new-york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1854-02-15 …...baaaaaaebt ewier of tbt f..rm. rt'il the...

I h-Bt . ba- tt ;.< .>..», »hai . aiYV.llY N .( ibi. a*ai a , *a I iw a- lha . I,. . B V l-ave * ',' .- ...,-.. I- j Ttbattkato, , 2t .,, BMtA-vvli M W,-!> a.vl M.ialtlil* UUlld' t2Cb ,.,, !,e,lels Bt.W B | IwfoP ii i: veintnit -it easl iau.1 it ,- . aa* ga> *.-.«. Ilai* , ', ___aflM4 f a .'¦ .¦' ,; .' -1- * .¦' '..'. '.'¦ , ;,M, a l>«e>ii al for a ''**' ,. :.¦ .. i: -v.t .- : i'i ¦! I ' ' tl BtotT .'. t i.i Bl af Biafllr *.. ' -¦ " '¦' - --. ib« paata ihr ... ¦. tWa Cy- ajkg. hr4ti aii-. lat , 1- \t* la.i.eb'ivs. mptwa bill. Bto tv- -Y_,r* f. . iituilar tnanfl .*,,£., eaked iuthe.s.1....'. t -..-.. lattot r.wa frvtu B I , h»* Nf a aSar.l're.l at: > tbe;. rf _#.',.: i*-..ta Heibitta tlen'.and waa a , | , witb t..e iatei li tohr* .>.< i aartariag tbe k I :n:rv Ile i _iflil t irty aa p<Balble oapoaite U Paot aw,.. Iwo oi lutanty. und. C\al Ct * ' . . -.' r 1 ¦ a, i, atty betweeo ihociti oaa of E js^v ard l f hUl .-.rtic.tlart ot whk ¦Nth-« i>a et bj -y pank Y-ii Btherot t . .. . '. i.-. oaadatailof atrlp Iba MBtWfaflttbeDoaaaapeopIt froni rtealiag flatt fre i Ib bke rt, M tt au-i BiYteli Bjaaa bare la Ibe algbt, aod rt BaaAagaui- after iB£*f tb* v«v a-.. to 1- »oaa ot- board. Caaapwa tooabrtYJcn. ard :oS.:i Xich..tne. anJ iw tkt>rr wbtrre wo awatte thr,rairiv*l Taaii fa c.aa detcnaiaed t'' ¦'- Oaraaaiborwa ifflaewba' .l..rt of :..'. «-d* '... '"'' Tbe partlea mal __j . \ bat th. y laaghe. ^ tvtP, ... ' anj ie ha wbatevM ffker eaid tbey woal r woald gart ll tv-eroatc' '. l ., aBBfv-sd ».t ii in the cver.ii.,'. kl! tbe water w .< t,v.> nile ftrairaB!;' -We-t.ited aai to. \ poeawtion of it, aad whea ta ex.-a ct¦ e :i e hi Yoa eaa ttaaglae twoaty t £b'. ltien in tle aiiJai . f one h-udred aoi ta An soon a* tl c aaaa taathl I aa «re were ordered t a n end to tbew if paa.ibhv Booa tb Mti wbat wus g.i;.-on ar.d boiran t'lonfifij .kvkcuf. bnt it wa* i. thcta to wa tak Pn-eirlv H gaa wea dwehargad, aad froM tha bare.b»re w_>" al! t!;a' was b. r. i for taa miau'.. tha kowi-zir wa* dis. harjted. t ie Ma-loeaa *t(i:n;.e,l-l t teeead si d tbird ebot wa« trad befo.-e wo aaeooi 1. --1 Bkkin;; tbeaa r. Aftar earrletory ** -tartedand roaebe fc, a.e i:. tttt ly . We !< ft tl.e battlo uroand that B'L'bt: tbMrefora w _-,,- .. ber ll nt killed. Wehem alrer cur reflara, tbM Ibrae of tbe ;.arty were m'te'inj;. *ov .ral mulei ar.'. oxt B kilhsd, ai d one bundred aud flf'v t>v head wt: oaaflflrad. 1 thiak tbis tria will arere totket tkat ttar] .aanot go to tbe lake wfcboalBarlflf taftgl f^r the aalt." Aiivr *«tri Ki< »:!'..-A .maillandturtl-vra "ffoBnd..nih.-i'fcrni. I B ¦ 'i-'l .NortbforJ L. l*la_d. keariag ti i Baarka,' Jaly 11,11 -. P. B, li ad. fkatt ie ni . wi reaaade ujon the unmnl inore thno 4 aaaaiebaei byT-aathi B. Bartbolo-iea -d, tbe fothere BaaaaaaeBt ewi er of tbt f..rm. rt'il the tertio yal retaiut a 81 i-earai'i e ol v i-or Bf.d «< :iv it v t' nt mny. for all we .1!' civir. (LRlle it ta Btb aad aaara y< aakaaaVad 6t. Tait, MtsM. .ta.In if 17 tbcro were ti-arcely dozen wl;' ha tb piaea mw kuowu an St P«ul iu Minmaote Tt-rrifo r Tb" v illajre BOW oootola 7(0 boustf, ai d 4.TK) ii.habi'ants. Tho a:n >uut of taiabb I'lie capial at pr. t-fi-ted fn brtfitirce. in fl-IS,-00. Ia a fow yeart Bl r will be. _e ofthe luost iuiportaiit place-- on the Mi Bl lipp Biver. Mr B.W. Writbt, ef P-ftaai,tkeMrtakterwhoeaaaeM N.wYirk wtthMlM OraTi deaiei >my ininiual or i h aaaaarkrteatieafl kfjeaeerliagker to New, anl ap- ptal* tokboae wka kara kaowa kiatoTaaak forpravl oni good cbaraetei ezplalbb aboattbe wbiaken tbal tb.v -.e, re not woru nor bonjrht fyrdiagal ba doe*'mt wi-h toea '. froM the ekarga >.! acting -Bfaoparty Tbo aTafladaef thr- Malaa LawiaChieago haTeaoM- aatrd An:o." V. Threep ttt btayor, aad appoiated a C .ra mittee to < in -ii'i r the praprlaty of pattln^ eaadl latafl f".- the otber city ofrieet tn tbe ii< IJ. Tiiere ure now four raadidatie for Mavorof Cl.ii .ii;o.oi.d Tht 7WMiafltklakfl, if no chango takea place, the elcciiou of Mr. .p ig eertain Helf a eaeaary bro, Lakeg Ontaiio. Krie, ITtiron, Hlebl ran Bb George aad Baperior were aatlraly arttboat aaaa Bitrce. __¦.. tkfl ouly rnft to boaeofl BBOBtbefllWflfl Ihe Indiiin canoe In iBM the;r tt.niia_'c bfld raiged to 21a,' cO, and the value oflhe tratlic to e Jflalfl SilYcrtbonc. a drovtr, in Bttaaap-Bg to leave a train of enrr, Ofl _M Culumbia BamIroad. nenr Lflfl » tl r, ahen in uioliou, fell brdweea tli" cir- atid tbo whole tralfl ran over him. aat.flfl hi« body three piooaa. Too c_-.( were ibrown ofl' tho track, ai:il BflVa-fll oaltle killo-l. Sonnc I oys at Tahala, \h">. Ofl tbe Mtb utt ti.-il e.itne frackr-m t.'i a do;;'* tail, and the do^r ran into a aottoa ihed, pttln^' Ira to t!ie cotton, aud cauging a loss of i Biduev C Hurtoii baa been arrcaud at Ckvelaad, Ohio, ob a ebarga ef perjai7, prafwrad aaalaat blabrCaoi CuminiBpg, Ibe uaMter of the faiooaa Bteamboat Martha VSaahiuKton. Oeorpe (>. Parker wae 1 illed ea tbe railroad arnr Kathua. N II Ofl tbe 11th hflal Bl wa* atteiupting to croBttho tratk at the time of tbe ocurenoe. The u»ual aignil. were givea heucc uo one i* blataexl. A bill ha- l>een introdueed int.. tb. !.. g-lfltfl-fl of Ken- Mcky to prohibit the aaJe of tlare children uudor tbo age ef five years geparate from their motbers. A joker aay* that tbe cor.N af wood giren to the poor are re curded above. MAFJXE AFFAIPtS. in:v-t ior. ni.lilf rnHIMBBB All this joction of country waa yentet-ny aorerad with a rery denac fog, which alaao*t gu.poudcd barbor ntTijra- tion The Afriia. which arrived off the High-aadB at T IV M ob Moiiday, wg-ia'iil below a: 1 o lo-k thia morning. An afiort was BBade to sead a eteiBiboat to her in the nfter Boon, bnt the boM conld nof nafely go beiow tke Hattcry. l'aatcager* who lefl 1'bi adelpbia ou Mocday at I 1' M airired in thia City ttio',1 >. k j> .UTday aftcrnoon fboy peatbed Aaiboy aboat 6 o clock, aud there took the rt< amer Joha Poltcr.prvrstded so_te fivo aiiloe .-ame to author aud laid th. n- until moraing S:cam waa then gx>\ up. and tke boat came a. far 1 a Ekaab. thport. which place waa rra -bt .'. about 1 o clock ia tbe aftt-rnoon Tlie paaaen^erB there took the eara for Eli-abcthtowti aud were tbenee conveyed ta thia City by the New Hrangwicu Axoaita.ida'.oa tr&iu. .. ben onr informant left Kli.abethport there were four e*ta.iboai- lying at atuhor uuabie 10 pioc.ed. in coa teqneace of the fog Oa the K*_t Kiver ferry boaU e^per>ni-od|frf at d-B.-alty ia crot-iag the rivtr Tbe Pe.k ebp fcrry boata from tbe foot of South Sevi atb at., were niu duriujr tbe moat -f the day to Graad M. New York IWtween ti aad 7 0 clock ia the atan-aff tbe Pock tlip boat Niapara. ia makiag a dowa- ward trip, raa into a eh'.p aad N.flfl-fl. lyiag M the whart" adjoiB'iBjr ibe aVtional Dflflk. The ahip had her rndd.4- carriod away and the atera of tbe a.hooaer waa atove in. The ladiea aide of tbe ferrj b at wai corudderably dam aged No peraon waa injared. The ft-rrkfg worked alowly but w.thont aerioaa a. ideat. Oaly abont bail the uaual aaioU-r of boata were raaniog, aad by diat of ooaataat bell ringing and f houun? they aaaaged to find elbow rooat and ivrut withia haillag d* Maee of thtir alip. At 1 0 clock thia atorning tbe w'nd waa frcaheninp and drrriBg off the fog. TUK -18-eTBB TO TBK tTEAMBBIP GlOBOlA. Baltimobk, Taeaday, Keb 14, li-ii Tba aagiaeor of tbe Btcamship Ooorgia reporta tbM tbe *¦*> bad beea e-porieaciag a gale froa. tbe rooraiag of the *htafb*Hk.a_d bad gajlaotly wvalbwad it, wbea aboat | ii. irp» ting n (iv.! or t ' ..-. .- l b-r tiii at >vo ,),:!,. ",. n (! ......irrii-it t'n f.rnv'l.; ^ aWfl. p BBBBJ at lh " .I v |j fi,- * Thl"t'i b *i tai- viit'i.i * ai.d tha u ." af tt .-.i rn i. i n n redefwaaa aaa1 Baa haarB taa lha 1 HaBahatadaadtha waaara a iBttaha laaaa_,a « f , .' t v.i.i ll it r. .! tho Bfial»ti of tha nfllc.a aloai.l Ibat tb.'vreotl b'tkod RhehB b |i.t.,..'v rrpabed ai.d »iii htthwhh fBaaaai to Baa v..;* v i, 11 ,.u.|.'. A niHOB M">K * Tbo b,iri;.< Cviino fr.'tn r.rmmt whilo lying at tho i Ntti _.i_ and I'.i* Ki.ilron.1 I' I'n- iv B VB_fl w tt oatll n ntj;h l.y iho i.t1 and 'nilan'ly in ik. Mh* w»i BWaad by Ba K.iltoad OaBBBBBJ, and w ¦ BBB -' I BB I* of llour a.rral thontand bathnli of grain. ba I tae. of .l.y (*oim and **v.-ral balo* of wool. !'art 1 nf Ibe frright bn» b_en p'.-kod up beBBW t'.iliin. d)'k. , Laataakaawa, batwfllaflBaaal to»*varai tb.>u<and d>i a Sltn ur,-.uiployd inroooverint thefroi.-ht fljatini; I aboiit ; ART INTELLIGmCR rn n MaBBri GeapOa. Oa cnt. rtainid alar-.' partyofour .,. mi. m . v. ting. oncx rn.sinn of ibrowingop .' ti.'ir .,. .a aatah _ha_a_. *' tat Bnalaay Tbe atore, wbi.h i* ou lha gBBBBd lloor, ia fit.'d af wBh grtB e'c gtnro and adori.-id with tlio ihoi i i m-r-ivincra j.-iblmhod ^ liy tbe bBBB Tbi. it. wo tup] .#>, tbo latjfBl private eitV) 1 tl.iu. i.t ir lha aorldi'"I'ntcUd wi.b th'-prolii t'.m undsi'i a af aawjrarriaaa aad ha BwaBflBBaBBaa_BhaeBw_ao&- h*vc a favuritblc influcnen in tbcdjvtlopmcnt of tho pab tAtt*. V . learn that it wo* foundod in IB_ at I'.irit. but "it vvKtiiot t.i! Bmi ytrir* afti-rwnrd tiitt th puY.i-.- it'.on af thr BBrhfl oll >e< inipa, flav arni, Nab.-y and fiiialiyof P.ui I>edar._l.c. blirlit-.l tbo |ir..cnt of tbi h >ll'<5. Msafc bcautin.l oi.^rtiyirK^ Bf tho fatn.iua worktofl...) jH.ld ltobcrt cue oi tln -BoBeharaiaf aabaan aaar bara . in Kran. o. who*. eorly d.-atb war an irr.p_r.bl_ .. .liaii t le f AH addtd to tbe reputat-on af the p-ibl i»h_n, and .: * trartc-d M_f art r.* to aaeh tbe *a:ne .neinn of p '_ Huratc \ am t iBabaa, PhJHppotoonr, Daaaaaah «. SV...ter j Lr.ltcr, (J.rarde and uiany Bthet nmif.4 of dJBtiBOtion PBN ad.hdto tbe liit of arti-l* BBBB pletarea BBBB no-.v re pr.ilu.-d in thia aciorbible nnd pOBWBY n_iun'.r, a tid d* i.pmir,_tcd to an cxtciit o'lurwiae iwpiaiibl.. I l f 1 1cm rminrnt aru tho en_.rav.r.a BBBB BBTfiaB h»ve at 0 var'.tu* t;n,ot hOBB laid lBBBB_iaa ii thi BBtt J ABBBBf il'io are Henr.quc-: Dapoat, M. rt.iiry, C'.il nairta, "Z rrudl.on.u.r, I'nvost lilanchard, (iirard'-t, BrUoBX, A Fcrst. r d othrrs. The brm.h of tho boaa in Lin- a dt n h.-.j. tBtahHabad in lSK, that in N-iw V..rk in 1917; 1 an.l tl. nt in Ucrl n la 1091 Tha Taka of aaeh an in.ti ;. tatka toartieta *nd to tb" publi. ii very (jroxt. t* lha i form.r it ntT. rd* a mark et and a pabBaity for tho'r work* !. whiihlhayeaaM aotolh**w_thoyofari t" th. h.t-rii _ rtnd-jrt ^t ticri.Ky aeeeoalbla in the fo-m of aa,- r the bc«t produ'tioiit of tbr |reB m-.-r.. ABBBf tha pu V t li. atlaaa of lha Me_rrs ObbbII, bett ki.->wn in thi4 cnuntry, « ataC-_B_ falina engravi:^' of W-nhi:i,'t m lidaware, and vnriou* Bthographa .fter ij-i.-tiir-- l.y vj 11 it r*ihapo tho aenel haaatMU «oid (aapeetaat woA iaaaod by tbtm i. Dolaiaeha'i Ikttiryeit, BBgratad bv H'-ur' ia-.' Da pont. The JfarrajB <f C.ina. ofct r_.ul Vcro i BBBBB a.lrr.iiuble print, wbote pahlioatiofl vva-1 doiined go J inip..rt.i>t 1 y the Frer.fl) OaiaBBB nt tha* it paid a part ot t il f lo p.v a . ott of bringin^ it out. W. ihoojd rujoho to bm n tuc-b cn(;itivirit»bfc OBS BOBB__I in thB I'cuatry, aa tu to eapol _o araetteo of daearaliag parior* with a oii paiallBgs, oid and nrw, bi u>>ht nt oii.-tini for a ttoag BBlhapa, bat not wortb the eipr-niC af baafiaf 0 -Tbe aagrBviag of Ku ¦- mt b i /' i / ./ * !em, las bBBB finitbed in (Jermany snd h appewed a. tha I, ihnp w r..lo5r« of N»-w Vork (vfii, befire tbe pict r n liais tnk. u it.s .Icstined placc amoni; the freecoe* on tbe wa'.l* '' of thr- X, aa MaBBBBB at BBBlia. It i", W. b- !i' ve. thahBgoot BtaaloagraTlagaw r pahlBbed aad wdl reaaai the lil .stri otis arlirt ivi.lcly known in roun'rii-,. b;it f iv of >7li i-n n hnbitniit.a will. vcr have tm o;i|i-r!t.ii::y of SBBiag b tavathi bm hrea Tb la a aerlptaxal aabject la »u fara_i it* haBBttaia ht BfiaB bbbbbb nggaatad bypaaaajwaf stiijture fur.ttllinp the down'all of tho Jewiih CbbBbL Thcufih we BBBaB r< enrd it nn tho best of Kaalba -h't pro it in tl siii.^iii.'. J by all Ihat btaadtb an-l ri ¦iin-'ji » af baaghaiaaB, aad that bbbb af toaalaaat arhkhiaaaar b!n. t i.t ef the eoteol of niaatcr* A pnmf of on r-!' i.i Iho ayper part of tho pictaradaaeaa_Bf B ex-' nte thudi \itji- juilf.-n.iiit <.n ih- rabolOoat .lew*. «re atpoolaOyof 1 w.n.l.liul b.auty. A lartomount of hiM.orical ai w... ui biblical lean-inp il combined iu tlrs itdrnirahh; 8 BBp a BBB Tha i Bfltllag i* bi^bly »ati»fat!ory, and doe* rre lit to tho ftoteofthe art inl.rrmany whataitWM araaaosd We :!,«t iu tbi* tountry tb* will be tho m >*t pi^ilarof Kaalbach'Bpietaraa thouph bis Dmaortiom m HaMht* hoaa wiJi ly . ir. ulatcd nmon^oiir people. .We have already noti.-cd in tcmaaaf praia .Ir. M.-Kve't sakgrariafaf llick'eex.eb.iit pattrBBafdB Bat Bbbbi Wvmi llut ur.H. and now hive to rcpaB the *a.ic cjin- litidifii.E taaawahlac'of BpriBl ?in. ? isaned by t»io BBl tngravcrafttr the eame nit;*t. rcprtientini; Hahop W'u- wiir.HT. Indeed, wc-est.cin th'« as »u;ifri)r to tho formor work, an.l BHagBthB a very bcaatii'ul thinjf. The llitbip k lafeaaaatai in hhtaflaW rcbes and with tho mutstrtkiur saeeaBB* pattiallan Tholeawofthe engra»in_' an.l tln .maiiaptmuit of the lifcht BB iispei-ially plouiuj; and al miral'i. .Welcorn fioin Tarit. tlint the r_B_ painterll.In gnsbat just complet. d a pietara tocover _aaa_flg of one of the l.ali. in thellotel deVfflaB I'-ri* Tiie BlJ I tho Apotheoaaof XajaJaaa I an.l tbe li^tire* are of ¦' of life. The h.-ro i* b-hebl in n grouud of c-eleitial azure, clotbecl in a QBBBBBBI blaniv* with a BOOBtM in hiebaii.l an l d by Reaaaa. The ^r..up i* _uttained iuapo'don 11..-.1 ..t oii.t'u. ti-.l by Viitory. wbile an eai;lo llo.ti over them BaBBW tbir BB-fad BM ne we *.-^ ibe eurth with the tl.rc ne of Xapoh-ou vacaiit and arraye.1 in m _minc < »n the rigbt of the tbrone i* Fraine. also in mournin<, MlaW- iup with hi r eyea the asc. nnion of tho dofunct, wbile on the other tidc- BaBBBB ruthinj? forth to tuppras aaarchy. In tbe B__BCa we »t e ibe o-ean and the Iehnd of II .-na. Our rradi ra will undt ntand from tbia descriptioa that it i* a ry ttriking pice of artiotii* adulation .The (it-rman pajiers rj«ak of a newly discovered Tttian, which tii, y cla*i tm.>ng the bc-at worksoi that itr'iat Tho subiect i* the LilK-ration af .\ndromeda from the Sea M >n- BB by l'cm tt mounted on the winged borne BtfaBBB The picturc i* a liitle more tban four feet long, aod a little lo* iu wid'b, and from a paflBBBB in one of Tit an a letteis, bsaapaaalB have baaa painted for Philip II. lt wai brouRht to (Jermany by a French Geucral tK»me f.irty year* B£0. _ Ml'SIC. i uvclli. wbo a few year* ogo began to m.vke a aenaotion M cactatiiie on the Italian board a at Pari* bat lately pr,v dmid an immcca wnsation at tbe (irand French Opera of ti nt city, at Valentine iu The Hurnien.'t. She has a nobla phymjvf: Btl which Eweep* majetticaily, and a regil port. Der voice. a aoprano. i* peculiarly tlne in tho lower ivg .Mr. F.mille Girac. of Farl*. a very *uperior matcr of hanner.y ard the art of teaching mntical compositiun, bM rc ct ntly c onnecttd bimself with Mr. K. S. Willi*. Editor of The -Vv.'-.'.' H', rl,!. of tbi* City. .Mr G Y Koot af this City. who teachee averal bundred feminine pnpils at tlie Ratger's Institnia, bM mch a suoccaful modc of impaiting tbe elemeatary portion* of vaaflh_a_a_, that it is ri_klly >mctbing re- uiArkable. He teacbe. ilai_.s to do witbont acooaapani inent exertiaeo, whi-h a few v ears ago wat not a'empted by profe-uei. 'n giving tingk- lesMins IIis papil* »iug the tcale*, diatonically and chromatically tbrongh tbe tweive kcyA returning with perfevt aplomb to the ori^inal note wbeuce they itaiied Iktter elemeatary or more piqaant effort on the part of individual* could not be aok. and m rrgard* clamee. it is qnite ont of the way. .Fanl Jal'..n. the moot prt. __.___- t_.uobo that bii k>ry ret-ordt. wa* pect-ntly very ill he recovered bnt re- lapad, and nnder the adi i. e of his physklan. hi* father 1.1: herc lately with him for Havana Tbe Iom of sucb a marveic-u* artiat would be irn-paral.l.-. and a we trutt tbB ha ov«r worked brain will br leA to lie fallow for a tim* .Madame Smitag. in company withMr JacUL the pianist and Cami-e l_o, the violiniat, bM giivn a seria of asc ceafnl coocart* round ihe Loktt and through the Weat -II Ja__ a coaceru ia l'hiladelpbia. Baltimora. I'.tt* burgb. .VheeliBg, Cincinnati. I_>_isv_ *, etc, were aD trinmph* of saocaa. 11* iato appear al N*w Oriwu ob tbe 15th. haa again in April. -Tbe new Opera Uowa in BooIob is projreaiag aad ia eohdly waUed the iatoric* ia now ia th* rongh. There are ample vomitotia and aa ixon cmtaiB a fall, la BBBB of f r.- The ataga ia TO taat dap. «2 kigk. aad ie Mvered by aaareh«ihi|h _bohm pacaliaritiBwittbo a -aalf i !>,' O.-e-u IT- 1 tkt t m\. f fun mr.-, oi.- thit <! ._ ordiaary uotU, aa eaay aa aa ana ebalr. tb I » Idiag to the o tvkta i -. MitbM'l pj.v l-'vicn (-.. h t it be iii m .».'. . ai*).-. '.- r. eaaple -o .ti 'j- bi ... .r ¦ nwit af tb«. aaB-B.I Hy th.i T*.-an,'"ni'uf, w. Bii'jt.debi bj Ibelfea TorkOaaraBoaBaaowbal4hfi> Iwhiehheld .riir.ary watt. won'd coatain. u;i >:i Ikaaaaaaa] ¦¦. i uf tl>* B*PadjBtiB.;_*at, eT f.'i.t: l»to ibe extra ecoommodat'on of apaee j erbfd Wbeab-IstythaiI Art ia aot wo.-k | m c. w Ijrical art. It irKported tl at Mr __-balflf_flai_i bflfll ¦ ar. ei.p*r>«.|iri t wiih Madami ('..'. aay Uad bl rpprer i'i cflBOOlM ht t'<i nvorbgdarBg th't apprafl k n^ rcteoB ia Ihl pteli.._.nry ternu are aur.i flhfl tatM* NEW PUBLICATIONS. UK TIONABT OP f.Ni.i i;n tsn ri.KN'r-il mi >MI By - ItoiMtt ll_o pp 44 t i a. Ag aaappJeaaeai tr. t'ia u.-yI methvdt <>f l-aminr to epeak aad wrife the Yr< r. b lan^uare. thia to'u _e fillt a p aaa ul ili bta not be*n aJequa'eiy aopplicl by aay BiAGcal in comoricn u*e It ooneiat. af a lar.e ollee'i in of phnaaa wkfck an aot oBieeptibto of a Bwriri transi.'i.,n. and to tbe etie* meanng of ahich tke R -t ,-ir ..* fa 1 furiit-h a ' ioc I Le ed'tor hai (arr-.-l his p ai w tb i. o.p i ti n r«. Bvflry pa;o flf t'.io work bears m»r!-.s of bie ddiji' ti'-.-. ac< aracy. ar.d goti nd .ijl'_ent ApflMra ri« ly of 11 iidti>b a»e gi\ en. i biet a flg pflaaBai a . I d' "i cull1 f.'ima of jpee. b..tbe r'u i,-t m\\. rare'y b*. d «i? poii.t. d tn t ndiop tbe idiom of wh gk bl ii Ifl rj ies;--wh.i ., atthe *»._)( trre tl.e v. ;.mo i. aataraitflflflad witb ai an Beeeoaery B''umuIat!"U ef eaprre<io_a In araiiing h! n »elf af bb e>'en«ive ranr»n of aufhoritie*. Ihe editor h*« i ataatly < .vre'efl bii own taflte and die. r'alarHfi an 1 hai prcditccd a vork whiflk iorr.u ai itapariant ad 1 : I I tb« BBwaaataaaf fke lawaah atalaai IhepaaeaalvahMB*. will bfl elmtiy by aaathte daaalod M Iboaoh aai r.Eglilb ir1!.:* TH* ni.n BBSarBBT AND THE SF.W MT8BI0B 'I THE flkS POT.1TI hy Lauiti 0/thb Mitato.Y Uae p? 3 4 fr.' er v DflfTO.d ". tba aatarprba ef radeaaahrgtha Frre Po_tb ky adaassflMkry .fTbrt, thia vahaa ia marked r>y Iia pro-ai nent r.liionn cbara. fer, than ky aay glowin - a;t- tb" imri^ination ofthe ph laiitbrop..: reader It B.aaapttta aL.>wthatthe ru'-.^s of tb* r'iv- Pota i -aahaaheflfl predaeed hy lheappBea_aaaf -helfcttiao Bve prir-.ijbt afd Ihal tha aieapl iaf refcrin_:ion wbi.-b it rei'i.rd- ar.not be a"ioun*ed f.r by aay tbturi.g of l.uman pbilo-ophy. The cotata aoeta-sat of th>- n liu: .. iai aap al a k ¦ Im rii,.t aa af tne fataaei PaiaM <o_par«d with it. pr-g'-nt traai torn.i'i. ii r. 'i.t't/ tb* khtory tt tkat for-faaed la aBtyia B 1 vt-ly nr il ititi r.e'ipi; _arnif.v" Tbi* is foOaWfld by a r. - 80of akfltehfla, whi.h (_ib>>dy nnmeroui exampba of 'cIT. tii g r.t..l r Ik aad .1OW tbe i.!Tei t oi Ckk.I .-. ton .taaaaagfa rtka moat Ataparata eaaaa of kaaam m* (ry. The wi.ra tt b:_blv ry.-dlnble to tbe _n g .- 1 bttt-Boaiflf _m beaeroleat ladiet i.y whaai it baa aeea [iT. p-l. (1 llOJlT-OPATHir PBACTICE nr -fBDITIB- Tt Pr M r.a- LICH K_o tp BM l.atn:..iit l.!ak-n.aa k L».e In pnpariag tb.a m w HaflMopatkl tr.Kf e«, t'ia au,h'vr l.aa ahaed M tke th:"< f-1.1 purp *e af faraiehiag «tett l-ook for tbe ttfllflfll B TaBWMaf IflftrBB.I for tbfl piyii ci«n. erd a eoaapn l.u.aive pra *i al _-:i de for d >ti fl.0 ae*. V, -ti.ii; beiaga blgefled partiaaa of llYbn.'mYn. be bai rt i .'. i> d tl e pri_-i| iai of flie IIo:n op i bi rreaf nt iu a ritnple (.'.il :li'(:l '.'.1. fonfl, gi*i.g B b-bf b -:| eT .trid d' Bf;i.o-:f.ot tbararioBI rti«*a.e8 .icid atto tke baaitnor gaBtlB.TB. at d u r-ta*. m< r.t ol'tb r-,'i> s arkkik haro proredsaeoaafalaai aaek I .' a ipkieoJ execatioa flf lk< weekdw wa bIm a . ACOMTABkTIVKENOUS 1-01 BMA2fORAMMkR ByBkut I ¦.> ... Late.i I i-e ii a .j V Vaa u- B >i r' 11 <. ji< caliar'. atarc ot _di i.e.y ^r kauaai la tim [i- ivi orderiawkl kitfldrsaoM Gnaatba kuowa pri i . 11 tbe i wbicl rorreepaad 11 faatbaOeraaa PoUowiag thflaataral 'tk Kj i' I, aadGrn&aa BpoiaMoal to tbe Btadaatafthe li.- n.mid lar.<,ua>.-e ibe ( hnn.'.> wbi-h haiiHar a la poaitioi ad lofletrtioa wbea foaad ia tbob iioi e. Ibe plaa ie aa lagaal u* oae, aad aid IhaaB.wrappearatopa rable jaactl-al Bt Jlty_ MliX'li.H'a Bl 'fl I'lIlLK ATI'iX-i. Tle Aluir ij tka //,....e'.V.i iatbe titie ofa bow gerial, of tvl. cba 1 iv. the tiiat two nurnbr.¦-. < oiita'u'.ii.' a v iri.'.y of Btrriccfl for doat d t-d by tlie i'.ov J i;. ii- i > Wa kara aba Bi ->i'VieVp- ii Ba] / /r>r.dcvot.d tothebteratureof tbal tbe i-plflt.ati.n of thi ¦ '¦¦ red wr.t d aad tbe app ofirtoabd tiaih. aaptofeaadh] lha eraagaiiaal .-hiuch_8 nf Great l'r t.i. aad Ai a Tha 11 Ka i gfreaak I h e.4 Ot i-in aud Am r su h .; .ry, with Bgoodd ¦' raatter pi r dag t b r .I Madlta / '. i . ii v r.L'l tbfl /' ; / r- ot wfa h we havo ne^ nun.l ¦. i-i..i rejiutation. -a ijijH , . by StiMv. ( kadkeea pabk-ked La Boatoa. aiatiag to akew tbat the prim bpb * . f ibat work BeeaaBM |y laad to :..<i d ef ui.irtif-al riilvation. ... A tnaoli-ea af Kcanu ' Ut it pakBafccd by Ualaay «-V lil^ki-ton, uud bbM by I>a VV.t: &. Daaaaparl _ THE SAS FMASCJSCO ISQUIRY lIn ni'i Dat....T wur, Feb. 11.1W4, ThflBnl hariaaM yeatarday was tb.> readia^ of auo-.t bbbbObI OeMee-fldalag tbaiLeut. IraflaaataalLa w. rt <n boaidthe Kdby by bm the CalaBfll'i Bfl-karky, «rd that thflb Badflflfl Iflpflratioa BaM fhe wroi-k » reeuil of a >torm Tha te-ti;n nr of Mr. Kl-.til M MMad. iI-.-tol ib. Snt Frati-i- .>, «u- thoatakea II eralaiaed the foi tadd rMieai»ftbeMorm theb Of tbt elt.-iiee tbe dbpOWttOB Ol ' totbe Kilt'v Lattore wataread froai th" IfaryD i mint. ebewirt. tbnt tlie s-i atn.r ba baaa inty Iod a.d ut tr.'Ycd for t-ervite by <'niiini.d ir<- Kafl dore I'.dl, f.M«fE(i.. , aad Coartractor Bklddy. Col.Gatoawfllea_ wttaaaaae fw ll laj. r.»£g. riRI l!» BBBIIB-I'HBIH L*gt (vtnin^'a f:re broke oot in the lar^e lui'.dinif Rk M Kotifvdtgt.. aara* of Pbaafat Lowtr part or.a_uj by Petf. Iloef _ to li'iuur dealerr, and Morrell it Sira- rnoitg,-edealira.'irdut'd fourthgtorie* by like A Oa.IBf IBInbacu. Tbe tire origiuat^d in the npper ptftflf «ht buiidieg, and coet the fir. tnt-n aereral hour* of hard IaK.r before they culd aubdue tho llttnea. The btiee of retawith whkh ihe upptr part ofthe buildiug wyb *tor. d. wt rt- ibrowr. out of tbe wit.d-iwg by the _reaien. ia ord«r to lavcthe premiscs from deetruetion. Tho lowt r pert of the buildiug waa floodi-d with water. i auricg |teM dauiaga to ibe ocy upanta The total Iiysb wiil nott-ctxd IMM i itsr uu a Tht alaroa of fue f.^r the Tbird l>i4tr':ct laat a'^ht. waa oc.aaioned by ti e burning out of a aooty chimuey ia ThompetiL at l-U IB Hn.-io> st .Abont C o'clock on Tue«diy morning a fire hrokeout in the buildiD.-, Ha Wl Iloust-iu -t o<. uj i. d by Liurence Gana It ap;.eBra that Gaas law beme eatly to go to bi. work, aud while hia wife wa* in ber n. ighbor'»rooin ne_t door.a.jtiat tity of imdamma'd* material Ijirg "n ihe tioor to>.k tire from the atove. Tbe tire wag eoon diucovered, but before th* tlauiet could be txtingnithed the lurniture, icc, in the aparttnent waa nearly deotiwred aud the buildtng da_tage.l to the a_ount tt about flflfll. The building ia owned by Samual Hel..aa livirg in the adj.iuing hoi At abont ll ri lock Tnetday morain;? a fire wa* di*o vered in tbe fourtbgtory of boa*.- Ni ..- BaM Twentie:h- M. Itwa* txtiuguuhed" by the dr«_iea before mu.b __¦ ege occttrred. CITTFTEMd _XT_ORO_OOIC__ RFOISTER. From Obttrratumt -. St_a_aeJ Tktrm>m*irrt. a' flfl l rVtak«ra tt ir aoa. a. h ijhitt. tv,i, i: M. sr m FebrnaryU. 3? *} 49 -e Itoaaaaa MEETINU-, AarSE-T-raTA ke WB-.B9DAT. Peb li. lBK Pref MllLiCta'* LtcTCtt-Hepe Cbape^ I r M N.Tioa.t r.ctr.Y SBOW-B*ro._'. blaYeum oar aad a'eaial Baci ILOB cr Al". Ut* aad Marder - ke at Wejla-k_ P M kliiiiwat. Nt- rt I'tBia and Tbe Reodetrc-"-Broadvay,T MiDa-Bii Nicari Uiaaa. -_._tr _xnud"-Baaoa'a, 7 t M ?-3iiSSb ca... : ra. *-d r M^»frf-m l m.LB Toari CABta. ai tbe o..very Tbeaier. 7 P U Va.ii.i-i lalBfllllBBiaail *f-"r-o«B aod ETea.a|. Mieeaa .,*.. I litiITT fc Woolfl.iwaTee_a_rti_<api_Bw_-*to Btvadvay Bixblit-i Urtta UOOIB- WHljIl De!t_atoi-B.-.» Bwa, T, Ntv yobe iBiBit«iiTii-r.,t*r_j-!n be.«j i p a Ris Ei..TtMaTBiLai.i'ii_.k«--tBTTeaaat hMM^aVMnaawf BboaOWat kBf.aOBaiB-_Bi»ato-^.'1 Bva, lt . 11 -o 1* r B. l-wj-rar er Aix fl*T'°__^____p^*L »M* u .*.****- Baar.a-'l BtrBBNaB-«BT-aa*w.vTtr M M PBaaaari Baraa Mu_ Miaaaa ewBteada-a;, laad -1 T a_ ITI w. rt _-rt of a Loa<t"n feg aaataped n y*. Ut bum .!.iy h*. r-.'o. .J tb*_»rtof Prsiaeafca A [ li*! iifi itof d. *4 WB "j tai toadive into a 3o!ub*:_ * lul* the raiaicg of a witdow __NB-J all tbe pttrp.ttM ol a do .cLe There wm ¦ a w. t .!_.-t ">f airi anl i | tt r. b "f mnd, on ev-rj- hand It mod m if t!\ ii elementt had __e ont to re'a"i th- WajtA oi ti l _BM Coirm-a.-ior _¦.tht mm who c*to on I' IB. 1. prt.l. Bf Il aiaah .-..- ho bbbI ooz* of mid ._-aad to i*aaaaaia. J <!. p ba v gov. -.' ut ia . (tga ba. com-a dowa bodily th'-ms _rea Bad td -:.e th.ire u^htVu apparoatl; *'-_ via.- :j .nr -haa. bad Qtywhbh hai-hBad Ba.>¦ jr.. iat. .0 h _a_d_ial wortfa. Wa bapa _hBBB_BeB_l ..¦n:t Im'n .* :d a Ir. r. twayth* foai d rt whicb. eacied to tb-.1 rn.ta.ry.iftb.' iBaal Daaaataaah hai lain all wintcrin thethir _$h fen* m cc.'-t,rc-ic.L* of bro-im and ht. . a. : _. iaad of tii. Ubpaa I'.-nt Ix-t u* have tba t'mal riutect bt-twe".n A.p.Al'ct c: d Arcn'ariu*. and tben farewcii to taad and monr.nrng * St Vti rvnat . I)*y Tae _ay wm St. \ .lentine » day. all in the morn-sg betime. the day ap. ially *tt BBBBt to that f .vi nte of a. tm bamtt in tht1 caLadar. _1_ borta af !_.;_..\i* picpAnd f<>r the occM.on, enrtvin and adi-rn d v,-r* *ho* Bic.liiw-. aho .-. t <wa Th»-y havo bajen rc-nt away by the tioien and the tnx and beie. by ra_!rood BBBBBB and ,t«e. and yc_ rdaytvey .ire BBBBtbBg all over the land. Lke Ieav_ in wiotry BBBhB Tl. BBBBBB af Bttlohapa with nothing on bnt win^t. MB _llo I'l'Wr, ihat fhocid ha plared in the H.ose of RlfBBB Baaaf h.-afjcrn.dytranjdxed with dfirtr. am w. aad 1 ar>. lodkict. hurdr d* of thon- "f.r(.-'t me __..'» and " t.n.» mb»-r ne »,'' and a-tar* aod t-ractitt aad rtaga aatBtad aad rxpla;ned in hx'tin^ ur>i- bad audind tTrrent. bu: m*»t!y bvi. w.u \> -,r 1 rvtr the coui.try. _x.<i ah ;he ._*-._ and Maryt an.l -J _u. wiiilc thaiadpiei t* Rutibr- i'.Di| .itaiivily r*-. nt fi__B_ intlie PalsBtiaa 1" * tival n.rita univt_r_l eaaBaaanition The t.tli.i-.n .. vak-Ltit!. with'Ut e.thtr biAi'.ty. tA'Ui or *e..*o h i.- likla flr ri< *!».«*, ¦-..['.; t.i not :.> wonnd the aad gra-ii'y a pah j i.ii.iiu af paavaad* in tport. a_d ou^iit to b* du- countinoc-td .'.- ia i"t mtt h tn be BBld f.>r tm utliity of anv valsa t.i.. t. but tit. r all, it it * kort of horriilva* non.eiuK'. So a- 1 i-Ai.t willbc ll ''. m\ t. flu't.r _t th.-irre .tl T? to (."Ot hc»vv. aud oi. tf tt.l. to baB a p.r. t.., of | r.*-; n ho for m it rcive* to rc'ax tbe nviA !.»« of rrim BBBB ;r.: a j 'i i Brhraakapaa? bbbbbb.,tha biarydrag rt ibe worhi. v- x al BtbB'l «?ay tbou'd hav* a rl .Bark' It B_MBl a B8 I M. BBBBad waich cla.«ter | at.J pleaa t laaaa a that m»y lx.» v. r iii t!,' di.ll.r dayaaf o.-e if wilb Bttlfl jr I ta, wkhaapaia Cl tu Pvi vca vir.i.- A frwmornu.iritin'o we win ,', ,; pp Ba tho ragiea of tbo Clyatal Palaaa. rhowiad Wbt BBB 1 'iii | maad Ihi '"r-;>-r* anl tha ataeB; leitii.. n w. re ahirniag on tha aMawalha nid iri:;..l t-i. |MB werernun.nj d.iwu th.- tri.jraent.a of pi 1 tt thB _BB i"l ".i 1" mtt _ba bLwt. liirr. ....") Laaiaa/a raww lik. a bago aitlagBhaar, aad than b.'i.e it. th _t habbla of pa h -li'u'.ai .T r A' -..'.--.'¦ bBb '. ui f*ry «ad a__vthaiag ¦:,. RepabSv, bM lha 1.BBB rn.-ap.'it and ti.e bltok i ;. i r..-.«. r hh Oaa '¦¦: Paah aa la h.rli Bgalaal a do..r, <>n tbe tun.iy «id* ef Iba 8 1 I m, a-i 1 iir.'.ii.i BBed] ihofattBflf a p;e.'o af tattaaadcearM ai iob lha ilmt nallrdtn a iraB Upaa it wat dep tad tha taOofaa alUgaaoe. _a raaaaaahM Bhaa RiBtail h*l a l Hv ihBbady.a he_W ihat boBd,aaaalh, aad tho awath t »- tu an j h:il at- r < >n aa B_B a h-jr-'.-in in w B ,1., 1 bl rt i.a. i. M. on the other, an ox waj ab. .t latiaj ap hla i|BBiBiBthrn_a .\nd where tb*a i- f l. r thB nuif'.-r. itr.t tka Bt "¦»" Bad thi b : lurnoti tu BbbbIthaPalaeaob aith tbo erowds, aad lha qaartata, aad !. r Axd tha traadB tbat htABgaat aad BoptaabB thwagi 1 u- al ¦.¦ brood B BB ar" I'-'f n* f ti ag raaal |gad bi tba b 1'. na; the 1 ' th-Fr'U' !i aoialo __. Fraai-k aaaWoha Ituil «» . tt tho w-.r'd f,,tn . n |bb d' laaa nr» i.i t B8BB_yta«tk, Baa aniUogericg iathagardoaaaf RioJaa a,i rn lha Pa it c »_'!'". and toiim are d. ud " -So rau* th.i w. r'..' iii Gbiai ! n-1 .... We wi nt yaBtarday with t!;. . r. '.i "f 1 ;>.!» whodo not woar mmattt to . o lha l tht in. itt.ay aihib tln . a: li .ruxn s 11a muiii There wm bcrewdafboth. Wod-dsappoa ,T ; i4 tha MaMgw* ofthe Soeioty tha UrgB I, lieoftl tl ba'dd '¦- B B -.. -'itute for the birnt B > d B : ba r"«'.'''. Ihaagb we knew the i.., I.. tb.- tbaw waald "»t beMfMiiaivaiaaaBMB a-. ii. mtt ae did aothi a thatpaa aaagkeoald . v n makr aro-p ihoa in aO wi la.v,. btt-nd-ttppointe.l. Thaahawiaa , . 4 r.-. tl '- '¦:!';.¦ BB_MB -,,. ,, n ,-.ivhait aai al their Bnatap i 1.11.,.. ir hava t v.: I.. i aatb ,1, v >. tt, BB ar, aot goiag ta B|.a'lr ro n.ei.. BBg fpUTB Bfld li> Tf va:>ty ond aal * ..' B ptoti BVcrglBWa moij ttr* ni.iy b-j eeen in I I ii\ etkm r.: :l I n 1'itl . BBB BB '-ii by all who wjuld be ia! I in the wiy of in --a-in; tm * ze ef deateth a_aalai tm ju*t what has been i p, t..- ..nn I.C d- ue iu beevi.), »iie--p and »wine. in i., :. (,. i,.'... ..) ,-t i'.- Of aDaVaBBiaai* i-U'Ti . i- ui. .'...uc-ti., aod ni'-tt pt_.ined by .i.t *' ii.iMn ¦. .-.;:!' B_rtl_r p'-T il t- ai.d wo h.-pe 'Jiey w 11 be | -1 w hthetighlO .- .' x--' -y uow oa exhibiuia T-> tmmottm fotn oi tl.itC.ty. the *i_,'htof tha hun ditc'eoi n.iii ail hawtethaahow, aaighfatf ftuaaaUB .,«.h. orthrt'- tine* ai nrnh a. ti tt. i h ii-.d iu ar iijaikita, wdl hfl a lifhl both | ar BBB BB l um lul Pui that Bot oii. the whole htttory of po-il'r/ n.*i beitnditd BTBd ObBM f-Mtn ti.e f. wr*toro prai r.. _- itll'ii t. <ie Tta .- . Heno. ae to be *e-n ia ihe**-. rcm with tbe < i e«e m. nster* Pa- re. too. ar* ipeo.tnana of n-ort baBBtllBl of tirdi, the (ii.len I"n vianf, af Anrinila iulh. tumeca-;. w th the i.'al i'orn:aQiiaiL Tii*r* are LobiABi.- af nl varir'aiea the U-Utial BBah_g_ t*king thelevd Tl:cri. then. are ac opleof co-.-pi laoel_"Ia- j.r.d Ipaagtaal Hrama* whi.h, aithoo^h among the L'tctt. ariIBBthtd in piuma^e l'ke tbe SeabrighL Taia a r*. is s uew varieljr. They are »«id B he more hir-ly llai. BBB ot the other btrge sorts. Th* Sa*B,-ai* SLd Bait'tm* are the c-xtrcmeo of the _aRj Irit*rni»di«t. v .ririlit are v-ry nam-roiA Oar coiainin 1 ,.n w-.rd Fow ikl.owti.--. «. wella. tho*e ia tbe exh bi- ticB. emorrrwhib ar* balfadozea BB-BafOtBI l.wU ai.d B me af them a* p. rfect a. one BBB d de_ire to laak at. Tlii'b-.n. h f ih* ftni'v ii Tery Ursj-ly repr»__Bt_.d in . i e i the up[ .r r.aimi Tbe Puland, or T v knot Fowl* axe tbown of Jl the vsriont colort; aome bl_c__. w;th a taft ot f>other* a white roae on top of the he__l ond to_ie gt'd *j o. gled. a. d aome BBBB with b^ck too knot*. The fcaakh I'oBitBA- of amediBm tiie, e<dor gloMy black. aith'iita.ct::' aaatha S<meoftbe*e have been bred to jr. BBB a large fiatttned comb ortbo fleshy topkn.rf. The Fthon Creva are aboot tbe tize of onr common fowl*. of a t»ry ayflBBatrfaal fo-m, and art of ahcol-red pay plun ap*. and look a* neat and trim as a pretty l^atker girl. Tbere are a few cocp* of tbat oid faajibacoior the Doinin i.,ue 1 at tb» b'.rdt teem to have b. n onlargrdin aizo sinre tlttin-< wbtnthey werefaml-arto m in boyh. ._! dayt. We aat > d < r.e ro«.p of " Fnziltd Fowl*. whi.-h we re mrBibtr whec a boj were cale 1 laaa h Hen*. ba: for what rt* _n we know not. They are m«d am BBB and look M -ngb thr y had b.n out in a hard w nd wh'.ch bad tniEtdabtbtirfeatberatoward their head*. and by ame procett tb*y bad been made to stay there. They are ran^h k-'kog au _a_i they certainly caanot bo adm_.d ft* their baautj Of otLer poo'try. more to ino.row Tbe _iard of CoaBcilmen heid a peteion latt oight bot tffn ted cuti-ng rtaiarkable. There U o. e lerioa* ob* de k) bu*ine**in thi- Board, wbkh will undou.u-dly ifwat'T unpair it* utefnlneM. and tba ia thi ertraordinar}1 dis?»- Mtkm to talk on th* part of oertain membera We have now in our mind one Cooncilmaa na *ntir_ly uoknown to publi* Ute. wbo **_m* to labor ander the imprea-oo tha be i* tbe cbooen mouthpUc* of all Baankiad. and aot tke lea*1 motion eaa bc mado ia tke Board-hvdly the simple iefei.Bc. of a pedtion bbder the rn_-bBt up coao* thi* ahrill taned Toca'iB aad pocra forth hi* everlaoting _ood of | ward* tt the hin.lrance of legUima'e batlaaaa aad th I in l taacyance of all who autaegfl to BM ? a rake au l"i I tke flao-Moco-B giagaoar Na oae, eieeat th» aaaaata of paal poYrrn_)t*t kbairea h_tfy bariilatioa bnt wtib ..t-pbdelM-aad eautioag atepa are ta^st alr'.-ab^, th< .Ir*ary *tagBatk>B of endha- and pn>_tk»»< ig rel'igi»ady tobearoided They aay Homt wu iived by D-rBflflflj ¦ of gteae. Wtth bb. b a pre N w . o.-k may t* paK-iatrple Ktor ty ap a a ccrtaia Butaber of her aaa The D I atramtT Pr'.nctton, aaiar comTuad of Capt Baal} Eagk r.'tet^Nl* to ee* loday ftvia tbe Pafoklya Na,' > Yerd oa a tr!»' tr:p, and-r harge >f Efigineert C '?. iai.d. Mrr.n endShock. It ig expe^tei ghe w.i! bl 1 tncccWaL bavic. htd aad keB_Bl-M oTcrbarVd Brd ait'ration* nade in her from Peav ft flar ahylla.aa lion rV..iV.« . Sni-.i a..1 K-riTr. The f.dlowiBg talta were made vrattrdavliy Albfr; Ii N -g *' theM.T'tTV . , a -. Tbe|Tf*':.->iaer'-»te-eNo *rf!!.-twdvay. »a*0. ...e.-T Irlrl h;-.. a..! 'a'. Ne '.> Br -i_ --al. 4*W 1 !*t OB l-rt-a U.-.ej. B**r Aeeau* >t . ; .a>.v . r. ht. I baaee aad loi aa J* h-*t. aear Igka.-Ml t . I booretTito. &.<*7v I ft«r eie.t otuk ho- *e aj.oirii**. * ! .1 . .-ra Ir-rk (¦"..eeea-ri !o>a ob J'et-el aeer Uh-e». io* 1C 't I kaawt MB « *' i'i."!*1 « ,**aVB«.. lVto. H-M .-¦. ve.r V aa . . « ' a. «' IM . 1.1-* S lefaea .*> -a aear 7. h ee tHt. f> eeet *s-\ 1 NI ilo'eer *>.«( aaar .-He.. Mt 1MB, etotk fllM. i Mfl Ba.w-aatt**. llcUeaTrfc-iT, aear 33d et., wtta two3 *t*ry Snek biildiaje. Itsaa, lMMalaa.¦.eM<75 AsafT or LoTTtRT P i Di kLias.Tbe Terentieth Ward Poiice yeatrrday arreflted the foliowiag aa-Jfld p>r loag. harccd wtth aoiiiag lottery palai_i <;.'»r?e G!<\_m>b ,.f No lMU Blaaatway. Daiiiel BeeMa oi Y> M Teath ar i Beawoetk of No IU Tnirty lifth ><. Saml Sbaw of Be*H.h ar near Th rty fourth st. Jane* lackton of Sov ,.r ncar Twcnty i-eveath gt.. aa 1 .laines Counel.y oi >... Kl Vfflflt Twentyti.nlkat The pnaoncrg wore taken 1 t-fort .It'aii..«. Haart, wbo he'.d theui to bail in BM I ea b to anawcrthecbar-C. A--.-MT wirti \ ("t i n-A man u.awd Thoma* Voeay wa* anrrHd on Mocday flagha, by OBatm 0 t'onnerof the Biath V. ..r.l. .(._¦...: w,:h _Bfllaa_g Mkaaal i>'ua aad tir hirir bm a stvero blow upon the fuad with a olub. ia 0k Bag iijiiii.* wh .h ra-Ldervd ii t.e>eesiary that he ah.mlj beeeareyaltathel V Hoapilal Feenyw_Blakenb"f'i'v Juttii-e Uegert. and hcid to await the rwaitof the iujury ut.i... BraaaaM Arra it .The Begro-ohnaia, wbo w&g baHy Mribb. I ir tb afray in which MmHbJ M.itthowt iost hi* 1 -Tt, wks aeet. rdny again dan^arwatly gtabbed whilo ti;'it II at the houie No 37 Anthony et. He waa cunreyed to tka N'» ^ rft ib sp'.'al The nyin with wbom he foa/bt 1-g.arid arr> tt 1 -e Fmi TaiiiH- Capl Caqveiiter made tbe Mawtflg reeaark* on Ua ratara t.> tbe Chief yostorday moraing b I . a laria *f 'honnda' aliae .r. tlleaa* aai . kraka lat* ib* - .. bMBkliiBBtto Wr.' .n- I. . r -.- jti « ". all t!. r*_dt_d*8)d * .>o4oe .a-r-.l and ev rd v h ai rlTl_B vr a ein Tm« va* don'- I well to Ifl plaaa-t 1 only hop- ve aan rai-h ibem (ii_e looa. I thia. *eni* of ibein wo'i'i right araia ia a baiit " _#_ Coxfitf-T DitBiaaaa..Tbe complaint for eedui'tion rrefi rrr I fltoat w*l k. _tflfl *-*'!».* Henry Bflfjfla, a bailder. by fcaaa , v.a »e»t. r.laa c iii.ijKd br Jaei.ce Oatierae. bafora vbuin a. e.aa-laattaa kad takea placa. IkaBridaaa* .ii . ie .aov a_j aa-laiieuaf lav a li.. pai. of tbeaftuj. J F.TAt. Fyi i .An intpui't wa. yeiterday h.'d by Core aerWUkala at iae Baw-Taak HtaaBal.aaaa 'be aadyof OiTid bato*. a flf Caraaaa, W 1 Ja yearaef e«e. vhe diedo* M a- 4.* ..l.l.i liu- Ihe , ket'a of afiac ure ef t!:o lover jav. oae at tka 1.1. le*. BOd BB* t hy I'alUB.ea tbaJtli iaat. rtra,tka B_iatopaail .-¦rd fo'h.'d.ak af tha bark \aa.ii. m vkfob be llie Jurj reod.ia.1 a TtrJict ul deitb f.oia iajariee .,-r a'l.ta iv reieivi.!. _ |A.d.ett_ement tawaammar fraat t Qotubpi Teatflrdayyi I flipflrtfl ttateraeBlofCordellaA (iraat. l-ipliifa'ia* m* la »crltalaa!- ,,t eip. et tkalyeawi do me lh«jti*ti<epf pnb. *!ilo| vha: 1 l*t.. loiaTaacon«picu»a»lj Y*'ir«.kc. CiikB, LOiI-UV 19 THe 1BI1S »vin T"B PfM le tb* pn' lit p* rt« at te.Mrday ru pakiiebad aa atTldaTl'. af a ain.ii (..... A. Orfll . |l bm ". i.'in la tka rnoar trar.-*e,-tini that taa *a'aTlt wa* BjA.rA.: rrld tad rtTe.laf MthaaMM aanapttatoa_aaaat tn. ia. f r iai 4iSaa-d m:ad'n.. tt . ral ,. ltdto dat-ade, r it aad blart tke ekira-i r-, .-'¦ri p**itl*a er tb* boaiaea* relatioat, or hoirtly t.e t*t:i_4a, Haa t/d . a !..«r'B* vitl.out an eiain.naloB. D«'"ra eain aa op- » .1.. i:*r tkeattol v ,rt .leetaet, 0f ibechaii . au-i e . t _id meitoaary au-tte* far kaaalafl wketkar taa akarflafl am tat aat .-fthe mort aa. I ...I aad .haaieieat ai her eet i.akaiflto lk**i . ,a tl.e e.pail* B-idatk aa a a.t dellberatoly .. na roBcoete. f.».h.parpo*e (hy lt. pebli.-atlaB ef .1 kmormm ta .i tfll atoaay, il . , , t ... ,.. saera iaan i* tbe ci-B- n!tlberitiini,'»ire.« ". er-l-e aud -.- lii*. Ltalu-. alj ..h_arfr bll toflata'io*- utf t ia rlea. relatiaee BBd co: n-ctl .ai.h nild 6e *..!'.iej Ir iftdbe atibc rnercT ofetery .tntitieeiaod kept iBit.r-. - itort me ey. theo by miana aad Uroo* kepttto. Bto .rpow.rtoio;ire ,f. ber malif* ud eapldlty roty . la -.. . it- ,;,, . -u»eiiUavetke opo-r.-aatty uf Wa. ,¦. m .'.......-. :nila l .,»,,,. ia BBDrii -'. t v-ituiB prefer i eotnptaiat .:., t any perton baver rt , . ,.r u u'r-.f . fa.m.y llavaaey .,..., ilfida t f.rea.r de.ltay _* |M,v***rf-*aa- I 1 o_. . .i. iat«0f,:,',t aadia_tff*weafdr*<air. ':*1 ,u Btotaa *beald ba lajared ky tke ,.'i tbe . n vouldat laaat awa.t aa eaa-. . __ aa oi.perty.ii y io k- b.ard ia hia da'aaa*atai il- ..,....:. .. ptabrred aat la biaaaaa .-¦ Irat tat O.Vbt* M-i ifterw.i- ll.' | .'> >;'« h. t'lafrwltd ..viil. the a..a*ed.- tl:e rhai«a go witb tha '.efor,.* -bepeitoa .. I a.'ei tbeui.ial .-dlaarr cl-ea-na'aaau thti p.ib- " rej-art'levroa* Bad t i, i. pa tkalarl/a* vheo a paraaBchar|od _dap.-l»ed i- VV^lr^^^ekataU . 3S___ ia-'ad. ... - aalJaa uj a-i .... aeald kare tiaflBiithfliiafllflhl mlrtla .ewitbiath. l.v.I aralli_;i.lfof , ,,,.4.0,-u tu iae ly nuki-t toiejafl .Mavlt t lulhwltythto th. cLargea pret.rred a«*»-a.t me are utleriy ,t filendt acd thoie wi'h whiB I hl « tb- .. ;.. i-jnal ii ter.-atir-.. ae a_ao to tfie ,rl,!.-.ud,r«p.r ... p- t»V__i?_Val i.HA-Ll.d -OIIMAM. M IIM _ ctkij rHOM xirut BBflm To 'hr- PtmR* The BBdertigned dcairea, aad in jugticeelaiiatoaly a fair aad iuip-titl kaari_|. bafow tka 1* td; :ig*d la reipici to th* ahargen-ideifaimtkerNy Curdalia A 'iraat la th* _.> . Mfl Br*oona«*e all Ua eherr.1 attoriy f*_*. b*** »ad aial-iea* A... M, Tr. it ltt- _._. MADAM MTKLU [Ad-ettl»ei_eBt | C.FKEBAI. NEWSPtl'l-t AlikEKTISIBO Hul-i, V" I. Ni***a.*t'.. New-ioik-V latoHBB k -C-.-L, (Haecflto-ia la Jale. 9TT^a\.ibiii neMaad fer at Banali ibr*nho«t the i.'oiud -u:..._d CaBadaa. air! ioi. rted et tbe luwae* r*t*. Aii p*m* krt t oa tile t.-r th* in*rectinaof adrerrtaera. iTtfc .aVll Cbarle. L__le K.| Editto- U«rr_ r da, t ato |., _,Mtal BneakA, t--; Kd-tor of BfflWiaM hipre*.. rA*rertaemeat 1 Away with uielaiickolv, and call oa Saiitb, >.-. .-- i a_a ,r aear Bf adwaT) aad aeleet eae or mare frem nie aaaert- _r.tof:v 'i vueatica*. nch a. ara aet to be; had ia auy otbar au-re ia thia c.ry. rarj-. In priee from 1 teel te \ AdT.r_ae_*-t I Natiokai. Poittry ftwow -The .'¦"1«e«1-^<ira_'if ./* kaBS to-Aaj. *-d Bll tb. priie eee,. will ***£+ _ak«nc.tbe.ho. 3 K__»£»S_ff__S____5_M-5 .,- ,. tarry MI tUB£ fX-_a-S«Wtt_S*a ^rv^Tt^^x "^ ^"^ "s HtBiBg, ed-U-aai **a*t- [AdrarthB__fl 1 lAVir* Ha*l Y.-t Bin Him'.He k -i«*t truly _, . .,.,.-. ,.,ia.itT erer exhlliied. H*r* to haae a per jr., r'*~ 7;~Xu.\»4 o irtiaa* littia _aa, ttot .Vaa frrtfl fornied. iBte ,.«.aj, eaaw. ^ k^ -., ^^^ ' "T-d-Tta. bVa-a kelaT aba. wbaa ia f .11 dr^ ve *aa _T ir i'e »r~tw*i M"i°_f _wt"* g".*1" S s_! tio- t en-i eharj-e r--.. a e ebrated rlia nea* Tvut. aad Kerr _r Ti'teb ¦ i.neate ee.»tt-e el litia* iniaaai. from all -j-artera cfthotib-abUttnb. _m_ AdaertiaemeL*. ] U5CLE ToM'fl Cabib..Tbe i?en«ine Ter«ioa of thia J.U88 flfl* be perforawd or tbe _2d aad BM U-*. at the rftrUiBY. 1 -a:er ta * a temo. .._ at i o'evk aad lha. erealai at 7. Daa't Bfl gea| to tae Neut-e', tbe TeaopUy afttie kl.raJ Drama. BEOOKLYNJTEMS. Thi E.-t Rivta Ptr.a Liye..A toriea of r-flola-ons ia ..ppoaitioa to the cear-B partued M Aibaay, r-ati»e to tne Pier line ob th* Brooklya »ide of the Ririr, ware m bBTilted by Aid. Daytoa M tba hut ateMia*r of the Coromoa Co-acLb a_d B__nfa_oBBly adopted. Ihey reaJ !__--_. Tkat ibi* OMBBBBa -..__.! .M 0.arred a_b fraat -irTt tke aaaSa af . *.,.my ef » Ce_.B_lto. «^fc,^-*_*_r Vaat* of tka --ie to rei*i_a t* ta* Pawi oa th* Brveklya dAeaf ____-a__, Tfc,, ia _* »f taloB of tk* Can_wa Co-B«.t tk* __aaa_ab-WB k_k-rto ba« p**>-d da ato aflbrd adafl-da Bflflflaa BBBaaW-llaS taaaaai w M v- aty tad tht ftol kai taaWab^ Oal i 'mt Nin«" Hcan 9 All... m mUattrteo rot r«n*)«l wHb tb* t.trrrwt* *f !t*w V.-k aa. It pwwrtfkl Cily. wbi/A kw b Ik.rk. tbt.wa *r*tf '.tw.r ia lt* waj ot a"ir f.wth a»i a4-0.p_1.1y j a* a.. t.t**;- -Br toac ren It* ..rT*r*. '». art*. ~b rk ll oxirc ¦**. a ,1-r tit. r 111 tr_>i> i.l.r a.d i'4,w Btatly aulbarlryt 1. opprw* i*B /..a* **l ttr.ct._t * **. (, Tbat M.o mHw Ib tk* *«_*w .0! W .Wt»**i ai ib. tWauir. aud i'l." tbal it* w.aV». o.tMd. *f V..k, «... . r-._t ab* ruVa of * r_>-11 '. « I. b* an ...t--4t ioc oow*r. wklck ki* oa *.*ry *|«a*-*tk a .-r tl 1.1 ir.i....'i;* t'ii.».i»« m*Aa *o.(.i loftttafy ll* Uld tai-tf* ,1 rralp l__r. iat tla. kiii pr. _*d ky tb* Cowwii_*l. *a.i._ **d wil wr_ *l. .!_.. onr ril'.»r». will i»;«. ».l 1'a * 11 13 r 4 i. --It*m r-(kw,and w. wo*. .araaWly ul r*».-«-i'i lf 1 t*t. .t ata r*i tk. *u*. __. tf Tk.t la tb* )*d«_w. "IBb(-tB«l'> B-l 1,1 i'lblt i'l, ..-oaid k. wkini i*ra*« 1. k*«W ifM lo Mk-a t t. -ha pr*. ¦*.«_ law,; tb. Cfwli. i>a.t» a.-»a la tor bdU ..-**.: oi t**-» n.prop.r f. *.*. t* *d___*t» apwi oar r. iki. aa,.ag tk*_B ¦rr prrwa* ia rk* . mp 0. *r ibMTtw .' tb. 4>*»wiaal *. kla I ni'.d Starr* who fr* u cdaratiat aod b*bB wo«_4 b-..*.-* ta i-.ktc »ao ir.o.Tiat:*! i*a'A*_id .-tbtn .ko t'«.a?p-- - * ttsd ta f ti r af th. Iat*r**t* of ib* l.ty of .-_.*k tS. tht N w Yetl fc*. . &'pre**a.aU'* oa ta C_w*i;u* r**iUat ty *..-** to kar* k. ea aaaKBM aM *y»r !eok*4. ft-.iai_.r_ Tlat tk*w ifooltti -M bt I*rw»r4*d UAlk*ayt***r RrprM*aitti..o utdw tbo t*al of thi. i ... tad l_*t_.yb* 1* N-.._«- to '.ho wa* lo tbo L'twl. 1 I PaerasaBtaa0 ttaaaa *. On Mond.y »Y.-;a_rleBa . r abo-it IkiM Tftiaof a«0. tb* im-itkUt *t V4:« w_w;r...dr«it. .a!«c.*. . Ba-ttb aa. Aoj.oU. wta.ikallp lara.o r. . .!.t:.r* tami I.i thatii 4i*d __>* MtM Ta n.«tkaiw.*traiporari:j aW-*it *t th* tl .* aad k«ari*« .u BBBaaaB ihlbrd ttto ib* kmb. aod fouad il root.opoi la _wm-_* la**, ... wa* tbe tti 4'. Hk Thb litb 8n,ro»BD _>taaa_B C* _..Corooer Bal jttoiitj .HFtoalrd a Jnrt. btkro » kkb ao i**aatl«a j. I* I* b* l«.r:***d r.ooa Wrda**dxv of B**I._». t* ...*_.¦ w- uar,.*at:**dio* tke d*alh of Dxaiiik aj.d VV* _a«. *-. wlo **ro _: I d.a.1 m Bl .. t-*ir _B_MB lo R _**l .a Will wday ..«*- .-1 i>r l**t .rk WILLIAMSBURGH /HOflE Coa _o_ Cocicil Iti m. At th« mvetiagof t.» B*art .f* Mooda. ayrolaf u-a waa 1' lf_«_ . «iri rn.rr t,i ... nteit. trajiu tlie lor-c *r« 01 ia* 1. a ..ia a k.t Btdactiao 'hr t'omp..y all o.a« fro-n ika pall aad aa- l*td Mraaatt a*..... priTatr roa*amrr. (.4 ajtioat tb.Citjr.Ml B iht ;u!-in--i-j ot tbe |a* ».in.!i«d Bt tb* px»t tl(bl*_ ¦taha Tb* C it. ta_' _-aa.e la r*t. rvs-s ta awalasi wat aatoata** M t* re^nir. Ik.t a!. awa'aj. ._.__) or to k* rrrot'd ._*'! .I'eodteta . - ir ia thr ait. alao to W 0*1 _*. tk aa .l*bl kl|k. a_4 ta a water jriajl. Al! (irraoa* .lolailas tk* *k*.* B_BBBBM _l*B * 13 for *»r_ day oHot r.a'.l.inA no Mt . IVMB BB oi Aa*o Ab.'ut 1 o'clook yo*t*rd*y m-ara c| * it| -rin Mabi. ia Uraod *t, caar BMoada, .'.*<_! by 'II 11 BlflB-Qi waslieBBlBd ky ir*. Cx^l U>a-.«. arrMt-ad mnooi I'airl.k loia.tia'iuu Ia tk. aip'.jy of CaJ.rr, «k« w w lo- n* lo th* . at ibe licue tb. *re lun o*t, oa roeptolm .f ait... nr aa Bahad a;- to awxiiMMahnMBa NEW^ER&B7 FlEMS. W illiam Uoyd Garrl-ou uill rjaeak on tm tu'ijoct Slavery at FMaBBBB, ti.i- BBBBBB^ LA W INTEIXIOmOR rBKMK 00P1T BMIM r«a*l h^fno Jnip «4ir-itix. BBW. Ninrly .^i.'Oil tt, frtim iBBBad to Fifth ava,.* VV aa>! Aaroa B. Boll.a* appilatM Cmm .-...¦.:. i'.*tici Or* H.adred aod I'weary .eooad tt. fron Thlrd 10 'limothy Paity, Joaa l'*Jr*y aad lltary Beoktaaa aprolottd c'oa.ix_,.i*t*_i Op.Bist N Btb-.r. from HIoooiljIxIo road ta Oaa llaadr*! **4 Twraty Bt at VV'il.iaw 8_*clalr, Jobn OKoaf. aud O.r.h.a .iitiu.:*ioo*r. 1 ..'.. kkl 1l.aariu.vrr **t Catharia* H*T*rtn.y*r.OrJ*r Mk- tliu. diit.ikuiloo ot tb. .kar* ol Kdward lla.*ru.*.*r. il*o«ta*d. Oaibe prtitiaa of th. 84-otcb Pr_.byl.rlaa I'bur...Ord*r ..- th.'.ij.-i ial* .>f luiial jroantl |",ti-*^ fji wbkb procJ. 10 M ap. lird ... b* 'i.r aimr liil. *howa. IwaaC Va ... a«l laawUlpb lla.riotl aod artk.rt-Ju4*«.*t (at wl> .nd dtiilbuti** oa partin-io .mt . itk.ll H How* ... R.chard (* How*- -Ix-n. OBBBBBBB t.rtd for CJ.Jlitel. lt-i tll'- u.'-.n. ol It did u >l rraaaplr* 81 K .OR I'Ol RT-Brf.i* J |. BoiwoBTH I N.'lr. 1 beiiery att larona* Prrn* To recover .lauia;;,* f»r tlandcr, amiutit lai.l nt 1500. l..,»n.l«_.r. .. .1. * >U_d .t VV*»_iutt..u iuukt-1 aad tha pitiatirt w*e .1 a. a I-. 1 ar ta u.',,a* bitu* uiaik.iitif. f u* .!i**t».. ,,. .. .... I..1.UJ waa* tbi«f »od «h* 0-.*llp.OT. M ha.l ..olm . 8 |r ,..-. ,t d ta.i pl* had rickd B0.-81 bill dnpptnl kjoii priw-u'i.-i.tii wu to «nuer taf ibriti aot lar I'riti .|-f*u laal'. ttait, xu« ibe fl.ili.ulty h«r* .-!.a:«.-d MBBsd Verdiat lir pltialid, 014, aab:ab ttnltt . BBB am: onlnf cu*u. -* StPK.RIKR COI _'l'-B*for. J-.dg* Omltv Keratrd LralilOlt-d ou.r. t4t l.aac .Irwtju aad *t'i*n a alnt) ol dreia-.l hog* plt.od oa ft «.({hl ob ,, ol J*i. Btlt*i ft-.w Albaay, aoJ . driicieo-y, il 1. a.l*t*A orc r'H't iBlli. dei.T*ry, alraM) rafeired to. VAr.liu. ktr plalatid, tiotf.i. CQi ,'..,' .'MMOM PI.K.VH-Beforti Jt l(t Woooatrr. i..»rtr . 00k t<t l*ha H Baxtoa. To BM_M Unii-ge* for alloged alandor, alrealy re- ferr.d'« V.idltl fot plaiBtlB. BB, WBtoh Baltltt tttB A..l"-..l _'.'! .«- 1. -:. " 1- 1, ,.. ui ,lam**r. 'or* 111 i*kiu| |>,.w*wlon of . wbaapaa , , "«i_i io pl.lotiit Tl. tu. .11 trt.d b..-ir*. wa*a Ik* JtlJ SBttltlB I'aia.t'l a.rr* thu t__* nwi l«i*r aad .*- ,,n*o. *_d uai.y eip-rio.rai* he *i.ri:*pd*d Ib w**.fa..l*rlaa .of atimlliy wbrh bcxt 'he l.u|ort"d aa t.« oub.*i ...J, . *w, ..Jt tb. mraa* i-.i i'rj_*ed. .i*api>lle.l r. fxa 1*1* i..ti to a* tt Lli., i8»i lt !. "bxr. prout* wil. Mr Al. T .* awaa *. c«|.t.d. aad Mr. li t ul * c«ii*i ia Uaak tt *aJ 1 10 |laiu'i_ tad *1*>> loHurd h u .oto* iaia*y * atlll Wat .ir.ll o. aji.i t'.ry ..arilrdou b' to<iel al.a.aai. for a.ul Mr lltobr.'cird ».i.l.l.a.4 iwiMay. ih* .Hai.rlay ol*kt .. 1. il,,. 'li.r oa Mt eilta Bt**Bt b- l>»4a_ tbr lu. k iak.( olT aaj * di tir- .tot* p*k b* wat dcaUdl adatlUaav*. a lha o.llor. I)_rai4*«t .. ta, M-. Mmcltt-a. r,.lnti1 .... lii.t be.'irwe.|*.a ly a* rrr'aia'dtlr,. njai t. B«»e hreu kbl iititii t'w c* ina.tled tM ur. ... .,»r*.li*t al :ba- lim* b* th. c*ilar th.r. wrr'r in il 1 * > ¦. M bbl* .< bn.p,... 14. d >< *toa* jar* ol Ib. ».l 1* i- er-.»ilil4.hl*h w.ra bi* pr.prry, aad of wjk-li b* *t* d* tl. dffto-r i,tb»t l'ie«*!l«r w»a hlrrj by VI ,rc .0 that b. al- (intcdlU iti'jti y toorry on th* liu'a. w, whicb w** mo 4 utjr* tlita'b. Taiuaot tbe pr.p-ny ia tb .. Uar It 1* «!»> .1.1.4 14 ai. I.i. Murcbea wa* tbe prraon wbocio*-d th* ct'.'.nt aod o»t tk*d> Ikadasl. ihvJ.iy. altrr b. lo* o.t _)_. tlm-. wor* *|tl* atilil* tliu." tudwrl- 4lit'-nur4_d__ mahivp. 1 oi.itr-- ;..i. Maa rmtLtrt. H'rjli.a VVbi.uu *4'. 'I1" '-''J***< l'*l*«. A«_.'lati<ia. Tjiuuuiii iIbbiss.i for injiry ta plaintiifi proinisM br .1, of a w»ll ol * i) di 1. .'>aT'.id witk tbi l**l*e*. Ai taa*. l.l.rr.d I.. VaaBBI Bl plxinti.l. ai1'. flRST DIMTUK T COI'KT -Befor. J-ideo OlIIB. . el N.w l.ixx.- Otildttuitk I., re. i.ver .'.'|" naliy, Badertbalawof April lfi, 1 ./, I II |00r wi'lj.i.i' llttttt D.frnda.t pr.l.wad. ll wm wlt, t.l,.*r»llire*d»odo*r4l.*tor*, ln Bri>oro*.t »ri* «.ib_H«*«Hf «lur Ut 4-id.rd, fa.t.iolrt lli .ot J .d|n.«iit fjr plaialil la an-oaai 'Itr ptixsn-d* (.. m 'I.r p..,i < iiyol Bow Yurk m' Martlo Plw.fto To r*rQT*r p*u.i:y f-.r .atcrlui * tUDI.i wltb ilitht *a_>r*r*d B a.t.b.wn t.iatd.l.-'Ia_t ,o*iit*rrd * 11*01. brlun.lot to tilm I. VVaii.*t l*iti*...-ttii»iy U) law. wbkb !..]«i_**»li«bud a*adi* ar l.uiri wb'rn r.rrlrtliitUi* «U.!*, to a la . laototo, at oiMrwl** p,oi'*ctrd Juil*iu. ut ta *!*¦ kt-n i_u«u*t. 1 ol RT OP OESKttAL 9P. SION _-T<_da_-B« tof* tb* Ra- caapeBj Jaroes Saunder., Mat>hal of the Ancienl Ordor of lli Laioiat* wa* tbi. mo.uiajrall.d ti tilai t..r ha'iai BMBflMBta __!d "7, a"_Iri_-'r aB____l LituialM IM Polfc. I. eiom t 14t,i^uethe riot a. ,, . ib. BB wiiBrW. J.tD-A McPI._*., oae oTtb. MaB Ward l-olicr w.* lArn ..«i. aad d.twwd tb. wb b. ar.l.a at th* . raeot lh* rot h* ww **onj.i.*o horavba-x. aad wb.u w** .boul .rr*_-tB* mm -4 ll- rlot*r., _*.i.drr» **lla o.t i* ai* we* I«tO-«tiko B_*o*r M t*ke« to the r.Ilcnl_*tl... TB. cm* »t* bere *< ji ** .0 I" o'clwk 10-d.j. OOVBI I'A-.F-NDtR, THITUDAT. t'oBMOB Pr.I*l-N_ 30r?, 310 to Ui, 317, MO, Hl, «8. 1 _MB_i__^Br.-Baa «i, tm, m, *. , 76, 3. , n«. 4. 1 4*1 tk< 4_'487 448, 4. BB, 411. ««. 471. 47* ¦fcS ._l._ti, __, 171. 'ffi^I /;.". ;o/ -\rt.-N_.l7.37.5A53. », 29, 28, 40. 28, 'A, 118. UV B I" <1 D1KD. ALLKK -Ia BorllB. N Y Pob 7 ol Ib* rw o«*of Mr nr,. Mi.a iLlnl ..IU AiMB, *f V .l.r-a, lh_aiBB« U.B<* _M N _, " "_ay. I «a lart .VUr. An-r.l* 0*u4bUr ot Jtmon i-OlD-latk*'Urooth* 13th la.-, B-*-aaa BoiA li,r .aarraJ -I.I ui. I latt a* tb« l.'.arrb .f th. TrM-B^araUoo, , i Tw tv,.k-.t .... Thonday a«tt Ifcb P.braar;. al B.0B nh.O*N-OritboU-.t_tt.Jo_ Browa, t#*< 18. . . li!. r.iau.r. aud ..r.,d. ar. la.. ed W * teai hU faBOral al 1 ,- k "a 'br iH-.a, f.oai 1.1*1*4* r«Jr.B*e. No BB IMtMB. ' BiIOOa-M rwUm .* T*Md.y BMrBiBt, P*k 14, Ui. Pw I...' (jVkN-OatMUU. __B-.B_._ww_, <_(*- ... r.lati.r. aud friri.d. ar* tu.. ed W ateod kl* ioant k . 'h' iH-.a, _o*J I'klat* rw_Uae*. No *B K-i'i**t"B nr.IOC.r4-At rMlukill oo Tewdoy -BOtaio«, P.k 14, Mr. Pwrt* ^.xn:°_.iv"trZiirreb..,^ _t._Lt*r af ;^kB tad Kl'*tk.tb C*r-_, a*d * ra*r. nmi 8 taaaiha, l!e _tl*:i. .*aadfrlooBoT Bt fa»U, a/o rM5_*_ .11, ..,.._ I. att.t.d tb. lyatrai at 0*Amt ob WedB_o*ay aaoralaa froai M*. '"pAV-'OaMort'aT r.>- H orbrartdUaoaeo, KaaoLoalaa, BBBB ...d*..|t_*fJ-:'i»r.dr.!t-*Uay .a tb* l*tb y*ar .ifkot ***. A-M, o- aaaBBB. -oo l_a*. BUtA wtf..f JoBo Day.iaU.Bia tm *' h' Tr. ¦ >.f tb* famll. an iMM.t_.lly tatTlta M dtnl ___r taaal ." Wada.***.. IStb la_; atl -/eiotk, trotu No. IB Wj*oi_w~ *t wl'beut f-.rtk*r lo.-Utl**. EmpU. Lodeo 1. O. ot O. P-, VO *ri_rr_¦ -i"Totadoy. P.k. 14, Joha Pjom, la tbo __ji_ *r L,J;f."_Wdt if th* ttrai'7 .'. r.-p.e*_.By i.iBB to BBl *. to- c -ij atTt 1-ark oo lh.fa.y mo*B _( frow bU laio r _4«_ B* V ua** W TM f«n»r»'. wr__ will Mk. p'«. a. Traa_B«*fO_- (.cirrb. torotrof _U. taad i waMBJI \*j'th"*- *r-i*Ho0- H. HAl L_NB1-A_ Oa T_ra«y lf-b lott. __. Cbtrlotio Haa '*'il_ .'»!._ aod I. «od* arare^-^oily lavitM _> altaM tb* f,D_l M S* o»clo.k at * LcJ.-«h.reh. MAACB.Ib th_ Cill TawMy, 14t_ __». __M l***««, tb. b.lo.ed wil_ ..ftto^-* Iw«_, _-»«d t«n ^^_^^_ ThJh_*d'of tb._»«ra»* >a.«a watawd «a JrawtdafraM. krruu__.a. .Wo.2J8 _M* reoifca. U-BMfrow (TkatBayl at ' ___-UET-_ T.-d.y u.«»..i l4*klB*t..ia th* Ulk ynotot hj, ..- l kartw *)« o^ -arir. *r.d J*** Mr A jl.y._ Ih. fr- *". _B MBBMaaa ot ta __ily w. ra^oetlWly to ¦ATbBBBBI3*BMBBl aWBBMBM B 4^el*.k.f,ow tkotmt- . .»« »iti««» yr,a«.i*. wlthoat fortber laylt-UWa mKZmmtnT*nnmmmtlmnt B»Bl__.«_____l tt _#_rHd-__r.^^^ "w IIXOX-4- MoaMy, l_k BB-, at Babway ». , *T ___."?- lioo. twniei M Wilaox ,1 ^tiatk, Hh MNB will .xrl.. « tbiIftjtfjCity *££,£ wkeac. ibrj will k* l*-* to 4hM*woM *Hr**32*rf th. btntn. WILLART>- I* Uottnri Mm. P.b ^J?*Z7*» y_"t *J Mr* Mary D B«B wlf. ot ^tko,.?tZk r __. M * ,p_ni wa-ca a"rr Britkli iaa*pUB_

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Page 1: New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1854-02-15 …...BaaaaaaeBt ewier of tbt f..rm. rt'il the tertio yal retaiut a 81 i-earai'i e ol v i-or Bf.d «

I h-Bt . ba- tt

;.< .>..», »hai. aiYV.llY N.( ibi. a*ai a

, *a I iw a- lha

. I,. .

BV l-ave * ','


...,-.. I-

j Ttbattkato, ,2t .,, BMtA-vvli M W,-!> a.vl M.ialtlil* UUlld'

t2Cb ,.,, !,e,lelsBt.W B | IwfoP

ii i: veintnit -it easliau.1 it ,-. aa* ga>

*.-.«. Ilai*, ',___aflM4 f a .'¦ .¦' ,; .' -1- * .¦''..'. '.'¦ , ;,M, a l>«e>ii al for a''**'

,. :.¦ .. i: -v.t .- : i'i ¦!

I ''

tl BtotT

.'. t i.i Blaf Biafllr *.. ' -¦ " '¦' -

--. ib« paataihr

... ¦. Cy-ajkg. hr4ti aii-. lat , 1-

\t* la.i.eb'ivs. mptwa bill.Bto tv--Y_,r* f. . iituilar tnanfl

.*,,£., eaked iuthe.s.1....'.

t -..-..

lattot r.wa frvtu B I ,

h»* Nf a aSar.l're.l at: > tbe;. rf

_#.',.: i*-..ta Heibitta tlen'.and waa a, | ,witb t..e iatei li

tohr* .>.< i aartariag tbe k I :n:rv Ile i

_iflilt irty aa p<Balble oapoaite U Paotaw,.. Iwo oi lutanty. und.

C\al Ct *'

. . -.' r 1¦ a, i, atty betweeo ihociti oaa of E

js^v ard l f hUl .-.rtic.tlart ot whk¦Nth-« i>a et bj -y pank Y-ii Btherot t

. .. . '. i.-. oaadatailof atrlp IbaMBtWfaflttbeDoaaaapeopIt froni rtealiag flatt fre i Ibbkert, M tt au-i BiYteliBjaaa bare la Ibe algbt, aod rt BaaAagaui-afteriB£*f tb* v«v a-.. to 1- »oaa ot- board. CaaapwatooabrtYJcn. ard :oS.:i Xich..tne. anJ iw

tkt>rr wbtrre wo awattethr,rairiv*l Taaii fac.aa detcnaiaed t'' ¦'- Oaraaaiborwaifflaewba' .l..rt of :..'. «-d* '... '"'' Tbe partlea mal

__j . \ bat th. y laaghe.^ tvtP, ...

' anj ie ha wbatevMffker eaid tbey woal r woald gart lltv-eroatc' '. l .,

aBBfv-sd ».t ii in the cver.ii.,'. kl! tbe water w .< t,v.> nileftrairaB!;'-We-t.ited aai to.\ poeawtion of it, aad whea ta

ex.-a ct¦ e :i ehi Yoa eaa ttaaglae twoatyt £b'. ltien in tle aiiJai . f one h-udred aoi taAn soon a* tl c aaaa taathl I aa «re were ordered t a n

end to tbew if paa.ibhv Booa tbMti wbat wus g.i;.-on ar.d boiran t'lonfifij

.kvkcuf. bnt it wa* i. thcta to watak Pn-eirlv H gaa wea dwehargad, aad froM thabare.b»re w_>" al! t!;a' was b. r. i for taa miau'..tha kowi-zir wa* dis. harjted. t ie Ma-loeaa *t(i:n;.e,l-lt teeead si d tbird ebot wa« trad befo.-e wo aaeooi 1. --1

Bkkin;; tbeaa r. Aftar earrletory ** -tartedand roaebefc, a.e i:. tttt ly .

We !< ft tl.e battlo uroand that B'L'bt: tbMrefora w

_-,,- .. ber ll nt killed. Wehemalrer cur reflara, tbM Ibrae of tbe ;.arty were m'te'inj;. *ov

.ral mulei ar.'. oxt B kilhsd, ai d one bundred aud flf'v t>vhead wt: oaaflflrad. 1 thiak tbis tria will arere totkettkat ttar] .aanot go to tbe lake wfcboalBarlflf taftglf^r the aalt."

Aiivr *«tri Ki< »:!'..-A .maillandturtl-vra"ffoBnd..nih.-i'fcrni. I B ¦ 'i-'l .NortbforJ

L. l*la_d. keariag ti i Baarka,' Jaly 11,11 -. P. B, li ad.fkatt ie ni . wi reaaade ujon the unmnl inore thno 4aaaaiebaei byT-aathi B. Bartbolo-iea -d, tbe fothereBaaaaaaeBt ewi er of tbt f..rm. rt'il the tertio yal retaiut a

81 i-earai'i e ol v i-or Bf.d «< :iv it v t' nt mny. for all we .1!'civir. (LRlle it ta Btb aad aaara y< aakaaaVad >¦

6t. Tait, MtsM. .ta.In if 17 tbcro were ti-arcelydozen wl;' ha tb piaea mw kuowu an StP«ul iu Minmaote Tt-rrifo r Tb" v illajre BOW oootola7(0 boustf, ai d 4.TK) ii.habi'ants. Tho a:n >uut of taiabb

I'lie capial at pr.t-fi-ted fn brtfitirce. in fl-IS,-00. Ia a fow yeart Bl r

will be. _e ofthe luost iuiportaiit place-- on the Mi Bl lippBiver.Mr B.W. Writbt, ef P-ftaai,tkeMrtakterwhoeaaaeM

N.wYirk wtthMlM OraTi deaiei >my ininiual or i haaaaarkrteatieafl kfjeaeerliagker to New, anl ap-ptal* tokboae wka kara kaowa kiatoTaaak forpravloni good cbaraetei ezplalbb aboattbe wbiakentbal tb.v -.e, re not woru nor bonjrht fyrdiagalba doe*'mt wi-h toea '. froM the ekarga >.!

acting -BfaopartyTbo aTafladaef thr- Malaa LawiaChieago haTeaoM-

aatrd An:o." V. Threep ttt btayor, aad appoiated a C .ramittee to < in -ii'i r the praprlaty of pattln^ eaadl latafl f".-the otber city ofrieet tn tbe ii< IJ. Tiiere ure now fourraadidatie for Mavorof Cl.ii .ii;o.oi.d Tht 7WMiafltklakfl,if no chango takea place, the elcciiou of Mr. .p igeertainHelf a eaeaary bro, Lakeg Ontaiio. Krie, ITtiron, Hlebl

ran Bb George aad Baperior were aatlraly arttboat aaaaBitrce. __¦.. tkfl ouly rnft to boaeofl BBOBtbefllWflflIhe Indiiin canoe In iBM the;r tt.niia_'c bfld raiged to21a,' cO, and the value oflhe tratlic to e

Jflalfl SilYcrtbonc. a drovtr, in Bttaaap-Bg to leave a

train of enrr, Ofl _M Culumbia BamIroad. nenr Lflfl » tl r,

ahen in uioliou, fell brdweea tli" cir- atid tbo whole tralflran over him. aat.flfl hi« body three piooaa. Too c_-.(

were ibrown ofl' tho track, ai:il BflVa-fll oaltle killo-l.Sonnc I oys at Tahala, \h">. Ofl tbe Mtb utt ti.-il e.itne

frackr-m t.'i a do;;'* tail, and the do^r ran into a aottoaihed, pttln^' Ira to t!ie cotton, aud cauging a loss ofi

Biduev C Hurtoii baa been arrcaud at Ckvelaad, Ohio,ob a ebarga ef perjai7, prafwrad aaalaat blabrCaoiCuminiBpg, Ibe uaMter of the faiooaa Bteamboat MarthaVSaahiuKton.Oeorpe (>. Parker wae 1 illed ea tbe railroad arnr

Kathua. N II Ofl tbe 11th hflal Bl wa* atteiupting tocroBttho tratk at the time of tbe ocurenoe. The u»ualaignil. were givea heucc uo one i* blataexl.

A bill ha- l>een introdueed int.. tb. !.. g-lfltfl-fl of Ken-Mcky to prohibit the aaJe of tlare children uudor tbo ageef five years geparate from their motbers.A joker aay* that tbe cor.N af wood giren to the poor

are re curded above.

MAFJXE ior. ni.lilf rnHIMBBB

All this joction of country waa yentet-ny aorerad with a

rery denac fog, which alaao*t gu.poudcd barbor ntTijra-tionThe Afriia. which arrived off the High-aadB at T IV M

ob Moiiday, wg-ia'iil below a: 1 o lo-k thia morning. Anafiort was BBade to sead a eteiBiboat to her in the nfterBoon, bnt the boM conld nof nafely go beiow tke Hattcry.l'aatcager* who lefl 1'bi adelpbia ou Mocday at I 1' M

airired in thia City ttio',1 >. k j> .UTday aftcrnoon fboypeatbed Aaiboy aboat 6 o clock, aud there took the rt< amer

Joha Poltcr.prvrstded so_te fivo aiiloe .-ame to author audlaid th. n- until moraing S:cam waa then gx>\ up. and tkeboat came a. far 1 a Ekaab. thport. which place waa rra -bt .'.about 1 o clock ia tbe aftt-rnoon Tlie paaaen^erB theretook the eara for Eli-abcthtowti aud were tbenee conveyedta thia City by the New Hrangwicu Axoaita.ida'.oa tr&iu... ben onr informant left Kli.abethport there were foure*ta.iboai- lying at atuhor uuabie 10 pioc.ed. in coa

teqneace of the fogOa the K*_t Kiver ferry boaU e^per>ni-od|frf at d-B.-alty

ia crot-iag the rivtr Tbe Pe.k ebp fcrry boata from tbefoot of South Sevi atb at., were niu duriujr tbe moat -f the

day to Graad M. New York IWtween ti aad 7 0 clock iathe atan-aff tbe Pock tlip boat Niapara. ia makiag a dowa-ward trip, raa into a eh'.p aad N.flfl-fl. lyiag M the whart"adjoiB'iBjr ibe aVtional Dflflk. The ahip had her rndd.4-carriod away and the atera of tbe a.hooaer waa atove in.The ladiea aide of tbe ferrj b at wai corudderably damaged No peraon waa injared.The ft-rrkfg worked alowly but w.thont aerioaa a. ideat.

Oaly abont bail the uaual aaioU-r of boata were raaniog,aad by diat of ooaataat bell ringing and fhouun? theyaaaaged to find elbow rooat and ivrut withia haillag d*Maee of thtir alip.At 1 0 clock thia atorning tbe w'nd waa frcaheninp and

drrriBg off the fog.TUK -18-eTBB TO TBK tTEAMBBIP GlOBOlA.

Baltimobk, Taeaday, Keb 14, li-iiTba aagiaeor of tbe Btcamship Ooorgia reporta tbM tbe

*¦*> bad beea e-porieaciag a gale froa. tbe rooraiag of the*htafb*Hk.a_d bad gajlaotly wvalbwad it, wbea aboat

| ii. irp» ting n (iv.! or t' ..-. .- l b-r tiii at >vo

,),:!,. ",. n (! ......irrii-it t'n f.rnv'l.;

^ aWfl. p BBBBJ at lh " .I v |j fi,-* Thl"t'i b *i tai- viit'i.i * ai.d tha u ." af tt .-.i rn i. i n n

redefwaaa aaa1 Baa haarB taa lha1 HaBahatadaadtha waaara a iBttaha laaaa_,a «

f , .' t v.i.i ll it r. .! tho Bfial»ti of thanfllc.a aloai.l Ibat tb.'vreotl b'tkod RhehB b|i.t.,..'v rrpabed ai.d »iii htthwhh fBaaaai to Baa v..;*

vi, 11 ,.u.|.'.

A niHOB M">K

* Tbo b,iri;.< Cviino fr.'tn r.rmmt whilo lying at thoi Ntti _.i_ and I'.i* Ki.ilron.1 I' I'n- iv B VB_fl w tt

oatll nntj;h l.y iho i.t1 and 'nilan'ly in ik. Mh* w»i BWaadby Ba K.iltoad OaBBBBBJ, and w ¦ BBB -' I BB

I* of llour a.rral thontand bathnli of grain. baI tae. of .l.y (*oim and **v.-ral balo* of wool. !'art1 nf Ibe frright bn» b_en p'.-kod up beBBW t'.iliin. d)'k., Laataakaawa, batwfllaflBaaal to»*varai tb.>u<and d>ia Sltn ur,-.uiployd inroooverint thefroi.-ht fljatini;I aboiit


MaBBri GeapOa. Oa cnt. rtainid alar-.' partyofour.,. mi. m . v. ting. oncx rn.sinn of ibrowingop

.' ti.'ir .,. .a aatah _ha_a_. *' tat Bnalaay Tbe atore,wbi.h i* ou lha gBBBBd lloor, ia fit.'d af wBh grtB e'c

gtnro and adori.-id with tlio ihoi i i m-r-ivincra j.-iblmhod^ liy tbe bBBB Tbi. it. wo tup] .#>, tbo latjfBl private eitV)

1 tl.iu. i.t ir lha aorldi'"I'ntcUd wi.b th'-prolii t'.m undsi'ia afaawjrarriaaa aad ha BwaBflBBaBBaa_BhaeBw_ao&-

h*vc a favuritblc influcnen in tbcdjvtlopmcnt of tho pabtAtt*. V . learn that it wo* foundod in IB_ at I'.irit. but

"it vvKtiiot t.i! Bmi ytrir* afti-rwnrd tiitt th puY.i-.- it'.on afthr BBrhfl oll >e< inipa, flav arni, Nab.-y and fiiialiyof P.uiI>edar._l.c. blirlit-.l tbo |ir..cnt of tbi h >ll'<5.

Msafc bcautin.l oi.^rtiyirK^ Bf tho fatn.iua worktofl...)jH.ld ltobcrt cue oi tln -BoBeharaiafaabaan aaar bara

. in Kran. o. who*. eorly d.-atb war an irr.p_r.bl_ .. .liaii t lef AH addtd to tbe reputat-on af the p-ibli»h_n, and .:* trartc-d M_f art r.* to aaeh tbe *a:ne .neinn of p'_ Huratc \ am t iBabaa, PhJHppotoonr, Daaaaaah «. SV...terj Lr.ltcr, (J.rarde and uiany Bthet nmif.4 of dJBtiBOtion PBN

ad.hdto tbe liit of arti-l* BBBB pletarea BBBB no-.v re

pr.ilu.-d in thia aciorbible nnd pOBWBY n_iun'.r, a tid d*i.pmir,_tcd to an cxtciit o'lurwiae iwpiaiibl.. I l f

1 1cm rminrnt aru tho en_.rav.r.a BBBB BBTfiaB h»ve at0 var'.tu* t;n,ot hOBB laid lBBBB_iaa ii thi BBttJ ABBBBf il'io are Henr.quc-: Dapoat, M. rt.iiry, C'.il nairta,"Z rrudl.on.u.r, I'nvost lilanchard, (iirard'-t, BrUoBX,

A Fcrst. r d othrrs. The brm.h of tho boaa in Lin-a dt n h.-.j. tBtahHabad in lSK, that in N-iw V..rk in 1917;1 an.l tl. nt in Ucrl n la 1091 Tha Taka of aaeh an in.ti;. tatka toartieta *nd to tb" publi. ii very (jroxt. t* lhai form.r it ntT. rd* a mark et and a pabBaity for tho'r work*!. whiihlhayeaaM aotolh**w_thoyofari t" th. h.t-rii_

rtnd-jrt ^t ticri.Ky aeeeoalbla in the fo-m of aa,-

r the bc«t produ'tioiit of tbr |reB m-.-r.. ABBBf tha puVt li. atlaaa of lha Me_rrs ObbbII, bett ki.->wn in thi4 cnuntry,« ataC-_B_ falina engravi:^' of W-nhi:i,'t m

lidaware, and vnriou* Bthographa .fter ij-i.-tiir-- l.y vj 11 itr*ihapo tho aenel haaatMU «oid (aapeetaat woA iaaaod bytbtm i. Dolaiaeha'i Ikttiryeit, BBgratad bv H'-ur' ia-.' Dapont. The JfarrajB <f C.ina. ofct r_.ul Vcro i

BBBBB a.lrr.iiuble print, wbote pahlioatiofl vva-1 doiined go

J inip..rt.i>t 1 y the Frer.fl) OaiaBBB nt tha* it paid a part ott il f lo p.v a . ott of bringin^ it out. W. ihoojd rujoho to bmn tuc-b cn(;itivirit»bfc OBS BOBB__I in thB I'cuatry, aa tu

to eapol _o araetteo of daearaliag parior* with a

oii paiallBgs, oid and nrw, bi u>>ht nt oii.-tini for a ttoagBBlhapa, bat not wortb the eipr-niC af baafiaf

0 -Tbe aagrBviag of Ku ¦- mt b i /' i / ./ *

!em, las bBBB finitbed in (Jermany snd h appewed a. thaI, ihnp w r..lo5r« of N»-w Vork (vfii, befire tbe pict r

n liais tnk. u it.s .Icstined placc amoni; the freecoe* on tbe wa'.l*'' of thr- X, aa MaBBBBB at BBBlia. It i", W. b- !i' ve. thahBgoot

BtaaloagraTlagaw r pahlBbed aad wdl reaaai the lil .striotis arlirt ivi.lcly known in roun'rii-,. b;it f iv of >7li i-n n

hnbitniit.a will. vcr have tm o;i|i-r!t.ii::y of SBBiag btavathi bm hrea Tb la a aerlptaxal aabject la »u fara_i it*haBBttaia ht BfiaB bbbbbb nggaatad bypaaaajwafstiijture fur.ttllinp the down'all of tho Jewiih CbbBbLThcufih we BBBaB r< enrd it nn tho best of Kaalba -h't it in tl siii.^iii.'. J by all Ihat btaadtb an-l ri ¦iin-'ji

» af baaghaiaaB, aad that bbbb af toaalaaat arhkhiaaaarb!n. t i.t ef the eoteol of niaatcr* A pnmf of on r-!' i.iIho ayper part of tho pictaradaaeaa_BfB ex-' nte thudi\itji- juilf.-n.iiit <.n ih- rabolOoat .lew*. «re atpoolaOyof

1 w.n.l.liul b.auty. A lartomount of hiM.orical ai w... ui

biblical lean-inp il combined iu tlrs itdrnirahh; 8 BBp a BBBTha i Bfltllag i* bi^bly »ati»fat!ory, and doe* rre lit to thoftoteofthe art inl.rrmany whataitWM araaaosd We

:!,«t iu tbi* tountry tb* will be tho m >*t pi^ilarofKaalbach'Bpietaraa thouph bis Dmaortiom m HaMht*hoaa wiJi ly . ir. ulatcd nmon^oiir people..We have already noti.-cd in tcmaaaf praia .Ir. M.-Kve't

sakgrariafaf llick'eex.eb.iit pattrBBafdB Bat BbbbiWvmi llut ur.H. and now hive to rcpaB the *a.ic cjin-

litidifii.E taaawahlac'ofBpriBl ?in. ? isaned by t»io BBl

tngravcrafttr the eame nit;*t. rcprtientini; Hahop W'u-wiir.HT. Indeed, wc-est.cin th'« as »u;ifri)r to tho formorwork, an.l BHagBthB a very bcaatii'ul thinjf. The llitbipk lafeaaaatai in hhtaflaW rcbes and with tho mutstrtkiursaeeaBB* pattiallan Tholeawofthe engra»in_' an.l tln.maiiaptmuit of the lifcht BB iispei-ially plouiuj; and almiral'i..Welcorn fioin Tarit. tlint the r_B_ painterll.In

gnsbat just complet. d a pietara tocover _aaa_flg of one

of the l.ali. in thellotel deVfflaB I'-ri* Tiie BlJ Itho Apotheoaaof XajaJaaa I an.l tbe li^tire* are of ¦'

of life. The h.-ro i* b-hebl in n grouud of c-eleitial azure,clotbecl in a QBBBBBBI blaniv* with a BOOBtM in hiebaii.l an d by Reaaaa. The ^r..up i* _uttained iuapo'don11..-.1 ..t oii.t'u. ti-.l by Viitory. wbile an eai;lo llo.ti over

them BaBBW tbir BB-fad BM ne we *.-^ ibe eurth with thetl.rc ne of Xapoh-ou vacaiit and arraye.1 in m _minc < »n

the rigbt of the tbrone i* Fraine. also in mournin<, MlaW-iup with hi r eyea the asc. nnion of tho dofunct, wbile on theother tidc- i» BaBBBB ruthinj? forth to tuppras aaarchy. Intbe B__BCa we »t e ibe o-ean and the Iehnd of II .-na.

Our rradi ra will undt ntand from tbia descriptioa that it i*a v» ry ttriking pice of artiotii* adulation.The (it-rman pajiers rj«ak of a newly discovered Tttian,which tii, y cla*i tm.>ng the bc-at worksoi that itr'iat Thosubiect i* the LilK-ration af .\ndromeda from the Sea M >n-

BB by l'cm tt mounted on the winged borne BtfaBBBThe picturc i* a liitle more tban four feet long, aod a littlelo* iu wid'b, and from a paflBBBB in one of Tit an a letteis,bsaapaaalB have baaa painted for Philip II. lt wai

brouRht to (Jermany by a French Geucral tK»me f.irty year*B£0.


Ml'SIC.i uvclli. wbo a few year* ogo began to m.vke a aenaotion

M cactatiiie on the Italian boarda at Pari* bat lately pr,vdmid an immcca wnsation at tbe (irand French Opera ofti nt city, at Valentine iu The Hurnien.'t. She has a noblaphymjvf: Btl which Eweep* majetticaily, and a regilport. Der voice. a aoprano. i* peculiarly tlne in tho lowerivg F.mille Girac. of Farl*. a very *uperior matcr of

hanner.y ard the art of teaching mntical compositiun, bMrc ct ntly c onnecttd bimself with Mr. K. S. Willi*. Editor ofThe -Vv.'-.'.' H', rl,!. of tbi* City..Mr G Y Koot af this City. who teachee averal

bundred feminine pnpils at tlie Ratger's Institnia,bM mch a suoccaful modc of impaiting tbe elemeataryportion* of vaaflh_a_a_, that it is ri_klly >mctbing re-

uiArkable. He teacbe. ilai_.s to do witbont acooaapaniinent exertiaeo, whi-h a few v ears ago wat not a'emptedby profe-uei. 'n giving tingk- lesMins IIis papil* »iug thetcale*, diatonically and chromatically tbrongh tbe tweivekcyA returning with perfevt aplomb to the ori^inal note

wbeuce they itaiied Iktter elemeatary or more piqaanteffort on the part of individual* could not be aok. and mrrgard* clamee. it is qnite ont of the way..Fanl Jal'..n. the moot prt. __.___- t_.uobo that bii

k>ry ret-ordt. wa* pect-ntly very ill he recovered bnt re-

lapad, and nnder the adi i. e of his physklan. hi* father1.1: herc lately with him for Havana Tbe Iom of sucb a

marveic-u* artiat would be irn-paral.l.-. and a we trutt tbBha ov«r worked brain will br leA to lie fallow for a tim*.Madame Smitag. in company withMr JacUL the pianist

and Cami-e l_o, the violiniat, bM giivn a seria of asc

ceafnl coocart* round ihe Loktt and through the Weat-II Ja__ a coaceru ia l'hiladelpbia. Baltimora. I'.tt*

burgb. .VheeliBg, Cincinnati. I_>_isv_ *, etc, were aDtrinmph* of saocaa. 11* iato appear al N*w Oriwu ob tbe15th.haa again in April.-Tbe new Opera Uowa in BooIob is projreaiag aad ia

eohdly waUed the iatoric* ia now ia th* rongh. There are

ample vomitotia and aa ixon cmtaiB a fall, la BBBB of

f r.- The ataga ia TO taat dap. «2 kigk. aad ie Mvered byaaareh«ihi|h _bohm pacaliaritiBwittbo a -aalf i

!>,' O.-e-u IT- 1 tkt t m\.f fun mr.-, oi.- thit <! '¦

._ ordiaary uotU, aa

eaay aa aa ana ebalr. tb I » Idiag to the otvkta i -. MitbM'l pj.v l-'vicn (-.. h t it be iii m .».'. .

ai*).-. '.- r. eaaple -o .ti 'j- bi ... .r ¦nwit af tb«. aaB-B.I Hy th.i T*.-an,'"ni'uf, w.

Bii'jt.debi bj Ibelfea TorkOaaraBoaBaaowbal4hfi>Iwhiehheld .riir.ary watt. won'd coatain. u;i >:i

Ikaaaaaaa] ¦¦. i uf tl>* B*PadjBtiB.;_*at,eT f.'i.t: l»to ibe extra ecoommodat'on of apaee jerbfd Wbeab-IstythaiI Art ia aot wo.-k

| m c. w Ijrical art.

It irKported tl at Mr __-balflf_flai_i bflfll ¦ar. ei.p*r>«.|iri t wiih Madami ('..'. aay Uad blrpprer i'i cflBOOlM ht t'<i nvorbgdarBg th't apprafl k n^rcteoB ia Ihl pteli.._.nry ternu are aur.i flhfltatM*

NEW PUBLICATIONS.UK TIONABT OP f.Ni.i i;n tsn ri.KN'r-il mi >MI By -

ItoiMtt ll_o pp 44 t i a.

Ag aaappJeaaeai tr. t'ia u.-yI methvdt <>f l-aminr to

epeak aad wrife the Yr< r. b lan^uare. thia to'u _e fillt a

p aaa ul ili bta not be*n aJequa'eiy aopplicl by aayBiAGcal in comoricn u*e It ooneiat. af a lar.e ollee'i in ofphnaaa wkfck an aot oBieeptibto of a Bwriri transi.'i.,n.and to tbe etie* meanng of ahich tke R -t ,-ir ..* fa 1 t»furiit-h a ' ioc I Le ed'tor hai (arr-.-l his p ai w tbi. o.p i ti n r«. Bvflry pa;o flf t'.io work bears m»r!-.s ofbie ddiji' ti'-.-. ac< aracy. ar.d gotind .ijl'_ent ApflMrari« ly of 11 iidti>b a»e gi\ en. i biet a flg pflaaBai a . I d' "icull1 f.'ima of jpee. b..tbe r'u i,-t m\\. rare'y b*. d «i?poii.t. d tn t ndiop tbe idiom of wh gk bl ii Ifl rj ies;--wh.i .,

atthe *»._)( trre tl.e v. ;.mo i. aataraitflflflad witb ai an

Beeeoaery B''umuIat!"U ef eaprre<io_a In araiiing h! n

»elf af bb e>'en«ive ranr»n of aufhoritie*. Ihe editor h*« i

ataatly < .vre'efl bii own taflte and die. r'alarHfi an 1 haiprcditccd a vork whiflk iorr.u ai itapariant ad 1 : I Itb« BBwaaataaaf fke lawaah atalaai IhepaaeaalvahMB*.will bfl elmtiy by aaathte daaalod M Iboaoh aair.Eglilb ir1!.:*

TH* ni.n BBSarBBT AND THE SF.W MT8BI0B 'ITHE flkS POT.1TI hy Lauiti 0/thb Mitato.Y Uae p?3 4 fr.' er v

DflfTO.d ". tba aatarprba ef radeaaahrgtha Frre Po_tbky adaassflMkry .fTbrt, thia vahaa ia marked r>y Iia pro-ainent r.liionn cbara. fer, than ky aay glowin - a; tb" imri^ination ofthe ph laiitbrop..: reader ItB.aaapttta aL.>wthatthe ru'-.^s of tb* r'iv- Pota i

-aahaaheflfl predaeed hy lheappBea_aaaf -helfcttiaoBve prir-.ijbt afd Ihal tha aieapl iafrefcrin_:ion wbi.-b it rei'i.rd- ar.not be a"ioun*ed f.r byaay tbturi.g of l.uman pbilo-ophy. The cotata aoeta-satof th>- n liu: .. iai aap al a k ¦ Im rii,.t aa af tne PaiaM <o_par«d with it. pr-g'-nt traaitorn.i'i. ii r. 'i.t't/ tb* khtory tt tkat for-faaed la aBtyiaB 1 vt-ly nr il ititi r.e'ipi; _arnif.v" Tbi* is foOaWfld by a

r. - 80of akfltehfla, whi.h (_ib>>dy nnmeroui exampba of'cIT. tii g r.t..l r Ik aad .1OW tbe i.!Tei t oi Ckk.I .-.

ton .taaaaagfa rtka moat Ataparata eaaaa of kaaam m*

(ry. The wi.ra tt b:_blv ry.-dlnble to tbe _n g .- 1bttt-Boaiflf _m beaeroleat ladiet i.y whaai it baa aeea

[iT. p-l. (1llOJlT-OPATHir PBACTICE nr -fBDITIB- Tt Pr M r.a-

LICH K_o tp BM l.atn:..iit l.!ak-n.aa k L».eIn pnpariag tb.a m w HaflMopatkl tr.Kf e«, t'ia au,h'vr

l.aa ahaed M tke th:"< f-1.1 purp *e af faraiehiag «tettl-ook for tbe ttfllflfll B TaBWMaf IflftrBB.I for tbfl piyiici«n. erd a eoaapn l.u.aive pra *i al _-:i de for d >ti fl.0 ae*.V, -ti.ii; beiaga blgefled partiaaa of llYbn.'mYn. be bairt i .'. i> d tl e pri_-i| iai of flie IIo:n op i bi rreaf nt iu a

ritnple (.'.il :li'(:l '.'.1. fonfl, gi*i.g B b-bf b -:| eT .trid d'Bf;i.o-:f.ot tbararioBI rti«*a.e8 .icid atto tke baaitnorgaBtlB.TB. at d u r-ta*. m< r.t ol'tb r-,'i> s arkkik haroproredsaeoaafalaai aaek I .' a ipkieoJexecatioa flf lk< weekdw wa bIm a


ACOMTABkTIVKENOUS 1-01 BMA2fORAMMkR ByBkutI ¦.> ... Late.i I i-e ii a .j V Vaa u- B >i r'

11 <. ji< caliar'. atarc ot _di i.e.y ^r kauaai la tim [i-ivi orderiawkl kitfldrsaoM Gnaatba kuowa pri i .

11 tbe i wbicl rorreepaad 11faatbaOeraaa PoUowiag thflaataral 'tk Kji' I, aadGrn&aa BpoiaMoal to tbe Btadaatafthe li.-n.mid lar.<,ua>.-e ibe ( hnn.'.> wbi-h haiiHar a

la poaitioi ad lofletrtioa wbea foaad ia tbobiioi e. Ibe plaa ie aa lagaal u* oae, aad aidIhaaB.wrappearatopa rable jaactl-al BtJlty_

MliX'li.H'a Bl 'fl I'lIlLK ATI'iX-i.Tle Aluir ij tka //,....e'.V.i iatbe titie ofa bow gerial, of

tvl. cba 1 iv. the tiiat two nurnbr .¦-. < oiita'u'.ii.' a v iri.'.yof Btrriccfl for doat d t-d by tlie i'.ov Ji;. ii- 1» i > Wa kara aba Bi ->i'VieVp-

ii Ba] / /r>r.dcvot.d tothebteratureof tbaltbe i-plflt.ati.n of thi ¦ '¦¦ red wr.t d aad tbe appofirtoabd tiaih. aaptofeaadh] lha eraagaiiaal .-hiuch_8nf Great l'r t.i. aad Ai a Tha 11Ka i gfreaak I h e.4 Ot i-in aud Am r su h .; .ry, withBgoodd ¦' raatter pi r dag t

b r .I Madlta / '. i .

ii v r.L'l tbfl /' ; / r- ot wfa h we havo ne^

nun.l¦. i-i..i rejiutation.-a

ijijH ,. by StiMv.( kadkeea pabk-ked La Boatoa. aiatiag to akew tbatthe prim bpb * . f ibat work BeeaaBM |y laad to :..<i def ui.irtif-al riilvation.


A tnaoli-ea af Kcanu ' Utit pakBafccd by Ualaay «-V lil^ki-ton, uud bbM by I>a VV.t:&. Daaaaparl _

THE SAS FMASCJSCO ISQUIRYlIn ni'i Dat....T wur, Feb. 11.1W4,

ThflBnl hariaaM yeatarday was tb.> readia^ of auo-.t

bbbbObI OeMee-fldalag tbaiLeut. IraflaaataalLaw. rt <n boaidthe Kdby by bm the CalaBfll'i Bfl-karky,«rd that thflb Badflflfl Iflpflratioa BaM fhe wroi-k »

reeuil of a >torm Tha te-ti;n nr of Mr. Kl-.til MMMad. iI-.-tol ib. Snt Frati-i- .>, «u- thoatakea IIeralaiaed the foi tadd rMieai»ftbeMorm thebOf tbt elt.-iiee tbe dbpOWttOB Ol '

totbe Kilt'v Lattore wataread froai th" IfaryD i

mint. ebewirt. tbnt tlie s-i atn.r ba baaa inty Iod a.dut tr.'Ycd for t-ervite by <'niiini.d ir<- Kafldore I'.dl, f.M«fE(i.. , aad Coartractor Bklddy.Col.Gatoawfllea_ wttaaaaae fw ll laj.


riRI l!» BBBIIB-I'HBIHL*gt (vtnin^'a f:re broke oot in the lar^e lui'.dinif Rk

M Kotifvdtgt.. aara* of Pbaafat Lowtr part or.a_ujby Petf. Iloef _ to li'iuur dealerr, and Morrell it Sira-rnoitg,-edealira.'irdut'd fourthgtorie* by likeA Oa.IBf IBInbacu. Tbe tire origiuat^d in the npperptftflf «ht buiidieg, and coet the fir. tnt-n aereral hour* ofhard IaK.r before they culd aubdue tho llttnea. The btieeof retawith whkh ihe upptr part ofthe buildiug wyb

*tor. d. wt rt- ibrowr. out of tbe wit.d-iwg by the _reaien. iaord«r to lavcthe premiscs from deetruetion.Tho lowt r pert of the buildiug waa floodi-d with water.

i auricg |teM dauiaga to ibe ocy upanta The total Iiysb wiilnott-ctxd IMM

i itsr uu a

Tht alaroa of fue f.^r the Tbird l>i4tr':ct laat a'^ht. waaoc.aaioned by ti e burning out of a aooty chimuey ia

ThompetiL atl-U IB Hn.-io> st .Abont C o'clock on Tue«diy

morning a fire hrokeout in the buildiD.-, Ha Wl Iloust-iu-t o<. uj i. d by Liurence Gana It ap;.eBra that Gaaslaw beme eatly to go to bi. work, aud while hia wife wa*in ber n. ighbor'»rooin ne_t door.a.jtiat tity of imdamma'd*material Ijirg "n ihe tioor to>.k tire from the atove. Tbetire wag eoon diucovered, but before th* tlauiet could betxtingnithed the lurniture, icc, in the aparttnent waa

nearly deotiwred aud the buildtng da_tage.l to the a_ounttt about flflfll. The building ia owned by Samual Hel..aalivirg in the adj.iuing hoiAt abont ll ri lock Tnetday morain;? a fire wa* di*o

vered in tbe fourtbgtory of boa*.- Ni ..- BaM Twentie:h-M. Itwa* txtiuguuhed" by the dr«_iea before mu.b __¦ege occttrred.


From Obttrratumt -. St_a_aeJ Tktrm>m*irrt. a' flfl l rVtak«ra ttir aoa. a. h ijhitt.

tv,i, a» i: M. sr m

FebrnaryU. 3? *} 49-e

Itoaaaaa MEETINU-, AarSE-T-raTA keWB-.B9DAT. Peb li. lBK

Pref MllLiCta'* LtcTCtt-Hepe Cbape^ I r MN.Tioa.t r.ctr.Y SBOW-B*ro._'. blaYeum oar aad a'eaialBaci ILOB cr Al". Ut* aad Marder - ke at Wejla-k_ P Mkliiiiwat. Nt- rt I'tBia and Tbe Reodetrc-"-Broadvay,TMiDa-Bii Nicari Uiaaa. -_._tr _xnud"-Baaoa'a, 7 t M?-3iiSSb ca... : ra. *-d r M^»frf-ml m.LB Toari CABta. ai tbe o..very Tbeaier. 7 P UVa.ii.i-i lalBfllllBBiaail *f-"r-o«B aod ETea.a|. Mieeaa.,*.. I litiITT fc Woolfl.iwaTee_a_rti_<api_Bw_-*to BtvadvayBixblit-i Urtta UOOIB- WHljIl De!t_atoi-B.-.» Bwa, T,Ntv yobe iBiBit«iiTii-r.,t*r_j-!n be.«j i p aRis Ei..TtMaTBiLai.i'ii_.k«--tBTTeaaat hMM^aVMnaawfBboaOWat kBf.aOBaiB-_Bi»ato-^.'1 Bva, lt . 11 -o 1* r B.l-wj-rar er Aix fl*T'°__^____p^*L »M* u .*.****-Baar.a-'l BtrBBNaB-«BT-aa*w.vTtr MMPBaaaari Baraa Mu_ Miaaaa ewBteada-a;, laad -1 T a_

ITI w. rt _-rt of a Loa<t"n feg aaataped n y*.Ut bum .!.iy h*. r-.'o. .J tb*_»rtof PrsiaeafcaA [ li*! iifi itof d. *4 WB "j tai toadive into a 3o!ub*:_* lul* the raiaicg of a witdow __NB-J all tbe pttrp.ttM ola do .cLe There wm ¦ a w. t .!_.-t ">f airi anl i

| tt r. b "f mnd, on ev-rj- hand It mod m if t!\ii elementt had __e ont to re'a"i th- WajtA oi ti l

_BM Coirm-a.-ior _¦.tht mm who c*to on I'IB. 1. prt.l. BfIl aiaah .-..- ho bbbI ooz* of mid ._-aad toi*aaaaaia. J <!. p ba v

gov. -.' ut ia . (tga ba. com-a dowa bodily th'-ms _rea Badtd -:.e th.ireu^htVu apparoatl; * '-_ via.- :j

.nr -haa. bad Qtywhbh hai-hBad Ba.>¦jr.. iat. .0 h _a_d_ial wortfa. Wa bapa _hBBB_BeB_l..¦n:t Im'n .* :d a Ir. r. '¦

twayth* foai d rt whicb. eacied to tb-.1 rn.ta.ry.iftb.'iBaal Daaaataaah hai lain all wintcrin thethir _$hfen* m cc.'-t,rc-ic.L* of bro-im and ht. . a. : _. iaad of tii.Ubpaa I'.-nt Ix-t u* have tba t'mal riutect bt-twe".nA.p.Al'ct c: d Arcn'ariu*. and tben farewcii to taad andmonr.nrng


St Vti rvnat . I)*y Tae _ay wm St. \ .lentine » day.'¦ all in the morn-sg betime. the day ap. ially *tt BBBBtto that f .vi nte of a. tm bamtt in tht1 caLadar. _1_borta af !_.;_..\i* picpAnd f<>r the occM.on, enrtvin andadi-rn d v,-r* *ho* Bic.liiw-. aho .-. t <wa Th»-y havo bajenrc-nt away by the tioien and the tnx ra_!rood BBBBBB and ,t«e. and yc_ rdaytvey.ire BBBBtbBg all over the land. Lke Ieav_ in wiotryBBBhB

Tl. BBBBBB af Bttlohapa with nothing on bnt win^t.MB _llo I'l'Wr, ihat fhocid ha plared in the H.ose ofRlfBBB Baaaf h.-afjcrn.dytranjdxed withdfirtr. am w. aad 1 ar>. lodkict. hurdr d* of thon-"f.r(.-'t me __..'» and " t.n.» mb»-r ne »,'' and a-tar* aodt-ractitt aad rtaga aatBtad aad rxpla;ned in hx'tin^ur>i- bad audind tTrrent. bu: m*»t!y bvi. w.u \> -,r 1rvtr the coui.try. _x.<i ah ;he ._*-._ and Maryt an.l -J _u.wiiilc thaiadpiei t*

Rutibr- i'.Di| .itaiivily r*-. nt fi__B_ intlie PalsBtiaa 1" *

tival n.rita univt_r_l eaaBaaanition The t.tli.i-.n ..

vak-Ltit!. with'Ut e.thtr biAi'.ty. tA'Ui or *e..*o h i.-

likla flr ri< *!».«*, ¦-..['.; t.i not :.> wonnd theaad gra-ii'y a pah j

i.ii.iiu af paavaad* in tport. a_d ou^iit to b* du-countinoc-td

.'.- ia i"t mtt h tn be BBld f.>r tm utliity of anv valsat.i.. t. but tit. r all, it it * kort of horriilva* non.eiuK'. So a-

1 i-Ai.t willbc '¦ ll ''. m\ t. flu't.r _t T? to (."Ot hc»vv. aud oi. tf tt.l. to baB a p.r.t.., of | r.*-; n

ho for m it rcive* to rc'ax tbe nviA !.»« of rrim BBBB ;r.:

a j 'i i Brhraakapaa? bbbbbb.,tha biarydragrt ibe worhi. v- x al BtbB'l «?ay tbou'd hav* a rl.Bark' It i« B_MBl a B8 I M. BBBBad waich cla.«ter

| at.J pleaa t laaaa a that m»y lx.»v. r iii t!,' di.ll.r dayaaf o.-e if wilb Bttlfl jr I

ta, wkhaapaiaCl tu Pvi vca vir.i.- A frwmornu.iritin'o we win

,', ,; ppBa tho ragiea of tbo Clyatal Palaaa. rhowiadWbt BBB 1 'iii | maad Ihi '"r-;>-r* anl thaataeB; leitii.. n w. re ahirniag on tha aMawalha nidiri:;..l t-i. |MB werernun.nj d.iwu th.- tri.jraent.a of pi1 tt thB _BB i"l ".i 1" mtt _ba bLwt.

liirr. ....") Laaiaa/a raww lik. a bago aitlagBhaar,aad than b.'i.e it. th _t habbla of pa h -li'u'.ai.T r A' -..'.--.'¦ bBb '. ui f*ry «ad a__vthaiag

¦:,. RepabSv, bM lha 1.BBB rn.-ap.'it and ti.e bltoki ;. i r..-.«. r hh Oaa '¦¦: Paah a a lah.rli Bgalaal a do..r, <>n tbe tun.iy «id* ef Iba 8 1 I m, a-i 1iir.'.ii.i BBed] ihofattBflf a p;e.'o af tattaaadcearMai iob lha ilmt nallrdtn a iraB Upaa it wat dep tad thataOofaa alUgaaoe. _a raaaaaahM Bhaa RiBtail h*l a

l Hv ihBbady.a he_W ihat boBd,aaaalh, aad tho awatht »- tu an j h:il at- r < >n aa B_B a h-jr-'.-in in w B

,1., 1 bl rt i.a. i. M. on the other, an ox waj ab. .t

latiaj ap hla i|BBiBiBthrn_a .\nd where i» tb*ai- f l. r thB nuif'.-r. itr.t tka Bt "¦»" Bad thi b :

lurnotitu BbbbIthaPalaeaobaith tbo erowds, aad lha qaartata, aad

!. r

Axd tha traadB tbat htABgaat aad BoptaabB thwagi 1u- al ¦.¦ brood B BB ar" I'-'f

n* f ti ag raaal |gad bi tba b1'. na; the 1 ' th-Fr'U' !iaoialo __. Fraai-k aaaWoha Ituil «» . tt tho w-.r'df,,tn . n |bb d' laaa nr» i.i t B8BB_yta«tk,Baa aniUogericg iathagardoaaaf RioJaa a,irn lha Pa it c »_'!'". and toiim are d. ud " -So rau* th.iw. r'..'

iii Gbiai ! n-1 .... We wi nt yaBtarday witht!;. . r. '.i "f 1 ;>.!» whodo not woar mmattt to . o lha

l tht in. itt.ay aihib tln . a: li .ruxn s 11amuiii There wm bcrewdafboth. Wod-dsappoa

,T ; i4 tha MaMgw* ofthe Soeioty tha UrgBI, lieoftl tl ba'dd '¦- B B -.. -'itute for the birnt B

> d B : ba r"«'.'''. Ihaagb we knew thei.., I.. tb.- tbaw waald "»t beMfMiiaivaiaaaBMBa-. ii. mtt ae did aothi a thatpaa aaagkeoald

. v n makr aro-pihoa in aO wi la.v,. btt-nd-ttppointe.l. Thaahawiaa

, .4 r.-. tl '- '¦:!';.¦ BB_MB-,,. ,, n ,-.ivhait aai al their Bnatap i

1.11.,.. ir hava t v.: I.. i aatb,1, v >. tt, BB ar, aot goiag ta

B|.a'lr ro n.ei.. BBg fpUTB Bfld li> Tfva:>ty ond aal * ..' B ptoti

BVcrglBWa moij ttr* ni.iy b-j eeen in I

I ii\ etkm r.: :l In 1'itl . BBB BB '-ii by all who wjuld be ia!

I in the wiy of in --a-in; tm * ze

ef deateth a_aalai tm ju*t what has beeni p, t..- ..nn I.C d- ue iu beevi.), »iie--p and »wine. in

i., :. .» (,. i,.'... ..) ,-t i'.- Of* i-U'Ti . i- ui. .'...uc-ti., aod ni'-tt pt_.ined by.i.t *' ii.iMn ¦. .-.;:!'

B_rtl_r p'-T il t- ai.d wo h.-pe 'Jiey w 11 be | -1

w hthetighlO .- .' x--' -y uow oa exhibiuia T->tmmottm fotn oi tl.itC.ty. the *i_,'htof tha hun

ditc'eoi n.iii ail hawtethaahow, aaighfatf ftuaaaUB.,«.h. orthrt'- tine* ai nrnh a. ti

tt. i h ii-.d iu ar iijaikita, wdl hfl a lifhl both | ar BBB BB lum lul Pui that i» Bot oii. the whole htttory of po-il'r/n.*i beitnditd BTBd ObBM f-Mtn ti.e f. wr*toro prair.. _- itll'ii t. <ie Tta .- . to be *e-n ia ihe**-.rcm with tbe < i e«e m. nster* Pa- re. too. ar* ipeo.tnanaof n-ort baBBtllBl of tirdi, the (ii.len I"n vianf, afAnrinila iulh. tumeca-;. w th the i.'al i'orn:aQiiaiL Tii*r*are LobiABi.- af nl varir'aiea the U-Utial BBah_g_ t*kingthelevd Tl:cri. then. are ac opleof co-.-pi laoel_"Ia-

j.r.d Ipaagtaal Hrama* whi.h, aithoo^h among theL'tctt. ariIBBthtd in piuma^e l'ke tbe SeabrighL Taia a

r*. is s uew varieljr. They are »«id B he more hir-lyllai. BBB ot the other btrge sorts. Th* Sa*B,-ai*SLd Bait'tm* are the c-xtrcmeo of the _aRjIrit*rni»di«t. v .ririlit are v-ry nam-roiA Oar coiainin

1 ,.n w-.rd Fow ikl.owti.--. «. wella. tho*e ia tbe exh bi-

ticB. emorrrwhib ar* balfadozea BB-BafOtBI l.wUai.d B me af them a* p. rfect a. one BBB d de_ire to laak at.

Tlii'b-.n. h f ih* ftni'v ii Tery Ursj-ly repr»__Bt_.d in. i e i the up[ .r r.aimi Tbe Puland, or T v knot Fowl*axe tbown of Jl the vsriont colort; aome bl_c__. w;th a taftot f>other* a white roae on top of the he__l ond to_ie

gt'd *j o. gled. a. d aome BBBB with b^ck too knot*. The

fcaakh I'oBitBA- of amediBm tiie, e<dor gloMy black.aith'iita.ct::' aaatha S<meoftbe*e have been bred to

jr. BBB a large fiatttned comb ortbo fleshy topkn.rf. TheFthon Creva are aboot tbe tize of onr common fowl*. ofa t»ry ayflBBatrfaal fo-m, and art of ahcol-red payplun ap*. and look a* neat and trim as a pretty l^atker girl.Tbere are a few cocp* of tbat oid faajibacoior the Doinini.,ue 1 at tb» b'.rdt teem to have b. n onlargrdin aizo sinre

tlttin-< wbtnthey werefaml-arto m in boyh. ._! dayt.We aat > d < r.e ro«.p of " Fnziltd Fowl*. whi.-h we re

mrBibtr whec a boj were cale 1 laaa h Hen*. ba: forwhat rt* _n we know not. They are m«d am BBB andlook M -ngb thry had b.n out in a hard w nd wh'.ch bad

tniEtdabtbtirfeatberatoward their head*. and by ame

procett tb*y bad been made to stay there. They are ran^hk-'kog au _a_i they certainly caanot bo adm_.d ft*their baautj Of otLer poo'try. more to ino.row

Tbe _iard of CoaBcilmen heid a peteion latt oight bot

tffn ted cuti-ng rtaiarkable. There U o. e lerioa* ob*

de k) bu*ine**in thi- Board, wbkh will undou.u-dly ifwat'Tunpair it* utefnlneM. and tba ia thi ertraordinar}1 dis?»-Mtkm to talk on th* part of oertain membera We have

now in our mind one Cooncilmaa na *ntir_ly uoknown to

publi* Ute. wbo **_m* to labor ander the imprea-oo tha

be i* tbe cbooen mouthpUc* of all Baankiad. and aot tke

lea*1 motion eaa bc mado ia tke Board-hvdly the simpleiefei.Bc. of a pedtion bbder the rn_-bBt up coao* thi*ahrill taned Toca'iB aad pocra forth hi* everlaoting _ood of

| ward* tt the hin.lrance of legUima'e batlaaaa aad th I inl taacyance of all who autaegfl to BM ? a rake au l"i

I tke flao-Moco-B giagaoar Na oae, eieeat th» aaaaata

of paal poYrrn_)t*t kbairea h_tfy bariilatioa bnt wtib

..t-pbdelM-aad eautioag atepa are ta^st alr'.-ab^, th<

.Ir*ary *tagBatk>B of endha- and pn>_tk»»< ig rel'igi»adytobearoided They aay Homt wu iived by D-rBflflflj¦ of gteae. Wtth bb. b a pre N w . o.-k may t*

paK-iatrple Ktor ty ap a a ccrtaia Butaber of her aaa

The D I atramtT Pr'.nctton, aaiar comTuad of CaptBaal} Eagk r.'tet^Nl* to ee* loday ftvia tbe PafoklyaNa,' > Yerd oa a tr!»' tr:p, and-r harge >f Efigineert C '?.iai.d. Mrr.n endShock. It ig expe^tei ghe w.i! bl 1tncccWaL bavic. htd aad keB_Bl-MoTcrbarVd Brd ait'ration* nade in her from Peav ft flar

ahylla.aa lion rV..iV.«.

Sni-.i a..1 K-riTr. The f.dlowiBg talta were madevrattrdavliy Albfr; Ii N -g *' theM.T'tTV . , a -.

Tbe|Tf*':.->iaer'-»te-eNo *rf!!.-twdvay. »a*0....e.-T Irlrl h;-.. a..! 'a'. Ne '.> Br -i_ --al. 4*W1 !*t OB l-rt-a U.-.ej. B**r Aeeau* >t . ; .a>.v

. r. ht. I baaee aad loi aa J* h-*t. aear Igka.-Mlt . I booretTito. &.<*7v

I ft«r eie.t otuk ho- *e aj.oirii**. * ! .1. .-ra Ir-rk (¦"..eeea-ri !o>a ob J'et-el aeer Uh-e». io*

1C 't I kaawt MB « *' i'i."!*1 « ,**aVB«.. lVto.H-M .-¦. ve.r V aa . . « ' a. '¦ «' IM . 1.1-*S lefaea .*>-a aear 7. h ee tHt. f> eeet *s-\ 1 NIilo'eer *>.«( aaar .-He.. Mt1MB, etotk fllM. i Mfl

Ba.w-aatt**.llcUeaTrfc-iT, aear 33d et., wtta two3 *t*ry Snek biildiaje. Itsaa,

lMMalaa.¦.eM<75AsafT or LoTTtRT P i Di kLias.Tbe Terentieth

Ward Poiice yeatrrday arreflted the foliowiag aa-Jfld p>rloag. harccd wtth aoiiiag lottery palai_i <;.'»r?e G!<\_m>b,.f No lMU Blaaatway. Daiiiel BeeMa oi Y> M Teath ar

i Beawoetk of No IU Tnirty lifth ><. Saml Sbaw ofBe*H.h ar near Th rty fourth st. Jane* lackton of ,.r ncar Twcnty i-eveath gt.. aa 1 .laines Counel.y oi

>... Kl Vfflflt Twentyti.nlkat The pnaoncrg wore taken1 t-fort .It'aii..«. Haart, wbo he'.d theui to bail in BM I ea b to

anawcrthecbar-C.A--.-MT wirti \ ("t i n-A man u.awd Thoma* Voeay

wa* anrrHd on Mocday flagha, by OBatm 0 t'onnerof theBiath V. ..r.l. .(._¦...: w,:h _Bfllaa_g Mkaaal i>'ua aadtir hirir bm a stvero blow upon the fuad with a olub. ia0k Bag iijiiii.* wh .h ra-Ldervd ii t.e>eesiary that he ah.mljbeeeareyaltathel V Hoapilal Feenyw_Blakenb"f'i'vJuttii-e Uegert. and hcid to await the rwaitof the iujuryut.i...

BraaaaM Arra it .The Begro-ohnaia, wbo w&g baHyMribb. I ir tb afray in which MmHbJ M.itthowt iost hi*1 -Tt, wks aeet. rdny again dan^arwatly gtabbed whilo ti;'itII at the houie No 37 Anthony et. He waa cunreyed to

tka N'» ^ rft ib sp'.'al The nyin with wbom he foa/bt1-g.arid arr> tt

1 -e

Fmi TaiiiH- Capl Caqveiiter made tbe Mawtflgreeaark* on Ua ratara t.> tbe Chief yostorday moraing

b I . a laria *f 'honnda' aliae .r. tlleaa* aai. kraka lat* ib* - .. bMBkliiBBtto

Wr.' .n- I. . r -.- jti « ". all t!.r*_dt_d*8)d * .>o4oe .a-r-.l and ev

rd v h ai rlTl_B vr a ein Tm« va* b» don'-I well to Ifl plaaa-t 1 only hop- ve aan rai-h ibem

(ii_e looa. I thia. *eni* of ibein wo'i'i right araia ia a

baiit "


Coxfitf-T DitBiaaaa..Tbe complaint for eedui'tionrrefi rrr I fltoat w*l k. _tflfl *-*'!».* Henry Bflfjfla, a bailder. by fcaaa

, v.a »e»t. r.laa c iii.ijKd br Jaei.ce Oatierae. bafora vbuina. e.aa-laattaa kad takea placa. IkaBridaaa* .ii . ie .aov a_jaa-laiieuaf lav a li.. pai. of tbeaftuj. J

F.TAt. Fyi i .An intpui't wa. yeiterday h.'d by CoreaerWUkala at iae Baw-Taak HtaaBal.aaaa 'be aadyof OiTidbato*. a flf Caraaaa, W 1 Ja yearaef e«e. vhe diedo* M a-

4.* ..l.l.i liu- Ihe , ket'a of afiac ure ef t!:o lover jav. oae at tka1.1. le*.BOd BB* t hy I'alUB.ea tbaJtli iaat.rtra,tka B_iatopaail .-¦rd fo'h.'d.ak af tha bark \aa.ii. m vkfobbe llie Jurj reod.ia.1 a TtrJict ul deitb f.oia iajariee.,-r a'l.ta iv reieivi.!.


|A.d.ett_ementtawaammar fraat t

Qotubpi Teatflrdayyi I .¦ flipflrtflttateraeBlofCordellaA (iraat. l-ipliifa'ia* m* la »crltalaa!-

,,t eip. et tkalyeawi do me lh«jti*ti<epf pnb. *!ilo| vha:1 l*t.. loiaTaacon«picu»a»lj Y*'ir«.kc. CiikB, LOiI-UV

19 THe 1BI1S »vin T"B PfMle tb* pn' lit p* rt« at te.Mrday ru pakiiebad aa atTldaTl'. af a

ain.ii (..... A. Orfll .

|l bm ". i.'in la tka rnoar trar.-*e,-tini that taa *a'aTlt wa*

BjA.rA.: rrld tad rtTe.laf MthaaMM aanapttatoa_aaaattn. ia. f r iai 4iSaa-d m:ad'n.. tt

. ral ,. ltdto dat-ade, r it aad blart tke ekira-i r-,

.-'¦ri p**itl*a er tb* boaiaea* relatioat, or hoirtly t.e t*t:i_4a, Haat/d .

a !..«r'B* vitl.out an eiain.naloB. D«'"ra eain aa op-» .1.. i:*r tkeattol v ,rt .leetaet, 0f

ibechaii . au-i e. t _id meitoaary au-tte* farkaaalafl wketkar taa akarflafl am tat aat

.-fthe mort aa. I ...I aad .haaieieat ai her eet

i.akaiflto lk**i .

,a tl.e e.pail* B-idatk aa a a.t dellberatoly ..

na roBcoete. f.».h.parpo*e (hy lt. pebli.-atlaB ef .1kmormm ta .i tfll atoaay, il

., , t

... ,.. saera iaan i* tbe ci-B-

n!tlberitiini,'»ire.« ". er-l-e aud -.-

lii*. Ltalu-. alj ..h_arfr bll toflata'io*- utf t ia

rlea. relatiaee BBd co: n-ctl .ai.h nild 6e *..!'.iejIr iftdbe atibc rnercT ofetery .tntitieeiaod kept iBit.r-. -

itort me ey. theo by miana aad Uroo*kepttto. Bto .rpow.rtoio;ire ,f.

ber malif* ud eapldlty roty . la-..


it- ,;,, . -u»eiiUavetke opo-r.-aatty uf

Wa. ,¦. m .'.......-. :nila l

.,»,,,. ia BBDrii -'. t v-ituiB prefer i eotnptaiat.:., t any perton baver rt

, . ,.r u u'r-.f . fa.m.y llavaaey.,..., ilfida t

f.rea.r de.ltay _*|M,v***rf-*aa- I 1

o_. . .i. iat«0f,:,',taadia_tff*weafdr*<air. ':*1 ,u Btotaa *beald ba lajared ky tke

,.'i tbe . n vouldat laaat awa.t aa eaa-.

. __ aa oi.perty.ii y io k- b.ard ia hia da'aaa*atai il-..,....:. .. ptabrred aat la biaaaaa .-¦ Irat tatO.Vbt* M-i ifterw.i- ll.' | .'> >;'« h. t'lafrwltd..viil. the a..a*ed.- tl:e rhai«a go witb tha '.efor,.* -bepeitoa

.. I a.'ei tbeui.ial .-dlaarr cl-ea-na'aaau thti p.ib-" rej-art'levroa* Bad

t i, i. pa tkalarl/a* vheo a paraaBchar|od _dap.-l»ed i-

VV^lr^^^ekataU. 3S___ ia-'ad.

...- aalJaa uj a-i

.... aeald kare tiaflBiithfliiafllflhl mlrtla

.ewitbiath. l.v.I aralli_;i.lfof, ,,,.4.0,-u tu iae ly nuki-t toiejafl .Mavlt tlulhwltythto th. cLargea pret.rred a«*»-a.t me are utleriy

,t filendt acd thoie wi'h whiB I hl « tb-.. ;.. i-jnal ii ter.-atir-.. ae a_ao to tfie

,rl,!.-.ud,r«p.r ... p- t»V__i?_Vali.HA-Ll.d -OIIMAM.M IIM_

ctkij rHOM xirut BBflmTo 'hr- PtmR*

The BBdertigned dcairea, aad in jugticeelaiiatoaly a fairaad iuip-titl kaari_|. bafow tka 1* td; :ig*d la reipici to th*

ahargen-ideifaimtkerNy Curdalia A 'iraat la th* _.> .

Mfl Br*oona«*e all Ua eherr.1 attoriy f*_*. b*** »ad aial-iea*

A... M, Tr. it ltt-_._.


[Ad-ettl»ei_eBt |C.FKEBAI. NEWSPtl'l-t AlikEKTISIBO Hul-i, V"

I. Ni***a.*t'.. New-ioik-V latoHBB k -C-.-L, (Haecflto-ia la Jale.

9TT^a\.ibiii neMaad fer at Banali ibr*nho«t the i.'oiud-u:..._d CaBadaa. air! ioi. rted et tbe luwae* r*t*. Aii p*m*krt t oa tile t.-r th* in*rectinaof adrerrtaera.

iTtfc .aVll Cbarle. L__le K.| Editto- U«rr_ r da, t ato

|., _,Mtal BneakA, t--; Kd-tor of BfflWiaM hipre*..

rA*rertaemeat 1Away with uielaiickolv, and call oa Saiitb, >.-. .--

i a_a ,r aear Bf adwaT) aad aeleet eae or mare frem nie aaaert-

_r.tof:v 'i vueatica*. nch a. ara aet to be; had ia auy otbarau-re ia thia c.ry. rarj-. In priee from 1 teel te a«

\ AdT.r_ae_*-t INatiokai. Poittry ftwow -The .'¦"1«e«1-^<ira_'if./* -« kaBS to-Aaj. *-d Bll tb. priie eee,. will ***£+

_ak«nc.tbe.ho. 3 K__»£»S_ff__S____5_M-5.,- ,. tarry MI tUB£fX-_a-S«Wtt_S*a^rv^Tt^^xS« "^ ^"^ "sHtBiBg, ed-U-aai **a*t-

[AdrarthB__fl 1lAVir* Ha*l Y.-t Bin Him'.He k -i«*t truly

_, . .,.,.-. ,.,ia.itT erer exhlliied. H*r* to haae a perjr., r'*~ _» .£ 7;~Xu.\»4 o irtiaa* littia _aa, ttot .Vaafrrtfl fornied. iBte ,.«.aj, eaaw. ^ k^


' "T-d-Tta. bVa-a kelaT aba. wbaa ia f .11 dr^ ve *aa

_T ir i'e »r~tw*i M"i°_f _wt"* g".*1" S s_!tio- t en-i eharj-e r--.. a e ebrated rlia nea* Tvut. aad Kerr_r Ti'teb ¦ i.neate ee.»tt-e el litia* iniaaai. from all -j-arteracfthotib-abUttnb. _m_

AdaertiaemeL*. ]U5CLE ToM'fl Cabib..Tbe i?en«ine Ter«ioa of thia

J.U88 flfl* be perforawd or tbe _2d aad BM U-*. at the rftrUiBY.1 -a:er ta * a temo. .._ at i o'evk aad lha. erealai at 7. Daa'tBfl gea| to tae Neut-e', tbe TeaopUy afttie kl.raJ Drama.

BEOOKLYNJTEMS.Thi E.-t Rivta Ptr.a Liye..A toriea of r-flola-ons

ia ..ppoaitioa to the cear-B partued M Aibaay, r-ati»e to

tne Pier line ob th* Brooklya »ide of the Ririr, ware

m bBTilted by Aid. Daytoa M tba hut ateMia*r of theCoromoa Co-acLb a_d B__nfa_oBBly adopted. Ihey reaJ

!__--_. Tkat ibi* OMBBBBa -..__.! .M 0.arred a_b fraat-irTt tke aaaSa af . *.,.my ef » Ce_.B_lto. «^fc,^-*_*_rVaat* of tka --ie to rei*i_a t* ta* Pawi oa th* Brveklya dAeaf____-a__, Tfc,, ia _* »f taloB of tk* Can_wa Co-B«.t tk*

__aaa_ab-WB k_k-rto ba« p**>-d da ato aflbrd adafl-da BflflflaaBBBaaW-llaS taaaaaiw M v- aty tad tht ftol kai taaWab^

Oal i 'mt Nin«"Hcan 9 All... m

mUattrteo rot r«n*)«l wHb tb* t.trrrwt* *f !t*w V.-k aa. pwwrtfkl Cily. wbi/A kw b Ik.rk. tbt.wa *r*tf'.tw.r ia lt* waj ot a"ir f.wth a»i a4-0.p_1.1y j a* a.. t.t**;-

-Br toac ren It* ..rT*r*. '». art*. ~b rk ll oxirc ¦**. a ,1-r tit. r 111tr_>i> i.l.r a.d i'4,w Btatly aulbarlryt 1. opprw* i*B /..a* **lttr.ct._t * **.

(, Tbat w« M.omHw Ib tk* *«_*w .0! W .Wt»**iai ib. tWauir. aud i'l." tbal it* w.aV». o.tMd. *f

V..k, «... . r-._t ab* ruVa of * r_>-11 '. « I. b*an ...t--4t ioc oow*r. wklck ki* oa *.*ry *|«a*-*tk

a .-r tl 1.1 ir.i....'i;* t'ii.».i»« m*Aa *o.(.i loftttafy ll*Uld tai-tf* ,1 rralp

l__r. iat tla. kiii pr. _*d ky tb* Cowwii_*l. *a.i._ **dwil wr_ *l. .!_.. onr ril'.»r». will i»;«. ».l 1'a * 11 13 r 4 i.

--It*m r-(kw,and w. wo*. .araaWly ul r*».-«-i'i lf1 t*t. .t ata r*i tk. *u*.__. tf Tk.t la tb* )*d«_w. "IBb(-tB«l'> B-l 1,1 i'lblt

i'l, ..-oaid k. wkini i*ra*« 1. k*«WifM lo Mk-a t t. -ha pr*.¦*.«_ law,; tb. Cfwli. i>a.t» a.-»a la tor bdU ..-**.: oi t**-»n.prop.r f. *.*. t* *d___*t» apwi oar r. -» iki. aa,.ag tk*_B¦rr prrwa* ia rk* .mp 0. *r ibMTtw .' tb. 4>*»wiaal *. klaI ni'.d Starr* who fr* u cdaratiat aod b*bB wo«_4 b-..*.-* tai-.ktc »ao ir.o.Tiat:*! i*a'A*_id .-tbtn .ko t'«.a?p-- -

* ttsd ta f ti r af th. Iat*r**t* of ib* l.ty of i« .-_.*k tS. thtN w Yetl fc*. . &'pre**a.aU'* oa ta C_w*i;u* r**iUat

ty *..-** to kar* k. ea aaaKBM aM *y»r

!eok*4.ft-.iai_.r_ Tlat tk*w ifooltti -M bt I*rw»r4*d UAlk*ayt***r

RrprM*aitti..o utdw tbo t*al of thi. i ... tad l_*t_.yb* 1*

N-.._«- to '.ho wa* lo tbo L'twl. 1 I

PaerasaBtaa0 ttaaaa *.On Mond.y »Y.-;a_rleBa. r abo-it IkiM Tftiaof a«0. tb* im-itkUt *t V4:«

w_w;r...dr«it. .a!«c.*. . Ba-ttb aa. Aoj.oU. wta.ikallplara.o r. . .!.t:.r* tami I.i thatii 4i*d __>* MtM Tan.«tkaiw.*traiporari:j aW-*it *t th* tl .* aad k«ari*« .u BBBaaaBihlbrd ttto ib* kmb. aod fouad il root.opoi la _wm-_* la**, ... wa* tbe tti 4'. Hk

Thb litb 8n,ro»BD _>taaa_B C* _..Corooer Baljttoiitj .HFtoalrd a Jnrt. btkro » kkb ao i**aatl«a j. I* I* b*l«.r:***d r.ooa Wrda**dxv of B**I._». t* ...*_.¦ w-

uar,.*at:**dio* tke d*alh of Dxaiiik aj.d VV* _a«. *-. wlo **ro_: I d.a.1 m Bl .. t-*ir _B_MB lo R _**l .a Will wday ..«*-

.-1 i>r l**t .rk

WILLIAMSBURGH /HOflECoa _o_ Cocicil Itim. At th« mvetiagof t.» B*art

.f* Mooda. ayrolaf u-a waa 1' lf_«_. «iri rn.rr t,i ... nteit. trajiu tlie lor-c *r« 01 ia* 1. a

..ia a k.t Btdactiao 'hr t'omp..y all o.a« fro-n ika pall aad aa-

l*td Mraaatt a*..... priTatr roa*amrr. (.4 ajtioat tb.Citjr.MlB iht ;u!-in--i-j ot tbe |a* ».in.!i«d Bt tb* px»t tl(bl*_

¦tahaTb* C it. ta_' _-aa.e la r*t. rvs-s ta awalasi wat aatoata** M t*

re^nir. Ik.t a!. awa'aj. ._.__) or to k* rrrot'd ._*'! .I'eodteta. - ir ia thr ait. alao to W 0*1 _*. tk aa .l*bl kl|k. a_4

ta a water jriajl. Al! (irraoa* .lolailas tk* *k*.* B_BBBBM _l*B* 13 for *»r_ day oHot r.a'.l.inA noMt


IVMB BB oi Aa*o Ab.'ut 1 o'clook yo*t*rd*y m-arac| * it| -rin Mabi. ia Uraod *t, caar BMoada, .'.*<_! by'II 11 BlflB-Qi waslieBBlBd ky ir*. Cx^l U>a-.«. arrMt-ad

mnooi I'airl.k loia.tia'iuu Ia tk. aip'.jy of CaJ.rr, «k«w w lo- n* lo th* . at ibe licue tb. *re lun o*t, oa roeptolm.f ait... nr aa Bahad a;- to awxiiMMahnMBa

NEW^ER&B7 FlEMS.W illiam Uoyd Garrl-ou uill rjaeak on tm tu'ijoct

Slavery at FMaBBBB, ti.i- BBBBBB^

LA WINTEIXIOmORrBKMK 00P1T BMIM r«a*l h^fno Jnip «4ir-itix.

BBW.Ninrly .^i.'Oil tt, frtim iBBBad to Fifth ava,.* VV aa>! Aaroa B. Boll.a* appilatMCmm .-...¦.:.

i'.*tici Or* H.adred aod I'weary .eooad tt. fron Thlrd 'limothy Paity, Joaa l'*Jr*y aad lltary Beoktaaaaprolottd c'oa.ix_,.i*t*_iOp.Bist N Btb-.r. from HIoooiljIxIo road ta Oaa llaadr*! **4

Twraty Bt at VV'il.iaw 8_*clalr, Jobn OKoaf. aud O.r.h.a.iitiu.:*ioo*r.

1 ..'.. kkl 1l.aariu.vrr **t Catharia* H*T*rtn.y*r.OrJ*r Mk-tliu. diit.ikuiloo ot tb. .kar* ol Kdward lla.*ru.*.*r. il*o«ta*d.Oaibe prtitiaa of th. 84-otcb Pr_.byl.rlaa I'bur...Ord*r ..-

th.'.ij.-i ial* .>f luiial jroantl |",ti-*^ fji wbkb procJ. 10 Map. lird ... b* 'i.r aimr liil. *howa.IwaaC Va ... a«l laawUlpb lla.riotl aod artk.rt-Ju4*«.*t (at

wl> .nd dtiilbuti** oa partin-io .mt. itk.ll H How* ... R.chard (* How*- -Ix-n. OBBBBBBB

t.rtd for CJ.Jlitel. lt-i tll'- u.'-.n. ol It did u >l rraaaplr*

81 K .OR I'Ol RT-Brf.i* J |. BoiwoBTHI N.'lr. 1 beiiery att larona* Prrn*

To recover .lauia;;,* f»r tlandcr, amiutit lai.l nt 1500.l..,»n.l«_.r. .. .1. * >U_d .t VV*»_iutt..u iuukt-1 aad tha pitiatirt w*e

.1 a. a I-. 1 ar ta u.',,a* bitu* uiaik.iitif. fu* .!i**t»..,,. .. .... I..1.UJ waa* tbi«f »od «h* 0-.*llp.OT.

M ha.l ..olm . 8|r ,..-. ,t d ta.i pl* had rickd B0.-81 bill dnpptnl kjoii

priw-u'i.-i.tii wu to «nuer taf ibriti aot lar I'riti .|-f*u laal'. ttait,xu« ibe fl.ili.ulty h«r* .-!.a:«.-d MBBsd Verdiat lir pltialid, 014,aab:ab ttnltt . BBB am: onlnf cu*u.


StPK.RIKR COI _'l'-B*for. J-.dg* OmltvKeratrd LralilOlt-d ou.r. t4t l.aac .Irwtju aad *t'i*n

a alnt) ol dreia-.l hog* plt.od oa ft «.({hl ob,, ol J*i. Btlt*i ft-.w Albaay, aoJ . driicieo-y, il 1. a.l*t*A

orc r'H't iBlli. dei.T*ry, alraM) rafeired to. VAr.liu. ktr plalatid,tiotf.i.

CQi ,'..,' .'MMOM PI.K.VH-Beforti Jt l(t Woooatrr.i..»rtr . 00k t<t l*ha H Baxtoa.

To BM_M Unii-ge* for alloged alandor, alrealy re-ferr.d'« V.idltl fot plaiBtlB. BB, WBtoh Baltltt tttB

A..l"-..l _'.'! .«- 1. -:. " 1-

1, ,.. ui ,lam**r. 'or* 111 i*kiu| |>,.w*wlon of . wbaapaa, , "«i_i io pl.lotiit Tl. tu. .11 trt.d b..-ir*. wa*aIk* JtlJ SBttltlB I'aia.t'l a.rr* thu t__* nwi l«i*r aad .*-,,n*o. *_d uai.y eip-rio.rai* he *i.ri:*pd*d Ib w**.fa..l*rlaa

.of atimlliy wbrh bcxt 'he l.u|ort"d aa t.« oub.*i ...J,. *w, ..Jt tb. mraa* i-.i i'rj_*ed. .i*api>lle.l r. fxa 1*1*

i..ti to a* tt Lli., i8»i lt !. "bxr. prout* wil. Mr Al. T .*

awaa *. c«|.t.d. aad Mr. li t ul * c«ii*i ia Uaak tt *aJ1 10 |laiu'i_ tad *1*>> loHurd h u .oto* iaia*y * atlll Wat

.ir.ll o. aji.i t'.ry ..arilrdou b' to<iel al.a.aai. for a.ulMr lltobr.'cird ».i.l.l.a.4 iwiMay. ih* .Hai.rlay ol*kt

.. 1. il,,. 'li.r oaMt eilta Bt**Bt b- l>»4a_ tbr lu. k iak.( olT aaj * di tir- .tot* p*k

b* wat dcaUdl adatlUaav*. a lha o.llor. I)_rai4*«t .. ta,M-. Mmcltt-a. r,.lnti1 .... lii.t be.'irwe.|*.a ly a*

rrr'aia'dtlr,. njai t. B«»e hreu kbl iititii t'w c* ina.tled tMur. ... .,»r*.li*t al :ba- lim* b* th. c*ilar th.r.wrr'r in il 1 * > ¦. M bbl* .< bn.p,... 14. d >< *toa* jar* ol Ib. ».l 1*i- er-.»ilil4.hl*h w.ra bi* pr.prry, aad of wjk-li b* *t* d*

tl. dffto-r i,tb»t l'ie«*!l«r w»a hlrrj by VI ,rc .0 that b. al-(intcdlU iti'jti y toorry on th* liu'a. w, whicb w** mo 4 utjr*

tlita'b. Taiuaot tbe pr.p-ny ia tb .. Uar It 1* «!»> .1.1.4 14 ai.

I.i. Murcbea wa* tbe prraon wbocio*-d th* ct'.'.nt aod o»t tk*d>Ikadasl. ihvJ.iy. altrr b. lo* o.t _)_. tlm-. wor* *|tl* atilil*tliu." tudwrl- 4lit'-nur4_d__

mahivp. 1 oi.itr-- ;..i. Maa rmtLtrt.H'rjli.a VVbi.uu *4'. 'I1" '-''J***< l'*l*«. A«_.'lati<ia.

Tjiuuuiii iIbbiss.i for injiry ta plaintiifi proinisM br.1, of a w»ll ol * i) di 1. .'>aT'.id witk tbi l**l*e*. Ai

taa*. l.l.rr.d I.. VaaBBI Bl plxinti.l. ai1'.

flRST DIMTUK T COI'KT -Befor. J-ideo OlIIB.. el N.w l.ixx.- Otildttuitk

I., re. i.ver .'.'|" naliy, Badertbalawof April lfi, 1 ./,I II |00r wi'lj.i.i' llttttt D.frnda.t pr.l.wad. ll wm wlt,

t.l,.*r»llire*d»odo*r4l.*tor*, ln Bri>oro*.t »ri* «.ib_H«*«Hf«lur Ut 4-id.rd, fa.t.iolrt lli .ot J .d|n.«iit fjr plaialil laan-oaai 'Itr ptixsn-d* (.. m 'I.r p..,i

< iiyol Bow Yurk m' Martlo Plw.ftoTo r*rQT*r p*u.i:y f-.r .atcrlui * tUDI.i wltb ilitht *a_>r*r*d B

a.t.b.wn t.iatd.l.-'Ia_t ,o*iit*rrd * 11*01. brlun.lot to tilm I.VVaii.*t l*iti*...-ttii»iy U) law. wbkb !..]«i_**»li«bud a*adi* ar

l.uiri wb'rn r.rrlrtliitUi* «U.!*, to a la . laototo, at oiMrwl**p,oi'*ctrd Juil*iu. ut ta *!*¦ kt-n i_u«u*t.

1 ol RT OP OESKttAL 9P. SION_-T<_da_-B« tof* tb* Ra-caapeBj

Jaroes Saunder., Mat>hal of the Ancienl Ordor of lliLaioiat* wa* tbi. mo.uiajrall.d ti tilai t..r ha'iai BMBflMBta

__!d "7, a"_Iri_-'r aB____l LituialM IM Polfc. I. eiomt 14t,i^uethe riot a. ,, .

ib. BB wiiBrW. J.tD-A McPI._*., oae oTtb. MaB Wardl-olicr w.* lArn ..«i. aad d.twwd tb. wb b. ar.l.a at th*. raeot lh* rot h* ww **onj.i.*o horavba-x. aad wb.u h« w**

.boul .rr*_-tB* mm -4 ll- rlot*r., _*.i.drr» **lla o.t i* ai* we*

I«tO-«tiko B_*o*r M t*ke« to the r.Ilcnl_*tl... TB. cm*»t* bere *< ji ** .0 I" o'clwk 10-d.j.

OOVBI I'A-.F-NDtR, THITUDAT.t'oBMOB Pr.I*l-N_ 30r?, 310 to Ui, 317, MO, Hl, «8.

1 _MB_i__^Br.-Baa «i, tm, m, *. , 76, 3. , n«.

4. 1 4*1 tk< 4_'487 448, 4. BB, 411. ««. 471. 47*¦fcS ._l._ti, __, 171.

'ffi^I /;.". ;o/ -\rt.-N_.l7.37.5A53. »,29, 28, 40. 28, 'A, 118. UV B I" <1

D1KD.ALLKK -Ia BorllB. N Y Pob 7 ol Ib* rw o«*of Mrnr,. Mi.a iLlnl ..IU AiMB, *f V .l.r-a, lh_aiBB« U.B<*_M N _,

""_ay. I «a lart .VUr. An-r.l* 0*u4bUr ot Jtmon

i-OlD-latk*'Urooth* 13th la.-, B-*-aaa BoiAli,r .aarraJ -I.I ui. I latt a* tb« l.'.arrb .f th. TrM-B^araUoo,, i Tw tv,.k-.t .... Thonday a«tt Ifcb P.braar;. al B.0Bnh.O*N-OritboU-.t_tt.Jo_ Browa, t#*< 18.

. .li!. r.iau.r. aud ..r.,d. ar. la.. ed W * teai hU faBOral al 1,- k "a 'br iH-.a, f.oai 1.1*1*4* r«Jr.B*e. No BB IMtMB.'

BiIOOa-M rwUm .* T*Md.y BMrBiBt, P*k 14, Ui. Pw

I...'(jVkN-OatMUU. __B-.B_._ww_, <_(*- ...

r.lati.r. aud friri.d. ar* tu.. ed W ateod kl* ioantk . 'h' iH-.a, _o*J I'klat* rw_Uae*. No *B K-i'i**t"B

nr.IOC.r4-At rMlukill oo Tewdoy -BOtaio«, P.k 14, Mr. Pwrt*

^.xn:°_.iv"trZiirreb..,^_t._Lt*r af ;^kB tad Kl'*tk.tb C*r-_, a*d * ra*r. nmi 8 taaaiha,l!e _tl*:i. .*aadfrlooBoT Bt fa»U, a/o rM5_*_ .11, ..,.._

I. att.t.d tb. lyatrai at 1» 0*Amt ob WedB_o*ay aaoralaa froai M*.

'"pAV-'OaMort'aT r.>- H orbrartdUaoaeo, KaaoLoalaa, BBBB...d*..|t_*fJ-:'i»r.dr.!t-*Uay .a tb* l*tb y*ar .ifkot ***. A-M,o- aaaBBB. -oo l_a*. BUtA wtf..f JoBo Day.iaU.Bia tm*' h' Tr. ¦ >.f tb* famll. an iMM.t_.lly tatTlta M dtnl ___r

taaal ." Wada.***.. IStb la_; atl -/eiotk, trotu No. IB Wj*oi_w~*t wl'beut f-.rtk*r lo.-Utl**. EmpU. Lodeo 1. O. ot O. P-, VO

*ri_rr_¦ -i"Totadoy. P.k. 14, Joha Pjom, la tbo __ji_ *r

L,J;f."_Wdt if th* ttrai'7 .'. r.-p.e*_.By i.iBB toBBl *. to-c -ij atTt 1-ark oo lh.fa.y mo*B _( frow bU laio r _4«_ B*V ua** W TM f«n»r»'.wr__ will Mk. p'«. a. Traa_B«*fO_-(.cirrb. torotrof _U. taad i waMBJI \*j'th"*- *r-i*Ho0- H.HAl L_NB1-A_ Oa T_ra«y lf-b lott. __. Cbtrlotio Haa

'*'il_ .'»!._ aod I. «od* arare^-^oily lavitM _> altaM tb*f,D_l M S* o»clo.k at * LcJ.-«h.reh.MAACB.Ib th_ Cill o« TawMy, 14t_ __». B« __M l***««,

tb. b.lo.ed wil_ ..ftto^-* Iw«_, _-»«d 7« t«n ^^_^^_ThJh_*d'of tb._»«ra»* >a.«a watawd «a JrawtdafraM.krruu__.a. .Wo.2J8 _M* reoifca. U-BMfrow (TkatBayl at

'___-UET-_ T.-d.y u.«»..i l4*klB*t..ia th* Ulk ynotot

hj, ..- l kartw *)« o^ -arir. *r.d J*** Mr A jl.y._Ih. fr-*". _B MBBMaaa ot ta __ily w. ra^oetlWly to

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mKZmmtnT*nnmmmtlmnt B»Bl__.«_____l tt_#_rHd-__r.^^^"w IIXOX-4- MoaMy, l_k BB-, at Babway ». , *T ___."?-lioo. twniei M Wilaox,1 ^tiatk,Hh MNB will .xrl.. « tbiIftjtfjCity *££,£

wkeac. ibrj will k* l*-* to 4hM*woM *Hr**32*rf th. btntn.WILLART>- I* Uottnri Mm. P.b ^J?*Z7*» y_"t *J

Mr* Mary D B«B wlf. ot ^tko,.?tZk r__. M *

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