dw.y at « 88 we c-.llI juat lie weienge-idmea' ». aar in mirk««; I ur to Keim at * Leu ..en 1 <c .nd four t> Chit». Owter'or »085, were eitixiitiil at ., rwt »*eilltWOe Prt'iall. »2t2 10 cat. "»h Ka'lv heil «orn» of hl« extra grat» Beef, intit "f wh'«h We-e'ct r-.i !!.- '.' BO» I mark-'. (1 .* pal'J.'l i i J I » 11 f.r-î-o 5 «tin m-d-le*»., were found CO wdth 43 CWt. llv« Tb*e«lliriii(*oded »o »it 14.-. Ta« buy<r th.-iki he leegot tfc*m at 13.-. Oae p«ir »eld to l>. Raed 11 wlithatiSc. line 2 v«aroldIe»f«.U) John Fen it fir *ä>. One ptir «teer« tu J. CÍiDCb »t Pc ¡ fcui t H K*i|-y fjr »55» we eu:ed i3j., «>..< iix to m. AI ore foi <»»P0, life Th*»e »re the h'»the»t aale« of the lenon, but creuottihe tik»n n »ny ont ion of ren'ar p'tr*«. John A Mtirilt b«l a goot lo« of Vt/eitirn «tick fa'.'ed m tir.« -.'taie »bul. aie iel Lug at lCdllC.and will p ohahli ave eg» * nL-on tre 81» head. Ten II to I'etriall. at «lie. t^e »rller aar* .titea Wi »itr«e with h* buy* ihv 1.1» lie., hnt the* w.'ietint ,'.».Ity. On«r*rr«rk*bl«on*hii .jc'ienld bt »l*>, vhieh wi« MOOl to 24 cr lie for the me. t. WelliLgaoniumegooi Oiarge Coun y c.t.l* to b) wei.hi'J »t He, «idiom* rrugh one.» f,c. gin «ti fiery h.» the ocly 1 linoi» d.-ove, .re pietty t,ir retairln* beef and vi'l !0c. ... Jc» Hetfoilih m *Jl ing a very eoaree lot cf hrutti from Miibi- fM__s »tair tla' h.« y--r to «euii the tirtt of »¦ i id be«»*« t,, thi« irark.f. The eil vrlU averjgi « »50, whi«h 8*Jc ¡- Jb Th») «re owi.ed hy 'Vo-Jruff, and ome Ly cuiall til» ¿»v YiaCleVtUnd, in one week,at »11a bead transportai >n. Miel! c*tt¡e aheuld nevfrbo lent her« with a hop* t3 m.tke mi ne> upon the »oiling prie« «t home. Avis.' t A IL t gfil Durhtii-iBiil ermTori, from MM.nt Moni» and Letter. New-Yoik, «eMing tt l"a 12j »112 «aehwt« r'laieo for »lte^»nd »240 lor one pair while we were in tne j»id. Beech A átii'h ire ie'l:o| time very rojgh »lock at Otfl'h; »ndafew g cdatl'lc. p.n lb» c -t tf lauroad tr«L!pot ation ot I «trie il.Hro U.iart no w a gi od dea1 of commotion. At a trge nice iog of Dru ver«, Pec. 8 ai Cire'euile, Oh'o, tber re«r|v.d that H'Aere.i« Tie New-York C. ntral an-» Krie Railroad« bavo r«- err '!v, without prévient notlca.rii.ed the pH.-e of «toek freight« or !h"»ir reipe:tiee r.nd», t. extravjolntry an I exrortiooatt reí»«, Hereby effectually pre.-'u'ing, wi'b.iu' »erioni law, any fnitleiihipaent of ca'tie and bog« from thi» valley, by e t-ier of their root«», rendtiing it i-iper tiv« to our bet» interest«, thit ion-*(therr(iiteih:.nld be immedittely provldei How¬ ever »bcrtnghted the pr«»*nt policy of Mid toad« miy »rove, the »id' ecceucf the.:', il '">'.e tie lei» reprtheniible, and iSould haefen our rndetvor» to free our»e¡vr« irom our depnid enee en tt em. Three »cari ex jciience hat »aught m tint thtre l«brt litrle r-liar.ce »o p'aeed up. n the tUMHl/an«!faaasa- «l.l. u »f cf their taiitfe, toe price h u varied tr «m 043 to »120 l> cr. We »re veli «atiified toat the feaniylrauia end Mary¬ land rente the iborter and mire net irai, »nd we it» no re-- «-¦o why it »houlfl net he mad« the cheaper ani» roott afvan'afe CUj to t.cck Di.:i), n tbit routeglrei the ohoLe of three mar- k**l ira-ead ot one. Ittflt'd. Tint xi ot mote eompateat pertona I«-« to m«ko anal »eu.»lu vliu oue, i.r all of the i. irt- r-ni ilailn ad i ompaniti through Oblo, P- n tiylv tn'.s and Muy and, or South of New-lork, to cany cattle and bogt on . japtclir* roaii with reiru'a'IfY a d d!«pfch. Ad F'.ifcu'ive Committee, comliting rf vVm, R»ri-k, 8. M. Baker u.d Johu lloiii», ot Picks^ty ,uutv; ( lay- pole, KaiiLe'd; rpiha Perrlll. Clinton, J. M:('nn», R ., VA m'. Sojdtr, Fayedr; Ja«. Litdiey, Sranklin; J. «V. Robin »oc llediion, »ere appj i.--d. The Cttii.titt»» bave tpinitted Stvunur O. R«owi :k, agtit t. nitke all the nece»»»r> uranfements to «hip «lock ovor the Iwi. Soi.tbtrn rt»il». Mean'lmeweh ar that th« New-York roil« propCM to ralee aux e d. ck c.r« to »120, or * 10 ahove present pice». All ve have to say th.'. competition is tba Ufa of >>o»ln*i«. an.' w with the ca.tltDMn »11 succor*.tksy hive g od etui- of complaint. .BjTJkP A»«D LAüBS-Fvery »aleuiiui conruri In th» r.-.iuien tlitt the ihrep mark-', «oo.l A l»'g* portloaofth« »t»ek ii net good. Ibe quality < I many of the »heap «old tor n 1. 1. th» '. ly ii heii*<.'.¡] corrUapt. He have »tea ihre« cr h 11- tnndie.l 'rge-her wi'houi beu.g «hie to pick oat ont gord mutten. That at mmb the cate iu»t now ever Still th.- aveitg- lale« are tint raie, will be «eeo bj tie MW BBOXe«»' SILKS. At frovnieg'i-S.ninel Me J'*w.mirprlntad ImI week f.m- uei Mc('ar(y-io.d 682 t r »2.572 75, »v.-ragicg »3 82. Tl.ii in¬ cluded ene iheep at »20,fr'ruSyracu«e, hy H. W. Alvord, «old to C. P. Kityon. ard 2»t ».1 2i). » tiooe 3..»f»M I .fffflflfl 4. 32 0" 0. »''OO 5. . 3500 Ail by the «»"ne drover. The other 1 ve.-*: 73.».6!2>¡U7.+ 1.5 75 »J .»IÜ97.5 213. 704 1:11h1. mOflivl. 17237 Jeme» McCut) «.id M fe: *.-'.:'.'; t.ogiug per bead. i i. »It: 1«|.»559 75 50.»140 OOi 3!.»1 9 00 h. 3150 -T-.... liM ea o,. 1,1 1 3. 24 «U 177. 730 121 I) . LIO M St¡ a af wbaaf Bol Larrh« by Fo«!» k Ju ' I, »t Chuabarll»'«: No. steep. Am mut Av'ge. No. obtesp. Araount. av'ge. 1. i»o.afor...»740 C0 »4 00 2f8.f.;« 6 00 BJ M .¡1._ 70.' .5 I T5 20. 120 (S »i 00 12«. MO 10 '31 190. 76« 1 t«o '. lOin .0 1*0 .- «S,. J<8 2.5 4 CO ?62.«V0JNS Avsiaga ptieei» b»ad.»4 12 Thli lce cf »teck weteexfrtg cd. VF AIS.We heeret . ule «f a ;a'-lo*I of Veil» at »2 »ich th'i week. Our reaegr» can gaea« whtt kin th.-y vr-re; or if not, wi- wi 1 tell tbeo of a biag tint we heard of * mllkmta In 'iiy mskie« of what he got for a calf .! !i week. He fonrd the ralf by »lie cow in t'a m ,'Lir.r. mnkedtbeeiw it! n.iaed the milk with «he I'het in the evening pnt tht ca:' iuh'»wtgon wl'b the mill, snt «e> t hoth to tht ¡ty ',.. tether; ltd vher. he «. t li'treurni he h.d 0)1 SOÍWMl cVf th-.i net.r lucked. \\ here !. our Ca for. inane» MILK COWj-For ibe ¡«tt two w»e'i» >.-» hive h* beard ran littla ccmp:«i;.t.ot dul t »» la the bow muket. It ow ft 1 '¦¦ the »Di'll au'Lher U'ivlog. 9 Wl.vs; Ti M' Isa* ty ili.htce« ire :n the priceo1' Hog«. fer InstBTB. fis O .hu-: of Ohio b.ei . drove, .ver.i'ng 17'' B ef«i.e.t o VVe»»,..f'hirv-ntnth iirett- A. Mileeton* mid »,»»ing ?»«. IV it N .-, the poreheier receiriag them it Bergen. Tbe botcaetlig n new ^ery brl-k. Mr. Dormer MbsBM M thtr heavy og. f re in g->od d»maid ¦ t qtictttion», but I'gbi begt s-tive fu'*r thia they are re- (;ulred- «a» rnin»)rl-!;e fut tu- Market. rt"|o : 1 hi the N. Y Webblv l.iii't« By Jont BircB lVr.tiva«!)«Y, l)»c 19, IS55 At Bi»,l 565 a-abent 1. -si Beere« etid ¦'<> «tir««, sastaf tie« f vAbriie. Ox«n, C and Ca.Voa, Yeaj.icgg, two and tbr-.e yeauBoid. Mt.k*T Brrr-Flx ra fVewt, »31 tlrst q'tall'v. «I; s*eo0| t,«»i'». .>".</*» Uki i i«Ji'y, 91} CM.CtrV.»«.!; tl'le«, 'r» «wt »T|PelU *U.»I Ml; Ctll laldl. Uafic. «eRV;Bur«i ka* 4 . tie. B»7 «r MBBl Vea Cave« *7. »9, »W. Mu.k. VU 11 « l/ieii Loiele» r,o;'c»d ; Cowi i-.i I alvei, » 1,0 .7 *.r «1 »;., *.¿ f'11 $09 t.. t:t; Y..uling«, note Two Veai« Old. »B». ».- -.-: BS6I s».¡; Three Yaar« Od * .).*:«, .+ i" «Vü »ii »-41,,».i'. Il I » (NU Lt.»«». 3.91t ¦«tkWl »«'.». í-í, »6, »7, »8, f :; k| let *: " +2 7", +2 FT»; rl'if |18 SailB.Wrel« .»1-, «i. fed. 61c iv; -1 ¦. 7u" c » Ri Mitki.Tee market 1. firm tu.'1 -t-rr1- ar.d ou a the .Le< f»«Ulir*efe ni» ik«w U a »'e»dy »d> .uc-, »ii t.- a»er ty onr «juotA'i. n«. Portia on the decline ail «r^int. an» we »lt«t o'tr qnefai.iM 'o errr*-p<ind. M'ioy of te rep-rt» la »i«l weie <i per; le. r en imall ctttle, kevb at'1 » .. eike: en J ».'« "tighten W ««O» ear.e aWOT tv» e1a*l> Loi» »il r.«« 68 ¿ver the Bcicd er.d LVitrell l'ai r,.td and "1 over 't* *'»iie Fx'enilbD, loagel w!th Calle, Atieep, la c !'e.»e» -nd Fot»'». BCBBB*B faon g»<-ii BTAffB. « t -.e. »Leap. S-rle il r -i. Mata*. Si N»w-t'ampaliii*. SI« 90 Ti mi sail.c*v> 2,7t .. Mi.neiiatrt'1. 58 312 4 New York.144 18.1 12 (ni.. tanaca.. .M I*) II..IBM 3911 409 41 rbUadeiphut fattle »arKet-Peo. P. Tte Ce'tlr ma k«f» veaterdiy and to-day we »q-ilte briik,u,d I nee« eivtietii ¦ il.toeoter oor 1»»' qao'alun» bE»» C.TTLL.There ver» .?*- t I ¿M heal ¡n th« pïin, SI r'ihen. 10 d et pr'.cca rarglng from *9to »il. Tiio«« «o d «t th« «lier prt * wr « » let fr;ea Ch*»ter County, Pa. She- r are reib, r acarre, î V o»ij h»v.D« he»n »Il u ftjm «jr. *> m or fiom »«I te »-.i'»-eld: I.""' "' theee veré »úOd at Wm. L Ftrbtlt'» Aver-ne Ornveysrd. 878 of vblch being ¦ l-r of Me»»r». t*rr AOreli'« Waartrn «toe», wtieb wee bfough» ca hy Perniyvaria Railired The lernte pr x for Sheep davbXff fb» veek bit beet, abtat tK.1 70 *> heed. 11. ,.» aie tn te"»e den and. and 3.000 heal were a.! 1 »t from »I 5«' 10 »9 f K0». Cowi »an Calv«i.Nb claca» in prie». 120 having h-en a -Id »'. frtBi .--' te. O* each, »eccrdltg tc ITilladelpKIa Marke Lb.. Wn >_-.DAT, Doc 13. TVe "i a rrarket do', aeder tha i- id lenoe of -h . A «it» al. i. e«, »ed pti.e« 'eve dee ioed 25c «/. bbl. MM of I 5«9 MM »rar. aro brand» »'. At 75f» l.b'.. I cladiag e^oet Ml) bSla.-, ynvfte». 7here m a »d d«v.«*.I (..- th» rieplv ef th« r i, i.l.l l-.lal' »1 iriniMli _> ijU. fur »Mm «__¦ . _a va ni »r '. qai e iitniiw ato pri «. ravor to» later, of 3, fO bulb at 01 in o 01». Rvt bei again fertk-r dt-ltae-l- ealtt cf 3 c Weal, ra et tl 20, a part to raauaut .a atora Ar i fine free tf it rige, loi« ia d-'i aad lower; i-leeef 4 rap buth «ood yellow»'7o.;»Oc. V but'.. Oat» aro da I « ¥ 0 lie «P both, for D»la »ar», and 42c. fo- Penaeylveale. Pao- vían,»» ire <n't ipd drooping l'on Tr fi»« or »oder ;b¿»4, v .a« fr.u Rio. Whisky is qsict st S-dfx. f gsilea n bkla. aud i'c. ¡n l.b '«. » Me«-«»v*|W_B .rf Pn«jnre ..I>e\ 11. i> i.'"«» near, roo do. W1n»ky. i,»te Jo P'CVUim». i.l'O b«g» ». Refit»» of »r.-e ,«-,.,</ .r V»ie r\»k /.e- (A* V«w I'.r» aa_ »m« *¦_./,<... for ve«A »»«.Iiap Der 18. A*V> VI« Be-rao »|. raitle. .'lite-r S t«.i Hog» j Calve« 13 Ho »-a. liaNaw- ka'tkl I Oggl » 44 Sh»ep 114 Calve» Via P!«rmo-, ¡ «SS .an», 9 9'o H, g«, s tal» .. futa : »21 (-«--I». 1,-Wf.r.eeB, IsfB, ll2v.«l.e»..3H .»ee WbI-MMJ ImiiIU h9 Tf'fgrapk, i'F'i's» rw r Corroa laaa t>-*a« r,f i.iioo l.-iie» Mido i.gait,*. Ktg Lain l«. Si caá» eai MaOt-k aaaliaa. Mai tcg I \. cent ¥rem. MtMAffOaa alMtsac .... iiMiDiv. t « R't». 7 2" Set». ..4:*« Mooa Sot». 4.2» h «a * tria.Tin o»» .»id» *4oo».. 4 .*»> «-r» I«»rd 5 40 Hell-Oat».7.11 MAR TNB JOURNAL. PORT OF NKW-YOR».D«c. C lea., cd. S'iaii-iib-).« Rosooks, Bklaaor, Morí Ik. L-nllin 1 Ple_t- tatsi A»g. ira Iiyaw, Savannah laa-ae! L. Mitchill. Ol |. r H ' utlin». Kioae I, Antw- p. Po«t, iStallti A Cí.-, Cvi.tMa. BaXt'ett. Motk-ajtwa, R W. Camein«.. Harki.Cbanticleer Pi»r*«. Voalon M. M. F.etnan A Ca ; Mowi«i- flllIBBiy. MsMIS lliwettCo. ; Mi.) teto«, rtevary, P-tnan.-'i. o Itevn- di A t.ii-.n.eo; Cii>ii >n, (Br.i O.egary, LtVStpco',1. üe;librai;d. írtg-Ltcitti», Kyting», Mar» ¡le«, Bulay A Ca ; Roloa, Fatcirf. r'.n»» maef»r; llaotret«, (B-.) Robb.ut, Y_r. h N S.McAu'lfffc yi'b-eloek L». Huutley, ( 4M Oitc.- Vtr» ClBI ». B -«xdv f.-gm.t. rK ) ürew lw«.pvj| V l ii. Fu«. ( h_rl.-«t. i DtinharB A Diaoa; 4BBBOOM. Eaatrald Cco«, Livon »i N.v ; >, mdee. aud 2'» [aie. to lio» iilí A fcldgWtJ Had BeaVVW-e'll r «lo e c.mlui >ur »f ti» f.o.tli i bsiiLel. Wat 19 .¦«. "V. of ib- (iraní dankt aad 10 i\- ii n. .. wHhaaavy g.atlrsa X. .*'. t, W. N. VV. Nov '.7 let 1*> *' lea .9 trote-b'p í|»y\ Toner. b*uad E Mrjj -r.. ott Sourb Si.oal. caite l a MH mpp-ted the Old Cilooy. bu* »yldsatlj ii.ot: .t' dur...n«. at be ¿i 1 lo. 'ai« any u iti«« w( Ciri- r< 't.r». Ship «av«rl«, 3f ley. Hivr» Nov 5, todu. ao 1 .'7->a a, to W c-.. Wkltlcgk, ;r Bxpeileased heivy wat'ñeros the pata- age wat'2.ley« W of b.b e I- ti I. m a Bfkks Awallsír, (c IMSS, of lloat m) Oore, Fjo'how Fro Aug M ISSS A » M order. Sep*- 2 end 3. near the Bt- .1 et t Im r. i.ticiBniored a vioen typhvou N Ion. 64 x W , »poke «I i '.'na'1«» tat go«, tttm Liverpool f. i tTBwfhrtssaa Dee. 16 O'jrge RobLteo, a oiiit m Ka- a and,tied. r"hlp Pm.ce'cp, Rnti-11, l.iv-r; el Nov. IS, troo »oil eiel and 26 pam. tt. Va m T. Froe'. N.v 2.1. le. 4', Ion. 30, evehan.ed . .util wit), ,-ii.p il m. Fill '. n», b-mud K. Dej, 2, i»t. 41 40, I". 4'4I exchanged ligna!» witb Pr. brig Amy. feeriag 8. E. I'e« 17, lit. in 3.. Ion. 71 i;i k * M«»pil i|i l.»e|,li «Vhtting, BbIO-BMV. lb- t|i> iit-c-.¦; a .n a hr.tvy »«»uiertod 'evsre g. «pi t « . .< Ktik »i-»ini» iswed'ih) K'.'io'ai, -r. L »Son 51 aalt, gnu Ac. lu I.. K Aai aim. i. Had very heavy N. W. g net .:. ce lai " »r. It it iaI'b, 1c Biig P.i.u.ti, Col, Charieitno 6 lamber to J. Q. Sbedoa Brig F.ur. pa, (Kr ) Fiancn Sy-'rey 21 di., cot'» to D. R. Wolfl ' Bilg Vlc'oti«, (Br.)MaiMO, S:. Am*, Hir,(I»-n.)30dt.,g|. » -n to A. Leaiy k Co. Kxpeiiengea Vi-ry k«avy weather «a tks |. iiagge. Hi » Meriettt. "tr límltlt., N. S p. »»toas to OlCer. Sehr, r.i Maas«, JasfessavOUa 15 d«, ye low pine to Peck A e htm b Had very heavy w»trb»r »flit »s li and Ion boat Bckr. FTtiglttS. VI bite, Jtckt<tu\i.iu 8 it, yellow pine ta -eaaier Sehr, '.eine k Edward, Haley, Philadelphia. Sehr. Alba, Oabttn, Charleaton 6 dt., coitaa, Ac, to E. B. PiwelL .»ehr. W. H Oilüand, Vincent, ( horiettoo 6 dt., ootto», lt.. t.K. e. PowtlL Sthr. A Panestf k (¡. Wheyton B»k»r, Portland. Me. hehr. Hai in ( urr», bii-ai<1 .Mil urd, II- S. br Fptraiui k A-na,, A »xindna. P. In. Meat», (Bi )U. Kini,ey.Na«.au.N. P., 12 da. ei -Ur, old ire u. Ac, to t. Ackeily s, hr. F< wird 1) Co lv»r. BmoV«,Notw*lk. Kehr S'.ecle, tlb»»e, Notwalk. Seit. M. II. Read. Ktlloy, 1'roridan-i«, f<», b>a»J to Itor- f..k telr Cm»co, F.uihiug. in »alait, Bekl N. htai>r, Uai.-u«. 1'. rilauU, t ». Sri.». Bur. Flab, R»ev». »StNga 56 da., fruit and »<ae to \ t Bium A .-ligi.t Nov. 14, oil the Wettern, ipoAa wbt'iu. lib.-. R. S Soper, from Puvlu«eto»n for Cmtof Afr'ci. .-¦chx. Itinielt Lim.»». Biuwa. Pbil«d»lpln« for New-lie»to. fthr. Sciamori Ruckbl l.ltrtag Pi.itaJel'ti t. Fchr. H. W. Oili« n, Crccker, Phila.ielphie for Provlden-o. *-icO'. >.II.« brr-'lioy, Uu.ieli, ClietapeaAe River, »hip timbtt lolleni» V.'trren. Scbr. IV. |*. \S ili'tmt, Ireland Phi »delpbl» 'or Norwich. Sehr. Mtgr cH», leorgatreet. Virgioi«, lue wood. I ebr Rila, 1 I irvt-.i«. j.iao wood. Propel SI Jo«epb 8p«tki. Phi »delpni», mdie. !' e 1- <_. -. ti. i. t.a ,i i BTLOW ftpt Heneet.v, of it*amtng He.eulee, upoet« having t»kea U. tow »hip 1 lur.a, Doone, from Loadea Nor. I, wfcda 15 SbilSS E. of (be Liglt ship.and anchored her at the L'wer Bay lait evening, all well. Alan hilow.Brig Ocean turd, Kovd. from Sea Juin, (Nie.) vi» Rey Weit. By pilot- k »tJu'ii, No. 15 ( SAIL!'..?- Ste«!,,';'!« Augnit», Lyon, fur S ir hub ah, P. jia oke. Farter, for Norfo k rand Rubuiond. WIRD- A" taat-M N. E.. with the apoeirtne« of «now. O By I. Ki-npli. SAVANNAH Dec If An «teauithip Kl.niil», Woodoull, NrW -O.k. «I Ml «IS «If IB. d-C. Ban. il. tr, (of Pb.ladelpblej K .'.-rtt. from Minelllaa I«, nnl f. N»» Y'ork pot tstSOSeBM 18th -It, In comeq lence u' havi-t been lunitto sa the 9tk off Cape Pal.», hr the French tin apon .tip Laeonu, tr m T.m'oii b lund to Brett. The l.b le tecelved cor damag«. but t-what ex'en'. had net been a>certain-d, a- i' lad b-en rn potable to had a inrtey, iiielaviig to peif.rin e:,l't<iayi' ijuuant'rie, afc»r whlib tke wonld repaired »» expeli''vn!y »s p teill» H»d the wta'.htr provee t"R;peMuoui »t the 'icne tbo mutt tiav« goae down ta »o hour trier (ha coii'ii.n,'roa. Lt.« da nage received. Tat . trgo, 's i' ondt, Beider, cork, Jai-, ) u fa; aa known, wig sol at all dirotged ti .i* Jisn lUv frtxi Philadelphia for Liverpool, retarntd. to prrt evet i/111 tbs 3th icit., f..r the ptir?iee of taking bt iroie baljtlt. le-iri ratbe crank and unmanagtbla from thi _l- » Mci-i cf freight n.w ca loard. ten«. LI-OB»», (Br ) rep.-tted »'horenetr Oloocuter, wa» g. t r. Sa t) e 13'b n «t , an t-ken io'o '1. Br n. Day wikii (of Sa rm)i e.g. pert-.! b-r cable at Miioo, near Mr me vie. Aluc», Aug. 3. »_d aailed f r S.exr» Leone Ors- paii*. i.ak.rg tadly. IclIB BOBACB VlCOO-J f f Bri't-p-irt) Caitro.from Phil»- celptiia tor Boatun run ol t.. Sow ana Pi»» Lodge Light of th« I: li-a. t Ti.e t-.ptai_ t. pot.rjg the Cu'M-jnk Light te ba tin» ot ihe Light Boat (which parted from u«r mooringttka ray befoie ) tip'. Cairo S'tlVad In New bedfird 14th, aad lepciUibe vejtcl ani trgo of coal to be . t>tal Itai fb» N. H »aa siaavessa of 23* turn, two and . half y »art old. No inenranre on tbe trete! orcart | i-... AcBOaa Bae-lia f'oaRocHaa'. fir New-Yirk, [ui icio F.lgartcwo 15th intf_, wKk lot« of main boom an 1 g-if, fib; of l-i b, off Ci:aih»in. W«« a>to In c.mta:l with aa «S- known b«ik. in« bid jib torn, rail Move, As BaicE.B-J.DWlB, .Von gomeiy. from S-Vaanah f.r latk, put irto F. gaitcwa lltli 1er., with to« of deck load ot lun.ber. L. ib« Mvere ga'e ¦*. _tuckr>ogi nigl t of 9th in»-., »ebx. AIM- ente brcke away f. noi tue tea Ju..»e waari". drift-d f._i of tckr. Lanrel, betk inntiirg In o .*._». .1 .i.r.ah 1 Abigail at the w__xf. badly '.»it.« it- in. Sckr. I.»ur*l wa« duaagel amidaolps tad bad gleraa_t ABtCowp. i-cbr A-ticoiewat badly d-iutged aal .m k *. Iir Java broke iway from her whtrf and dnjted i-tan it the Oiidge, ilamagii.g her e'ern. Latnartue lylag «. .i dlliUd .mo Iks whir' «without dam ige. Bru. Poc.iNot.KtT. fui. Savanr.aii for llo« wbtrh kat L». r » «I.» re )i.« of Peavtr T»h Light. w«i hove off morolag ot lit-, i-it »¦. Liga wif.r, »f er toAxguff ii-taof h«r Jot« lo»t>, at'l wa» ild'. g t*. h»r accbor*. ALroj tbe 9tb init w«t quit« »«v«r«ttBelf*«C Brig ti l tuw» ¿. linen we :.-tber drtrfi-J haraichir and oeti ».hoieoxitl-eeat ii..e of the ri%«» where «ie lie*m-if »b«t Lit«-.! »r.t. wilht\e'o B.Kit'/'a'BiCAN.rrii.'r». atCberl»«ton IS'h lnet.. fm New Orleaa« fog Bo.too. wbicB put ia in «Mitre««, adeattned for ? i t; u i at) »n:'ionof laid veatei, to pyr far li 8| itiSBBd ¦apttlaa muía»»; f" the eontinutneo other vjigé. .- Lr tnarleeA ilaaoBm. R<^«" 'a, fro. Aba C«ys« for l*. »ui.. wui'b pur in ;n ¦.-:rea- a«;»e*ii»e» far $1,800 oo b*** r. t rv ml h-peth-retl"« ' .. '. voew!. b»r freight end cargo. ia-. ». r tie lecair» an! a.ppliei necettary for th» ostias" A Fii.oT-».iaT»rilv»d »' Sivtnoali -thi'«'.. whleb bad foil-*« iu with »brig it-irk in 9 ta'b.uii of water, mip-itioo very r»i"i.»it- in w»-ich liie tteau er Ca-cli-,. had lo»o»l-0Bt-» o»o. L. A.bttt, fom New-0»!e«nif .r i"a »rnah. Tb ttjttj kckotd'tk douhttlar ih« v»»i<-i di«eoa» ».I by the pit*beat »».ti- A* 'r>*t, aro that ite w down »co» after rh» -a"'** lall her. T»a »e«»e. ut c ntectwith fha 'Je^. U Abbott ».» tka Br «bip J.l n, wbtek I.-» aloco artivad at Savaos-k. aMr. I itoiBlA from M'trl e f.,r NewYo'k. wlik .*:>«..». aehoie at " Bay Honla Ray'' aboat llt.'i l-i-, is ek-if»4» -».ect.r» Wo rattfcsr pairlcalsta ..M i l IT» of Boa'.on.friom Boiliya, biforei»««»!» t..v»ad lXitn tdgtitoa-n, bad h»r d-ek load reoaoved, .»¦. «be «tti f.oLd t)be n.u.b iti»iiied. B_o n.w leaki »bo»' t.». Btr. I » « |>e| h U-. __ BataBotaai Pnxt'i Tutxer ti'rn v,w-n«df..d {jt**- v»_a.»iiu'.k ti ( ointuck r-iiu«,», oo Motd-v night la4, B3«»»* itto\'.ilnlr»t/-n N.C., m i'<* i1;*i fo rep«"r; will kav» " «T rh»t|e. tap. T. rtpnu th.oo ia-, > you- . »-bore bet»»*» f'onlin-k »r.d C»pe IU: er«i u ¿^ »hip William.(of ^^w-Yo ki Dew from Phie-ierW« » .el'.h a ta g., of coin ». at f«..eo in with on Ht lag I it. b- bi<r Water v\ ch a'r*v-.l at Ra -m 1*> let. **,**.** 3..l»allrg badiv, having aeea hove dowu ia a «ale****mr »r ..;} »: .th »I..! ,.; .a >-»- the. tve Met »«'[jl* the br-ld. IhetTtiln atterew. dteea I-a I, w»ve i«»»«-«' -udarr.vtd a S».m on tbe I7ib la th» W«t«r Wlioa i*JP D.w warm y tl.antt Ca -t. Cor.wey of the Www .v*,t"__2 lif» k l,dn li to Moiself «tid eiew. Cap- D »ad «f«* »JJ r.. ihirgUt what lty »toodjn, and ll wat bb».ng » |-« " they abacil' oed it. ix atitp._ Hea-d fioui Oct. 12 in OaaoUk .»«a, at_# Utn******1» 'ltv-ti pua. N. 8 l.xt«. i.h ». tlala i

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-12-20 [p 8].*>aakiB.ade uptbeir return« at the c'oee of bunee* on Rattrdav, the M«cbauio»' Crion, and Bank of ntw drltan». oLbcr» afurr

Badeo* «elver waa wry baavy, and wa» offered oi 31 j.¦»jfjBja i8|. Panama so d at 105. Tbe Columba«pflgamrT lyhg at Panama, which wa» »old at anctionbere a few day» a&o, !» to be put ou a» a passenger steamer along tie coast from Panamanorth, toxclvng at all port» where she is likely to obiaJn acy bnsirevs. This will, it Is beli-rod, bringBors'dorab'e traffic to the Panama Koad. Tbe Pa¬

cana Steamship Compoty will also ditpatah a atsamerfrom «San Francisco south, to touch ot a'l the ports.The Western share» grmerally were dull, exeepingritinoSs Central, which was in demand at !'.'>}. Cura-tsoriond declined f P cent; Nicaragua sold at 17|,hlO, and Ohio Trust at H, In Hail «ad Bonds thobuslcefla wot main'y confined to Illinois Central,which are being freely bought for fore'gn aocouo1-The sake of this ¿otcription reach »147,000, «liningat », an advance of i W <**¦«. «**», MÑ, ."'<. ¦* **,which is lieiter; fl.shen Line improved l| P cent,Belling at »|¡ New-York Cental 6«, Mf, and To, 100;Krie, if»--. "'-Ii iff'. ¦"''. In State Stock« the trans-ao'*o»>s were not large, but the quotation» were rttocg.

In Exeharge theto ifl nothing of impor.axco doing,and quotations are as before noticed. Tnc.e is no

foreign »teanier on Saturday textIn x-Vghts we notice engagements of 25,000 bushel«

Grain to Liverpool at about .'d. NO bble. Floar, n«.,more now asked loo pkgs. Bacon 35*., and some Cot-ton, » 3-.'«l u :d. To London, l.Goobbl». Flour, 4n ». 1 j100 tor. Pork, 100 boxea Bien, i ooo bbl?. Oil, andM to». Rice, 45«. To Antwerp, badiels Rye,Itvtfal 150 tun» Log-wocd, 45». Two vessel« to gotoBest««, of 5,500 bus. each, with Corn, at ka» P bus.The business of tbe Sub-Treasury wai: Paid,

.190,59« 59; Received, #195,339; Balsnoe, «4,113,50-.jpflld fer Assay Office, «2,740 26: Paid on 'lisbarsing©beck». #5.t,;)7i 4H. Tbe payments to-day and yester¬day ixc'ude «:»5,000 California drafts. The receipt«Include »no coo transfer drafts on St. Ix.uis.The Mechanics' Bonk has doclared a semi-annual

dividend of 4 p cent, payable on the 2d of January.The B »ton and Maine Railroad I P cent, payable

Jan. 1.The Western (ktoBB.] Raiboad 3] * cent, p\yable

Jon. 4.Tho Columbus and X»nia I.ailroad OoBBpasjgjhoj

declared a semi-annual dividend payable io Jau.uryin tbe bond» of tbe company.The Michigan Central Railroad Company declared

te-day at Boston a »emi-annnal dividend of I«J* cent, payable »Ms1 inrt.making, with tbe Julydividend, lo P cent for tbe year. The dividend on

s-toek registered in New-Voik will be paid at theFarmers' Life and Trust Companys office. TheCompany is »tated to bava earned a much larger div¬idend than tbe above. The figures, which wo shallbave in a day or two, will throw some light up m this»ubjeet A portion of :he Direction was favo-able toan I P cent dividend. Thor*, is some controversy inthe Boston paper» in regard to this road. \ cor¬

respondent cf Ti«: l<t'$ti>n Courier soys, in reply tosome remarks oftbat parer:

.. Tie eight per cent bonds »old las' Spring o* a discount of io {' cent wire issued to pay other bond»with, then falling due. The January dividend wa»

paid in stock, because tho mnscy was used in paying aportion of tbe floating debt The road has earned thisyear fa, «00,000 gro>«. Deduct co P cent from ex-

Íenree and deterioration, and there will remain1 000,000 to pay 8 P cent inter^gt on $6,000,000 of

debt aLd 8 P cent on the $6,000,000 of »took, Jeaviuga surplus of $40,000."To which The Courier »%yt:"The writer is entitled to the benefit of the above

explanation*, wblch «?a no', however, controvert tho«tournent of wi.i h he complain«. He speaks of t Prtnt dividend» only, but the general expec'a'ionamené the dea'ers ha» been lop cent.namely, 4 Pcent already paid in July, and o 4» cent more to bepaid in JanuAiy, which would be proper enough, pro¬vided it be actual net profit in cash on hand. But the(orporation ho» a floating debt beside ita fundod debt,ar d tea constantly and largely iucreosod its construc¬tion oc< ount for a number of years past, thus makingit difficult to ascertain what the real net earnings havebeen, and whether or Dot it «ill agaid it sort to borrow¬ing money with which to pay the appro »ching divi¬dend in January."Tho Back of tbe Repnbli ; ho» received »he money

from tie State of Virginia for the payment of tbe Lu-feiest on the delr of tl^at State dae January l. TheTbe amount duo abroad wa» iv»ni»»t»d by- tbe risxiA

«eme wsxkH ago. This settle» the question of theprompt payment of Interest by Virginia, which no

sensible man ever do ri> ed.Albert H. Nicolay's regular rerni-weekîy an .-tion

«ale of Steckt and Bom's will take place to-morrow,(Thundsy.i at ItJ o clock, at the Merchante' Ex-

charge.Tbe receiver of the Mechanics Fire IcsuranceCom-

pany has cor. eluded on arrangement with the Equitable ABSaraxco Coupsny of Londoo, through their

agency at New-Jertey, to reasHure all |ho outstand¬ing policies.Resales of tbeiew S P cut loan of this S ate have

been made today at ».*, It is very seldom that ia-vester* have on eppottunity to get a long New-YorkS P cent at so small a preminm.The Bank Commies'oner» of Connecticut have ob¬

tained an injunction against the President and Di¬rector» of the Mat tatué k Bank, a concern which has

recently been s ort*-d at Woterbury, on the groundthai th» stock wa» a lar^e proportion of it subscribedfior by citizen» of CcnLectisut who did not intend to

pay up tie whole amount of tbeir subscriptions them-.elve», but who paid tho 10 P cent required bylawto the Bank Coouniwinners, ar d imtneliately on re¬

ceiving their stock traii.-fc.rrtd it to patties resident iaVow York; that of tbe Boa *d of Di-ector» only tworesided in Corneo i ut. and they some fifty miles fromWate:bury ; aid that the organization waa not withthe bor.a tide intention of providing such a bank as

the clatter remire»». Judge Storts continued tbeoaee for one month. Tbe Directo:» claim that thoCommis«icners »re totally mistaken; that the iustituUon was ostolo-ln.l on a fo'r bari»; that tbeDirectoriare respectabe and t««posible men, and that all theso¦natter* will be thown when the OBOB come* to hearingon it» merits.Tbe Bo»ton weekly Honk S aterren» slow« an it.

create of about « Ml N cf 1 »ans ar.d cloo,ooo of spe¬cie. The increase in coin is »mailer than wa» antici¬pated.Aboat .t»u,0iH' in specie has bteu rooeived at New-

Orleans from Mexico.Tbe weekly Bonk 84o emeot <{ the New-Orleans

Barks, on the >-.h of Defkmber, as comparée withthe week previous, shows tbi fo lowing results:

Increase in circulation, *195,;ri.>; in deposit», fktSsl,-«91; in short loans, $.14,t»:.9: in exchange, fill,' -,m collée'ion of at court», «213,00»; in long and shortlean», $31'» hin. There h an apparent ¡nc-esse In.petie of |4!H.v:.'., wlicb is caused by the way thebalan«*!* tjt modi . the manner in woi h some ot th»*>aakiB.ade up tbeir return« at the c'oee of bunee*on Rattrdav, the M«cbauio»' Crion, and Bank ofntw drltan». oLbcr» afurr tbfl exchango is ma Je on¦occay rnornitg, which oPen oau es gratat vorioiouT ii ,i'n "f',n»J ciminu'i»n of speie fir the

W. u.»* 3:,:''vil 8p«««'» In vault» Dee. 1, t>7,-»10,84«; »ptcie in T.u;u 1)cc |7 UMM 1,ei.,w--c

for ibe week, f«iTbe Milwaukee and niM5âllipp; RÄtlroad Company

bas made a contract ft* «xm bbw 111!¦ HI us and arciii*«oti»Ulrg for tbr»»e bundrel fteLwht car». On the1st Oí Jajiuary, If. -, nearly all the grojing fromMadison to the Mieairtippl RlT*, win bo oom^leted,at leaat eighty muVe will then be ready for the »upor.Wuoiure, and the lemaining portion of thQ irradia¬ran be flushed In two or three month» from that tima.Th« «oontxactor» have now in Milwaukee a\M0 tua« >finoo, safficieat to lay to Maaomanie, b> which pointthey intend having the Road completed very ea*ly Inthe Spring. Tbe remaining p< rti n of the iron to

(»ampkte the en ira Road ia coutoe.ted for, to be delivtred in New-Yoik, ready for ahipmtti', on the tira».npcaung of the navigation in the Spring.At lk>»*on Ta« fnmmsâ »aje" Money appear* to be growing; «euior from day to

«lay, without prot'u. ing much differ» n e in ra e«s of ihv

gotiatlon. The impre»vcment is mor« psrceptio.e Indiminished offerini s of papir, and 'be readine»» of lend«ST» to aevominoeiate. We quot« prime notes at from10 to H P cent with a scarcity of the bvt r guatu.e».t anything abtve tlie miiilmun. '

At Now Orleans the mocey market ia easy and a

1 arfe* batir* rs wa« doing in proface Tbe balines« ia

foreign K-eh» rge wM moderate, {sterling, 7g «7j Y

i r t. Frtnre, .'. M|> A «a e of ».'*".' Mexi van dol¬lar.« was maeV at M9|.Tte Wtstorn division of th« Ohi4 and Ml-8i«airipl

Railroad w»s »eld at auction at S'. h.nle, on Pi« l.-hin'., by J. II. Alexander, e'q., Tru-iMe, under the¿eel of tiust given to sexnre them for advance« to tht»rooBiit of more thai a mil ion of dollar». Tht St.Inn." IrUeHifncer sajir"As the price of f10,ooo the road.wi'h all i's proper¬

ty and fiacchie-s, was knocked off to Honry D Bacon,<»q, one cf the honae of Page A Bacoi. A« tlii«turn will pay quite an inaignifi.ant portion of th«amount ibe deed of trust was givm to eeonre, it leave«a heavy indebtcJne's to Pago A Bacon «till doe by thecompany, M_ if the* comnar.y shoild ever bave or

procure any other avail«. Paj^e A: Pa on would haven» w n course a, a *.*\ them.

" 1. e-debt of A Bacon ha1« ben pronouocodjutt, by a committee of honorable St houis merchant»and the Trust Died ¡« thereby valid. They have beentustained by th« Conits of the coun'ry in every legalquestion that has been raised; and tbe liir-ho«t l»galability of St houis (Judge Gamble aid 8. T Glover,for it itarce and New York -ronounce their case, inall unadjndicatcd point1, perfectly impte-^nahle. Ca¬di r this ita'e of things, the «ale and conveyance of theroad to Mr. Bacon will unquestionably terniratc 'liecontroversy in regard to th« owise.-sblp of the road-aid will bririfi to ¦ Ipasdj and svii-f-tctory »olufio.,w( ere assured, the fuan'-ial crxbarrasameit of theban. irg house of Pape A Bacon.

.'The change of tte ownership of the road will pro¬duce i o 11'i.u-t in it» uianagemorit. Bat it is hopedthat by tbe removal BfttM oompMca'ione thateovironed it, its itneiency and populatry will be greatlylncreaaed."

7he Chicago Times gives the following table, ex¬

hibiting tbe total amount of flour and grain receivedat and exported from that city, as nearly as cm InaBcertained, from tbe 1st of Jan. last to tbe !>th iast.

PI mr, Wheat, Corn, Oat».I.l. ». r..-li. Ii'i-h bu h.

I'.y Lake. 2 Hl5 1..IlyCanal. ... 91.34' 1,6*J,-.51 1015951Bv II lnoi» "Central R. R...26,529 1,'72 KB n;i.¡m i5».M7By (ialenaRailroarl.9j.*tt 4,'!l:..2i 3.71'r 3-B 108^79-,Bv Illiooiiaoo 112.7a. S27l4 2>5HBy RocklalB-d Rai.nad..75 3x.6 »£6.380 _|28|6 H«MI

Trial.2 '4,KS2 7,7.M,l!)i MM.7N MSM*ÍFloor, Wbea*. Com, Om, B?ef,bhl«. bnr-h. hn.h. hn»h. bh »,

I'v L»ke.,97,3»4 I.MS.l'fl IfiVfft 22"»..84 5- "^I_». C. Railroad..4501* 601 '.fti 8fl,4'4 89 83i 3,710tS. M. and N. h.VdblO 161»'iO «.IM 1,(6»

Tvtld.171,129 7 002 (97 7.030 143 2T70,'6I-Betic'e 3 »37 bblt p-rk and 319 turn oott lj ake, aid oi.

bbl». o> rk by Michigan Battrai Rai roa i.

It will b<* noticed that f _B,BB5 000 busVa Grafnb'cuk>ht into Chicago during the seisou, !<,:.bush b'b.more th.,n half.were bmugh' on the Gelosaand Chicago Head.The following tables are fro*n tbe forthcoming Re¬

port of the- Secifctary ef the Treasury:im.i'i or rxronT«.

.SiAllMBBT rraioi'/rrg the f'otweier.« rj mm\ Stite and TerrKitijjrcm July 1. 1H54, to Ivne M, 1

1-i.a.i - . "l.l .

Ib A tuerteen In t vnStatet. vene'». vi ««el«. To'al.Maine.$.43,(81 «.,11931 $2,-.4V"l<

New-Ucmptbiie. 15231.523\eimor,t. 322.180 3643?. IIjvitaaacbotett».10.3.8,|S¡i ll.ffîl 761 2442921Rhoie lilaii.). -¡-4 no o r sji,_.,7Connrcticat. :961 859,492New-Yoik.TB,9TBJ)70 -283',l.l 9G 414,808New-Jeitey. 6-T7687Pt.nniy!vaoia. 4,_-»i (25 1/39,160 5 9*5, 1 . Ci 067MerylnBf. 6 981 973 2 90: .45 I Ml.lDitt. of Columbia .. 36 143 . fJri.'ISXirg'tri« . 3)6157 1,284,742 4,3»6 Sri»North (.»roiii e..... S5\.*i«l 7s,257431,8 8Bi.nth Caro.iu»....M-a,76. M-B.IM 12 6'8 8-4Georfia. 5,99.3 2-9 1 50.250 7 513 o 0Florida.. 1.103,2». 1 3O0.3-3|,M. e-4Alal-au.a.10 673,6.4 3.^6 931 14 270,5.,Looiiitn».43t83,»8l 11,372,3» 5-,|i5fi W-l(.bin. 1911,71 i 647 100 847 14JMichigan. 12u8fo *6,i22 BMJMSWiicortin. Il3b75 MSB! 174i.S7IMrioil. 299.K2 217 951 517 1.'riTe.M. 4-.'.". _.-4 -.1 694;o-7Ctlifinni». 6,7-90t3 4t9.7t>7 7,089 4 5Gr'goD. 12d.6i2 . 129,» 1 ;MiiDfiiitaTeirlUiy . 7307S0

Total.Bi8.l--_.-4:) 063 823,304 02-lti 708Mn.». i-.-. raoni'CB.

In Atoeiicao In foreifroSlain. vette 1. vei«<-lt.Mtine. th' 9 3 s * i*i.l7'-

Veirxont. 2 572 924.Meiaetburettt. IJJSl.OM 84*.9«6Rbod»'»Und. «IM.t'oniioetlcnt. r.,.o82.New-York. 11,147.08 C.169322)'««»¦) vuu. '.ler..*, -_.m-.tiMaialand. ti* too t.W.IMVirginia. MMM.SMfroutbCer.-l _>».. .. IÍM .

<iui»lana. 184,*SB7 I27,A.IMichigan. 2,1/75 3H..91Tfïi». 2.-M'l .

Callfoiaia. 7i9 4Í-3 2R5 158

ToUl.lf^SOl-tAyA'i 081182,980 028,448,.' » or iMroE-rs.

In American In KoreitnFtatti. vetaelr. veteelt Tetal.

Mené.013S6,'!3 *;,.1i)l,4S0 02,927.4(3New-IlBOopabUe.... 7 4*2 10.314 1 ,7KiVemiont. 5»',W3 .59l,5ijM«»ecLBtetir. .9,"84Ct8 15,329.0*6 45,113 7MRbcde-Intnd. 4*36 18 99,r.79 536 J17( o'tieclient. 614583 19^43 633.8ioNew-Ytrk.133,H5fi,81l 31,721.00 164,778511New-Jeitey. »Ü 1.165 1,473Prnotylvai.ia. 12,727,0 7 2,582.9 8 15,309 HJ5Delaware. MM 2,930 IJS11Marylard. 67f»,.,.'il8 1,06.431 7,7«8,'i49r iet. ote'i.iurj.hia... 24,t;ii) . M>MVirginia. ;7k,045 277 300 85S.415North (arclbiB. 2il,161 »Ml_ljr;¡South CarollLB. 1.281,877 .°50 «A5 1,588 512Cteigie. 2006*8 730-2273 746yiorida. 34.473 11,52545 98SAlabais». -Stl.BM 280,110 SI9r«lI«._...«.¦». K .851,768 2,048.(53 12,90i,!21Miteililp-ti. 615 10«IJM1Ohio...;. . IFI.BBJ 14.V3á 6OO.1. !6Mlcigtn. 281.-79 . 281,379WiieoLim. 44 647 3.512 48,15-Iilinolt. .. V2.912 SI,507M.o09

Teilt.l.S,iV5 139,543MIJU«Caüforn'a. I,*M)JM 3,415.747WINOrrgcn Ttvrltoiv... tfM . 96*6VVBibinglo« Ter.'y. 2.41* . 2,41.!Mi-iLBioiaTtr.ltoiy 211 19«405

Tota'... .0_e2,_3-l,900 »..vj ,2-ö,t2!) MJM««M,M.The folio« iiiju: exhibit will aliow t^.c amoan» of iin-

portktiors, Ac, at Pniladi Iphla, for ihe just moatU;Nov. 1. Vilae of roeichaacae remaining la ('. I.Boaded Warnbtute thi« dete. 05i2,9V;> m

Nov. Si .Vane of merrhaoilite in. ported at Pbiia-t'e:[ 1 -a fr m foreign ccaujln it t.i» m .'.'h ofNoveabtr, 18ÍÍ:Doiiebie.»fP2 45l 00

Free. DS« «94 00-1,219 315 00Nov. 31.Wue or merehetirtite tranipoiU-d fiomoth»r ptrtt in the t'niiad Slate«. 8/52 "0

Trte'.O'."*-0--'- 0«Has. JO.W itbd. awa f't ci ntampi i.iu IuNovan bet, MM.*1.124.I7«\N ulitiitwL fat Ut-MtO-S.all m looibein m in the I titte«. StaUt. 6,124

Witl>r'»w_. f r eap.ita'1-n 10 fore'goeo-nlti. IT,tM.-,tM,_ll 00

Viloe of B-d.e retnaii 'k 1b **areh.nte Meo l."5. 0-01,941 oOTi. »1 rec.ipt» f.r «In'.ie» at < BSka_BrBoa«B, Ph..a

de'ptli. it. NiVftiibar. 1855. »211^55 15

a:« k. i«..; v.m r Hi.i- h r ' for Thi Trirdri.»a 1 parosoar, Dec 19, it5\

A-l' .'- TI- r-a ï - loHRt've bat ttea-fy for kotb,with light arrivait; »'let of Po'tat 07 »0, and Paarlt at *''.tbB »t ak c.'L»l.«'i of'71 bbi». Pott aad 96 bbit. Poult. .-Salera-tat 1» io cernai d at 7c . »ath.BOOTS AND SHor 8. There i» . fair butiorit doing for tbe

mar-l.y trace -t fui f itneipiict Ibe »tockt axe quite liml'.edand the M|b pt'ce of f-e ti« material ba« far her »treatriieoedlitildera. ror (»J f ri a ami An'tra ia there « little doing.Sbigpei» toy with oaatioa at the high tiger.«.liRK KS ANDTILES-the m» In for Hard North R'ver

ci. I-* e» »t-iiiy. ia... at rl>4 50?04 7\ Philadelphie face a.ein rali rapp'y, ttd couimei.d B19_re?fl. Fo.-rbxn »re In'air re-pf-t »t |re\l.._t price«; taint of In,00« R»th at g.!5_*tf0.

M/owbildga oc tio'.e m SSBM »opp'y, with a tuor*erate mrnrvat tS- # IV He.), ire »all og »I rr-20. Man rtlM »re qa e. ;». t..'. .t «.: .éso.BKEBWAX- Tbe -oa-ke' c-ntuaft \At\\ iimU it'ee of

An rt-«n »ellow a *i»«'.7i-.I fcB'ifci-.T.N tih nver it »ttidv; w» h>»r of on chang» te

no;« ia tilre»; i»»t »ale« a*. t< 1-, {...reían ars unchanged;w» iiao't l'< M laid »t »>2 ai S Reman a. OStf #4 50. < m a.COAL-Ttemirkft lad il' and letvv fat D->-nefic a *I7S*MM Livt-eptoi Oir»l i» «oie', at 0- "-,¿01". A »»le of SOT)tiim M re» hat f-e. g tutrie at fb 4 moai'JMil..t-.tha D.atk. t 1» tin, vh I f-ir demand for

Arn. iu.. '. L< Lj pi i» fi ib.. t S* el >f I'bei'ix Ci. andHt» n II -i .I li'iiid. ». îfe., 4 rnr-i P'alntp:r_» »ill at 3.«4Cr. aad P.'.iit»! Ilf'le ; lure-preeaed Telljw at lHjiflv-.

< Ol'1'r I -New »I eetleg :» »care« and wantec ai3o,/3|e.Ti.oioa 5 o'lw t' b> q-iitkly di.poaed of Ibe. ; of old Sbeat-ii» 4,i(i P. ».'_ a' '. t. .11 -. c»h.rORDAOr- Ma: IDs Cly re't» m'y Cam »Je.-a'e i

ten tt V.-atSe ai.rt Ara-rlctn Tared at l.'rjc.(dltON..kem-iket may be guo'ei tteady, tt-ng'i thera

I» m.rie d» »ire on the part of hu ie.t to rea'ii-, a>t w auneceert a «rifle le»» merer ha« 1,-en »c-.-ped, lb tic1! g*»*i»r»!.voar BBBBXad price« have rweo Ihe »taujaril of the »alee, whichare I a i bale» The week'« bolinea« 5 neo baloa.

IkCOOtl ail.llHiTIl».I «Ist t Klo.1». MoMs, N.0.1 Tex.

Ortie»»-..I8g «M " bo«.9»91 MMlddllig fur. >.<\ Vi in|t|fair-;,-;:,.. .n r-t n'tJig

.it i**Lt.-Biota» boti. booyaat »cd f.i'iy «c'iv«, the ttocki %b\." "i*1» ¦.> tpeeuUtin'e latdt it 40.OK. blgt; talatof11*.! il" 1'"""*0 "f .>"'1 »tBBqnoB. at 1 tic, tod 250 bag» at

abUrT oh n$Za¿¡?Í't£" "*" i',r'T,*1; pric" n°-

_í«__,_%h"* '* ¦.."'.-.«.I Lagm.yr», *? tb.10*012".^V?*.4 ifli Mai.cailK. .'.Oittl-èi^-.'ÜVi."l¡a"«'_-.'J0 aiîil,t. Dotii-igo. r»»h.idoioDTaWOODI; «'at-, u ,., ^,.L.,..,of f..1|h rüuaj Büw¿rt^t\^!^*«xi**»^»^>*<*»**mtnd, ana .« olgn utl « »u paid to lav for HO ea»^ Pia-»ico.., 350 c.«.. told ». »I sW, ^ $Vu ao-Jk^t è&Aihtt very tc«rc»i »ai«» of It* tan« to ai rive at .,_. 1,00«

legt Ble«itwe»»le Hott» «t .,- rao» ly 11 a-rlv«, In m* m Tar»aile AeVI at «JflBfBS i ÎO e»»»» O. i» n '«a-i», i »i».i v"

b I«. EotlVh Hy-t- ... »le «Vaah et «4 »; 4*fl t» Ft'D-a Uair lie ai 02 '."..' T |ta tan« Slal H .er|**>, g »*"

t» K.cglteb W«l e Sager Lead at l*c ) 7 ,'00 t. F.n, B h "er, re

r l.»h »t 1»« «Je. ;fl r»»e» « ream lo-ti » ik be' hi.-h -r,X6 i.N» heSte* Borax 'i 2-»%S8e.-, 50 rtti« Betrhir« SV »ear.o arrive, al 3e., anet 15 b?l». TA*ti -.a* Caniptior et Sic 1»»» .'JP rentFEATS-ERK-Prlroe '-Veeiern err,, on* !» niiaii i.pflji

Bill »« »'» u ri »l »t.!, .¦ !e» t .« fí, »t PS»,1MB-With Halted uilvel*:b« mw«»t I» «ni; r>r>t» %e«

fallt «; do eer»o raie» bave tranepl'ed. W« |0 >te:

l'ry C«'.». -:..:*.< l»fli.yf.ea.. .»9 >Nriek-iro«..f>kbl. 175«) 4»M»eker»l No. 1, Ma»«..Urge.Il OS <t t "0Markerei No. ¦. Mt». en.» 1..-<f .7 '.»Mtrkerel No 2, »r.e. 13 50 »-Mack«-ie!N<. 2 M» autii m 1 m.l. 7 2.5 <t 7 MM«*-ke,ei No. 3. 7 SO » » *MeckireINo S, »m» 1. 4 ¿S * 4 75Salmon rieklei No. 1.-»-Pa'mo». rV.k»A.4?taa-. SS flbec,»oii,ec'tru\Nc l...#»htLbL-a» 1« ¦ftad re'nn»*tlr»jt No. 2..-» 9 »Hettirg, Hekled. 3 75» 4"Heirirr.Scei.4> b-'X - 3i it - "iHentog. No I.t...... - £ » - »

Heirtl.,. LW.- .* k», 1 ¡r*,« - -

FLO' R \ND MFAL.Tbe market r,p,r,r1 Vr.» be«-Y Mthe low gride» of Sut* »cd Wetter j Flour, «oder ih* tmftvor-»ble »< ve*» bv tbe sri», em) a few nie» »,i» iH" »'. i d»-t i,,i,<ïVe A> bbl.. at whi.b it wa« fie.iy taken and at Ibarl'.e fe ''tel 'ne w a* u tin y rcovcra* the ahatemeot iufrtigV»f«v>ling the miike»; the »tr'rii are m dertte ici the Ovtae

tlfirariiliu Ile* the «île« o.' VV'» «-era l'anal are t > ° b'.'». .'.

»8 1 J8*S M f.r rrmmoo toge*) '»tat« «tul «nperSte M¡-hi¬ga«. S-K l<»«»8t'2f fjr eon mo» to g ot (Ihin; 0« H)»»8 t*, for It.'-.aiiaai, 1 Ipaer Lake »'d *9 50a ill 50 . .r ex¬

tra l-t-reite. C»r.»d tr Flmr il ¡ua.tite atd i» ooraioel at»8 :.7jí'»;f: 75. Sfntr ttn F rur 1» l,e*v).jjirtlcu'arly k« me-i.n m «i«c«, l! e d. ni«r.« i« '¡«ht tad, the *riiv«t| »l>l*ra'.t:¦ ai», ff I Hfl I'h'i at »9ä »O 374 for mixad t« go>d «tvalar*i.hlci Alexitdrl«, Btlt'rn»», .' tity Mill«." sad " How »-dlire»- " at d iTi» i' ai In S- * r f» nroe. fancy «ad extr. hrtud«.hie Fl. n- i» lowr and In grod »apply; at'e« of Oft be* at

9; .5 5», 5* «7 25 C-rn Met! i» qu et a-id i« lower; ..'»« of lertey.' »4 1 .)'/#» 25; etr».d,w1nt «t «?4 50 «nd pnochennl at»j '. r...riw: .-a-Hui.r ;» f. ¦.' "ipoly, and I« atÍStftw«3«3}4FlfeB) sad»«»»! Í* I . tV* riot»»fcp-rfi'.e lV. 2.0' ! * * 10 -., »u«. . » T? « 9 7«tat«, eon b'd». ! IP © R Î5 liraridywla».... 9 'I 9 t «7RtaW,»-iJtb'd*.. » »5 tt-I«iW,e«own ... 9 1' »10 50Otate, far. b'd... - O » 37* Ptter.bu.-tC-t;. !i H *-\\ eeaeram,.g. do 8 I2j* S líj Rtatmwaa Cet, PJ » B'.l .»Mich Alndrr't 8 iiA » 8 « ll-iae'rl». 9 00 » 9'5Ml*h f»tcyb'd». 8 S7JÍ 8 M) Belt. Howard »t. 9 00 B 9 "5Mleh. k ltd ex. 8 .'* trl« An iRy. Flrtw ... 5 50 » 7 IS<»et.e«*e. fan.r.'d» 9 00 B 9 37J dm Me».' let 4 14 »4 25Ohio ex.»? Lt>».. e S'' »ie Mi iCora M 'tti.d. 4M*-0»re»«»ex.h'-l« » Í0 «II' .'0 Cm, M .í '- nul ."TJ f0 *-IP I ITS. By »ne'ion of prt of tí* c.r/o o' lrl| Ca'tiarlre

1 "75 loxe» Valerel« Rai-i- », etch '.5 th r*f. »n'd at *;-í7}! ¡] M, box» » do. .t8|e Y rr »»» l'»ï- «L-f iti'li A rti .»>d»»t "i*bi'. ; 21 LiU» Largied >c J... tt 14»'ill;'. 5 caik«/tno-Cir-raatl at 2»r ; 8 (H t.oxe» ftien. w--r vibdriwn ; the «ale wa«

tot iplritfd. tl.iii'h »air pr'e*a w»re r*a'lr«A At prir»'.» «a!»(» »ii»« »ye.» heve b»er »«ken a' »1 7''-, 1,'fS b xe» hinr i

at »J j'j fin wteo'a I. a»». «I V f»r ,,. »... ar.d S'il firmier¬ter»; «.i») pkk« Valer cano tt 1 «c ** t>» j V» bhla. Corrail« at

IS*. I |fl ea"l Clon ai ir ,;«« hag* il». ..Le i A lueaidí at ».; -.;U b-g» Br-z » u-« ut 41 .¡ 40S S»g. AOirtn P»a-iu'««t 11 7S1 n be»h. Wila.irit»t et SB« 4BS|i 1 ASflBl«. Arr*- iBta'a) ai»le ; U' tM> d.. .«-..ether» t 4|^ enk 3" cm»« »!i I* h » « flar-d;tit..t Aie ; 20cc.-»i|'it tti «w, t>. ,9..; 80 b .1«. Harina Ü.--»t.fei »> es 75, »r d ¿On Lb'» de. 4/ »team r on p.rivt a t«tj,t.V»'»e» L*BOW**r« ht' "Or I 'l'.re >e,ne S»d «r- h'gV-- .

fipm t- ronr har 1)« «f B '¦ '*. Y b x. Anpl». tre Brm ; VVe** «r-.

»»tir. ni ,C',i' - 11 J »2 25 «> h rte-r klaaSat» ooeli«o<e4Fy »neuen, 111 ra-et Kr ¡'« >. +5 75 W» ('irrte:l'a e: e.Piit Y cl-»- . Alta «ail, Vii ',. »b Ii» » 13D0.B11B b.Oiy.bx 3 37J<71 50 !âlrnvdi.Ivic« . »i U rt .

I»n I.iyer. rr.., B.S 70 '»175 Alrnnedi, ».ir'y «. »k 9 *( mr»M«. Zatte. tr, '2 a B) Ati, .i.i. »!n-le.i... îl « I«nrui.. Lfeliorr... * lonllHW. fkm iff 611Aln.oLd» I.«t gt'.'t I» a<»RA N.Tte AA natkati»n-«*'t'. d «ai loarer for tbe

n e- n-11 end ermmon ri"» iii*« whl . prl^e I* .»Il «'Httloed;tlie»«;e«aie 6'<M' bneh. red etoorhera at «V 0tBnBt| Siud"wMlaeeO., »20>»l0»tatlaAetl> rboipe; 8'»0 d >. »»»udnix«d Wf.terr Í2. und l.flfll do white vA-*ei*ri, B*. 8vei» ti'iD »id in fair r"|tie«f 'he >*ei »r« 4,'fO htiih. a». ¦' & .:

Sri £*f 4 fiittire r, rr.ty «il dnli a'IR'/'Ir. f.r t'a'« aid 5?*.'4e. t r Ohio »ni ( liieego. Berley U very quiet «t * îflrfJ-118.t'i il I« le. lever 'Le »urt-'V "' ¿"W i« ve-y large and tb « de-rrai.d fn-exicit rooflírtte fo the afa«neeof'he aiU'a mtil»; of 86 .Uli bin b. »t 80*8.5; f ir Jerrey yellow; 89^0fc. fo.-S ullem elo j We/!«', tor Stonhern whf-e. »nd 97*H7J forAV»nr'DiTilxeC. i-elitered. va'ijt,e (lean. are»teady; »tie« uf514» Luth, »t 0» S". I l'c.-t-yt-d Fret a r firm; »ales of-"0 bag«Btfl)Soa BWaaffl and 5(0 bush, t'ana.iiu foa« a. $1 Nk Wenute:VVheat white...*: ffi hi IR To-n r'nl wli'te-lpO if» ./ " «JWheel ('a.'.' II ii2 ill Corn, vt"n mixed.. 07 » 07,Wbeel, h'o wb....2 1< «2 16 .Torn, VV'n yellow. 97,/* 98Wheat, Ohi» vli..2 (7 t»I 14 Ba.ley.1 2u <f! aWbe»t,.MicIi. vl i.l M a: M Ott» River and Ca. 48 tí 50Wheat.«'o inxd..l 88 ai (>4 ¡(tat*. v\'e«t«r.. fj r \\Wlie»t, W'ii red..l SIC a 1 í'i Cat», N» wJer««y.. 45 a 47«ye. Nortlern ....1 28 a 1 50 (tat», PetL'». 45 a 47turn, iin»cund. m </ »2 «>«.«, Sootben».... 42 I 454 or», t>'» white.... 90 í» 0-1 Pea», black cre.l. .2 ' dCjiD.fn yeloa.. H9 V HI l'e.i, C.n.di.1 as ér> .

din, t'nd yellow . SO & 85 r«e.n», white.2 500275OINNY »AUS aie NU»«. Tt.e laitiaiei ir.ii« ». ttwaun

v»ie » l"e., 6 n o»llKMI'i'-trair» x'f rotlv'laie», and Uie eniy talet eq-kinj

»re ol Ameiiea» a' »r 75 <: r» Si for ondr-M*d, au i i :' . e ;

for dr*a»rd; itiJ.i halei. .Maci'la dull ailletlOP4.Old cor tti ne ¿nil and nom'na!; new »re raoderately

ict'v» 'he iirlvla fair ia1*» of 60 b»!e» prime Wotera at lOr/ 12c Ki»r.,m romri »t,.! ». al"c.HAY.The m.ikrt I» buoyant; (be »e'iand qnit* a» irifiu

ibipptvi Ihr- »jiivl» are !i<ht; »ti»» of Tut) b»lea at «.».*«. i-KO IT , »ad f" tie city at 4-ie/ifi 12*.HONE1.Cula arrive« »|«riii.r v: a few io'i only tor homo

eeatwa¡ft aa have lean ¦*¦» all OJflfiHIDES.1 bo deuoLti conlinae» «Aima'ed, mn*'.lv tor fat.rt

de iveiy, «r,d the piice« ch'eji.ed aie Iu ly up to ti¦ ,»« ptid a

i.n.ii. ».,.. The rrri.lpi« »ra »mall, a«d tbe »retttr part «.-. dpravkurl). Pt'e» of ,'HII Blir,,u« Atrr», p., II..».»I J.

(«Ab. Tbe »-.oekie &,«*», leeludiiig 1,1 * Attic»-,. I4.7"0 Aiij -.«¦

tar«, 40(' Pott »u l'i.lie, 2,37,1 (a-tb»g-n. 7>> « h«g e« 1 **»iVeit liu«, Ii and 2.4' 0 .-¦.¦!..-. ui .i .-« .. Wa

n.l<2(,/7 2:lt, »»1 t'ih.a; a eor'oCabelbfbooked)?* tt .BinO , 2' a-a th, oo..»A » Dry ácoihtrr.. .1« n |7B. (, und B. A Or. B,- S U C. enta Bqfftlo.1t|t' JOemhte.- ¦ 18 <'«' «I 1*4

Uiino>.tt\'rt 24 Ctlcntta, dry.. I t.ufa»»r.i l«. Ae..«n '/¦ Ca!r,,t't dry«a't»d. S5 ,i ¦;

5?.....- d eir.ili ., l-'e-a T.-...-H | fl«k.Atan.i-ra«.. 0 .*] S.A.Hor.e, I), and O.S* ÍÍ1I5Poro Cabello (di-ect). 21' Si.NLIa R' bbl.ft.lL'. late European aJvicei have de-

rre.x.-d tht tmr'et; taithifeua i» cS»red at -li.,a 1 : »«tI'ni » at »lie.IKON.A firm ma kit; tbe <l-0Bid fair for Scot, b P'g at

»Slitf 32. the le'ter puce f r favur.te mark«. R fiu^d [-Jt» ¡.i,iidul aiid at our auctaiiooa. Eag i»> .-bed 1» 'car;e, p«r!i;u-i».lr »irn1-f it '".». W»aaw»iset.h I'n »a..» ¡' .it 'J2 Bar Rut. N. R.e-,'. _>

1 ig, >ui No. !.. i;9 tta-liar Sw, o.-d-»*.H 0 a, \ \I'i, Am. ecru...-a 2! B ,r, Am.. iiV.... 85 V »V»l'a-, Fils tw»*...iro V«]f5-|Bar Kng.rttl.. Cn _& C2.Bar, Ny ,lifk...l"2 IB0J-Bar. Eng.,***¦». «55 . à 57 V»Hm Fork Sirr...KJ Hr/-» It« Ita] Id-1*-Bar, W.B b«n. S» .« Sbe*t,Ku/.* Au,.. 34* 0,Bar, Kur., pel... BJ _a 95 -1JNI/iOO.There ia «til » poor «fpply of «ne »ad média«*

gride«, while loa r-»'li« are riiet ty ; puce» .re firji. with . faird- ihm i »-lei ff !P0 cte.U M.dra«, Lere ai.d tu arnre, at IflfjMe., »m « f w Berge, at «-1 25, 6 moaI.F.Al'.The n aiket ia «irtedingly quiet, hjt h^',der» main

'air (heir peiaituo Bar Lead lo.l» at 7c., and Pipe and fibeotRt i4.C. diirarnt off.LE Allí f R.1 be market ia very fir.n with a» excellent de¬

mand for the ». aion eh «fly for lb« E»»', «,ud ih*

(»a» ti iiu»<t »id tl e . rk «juite ai'.derate. Th- re l«'»omethi''*doii r iu E.iith Sa ted Mierptkia«,

»nd for the «»aton eh eflv for tb« Kit', lad tti« »t ck Igb'.an 1M .¡ule 1« muí h iedu <-d ft» only kind tba' n plenty it If-«vy.--'-«.---...-. -«. .»-J--ate. Th-re I« «omethi'igbal at low figure*. Wequi le :(i.l (»fr) Light.prr.ra o>*i i'»m r.'t n.-eo, p »aOak,Misal«.M «M "em. Md.,R F Ad A. ft »UOak, Heavy. «'I Ham. Mid. Oriaaxo... .32 rfi\Oik.ldiy hii'e).»I «28 Meralcck, Heor».2», .ilOtk eoatb Light.21 i( »2 Hero., good diui«ged..l^ a .JJ(it», P. A. w. Malle,'...-»! /7 2R ll-ialfH», tfpeer, in i'nII-n. t.'t « u.ABA-l Bli «l«n*h¿er.K ?2SLIME.Tetnaiket I« rjnlet ther« ia now I'ttltoreot- ek

In fun hard»; iait lalcaof coi'i-ioa Ktckiao. at rl, a»d Lumpst s)l hLATOS ere'y ir.jnired f r at pr»vion« prie«.; sale* of

i(.' iio»t *1 «e, 9t «»)»LI MI'r.R -tatttrn Spruce and Pine I« lira; an of on»

cargo «t »It.MOLA8»«r.8-New cn j. New-Oile.u< baa bean In fair da

rr.aadiL.i priée» continue to advere». F..r;ign .; iall'.i*e ara

very acaree aid w»LUd; ulei of 4>0 bb'a New Urleaaa at loi47c , clotiog buojat.liy. vV«av»t»!N. O. raw, \ gal.4.5-/47 Cuh» Mu.ccvada.4! a I.Ponn Rico. 41 i/IJ l'util Clayed.3» MTrlnld'dC;b». 41 (J'42NAVAL «K'RES.Spinu Tnrpentin» I« mire »etlve and

ud pie\ .n«. trie« are iu»t»ined; a»l*i i f 4/0 hfcl». at 41 'ill;»b th* eu-Ida puce m »bip.'irni orne; l rude I» .lu i aidYti\j «t th« ab»t-m*Ll Common K'iln 1» Iow»r; i.'ee of IjtSflbbl«. atV'Ct »t *l 50 k> »if» m. Otl ve.-ed Wblt* la qn:et, andfin» grade« are M-.ite T»r i dbn anl ibe .» ea onlyialat» forIon.e citnm.p'ii'ii. We qu t«:lurreitme.»ft M. f< {h. P bbl.12 00, *

C. u-ty f'2fClt*3 CO 9 - I»-*!», c.m. b5 1 »J |Do. Wiloin«'0B.k!>3 OS » _, lOo. white. 2 f»0 ?'. 00Tar PIM Kip«. S 00 if |Sp. Torp.)'ct].. 41 a 4tiT»r, TLic. 2 fnirS MNAILS-Cut ar» .tea-'y at 4t- eath, a.-.l 4Js. 6 ma«. In

W rt u,bt we b»Te no chinge to note.OILS/- Io Fn,mh I.i »red nothing o'mement htibe.a dsae,

opeialeti waliin« for 'heir litter»; wool» :ot« ar» qaatad »t 90slu m n. re. it» ti. a »re «a«l. »' '»vJJ«. (rade A/ha.a itf-'iu ut qvi.t at our »mixed i.noiBtioL». Rafiied U In i'»irrapplt K U i. ;'.e :i B. Cio'e SpumU held above tita vie vart n «i b'tc'Bren; la.t lale» »I *' IA L.ri Utet-cs, .id *1 f)5ha» beeu paid fur inin.« K«t 1 VA inter. Olive 1« dl ¡J at » I-4)h (]U- t». *'e quoie:Olire.Ubk.f),« «VI -:rr.. Crude....* if | 81l *., .:»». f> 1*1. -, u- ¦'.¦ >»'r q t J.. .«fl» ff ¿ .. »I«. "..«w m$mthmi.,.t l»4 111L'aa. f'-., !. «ii.- '.-' x - Kl-|b.c- refli ...- n. a. astie» td I ».c... .- . ... 1 '5\\ « .- »fl ir- I Rea i u.^-(,,._ 7iWor. I f.nrd W .0. c »21OIL C*K'-Tr.e«t id» of 11 Vi'd» n v-r, m!-r-.t -, an I

p-.ein- «ciiethbi n*foia«J. Fb» law Balai taf kV'tv.e»».! .'^ia' 11 : | win n, . tt B4ttvv*tf t '

. XM « st -1.1-H'.,*-'.-( *«'. I», fur on t>r»i«ot »t * »"»..'.PaOVlSIOI l.Tfcl io!. ilt'evaiiatni, u t.r F *\ mvl.'.

lie 'en »": I» t»,rf..r b I» tie here. 01! hv* ! wi'hror.H. ,ir- I, '«rtebilda*». Tb* «.>! «re 1.4, C ht- 1 t *¦ 'rM Me .a a » » B» Sur BWW «t ' »17 51't.r P,l.n«; «.'"iPCrA i-irt P ¡ins kl» m ; «Sri .*! fj» ' ,:.T luemded i j he aa. mee Idfuh'e. cry PllBB* Mea« «'ur tbi m,f» ¡g v ry al»21. K.»l i» qsHe hetvv.the arrie»!» f».f «ud ta» de 1 tn 1»io;erite; »»¡«a of 2w" Bal* .. ».*»!. fat «Wtxalry er.:j*»H-6.4<I*-I2i; rdt'.Me.«,ai.''7»<l»l«a5 «or itmit \lt«!' 14 .*« P»l*»f r r ("i ied t-t.ntgo. .a-' »Mtifar rrrido t »M.etl» plenty ru.0 il h*.»»v »t *..,aö»>24. Br,f d.iu» ar« 1 it *»

«t »14«7»17-thel»tt-i p»ce f't ei'.ra Chicigo Bacio '»a.tiv«: the «j».pli i>f go-d k naoirraj..; we ,ri>tel |tfl»l5(¡iten Ham« at» »t.»il. al .'l<è.fle. Pi:kl»I »|r» a are dal'aa»a«w*» «a»»te firsnt.»de»» »J»*t li»àiic f.rHaai«. Ataeuf ¡«hti-l» dry «altad Slmalder» w*e m»d« a j,»tie of'ha teet'B-an » xfie j)' pr!, *. Dr-., d IL f» are ia da¬mme »1 8|«t«c. La d iff'u'I atidljwer; tbe itm a n'VVe.trr« »rel.rgeri ».1». ot ("i »b» »nd t< 1. »t 12. ,;|îj. ... I |e..-.^le. Buitrr i»nre v i"« .« oad u heavy j eaJe« of Onlo «JP#;23f. ud S^te a UVA: ther«« ;. Letv, ai* 1,» ;i»e UfJ^lMo. f»»«.i« ¡11 f»i." deinaad U 22-iiV. p jagaa We

ÏH te :.-' Vew.b'lwlf N "'i I« ¦t.arO.O. ..¦».:... i;|«_ u,

leo a v.1» .¦ " "' ''.''',' «"«alSa- K . I - HI». I ..ri. 1-w 15 f>la "¦ -."'".'í«.. Foro» t-.. ¡i in jli> on 'B»erH»r. i7k,Le Fi.n»e t tt M «» Bit M "0 »a.» 4. ¦ |. I fj 12Do Pr M»»»,:r». » ( .Ht« R»»t*r.Oi *« Co 5«.IffP rk M. nw bbl 1» 25 <t-D»fa r «o pilm« T. .*- 27I' I »u.netr. 22 (0 a-De Ohu. _ ;7 j_ ;,

. Frlir.r t. w 12 51»4- »b»«wi. BAff) - II)» Fr Mrt.,0. I' Mi .1 ("J Egg», »y de 1.... ?> â- UPOTAIOKS AND irauNIf #.«oacrníL««« «oodaBe

Fute.. -

r j ra F._e «ad Hys-akinJa." 32

»Ltr«.Aak.i toachoat. Cosa... 17v.llO -daod Fib«..t8v?22

.o red'v U ar-»-aB»ed »riet. Ikej ara lelltag al 01 í***0 il fer Jvaitem Redt; 01 W*tl 71 ho» tl-»e«r«; aad 0- 76«?. Wr Cae-er»; Sweett are pleaty tad are «all of .»le »t

«1 r 0**1 M*y ebl. Ta nipe e_mo»aad 5«d7-_ f-r w»i*e, ni

7S- ij «i !: - RainaTKarv- 'Iiaeii »n.| Blaek« are le -h 'ni' rr'te» »r» firtn, aoJ

Bxrlv»li .imt*...!. Wg icptat oa.r q»'»:..air. t. ,<__ool oa l.a.go.}va\i

«««/araeeeeaad »air-e-ct l*w*»*t aad Sote-n -...>" -Jr

Caaior -led-.l8a_B~

Taei. r« l '.u r . L. .J4«Tyoh.a.T ka*- and May-_Btekt'dg.-nSO-S

( argon. Saoeior.»"37FlaT..»o-ttKai,afin*.*i>3_ft Kit-a .« o«....J.J7Ctrl tuard "ire.!. »-"»5.Choie«-.»»'50

nvtofi. tOM_MB.I MffSSSS «ad r\»oaa_g»i»d». 'Cosbibob.5-27Cetgo *._ Sooerlor.2- « .7|Sag>er»_r._9<"VF',«.38»42lru»a. -

iitrt foi«.*»*-!. itatra Fia«. M » ao'i Flneet.Jetf«" l'r.-i. "i» an' Fie».t.C7.Í-5

voirie »vto». ' Pooakoo« aiugapora....!««-'Caat-n Bivie.'Ftf-Î «-«otamoa.2.'if»-4

1 CoBBcoo Targo._WM|G_ed aad lHua.2>---7!- »e«' aad bep_ru,r.21» r.,Aak"l Nlng e'-..17»-

i f -e .34Í38 <Jcs.d ta. Fine ._»'X-2F.-naFIae.V9*h\ >r»nge P-eco...Vit-Cari osssd Fireet.«se»» Flowery Peeso, Corn.... BSSO

»TSair« alii AiDTwaHAV. K.owtry P«ecri, FiBe....Sóti.¡spa-o.oit'd... lkw-1IhdkJ-Tr K-*vti » ari «jei.«.: »i * 7f) N Cti-

c't. .' It llao ..uiat at 0> 37..p,tr-*a_, fî.rn D»rkei with e'a'r activuy; the ra-..ipr,j «re

fair: «'ruf 2-0 tel a'4|_.V-Siii £S.H aelee er» on» tu a mcSerate extent; tome S80

l>»;t Pimen'o lola M 'lu .--.h u boj-.ani 20t)at ¡fie. du'y p .il,4" bJrcCirtti l 1*1. Ile.. . ( Bttt Tana a-Joe, «Ai btgtT'. -t » r »t lie 10 fit's Na'rneg« at '**. 17..;:., and 10c»«'« Mac»1 V.-9*0. Weqii t»;( »ta,», Ir. rot . P m..-" i . Pepper, S-irmra .... Il *in _rr, Race. »|4J 5 |P..j«nt). .»-_. le.ab)! iMcg«..12 á 85 cl-vt», ica»r*i .i-S, _* 14

Nii*m*»i,No 1. ;SOAP.Ha'«tbive been mid« al*IM Sote« C«Stils a* 1013)

HI«, wet».y al iba former« ro trii-s.SPIRIT.-'-TLemarket 1» dull, i.r.oet one-anted. By anc ion

' tc-d»y M ; -.-« Br»n-v a: |.M3B.t_t 4 j do. M B2 76i#0285: JC0.S28*. 2 tipei On, *1 35 14 piocha-on» PortoKc.i RasaMMe | I do Ja-iaic« at #1 SO; 1 dr.. Igtet vlhukyat #1-74« pilvve »ale; «al.t cf Mr pi pee He ¡uni O'n a' *> SOa el Ml '.0 pu.tLti._i» Ja-Oaiei Rum »t #2; 25 St i r i. at

njwBlMl 10 ác.i cb M»'t «-hiky at «¦ 80 f ; I «SOM LTl H it in imtll t-pply »<.*¦» in view of th's »rt

»ej, fiire it e6 37., h m »

II ARCli-Ptarl iir.eidy tt 8_8jc. Po'ato >» in deraand at! u ; ic

r Al T.Tit m*rk't ii irrein'.a.. ?ack it in good re;i*iti*JtStkrr ItSBtt »vhler ar.e II is-- r. Tl.e .-; »I a-e 7'<>0 htith.Ht-ilre a» a traen ni.« 'han 10 |7,nic hi h. TV» i Itland M'. an'1,3'0 «aekt Alhton'i to a rive a-tfi 47f We qo 'e;

,i.i... .». r i....- ti 'd- itS Ute».P o.i«o..-9- 26

I. »t-T>" I.BrOOBd .-P ".rk..- N '/-'.Lvejprvl, fine tthtot'i.f.eck.. I ü 1 1 4«I. verpor.l.Flne, *corfJilntton'«..*> SBsk«« 1 3" <* 1 33Li«. Fin», elfreyi A Dt/c-y« ..4>.e.*k..-_) 1 30

*>'! Dh. 'bo triBi-ctioai iu Co*«g Seed are very light at

l?KMS)e Ti-"itrv itrt.l: it t-' "1 f -f ! IIJ t» bn«h. loosl,.>M OfM «W tes*, af M-k Li'i-

. ec I» q.i«'; ll»t ta> cl l.'a.fii'a a I.' IB 11 \~ t a k Ca-.ary.-ti.rii laetoi *7 eeioiiuiai *2 7i, ar-d 5 keg« at 02.7J

P 1.- ih.. iin.e.sM'sR'v-Afttrdoaasad tRo i

v-1 h . 'let t inpplj the tr«niec-ljat tre only 21 u(0 !ti »t li. x

Ik. n»h..-I'OaP?.Or. eery »ra.'et »ir.r il.a wetk may be qni;ed .c.

hi.ter mUi t fair i.em«i -1. Il x Banisara; prlcei, ifm v'.li "g, B rrrl» «ars». R' rin-ci g i."l a.-' la n. er«'» leinandt'tnlpriif» Th» J1»»»r». Stua-. b»v» a- «..-el their 4.1 ta-

torejr. tr. f.o»f »-.afi'cind Sugar tr. i ic. on ( rriiio.- ei_d(IcrA Criifl.ed. for which ».« quotatinn». H» et of gOOohd« ,

noe'iy C«va Mu'covtd", Ht 7t3£.., chiefly at 7á7,c. »ml»f. *. Pnr*o R'rn« 8e. Tie arri-il« »r» veiy rr"ai»r tad ttickmitl1. A etnoof Tiinld»d it aow leot'lni. W» quote;Pt (r ix. f U'......71 Bl. Ha»i_ii», v.hite.N>» Or> in».'["Ht Harao», drown A yellow.7 ti*( .be Mu.iovadi.7 tx8 Bi >_1.. WiP. »10 R'eo.7 rr»J *« ntr»' I Cnuhed... 1"..;e'La-tt»' Dtiil.i« ReSued Lo»f,4P lb.VitIt tria' Il a e Bräi.e I Cni'hil....Motit.' I'"i R't ned Oionnd.10 O.

s A '.TPL1 ij'.ite dull, 'i'" sag» etude gold »1 a sktdttimrlSc. 6moe.TIN.B»»eal«q'i'et tot firmly he'd at 31J 5 cash. Pateta«

Irai with «a »tilted X Bt *1f) 5Íi. 1'"rne l'ntet ae n it pie-.t/.TOI'ACl.C'.Dome.'lc Letf i» qniet, piicee Arm; Foreign i»

in 11.edítate requ»»t a' ful pii:ei.; BBBBfa« nred I» iaae'.iva;»r 1 . CM ¡fictive; ealet fox th ee .laye of 80 hhJt Keatncky tt

rlOlO«.) 1Ö0 tule» Havarie at 2.U.Í7.. ; 80 cue« Siedl-af at1; j 4" c»'» K.i'ii la at lOMMs., aud 2-ti bile» Cu'o» oa

t rni nr.t ti»r.»tirerJ. We qqot-:V trl-.. Ltgt... f> Ü) 'i 8 » Mannf. med 5» »nd Pi 14 »16Keitocky.t'a.i ,Mtuaf coin. 5« and tl 10 -M2Atac.nC onty. TJÍ.3 Maonf. ceed. 16».1« 7ol2riHl Lonjiigo.tO -915 Mannt, suit, t-.t.10 012

C«ba.W -"-3 Ma-nf.'wUt.kt. Nc. 1.16 320Yvb.M MM ¡Manif. BNo.18 »22

H .«ana*. «A Wrao'a'd) ©I'« Ma.,nf. m aiedlnm.4 ¿ti«F oi.Ja wrdppc.1.II '. .¦" iMa.uf tb icaiuaoB.... 10 312ê>t_]»er. «1../I5 .Munit', fa.1«.14 a, ¿iMaxraf. No. I St »ad 8a 17 229 Macnf. fndiaa twitt...l7 921WOt-L-Lit'lo actnlty it extort.d till tf »r New-Year.

I'tir.i »ppe -r well au» tai oíd. H It »1« do not nlfer th-ir »toe»!

». Magst, baying cOLñcence in the fttnre Salee of 3i,WO lbFíete, ivt S2'í4lc.for corrjriiin to 6n». PaHe.1 ii tirn the lup-p y qoiie notW»'« ; laVi if ',0,100 ttl topar »'31J .35c ; extítat Sfc'.'. If. »nd No I at 11 Je Foreign i« drill. yVeqnj'e:A i.-n. an.'ai. F. 4-' i* ll a 44 Bo ... r -r» Hin- *...'*D.. >u.l-'.¦L.<,i>i»rlni,.40 -2 4a ,t«onth Am. Lnwiuled. a ft iDo k »id I Mein,-... S3 j37 loath Arn. C irdive... .5J-Î..Do. Nitlve »r«l i do...SI î7\<2 iFa« Inli« Wathe5...._6 ai»Sif. pailed n.autry..3l¿«..>5 African l'owruihed .... 8 31.Do. 1, Polled Country.;i. ÍZ32 Afncan Wa«hed.18 «.¡0hxu» «o.38 fi'' |Mi'j-r.» Unwa.hed ...13 al4I'ernvlan Wat» erl-M «Ml Sr.yma With d ....21 -i»Itlparaiiro l'r.wa«hed.l3 ..-M IMexicao Unwubed...l2 314.Bo. Am. Com V>athed.l2 a 13WI1ALF.BONE.We loam tf no movement ; our qnotatioat

are .on «-what r.. n mal.SA INEe.O'.ly a moc'erat« Iruiineee 1« doing; pnce« eontima

Mm. An auction »a e teda» by Meimr». 'lerard Sell« u g «eubelow. 8« o» t f 2 710 cate» t'fai.t at 02 7_BOS '¦<.¦<' e«».«

l'.ini'teUi l"0 do. Port ¦« «I »1.1*1 .as-, IIS«r. eaatiiit St.euy et k5c t/AI 17; 2"0 Sweet Malaga at 77J«-je ;ji< l/ta. Ch»m(.«¿ri- a: t>:'/«il4 6 Bo« By auaioo-.V

»ight c-tki-Leriy at $91<x|Ul'j; j do at il 06; o qr do. Me¬dí ira it Bl; 4 do. Port »f 01 "1; V 1-16 ck«. do.t fl )'l.*l '4; 18» t.a -ee C'aier at ?: ¿Srt*5; .' hhVi P r'atg-1 e' .. *1 et; lliqr. caiktda. «-1 «4<;«1 50; In a»e« .Madeiraat 031 l| 1 puncheon l*-!.. «, 01 13; a .il 41 catea.--cl . ¡r- »t i S.

V. if SKY-As merket rewe'I »tionli't an^ pricet »re eaeier,»Him'- allmt'el dem-r.i; »ol«» of SSObblf. »t 38'. «or libio,. bd ti ad;'.' for i'ruon, the latter pries with »hort tito«.I»..d|i ..I a; ¦<-. ¦!_.-

wew-Tork Cattle Mnrket.W f. >K LT R F. PORT of receipt« and «ailing price» of B F. K V K ,,

WILa. COWS, VBALCALVU, BilKtP »ml LA.MB.aI B'.JBWINK; » tb a caxefil y prepucii »eeianf of töeiiora-

ker. quality an', »rice of tfF>:F CATiLF., at t>e gre t

Wedneadey Muket at WABHINOTON DROVE TARD-i,44th it. Prepaxe.l every week, exereetl] It TUB M. Y.nUIURB, ey SOLON ROB INáO.N.

WBDsgjntT, Doc I'1,1855.ct'BBt.sT mets roa tiih wbbk.

Brivri.The»» are eold by the kead at a priée eqaal to thava aa %* .** tí the ettimated weight of beef in the oowter«. Theh. .e a_,d uliow, or *' fifth qouier," it cut ooaate. io thi« ___t-r -¦ at M I r n

The pricee t<-diy f" Ih will Bverago ge. P ¦ leei tkaa la«'.week ap-» tlit i-rne qatiity cf cattle; upon ail 'ht »ait« Heavenge it l.eiew loe. Fir«t quality 101 lie ; extra good CLiitt-tun beef ll|319a| auedluo. 9{ai0ç., p-oieet HBH dutfew aa'esover He or oadtr 9e.Pbicbi or » »AL tai v.t .l'alvet u-» aaaally toll through

the sear al 4 to 7a «f 0,1! e weight, »xeept thrate from oae -o«Jt «ayto.c!, ki.ja. at h:ir-oi," wl.i.h b/int «.liStoei'S0« each. If. '.'.ui. L a g'l'.J many " gt»«i ea.-.*«," I :<¦') :i.'n l_i

' ..'-»'_ §1 BOO. A good, f»t Teal lei!» often u logb at

g i kO-B.Ml. B C..WI.The p-oce of Cowl d«rer.1i at maefc aorrn

»« *tefiik« cf bnriet. On.iBary Cosr». A.5»; 4,30; good fellC.WB, «v-ii-040 ;extt»qu»Jiry. olihcalf, 045. «50.S-irrr ar.Dl.tMEt Average, ti 87: ax-ri Sleep, fSifllBann.Wsatsn Hogi, so*w--«d, irrg», «rtt qi»'ity, lira

we'iLt.rl 1'|t ; dead weigh», 11 _">f: ; email «Ixo do.,live wttt .e,i. c-R.| writhi »la-le; »til. fe.i. ,i\-' *.-i»hr, C, 1- :c ;i »I v.i»l», 7Jc8c ¡ New-York State, heavy, bve wiigit,i'[it;r.; »ed «'.Uht, "i-ffic; New-York Slate lonltlzep-'-n- fir maikft reti.lL-.g, Uve walgot, IJ ¡/ijc dead weighr,-.«tic

/-..«./'« _«( letyg rq/ .i.V.-aid« .i»d íioü'i.Art«. Mud. R'v. tía :en_. Boeti

. V-«.9.1 4 0 517 153Ve»U. US 1 IM 55*a«!-r. aa_',.i ».1.S92 12» 1,83790Wwln».MJMI 1A50 -64(«in.- 18 13 4.iBett C-UtU m e>or»«< ta-dj|e-1,77. bev1.A. M. Si i.cbtov, proprietor cf the "»»lil-«-»« Drove T*rdg,

rapt.rtt tte C»tt«e a _-_-krt '-rUj fr*tn the tolicwiB« Siaxaa:«ewTork.l.a1*»! I iinoia. 114

JJ . rtt M ..(.Igen. «.TOTtt. BECKIPTI Of CtTTLI »OB THI «III.

Aerar..!.« to r., -tta froto th« -Bveral aoaxket-piace» la 'hec'dy. » ¦' teevaa Cowa Ve 1» L»mbe. 8wi. a.AJetton'», 44th tt.'.,"12 18 1.-8 I,8i7 1,0.7I- wi . « i. ii.. f5o 31 30 .,574.O'BrltL'i.fui-i'. t:o 67 34 --

. 'hBBib>-lt-.'i,Robin»aiii-»t. 215 27 7i 4 Ml.Market hcatt, linre.n Riv. M lo 55 9) ClS W_ Icboioiitl Bii'ir. 34. . . . .

Tvle...TÍ8 13 Si.2 9,-3« 11.10TV.' ;revloniwe»k. 3 W4 IM 404 12 M 12.819

Av No. poi weeal_ityer.r.J...:.7 253 1 .15 16,_«_ 4 8-tfïeei ir h» v¡*>n T.t'f CûfU

Oar lepe rt »bow« lb« 'ncrene rf Beeve« fir th» we-k. ini1 » w - f u-ion tne v. etkiy tverag» a*. 2t9 bead, ai.i |4JBV< ' It.i trees

i',. rrmlwr a'market to c'ay i» I'.71 Letd. which i« 45! de-Ci. ate r L tie av-rige, wcJch wat 2.2.7 !o: ea-!i -Jiarke--d»y !«.¦*y r ». r fVcr-i« up m rbe t.nrnber told l»«l Afedrei^ay.

ir » r lia« t f opten et» cf 30 or *o re »re given bel >w,». .1 L-- «. .f Mats where C»tr e »re 'rom. Tb» na ne» of»a.» -r. - >.thet to«B owner« ara " t»t:ie Br.ker», who ^\1 on«amii-icn (or dxovexi or fautera.

(Hrntfiy/.i't.«« «sa A C_a'!«»....N. Y.John a. Merrirt. «0.)«. Prtril.Obi».Tho.aa Whira A Soa. 80I 1.. ii(je A San b. N. Y.Oworri.71«.Si. Wo.,.,of» lluicitnb.64J. T Atx.-r.-er. ¡ iouia."mrjo L'.ery.1.1F. D. w»i -g.V. Y.. .Oimer.s»iie<;g-M W«llt.N. Y.Beaeh i. Sndih. 3bI'M) ircri1.t«. T.«Iwaer.:»SC. '.- n.n.N. Y'.Owner.41. 'ver Hnrî A Cl-.N \ .>wne-.06Mgg .I. (iorney.t*. Y.Owner.eAj.eolt A Bete.N Y.Owoer..41J ( b i-'.^pher.Obi..J.o». H. » 1 Haut.30r. W 0w|BOS.Obi».J * II. Wil.uai. ..1.V«d A l'...romb.N. Y.Owner.J!( i ai e. (». Tee.1.N. Y.Owner.40J. be'f«.N Y.Owier.30

'. J-Im.N > .Owcer.Sti.. k »s.N Y.Owu»r. .. SI).C s .Oeear....IM W. tita..N .o*n»r.Jfl


v. .. 1." 30AWrir Ur. .1 '.Owoer. 51BBBl.N Y.Owcer.4T»e-.N. Y.Owoer.51>»J-« -. N I.Owner.I"

. O S- .N Y._llvr-l.t«. » .-'......Olio.I). L. B-l'lro. 49

'. 1 1 A T.«! r.Ot*.W. H. Heide.. SIW P Bral/.B.n. Y.île -g« Ay-ail'.78> i.i.r ainig kOnniej N.Y.o «.r.48..»o.a. T-ffev.v. Y.'iwoer.61

/.b \. klein't.N. i.Ooaer.MW F.Baker.N Y.Owner.«4Fror caiefai f xamtcat-ra »l« ike opioioo» of al! tb» Cat'e

Br ker». we have pot tbe average pilca of cattle do wo Jo. a frl,bat it '» advaalag* *- ^e buy»; it o-or« -p.- c--___oa or aaa-

«tara ceijtly U>»a .;< i. iba b»»t- A gead *«»?>" ff b« l«K«aaid te de* a« lia. a»d apwud »al »t wa»B»»r» dirneal tn effeet

g-tc» raie» ai fal nilssalk» ai w.i,n» l»aa il wae .«#i W««-*J»»'da) et.d ».. '.r a» we eWd .«die. we -.a»l 1« a do m-rket VT**

we al bar to-tey i» ja»t »* Im a« e©»!d 0* deetred, tBoogh (ad'ca

luit» of a i oiui ibta-.rrvw «j« »Lmiaiakave. Notwihl«"it« the h»»aty if th. »oiko, »Se »t"u'a»c- of h» eh wi d>e»act »«» m t». k» .arge, »xieret a tltatatl went «^ ul oo* pooraaéa*» aw», aacâ »nd wcalè !.. j a ve-y p.¦,r ni! or iii-ee-e>!od'X »e th* r-r« wae lew eeaaih. It la Uii» *nr'. of hei' ocl«that lall fui 8c il h d, wt.i.» aav oae «bat II fi at all tolutter w.l. r. i Ja ¡(V it¡r«e bat »re really ,aod retai i.|ke»f ttl 1er 1< \a lie. eerrrr.t.

J Cbrtikiphear k C'i had At head, the bal-», t . t the Puf n-

berger riere that »o d fot n»arir Bi2» a bee* We ». t .--d .»ale of loor remarkably fio* fi-ir r»»r old Derhera», a« we

Uotiht* tnli »ver*|e »f ihe I«. ¦» e»7'. .. Caaflk la afBrtx.ll». whitb h* «itio.ted at jeaf I.e. Tbi« wat a ceetlower tba» tb» «»me «ro»» red for lait weak.Jo» H Wili-ma KieliiígadroTei weed by K. W. Ovyne»

. f Midi« n Coun y, Ohio, froai an ftrm ti owner o»

»h- above, »bei wi I »venge Baa** »9« »P-<b «he Krjvt of 01|.«d. Ihey at» »1¡ vaty baad*unu iteen, ge-er-lly foar yeer-e d l'»'bam »raee» - .

1 White A »o» »re et-Ln g . dro/e owue.i b» Jeme« Pemil,tnit' u« good, but »mal «i«\ »t au »ver«»« of alón: lue. fjr 7tw. kaltssk» ,

Both of ib»»*«trete« fr?m ObU »re good but we r.»U3«t «ly»i aoeb o» tb« two next rein wat I «»¦.

there« MoeU'i d-ire. D. L Beken, ralrfean 49 b»adfrtm log*» O. E« Invt'd »verege, ret weigh*., I am ;tht islet «re *t fa 9s f !6 s»ertf . p«r n«sd »5 ThaMtit-

t.»l«re u o»»'» eo»niob «TaflB^BvBBBi |*n.r*ily in very po.r coi

iÚolyC¡kf%yi't's drove. W. H. Beiden, i.iet-ni.o. 51 hetdfi.w, Lfiti Ccuuty O. E»!imt ad ar.rage. uet weight., ti catai d net«» ter h' ad. »5 t Iheee ca tie are of the a« ne «uar-

»«uro' ttoee.teov*. u.d fótm d one die«* coat »13 perhead tru.ipor-a:l..n »2 25r.o.u,bti .n. and »80 for a it.m pedetniot tie pe" »'.*¦ M«d I:'"r K':ro*4 mto ,oe ««»wmp.«,»,.,wner.«.Y«uiUoiiometa.No dcubt it i* pvrti) owitg to ihat, hnt ibe fut i« toey n-rar

we-eln fi* c r.i-i'n f't mark»', M..I th >tigh «Id «. i |b*s.«cwt.fti, snUMy, tbeyate w«l: »eld, «ad ue.r uit»,toth» pn'-

ehNe«h«omfcrtr»n«, who tooght the b.t oi them., s.:? 1 he

1 o'o*' AyVia t ka« 76 from Ontario Co.. by Wei P. Shelloe,trice tfwtieh are ex're good, lo vare bought of ¡»ami Aller-íoTof WajBwaTaat .ll«--âv« weigh I, A'bany 17CWL.6»old it il1?; 1 ra'rat »III or lie The « t* OiwaM.e Padlite, hy .» l«r- Otbw bullick«, Ighf and cim.iioo, IBM at 9t*''Hwiiey Bartram ha» 6« o .' '¿»"Ion kit.» of esttl« frtm W*»J>

eheeter l jut.f. '.-.«.-. I'd oxen, »112 each, wLich I» II«, Iti.aulu-Venat »si « *.i*1-Kc . ...._. .

TFon »» D »w h«« 29 from Pntnim Coutity giod inei. >w buleek». 17 oí which «old to Jjhn fctvil« at »33, »»timited byln\er andielei ?l errt.

,,,( teilet O icei, 4C of tlieíame «rjl», f«--e « in « i-i .-.hte er;

12 ».V »»Gen Mawi for »'3.30 were fltttrtt».« .¦ 1fctte-11- |)M D. F fnrnell t 'and fp7>ed, »tt» «sf'at .«}«BCi a.nchor»! lfle-t J»o AbW, ffttfl», w«a aboa« 10*.

t'u v. r Il'i'd a Hoifm«n h»v.- 4 goo.1 lOu'ch*«» Ca i-tey it »ek..alUavBI U-'illc BBw ».». 111*1 "M'"IH1 :-"jC* ju. »'s».

v.i'.'ne (»air !:.lbj Shetjtieid of Armenia, i.nd I» .V.u.' y"'v "n't tb» be« of 47 etme lort of hone ft J

¦isyakaUUj f#laJâ.ltx.,ro» ..-r. k* . . ¦. «a ,,,,.in» Vn,¡t to!'-, eral o-t th*.t«ii«i let-w-eg

I C Prail hi k« tl" T»'irt d»(id«'l y w r etht.i **'./*>*«,,. jgh'.« he I» ee-¡i..» rlret-rate b-ef.*. l"à.|Ni\ IW» noticed an

... (or 8 head, wMeli .¦» on v ca I. d 10M.« e»e-l-.hav-'0Da..he*«( ,'».'" ¦

,,f »li ch er" v«r. extvll-tit;Ot)al<i of 12, fe . bv W, A. It b t«,do tiui « «it«. Six »" d to A. 3ro«dw.y at « 88 we c-.llI juatlie weienge-idmea' ». aar in mirk««; I ur to Keim at * Leu..en 1 <c .nd four t> Chit». Owter'or »085, were eitixiitiil at., rwt »*eilltWOe Prt'iall. »2t2 10 cat."»h Ka'lv heil «orn» of hl« extra grat» Beef, intit "f wh'«hWe-e'ct r-.i !!.- '.' BO» I 1» mark-'. (1 .* pal'J.'l i i J I » 11f.r-î-o 5 «tin m-d-le*»., were found CO wdth 43 CWt. llv« Tb*e«lliriii(*oded »o »it 14.-. Ta« buy<r th.-iki heleegot tfc*m at 13.-. Oae p«ir »eld to l>. Raed 11 wlithatiSc.line 2 v«aroldIe»f«.U) John Fen it fir *ä>. One ptir «teer«tu J. CÍiDCb »t Pc ¡ fcui t H K*i|-y fjr »55» we eu:ed i3j.,«>..< iix to \» m. AI ore foi <»»P0, lifeTh*»e »re the h'»the»t aale« of the lenon, but creuottihe

tik»n n »ny ont ion of ren'ar p'tr*«.John A Mtirilt b«l a goot lo« of Vt/eitirn «tick fa'.'ed m tir.«

-.'taie »bul. aie iel Lug at lCdllC.and will p ohahli ave eg»* nL-on tre 81» head. Ten .¦ II to I'etriall. at «lie. t^e »rlleraar* .titea Wi »itr«e with h* buy* ihv 1.1» lie., hnt the*w.'ietint ,'.».Ity. On«r*rr«rk*bl«on*hii .jc'ienld bt »l*>,vhieh wi« MOOl to 24 cr lie for the me. t. WelliLgaoniumegooi Oiarge Coun y c.t.l* to b)wei.hi'J »t He, «idiom* rrugh one.» f,c.gin «ti fiery h.» the ocly 1 linoi» d.-ove, .re pietty t,ir

retairln* beef and vi'l !0c....

Jc» Hetfoilih m *Jl ing a very eoaree lot cf hrutti from Miibi-fM__s »tair tla' h.« y--r to «euii the tirtt of »¦ i id be«»*«t,, thi« irark.f. The eil vrlU averjgi « »50, whi«h i« 8*Jc¡- Jb Th») «re owi.ed hy 'Vo-Jruff, and ome Ly cuiall til»¿»v YiaCleVtUnd, in one week,at »11a bead transportai >n.

Miel! c*tt¡e aheuld nevfrbo lent her« with a hop* t3 m.tkemi ne> upon the »oiling prie« «t home.

Avis.' t A IL t gfil Durhtii-iBiil ermTori, fromMM.nt Moni» and Letter. New-Yoik, «eMing tt l"a 12j »112«aehwt« r'laieo for »lte^»nd »240 lor one pair while wewere in tne j»id.Beech A átii'h ire ie'l:o| time very rojgh »lock at Otfl'h;

»ndafew g cdatl'lc.p.n lb» c -t tf lauroad tr«L!pot ation ot I «trie il.Hro U.iart

now a gi od dea1 of commotion. At a trge nice iog of Dru ver«,Pec. 8 ai Cire'euile, Oh'o, tber re«r|v.d that

H'Aere.i« Tie New-York C. ntral an-» Krie Railroad« bavo r«-

err '!v, without prévient notlca.rii.ed the pH.-e of «toek freight«or !h"»ir reipe:tiee r.nd», t. extravjolntry an I exrortiooattreí»«, Hereby effectually pre.-'u'ing, wi'b.iu' »erioni law, anyfnitleiihipaent of ca'tie and bog« from thi» valley, by e t-ierof their root«», rendtiing it i-iper tiv« to our bet» interest«,thit ion-*(therr(iiteih:.nld be immedittely provldei How¬ever »bcrtnghted the pr«»*nt policy of Mid toad« miy »rove,the »id'ecceucf the.:', il '">'.e tie lei» reprtheniible, andiSould haefen our rndetvor» to free our»e¡vr« irom our depnidenee en tt em. Three »cari ex jciience hat »aught m tint thtrel«brt litrle r-liar.ce »o b« p'aeed up. n the tUMHl/an«!faaasa-«l.l. u »f cf their taiitfe, a« toe price h u varied tr «m 043 to »120l> cr. We »re veli «atiified toat the feaniylrauia end Mary¬land rente i« the iborter and mire net irai, »nd we it» no re--

«-¦o why it »houlfl net he mad« the cheaper ani» roott afvan'afeCUj to t.cck Di.:i), n tbit routeglrei u« the ohoLe of three mar-k**l ira-ead ot one.

Ittflt'd. Tint xi ot mote eompateat pertona I«-«to m«ko anal »eu.»lu vliu oue, i.r all of the i. irt- r-ni ilailn adi ompaniti through Oblo, P- n tiylv tn'.s and Muy and, or Southof New-lork, to cany cattle and bogt on . japtclir* roaiiwith reiru'a'IfY a d d!«pfch.Ad F'.ifcu'ive Committee, comliting rf vVm, R»ri-k, 8. M.

Baker u.d Johu lloiii», ot Picks^ty ,uutv; ( lay-pole, KaiiLe'd; rpiha Perrlll. Clinton, J. M:('nn», R .,

VA m'. Sojdtr, Fayedr; Ja«. Litdiey, Sranklin; J. «V. Robin»oc llediion, »ere appj i.--d.The Cttii.titt»» bave tpinitted Stvunur O. R«owi :k, agtit

t. nitke all the nece»»»r> uranfements to «hip «lock ovor theIwi. Soi.tbtrn rt»il». Mean'lmeweh ar that th« New-York roil«propCM to ralee aux e d. ck c.r« to »120, or * 10 ahove presentpice». All ve have to say 1« th.'. competition is tba Ufa of>>o»ln*i«. an.' w with the ca.tltDMn »11 succor*.tksy hiveg od etui- of complaint..BjTJkP A»«D LAüBS-Fvery »aleuiiui conruri In th»

r.-.iuien tlitt the ihrep mark-', i« «oo.l A l»'g* portloaofth«»t»ek ii net good. Ibe quality < I many of the »heap «old torn 1. 1. th» '. ly ii heii*<.'.¡] corrUapt. He have »tea ihre«cr h 11- tnndie.l 'rge-her wi'houi beu.g «hie to pick oat ontgord mutten. That i» at mmb the cate iu»t now a« ever Stillth.- aveitg- lale« are tint raie, a« will be «eeo bj tie

MW BBOXe«»' SILKS.At frovnieg'i-S.ninel Me J'*w.mirprlntad ImI week f.m-

uei Mc('ar(y-io.d 682 t r »2.572 75, »v.-ragicg »3 82. Tl.ii in¬cluded ene iheep at »20,fr'ruSyracu«e, hy H. W. Alvord, «old toC. P. Kityon. ard 2»t ».12i).» tiooe 3..»f»M I .fffflflfl

4. 32 0" 0. »''OO 5. . 3500Ail by the «»"ne drover. The other 1 t« ve.-*:

73.».6!2>¡U7.+ 1.5 75 »J .»IÜ97.5213. 704 1:11h1. mOflivl. 17237Jeme» McCut) «.id M fe: *.-'.:'.'; t.ogiug per bead.

i i. »It:1«|.»559 75 50.»140 OOi 3!.»1 9 00

h. 3150 -T-.... liM ea o,. 1,1 13. 24 «U 177. 730 121 I) . LIO MSt¡ a af wbaaf Bol Larrh« by Fo«!» k Ju ' I, »t Chuabarll»'«:

No. steep. Am mut Av'ge. No. obtesp. Araount. av'ge.1. i»o.afor...»740 C0 »4 00 2f8.f.;« 6 00 BJ M.¡1._ 70.' .5 I T5 20. 120 (S »i 0012«. MO 10 '31 190. 76« n» 1 t«o'. lOin .0 1*0 .-

«S,. J<8 2.5 4 CO ?62.«V0JNS g»Avsiaga ptieei» b»ad.»4 12

Thli lce cf »teck weteexfrtg cd.VF AIS.We heeret . ule «f a ;a'-lo*I of Veil» at »2 »ich

th'i week. Our reaegr» can gaea« whtt kin th.-y vr-re; or ifnot, wi- wi 1 tell tbeo of a biag tint we heard of * mllkmta In

'iiy mskie« of what he got for a calf .! !i week. Hefonrd the ralf by »lie cow in t'a m ,'Lir.r. mnkedtbeeiw it!n.iaed the milk with «he I'het in the evening pnt thtca:' iuh'»wtgon wl'b the mill, snt «e> t hoth to tht ¡ty ',..

tether; ltd vher. he «. t li'treurni he h.d 0)1 SOÍWMl cVfth-.i net.r lucked. \\ here !. our Ca for. inane»MILK COWj-For ibe ¡«tt two w»e'i» >.-» hive h* beard

ran littla ccmp:«i;.t.ot dul t »» la the bow muket. It 1«ow ft 1 '¦¦ the »Di'll au'Lher U'ivlog.9 Wl.vs; Ti M' Isa* ty ili.htce« ire :n the priceo1' Hog«.

fer InstBTB. fis O .hu-: of Ohio b.ei . drove, .ver.i'ng 17''B ef«i.e.t o VVe»»,..f'hirv-ntnth iirett- A. Mileeton*mid »,»»ing ?»«. IV it N .-, the poreheier receiriagthem it Bergen. Tbe botcaetlig n new ^ery brl-k.Mr. Dormer MbsBM M thtr heavy og. f re in g->od d»maid

¦ t qtictttion», but I'gbi begt s-tive fu'*r thia they are re-


rnin»)rl-!;e fut tu- Market.rt"|o : 1 hi the N. Y Webblv l.iii't« By Jont BircB

lVr.tiva«!)«Y, l)»c 19, IS55At Bi»,l 565 a-abent 1. -si Beere« etid ¦'<> «tir««,

sastaf tie« f vAbriie. Ox«n, C w« and Ca.Voa, Yeaj.icgg, twoand tbr-.e yeauBoid.Mt.k*T Brrr-Flx ra fVewt, »31 tlrst q'tall'v. «I; s*eo0|

t,«»i'». .>".</*» Uki i i«Ji'y, 91} CM.CtrV.»«.!; tl'le«, 'r»«wt »T|PelU *U.»I Ml; Ctll laldl. Uafic. «eRV;Bur«ika* 4 . tie. *¦ B»7 «r MBBl Vea Cave« *7. »9, »W.Mu.k. VU 11 « l/ieii Loiele» r,o;'c»d ; Cowi i-.i I alvei,

» 1,0 .7 *.r «1 »;., *.¿ f'11 $09 t.. t:t; Y..uling«,note Two Veai« Old. »B». ».- -.-: BS6I s».¡; Three Yaar«Od * .).*:«, .+ i" «Vü »ii »-41,,».i'.

Il I » (NU Lt.»«». 3.91t a« ¦«tkWl »«'.». í-í, »6, »7, »8,f :; k| let *: " +2 7", +2 FT»; rl'if |18SailB.Wrel« .»1-, «i. fed. 61c iv; -1 ¦. 7u" c » !»Ri Mitki.Tee market 1. firm tu.'1 -t-rr1- ar.d ou a the

.Le< f»«Ulir*efe ni» ik«w U a »'e»dy »d> .uc-, 1« »ii t.-a»er ty onr «juotA'i. n«. Portia on the decline ail «r^int. an»we »lt«t o'tr qnefai.iM 'o errr*-p<ind. M'ioy of te rep-rt»la »i«l weie <i per; le. r en imall ctttle, kevbat'1 » .. eike: en J ».'« "tighten W ««O» ear.e aWOT tv» e1a*l>Loi» »il r.«« 68 ¿ver the Bcicd er.d LVitrell l'ai r,.td and"1 over 't* *'»iie Fx'enilbD, loagel w!th Calle, Atieep,la c !'e.»e» -nd Fot»'».

BCBBB*B faon g»<-ii BTAffB.« t -.e. »Leap. S-rle il r -i.

Mata*. SiN»w-t'ampaliii*. SI«90Ti misail.c*v> 2,7t .. :»Mi.neiiatrt'1. 58 312 4New York.144 18.1 12(ni..tanaca.. .M I*)

II..IBM 3911 409 41

rbUadeiphut fattle »arKet-Peo. P.Tte Ce'tlr ma k«f» veaterdiy and to-day we »q-ilte briik,u,d

I nee« eivtietii ¦ il.toeoter oor 1»»' qao'alun»bE»» C.TTLL.There ver» .?*- t I ¿M heal ¡n th« pïin,

SI r'ihen. 10 d et pr'.cca rarglng from *9to »il. Tiio«««o d «t th« «lier prt * wr « » let fr;ea Ch*»ter County, Pa.She- r are reib, r acarre, î V o»ij h»v.D« he»n »Il u ftjm

«jr. *> m or fiom »«I te »-.i'»-eld: I.""' "' theee veré »úOd atWm. L Ftrbtlt'» Aver-ne Ornveysrd. 878 of vblch being ¦ l-rof Me»»r». t*rr AOreli'« Waartrn «toe», wtieb wee bfough»ca hy Perniyvaria Railired The lernte pr x for SheepdavbXff fb» veek bit beet, abtat tK.1 70 *> heed.

11. ,.» aie tn te"»e den and. and 3.000 heal were a.! 1 »t from»I 5«' 10 »9 f K0».Cowi »an Calv«i.Nb claca» in prie». 120 having h-en a -Id

»'. frtBi .--' te. O* each, »eccrdltg tc

ITilladelpKIa Marke Lb.. Wn >_-.DAT, Doc 13.TVe "i a rrarket .» do', aeder tha i- id lenoe of -h . A «it»

al. i. e«, »ed pti.e« 'eve dee ioed 25c «/. bbl. MM of I 5«9 MM»rar. aro brand» »'. At 75f» l.b'.. I cladiag e^oet Ml) bSla.-,ynvfte». 7here m a »d d«v.«*.I (..- th» rieplv ef th«r i, i.l.l l-.lal' »1 iriniMli _> ijU. fur »Mm «__¦ I« . _a

va ni »r '. qai e iitniiw ato pri «. ravor to» later, of3, fO bulb at 01 in o 01». Rvt bei again fertk-r dt-ltae-l-ealtt cf 3 c Weal, ra et tl 20, a part to raauaut .a atoraAr i fine free tf it rige, loi« ia d-'i aad lower; i-leeef4 rap buth «ood yellow»'7o.;»Oc. V but'.. Oat» aro da I «¥ 0 lie «P both, for D»la »ar», and 42c. fo- Penaeylveale. Pao-vían,»» ire <n't ipd drooping l'on Tr i» fi»« or »oder ;b¿»4,v .a« fr.u Rio. Whisky is qsict st S-dfx. f gsilea n bkla.aud i'c. ¡n l.b '«.


Me«-«»v*|W_B .rf Pn«jnre ..I>e\ 11.i> i.'"«» near, roo do. W1n»ky. i,»te

Jo P'CVUim». i.l'O b«g» O» ».Refit»» of »r.-e ,«-,.,</ .r V»ie r\»k /.e- (A* V«w I'.r» aa_

»m« *¦_./,<... for ve«A »»«.Iiap Der 18. A*V> VI« Be-rao »|.raitle. .'lite-r S t«.i Hog» j Calve« 13 Ho »-a. liaNaw-ka'tkl I Oggl » 44 Sh»ep 114 Calve» Via P!«rmo-, ¡ «», r» 9 9'o H, g«, s tal» .. futa : »21 (-«--I». 1,-Wf.r.eeB,IsfB, ll2v.«l.e»..3H .»ee

WbI-MMJ ImiiIU h9 Tf'fgrapk,i'F'i's» rw r Corroa laaa t>-*a« r,f i.iioo

l.-iie» Mido i.gait,*. Ktg Lain l«. Si caá» eai MaOt-kaaaliaa. Mai tcg I \. cent ¥rem.

MtMAffOaa alMtsac .... iiMiDiv.t « R't». 7 2" Set». ..4:*« Mooa Sot». 4.2»

h «a *tria.Tin o»».»id» *4oo».. 4 .*»> «-r» I«»rd 5 40 Hell-Oat».7.11


C lea., cd.S'iaii-iib-).« Rosooks, Bklaaor, Morí Ik. L-nllin 1 Ple_t-

tatsi A»g. ira Iiyaw, Savannah laa-ae! L. Mitchill.Ol |. r H ' utlin». Kioae I, Antw- p. Po«t, iStallti A Cí.-,

Cvi.tMa. BaXt'ett. Motk-ajtwa, R W. Camein«..Harki.Cbanticleer Pi»r*«. Voalon M. M. F.etnan A Ca ;

Mowi«i- flllIBBiy. MsMIS lliwettCo. ; Mi.) teto«, rtevary,P-tnan.-'i. o Itevn- di A t.ii-.n.eo; Cii>ii >n, (Br.i O.egary,LtVStpco',1. üe;librai;d.írtg-Ltcitti», Kyting», Mar» ¡le«, Bulay A Ca ; Roloa,

Fatcirf. C» r'.n»» maef»r; llaotret«, (B-.) Robb.ut, Y_r.h N S.McAu'lfffc yi'b-eloek L». Huutley, ( 4M Oitc.-Vtr» ClBI ». B -«xdv f.-gm.t. rK ) ürew lw«.pvj|V l ii. Fu«. ( h_rl.-«t. i DtinharB A Diaoa;

4BBBOOM.Eaatrald Cco«, Livon »i N.v ; >, mdee. aud 2'» [aie. to

lio» iilí A fcldgWtJ Had BeaVVW-e'll r «lo e c.mlui >ur »fti» f.o.tli i bsiiLel. Wat 19 .¦«. "V. of ib- (iraní dankt aad 10i\- ii n. .. wHhaaavy g.atlrsa X. .*'. t, W. N. VV. Nov'.7 let 1*> *' lea .9 trote-b'p í|»y\ Toner. b*uad E Mrjj

-r.. ott Sourb Si.oal. caite l a MH mpp-ted the Old Cilooy.bu* »yldsatlj ii.ot: .t' dur...n«. at be ¿i 1 lo. 'ai« any u iti«« w(Ciri- r< 't.r».

Ship «av«rl«, 3f ley. Hivr» Nov 5, todu. ao 1 .'7->a a, toW c-.. Wkltlcgk, ;r Bxpeileased heivy wat'ñeros the pata-age wat'2.ley« W of b.b e I- ti I.m a Bfkks Awallsír, (c IMSS, of lloat m) Oore, Fjo'how

Fro Aug M ISSS A » M order. Sep*- 2 end 3. near the Bt-.1 et t Im r. i.ticiBniored a vioen typhvou Stov.-B.iet.ilN Ion. 64 x W , »poke «I i '.'na'1«» tat go«, tttm Liverpoolf. i tTBwfhrtssaa Dee. 16 O'jrge RobLteo, a oiiit m Ka-a and,tied.

r"hlp Pm.ce'cp, Rnti-11, l.iv-r; el Nov. IS, troo »oil eiel and26 pam. tt. Va m T. Froe'. N.v 2.1. le. 4', Ion. 30, evehan.ed. .util wit), ,-ii.p il m. Fill '. n», b-mud K. Dej, 2, i»t. 41 40,I". 4'4I exchanged ligna!» witb Pr. brig Amy. feeriag 8. E.I'e« 17, lit. in 3.. Ion. 71 i;i k * M«»pil i|i l.»e|,li «Vhtting, f»BbIO-BMV. lb- t|i> iit-c-.¦; a .n a hr.tvy »«»uiertod 'evsreg. e« «pi t « . .<Ktik »i-»ini» iswed'ih) K'.'io'ai, -r. L »Son 51 d« aalt,

gnu Ac. lu I.. K Aai aim. i. Had very heavy N. W. g net.:. ce lai " »r. It it iaI'b, 1cBiig P.i.u.ti, Col, Charieitno 6 c» lamber to J. Q.

SbedoaBrig F.ur. pa, (Kr ) Fiancn Sy-'rey 21 di., cot'» to D. R. D»

Wolfl '

Bilg Vlc'oti«, (Br.)MaiMO, S:. Am*, Hir,(I»-n.)30dt.,g|.» -n to A. Leaiy k Co. Kxpeiiengea Vi-ry k«avy weather «atks |. iiagge.

Hi » Meriettt. "tr límltlt., N. S _î d» p. »»toasto OlCer.

Sehr, r.i Maas«, JasfessavOUa 15 d«, ye low pine to Peck Ae htm b Had very heavy w»trb»r »flit »s li and Ion boat

Bckr. FTtiglttS. VI bite, Jtckt<tu\i.iu 8 it, yellow pine ta-eaaier

Sehr, '.eine k Edward, Haley, Philadelphia.Sehr. Alba, Oabttn, Charleaton 6 dt., coitaa, Ac, to E. B.

PiwelL.»ehr. W. H Oilüand, Vincent, ( horiettoo 6 dt., ootto», lt..

t.K. e. PowtlLSthr. A Panestf k (¡. Wheyton B»k»r, Portland. Me.hehr. Hai in ( urr», bii-ai<1 .Mil urd, II-S. br Fptraiui k A-na,, A »xindna.P. In. Meat», (Bi )U. Kini,ey.Na«.au.N. P., 12 da. ei -Ur, old

ire u. Ac, to t. Ackeilys, hr. F< wird 1) Co lv»r. BmoV«,Notw*lk.Kehr S'.ecle, tlb»»e, Notwalk.Seit. M. II. Read. Ktlloy, 1'roridan-i«, f<», b>a»J to Itor-

f..ktelr Cm»co, F.uihiug. in »alait,Bekl N. htai>r, Uai.-u«. 1'. rilauU, t ».Sri.». Bur. Flab, R»ev». »StNga 56 da., fruit and »<ae to

\ t Bium A .-ligi.t Nov. 14, oil the Wettern, ipoAawbt'iu. lib.-. R. S Soper, from Puvlu«eto»n for CmtofAfr'ci.

.-¦chx. Itinielt Lim.»». Biuwa. Pbil«d»lpln« for New-lie»to.fthr. Sciamori Ruckbl l.ltrtag Pi.itaJel'ti t.Fchr. H. W. Oili« n, Crccker, Phila.ielphie for Provlden-o.*-icO'. >.II.« brr-'lioy, Uu.ieli, ClietapeaAe River, »hip timbtt

lolleni» V.'trren.Scbr. IV. |*. \S ili'tmt, Ireland Phi »delpbl» 'or Norwich.Sehr. Mtgr cH», leorgatreet. Virgioi«, lue wood.I ebr Rila, 1 I irvt-.i«. j.iao wood.Propel SI Jo«epb 8p«tki. Phi »delpni», mdie.!' e 1- <_. -. ti. i. t.a ,i i

BTLOW ftpt Heneet.v, of it*amtng He.eulee, upoet«having t»kea U. tow »hip 1 lur.a, Doone, from Loadea Nor. I,wfcda 15 SbilSS E. of (be Liglt ship.and anchored her at theL'wer Bay lait evening, all well. Alan hilow.Brig Oceanturd, Kovd. from Sea Juin, (Nie.) vi» Rey Weit. By pilot-k »tJu'ii, No. 15 (SAIL!'..?- Ste«!,,';'!« Augnit», Lyon, fur S irhubah, P. jia

oke. Farter, for Norfo k rand Rubuiond.WIRD- A" taat-M N. E.. with the apoeirtne« of «now.

OBy l» I. Ki-npli.

SAVANNAH Dec If An «teauithip Kl.niil», Woodoull,NrW -O.k.


Ml «IS «If IB. d-C.Ban. il. tr, (of Pb.ladelpblej K .'.-rtt. from Minelllaa

I«, nnl f. N»» Y'ork pot tstSOSeBM 18th -It, In comeq lenceu' havi-t been lunitto sa the 9tk off Cape Pal.», hr the Frenchtin apon .tip Laeonu, tr m T.m'oii b lund to Brett. Thel.b le tecelved cor damag«. but t-what ex'en'. hadnet been a>certain-d, a- i' lad b-en rn potable to had a inrtey,iiielaviig to peif.rin e:,l't<iayi' ijuuant'rie, afc»r whlib tkewonld h» repaired »» expeli''vn!y »s p teill» H»d the wta'.htrprovee t"R;peMuoui »t the 'icne tbo mutt tiav« goae down ta»o hour trier (ha coii'ii.n,'roa. Lt.« da nage received. Tat. trgo, 's i' ondt, Beider, cork, Jai-, ) u fa; aa known, wig solat all dirotged

ti .i* Jisn lUv frtxi Philadelphia for Liverpool, prrt evet i/111 tbs 3th icit., f..r the ptir?iee of taking btiroie baljtlt. le-iri ratbe crank and unmanagtbla from thi _l-» Mci-i i» cf freight n.w ca loard.ten«. LI-OB»», (Br ) rep.-tted »'horenetr Oloocuter,

wa» g. t r. Sa t) e 13'b n «t , an t-ken io'o '1.Br n. Day wikii (of Sa rm)i e.g. pert-.! b-r cable at Miioo,

near Mr me vie. Aluc», Aug. 3. »_d aailed f r S.exr» Leone Ors-paii*. i.ak.rg tadly.IclIB BOBACB VlCOO-J f f Bri't-p-irt) Caitro.from Phil»-

celptiia tor Boatun run ol t.. Sow ana Pi»» Lodge Light of th«I: li-a. t Ti.e t-.ptai_ t. pot.rjg the Cu'M-jnk Light te batin» ot ihe Light Boat (which parted from u«r mooringttkaray befoie ) tip'. Cairo S'tlVad In New bedfird 14th, aadlepciUibe vejtcl ani trgo of coal to be . t>tal Itai fb» N.H »aa siaavessa of 23* turn, two and . half y»art old. Noinenranre on tbe trete! orcart |

i-... AcBOaa Bae-lia f'oaRocHaa'. fir New-Yirk,[ui icio F.lgartcwo 15th intf_, wKk lot« of main boom an 1 g-if,fib; of l-i b, off Ci:aih»in. W«« a>to In c.mta:l with aa «S-known b«ik. in« bid jib torn, rail Move, AsBaicE.B-J.DWlB, .Von gomeiy. from S-Vaanah f.r latk,

put irto F. gaitcwa lltli 1er., with to« of deck load ot

lun.ber.L. ib« Mvere ga'e ¦*. _tuckr>ogi nigl t of 9th in»-., »ebx. AIM-

ente brcke away f. noi tue tea Ju..»e waari". drift-d f._i of tckr.Lanrel, betk inntiirg In o .*._». .1 .i.r.ah 1 Abigail at the w__xf.badly '.»it.« it- in. Sckr. I.»ur*l wa« duaagel amidaolps tadbad gleraa_t ABtCowp. i-cbr A-ticoiewat badly d-iutged aal.m k *. Iir Java broke iway from her whtrf and dnjtedi-tan it the Oiidge, ilamagii.g her e'ern. Latnartue lylag«. .i dlliUd .mo Iks whir' «without dam ige.Bru. Poc.iNot.KtT. fui. Savanr.aii for llo« wbtrh kat

L». r » «I.» re )i.« d» of Peavtr T»h Light. w«i hove off morolagot lit-, i-it »¦. Liga wif.r, »f er toAxguff ii-taof h«r Jot«lo»t>, at'l wa» ild'. g t*. h»r accbor*.

ALroj tbe 9tb init w«t quit« »«v«r«ttBelf*«C Brigti l tuw» ¿. linen we :.-tber drtrfi-J haraichir and

oeti ».hoieoxitl-eeat ii..e of the ri%«» where «ie lie*m-if»b«t Lit«-.! »r.t. wilht\e'o'/'a'BiCAN.rrii.'r». atCberl»«ton IS'h lnet.. fm New

Orleaa« fog Bo.too. wbicB put ia in «Mitre««, adeattned for? i t; u i at) »n:'ionof laid veatei, to pyr farli 8| itiSBBd ¦apttlaa muía»»; f" the eontinutneo othervjigé. .- Lr tnarleeA ilaaoBm. R<^«" 'a, fro. Aba C«ys« forl*. »ui.. wui'b pur in ;n ¦.-:rea- a«;»e*ii»e» far $1,800 oo b***r. t rv ml h-peth-retl"« ' .. '. voew!. b»r freight end cargo.t« ia-. ». r tie lecair» an! a.ppliei necettary for th» ostias"

A Fii.oT-».iaT»rilv»d »' Sivtnoali -thi'«'.. whleb bad foil-*«iu with »brig it-irk in 9 ta'b.uii of water, mip-itioo veryr»i"i.»it- in w»-ich liie tteau er Ca-cli-,. had lo»o»l-0Bt-»o»o. L. A.bttt, fom New-0»!e«nif .r i"a »rnah. Tb ttjttjkckotd'tk douhttlar ih« v»»i<-i di«eoa» ».I by the pit*beat»».ti- A* 'r>*t, aro that ite w "» down »co» after rh» -a"'**lall her. T»a »e«»e. ut c ntectwith fha 'Je^. U Abbott ».» tkaBr «bip J.l n, wbtek I.-» aloco artivad at Savaos-k.aMr. I itoiBlA from M'trl e f.,r NewYo'k. wlik .*:>«..».

aehoie at " Bay Honla Ray'' aboat llt.'i l-i-, is ek-if»4»-».ect.r» Wo rattfcsr pairlcalsta ..M

i l IT» of Boa'.on.friom Boiliya, biforei»««»!»t..v»ad lXitn tdgtitoa-n, bad h»r d-ek load reoaoved, .»¦.«be «tti f.oLd t)be n.u.b iti»iiied. B_o n.w leaki »bo»' t.».Btr. I » « |>e| h U-. __

BataBotaai Pnxt'i Tutxer ti'rn v,w-n«df..d {jt**-v»_a.»iiu'.k ti ( ointuck r-iiu«,», oo Motd-v night la4, B3«»»*itto\'.ilnlr»t/-n N.C., m i'<* i1;*i fo rep«"r; will kav» " «Trh»t|e. tap. T. rtpnu th.oo ia-, > you- . »-bore bet»»*»f'onlin-k »r.d C»pe IU: er«i u ¿^»hip William.(of ^^w-Yo ki Dew from Phie-ierW« »

.el'.h a ta g., of coin ». at f«..eo in with on Ht lagI it. b- bi<r Water v\ ch a'r*v-.l at Ra -m 1*> let. **,**.**3..l»allrg badiv, having aeea hove dowu ia a «ale****mr»r ..;} »: .th »I..! ,.; .a >-»- the. tve Met »«'[jl*the br-ld. IhetTtiln atterew. dteea I-a I, w»ve i«»»«-«'-udarr.vtd a S».m on tbe I7ib la th» W«t«r Wlioa i*JPD.w warm y tl.antt Ca -t. Cor.wey of the Www .v*,t"__2lif» k l,dn li to Moiself «tid eiew. Cap- D »ad «f«*»JJr.. ihirgUt what lty »toodjn, and ll wat bb».ng » |-«"they abacil' oed it. ix atitp._Hea-d fioui Oct. 12 in OaaoUk .»«a, at_# Utn******1»

'ltv-ti pua. N. 8 l.xt«. i.h ». tlala i